i 0tmami nan &jjf Stfrrariisf r. LOC A L. BUckDecds, Mortgages, Executions, Replevin. farriagc Licence. etc. vc. nc. mr .n annis uruse "ME- J. S. WILLIAMS, Whoii theanshoi- lied Meat in St. Louis for tbis paper, will attend to mtkn collection and purchases in that City. OJflc t ,7 Chcttnut Street, ,V. E. cor. Sth. - 3R0W.WILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 18C8, Election Notice. There will be held in the City of Brown nlle, Nebraska, on the 2d day of April, A. D. 166G, an Election for the follow ic'City Officers: One Mayor; five Alderman ; one Clerk ; one Treasurer ; one Assessor ; one Civil Engineer ; one Marshall, and one Street Commissioner. , V. V. HACKNEY, Clerk. EST A meeting to discuss the State question will be held at Peru to-mcrrow (Friday) evening. All are invited to attend. Able Speakers will address the meeting. There will be a Road Meeting at Ne maha City, Saturday evening1, March lOib, at early candle lighting. Speaker? will be there to address the meeting. A gocd turn-out is expected. J. W. Bliss Auctioneer Sales made iqtown or Country on the best of terms. Cora Wanted, by tf WILCOX &, WORTHING. 'Marsh & Co., have just received a choice lot cf Cigars, and Toh? cjt, call in at.d take a smoke. 24-2i . Swan &. Bro., have on hand an 1 always Lt-ep n choice selection of Groceries and IV( viion, which ihy sell at figures within the reach of all. Married, On Monday 5th; 1SC6, ly Rv. D Hart, C. II. Walker to Mattie L. Wobkmam, all cf this place. We notice, by the Omaha Republic' of ihe 2J, that Gen. Heath has sold b;u-k all his interest in that establishment the old firm of Taylor St McClure. lb Special Notice. . The unJersigned at the Post Ovfficej .nre nftw prepared to furnhh the best of " fresh 0ar;e Seed for hedging at $2 50 .per pound, call soon, aMhe supply is limited. MARSH So CO. McPherson & Sprinkle keep constant ly on hand a larg assorimeni of Flour, '.Lumber, Shingles and Lath. They are determined to keep pace with the greatly increasing demand for these article?, and none need' fear vf be iog disappointed but come . ight along. There is -a letter in our Post Office, from some member of the Veteran 1st Nebraska Cararly,' now on the rlains, directed " 7b the Prettiest Girl in Brown ville, Xtlraska." The writer is doubt less in search of his"clTinity."anJ we hope he may be successful ; but, ia the mean time, our P. M. is in a fix ; he being a bachelor, has also "aspirations," and, should, he deliver it according to his judgment it might interefere with his arrangements. Won't some fair damsel help him out of the scrape ? Don't ail Sjeak tt once. We have just taken a trip through the extensive Riding. Plow. Factory Morgan Hewett, corner cf Front and Main streets, iu this City. They have already near fifty. Plows finished, and orders are coming in as fast, if not faster, than they can complete them. Their four forges are going constantly, aud the men em rlyd iq woodwork occupy all the avail ' atle room in their extensive shop both m 'kefirs nnd second story. These Plows arfe destined to head-off all oiher Culti a'ors'vhert'ver thv are known. Our fjitr f i tr o wur 'y Lleriion com-s on now in a ftw ivphU - - .i . ...... .. I city as n g0u 0f City Ofiker. Dur r.u,n. ..- ....... . j fi'om lur JiKj uAvmeut is creat. m.d , hi in iir i'. iTini' i.i: ..ae tieceS(! v for ttTicicnt. trui worti.y i ,r i;i,y Atsi,rnt i ... .uvi n uenui e is ecu'ciiusin iu , we believe is self-er Everyone. - The leading men of the Ci.y e thii.k, should meet and - discuss tins tratter, and place before community a ticket as near right in nil respects as possible, ignoring politics and prejudice, and looking only o t-e benefit of the vhole community. Spring seems fairly opened up in this region tne air havin iust enough of Winter's breath ia it to make it facing and healthy; tmall boys play tall, and larger boys sit in the sun and lk politics, showing unmistakable sym Ploais that the great enemy to industry, '"spring fever," has theinin its clutches. On the other hand, everywhere may be teen industrious mechanics, wiih their coats tff, at work finishing up buildincs completed last fall, or preparing to frect mfe. We predict that more build will be done this year than and pre ;J year. The great demand is for cktandwe know of no town on the "souri river whrre more money could te icadc at Brick-makipg than here. The City Council met last Tuesday evening, and let the Ferry Privilege to It. F. Barret; he agreeing to hare a Horse Boat ia operation wiihin thiny days, capable of carrying four wagons and keeping it in such condition during ihe boaticg season for five years; and paying the City SI 00 per annum for the privilege. In case a contr.ici can be made at any time for a Steam Ferry Boat to run at this point, his contract ceases on mnty days notice, by buying his horse jbou at its cash value. - Tbis is the contract ay we have learned it. We don't like the horse principle on the Missouri, but, as it isn't a "one horse" affair, it may "pan." It won't "blow up" that's one thing certain. We have just been shown a new at tachment to the Leeperk Kidder Ridin Plow, juj.t invented by A. W. Morgan, of the firm of Morgan c Hewett, man ufacturers of this and Black's Gang Plows in thi?City. The attachment con sists in a frame vvoik which carries two extra Shovels outside the wheels. With this attachment one machine will mark four rows at a time- the inside Shovels r are taken off when the outside Shovels are attached and, in the same way, the Shovels can be run in the centre of four rows, thus throwing the dirt up towards young corn and bafiling all moles and gophers in the centre of the rows- With this attachment one man can easily mark off from 30 to 40 acres a day, and run through the same amount of ground in the centre of the rows in a day. The rame for the outside Shovels can, in a few minutes be put on or taken off. The rame to which the centre Shovels are attached is lifted out and the ShoveU at tached to the outside frame, leaving the draft of the Plow ihe same in both in stances. Mr. Morgan has applied for a patent. No farmer who sees this can doubt the great advantage if this new itiventip.n. a complete Series of Text Books for Loiumnt) brnnols are kept constantly on I hand by Marsh &. Co., p.t the Post office. The attention f School Teachers is es ptcially invited to their list of School Houks. Thi.-Seriec of Books has been officially recommended and are in use 3 in New York, Illinois, Michigan, Mass achusetts, New Jer ey. Pennsylvania, Ohio. Indiana. Wisconsin, Vermont. New Hampshire, Iowa and uniform, lfiey, at 1 1 1 ' nave also been recommended oy tne principal B -. ards of Education through out the Territory. 20. 4i- , ....... -r Information Wanted. Left his home, id Hendrix's Precinct, Otoe county. Neb., on New Year's Day, for Brovvnvilie, Neb., Leonard W. Voch ner; since which lima nothing has been heard of him. He is about 5 feel 6 inches high, black eyes and hair, round shoulders, quiet and unobtrusive in his manner ; about 30 years of age. Had on when he left a fur cap, round cut black sack coat, a red cemfort round his neck, and an army overcoat with him. He rode a fine bay mare, about fifteen hands h'igh, black mane and tail, Uit hind fet lock white, about 6 years old ; he had on the mare a new quilled saddle and new bridle. His friends are very anxious about him and any information of his whereabouts will be' thankfully received if directed lo Joseph Sands, Nebraska City, Neb. JCSfTerritorial and N. W. Missouri papers will confer a favor by copying. 22-2m Conclusion oj the Veto Message people is neceary to secure a willing acquiescence in legislation. The bill under consideration refers to certain of the States as though they had not been fully restored to the UniteJ S ates. If they have not, letusatome act together to secure lhat desirable end at the earliest possible moment. It is hardly necesary for me to in o ia Con gres that in my own judgmen- m st of thete Slates so far at leat as depend upon their own acinn.-fiave already kta J fully rei6red. and are to be deemed io bi ''d to enjoy their cms tu Mual ivriit as tnmoers u the Union. - - !on onif.ir from ha- a',a - . . l . I I m the mc 'm! M'uan.xi ot ihi coiniry. i rT-ei not only en'nNd ' fut bomd to as- some thv wall the t rubral co-.irts r;-to' ed in thj several Statas. and in ihe full exercise of their func ions. will, with the aid of th military in cases of resist tir;e to the law, be essentially protected a gainst ur;ccnsiiiuticnal infringement and violation. Should this expectation un happily fail, which I do not anticipate, then the Executive is already armed with the powers conferred by the act of March 1SG5. establishing the Freedmen's Bureau, apc hereafter, as heretofore," he can emp'oy tl;e laud and navrJ forces of the country to suppress insurrection and to overcome obstructions to the laws. I return the bill to the Senate in the earnest hope that a measure Involving questions and interests so important to t?ie country will not b2Comea law, unless upon deliberate consideration by the peo ple it should receive the sanction of an enlightened public judgment. ANDREW JOHNSON. . One of the most heahhys ports of the present age is skating. Bat too much, care cannot te used after skating all the eveuing--ge(ting the blood heated and the pores all open, that you do not get cold and lay the foundation of throat and Ijng complaints. Coc'a Cough Balsam will be found excellent in all such cases, We ay, keep it ia the house, ready for immediate use. - Coe's Dyspepsia Cure is also one of the beast remedies in las world for Eys pepsia Indigestion, Sick-Headache, Sour Stomach, and all diseases of the stomach and bowels. & Jawuary 17th, 1SG6. Messrs. Morgan ft Ieicetl: Dear Sir.i: Yours of the i0ih Dec, duly received and contents noted. I am pleased to hear that you have commenced work on your plows and hope you will be able ta supply the spring de mand. In refference to the price of the Plows in Illinois it is the same as I stated at the outset, they run as follows: For the Gang Plows alone, 75,00 at the Shop; for Trench Plows, $75,00 at the Shop ; for the Subsoil Plow S75.00 at the Shop. For Gang and Trench combined. S105 for Gang1, Trench and Subsoil, combined SI 18,00. These are the prices at all pla ces where our Plows are made. The purchasers paying the freight. Now for the Trench Plows, I said they were fully used for breaking the prairie which is true to the letter, and it has been a complete success in Nebraska, du ring the past season. Mr. Yager, living near Nebraska City broke prairie last springAvith one of our Trench Plows.took Brown's corn planter and planted it which was ell he done, and gathered this fall 75 bushels of corn to the acre. I could give you hundreds of su ch in stances of sod breaking in Illinois, if it was necessary, but you can get plenty of evidence on the subject nearer home. L3t me give you a few references in your own Territory, ; Mr. Yager, - Nabraika Cito, Mr. S. Higgins, ,, ,', Mr. C. Hickose, - Mr. Harvey Jfiers, . t, Mr. Thomas McRavey Sonora, Mo. Mr. Louis B. Elper, Rockport. o. All of whom will testify to the util ity of the Trench Plows as a great im provement over alt other plow for break ing Prairie. The great beauty in using them is the cerlainly of a g4Jod Crop, the first season and lhat wilbout any work hut lhe break- ing and planting. am not surprised at the farmers snpposing the Trench Plow useless, but if you will let them see the use they are in raw land next spring, you will get orders faster than you can make them in 1S67. I am most Respectflly Yours4 .. - R. V. BLACK. v SB es -s M i i O&O If W in rt i M CRM 0 Jo 2 H 3 Pi II pa w v r2 - f 5 ? s & Ufa 1 9 a a 3 La " op'CS U W t- a -5 r ' S a 5 m To ci tr. fc- -s J e t-i j -j o s . CD y v. v o s o J. o fa , 6 o o 2 3 5 2 .3 -3 II 3 3 C U Is D OM&B-QRAUSB-SSEDJU Wc bnv jait reecirpti our first lot .f freth SceJ nnd can furiiish it by ihe pound or tiuhrl. at the l.we?t market prKC Wuu id aJrie thoo in want to correspond with us before urc!;asiDj of other parties FLAM & BROTHER, 2ra. M. LOUIS, Ho. Ameri Pud J, P 'ff, T, ) Btfor yr. of Bt fore R. V. Ilpirep, J. ftfnwh LoantT, W'illinm .Tfihnon k Trrritffy. On the 8th d'- -f Febrairy. A. U. ISoo, aiJ Justice i'sui-dn . Of tef'f Attucbment in theaboTe sction for tha cum at" iixt Vrfour d.l!r d fiftj cents. AMERI A IODI).. Drownville, JT. T., Feb. 12tb, 1855. 2l-3t-i.Ua JACOB MAHOUN, illlCIiBT TAILOR. U RO W'X V 1 LLE. NEBRASKA Call it the attention of Gentlemen desiring ne. Lei ervicnble snd fashiotiMEie WEARING APPAREL TO HIS HEW STOCK OF GOODS. JUST RECEIVED, BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMKRS, TBSTIXG3 OF THE VERY LJ7F.ST STYLE VTbich bo will sell or m&kenp, to order, at ouprect dented low price. nrins cn hand one ol SlXpfiK'S SEWIXG MACHINES, ho it bl to do Custom work at rates that ietj compo - I warrant icy work, Hand a wrell as Machine Worli. Those wishlnsr any tbln? la his line will do well to eall an l examine his stock before Investing, aa he pledges himself to bold out peculiarly faTorible to docemont January lit l?5p'd to Oct. 16ti 1865, - I ti BROWNVILLE 33 i2 e L-J MORGAN & HEWETT. Respectfully announce to the public that they are manufacturing tb LEEPER & KIDDER RID1XG PLOW OK CORN CULTIVATOR. ALSO BLACK'S CAXG A5D TRENCH PLOWS, We have theexctusire ri'ut to the manufacture and rale of these plowi in this Territory and ad inning counties of Missouri, and intend to supply all demands so far as p.acticable. It is conceded by all who bare tested the Leeper & Kidder CultiTatorj that t is superior to ali others, in the following respects i 1st. The plowoiaocao ride easier and plow with less labor. 2nd. Any person who can, drire a team can man ge it. 3d. Crooked rown of eora are plowed as easily and thoroughly ns straight ones, the plowman sit ting so as to observe in corn, aud, see H the work is well done. 4th. U is guided bj a perfectly natural and easy foot motioc, and does' at cramp or tire the plow man. 5th. The plow, while ia motion; is 'moved with perfect efse. . . .. . Alb. The shot els may be adjusted to any depth,. and any desired space between them ia easily ob tained. 7th. It has adjustable tbields to prevent young corn from being covered. bth, It is admirably adapted to plbwmgln small grain. Lvery cultivator is well made, of good material, and warranted to do good wora; , He refer to the following named persons, who last year bought and used the cultivator manufac tured by Morgan & Aload, in Atchison county, Mis souri, to-wit: A. J. Richardson, Ijemaha count, Nebraska. Sedoras, do do do WW Tate, do Uo do T J Robinson, do do do Mr Uigssby, do do do A Uot-nbeit, Richardson, do , eta . Shoemaker A Co do do d,o Ji-ssee Crook d'a do do J U yatingly Gage do do J ii Parker, Ate ison county, Missouri. John Van Meter do ' ' do da do ; do do do do do do do dot"-; - do ; . " i ; do do do do do do ' t do do ( do do do do r,' do do ' j do ; do ? do do . do do - ) do do do do do do do -dodo t " do do ' 'do 4 do do ' ; ' ." . , do ' - do j do do do . do do ' . .-do ; do do do do do dp do do do do dp do do do do do do do do - - do do do do ' do . ao do do . do do do do do do do do . do do - ' do ' do do M J Porter do A S Campbell do W U Vauloven do Jobn Harder do David liertrand do Jjiiob Jaliawenny do Andrew Buck do MrCristy do I W C Morgan do Wm May . do W T Uobinson do Moses Tibbttts do Stephen Clajion do O W Woohey do Mr Terrell do Mr McDonald do" Mr Burnett do A Ililliuan d Mr Turner .. . do f. MrLanglr ' do l nomas Arnold do Ut)d t4 H -trmmv o " En)oiLaukifig do May &, Lahue do Rennet King do V Darnhurst '. do : S C W'oikIs do O Y -Smith do Phillip Walters do II H r)oven do J C Miller : do A Morgan Kodoway U V llaler do R B Casey do Mrs S'jbuvler do J R B ad l ord do L A Rogers do T J R-gers do J 11 Viker do J SB.i.-ford do Mr "rocker ' do J D Knock do M Fisber Uolt John Tidgen . do Wm Hickman do '. I) Thompson do THE GANG, TRENCH, Have been Designed Especially to Sleet tlic lVants oi Farmers. JOne man abd fanr Iionss can 4 more Work, and" d'j it better, with f his plow than two ma a with two disconnected plows. - idc roriQVTrr.g ara fomq of ths adva.nt2f tl Flows have over others : ' - 1st. Thev are so arranged tb t they caniio rite cut of the ground when striking a sod or hard place, inuripg thorough woik. 2nd They ure the UghJest draft of any flow, either ngje or double, according to the report of : he Committee cf Trial of Implements, at Dtcaiur, IU.. Septemver, 183. 3d. They are more easily managed ; any stout boy ten years old can manage them. 4th. Tbey aro "more compact and aid simple, therefore not eo liable togt out of order. ; . ...... " . -r o1 5-" ' ' ' , :'-!" :. ! These' I-lows liaTe taken. Five First Premiums at the Illinois Slate Fairs, and Four at . Iowa Mate Fairs. The Trench Plows are nscd for breaking Prairie, or Mcdow land, with s od Plow ia front, catting the sod in a thirl lice, and 'turning it down into deep firrow. and the rear plow raising the sub-soil to the surface, covers the sod completely, so that.it is out of tho way of afteY culture. &f"Wo ill promptly fill all orders for thaabeve named pjows at Jhis pla;e, We are also prepared to do Custom Work in Wood and Iron, n onytbing pertaining to the wheelwrights; - OR - - Blacksmith's Business.. Kepairiug Wagons;Mach'mery,Shoe iig,&c. Ptotnpt attention given to Customers in this line at the Shops fronting ' . - COGSWELL'S LITERY STABLE, x-15 OX TUB LIVEE. Lyon's Periodical Drops. THE GREAT FEMALE REME DY FOR IR REGULARITIES. Tbeae Prors are a scientifically eotapoun ieJ flalJ preparation, and better that any fills, Powder, or Nostinais. Being lijuid, their actioa is direct an4 positive, rendering them a reliable, speedy and cer tain specific tor the core ct all obstracUeu anl sup pressions of nature Their popularity Is indicated by the fact that ever 1M COft bc ttles are annually sold and consumed bv the ladiss of the United States, eve ry one cf whom apeak In the Strangest terms of praise of their great merits. They are rapiaiy talcing the place of every otbc Female Remedy, and are coasid ered by atl who know aught of them, as thesurett. sa fest. and most infaltiable preparation in the world. for tha core of all female complaints, the removal of all obstructions of nature, and the promotion of health regularity and strength. Kxplicit dnectiona stating when they may be nted, and explaining when and why tbey should net, nor could not be used without prod a cin; effects contrary to nature's chosen laws, will be found carefully folded around each bottle, with the written signature ol Jobs L. Lyox, without which none are genuine. Prepared by Dr. JOHN L. LTOK. 195 Chapel Street, New Haven, Cunn.. who can Ue consulted either per aonally, or by mail, (enclosing stamp ) concerning all private diseases aud female weakness. Price $l,6o per bottle. Sold by Druggists everywhere - - C. G.CLAKK &CO., GenM J;enti for U. S. and Cnala '9 llins Bros. St. Luis. 1 Wholesale (' llek, Fixch &. Fuller, Chicago, j Agents Iecemb3r7th 1865. ly. lo-12 11-12 ld,nn, jsw GRANT'S CAEA? CASH ST0R4 Main Street between First, and Second. BROWNVILLE, N. T. WE have In stnre a large and well selected stock of Boots and Shqes, Finest Quality of Winter Stock,-. ' WHICH HE OFFERS FOB SALS CHEAP FOR CASH Groceries of Every Kind, Sugar, - Coffee, Ten, Soda, Allspice, ?epper, Candles, Tobacco Matches, Starch, &c.,&c, &c. All of which he offers at the lowert prices, deter mined not to be undersold. GRANT. Brawcisrille, Neb., lx-39.6m.7,50 STRAY NOTICES STRAY HOGS Taken up by th& undersigned, living near Loig's Bridge in Nemaha County, Nebraska, on the 5th day of February,18o8 Two spotted Ilogserop off the right ear, one white Boar and one spotted Boar with no marks, )!?Brownville March 1st 18&5 '; 23 - B1. . BATTLDWIN. Taken npby .he under sngned living neaf Pern, Nemaha County, Nebraska, en the 30th day of January, 1866, one dark bay hcrse colt. 2 years old. 22-pd J.H.STITES. Takin np by the undersigned on his premises in Lafayette Precinct, Nemaha county, Jiebraska. on the 2Qth day of Deo. 1865. one light red steer, line back with a, wh ite spot on each hind quarter, head and neck red, thfrie yeais o!3. The owner of this property will please call, prove property, pay ehargei and take itaw:y. JAMES MURPHY. no20-5t p f,dndue J1.0. Taken up by the undersigned living one mile above Long's Bridge on the Nemaha, in Nemaha county, Neb., on the 20th day of January, 1866, one deep red Steer, wmte on tne oeiiy,uroop norns, crop off the right ear, bush of tail white, about three years old last Spring. JOHN SPIDLE. n20-5t due f,nn Taken op by the nnderaignedj living one mile above Long's Bridge on the Nemaha, in Netnaha county. Neb. on the 2flth day of January, 1866, One deep red Steer with white cn the belly, droop horns. b-ish of-tail white. VrtlTPmiV last Spring. - JOHN SPIDLE. n20-5t-du ; . .& SULYEfy, FINAITCIAL CRISIS ! compel us to sell In the coarse of Six Jlonths 8250,000 5250,000 WORTH QF i Watclies, Clocks, Chains, lla. mond Kings, Pianosj,3IcIo deons, Scwingr Slachines, Silver lVare,&c. ALL TO BE DISPOSED OF AT Ono 33ollar ZZfetoli. Without regart to value ! And not to be paid lor until you know what are to receive. j2T" After receiving the article, if it does not please you, you can return it and your mon y well be re -w funded. The Stock Coniprises amongst articles. Splendid Clucks, Gold and Silver Hatches, Ring set with Diamonds, Rubies, Pearls, Garnet and ofher Stones (solitaire and in clusters. Ladies sets of Jewelry, comprising Pins and Ear Ring of the most fashion able styles, se in Precious Stones of every variety, together with a large assortment of Gold and En amelled and Pearl S,c.ts Gold Studs and Sleeve Buttons of the beautiful patterns, Gents Bosom and Scarf Pins, and an endless variety of BraeletlS, Chain.,Mu?icalBoxes.Head Dress.Combsharms.Ae In conseqqenpe of the great stagnation of trade in tho Manufacturing districts of France find Eng land, a large qoantity.of valuable Jewelry, origin ally intended for the European market, ba been sent off fpr sale in this country, and mast be sold at any encriflcc? Under these circumstances the "WATCH A GOLD JEWELRY CO." have resolv ed upon. ' AN APPORTIONMENT!! SUbiect to iYim t oiUwing regsUtinnaf Certificates naming each article and i 7aI-U8 are plaeed l i SKALed KSVELO?3, which are well mixed. Otio nr ibese Envelope, containing the Cer tiflcateor Order for some Article, will be deliTered at our office, or ent b mail to any address, without rrcard to t h i e, on receipt ot 25 Cents. On receiving the Ceriicate tbe purchaser will see what Article it dratat, and its value, andean then send One Dollar and receive tne Article named, or can choofe cny other one Article on our List of the same vaue. ' SEND 25 CENTS FOR A CERTIFICATE. In all tra reactions by mail, we shall charge - for forwarding the certificate?, paying postage acd do ing tbe busicoss 23 cents each, which must le en closed when tbe certificate is sent. Fve ceriifi'atcs for SI, eleven $2 30 for 9)5, 65 for 510 and ISO fof $15. Agents. We want agents In every town a. id county in the country, and those actio;? as such jyill be allo-vcd left cents on cVcry Certificate or dered by them provided their remittence amounts tnl. Ag. nts will collect 2i cents for every cer tificate, and remit 15 cents to us, either in cash or postage Ftamps, Agents remitting at ontfe $30,will be entitled to a beautiful SUvor Watch, and also 2U0 certificates. . - - - Plea.e write your Name, Town, County State plainly, and ailreti all orders to Watch and gold jewelry co. and 35 Liberty St New York. 10-2-8m rd.nn. Do Yon Wish tp be Cured ? Put not the ppisoped chalice to your lips, .Aor Dent trill be the fate o hini who sips ; ' Rut take the herbs in freshness frora, the field, And to the potent roots disease will yield. Old thB UCnAFS English Specific Pills cure, in less an thirty days, the worst cae of Xcrooui ne$9, Impotency, Premature Decay, Seminal Weak nos, Insanity, and Urmarv. Sexual or JVerroita Affecti'tns. no matter from what cause produced. Price One Dollar per box. Sent postpaid, bv mail on receipt of an crder. Address JAMES S. BUTLER 423 Uroadway, Jeic tori. P. S. Descriptive Circular sent free on acclic! ties. Addrws asaheve. 8 woekt f n r n II 11 h v n L if! ill inn li !Um O F 0a hand at Ills Store Rooms, Ha has, and will constantly kesp on hand, a complete assertmsnt cf Dry Cool, Grocer! , H jcti aai Shoes, Hats and Caps, Cutlery, Glassware, Queeniware, Hardware, Crockery Ware Wixidci Y.'ara, Willow Ware, and all kinds of ware usually kept in a fint-clasa Retail Store, that will out wx any Ware that can be bought anywhere. TER2J3: DQV7IT TOIL CAGI1 t Eavlng'just hpugh,! out the entire establishment, it becomes ticcesjiry to collect all debts dae the old firm : to that end I hereby gi'x? notice that all accounts due the firm of J. Berry & Co., UDpaid by thelrtdayof March, 1868, wiil be placed in the hands of an oS:cr for collection?. January 1st, 1305. ly JAMES RUT. L' i (( Z 7 1 1 w. (i t) W-7 H U I ( t "W H O L E S. A L DEALERS W S -fc - J O S3 WoalJ call the attemioo of DEALEP.3 immense lock c? Oras ana Medicines, SchofpoKS, Patent Medicines, muNv"iM!, Dn v Glass and Glassware; Yirltins Pper, ' v F ints nd Oils, Envelopes . Spices and Dye-staffs, Coal Oil ndL w. Pare Wipes, Llranors, Sc., &c Wblh wef oufht fotcash of Manufacturers, Importers and Publishers, and -ill be soU at the raos fiiralteirieei. f Buying ia large quantities from first hands, they are enabled ta oH extra induce. m.t3 to the trade. tUt Tbey are the North-western Wholesale Agents or Ur. V. Jayne aoa, ani oi ur.. j02mjj C. Ajre k po., and oan furnish their Medicines in any quantities. 0 1 mow sJi FOR THE MIWQA'I TEX IirXDRED TIIOt'SApn! All can be suited in the I " 4ust received at tha r , Main Street, Brownviile, Nebraska, i ja is AliKindPatterDiand Stjlei. ETerythias ia tip . Line best quality - - Boots, Shoes, Woo 'en and TrillQvVrrarG. " t ! Best brands. Dried and Canned X XL Nails, Glass, Sash, Queeng " ware. ; : -L'Euinm of tf:erfcert4er Dsaa Sia: With your poLmi;iion, I wish to say to tbe readers of your Paper, that ! will senJ, by mail, to su woo wuh i , free a Recipe, with fall directions for making and using a simple Vegetable 15a !m, that wiil efi'ectually retnove,ia ten days,Pimcles,Biotch es, Tan. Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, having the sams soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail free to tho?e having Bald Heads, or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Lox urant IJair, Whiskers, or a mustache, in less than thirty days. - All applications answered ly return mail with out charge. Respectfully Yours.- TllOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist. 10 a. Ac.3mon. ,831 Uroadway, New-York. JyThe LuJerigne4 haying been restored to Health in a few weekjby a very simple remedy, af ter having suffered several years with a severe long affection, and that dread disease, Cousumption is anxious to maae Known toh:s lellew-sufferers the means of cure. To all who de?ire it, he will sen J atfopof the pre scription used (free of charge,) with, tbe directions for preparing and using tbe nme, which they will find SURE CURE FOIl CONSUMPTION, ASTH MA, BRONCHITIS, Ac. The only object of the dirertj;er in sending tho Prescription is to benefit the aSicted, and spread informafTon which he con selves to be invalaahls, and be hopes every sufferer willtry bis"remiy,&it will cost them nothing, and nay prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address Rev.EDWAPJ) A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co., New York. a?.10-lP:t m4c. 7 Ml J Txv fi r I ,S -i I ' t i '. ! ( V f p.,' 1 ' r : a Mala St., EroninHle, Xeljraslca. 33 23. ITCH! ITCH I ITCH! Eipratci t ' Scratch I Scratch 1 VHEATON'S OINTnEUT wiu care tne lien ia 48 HOURS ! It cures the Prairia Itch, Wa ash Scratches, Salt Rheum, 'ITCH CO A7 Jlcers, Chilblains, and all Lrop- Uons of the bia ipIUCU 50 CSIJT3. Bewura of Lntlnnt and Washes which will not remove thediseaso. By sending fiOcts to COLLINS BliU'S,(Airents for the Soutb-xv e?t.) . xv Vor. 2d A Vine Streets, St. Louis, Mo., it will be for warded by mail, frre of Postage, to any part of the country. WEEKS 4 POTTER, Bost. Mass., Propristor? -t Trom WILLIAMS' ADVERTISING AST) PATEXl k AGENCT, 91 Cnntnut St., St. Louis, Mo. Eyery Lady and GeftL'eman should tsa rot tm C ; 11 A WLEY8 " roi rm T!h.DENTAL CREAM T ttnr rvl w rn is art rendnr the teeth sound acJ of a pearly whitenesf ahd tbe gums bealtby and strong, ani i tbe most l!nt in.l rrrfonja of all toilet aD?eniajos. Sold by all Druggists at 23 cents a package and sent by mail postage pud oy k,vju..? u ERSr S. V. Cor. 2d A Vine Streew, St. Louis, ilo. on receipt of 33 Jan. 4th Ora iu-i c.an. 9 - mvm Mm, The undersigned keep on hand alsrje tssotaBenl SATTIUET&e SSIMERE SUITS For Men and Boy's wear. A!;o,a larje stock of HATS JsJJD CAPS, liMu & wooHi siiinTS BOOTS AND SHOES, Rnrjl) pr Cots, Legglns & Blrtn!icls4 UMBRELLAS AND CARPET BAGS, Gent's Fnrnisliing Goods . Of all kiDds which ?ro will sell : CHEAP F O li CASH We purchased our goods since the do clin9 in tbe Markets and will sell atlo? figures. ATKINSON & CO. April 13th, 1355, . 9-33-1) ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. ' Notice is hereby given th3t tbe Probate Coartof Nemaha Ceuaty. Nebraska Territory hi3 appoin ted the 8th day tf July, and tbe 13:a djy cf Aa pnst, A.D. 18S3 at tea o'clock A. 11, at the Court Room ia Brownville, to eiamiae end a'.io claims against the estate of Oorsey C. Chamber?, deceased; at which iimesand pn;e all pcrjons having such claims are reqiired to present then or tiey will he forever barred. C 3 and; fr) YT r iD Z) L Vw tl) W 3.' Dated this Febrnarv,23ta l .T,i WILLIAM CilAliBERS. 22-41 e,nn AJministr&tcr cf ,id estate. Uleetlns of Sc2iooX Kxahilncrs. Notice is hereby given that tbe Loard cf Schoo Examiners of Necr-ha County, Nebraska, will ho'd meetings for ti;a Esaminatioa cf Teachers for said County,-at the office of E. W. Taom?, in Erowcviiie, on thi 1j; Saturday ii every mon th,' between tS benrs of one and 3 t. M. Apyl'-'auU for certiSeatei ar required to to preser.sai ore vVclo;k. precisely, or they will not be e;i -ici. Nope;'i'oa aoed apply at asy other ti 3.' Ey cfdar cf the E.V!.TiIO;IA?.n:'f April 1st, ;"ry