11 M A Ibbaska advertiser tfATES Uh' AD fcli'llfclM Oaijuitri(teiiiceor2sn.n;i.tr:i.a t4 13 CI w 64 f J 2 J t) 2 (J 21 CI li CI 19 it 1 1 CI 1" CJ frB.1WI'WiCMBTT GS0. W. BILL & CO,. -xxn S't Between lt 4. 2d, iC j(ii9Si earis.six ijav cr e? ex.s ywr Oioajlaaia oijear . . Oueialf couipu ci.e year One foarthl eo'iuoLjene yen: Oco eigbih solua.c one jr - One c.urcn six n clhf Cuohalf eviu? 8 x in'-.Tllj Oaafoarth cdu-.i. j.jj aioC-.b Oae eighth c.'-je i: t:itt:ilii One column tb.ee n. nil Oah;i'?olBU.a 'l:ee r- r.'.'. f V. ft. 1 j 1 J 1 '('' i Til !i U J Onefonr:t roles .ttn.v r ci.tr. -r e r: ic 1 nfr,la.'l"nce - i 6'J vanoe. I rt anl PUia Fancy Job Work, I -' , uaoa short notice. LIBERTY AND UNION, ONE AND INSEPARABLE NOW AND FOREVER.' AUkinJ of Jcb,(U.k3r.J . sr-t j nx. .i- . os the tcsiatyla on sb-rtr.Jic ar3ri??n' - VOL. X. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER,,' 1865 NO. 11. J - i r 1 C. nn:il.VSO.POPRIETn, J f ,$ rttt, U,,ivHeu Mam and V cr.0WXVILL2, SEL'KASEA. I i II. iw " - . - IIEWKS. .TTOKrnHY AT LAY7, ' exciter in Chancery I" fiD AND COLMXING- AGENTS.' 1 EnOV-7IiVlLLI! . T. G. I IJESUERSOa', CEMhAL DCAJ.EH 15 qiPlE AKD FANCY DRY GOODS BOOTS it SHOES jjiio Street tetween Fir.-t and Second. Drownvillo, TNJoTo, j. JOHNSON, 3 IFUCE WITH L. 1IOADLEV, 'Cam Main and First Streets, e viMl j.t-54 tr.Ml'A Ai:T, Vis. A.S. HOM.ADAV.MI). orricu South Et'i '"""'f of nl First Street? UKOT.VMII XEXIR iSILA. trna Uorus t 9 a. m. and I to 2 aod 6) to 7),' P.M. Br r.,::, Nebraska, 1! Stir, 165- Xo34,1j. EDWARD W. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR iTciIANCERY, 0!c e mr of Mln n l First Sir-t. BROWNVILLE, NEHllAbKA. E20WHYILLE HOUSE, COlTilAIX AND 2ND STS4 i;rounville Xcbrasa. H. T7. PEDICORD, Propxie.tcr. Thi H..u.c hii been rtfurnisbed and newly fitted p and r fiirnih?d under its i.rccut euterrns ng Ir-.jiri.'tf.r, bo gunrranteoi! eaiisfactioa to all who fc vw-.iniij a. Iluuse. . x-a-ijr- ftU-5,aLlD.icatctt, Millinery & Fancy Goods Ha n Ftret one door west ol the Port OSce Afa;nri..r F!otk f Full ann inte U-,ds js ittiit il. i-vtrvtl.irs; in the Millinery line k'it eo-.;aiitIv oa Yat d. lress-Mk:ng, Loiiuct 0:tbvr,23 lii. v9-a-25lj.- C. W. WHKKLER, . CABINET-MAKER OAKPKK TER; IXXfvixv Street, vne d ntb.-ve h- Sialttiuorc Cottiins Store, r 1-rep.rei t.. il-mll kiu'is f w. :k in Li lii.e in tbe. m l.t aud t'Ic. IViti ul .r Htivuii.r given to voD'ucia. . v-n ra l' d i"sniHi:j tims saves iuxz:' loiiis U'ai.iti:r, ' ft bis p itt yet, ready toertoria til work,i'ar Ul"in to bt bimins. . H 'Uh and -i-i t.aintini.clniios.arid caper ha n- ,nl.t' jt - .rt n itifiu, and the must arproved i.r,nri-ih. Giv hi'n a enll. . 'o-ip.ia dun Stree. eat of Atkinson's Cloth- lie I prepared t" do all lvnito aHliiuc ' A I. L. C O I. O RING In t.p i.pttrvt ai d -i eai e.st 3lc fur ca.h Ur .wnvi'.U., Ajril 7. ly. Bedford & co., - DEALERS IX 1 & mm EOOTS i SHOES, HATS & CAPS. Qaccnsware, Cutlery, etc. MAIN STKISET. snowirviLLB. NEBHASKA JACOB MAKOIIN, DIREUBT- THIOL fan I"' NEBRASKA r,o.V l,,"n of Gentlemen desiring ne, teal WEARING APPAREL HEW STOCirOF GOOS ; S&0, JUST RECEIVED, np lCLTIIS'CASSIJ,EBS' VKSTIKGS &c... h E WRY LATEST STYLE uGErs sewing hacules, t , . ' tJ C Cutoia work at rates that defy coui -warrant inv wnrlt. a SIM Well lH 3IacIlIrtC TVorSi.. ' riHbinR a' thin n file" line 'Win d well to ins. an he ul pecnliarly fvurtl ia- Jafc kr Ut 1665 p'd to Oct. 16th UZi. , III 68 G. DC.nSET. 8. 21. E1CB. RICH, D 0 U S E I Siionuijs Cam, And CCHIKERCXAL COLI.CCT021S. t2r;Vc A E. rumor 2'ctn find Firtt Street, BROW NVII.LE, NKBR A SK A. Win ive prompt mention ti nil bu?incss en-triintt-d tu thcin in tlie various Courta ,f Nebraska and "orth Mi8Furi; abo, to tiio Collection cf Hountj- M uy, B.ick l'aj, and i'tjasi-m: aril to ViT-j'.i-. n i-A of Taxo. i) 4')-v!v UACK TO THE OLD STAND ! M iilUil AND J 0 6 E P 11 8 II U T Z Vcm!d respecifull liif 'rm o'A cniou)fTS that he ti-t Ncain -c!if'l lit Jtvelrj Shop m lis old stand on M..111 'rec-t, scuilt Mde. two fors cst of the Bru'wi: vi lie Ii"tie He keeps ot liand a spiciidid a&ortmeut ol everyil.in In tis line of busiucoa, wuicU La will sell ou tbc owfht terms ter Casn Of Clixks; Wk:cbe&aud Jeclr dooe on the ibort- et iotic. WORK WARRANTED. Brovnvlile, Neb.. May 19U, 1S64. tiS7-v8 Iy CHOICE LIQUORS. Wholesale and Retail .si s Evan Worthing, OF THE BROWNVILLE, lias Just Receired tbe largest and bent atork ot Ltquors and Cisara ever Cerei in tbls market, and will aeM tbeuas low aa any Doue iu lbs Territory. YITIITA KIT'S ' BLOCK, ' Main'Strect, Brownville Feb.4,'64 jlj. O R AN T1 S CAEAP CASH STORE. Jam Street Iclwetn First and Second. BltOWNVILLE, N. T. WK herein ntre a larce nitrelt celected stock of Boots and Shoes, Fino! QiiH.iiy cf Wintfr Mrck, w 11 -i ( 1: n k o rf ki t for s a le CHEAP FOR CASH Groceries of Every Kind, Supar, Cr.fiee Soda, Pepper, Tobacco, Starch, Tea, Allspice, Candles. Matches. AH of which be offers at the lowert prices, deter niioed not to te unaeraoid. GRANT. Brewnville, Neb.. lx-39 6ui 7,60 JAMES MEDFOKD, fr-j'-'-CS- vsch.;-t jvii??- s)i C A B 1 W E T - W A it E n A X D Coruer 2ud and Jlain Streets, BEOWNVILLE, N. T Is prepared to donll kinds oT work in his line on l.ort notice and reasonable terms. . 1-rtru mm jut .opened a Epleud'ul C0X8ISTIX0 OF Sugars. Teas. CoiTfe, Ilice, Tobacco Cigars, Soap, Dried Fruit of all kinds, Kuts. Candies. Molasses. Salt. Wof.den Ware of all kinds, Canned Fruit, Oys ters, Pickles, and every Article usually kept in a first class. . CsFGceiT; store fa - Wuitkey's Block, Main Street v Brownville Nebraska, Invites the public to .cdl and exnm- ino their Stock, before purcha'fcir. 'Si elsewhere they jire compident. Aujrust31st 1865. meeting, or Scliool Ilvautiucrs. Notice is hereby f. vpji ttat ibn IJcard at f:hoo Examiner of Nemi t CouutT, KcUra -ka, wiJ! hold mettipg-5 for the Explanation f Ttahers fur Mid Cvur'tyi; at tbe tCcc f E. W. 'fbrinas, in Browni';le, on tbe 1ft Saturday in cTerr month, Lei ween the hours of one ani 3 f . M, Api licants ' fr certil3rat ktb required to be f.nsLtat one pre.-isfly. cr tUy wiil not bo eiauiined. No person teed spf iy at ar.y other time. ' - uj oruer i iue rv.arti, E. W. TiJOilAS, Clerk. April 1st, -yly LLOGK , 11 u r 1 1 Steele of lip mm & -BsotiisB (successors ti McLUr,IILlN&SWAN) - - Xtmaha VaUey Bank Euilding. We respectrally announce to the Public Ih a they huv'e now iu fetcre, a New aud Lame Stock of - AND To which they iuvito the attention of purch isers. YOU WILL FIND THE I5KST Sugars, Teas, Rl- ana Java Cof fin, Fi:re tlCcr Uucar anuioai Oil at WAS & IS IIO. Canned Fru'ts in great variety and of the bent quality ; Cahup, pickles. Oysters. Sardine, Clams, Fren h Mustard, Worcestershire Sauce and Western Reserve Cheese at SWAN & BROS Swan and Brother, desire to c.ill p . 1 tieulur attention to thuir large and vjtried Stock of Tobacco. con?isttng of Natural Leaf and Nfcianne and other favorite brund of riu Toiia;co atjd lest qualities of Fino cut aid Smoking Tobacco. Wrought and Cut Kails, or all size, Spades. Shovels. Drooms.Sewing Twine, and Sccop Shovels at SWAN & BRO'S. ' The Ii!g"CM price paid for Baiter, Ekss, und tcunti) produce at SWAN & BRO Consult your intorst by exsmin- ing Swan & Bro's. Goods and prices btfoie buying t-lsewhtre. v- lO-n-4 ly. . TO BE SOLD DURING ber, ITovcmcer, cecenxuer, Worth or Merchandise Consisting cf 3 P 1 I 1 GPtOCERIES FURNITURE, t QUEEA'SIVJRE Hardware. Calery, WILLOW-WAKE, TTOODEN'-WAUE, QLA-SSWABE, I t if 'Jast receired and opened at THEODORE HILL'S Wholesale and T.eUil Store Eoom oa MalaStrccf, BROWNVILLE,. Nebraska Those Goods bare been Tinrchased wi'h an es- pce'.al riew t saUsfying the demands of this ni.ir ket ; and at price which will enable him to defy ccmptition. , . . - The Sophisticated and Unopni?tietod ; the Fashionable u:il Ut'hi -.riable: tho Ciusen the Etcizrntor theoversi -n Sju ttur, can a".i find at hi? Stcre tha very goods th-y icod. All will du vail r n(t f-rrtminchi U- N. X. I-'d .t ick. 'jj Wearing the Crecn, The frPowinx Is tlia culobrated 90D2 wLkh cre ated fucb iotenso cxskco'.dii t tkroahout Great liritain, Btd i.r tb incorpomtlca or bkb, ia his y ieoe, Mr. BwurcicauH'i play of "Arrali na I'oga,H had to be w itldrawn fro to tbe London itae I Oli, Paddy, dear, and did you bear ' - - Tbe newthuitf goir'tind, TL? Shnm.-uok Wl"..rbid FVat t - Grow on IrLh ground, No more St..Patricki day we'il keep, The c olor can't be seen. ; , , For there's a bloody law aiiast tha - YTfaring of tbe. green. I met with ar py Tacder, and ba took Me by the Land. And be eaid llow'f joor ould Ireland,. And how does fho stand t" She's tha mutt diue.lul country that E?eryou bare seen, - They're Langiiig men and women there for Wearing oi the grjen." Then, since the color we must wear ft Eugland't cruel red. Sure Ireland's tuns will ne'er forget the 131ood that they bare hcd. You may take tbe Shamrock from your hat And cu.st it on the si d ; It h ill Uko root aud fl urish there, Though under loot it'a trod. 'Wb ju tde U x can keep tho blade? cf grass From g.o eg as they grow, Aud unci) (ha leaves i.i sumaier UaiJ TUtir verdure dare cut hi w, Then 1 wii change tha color I weir ia my vaubeen ; Uut till th it d iy , please God, 111 stick Towearngof ihsgrecn. - ' Cut if at last the color hould Lie torn I rem Ire laud's heart, ' iler eons witb tbame and s rroTT from The deai old soul wi I part. I've beard whinpers t-f a vout.tr That lies beyond tha sea, Where rich and ior stand equal ia Tbe light of frctdm's day. Ob ! Eno.must we le.ive you, driven Dy the tyrant's hand? llust we a?& a uiothcr's welcome from A alracge but happier land, Where the cruel cross of England's Thraldom never thall be seen, And where, thank Ojd ! we'il live and die Still wearing ol the greo ! THE COIXEK'S. During the year of 1847 the Wesi was fl coded with a counterfeit coin. It was so well manufactured that it passed readily Tlu evil at last became to grtat tuat the United Stales authorities requested that a skillful detective might be sent to ferret out the nest of coiners. I was fixed upon u perforin that duty. I had nothing to guide me. The fact, however, that Chicago was the city where the counterfeit cjiti was most aboundant, led trie to suspect that the manufactory was somewhere within its limits. It was therefore, to the capital of the ' Wed that I proceeded. I spent fi'e weeks in the city without gaiuiug the slighesl clue to the counterfeiters. I began -to grow discouraged, and re ally thought 1 should be-. obliged to re turn home without having achieved at y result. One day I received a letter from my w.fe requesting me la send money. as the was out of funds. I went to the ank tind arktd tor a draft, at the tame time handing a sum of money to pay for it,m which there were several half dollars. The rlerk pushed three of them back to me. savins, "Counterfeit." "What!" said I, "you don't mean to tell me those half dollars are counter If it ' ' -I do.M., Are y;u certain ?' Perfet:'!y certain. They are remark- hI ly executtd.but are d-ifL-ient ia weight See for yourself." Aiid he placed one of thni in the bal ance against a'geauias half dollar, and the latter brought up the former. Thisis-the best counterfeit coin I ev er saw in my life.' I exclaimed, ex amiriin? them closely. ''Is all the coun terfeit money in circulatioa here of the same character as this?" "O dear, no." the clerk replied, "it is not Bc-arlv so well done. These are the rk of the famous New York counter- wor feiter, Ned Willett. I know them well, for I have' handled a great many in my time. Here is seme- of the money that is circulating here," he added, taking half dollars from, a drawer. "You see that the milling is not so well done as Ned Willett's, although this is pretty good too." ' " I compared the two and found that he! was right. I supplied the place of he three counterfeits with good coin, and re turned the former to my pocket. A few days after this I received in formation which caused me to take a journey to a small village about .thirty! ging raa ia after fcira miles from Chicago. arrived there at right aod too!i up ray quarters at the only tavero in th3 placa. I; . Ava3 a wretched dwelling, and kept fcy and old maa aLd woman, the surliest couple, 1 think, it has e?er teen "ray lot to ..meet. In ?nwer as to whether "I could have a lodging there that night I noticed the host gave a particular look at his wife, and after some whispering, I was infor- ytaA in the most ungracious manlier pos sible that I could have a bed. I have frequently in the course of my life been obligheo to put up with wretch ed accommoJation3,so I did not allow my equanimity of temper to be destroyed by the miserable sleeping apartments into which I was ushered after I had finished my repast. The chamber was of small size, and teen in the barn. I was aware that certainly well ventilated, for I could see whatever I might say would in all prob the stars through the roof. -The bed was ability, do mere harm than gooJ, aud it simply a beg of straw thrown into one corner of the room, without sheet or cov f-ring cf any kind. This last fact, how- evet, was not of much constquence, as it was jin ratr end oppressively hot. 1 stood for more than an hour gazing out of theopering which served for a winow. Before me was an immense prairie, the limits of which I could not see. The tavern in which I had taktn up my abode appeared to be isolated from all other dwellings, and save the croak of the tre-toad and the hunj,of the lo cust, not a sound reached my ear. It was a beautiful moonlight night, so bright itiat 1 couia. see ;o reau tuts auiucai print. 1 At last I began to grow: weary, and throwing myself on my pallet 1 was socn plunged iu deep slumber. How long I lept I know not, but I was awakened ly n dull sound, which resembled some one hammering in the distance. I sup- pose it was the peculiarity of the sound which awoke me.for it was by no means loud, but conveyed to me the idea of some one etriking iron with a rauflbd hammer, rose from my bed and went to the win- dow. The moon was now in the west ern horrizon, by which fact I knew that it must be near morning. The sound II have before referred to reached me more, distinctly than when in the back! part of the chamber. It appeared to come from some outhouses which were situated a hundred yards from the house. Now I am naturally of aa inquiring mind, aid this gyund, occurring as it did in the middle of the night, piqued . my curiosity, and I felt an irrepressible de- . . L sire to go out and discover the cause of it , M h -t lHsir, an tbn sour'd continued .1 ... t - grew upon me with such intensity, that .1 I resolved to gratify it at auy price. I put on my boots, the only article or attire I had discarded and cautiously opened the door cf my chamber and nois elessly decended the ncketry staircase A few steps brought me into the lower apartment, which I found entirely de- serted. 1 crept quietly to the window, and unfasteuiug it without' making the lightest noise, was soon in the moou- lii-ht. Not a soul was visible,- but the sound I have mentioned grew much more distinct as I arprenched the place from whence it proceed d. At last I found myself before a long, low building, through the crevices of which I could perceive a lu- rid glare issuing. I stooped down and ptened through the key hole, and to my extreme surprise I saw half a dozen men, with their coats oil anJ slesves up. per forming a variety of strange occupations. Sme were working at a forge, others were superintending the cas" ingot mould- and' some were engaged ia the process of mining coin. In a moment the whole truth burst upon me. r Here was the it.,'(T if i m:n!erfpitpr T was in farch -f J .1... 1 . j 1 . -. I t.J. .... f. r oi, anu uic mwnviu uuu uia uc cj- jiuui jr j'wvm.. tU j ------- dentiy belonged to, the same , band, for at the lank, "here is my last job, what in one corner I erreiv?G them employed do your think of it !' the man polishing cfT some half dollar It was handed hand-to-hand, some say pieces, and the woman was packing the irg it was Lo'counterfeitat all, and some finished coin into rolls. seying it was. I had seen enough and was about return to my apartment, when I suddenly felt a heavy hand placed en my shoulder, and turning my head around, to my hor ror found myself ia' the grasp of as ill- looking a scoundril as ever escaped the gallo.. What are you doing here, my good fellow?" he exclaimed giving me shake- ; , .. . "Taking a stroll by moonlight," I re plied, endeavoring to retain my compos ure. , . . , "Well, perhaps you will just take a stroll inaide. will :you?" returned the ruffian, pushing open the door, and drag All the inmates cf the tara immedia tely stopptd work and rushed toward us when they saw ra3. Why, what's all this?" they ex claimed. - "A loafer I found peepin cutside," said my captor. ! "He1 a traveler that came to the tav ern last nigh' and asked for lodging ; the hst I saw of him he was ia bed, said the landlord. ; ' The men withdrew to a corner cf ihe apartment, leaving one to keep guard over me. I soon saw they were ia ear nest consultation, and were evidently de bating seme important question. The man kteping guard ever me said nothing tut scowled fiercely. I had not said a single. word curing all the time I Lad tias always been a maxim of mine, tj hold my tongue when ia doubt. A, hist the discussion seemed to be ended, for the blacke.t of the whole came forward, without any introduction, exclaimed. ! tay, stranger, lock here, ycirmust die!' 1 did not move word. a muscle or utter a 'You have found out our secret, and dtad men tell no taih." I was silent. We will give you tea minutes to say ytur pryurs, and also alij.v.you the privilege of being shot cr hur g Suddenly an idea struck- me. 1 re membered fomething that n.'ght save Ciy life, I burst into a violent fit' of laughter, in fact it was hysterical, but ihty did not know it. They looked at at one another in amazement Well, he-Utkets it mighty cool, a ny how, said one. 1 "Suppose he don't think we are ia ear nest, said another "Come, stranger, you had better say your 'prayers," said -the man who had first spoken "time files,' 1 - ftjv oniv reply was a fit of laughter more violent lflafl iae nrsli "The man's mad," they exclaimed. "Or drnnk," said sorne. "Well, boys " cried I, speaking for the first time, "ibis is tb.3 best joke I have ever seen. What, hang a pall" "A pal you a pal?" -I aj't ncthin' else," was my elegant rejoinder. "What is Jour name ?" y0U ever hear cf Kcd Wille'.t ?" replied. t.v,. . .-.j. tA c ,v a;,. i auu may lc iriiaiu ui iuti. aiu t he the head of our profession?" - -Well. theu. I,m Ned." ..you ed Willett ?" they exclaimed You may bet your life on that," 1 roturned, swaggering up to the corner where I had seen the old woman count ing and packing the counterfeit half do!- jar3 Fortune favored me None cf the men present had ever seen Ned Willett, although his reputation was well known to them, and my s.vaggering, insoleut manner had somewhat thrown them off their guard, yet I could plainly see that their doubts wtre not all removed. "Atd you call these things well none, S - -1 do you?" I asked taking up. a roll of the mouey. "Well, all I have to say is that if you can't do betier than this. ycU had better ihut up shop, that's all." "Cau yu show us any letter V asked one of the men. "I rather thiuk I can. If I couldn't I'd banc, myself." "Let's bee it," they all cried. This was my last coup, and cne on which my life depended. 'Look here, gentlemen, I exclamed, takinf one of the counterfeit hilf-doliars I o 1 I f.r.m M.TT nnll'Ill iK.nl K tt A Kan. r 0. r' 0 .'. to "How will you prove it is a counter- feit?" asKed one. , 4By weighing it with a genaine one. - I replied. This plan was immediately adopted and its character proved. 'Perhaps he got this by accident,1 I heard a man whisper to another. a "Try these,"! said taking tne other two cut cf my pocket. All their doub'.s now vanished Beautiful4" exclaimed some. "Very splendid !" said others. Wheo they had examined them to their satisfaction they all cordially tcoi - me by the hand, every particle of doubt biting vanished from their ini&ds. X cirried oa my part well. v-ti ions wera occtsicnlly a&Ked imc invcl ug some ttclinicaii'.ied cf '.lie Lii-i. s-; these, however, 1 avo-Jcd, ly tta'.i.n that I vas cn a joLit.ty, and vcuid raiher take a glass cf whiskey ihan ?.a swer questions. The whiskey was pro duced and we made a night cf it. It was not until morniog dawned thtt ws separated. . ; The next day I returns! to ChicaN and Irct-Ltdcwn the cccesijiy ass:.- t'nce, ur.d captured the t. hole gang cf counitrfeiiers ia the veiy act. The; dea was Lrokea up forever, a;jd n. ostcf thia were cocdjmned to ierve a term ia U3 State Prisoa. I have those half.dtlars still in my position, and never intend to part writ them, for they were certainly hz uieaua of saving my life; u In Talgrave's "Central end I'tJlera Arabia," some particulars are pivta ia regard to a curious narcotic j'laat. I s seeds, in uh:ch the active principle seems chiefly to reside, whm owdri:J and administered i;i a fm.ill do-e,- pro duce eficcis much like. those fi.-critxd to S:r Humphrey Davy's lauhm , gas ; taa patient danees. sings, and performs a thousuuo txnavpgaLCies, till after an hourt greiii exciiemeut to. himself and amusement to the ly-slanders, he fail asleep, and on awakeuicg hrts Ijst ell mtinory of what ht dii or said wlnU un der tho influence of the dn. To put a pir.ch of this powder iuu .. the coflse cf s-"PQ unsuspecting iiyJivi-Ju.ilali n rutaa ur. amnion jokf. nor is itsaiJ thst it was ever followed by- fcriouj coajequiTCvs, though i.n over-nnaniity might . prhip' be dangercu.'. , The auJi.; tri?d it.cn two indiviJau r!s, but Jn pu)jiortion if not abo'j'.cly homceopaiLio, still sufficiently ijiaite tc h-'e'p cc th3 iiic side, and whiles it cperaticrs, h-jghable enough, but v?ry harmless. The plant that bears -th bcrr;e3 h?tJIy nftias ia Kas?em, eight:- cf mx inf-h above the ground, but in Oman were sjen bushes cf it three or four feet ia grov.;'i, and wids preading. The s::nv. arc woody an-J cf a dmk-green color, nr.d - innat-:d, wi'b about twenty Ieaibts oa either OAi ; thr elalhs fmooth and thinir.g', tLo fiowerf are yt-llow nn l grow in tu.c:s. tho aniherf numerous ; tho fruit is a cap-u! '.u.Tc, with a greenish redding, 1:1 uhLh lin embeiided two or three bl uk bcKni' their taste sweetish, but v.i:h a pecuI.At opiate flavor; the smell hetvy au4 almost sickly. The brewers and beer-aellora cf Nhif York are at lager-hcads. The world is packed so clos?, that If one stands up another stumble. Speakiog eyas, like speaking tongust, shouid bo careful not to speak too loud. The human spiiit U like aa e3gl--the highor it rises from the earth, tli more awful is its solitude. Pied no?ts are light-houses to wars voyagers cn the sea cf life off tne cjm of Malaga. Jamaica, Santa Cr Hollands- Prentice. It may be said of rainy a fellow, th?J when he sees whisky hi mouth watars, and when ha tecs water his mouth ab k:es. Ctentime a chief m.tstrat5 is thj mere figure-head ot the ship of S;alf in?tead of the man at the hel:a. Amorg lhft curiositiej lately phce4 in a museum, ij a mosqitoe's bladder, containing the souli of twenty-four ihou3 and Government contractors, and tha fortunes of twelve editors. It is nearly jhslf.full. Cculd the Apostles, in their cU atfire, ecer a fashionable church, the sextoa with a big look would rviive thern fro.j the pews and motion th?m dowa upC3 the benches. Phe Vio parisienne $tat?3 that ths heart his been so grert ia Parts during the week ihat ladies have found it coa venent "to wear their hair ia' their wardrobes." Aa old gentleman named GouM, Lr.-rv ing married a ycurg I t of nirictee:.. thus addressed his friend Dr. at tha weading feelival : - : . "S yoa see, my d-ar sir, tleaji'i eighty years clit A girl of ninte:a fills ia lore -lL o'i Ova Id ? - To which tho Dectcr rDp!ioi ; " "Agtrt of niaeteen may leva Cc-iJ,' U Cut b!iic?a me,djar sir ,ii is vUli ws" -je Ye shculd marry so r .. - hiitu, our dcrnosth ide1 as to ke?p pure