Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 29, 1866, Image 2

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, g, Kr t 4 V 4r
. A
Tha Unica Voters cf this County are
recommended to meet ia their respective
rreeir.irts en
. TZicrsJay, llic 5 111 tlS cf April,
: to telect Delegates to attend a. County
Union Convention to ca J
Eaturdcj. tha till day or Arill,
ia Browcrille, Neb., fcr the purpose cf
.cheesing Five Delegates to represent
Kemaka County ia tha Terriicrial Unica
Ccn-tcntica to he held in Flailssioaih ca
the 12th day of April.
. Also, to nominate a Ticket to represent
Nemaha county ia the Legislature.1
The Tarious Precincts are entitled to
ths fdlowirj cumber cf delegates ia the
Ccunty Convention ; . . .-
Erownrille, -
redreu fcr the injuries alreaJy dene-us,
at least to demand a tnull share,- if the
plunder for cur cj:n IcrffM. lien may
prate a3 rr,uch ss they lease aboct "no
here ia IikrEia. v.-a nv -.3 nu:a c: u.z
Internal Revenue, as any psc;!:2 in ) z
Union, cr.d have r.o Ileptet:. tailor, in Cc i-
zress r cur lernisrial tax is J cnus
6? y
ca the dollar greater than the Slate tax
cf Kansas, and ve artnei
Congress ; end areleir.g rolled of our
choicest lands for tht lenrfj of ether Sates
and have no Representation in Cor Tress
xoilh a vdz end a voice io protest against
these outrages, cr prctzd vs crgairid their
repetition I And all i3 submitted to for
the benefit of "sponging" from Govern
ment 30,000 a year ! Ye Gods ! what
economy ! what pusilanimity ! ! !
- . . . 9
-4 - G
- 3
, 3
. . 2
, . . 1
- . 1
. : 2
Tctil, - - 32
By crder cf th8 Unica Central Com'
C. G. DOItSEY, Ch'xn.
T. It. Fisera, Sec
.1 G f
Glen Kock,
Bedford, .
Douglass, .
The Union Voters cf the Territory cf
Nebraska are recommended to assemble
ot the county seats jcf their repective
counties, oa .
f atardar, riarci Zl&t, ISC G,
at 2 o'clock, P. M., and telect the cum
bercf Delegates to which they are seve?
rally entitled (with an alternate for each
Delegate) to meet ia Genera! , Ccaren
, lica at Flattsmouth, ca v.:;: i
Tliursdar, April l?f, ICGG, .'
fcr the purpose cf nominating candidates
to be supported at the election to be held
ca the second day cf June next, for, the
following otuces, to-rvit : One member of
Congress, Governor, Secretary cf State,
Auditor, Treasurer, a Chief Justice and
trca Associate: Justices cf the Supreme
Court, '
The diTerent counties will be entitled
ia said Convention to the representftion
indicated in the annexed table : .
l'-wcee. ' .
Pawnee, Johnson and Gage
Gage and Jones,
Nemaha, ' '
. ... .'. c.
Cass, Lancaster, Saline & Seward 1
Jchnscn, . ... 1
Lancaster, ' xii 1
Lancaster, Seward & Saunders, 1
Saline, Butler, Lincoln fcuKearney 1
Sarpy and Do
Platte, Hall, EuiTalo U. Llernck, 1
Piatt, Monroe, Merrick, XuITalo,'
Kearney and Linccln, ' ' '
IVashingtca, '
Vrashirgtca, Burt and Cuming,
Burt and Cuming,
Dakota, Dixon, Cedtr and LTau-
Qui Court, ' . 2
Dixcn, Cedar i L'Eaa Qui Court 1
Tela!, ' 52 .
It is heped thai the primary meetings
ia the various counties will bo generally
attended, to ths end that the choice cf
the Union rcters cf the Territory nay
be fairly reflected ia the Convention.
. By crder cf ihs Unica Centril Ccm
raittte cf ths Territory cf Nebraska.
7 ' , Omahs, Nib., March 7, 1SC1
e i i 1
' The U. S. Senate, ca thi 21st, ps.s:d
a bill grafting to the Stato cf Kansas
fcr the ccn:tru:t::a cf a railrcnJ frcm
eppo?: te St. Jcr eph , ! Io., thrcr gh Marys
"viile, to a junction with tho Tczilz Rail-
. road in Kansas, the edd sections fcr tea
nibs each side cf .the road.
Vie cannst but congratulate the north
era tier cf counties ia Kansas ca their
luck, and at the came time wonder
hov? Ing :t will la ere cur Land District
will b3 "smitten" YHvh a like stroke.
llzr: t'.zzis tleciso now? All tha
c 11 i:zil:z cf land unrold ia this Dis
trict Liv2 boon rccorrod for ths B. tz M.
which runs in icra end tars
rccorvaticn, ha3
The Phttsmouth Herald, of the 20th,
with its customery fairness oa the Stste
question, says :
"Cclcrado hss been refused adraissioa
ca grcunds that utterly deprive 113 cf any
hope cf. entering: the Unica cf States
under the presenx Ccsiikutioa."
The cpj)Cfi:ica of the loyal journals cf
the Tcrriiary to State, all who resd must
admit, is cf a more brainless and less
argumentative kind than that cf the cop
perhead press. Why do they not lay
before their readers the proceedings cf
Congresi ca the Colorado question, as
we did last week ? Do they fear to let
the people judge ? It eeems so ! We
believe in fairly placing the State ques
tion before cur readers, and letting them
judge cf its merits or demerits.
Neither the Herald, at Plattsmouth,
cr the Press, at Nebraska City, have
published the Constitution, but are eter
nally prating about the "hastily framed
Constitution," the "usurpation cf the
Legislature," the "swindle" ia it, and
many ether pet faults they have appar
ently discovered ia iu Now, it seems
to us, if they are honest in their charges,
the casist way to kill it with the people
would be lopublish if, and let the people
SEE its faults! They dare cot ! The
Herald's first comment oa the Constitu-
tioa was that it was "rsry gooJ," the
Press said, ca first reading it : "its faults
as a Constitution can hardly be argued as
an cbjectica to its adoption." We defy
them to publish ia full the Constitution cr
the- Congressional actioa cn Colorado!
Their refusal to do this proves the base
ness, cf. the course, they , have adopted,
and merits for them the contempt cf;all . 1 :
;Ve think we have, the key to the op
position made ip. state by the loyal jour
nais cf this Territory; it is ihefaci iha
certain men, who hold office now, under
Territory, would lose them by reason cf
Nebraska becoming a State, and fear
they could not It elected. again ly the jco
phi , This may be seen very plainly in
the political aspect'of the county below
us and also in the .repeated cry for a
inevj Lnalhng jlcV1 uttered by the Her
aid and Press. .. Who would have to get
us this "new Enabling Act ?" . Would it
not greatly assist a certain party, who
ssems "left out ia the cold" ia the pres
ent aspect of the State question; yet,
who, . if he but judged ' correctly of the
ember cf the people of Nebraska at
this lime, could "make himself" by tak
ing & stand for the present move in favor
cf State? The Herald, says "No
dout Congress would cheerfully accord
ua a pew Enabling Act if properly asked
fcr." U7io gave you this assurance, Mr.
Herald ?: An answer: :s expected J ,
The opposition, . copperhead and all,
"mingle" ca the cry against the Consti
tutioa because it was not framed by a
"Constitutional Coaveatioa, elected sole
ly fcr that purpose," but dare not men
tion the exi.-a cost cf such a course ! All
who are ia the least conversant with the
cost of our electba and Legislative ex
penses must know that this would add, at
least, 010,000 to our taxes ; and the
saving, to the Territory, cf this amount
is what is opposed I DosenH it sum as
thovgk somtledy tvas awful anxious to
procure for us a "Jfcvs Enabling Act ?"
We give two extracts frcm the Platts
mouth Herald, and would ask the reader
to consider the insults io the people there
ia contained t
"The haste with which this measure
was crammed dowa the throats of the
people, by cur last Legislature."
"But for a handful cf men ia Nebras
ka force themselves into Congress coa
trary to law and usage is simply absurd,
cr.d Viis'is precisely vhat the aiders and
cldlzrs cf the present Slzie moxtrncnf ere
We fir-d ia both the Herald, cf Plaits
mouth, and the Press, cf Nebraska City,
a letter frcm J. M. Eim-ds, Ccmrais
sicjsref the General Land OlHce, ia
Hon. P. W- Hitcbccck, and ly bin 3nt
to the abeve na?:;'ed papers ; staling t;:3
amount cf cish sales ca' which v.e wil'
receive 5 per cent. at G17G.370 Jl, cn
which, the State's per cent, would be
3,818.54. .
During the present State canvass we
have purposely refrained from counting
oa this source of revenue, as we were
not posted in.ihe law ccntrcling this do
nation." Taking these figures for what
they are worth it ma!ie3 an additional
53,818.51 inducement for State. . This
amount, is as much now as it would be if
cur Constitution had come in "the regu
lar way" at a cost cf S1O.C00; it tvill
release the people frcm as much taxation
cow as it would years hence ; and by ac
cepting Slate cow, with this CS.818.54
thrown in, a full representation ia Con
gress miy prevent the donation cf all of
our lands to foreign railroads, and thus
secure more cf that 5 percent, oa sales.
At least we could select our State dona,
tions before mere than 25 Agricultural
Colleges could be tf.ilt up at cur expense;
for every acre of land taken by Warrant,
Script, or Railroad, reduces this 5 per
cent, donation 6 Ij4 cents, forthe bene
fit o'f some capitalist, corporation or State
other than our own. It is estimated that
our lands are being entered by warrants
and script at the rate of one section, cr
620 acres, daily ; this, at cash Govern
ment value, would be S7S0, on which our
5 per cent, loss would be 39 a day, cr
$12,207 a yearleaving cut the whole
sale railroad donations to other States
and, as a Territory, ice cannot so much
as enter a protest, on the floor of either
House of Congress, against the issuing
of more Warrants and Scrip, nor select
our own ere all the lest lands are taken I
f.r lb:; LriK-Trcrth tr .1 Tz-
i j
c ;tcf it?, hr. h cf this Bis-
.1 th:3 ro: 1 v..:.cre it tones
v wiii take elf some mere .
. vr'-. v r- V - ? r - - - o .
If this people cf Nebraska are so far
lost to a esnse cf honor as cot to resent
theca gratuitous insults to their indepen
dence, the are net fit to assume thegov
emment cf a State. : ' ;
Vc have been thews a letter written
ty a n taker cf ths Veteran First Ne
br:,:!n,. ia which the wriur Wys that
pcsltiro crder' 1 - . ?, boon rueived to
muotcr cut t" " . .:r.t zo scoaas troops ar
rive ft cm th s tcct t taka its place, which
will be by about the 1st cf June next,
as the troops fcr their relief are already
ca their way. This will te g cod news
to tleir nur.;ercus friends and relatives
in thesa ports, and we think it can be
relied cn, as th writer is eegsged ca
tba final muster-cut rclls.
Thsrs v ill bo a total cclip-3 cf the
tight, com-
r .. - 4 x
"There was rare force ia the truthful
expression, a few evenings ago in Balti
more, of -that surprising popular orator,
benator Nye, of Nevada, when be said :
"These people, five years ago, defied the
power of the Government to keep them
in the Union now they defy the power
of the Government tq Ifsep them, cut of
the Union.'." St. Louis Democrat;
' As great a paradox seems to have oc
curred cn the loyal side of this Union :
Fiveyears ago the loyal North said,
through Abraham Lincoln, the Southern
States cannot go. out cfihe Union, and
whipped them into "submission to : that
idea; now, a radical Congress says, they
shall cot come back into the Unions
The question which - this "radica
change of base" suggests to 113 it : Can
we ever have a permanent peace based
on such action? ,1s not the action of
Congress, in refusing to accept loyal rep
rosentttives, a virtual admission of the
right cf secession. ? . , As much judgment
is necessary m stopping a revolution just
in the right place, as in "securing the
fruits thereof."
A shocking tragedy was enacted ca the
13th, cn the Overland Stags, at a point
144 ni!?3 rest of Fu Keamsy. Tha
stage conlc'ned six passengers, and a
desper-do-fcr whoa the ViV'nco cc-
raitteswere looking named HanschilJ.
At the point named, in the night, il is
Har.schild stabbed one paersr and
s'het another, "when, after being sevcrUy
wounded, the driver shot Hanschild thro'
the head,-killing him instantly. One of
the passengers was the Deputy Marshall
of Colorado, and it is supposed that
Hanschild thought tha Marshall intend
ed to arrest him, and that he concluded
to murder all the passengers and make
his escapo, . "
rccr thin": ia a cornfield. I like a d;
two hers 2 cultivator where
x zi to walk,
Emery Peck: I agree with Mr.
is to tha share cf the-stirrin- r
The proposition, voted on last week in
Otoe county, for that county to issue
$200,000 bonds to assist in the construe-'
tion cf a Railroad frpm Alexandria, Iowa,
to the Missouri river opposite Nebraska
City, was carried, by an overwhelming
majority. This looks like work," and we
hope the bonds will never be below par.
1 V
C U -J
v. I
Geo. Crow : Deen tlo.vinr is th nair
thir.T ia raisin? a oc' crcp cf cn
do not like. she Molina Plows.. Hiiro..
corn when joung. 1 used the Dupdas'
Riding Cultivator last season, like it very
well, found it hard to manage, and not
hard ca a team, does good work.
GEO. CROW.'Pres't,
F. E. Ati-? Seov'y. ' r r ;
I ?r
Jewe!: i
.ia Ac Y i i f
ia;rJ : that t'
hilit t. . t'i-i-c.
on thr r csi j
rntet. ), wiili
a"-- .1 r. 1
ST. .'1 vr---- f -
.:?Lt can LiTea ir.:i;;!e to tx-
s- m. r.
el?et certiac::;', or a ran-j ;c .. e
. ' ik n:.",l In:!.! PT! WJf.
ver Extecsi.Mi Cd.-c an? I en ii, t i- ; Tatn p y t' e
:'a Circa!;.r to, anJ ! i',i..jn,N'j:.4u
1 t I-
r 1
- lit x
e l sr.-:
Thre A -nt bat what can r..ko ea!r i3 i :':J"t- - r-i.J U;i t
: ' Zjirh1-' VlAX'TT
Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
' . Si,
J y
The ; nomination of E.'B. Taylor,' cf
Omaha, as Superintendent cf Indian Af
fairs fcr, tha Northern Superintendency,
was confirmed on the 21st. This h a
merited and judicious appointment.
- Chauncy H. Norris, of FalU City, has
been appointed and confirmed as Agent
fcr the Iowa Sacs and Foxes of Missouri.
U I if 2 Store Itooms. respectiraiyiaxtij
1 J I pnd 13x80. OnaSJaloon iJixuu. udo
I v f Tenpia A1I?7 12xQ. . iTour large
V ? T' . orri Vm- Rc:l-ron!S on tha
TFIE undersigned ia desirons of felling
"'Li Block of. L'alliln,;! oa !Iar-i etrjet in
Brownville, IT. T.
I known ag'WLitnej,8 EIocTs." containirsr
,(Mnnd fioor. Aleo.cne zood Dwell
inj and Ice Ilouia oa the Fremises
Tte Great invention of tlis Age ia
J. W. Dbadley's New Patent Dcplei Elliptic
W'aon, Carriage, anl Flow AVocdwork.
Rprin;.'. Axe?, At1, fhovsarl S'.
Waihcr?. Naiii. nai!. II oi i
. . -r - t T - i
tabtirs ana j-iOiiC .7. . as, .a vv.r ijuies-Aiircn?, r::::-:ii,.ir;i
Ste v rots. 13;:!; e evens, Fr-;t kjettles and Sa I Irons. -
Brv:b.Zin:S' OCl.-.AnviU.Stfclcs'ar.d Dies, l.lcu-s,SkJ:- ard lhz Hit
meri," Vise,ricoisrs, na?f,, Farricri' Knires, Tuyere Irct?, 'reccaei, I ' , '
1 ; i a-1
.-.nios anl Cbaliii, Carriaj aaj Tifa lXl'v f. '
-'hoe?. S.v:', c;u. etc. . " ' "
"Or TukVjj'ixIe Urcujc, Ox caaia. Yc.;-n Jack?, Ox ShiXJ nail. .v'h nJ
By telegraph reports of the 21st, we
learn that Gee. John Jif. Thayer, cf Ne
braska, has been brevetled Maior Gene-
V! Spring Skist.
rai. ne nas servea taitntuiiy tnrougn v"Tui3 iSvESTio-coBi3U of DrrLEt (cr two)
the late war, and this is but a fair recog
nition of. his merit. . v.
iptic Steel Springs, ingeniously braided 1 igatly
Firmly (osether, eugn xo eapc, pasirg ice
- ... - i . 1 iv .
htstrmtret flexible JLia?ti3 ana uuraoia opnrs
Falrvlew Farmer's Clnl).
; : Faibview Phecikct, )
. March 7th, 1866. - J
Club'met pursuant to adjournment.
President in the Chair.
Minutes read and approved. :
Subject : The raising of garden yeg
itables' and root crops,"
cTer used. They seldom Bend or Break like. ;hs
Sintrla Snrinff!-. and conseqaentiv rroervo saeir
I'eifect and Beautiful Shape Twice as Long as any
other Skirt.
Tha WoxbsRFri. Flexibiutt axil Great Com
fort and pleasure to any Lady wearing the Duplex
Elliptic Skirt will be experienced portjcularly ' in
all Crowded Asaetnbhe?. Urer, Carnages, i.aii-
road Cars, Church Pews, for Promenade and House
IJresS.aa thBkirteaa Daioic;ej,oeu in ne, io
occupy a small p;aee as easny aa a Oiinwusin
Press. ;.,' f ' , '"'".'-:
A L id? havin? enioyed the pleasure, comrnrt and
ereat convenience of wearinz the"Duplex Elliptic
' . 1 o r . . - will
S. W, Kennedy: I raised a fine patch afterwards willingly dispense with their nse. For
of feach Blow Potatoes ; I prefer ihem
to any potatoe I Vnow of.
Emory Peck : I did not have very good
success with a garden last year; I sowed
seeda a good many times, they seemed to
cbme'well, but were , killed by. insects
The cui worm and large grub injured my
Children Misses, and Yonng Ladies, they aro Sa
Teri or to all others.
The Hoops are corered with 2 ply double twisted
thread and will wear twice a3 long as tha Single
. . . . , i . io. i
yarn covering wmca. is iwea on u iingio oieei
IIoop Skirts.. The threa bottonirods on erery Skirt
are also Double Steel, and twice or double covered
to prevent the covering frcm wearing oT tae rod!
wjcd draeinz tdown stairs, stna steps, etc., etc.
which they are constantly subject to when in nse
All made of the new and elegant-. Corded Tapes
aud are the best quality in svery part, siviu t the
The committee on Public Land in Con-
gress is reported as preparing a bill to
equalize bounties granting both land and
money.' " '
The cattle disease is still reported on
the increase in England, and is reported
breaking out among sheep, which are
dying off with it in great numbers.
Gen. Burnside has been nominated as
the conservative candidate, for Governor
of Rhode Island.
From Mexico we learn that not the
slightest indications have been shown of
a French evacuation. Maiimillion is re
ported losing ground, and with the with
drawal of the French troops his power
woukhcolapse. " '
The Mobile Times, cf the 10th, says :
'A private letter received in this city
states that the cholera is raging fearful
ly ia Havana.1 '
Fenianism is still above par in this
country, and below in Candada and the
Emerald Isle, whose freedom is tought
Here big meetings are held, much money
subscribed, and a force of 53,500 men
reported organized and ready to take the
field under Gen. Sweeny. In Canada
a large force is kept in readiness to re
pel an expected Fenian invasion. While
in Irland, under the suspension1 of the
writ of habeas! corpus England is ar
resting and transporting acores cf Irish
men daily. Matters must culminate soon
cr Ireland will hardly be worth the say -usj-s-barren
the prates!
OHcial news tha. t the cholerahaa brok
en out at Key West, has been received.
Ksir.r.T tt l.-wJ. t:t;.l at Iv-.Lj, ana
d p J" J IT Jt t 12.j3.
"' White and Edmondson, two notorious
bushwhackers, were arrested in St. Joe
cn the 22d. ' They will be sent to An-'
drew county, Mo.,' where they have re
cently operated to a tufiicient extent, it
is heped to warrant the authorities in
hanging them. Tnis is the same Ed
mondson who desired to seitls down and
"be a gopd citizen,' as he1 said; in this
county ; but who leftcn p. W. Kennedy's
invitation, inside cf tha five days allowed
hin fcr that purpose. Never was a bet
ter riddance affected so easily, thanks to
Squire Kennedy.
Hi. Wynkoop, recently sent by Gov
ernment to treat with and. rernove to
cihr ressrvatiens the Indians who have
been ccrr.mittiag ceprcdaucn alcng ne
C.r.clnr Hill Ecui2rercm entire success
' r - , r
all safe err thai rcute.
garden Considerably. The Pink Eye wearer thamost graceful anl perft r taje posii
.; . ' T v- i blytbo lightest; inost desirable, conforUlla an
poiaioe is a gooa varieiy, yet a lunih. u is economical Skirt ever midc
too delicate for this climate ; all white
colored potatoes are inclined to be deli
cate ;; a redish color is the most hardy.
'D. C. Bryant : I raised a good garden
last year. I think a great deal of a gar
den, and it can be made quite profitable, liptic (or double) Spring Skirt.
The around for a rrarden should" be flow- L 10-27-3m A fi C.
ed very deep and thoroughly pulverized.
I don't think manure necessary in this
country, the land is rich .enoughtat pres
Wests'" Bradley & 'Cost, Sole Proprietors
and' Manufacturers, V Chambers and. 3 arid b
Reade Streets. New Vork.
For sale ia all first-class Stores in this City add
throughout tha United States and Canada, Hunn-
na,de Cuba, Mexico, South America, aad thaWdtt
Indies. ,i
rjInquixs for tho Dnples el-
j. - -
ent. ' Onions will pay well atone dollar HnT Tnn))
per uusuki, uwiuu ecia aie iue. ubm. i . . -p -tt J
26S North Second Street,
Peach Blow potatoesare no better, nor
will they yield more, than the Blue Ne
shannocks. lne sweet rotatoe is a
profitable crop; three hundred, pushela
may be raised per acre; my boy raised
last year one half bushel cf sweet pota
toes from one sprout. .. -. , ; , ;
F- E. Alien:. I hare heard it said
that the cut worm may' be destroyed by
plowing late in the fall or very earlt in .Parties WantiBg our Brands of Iron will bear in
, miud that we have no agencies, buj oonfina sale ia
me spring, tnereoy tnro-ving. tne jevorm st.LotisMo,,to our own House.
tn iY nn nf th frrnnrifl nfl ihp frnst Our stock in store is lwvs very largo, and era
- . ' . " , , ' . , braces all manner of sic-) common ta the use of Kail
killing them. auaaen ir?ezmg ana I Road Companies, Machinists, Miners, Wagou-Al
thawing Will kill the worm. kers, Plow -Makers and blitli,
" - ; , y Also, constantly on hand full supplies of
uuieianu; oorao years ga 4w Ca ... BL1STEtt and Qesmak SfEii.8 ;
apiece of ground part, pluwean J Hlow and Spbikg Steels';
f H A . U A A.m.r.4n tn iVin ciivmnp anil I I .
. . t. , Hoasr, Mule and Ox Shoes;
. ! . . . - , , House Nails "Steam-Hammered" .
time. The cut worm workea very, Daa and q m
on the corn planted on the spring plow- ;;:f.Vs and RAspsi'ScaEv laies;
ed ground, and cid no; work any on. that Catzr1ace Tibe and pL0W Bolts;
plowed in the fall. Spbikcs and Axles ;
i,mory Peck-, tor uaooage plants ne wagon-tuimbles. Sxttwsand Bolts:
beds should be setup off of th? ground ; Awvits Vises and Chains:
the insects will not trouble "it" as" ad. I Tire Bendees and Drills :
Potatoes are not a very exhaustive crop. jt r. Wagc Boxes.
1 would manure on nign una, green Malleabre Castimgs, &c, &c &c.
II li I r ' " ' ;
manure win nui injure.
Mr. Waltz: Says a lady last year
raised fine Cabbage plants In an ash-
hopper; that 13, wtolly in slacked ashes.
In addition, wo can olTercf best quality,
Fresh cow.manure mixed with water and HUBS, LPOKES & , FELLOES ; , ,
sprinkled over the bed is good. , SHAFTS of various PATTERNS ;
Subject for next" meeting: -The-best .V" nAnuu Mape.Kc-
instruments used ' for' the cultiyatipp cf Together with alimauoorof "WOOD-WOKS MA-
TLKlALS u?ed in Wagons and rlows. y r - , , .
Orders by mail solicited and faithfully executed.
;26a-N.'Seebnd Street, St. Louis Mo.
Geo., B. Hall. :
Successofs'to'Lyon, Shorb c Co. '
Adjourned for ope week.
': '"-. ' Marc!) 14th, jsOQ.
Club met persuant to adjournment. ;
Presiden in the Chair. (
Minutes of the last preceeding meet
ing read and approved. (
' Subject: "Tee best impiiments for the
cultivation of Corn."
D. C. Bryant : I do "not think that we
have the right kind of stirring plow, that
is. the CliDDer plows. The Diamond
- 1 1
. v ' Ju-'t r tinte.l. an-.l- ?oicriur to. any;? invented
I,ICCormiCK7s jjowcis ana iicapeis, iloie Ccia i'l;
Suliy Corn Cn'.tivatcrr, 'ianU L.rn I'laater, Corn Shi-l.rra, Vi-y iikes, e'.j,Uj t:.
... ' "Bajicg Liy 'goods direct from the manufacta-er-s I n?;r gft ial-r-n:ea,j. .
Constable's Iron and Steel Varehouso .
: - - I3T. JOSEPH, - i:
rpHK GaSAT FaJIK wuicb Ua ulre a Hair Ealmts rrnjre4 li reNtcrire the citTi r,..
X Inr rrowth an.1 h1tv roiifl. ' h air. tl.ffpLT . f t ..n ! mf a r h,.i:ii ; '
- 1 t. : . : - ' J 111 t. .
1 - o i c. - - . V
unrrectdentcds Up; ! tse foll
"'"f-Mir j
frti-t well It nown citizens :
Metsrt. MQQv're: We bavo se-H i yotsr inrsluatle ILAIK BALM aad itUa re-totrt tbe mV n,.
;t fiur tiair to f nr c: r p suti j : : r., au4 we caa cheertully re:.-nii"?n1 it w taa'c ' ' 9T'
(Sigoed,) " L. A. BENOisr, fcaoier ; Wll R. BAiiCOCU'. Secretary uj Ubzl: La O'F-' . . v
Die Institute; JOS. C. BARLOSf, War Rjlief Fund C..nmittp" r"Jt
Prepared cnij byi. tf o. JIalirc;, tppmista aac: VrTj???at, xoirbwest curnor 2n.i aai oii ...
Sold by all DrvggidsPriceSl.QQ per LuUIe. . -;u
Diarrliea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint, &c'" :c
. . , ?41GnuC"S Compound Extract cf izi:xu
- West us Sanitary iom.-n'ission. No. io N. 5iH si. g j,nn:s SiW'i
Messrt. J. i' C. Majuire, DruruHUe-nuemvn-.'TheAaenUot tte Comciiiuu Live clsUiiuM :r-...
ia tU-i Arm? your ftxtrsct of Bdabd Klant, lot the cure of DUrrbei and Dysenif rr, aud their rrvtr'i 't'uZ
to its excellent qualities, and tLa success witb which it fcas bee use I ia th trenml-u of tae- c..ti
i " ' . Ji.FORJlA, Secretary jytttern Sanitary Coia.ntit.'
--' WARRiLirr Fcsuor St. LovisCountt, Paesicejtt'j 'Qrrcs, $ 3 5paccx St.,
'SUr JU)i.U, 11., January 3 ta, lbu. - . - -
Meter:j,$' C. Zldj'uire. Druj'jists : Wehavecsel your Comrx.uaa Extract of Btnne Plant asracttuiirif '
lite soldiers' lauliej residing Lere, ita tbe mut tatitiaciyry rvitlu. We auheuititiucir ry.tnimn.i it .. !
the best Diarrhea Medicine in u?e and bjpe Iti niedical (i':a!jtjes will 10011 be m. ra extin. ive!y in.;n
The Great llemdy jor Coughs,. Colds; Asthuid. Bionchitas: Spillin of ' Hood ar.i f
- Uasbeep C5.; mestsrece sscl'y and to a great extent in St. Louijaini rklr.ity fcr jnr.ra thaa tw2tyy
and pronounced by all -who hare taken it to be the most w. n.icfal remely for Cbt CompUlnti enrdiiewfr ;
ru. it is f imr7 v'e'aoift sacaa Deoswwine ti mat miht. ttt it ;i ti
? 'ftil Cure ; bcrojua, TJieumalism. ' J evrzlgia, Movtt- Jdacurial and p.ii.W I
Affections, Goitrr, 'Sxctlinzs of the J aud iY Cartes of the Rones. Ulcers ' Cutaztnt I
Eruptions, BloteZes. Pimples, 'Enlargements a f the -Clandi, Constitutional DiiorL't,
and,fJl diseases arising frxr Impurity of the Blood. PrlCC 2 P?f Eoltlff.
j. v o aibnuiin', t wijtj rt rT?rv?2i3U. Sale Proprietors, St. I'ii. Mo. Tfiey are lull ty Drn;.iU
everywhere. gfSendQr one cf our Almnnact or further tni rua.'ica.rj
Cliillsran(i JTeyerEiliciis'and Intermittent Fever,;
- ' Dumb Aerue, etCo etc l
ri; -jVJCA.GXJIRE -AGUl MlXTIJT3i:.-rf :
rhii JiCjkice is undoaLte.Jly tae most tLceiual- remedy erer eServd lor the cart cf lie toun tv ,
II. bis oeen thorauiily ten i Jbis season, oirin to the scarcity f other pr?partionnDd m ;
d In tstablishirj for itclfa fi.r rej utaticn aaperior to that f any M licffn. It h never lv i
V Th
succeeded j
known .to fail and is warTaaisS t Jcurs ia every in.tapi:e. ejicine h-u a ir.-i e jy.werf ;1 f Te-t a-V
JLilVCr tban tnis, it ia a superior ,Tinic io debilityrrii JI.'O per bUJe. I : j !, r-i.uo
. I wonld respect fnlly inrite the attention cf Farmera t my lsr:e ac l well loitel 5lk if iirirai' I
Irujleni"o:.f c.jnsi itiTii ia part f - ... - - - - v j
Juotine iiotv Island and Gang Plows, Salay Cullivafors, Wheat Drtu, j
. Brown's and other Corn Planters, ' 1
Revolving and Sulky Hay Rakes, Cider dills. Cane J!i"it Fannin Mills,
Johnson's Union .Washing Jdachines.,. , ... '
Also agentfor Pitt-sand Cases Tlirasliln Iaclilncs
Osage Orange Seed with directions for planting ;
- Also Fisld and Garden Seed for Sale at all Timei
Sljgo and Tyrone Iron, Steel and 'Heavy nasihras j
Towbicai laTlte the attention of Black-. mlth'a an 1 Dealers. My stock ot BlacasinltVa Tool U In-!14 f
complete conistin in part of - - s
Anylli, "Vizis, BellovjUs, Tuycrs iron, Xlcro nn'd IZuls Shce3, j
Wagon and Buggy Wood-work Of Every Description ;
v- r - .
Down's Q'lilmhle'GIins. Fnlrbocli s Scales..
An cut for Graver and Baker's Celebrated Sczcfai JIachir.cs.
53"33"J3:T3-i53"Orderi from a distance lolldted aad promptly fli pj C--TI-C-
,.n,w A.-G. LIAWaiaULaU.
St. Jo.Heph, &'or. 30th, 1655.
list of XsttW v
Eemaininar in the Post. 02ce at Urownvilla 2a-
braaka, Feb , 22n(J 1325-. - ..' : ' '
These letters, if act calll for, will be' ispt la the
nfflm fnrS wpek8. and .hen sent io the Dead l.'tr
nhS'w nrf Vk ttpr. We want a plow thai onice at Washington, two eent wlli be charged on
1 -w . ail eried Lettora.
turns the ground Cleanpver. As t3 KiJ- Alien Air Alexander
inr Uultivators, l preier iuo xuuuis
plow to all ethers I have seen, inere is jsoyrtiin Mr James
no double or two horse plow: that will do Coiner ilr 2 .
the work.aswell field tbelij.
horse plow. W hen the corn .f ia small IIart Mr Fra,nk - r
the rrouad should be narrowed ana ro.iea. Juuason tuzioeta
. ar...T--U. .. Th rrrn;m.l fnrcnrn Jo&ason J II Esq. 2
J T-M.'
saculd :fce troke Tery aeep. - avuiijuj
small corn is very good. I prefer to
tend corn with a cultivator with firp or
seven cultivator teeth, in, i( leaves the
ground level.' . .'
Wrn. Lindsay: Break corn grcnd very
deep. I -do not li'L'e tha Clipper plows,
a plow that throws th earth dsaa ever;
nvofno Tl.oi-r.m'Hi n I lmF 1 Ion'
Kill lit Andrew
ilessen ilii Carolice
Moore Mr Thoroaa
Niokerson JIrE R ,
Robcrtiorj, 2ir Ilirara'
Itorzaa, James
S ergean t, M r Aloiu j 2
stcuvii, c-iq
Sruith. Martha iTn
Aleierder Jlr Jereraire
Barn Hoiar ' '
Boiren Cjtu ..
Caudle lira llirj -Clark
Mr Thomas .
Drake Mr J 3
' Goodwin Mr Jaruuel
Iladion 'Vm R
- Johnson l'n Sarui
, . Johnaon i'r If J
Jane lir Joe-b :
- Kiaioa t Jess-8 A
liiiler ilr Thonaj J !
T.ij, Mrs Sandieo
ljven, John - :
"taart, l.'ra ilarth A.
jUereaSjO I)
b:-:rajtie, Freirl.-'x " "
Fr.awtion b
: J
-a riding cultivator, I ihink they are a ' Woo4f Mis? Lixzi.
Tr'hitlow, Jnhn T K:-
The 'attention of the Fut!!3 and the trade jjinrit-id taour 5ew ?a! 7 "V'ket. j
Fertej, which fur rotame and psritj of tona are uarira led by any hitherto offered in tnis "j.jB j
?ontiall the modem imfroYvme-cm, French, Grand action, Harp i'eda', Iron Fram. s
Ac, and each instrmaent being marfe under the persotal sa crT;-iia o! Mr.J. .r0?car;ca'
had practical experience cf oyerSD years ia their Eanaf.tctnre, iifnllj irarraatedjn erery F ;
:. - ; . i T z1 . - - n-j2erl ;
The "Groresteen Piano rortc rccclvetl tlje Iiialicst avraru ci
v' , . over all. otlicrs at flic Celebrated ".Voria'sralr.
' ere were exhibited ir.gtraracnta from the best makers cf London, Faria, Cernany, JLii
ican Isi-ti tate f or e f accesair j-
lniore, Boston and New York"; 'and also at tbe Ameri
iilrer medals from both' of whl:h can be at our ware-rocn:.
jr iKiiui . i..!,: v ilu; iu'v.,..r) p . t ...... . v(,.h fill f
l4rgeltitb strictly cash system, are enabled to offer these i?strunJnts at a price wt
eornpetition. - r ' ' " . .' ' I -
PSICIIi No. , SsTaa 0;uve,:rcund corneT?. Y.o? eWol plate cj,?
1 '
I , , i
, 7 i a 3