Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 01, 1865, Image 2

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    cbtaska SlDucrliscr
: joiin'i, cor.HAPP.KniTOU.
' Never was a more praise-worthy en
terprise undertaken ly the business men
pf iiils City, ilian tLat iiiaugurrvled Ly
the Road Meeting held in this City last
Saturday, of which the proceedings will
be found in anothea column. This en
terprise is of vital importance to the
whole Land District. Heretofore our
farmer have been forced to make a
ruinous shave on their produce or haui
it over twenty-five miles to pet to a
freighting tnaiket ; and the trade of the
District has been forced from it natural
fy.nt because of defective roads. This
iiiuvtiacni win ceneiu an ana me :arm-
. 11 I r . ii 1 i .
.'?rs should exhibit as lively an interest
in this matter as our merchants; it will
ii.ake for them a home market for their
-grain and other produce equal to any
on the river. Already have freighters,
commanding altogether four hnnlred
iems, agreed to freight from tb.13 point
if the roads are made good, and many
more will ccme to our natural advant
ages. Taking this Land District all over
it stands, in agricultural wealth, improv
iiiftjis, timber, and water, ahead of any
in the Territory ; iheee are our induce
ments to freighters, and when good
roads are added, the freighting trade will
come as sure as "grass grows or water
ll'VI .1
run. r.a me start made nere, and
what can be raied in Tecumseh and
B-atrice, the 'funds of this Company
hhould reach S10.000. If our farmers
will do their duty this can be dene; each
fhould subscribe at least iuco cents on
each bushel of surplus corn he will have
to sell from the present crop. This will
will be paid back four-fold ia the en
hanced value of this crop, and make the
market better for all time. This is
this matter.'and should come fcrih with
like energy and spirit'exhibited by the
citizens of this city and vicinity.
The heg cholera is prevailing to a con
siderable extent in Fulton and adjoining
counties in Illinois. It is also making
tnd havoc among the swine at Muscatine.
The only remedy we have heard of in
this disease is to drench the eick hog
with half a pint of coal oil.
A bill is being discussed in the Mis
souri Legislature to raise Militia to
clean out the bushwhacker who are be
coming very troublesome in Southern
Mo. We doubt not such a bill will be
The Teach trees around Lawrence
were in blossom on the 22d ; a second
crop of apples has been gathered from
pome of the trees, there this season.
Col. Chivinton withdrew hi mm a
O . v . 1J
independent candidate for Congress from
Colorado, in favor of George II. Chil
cott, who, he .says, is all-right on the
-Sane! Hili" uuestion. Chilcott will do
doubt be elected, which will be a cutting
rebuke ' to the Sand Hill Commission
! which censured Col. Chivington.
. An effort is being made in the Indiana
Legislature to repeal the black laws of
that State.
An estimate made recently at the War
Department show that it has cost the
Government half mill ica dollars to kill
an Indian nd one mi'licn and a half to
kill a squaw.
The applications for pardons on fila is
estimated at 20,000 ; only about 8,000
have been granted ; none are now being
The fact that Er glard has allowed the
officers and crew of the Shenandoah to
escape, has much imbittered our leading
men against her. The Extradition treaty
between the two countries required their
delivery to this Government by England.
Our dispatches say there is no doubt
of the election of Jenkins as Governor
of Georgia. Jenks is doubtless loyal.
Gov. Humphreys, of Miss.,, has tele
graphed to the President that some negro
troops in that State had attacked a train
fct Lauderdale Springs, in that State, and
grossly insulted thejadies; and that a
memorial would soon be sent requesting
the .withdrawal of negro troops from
that State. The President replied that
theanegro troops will be withdrawn eo
soon as order can be maintained without
The prisoner who was recently brought
from Texas under such mysterious cir
cumstances, turns out to be Maj. Henry
Lee, keeper of SauUbury during the
period of the greatest mortality in that
prison. ,-'
We have received.' No. 2, Vci. 1, of
the Southern Jbraskian, published at
Falls City, and edited by J. J. Marvin
We wish it success.
The indications now are that the pop
uhtico. cf'NebraA'i, ly thaLcersus now
Icir.g talcn, will exceed CO,CGG.
Unlua PaclGc Railroad.
We invite the earnest attention of the
people of Nebraska tr the following1 ar
icle whirh we uke irora a late number
of the Chicago Tribune. It will explain
itself : '
"The Montana News. (Denver City,)
Uctober l.bin, gptakia ot the new Sena
tori of Colorado, tays : "We want men
who can procure a change ia the Pacific
Road charter, so that that great Nation
al improvement may be built through
Colorado." The News may .13 well un-
1.1. -m
aertiana at once Ldorado cannot
change the location of the Pacific Rail
rr 1 1 a
way. mat tain? was settled by an act
of Congress and the selection of Presi
dent Lincoln, v. here nature had before
designed that it should be, and there it
must remain. The cities of New York,
Boston, Chicago and ail th great rail
waw lines that connect ?hen a:id tho cen
tral belt of population that lies between
thtm, should be informed, if they are
not already aware, that a powerful com
bination has been made to chine the
locality of the main trunk of the Pacific
Railroad from Omaha and the Piatte
Valley to the Smoky Hill Fork of the
Kansas river. Instead of crossing the
mcun ains where nature has made a pas
sage for it at the South or Bridger's
Pass, a band cf speculators have deter
mined on a more touthern location, for
their own special benefit, and that of the
few thousand people who live among the
mountains of Colorado. Ia spite of all
they can say to the contrary, the moun
tains present an almost impassable bar
rier to the passage of the road westward
to the Pacific coast. We contend and
the nation itself has so decided, by di
recting the road to run up the Valley of
the Piutte that this great highway for
the commerce of the world fhould be
located on the cheapest, best and most
direct route between the Missouri river
and the Pacific ncpan. That location it
now has, viz: from Omaha ?i the Piatt
ValJpy, Briber's Pass and Silt Lake
and the Humboldt Valb-y to Sdti Fran
cisco. To cantre it would be the most
upndous fully. As well might Mon
tana arid Idaho contend that it i-houid
bend iNorth and cross the mountains at
the toad waters of the Missouri or the
Yellowstone, asfcr Colorado aud certain
railroad speculators to ruin the roai by
deflecting it to ihe south, and thus to
virtually destr y its national importance
by the steep grades, vastly expensive
tunnels, and boundless Enows -it. would
encounter amorg the mountains of Col
orado." Colorado has just adopted a Constitu
tion, and will be admitted into the Union
within the next thirty days. In the Sen
ate of the United States her voice and
her voting power will be equal to that
of the great State cf New York. The
first thing her two Senators 'and Repr
sentatives propose to do is to accompl'su
a ''change in the charter of the Pacirvc
Rail Road, so that the great Nation
improvement may be built through Colo
rado." And what is Nebraska doing in
the meantime. Her people have rejected
the offer of Congress, inviting them to
come into the Union, because they feared
that State Government rright increase
their laxas a few- thousand t'o 'ars ! Ne
braska has no voice nor rots in the U. S.
Senate, and no wle in the Hoiue ! Colo-
rado and
ansas may un to to desDoil
and ruin her a:.d she is mule and dumb
because she ftarstha. S:Uc Government
may cost a few dollars ! What would the
expenses of d St.v.e Government for all
the future auount to when weighed in
the ?gaint the loss of the great
Uuicn Pacific Railroad ? Hew long will
cur people be oontcnt to remain the foot
ball of Kuusas and Colorado, to be kick
ed about by them at pleasure ? Nebras
ka is old enough, populous enough and
rich enough to bear the turdens incident
to State Government, and she should not
lose an hour in debating the feasibility
and practicability of adopting a State
Constitution. The pv-p!e are ready for
it, and would adopt it to-morrow if they
had the opporlun'ty. Will not the Leg
islature, which ia soon to convene, take
suh action as .will enable Nebraska to
be heard in Congress when Colorado and
Kansas umke the effort to take from her
the Pacific Railroad? 0aaha Republi
can. - - .
The "point" made in the above is well
worth the careful attention af er?ry citi
zen of Nebraska, a better illustration
of our position could not have been made.
Surrounded almost by young States,
greedy to monopolize all and erery en
terprise which will brin? wealth to them,
their first act, to illustrate their generosi
ty and stringth, is tc attempt to steal the
berth-right of Nebraska and parcel out
her natural heritage among them
selves. Who is to blame for this, should
they succeed ? Surely not Kansas and
Colorado! In the race for wealth the
sluggard is to blame fcr corning out be
hind. Cr.u wc ask' C-Ivjrido Ii. forget
her own hi'.:resls because we are stingy?
Sbc-uld success rrown their cHrt Ne
braska would lose Lhan would run
State Government for hundred years.
The Democratic party clami the glory of
having defeated State . GovefiL'nenf n
ISG3 ; do they desire such glory for Ne
braska as that which is enjoyed by ''a
poor boy at a shucking" ? If not, let
them turn in their pclicy of sacrificing
the general good to party interests. Thi3
thing must come to a focus soon; we are
and always have been in favor cf State
organization since 1S63, but have never
so thoroughly realized the dangers of
our dependent condition as now. "To
the victor belong the spoils," will be the
motto cf Kansas and Colorado, and in
Congress we have one energetic and
faithful Delegate, who can vote cne day
in each session, and work ouiiiJe all the
balance cf, the time, to oppose four. Sen
ators and two full Members of Congress !
Will not Nebraskians see their "inte
rests and protect them? If not ihey
deserve to be snubbed, and will be.
The headquarters of "this Military
District are now at Omaha, Gen. When-
on comianiirj.
'Bbcwxville, Nxb., )
Nov. 25th, 1S65.
According to notice a meeting of the
citizens of Brownville and vicinity was
held this evening at Hoadlpy's Hall,
this city." .
The meeting va3 organized by the
choice of-S. P. Majors as President, and
O. B. Hewett, Secretary
The President announced that the ob
ject of the meeting was to take measures
tc open and put ia order a Freighting
Road West from this place,, by. way of
Tecumseh and Beatrice to intersect the
Leavenworth and Ft. Kearney Road at
the Big Saady.-
A committee of five, consisting -of
Dr. J. Crane, L. Hoadley, J, L. Carson,
A. W. Morgan and T. W. Tipton, was
appointed to report the proper business
of the meeting.
During the absence of the committee
the meeting was addressed by Messrs
Cogswell, Atkinson, Martin, Crane and
The Committee submitted the follow
ing report which was adopted.
Wbebea8, The great interests of the
Nemaha Land District require that a
Wagon Road be built from the Missouri
River to the B'sr Sandy to intersect with
the Government Road hence West t
Fort Kearney and the gold mines; there
fore :
Resolved, That the order of business
for this evening shall be to adopt the
most speedy and practicable measure to
secure this great enterprise.
Rosolve d. That the starting point 0
this Road be Brownville.
Jiesolved, Inat tnis; meeting organize
permanently by electing a President
Vice President, Secretary. Treasurer
and a Board of Directors.
Resolved, That the Officers and the
Beard of Directors shall be clothed with
power to call meetings, appoint agents to
tolicit subscriptions and do all and every
thing . necessary to accomplish the ob
jects herein indicated.
A company was then organized in ac
cordance with the report, designated
"ine -Drownviile, lecumseh. Ucatrice
and Big Sandy Road Company," by the
choice of the following Officers and Di
orncERs :
S. P. Majors, President."
' Luther Hoadley, Vice President.
O. B. Hewett, Secretary.
. J. L. Carson, Treasurer.
John Mcpherson, of Nemaha County.
A. P.; Cogswell,
Theodore Hili,
T. W. Tipton, , J
. William T. Den,
R. F. Barrett,
J E. Crow,
S. R. Jamison,
Wni: Hackney,
A. W.Morg4n,
D. H. Ellis,
Hermon Utecht,
Wm. A. Presson, of Johnson County.
James Wood,
Mr. Howard,
J. W. Latham, of Gage county.
James Slaughter, cf Jones county.
Voted that five members of the Com
pany constitute a quorum for the trons-
actioa of business.
Voted that the headquarters of the
Company be located at Brownville, but
the company may, ly vote, hold lieetings
at any place within the District.
A paper was then presented, and sub
scriptions solicited. The business men
of this City led crT the list in liberal
style, and upwards of $1, 500 were sub
scribed by persons present.
The proceedings of the meeting were
ordered to be published in the Nebraska
Advertiser and a copy of said pap. r con
taining the same requested of the Editor
to be sent to each member of the Board.
and that the Secretary notify each mem
ber of his election.
S. P. MAJORS, Pres.
O. B. Hewett, Stc.
Proclamation of the President of the
United olcles.
Whereas, It has pleased Almighty
God, during the year which is now com
ing to an end, to relieve our beloved
country from the fearful scourge of civil
war, and to permit us to pecure the bles-
fings of peace, unity and harmony, with
a great enlargement of civil liberty, and
Whereas, Our Heavenly rather had,
also during the year, graciously arrested
from us the calamines of foreign war,
pestilence and famine, while our gran
aries are full of th fruits of an abundant
season, and
Whereas, Righteousness exalts a na
tion while fcin is a reproach to any peo
ple. ' -
Now, Therefore, I, Andrew Johicsoh,
President of the United States, do here
by recommend to the people thereof that
they Qw1 set apart and observe the first
Thursday of December as a day of Na
tional Thanksgiving 10 the Creator of
the Universe fo" these deliverances and
blessings and do further recommend that
on the o;casion the wuPle people make
confession of. our National "ins against
His infinite goodness, and witi one heart
and one mind implore the Devine guid
ance jn the ways of National virtus and
In testimony whereof I have hereunto
pet my hand and caused the seal of the
United States to be affixed. Done at
the City of Washington, this 23th day
1 of October, ia the year of our Lord
- 1SG5, and of the Independence of the
United States the 90th.
By the President. -
Wm. H. Seward Secretary of State. .
Proclamation ly . the Governor, of
Jfebraslca Territory.
Whsheas, we are depeLdent upoa God
for indvidual and national prosperity,
and every good and every perfect gift, U
from above and. ccmeth down from the
Father of lights, with whom is no vari-
ableness neither "shadow of turning,
,aand V
j Whereas, During the pas ypir our
kind Ht avenly Father has been pleat ed
to remove from'' us the scourge of war,
and has caused poace lo again smile on
our beloved country ; has withheld from
us the ravages of pestilence ; has caused
iho ennh to bring forth abundatly the
rich fruits and harvests, and permitted
commerce and agriculture to resume thtir
accustomed channe'3, causing peace and
prosperity to reign once more within our
borders, and
Whereas, It is becoming in the re
cipients of these intestimable blessings,
to express a nation j gratitude and a re
liance upon the Almighty for future pros
perity, for" ''Blessed is th? Nation whose
God is the Lord."
Now therefore, I. Alai Sacseers,
Governor of the Territory of Nebraska,
do hereby appoint the first Thursday in
December as a day of public Thanksgiv
ing, (being the same day appointed by
the President of the Uuiied States as a
day of National Thanksgiving.) And I
hereby recommend to the citizens of the
Territory to observe the aforesaid day as
a day of public Thanksgiving, by re
fraining from .tjir secular pursuits on
that day, ansembling at their respec-.
live places of worship to ofler thanksgiv
ings and praise to our Heavenly Father
for His loving kindness to the children
of men.- That simultaneously from ill
parts of our beloved country, prayer and
praise and thanksgiving, the homage of
grateful hearts, may rise in one united
volume from a grateful and once more
united people to Him who holds the des
tinies of individuals a3 weli as nations as
in the hallow of His hand.
In testimony whereof I fyave hereunto
set my hand, and caused to be affixed the
great seal of the Territory. Done at
the City of Omaha, this 4th day of No
vember, A. D. IS60.
Governor of Nebraska,
By the Gvernrr."
A. S. Paddock, Secretary.
DIED, in this city, on the morning of November
17th , 165, Airs. IS anct A., wife of Theodore tliil
aged 25 years 11 Oionjhd and 7 dajs.
In the sontimectj of the following lines may th
bereave J Sad consolation:
" .Our beautiful ones are fallius,
And passing away from earth :
And l3&ving tte cheerful household,
. The joyous and gladioma hearth ;
We must let them fall they will rise agin
From the greenwood ilade and the burial j Uic
Our beautiful ores are leaving
Us here for a brighter home;
Where the wail cf woe and anguiah
And sorrow will never come.
They are speeding away to a beautiful oiime,
From the reach of death and the wreck of time
They are fa-osing away in the morning
Of life, when the new born hope
Is brightest within the bosom,
And earth with new beauties ope ;
Ere the silken braids of their glossy hair
Have been, streaked by the eumoruus weight of
Look ye on our beautiful sister,
Whose face is serene ia det3 !
And say, would you treak her slumbers.
Or bring back the fleeting breoih ?
Could you ask that her spirit shuuld linger here
In this world of deceit, and chants i.'or?
Ob, no! Bhc has crested oVr the river,
The angels with fhcut and song,
Cheered tho way to the golden city.
As the billows bore her along
From this in-wrecked "world, from this dismal
r trand .
To the shining shore of the heavenly laud.
Though the beautiful ore are f;'..rng,
In tLcir young and tender years ;
Blanching our cheeks with sorrow,
filling flur eyea with tear? ;
Those beautiful ones, tbey are doubly blest
To have early found such a honso of rest.
Notice is hereby given that I will offer for sale
public Auction, at the front door of ii. B. Proi-son
Dwelling in Tecnm?eh, Jt.hnson County, Nebrnska
Territory (that being the place of holding thejast
term of the Dtftric! turt for said Lounry
On the 30th day of December, a.d. I860
at one o'clock p. mM of said day, the following Keal
Lstate to-wit :
The Nofth half of the North West quarter, and
the west half of the north eat quarter, of rfectioi
number Thirty -:hree(33) in Townsb'p nu-jiborav
!, north of Kange number ten (10) eat oi tne
sixth Principal Meridian Mtuted ia Johnson Coua-
ty, Nebraska lerniory, tak?n a3 tho property of
Aujos Brewar oa an execution in favor of limnthv
Tavlor, issued by tho District Court of Johnson
County and to me directed as fciheriif of ait Coun
ty. Given under my hand thi 2'Ji'a day of Novem
ber A. D. 1855.
ll-4t o,nn W. A. riiESOX, ShiriJ.
Chariton Hall and Sylvester Hall Adaio-1 In th
istrators of the Ltate c: John Hail doc d. r r o-
3. I bte
EHxAbeth Ua!'., widjw of Hal! dcr'd. Con
LouUa Bushong. Malinda South, Elijah of Ne
Hall Klishia Hall, VV'.iliam Hall, Meivinia niabn
M. Book ham, Bbxtcr Eastridge and Johu Cwun
Kice, of Atchison County Stateof Misfouri, I t v,
aud Wesley flail, of Louisa Count, Siata 1 N e -
of Iowa, at-J Mariah U.-Al :md 3'ary Hall of bras-
Bureaa County, btate of luinoT, neirs at 11
Law of the said Hhn Hall, deceased. J T er.
Petition to sell Land to pay debts :
Jkw on this 21st day of rovcuiOr A. I). ISffi,
this cause came on to be heard 03 the petition ot
the aaid Charltoa Hall and Sylvester 1111 for a
license to sell the to. lowing Land belonging to the
tate of Hall, deceased, to-wit : i ts one,
tw,three and four (I, 2,3,-4,) of Section No: 3l in
1 1 W LSUip itO.J UU"" " .."fc" . " w-o
maha Counny. Nebraska Territory, for the purpoee
of paying debts-ouUUn Jing against snid estate,
and the expenses ol admin.strationjof the jameand
it annearic to th9 satisfaction cf the court, from
said petition, that. .there irf cot suncient
estate in the tares 01 we Aaminis.mjrs 10 pay
the debts and expenses aforesaid, it 13 ordered by.
the Conrt that the said defendants and all persons
interested in said estate to appear before tae said
Court at the January Term thereof to be beld ia
the City cf PrcwLVilIe, on tnc tsta day cT January,
A.D.ISG5. to showl causo. if any tLere Ue, why
such liccnae should 'not leg rt d, it is farther or
dered that a copy of tais orior ba served cn tha
eaid defendants by publication fr four succiStive
weeks in the "Nebrsxna Advertiser," a Newspaper
published la gaid Nemaha County Nebraska Torri-
bichard t. nuaaEs,
, . Frcbate J nuge.
fc.nn.ll it.
Taken np by the ticder?ined Iivirj nn John
Et-Nra farm in Glen E-wk Trocinct XemT-ha County
Aebraskaon tha 23th day of Xovember,l6o$. '
. One red Stag, crop and (lip in the n4ht ear,
about 5 years ld lart spring. " ' m
Ono rod Steer ritha Utue white in each flank,
aronnd brand on the left uip , about 4 yer old
last ipring. One pale red Steer, with white fc,
white line on the back, do mark or brands, about
3 years oldest spring, in ba!coi.Ii Lions. '
One ro&a Steer, no uiirks or brands, one year old
laul faring and !i-o one red heifer, with hue Ilae
on the lack, no aiarkj or brand?. '
11-5:. . d.
Notice hereby giv-n that I will e2Vr at pnb'ic
Auctkn at the front door cf R. B. Pres?on's dwell
ing in Tccauisth J.Lr:si n County, Nebraska Terri
tory, (that beirg tho place where the last term of
vhe District Court, for id C .unty was he'd).
On the 30ih day of December, a.d. 1SG5
u.t one o'clock p. in. of said uuy ,tb followicg hl
E."tu to-wit :
The rth half of the north ea?t quarter, and the
north ii&if f the nrih we. t qurtr of hc-tim
number twenty-nine (29) ir. Township' numborCva
(5) north of P.ana eleven (11) est of tbe 6th
Principal Meridian , sitcated ia Jolnsoa County,
Nebraska Teirltcry, tsken as tho property of Justus
C. Heath , tn en order of sa13 in favor cf Julian
lletciif, issued by the Di-triot Court of J-ahiswa
CjuiiT NcVaai Territory , and to Lie directed &3
Spccsal Hutu in
.Given under uij had tliia 20 j cf NgVccibcr,
A.D. k'55.
. W.A.rREoSON, ShcriJ,
ll-4tfi,ai And Special Master ia Chanceiy.
Taken np by the undorsigned, living about three
miles west cf Brownville on the sixth day of Nov.
1855, two stray heifers one a red an 1 white speck
led, no ear marks the other a black and white
er-jttcd, with a crop off the right ear, aad an under
half crop off the left hip,rather on the muly order,
supposed tt be one year old.
ll-5t W. F. PARIS.
Taken up by the undersigned, livirg in Eedfrd
Precinct Nemaha County , on tha ISth day of Nov.
So5,onered and whi;e spotted steer, no uikicr
brands, about 4 ytars old,
Iirwnvilie,Nov. 23 18J5.
Taken np ly the undersigned, living in the
Bluffs about 4 1-2 miles North West of Brownville,
Ntbraska,on the 10 day of November, 1S65, one
red Steer, some white in the Sank, lower portion
of Un white, l years old next .rinaj.
SIray Notice,
Taten up by the and.-rsigned, living m-ir Lm3
bringe Nemaha County, on tho 17th diy of Nrem
bor lt65, cne p.'e red steer, white on the heller,
about three years old, al?o cna pale red heiftr Calf,
brownville, Nov. oSth 1S55 iienry Harmon
; .. , ,
Stray Notice.
Taken np by tne undrsigaed living two and a
half miles foom Brownville. and on ths road from
Brownville to Nemaha City, on the l;tiay of ov.
IS55 0n8 red roa-fsteer with half crop from uqJ er
right ear,ab-ut threi years old last spring.
Brownville, Nov. 10:h l$'5
Eiram Al German.
Taken up by the undersigned livip.j 2 1-2 miles
Souih Vest lroni Nerotha C'ty in Nfinha Coun
ty, Nebrfka, n the 2?t day of Ni v ember. 1S65,
0. 1e red and white speckled Ste?r, wia swallow
fork in each ear , biamed on lett hip wirh ;,J,"
bu.b of tail fiff. three yrs ld lat Spring, Also
out blach'Ox brsi.ded wiih '"A, C," on cacii horn,
abc'jt five vears old.
.V.v. 21.16GJ. ISAAC J.. JAUVI3.
El' Sowles will take notice that Annan B.
Sow 'us did on tho 16th day .f Noven'er A.D.
1. S j 6 '.v abill of c- raplaiut in the Dig "rict Court of
Nemaha County, Ncrrska Turri'orj , in Chancery
against the said EPas Sowls,the objoct an 1 prayer
of which Bill is to obt.,ia fo sail Complaint a de
cree of diror.-e from tho ?a"ui Eiiits S'wles.
And the tid Elis Sowles is notified tbst he is
required ti appoar and answer aid l ili cn or bo
fore the 8th day 0! January, A. D. 135.
doksev & iticri,
10 4t- Solicitor for Complainant.
Notice is hereby given that I will efft-r at pub
lic auction at the front door of R. B. Presscn's
dwellicgin Tacumseh, Johnsun County, Nebraska
Tcrritcy. (that bting the place of holding the last
term of the District Court for said Counts
On the 2i day of Decembe, A. D. JS55
at one o'clock P. M., cf said day the following Rcil
Estate to-wit the n rth east quarter of section
twenty tnrea 2.1 iu Towsi.h?p Cv-, 0 rurth of Range
t.n 10 cast of the sixth Print fp-i! Meridian.sitsa
fed in J' hnscn County, Ncbrask t T'rritory, taken
hs th property of Zcif Ss.-marsin on an oHr of
sale in favt.rof I'nj;min F. Lusr.baugh i-t.uod uy
the District Court of .loh:ion County, Nebraska
Territory, anil tomedirected asSj eaal Piaster in
Chancery. -
(iiveti under my btuvl -this 3 9 :h day of October,
A. D, IShi.
W. A. PRESON',Shri?
7-4t and Special Master in Cbanery.
No ice is heroby iven tht I wiit rJor a public
auct:on at th? frt,nr D;;or of K. B. Pr 'n's dwel
ling in Tc.-um-'oh Johnson County N-'ora.-k- Ter
ritory, (thst bcir.g the place cf holdinttl e l&A
term of t'i3 District Courtl for said Cunty.
On tho 2d day of December, A. D. 1SG5
at 00 o'clock P. M., of sail dJt fallowing
iitfnl Estate to-wit : toe south west quarter cf sco-
tior. f-ur f4) in Towishin ff nr ( 4) ntrtn of Fjnge
eleven ( U) eat of tha sixth Frincifa! MeriJian
situa;ei in Johnson County Nebraska Territory.
Taken as the property of Lawrence Kueb'er on an
order of sale in favor of Benjamin F.Lu5ht:;ugb
i.-ued by the District Court of Johnson Ctur.ry in
Chancery and to mo d irected aa special Master in
Given n'r.dor my bind this 33tb dy of October, j
A. D. 1355.
T 4t and Special Master in I'bareory.
Xotlieis hereby riven thatlm-ill ofTjr atpnbtic
n.-ti:in tti front'K r of a. B. P-e-s.jn's dellin? J.ihn-on Conoty, Tebrasfc rerritory,tbat
tieiris the place of hoi.imK toe. last teim ouue uia
nrt for seid Coantv)
On the 2d day of Dcervber, A. D. 1865
at one o'clock P. U of said ny foilowinit Kei t.'9
to lt th :uth wet onarier of section thirty two
(32) in Twushl sis 6) nortbof Ra-.!g fer. (!i) tof
ti.h P.inrinai Meridian situated ia Jobnsou
finnntv s'pbraska Territory on an orJer f sale azmnt
r.mi. s Tlailv a.inur.f;trator or IC r.iTe or
i i.n Rrno-i Ac iii favor of Wl'lLim M. MrSDan
Uuiied 07 the UUiriet C art or jonnn y iMe-
brasia Terri'try, anJto ma directe i a ttei.iai Mas.
ter iu Cuancery.
Givn under my tsnd tnii 3Jin aay m ijcioc, a.
I86i. '
TV. A. FK.K33:JN, 3aenT
7t and Spcia't 3t,ster in Caancery.
rrarri4 T. P.m. ruarliin of An-lrew J. Driryis
a minor, againit tho sr.ii Ar.ire J. Dripps, hlf
Tvard. .
To all nhom in may concern:
in this
of a iK.rtioa of the real "e?tite.of h'.s ?s?d wsrd.for
th.purposes therein act f rth. It apparir.s to iht
court Irom wild potllior. mat ll " ucceu-.iry . nu
would be boueficLU to tha w;-d that suc.i real
etat,or fnnipr$ of lt.shouil beclc:, 't tbcre
fore ordord that the n"xt cf Rnof tn" u wsru
and all persons interested in his estate, pper be
fore the cnrtcn the U any ot .ovember isat
ten o'clock a. ni.,at the oounl live of roid-rg this
court, in Brownville, to show, if any such ei
i.t, why a lisppe e rht uld net be gracttd rthw
e of such real estate. - '
Fbakcis M.Bakxw,
l-8 3t. $10,59 - Guardian.
Notice is hereby givn tht pur?usnt to an crier
ofwlamadaby th District Cart of .Nnh
Countr, Xebraik i Territery, In Chancery at th
Fall Term A. 1. l65,in the cae cf SamncI A.
Chars ber? agii i?t John 1'. Wells, Thouiaj Heady
and L"ril C. Johnson. I wil
On the ISth day cf December,A.D iS6-5
at one o'clock p. t the front door of H r. l!y 'g
Hall, in the City of iirownvilie, in Nemaha toanty
aforesaid, the place where tho la-Cteras of said
Conrt waa held, t ffer for ?a!e at pnblic auction to
tlie highest bidder for .cash, the W et half of the
ionth East quarter of oclicn 2S in Township, C
North of Kange 15 East in said Nemaba County.
Urownviile, November. 13:h 1S4.
9 4t$9. Master ia Chsccery.
Notice is hereby given that, I will offer for m't
at pnhlic anotion at the front dcorcf Den's Hall in
the City of Brownville, Nemaha County, Ncbrak
Territory tha beinr the biiMing in whic!i tho
lat term of the District Conrt fur faid County of
NemaLa was held
on the 14ih day of Djc. 1SGJ, Rt one
oVloch p. m the fullowig ruil eiate plicated ia
.id County of Neroith. to-wit : the fioui'-i 7et
quarta of the north west quarter of Section 13 in
lownshipft north of Range 12 cut, taken as th
property of Saiiiuel irr.gten, upon iiHcumeni aa a ;
esecuiiun in l;iVor ot cJaic.i S.'ii-h iwie l mi of j
tie Distrust Ccurt of s-id County of Neuitha and!
t idt directed aa sheriff of sull Ceunty.. j
r. j r , mi
xr. c. GUkW.ow.
50 It . SLtf.ff.
h known that nn n, er, HCCHS WillC ' & Kj VSWdTO. Trn-iwy. In chantry, at it, F..I T.ra. A-;-
ISoo. the Probate Cjirt of the Conn y r.f 9- C ) U-'o.iz the ci?o of Ihc'a F.'i c -
in the Territory of .br,.a cauioatne t.I- 2C7 3IarllCtbcl. StlS &.Ct!l SlrCCtS, rlaiuaat. ar:n.-t T.ichiri V. li-i-he ti'
to be entered upon tbe retc.u ci saia tS f T ,-.n. j , r - . j - -ii. 3;
ee. o.wit: Tais day cme traw.s m. I S . VA J IS. 1Ia3- r. Je,T,r. Ja.S JttT.r,. J..Ln 4 -XvT . '-' 1-
. sruardian of Andrew J.l?npp, a minor and ( W.l'.i.m JfT..M U-, J, r r. I - ' '
his netition duly verified, a?x:r.g for the m!o S-j CAIjIj AT U U5j.33" x-l3-lnn-p v iT,-. tr i i- IV t !
r j
I wontd rcs?ct rn'Ty iavi! tba attentica cf Farcers t
Implements, ctiifiitirs ia prt of
uouna K'jck ls'aml an 1 Uartg
. - Brown's and
... 1 r r , T
Rcvckir.z'cnJ Su'y May Rakes, Cider JllUs Mills. Fcr.nV.y-,
Cook" 3 Cildralcd Evaporators, Johns j:is Union W.ihin c7 ''
AIao agsjst for Pilfs and Cases Tiiraslilii- JJachiap'' '
wticti X sell t Fiictot y P.ici' with frei;ht .l lei.
AI20 Field and Garden Seed fcr Galo st all Timc
I liavea:Je4 U vnj stk cf AFrkuMnrsl Implements a large a.l w;; tf.z-cit-l t-i.
Sligo and Tyrone Iron,
Towticui invue t:; aiiention or uiacsnuia-s ani
c mpiete
Anvils, Vises, Eellcxvs, Rasps, Tuyere iron, IIore and Z.Znlz 3
Wagon and Buggy Wood-worR Of Every Dtscnpti1)
Down's Tliin3bl8; gfieins," Fairbiiuks Scales I
Agent for Grover and Baker s Celebrated Sewing Mhin K
orders froru a Uistnce
St. Joaepli, iS.iV. 3Jltl, l-:5
meKGBKiT FUK wbih Uarnire's Hair
iufi") tro ;b ar J I ethy coi.Ciiiuu if tb tair.
uriprecetlrrif'n . Kea'l lhe !.lluiux fn n wen kaooci
Mrtsrs. : "e cave te-teJ jjkt invai aat !e IIAiri EAI.1T,, n i it h.- re-o-sI
of otir hair to our Liire f ati? r.u -Uoii. Ld we caa cheerinllr rejia.-n-;ivl ii ti tie t i is
figu!,) L. A. BK.NOiT, Brnker : VJt 11.
nic liitu,e; JS V. Bir.r.ovv.
Trtpared or.lg by J. C. MAGI'IRK. Cbeiniht
Sold by all D rug gist '3-
Diarrkea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint, &c. &
i!J.ttiiillE'ator.ii)Oiinil Extract of JiL.Tit: I LIST. 1 '
WESTIKS SAMTABX COMMISSION. Kj. 10 N. 5 !l 9l. St. I Eli. .t 15
2,Ienri. J. S; C. Mn-ju'.re, Jjruggisl$ Gei.tsemm : 1 Se Ajrcfso..' :be C Uiuiis(-;on lav c;i::i;s'St,. .
lo iu excel :eui n-.ii m ti.e iiii wuica it tus be-M us I ia tt ir it -n? i of i .:,':
J,U. 1'GH.M Secretary Wei'.tn. StmUrj Ci
WAaltzLirr Fcxu or St. Lovis Cotstt, VxzsiDzn't Orrcr, i9 Spavtt St )
St. '.U. l , JII'l:ry I t:i. !';. "
Meter. J. C. Maguire. Dru-jgittt : W have ued your Corr,r.vci)l Kx ra t.f Bt nn ?:t tiwtmLn
ttekiie - ijtuiiiie nj il.ns Luc, ;:k the m-t at;sfciury ;es irs. W e n:ih...uuu,rt rec ia ,t.i a u
the oesi L'iar.ea Aleuiciae iu ure .id hoie in ccukal qu.iiiea mi.: aua be ai r ex' a . ij j mil
The GVtu Remedy fur Coughs, Coidx, jlst'itn-i, D ort-chitu. Sjn'ling cf'jr
natien use u; st sncces;ul y ai-u to gita: exttM id L,ci.- iH-l v.U i-y ru.rp than :rn!Twn
autf ron-:uuc-a ty all m u have taken it !o ! e U:e ni si w n fui rei.edy f.r C: tV-m.l eir .
ed. It is eutire y vee;sicle, au iciiu be ue t meiih tiie atm .t saf-tv. Try t i aim 11.
ttiil Cure Scrofula. Rheumatism. J'euralgia, Cojt, JC.scu t-u u-U i'
Affections, Goitr, Sd'elliiigs of the Joint, Car its of. t W . i'l-ttt. .;.;3.
Eruptions, Blotches, Piinpies, 'Enlargements of the iiliz it ' Conrhtutio:: d Dhorlri
d ail dutasts arising from Impurity
j. & t JtiAi l lit"., c n'!!inf ana Dii.wi.s.
everywter(r. (or ont of oar Almanac
Ciiill3 and Fever, Bilious and Intermittent Fever,
Duma Ague, etc. etc
This iicuiviiiw is uudoubievily the mst tffcccuai reiuedy cer encif-i i,.r iii? .-ur f 1.1 v t ta
pliBi)i. it hx b:en thoroughly tested this gea-n, owin t.j ta j sctr. iiy .( pr-.n. -aii, i! u
succevd'.-d in tdtabhshing forit.-elf a fir retut;iticn upe. i.r t. t'i:.iViiy MiJ.em.. Ii ni3:b r
known to fil aLtl ii warrhond tu cure in every instance. Xo fiioo a utr j..wrp.. vt n l
Liver than tLi?, it it m !njiir Tonio in debility Price il,i' j,er fcit.-.. .N-,v..!) it, n.oj
"i W.I ' 1 . 7 si i f
The Great Itcli and Humor Killer
of the 19th Century.
This prtparaiivH possesses most tcondcrfj,
properties, and is
For erery species cf the ITCII, PRAI
RLG iV0R3IS, etc.
The PRUR1" LOTro i a nw sn l cr'-t' er
for all kindf of Jfch, and. l-f in? a fluid preinirstin,
it is free from nil the grurumy. difgreble quali
of th ointinat-i in genend nx. .
Th PKCRIUO I.OTIO if to n niHer ALL
C1RCITMT.XNTES. w:l! mt irrifT'p th most tn-d.-r-kin.
tin to try it. M.miif.u tured by
Sjle Proprietors, L.i!hyeUe, In.L
Pol l .if WhoWnl in Cliic!ro, t. In:, Pf. Pad,
P(wri-v, Cincinnati, Indian-ipolis, and all wholesale
10-11 6m. fr,nn.
r. 9.
Df a er ia
Paten tf
THE cnexamp led rapidity with which the public
appreciated the great valne of thia invention ha
induced others to imitate our boxes and label so aa
to enable them to sell their inferior goods tut the
The genuine CHAT 3 COLLAR is designated by
two names only: " Xovn.iT," for the turn-down, and
" EnrxA," for the stand-up style; they are put u.
in blue boxes, and manufactured by the American
Uolded Collar Corapany, of Doeton, who have
adopted the abovo words aa intra iSLAEr-MAXri
This is the original and only patented
collar molded to fit tho neck, and with the
sp&ca for tha cravat in the turn-down style.
Consumers will also notice OXJB PUTT ATE
TRADE-MARK on each gennine box of Gray's CoU
Urs, (see fac-eimile at bead of this advertisement )
and the words " Gray's Pat. llclded Collar,"
with date cf patents, on ervch genuine collar.
Hatch, tToJinson cC Co.,
Importers of Men's rnraisliiug Good, 81 Dtron
ahire Street, Host on, and 31 Warren St.
Xeu York, Selling Ajents A. M. C. Co. .
The Trade suppli! at rTO.f pr.rcis bt
STo, G North 'lata Street,
St. Louis.
1J II Sm. fn,nn. b.e.Aco-
Taken np by the nn-J rfijrcd 1:' in-? ae nn.I a ti.
fj.iar.'cr mile j?.uth cf rrvv'e. Nbmfcj, t ol
the 2y. dj wf OeUber, l?M, One R!ck. Ui.r , t
F. uy, about" four y.irs .' 1. j H
i: ,...t-i . .v .-t. i
- - .
A.N - .
11 A N L - .
. .
i I
Etcel and Heavy Hasdy
uei:rs. arntxt of s:..-ij-i-i'tT.
consisting ia jart of
U Is
if r
solicited aad promt-tlr fl'W c- r- r r r.
-A. G. LIANbbllaS,
Ealm tits 'cn;r: in restoTirz thenxant..
tt rel t Mfteciuc and tcauti:-, in i. )-. ' . 1
tteco .r., rv
11A3COCK. 5?,rtljr? an.1 I.-:, a i B AFf
ViJ fei-i-at rr R.' ie.- .i ..; ,:.m '
Price $1 C'J vtr U!;U.
of the Ulooi. ir;C Pi" Cul!f.
ro.-ririj-s, a., i ...
for furl', .r :r.ftrr.ia:ii,n.wTl
i -r a J: .t
A Reliable Restorative
This adm;-able preparation is a rrct
cfHcient re;rcdy for 8a,'dne5. It pre
vents the- r. jlr iron falling off cr tunirg
gray, and tauses it to grow luxuriartiy,
making it ry $cft, glossy and beautiful,
restoring it to its natural color. It a!9
frees the h3id from dandruff and am
all dise3es cf the scalp. A fe appli
cations villi convince the most ikeptxal
cf tha truth of the above statements.
Should be used by every one who 'would
preserve a beautiful hsad of Hair.
Should bs used by every one who would
improve the color and texture of tier
Should b s used by every one who wow'i
restore their Hair to more than its ordi
nal beauty and luxuriance.
yiAMTAcrruED nv
CKE!n3T3 LTD D31TC5I3I?.
ISO OTain St., Bu tlo, X T
10-ll-rini. ir.nn. r . p. i c-j.
3 or.
.I..'.ra nn.t I. r. 1. .1 r. ! .. I. . t
On the ISth day of Decent -r. 1
at one !,k p. ni , t-ter far at ru1'1
ii c" ' i"uj-r i..r ea-:i. .
fidlvwnr Trriuife, to-wit ;
ter rf S-tioT tw'T 12 in T wn-h p
of RaixrM tif fr 15 Kt in .'"
Brownville, November, lit' lo
ir-9-4t Fherffard Spriil Ma-'C in Ch
Nt-tice if Lerebv fives trs
anc.ian as imt in ci u-xt T
t. rt.'
iC5 in
ri..rv I tha' - tn? ps- o" rr
of the Li-ric: Court f riaii County. -iV,
rKc of n, ct-.-.he-r. A. L
st ere o'cVk i'.'M,'..':-: tb--
quarter of option ti.;r:y 30, t-o
the nor'h we: ouarWr if s.-ti.,n tfr.-v-0'-
T, ..- i 1 n.nh i.f rr,r?e '.'
lV.tiiri.frin fc-irJrt.! rd :xtv l"')'r
the sou'.a
in town
ship t north efpt' r!vcn f ' w
i acre be:B the stnth west qisrtsr f
. . . : l . o j.r rltT'i' "
cent ten
..iv r m .mt'i ts.ti rS
tainin? one huridre-J and fty 153,acre. y;
ia tha County of Jbn.-on aai -
Cm-n.'T rC.:d C.u In fsvor of J
ka. cn an orier ot isue i cj
r.?t of Urt Ii. Hunt d.vod, to D
m jreial XJjter n Ctaccery. a t..bT.
Given and er my L-k t t b i 3i'.b dv eff y1- .
A. D. IS.'.. W. A. Ti:M'?:rJ...
JO-7 4t
To all whom it ms? n. '"'"t.
X . a
A sn
i w-
1 ti.?l:iit d.u-y of No-.-eiaher. a-
j o: th I i-'-fe J-.lfc'i in !:r-.wuvi.
, .rt
. . - ;v
j . v l .
i V . tt
ler Ilh.H':
U. V. U.
I'lous, Zaixy iSiuliraiors, K'hul D-
other Corn Planters, ,l"