"ws. Mortgages, Executions, Replevins. V r.eDse.iel Ac. Ac. for sale at this Ofese. RH' -T J. s VVIUjIAMS, Who Is the authof iD St. Lcuis fr this paper, will attend to r lections and purchsses in that City VILLE, THURSDAY, MARCII 1, 1SCC, Seece AJs i n to-day's paper. picLles in Brine and in Jars at Swan fcBro' gee the letter in to-day's paper in re- rd 10 Morgan & Hewett s plows. jfewof those fine Steel Engravings President Johoson for sale at the News Ccrn Wanted, y I i WILCOX & WORTHING. JU1 sorts of Dried and Can Fruits at grtB&Bro'. J,S. Bliss Adctioneer, Sales made n i rr. or See the Card of Tipton &, Hewett, At- pzeys at Law. , . . Vou can get .hst best quality of Buck yieat Flour at Swan & Bro's. H. M. A'kinson has .gone east for I flock of Clothing ; also, Seeman, of cf die Cincinnati Branch. See the notice of dissolution of firm cf Case & Baker, Butchers, in iday's paper. the to- Icezaustalle is the supply And infinite the variety of the stock of Groceries and Provisions at Swan & Bro's. , Merchants and others had better rail ca Bliss at the New Depot and get in ftired against Accident before going east. Corcpany reliable and rates reasonable. Wm. H. McCreery, of the City Drug Store has on hand a large and complete Stock of Leads, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Window Glass and Putty. Mc. sells cheap. We learn that the Farmers of Peru Precinct met Wednesday, 21 et, to form a Club, and appointed a committee to draft Constitution and By laws, and report lo a meeting last Wednesday. A pood Stt-am Ferry Boat is greatly needed at this point. In consequence of the improved condition of the road west, would pay well.-" Vex, our citizen are Numbering and the Council asleep upon this question. Look out for Bargains! ' Bliss will have a large sale of House told Furniture, and a farmer's complete outfit, Sec.', in front of the Post Office next Saturday. J. F. Morris, of the upper Drug Store, has on hand a complete stock of every thing in his line, and is selling them off rapidly at low rates. Those desirins good Drugs, skillfully compounded, should 0 to Morris' Drug Store. A friend asked us the other day what the word Gambrinus" meant ; upon our confessing ignora rce, he invited us up to the Saloon of that name above the Brown- viile House, when.af ter drinking, we both concluded, that "Gambrinus" means the best Beer in town at 5 cents a glass. Osage Orasge Seed! . At the City Drug Store of Wm. H. McCreery can be found a large lot of the fcbove Seed, which are fresh and good ; brought on by the well-known firm of Overman, Mann &. Co. Come and se .cure your Seed while they "can be had Eoad Money Last Notice. Notice is hereby given subscribers to the Brownville. Tecumseh, Beatrice and Big Sandy Road Company that their Subscriptions must be paid up before the tIst day cf March, 15GG. By order of the Directors. ' JPIN L. CABS ON, i"tb. 21 'GG.-2t. Treas. Iufarrnation Wanted. Left his home, in Hendrix's Precinct, Otoe county, Neb., on New Year's Day, forBrownville, NeD., Leonard W. Woch r; since which time nothing hs.s been heard of him. He is about 5 feet 6 inches high,lac1c eyes and hair, round shoulders, quiet and unobtrusive in his manner; about 30 years of age. Had cn when he left a fur cap, round cut black ack coat, a red comfort round his neck, and an army overcoat with him. He r0ae a fine bay mare, about fifte en hands high, black mane and tail, left hind fet lock white, about 6 years old ; he had on tne mare a new quilted saddle and new uis friends are verv anxious ibout him and any information of his whereabouts :ill be thankfully received. if directed to Joseph Sands, Nebraska City, Neb. 3?,Territa'rial and N. 'Missouri i?apers will confer a favor by copying. :nrrn rr Q A complete Series cf Text Books for Common Schools are kept constantly on hand ly Marsha Co., at the Post office. The attention of School teachers is es pecially invited to their list of School Books. This Seriec cf Books has been officially recommended and are in use in New York, Illinois, Michigan, Mass achusetts, New' jerr.eyi Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Vermont, New Hampshire, Iowa and California. They hare also been recommended by the principal Bo ards of Education ' through out the Territory. 20-4t To-day, at noon, the ice on the river in front of this City broke. The float ing ice indicates a general opening for a considerabledistence up. Married On Sunday, Feb. 25th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Eld. R. E. Barrow, George Thompson and Mis-3 Mary Sedoras. By the tame and at the same time and place, John Thompson and Miss Jane Sedoras. All of thi3 county, 'Tia truly said the bridal bed la filled with fragrant roses ; This mast be to, as bliss, we know, t In Maiden's beads reposes ; 'Jit pricks this b'.Uifol buooic, - -And makes more strong the legal thong, That binds us to our troub'o. May they live happy, and carry out the biblical injunction. Falrvlew Farmer's Club. We haye the proceedings of thrpe meetings of this Club before us and must condense to catch up. . February 2nd. 'Subject raising and disposing of grain." Mr. Kennedy, thought Oats a profita ble crop; wheat not, but all should raise enough to do thern. Recommended deep plowing and subsoiling for Corn ; and Brown's or some similar Planter, as they roll the ground weii over the Corn. For disposing of the Corn on hand, he pro posed that Farmers hold on to their crop, get a contract and club their Corn to fill it ; thus cheat the speculators who stand between the producer and consumer, and take the "lion's 6hare' of the profits. Geo. Bryant was opposed to the rais ing of any wheat at all; thought Oats a very profitable crop, and better feed than Corn- For Oats, recommended plowing the ground, well before sowing, sow two bushel to thecre, harrow and roll. For Corn, would pbw deep, lay of in rows four feet apart, plant with a Planter and roll; cultivate to leave the ground level as possible, would not cultivate after it is three feet high. Thought that farmers should unite for mutual protection so ns to hold cn to their Corn until afairprice could be obtained. D.. C. Bryant, sould not recommend th raieing of Spring Wheat, but. if he should raise it, Would plow the ground shallow before sowing. For Corn would plow deep, plant shallow and lay by at three feet weeds or no weeds. H. Storm, had no faith in wheat; for corn, would plow deep as possible, plant four feet apart each way. and roll the ground veil after planting ; thin to three stalks in the hill and sucker it. Mr. Randal, for corn would plow deep, thin to three or four stalks in the hill, commence cultivating so as to cultivate three time and lay by at three eet. He agreed with Mr. Kennedy in his method of disposing of corn on hand. F. E. Allen, thought wheat would not pay, but each farmer should raise enough for his own use ; would sow early as he could get it into the ground. For corn, would plow deep tnd plant in rows four feet by two-and-a-half, and harrow when small. Preferred early white corn. Geo. Crow, it will not pay to raise wheat, would raise rve as a substitute. v For corn, would plow deep; a harrow inn' is as rood as a rjlowinir. while corn is small. Thought farmers should unite o o in disposing of their 'corn February 9th. Committee to ascer tain amount of corn owned by members of the Club reported 15,450 bushels. Constitution and By-Laws adopted. On motion, resolved that oa nexi meet- in' each member sin the Constitution and By-Laws, and pay his fee, which, if any fail to do in a reasonable time, shall exclude them from membership. February 16ih. Subject "Raising and improving mock. Geo. Bryant said we should improve our ho rses, cross with a good horse that has size, m ake and color io suit, even if we have to go a good ways to Gad one ; at present the name has but mile to do with the quality 'of the horse, ail nave Morgan blood, or descend from tome other well known fine breed or horses, say the owners. I like' a horse 15 to lb hands hio-h: color has much to do whh the quality of a horse ; best color white o - - . . - . next srrav. Fine Cattle are not so good for work as the comraou, ihey are not so tougl'anJ ter for butter then cammon slock. Thought Spanuh Merino Sheep were best nr.d did best in'iare droves. . ' Preferred the little Berkshire Hog. Mr. Swartz had had a Dvcn bull, did not like the cross, they were too small; cows gave rich milk burnot much of iu Emery Peck, though the TL)uthatii best for beef and the Devon for milk. Some real effort should be made to improve' the stock in this neighborhood." Geo'..Crow, thought our c&Aive stock, if properly cared. for, would' socn be as good as any for mil, and better'Tor syo'rt. Adjourned for one week. GEO. CROW, Pres. F. E. Allen. Sec. ' -Heeling- of Scliool Kxanilnc-rs. Notice is hi reby given that the Hoard cf Schoo Examiners of Nemaha County, Nebraska, wi:i hold meetings for the Examination of Teachers for said Count, at the office cf E. W. TUmas, in Brownville, on the 1st Saturday in every month, between the hours of one and 3 P..M, Applicants for certificates are required to be present at one o'clock, precife!y, or they will not be examined. No person ce id apply at ar.y other time. I'j order of the Board, ' x.. W. THOMAS, Clerk. April lit. -yly HEALTH AI.D BEAU TIT. chapman's Illustrated guide, A beautiful littlo work of 50 pajes, teaches yoa How to remove Tan, Freckles, Blctcbe"; Eruptions, and all impurities of the skin bow to produce a full growth of Whiskers bow to produce a luxuri ant growth ,f Hair on the Ra.d He4 ure Ca tarrh. Purify the Blood, Purify the Brwith---to curl and beautify tho Hair, remove Superfluous EUir, cure Drunkenes, cure Ntrcoua Debility, Ac, Ao. how to reew your a-e, and other useful ani valu able information. A copy of this work will be mail ed free ef charge Address TllOjJ F. C2APiiA.iV, ' - 3 ms. 21 Prcatfaray, Xeu York. A CARD TO THH SUFFERING Do jou ish to be Cured ? If so, swallow two or throe hogsheads of fcEuchu," 'Tonic Bitters," "SarsApa'rllla," "Xervou Antodotes," Ac," &c, and after you oro satieGed with the result, then try one box of OLD DOCTOR LUCHA.Vd EnjlUh Specifio Pills and be restored to health and vigor in less than thirty days. Tbey are purely vegetable pleasant to take, prompt and alulary in their ef fects on the broken-down and shattered constitu tion. Old and young can take them with advan tage. DH. BUCUAS'8 English Specific Pills cura in less than 30 days, the worst cases of NER VOUS IfESS, Iuopotency, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness, tasanity, and ail Uhiary, Sexual, and Nervoui sfFections.no matter from What causa pro duced.rrcAwOoa lcforpcTor. -Sent, postpaid, 1- oy jaau, on receipi or an order. lddres v JAMUS S. 3UTLEH,. -Ko.Zl'i Broadway, Kew lorlc, General Agent V". S. A box sent to any address on receipt of price which is one dollar--post free. CSF'-A'dij-criptive Circular sent on application. 8 weeks. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervou3 and Genial Debility, Nightly Emissions, and Semin al Weakness, the result of youfhful indiscretion.and came near ending his days in hopcles misery, will for the sake cf suffering man, send to all who noed it, (free of charge,) the recide and directions for making the simple remedy used in his case. Suf ferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's sad expe rience, and possess a sure and valuable remedy,can do so by addressing him at once at his place of bu siness. Tha Recipe and full information of 'vital importance will cheerfully sent by mail. Address ' JOHN B OGDEN, No. 60 Nassau -Street, New York. P. S. Nervous Sufferers of both sexes will find this information invaluable. xlg'3 months. LOVE AND MATRIMONY. Ladies and gentleman, if you wish to marry, ad dress the undersigned, wno will send you, w ithout money and without price, valuable information that will enable you to marry happily and spcedtly, ir respective of age, wealth or beauty. This inform -tion will cost you nothing, arid if you wih to mar ry, I will cheerfully assisst, you. All letters strict ly confidential. The desired information sent by return mail, and no questious asked. Address SARAH B. LAMBERT. 3-m Greenpoint, Kiugg Co., New York. ITCH! ITCH! ITCII ! Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! WHEATON'S OINTMENT s7 vTa win enre tne itcn in 48 HOURS! (g ITCH It cures the Frairio Itch, Wa AND bash Scratches, Salt Rheum, -Salt lltwK'J ulcers, Chilblains, and allErap tions of (he Skin PHICE 50 CENTS. Beware of Lotions and Washes which will not remove the disease. By sending COcts to COLLINS CUO'S, (Agents- for the South-West,) . W Uor, 2d A Vine Streets. St. Louis, Mo., it will be for warded by mail, frre of Postage, to any part of the country. WEEKS & POTTER, Boston. Mass., Proprietors M-6m m C OB m. a. -T1 3 " O is o W w a -C5 8 A 1 o rr. o H CO H Xfl fc3 5 LJ H U O H O b o c el 0 S- a p. 3 O a S e - Q It O HQ BB -- -a Sj 3 1 a eS . S s C3 w 13 3 O 3 oS D 13 05A&! If Ml We have iuit received our first lot of fresh Seed and can furnish it by the pound or bushel, at the init markp.t Ttrir- Wou Id advise those in want n mrrnnond with us before curchasine xf other iartit3 PLAST & BRUTIIES, 2 ms. -. - ST. LOUIS, Mo. Ameria Dodd, P'ff, T. 1 Before It. V. tinges, J. VP. of Nemaha County , D'ff,) Nebraska Territory.- TtTHiayn Jnhn!!.Tl i tin rh Kth dav of Februarv. A. D- 1863, said Justice issued an Order of Attachment in thenbovo action for the sum of sixty-four dollars and fifty contSv AMERIA DODD. Brownville, N. T., Feb. 12th, 1808. 21-3t-i,dn JACOB MAROHN, IfflCMIT TMLOS. BRO WNVILLE, NEBRASKA Calls the attention oi Gentlemen desiring new, nt servicable and t&snionatle WEABIN.G APPAREL " ' TO HIS ' " JIEV STOCK OF GOODS. JUST RECEIVED, BXOAO CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, TESTINGS. Ac. J , 6 F "the ver y latest' styles Which he will sell or mae up, to order, at unprece denied low prices. Having on hand one of SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES, he is able to do Custom wori at rlCes tat defy compa- I warrant my work, II;tnd as well as 3Iacliine ITork. Those wishing any thins tn fcls line will do well to eall an. examine his toc before inyesting, h pledges himself to hold out peculiarly favorable in ducement January 1st lSCSp'd to Oct. 13th If 65. f- r"- "'--a WW. BROYITVILLE L2 IIORGAH L HEWETT. F.-.epectfuHy announce to tho public that they are niaaufacturing tha LEEiEB & KIDDEB SIDING PLOW - - - ... H on COKN CULTIVATOR. ALSO OXJLCIX'S GAXQ A 50 TEENOH PLOWS. We have tii.u ,iTfl Tvht to tha manuftetcre mtsi tm'f of these plows in vs Territory and ad jimiDg counties of Missouri, au intend to supply all demands so far as p.aeticable.s It is conceded by all who have tested the Leeper & Kidder Cultivator, that it is superior' to all others, in the following rbspeots t 1st. I he plowman can rid easier and plow with less labor. 1 2nd. Any person who can drive a team can man ge it. 3d. Crooked rown of corn are plowed as easily and thoroughly as straight ones, the plowman sit ting so as to observe tne corn, aud see H tne work it well done. 4th. It i3 milled bva cerfectlv natural and ea.v foot motion, ana doe uot cramp of tire the plow man. 5th. The plow, while In motion, is moved with perfect ease. 6th. The shovels may be adjusted to any depth, and any desired space between them is easily ob tained. 7th. It has adjustable shields to prevent young corn from being covered. ' 8th, Itis admirably adapted to plowingln small grain. Every cultivator 13 well made, of good material, and warranted to do good work. We refer to the following named persons, who last year bought and used the cultivator manufac tured by Morgan & Mead, in Atchison county, Mis souri, to-wit: A. J. Richardson, riemaha county, Nebraska. Sedoras, do W WTate, do ' T J Robipson, - do Mr Biggsby, do A Shoenheit, Richardson do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Shoemaker A Co do Jessee Crook do J B Watingly Gage do - -do J 11 Parker, Atc'i isoa county, Missouri. John Van Meter do. do do M J Porter do do do AS Campbell do do do W U Vanloven do do do JohnBarder - do do do David Bertrand do do iq Jacob Jaliawenhy do do do . Andrew Buck do do So , MrCristy do do do W C Morgan do do do Wm May do do do W T Robinson do do do ' Moses Tibbttts do do do Steph"m Clayton do do - do O W Woolsey do do do Mr Terrell do do do Mr McDonald do do do Mr Burnett do do do ; A nillman do do do Mr Tarnor lo do do . MrLan,ley do do do Thomas Arnoll do do do ErnastLsuKkirg do do - do Msy & Lahuc do - do do . Bennet King " do . io do P BamhursC do , 4o do S C Woods do tlo do O W Smith do do do Phillip Walters do do do 11 II Vanloven do do do J C Miller do do do A Morgan Nodoway do ; do O V Ilaler do . do do II B Casey do do do Mrs Schuyler do do do J R B. adford do do do L A Rogers do do do T J Rogers do do do J II Walker do do do J SBusford do do do Mr Crocker do do do J 1) Eoock do do do M Fisher Holt do do- John Tidgen do . do -doN Wn Hickman do - do do , D Thompson do do - do THE GANCJ, .TRENCH, AND PliOWS, Have been DcSIgrned Especially to Meet the Wants of Fataiers. l"One man and four horses can do more Work, and do it better, with Ihis plow, than two men with twtf discoanec ted plowa. The following ace tome of the advantages these Plows have over others : " 1st. They are so arranged that they canno rise out of the ground when striking a sod or hard place, injuring thorough work. : . . 2nd. Tbey are the lightest draft of maj Ilo--, either 8 pg"e or double, according to the report of the Committee of Trial of Implements , at Decatur, IU., Septemver, 1863. Si. They are more easily managed; any stout hnvtin vea.ra old can manasre them. 4th. They are more compact and nd simple, therefore not eo liable to get out of order. Tiir r-ir-s iinvc fallen .ive First Premiums aime mmois Slate Fairs, and Four at -1 Iowa State Fairs. The Trench Plows are used for breaking Prairie or-Mtdio-r land, with Sod Plow in front, eutting the sod in a thin slice, ana turning i aownmio -dep ftrrowl and the-rear plow raising the sub-soli to the surface, covers the sod ccmpif te.y, so teas it is ut of the way of after culture. .. . T ' hiT ' e will promptly fill auoraersior lasa&ove najied plows at this place. ' ,: : We are also prepared to do Custom Work in Wood and Iren, n-ony thing perUining to the " WHEELWRIGHT'S, J VmJ. u Blacksmith's Business, Pepairis5Wfgns,MacMiiery,Shoetrig,&c. Prompt attention given to Customers in th.s llne at the Shops fronting ' ' '' ' ' COGSWELL'S LIVERY STABLE X-J5 ON TO). LEVEE. Lyon's Heriodical Drops. THE GREAT FEMALE REME DY FOR IR REGULARITIES. . t X Taese Drops are a scieatiflcallv coaponoded fluid preparation, aai tetter tha& any Pil!, Powders, or ifostrunis. Beitg liqaW, their action is direct ana positive, rendering tbem a reliatle, pcety and cer tain specific for the cure of all obsu-uatieus and sup pressions of nature. Tieir popularity Is imlicatevl by the fact tht over 100 COO Djtties -are acenany sola and consumed ty tbe Idis of tne United States, eve ry one cf wnom speak in the strongest terms of praise of their treat merits. Ttey are rapidly taking the place of every other Kemaie Remedy, and are consid ered by all who knowaushtof them; as the surest, sa fest, and most Infaiiiable preparation m tho world, for tb ure of all female complaints, the removal of all obstructions xt nature, and the promotion of h4.il th regu'irlty and strength. Explicit dli ections itatlcj when they may he eel, and explaininz when and why tbey should not, nor could not be used without produ cing effects contrary to nature's chosen laws, will be fwund Carefeliy f-jMed around each bottle, with tha written signature cf J 0H5 L. Lyox, without which none are genuine. ' Prepared by Dr. JOHtf L. LTON", IS5 Chapel Street, New Haven, Conn., who csn be consulted either per sonally, or by mail, (enclosing stamp ) conceraititf' all private diseases and female weakness. Price $l,6o per bottle. . . Sold by Druggists everywhere C. O. CLAEK &CO., Gen'l jrents for U. 3. and Canada 0 -Lisa Bbos. St. Louis. ) Wholesale S"Wj.er, Fixch & Frixxa, Chkajco. ( Agents December 7th 13t5. ly. lo-U ll-is ia,na, jsw GRANT'S CAEAP CASH STORE. Main S(reet between First and Second. -BROWNVILLE, N. T. W2 have In store a Urge and well selected stock ot Boots and Shoes, J Finest Quality of Winter Stock, WHICH HB OFFERS FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH uriuueiius ui lively jyiiiu. Suffir.'l" Coffee, Tea, v Soda, Allspice,"-. Pepper1, Candles, Tobacco, Matches, . Starch, &c.&c.,&.c. All of which he offers at the lowert prices, deter mined" hot to be undersold. ' GRANT. Brawnille, Neb., lx-39.6m.7,60 STRAY NOTICES STRAY 110 GS. Taken up by the under8iened. livinz near loig's Bridge in Nemaha County, Nebraska, on the 5th day of February,18S8 Two spotted Hogs crop off the right ear ,one white Boar and one spotted lioarwitn jio marts, Brownville March 1st 1858 B. L. BiWLDWLN. Taken ntj by the under sngned living near Peru, Nemaha Coufety, Nebraska, en the 30th day of January, 1886, one dark bay horse colt, 2 years old.- 22-Dd J. tx. allies. Taken up by the undersigned on his premises In Lafayette Procinct, Nemaha county, Nebraska, on the 20th day of Deo. 1885, one light red steer, line back with a white spot on each hind qdarter, head and neck red, thrte years old. The owner of this property will please call, prove property, pay cnarges and 1 take it away. JAMES MlRPHY. no20-5tpf,dn due 51.50. ' Taken un br the nndersisned livins one mile above Long's Bridge - on the Nemaha, in Nemaha county, Neb., on the 20th' day of January, 1883, one deep red Steer, white on tho belly, droop horns, croo off the right ear, bush of tail white, about tnree years oiu ia.ju opimg. - n2Q-ot due f,nn Taken up by the undersigned, living one mite above Long's Bridge on the Peniaha, m xemana county. Neb., on tbe 20th day of January, 1886, One deep red steer wita wnite on me oeny, orwp horns, bush of tail white, about three years old last Spring. JOHNSPIDLE.- n20-5t-due f,nn - 60LD &' SILVER . FIITAIICIAL CRISIS compel ns to sell In the course of Six 3Iontlis 6250,000 --250,000 WORTH OF TTatclies, Clocks, Chains, Dia mond -tings, Pianos,tJelo--deoiis, Sc. vingr Machines Silver Ware,&c. ALL TO BE DISPOSED OF AT One Dollar JGivola. Without regart to value ! And not to be ' paid lor until you know what are toTreceive. EST After receiving the article, if it jdoes not please you, you tan return it and your mon ' ey well be re .' funded.-' The Stock Comprises amongst articles. Splendid Clocks, Gold and Silver IVateh.es, Rings set with Diamonds, Rubies, Pearls, Garnet and ofher Stones (soliUire and in clusters) , Ladies sets cf Jewelry, onmprisiog Pins and Ear Rings of tbe.most fashion able styles, set in Precious Stones :of every variety, together with a large assortment of Gold and En amelled and Ptearl SeU Gold Studs and ' Sleeve Buttons of the beautiful patterns, Gent Bosom and Scarf Pins, and an endless variety of Braceletta, Chains ,Muaica!Boxes.ll6C.d Dres3,Combs,charms.At In censequenee of the great tagnation of trade in the Man'.fae turir.g districts of France and Eng land, a large quantity of valuable Jewelry, origin ally intended for the European market, has been sent off for f ale in this country, and must be sold at any sacrifice? Under these circumstances the "WATCH & GOLD JEWELRY CO." have resolv ed upon. AN APPORTIONMENT!! subject to the following regulations: Certificates naming each artlclf and Its VALUE are Dlaeed In SEALED ENVELOPES, which are -well mixed. One of these Envelope, containing the Cer tificate or Order tor some Article, will he delivered at onr office, or ent b mail to anv address, without reeard to cnoioe, on receipt or 20 uent3. On receiving the Certificate tte- pmrchaser will see what Article it drawl, and its value, and can toea aena One Dollar and receive the Article name-!, or can choose anu other ok Article on our List of the same va'ue. - " - ' SEXD J5 CENTS FOR A CERTIFICATE. ln"kll tranfactions by mail, we shall charge for f orwardiner te certificates, navinz rostare and do ing the businoss 25 eentr each, which must be en closed when the certificate is sent. Fve certificatfes for $1 . eleven $2 30 for 15. 65 for tlO and 100 for $15. ' " ' r Arents. We want asrents in every town and eountv in the country. and those acting as such will be allo-ved ten eenta on evory Certificate or 4red by them provided their remittence' amounts to$l. Agents will collect 25 cents for every cer tificate, and rmit 15 cents to a, either in cash or Tostasre stamus. Agents remitting at once $30,will ba entitled to-a b.autifal Silvor Watch, and also 200 certificates. v Please writs your Name , Town, County atd State plainly, n address an oraers io WATCH AND GOLD JEWELRY CO. J. Liberty St., Xew lork. 10-22-3a rdjin. 'Do 7on Wish to l?o Cured? Put not the poisoned chalice to 3 our lips, Yor Dcj(K will be the fate oi h!3 who sips ; But take the herbs in freshness from tLa e!d, And to the poteni roots di3ea&e wi'.l yi-ld. ' Old t.BU CHAN'S English Specif. Pills cure: in less r.an thirty cays, the worst cn'ej of Anno e?, Itpctency, Premature Decy, Stfminal Weak no??, Insanity, ana Lnnary, bexual or rrji ACe'Ctions, no matter from what causa produced. Price One Dollar per box. Sent postpaid, by mail on receipt cf an order. Addtess JAMES S. BUTLER 429 Broad way, 3e Yorl. P. S. Pejcri pi ive Circular scntfre ou applica tion. A"' Jr.n a: sbv?. 8 n i! y ' ' ! il U L f r 1 vJi O . On iiand at ills Store Eoorns, 6 i ''i i I 1 Hi l2J tie has, and will constantly keep on hand, a complete assortment of Dry G.kJ., Oroc?rii, Eocii aai Shoes Hits aal Caps, Cutlery, Glassware, Queensware, Hardware, Crockery Waro, Wooden Wars. Willow Ware, and all kinds-of ware usually kept in a first-class '-Retail Store, that will out wear W-r that can be bought aey where. ... TEBIJ-3 LOW DOWIT Dating Jjusit-Sougtit ent the entire establishment, it becomes nccecsary ta'collectall debts due te old firm ; to ttat end I hereby give notice that all accounts due the firm of J. Berry A Co., nupaii by tne in day of iiarcn, ibkt), wm ce piace-i in va nan January 1st, 1363. r"3 ! KM li-a. T--l l3 WHOLESALE DEALERS LY inn 1 PI I wyl Hi IU) UiJ AND .- ... Would call the attentionof DSAljIJRS to their immensa stock cf Drags ana Medicines, Scliool Books, Pntent Medicines, Blnk Books, Class and Glassware, WrUlns Pper, V Ints nd Oils, s Envelopes, Spices and Dje-stntTs, Coal Oil ndL a J 4 Pare Wines, LIqnors, &c, 5;e., Which were bought for cash of Manufacturers, Importers and Publishers, and will be sold at the rats) favorable prices. Buying in large quantities from first hands, they are enablod to oCer extra iaa ments to the trade. " ' They ara the JJorth-we.t.rn Wholesale Agents of Dr. D. Jayne & Son, anl of Dr. J. C. Ayre A Co.', and can furnish their Medicines in any quantities: (10 1-1 i FOR THE MILLIOX! ! I PIUZXUS . i . l , a ij . a TEX IltXOni-D THOUSAND!!! All can be suited in tha BpffiNSS STOCK Just received at the STABS OTOEIH1 Main Street, BrownTiKe, Nebraska. if f k- f"" All Kind?, Patterns aad Styles. Everything in the GrlBOCElS Line best quality Boots, Shoes, Woo '.en and Willow-Ware. O U aiiXdi-H.S:t"S,, B.?st brands. Dried ap. Cannesl 2-? xt xy X 2? ' O" . Nails, Glass, Sash, Queens ware- I t! UT- . --?"Editor of the Advertiser Dzar Sib: With your ptimiseion, I wish to say to the readers of your, raper, mas it wm isua, oj mail, ioihwuu wUbi-, ireej a uecipe, wit iu;j uirections xor making and using a simple Vegetable Ualra, that will effectually remove, In ten Says,rimMe-,Jiotcn-es, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, having the tarns soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. i will also mail free to those having BaM Heads, or Bare Face3,"Simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Lux crant Hair, Whiskers, or a mustache, in les3 than thirty day3. All applications answered by return itail with out charge. Respectfully Yoarn, TROcs. F.rilAPMAN, Chemist. 10 a. ic.3mon. 831 Broadway, Nev-York. ?7"The L'udersijned bavin been restcred to Health in a few weeks, by a very single remedy, af teT bavin suffered sever i y.srs whh a severe lang affefttion.and that dread disease, Cousamption is anxious to make known lo his feUew-safferers the means of cure. ' To all who desire it,te will sen 3 a copy cf the pre scription used (free of charge,) with the directions f'-r sreparirgand usir.q: the same, which tbsy will fi -A a S U RE C C RE FOR CONSUMPTION, ASTH MA,- BRONCHITIS, Ac. The only object of the alvertijer in tending the Prescription is to ber.e.t the aHicted, and spread info; oi if ion which he eon uspy is j.ives to be invtlaa-bie, an 1 he hopes every sufferer willtry bisremfldy,as it T?iJ ccct tiono:hii7g,and nay proveables5i5. ' .artisswL'bintbe prcscrSpticn will rlesiej-Jiress I.: v,2DWAEL A. WILSON, V.'iniamabur;, K'.njrY ?. rer Tori. . t.J-19lc nor.. " rt i i i I ! i i y !; Li Li U 1 n 2 i F - s y L Main St., EroTinYlIle, Nc Ul li 9 CASH ! -DJOtPZOZH 2 2 2 is cs an ciicecror collections. t i vi M ! 1 ( 1 nn Xill Property fcr Sale. TIIF. VERY DESIRABLE WATER GUTS? UILM on HIGH CREEK, Atchison' county, Mis souri, is now oifered for sale. - The mill is too' well known to need recomsnenda tlon. One tutt of four- foo Frctsch llrrcn Burrs, for wheat, Todd's manufacture, and one three and a half foot common burr for corn. Ma chinery all new except smutter. Water wbel 23 feet diametor; never freezes. All in good repair. New dam, Ac, Ac. For particulars enquire of G. Stiner at mill, or R. V.Muir at North Star, Mo. .-or Brewnville.N.T. MCIR A 8 TE IX Eli. . Muiralso offers his Steam Saw Mill ortvit Brownville, for sale. R. V". MUIR. ' no!5-lmpd. ... Atchison Co -Journal, please cops. From WILLIAMS' ADVERTI5INCJ A3TD PAT2XT trg si latiiaBi ai., si. juouis, mo. very Lziysni Gentleman ihouli us ' yoatHj" HARTLEY'S toar3 teethDENTAL CREAM JA It not only purifies and perfumes the breath bat renders the teeth sound and of a pearly wbiteneis and the gums healthy and strong, and is the most elegant and agreeable of all toilet apparx.lis. Sold by all Druggists at 25 cents a packs- anl sent by mail postage paid by COLLINS BROTH ERS, S. W. Cor. 2d A Vine Streets, St. Louis, Mo. on receipt of 35 .... Jan. 4th lb55 Sm Id-15 J.S. W. e.na. TheunJerigned keep on hand al;j s.ioaet r SATTItlETC SSi;;.ERS SUITS 1 For Men and Boy's wear. Also, a lare stock of HATS AND CAPS, LITin St WOOLEil SffluT BOOTS AND SHOES. . Hubber Cots, iCcSlns u Ebnltet?, L4l UMBRELLAS A!nD CARPET BAGS,. Gent's Fnrnis&ing Goods; Of all kinds which we will sell ' CHEAP F O II C A G II ' We purchased our goods' since "the de clihe in ibe Markets and will sell at lev figures. r ATKINSON & CO. April 12th, 1355, S-30-ly - v i a Miijyj! Ari-iiiujj 1 i t Soactils 5eir ! w , H a t J na Aua Beautiful Album.. coU!i il our Coicn Cni-!s, bC dead. The ilaic T"--et Pl- l tare Oallvry. u " al Pictures ; canjatl9 to 1X) Coaiio. also the Maeic Car-, eack carif co-niainlr t most a-tonishiag I-luioa aal Comicalities cf tte iij. Any of the above sent by mail, pixt-raii, ca r!t of 5 0 cnta. Agents iTipr)U9t ui-tl.VO pr Uozaa; also with every dfvrif tu,"a of Yani Xuuonu a4 c'f-t articles suiuitU fr trav-lir;; Aevnia, at tie lowest liirket prkea. AdJresa all oruers to ' . 5. j C. L. DRIGG3, 111 r2ar.cn Ei, OJ-ctTS n A DM I N 1ST It AT OILS NOTICE. yotice is hereby given that the Probate Ccartof Nemaha Cen!y. Nebraska Territory has spia ted the 3th 'U-V cf July, and thrir.th Jsy of Aa- i cast, A. D". 1 bo 2 at tea o'clock A. M., a t the Court Koom in 5rownvi.;e,to eiinst acl a.:ow claims J y mm against the estate cf Dorsey C. Chacbers, deceased; at which ikaes and place all pcrs.es hsvi-j sach claims are rsqiire i to jrc.cat them cr tiey.ill b fcrerer barred. - - . ': Datel this February . Jth 151. WILLIAM caAMrrr.s. 22-! t ',na Ai:'c';rv.r cf ?:'-;,:'.3.