i; I i i n i ! LOP .A. 'rkI)ds,M'ortagp,ExecntioDB, Replevins, Urritc License.Ac. Ac. 4c. for sale at this Ot5e. j BJ. S. WILIIAM8, Whoii the authoi - I ;tti XlDt in st LouU f"r ,bi, P"ter wiI1 attend to viking collections and purchases in teat City. 0"e f 7 Ctif Srerf, 2V. T. cor. 6a. yvsVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1SGC, See oew AJs in to-day's paper. . PicLles in Brine and in Jars at Swan See the letter in to-day's paper in re gard o Morgan &, Hewett's plows. A few of those fine Steel Engravings ol president Johnson for sale at the News ' corn Wanted, y ' ' WILCOX & WORTHING. ! AH srls f Dried Can Fruits at ! Svrin & BroV. J. V. Bliss Auctioneer, Sales made I jn'iawnor Cnnnirp -on-ihn terms. ' f-f taint Vis Profersional S"' ; . See the Card of Tipton &. Hevvett, At i jerseys at Law. Vou can get jhe fcest quality of Buck wheat Flour at Swan & Bro's. H. M. Atkinson has gone east for a stock of Clothing; also, Seeman, of cf the Cincinnati Branch. See the notice of Jissolution of the firm of Case & Baker, Butchers, in to day's paper. Icexaustalle is the supply and infinite the variety of the stock of Groceries and Provisions at Swan &. Bros. Merchants and others had better call cd llUa at the New? Depot and get in sured against Accideni before going east. Corr.pany reliable and rates reasonable. Wm. H. MtCreery, of the City Drug Store has on hand a large and complete Sicck cf Leads, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Window Glass and Putty. Mc. sells thtap. We learn that the Farmers of Peru . Precinct met Wednesday, 21st, to form a Club, and appointed a committee to draft Constitution and By laws, and report lo a meeting last Wednesday. A cood Stt-arn Ferry Boat is greatly needed at this point. In consequence of 'he improved condition of the roaJ west, would pny well. Yc, jiu o',tl.m. Numbering and the Council asleep upon this question. Look oat Tor Bargains I Bliss will have a large sale of House hold Furniture, and a farmer's complete ouifit, &c, in front of the Post Office next Saturday. J. F. Morris, of the upper Drug Store, has on hand a complete stock of every thing in his line, and is selling them off rapidly at low rates. Those desirins good Drugs, skillfully compounded, should go to Morris' Drug Store. A friend asked us the other day what the word Garobrinus1' meant ; upon our confessing ignorance, he invited us up to the Saloon of that name above the Brown- would plow deep tnd plant in rows four ..." .el. a lillff It .1 I ville House, when.af ter drinking, we both concluded, that "Gambrinus" means the best Beer in town at 5 cents a glass. ftcontA fl n i At the Citv Drur Store of Wm. II. McCreery can be found a large lot of the 'bore Seed, which are fresh and good ; .brought on by the well-known firm of Overman, Manu & Co. Come an4 se- fure youf Seed while they'can be had. Eoad MonCJ Last rtOtleC. Notice is hereby riven subscribers to die Brownville. Tecumseh, Beatrice and .1) 7 rrirtir Knnri i nmnnnv mat meir . j 1 j 5abscriptions must be paid up before the -.let day 0f March, 1S66. By order of the Directors. JPIJN L. CARSON, Ftb. 2L ,G6.-2t. ' Treas. Iufarmatloii WanlciJ. Left his home, in Hendrix's Precinct, rOtoe countv. Kb.. on New Year's Day. for brownville, Neb., Leonard W. Yoch. Itr; since which time nothing v,- v beard of him. He -is about 5 feet 6 inches highWcV eyes and hair, round 'boulders, quiet and unobtrusive in his 'banner; about 30 years of age. Had oa when be left a. fur cap, round cut black ack coat, a red comfort round his Deck, &d an army overcoat with him. He rede a fine bay mare, aboiit fifie en hands kigb, black mane and tail, Iejt hind fet lock white, about 6 years old ; he had on the mare a Dew quilted saddle arid new naie.. Uis friends are very anxious .about him and any information of his whereabouts -ill be thankfully received. if directed to Joseph Sands, Nebraska City, Neb. CSTTerritorial and N. Missouri iPapers will confer a favor by copying. A complete Series cf Text Books for Common Schpols are kept constantly on nand by Marsh & Co., at the Postofice. The attention cf School Teachers is es pecially invited to their list of School Books. This Seriec of Books has been officially recommended and are in use in New 'York, Illinois, Michigan, Mass acnusetts, New Jerrey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Vermont, New Hampshire. Iowa and f!iilifr.rni'a nan hare also been recommended by the principal Bo ards of Education through out tjie Territory. 20-4t To-day, at noon, the ice on the river in front of this City broke. The float ing ice indicates a general opening for a considerable distence up. Married On Sunday, Feb. 25ih, at the residence of the bride's father, by Eld. R. E. Barrow, George Thompson and Miss Mary Sedoras. By the same and at the same time and place, John Thompson and Miss Jane Sedoras. All of this county, 'Tis trulj said the bridal bed Is fill cl with fragrant roses j m Tbif mast be so, a bliss, we know, I Maiden's beads renoses : Yet, of woman born (Bom i w -vrsi & mora,' 'wTint pricks this blissful buouic, And makes more strong the legal thong, That binds ns to ear trouble May they live happy, and carry out the biblical injunction. Fain lew Farmer's Clab. We have the proceedings of three meetings of this Ciub before us and must condense to catch up. . February 2nd. "Subject raising and disposing of grain." Mr. Kennedy, thought Oats a profita ble crop; wheat not, but all should raise enough to do them. Recommended deep plowing and subsoiling for Corn ; and Brown's or some similar Planter, as they roll the ground weii over the Corn. For disposing cf the Corn on hand, he pro posed that Farmers hold on to their crop, get a contract and club their Corn to fill it ; thus cheat the speculators who stand between the producer and consumer, and take the "lion's share',' of the profits. Geo. Bryant was opposed to the rais ing of any wheat at all; thought Oats i very profitable crop, and better feed than Corn- For Oats, recommended plowing the ground, well before sowing, sow two bushel to the acre, harrow and roll. For Corn, would pbw deep, lay of in rows four feet apart, plant with a Planter and roll; cultivate to bare the ground level as possible, would not cultivate after it is three feet high. Thought that farmers should unite for mutual protection SO H6 iu uuiu i n iu iiitir uru unin a tairprjce could be obtained. i - D. . C. Bryant, sould not recommend should raise it, would plow the ground shallow before sowing. For Corn would nlow depD. nlant shallow and lav bv at three feet weeds or no weeds. H- Storm, had no faith in wheat; for corn, would plow deep as possible, plant four feet apart each way. and roll the ground well after planting ; thin to three stalks in the hill and sucker it. Mr. Randal, for corn would plow deep, thin to three or four stalks in the hill, commence cultivating so as to cultivate . - three time and lay by ft three et. He agreed with Mr. Kennedy in his method of disposing of corn on hand. F. E. Allen, thought wheat would not pay, but each farmer s-hould raise enough for his own use .; would sow early as he could get it into the ground. For corn, feet by two-and-a-half, and harrow when small. Preferred early while corn. Geo. Crow it will not pay to raise wheat, would raise rye as a substitute. For corn, would plow deep; a harrow ing is as good as a plowing, while corn is small. Thought farmers should unite in disposing of tb-eir corn. February 9th. Committee to ascer- tajn amount of corn owned by members 0f the Club reported 15,450 bushels. i - Consiitution and By-Laws adopted. Oa motion, resolved that oonexx meet- ins each member sin the Constitution and By-Laws, and pay his fee, which, if nnv to QO in u. reasouauic nuic, suun j exclude them from membership. February 16th. Subject "Raising and improving mock. Geo. Bryant said we should improve our ho rses, cross with a good horse that has size, m ake and color to suit, even if we have to go a good ways to Gad one ; at present the name has but lidle to do wuh the quality of the horse, all have Morgan blood." or descend from fcome other well known fine breed or "horses. I sav the owners. 1 lite a norse 10 iu i-j hands njgn; color nas inucn to uu nu the aualitv of a horse; best color white . .A. - , next gray. Fine Cattle are not so good for work E8'the common, they are not so tougl'anJ tardy: L urhazn for beet ; AJevon is tei- ter for butter then cammon stock. Thought Spanuh Merino Sheep were bett ar.d did best Wiare droves. I'referred the little Berkshire Hog. Mr. Swartz bad had a Dyon bull, did not like the cross, they were too small; cows gave rich milk but"ot much of iu Emery Peck, though the Durham best for beef aod the Devon for milk. Scene real effort should be made to improve'ihe stock in this neighborhood." 4 Geo:,Crow, thought our ca.Uve ftock, if properly cared. for, would-socn be a3 good as any for mil, and better Tor work. Adjourned for one week. GEO. CROW, Pres. F. E. Allen, Sec. 31ecllnsr of School Examiners. Notice i hereby given that the Board of Schoo Examiners of Nemaha County, Nebraska, will hold meetings for the Examination of Teachers for aid County, at the office of E. W. Thomas, in Brownville, on the 1st batorday in every month, between the hoars of one and 3 I. M, Applicants for certificates are required to be present at one clock, precuely, or they will not be examined. No person need apply at acy other time. " By order of the Board, ' . W. THOMAS, Clerk. April lit, -yly HEALTH AND BEAUTY. chapmas's Illustrated guise, A beautiful little work of 50 pages, teaches you Hov to remove Tan, Freckles, Blotches; Eruptions, and all impurities of the skin how to produce a tuii growtn or n niaKers now to produce a luxun- n growin or Hair on toe Ba.d Head nre Ca tarrh. Purify the Blood, Purify the Breath---to curl and beautify tho Hair, remove Sunerflaoni rjjir. t - . r.. . . ; euro LniDaennes, cure hereout JJcbUity, Ac, Ac. how to reew your age, and other useful and Tain able information. A copy of this work will be mail ed free ef charge Address TIIOS F. CHAPMAN, LnEKIST 'AXD'lTKFCSIEB, ' - 3 ms. K I Bread way, Xeio Tori. A CARD TO THE STjrrERHTG Do joa wish 'to be Cured 7 If so, swallow two or throe hogsheads of "Bacha," Tonic Bitters," "SarsAparllla," "Xervout Antodotei," Ac. Ac, A., and after you ara satisfied with the result, then try one b.x of OLD DOCTOR BUCIIAXV Eojlish Specific FillSi and be restored to health, and rigor in less than thirty days. They are purely Tegetable pleasant to take, prompt and falutarr in their ef- icotg on the broken-down and shattered constitu tion. Old and young can take them with advan tage. X.BUCUAAy'tiEDzish Specific Pills cure in less than 30 dajs, the worst eases of NER VOUS- XESS, Iinpotency, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness Insanity, and all Uhiarv. Sexual, and J Terrou a Sections, no matter from what cause pro- ujr iuui, ca receipt oi an onler. vtddrcs ,, JAMES S. 2JUTLEH, JVo. 329 Broadway, Kew J ori, General Agent "'"P". S. A box sent to any address on receipt of price which is one dollarpost free. 5?Adis criptive Circular sent on application. 8 weeks. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous and Genial Debility, Nightly Emissions, and Semin al Weakness, the result of youthful indiscretion.and came near ending his days in hopcles misery, will for the sake cf suffering man, send to all who need it, (free of charge,) the reside and dircciions for making the simple remedy used in his case. Suf ferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's sad expe rienco,and possess a sure and valuable remedy ,ean do so by addressing him at once at his place of bu siness. The Recipe and full information of 'vital importance will cheerfully sent by mail. Address ' JOHN B OGDEN, No. CO Nassau -Street, New York. P. S. Nervous Sufferers of both seres will find this information invaluable. x lg 3 months. LOVE AND MATRIMONY. Ladies and gentleman, if you wish to marry, ad dress tho unden-igaed, wno will send you, without iuocey and without price, valuable information that will enable you to marry happily and spcedtly, ir respective of age, wealth or beauty. This inform -tion will cost you nothing, arid if you wish to mar ry, I will cheerfully assUst,you. All letters strict ly confidential. The desired information sent by return mail, and no tjuestious asked. Address SARAH B. LAMBERT. 3-m Greenpoint, Kings Co., New York. ITCII ! ITCH ! ITCH ! Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! WHEATOiTS OINTMENT Will enre the itch In 48 HOURS! It cures the Prairie Itch, Wa bash Scratches, Salt Rheum. AND Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Erup tions of (he Skin PRICE 50 CENTS. Beware of Lotions and Washes which will not remove the disease. By sending GOcts to COLLINS BIIO'S, (Agents for tho South-West.) 8. W Cor. 2i 4 Vine Streets, St. Louis, Mo., it will be for- country. WEEKS t POTTER, Boston. Mass., Proprietors ol-Cm Br J s cpj 5 im EQ M t-) it 8K it s I , 3 te o 73 9 o CO IP, W H o K o Tj C " CS O'CaS i 1 li 5 o - . Mil c 0 o a a o . 2 3 PC a B D 3 5 iu 3T3 a o d H D 1 a 2 It) II -SDI!! We have iuit received our first lot of fresh Seed .an fnrnUh it hV the DOUDd Or DUSnCl. A iUO . i a. lowest market price. Wou Id advise those in wan to correspond with ns betora purcnasmg w cine iarlitS PLAST & BRJOTIIER, Jms. - ' 51. LUtlO, fflQ Ameria Dodd, P'ff, IT. 1 Before K. V. tinges, P. of Nemaha County, William John?on, D'ff,) Nebraska rUrj. '- On the 8th day of February, A. D 18b6, said Jutice issued an Order of Attachment in the above action for the sum of sixty-four dollars and fifty cent, ' AMERIA DODD. Brownville, N.T., Feb. 12th, 1S66. 21-3t-i,da JACOB MAROHN, " QHEUIT TIILOS. BROWNVILLE," NEBRASKA Calls the attention ol Gentlemen desirlnj new, net ervicattle and t asliionable WEAHING APPAREL TO HU 1EV STOCK OF GOODS. JUST RECEIVED, BROAD CLOTIIS," CASSIMERS, TESTINGS, Ac. K , 0 f "the ver y latest' styles Whkrh he wUl sell or make up, to order, at nnpreci- denied low prices. Having on hand one of SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES, he is able to do Custom work at rites tiat defy compe- I warrant my work, ri.'tnri ns well as Maclilne TTork ii DMi 1 Those wlshms aoy thing tn tils line will do well to call an4 examine his stock before Investing, aa he pledges himself to hold oat peculiarly favorable in- ducement : . ! January 1st 1865 'i to Oct. 15th I?5o. BROWIWILLE LIORGAN & HEWETT. Respectfully announce to the pnblic that they are manufacturing the LEEPEB & KIDDEB BIDING PLOW 03 CORN CULTIVATOR. ALSO C LACK'S OAJVO A5D TEENOH PLOWS. We have tnec. to manufiietare ml rale of these plowa in fsi, Territory and ad joining counties of Missouri, ahs .intend to aupply all demands so far as p.aeticable. It is conceded by all who hare tested the Leeper A Kidder Cultivator, that it is superior to all others , in the following respects t r . 1st. The plowman can ride easier and plow with' less labor. - 2nd. Any person who can drive a team can man ge it. 3d. Crooked rown of corn are plowed as easily and thoroughly as straight ones, the plowman sit ting so as to observe the corn, aud see il the work it well dono. 4th. It is guided by a perfectly natural and ea?y foot motion, ana does uot cramp or tire the- plow man. - 5 lb. The plow, while in motion, is moved with perfect ease. 6th. The shovels may be adjusted to any depth, and any desired space between them ia easily ob tained. 7th. It has adjustable shields to prevent young corn from being covered. ' 8th, Itis admirably adapted to plow ingin small grain. ' Every cultivator is well made, of good material, and warranted to do good work. We refer to the following named persons, who last year bought and used the cultivator manufac tured by Morgan A Mead, in Atchison county, Mis souri, to-wit: A. J. Richardson, Nemaha county, Nebraska. Sedoras, do do do W W Tate, do ' do - do T J Robinson, do do do Mr Biggsby, do do do A Shoenheit, Richardson do do Shoemaker A Co do do do Jessee Crook do do do J B Watingly Gago do -do J U Parker, Atc uson county, Missouri. John Van Meter do do do M J Porter do A S Campbell do W H Vanloven do John Barder - do David Bertrand do Jacob Jaliawenny do Andrew Buck do Mr Criaty do W C Morgan do Wm May do W T Robinson do Moses Tibbttta do Stephen Clayton do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do o Go do do do do do do do do do do do 00 do do do do do do do do do do do io do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do -J- do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do dov -do. do do O W WooUey do Mr Terrell Mr McDonald Mr Burnett A Ilillman Mr Turner Mr Langley Ernest LanskiDg May & Lahue Bennet King " r Barnhnrst S C Woods O W Smith Phillip Walters 11 II Vanloven do do do do 4o do do do do do . do do do do JC Miller A Morgan G V Iktler II B Casey Mrs Schuyler J R B. adford L A Rogers T J ltoeera J U Walker J S Baiford Mr Crocker J 1) Enock M FUher John Tidgen Wm Hickman D Thompson do Jtodoway do- . do do do do do do do do do nolt do , do do THE GAN .TRENCH, AND Have been Designed Especially to Meet tiie lYantS ol Farmers. t2T"3ne man and four horses can do more Work, and da it better, with this plow, than two men with twtf disconnected plows. The following ate tome of the advantages these Plows have over others : r 1st. They are so arranged that they eanno rise out of the ground when striking sod or hard place, insuring thorough work. !.. 2nd. Tne? are the lightest draft vt maj Itr, either 8 ngle or double, according to the report of the Committee of Trial of Implements , at Decatur, lU.,Septemver, 1863. Zl. They are more easily managed; any stout ksw ten vM.ni nld can Dianaere them. . j .: i. ith.'lhev are more corapacii ana m miuiv, therefore not so liable urget out of order. Tliese Plows liave taken iivc First I'renilums at me luinuis 4 State Fairs, and Four at Iowa State Fa"- The Trench Plows are used for breaking Prairie or-Medow land: with a Sod Plow in front, cutting the sod in a thin slice, ana turning i uuwuimu depnrrow, ana the reat piowraisiDs iu uu-Bun to the surf ace. covers the pod compUt'y,so that it is ut of the way of after culture. ' .. r-Ve will prompUy fill auoraersior woaiove najied plows at this place. We are also prepare! to do Custom Work ia Wood and Iren, nxny tiling pertaining torts1 WHEELWRIGHT'S, Blacksmitli's Business repairing Wans,Macliiiiery,Shoeiig,&c. . . ... Prompt attention given toCnstomers in this line a i m e m 1 1 J J ii. g u I i I J at the bhops fronting COGSWELL'S LIYERY STABLE, x-J5 OX TD LEVEE. Lyon's Keriodical Drops. THE GREAT FEMALE REME DY FOR IR REGULARITIES. WW These Drops are a scientifically compounded fluid preparation, aad tetter that any Powders, or It'ostrums. Eeicg liquid, their action is Street act positive, rendering them a reiiatlc, poedy and cer tain speciac for the cure ot ail obstr aotieuj and sup pressions of nature. Their popularity is indicate! ty the fact that over 100 COO t3tt!es-are anneally sold and consumed by the lJis ot the United States, eve ry one of whom speak in the strangest terms of praise of their great merits. They are rapidly taking the place of every other Female Reuiedy, and are consid ered by all who know aught of them; as the surest, sa fest, and most lnrliiahle preparation in the world, I for the cura of all female complaints, the removal of ail ot6trnctions tt nature, and the promotion of healta regularity and strength. Explicit 3ii ections stating when they may be uei, and explaining when and why they should not, nor could not be used without produ cing effects contrary to nature's chosen laws, will be found carefn'iy folded around each bottle, with the written signature of Joaa L. LYOJf, without which none are genuine. Prepared by Dr. JOHK L. LTOJT, 195 Chapel Street, New Haven, Conn., who can be consulted eiiter per sonally, or by mail, (enclosing stamp ) concerning' all private diseases and female weakness. Price $l,So per bottle. Sold by Druggists everywhere C. G. CLAKK &CO., n on M ilfronta trtr IT A .nit Ptinarl '-1.158 Baos. St. Loais. ) Wholesale 'tf-LEK, Finxh 4c. Fcllib, Chicago. $ Agent December 7th lSt5. ly. lo-12-U.U id,nn, Jsw GE ANT'S CAEAP CASH STORE. Main Street between First and Second. - BROWNVILLE, N. T. WX have In stor a large and well selected stock cf Boots and Shoes, Finest Quality of Winter Stock, ' WHICH H8 OFFERS FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH Groceries of Every Kind, Sugar; Coffee, Tea, . Soda, Allspice," Pepper, Candles, Tobacco, Matches, Starch, &c.&c.,&c. Atl of which he offers at the lowert prices, deter mined not to he undersold. ' - GRANT. Brwn-Ule, Keb., ix-39.6m.7,60 TBAY NOTICES STRAY UOGS.-Taken up by the undersigned, living near long's Bridge in Nemaha County, Nebraska, on the 5th day of February,! 865 two spotted Uogs crop oil tne right ear, one whita Boar and one spotted Boar with jio marks, CBrownville March 1st 1868 23 i B. L. BAWLDWI Taken an by thennder sngned living near Peru, Nemaha County, Nebraska, en the 30th day of January, 1856, one dark bay horse colt, 2 years old.- 22-pd J.H.ST1TES. Taken np by the undersigned on his premises in Lafayette Precinct, Nemaha county, Nebraska, on the 20th day of Deo. 1865, one light red steer, line back with a white spot on each hind quarter, head and neck red, three years old. The owner of this property will please call, prove property, pay chsrges and Ukeitaw;y. JAMES MtRPUY. no20-5t p f,dn due $1.50. ' Taken ut ty the nndersigned living one mile above Long's Bridge on the Nemaha, in Nemaha county, Neb., on the 20thl day of January, 1866, one deep red bteer, white on tne oeny,qroop noma, crop off the right ear, bush of tail white, about three years old last Spring. JOHN SPIDLE. n20-it due f,nn Taken no bv the undersizned. living one mile above Long's Bridge on the Nemaha, in Nemaha connty. Neb., on the 2Dth day of January, 1865, One deep red Steer with white on the belly, droop horns. b-ish of ta;l whito. aoou( tnree years oia last Spring. JOHN SPIDLE.- n20-5t-duo f,nn GOLD & SILT'iffjiK FIIIAIICIAL CRISIS compel us to sell In the course of Six Months 6250,000 --250,000 WORTH OF Watches, Clocks, Chains, Dia mond Kings, Plaiios,IiIelo : -dcons, Sewing Slachincsy Silver Ware,&c. ALL TO i?E DISPOSED OF AT Oxxo !Dollar jQolx Without regart to value ! And not to be paid lor until you know what nre tVre'.ceive. EST After receiving the article, if it does not please you, you (Jan return it and your mon ' cy well be re- funded.' The Stock Comprises amongst articles, Splendid Clucks, Gold and Silver IV'atches, Rings set with Diamonds, Rubies, Pearls, Garnet and ofhef Stones (soliUire and in clusters) , Ladies sets of Jewelry, oomprisiog Pins and Ear Rings of the.most fashion able styles, sej in Precious Stones ;of every variety, together with a large assortment of Gold arid En Kmelled and Paii SeU Gold Studs and ' Sleeve Battons of the beantifal patterns, GenU Bosom and Scarf Pins, and an endless variety of Braceletta, Chains ,M usicalBoxes.IIetd Dress.Combs fih&rma.&b In censequenee of the great (tarnation of trade in the Manufac luring districts of France and Eng land, a large quantity of valuable Jewelry, ongin allv intenied for the European market, has been sent off forfala in this country, and must be sold at anv Facrifhse? Under these circumstances the "WATCH A GOLD JEWELRY CO." have resolv ed upon. AN APPORTIONMENT !! subject to the following regulations: Certificate i naming each article and Its VALUE are nlaeed in SEALED ENVELOPES, which are -well mixed. One of these Envelope, containing the Cer tincateor Order for some Article, will be delivered at oor office, or nent b mail to any address, without regard to cnoie, on receipt ot xo ueui. On receiving the Certificate tte- purchaser will see what Article it draw, and its value, andean Ueaaend Dnn -Dollar aad receive the Article named, or can choose any ot her one Article on our List of the same va ne. " ' SEXD 05 CENTS FOR A CERTIFICATE. In "all transactions by mail, we shall charge for f nrwardin? tSe certificates. tavmz restate ana ao- in? the businoss 25 cents- each, which nvist be ea rinsed when the certificate ii sent. Fve certificates for$l, eleven $2 30 for $5, 65 for $10 and 100 for $15. ' Acrnntji. VT want acents in every town and nnnntv in the conntrv. and those actinz as such will beallo-ved ten cents on evory Certificate or .dered by them provided their remittence' amounts tol. Agtnts will collect ii cents ior every cer tificate. and rynit 15 cents to U-". either in cash or Tosta?e stamns. Azenta remittine at once $.10,will K ntitlM tn-a beautiful Siivor Watch, and also 200 certificates. Please write your Name , Town, County State plainly, end address all orders to WATCH AND GOLD JEWELRY CO. atd SS Liberty St XeW York. 10-22-8 rdin. 'Do STou Wish tja l?e Cured? Put not the poisoned chalice to your lips, yor Death will be the fate oi hiai who sips ; But take the herbs in freshness from tLa field, And to the potenl roots disease will jitld. ' Old f. BU CHATS English Specids Pills cure, in less an thirty days,fhe worst eases of Ntrtout ?, III. potency, Premature Decsy, Seminal eas noJ, Insanity, and Urinary, Sexual or .Sen-oa ACTections, no matter from what causo produced. Price One Dollar per box. Sent postpaid, by mail on receiot of an order. Addtsss JAMES S. BUTLER 429 Broad way, Jre Yorl. - P. S.De?criptive Circular icntfre ca appUca tion, A'-iriT? a:aK,re- 8 reks n r n h MA If n fH.M;Hi!nil 2 J L.J 0 O On jiand at his Store Dooms, tfe has, and will constantly keep on hand, a complete assortment f Dry GooJ, Orocen'ei, Eois aai Shoes lUtsand Caps, Cutlery, Glassware, Queensware, Hardware, Crockery Ware, Woodea Ware. Willow Ware, and all kinds-of ware usually kept ia first-class KeUil Store, that w'i cut wear icy Ware that can be bought aaywhere. ... . . TEH LIS : LOW DOWIT IlaTingJusionglit cnt the entire establishment, old firm ; to that end 1 bereoy give notice that all accounts due the firm of J. Berry the let day of March, 1S63,' will be placed in the hands of an oficerfor collections. il firm ; to that end 1 bereoy give notice that all January 1st, 1865. ly El QL tut M WHOLESALE - .ii DEALERS ly ll-vy vJlLj v. nJ vi AND iT osepli,.Mo. Would call the attentiorfof DEALERS to their immensa stock cf Drugs and 3Iedlclnes, School Books, Patent Medicines, Blnk Books, Class and Glassware, Wrltlnsr Pper, P lnts nd Oils, ; Eniclopes, Spices and Dje-staffs, Coal Oil ndL ii) Pare Wines, LIqnors, &c, c, Which were bought for cash of Manufacturers, Importers and Publishers, and will be sold at the mesa favorable prices. Buying in large quantities from first hands, they are enabled to offer extra indao ments to the trade. . They ara the JJorth-western Wholesale A?ecta of Dr. D. Jayne & Son, and of Dr. J. C. Ayre A Co.', and can furnish their Medicines in any quantities: (10 1-1 r n rri vi FOR THE MILLION! ! ! AA" Ar) I ,U 1 1 1 1 I B TEX IirXDIlEO THOUSAND XI! :- All can be suited in tha IMMENSE Just received at the ST AM gTOEIGI Main Street, Brownville, Nebraska. All Kind?, Patterns aad Styles. Everything ia the Line best quality Boots. Shoes. Woo '.en and Willow-Ware. Eest fcracdJ. Dried and Canned XT. XT Nails.Glass.Sash.Queons r ware. "JL O J Jtm Editor of the Adrertiter Deab Sib With miseion. I wish to say to the readers of your pe your. Paper, that Ii will send, by ma'.l, to all who wish"i;,"free a Recipe, with full directions for makinz and using a simple Veeta'ole Halm, that will effectually remove. In ten days.rimMea.rllotch- es, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, having the sains soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail free to those having BaJd IIead3, or Bare Faces,"Simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full jrrowth of Lux- urant Hair, Whiskers, or a mustache, in less than thirty daj3. ... All applications answered by return mail with out charge. Respectfully x oars. TROS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist. 10 a.Ac.3mon. 831 Broadway, New-York. rtrrThe L'udersizned having been restored to Health in a few weeks. by a very simple remedy, af ter having suffered sever.! ysars whh a severe lang affeciion.and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to his fellew-safferers the i means of cure. 1 To all whode?ire it, he willsendaeopy of the pre scription used (free of chirge,) with the directions for sreparingand nsir.g the same, which thay wiil 6 ad a SURE CURE FOR CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA.,- P.RQNCBITIS, Ac. The only object of the jivertuer in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread infornn'ion which he eon jeives to be invaluable, anl he hopes every sufferer will try bisremdy,as ii sill' coct tiea nothing, and nay prove a blessing. .artisswiiuingthe prescripticn will please address iiev.LUWAKU A. lYILSOX,-' Williamsburg, EinjfT'j., re? York ti f ! v il U ii 0 i it j . .. F X Haln St., BroirnTille, Nci)ras!i2. FOR CASH ! it beoomes ncceary to collect all debt due the accounts due the firm of J. Berry A ( Co., unpaid by JAM2S CSF.Y. La V & i:J ( r l 4 3 Llill Property fcr Sale. THE VERY DESIRAELE WATER GRIST- MILMon HIGH CREEK, Atchison county. Mis ! sour i, is now offered for sale. Kurrs, lor wheat, louas manniacture, ana cue 1 three and a half foot common burr for corn. Ma chinery all new except smutter. Water wh-ael S3 feet diameter; never freezes. All in good repair. 3ew dam, Ac, Ac. For particulars enquire cf G. Stiner at mill. or R. V.Muirat Sorth Star.Mo...r Brewnville.N.T. MUIR A STEI.NER. Muir also offr3 his Steam Saw Mill onnoxita Brownville, for sale. . Ii. V. MLIR. nol5-lmpd. Atchison Co Journal, please copj . From WILLIAMS' ADVERTISING A JTD PATIXT 9 Auanii, i kucuuki3t,,ak. uiill, as. . Every Lady and Gentleman should usa ' r-l I. SrtN .'AL H . VBfe- I . . . ' i r .L i ,t 1 . li not cniy purines ana penumes tae orcauu dui renders the teeth sound and of a pearly whiteness and the gums healthy and strong, and is the most elegant and agreeable of ail toilet appendages. Sold by all Druggists at 25 cents a packs?- and sent by mail postage raid by COLLINS BROTH ERS, S. V. Cor. 2d A Vine Streets, St. Louis, Mo. on receipt of 3d Jan. 4th linto Gtn HJ-15 J.s. . e.na. The undersigned keep on hand a Is if e ssjoasasiest t r SATTIHET&C SS1MERE SUITS For Men and Boy's wear. Also, lar,;e stock of HATS AND CAPS, LIfJE!3 & WOOLl SHIRTS BOOTS AND SHOES. jabber Cots, Levins tl Blankets, JJ Of all kinds which we will sell CHEAP FOR O A O H " We purchased our jroocb' since "the da clihe in the Markets and will sell at lovi fibres. r ATKINSON CO. April 13th, 1533, 9-33-ly ' r-s r in iiiio! ras-nonj A Beautiful Album,, containing t Portrait of our Union Generals, VC living and dead. The Majic Pocket Ple tnre Gallery, chansab!a to 10OO ComJo al Pictures : also tni ilasrfc Cards, each card contalnlrsj the most as touching LUusio&a aa4 Cornicaiittee of the day. Any of the above sent by mail, pot-paiJ, oa we!? f 50 cents. Agenta supplied at-3.0O pr doJ; al with every descriptiua of Ynke J'oUod a4 c'.iivt articles snitabU for traT?lin? Acenta, at th loweet market price. Atidresa all order to . :. t C. L- BRIGG9, III Tsartcn Si, Ci!cnff H AD-MI N 1ST U AT O KS NUTICU. Notice is hereby given that the Trbate C3rtof Nemaha Ceacty .Nebraska Territory has appoin ted the 9ih 'Jjy cf July, and the 13th dey of Aa pust, A. D'. 1 S05 at tea o'clock A. M., a t the Court Room in Brownville, tn examin- and allow eUiaJ against the estate d Dorsey C. Chamber, deceased; at which iimes and pUce all persons hat5g euoh clsims are required to prcicnt them or they .iU be forever barred. ' : Dated this Febrnary, 25th 1SSS. WILLIAM CHAMrZSS. :2-ltt.i- Ad.'nuTtr-f tl'n'-A!. rZT (TsfD 3T 253 y cT"