?fw-fwwttir -,flW-: ft'?'!'-MiM ffW f -,.1 ."ISfl j o n nt i j c o i a r a p p, n n ito n e "A x CnOWKTILLE TIIUnSDAV, 1IAF.C2, 8, 1S3. Since cur last izvoo we Lave carefully perused what we believe to te a true copy cl President Johruons's speech cn the 2J, &r.i must adrr.it that ia some icrpecta we wish "it were wiped out cf his Listcry." Not that he said there any thing to corcfert rebels ; cot that, as is taid by his enemies, he there indi cated a, desire to "force bloody handed traitors iato Congress tut, because he then and there so far forgot himself ia a rcement cf excitement as to make a per sonal attack upon Sumner and Stevens. This was unfortunate, and the danger cf a collision betweea Congress and the President, and this alone, is what gives cemfert and courage to copperheads and rebels both North and South. We have net tpace to publish the speech cf Presi dent Johnson, ncr many ether documents, frcra the ether tide, equally disgraceful The following speech, delivered by Eenatcr Shsrmaa, cf Ohio, cn the C3th, takes exactly the ground which we cc cupy ia relation to this unfortunate affair, end his desire to "bind up tho wound," which he knows has been-made by both parties ia this affair, is patriotic, and, if successful, will make the courtry and party stronger, and vsure an early and just reconstruction cf the whole Union: Ilr. Sherman caid in conclusion : I hare thus, Mr. President, endeavored to thewthatto his honor do act has been done by the President inconsistent with his obligations to the rreat Unioa party that elected him. Ditierences may have arisen, but they have arisen upoa new questions not within the contemplation of tne Union party cr Union people' waen the President was nominated. I have lso shown that he acted in pur suance cf a policy adopted by P.Ir. Lia , cola and approved by the pecpls, and thai no event has transpired that will preclude him from a hearty co-operation with the mass cf tho Union party in recuring to the country the objects for which we conducted successfully a great war. That events have transpired, that utterances have been made, tending ia that direction, no cne will deny.' The cures! evidence cf it is the joy cf the worst enemies cf the country at our division. . V-vY. T am aware cf no calamity more di-'.ra?eful than fcr us, by cur divisions, to surrender to men who were enemies to their country ia time cf war, anv or all the powers cf this Government, fie who contributes in any way to this result cle-' tznts the execrations of his countrymen, and this may be done by - thrusting upon the President new issues, in wiiich the well known principles cf his life do not agree with the judgment cf . his political associates. If may be dene by inviting ccntrover tiss cf a personal character; it may be icne by the President turning his back upon thcs3 who trusted him, with high powers, and thus sinking his name with cne cf the most disgraceful in American history, that cf Sir. Tyler. I feel an abiding confidence Andrew Johnson will not, cannot do this ; and, sir, who will deny that tha overbearing- and intolerent will cf Henry Clay contributed very much to ths defection cf John Tyler ; that the division cf the Whig party was an erent insignificant in comparison with the evil results cf a dirisicn ia the Union party. Yihero will be the four million slaves v.hcrn, by your policy, ycu Lave" emanci pated ? What would be their inevitable . Xats if no'.v surrendered to the custody cf( the rebels cf the South? Will yea, by 5 cur denand cf universal suffrage, de stroy the power cf the Union party to protect them ia their , cearly-purchased liberty? Will you, tynew itsues, upon unue u:c;r v'cri. sacrifice a imrracucasie t w ft : ;',er I we r.d tr; "ar:n" xie . hvillii t; its c courr. :c, he ro'.'.eir.ter h All v.itdoM -k'i I not die with-us. The highest bamn wisdom is to do .11 i!i3 pc-cd ycu can, but not to r:r:.lle good to aue.npt the General wculJ have fate, that again, wit maintained his post, the fierce ccflict which ha end his fellow ccaipat riots,' in East Tennessee, maintained cur cause in the heart cf the Confederacy. I well remember the struggle he had with the uriiLccriuio element cf Tennessee. He was never ashamed cf his origin,, and never far frcm the hearts cf the' people! Sir, you must not sever the great Union pany from the loyal element of the southern States. lNo t!.eori&3 ofpessi ble Utopian good can compensate fcr. the loss cf such patriotism and devotion time, cs he tells yDu in his messige, is a great eer:,etA cf reform" and tune is on your side. I remember-' the homely and encouraging words cf a pioneer, tin' the anti-slavery cause . an excellent; i.letho dist preacher from the South, .who to!J those who. were behind turn in opinion, "Weil, friend?, Til block a wheel,' we must all travel together" '' : ' ' . God know I do not urge harmony and conciliation from personal motives, .The people .of , ray native state .have. intrusted me with a position here extended four years beyond the termination cf the present . incumbent. He can ' fnnt me no favors. If T believed Tor a moment that he would seek an alliance with those who, either by arms or counsellor even by apathy, were against this country in the recent war, cr would- turn over to them the high powers entrusted to him by the Union party, then sir, he is. dis honest, nnd will receive, .iio assistance from me! But I will not force him into this attitude if he shall not prove false to the declaration nvide by him" in his veto message, that his strongest: desire was to. secure to freednien the fuilenjoy:. meat cf their , freedom end property ; then I will not quarrel with hurt as to the means ussd, and while, as he tells us ia this message, he only asks for-Stafes tole represented which art in-an- altitude cf loyally and harmony, and in iheper sons cf Representatives whose loyalty can net be questioned under any constitutional or legal test ' Surely tre cugit ret to sep arate from him. until ire at least prescribe a test of their loyally vpon vhUh we-are willing , to stand, t We have not done it yet.' I will Dot try him, but hope Con gress will not denounce hien for hasty words ottered in ; repelling parsonai affronts. ;; , .. - '. . . . ! I see him yet surrounded by, the .Cabi net cf Abraham Lincoln,, pursuing his policy. No word from me shall .drive him into political fellovvship with' thdse' who, when he' was one of the moral he-- roes of the war, denouncjd; him, spat": uponhira and dispitefully used him., The association must be self-sought, and even thenT will part;fro;n himia. sorrow, bat with the s biding hope thVthe 'same-Al-- mighty power that, has guided us through' the recent war will be. with us s ill in our new circuities until every Siate ..is re stored to its full' communion and fellow ship, and until our nation, pjriued by war, will assume among the :-hationl of ". the earth the grand 'position hoped. or by .. U ashmgton.Clay, U ebster. Lincola.acd hundreds of thousan'-ls cf , other. unnamed, heroes who' gave up their :lives" for its1 :e pusiiica"- which f,is in about the s would be greatly bsnefitu-d 11 ? ? ? ? ? . au hi ..as ich will j .e 1 resiJ ;nt. I C.J- 3 f i w rn THE 1iEWSv r i. r: -i.rnr.:, ? Lu.. teen i .troluc: ! in Cc re- .'cubt! 3s be a:ceptab! ; to Th? lova! r..rpre"j?..ativ nessee will soon be admitted. If the ban bill fails in Congress, it is paid Sec. McCulIoch will immediately commence a contraction 'of the currency. . .The entire Cabinet stand by the Pres dent'ia his Reconstruction Policy, as does Gen. Grant, Henry Ward Beecher, and many other prominent loyal men. Do ih3 Ccps endorse these s England has suspended the writ of habeas corpus ia.Irland, and craming her prisons with Irishmen. This has caused great excitement among the Fenians in this country, who believe that active hos tihties have already cjinmenc-d in Ire land. - Active preparations are being made by the .Fenians in this country to march to the rescue.- - Near -1,000.000 are en rolled already. , France and the. Unite !y, it takes a good part cf the summer to make un in flesh what thev have lost r iring wuiisr. Hogs I wcu'i not let get pcor. turn ihera incn Oats, Rye cr Clover pasture. F. Sv. .ru says, the Dutch of Pennsyl- ! vania have good healthy horses, feed Rye wiih the straw cut -.r.J the; to thei; OiTenses against psuce, 2cc. At end cf section 113 add : "and ca convictiorr th:recf shall be fined in any sum i: c 1 ex-c- ling cne hundred dollars cr impri :n m : nt not exceeding thi'.a r.. .i!;? cr ; :th fir. and i::.r-rii:un;ent a? SPECIAL NOTICE.. jSTl i. CwC, section 1, afiir iL ah or..3 rilv; word hundred" in draft horses," and Oats lo their race stcck. j and insert: "dollars or imprisonment in Tl V 7VT'T,-,;,rf. 'cut tiiff b?t fedforlthe ccuntv ia.il of the county not exceed- -- aijl tJV - r - i j j horses is cut sheaf Oats mixed with meal. Timothy hay will give horses the heaves. S. W. Kennedy says, sheaf Oats cut off up to the band is very good feed for a States we believe will recognize Ireland as a belligerant power..; Success to Ire land. We hope the Irishmen of Nebras ka -will not hold back when their country calls for means to crush the tyrant. , Maximillion's whole .available force is estimated at only 45,000. .He- has called for and expects reinforcements from France, - which if sent, and this Government .'does not interfere, should blot forever from cur. history the Mon roe Doctrine-: ,'; glory. .'TThiC h vcu kr.sv ret; have net the vires of the rccple, jeopardise those rights which ycu can, ty the aid cf the Union party, tcure to these freedmen? . We know the President cannot, will n:t and never will agree to unite with us upon the issues cf univdrsal suffrage crJ dead Slztes. No such dogmas wero con tmphted, when, fcr his hercic ss?rri:rs in the catue cf the Union, we placed him lids by tide whh Mr. Lincoln cs cur w ; a.' - V . -. - - i W . V . .W . fc. - --sly i:gun ty cr so.Jrs,- ty securing ur.ion and liberty to all mrn without distinction cf eclor. having to tzfcs, cs I tj "ere, the q:iticcf svj'rcgel . The curse cf God, the na!edlc-.ion3 cf !o:le. a nd the tears and blood cf th.2 new made freedmen will, in my judgment, rest tpon these who fcr cry cause dettrcy the unity cf the grczt r .r:y that has led us throch the wilder r.c:3 cf war to peace and repose. ' We cor h:k to cur publia credit. We have duties to perform lo the business inte rests cf the country in which we need tha resistance cf the President. We have every motive fcr harmony with him cna caci cir.cr, ana tor a generous, r-enly truet ia his patriotism. If ever ihs timo shall come r.hen I cm no lc::ger ccnf.de whh devotion, in Billy Hi'Ier. cf the : Press, is a. very, diffident youth, the prrpelling mctive by some styled "brass,".. never eatered his ' face.!'. The . following in 'procf,'.:.we clip from his daily of the22dult: '.The Press is net the organ j cf . its editor, alone, put of the Union , party , of Southern Ytbraslca," avA if. that party t.hall fomally dictate a different course to us than the oae we have pursued,' We shall fuljoyv it.V-1 tv - ' .T 1 , There is nothing presumptuous .in this when we. take into consideration ihe fact. that all cf, the Union - members cf the Legislature from South Platte voted ior the Constitution, while the Dfm?cratsXf South Piatte,'; with; but two' 'exceptions, voted cgainst h ;"-andii Morten went to .Omaha and irritated his small stcck of brains in the vain '.attempt to; defeat it. . We think we can see Billy's 'predica ment :. he has got cp the wrong tree and wants so m'e body to a sk h i m do wn. -We are ini favor cf State, and;- wccld 'much prefer that Billy weald stay where he is, believing.that the course be has purtued so far will do -more to advancn the inte rests cf State than, any other he. could adopts- v; : j - . Oa the 23d, Billy attempts, very. mod- es-tly, to foist in the Capitol question, thus: 'New. if it was removed toscmepint cn the Platte river fifty w t. hundred miles from the Missouri river, it would h'l mere central for the .I.r' ,re. Or i Tcrhcps S:t Crc:!c rc-!llii:i I :';-"... Omaha. Las. grown. to such proponious and represents such Railroad interests as to consider the Capitol a: small thing, and Jt'tbraska City, which was once her competitor for it, is in about the same po sition, and if it . was removed to the point named above, it would advance the local interests of Brownville and Plattsmouth. aod be more, convenient for the people, besides building up an inland town." Tha motive in the above cgitation is two-fclJ; first, to distract the people on CocniunicatiJ. . - , .. . Bbowxvillx, Nes., . March 6thv6G. ; Editor Advertiser Sir.;" I do not like to intrude private grievances; upon your readers, but as justice and a pjeDts feelings have been shamefully outraged, I would like through the medium of your journal to hold up the perpetrators to the public contempt they so rich deserve. I have a boy, whom I, at Mr. Murry's particular .requeit-hehavjng .no chil drenconsented to let him have to rai?e in his family. List winter, without my knowledge, Mr. Johnson, of. Richardson county, introduced into thatbedy cf petti-. fogers the . Nebraska, Lpgislature-a, bill praying that . my boy'g . name be changeci from Jame? R., Case to. James Slurry,' which was passed.. .This winter I petftioned the Legislature to repeal thel act of last session, and was opposed, and my petition defeated, by Messrs. Ramsey Hart and Crou'nse.cf that county. Why this opposition was made I cannot imagine; Mr. Murry does nut seem to Urge it; and I am satisfied it would "not have passed at first',' ha'd not this Johnson meddled in matters' which concerned him not.'- . ' :"' ' ' ""'' ' 7" -I believe I ara as capable of rearing a child as any engaged in this' trinsaction, and that the'name they seek to wipe' out stands as honorable ; before the world 'as theirs. It seems they could hardly have b'een;reared by! parents,". else would they hesitate ' ere they outrage a parents feelings so. Such' men as their action shows the mi to be would disgrace a pot house 'caucus;' let alone a'body to frame laws for he people. ' ItSyere: better had ihey been born to make the mean whisky the'y'deslri.y, or to have picked 'the rags to make the 'paper Jthey . spoiled in trying H to rob a parent of the name of his child. I Kil.t. .h..il- .. .:it i- -r i . '.v. - . '.oucu luucuuees wiji uourisu in some sec tions ; yet this Johnson was too hasty'for even. Richardson county to send back to the Legislature' this winter. . : - ""I have done. ' T 'know that this act of the Legislature is illegal"; and in conclu sion, I only hope that their children may as' trulybie entitled to bear other men's horses the balance is worthless. A man of my acquaintance that followed wagon ing' in the State of." Indiana fed theaf Rye cut up and mixed wi;h meal, and preferred it to Oats, on account of a fuzz on the iaifcr which the former had rot, and he always had floe looking healthy horses. Prairie hay is good for cattlej but they should have same. Corn. I fed Hungarian hay to my horses one winter and they seemed to do well until I put them to work'iri the Spring when they fell off. My cattle done well, I like Hungarian hay for stock that do not have to work ; it should be cut before the seed is ripe,T would not 'feed much to horses. H. Storm, I would let all feed get ripe. ' Geo. Hughes, to the horse : feed cut sheaf cats" mixed with meal; for long wind feed oats ; substance is lost when allowed to get too ripe. Feed stock well and rather often than too much at onee ; timothy hay is too binding.' for Cattle corn fodder is best. Hogs should be fed hard corn to fat, it makes solid pork. Geo.., Bryant : I would rather feed hazel brush than hungaiian hay to stock S. H. .Randall: Corn is too heating; Oats go q4 feed for horses; feed ju.-t enough that they .will eat no more ; cut them while .yet in the dough, lit them lay in the sun before binding, then they will be fresh, sweet and good. Herd grass, is good, feed lor stock, better than Timothy, it is loosening, while Timothy is binding; it should be cut green. Subject for the next meeting: .Making of Butter and Cheese, and proper food for Cows. Moved to adjourn to next Wednesday ing three months, or both fine and im prisonment as aforesaid."- - -To license and regulate sale of liquors: Oa failure to pay fine for violation cf the law to be committed to county jail until same is paid. . A vagrant act is aJJt?d to the' Cede. This law. I hope, will bi published soun in the territorial papers that it nay be I read and observed. In the chapter on Schools, cf the col lated Code, the word "township" is al- J.;- wt Ircr' . V.::-. -I '-'T I : ; !. toil. r t: l r. .hpr " ! t; "Tfrs c-! ; : i T-.CTO J.iV.anl cf:e ,1 MLri ar.J '-:- ..: .1 : 1 i i t t 1 1. r I'.: if r; 7, n. v.. k;,'.: t i i'. ! L U iO-1 -. -. h a v.; a a: . - v.i'I i-ni .'., u'.-.r ' A : . , !;(.Vr:;:: ..': i: c n r.i iks i stpvAng!-:. mrtm v r. r t - . ir. t:.e ur. . : : - i 1 1 . a-. "-I T.J if u :, ;. J ! i.f A-; , .:.! o: e.ir - . . At, j i J ! j, e te .j ,r,a h i. . "liVyiH t-A-S?2' .2 ' -i J ST. JOSI5PI- r-i ojM y v md itctp.il Dealer in lro tered to "Precinct" throughout P P fPFT r Tn p r rinr v r y: .:rpo: o-, as atr.', ..a. i . i nr..l U5; CLa'.;.?, CVnii S cr -. e'.c. Ca i 4 I ; .111. A number of untmpoitaut cnan have been made ia the law styled "De cedents." In section one on 'uiili of real and personal estates." strike out all after the word "same" section I, pay ment cf debts aud legacies of deceased persons : strike out the first seven lines and insert in lieu thereof : When'letters testamentary or of ad ministration, shall be granted by any Probate Court it shall te the duty of the Probate Judge lo receive, examine, ad just and allow all claims and demands of all persons against the deceased, giving ths same notice as-is required lo le given by Commissioners in' this chapter ; pro vided that the parties interested cr either of them shall have the right to demand that two or more suitable persons be ap pointed Commissioners, in which case said Commissioners shall receive, exam ine and adjust all claims and demands against the estate as provided for in this" chapter except when" ; . . evening.. ' Geo.. Crow, Pres't. F.: E.' Allen j Sec." , We. ; notice in our" eastern exchanges that, there is a great scarcity of C;istor Beans ; and it is estimated that this sea . . ... .: sons crop will. bring from S4 to S6 per bushel. This crop does well here so far as we can learn. Will cot our friends of the Club give this crop, their atten tion ? Ed. ir.3 rricri-Ies rrrn which he was elect ed, I will bid farewell to Andrew John eon with urtafTectcJ sorrow. I will r. tzizIct whsn ha steed in this very spot f.ve years eo refuting with unexamplcj rrau:ts cr traitors. He I eft m j i v.-ite, cnuoren. propsrty ?, ad staked hii all ca the r I r: t0 Ell W . ' - v. a v (D r.C; t ;r. .n t to v;e;:r n.:ro tj JcL y, v.r.h r;? certainty the "main question ;" second, to'make.a Capitol tributary to Nebraska City, which in railroad importance "is in about' the same position' as Omaha J T:i -3 point ' indicated would place the Capitol 51 miles from cur socthero and 1C3 from cur northern boundary, and 40 riiUs ncrihu-e&t cj JWbrasha City! Would compel the immediate sale of lands do nated fcr a Capitol, which wLl not sell r.ox for-enough to build a jrood Sta'e, Ca pit o 1, and the people would have to be severely taxed to complete'. it, or "firitter poor public cp position are opposed to S:ne cn acco-r.t cf thtir dread cf igh taxes, and above is indicated hoy they would mend the mat'er?'" 'The local ir.r rests of ErownTilie' names as'thi boy should bear mine'. :xv'Ji ' r :'(-' :-;R:t:cASE.i! u : Fain lev Tamer's Clal). Fairview Precisct, "'" ,! Feb." 53d, 1S66. ' ' ... . . . . d ... . . . Club met'pursuant to adjournment: " President in the Chair. ( "Slin'utes read and approved. ' Constitution and By-laws read. ; Subject : "The best feed and mode of preparing it' for stock " ,"" D. C Br -ant .a'ys, Slfeaf oats cut up and fed dry is ujiitr to feed horses than corn, it is not " as heating for summer; Oats' .hs the properties for making' mu's 'cle, Corn the' fattening propertied T away ire apprip nation ca' luildbrs.- Th think we are apt to feed too inuch Corn I like Prairie 'hay betipr than Timothv hay. Hogs will fatten and do better by riot feeding .exclusively on 'Corn, feed Oats or Bye'or let them run on clover, they' roust have' something to make mus cle as we II as fat ; feed Corn for fattening. , Geo. Bryant, I agree with D. C. Bryant that' Oats are belter for horses than Corn ; you can feed to much Corn ; men that chop or cut their feed have the best and healthiest horses. , Timothy is not healthy for horses;' corn fodder is good. Mike prairie hay for roughness; Twould not let the grass get too old ; cut just at the right time, cot tob'green cr too ripe; it should not be left to ret sunburnt." It is a good thing to 'salt hay in' the stack, cover the bottom wj-h hay a good thick cess and then' put cn all. the fait you wish for that stack ;'" salt rises ; it is well salted vith the prcportions'cf a peck to the ten. "Ground feed fcr stock will pay. Cattle kept fat and never allowed to get poor, I think, will ccme to maturity about a year sooner than when wintered poor Amendments. For th" f ullovving list of Amendments lo athe tavs at Uie. Ia:-t Sessiun of our Legislature, we arendebted to Hon. A. S. Holladay, Councilma'n for this District: An amendment to tilie School Law; . . Section, 41. The said Examiner shall keep' a record of 'his proceedings, noting the number and date of ' each certificate given, to "whom and for. what term of time, and for what branches. of studies. It "shall be the duty of ; the Examiner lo visit each School Pistrict . in his county at least once in each' year,' counseling 'with schooi o(hcerj,' vismng'schools and dying all that he can to best advance the inte rests pf: Schools in his;couoty, mud 6 Iieport Annually on cr, before the 5ih day of Naveiriber each year to ihe Ter ritorial Auditor The " said Examicer shall be entitled to receive the sum of .two dollars for. each day necessarily en gaged in official servicers herein provide ed(to.be paid: out of the County Treas ury on the order cf the County Clerk; and the County Clerk may require the accounts, when presented, to be substan tiated : on oath,: which iCath; said Clerk may, administer and file in his. office. , , ' Amendment Revenue. La;.v : ; Section 33.Strike out one dollar ani rlfty cents and insert two dollars. Same Section', strike"out all 'after the word taxed and insert "and ihe certificate that the person named therein has'- actually performed eight hours labor for each days work so certified shall be. received by the County Treasurer for their several amounts in discharge of said tax." '" "' Section 4 : "Subdivision. Co.' Treas urers amended so.as to read as fohy.vs : t'That when any money shallbe paid to the . County Tieasurer,,, the treasurer shall make the'proper duplicate rec-ipis for the same: as "in case uf the payment (.f'jaxis, and ball gve out?; of aaid re ceipts to the persOJi paying said uioney , and the other to the County Clerk within ix days thereafter.' ' The following are the principal changes in the Criminal Code : Offieuses against the person .of indi viduals.'. Section 49, at the end add: "and any person thereof duly convicted shall be fined in a sural not exceeding one hundred dollars.'' , .: At, the end of section 51 add : "and any person thereof duly couvicted shall be fined in any sum not Jess than five dollars nor exceeding cne hundred dol lars, or imprisoned in the county jail net exceeding- three months or both five and imprisonment as aforesaid." , Penalty .for pulling down injuring or destroying or to begin to pull down, in jure, or destroy dwelling house or other building improvement, in penitentiary not more than five years or fine not ex- ceedirjg five nundred dollars and impris onment in county jail not more than one year, and held answerable for all damage. Crimes and offenses relative to proper ty, section 63, 11th line, before the word "five-' insert twenty. ' In 15th line same aection. before the word ''five" insert twenty. NEW ADVERTlfMilE.Vl';! TIPT ON & HEW3TT, 5illornci0 at alD, brownville; Nebraska. Murcb 1st, '65. ly. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby ciyen ihat the -.firm' of C.us & B;iker, Butchers, has ttii3 J.iy been dissolved by mutual con.-cnt. ". . ; Alt indeteJ to thi Cr a ar? requested to pay in the amount of their indebtedness toll. E. Case at the City Meat Market. February 24, ISM ' l WILLIAM'S Advert iMi! Aet-icy. . 9" Chamber Str-e a. Pan t Louis, M ' 3V (!', rn:;thettb.'S and r3C -s Strchs ar.d Di- iv..-, . ay ere Ir;::, o - ' XT.. ' tr jfj' " ";"";'""'.! ' t ' 1,000 CKLKB J OVTiiD MO DITJ:: PLOAVs ', S!: -v Ij nil Fi "3 '1 ... i . . . - - - lu-t j -st Tfou. rn fiiffrkr in sny r.--t irT-r'.. ; .:: ZlcCcrtnl clip's .llancr?; and i.fapcrs, LI;:. : '.- Z2.r,,c a:!y '"rr Cultirator., l?m I t'- re l'.a:;icr, Crn. tlitl.. rj, V.iy I. i!;oi "1 - 1 el..-, e'.o e -io viioLi:sALE ri:i:ei(Asr.::s at 1 Constable's Iron and Stool Yr.reliouso THE G Ji.j: in if .-f i . t 1 1 ) crAvlh i.il Lf alii.' C'tCitifli f '.dir. t) VTt'.-y M-itel.il S I lino ' eci ; e;.t U . V.e-; it" ..M..'.vi::i In m v.r-i t o vn .i ixo.'k : Messrs. M-i-jnlre : v. l.av t. iei ( r inv..hi tt !e l' .i Li. !..'..', . n I ii h is re-N.-i r Jr. Cf 0 IT l:ltr 5u our tnU.f i i. !. 1.1 ' w s'i 1 '.' '' -.!!- 1 1 I p . '' T'''; (Sie't-eJ,) L. A. f.I.'NOlST. Uai.feei W M It. K. .'I'tc U . :-... 1 1 :.i rv .1 ., ! .. ; ,,rj n (v ylt- n nio tn$tuu:c; J'M C. liv'.U.o.v, Vi.-o i'. o .i: it '.'.'a-- y , ,i o ..,.,,,,, ' '' rrcparca otuy oj j. o. mai.ljk.s, .iieiiit am; i'rt:.i-. ..u-...v...,t j 0 Sold Ly ait Driigghlt Trice hi CO jcr il.Ul.. . ei'f l: t. Dlarrh I '' :v fi M fr.r . . v. WJCSTI ;i i'ASITAIIV I O :.MIS")J''. .N... t- O ii . St ! u 3 , n n T T t. r if '.- ,...... . , . ' 11 in luj.rriij jjir ui ue.in.5 f idiii, i.r nio cure i.r uurs-hr-1 M Vy -t ( rv. i h IU 11) C.MtlitiH IJliiiUlC-, Ul .!. C H.IU I ill II. " li :) V I III I .. ' 1 I' ' . J.U. KO;lAl -.N SarcUrj 1Vcil.r,i tir-j Co '..-: li. 1 01 4, ' T' A yanaiacuu'ers lirc-BOi M No.. S3 North 5t Stret cor. St Caarler, STXOt'I?, MO. Hera wi'.t bo foursd-evtry viriety of AMERlClN:Gi;OGKS CLOCK IvIATERlASS, wiih all tbe "dvnrtages of the Ea?torc ruarloet in regard to bDth selecti'm an 1 price. . rl ' - Send for ltlastr.-vred ''nUzi. . . HENRY- W. EDw?, Prop rid or, ; ; . T : V'AKltELlCr ri'KDOFST Lo VIS C'U f.VT V. i'RESI O K ST i.Tr'CS '9 .VpRfi.'SlI I M. mr. 1 .'li . J.i.i- H y i I i i-i-j. . i Mextr. J. 4- C. Ma;u;re Vruhls : U"e have t.e-t j-'-rC, ,;2. i r.s. rt ,t i iiua P.an-,;I:;aj , tbefviaie'-a' i:ut.ue. sn t r,i;i; Urn .-at i..t!v.- les'iii. SW iii..!i. , ! .. i:' .1 v re: m ii i tbe Ue 5t iiari l.eu Ai eitina 1.1 u u 0 Loe ii u eu k a I iu.:;- ii : t.j .n be nn.r ex n iv i IMAGUIREIi'S EXPECTORANT" SYnUP" I 77;i Gcii Remedy for Coirn. Ci:i. Jl4hi t. Di onchit.i. Si-Wi':" tf B.oU-i ":. JILL DISEASE OF Till: LLJYliS. H been nei m st i-nccf tfi I y a ! n- iSi at rstn.t i. ?! J .1:- ,.i .i v;..- i . f.v- m.ire th.1.1 ihsitwi ! ami r.ncutierj 1 y ail hi i.i.ve i. keti tt ti l-e ti umm n c.f'ii seu.t :. r. r C: - ("t in: l..iau eri.;ct ed. It is ettttreiv.veiteiavif. an lean lv ni-ol i.ii ti utm -t ..:. . 'try . ..ii'i i . , 11 ill Lure , Uoj ulu. Rheutnaiimi. Ai-urai;i.y. O't.- , J.l-icuivit and & Affections, GoihrV SiL-ellhi of theJAnt. Otrl-i of t , Jj ., 6V. fr. C m C0,i!it 1 1 V'uOf'.rT Tt .' . . . . 7 ......... 1 . r J ' ' ..n j. i.'t.'f. iruai iztintnii or i t jit Eruptions. R.'oi. and all di-teate arising from J purity of the' Blond. i'rlCC l2 JUT l'.')tl!c. f J. & C MaG "lit:-: CMe.i-: ml lr'4'.tsi. S ..pf .rie'.-. S'. t.n u-. vt . X.icy jr j.jI ; r U !;..ii) Chills--and Fever,-Bilious and Intcfmittent Fever , , . . , ' f - 'numb A ry?-o' ofo AOIJIIU AGUE JliXTUTE. i .ii .VeuK-inv u:.u.i!i iui iy 1 1; m-ijt i e; uni r me; v cm ui- i-ft r-.r Tu'rvru it tbe iil.rc p.air.n.'. It L:ii b.en tcrt.'iiily ttottd t:ii- fii!i.ii. Living t- th. rr.-tv . f ,.t'-..T ; r-r.irrs.po i d v. truccocil-.?.! in stjbliihi;. iir tt.-e'i n fair rri u ;K inn erj-.rt. tii.-i ..f n v M ? : i ji in . 'r h-i tcvak": h n.ia in ;i i j n.-.it is iv:irrar:Ct d t; in .v i.ry ir,--' i : re. Sjal'Cl thaQ tbiJ,it is a-i:ciior Tonisi in CJ.i.i'.j - IY. rr i? t ii .i t ;j f.i.r. O " " ':'l S 1 V - i r 1 1 o 1 r a tit r. nrrr- nt , " -r , y" ; no. 22 THinD.s.Tni:::T,. i mm jf tn, a. in. a. s. no 2;-Ti Id. b,nn TAKE CARE OF YOUR ir - .1 . DR. STRICKLAND'S : Llclifluons Cough Balsam 13 warranted to bo tbo ct'y pfepnrat'on Vn wt to cure Couh?. Col.df, IIo,irscne."1 Aithrai. W'hoon- iiig-Cough, Chrontu Co jo?, Crn-urapti..a. Brcn- ohiti and Crinp. Beirr prcpir-.d jon Honey aid Ilerb-i it ia healing, softening, and e.Ttiecfcra- ttn-j.and partieuwirly suitAble for ml eutetions tf the Throat and Luagj.. Fcrsaiaby Drjjiiti ev-' e.'ywecrc. lfp.' DYSPErSfxA:;r: )&ii2i&;SV "' :TH. STRICKLAND'S A TONIC u a ctnec-ntratt 1 l -4 t i ;:.' herb?, with antiae'd? an t carminatives to strengt 1 n the itotuneh nr.d nrrvfiu fyitem. It ij a certain remedy fr Pw'pnpV Iiid!.'e.tori. Nfrvonne. ' IjO?3 of Af pa'ifo , Acidity ol the Stomnch : Flatn -hrivy r.d Debility. It ii not n'lholie. th(relr. pnrticul i r euite.l fir Wi-eU . ne rvom an t Dy-pcjit'.'" person'. F-.r ?rt!e by all DrunU ererjwhero : t ene d-.41.tr par bottle: . ; t. "wroi xi'.l sM j.t-. ! Ht-.'i ti X:i -: rJ ( U.H .Uii. 3. , I ');; ....'.i, I wf.ni.! rrsrecttnlly inrite the attention of Firmer' -IjtiuG'Rock hi and' nnd Plcxs, SJl Cui!iu.;!;rs, Wheat Pri ' ' ' 1 Brown s and olhtr Corh-Plu-r.Urs, - Revolving and Sulky Hay Rakes, .Cider .V. Also Kjrctti fci riU'sand Crif s T;s: ;is!;ir .fiacliincs. Osage Oranso Seed--TwTiti dirccMons ir rlantin Sligo and Tyrone Iron, Steel and Heavy EaGckrrr To whica I incite tie al etit'nr. of BUctf-mith's an-l Pealers.' My s '.: c.T.-.r-eta tvt!sttinz ia ra-t 'f -;i:'jj T --o'.i U Wogoii and BiVirry 'Wood-work Of- Evciv;Drrip'il Afflnt far ,G 'rover ami -Bders Ccl:hrxhl -Scr;;r; MnTih:- olkUe i a;:-J pro 1 Et. JoseU. 3Jtb, x-lt tv-ns :v f 1 4- 1 Dr Stricklancrs Pile Itcm! fins cured thijuiandj f the wursc c-jfrs ul lilml an-i lileeding Pils. It gives invnedi ito rclirf and. ef fect? a permnnent turc. Try it dlreriiy. It i warranted toettre. Fur sala by all Jrajjiita at 50 cents per bdttle. Myers 4 liro.., Wholetiala Agents, St.-Loui?, Mo. 2.J ly l.l.nn. . c. a. 8 . c 4 ' ( HTIWUI I ERRORS OF--YOUTH. A Gentleman whf sxiiTered fcryoir from N'.tt CU3 Debility, Premature Decay, nnd all tbe e!Tet3 of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake of auff. r ing hamtnity, send free to all who need it, ths rj ceipe and direction for inakinj the simple rcmody by which he was cured. Suaerers wishing to prof it by the aarertijter'a experience. oft.ri d by ai dressing JUilN IJ.OiiDEN, : Na 13 Chenat ?t., N ;w York. TO CONSUMPTIVE. rr R() VE6T-EEN & CO, FOlVTir MA N U K A C T.UR h-rt. . T rt-d in rhi B-'r PIANO 400 The ultcati.-n f fbc PulHc rd tr;ide U invit-d tn .r .ew Furtt. whi h !' r vdlotr.ir ur 1 Mirity t.i' t--t'c are narival.'e 1 by :';y hi aonrain VvU the tm-dcrn icr.t ruvtmen! Kri tn b, (Jr tol action. La; Ac., and each ici?truiucrit being ta:idc under the fer'na! aut rv. 1 bad a practical esperieaee cf ovirSO years ia their n.aTufcture. ii overall otlacrsat U:c C?e2cratctl IVoi id's Tali! .-ait; u.'tawr . , j-t f Mr. J. ii. Uver- )ve tp 1 in c cry ; The 8drort'uer. bavin been restored to health in ifew wepksbyery simple remedy, aft;r having snJercd for set-cril years with a severe lut.g affec tion, nnd that dread disease, Consumption u &ox ious . to " cvtka known io his fellow-Ji.iforers tho m.-'ar.s cf curs. To ill who desire it. be will send a erj cf the prescription used (freo cf charg". with taj - direc tions Tur preparing and u-ing the stm0, which they will End a tare cure for ComoiKpitcn,.sh;r.a, Dron ehitl.', Cough?, Cold', anl all Throat ana Lang Af fections. The only object of tho adverther in sen dicg th Prescription is to beneStths aljicted, and fpraad information which he eoueej ves t b3 inval uable, and h hopes every guTerer will try his rem aiyr as it will cost them nothing, ail taiy prove & ble.-ting - Parties wishing tho proscription, FK2r. by return rua;l,-i!l please addre Rev. EDWAHD A. WILSON,' yTilliairisbnrp, Kings Cg., N-v york, sar", h rrc were exhibited ir.ftrcrjnttt frota the le.-t niakcrs rf I. iusore.!s ton and Ne York : and aloat the An-.rb'aa Ia-'tituta forave siirer tnea.i;s irum octa c: wm -a can cesoen ai 1 ur waro-r-.K-sn. , , .nn'sf ct ! r". rt. ajsa 1 j -ii-i .1:!. :it :t : ri,-e ii. ... mi corn rent ion. PRICKS Xa Seven n,.,., ,r.r.r..t r'-'C. ?..".'' d t lane ei By the in'rcicetSon cf iTprovenicnt we make a.ii! m--rc y-r:--c largely, witUa strictly c--h systeto,. ?re enabled to .fcf thts insm Ii ' V,- S ri-ur.if! .rr.-. f. ii. -ew.if'l tc."vv p'oui.:-:; V At.rfn n..to-n r.mr,! nr.TTi- T. Tl j-iCWCod L.lllj XIV '$ DESCRirTiVC CIRCULARS SENT FREK. ''i.-'ff Co. 1 4J J , : L-.1 1 f v 71 i ' L . '-.'iii i i