Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 01, 1866, Image 1
n f 7 JE3RASKA ADVERTISER ! rt'BLTiiiKl) ETSBT THCKSDAT BY j GEO. W. HILL : CO,, ircrt;J3rBl3ck.LIaia Sft Between 1st 4. 2d, KATES -UF ADV LiiiJbliNG Oae jqusre(ten licet c r !estoc ititrUcrSlI Lch aJJit'u nil rti-D 1 CI r.aiaejg carJi.iii huts cr Ic s c::a jt ar 10 C'l Oae colo cr e jsar - ID fj Oaeialf cccn:n cnejcer - Ld LI One fourthl cclcr-.n'-no ycir - 23 C One e igbth cclairr. cro jcar '- 21 C One colccn six EKEtb3 - 53 One half colDra sii mcntbs - 3 tJ Ona fourth colnirn fix mcnthi 21 ( One aigbth cotorrn eix Eciitbs - 15 C J' One column three month - - 35 f? One halfcolaca 4bree Eccntbi - 21(1 On e fourth colcnjtthrce nictth - 15 f3 One eighth column tlrte Eontbi - 10 f? Announcirg cacdiJatef fort lT.ce -- 6 CI Alltr&njicatadTertiiementf castbepaU in i- ranee. . Yearly adrertssementr quartern in advaLce. AllVindsof Jofc.Eociar.dCardr-Dtirsr.dcre Ji 111 I TEHM c $2 5o: Snbscrii'tn, musi inTanaoij, us paia mAarance nbscrii'tion, must intariab!j,Lc paid inAdi h.j rjrk. ai Plain and Ttnr.y Job Work, JintSe b,t ryle. and on short notic. LIBERTY AND UNION, ONE AND INSEPARABLE NOW AND FOREVER.' 'the bsststIe on short notice a edit user a tie Ui a VOL. X. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH, 1,1866 NO. 23 c few v ! r V V U V- v (BLfclNESS CARDS. OrTHcnry J. Churchman, ijSfflIJ.IL. (hjiia(c of flic Medical Dcpart- ? f rjoi me i niversiiy 01 i college," xnrxp.plca- .J .... 1 I.- Pr.rpicro1 Rrtrwo f I -.-oTu theciticens cf or iminr - ; --j-3lb?.iiiiIIe and vicinity. OFFICE AT TIIE BROWNVILLE nOUSE. PFRANZ HELMER, orrosiTi: deuser'sjin-shop, BROUXVILLE, Xi5lJ KASKA. f BUGGIES, PLOWS, CULTI- VlTOi'.-. c- K?pHiieln fchort uolice, at iow rated, Hid an!i:el to g'e saii-sfaiiion. x-13-m nn :"Si KvAl:T,MI). A.S. HOLLADAY.MD. FHYSiCIANS AND SURGEONS. ?.)Uth Ea?t corner of Main and First Street I .IRON XVlI.Li:, IVEI5R.4SKA. ?priCE Horns 7 to 9 a. si. and 1 to 2 and 6J to Prownvil'e, Nebraska, Maj 5th, IWS No 34, 1 j. 3DWARD W. THOMAS, I ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR InY'IIANCERY, J Oflrp cirripr r.f Main alii FtfFl Streets. j mtOUNVILLE, NEIiKASKA. AHBRIO AN SOUSE Lv. rokisox, rnoiitJETOK, 'rout S. reel, between Main and Water, ; unow xville, neukaska. 1 lMy Yillinery & Fancy Goods STORE. Main Street cce door West of the Post Office 1 IUV01VA VILF.E:, IVEIJR.4SKA. A oTiir Ftfck f Fall ann Wiater Uovds id repeived. Everything in the Millinery line ; fptconFtanily on band. I)res-Mking, bonnet -ieacbinranl Triuimins done to order. j .October, I T-n--25ly j (i. Jia IIE.DERSO., 1 CEKEKALPEALEHIS STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS BOOTS & SHOES ;GrHOCSH.IE3S 'Iain Street between First and Second, X2ro-craa.-cillo, TCTolo. 37-y Tf2 Z72 i? 3 WuZ I OFFICE WITH L. riOADLEY, j ! Corner Main and First Streets, i I ! imoVS AVILLE, IVEIIUASKA. v9-41-it-54 I MARSH & CO., j stccEssons to marsh & zook, Central News Agents acd Stationers, losl Office Culltllnsr, nnowNViLLW. Nebraska- He have on hai.d and are constantly reviving rpsh Fupj.lip? of I!ooks, reriodicali", Stationary, 3 hotogrnj h Albums, School Hooks; also Confec i"nary, (Jiars, Tobacco, end a choice selection of !iicj tiroiirics generally, to which they invite the fc:tei)ti(n of the citizens of Nemaha county, and ' kopehv strict attention to business, 8nd fair aii; irrrita share of the rublic patronage. A.U.MAIWI. tI5-ly J. W. BLISS. cTwrwnEELI , CABINET-MAKER '. AND j CiVEPENTER. j having ojned np permanently on . ' 3.Toiix Street, i'nedoraVoTe the' Ualtimore Clothing Store, is , vared to do all kinds cf work in his line in the rj best ana style. Particular attentioue given to -"tracis. T.n m p'd J'. A. IIEWES. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND Solicitor in Chancery. LAND AND COLLECING AGENTS, BROWNVILLE N. 7?. " ' March tb,ly. BROWHVILLE HOUSE, COR. MAIX AND 2ND STj?., IlroATnvillc. Tkcbrastka. 5. V7. PEDICORD, Propxietor. Thii Ilouse has been refurnished and newlv fitted and refurnished under Its present enterprising "oprietor, who guarantees satisfaction to all who a patronise hia Ilouse. x-5-ly 4. "STITCH IN TIKE SAVES NINE!7 LOUIS WALDTER, t his post yet, ready to perform all work.par taimngtohisbusiness. lr!r'U8e nd fxsn PainlinSElanef &nd paper hanjj "Si etc, at short notice, and the most approved lJ;e. Termscash. Givehim acall. hoop on Main Street, east of Atkinson's CUAh ,nS More. He is prepared to do all hito Ayr eli In,- ALL C O L o HI n a " In the neatest and cheapest sfje fcr ci- -;WowcTil!e,April-7, ly'. ' fc isms wfflTi, nonse-Slsn & Ornamental GlazUiyGildsr, Grainer, pAPER HANGER etc. j ATI work done in a workman- I ii? ArV irl J.l TERMS. OXI fcOORlTESTOrBEOW.TVIlil HOSE RICIIAKD T. BARRET, AND DEALER XN LAND WARRANTS & LAND SCRIPT, Pertonal attention given to tnalintf Loeatitni. Office in J. Ij. Carson's Barking House. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. X'14-ly fr-nn C. G. DORSEY. S. M. RICH, BonSEI & RICH, And COKZMERCIAEi COLLECTORS. Ojjiee S. E. corner 2Iain nnd Firnt Street , BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Y ill gire protnnt attention to all business en trusted to them in the various Courts of Nebraska nnd North JliFFouri; also, to tbo Collection of liounty Xoucy, lack 1 ay, and reunions ; and to the Payment of Taxes. 9 40-jly RESTAURANT OYSTER SALOON. WILLIAM ROSSELL takes this method of informing the public that he has just oponcd,on Main street, between 1st and 2nd, BROnSVlLLE, IV E II R ASK A. a Restaurant and Oyster Saloon. Also, Confections ries. Canned Fruit. Dried Fruit, Spices of all kind. Tea, Coffee, Sugar Tobacco, 1'otatoes, sweet Potatoes and everything usnally kept in a retain grocery store. tgTlIEALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS, FRESH OYSTERS x 15-ly BACK TO THE OLD STAND ! Li AKD f "77" S3 Ha 31. "T ! ! josepii a ii u t z "Would respectfull Inform his old customers that be b-s asain opened his Jewelrj Shop in his old stand on Main street, south side, two doors east of the Brown- ville Ilouse. He keeps on hand a Fplcndid assortment of everything in Ills line of business, which he will sell on the lowest terms fer Cash. Of Clocks; Watches and Jewelry done on the short est Notice. WORK WARRANTED. Brownvllle, Neb.. May 19th. 1SS4. n37-v3-Iy CHOICE LiaUOES. .Wholesale and Retail Evan Worthing1, . OF THE K M K a l BROWNVILLE, aiao v u i jv.v'.i av -- - Jjl-iuors and Cigars ever oflered in this market, and will sell them as low as any uouse in me lexruui. WIIITXEY'S BLOCK, Main Street, Brownville Feb.4,'64 jly. Have just opened a splendid Stock of . CONSISTING OF Surars, Teas, Co5ee, Rice, Tobacco Cigars; Soap", Dried Fruit of all kinds, Nuts, Candies, Molasses, Salt, Wooden Ware of all kinds, Canned Fruit, Oys ters, Pickles, and every Article usually kept in a first class jGroccrv store in Whitney's Block, Main Street - Brovrnville Nebraska, Invites the public to call and exam ine their Stock, before purchasing elsewhere as they are compident. August 31st 1SG5. Caw CLOCK ro oxz? during j Octoljcr, Ioveniber, Decem"ber Worlliof SIcrcIianaise' Consisting of 'IT HUB, i GROCERIES FURNITURE, CARPETING, QUEENS WARE Uardware, Culery, WILLOW-WARE, WOODEX-WARE, GLASSWAEE, An.. Aft. Jtt rcecircd and opened at THEODORE HILL'S Wholesale and Retail Store . Main Street, Brownville, Nebraska. . . - r. These Goods have been purchased with tn es- pcc"s.l view to satisfying the demands of this mar ket ; an-Jat pnees which will enable hiin to defy competition. The Sophisticated and Unsophisticated ; the Fashionable and Unfashionable; the Citizen the Emigrant or the Sovereign Squatter, can all find at his Stcre tho very goods they need. All will do well tocnll and examinehis U. N. X. L'd Stock. S200 IvIOLINE PLOWS. , i ROTHM Successors to McLaughlin & Swan.) Hcmaha Valley Bank Building. i We respectfully announce to the Public that they have now in store, a Tew and Large Stock of !C A "PTTTTIT W ii1 iiLlfiiillLi ii AND p. To which they invite the attention of purchasers. YOU WILL FIND TIIE BEST Sugars, Teas, Rio and Jara Cof- fet, Pure Ciccr Vinegar and Coal Oil at Canned Fruits in great variety and of the lest quality ; Catsup, 'pieklcs. Oysters. Sardines, Clams, French ifustard, Worcestershire Sauce and Western Reserve Cheese at SWAN & BEOS, Svun and Brother, desire to call particular attention to their ; large and varied Stock of Tobacco, consisting of Natural Leaf and Nectanne and other favorite brands of Plug Tobacco and best qualities of Fine cut aad Smoking Tobacco. Wrought and Cut Nails, of all size, Spades, Shovels. Brooms.Sewing Twine, and Scoop Shovels at - SWAN & BRO'S. The highest price paid for Batter, F.ggs, and country produce at SWAN&BRO- Consult your interst by examin ing Swan & Bro's. Goods and prices before buying elsewhere. . v-lO-n-4 ly. Ayer's Ague Cure. C0H STI T U T ION CP THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. 3. The returns cf every election, for the-oflicers named in the foregoing lection, shall he sealed up and transmit ted to the seat of government; by the re turning officers, directed to the Presi dent of the Senate, who, during the first week of the session, shall open and pub lish them, and declare the result, in the presence of a majority of the members of each house of the Legislature. The perion having the highest num ber of votes shall be declared duly elec ted ; but if any two or more shall be the highest and equal in votes for the same office, one of them shall b chosen by the joint, vote of both houses.' 5 4!TheNo' person except a citizen of the United States and a qualified elec tor of iheSiate, shall be eligible to any office provided for by this Constitution. 5. Should there he no session of the Legislature in January next after an election for any of the officers aforesaid, the returns of such election shall be made to the recretary of State,and opened.and the result declared by the Governor, in such manner as may be. provided by law. 6. The supreme executive power of this State, shall be vested in the Gov ernor. 7. He may require information, in writing, rrom tne orncers in tne execu tive department, upon any subject rela ting to the duties of their respective of fices : and shall see that the laws are faithfully executed. , r S. He shall fcommunicate at every session, by message to the Legislature, the condition or the btate, and recora- mend such measures as he shall deem expedient, . 9. He may, on extraordinary oc- casions.convene the Legislature. by .proc-. amation, and shall state to both houses, when assembled the purpose for which they have been convened. 10. In case of disagreement be tween the two houses in respect to the time of adjournment, he shall have pow er to adjourn the Legislature to such time as he may think proper, but not be yond the regular meetings thereof. 11. He shall be ceramander-in- chief of the military and naval forces of the State, except when they shall bs called into the service of the United Stales. 12. He' shall have power, acter conviction, to grant reprieves, commu tations and pardons, for all crimes and offences, except treason and caes of im peachment, upon such conditions as . he may think proper ; subject, however, to such regulations as to the manner of ap plying for pardon as may be prescribed by law. Upon conviction for treason, he may suspend the execution of the sentence, and report the case to the Legislature, at its next meeting, when the Legisla ture shall either; pardon, commute the sentence, direct its execution, or grant a further reprieve. He shall communicate to the Legisla ture at every regular session, each case of reprieve, commutation, or pardon granted'; stating the name and crime of the convict, the sentence, its date, and tUe date of the commutation, pardon, or reprieve, with his reasons therefor. - j 13. There shall be a eeall of the State, which shall be kept by the Gov ernor, and used by him officially ; and shall be called "The Great Seal of the State of Nebraska." 14. All grants and commissions shall be issued in the name, and by the authority of the State of Nebraska, seal ed with the Great Seal, signed .by the Governor, and countersigned by the Sec retary of State. 15. No member of Congress, or other person holding office "under lue au thority of this Sia"ie, cr United States, shall execute the o3ce of Governor, ex cept as herein provided. 16. In case pf the impeachment of the Governor, his removal from office, death, resignation, or absence from the State, the powers and duties of the of fice shall devolve upon the Secretary of State, untildisability shall cease, or the vacancy be filled. '. 17. If, during the vacancy of the office of Governor, the Secretary of Slate shal be impeached, displaced, re sign, die,or be absent from the State, the powers and duties of the office of Governor shall devolve upon the Presi' dent of the Senate ; and should a vacan cy occur by impeachment, death, resig nation, or absence from the State, of the President of the Senate, the Speaker of House cf Representatives shall act as Governor till the vacancy be filled. 5 IS. The Governor shall during his continuance in office receive t an an- nual compensation.of one thousand dol lars ; the Secretary cf State, six hun dred dollars ; the State Treasurer, four hundred dollars ; and the State Auditor, eight hundred dollars 19. Every bill .which shall have passed the Legislature, shall before it be comps a law, "be presented to lhe Gov ernor. If he'approye, he shall sign it; but if not, he shall return it .with objec tions, to that house in which it shall hav originated who shall enter the objec tions at large upon the" journal, and pro ceed to reconsider it. If, after such re consideration, two-thirds of the members present shall aree to rass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objec tions, to the other house, by which it shal likewise be reconsidered, and if ap proved by two-thirds 'of the members present, it shall become a lawJBut in such cases, the votes of both houses, shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the members voting for or against the billshall be entered on the journal of each house respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the Governor within three days (Sundays excepted,) after it shall have been pre sented to him, the same shall be a law, unless lhe Legislature shall by their ad jonrnment prevent its return, in which case it shall not he a law. 20 The Secretary, Auditor and Treasures of State, shall severally per form such duties, as shall be prescribed by law. JUDICARY. 1. The judicial power of the State shall be vested in a Supreme Court.Dis trict Courts, Probate Courts, Justices of the Peace, and' such inferior courts as the Legislature may from time to time establish. The Supreme Court shall consist of a Chief Justice and two associate Justices, any two of whom shall constitute a quo rum, and shall hold a term of the Su preme Court at the seat of government of the .State annually. Said Supreme Judges shall be elected by the qualified electors of the Stale, at such time, and in such manner aa may be provided by law. Said Justices of the. Supreme Court shall hold their office for. the term cf six years from lhe time cf their elec- tion and until their successors shall have been elected and qualified. '2. The State shall be divided into three judicial districts, and the District Courts shall be held at such times and places as may be provided by law, and the legislature shall ly law assign the Justices io hold District Courts in the several districts : Provided, that until the Legislature rhall have provided by liw, the Governor shall have authority to make such assignment. 3. . The Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction only except in ca ses relating to revenue, mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus, and such rases of impeachment as may be required to be tried before it; and both the Supreme and District Courts shall have both chancery and common law jurisdiction. 4. The jurisdiction of the several courts herein provided for, both appel late and original shall be as fixed by law. Provided, that Proba'e Courts, Justices of the Peace cr any inferior court that may be established by the Leg islature shall not have jurisdiction la any matter wherein ihe title or boundaries of land may be ic dispute. Nor shall ei ther of the courts mentioned in this pro viso have power to order or decree the sale or partition of real estate : and provided, further, that Justices cf the Peace, and such inferior courts a3 may be established .by the Legiilature, shall not have jurisdiction when the debt or sum claimedshall exceed one hundred dollars, and the jurisdiction of the Dis trict and Probate courts, and Justices of the Peace siall be uniform throughout the State. 5. Probate Judges, Justices of the Peace, and persons holding inferior courts, herein authorized to be establish ed by the Legislature, shall be elected by the electors of the several districts for which they may be elected in the manner and 'time fixed bylaw. The salary of. the Justices of the Supreme Court shall be two thous and dollars each rer annum andcomere; and all. o'her judicial officers shall be paid for their services in fees to be pre scribed by law. 7. The Legislature shall by law provide that on the entry or commence ment of .any suit in the District Court, the party so commencing cr entering such suit, shall, before the same is so commenced or entered, pay to the clerk of said District Court the sum of five dol lars ; and in like manner on the entry or cf any stilt ia the' SJ preme Court, shall pay the sum of ten dollars' to lhe clerk thereof, which mon ey so paid, shall b9 for the use jf the State, and shall be paid by said clerks to the proper officps designated by law, as by law maye required which money so received shall be held and esteemed as a judicary fund, and to be applied in payment of the salaries ol the Justices of the Supreme Court. Which amounts so paid shall be taxed as costs against the unsuccessful party, and collected as other costs: Provided, the Legislature may provide by law for dispensing wiih the payment of said suras cf money in cases where the party so commencing or entering suit shall be really unable to pay the same, and the amount shall in all cases be taxed and collected as other cests . Provided, also, that the Legisla ture shall have power whenever the amount so received shall exceed the sal aries of the Judges. of the Supreme Court, to reduce the amount to be paid so that the gross amount will not exceed such salaries. '8. The Legislature may, after the year cne thousand eight hundred seventy-five, increase the number of Justices of the Supreme Court, and the judicial districts of the State. 9. In all cases heard before the Supreme Court, as an appellate court, the Justice who may have tried such cause in the court below shall not par ticipate in the decision thereof until the other two Justices, if present, shall have failed to agree in the decision cf such cause." 10. All process, writs, and other proceedings shall run in the name of "The people of the State of Nebraska.' ' FINANCjS. 1. No money shall be paid out of the treasury, except in pursuance of an appropriation by law. - 2. The credit of the Slate shall never be given or bound in aid of any individual, association, or corporation. 3. The Legislature shall provide for an annual tax sufficient to defray the expenses of the State for each year; and whenever the expenses of any year shall exceed the income, the Legislature shall provide for levying a tax for the ensuing year, sufficient, with other sources of in come, to pay the deficiency, as well as the estimated expenses of such ensuing year. 4. For the purpose cf defraying extraordinary expenditures, the State may contract public debts ; but such debts shall never in the aggregate ex ceed fifty thousand dollars. Every such debt shall be authorised bylaw, for some purpose or purposes to be distinctly spec ified therein; and the vole of a majori ty of all the members elected to each House, to be taken by yeas and nays, shall be necessc.ry to the passage of such laws; and every such law shall provide for levying an annual interest of such debt, and the principal within ten years from lhe passage of suH 'o -'- u specially appropriate tb.3 proceeds of such taxes to the payment of such prin cipal and interest; and suchappropria tion shall net be repealed, nor the taxes be postponed or dim.:ni3hed until the principal and interest of such debt shall have been wholly paid, o. The Legisiature may also bor row money to repel invasion, surpres3 insurrection, or defend the State ia time of war; but the money thus raised shall be applied exclusively to the object for which the loan waa authorized, cr to the re-payment of the debts thereby created 6. The Slate shall never contract any debt for works of iniemal improve ment, or be a party in carrying cn such works; but whenever grants of land or other property shall have been made to the State especially dedicated ' by the grant to particular worksof internal im provement, the State may carry on such particular works, and shall devote there to the avails of such grant3, and may pledge or appropriate the revenues de rived from scch works in aid cf 'their completion. EMINENT DOMAIN. 1. The Stte shall h'U'e ccrurrent jurisdiction cn all rivers bordering cn this State, so far as such rivers shall f crni a ccrr.mcn boundary to the State, and any other State cr Territory now cr h ereafter to he fcrrned and bounded by the same. And tha river Missouri, anl the navigable waters leading in'.o thq Missouri, and the carrying placis be tween the sam? ; shall be common high ways, and forever free, as' well u the inhabitants cf the State as to the citi- tcas of the U:.:'.-J "Si.iUs, nhheut tax, impost, or duty teraTor. 1 2. The title lo all lands and cthst rrcnerty.which have accrued to thi Ter ritory of Nebraska, ly gta:: gift, pur chase, forfeiture, escheat cr otherwise, shall vest in tho -State cf Nebraska. 3. The people cf -the Stato, ia their right cf sovereignly, are declared to possess the ultimate property iaand la all lands within tha jurisdiction of tha State; and all lands ths title to which shall fail from a defect cf heirs, shall revert, cr escheat to the pcoplo. EDUCATION. 1. The principal of all funds aris: ing from the salo, or other disposition of lands cr ooher property, granted cr en trusted to this State fcr educational and religious purposes, shall forever be pre- served inviolate and undiminished ; and. the income arising therefrom shall be faithfully applied to the specific objects of the original grants or appropriations. Tho Legislature shall make such po visions ly taxaticn cr otherwise, as.wiih the income arising from the school trust fund, will secura a thorough and effi cient system of cerumen school through out the Stats ; but no religicu3 sect cr sect?, shall ever'have any ex-rluiive right to, or control of any part of the school funds of thia state. 2. The University lands, school lands, and all other lands which hav8 been acquired by tha Territory of Ne braska, or which may hereafter ac quired by the State cf Nebraska for ed ucational or -school purposes, shall not be aliened or scjd for a !ies3 sum th;n five dcllars per acre. CORPORATIONS. 1. The Legislature fchali'pass no special act conferring corporate paw erer. 2. Corporations may be formed uder general laws. 3. The property cf corporators, now existing cr hereafter created, shall forever be subject to taxiti cn, the sam3 as the property cf individuals. 4. The Legislature shall provide for the organization of cities and incor porated villages ly general laws ; and restrict their power of taxation, assess ment, borrowing money, contracting debt3and loaning their credits, so as to prevent the abuse of such rower. AMENDMENTS. 1. If at any time a majority of tha Senate and Ilouse cf Representative shall deem it necessary to call a conven tion to revise or ihh Constitution they shall rccornm-iiid to the electors to vote for cr against convention at the test election for members cf the Legislature; and if it shall appear that a majority of the electors voting thereon have voted for a convention, the Legislature shall at its next tessiorz provide for calling such convention. BOUNDAIULi. 1. The Stall cf Nebraska shi'i consist of all the territory included with- in the following boundaries, to-wit: Commencing at a pint form-ed by the intersection cf lhe western boundary of the State of Missouri, with the fortieth degree cf north latitude ; extending thence due west along sail fortieth de gree cf north latitude, to a point formed by its intersection with the twenty-fifth degree cf longitude v.eit from Wash ington ; thence ncrih along said twenty fif;h degree of longitude, to a point form ed I7 it3 intersection with the "twenty seventh degree cf longitude west from Washington ; thence north along said twenty-seventh degree cf west longitude to a point formed by its intersection with the forty-third degree o:f north latitude ; thence east along said forty-third degree of north latitude la tha Reya Pahi riv er ; thence down the miiJIe cf ihe chan nel cf said rier, with it3 rneanderuga, to its junction with the Niobrara River; .1 J .l. 'l?! 1 t lucccii cuivq lue n;ici ci ne cnannei of said Nicbrara River, and fJIowmr' the meandering3 therecf to it3 junction s X