IP 30,185 V . , - jj .ellie. e. c. AC-ll,r Ba,c v vu, vui30. Urr r J 'S WiJbA-t'XS' wlois the author - .tin Si- i-"'-'r' ror h: paper, will attend to it'oJM -u:-' "'J psrcaayes in that City. OJMce " w ;;jy u pat! er is no obstacle to a good r :ciu a -crior lot cf cheap Arniy and fjicr Overcoats at Atkinson fii.Co.'3. See our N?w Advertisements. Read tbernall- We are usatle'ihis week to totire tbem in "detail. A grand Hra.! Hind Serenade of the f,;y ,,iay exp-'cted to-morrow evening le (! rr is fine. a JiiCoinas, ni the Good Samaritan Prug Store, has a rather unique Segar lo Cafe, wurth going to see. We rofice four ter dwelling: just com ccict'd tliii Week. If the weather only lolis cut till Christmas, as it is now, they r.iii ie finished this winter. Woolt n .fiidrr Shirts, Drawers, and (Jr.'.'s Furn:sliir Goods in superabin fcjee at AtLinson Si. Co., and they set) iLcra rcry rcieonaUe. Rev. T. W.' Tipton vrili preach a ThariH-gi'iT Sermon at the Church in hLn, ii-xt Thursday iuon ing at half J I u-t i-l. o'clock. .Tie s' j !pce we Ksve sen for a r I'l l i me mjciiiu uuor o: u i me fecKim noor o: i n c- I r IiAr-ii i:. u l uiiding on Main ttreet ; j:, ll ir i fpi'ihdid aiid the room is L P. Cu. ihM n has again taken charge if ;!.e ict-r;can Ikue, on l-'runt street. This wii'.le welcome newa to the travel ifig pib!jc,.as he -'"know how to keep a l,ttl. Ri:tiy Co. have just received a supply of choice Dry Goods and Uryft-n.'s, v!nch they are selling olT at rvii;aujL!y.low prices for cah. Their (hL i I elcted and complete. T.I-oAt;vi!ie Litrary.Society will f'-n hi lioi'diey'b ' Hull to-morrow (Fri c.ti ) fVfuivf when the annual election rf tfi--er will take place. Subject for CvLii.e the Monroe Doctrine. ? e the advertibement of Myers &. , J.iu . St. Louis, Mo., in to-day's paper. Kir tlit-m r-c eiitly we had considera i'Vs'.ngs with thvui, and lan recuin If -iJ both thtm and'iheir stock. In-ure your dwelling's with the Amer-lu-uiance Company,-an "old and f r,:; p jaying Coivpany. Rates as low tiHiy u'.licr reliable tympany. J. W. JiLiSS, Resident Agent. (1 Ti rr C anitsry institution was ever U'aLli-hed in this county than the Good r.:aritan Drug Store. McComas, who rs'Jes ever it, has a heart as big as illustrious predecessor, combined with thorough knowledge of Pharmacy. 0a? of the best agricultural papers of i'.e w.-M is the Rural World and Valley I dr.-nrr, puUisued semi-monthly at St. L'uij, Mj., f Jited by Norman J. Col tI,an 12. CO a year. Lvery farmer !-i.uld Lave it. . A Coy Wanted at this etnee, tokar . printing trade. One from the com: am i- ; referred. He. will be expected to 6 : '-v the present format) to manage the iiMrs hiir.i-elf for the firtt six months. -,i.e i:eed Efply unless these terms suit. ; We notice that Dr. Gw:n is at his eld c; tin. n be i- prppHrmsr the ground UP a fine lui'Jinrr ou Main street Ativan 2d and Zi. The Dr. it teems c"r,not be content unless he is improving uih his ailing, in this line, was con- geius. ihoiue in town is making a greater .ftri ta u?rly ihis county with the best ' groceries the eas'iem market affords than '.w"e &. Rro , thai this is du.'y appreci-nr-l ao of,- ran doubt who notices the .''WlM of goods ih-yseil. - : " (r- Saunders, Indian Superintendent .;C-& Taylor and O. P. Mason were in nti yesterday, they are returning from twifof inspection of the different In :ri Agencies in this section. ( Governor expressed himself much leased with the general prosperity and of ihis Land District. "May his e-Jdn nver grow less." . 11t- Taylor is faithfully looking to the tsts of Govermnent in his keeping: j "u e areafttivfia J l, n i J Vounty, at the offire f E. w. lhomns, fr-vtpr e.8alljfieJ lhftt te will Ueep;.B proWBVifI;t4intnel,tp,,uHllJ5I1,Tyrai.nth, j t 8 lrtght in Li department. He between the hours of one and 3 P. M, Ari',icants '''..s w t-ll n-, . . , . t for certificates are required to be prefenl at one U-i ,lUkfer tils lung sojourn in Da- v'clocTc.pmisoly,or they will not bo exruuuied. , b?re he m.- .-azLt., Xovrsou need aprly at any ether time. ha rv.i f- 1 j 1 ""oniricr.. ' I .11 ". .Uascn. deKi-ite the wnrk-i t. ..f . C. 11. WalLir rf iq Pk. l. Uallery over ihd Post Office, has stated to us his intentLn'of leaving this City within a few weeks. Never has an ar tist given better satisfaction to this com inanity than has ilr. Waiker, and, it is with regret we make the above annoimc ment. Those delirirrg good likenesses of themselves or friends had better take immediate advantage of the present sun shiny weather and JC. II . Walker's skill as an artist. A team became frightened, last Satur day, on Main Street; near Deuser's Tin Shop; the driver, Mr. Collins, was thrown irom the wdtbn, one of the front wheels running over'his legs below the knee, yet broke no tones, although the wagon waa heavily luVded. The horses ran onto the bank juLt above the Tin Shop, and came to aucnor by one of the them failing down. No material dam age was done. We learn that the prairie fire, on the 0ih, burned about 90 rod of fence on the 'farm of Alex. Hays, living near L ng's Bridge, and G ton of hay; also. 90 rod of fence and 75 ton of bay cn the farm of Jesso Cole, jr., living in the same r eighborhood. The fire, in this instance, jumped across the Nemaha, and i.o clue can be had as to who i-ei it out. Too much caution cannot be (exercised in set- ing cut these fires, cr preparing against them. j TIic S? t Tori; Dollar Wecfcler, 2 A popular Literary Journal, devoted sc lely to thnste literature and general family reading published at one dollar a year. Any person obtaining TfiTCC Subscribers, and nding us the mony ! Three DilLirs hail receive the DidUr Weekly oap var gratis. A yu-.'d agent, male or feTi.ile, wanted in every ne'ojhborhoo J. whj can retain 2-5 cents out of each full subscription, when three or more- are sent at one tiaie. Specimen copies sent free. Address. D. BENTLEY & CO Publishers, SI Nassau St.,N. Y. Farmer's Clubs. We have come to the conclusion that to keep up a Precint Club, it should Ovvn a Good Library of Books ypon Agricul ture, for the information and entertain ment of its members, which ail could have access to, to read and post them selves between meetings. To the end that we might offer some such induce ment to the Farmers, we spent about an hour among our merchants lat Tuesday, and secured the sum of S70 00 to offer as a bonus for the organization of Clubs, which we are to distribute in the follow ing rrarmer To the Fim Frecinrt Fdrmer's Club, which is already, or iulull be organized within the next two mon-h from this date, which shall ket-p up uch organiza tion, meeting regularly once a week, and sending a true copy of the proceedings of each meeting to the Advertiser for publication which shall, be evidence of such meeting we will, at the end cf the three months, give a Library cf Books on Agriculture worth 39. To the Second Precinct Farm3r's Club organized within two months from this date, and conforming to the stipulations in the above, a Library worth 20- To the Third Precinct Farmer's Club, organized within the same date, and con ferring to the stipulations in the first, a Library worth 15. This sum will be domted as follows: SWJtn & Uro., give SIOCO towards establishing Fanner's; Libraries. AtklRSOIl & CO., g;ve 510.00 towards establishing Libraries tor Farmers Clubs. J. Berry gives $10.00 toward estab lishing Libraries for Farmers Clubs. G H. IlCnilerSCn gives - S10 00 to ward establishing Libraries for Farmers Clubs. RalllCy & CO , give SIO.OO toward es tablishing Libraries for Farmers Clubs. WHi IX llOOVCr gives S5 CO towurd establ'hmg Lit raries for Farmers Clubs. Ceo- nr.!i & Co, SIO.OO. The "Good taiaarataii" gives S5 toward establishing Libraries for Farm er's Clubs. , JkQTAny of our merchants, or others, who desire, can yet add their mite to the above list ; if enough is offered we will distribute $15 Libraries to every Pre cinct Club complying with the require ments named in our editorial proposition; and if part and not all is accepted, the amount will be made up by equal assess ment. Come forth, ye friends of the Agricultural interests cf Nemaha, and sLow your hand. ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken up W th undersigned living about five mis West ot Browrrvi lie, about the lOih day of October, 1355. One icxl and vrhite co- , crrp off of the rightcar, onaerbit it left car. socio wbiteon the f hce. 5 years iJ last spring. One heifer partly whito mingled with red, red ears a nd red nose, 2 years old ist fpriag'. -' JDSf JIH ThOiirsfOXScn. lUcctln? of School Examiners. Notice i? hereby jr?ren that ti Hrd of Sehoo Examiners of Nemaha County, SVora-, will hold mett'iDgs for the Examination it Tfaeburs for Uy crde oi the iHXrd, r W' T JMAS. u lerk. i i April 1?t, . . SI. Ml n mm FOR THE MILLIOXH ! TC QCXDRCD TIIOVSAXD!!! All can be suited in the s JuFt received at the STAB STO.SSB! Miln Street, Brownville, Neteka. All Kind , Patterns aal Styles. Every tbicg in the G SS'-O OEM Lic Lest quality Boots, Shoes, ArooeH and Villow-Ware. CU1! Hest brands. Dried and Canned in. TJ T 8 Nails, Glass, Sasli, Queens ware. ToBACOQa Anthony T. CogiTell IBeforo Oarlea G. Dorsey v's. Mayor rf ihe Citr of B-own- VllUam Pemt-erton j vllle, Nebraska Territory. On the 2d dy of October, A. D. 1365, said ma or lnsnlQ order of attachment In the abore action, for the from or Seventy-five dollars. . Brownville, Nebraska. October 13S5. AUaHAM P. C05SWRLL. , C3 Si - So CO O o o o eH (1 o PQ cs - , e3 t c3 c5 o Where a choice selection of the fol lowing article, can alway be found, Fine Dress Good. Consisting of jrnrK;d beautiful and e.neap, ha!moral!s Sk.irts , urlfs, Floods, Shwl! , Hosiery, Fid and Ccr?e ihoea LaJie Dru.-s Goods too nnmerous to mention. Also Gcpts Fine Hat , any . Rnd eve"y quality of Boot nnd Shoe?. Collars, Fin 8'uirts, Under ShirtiijAc., Cannot Mo better than to trade with the undersigned. G. M. HENDERSON. Oct 2oth 1S65. 9 26-ly runn. AGrN'TS. ?150 Tf mor.th. r e'l !h imiin Ue-w England family Sewing Macr.ineK l'noo -18 llu? MMi-miie r ill rtn--h, il -in. feu Tuck, Cord, Braid, B.nd, (father, liuilt and Km- hrnider, ni"t b antifttllv. If in rn i l - i t m durtblc manner is el'-g-'titiy anihed, and is the unly.rclirtblo cheap M -biiw in th m'.rkct. It mf cs trio h!iittc 1j"h.k htlti-h." fcvery second ttitch can be cut, and 1 lie cloth cannot be ul!ed aiart. Kverv Machine is warm nted f"r five year g. Ad Ire; s.DANE & CO..I'ost OSeo B.-x 52. Chi ca po. l!l.,oreal! at Room Xo. 8, l O. Block, corner of Monri and Derlorn streets, Chicago. CA UT- O.V. We caution the public not to buy aw., th less, old sty la, small site Machine, aold uiider a similar nama.nr thbrwrise. Wo hv& the only genuine and really practical chenp M tchin.' iliinttetnrcd. 52-3in Eannibal & St. Joseph i AND era ON MISSOURI RIVER. Tri -weekly Packets (Hannibal and St. Joseph R. R. Line) ieare Omaba, Cowncil Bluif?, 1'latM tnouth, Nebraska Ciry. Brownrilie and intermctli ate points for St. Jo?eph, connecting at St Joseph with triin on H.-vnnibal and Sjy'oseph Ii. II., leav ing St Joseph a 11.30 P. M., arriving at QUIXCY, CHICAGO" & ST. LOUIS On and after May 18th, daily and close connec tions frrm St Joseph toAtehiFon, W f r-jn,licaveii-worth, Wyandotte, Kn City, Lawrence, Topek, cnvia llatte CouDtry 11. P.. nni Ftcaroer Err.ilie 11. A St. Jo. U. Ii. Line ! Iavo St Joseph 5.35 A. Jl., Leavenworth S.O'Jam Wyanlatte 10.C0 a. KansCityI0.COA.M. Lawrence at b 00 P.M. 1II20UGH TICKETS EOE SAL? by Porter X Deuel, Omni a. D. W. IIi.tc:ock, Coun cil Bluffs, F.C. Lewis, l".att:-mouth, E. S. Hawlcy. Schrafk City.- Buy through tickets and save money. E.TtensjTe repairs on the ITATfMBAf. & St. J. gFK h Rati. road, r.cw iron, ties and ndaitionnl roll ing ?tek enable thern to riffer these imporUnt cLaa- gCS t' fflCHltiltO TKAVEU I5Y Till liU' !'l t. V. . Bi EAP, ' enenu ft-jpernicnai-ni. , P. P. (Jroat. general Ticket Ag-nt. i II II. CofKrKtsuT, Geu"l Freight Agenr. j 1 i7 .nuUn?, Mo. . j Capt. Prrrtt r(ei, Sniviit 'et l'Tt Pacett ! mx mints 0 N . WM. H-M'CREERY CASH "WHOLESALE AITD SETAIL DEALER 13 (7Q 111 i i ! I I I ll Ilk . , L i 1 - I . t 1 f .' I 1 III I I J Paints, Oils and Dye Stntls. Pure Liquors for Medical purposes, All kinds cf Patent Medicines. COAL OIL LAMPS and CHIMNEYS Blank Books and Stationery, Wall Paper of Every Pattern, Window Pavers , Cord and Tassels The best Brands of CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO and CIGARS, Oysters, Canned Fruits, and a complete Stock cf light and fancy Groceries. THK BEST ' Pocket Cutlery Perfumery, and Toilet Goods. Having availed himself of tne late decline; aM mnkinn extnMre purchases in an Eastern Market, be assumes n is patrons and the Public that it ir, to their advantage to trade with him, none but first Class DRUGS kept. Cail and examine tor yourself at the CITY DRUG STORE Sonth East Correr. Main and first Street, Bronvllte Nebraska Territory. ' PBESCRimoNS, and orders Carefully filled at all hours.''' 9-33-ly. Tb undersigned" keep on hand a large r.r'crfiECfcto SATT1KET&C SSIMERE SUITS For Men and Boy'd wear. Also, a large stock of HATS AjSTD CAPS, WyuBliiilliii BOOTS AND SHOES. Rubbc'r Co ts, Leggliis iS: ciankcis, UMBRELLAS AND CARPET BAGS, Gent's Fnrnis&iflg Goods, Of all kinds which we will sell C II E A P F O 11 CASH- . We-purchased our goods since the de cline in the Markets and will sell at low figures. ;! ! ATKINSON & CO. Aj'ril 13th, 1SP5, 0-30-ly IMMBHSE STOCK O T C3 it A X D GROCERIES Just received by J. BERHY & CO., MJl IX STREET, Having laid in our present stock at re duced prices for Cash, we are enabled to defy competition in the way of selling the articles in the market CHEAP FOR CASH. Our Stock of Is the most complete ever oflered in this market, and has been selected with an eye to economy, durability and the de mands of this community. Our Supply of Comprises a general assortment of every - .thing and the best of" everything. Call and examine before pu: chasing i -elsewhere, if you want to get the ber.e- fit of the best of goods'at low rates. No r 4 trouble to show goods. ; - ( ; 9 2S yly C. J- lRY. N O 1ST 3? A K iC I X, KSSHiiaCIIH. This is theoniy MchiTinexitence which combine all the reniisites of pi' tect Washer; It ts a Squeezing Maciine, operate! by a balance wheel n'l crank (jearecito run tiret tvrna of te crank to one turn of tfu hand,) stronsly made, sim ple and easy in its operain, and not fitble to eet ont of order. It is constrf-teJ on ittict'.y mechanical! pr-.ncipies, aia soie:y Witt a vie to utility ana tinra- tilitj. . During th? time thuKmpareil tns bctn In n-, since April, 1S61, i ri..ienily prewnin pno icfavo , and bas!emc.utrateattt, Two-tliirds the ,abcr ana'iimorequ red h warning by hand- end ail the Wear and "fcar of the garments are Bavnd by its use. A cirl or toy cn work i ; at fi l in ay. be rhcJ on tn Afntma clothinz without aiit - 1 Kiaiaace irom IUinl Tt ib ncw J IZ. A liM"ralrtitviir,t all wo-l to dealers. Send for free Toiv :t,I Oaklo: ve Circular to ESS W7" Sl.000,000 Sl.000.000! 1 GREAT ATTRACTiOlP . . . Geat Semtionr VTatches, Cloclts, Chain?, DUniond Riass, MeloJeons, Sewicg Ma.tinci, Pianos, $1,000,000 Wortli of Watclics, 151 aikittiKi Vins. CIsains, Rinss,r . All to tesoltl ONE DOLLAPw EACH! Wi'tiuut reKard to vulcc ! Net to be pait for "nntif 1 7uu know wtai you are t receive 1 ICO Clock? (French J 8 and 21 day clocks, ranging- Iio.u 40 to $250 each. Ino Piauus, ot the test Manufacture, a.to tkni eaoa 2 Sr-wl Kg Maci iues of he bet 6ut15o each 25o Gi-uls' iro't'l Uuniint; oae Watches o, to lou cacn Uoo laUe' (iuiil and KuamleU Hunting-- cas Watches . 5 to 7o each 6oo Gents' liu ting cse Silver TVaiches 35 eo each 2 Uiamenit Kings - - 6o to.lo each tun doiu Vet u l NecX Chini - 4 to 3 j each Zioo ,, Oval Band Bracelets ' fi to lo each 6ooo Sit aua tioid ii ace lets - - 6 to lo each 'i-KtoCnateiaiue chaiu ana Onard chains 6 to?o each 7.) oo Soliiaiit! aua Go a Brooches 4 to 6 each 5ooo Coral. Opal and Kmerald Brooches i t 8 each (jyjo Jioaic. Jet, txva . Florentine .r Dross 4 to 3 each 4 to 6 eaii t.So to 8 each 3 to tt each 4 to S each 3,c to lo 1 to 2 each . 3 to 8 each ft to lo each 4 to 1 1 cacti S Co to lo eacU Coo California Diamond Ear Drepi 3oo Gold Fab aoJ Vei-t watch keys 6voo iii-to iioiiialre Sieeve Butoua Sooo Gold Thimoles, Pencils, iie. loouo aiiueatui e ttocaets 4voo ., MagtcSprtnj 3ooo GoldToottpkks, Ciwbseii, 6joo Piuia Gold Riuj; - 6ikh) CLatfcd - looo Stone Set and Signet Rings loooo Calirornia DuuiCiil Hiujs "5ao Sets LaJU"Jc'Telry jet ane GiJ Cooe " " Cameo, Pearl. i to lo each 6 to 15 ci-a Opul and oi'ucr ttouos . 4 to 13 eaib Iooo Guid Pons, Lilver Kteuion Hold- feis and reucil 1 to lo each Iooo GuM; 1 c'ls (ioid itccivcJ Ilold's toloeach 5ouo " " Kxtensioa 15 to 16 eaob 5ooo LiidiCi' Gilt and Jti Buckela f t) 15 each 6000 " " Hair Bars. Balls 5 t lo cub Oooo Silver Goblets and Dnnkiu; Cnpt to 5o each 3joj " Cx-jtora 15to5each iooo " Fruit card and caio Baskets 2o to i ea.u 6001 dtzsn Siiver Kea Spoons, lotvjP.U. looco . " Table Sboous and Forks So to 4e " '. in coufciuouuo ul tue groat suignatiou ot trade n i Lo iu-iiuuciuiiii dii.riuis of ci.iuoo aul Ln-. land, a large qiumtity ol valuable J-ewelry, ongt Lo.Ly intcLaod iui tho Luropuuu m..i&et, h& teoa sent off for SAia in tbis country , and inut bo 4oi l ac any sacnricel Lndr tUse circumdtauccs, liAiiiLlON A. CO., tiding as Agvnteloi she piia Cijjal European Junuiotui'cra,l avc reurud uhjii a Great Gift Distributioa Subject to tbc following reuUtions : Ccrtihimed ot tne various articled ar first put in.o .iiv tioj.es, ycaitd a p, and mixed j and viucu ordeicd,are tatJtn out without regand tocboioa,and aeiu ij man, in uj giving all j ln cUauGo. On ro ccij't ol the coruncuio, y oa will ceo what you aro to bav, and thou it is at your option to sqpd tho dol lar and take tho article or Dot. 1'urolT.vsers uity thus obtain a t'iano, ilelodeon, Sewing Machine, 'Gold watch, Diamond King, o r any sot of Jewolry on our list tor ILNK DOLLAlt. Scud 25 Cents for Certificate. In ail transactions by n:ail, wa shall chaigo fur forwarding tho ot-rtiucaieu, paying postage, and do ing the budine centsteacli, which must bo ea cloccd when tho certiiicate is sent tor. Fire cer tificates will be ff nt $1, eleven for 2 thirty lor i 5, sixty-five for $10,at.d 100 for $15. AGESTS.Vt e want agents in every town and country in the country, an J tho3e acting as such will be allowed 1U cents on every certilijute order ed by them, provided tbeir reuiittanco amounts to $1. Agents will collect -'5 cont3 for every certifi cate, and remit 15 cents to us, either in oarh cr poHage elands. Agents remitted at once, $30, will be entitlud to a beautiful silver Watch, and also 200 oertiticate8. - l'lkiaau write your Name, Town, County and State plainly, and nddrcis all orders to II IJIiLTO A &. Co., Agents for oieigu &. Aui6:ican .Vunufaoturers. - fcsaiei r-Hm , f. U. Ltox 5675, A'ew York. od Liberty aireet. 10-19 iaxs. r;n -"iv MECHANICS AND BLACKSMITHS Dealer in Stoves, Tinware, Hardwnro, Farmer's Tools, &c, Has just brought to this market, and of fer for &als a large and well selector dtock ef H A ED W A EE Horse Shoes, etc. etc. iil?o a Irrge lot of Farmer's Tools , direot from tho Manufactory, such at NAILS S A W S LOCKS SCREWS liOLTS HINGES Ac. ALL KINDS cf EXTRA HANDLED, nlotks, Tubes Trjg-gess Wipers Shovels Spades Forks, etc., tt is also trne that 13 has the largest and best Stock of Sheet-Iron, Copper and Japan Ware, Iron of all Kinds, Hails, Cut and Raurrht. on hand OTr cfferel in i BEOW'NyiLLE Cheap as the CIscnpcsl. , My tin Shop is a'.w.iy3 in good running order litro w. rk ol all kiuJU rr-nu a pint cup to a sji,ke stack can be d,no ia good workmanlike manner. Hepairingcan ba done at any tiuia and ia good JSrylo. . Ksjii. Copper and Brass will be taken in exchange for guilds. ' ' Shop la W. T. Ben's OJd Stand, 52-yly One Door F.'atof liiil's Store. Sov.VJ ly :o t i II). Recently, tt or ne.ir Bennett' Jil!, on ifcr Little Kemha. One t:.re year id Sieer, rfai k red. with fen e Thiie t-rcts, liMle ktraisht borns branebfi, with 'a ir; W or bramiea on Itrt bip. , And oce three yenr tild Steer, dark ret all ever, points of horns tiii ul J.xck anj cict-sel, branded wiili ff. Informa tion of ti ere v beretvmt left at taiofflc or at Jo: cLu iV Jfweiif Siure, suitably rw4 Ue1. . 8 3:-iJn Osage Orange Seed P-An.- wiiir? n .ipi ly of 0-?. (i'jr, ?-:,?l :U mk. 1 : c-i .-a , lr.ii Ut ir.-in iCii-, a p,.' y i 7 t);:t v r . I . V.. I. : iiicir i r-r.r .. r . f ,- ii JUST OPENED CINCINNATI BRANCH t ! ; ; j ' i i : i MAIN v ... A General Ml 4sH 1 4-' ft W To) n (ft r - p V I AND 3 A is i :0 D 'I B And everything usually kept in a First Class Cloth - ing House. Which they arc able to sell at figures Denying Competition. EST Being counecccd with one of the 'Largest and moi.Cir.pIelu Wholesale Clothing Houses in Cincinnati, Ohio, their stock will always be kept up with tho . FINEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Especial attention paid to Wholesaling, to Country Merchants and Ranch men, and to Out-fitting Emigrants. " : All Kinds of HIDES and FURS ialccn in Exchange for Goods. If jl O 1. E S DEALERS IX IHSt.iJ osopn, 31 o Would call the attention of DEALERS to their immense jstoc't of i Drns:s and Mrdlclncs Scliool Doolis, Patent Mcfilcinc.?, llluk lio&l;s. Class and Glassware, Writing Tper, i Ints nd Oils, Envelopes. - Spices mn Dyc-slnlTs, tout C II nd Ls mps Tare Wines, JjQuors, &e., 5c, V.liicli were bcugbt formh of Mnnr'-tur!. T. - n - favorable prices. Duying in largo j'lantitlos from rncDts to rhe trade. Thy aro the Notlli-wAsfem TVh C. Ayre i Co., an I can fnrrs:'!! . r ....... ,. . '. v... .'-. . v, i U i. ; GROYESTEEN & CO, PIANO FOKTK MANUFACTURER. The attention of the PulUc and the trvto is invited to our cw Scaln 7 0-'iv . T F.rte, which for volnrce ar.1 ptrity t.f ten a are unrirrkned by anr hitherto nitad ir. this tr.Aikct. '1 1 ?ontin all tho mdrn urjprovement. Fren( h, ttrn 1 action. Harp I'edal, Iron Frttie, Over-Stmn j IV--Ac. and cch instnirrieut tx'in tnt-le uo.Ifr the n ,rF.,nal snorv;-ion ot J. H. (IroTerteen. who h had a practical e.Tj-icnce of oreroO years in thir manafactiire, isfally warranted In evcry articular. TIic Grovcsteen Piano Forte"' received Vie Ulluyst a v. ard of cjtiit over all ciher-it S!ie Celebrated TYorld'a Fair! fre wrre exhiV:?d tntrumer,ts fr.nn tho bet maker.? of Lnn l.-.n. Paris, Gerra-n;r, PMIide'hia, fait 'jTnrr,K.it.)n aed Nnw York : and a'jout ilia Awn?!! fn-ititntvi loi five Br-jcet'i'! 3 yesr5, th go.d ai eii r iricdul f.oi.i .:. hkb chLj.s-' at ;.ur n irc-rv.,u. .Ty tac ip(rwoiic!k- n rf improvf n-'-. t .. " 1 '. r' -r t Ps ' .- ! 1 " i -,-'"'. z a ' i , "-,,:'i fi-L 1 1 1. . .-.:i '.'.! v'uji.'-. f J v-s 'S J U.- .i 1 "M sr STREET, Assortment of i I I r t v.. is . i n N D TV O'Q D nrrp - s n.l Tubiisjer?. nt! wtll b- "!.! t d. nul fi st hau they arj cnibloi to fjr extra in ia.- Arrf? ,t Dr. P. 3rv. X Son, ani .f Pr. t."r MtUicincs iu any (lainiilie.i. (13 1-1 T!t "1 U," v" 1 !i i f 1 'f'- :.; Sis' C J l! i il J u 'ul ' r . , , . ' . ; . . ,. ... .. - . V. 1 i . ,w ni ponderous njind, look weU. T .l.iCf , ,M. . v-ci r-, ;o. rejiiWr. .'Mlt'.n. i-liLL, I Jt. l-. IF r 1'.-: