.the middle of the ciianneL"of taid Mis 3cri-river, and -following the tneancLer--ing3 thereof to the place cf beginning- SCHEDULE. 1. That no inconvenience may arise from the change jf territorial gov ernment to a State gown: me nt. it is de clared thai all rights, suits, actions, pros ecutions, judgments, recognizances, claims and contract?, both as respects persons and bodies corporate, thall con tinue and t enforced as 4i no change had talen place, and all laws now in force .shall reiia in force until altered, amended, or appealed by the Legisla lure; Provided, wherever the word Ter ritory thalloccur.it shall be construed to mean State, whenever it may be neces sary, ia order that such laws may con form to the'State Government. ' 2. Alf dtbts, fines, penalties, recog nizances, end forfeitures, due end owing . lo the Territory of Nebraska, shall in ure to the benefit cf the State, and all obligations and bonds to the Territory " of Nebraska or any ifiice thereof, thall be esteemed and taken as due and owing to the State of Nebraska, and may be in . tuch manner enforced. f3 The Gove nor and nil other of ficers of the Territorial government, shall continue to discharge and exer . cisa the duties of their respective offices, uutil superseded by the previsions cf this Constitution or the officers appointed or ' elected by the authority cf its provisions. 4. The first elec lion for fJover ernor, Secretary of State, Auditor of - State, one Representative to Congress, the Justices to the Supreme Court, the members cf the Senate and House cf Itenresentatives, shall be held on the second day of June, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, a th8 places.and in the manner now prescribed by law for genera.!- elections. The members of the Senate shall be elected in and from the same districts that they are now pre tcribed by law for councilmea districts. The members cf the House of Rep resentatives shall be elected ia and from the districls that are now prescribed by law, for the members to the House of Representatives of the Territory of Ne braska, and all the. cfilcers mentioned, to-wit: Senators and Representatives shall hold their offices until the first Monday in January, A. D. 1SG7; Gov ernor, Secretary of State, State Auditor and Treasurer, until their successors are elected and qualified ; the Surame Judges until the fires day of January, A. D. 1S73. 5. The first ses.ifla of the I.egis- lature shall be held at the ccpitol in the city of Omaha, commencing on the fourth day of July, A. D. 1SGG. ' (V T!m - Constitution is funned, and w..- i-i.itj ul Nebraska asks to ba admit ' ted into the Union on an equal footing with the-original States oa the condition and faith af the terms and proposition stated and specified in an act of congress approved April nineteenth. lS64,authcr- izing. the people of the Territory to form a Constitution and State Government; the people cf the State cf Nebraska hereby accepting the conditions in said ' act specifed. 7. See foregoing Constitution shall be submitted to the electors of the Ter ritory of Nebraska at an election to be . held" cn the second day of June in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, in the several election districts cf this Territory. The ballots at such elections shall be written or printed as follows : Ihose in favor of the Con.tiuiiiou, "For the Constitution." t Those against the Constitution, uJ!gainst the Constitution.' . The polls ot said elections shall be opened at the hour cf nine o'clock A.M., and closed at six o'clock P. M., and the returns of said elections shall be mad to ihe acting Governor cf the Territory, wno, together with the United States District Attorney and Chief Justice of Territory, or any two cf them, shall can vas the same, and if a majority of the legal rotes shall be cast for said Consti tution, the same shall be the Constitu- Said Governor shall certify the seme to the President pf the Uniud States; Provided, that the said election shall be conducted and the returns made in the tame manner and under the same regu lations as are poescribed by-law; in the case of the election cf Territorial effi ceers. The election returns for the Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer and Supreme Judges, shall be made to the rase cSces. and the canvass of such returns made in the same manner as ia now prescribed by law for Delegate ia Congress. Resolved by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory cf Ne braska, That the foregoing Constitu tioa be submitted to the qualified elector cf the Terrifory, for their adoption or rejection, and an election, hereby au thorized to be held at the time and in the manner specified ia the seventh (7) sec tion cf the Schedule cf said Constitution and tnat the returns and canvass of the Totes cast at said election be mada as in taid section prescribed. JAMES G. MEGATII. Speaker House ct Rreprcseatatnves. O. II. .MASON, President cf the Council. ALVIN SAUNEERS. rcrei February, J?ih 1SG5. 1 i Nebraska SiDyaltscr JOIINL COLHAPP, EDITOR. BROWNVILLE THURSDAY:, MARCH, 1, 1865. Sooner than we anticipated a breach has been made among the friends of the the Union at the head of our Govern ment. On the SOih President Johnson vetoed the Freedm an's Bureau bill, and sent it back to Congress with an able message setting forth his objections to its becoming a law. The friends of the measure immediately opened up their batteries of denunciation upon the Presi dent, and with appeals to passion and during a time of great excitement, at tempted to pats it over the President's veto, and failed. And then Ben. Wade, of Ohio, denounced the President as a traitor; and Thad Stevens, of Pa., im mediately introduced a resolution that m member shoukl be received into Con gress until CoDgress shall have declared such States entitled to Representation, thereby implying that the President was attempting to force on them Southern Representatives against the wish of Congress. In presenting this resolution, he said : - "There had been an earnest investi gation by the committee into the condi tion of Tennessee, to see whether they couli admit the State to representation but, fcince yesteiday, there had been such a state of things as had induced the com mittee to consider it wholly out of their power to proceed further without surren dering the rights cf this body to the usur pation of another power." Meaning, of course, the President. This was passed by a large majority. In order to see to what extent great men (?) in Congress can lose common sense in times of excitement, we quote from the "reconstruction" portion of the President's Veto Message, which is the portion from which indications of usur potion are drawn by the above resolu lion : would in no wise interfere with the discretion of Congress with regard to the qualification of members. JJut I hold it my duty to recommend to you in the in terests of peace and interests of ihe Union, the admission of every Slate to its share of public legislation, when, however insubordinate, insurgent or re bellious its people may have been, it pre sents itself in an attitude cf loyalty and harmony, but in the persons o represent tatives whose loyally cannot be questioned under the existing constitutional and legal test." No one but a consumate demagogue, appealing to passion and prejudice, could find eny attempt at usurpation" of the rights of Congress in the acts of Presi dent Johnson- The resolution of Mr. Stevens plainly .indicates a stand by the ultras in opposition to the President's plan. Now, can any sane man adhere to, or countenance, in tht least a policy which keeps the late rebel States taxed "without representation" when they 'present themselves in an attitude cf loyalty and harmony," with "representa tives whose loyalty cannot be questioned?" Will such a policy bring about harmony? Most assuredly not, and never will be sustained by the people of the North. It must if continued precipitate the South into a revolution upon the same principle of the Revolution of the Colonies. The President has the power to, and will protect the feedmao, as is shown by his acts in setting aside the acts of Southern Legislature which imperilled that free dom ; he has demanded of these States repudiation of the rebel deb: and nullifi cation of the ordinance of secession, and his demands have been complied with He does cot object to the continuance of the present Freedmen's Bureau, but ob jects to its being increased ; because it is unconstitutional ; because it demands an enormous appropriation to carry out its provisions ; because it it an exercise ot power ror one raw, Trk;.K wis never contemplated by the Constitution, or ex- ercised by Congress, in favor of another; because the Bureau was a war measure, and as peace and harmony gradually ap proached, and the blacks becarne self sustaining, it should as gradually ceast to operate, whereas, this bill contemplates its permanent establishment with great ly increased powers; because it greatly extends the executive patronge, of which he says : "The power that would thus be placed in the hands of the President is such as in time cf peace the .country ought never to entrust to any one man." New, it remains for the masses to judge ia whose hands the country is the safest, not wi h a view to the displace ment of either the President or the ul tras , but to stand firmly by the policy which will bring to the country peace and prosperity, end consistently elevated all nenlo political equality. We believe, wi;h President Johnson, that in sustain ing the Freedmen in their right to make contracts, to hold prcperty and to move from place to place, that the necessities of the South for laborers, the action cf the laws cf commerce and their necessity fcr xepcesentaticn in Congress, will sccnest reach the end row saught lo be ' -"TS ...... IV . V- " -v1'' '"Tv. immediately accomplished by the revolu tionary Hotsjuirs in?Congress. The ne gro race must become self-sustainingj ot their freedom was an injury to the race, and the present demand to enfranchise is an insult to every, voter ia the land ; and, if they are becoming a -self-sus- taining population, this fact sustains the President's Veto, of this very extensive and expensive addition to the Freedman's Bureau Bill of 1S&3, which has operated to general satisfaction, and which is & law until repealed by Congress. This bill contemplated an extra expenditure of over SI 1,000,000, principally to edu cate 3,000,000 blacks; this is 33 1-3 cents to each white inhabitant of the United States ; when all know that there are 3,000,000 whites in the country who have not 33 1-3 cents wherewith to educate themselves, many of them Union Soldier's Orphans I . The mere fact of the veto does not startle the people so much as the bitter feeling which it has engendered. The ultras abused the President in unmeas ured terms while attempting its passage over hi3 veto, and, on the 22d he be ing called upon for a speech in reply to resolutions passed by a large meeting en dorsing the veto, used some strong lang uage, which, because it was a just retali ation upon his traducers makes copper heads reioice and claim him as of of. their household. A greater error could never be entertained. Conservat ism can never find a lodgment in a heart so devoted to progress as his has ever been. He cannot be cajoled by his friends or bullied by his enemies. No copper head can ever hope to warm to life in the sunshine of his countenance. Let those who dislike the fact of some copperhead rejocing. and copperheads themselves, loolc at the President's record and see what his political course ha3 bee. His every act and deed is pregnant with true radicalism, which must work in harmony with the Constitution, with honest con viction of duty and with the true Union party which seeks a united, pros perous and permanent union of all the States. STATE CONSTITUTION. ' To-day we publish the concluding por tion of the Constitution for th State of Nebraska. We believe that nothing con tained therein can be urged against its adoption, nor anything in the surround ing circumstances. Its adoption will be opposed by many, upon points which have merit in them, and upon points utterly groundless. We propose to first give in full our view of the Constitution itself, and afterwards the outside objections The Declaration of Rights says "all men are born equally free and indepen dent." This it is claimed is inconsistent, bv all whose narrow minds find sufficient scope for action in the circle bounded on all sides by negro suffrage, because the word white" is used with regard to the franchise. The elective franchise is a political and not a natural right in cur form of Government; it differs in dif ferent States, is withheld from foreigners until naturalized, and in many other ways is proven to be a political right, which has always been reserved to the people of the States to settle In their own way, without the intervention of any power except the "supreme law of the land," the Constitution of the United States. It being a political right, no thing is inconsistent in the passage re ferred to. Freedom and independence consist in the enjoyment of those inher ent rights of "life, liberty and. the pur suit of happiness." God created these when he created man, and did not place a ballot in his hand, and judges of elec tion o receive his vote ! When the German, Irish, English, or other foreign relations of the sticklers fpr" Negro suf frage" immigrate to this country, they being ever so welj posted in the funda mental principle of- our Government,' must submit a terra of probation, and are yet considered "free and equal;" in what particulars do they differ with the blacks, setting aside color ? It is claimed that they are ignorant of the working- of our Government ; are not the blacks also ir. norant ? And even if not, should more be claimed of us, under the same Con- stitution, than has been accepted as a "republican form of government," in all tne former States? We cannot see by waat right Congress can bar our admis sn on this ground, except the right of exercising an arbitrary po wer. We are in lavor of negro suffrage, but will kick against all attempts of Congress to force it upon us as a condition to our admis sion. We claim the same privileges as the U. S. Constitution has guarrantied to all the States when admitted. If it is claimed for the negro that he should be enfranchised because he fought for the Union; we claim for Nebraska the rights and privileges accorded to other States, because she als fought for ihe Union. We apprehend no trouble to our ad mission on this score, as the exercisers of arbitrary power in any respect never reSect the will of the peeple, and cannot lon exercise it. The 9th section provides that "all courts shall be cpen, and every p:rscn, fcr an injury done him in his hr J. g: ; h, rer soa cr reputation , ihall hava rcnv?Jy .by due coune cf law, and jur.l?e cdn.ln;;- tered without -denial cr delay." This clause .makes r.o. distinction cf any kind before the law. With this clause all are truly "free and indepen dent." The balance of the Declaration cf Rights is such aa all State now have in their Constitutions. ' The Legislative opens with the defi nition of legal voters. Upon this we have expressed ourself. Section 4th, provides for bi-ennial elections for Legislators, and section 12 provides for bi-ennial sessions of the Legislature that is, only once every two years. Every person knowing the ope ration of laws under our present system must approve of this. At present the laws of one session are scarcely before the people ere another session goes to work remodeling them. This has made such confusion as to render it almost im possible to tell what the law in any case really is. As the main extra expense pf State Government will be upon the Legislative, this will reduce the amount to be taxed for this branch one-half from what is now allowed for it by Government. The tmount appropriated by Government for Legislative expenses is about 820,000 a year; so, if we have bi-ennial sessions,! the amount to be raised, per annum, for this purpose will be S 10,000. We can receive no benefit from our School Lands while in a Territorial condition. Win. E. Harvey, late Territorial Auditor and School Commissioner said, in his report to the la.st Legislature, "a revenue might be raised for School purposes from the leasing of School Lands of from S25.Q0Q to S30.000 per annum, I have no doubt, more than our present territorial school tax amounts to." Takiug these figures at only one-half of Mr. Harvey's estimate it would save $2,500 more in scf1' 'Ulax than would he required under State for Legislative. The Governor's and Sec retary's salarj (they and the Judges be ing ths only officers now paid for by the Government,) amount, under the New Constitution., to SI, 600; now, deduct this from the $2,500 saved oa school tax. over and above Legislative expenses, and we have a balance in favor of State of $900. By section 7, under "Judiciary," it will be seen the Judges are made self sustaining. We invite criticism upon this subject. Honestly advocating the adoption of the Constitution, we desire to have it thor oughly ventilate d. THE NEWS. Mr. Clark, of Ohio, has introduced a bill in Congress proposing a bounty of 60 acres of land to each soldier of the hundred day's men. It embraces all who have served thirty days. From the word ing of. the dispatch it would seem not to Include the Second Nebraska; if it does not, wo arp Mtisfipd that with the proper effort on the part of our Delegate it would receive the same.. He owes it to about 1,000 of his constituents to make that effort. The Republicans of Conn., in Conven tion, on the 14th, nominated for Govern or Gen. J. R. Hawley. and passed re solutions endorsing President Johnson, and pledging him their support. A bill making appropriation fcr a sur vey of the Missouri River from itsmoutb to Medicine river, to improve navigation, has been introduced into Congress. Many riots and conflicts are reported as occurring in some sections of the South, while in others all is reported quiet and the freedmen making satisfac tory contracts. A bill granting lands to aid in the con struction of a railroad west from Elwood in Kansas, has been introduced into Con gress. Wsn. J. Lockwood has been confirmed Associate Justice for Nebraska. The Texas Convention, organized on the 10th, voted that all members should swears to and support the Constitution of the United States by 6G against 11. Also, resolutions declaring no person coming within the exseptions of the President's amnesty proclamation entitl ed to a seat, were adopted. Gen. Oaborn, formerly of the 4th Il linois cavalry, reported to have been mur dered recently in Mississippi, contradicts the report, and says that Mississippi is sife to law and order and to the Union arl that the residents areas lcyal as those of any country cf the samd size in the North. The Kansas Legislature has passed the bill granting 500,000 acres of State land to four railroads, one of which is the Northern Tier Road. The N. Y. Herald's special from Washington, on the 19th, sys that a treaty was made last rsonth between France and Austria for the immediate withdrawal of French troops from Mex ico and their replacement by 100.000 Austrian troops. The House of the Massachusetts Leg islature, on the 22d, refused to receive reo!utionscensuring President Johnson for his veto measure, by a vote of 90 to 18. Sumner is from Massachusetts. Similar resolutions were voted down in the New Jersey Senate. January 17th 1S66. Messrs. Morgan 4 Hewett, Dear Sir; yours of tbe 30th Dec, duly received and contents jaoted. I am pleased to hear that you hare rsmenced work cnyour plows and hope yea will be able .to supply the spring de- raand , In reference to the price cfthePlowsj in Illinois it is the same as l statou at the outset, they run as follows : For the Gang Plows alone, $75,00 at the Shop ; for Trench Plows $75,00 at the Shop:. fcr the Subscil Plow, $7o,C0 at the Shop, For Gang and Trench Ccmbined,$105, for Gang, Tranch and Subsoil, combined SI 18,00, these are the prices at all pla ces where our Flows are 'made. The purchasers paying the freight- Now for the Trench Flows, I said they were fully used for breaking Prairie which is true to the letter, and it has been a complete suecess in Nebraska, during the past season. Mr Yager, liv ing near Nebraska City broke prairie last sprirgwith one of our Trench Plows, took Browns Corn planter and planted it which wa3 all he done, and gathered this fall 75 bushils of com to the acre. I could give you hundreds of such in stances of sod breaking in Illinois, f it was necessary, but you can get plenty of evidence on the subject nearer home. L?t me give you a few references in your own Territory, ; Mr. Yager, - Ndbratka Cito, Mr. S. Higgins, - Mr. C. Hickose, - Mr. Harvey Jt-ffers, ., Mr. Thomas Mcllavey Sonora, Mo. Mr. Louis B. Elper, Ilockport, Mo. All of whom will testify to the util ity of the Trench Plows as a great im provement over all other plow for break ing Prairie. The great beauty in using them is the certainty of a good Crop, the first season and that without any work but the break ing and planting. I am not surprised at the farmers supposing the Trench Plow useless, but if you will let them see the use they are in raw land next spring, you will get orders faster than you can make them in 1S67. x I am most Respectflly Yours, R. V. BLACK. TIPTON & HEWETT, SUtornqis at atD, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. March 1st, '66. 1. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is herebj given that th firm of Cue & Baker, Butchers, haj this J.iy been dissolved by mutual consent. All indebted to the firm are requested to pay ji the Amount of their: indebtedness to K. L.Cu at the City Meat Market. February 2ith,IU3f. av WILLIAM'S Advertinini? Aceny, gM 97 Cbapibari Stre y. Saint Lonis, jslahnfacttircn Derot - - M. No. 83 North 5t Street, cor. St Charles, ST JLOITIS, 3IO. Here will bo foiled every ariety of AMERICAN CLOCKS AND CLOCK MATER1ASS, with all the advantages of the Eastern market io regard to both selections and price. Send for Illustrated Catalogue?. HENRY W. EDE3, Proprietor. m. a. m. a. e. 0. no 23 -vol 19. b,nn TAKE CARE OF YOUR lei- V 7 ' .1. DR. STRICKLAND'S Uslifluoua Cough Bakain li warranted to be the only prepnrat'on kn wn to care Coughs, Lolas, lioarscne.M, Aitnrua. hoop inff-Couzh, Chronio Conarhg, Consumption. Uron chitis and Croup. Bein prepared from Ilctiey and Herbs it ia healing, softening, and expectora ting. and particularly eaitable for all effect ions ot the Throat and Lungs, xorsaio by Druggi5t3eT ewyweera. DYSPEPSIA DR. STRICKLAND'S TOXIC is a concentrated E reparation of roots atd erbs, with antiacids and carminatirca to strengthen tie stomach atd nervous system. It is a certain remedy for Dyrpopjia tr Indices ton. rierrousness . Loss of Arpettte, Acidity of the Stomach ; Flatu lency and Deli'ity. It is not alcholic. therefore particular united for week, nerrous and Dyspeptic persons. For sale by ail Druggists every whera at one aoaar per Dotty. . Dr Slrlcklsnfi's Pile Remedy lias enrea tnonsands cf the jrorst caes of iilind and Bieediog Files. It gives immediate relief and ef fects a permanent cure. Try it directly. It is warrsnted io eura. For sale by all druggists at $3 cents per not lie. Myers k Bros., Wholes Je Agents, St. LonL,Uo 23 ly fd.nn. . c. n. g. ERRORS OF . YOUTH. A Gentleman who su Tered for yoars from Nerr ous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful induwretion, will for the sake of suffir ing bnmanity, Mnd frea to all who need itTthe re- ceipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to prof it by the advertiser'! experience, can do io by ad dressing JOHN B.OGDEX, No 13 Cheiioat St., New York. TO CONSUMPTIVE. The advertiser. havinj been restored to'heakh ia few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a'sevare lung affec tion, and thai dread disease, Consumption is anx ious to mak known io his fellow-sufferers the means of care. To all who desir it, be will send a cory of the prescription used (free of charea), with the direc tions for preparing and aing the same, which they will Cod a sure cure for Consurrrtion.A.sth'La. Bron- ehitls, Coughs, Cold -, and all Throat and Lan; Af- lecuons. ine on'.y onject ot tn ajrrtier in sen ding the Prescription is to benefit the afHieted, ani spread information which he conceives tu be inral nable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his rem- ady, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a bleicj Parties wishing the prescription, rari-by retura Daiwill please adires KKT. I.UW Alii) A. WII,ON, WilU.Tnjburg, Kings C., N York. gPECJlL NOTICE. ' Worthy t'ua atietiicn cf both II ilei aa 1 Fe male who urs in wir.t cf.bintM. Ihewu.l- Jewelren , 203 JWlvJ, . 'i wwh to tctl.sa tin ACE.vcria everj '.own ia tbolnitcd hUt?3,anl in-order that the A-ont crn havsa shcilIo to ex hibit to their customer, t!-ey will wl saanp.o on tha receipt of J2.0 ), a-.-nuir.a Go! J Fen ( war rants, with '.!ver K.Uecv. ,n Cwo an? Pencil, to cither wii ii V.'Lola!o. Circular to Afrals, nJ eleren cartifloatej, or a S.iu-jla. Certificate f.r 2o ctJ. There ia no A sent but wht can make eaiiljr $3 a daj,nd often $10. V i i .3 ST. JOSEPH, MO. Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Iron STEEL and HEAVY HARDT7AEE. ' Woon, t'rrie, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. ci-. Wa-her?, Nail, H-jr?e naK IIiT.e & Mnj Catina and XIcUcv Wro, Stew pots. Bake ovens, Fruit kettles and Sai Iron-. Blacksmiths' TOClS. Anvils, Strcks and Dies Be Ws.SleJge a:;d Ih-ip m.-rs, Vifej,r:ecers, Hasps, Farriers' Ivr.ivc?, Tuj-ro Iron, V rea -hei, Aw. Ox Yokes, Asia Gr..&'i2x ctiain. VVVpn Jack?, Xill Vila, K3rJTc n 1,000 CELEBKATED HQ . Just patented, an I r JJIcCormirli's 3Iovers antl KrapcrNyliallcrn Horse Coin riaaftw yulky Corn Cultivator, Hand Crn I'.ar.tcr, Corn tfU.li-ri, Hjy Kukes, eto.etje?. - Bujirj uij' RU0J3 direct fmra the m.nufictui er-.. 1 o(Tr (rreit ia'iacsuieou " TO WHOLESALE PURCHASERS AT Constable's Iron and Steel Warehouse ST. JOSEPH, MO. ' - THE GKEAT FaMB -wiM Ur-guires ITaiT Bf.lm las acquired in rftor:r.f the nnrJ mv.r 1 Ing ) prutbunii healtlij-oi.riition of ite bair, trerely sutteni.ig ai..l oeautitjius itui rjo.!e-fni't' nr.precedentrd. Kead the rolljwinj frtni we!i knon citizen. : . . ' Jl'i I Messrs. Zlugulrc : VTe bave teacJ yjcr invaluatle HAIK BAI.if, anj ltba-j restorei tbe cor mi t- I cf our balr to cur entire tisfactun, ard we can ctteerf ally reio::i;:ind it V the nnbiic. ' I (SigucdJ L. A. JKXOIST, Banker -Wil It. BABCOCH. i-t trvUry an. I LH.r, bn 0'Fi.,a T . f nic Institute; JOi C. B .RL VT, Vi-e Pre-,, .l.vn 7r ll.-isef l'an ! C jmmi; ' ' Treparei onhj by i. C. JIAUl IRK, CUeuiists and Pms,-it. s..-.-.t! wt c ri .-r ?r. : : 0'i'e Sold by all Draughts Priced C'J jer ' Diarrhea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint, &c., &c MAGlIIIirS Cosnpound :lract ot ISi;E I'LIXT. Westirn Sasitaby commissiom. X". 10 X. 5;b St. St. Una N.. H isi Metsrt. J. 5 C. Maguire. Lrurgists : Ger.f leccn : Tbe A?e:it..f the CuiumUsbu tavt 0:s:svm .-,, in tbo Army your attract of Beui.e Flant, for tbe cur of Piaiei and Dysentery, and iheir re -r t.V' to ita excellent qualities, and tte success wi:n whica it bs be:i ; 1 i;i the'n niunt .if ts-c..'- tut' J, a. FOP-'i a, Secretary Wetter SuniUrj Ca nning' ' ATar Relief Fund of St. Levis Co i itty, Pjiesi debt's Orrcs, 13 SraciE st , ' ST. olW, Ma , January 3 tb 'i Meters. J. Sc C. Maguire, Drwjcisls : "We have nge-l your Comm un.j Estrjct of m-n.-io p:in m..-'..-. .. the soldiers' I ami lie re-idin? Lere, with' tbe most ratisfrtory ie? ults. .We unh .it!i:it:y rec nnutulu m i the best Uiarrbea Medicine in use aiid hope its medical qualities n ill sojri te u.rj ex' n iveijk.n ' MAGUIRER'S EXPECTORANT WPvUR 7 ! The Great Jlemedyfor Coughs, Culls, jJlhma, Ptor.chilas. Settling of i?Wr,i JILL DISEASE OF TIIIJ LUVGS: j Ha been nsef most sncces'ul'y and lo a Kreat r xtf rt in St. I.oisi nd vicji ity for ir.-'e thin t;!i:Ti ' and pron unced by all who bave tafcen it tote tbe m.it wvrtdcrf..l ren.ed :..r Cbtt fomUinu tut let I el. It i entirely ve;etable, inftcan be ned wi'tv th ntm st saf. 1 ry i: a; ! afi'.i t i IA.GUIK12'S ALTERATIVE ELIXER. Will Cure Scrofula, Rheumatism. AeurSifgia, Uovt .Vvrcurial an I SjphuJ Affections, Goilrr, Swellings of the Joints, Caries of Lie Bones, Ulcers. Cntr.t.J j Eruptions, Blotches, Pimples, 'Enlargements of the (llanh. Constitutional Liiorl-rt, j and all diseases arising from Impurity of the Blood, prlt'e .$'2 ptT Polllf. J.&O MA'ilJIKE, Cbemit. and DrMizi.sts, S.!e Pro;ri?t rH, St. I:i.,.. Taey are -wi 1 oy 0rn;;:iU everywhere. $j-Send for one of our Almanacs for further inft rma.'ton ! Chills and Fever, Bilious and Intermittent Fever, ; Dumb Ague, etc., etc. Tr MAGUIRE's AG UK MIXTTJTK i 1 Lie leuiiuii! ic uudoubiedly the most effect ual remedy eve eri- u-d iot tin: cure of ihe atv (i ! plainn.. It Las L.en thorifihly tested thi sfust.n, orin to tho cirritrff itSr prepnr:iti.n n4 & ticceea.u in i8tai.ii?Dirg lor itsoU a Uir rej u ant Known to fail ar;d is warranted tocur n every in. - Zl l Cr than tbn, it is a superior I umv in debi'it- im and 'hume mm NO. 22 THIRD STPEET, I wonM re3rect fnlly iDvite the attention of Farmers to my Itrrear. l well selected iU)k sf iiricam-H Implement, cinitting in part of JUoline Rock Inland and Gang Plows, Sulky Cultivators, Wheat Drills, Brown's and ether Corn Planters, Revolving and Sulky Hay Rakes. Cider Mills Can? Jdills, Fanning Mll'.i, Johnson's Union Washing Jlichines. Also agent for ntrsaisd C ases Tlira.k!s!ii3r.ilac:ilnc.' Osage Orange Seed with directions for slanting AND TRAINING Also Field and Garden Sligo and Tyrone Iron, Steel and Heavy Hasdware To which I invite the attention of CIaciitni;tU'a an t Dealers, if r stuk of iUaciimitb' T. ' u li i'1'-1 c:iniete connistinz ia partf Anvils, Vises, Bellovs-s, Rasps, Tnyere iron, Ucrzo and Male i:3.: j Wagon and Buggy Wood-work Of Every Discriplkn. j ilowirs Tliimble Skeins, Fairbanlis Scale Agent for Grovcr and Baker s Celebrated Seirini Jlitincs. ZLrT3T C?nOreri frua a distance koliciie 1 al r.ron - ttr :-'r-'C-r 'JL'SZ .. Jomd, S,r. 30ihf x-ll ly-a.i GROVESTEEN & CO, FO H T K iM A N U F AC TU It PIANO The attention nf the P.jK': in,l tK tr.l Port t h I V f.r i.'.m.. n.I i . r . - ' , . .V..UH- ..ia L'taiiij. vi tone rc purity of ttme are onrivai'.ed by any hi: rements, French. Grand action, ilary Pe 3onUin all the modern improvements. French. Grind , and ench instrnient bein ymde unJer the had a practical experience of over ZQ years ia their The "Grovcstcea Piano Forlc" received the Iilxliesi aivar J of fr overall others at ihe tre were exhibi ed injtrumcnts fr-.m the bet i more, Hoston and N-w Vork : and also at tha American Inytitate for five -c '-'. yeaft1-7 silver med.il? from both of w hich eaabesen at our iSj the introduction of ia-proenst-nts we n:k argcly, with a Strict! V fash svstem. ar fniK'o.1 all com petition. t.iCL Xo. , Seven Octave, ronnd corner?. Koewod plane cae S f No. : Seven ()u'tavc,roan.lc rncr?.I!cewod heavy m ulj:.' ? riv.sV'"11' Jf-". Seven 0cta7e,n.UDdcr.rncr, Rosewood LonisXlVsrvle S , fac ;nii ' " Terms: 2NTott Cnali, i i w w j I I rirri i-n rj m w w t - w ' r. r r- 2 . HI V 1 'i 1 1 ; j - i s - K..1 Si W-J-I n STRANGE, BUT TllF? vantare Yj rstarn kx.I , ir. ,.t . i'sVr .l log las uri'iers-ija. J. Tb i t n rc r, :',Jl AU criers w... i ",ca5e aiirp-n.h it Lr-.aij- v. V A- M. r. 2-My of Asi-mwau, Nemib Coon:, y fcu J drfj or I;- p,...or Ifij, oi e tfi , t,,Af 8 ! :tn crop off the iH ear n-l ttjlif C!(Jj '"H ear r.pyuea 10 e a year o1 j. . ill J nl Flow Wt'dwt.ikj. -, c'. o! Suirar Kmles Andirons. Skiilu 1 . 5 Ox S.io n.i:i, Shovel and Pk-k,Gotd Iic, 0.33LC1 2JO 2XtEJ , m u;Tior ti ar.y "t invento 1 ; and n .u:icrir t t;rit .. woy Jl lictn. If In never 'ri tncct i Seed for Sale at all Time; i a ri T-T A fJ W I W I .D. i i t n- 7 O.-fre iit 'e J I"- , v v : . V ... . .. . rr... :- .Mi ruJ'f uuriviil.tvA uy rij ui.un m ii.-ilu m action. HaruPedl. Irn Frau.'e, Over-? personal superv:.-i n of Mr. J.H. lrov manufacture, Ufully vbt-juu-J ia -r7 f;t" Celebrated Vr orltr lairl maters of London. IV:. Ocra-rr. ?-'- ',.p'1 j ,jf wire-room. " " ' - 'u'e astil! m-ra perfect PJaro fu:. r v "i nrcC1 tm.Fer these intrumEtii i.3 itioa bw l . . in Ctirrout r-ixxac"- tj t . . t . a T! sa au - n C ir t. 3 t 1 ill- X eoirint.' b-ts a tm re pi -n"! 2oct ui.'.-'-i j I rice fl.r0 t er bottle. Nov. IMi 'r, rn.cts M i