n .LOO .AX. 'fCCpdgjilortfgei.ExecntioDi, Replevins, Tj. S. WILIIAHs; Wools tbeautw- .kini collection and purchases la that City. QTc 7 CKirar ttrcef, N. E. cor. th. gS0WNVJLLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 8,1858 Election Notice. y . T - . There will be held in the City of Brown Tj!le, Nebraska, on the 2d day of April, A. D. 1566, an Election for the follow ing City Officers : One "Mayer ; five jlldermnn; one Clerk; one Treasurer ; cce Assessor ; one Civil Engineer; one Jliribtll, and one Street Commissioner. W. W. HACKNEY, Clerk. J. IV. Bliss Acctiokeir, Sales made fa town or Country on the bett of terms. CcrD rSTantcd, ty WILCOX & . WORTHING. Msffh & Co"Vbave just received a choice lot of Ci?:?V TobaccnlcfiltHjpjj; itj take a smoke. . ; VI at In menu")' of thf lar Mnjor Gent-tal Jawtrs B. Mcl'r-r-on, who fell m batilt-, VTorAilania,' G i , July 22, 1664 ihe military knoii a Cottonwood, t-itu. .titiw PJaitt rivtr. Nbraska, toiwrru Fori Kiarnv and Julrlrurg, has Wen designated a fon MoPhersou. . ' Peru Seminar) and College. TKa f.nrntr Soe of this . IiistitU'iorl A tv willle laid, with pjTi'priate services v-n- Tt P. Ciiir. DD. editor of 'the Cmlral Chrtifian Advocate, on Friy j fr,h 3f).h. nt 11 o'clock. A. M. J .The public is invite J to attend.: ' H. Bukch, Agent. , Let it be mtittnbeted that the oppo nent, to Siate here, throufih their chain plon, declare nVmsclvs opp-)st-d to Rail roads ! and v'eclare them a curse to the country ! !J Hw d'ye like it, Morton? . We have noticed, during the past week, many strangers in our City, evidently looking for locations. All, with whom we bare conversed, seem well pleased wiih both our ci'y and the surrounding country, and are denrous of settling and .making Nebraska their Home. We be lieve the immigration to Nebraska this 'yer will exceed that of any past year. New Goods. Atliinson &, Co., have just received and 'late now open their new stock of goods. ' t . . -tl: 1' they are a f rice-s. Garden Hoes, of a superior quality, nd Pocket "Cutlery, ditto, at Swan & Er rc t. Have jou seen those superior Garden &d Field Seeds at the Good Samari tan'? If not you'd better call and ex 'amine before purchasing eUewhere. Enovgh snow fell in this vicinity last tifbi to cover the ground but this morn- ng'sun will lick it upU-fure noon. e'liave received a cirv a German Pper, emult-d Xtbraka Vuiksblatl. ub at Omaha by Cuimd Schaffrr. j It th iulJ ftuj)j)uried by evety Geruiati in tbravka. We are pleaded learn md to courat U'tieour towdMii.'n. .v Trru itl An. ilT. Hvlli.-J.ih i Ciitl pM. up rj hi iii' k n drawmg h brick .i u- a .i l.t in 0;ii io a luttt iy ',y 'j:i't-n up i.'ire T. J. Bty. i Butinesi Coil, .r, V v pal vl B j'Hui' al JSi. J ;..'. having eu- j lfred into an arrangement by which it wcomej a link '.1u the 'grtat'. national cin of. colleges, anr the 1st of April, frra ajdico..ot f 2 pr teut.. on all fcWiatFhips 1sfUt(i previous to that date. od 50 per cent, to ladies aud tuiuiter oat. ' . ' Alexander CampWlI, founder of the ftristian Church, died at his reldei.ce iWIair, Va.;'oo the 4th, in the TSih 'Quite a lair$ fiuhiher of the citizens Peru at.d vicinity met in that city, last 'in y evening, and were addressed on rn- niTn f inn T. W. TfptonrHon. Win. A. Pol- ,05, and others. The meeting was n tbcsl '"tie and the question was ably and ek 5untly set forth by the speakers, and the ca?e all right in that section. recerved ani for rale at J. C. user's Tin Shop, Cook Stoves and rn and Wooden Pumps. 1a H Paddock sPfcial Agent for Farmer's and Merchant's Insurance mPtny. of iuiucy. lib, is in this city, 41 lbe Brownville, where he can be found r a neek, Lv all those desiring to In. : j Kt their property in a sound and reliable 0rt,rDy. From the recommendations 1 e'v"' "een of l's Company, in our I t?pJ5'i wc cu safely recommend it i .. u' p-rcsaje sf this community. Let it be remembered that the opposi tica ta Staie epposs the Constitution be cause it was framed by the Legislature They say they wanted it framed by fnr tal..1 ""I a t e vxjnvenuon. waica wuuij cos: the people, in taxes, 13,000; and yet t&etr hue and cry againu Slate is tax ! tax? ! TAXI ! t We learn, from the St. Joseph Herald of the 8ih, that Jude Dandy, was' rob bed o.' his trunk in that city ori the 7th TJi 'I' ' r r..'' ijc nuu was tawen irom nis waton while he was in Fish's Livery Stable, the thief taking it into an alley, broke It open and carried off its contents. Great excitement is reported in Can da and great preparations are being made to resist a Fenian invasion. . The Fenian excitement in this country is constantly on the increase. Several eetiogs l ave been held in the larger cities within the past week at which sub scriptions to the cause reach one half million dollars. No newa of an outbreak in Ireland. We notice that Chris. Deuser ha near- v ntiitneJ trie new aaouion to nis im on' Main treet. Judge Whitney ha? already his lumber on the ground, seaMJtiing, and will soon build a dwelling ' - , - , ........... , l. Work ha. been resunihd on McPher son n w- store rooms on Mam stteei, nnd they will soin be finished. Br ckare beng'hauld to the site cf the Browrviile High School, at.d we ore as sured that the vroik will be puhtd alidd t) the extent of the iwtans on hand. No citizen of this District, be he ? rich or pour, should withhold asMAtunCi.frqn iIha nobis work. ' ; lUarriCa, At tne rarsonase, reo. 20th, 1&06, by Rev. D Hirt, Jonw W. Ahoibricht and Rhoda Clover, all of th:s county. By the sume, nt tire reid r.c of the bride's father, Henry F. Welch and Elizabeth A. Bryajt, ail of thi county. OntheOih by the rame, at he resi dence of Mr. Hiuton, Bvron Grant mid Catharine Plasters, all of ihis place. On the 8ih of Mtrch, 1866, by the Rev. W illiams, Mr. Hillis Jones, of St. Deroiii. Nemaha couutv. and Mis Mary Bjon Judy, of Richard-on cjuu- Mily tiope rch the altar U tha fair joaog bride. And picture lifo's seat ui of goldeu tide, Maj bope dry up the tear aod cheer ber ad heart X the tarns from parents aod Dome to depart, i!aj it picture the future ae a sweet distant clime, And gild th long Liun of the bright coming time. KfLiberty and JSt. Jucph pajen please copy. The fpleodid teamer Denver, of the Hannibal &, St. Joseph R. R. Packet Line, reached our levee last Monday moruinp, b-ing ilie first beat this season. The Colorado, of the tame line, passed this ciiy Tuesday .evening. The&e boats and ah of the H. &, St. Jo. RR. Packets have been repaired and refitted during the winter, and are tho most commodi ous, safest and best tfiicered boats on the river. Running, as they do? in conv nection v:th the 11. 5c St. Jo, and N. M. RR., this is the speediest route to reach all points east. The H. li. St. Jo., RR., is undergoing thorough repair. Sl.000.000 having been placed by ih Company at the disposal of its Directors for that purpose, whicu will miike it the best road in the west. Through tickets, to any point east can be had of Theo. Hill. Asreut. in this cny. The St. Joseph Hyald of ihe 7th, say?: We noticed yr.-tvrday that u family of our Cny, at whoVejdoor a little wait' had bni lrft. had Hdnpied the wmie and in'ended to rai.e and fdtiCite it. Yes terday, upon exammatioti. utt of our uutthy phyfictans pnmouuc 'd ihe lit') one mii i laro ti and a uis breu turuej tver t' th comity auth iriue. 4 Jud thr co'ortd Iroaps fovghl nobly '' January 17ih 1SG6 Jllcssrs fTMi &' lb vet : a r S i r -1 Your vi the TtOAi D c duly rtcciivd ni-1 contents no'ed. , , ' I ant plrrt-nd to hear that yen have Cutrimencrd work on ynurp!ow an I hope you "ill be able to supply the pnn de mand. 1. 5 . . .... Jn refTerence to the price of ihe Fiona in Illinois it ii the fcaiue as ataud at the out.et. thy run follows: For the Gai.j: Plow nlone. &75 00 nt the Shop; for Trench Plows, S75.00 m the Shcp ; for the Subiod Plow S75 00 at ih- Shop. For Gang and Trench cnmhined.'SlOo for Gang. TreLch and b?oil, combined SI 18,00. These are the prices at all pla ces where our Plows are made. The purchasers paying the freight. ' Now for the Trench Plows. I said they were fully used for breaking the prairie which. is true to the letter," and - it has beena complete success in Nebraska, du ring the past season. Mr. Yager , living near Nebraska City broke prairie last spring with one of our Trench Plows.took Brown's corn planter aod planted it which was ell he done, and gathered this fall 75 bushels of corn to the acre. I could give you hundreds of su ch in stances of sod breaking iu Illinois, if it was necessary, but ycu can get plenty of evidence oh the subject nearer horae. Lm tne give you a few references in your own Territory, ; " Mr. Yager, - Nsbravka Cito, Mr. S. Higgins, Mr. C. Hickotfr, it Mr. Harvey JefTers, ,v Mr.' Thomas McUavey Sonora, Mo. Mr.' Louis B. Elper,- Rockport, Mo. All of whom will testify to the util ity of the Trench Plows as a great im provement over ah other plow for break ing Prairie. The great beauty in using them is the certainty of a good Crop, the first season and that without any work hut the break ing and planting. . I am not surprised at the farmers snpposing the Trench Plow useless, but if you will . let them see the use they are in raw land next spring. you will get orders faster than you can make them in 1S67. I am most Respeciflly Yours, R. V. BLACK. r mm a T. a H 5f W 0 - !: v. u &; m iJ a Si MS O O at p ? 8 Vt o w an - B (ft O. Q 8 u v s- ae . rt P5 a -'a D O 9 S3 J3 Amena Dinld, P ff, Hifi re K. V . Hur, J. V I', o . IV.f,) Nebn of Nmtl County, William Johnson. IV.f,) Nebraska '1 erritr.ry. On th'8th il i' f Kcbru iry. A. ISM, said Iuticf iysii"d n Or f Attachment in theabove action for thj uia i' sixty-four d-llnrs nd fifty ce-iM.- i. A.MtlilA lUl)U. Hi.wrvil1r.V.T..F'h.l2ib.l8fiB. 21 3t-i dn TUB t .NONPAREIL WiUIIEB OiCilil This is ttaenniv Machine inxitrnce which combines all the reuniites of a peie'ct Waer It is a Squeezing 3fartiln. ipete1 by a balance- whpl an i crank (geared to run ree tvrnt of the crank to one turn of the hand.) troii l uu.de si in. pie and easy iu it operation, and not liable to pet out of order. It is co'iM meted n stiiitlr mechanical prtticipte, at d otc1y with a vtev td ctlTi'y ana dura bllitj. Doting the time the Nonpareil has teen in use, since April, 1961 . I has ttleaiiiiy grown in pno lie favor, and hf dent, nitrated that Two-thirds the Xabor and Time reau: red in washing bT hand and all tho Wenr and Tee of tho garments are Saved or its use- A ein or twy can worn it; and it may be rolled on to elf ane cluthing without any as- gis lance from Hand Ruhblntr. A liberal discount alii-we I to dealers. Send fr fre descripMve Clrcniar to Oakley & Keating, 183 Wa er Street, m NEW YORK CITY. I'robate .lude. " -Miil Property for fcale THE VERY DESIRABLE" WATfcR GRIST MI LM on HIGH OliEEK, Atchison county, Mis-sou-i, is now offefed for sale. I be mill is too well known to eed recommenda tion. One run of tour foot French Merchant Rurrs. for wheal, Todd wjanufaeture,- nd one, three and a half foot common bur for corn.1 Ma rhinery all new ex -crt smotter. Water wheel 23 feet diameter; neror freeics. All in good repair. New dun, Ac.. Ac. For particulars enquire of O. Stiner at mill, or R. V.Muir at North Star, Mo., or Rrownyille.N.T. MUIR & STEI5ER. Muirals.i offers his Staam 3i Mill nnrmme Urownville, for sale. , . R. V. MUIR. ni'15-lmiKl. Ate in 0..Jnrna1. please eop5 " HEALTH AND"BBAUTY. cHrMAN!i " Illc-tratid guide. A beiutitul little work of 50 pajes. teaches joa II. .w to rem . ve Tan. Freckles, Hlotcbes; Eruptions, and all impurities of the skin bw to produce a TuII growth f hicker- how to produco a luxuri ant tfrowth of Itiiir rn the Had Head cure Ca tarrh I'urify the IJIxl.Furify the Hreath to curl and LcMUtifjr tho lUir. remova Superfluous Iliir, enrf Drunkenness, euro Xreou pcbtlittt. x4., Ao. h w to renew jour age, and etUer u-(ul and rxlu able iufwrmittMin. Acpy of t hi wirk will b- mail ed free charge Addre- TH05 F. CIlAI'M SN. t'HKMIST AN"I I'ERFl MEK, JS.5I Bri-a lwav. A't$t V-rk. '3 ir.s LOVE AND MATRIMONY. Ladies and gcntkiuan, l fou wish to marry, nd- dresit tbo urtderigned, wno v ill nend you, without mney and without price, va utble inlttmiti- n that will euabley.-n to marry baipily ind fpeedtlv, ir- r'iiective or age, weal'h ir beauty. Inw tnto'in lion will c 6t you Bfthinir, and it you with ti mar ry, I will ele rtul'v a?3;it, you. All lexers strict. ly ci.iitmentiMi. Ibe desired jnicraatittn sent oy r turu mail, ard no ne.-titns akt d Aliress SARAH B LAMBERT. 3-m Greenpoint, Kiugs.Co, New YorkC G OLLEG E. CONDUCTED on the a:s of actQal business by as experientred Accountant and Superir Pen man, whfe connection with the most popuIarCt.m mercial Colleges ensures thoroughness and reputa tion t- every graduate. ; T Special instruction jtit en in all stylet cf Pen manship; specimens cf hich may be seen at the Cfllege. . Full particulars sent to an v address. THOMAS J. BRTXNT. 52-tf St. Jopb. Mo. A CARD TO THE SUFFERING Do you wish h be Cred ? If s. swallow two or three hogsheads of Buchu.' "Tonic Bitters," "S-irsaparlila," Arcom AnU dotes,' Ac, Ac, A., and after you are satisfied with the result, then trv ono box of OLD DOCTOR BCCIIAVS English Specific Pills and be restored to health and vigor in less than thirty days. Tbey are purely vegetable pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their ef fects on the broker-down and shattered constitu tion. Old and yung cn take them with advan tage. Vn. BUCllAX XEnghth Specific Pill cure in less than 30 days, the worst cases of XER FQUS A'EitS, Iuipotency, JYciBiture Decay, Seminal Weakness Usiinity, and all UnUry, Sexual, and Xertnmt a Sections, no matter from what cause pro duced. Pria, One D-.lUrper box. Sent, postpaid, by cjail, on reeeip of an order. 4ddres JAMES S. BUTLER.- Ao.323 Broad tea y, Xew JorJr, Oereral Afent P. S. A. box s nt ti any address va receipt tj price which is ene dollar post free. t-T A dis crip tire Circular seat oo appUcatiss. 8 wtcii. , 1 ! r 3 5 Ifl fa. 3 M x L m m a m h . i - II y 03 VBROWKVJLLB V - nOHGAN HEWETT. Re8pectful!r annonnee to the public that they are manufacturing the . LEEPEU is KIDDER BIDING PLOW OB CORN CULTIVATOR. ALSO CLACK'S -GASG AND TRENCH PLOWS. We hare theexclujlre rlstht to the tnanuf tcture and rale of these plow ia thit 'Territory and ad ji iiiing count us of Missouri, and intenU to supply all dcuiandd to lar as pcticable. It u conctded by all wbu bare tested tue Leeper A Kidder Cultivator, that it is superior' to ah others, in the following respects t . l!t. ibe pluwuiao can riJe easier and bid t with leas lath.r. 2 ad. Any person who can driro a team can man geit. 3d. Crooked rown of corn are plowed a easily and thoroughly its straight ones, the plowman sit ting so as to observe the corn, aud see it the work is well dune. 4th. It UKuided by a perfectly natural and ea.v foot inotioC, and dous ujt cramp or tire the plow man. ? 5th. The plow, while iu motion, is moved with perfect ease. otn. Ibe shovels may be adjusted ta any depth, and any desired space botweeu thou is easily ob tained. i . . :.;., ...... 7th. It has adjustable thields to prevent younx corn trom being covered. Stb. It n aamtrably adapted to p'owiDgin small grain. ... b very cultivator is well mode, of good material. and warranted to do good Work e refer to tbe 1-illowing named persons, wno last year bought and used the culiivaiot manufac tured by Morgan A ilead, in Atcbison county, .Mis souri, ti-wit: A. J. Kicbardson, renlaha county, Nebraska. Sedora. do uo 'do WWTate, : t do do 1 ; do T J liobinon, ' "do do do Mr Biggsby, do do do A Suoinheit, Richardson do do Shoemaker It Co do do do Jessee Crook. , : do. , do, ." do J li Willingly Gage . do do J II Parker, Ate isou county, iMis'souri. John Van Meter do do do M J 1'orter do r-do do ASCanjpbell; do,' . d- I ". .do W U Vauioven do ' do do John liarder do do do David liortrand do do .- do J3ub Jaliaweun do '.do . do Andrew buck do do do Mrt'rUty do do do V C Morgan ' do do, do - .Wm Majr do do do WTKobmson do do dj Moses Tibbttts do ; . do . do riieoheu Claton do do do O V W,.l;,ey do ' do do Mr Terrell do da do MrMcIKnald do do do M IJurnett do do do A Hilluiun do. .. do do Mr Turner do : do do -MrLaigley d At -do Tbomas Atuold 'do ' 7 da do Kodolph Ritchie 'do ' ' do do Ernasi Laufkiug do do do May A Jabuo do . do" .'do' . i - Umnet King do ' - do - do FRarnhurst do do do S V. Woods do do ...do, . U W Smith '' do- - do " do'1: Phillip Walters do do do . 11 tl Vanlovoa do ,. . do . do JC Miller do do , do .. A Morgan Nodowaj do do O V Hale do do do It R Casey do do do Mrs Schujler do do do J R It adturd do io do L A Rogers do . do , . do, T J R. gcrt ' - ' ' do - L do - do 1 1 ' J II Walker "do ao do J SDford do " do' ! : do " Mr (-rocker do do do J 1) Euock do do . . do M Fisher " llolt 'do' do Juhn Tidgen .do . . do do Wm Hickman do do ' do 1) Thompson do do do THE GANG, TRENCH, AX PLOWS, Ilaic been Designed Cpeclallr to Mccithc Uautsofl'ai niiis. fOne man abd four horses can do more WofK, and d-j it better, ith bis plow, than U laou with two disconnected plows.- , ' . . . ' - The following are some of tbe advantages these Plow hxva uver others : -, lst. Tbev are m arranged that tboy eanno rite out of the ground when striking ' a'fod or hard place, inuring thorough wmk. 2nd , Tbey are the lighteit draft of any Plow, either a ngje or double. aeording to the report f ;ha Committee of Trial of Implements, at Decatur, 111., Sepletnver, 1863. 3d. They are more easily managed j any stout boy ten yetrsold can manage tiem. 4tb. They are more compact and and simple, therefore not so liable to got out of ordor. These I Icnvs have taken rive First I'rcniluiua at the Illinois siate Fair, and Four at r loiva state Fairs. ' " - - ' - , . . . ' The Trench Plows are used for breaking Praine or Med iw land, with a Sod Plow in front, cutting tbe sm1 in a thin slice, aud turning it d-.-wn into a deep ft rn.w. and the rear plow raising the tub-soil to Ibe surface. covers the m.d completely, so that it is out of tho W4y of after e-iltu.e. - f?"We will promptlj 11 a 1 orders for the above named plows at this place. We are also prepared to do Custom Work in Wood and Iron, a onyening pertaining to the WIIEELWKIGHT'S, OR Blacksmith's Business, Repairing Vagos,Maciiiiief y,S2iae Inc Pi6mpt attention given to Castoffiefi la llr?s line at the Shops fronting ' - - COG WELL'S LIVERY STABLE, '-i5 . , . ox tnjt' lives 1 sub snsiTL BT2AY nOGS.-Taken up by the aderfifised, living near Long' Dride in N'eaiiha County, .Nebraska, oa the 5th day of Febrttary,IS3 Two polled Hogs crop t2 therigbt ear , one white Jwiar and f-nefpotted tioar wioi no marxs, "L'rowETiliellirch 1st 1S53 23 -JJ.X. BAWLDWIX Tafcen opV.y he arsiar fnjneillivfr realr T'ern, Nemaha Cm nfy, Nebriwka, ea the 3 Hh day of Januarr, one dark bay hcrse colt. 5 years old. 22-pd ' J.U.JSTITES Taken up by the endersigrjed on hirtawj 5n Lafayette Frecinct, Nemaha Cfiunty. ebrka. on tbe 23tb day cf Dec. 1855. oDe lis-htred sleer, line back with a wh ite spot on eaen bind quarter. bead and neck red, three years old. The owner of this property will p'ease call, prove property, pa v chnres ind take itaw;y. JAMES iiURPUV. Do2Q-5t p f,dnilne 51.50. Taken ap by the andersijnied litics one mile above Long's Bridge on the Nemaha, in Nemaha county, Nb., cn the 20th day of January, 1865, one dep red Sterr, white on tbe be lly,drp horns, crop off the rizht ear, bush of lail white, about .r . i o : TMMV vpmi v iure! yeara iu itt opriu. j u i u . n23-5t due fin ' , r ; . Taken op bv the underpinned, litini one mile above lens's Bridge on the Nemaha, in Netnha county. Ne1)., on the 20th day of January, 1803, One deep red Steer with wnite on Ihe belly, droop boras, b-uV of tairwhilei about tnree years old last Spring. . JOHN Si'JDLE. n20-5t-due f,nn : PIimi7CIAL:CEI0I3 compel us to sell In the course of Six Months .a25o;ooo---s2oO,ooo - WORTH OF : . - Watches, Clocks Chains, S)ia - mond it lugs, ljanow,cIo tleons, scTin? machines, Silver Ware, &c. . " ALL TO BE DISPOSED OF AT Ono Dollar 23ao1x Without regart to value ! And not to be paid lor until you know what are to receive. rBT After receiving the article, if it ' does not please rou, ycu can return it and your mon ey well be re luoded. the Stock Comprises ataonjsk articles, Splendid i;lK3. uoid and Silver llutc&es, Kins set with Diamonds. Rubies. Fearls, Giirnet and ofher Stones (solitaire and in clusters) . Ladies sets of jewelry, comprising rmi and tar King of tne xanst fashion able styles, set in l'reoious Hones of every variety, together wit li a large as-ortment or told and .Ln ainellcd and Pearl Sets Gold Stud and Sleeve Rn tons of the beautiful nntterns.Gents Bosom nnd Scnrf Pins, and an endless r.iriety of Rr weletts, Chain, MucicHl Boxes. Head Dress.Corubsbarins.Ao In consequenee of the great stagnation of trade in tho Manufacturing di.-triets of France and Eng land, a large quantity of valuable Jewelry, origin ally intended for the L'ur pan market, ba ' boen sent off for shK in this country, atoJ must he gold at any - sacrifice 7 Under theso circumstances the WATCll & GOLD JEWELRY CO." have rqsolv ed upon. AN APPORTIONMENT!! subject to the following IrfegUIitibn : CERTiriCATEi namlnfc rach article and its VALUk are placed i SBALEU KNVKLOPK3, wblcb are well mixed. One of these Erreiope, containing the Cer tiflcateor Order for seme Article, will be deliveret at our office, or f ent b mail to any address, wltbuut regard to rh-if, on receipt ot 25 Cents. Ou receiving the Certi float e tbe purchaser will see bit Article Httratcs, ano Its value, andean then tend One Dollar ami icoeivetbe Article namel, or can cbooe any ot her one Article on onr List of tbe same va ne. SEND 25 CENTS FOR A CERTIFICATE. In all trracti t by mail, we shall charge for forw.nrtffnj the certificate, paying "'postage ard "da ing the buyinoss 25 cents eru b, wbicb must be en clost d when the certi Scafe is sent Fve certificates fort I, eleven $2 30 for $5, 65 for $10 and 103 for $15. Agent. We want agents in every town and county in the country, and those actio as such will bealloTed ten rebts oa evory Certificate or dered by them provided their remittccco i-mounts toil. Ag nts will collect 25 ceuti forevry cer tificate, and remit 5eentsto ns. either in ea.xh r Elista ge j-tnmps, Agents remitting at once $3i),will t; entitled to a leautilul Siivor Watch, aud also 2C0 certificates. ' . : Please write your Name. Town, County and State plainlv. and addrers all order to WATCH AXU GOLD JEWELRY CO. 38 Liberty St., New York. 1fl-22-ftm rd.nn ' - Do You Wish to be Cured? Put not the poisoned chalice to your lips, JVor Death will be the fate oi hitn who sips ; Rut take the heibs in freshness from the 23ld, And to the potent roots disease will yield. Old CHAXS Enzlish Specific Pills cure. in Ir-s i ft irry days, the Wor.tcise of Arreo. us, hnpotency, Premature Decay. Seminal Weak nos, Insanity, nd Urinary, Sexual or Aervotu A flections, no matter frm wtat. cause produced. Price One Dollar per box.. Sent postpaid, bv mail on receipt of an order. Address JAMES S. BCTLER " - 4 1. Hrcadway, Aew tori. P. S. Descripilve Circular sent free ou applica tion. Addms asabvc. 8 weeks ERRORS OF YOUTH. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous and denial Debility, Nightly Emissions, and Semin al Weaknes., the result of youthful indiscrction.and came ner ending bis days ia bopcles misery, will for tho sake ef suffering man, send to all who need it, (free of charge,) the reside and dirciions for making the t-fmple remedy used in hii cae. Suf ferers wihing to pn.fi t by the advertiser's sad xte- rienco. and tx&ess a surc and valuable rtuedvxan do s by dJre. in him at once at his place of ba dness. I ho Kecipo and full information of viul Importance will cheerfully sent by mail. Address JOHN" li OGDKN, No. c0 Na.Ma.il tfret: ?fow York i t.S.--Nervous Sufferers of both sexes will find this information invaluable. x la 3 months. 1 tt r-'i. jsUKE THING. - PHOTOailAPH hair mmm.. mm n Th't ft t'.e most T.TnV-rfal, the fh?nr:t i I n,..:nl !.! i ltcutitliul ila li-uo .t r 1 to l:t ntol:c for li-i- iiJt.i.t.y ; hi .i.u r ni I Mor.n jut n im?'li is in rj.-) Siachillr; ,t wiik lo jltt t- ;iiU. ii iin; i ut I.J.lle tft ftttcntrti :- . ;i;i-t tvill l :st al.lt) lime .'o;s.lc.- ill V ;-e-i :t tio!; itrth? slrtifiiht nce!le- nhs Mill) a di'.illtj or s!:iz!of thi n'l tD't mnki- a M:ti-. iiif.- u fc-t f nl nriiibir iltnii l.y I.mvI niitl w itli irif it rri jt: Sit ;u III Crsnhrr," f I-iri. Kuf 11", S i:r, Tiw-k, Ity.rt 't:r l?"!'f, Sc. No -;i:tttri'' til--h. K'n'if 5;j;ft:itn- M.-itt t-. xny jB'J-t of tlie rruii! ry. f jr I xpiesj, uicoiy pa.:kod, on leccijt ol 1 iit.e, SiO.fx. aLBUKV C.L. BHIGGS, JTo. Ill D'ir'jot a St., Chicago. - r y -tnr itrT"i tt.t y V T F"n,o: 'I I: A w i j y l '1 j ! il Mllinn) i U (7S' - a.J ri. On band at Lis Store Rooms, I I r i lis ha, and will constantly keep on hand, a complete aortrant of Drj G tf; Grocerie. Hoot a t Shre, Hits and Caps. Cutlery, Glassware, Queensware, Hardware, Crtekery Ware Wovnlea Ware. Willow Ware, and all kinds of ware usually kept in a first-class Rauit htore, tiat Will cut wear any Ware that eaa be bought anywhere. , , low Having just bcujjht ut the entire establishment, old firm: to that end I "hereby iye noti ce that tbe I'tdiy of. March. Hit, will b) p!A.ul in tho - R - ;- - . 3 - n. W sfl W EE O L E S DE.1LERS I.Y . ., Would call the attention of DEAL2H3 to their immense stock of Drugs ana Jledlcines, School Cooks, i Patent Mcdlclnev Blnk Docks, Glass ana Glassware, Writing Ppcrv P Ints na Oils. Envelopes. Spices and Dje-stnCk, CoalOlInd - Pare Wines, Liquors, dc., c, Which were bought Tot cttsh of Msnnfactnre-s, Importers and Publishers, anl will be so.J at the m' favorable prices. Guying ia large quantities frorjt first ban Is, they are enabled to offer extra inia mant to the trade. They are the North-western Wholesale Agents of Dr. D. Jayne A Son, and of Dr. J. C. Ajre A Co., and cn furnish their Medicines in any quantities. (10 1-1 FOR THE MILLION!! ! TEX IirXDRED THOUSAND!!! . , All can b suited in the IMMENSE Just received at the "Main Street, Brownville, Nebraska. All Kind-, Patterns and Styles. Everything in the :.Ei:iEOC..Eini . Line best quality Boots, Shoes, Woo en and Willow-Ware. Best brands. Dried" and Cacnsd Z 2TI TJ ?? 3 . Kails, Glass, Sash, Queens ware- ToBAOOO. J5J"EttrOR of the.4rfre-ter Dbab Sir: With your pe mission, I wiih to say to ihe readers of your Paper, that It will send, by mail, to al! who wiib i , free a Recipe, with full direct iorjj for making and uing a simple Vegetable ltalm, that will effectually remove, in ten dys,Pimt)!es,Blotfh es, Tan. Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, having the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail free to. those having Ba'd Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will enable tbem to start a foUgrowtn of Lux urant Hair, Whiskers, rr a mustache, ia less than thirty days. All ipplicatiocs answered by return mall with out charge. Respectfully Tours. TII0S. K.CItPMAN.Cbetr.it. 13 a. Ae.3mon. 831 Droadway, New-York. tETTbe Undersigned having been restored to Health in a few week, by a Tsry staple remedy, af ter havirg suffered several years with a severe ! an affection, and that drea 1 di.;se, Coasuraption is anxious to make known to his fellcw-sufrerers the means of cure. To all who de?ire it, he will send a eorv of the pre scription ued (free of charge.) with tbe directions tor prepnripgaiui nsmj tbe same, which they will ondaSUUKCCRE Full CINSU3lPTION, ASTH MA. I'.KONCIIITIS, Ac. The only object of the advertiser in sending tbe Prescription is tobene5t the aCicted, and spread infcroalion which he con jeitcj to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer an. i try nisremsdy.asit still cost tieai nothicg.aDd Jiay prove a blessing. artieswiehing th prescription will pleneaddrera "Kev.EDWAlCD A. WILSON, . Wiiambarg KlogsC w Terk. aif.li-lW-Bcas.- .,,.-. .V. ...CiC il. Mil vL7 O F Ha.a St., LroTnTillc, ill! Kwil down ron cash i it beeomes nececsarr to collect all dfbtsdaa taa all accounts due the firm of J. Berry Jt Co., unpaid by hinds of an oCTcer fur collections. . J ML la 3 4 -A. ' i! j " J AND z J- j i A x ITCH! ITCH! II CUt Scratch! Scratch! Scratch 1 VHFATON'S OINTMENT win cure tne mii in 48 HOURS! It euros the Prairie Itco, Wa ash Scratches. Salt Rheuia. ulcers, Chilblains, and all Erap- tions ot ne AKin ritlCE 50 CENTS. Uewuiuoi Lotions and Washes which will nui remove thedisease By sending f0cts to C0I.LIN9 BRO'Stf Agents for the South-West.) S.W Cor. 2J A Vine Streets, St. Txiuis, )ln it will be for warded by mail, frre f PosUge, to any part cf tbe country. WEEKS A rOTTEIt, P,ojton. Ms., ProprUt&rt 41-fia Vv rrom WIU.fAKS' ADVKftTISIfSti AX1 PATZT r AGKNCT, 97 Cbestiui St., St. Lowl, Mo. . Every L2i!y anCehtleman thculd t3 totmf II A1V LEY'S roxrsa "TettluPENTAL CREAM jBreiA . It noti nlv cuiiSes and rrfumcs tbe breath Vll renders the teeth sound and of a pearly wbiteceta and tbe gums bealtby and strong, and is the mosl elcpahtand agreeable o all toiit a .pen.ljjii. S..14 by all Dru-gitsat 2i cenr wwkce alia sent by mail pos'ago paid by COLLlN BiiyTt EKS, S. W. Cor. 2d A Vice Street, St. Louis, Xl on receipt cf 35 Jan. 4tQ 1&69 Cm 1019 J.o. cia. Dlssolntlcn or Partnership. Notice is herebv riven that the firm ot Cn3 A Cakeri Butchers, has thisd.iy bcea diisolved 1 Bttruai eon-ent. All indebted to the firm ire requested to pay ia the amount of their indebtedness tu U. E. Cae at the City Meat Market. February 2tib,l. ADMIMSTKA tUKb U lUi:. Notice is hereby givtin that the Probite Ourfof Nercaha Ceuh'y. Nebraska Tirritory has appuia (ed tbe Bill day tf July, ar.d the 13ih d.ty cf Aa pust. A.I). I8i)'dat ten o'clock A. M.,at the Cyu4 Psrom in Brownville; to ei&lniEe atid aliv cUinu againit th estate of Dorsey C. Cbatubcr, diceaea; at which iimes and place all per?ins having sucl claim are required to present thimor they will I forever barvH. Dated this Febrna-r. 20th looit. WILLIAM CUAMBEHS. 22-4to,tn Administrator of said estate. ' . ROOFING - It Ktdla.eady tn nail down;- ROOFING Costing less than half as mit b as Tie, ROOFING !or durable than Tin. . : . ROOFING Boitable for Sleep .r fiat rvofs, - ROOFING T7ot Injured bv hei ef coli " ROOFING Easily and rapidly appliI. The most of the mturtalsmpityei in the ton truetionef ihis Kui.fing, have been used in Vari ous ways for roofing purposes for over fifteen years and our manner of combining thfin irtfa orefrra, impennesble, uniform fabric, secured by Patent, increases their durability, while at the sarss tira being manufactured by tfineniaery cn a larzescnle, the cost is lessened. Our F.ocfing u ado'pted to buildings of all descriptions, and in aJIelirzrate. and can be applied tosteepor flat roofs, old or new and by ordmary wcrkraen at a trlng expense For uniformity of quaity, e.mpletenc.s of finish facility of application, cheapness an! darabi!i?yt wenri'sa thorough rrli!. Wo a!is taanafaa- ture LIQUID GKIInT. . y.r leaky Tin an inu iionj. ilach eheaprr and more -lorsble than oil paint, as it form- a much heavier body and will i ot crack nlO or 2k r.!f. 1 ' COMPOUND CEMENT. For Lesley Shiagle RoofChtaineys and Skylight. A sure remedy that tri.l of;en save the cost of a new roof. Sanplea of TiooSag acd Circuiats sent iy nsil upon appHcntion. Favorable terms made with resj'CEiicle fartlel who buy to sell a?ain. READY ROOFING CO.. 73 LA.YE Y.