o Wu veto.!, Hongago.txeeutioE?, Replevins . larriago incense. .c. nt.uj, ict &;e aj, this OS JIB- J. Wbou the utho- ie4 Ajmt lo St. A-oHe for ttia cipex, will attend t ytsiinx collection! anu purchases ia tbat pity, pjlct ; BliOWNVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCII 29, 1883. ,;JIUMCIPflL. TICKET. ' '' '-Mayor: C. G.DORSEY. " ' Aldermen': S. P. MAJORS, r -A. P. COGSWELL; ;." JOHN II. MORRISON,, ; A. W.MORGAN. .; W W HACKNEY. .". City Clerk: JONAS HACKER. - f Marshall: J.ER. MARLATTE. t' - - .. Our City Election comes offnext Moa day. All who feel tbeiet interest in ibeir own welfare, should feel an inte rest in this election, and do their utmost . u elect good men to run our City Go? " errftnent. : ' Vi ; .' ; ; 1 -The atoye ii the only Ticket we have Astt seeo.' i It' is'made up of- good, re- jlalle working men, and we believe will jio their whole duty it elected.- We. do jfiOt crge this ticket though we shall sup7 ft it. What we' desire is for erery .no tien' to turn cm and express himself .through the ballot. : rosrofflcc Hours. Opens, 7.30, a m , cIoserB, p. in. Eastern Mail closes at 5 o'clock; p. m. Northern Mail closes 6:30, pi riiii Western Mail closes, Monday,7:30, a.m )' ' : A. D. Marsh, P. M. Election Notice. . There will be held in the City of Brown ville, Nebraska, on the 2d day of April, A. D. 16G6, an Election for the follow Mg City Officers: One Mayer; five Alderman; one Clerk; one Treasurer ; oue Assessor; one Ciril Engineer; one - Marshall) and one Street Commissioner. W. W. HACKNEY, Clerk. Medical Liquors for Family use Good Samaritan Drug Store! Coal Oil S1.25 per gallon at Bedford fcCo's, . -'See the new St. Louis advertisement in to-day's paper, headed "IRON." : r . , . Rtmemb'cr -Your chance for buying ticket in the New LlDorado Lottery is growing slimer and slirner every day. For choice Groc;ries to Bedford & CoV who hare just received a large as -, tertmetil of the very best. Prints, Bleached Goods, fine Brooms, Hocp Skirls and Shakers, j-ist received nnd fir sale at Iaclney CoV ; Are you fonf of a Good Pie?- If so u?e ''alf-an' alf" of, those excellent dried Cherries and Blackberries for sale at Swan fc Bro'3. . ' A 'am Kiwer, u. n. neuei, jjaiier Tain Panacea, Gargling Oil and ih njual varieties of Linament, at the Good Samaritan Drvg Store! 1 Thire ti a tide in the affairs of man, Which Ukcn at the flow leadeth on to fortune. ' Remember this, and call at the News Depot and ret a Ticket ia the ElDorado Loaery. R. T. Rainey, of the Store, ha3 just received lots cf choice Goods,such as every family needs. .They must be seen to be appreciated. So, drop in ! To get a favorable reputation in any .community, a merchant must keep a full selection of choice articles, and sell on s trail profit ; this is Swan 4 Bro's style ! We notice that Theo. Hill & Co., have just received a lot of large Freight Wag ons. This is a move in the right direc tion, ,.rhe freighting business from this place this season will be large. - In the New ElDorado Lottery you rtand one chance in twenty-one, of draw ing from three to seventy-five times the amount of your investment, and can in .no case draw less than SI. Sprinkle & . McPherson re runnng ibe Steam Saw and Grist Mill day and (E'ght, and keep constantly on hand a .Fply of - all kinds of Lumber, Shingles, .Laih, Flour, Shorts and Bran. . - v j . "-The-April nuniber"of Frank Leslie's ady'jrMagazioe, - for April; is a 'most ruuant ana tascmating number, ana it should grace the -centre bo isehold in the land. - table of every. Did you enquire for Lyon's Periodical Drops, Uterine Caiholuon, Female PUs, or'fiythihg else "usually kept m a , well regulated Drug Store ?. You'll find 'em at the - l': - Good Scmaraien Vrvg Store! We were 'pleased to examine the new tock cf choice Dry Goods and Groceries ,j jMfceifed at Henderfon's Chice go Store, and we are satisfied that all can be suited there in both prjees and good. See the advertisement headed-A rare dunce for a bargain ia Town Property." Tbi situation is one of the best for busi- c in our city, the buildings goad and! proprietor dctcrmiaed to sell. rL f . . .. state cf gzez.1 cxcltcraeat'orer the stock of fir Pri-'a ar.d ether chcice Dry Gciis, j-st received at - Johascn & M'Gee's ev,' Store i the foot of Main street j and Grqceries, well, the best wzfy ;s,t3 call and examine fcr yourself. '"Bedford &. Co.,' hare just receired a a ' . . large and well-selecjed . stock cf choice Dry Good, and as they have been pur chased this Spring, while gold was down, and for cash, they will sell them, on' the same terms t Cheap . . ; The Ladies' Repository, for April, is receired, and a superb number it is. All who feel the least desire for good moral and religious reading should tal-a tha tlepoiitory. All Methodist Ministers,' in good standing, are authorised agents. ! This Spring opens up strangely. Last Manda: evening "A now storm set in, lasting oyer Tuesday the snow melting atom as fast as it fll. The atmosphere being warm and pleasant, with n south east wind part of the time. '.. This snow we Suppose is in lieu cf our Equinoctial stqrp, which in "this section Usuatly comes with, heavy rains and high winds. We notice many persons from the coun try and others when they stop in this city hitch their horses to the shade trees planted along our streets. Now, com mon sense ought to teach them better, and as it does net a few fines imposed,1 we believe, would assist to remedy this evil. Let our City Marshall see to it. The ElDorado Lottery was not gotten up by its proprietors with a riew to gain or proht, this is plainly -shown by the Scheme, but for the purpase of decemi. nating good and useful instruments, im plements and knowledge, to all who wish purchase, tickets at Marsh &- Co's IN ews Depot. The Brick' for the'riew , Brick School lloure near Sapp's are on the ground, and the contract for the woodwork is let. Work, will be commenced - as soon as the weather will permit. ; ' . . j The Fairview School District, we un derstand will build a new School House this Spring. A new School House will be built i School. District just north gf ihislistric this Spring., ...... , These, with a good climate and sq are tnVbest inducements that can 1 Wered to intellisrent strarrers to sett, in. our county. - - Since the stealing of a couple, of par ses in this pouoty, on Sunday night, the ISih, we learn that a horse company has been organized in Fairview Precinct, in this county, to,' protect its members against horse thieves. This movement is commendable, and we hope the organ ization may spread all over the county, when it may be expected to afford gene ral , protection. The most appropriate timeto affect such an organization is now, ere any more "horses are stolen, and while -farmers are not to busy. When the organization )s complete, when its details and workings are understood, and riders appointecj for one month, then monthly meetings will only be necessary, and, ere the leaves are green, this coun ty can prepare a Vwarrn recaption" for lawless rjevils, come whence they will. Tis never to early to attend to ''self-pro tection. We call atteuiion to the advertisement of the Duplex Elliptic or double Spring Skirt. Though a recent invention, it has become very popular, a&4 is rapidly ob taining the preference over other kinds in use. The rpds in it are composed each of two delicate and well-tempered steel springs, which are ingeniously braided together edge to edge, the lower rods heavier, and having a double covering. This peculiarity of construction makes this skirt very strong and durable, and also so exceedingly flexible that it rapjdly adapts tiseif to the form o' the wearer, and allows of any amount of doubling and crushing without injury to its shape. These skirts are unquestionably the light est, most desirable, comfortable and ecp nomical ever made. These are advan tages which ladies, who have experienced thft discomfort and inconvenience cf single springs, will duly appreciate. Milto5, Ind., March 10th, ?66. j Mr. Editor : A terrible a'ceident oc curred pear this place yesterday morning on the Chicago and Great Eastern llail way, in which one man : was. instantly killed, and two seriously, if cf f. falally injured." The unfortunate men were Geo. Boss, of Salem, Richirdson county, Nebraska, Henry Wright, of Atchison rounty, Missouri, and Walton Meriam, of this place. They were standing uporj the platform of the cars, against allreg ulation?4nd commenced scuffling, when they lost their balance an:J fell off. The cars were running at the rate of forty five miles per hour. Boas fcjl against one of the ties and was instantly killed. Wright is Jiadly injured, with both legs and three ri broken. Meriam has one leg and one arm broken. Wright was oa a vjfjt here, where he has many friends to. lament this sad accident. He is a son of the (ate Aqstead B.1 Wright, cf Hamilton,. Ohio. This should be a warning to Railroad passengers. V - ; ' James Watso-v f .J.ae.i2wer zr.iazicz cr. cuy is in a 3, J nis. portemaleb; Are the only ae and tralj ftctir medic! ae for alt irregularities and palafal taenstraatioa; remove all obtruction, wh.lber from coli cr otherwise. No m&iifa, trife cr ttother should be without them. Try them use ae-jordiag to direction, and we knoW the result ill be a desire. Ak fcr lira. Wina low'a Mystic Take noD other. Price $2,00 per boat, or three boxea for 5 -dollars.- For sale by all drufjiitK. -' Jfetcr tu. UIow, Gen. Agqst. St. Louit. 2Iarch 22d,lS53 ' do 26:ly WASTED 1 Aircntf. Hale and Female, at 75 to 1 150 per month, Jo celt the celebrated Comtnofi Stnte Family Stvinj Machine - ' '- PKICE SIO.OO Thi Machine will do all kinds at wnrV eonul la t5. hi eh TiricPil MarK!r.pa and im tm nr.l. nr.Alin.1 oa re n&oie v-neap sewinj wacaine ia the world, auu rcsa ... - a i SECOMC d .COv Chicago, , or CleTelcnd, O Principal 0ice,Ifo. 2 Custom House Place Chicago n A a. iu-.a iy n,nn Notice or Co-partnership. BaowiryiLLE, Neb., ) March, 13th, 1866. : I have this day admitted my brother Lewis Hill, as Partner in mv House. The Copartnership will date frqm March 1st. lbSO. The style of the firm will be Theo. JIill & Co.". 25-3t-Kda . - -THEO. Hill; TO CONSUMPTIVE. The advertiser, bavin? hwin rertnrpA fa hnalrh in few weeks by a rcry simple remedy, after having suutrrcu jur ct orai years wun a severe (angaqeo tioa,and that dread disease, Consumption is anx ious to make known io his fellow-sufferers the means of care. - " . To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge J, with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a core care for Con?amption,Asthma, Uron chitls, Coughs, Cold;, and all Throat and Lung Af fections. The only object of the advertiser inten ding the Prescription is tq benefit the aflicted, an-t spread information which he Conceives to be inval uable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his rem ady, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blewing. r Parties wishing the prescription, rsSB, by return mail, will please addres RKf. JSDWAtvD A. WILSON, Williftmsb,u rg, Kings Co. ,RwVork. . LEGAL NOTICE. David II. Mourdick will take notice that Mary C. Mourdick as complainant, did on the 19th dav of March, A. D. 1866, file her petition in the office . .,i . ------ object and prayer of which petition is te obtain a jdooree divorcing the complainant from the defen dant from the bonds of matrimony, and giving tne ruetody of ber infant daughter to the complainant, bn the ground that the defendant has for more than two years wilfully abandoned and utterly desert fed complainant, and has refused and neglected to provide a maintenance for her. Defendant is requi ed to appear and answer said petition on or before the 7th day of May, A.D. ISCit. CRANE k THOMAS, . Attfys'for complainant. ; Msrch22d,1868, no26o,nn4t. LEGAL jYOTICE. , Peter Ault will take notice that Caroline O.Ault ai complainant, has filed a petition in Chaeery in the District Coiurt of Ibe Counly of Nemaha in the Territory of Nebraska, against him as respondent. The obj ect and prayer thereof is to obtain a decree divorcing her from the said respondent from tne bonds of matrimony, end alco giving to her 'aliicio ny out of the north b&lf of the southearst quarter of Section two, township four north, range fifteen east, tuated in said county of Nemaha. t?aid Pe ter Ault is required to answer on or before May 7th A.D. 1866. CRAME & THOMAS, Solicitors for Complainant. Brownville, Neb. March 22d, 1366. no26-4t G0IiD ,MI.LVEIL: FIHAITCIAL CRISIS compel us to fell ' 'j. , ; In ilic course of Six Months . $250,000 5250,000 WpRTIIOF Watches, Clocks, Chains, Dla montl flings, lianog,31elo deons, Scwingr illachineS) Silver Ware, &c. ALL TO BE DISPOSED OF AT -Ono Dollar Saoh. Without regart to value ! And not to be paid for until you know what are to receive. J3 After receiving lha artiple, jf it doe? not piease you, you can return it and your men-" ey well be re ' funded. , . The Stock Comprises arnongs articles. Splendid Clocks, Gold and Silver iratchesKir, set with Diamonds, Rubies, Pearls, Garnet and ofher Stapes (solitaire and in clusters), Ladies sots of Jewelry, comprising Pins and Ear Rings of the.tnost fashion able styles, ee in Precious Stones of every variety, together with a large assortment of Geld and En amelled and Pearl Sets Gold Sjuds'and Sleeve Buttons of the beautiful patterns, Gents Bosom and Scarf Pins, and an endless variety cf Braceletts, Chai ns ,M usicalBozes Jlead Dress.Combs ,charms .&o In consequenee of the great stagnation of trade in the Manufacturing districts of France and Eng land, a large qo an tity of valuable Jewelry, origin ally intended for he European market, has been rent off for sale in this country, and must be sold at anv sacrifice? Under these circumstances the "WATCH & GOLD JEWELRY CO,M have resolv- i ed upop. AN APPORTIONMENT!! wr subject to the following regulations: it " CfKTlFiCATO ntininp each article and Its VALUE are pUeed In SEALED ENVKLOPES, which are well mixed. One fr these Envelope, containing the Cer tificate or Order tor some Artic'e, will be delivered at our cfnce.'or sent h ritil to any address, without renru to cooioe, ou reveipi. ui iicuu. On receiving th Certificate the purchaser will see what Article ltdraw. and its valne, andean then send One Dollar and receive tne Article unjmi, or can choose y 0Ar on Article on our J,istof he same va ue. - SEND 25 CENTS FOR A CERTIFICATE. In all transactions by mail, Fe' shall charge for forwarding the certificates, paying postage and do ing the businoss 25 cents each, which " must be en- j closed when the certificate ii sent. - Fve certificates for i , eleven $2 30 for 5, 65 for $LJ and 1P0 for $15. . ' Agents. Wo . want agents in every town and county in the country, and those acting as such will be'allo-vcd ten cents oh cvory Certificate or dered by them provided their remittence amounts trttl. Agents will collect 25 cents for every cer-. tificate.and renut 15cenisto us, either in cash or postage stamps, Agents remitting at once $.10, will be entitled to a beautiful 'Silvor "Watch," and also 2C0 Certificates. Please write your Name, Town, County and State plainly, and address all order to WATCH AND GOLD JEWELRY CO. ' i . " 35 Liberty St., New York. , 10-22-6mrd,nn. ' ' G,?Q S L I N G 9 S Brilliant, Easj Shinlnsr ; ; ' Lcalhcr FreserTln; ' -.3 .. lift" Vw- 'ii Jlik ml 4J vj X''3 mpoiiitlon of rcat9 Foot Oil Co. and Pure Ivory Illhfli. Imparting to BOOT and SHOE LEATHER the soft. nj' and pliancy .f HID while with ne-fourfa the labor usually employed ia the application of the orrti n ry li ackers." il prpduee a Jet Black Enamel Gioss, eQualied on if by Pateat Leather.- - ' Sold by all Grocers and.-Shoe Veelars. ' Orders received by American Advertising Ag'tacy 3S9 Broadway, New Xork. ... ; . ;- t - -y An( "Wholesaled at liTanufactnVer'a Depot, -l5iKeade 8f.,'N. Y. M-tn csnT0 LADIES lift nnz. iri:. wur. Tnnr rtuji. ndse cheap nd dagercti Bjeikico, which dmg- commenced work on your plows and Lope gifti zaaj hare bonghf, and wit! rejomuienJ to you, -4T'' -r Fing ifnorant ot their qualitie. lli.;Winslow' yoaVi;Hs ablettO the sprin J de- ' Mretic Pilli are raild ia thIr nperationi : corr:t . . 'JisuVr 17th J.. 1CCG." Messrs. Morgan S lkdl: Dear Sirs : Yours of the30ih Dec, duly receive and contents 'noted. I . am pleased to hear that you have mand. In refference to the price of the Plows in Illinois 'it is the same as I stated at the outset, they. run as follows : For the Gang Plows alone, 875,00 at the Shop; for Trench Plow?, S7o,00 at the Shop ror tne sudsou now io,uu at tne baop. For Gang and Trench combined, S10 far Gang.'-Trench and Subsoilj1 combined $118,00. These are the prices at allpia ces where our Plows are made. The purcnasers paying tne ireignt. i - -- w Now for the Trench Plows, I said they were fully Used for breaking the prairie which is trqe to the Iettel,1and it has been a complete-success ift ffebraska, dui ring the past season. Mr. Yager, living near Nebraska- City broke prairie last spring with one of our Trench Plows.toqk Brown's corn planter and planted it which was til he done, and gathefed this fall 75 j bushels of corn, to the ar-e. I could give you .hundreds of such in stance of -soc! breaking in Illinois, if it was necessary, but you can. get plenty of evidence on the subject nearer home. L.M mp five vou a f ew reffeTencp :n u me give you a jew renerence3 in your own Territory, ; : Mr. Yager, iebraika City, o t3:: . , Mr. C. Hickose, Mr. Harvey Jeffers, ,, t, Mv Thornas McRavey Sonoraf Mo. ' Mr.'Lbuis B. Elper.'Rockportj Mo. All of whora'will testify to the utilT fty of the Trench Plows as a great im provement over ail other plow for break- irlg Prairie,:-:': . .; ' ' The great beauty in p,sing them is the certainty of a good Crop, the first season and that without any work; but the break ing and planting. I am not surprised at the farmers snpposing the Trench Pilow. useless, but if you will let them see the use mey-are ra ra'.7 ianu next spring you will get orders raster than you can 8 make them jn lbo7. . ' T am most Res'pedfily Ifou, R. y. BLACI i! i tp.as 1 5 - to W M . us Q 8 to a fi5 CR X i 'A s U L. 9 O a 9 6 : -i a 9 M e m Q u u P. 9 m as r- a k C ac O s 5 a an in e 0 o- ol a ; . g 8S o PS - a 2 a u a I J3 HEALTH AND BEAUTY. chapman's. Illustrated cuide, A beautiful little work of 0 rages, teaches yon Hor to remove Tan, Freckles, Blotches; Eruptions, and all iaapurities of the skin Jivf to produce a full growth of Whiskers how te ptoduee a luxuri ant growth of Flair on the Bad Flead cure Ca tarrh. Purify the Blopd,Purify the Breath to curl an.l ipmitif thn F7a.iF: wmnM Rnrtcrfliious "Hiir. cure Drunkenness, cure Nervou Debility, &c, Aa. 1 . 1 . .1 .. ,.. I ..In. uow 10 nrncw jvut ftgc, vu uiuci ujui uu ti. able information. A copy of this work will be mail ed free cf chargo Address THOS.F. CHAPMAN,' Chexist axr PkrfvJiek, 3 ms. 831 Bread way, New York LOVE AND MATRIMONY. Ladies and gentleman, if yon wish to marry, ad dress the undersicriied. wno will send you, without money and without price, valuable information that I !n . . i t, 'rt : t in. z . ill enable you id pGarry fcippljy tnd speedtly, ir respective of age, wealth or ceauty. inis lntorra -ti.Sa'ilI coat you nothing, and if you wirftta. mar ry, 1 will cheerfully aoeiset, you. All letters strict ly confidential. . Thja ' desired information sent by return mail, and no questions asked. Address . ,. SARAH B. LAMBERT. 3-m Orecnpoint, Kings Co New York. , . A CARD TOTHE SUFTERirTG Do you wish te be Cured ? If so, swallow two or three hogsheads of faIhichu,',Tonic fitters," Sar?8parlil," "X.wu Antolotes," An AcA.., and after you are satisfied, with the result, then try ono box pf OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN'S English SpecificPills--.and be restored to health and vigor in less than thirty days. They a;o purely- vegetable pleasant to take, prompt' and salutary 'in their ef fects on the broken-down tEd shattered constitu tion. Old and young can tako them with advin ta?e. DR. DUClIAS'HEvzMsh Specific Pill's cure in le?s than 30 daysT the worstcftses of NER VOUS SESS, Impotency, ' Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness, liisauity, ait Lmary, texual, and 2fervou sffectuvi, no master from .what cause pro duced. " Price, One Dollar per box. "Sent, postpaid, by mail, on receipt of an order. Address . - - ' - . JAMES S. BUTLER, - Xo. 329 Broadway, Xew lorh, General Agep.t r. S.: -A bex sent to any address on receipt rf price which U one dollarpost free. . EiJ A dis criptire Circular Bent on 'appjieation. 8 werks. Mill Property for bale. TIIE VERY DESIRAULS' WATtR ,GRIST MIL1I on nlGFI CREE, Atchison county, Mis ouri.ii now offerei for sale. - - The mill is too well kno.n to r eed recommenda tion. One run, of four fooJL French Merchant Burrs for wheat,. Tedd.'a manufacture, and one three and a half ftot cbrainon lure for corn. Ma chinery all new except smutter. Water wheel 23 feet diameter ; nerer freezes. All in srood repair. New 'dsin, Ac Ac. - r i For particulars r.rjuire of G. Stiner at mill, or R. V. Mairat Kor h' Star, Mo., or Brewr, ville. .T. " JIUIR A STEIXER.- JIuiralso offers his Steam Saw Mill opposite BroJnvUle,farsJ9. r X. V MU1U. I nolS-lniflj i ; : , ' ' ; - v Aichisen CXumalj-pleasetopj." : v , Dissolution of ; rartuersliip. : 'Notice is feeriby ' given that the firm of" Casa A Bikr, But:hc?s, has thi3day been dissolved by mutual ennsentj t ' ' - 1 - ' '" " All indebted u the firm are requested to pay in thearaoontof tieir indebtedn4?3 1 0 K. E. Case at the City Meat .Vwrket. Frtruarv 2ii),im. !i! iLl . " t Eh Si t7' s to 1. p H !. n n t 1 v : ! I I i 7 s i ., J LIRG All fit HEVETT Flespectfully anoonaca to the pullic lia they are m&a&iaciunug ue ; Frp KIDDER EID1XG PL01V oh CORN CULTIVATOR. ALSO tr dsir ch : pLom We hare the exclusive right to the manufo tare and rale of these plows in this Territory and ad joining counties of Missouri, and intend to. supply all demands so far as p.acticable. ' It is conceded by alt who have tested the Leepef j iviuuer . vuiuraiur, iu. spuuf ro u other3 sn tne f0ntoWiDe reaoects i ' The plowman can rjde easier and plow with Mess labor. 2nd. An: Any person who can drive a team can man- geit. 3d. Crocked rown of corn are clowed as easilv and thoroughly as straight ones, the plowman sit ting so as to ooaerve tne corn, ana u tue wora is well dono. 4th. It is guided by a perfectly natural and easy foot motion, and does not cramp or tire the 'plow man. 5lh. The plow, while in motion, is moved with perfect 'e&i&. ' . . , " Cth. Thc' shovels may bo adiusted to any depth. and any qesjred space between them is oisily 00- tainea. 7th. It has adiustable fhield3 to prevent young oorn from perns covered; 8th,. It is admirably adapted to ylowlngla small grain. . Lrery cultivator is well made of good material. and warranted to do good work. We refer to the lollowin? named persons, wno last year bought and. used the culufator manofac- 1 tured by Morgan & Mead, in Atchison county, Mis souri, to-wit: . . . - A. J. Richardson, emaha county; ebraska. Sedoras, - do do do W W Tate, ; do ' do do -. T J Robinson, . do- . - do . do Mr Biggsby, do do da A Shoenheit, Richardson do do Shoemaker & Co do do do Jessee Crook do do do J B Watinsrly GagO do do i J.H Parker, .'Atc'iison county, Missouri. John Van Meter do do do do do do . r do ' do do".." do ' : do do do do ao dp do do. dq do do do do do do do - do do do do do do do do do do do do do do,' do do ' do ..... do . da do ' do , do , . do do do do do do do do do do do do do : do ' do do r do do do .do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 'W-''' do do do i'i " do , dD do do " do do MJ Porter . do A S Campbell ' do Wll Vanloven . do JohnBarder do David L-ertrand dq Jasob Jaliawenhy do Andrew Buck , do ' Mr Cristy do W C Morgan do Wm May , .do "W T Robinson do Moses Tibbetts do Stephen Claytn do G W Woolsey do Mr Terrell do Mr McDonald do Mr Burnett do A Hillman do Mr Turner do -MrLaarisv -do.- Thomas Arnold do Rodolph Ritchie do Ernest Lansking do May A Lahue do Bennet King do P Barnhurst do S C Woods do GW Smith do Phillip Walters do II II anloren . do J C Miller do A Morgan Nodoway G V Haler do RB Casey do Mrs Schuyler do J R 15 1 ad l ord do L A Rogers do T J Rogers do J II Walker do J SBasford do Mr Crocker ' do J p Ej,ock do UTisn'er llolt John Tidgen do Wm Hickman do D Thompson do TUB GANG, THBIICH, 1 (f I V.S. I-.L PLOWS, Have been DeSiffiicd Especially to Meet the Wants ofFarmers. ISOne man and four horses can do mora Work, and do it better, with (his plow, than -two men with two disconnected plows. - ' Thefoilowing aye some of the adrantaies these Plows bare over others : 1st. They are so arranged that .they canno net out of the ground when striking a sod or hard place, msnnng thorough work. znd. l hey are the lightest dratt ot any l low, -either ngje or double, according to the report cf the Committee of Trial of Implements , at Decatur, 111., Septemvor, 1883. . ' : . . 3d. Thet are more easilv tianazed : anv stout boy ten years old an manage tue'o'. 4th. lhey are more compact and and sicspie, therefore not so liable to get out of order. These Plows hare talien. Five 1 First 'Premiums at the Illinois State Fairs, and Foiirlit Iojya State Fair. ' ' . - ':.--' The Trench Tlows are used for breaking Traino or Mcdow land, with a Sod Plow in front, cutting the sod in a thin slice, and turning it down into a deep fcrrow, and the rear plow raising the sub soil to the surface, covers the sod completely, so that it is out of the way of after culture. " t3T"We will promptly fill ail orders for the abeve named plows atthisplaca. , , .-, Te are also prepared to do Custom Work In Wood and Iron, $1 bny thing pertaining to the WHEELWRIGHT'S OR Blaclcsmitli?s Business., ' . - - 1 Fepairii Wasc2s?Maciicery,Shce fe&c. Ptompt attention siren Customers in this lino at the Shops fronting COGSWELL'S LITE UY STABLE, x-15 OK THE I.EYEE. 1 u r I L (7 On Iiaua at Ills Store Booms, Fie has, sni rriJI constantly keen on hanJ.'a 2 I In' Shoes," Tats and CAps, Cutlery, G!aTrare, Queenswar?, Hardware, Croc kery TTsro, Willow. Ware, and all kinds cf ware ugually kert in a rit-c!ass Iic?tail .Store, tbat v: V'aro that can be bought anywhere. TEHI.I3 LOW IlariniT t.ssk t-.fin.'M Mil t. mrYxr eitahl!ihment. it bflomes r.messarv to eolief t all debts daa & O tj - 7 7- ' old firm ; to that end I hereby giro nuti ce that all the Ittrlay of March, 1833, will b3 pled ia the January 1st, lbbo WHO IL.-E DEALERS IX ' S "t ffosop lei. ? ZiC o Would call the attention of DEALEIIS to their irnuiense stock cf Drugs anil "Medicines, School ratcnt 3lcalcincs, uinK hooks, Glass anil Glassware, Wrltln? Tpcr, P ints na Oils, Envelopes, Spices and Dye-stuffs, oal01lml nj;3 Ture Wines, liquors, dc., lc, - " Which were bouirht for clsh of Manufacturers, favorable prices. Buying in largo quantities from msnts to the trade. They are the yorth-wes tern Wholesale Agentsof Dr.D. Jayne & Son, and of Dr. I. C. Ayre A Co., and can furnish tUeir Medicines in any .quantities.' (10 1-1 FOR THE MILLION! ! ! TEX IIUiYDRED TIIOIS ASD ! ! ! All can be suited in the Just received at the tr4 rrrm a tt sTN rm aHk TTf 7 ! r.' rail fi it aj r 1111 a w tij Main Strwt, Brownville, Nebraska. All Kindi, Tatterns and Stylos. Everything in the Liae L?3t quality . .... Boots, Shoes, Woo 'cu pillow-Ware, and Best brands. Dried and Canned 3T" XL XT Nails, Glass, Sash, Queen ware- ToBACOO, J'Epitok of theUfrer,W Dkab Sib: With your permission, I wish to zaj to the readers of your.I'aper, that Ljwill send, by mail, to all who wUhi', free a Recipe, with full directiuns' fur making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, thit will effectually remove, in ten djysj'im tles.Elc cri es, Tan, Freckles, and all Imrurities of the ikin. haring tha same soft,clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail free to thc:rf baring Ci'i'IIeaJ, cr Bare Face?, simple dir6cii(.ns ah4 information that willtDable them to start a full growth of Lnx urant Il.'fr, Vriiiof 3,oi"4 iaujlacQL",ia leas than thirty days. AH applications answered by return mail with out chargu. Resjvt fully Yours " THOS.F. CHAPMAN, Chemist. 1 &. A c . Scnon. 831 Broad way, New-York. J'J"Th? lludersined having been rsstorod to flealtb in a few week, by a very simple remedy, af ter having saf fered several yeirs with a severe lun affection, an J that dread disease, Cousurnption -is anxious to make kuown to his fellc-saffertrs the mear-S if cure., ' . Jo all '.?ho de. iro it, he willsend a copy of the pre scription med (free cf charge.) with the directions for prcpr.r'irgan 1 uing thesarn which they will 1 1 anani,i.f.uw, r kjl. v-oSi-riiUJ. AMU- ha, liUUiL.illli., io. lie cnJy objeet of the dvertber in senliugthe Prescription is to benefit the i.SIcie.J, and spread inf-irtaaiioa which he con iciTcatu be inraluablu. and he hones erery sufferer will try hijrcuiuJy.aiit will co5Uheiaujiaiiig,anJ nay prore a Mtsing. rarlieswUii.Dgthe precriotion will pleas3aJdre?a , Rev.EDWAHDA. WiLSO.V, Willlamobjrg, KirgsCo.. Now York. mxHtxtts HOIENSE im ... 5 ' t r" 1 J O F .A Main St., BrovrnTlIle, Xcira";n. cotrtue'e ?rtai5nt of Drr Cio2. Crc-cc: W- I -n Vrr. out wetr ay EOY7XI FOR CASH j . accounts duo the Crru of J. l;rry S Co., ucjai J by hiii cf aa ccr fjr tollectioni. JAMES I ri 3 J t i 1 i s l in AND Books, Importers and Publishers, and will be sold at the fa first hands, they are enabled to ofer extra inla4- . , . . . , . , t 44 From WILLIAMS' ADVERTISING AND PATa.Yf ffi AGZNCT, 97 Chestnut St., St. Loul. Every Lady and Ceni.'enun should tsj TVDtNTALCREAMEreitfk It not only purifies and perfumes the brsith tajl renders the teeth sound and cf a pearly wLitenea and the gums healthy and strong, an 1 is the tott elegant and agreeable of nil toilet a-ppeBlges. Sold by all Druggists at 2j cents a lackag aljj sent by mail postago psidby COL.J-.IN2rLi.OT4' ERS, S. W. Cor. 2 J A Vice EtwcU, St. Louis, Ho. on receipt of 23 - ' Jan. 4th l'.ea Cin 10-1 j J.S.W." c.r.p. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Notice is hereby giren that the Probato Cosrtof Nemaha Cennty. Nebraska Territory hs appf)ia ted the 9th day cf July, and the 13th day of Au gust, A.D. 18dd at ten o'clock A.M.,atthe Court Jiooia in lirownrille, to exa:nine and aliow caini against the estate cf Doney C Chambers, deceased; at which iinics and place alt persons haring such claims are required to present them or they will b forever barred. '. Dated this Februarv, 20rh lSt',1. WILLIAM CHAMDEr.S. 22-4te,nn Administrator of said csUte. Do Yon Wish to bo Csrcd ? Put not the poisor.cJ chalice to your JipT It'or peatX will be the fa.te ol hiin who sips ; But take the herbs la freshness from the fie! J, And to tLe potent roots dlseajo will jiell. ; Old CllAyS Er.gliScecUo Il'.lscure, in less 1 t'l irtydaj,the wor.it yt.-K. -A V,oa naf, Impotency, Prern.Unre Decny, Vk no?., Jnsftnity, and Urinary, hexuat'or Sirvout Affections, no matter r. ri whrrt caose proJajcJ. Price One Dolfar per bojt. Sent p"fj.aiJ, ly mail on receipt of an order. Address JAMES S. LiL ILEU 429 Broadway, 1'o.i. P. S. Descriptive Circular sent tree cu art'.ioa- tion. AdJrcss asabove. 8 wec!; ERRORS OF YOUTH. A gentleman whosujered ;or yea-j f.-on 5"rToa and Genial Debility, iigl,tly ilrci.'sior, ari l Soaiin al Wakriecs, the result oyoutiiful indicrelion,an 1 cace ndr Riding his days in hopeles misnry, will fr the sake cf suffering man. send to all who teed It, (free of cLarg-,) the reido and diciiccs for making the simple rcnody used i a his ca9. Suf ferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's sad expe rienco,and posses a sure and vainable remud7;aa do so by address jng him at once at his place ui ba -tine;. The Kooipe and full informationof viLTT lojportaccc will thtcrfully font by .uail. X?. 60 Xo.isau hir'ett. Nw York. P. S. Nervous S'ufferrrs pf both scx"j wi!-! iul this infjrmatiou inraluLle. x1)3 moniLs. ERRORS OF YQV'Ttl.. A Gentleman who rsffcred fr ynrs from Xerr u Deoiliry,Prinatare Decay, and all the effects' of youthful iaiicretioa, will for the sake cf sufft-r-ing hamanity, s:nd free to all who need it, the ra ceipe and directions for making the simple re jiojy by which he was cured. Scffersri; wuilag tt prof it oy the alvert:2er' eiperiene. can do o tv ad flressiBj 1 " JOU.N B.OGDEX, ' No 13 Cbesnrt SUew York. 0 TO cn. CqSLCV AM) yOT PUFFini that vTTlbl (Ta trov ir;g your future I iad a ue. lie im c.. - ritiVATi: Disn.tHi:" 5u.ii!J ei.iMiuX li j'5i'nl cr" l Sn. 1 .'9 'tie LKjtor iuav beconK'iii'U in on Iron 9 X. M. uaJ 8 P. if. A 4 e'mrriuruiM tton$ Oj'icr.tia- Konrna K.-;rat', IS' irr. i r-'l fir Bf -Joun; ef UeaiUi patLaUei1. octaiy acil cut la any ail:,-.w. LOOS "tTAIiDTEli. hzi hi. post y?t, ready to perfurcn all work,par tuining to u'u busi nc3s. -j II')u-j and sign painting, g!jiing,an-J paper bang ing, etc at thurt notice, and tLe nivt approved style. Terms'Mjih. Give tia aca!!.' '" " 4 Sru.pon Mii Sujit, eaii of AtkiLscn's Cloth ing Sutrt. . , , . He !s rrep.ire1 tj -1j alt Will 1 o - n n u. l n C A X D COLQ P. w a r jtn tie neatest anl rh.3;pt t;!9 jr Erowovilie, A; r.l 7, !y. Ayer's Sarsaioa: 1 iTT "rTS (tif) i "v f I I I : )' v