GREAT inirKOVH'ILXT . SEWING "MACHINES.' . &lii,fif.- Ciiul i Lu trtr.ut..x-i i I ' ' l ' v SJLESR 0 0 V, 5SG BR 0J1I) XV A Y, .V, y.252 i;4Si;LYGT0XtS!. BOSTON ' THIS I'ACHiyi: .eendracUJ cn entirely tirr r'n of t:ecba:i!-,rn. pressing ony rare and t4.Qa.iic itSj-roreniti., bavin- fcso cx-iiaicei ty iLe c:?t j r und txnr-rts arid t renounced to l bimpiicir p.'od'l'cilcctica CJcrsblnfeCi It hi? a tmi,;i.t needle, pei peidic-jr actiori, U.-.kcs tUlOf-vor Sliri'il.l; neither Ii.JP or RAYKI., oni is alike on bah f'.dcs; prrofi j'trfcot fewiaon every utseri, tiOa f W!U.i..1, fr.'H Leather to the ' fiucst Karroo Kas'.ln, with cntt'-r, 'iucii or ti'.k tbre 'd, froia ihi c -irefi to t'ie f;;ict ncn'-cr. II;tr;r:.j rcitl'r CAM nor COG WHEEL, anl tbo 1 -art j-.triDlo fri.-tion, it xans ai etc??; lb aigla??, fcjd is Ensphaticf.IV ft TTcipeless Machine. It r-(joirc 1'ir'fV llAi CKNT less power to d.ite it than any other &I.'bin in lie market. A cirl wlv trrn nf r.ire. ail Work It stcaiiiir. wit'u- cutfatliCHCor i vjnrv to health. Itsftrcn'n Miia onaeriui iraniicHj ci con-!rn.-t ion iti)uif it ului'ist impossible tt pet out tf rder. atft i UL'ARAN ILV.O ly tbe eeLspany to irc entire sati!ncti.n. Yerepocttully invitf all those who enj desire to rujjlv thrnnc'.vet v i r o a fuperior a tide, to Ci tnj and rxmnif.e ibis Unrivalled Machine.' Lui ii a La ic cfcttal m&cuer do we tulicit the T-atruu rJ of Mcrchrnt Triors, CoacLi Makers, lioop Kkw t JUmufac . turers. Coset T.Ta V e Gtuter l itters, ho? b-ndevs. Vest end i'iiitilotn f Lit end boson lias ere. Dress lla.Kr. " Prlrfs of "laclifnc C'cmplclc: - l,Fiit3i!j "3cLir.e,Hit!i ilcmatr, ieik-r rdl!riJcr, CS1 JCo .Small Hanurac'.criPS, with tztcciioa Table U Jfo. S, large MaDiir.ictunr2,wItL Erlcisba Table S5 Ko. 4, Lsrpa yinnrnr;rT, fr Ltsthcr, uiih lvollir? F(n.t T O'l Cur 1'jO Vhtliulf hoir't ifittrnctiuH i Kijjlciriil to tnillt any i . J rton to vtii thi Mliiitc to t'ttir entire tati'-j'ar-tton. Agent Wftt:t-1 fur ali'towns in tbeUnifed Staff?. uere Aenf? ar? r?iit airtadv ttablii-beJ. AUu Cnl, Alfexioo, Centra! arid Suutli America, ty ltiD a libfral-divfmnt will be pivca. IVrmsinriiriublv Ca.-h delivcrr. v T. J. Mr Arlbnr & Co., .''.G !-rriiiw:iy, .New otk. A. i Co. V.S.' in.' n.St..i;0-toa. 7 Ghe?tnut ijt., Tliila. ckj. Fnyz, Agctt, 102'.'. 4th, .St. Loa if, Mo. Ftb. ,65. I ?3 i 3 OFj ,-iONtC SCHNAPPS- TbJa tarT! Etvrrage oasesRe prt-r. tiea that to relicrc and cure, when used aa aa rJInary Ix-Tcragp, Uk fjlluwlng disfasct: XcoU cr CIIKOXIC IIIIEt'lIATISM, GOUT, G CAV IL, Ditorsr; :; AirEcnoxs, ritAsrj C7 1UE ELADDEIt, COLIC, DYrEPS:A,IISAE3 CFTLE UHIXAEY ORGANS in males, or fcm:dM loea of VITAL KSLilGY, or CENEitAL DEDIL ITY. It U cnillygo-id for the old s.w ynng, aad Vl Knro be ia t'very f ioxitj in tLe land. It 1 uo auy tc-M-rafe ever K-f.ire oCcreJ to the American I ublie, and viil have i'.s friouJa ia every bouwbold. It ii a wbolcome, iavlmiimg t.iuir, aaJ is iit cpcreding tbc n:ar,j unwhu!twonie T.tttra that ara L w being pu'mcJ t fl i'p a the i tiMic Tlii Ei1 vi ric is tncrii to, aud is rocntcmended l-y tUe Lihcit uu-Oieal rctho;i:iuy, and oa!y require a triel, (ii a GoLerl Levi raji-,) to be : prctiiteJ cj used ly ti e hele civi'ked vir!J. Tbe propria Ijit Lave slcci did ia cts:t'ii.irg, in tL: ailicle, aa . rrccuMe TONIC, STIMULANT, nti UIUr.ETIC, that v LT be ccc pt-V'c to everybody. Try it 1 and ba CODTinccd cf its lUc-ivf-jr. ' VAIiBUSJIin &'lIEirRY, CO lnto street, 1 CUICAGO,lLI f CLE rHCrT.IET C-H3 for the Uuitcd Elates ajd ty Hi T.I:UCC:T", GKOCERJ, and CliItAL 1l.AUvUi tUivus'Uoct tbc ccuatry. Oci -6 ItCj 10-0 NOTICE. Te all whom it rniy concern. Tbia if tc no tlSy al! wb have h ad teivice lnia the Stallion Liuis Vapolenn, Stid durir-it the .ast se-ifcn by Daniel Kce-th, a beeper, tbst taid Stallion be longi to mo, an I that I have n t aith or.tid r aid Kee:b t c jl.'e t any m jn?y daeoa FUcUsenieo. tad warn a'l ajiia-t pa)tn him. as I will do my cwn c. lierticg, ad i'.l give credit to co payment bide to Liia. WILLIAM 1TNZEL. STATEMENT CF TUS FLRE AND TORNADO IiiSHrauec Coeb3bt. FREEPORT,F ILLTITOI5. We.Tiiot. J. Tru: ft.. Fre.-i'i. n rt i i'.'.V O. Tan MtR, Serrtnty, uf t. r FireiiLd l' rn ,dj Inu'ance (loiupany, f Freprt, Illiuoi?, hereby crtiry"'Mbai uti.l C'U) any i pote?a-.d of capital ef at leat nc hundred thousand dolhtrs, secured by lieu on real estate worth at tfltb valuation at least five time the amount of said eaji'al, and ri,t encum bered to mjre than onef .uth of l raluatioE." THUS. J.TfUNi:!:, Pres. I.W.C.T.X-EKfScc. STA1E OF 1LLIXDIS, ZTLI'IWySO.Y COi'STYi fs rerrratHj eprekr.d h:.fore m". Clerk of the Coun ty Court of ?aid Cou-ty, T. .f. Turner and U.W. C. Tanner. to me known as t4e 1 Trident and St cretary ' tf the Fire A Tornado Insurance Compiny, wlio be ing firt-t duly sw(rn anordin to law,?cvcrsl'y de pose and say "that the aboveecriiQeate subscribed "toby them respectively i true in substance and in fact, as shown by the records of roid Cnispany." . Subscribed ard sworn to before rce, tak 2li day of Aug. A. L. IS?65. D. II. S A lrND EKL A S , Cjcrk of County Court.HtejheiiFon County. CERTIFICATE cf AUTHOHITY To Expire on Ire 3Ut day of January, 1&",6. Insurance Detriment, Ofice cf Ter ritorial Auditor, v OMAHA, NEH. Oct. 17th, 1635 . TTIIEREAS, J. T. Campbell, Assiitaat Gen. A rent, for the Fire and Tornado Ins. Co. located at Freeport,in the State tf Illinois, haj Lied m tb'S ;Ueea copy ol the Act tf Incorpora tion ol saw ioiiij any,auu a uu ment ender iuiih, ahowin it$ Condition, as reouired by the Four teenth Section of a Law of ti e Territory of Nebras ka, eu'it,ej "An' act jn Kelatmn to Insurance CnnpaMCS, Approved Fibruarv,lMio ; in bnown, bf those presents. That Itt jnrsu?nce of the aforesaid Act, I, William L. Harvey,-Auditor of the Territory f Nebraska, Do Hereby Cerlif? that sai l Fire A Tornado famrnnre Compmy has fnll autboritv to transact business of , insurance in tn itrritory or iSebrasfca, under the Laws of this Tenitoir, uatil the 3 1st day of Jan oarr. 1S63. In Witnass Whereof, I have snbscribed ray name . fnd caused the Seal of the Auoiiirji I race lobe craxtd.this the 17tU day uf October. lF!i. W.F.HALVrV. Territorj.)! Auditor. JOnK MAYNAU:, Arciit. j-9-fi:D-jd Fr&v, lv)!1, "eb. v tl To Merchants, Farmers and Mechanics, L : d. a. constable; : st. joseph, mo. HAS OS nANL AM) hOIi rAl.!i A LAKGF AM) WELL SELECTED STOCK OF IRON, STEEL, Heavy Hardware. CJMIT.IS.IXO: nORF.E yAILSXAIIi-nODS, CORSE AND ML'LE SL'OES, AXVlLi. SI RINGS, BELLOWS, AXELS, VICES, TIHMIiLE SKEINS CHAINS, WAGON liOXES,- SCREW FLATE3 - LOLSTER I LATHS. FILES, HASPS, WRENCHES, SLF.IKIK HAMMERS, HAND HAMMERS, SilOLINO. HAMMERS. FiNCHLRS, CiUTS, HARLOW TKKTII, WF LL V.'ii FEES, AC. AC. A - I A M ENABLED TO SELL TO TOE TRADE A T , P It I C E S T D DEFY COMPETITION. CONSTABLE'S , ZzSTJron and Mcel War chouse, HIGHEST 1'KICE PAID FOR WK0U01' SCRAP IRON AT IySiX nd in Your Scrcp Iron.ggj AND i TIEFOKE THE RISC. II A V IN ti LAID IN A LARGE STOCB OF T n E AliOVE GOODS, DIRECT FROM THE FACTOIilRS. orrozTLsr pxiicu FJinzi.i.virs scales, AL?l iCCN'T F. THK8AI.SOr LiCl'S, SPOKES, FELLOWS, WAU0.V ROWS, SHAFTS, POLES, AXL AI XIAM)I.E n,(nv i HIUKJM HANDLES, NPLEtf. Ac. CflXfSISIKO WOODWORKS ! ALSO . ST. JOSEPH, i:o geo.'x mum & co's AlTTOwAi'C ORGANS 1 ! cOHOOL ORGJsLS MELODEONS ! ! ! Thirly-Fire Thousand Now la Use. EviTy JnitrumciJirarrahted for firejears For seventeen years the superior excellence ofemr instruments bn ct been qncilined, and for two year? pa?t the enorinfu tleiand has made it impf.s fble I,r tin to mct ourorder- pniuptlv With onr increased facilities', we feel warranted in a.jring .ur patrons that their ordi r will be .r,captly met, nd solicit a eontinuarx'e of their ptror.agi . i-tfA LIBEKAL l iSCOVNT Ti CLEKCTMKN', CU CE CUMS AND S-CUlH)L3.- GEO. A. TKlIiCE & CO., Puffalo. IT. Y. Gi.O. A. PItlNCi: a CO Ciucego.IlL An illustrated Catalogue, with fall description cf jtjk will be?en free to any r.ddresg. 11IZARD THE CRFATi:?T HEJIEDY EXCXN J roa aches and tains. Th's Jova'.nHl.l prepirati' only need a trial t r-comend Jtif to tvo: jr honsehUU in tba land. Use oi.e boUle and yiii wi.l M ways kc-ep it ; on band against need. Itseft-cuare wonderful. It TOOTHACHE NEURALGIA is tnni u:Mni. HEADACHE is rivi MICTSI. OEAHP 00LI0 xx nx kinctis. w tis KnrrTrj. EAR ACHE 15 TIS WKCTW. DIPETHEEIA is a rrw cocas. : Core Throat, Ttlenmatlra, Lam Hack, Corai. lluntons, UruUct, Ccalit, Cuts, xralia8, 13 urns., etc. It is a palpable firt tlmt every rerson Is more of le liUo to i!i-ae, and injuiy by ncciilent,end la anew cne a r-me0y is necessaiy fui tberniore a r oi " Jy li the i.uly one worth bvitip, an 1 the vh-i iU of tl.e iuelk itio is of far ri eater importance tlmu tUe prk-e. Eewiire of cbeap med cines. The lowest j-rii'ed temelies are reeetisarily mnde of tbe Ioiret nvs'ity cf drvp, and are not enly aiterly im:1k f tit are positively tujuri ms to the human ryU-m Therefore always n-t the lest prepara tions. Txe HaMLIN'S WIZARD OIL, nod a fair t. i;.l will omhice yon that it is the $reatest Ibi Jlill r in f ' u-or.'J. SoX.0 LT m DacocibTJ. PRICE.-50 and 75 centa per iXtUle Trartlinj J.ffmU Wanted, tend Samp for Circular. J. A. HAMLIN & 1F.0 , Proprietors, X-S lv-li,;.u NEW BHDS STOKE. JOHN PATTERSON, DEALER. IN m- ii iisffis, lEUlT, I EM AH a COIIXTY. SEC. HAS just received a Lirge and well selected Stotk DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH. . DYE STUFF, BRUSHES, SPONGES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, ' And everything coinmorly bept In a rirst Class Ilru? Store. Customers mil Lua hW stock complete, which be offers for CASH at the cry lowest market prices. Physicians Prescriptions Cotcponnded with the utmotcarc at a!3 hocrs. Marenfrh, 1S-15. T9-n2S-rm Dissolution ol Ccpar.ncrship. The firm ci J. Perry A Co.,hns this Cay been dis-ntvid by mutual consent, James Berry "Will continue the businc??. All owtn the late firmwRL call and settle their accounts and savo cost. JAMES nniRY. iiyor's Cathartic PiLb, . K f;' v-:JKi'- : '; GEO.: A. PRINCE &C0S PATENT flUTOHilT t3SO -TO 2S2S EACH f 30 Varieties, with Fatert 3as37 Tenato or bub Bids, CSrSchooi' Organs and Mclodcons. ric'.sLcdia Elegant Rosewood, VFalnut c Vnlk Cases. Ab Charge for Boxing or Shipping. CT25,000 NOW la lTSC.B2 AN ILIiUSTEATED tainifig fnll description of style, and testimonials of tbe most eminent Muhkim!, as to the superior excel lence of onr instruments will be sent free to any address. THE AUTOMATIC ORGAXS. In presenting the Automatic Organ, we boldly an nounce the greatest triuroch In musical int rum tuts of the ase. I'urin? the past half century, the French at.d Germars have manofaotured reed inbtmnien's with double hellows, and two pedals Tor the feetto cpersie. hni the want of the teversed or Kxbatibtion bellows, (taich is the only bellows .ed incur lust o n erit-). nd9 it iinpssih'e for them to produce the melluw, rich anil musical tone for wiiich our inbtru ar.ts aree ebrated. in .ther i.tjection to ihis method of blowing was that, b )th feet le:ng oceupied, no opportunity wis cf JereJ for the management of tbe swell. Wrhin the past two years, Increments construc.eU tn this Euro, peanpianof "double bio vors," have been nianuf c: nrea in this couQtryauft torounieracr, this c'i'Hciilty (arntof a swell) a lever has been projected frim tlie centre of the lustrcnient. to act rp-ja the sweil. and ( pcrated by tie knee Ike inconveaienc and contor tion ne ei arr to effect this otject are disapreeable er.avgh to a pcnCeniAn. but to a iady the nc o? such an stpcniase Is nearly linposriVIe. 0.r Automatic device obviates tils diflrnlty entire ly, tiieslu.p'.cctf blowing with Lvi eor less force givlns tti3d?sl:cd iscrese or ticcrejse ta the Tolnme cf tone. For seventeen years the sajerior excellence of our McJodeoiis has bet teen (i'"sncted. snd for twojears pat tbe enormous demand has made it impossible f jr ns to meet our or-iers promptly. With our increased facilities, we leel warranted in a-snriuj; our patro-is that their orders will te promptly met, and luUcit a coiitinuaiice cf their patronage. GEO. A. PRIKCS & CO. Caution to Purchasers. All cur iLMi eineii's have x.p. n tte oaate b.arJ, in full. 'UF.O. A. PH1NCK 4c CO " When a dealer rep 'ecntsny other iuiitnmenis as "the ani? as ours,-'' it is nui aliy a mere attempt to sell an interior instru ment, on whii h he can mke alarpe profit. P- 8 A-liberal ciMT'.uat to Churches, Clergymen and School-. AU.irc-s, CKO A. TEIXCK, & CO , S3 WishinRton St, Or, ' ChicJK.., 111. GEO. A. ?niSCE &. CO.. Bufla'o, N T. ' May 1st IS35. no33 v9-yiy Great Distribution i:y THE EUREKA GIFT ASSOCIATION i 07 BROADWAY, NEW YORK ' ' - Of RoscATootl Pianos, Irlelodccn.v Fins Oii, Pai-sti.vgj. Ks--kavin';s, Silver Ware, Fme G'd ai-J Silver WaicUes, and ELEGANT JEWELRY, CONSISTING OP . Diamond Fins, Diamond Kings Gold Bracelets, Caral. Florentine, at. saic Jet, Lava and Cajie La irs'ets. G u Pens wmb Goltf ai.d Silver Rz tension Holdfers, Sleeve Baituas, Sets of ir t lids, vest and Keck Chains, Plain and Chased Gold Ring's, etc., &c, TALCED AT " SSOOnO o o DtSTKIUl'TUiX I made in the following manner: C aTirCATLS naming f acb article and its VALUK are plaeed i,. 8KALKD KNVELOPiiS, whicti are weii mixed.. One oi the.-e-Knvalov coniaiuini tLe Cer tificate or Order, tor time Article, will be delivered at our cflVe or sent Ky mail to any ddre.s, v.iih..ut r(trd loib v e, nn receipt ot 'ift Cents. Ou receiving the Certiflcate tbe purchaser will sw wbt Article it drawt, ano its value, andean then send One Dollar and receive the Article named, or cjii choose any ot her one Article cn onr List of tbe same va e. j-Pnrchasers cf cor SEA LkD EXT F LOPES; may, in H.i, r.bfain au Article I Fort from One to Five H'indred Doiiart. : FOR ONE DOLLAR which they t eed uu pax uutU it ii known what is ii: jv n, ai.d itfviiue. Entile S-.tttsiaciion Oiwrnnteed in all C::ws, THE EUHEXA GIFT ASSOCIATION woald rail aiteniin to the ftct of ita being lbs Origi nal suid Larpe.-t Gi:t Assorts; ion in the Coiiutry. The business continues to be conducted in a fair and hon orable niinrer. an! a .arae and preatiy Inerpssnir tra'!e i prof our patrons appreciate this method of obtahiiu:; rich and e'' C'U ro'!s Puiit. tne jast yesr this Association has sent a very large nuniber ot 4a:u; hle prizes to all part of t!e cotiui.-y. Tiiosewho patronize us will receive tae luil va'ue f their m ney, as no article on onr list is worth le.-s than One Dollar, retail, and there are NO BLANKS Partier-delcc with us maydepeud on bavin? rrapt returns, and bea:S:cle tiawn wi.l ce iuiuieiiia:.eiy fcem t'. f.ny ec"drefcs by return mail r express. The following parties have receatly drawn valuable prizes from th hlarelt As tci itioa a:iJ Lave kindiy allowed the use or their names; Andrew Wi.con, Cust. m House, PUilaieip'jia Penn. Oii i'ain'in?, va oe. $100: James Ha.graves. 60 B oadway4 Kew To; k O.l Palming. viue; l)0;E. K. J' Barret, Jl.irtball Cj . Kaias, lieio'lei.u. al'-.e $100; Patrick J. Byrnes, Waterbuy Ct, G -id Watch, value 125, i 0 .. J. F. thaw, i'24 Kasi 24rli St. Xew York, Piaii ), value. 3i0.oo; Mrs. Cbas. J Nevii, Kuuira. N . Y ., P.atio, altrc, 3)).o : ; J4iss L uy Jaiie way, Klmiia, Ii 1'., Cluster liitnor d Ki.:?. va:u' i.oo 00 ; Mrs. K. rci.m jer. Ci y 11 iel, Na.-hvtiie, Tenu. liil. ilr. ii, valui, Ii5; O car M Alien, Co. B. 14MRCK. I nd V.ds. Na-livii;e. Ttnn,, Walcu. value, 6,00, Tiowland S. Katterswii Co. I I0;h I jora Vet, Volunteers, Oil Painiins value, 100; Airs. Abbey J. ParsJns. Spriogtteld Mjss., Melxieon, value, 150; James L,. Dexter, City Suivoyor jiyiacuse. K. r . Gold Waicu value 150 (T ; Mrs. James Fly, 137 Woos ter Stree'.c'r B:eeker,N. V. , Oii. Painting, value, tOO; UrsJ. C. Coles, (iraud Itif-i Is. Michigan, bi ver Castor valtie 4o 01 : L'r J H Sinclair, No. 4 Slaiu Street Uuta N. Y., Fi a:ncd En?ravi.ig, va!uo,a5o0; Hon. Lu'ber Uetm jid, V.ashi2ioa, L. C, Oil raiat inr, value, 100 00. Were we permitted, we might aid many names to the above litt but many per so:, s object to our io do iug. wc there.'ore pnb'.uu no n .mes without permii-ti-in. Letters from variors partic;. thronghout tbe country acknowledging tbe re;etpt o: very valuable gil:, uay he tsecu oii Q'e at our office. 1MST OF ARTICI.I1S- To be Sold ibr Une Doll m Ivich i Without regerd tovtlu end not to be paid for fan in you Know w:tsi yuu lent receive. 10 E egaat Ejew'u PiaJos, wsrth f,om . - $250 00 to EO 00 10 sielodeons. Rnewood Ca?es 125 CO to 25 00 6i Fine Oil Paintings -. 2oo Fine S eel Eugra rings, Framed 12 0ot25 00 lOOMOMcB txes - - 12 00 to 45.00 1"0 Mlver Kevolving Patent Castors 15.00 t.. 4v 00 100 Silver Fruit and Cake Bafceia 15 00 to 35.00 6CO-Set Silver Te h. Tabie Spoon 15 oo to 3j oo 100 lioM ii jiiMnj Cae Waicoe T5. o to I5.oi 150 Dimnood llius - 6aojto2oo.oo !25t l.adieh' G .id Waic'ies - 6') o t . 8 oo 45J Siiver Wiiclie - 5 o to W oo '2. 5n ve-tana Neik Chsins 6.oo .o '.'5.oo 2 l 0") Pairs Ear IlingB, (new styles) I.Ojto 6 oo ' 3,Ct0 Go:d Ptniilfr anr. T.'dh 1 nks 3 o 'o 8 oo 3 0U0 Ouyx, and Amethyst B;oo'hts 4. CO to lO.oo 3,000, Lava aud Fiotcntine Brovcbcs .oo to 6 6o , 1 00'' Masonic Pin - 4 CO to 6 6o ' 2 ooO Fine Gold Watch Keys - 3 6j to. 6,oj 6 Kia Childreu's Armieis - 2 5ito 8.oo 2 500 Sets of Bos4iin Studs - I 5-U 6 w 2,6'JO F.natn lea Sleeve Buttons - 2.6o to 10,000 Pim Gold and Cha-ed ∈a l oo to 6.oo 6,000 Stone bet and Seal Bins . . 2.6o to lo oo 6, ooo Lo sets, all sizes . 2 oo to 7.oo sets of Ladies' Jewelry - 8. a to 2o oo 4. ooo Wiitch Charms (each) - J.oo to 6.5j '6.000 Gold Pens. Silver F x. Cases 4 oo to 6.oo 6, oo Gent's Brest" and Sarr Pins 3 oo to 2o oo 4.000 Lad'.e'f New S'yle Belt Burk'es 4 ck tu6 5 2 uoo Cliataiaine anl Guard Chains 6 oo to 2o oo l,ooe Gold Thimbles - - . 6 oo to 7 6o 2,ooo bets Ladies' Jet and Gold lo.uo to 2 ). 00 Gold Crrove - ' - I 60 to 6,00 6,000 Oval Band Bracelets - 6.00 to 2o 00 4,000 Chased Bracelets - 8 00 to 16 00 2.000 Ball Earorrps all colors 3. 00 to ft. 00 Fine Gold Peus 2. 00 to 3 5jj 2 000 Kew Style Jet is. Gjld Eardrops 3 00 to 7 .00 2,ooo Gold Pens with Gold Mounted Ebony Holders - 3 00 to 6 00 VSTK cliance to oiitain any or Hie above Articles tor One Dol lar by purchasing a Sealed Envel ope lor 25 ct. EFiveSeiied Envelopes will be sent for$loo;. .ieven for 2 oo ; Tnirty tor o.oo ; Sizty-flve for lo.oo One Hundred Tor $15.oo. ' Agents V?nnicl Everyvrbere. Our patrons are desired to eend United States money when it is convenient. Long let tars are unnecessary. Letters should be addressed to onr Box 5706, Post Office for greater safety. Orders for SEALED ENVELOPES must in er ery car e be aeromjanied by the Cafh, with tbe trson sending, and Town.Countyand State riain- i ly written. L'-tters should be addressed to the I Miinasrri ss f.-'l s : rtrtMTirfTTV TTTTwrm f. fr tj UUUUVVAK.aUtli C VW., Box 570Q Post Office, Netr York. TP flf1 fiHvf FLUID EXTRACT OF at the: cape of good hope THE E0TXENT0T3 Having long used BUCHU - ...... Eorta Tarlety of Diseases. It wm borrowed from those rode practitioners by - THE English and DatcH Plijslciaiis, On wliose recottmenditioa it was employed ia En. rope sad bus cow come int; genet! use. IT 13 GIVEN CHIEFLY IX Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of (he Bladder, ijoheid irritation . . i v OF THE ELADLER AND URETIiaA, TOR FE3IAEE ViEaKXESS anrt DEBILITY, For Prolapsus and Bearing Doua, or Prolapsus Uteri, Diseases or The Postage Glam.(, Retention, or Iscoxtinencf of Ubim. And all diseases requiring the aid of a diuretic arisin from a los of tcne in the parts con cerned ia its evacuation.. IT 13 RECOMMENDED IN CASES OF DYS3?E3?sSIAs., CHRONIC IUIELTMATLsM, C uta& ecus A1T:cu'ods and Dropsy, T) curi d:?eases we mnst bri?j into action the muscles which are erfed in their various func tions. To neglect them , however slight m:v be Ihi? attack, is sum to aSect thi boldly beait'a and nun- J tal powers. OUR FL,i:SH AIsTID X33-.OOID, are supported from these sources. PERSONS OF EVERY TERIOD OF LIFE Prcui Infaney to Old Age. and in every state cf hcakb, are liable to te sub jects ef these diseases. The Cause in Hcny Inettnces Brc.rtkncTvn Tba palict has, however, an admirable remedy in llEUiBGLD'S Eluid Bstract of Buchu PkilaJJphia Evening Bulletin Editorial. Sept. 15. 1SG5. HEL MB OLD'S Genuine Preparations. lib Solid and Flui Extracts embody the full strength tf the ingredients v wLitli tliey are named. They are Irft to the inspection of all. A ready and conclusive lest cf their properties will te a comparison vvhh lliose set forth in the United Slates Dispensatory. These rem edies are prepared by H. T. Helrabold.a druggist of sixteen yeaes expeiience in this ciiy, and wt beliere them to be re liable , in fact, we hare never known an article lacking merk. to ni? et with a per manent success-, nd Mr. Heimbold's i . . success is certainly prima facie evidentft. His Drug and Chemical Warehouse, in the city cf New Yok, is not excelled, if equaled, ly any in jhe country, and we would advise our readers, whtn visiting that city, to give bra a call, and judge for themselves. EI el ei I) old's Extract f Buchu. HELMB OLD Koveber,2d. 1S65; 10-7-11-7. enpin. From WILLIAMS' ADVERTISING ASD PATENT AGENCV, 91 Chestnut St.. St. Loci s Mo BEAD-QUARTEKS CELEBRATED- i ; i;! V P-9- "2 r- 2? 0 X" H3 53 - THE MAXUFJ1CTURLXG . COMPAXY ST. LOUIS, jIO. MAUFACTURERS OF COOKING & HEATING Importers of and Dealers in AKD ALL KINDS OF TINNER'S STOCK Stove Dealers and Tirterscnntely npen beinsjup pi'cd ct the lowest ru'.ts 'ADDRESS: . EXCELSIOR MANUFACTURING CO , 1ST. LOUIS, iI0. M-Sm BOWEM DiiOTIIERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND READING JOBBERS IN STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS Notions, Woolens, WOESTED GOODS, ETC., ETC. - - Announce increased Facilities and arrange ments by which their stock will continue more inviting and extensive than sny c.her, out of New York, in the ccuctry. They include a full line cf Leading Domestics by the package, t manufacturers' Prices, and invite the trade cf the Northwest to save Freight and lime by purchases in Chicago. Ve nave ihe Exclusiv-e S?.'e of many brands cf ffoods. are Arents fbr Pittsburgh EAGLE COTTON YARfJ, at Factory Prices. 0u Anmense Business is a guarantee of cur ability to meet the demands of the trade at all times. Goods sent upon orders, can be. returned at cir expense if not satisfactory.. BOWEN BROTHERS, 19 li 21 Lake Street, Chicago, liiirois. B 6 S. T, ANTHONY & CO... Ila.tiufc:aier6 of S botogiaftic Materials, 601 BaOALV.'AY, H. Y. TLH I A l.rv w. nr 4Urlt-r bf Ih. I.ilinwir.x. via. tiji jicotii u.'.i S;sreoscopie Views. Vli vii Oi" i :1A VAil, M:nr.l ! irtl an. I toruuiic . rr?ipi,t. ?HrT;Al-lllO lllbTuKV lT TMF. ..KEr CMl'S roXTtDf Euii Kaa, Iatch Gap. YcrEtoa, I ontoou Triias Cettysburgli Hr.Tiovsr Junction. I s :r Oaks, I cokcat Mountain, Laaje Station, Chickahomiay, Fiedeiicksburch, CityXoint. Xairfix, liashville, Il;cbmon'tfc Peteisbargh, I-eep EottC3, . Fsi'e hlaio, Koniiors. CLattaaoDga, Fort Morgan, .tluta, Charleston,' Kobii', Florida. ttrawberry Plains, tc. &c. Amrr'.rhH Mitt V'r" C'ie. GronjM, Statul rj A-.. .c A!. Rv..; .-t;i t;.,.,,. Ii ptibilr or nv.f ihi:mi"a Ooi CU f-t wi.l at Kit U. anv bU;Mt o rM.ipl i buuijk Photograpaio Albuas. W. tt h. fp.t ! inu.itir. t'i.- iuu. thp t'nltml StatM w. iNnnfariiT-. im .... iani:irw in -l T.ri.'.r. nnx-i- in Jiri. Irorii i r.m In f ... 'J t L.B:" .! h'.r. lite ra-t-. n f UinciMri -r ia wvutv tn.l J.irai.iiiiT l- ar l Jef. 1 iv wl. hv mhiI. FRivi; an r-i.t of .r.,- ' i 'ff'f'lNB 'MVHi MADI tl O iURK. Tuo Xia-ie 7il liid oar Albaui most fc'a.eiblo thoy cau bay. CiV.i riiorjGKAPi's Ctn Ci'o;i i. ' i.lir :j ov.r Fits TH.c4n 4irTrnl rlje-u (!'. .T:.ic'.i ail.liinti aie roatiufully Usisg uiad) ol ILir tr: Aur'-. ...-.. v: : m) I i Mj I'M UdiI I'.ill ) Fl.ttn.n.., !: Ui-iir " S5. ul!ir ara. IJ. ! vi- t'l r.'1'mt.It, '5N,vj G' ,11, A itii-ira, 4i ArtUla. l!SMi; si-iv-winml W ms f.ftWt C.-).;i- "f Works.! Art. I'jv.Mns r'po."i i.-ti .ii -if tli rUSntei K..frin ra.i.Unjt, j;a-..:. Catai.-g-i. a.-a: im Tr;y rt Sn An ori.r for u.t. Pi. tu.-M fr a v:r Cm! 'iru., artll fdi.l 'H er-'i: l ,t .n, au.l "-i.t hr ninit. .'7LC I'h('..-rrf.i,r4 an.I ..hra or leri.i .-".--I. C II- !. will plaaM taivl '.wt.Ty ii-a j-rrLt of lUm a:u ul .tb l!.-'r r-l Ul liMrictf. aui ualUr of our jmI. cuait Ud ia auarj. Oct. 23th 1S95 10-6-11-6 1 rSh Til's Is t'ift most wonderful, t?ie rl-!i?T,f't an t li.-st, r.n-1 the in. --t Lcs.uliiul Ill-no f ver t :T'"iv I to the .i:bli; lor tl-ft nur.ty ; tiiis il' i worm just i;s nui' h i s t.n r Muchm-; it viH lo u much work; is not liable to R-t out r-i older, urn! will Inst uliio time. Noiseless In opera tion; use 111.) ce-lie- mws v uL a double or s;ngl) tlire:il i n 1 a MUt-h more pert md reul-ir thn Jiy l.t.r.d and with Ki-eat rapiditv: will Guther, Ilom, Itnf fle, Fhirr, Tuck, Ui:n up Hrf-wdthP, &:, Ac No of si it eh. K'nle ii.e bent to any part of the country, ly Kxprcus, nicely packed, on receipt of l'ra e, ADDKES3, C. L. BRIGGS, Jfo. lit Dearborn St., Chicago, 3 ASEST3 T7A5TED EYSSY'vTHESI. Not. 2J,I35j lu-7 3m. e,na. C. U. S. C O L L E G E. CONDUCTED on the I asis of actnal business, by an experienced Are. outset aci Superior Fen man, whose connection with the most popular Com mercial Colleges ensures UuroL-ghness and reputa tion to every graduate. Speeial instruetmn ghen in a'l styles r.f Pn-man-hip: specimens of which iu iy ba seen at tha College. Full particulars sent t cy sd lres. TI10A1AS .. BRYANT. 52-tf Kt. Joseph, ilo. ma m 4U 'A.i w pi mi vm P o CD 1 11 0 G 1867 ? t TO 015,00!! Manufacturers) Agi rih ! ! Our New Mode. Oncof our SilTcr lVstrlic, vr .viicr Tea f Onr art15 ccri.-it ol , PMS"03. for Lkb we wir.o tSC0Cib, If pre.'erci MKI.ODKOXS. " li0 ' eru-iVP. M A PITI K3. - 43 ' PufiTnr.aArH albums u 23 it 13 6 41 15 13 13 13- 15 r- t ft Mil JI It 1 C. IT K.1 J I do do do da " h,j;as " i di Frrts d-j!es I'J Waiters d Castors ii O .... V. I'r'.iQ. rtf i ?. do Co V" 20 do Ard utter v.fnjj:e taucy Jewelry, TuiletsnU Wct Im acs, aii- r ;c;es One of our tea fes p'ece of our G ill or Sil-vtr-ware is wolih butel ot the ctcap Ujllor Jew elry ! ... Ve have aJp'oJ tha f i:owii.g ra de of D 1ST 1U BUT ION ty sale it 1H,iJ3 art;r"es of vslu I .-Our New. Mode. v. TT.e a; tj c iet .f p ." sre iinn.l.e.'el fr,ni J to 01 S7 5 -0 t-cn.-isii ui.r : s.i,os. MeU-oer. .-M a'nl Sil ver Wan-ties. se-M:". 3l l hi , T ali.i Table ets, Je-.elry, V.'ork v T.-ttot ta-e-., lu .t-r.i;a A!v.nJs i Orer:ace Ei ver w;i'ct)cs. arti.'lis in prpt Vaiisty. lb I- t!-ai.e.s uumbere 1 froai 1 lo7.0JOre prjr.te.l put tr.t-j lejiel eiivel- tes and wf',1 nueJ atiil oie .t -.lic-se i- iiitcn ou . ati'i se'it to the ver'.n seti-tm? t t:s i5 ee:j to co.-er (xi"'.i-e o' r-t ige, c rr:-sr-t.'.i', c.c .n-S tj.e articlr' or R--cJ r.r:es p .u; i n 4 wr b t'l : a i iLe ..a tlis n .ti.e will j to iUe lio!.:cr ll.c f tie in.c:fO utey ( eupie' to pr.rc'ue tl ? tU- J hi ietiilit f ds'.tiirt F r i i-tj-c : 1 tLe i;',e on ibe Lotice ser.t 10 yuu slioul l l.e 5 0.' a;M t Piaui) j D:fli dJ sot .or GoM V.'at U ib-vit-l : L? Ln.:.l5:u5 ;0 ir. viii be te.t ' T' " Or $i. u-is ou for el trv aiticle in our lixt of S CCO Art l ies. j ZJA'ttr rteciv'r.f the Arl'.cle if it d-e not ut hi. 11 1 iv can return tt, a:.d your money SHALL HA rlAu.wld. ( l'tu.y Uve ce-its tsokI pe sent to pay expense of pos ae con, mc. . un one nouce. IfUfr Lir (Lst 4divcr srucle oriesp nls irith ine i.u- tei on -ur r.stice y-mcaa btveii ly piyin,; Tn o TJollrr l-t, wtie'ber it be wortii iiOJ or $5 0. Aul H i for tr in eret to dfil fairly at d tend oot onr ft sr.kles w it i -es c maJnce u toe public, anU tLertb n..reaes our aalei. Try Our New Mode. Ujn re;ti;t i f 2o ceatj, which p;. s lyrvurres poiidccc. furtiig jisckage. etc.,vre oud onenutice Up;n recti t .4" 1 which piys tor eorrc.-ponJece o-t;i7o. etc., we st?ul ix r.o iees. Uo'.a rt-ceipt of .$5, wbi.:h pajs f - r ci.rrespn dviici, posa vtj., wo .-end 10 i otlcts t o ,e jrescnt, valued at not les thtn flrtctn dollars, as a s un, le i f o .r g. i.'s. U;oj rs- ii;)t of -j 1 S , rivi-' '-y f r oorosMru dii're, 1 estiiTi. etj . we wili m . vl 110 co:ko,ajd a i"'.0L!l SiLVtll YTATCii recura nl id. Ac'its Wii'iit'd. Said fur our circular! A'jer.ti illcwel c Izrje '..- A C or,rr.hi:n Ij uv.ic'J thej cm: make $50weAy. . AdJics? plainly, ItJi!D' & BHOTIIFR, UOX 5 a, Salosrooru , N 1 it City, N. Y. 3 Liberty St. 10-9-Sin?' fe.fcn. StatomoxLt Of th ci'tiditi'ia of the if: vy-l M .a Insurance Company cf NcwYck, Oii the 1st dT(r J.nna-y A. D midet the Au.iirorof theTenit ry ..f NEBEASEA. pursu Lt to ttie Statute .f that State. JZtfrn" ursrl T.reition T1 nsm eftM frapi nyisTfZ: HOME l SL'IiAXLE ( OVPAXV, in corporttJ in Ut3, an.i I ct- tt in ihe City of Se Xit C A PIT AT, Tlie Capital ef said C upan .a.ttavl.'y Tit ! 5i ra-h Is . .. . - - . Dir.. 01 Tlie surplus on tbe 1st of January, '64, t. 67 61 Total ani u:i. Cap'.ttl an! S I'-p'iu. S3 6i7.637 W Am'trfcin CoTinrntil JtirH.. N T;. ' in t:a?is of A:i'i in trp-mi- U S Tit'-'i-tere-J Ct.':yi Si.-r issv, 211 ) ,-i23 I' 0 o ' 1. 6 ;9J o ) ' V S IV. n ! -21. I. 410,755 CO t'-r. o 1 rlcb!.iSI S? 8 iM S p-r c't. 12 9V rol '' N Ii d-, S c. m. t. T rn. Oiiio " " ' It J 41 tl j; f .r " C:. Ft ' 7 " f!- 11 .Vt It' ti " NVC'vOPUds '' Q H-eas Cn. " lit.- ni o I e .. " ' l-.:'.j C y Wa. " " 1U:i' S'. rks. " 6 1 fl ! I ?.: iff 9St if. 23 4 '0 o- r.ii.n .n (.. t' t .io y 1 i i! .10 00 I -2.V3 i- J SV-iSO o ( 24 .C.JO o., I 11,4 0 u. J 4:.:3S co H7d30,r- " 1.. - 11s on H ii. l airl M'tcirps !. .H fl..-.t hu u uni:ici'ire'l 'cs. cv.e w.rt!. it ,.-t iJ.tij 3j. Vt.043 3tl 5- r.iie of ii.ter.'8f 6 7 i''-caut ) ' bu.l-.l!l S'.-C'-?J & IJ .Til i i iv.-ibfe't 1 11 ircuiaid, tuo niiftcet v.iin . ..f e. 225 612 curuirs rl'fi-l, at !e f $22 3i3. J " llacriet an-l Wipe. 71617 5- D e for Pre'mson Poi. n. r otfl e 4 3 0 15 " Bi 1 reiouMti e t..r P eniiu.-ns u Ia lai .1 i-i t i i ' .t.ii.J, Zf.: 31 7-17 35 " I ihc-ISilrUM, 41 5 0 H ' tt.hcr p-..tei tr. niicellneus 26 14 2-1 ' G vj. tinr in 3.-ini;'-, tV Kta. isi ute cu lit Jaiiai y, 1 SS5 19 5 5 -i5 $3 735 -.2 An't i5-ss a-lji'.-t" 1. di.9 sr;d ii'ipaid Kre ' inc:irre-' 4tm pro ..fali-nt't S-o 55t o2 " r-p Tte I .ri wu ci no a-t"ntk'ii 1.0.50 " " (.; i inie t r firlei'. ty enmp ry 2J.i4')oo " Pivitetirt. declared due and unpaid iss io " ' ca:-r. i r MT;p. dpolar. but DjI due Nore ' Money borrowed ? ne " Aii oiler ex. lUims a,'iint orrpany I'.iie Total L-jscs, CIiiai3 an l Liabilities $77 9A Vi T'i ltc :te il srn- urt ir.n:ii-d in any ore ri.-k is $75 i.oo, tut wit: ui.t s a ri.era' ruieex- ced $lo.tH. Tl)e ci rti !) has n i neneral ru le as to tlie atuount :.:!.. we ! t ii.e insa'iil iii any cilr. tow n. vi I latfe or ot-jib. lii:ic s-.verne-I in ilii na'ter. in e.ich caso. 1 ill-- c"erai cbjrai.;cr or bnt'dings widib o( utreet. f.niu.ies for piii'ii;- jiit nre-. A can ind c-'py f be Ctaner or Act of In-: irpor Uou, as a:i:iudeo, ace. ui' mie tlii Si.atnieut. STATE, CF .XEW FORK s, ? Ci a. ti ii 'i illy v' Sit- X ) sP.TnUH V. V'iLLIA;ii'rI 'ire-. e-ii-ji. oil (YdS M-liKK. Sehr"i. y, o' tins II nn l i 'ir iuoi Cviiiya iy, oeiUi -evra.. an 1 ilulj ssrra dji-eirl ray, and aca T .r hrn -.ctf say, toa fores -lit is a iruo ra I .i:ri c .i-r. et .-i it of ttiij'. -tis sia.d Co-", l a a .i .I.-, til .7 a! e t e above ufsr.r.bed - ill C. aliOl euC. A.F. WILl.MARTn . Tire Pre'Meut. JOHN ilU;B, .,cimij. Subsertlel and sworn be ore uie. Hn 2'tjdiy f January, Ib65. J H. W AH ilCRX, ..tiy f ub lc. Know all Men ty these Present. That tbe Home Iruui-an C Ditny , of teeCUy f New-Tork. do hereoy .blaoi us aod all acenis that said Coui p.ibj lus. or ni.y tereaf-er have or pp.-i!.i. in tha eta et N'ebr-t-ka lor au-1 on brli-t.f ol aaul cotapany, to i.c ep and i in.tke tervice l ail prxes, wbe'.liei roe lieorfiiial m any acti.u or prccredinii offn-bl ha.d Cimiiiny. i a any of lire co;iri- ..fg u.l 3 ?e. Anl n i ueieby aitun tetf ud aitrt ed, Mm rail rervueoi ib pr-et s.'.rr-rM fliali bu i.LiD and Le.d to b? Valid n0 t ffl.iu t m tLai l-t.if, W10 same a; if served upou said Com;' t-iy sec- iiUi.k to tne laws ;ua practice cf said Mate; an: aii ,:!, us or nrit ol erior by ieKn tf the maui er of .-rrli herv ice, is bercty ipresei waivtd and Witness our bnd aa-i seal of tbe Company, this 23 day tf Jauoary, lb5. A. r. W1LLM AB.TU. V. P JOUN ilcGES", Secretsry. Appiicatioo for rire Jlarine Insurance made to JOHN L. CAniON, Agent.- g-4t Biowuifilie Xebnska. ESTRAY MAKE. Taken np by tbe umlersined, and nitliia bis in closed pretnirt5, four ov.les outh We3t from Nem aha City Nobra'ka, on the 31diy of.Ootobe-, 165 One Biy Maru two jears old, about fifieeu bunJs high. brorrtiTitle.Oct. 3 1853. 6 ii pd. JOnX A RCA BRIGHT. : ESTUAY KOHCE T.t-or, nn l.r . iK u r.der.i L'nrd lirir.2 in Glen r ..i Tn.,,.i,ir.'ir.f,:ifi,iintT Xelra k Terri to- 1 ry. oue bsy mre l'i i.ey. imnil star in toa forehead rLip on tbe iMire.raadltt ipofs 13 hards l ih 4 I j rs 11 Id l.-t olbr murks or fciaaids per- . ceivablo. j October, tbe 9th 18f5. j - ' ANDREW 1TIGGIXS, j ortli aissoari Rate arid fra: tik AlsTs RAILROAD ROrTR To St. Loci. ail a:i r.,jat3 &,-?.. r. t lis 37-50 CL3eUi T8roTr' j. . Char-. Tu'ict Arcats II. i"urt w-M .v als ,ri urinate, at3 I-aer, -W,W senri I.aiiroaJ lb is - . 2D W TT cI".lhe Keo. Packed; Tsnllaroiilio-,.;. r.f RiyerNaTiffition by nlat.'th i..nayuUv(ju r;" lays iiicidect to iUatoat Lavifc-a:i. ; u,;Js4 ortli Jlo. R.K. TraL arait D;lj!; cn trie II. i St. Jo. Railroa 1, nakin; ra.., certain connection itstaad of a po-sio'.;!iT tl '1" ' cotinection with beat at Hiunbal and Qu;nc " traios. Inciidotf citber, 45?njcr3 ' niLr rri'iiic qirciirn Ti3ir vi tbe N.irfu lii.-s. uri Radroaj ih-n ty aa, ff- . route.. Aaotlio:-adT.u,;:.-fi is. that w rtak " ' .taio ciinocfi'jn witii the Ohio A lii,. .fi liir.ii" & (Jraiit ViVtern. St. Loots A IVr-ii - J inula suprb!y eq-jipp'-d R'.adj in t':e Ve..t. 2:1 1 ..M-n-rs i-.-iVif t.-, ri rlt to ehm.-se. ia -.tia tir.c I'll the N'.-rtb ) v,-,-,:,,,,, aa , abveb'Wi.e-lK i-l-FAr.i: ! :C ?AM. . 'liokctst-m bj had at H.- V...kst UtH - s jr.. A St. Jweili Raiir ., I. .nS'. J,, " A?k I--r Tickets ly wy ..! the North Mi., a il 303 that your La "i CH-V. p ."' TUliUlX.II, s " "USJ . I? A AC n. STCRflEflV, Frii't and Ut SitpV Sr. L irj V ' Il.II. UH"-EL;ii. . Cci.traITiclet A tent, St. L-uu,i. L. JI. Iil'XN, Vi rs-crn A"nl. r.ii. eaiu.i:y' Agrcist. St. Josffh- IVXrLi'i'iccl Xadics! PEOF. V0VEAE'S BHOPSL 'ny- er-uu- T21IIIVS 'for whisa they ar "WA It PA Ely 'in every iruiiaso. Thry aro crdialy recommended to all ladies, lr.:m sickness Br 'other ixauaft, ars uaafclo to uader? 'the perils of scoouohu-ent. This rtmaily t DlAfnOfiD DROPSi Kat fta Abortive, tni siirpiy .sn.t ia not ia tha least Inju- rious to the men dellcssy .coustitu'.ioDa 2ery. bo Ue Warranted.. I.XT zvrET. LADY TBI IT. CT 8eud Bed Stamp for Circular, er 1113 far tis 2Xem?dr. 1o C II MO:.'i3B Si CO , General Afrat. V 0. 1'rav. e.- '-. Ca.oiga i:imoi, Offlco ii Smta Clark 8treeb lu' at Wholeal ia Ci ewa by TJB2JHAai3va scHAACS.rr;LLia,rcrca St FULLER, tear. SHITH CHA3. 9. ftjsTTS 8JIITH & DWIt;.. ad IX SCOVII. m mum Sonieihlnr 5'cir I r---i!itiful Ibum, exntuininc 14 . : ri'rt.-. ia of onr I ui. n C-nr;. bl 1: 1 : 1 diMd. TJi .Vfic P- Urt P . ;l;;-ry, riinnj"' to ifaoCuBi.S . :M : !s l.'i U'" lap's, rail wi-st SJtyLishiiig l:iuiotS sa4 t hr m!7. fW-pai't, 00 rrcipt . .v.; .piir-.I a: XAjO ir dotaei -:, i f laiiir N-tlODS 4 : r.-r trvrlin A pea is, at f- . AilJir.s r'.l r-Vrs ti t-v s! ' erd coniiiinirrr t Coliiif illtt.-s of t:r Any of the a' - ci oU cnis. A, also wi'h Tery 1 othi-r articlr-s r; lowcat suarkst pu. ' C. is. uinr.G, 111 CaSrhcn Ci, CLiorft 2 Oct, 2 ISVj .".71 .. c. 4 V n l':i'.- i!e D :rt.'l YfJ'BIVATE IIHKAHEf i.ia rril studv for tcui !" .-Ji - .u d c..-u.t His i:e..o o l bj c-.tii t'Ura .?ivf. 1 u. ii:-". r ut LK.tur :.av t- ayfr- f f A. M. Until 3 i". . a -l -r'T r MR- vt UcAlUi." pui.Labed nnDUJy and km to any PIAITOS! PIAK 8350 to $1,400- E. II. BOSTON & CO., LOUIS, TlrlO. HAVE ibe T-;S",l,A" ,.n n. ..ejn t--7e-it. Tbcy keep tbs iu.i--IN.S1 RU K.TS ninJe by Wm. 3 . Bradbury, Chambers & Gab'er: Isew York Fiarofoi tj Coai;ay- JfiECa W. Vr83. Mason Hamlin's Cnblnet Crga UlO to 5180 E ci. A i n h trt'I Scconia-Iiaiitl rianos, ;.lcIodcat Ar. Ac A" xvhi.n ' ..'d at v.- ; S-u lftr '" and 'rice-- V7 rororas: V r Fifth A Ti"'-5 (Ui ier Soutliern ll-i'H v 1 a ir im I. M .l.,'o'' .... ITCM. ITCH! BcitWh! Scratch! Scratch! ururATfirJ's v ll II L. . 1. . iVni rir ll'.l: Ii"3 . JTod-8 HOUH;- (S itch t. ,i,.i.,.Mi::!i jbnsi Srafrbes, ; flIp. V.r ? ti: Ui f 'h0 Sk", m - A. v - B , . . ;;! rK n:.r. i.r Li.rions anl Washes wbiea eciovethe Jiseaae. ty scn-lin-t"')e!s tv ilU'l'S. (Asenls for thj outb-S est.) (jf. 2 1 Vino Streets, St. Louis, Mo it wl' pf ;ji WArdoa by mail, fire of rost-ge, to ai. t e0',vK'KS A 1 OTTER, Ronton. U- l'P"' 51-oa c-Ti r ADM I . IS TK A 1 U K 3. ,f In ynriuaac : nfD . Jir -f V"" New iba County, Nebraik Ternary, for s- Ie at pubiic auccb n, on t:e 4 b tlay uf Novpiiibr, a -at on o'cl.k P. JI., oa th Und whe'" - ,e,j rroptrty is sitot-l. the uoiivio. d Jl1 f;u' w-.v ,l'1 known : Leis an t V'f'li tcl . a ilwCiakft .Maui in tb3 il lanlJ bTbe sa:cl Prwty will rpaJ real estata nbt-re.-n tbe mg$Utfm lfibb. v Adminiitrator of tbe TstsJa, rtf Vi'illiaa .. " ll-ci,.ft?r,i.(. rara ty this root. Seto :cs.U,k. i'aiUJeljl.;,, rost"' S3ore.(.incia!iau aoiall roiutt,iu bi'n , (Jli icago, or acyott-jr roars. 7 V ' trrm ten Kv 1 v W fTl 0 TO DH. BISELC'.V! f 1 W j,.;a i.tH-i-.-L.-'W th -tuvo.;r..4r 1 .rrr i'.r r fu- atd. '. ' K 4. J . .. ..... .1.11 aiiJi-(" i hlNTMElff