SEWIN G llACHINES. i WIRE SHUTTLE ....AC..IK - Putected Tetruarr lith, 1&30. 1 1 1 MLESROO V, 536 52 OD f VA V, .V. y.252 WJSlIlXGTOjYtSt. ROSTOJ TITTi? MACHINE i? contracted on entirely new tt... iplcs of aifcinM.-in, psc-sing tujny rare and Tillable irpn'ovi-men!?, h iv'm$ been esiuiincl b the m tt pre! icr, J Sj-rF, ar.'I pronounced to bo Simplicity rr.dFti ft ctipa Coi-ib.!n&:3. thna siri:ht iioirt'o.' pcrpenakuV. actM-n,;,k- iliol.OLKor SilUliM. T.TC1I, whi.b wiil antler Kll'or I7.A VKL. ".td is nlike on botl, e;;c ; .ffrj''iu ji'.'rfvxt twi.i gone very d .? ri tio.i tf friu Neither to the l:tic?i Nan.-ol '.uslir, wii ci-ttoK, !i:ici .r tilk thro-J, .rcui ih fA".rr t to the fnic.-t T.i'Jie r. tieUhtr CAM n r COG WIIEFu, an I tlu l,t?.bl3 l.ietku, it mas -3 .uio-i jIj, . 1 is Eoichctic-iily a TToirclrr.s ITf chine. It n-yairfi l UI'V l'lili CI.NT U.-a p-wer to ' di-vo ir ii an any ber Ma.-hinu hi the market. A giff twelve vc .rs T nfcer'an work'it eteaJ.iy, with- C'Jt fa; 'Z' or injury t' .ie;..m. Its r.!igtb and Wonderful Sirnr-Iiei'j, ot'or t erurti'.ii ritider? if nht"t p-i-iile t- get order, end i? t-f aUA.MLKw by tiie ctujjjany.t Wt rv5j.c. t!u!lv tnvi:o f!1 those who mfty desire to Miilb tliem-clved w;i.i a superior a llele, t eonm Miid eimuine thi Unriviilied Machine. -- l;ut in a iu re cepccial manner do we solicit the Mtrchnrjt Tailors, Cosct Ma le Oaiter l itters, , "'hoe binders. Vest r.r.ii Paatalooc MaV-re, Dre6S leakers. lcpp r. ,rl XlanufaC' turer. FT c i ! lv.if .ri r.Zr.h tfizrittiVr 'i'"'iVni vtll be libc- t' l!! ti'ttlt tritll. Triers cf."iacl:!uc Ccmplctc: 0. 1, 1-Vtiii: v !!ai ii'.ne,vith lleaiiacr, t ellcr ; aKdLY.tilor, Kq. Hanafactcriog, with Extension Til", a l ro.. i'-ar-e M.n.afaciuriris,with Extension Nov 4. lr;e Hnr.ufr.ctcr;, for Leather, with ii'.V.Sry rit and Oil Cup - ICO Cn r I " .r A o'f' i f (- c '.n f.eicntto cnfillcuwj jxrtouto irwi fi MucliM to their entire ml lf vet ion. A pent? Wanted for all towns in the United States where are not already cjtjiblished. Also for Cuba, Xiesioo. Central and Sooth Aiafcrica, t whB a lLberal4L3ount will be given. . . Tunr.Binviirial.iV Ca-rh on delivorv. , T.'J. McArthur : Co., .fi I'roadway, .New York. A. 4 Co. 52 Va!.inzin, St., Boston. ;J Ohestnut rft., Thila. S GEO. FRANZ, Aernt, !02'. 4th, St. Loui, Mo. Feb. ,65. ly . t 1 v ' ,9n .TQuiC SCHNAPPS Tlu's pi:r.!r KicJiclaHl Beverage powwses ttotci i ...... - , tic tLut will Lu; iul to relieve aai cure, when ust-d KJ a ordlaaTy beverage, fjllowlu Oea-c,: Acute ir CllitOXIC EillXMATlESI, GOUT, GUAV. 'ru riioVsr, hidny aitiictioxs, liisiiAsrs 0? JUZ tLAtOCr., COLIC, DTtrSIA,DISi:AE3' OFTw- rr.:NAi;Y CUGANS in nrdes or fem.dit lo3 of VITAL JlNLi.GY, or CLNEHAL WISIL ITY. It is cqu illy rood for tlic o!d and young, and .ill &un he i:i every f.:r..i'.y iu t!io laud. It is un-X'-t nay Hfvinuf cxir l fore (XcicJ t ) the American 1 ftli'-.i-u.: v T.l h:ive i"Tii"):us ia i-vs-ry Iioahold. It Li a vL k-o:n i:iv:j(.r ui-.r t:ti, aai U i6t ii'pcr? !1 tl.e !:!n!.j i::iv.ii .!f Li)ttT3 lLat are D- w licit:- !;:;(: vZ r. n 111? ruLlic Tu'.i LiV.r.i-e is Liiown to, auJ ii rccaiircnild I v t'uf Ll'-'.l ucJicu. autl'.oiiilcs auJ only rc-julrv, t liljl, (v a Cecr.d Ecvcrag'.1.) tJ Lc iij.iiuu J tvA mci Vj tie while v.tIJ. The pr pri is.3 l.uvc tutc tUid ia c(.n.l;::l!;c;, in tLis article, nn rir.;lVj ZCHW, STIUULANT, and LIL'KLTIC tli.-.t Lc ucc ; t;iLlc t jcveijbody. Try It! auJ L couxiuccil of itii wir.tcr. SO ISlato Street, CHICAGO, ILL, TQZ.T. rr.CrniEICSS fr the raited Statw aad .czr?--i ir s-i rr.rcGirrs, croclxs, and ' CLiUIL LiiLLlld thruulivH't tlia cuualry. 0 :t i-G leGo K-6 ITCH! ITCtS! ITCU! ' Ecrai-h! - Feral cb! Scratch ! VREATOH'S - OINTMENT Will care the Itch In 48 HOURS'! It cures the Prairie Itcn, Wji Scratches, Salt Rheum. L leer?, Clulblaios , and all Era p tiyns of he Sliin FKICI 50 CENTS. ' Beware of Lotion? sni Wa1-.s which will not remove thediea. P.y accdin Octs to COLLINS LJLO'S, (Agnus f.:r !ha S-ulh-wTest,) S. W Cor. . "1 it Vjnc Streets, St. Lou'n, ilo.. it will bo fLr ;varded by frail, frre of Postage, to i-SJ part of the "conntrr. WEEKS & TOTTER, Boston. Mass., Pr?r-rietors . 1-Ca MASTERS SALE. MoUee Is tierT riven tba'. I will cOTr at public auction at tbe 'nl dtx r ( il. B. Press a's dwe! lio? InTccUmset, Johnson County eraba Territory (tsttein the plce or holding tee tastteria of the VI: trict Cnr) for id Cn'y On the 24 day cf December, A. D. 1S65 at one 'cloct P. M., of said dy tbe following Real Htat to-wji : TlieEitt half.if th Scuth Kast char ter of ion twenty-thrfte 23, and the Srutb Wcfct Cuarter of the r...nth West g.'irter of Sec'ion tweu tyfour,.'4. iaTownsbip uur, N nh of RaiiRe eleven 11, Est f tte sixih Principal Meridian, sitcatel la J jhuson Gouuty Tsbra.ka Terriury, ou an older of ta!e iasued ty the Reisf in Ciaocery, of said Court of Jotnsun Coi;Tii.y in favor of Seymoi e S Roigers nd the aiin iiiistrator or tie Kstateof UviU It wiu isue4 by II linicl Court r J.ihi'Sou County, an1 to. direetei as Special Master iu CLancejy, ( Givea uudii-r my hiui ibis 3l)ih day of October, ISfii. W. A.. PRKSSON. SheriT t and Special Master ia Chancery. : ' , MASTERS SALE. " Notice is hereby given that I will offer at public auction at the front door of R. IJ. Presson's Dwel ling in Tecumseb Johnson County. Neb. Tcr. (that being the p!aca of holding the lot term of the Dis trict'Court) Jor eaid County - Oa the 2d day of December, A. D. 1S65 at one" o'clock P. M. of said day the following Rani Estate to-wit the couth east quarter of section thirty-three (S.J) in Township fire (5) north of li-mgo c'.cj-en (1 1 i eftstof the ti xih Principal ms ridian fifuAttd in Johnson Coutty Nebraska Ter ritory, taken sstho property of Amos Ilomsberon cJcr of saitf in lavi.r ot Bjnjatain F. Lubbau"!i, itfficd by iho District Court of Johnsuu County, and to ina curetted a? SpocTjl Master in Chancery. Given unlar lay hand tbL3Cth day of October, A.D. 1863. W. A. rHESFON. Sheriff 7-4t . trd Special Master in Chawecry. 1SUI1CE. 1- To nil whnm it cay concern. This it .to no tify fcli wi n Save had rervlco frtm the Stal'ion Jii.uir NspuLon, Su. d during the past season by l'.inl'l Kcech, a keepci , Lbat sr.ii Stallion !. . Lr.gii to ii;.-, c:id th i: I hivu n)t authorisad raid 4 Jiev.!i t f-il'ct uny in ;ni-y doa oa such service., end war:i.aia.tint paying him. as I will Uj ray own c tir, tnd wiil iv trtdit to no payment lm.u to b.i . -: , , -,. WILLIAM EITZEL. a j . 'Xx AI '7 "pWi 'ir Or v:Tkri : T D M U liaU A N T S. F A R II E R AXD BLACKSMITHS. III I l; I D. A; C01T3TABL ST- JOS15!PH", MO- L4 (JN HAN.AM) r 0T 5 ALL A LAU.4 AND WELL SiSLLCTED STOCK OF IRON, STEEL, O -SwS.'X'-X.Mr.CS-, ' Heavy Hardware. C .MITilSlNG: ITOR?r. NAILS. NAIL-F-ODS. - ' H 0 R 5 E ' A X ? i L I K S I ! 0 K S , A 5 V 1 L , r " 'snjiNns, rnLLows.- AXLLS. VICES, THIMLLR SKEINS CHAINS, WAGON LOXi'.S. .-Ci;EW TLATEs BuLTXi: I'LAIES. FILES. l.ASPS. WliKNCHES. SLEIGH IIAMMKIJ-s. HAND HAMMERS, SI10LINU HAMMERS. PINCHERS, ' NETS.IIAKLOW Tl'KTIL 4 WELL WHFELS.AC..AC.. AC, V T A M y. N A li L K I) T S E L L T 0 T li-E T R A D E AT 1 I; IJ5 E S T II VV.VY COMPETITION. . CONSTABLE'S v teZTJron and sm I Var chouse. HIOHEST I'LICETATl) HJTiv wnocou- . t SCLAV J EON AT ! : . " t&rScnd in Yvur Scrup'Jron'.iSB ' , . ; r- ' 'AND- j ' - 1 j .RGFORU ,TIXC IUSK." IIAYINO L A j i) 1 ALAKOE STOCB OF T H E A B OVE GOODS, DIRECT FROM THE T ' . FACTORIES. j.CZPGJTLIZ' PHIC23 FJHRBAXlb'S SCALES, ' ALSO AOKST P. THK8UR OP ' HUl'S, 10KES. FELLOWS, WAJON LOWS, SHAFTS, FOLE . . .AXE S, HOUNDS. AXE HANDLE LUOOM HANDLES,' "PLOW I MLES. Ac. l COMFTlISlKe - j r " WOODWOBKS! - . ALSO Fcbn -ra ST.TC?Ern, no . GEO.-Ai PJMIW&WS 1 y. AUTOfilAIC ORGANS !! CiiOOJLi- OKCjrJSLtS A N I) rery Instrument warranted for five years For geventccn year's" the sn'plrior excellence of our instroments has not been questioned, and for two years paqt the enormous demand ha madeit impos ible for u? to meet our order, promptly. ' With our increased facilities, we feel warranted in assuring .ar patrons that their order? will be promptly met, tnd solicit a continuance of their patrorege. 4 l2gL LIBERAL PISCOUNT TO CLEROTMKN, COrB CIIKS'AND fCUOOLB.gJ . . . y r-r f v r L GEO. A. PRIKCTJ & CO., Buffalo, ,TJ. T: GLiO. A. PlJIJNCiJ & UO., Uiiicago.iu. An illuctratid Catalogue, witli full description . tyiea will be fen free to any address. OF THE FIRE AND TOENADO issnrasce iompaBT. O F -a -r-" m INOI3. TniNKU Piv-'r. an..' D.W.C. Tax nf:i: Set rc':ir;,', of Me E;r':riid l iiitdo Iasurai..-, tVmpany, of Frccp rr, Illinois, berebr certify "'b.t ?:ii.i C iri any L os.-esd of a capital or a! leas.' inhuLdred thoiiranl floHurs. acturvd by lienor? rial .estate voit!i at- e:ib. Valuation nlloastfiv the aiirobnt ofi-aid t-ajd'al. and Pot encum beied to thu.a one-f.i-th of J v:i'aition.' ; . THOS. ! i). w.c. tanner, Sec. ; STATE OF ILLINOIS. f i TEl' HES'SOS CO UXTY ) fS Pcrsranlly ppca.-d t-vioretuu.Cierkof theCoun ty C.-urt of said C-.unty, T. J. Turn-rand I). W. C Tanner. to me known as fhe Pre i lent and Secretar; of the Fire A Toniad In-uranta Cmpiay, wlo be-' ins first duly sw.rn according to law, severally deJ pose and .'ay "ihat the abovcert:lj.nte subscribed t'by thcin r'tp'Ctjvely is true vin substance and iu tact, us L-own hy the records of said Company.'! Subscribed ar d svorn to before me, this 21st day of Aug. A.D..IS35. D. II. SACNDERLAND, ! Clerk of County Court, Stephenson Countr. CERTIFICATE: of AUTHORITY To Expire on trie 3 1st day cf January! ISCS. Insurance" Department, Ofice -cf Ter- ' ritorial Auditor, OMAHA, NEB. Oct. 17th, 1SG5 . WHETIEAS,- J.:T. CstaptcII, Assistant Gcni A (rent, for tlio Firo and Tornado Ins. Co. loco ted .Tt the Stafe of Illinois, ha Sled in tins OG;o a copy i f the Act of Incorpora tion of paid Company, mi j a Statement under oath bovrirg it3 Condition, zs roaircd by the Four teenth Section if a Law cf tl.e Territory -of Nebras ka, entit'el "An net. in Relation to Insurance Companies," Approved Ft 1 run ry, 18(55 ; Thercfwre, be in known, by there presents. That in pursuance of the afureraid' Act, I, Wi'Jiam E. Harvey, Auditor of tbe Territory cf Nebraska, Do rTertv'J Certify th-t taid Fire tl- Tornado Lmurance Comp.irv has full authority to transact business of Insurance io the Territory of Nebraska, under the Laws of this Tenitorr, uatil the 3Lst day of Jan uary - -. - ; Id Witr.ass Whereof, I have subscribed my name and caused the Seal c' the Auditor's Office to be affixed, this the 17th day of October, ISC. j. J ( w. e. Harvey, ; . Tern'toml Auditor. ' JOHN MAYNAnD, Agent, t x-9-caa-pd - - , Erown;;ie, Neb. MASTERS SALE .-vouce is nereoy given mat I wiHece" at public aiici ion at the front door of R. B. Preson's d Wt I line in Tecums?b, Johnson Condty, Kebraska Territory (tl atbeina- the place or holding tae last term of the Instrkt Court for said County, On ihe 2d day of December, A. D. 1S65 at one o'cloc P. M.,of said day the following Real Etaie to-wit: The S.uth Weyt jaarterof Section Twenty-three ?V) in TownKl,i, five Kortb of sanee ten (lOIKatef tbe Sixth Principal Jieridian. Sit U'.teJ in the County or Jor.naon and Territory of Xe braka. on an order or sale Issued ty the Register tn Chancery -jf ti e Uitnel C.urt Jtt lavor of John L Carvn an.l nsHiiist A. Tienaa and to me direc ted as Master in Chaucery Given uuder my baud this tha T.nth i.m.i.i... A. ii 1KS . . 1. ibt5. VT A. PRESSOR, Sheriff and Special Motiar iu i baucery. 7-4t MASTERS SALE. hol-e is he-eby r?ven auction t tli fr.nt n-.r o: that twill ffr atpnbtic R. B.,u' itweiiintt- inTfcnmwh J. hnx.n C.-uniy, Tcbraka Ten l'ory.frhat t eniK the pi tee f h..i.,inrf ir.e jat the Pi- ri-i iytitt lor n' tJCninu) . - On the 2.3 a$ f Doceir.ber. A. D. 1SG5 at oiiea'cl.Hk P.M. of said dy fullowinif Real Bsia'e to it mo K.mi! we-J quarter of tciiou thirty twj (..) in Township six f ) uonbot lta..ce teu ( 0) esl of ... ,,,,, .ue-s.uiti snuaiei ic Jub-ison lou-l y Nebraska Tern: -ry or. i o.Uer ofa!e aiiamt James S. Daiiy a.Inii i-tialor vf tT E-iale f J. In B'vvn oe.-eaelin favor of Wi liaiu M. Marshall issiie-l vit'eDi.ina C'.urt o. Johiw.a County e-tra-ki Terri ory, auatj mo i!i;e:i.ei as Special Was. ter n Chancery. iven i iHier my band tbi 3Dta cay ot October, A. . a.. t . . . . W, A. PER330.V, SieriiT - T 1 and Special Master'in Chancery. , "... -r I III mm .m,.m. 1 6EQ:'A,?PTNCET;C'GS IU-f DDITK Outfll'al EACH 39 Varieties, With Patent Basso Tenuto or ' tn v ry am I i T " . i 3STSchool Org ms and, Melodeons, Tinishedln ... : '-' , . CIrgant Rosewood, Walnut c , Gals. Cases. Vo Charge for Boxing or Shipping. 'tferS3,000 Nott In iscr AT? ITaTjUSTIJATED CAT ATjOGUE, con tair.ii-C tull !e s ripriofi of style, and testimonials o' iheiuofrt cniiDCiit 4Iui lans, as to the superior excel-, icnce of ouriubtrumeutd w,U be sent free to an; aiiJiesi." . TBIK AUTOMATIC . OR GAT S. tn prc.'-enns tbe Automatic Organ, we boldly an nounce the treatet trinmiih in musical instrument of tbe aae. During the past haif century, tbe Fiend and Germans have manufactured reed instrument? wnU double bellows, and two pedals for tbe feet t. operate. t the want of -the reversed or Exbaostion- bellies, ( b ell is tbe only bellows unedinour ioMiU mentJ, u:d9 it impossible for them to produce the oellor, ricb and musical tone for w aicb our iaitru nts ar celebrated. . , . i ij-.ther' objection to: ttls method of. blowing wa tbau both feet being ccupiei, na opportunity wis ot tered for the management of the twell. Within thf past two years, instruments constructed on this Kuro pean piau of "double bio rors." fcave been mannfct- iyJ in this country, and to counteract tiiis difficulty (want or a swei ) a lever uas ocen projecreu rroni ini centre of tbe instrument, to act upon tbe swell. an t crted by the knee. The inconveniencs and contor- tioh ;"he-.esar- to effect this ooject are disagreeable enuuch to a sentlenian. but to a lady the use of such an appen'tase is nearly Impossible., -Ot.r Automatic device obviates this difficulty entire ly, tne-fiimple act of blowing with more or less force jiving the uesved increase or decrease ia me volume of tone. For wiventeen years tbe superior excellence of onr Melodious has net been questioned, and for two years past the enormous demand has made it Impossible for us to meet our orlers promptly. With our increased facilities, we feel warranted in assuring our patrons hat their orders will be psumptly met, and solicit continuance of their p&lronase. . , . GEO.Jl. PEINCS co. " Caution to Iurcliascrs. ' All our instruments have upon the name board, in full. "GEO. A. PRINCK & CO." When a dealerrep reseutsanyitber Instruments as "the same as ours,' It is usually a mere attempt to sell an inferior instru ment. on wbicb he can make a larjce profit. P. S A liberal discount .to Churches, Clergymen and Schools; .; i Addre8, . ' . . . . GEO A. PRIKCE, & CO 89 Wlshinfrton St, Or, ... CDicago, 111 GEO. A. PRftiCE & CO.. Buffalo, N. Y May 1st. IS65. no33-v9-yly Great Distribution . . BY THE ; . . EUREKA K GipT . ASSOCIATION. 195 & 197 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Or Rosewood Pianos, Iflelodcons, - - Fine Oil PafsTixos, Kr,uu'iM3, ' 1 C? T 1 -: .. I O : 1 T.TT a .V n .1 ELEUAISi I JEWLLlil, N COKSISTIKOOF ' . Diamond Pins, Diamond Rings. Gold Bracelets, Coral Florentine, ; Mosaic. Jet, Lava and Cameo La dies' Sets. Golii Pens with Gold and Silver (Extension Uoldiers, Sleeve Buttons, Sets of Stnds. vest and Neck Chains, Plain and Chased -s Gold Binf?s, .c,&.c . ' TALCED AT ' " . : S'SO'0,0'0 . TiiTRIBtTTlCN Is made in the following manner: v Certificates naming each article and its-VALUE are placed in skalku Kt,v t.iMrhs, wnicu are wen mixed. One of these Enviope. containing tbe Cer- or Outer tor som Article, will be delivered At fnr office or eru by mait to any address, withuu: rr eaid to i h l-.e, on receipt ot 2!i Cents. tin rcceorina ibe Certirtojie the purchaser will ae. what Article it ttiawt, anu lis va'ne, andean tbeu seuii One Dollar and icceivetbe Article named, or cai .-rMe anu ot A.cront Article on our List of tbt saint va " jrj-rurcl :rs of onr &KAUD KNy LPES may, ii ;t,is niiio.i . t-tain an Article Worth Jrom One to UundrzA Doliart FQH: ONE DOLLAR wi.irh tber Jieed ti-it "iayj until' it U kuowu wbal i Jrawiir, at .it". Vatoe. .: . " .. Eujire S-i'n.-icU'Vi (;'ua'.i'nte;d in all Cases, wonH r.ili ;N?iilon lo the f;Ct ,it It vbcing 'he Oriui ml ail i I.arao.-t t.iit Aoci,.i U.'t1i Cj iuiry. Tli biifMii-'f'KoiptTti'tie to be C"ii!uc;ed m fiiir Jid h- .irjie -iiMi.l CT - air) a .are anu Krea'iy inrreMii 1 rsoto is )mof iblr our pati'ins ai';reciate ibis metlio"! ot obtaining ricn aaa eicsant trm a DuHni: tbe p.t year lhis A s..oeiatlon has seat a ver ,a:K3 tiiiuibcr of alu..ble iMizffs t" all parts of tlio ci.-n'u!y. Tlo-se who pa.ronireus will receive the lui: vav-ui? "f their money, as no article on our list i worth ks in One Dollar, retail, and there are KU P.r i ie dealing with us may depend on having promp return, tbe article drawn witl be iniuieUiatelj ellt t. i.ny n'dress by return mail or express. TLe ot'rwiug parties have recently drawn valuable prizes fro-.n tbe Kurefcj Ass loiation, aul . have kindi) allowed. tbe use of their names ; Andrew Wilson, Cuotcm House, Philadelphia', Penn. Oil 'Faintiner, value, $100: James llaigravea. 8-t Bruauway, New Toik. Oit Painiing. vaiue, tUOjE V. Junes: Barret, Marhhail Co . Kansas, Melodeou value $'00; Patrick J. bvmes, Waterbuiy. Ct , Gld Watch, value 1250. J. P. Stiaw 224 Kasl 24ih St. New Vor,-Piano, ialuo. 360,tw; Mra.Chas. J Nevis, iuiuiira. H. V .. P'ano value, 3u.o.'; Miss L-cy Jaiie way, EJmij a. U T. . .Ciastt-r lt-tnioid Kli-r. va.ue ioo.CO ; ifrs. K. Peonojer, ci'y- Motel, Naubvilie Tent). SjHidiMi,. v;.Iih, U5, O.-car M Allen, Co. B. 14 W Rep. lu Vftls. NaUviile. Tenn., Watch, value, f-6,00, Kowiaud S. Patterson, Co. D. 10;b Iowa Vet, V.junteers, oil Painting value, 100; Mrs. Abbey J. Pay'.ns. prlngilcld Miss , Melodeou, value, 150; James ,L- lJexter. City Smvoyor. Myiacase. K.Y.. Gold Wicli value, ; Mrs. James Fly, 137 Woos- ter Siree, cor Bleoker, N. t. . Oii, Painting, value, lujj MtS J;.C Coles,Grand Rapidj. Michigan, Jsi'ver Caioi value io o-j ; Dr J. II. Sinclair, No. 4 Maiu Street Cuca N. T., Framed Engraving, value, 25 00; Hou.L'i'ber Detmold, Washington, 1). Oil Paint ii.p,. vaU.e. JQJ.OO. ' : x " Were we permlue, we might, add many names to the above liet but many persons olo'tct to our so do inwe Xherelore publish no names w;thout permls tloai i vi i . vi i. . U , . - . i Lettarsfremvariops pirtics lliroughout the country acknowledging tbe receipt of very valuable gifts, may be seea on. ate at our bfilce. ' . . . -.', . aiisa'F AhTicr.Es . . To be. bold lor One Dollar Each Jrtlfiout regard to v'ue, and not to be'paidor un til I'ov. know traaf yen will receive. ' 0 Elegant Kosew'd Piaaos, werth " rom . . $250.00 to 600.00 10 Melodeons. P.Of ewood Cases 125 CO to 225.00 Bt'Fir.eOilPaintinRs . - . 25.00 to ItKl.OO 200 flu! Sietl Eutiarlnea, Trained 13.00 to 23 00 100 Music Jiuxcs : - - .. 1200 to 45.00 100 Silver lievolving Patent Castors 15.00 to 4o '.00 100 Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets . . 15 00 to 35.00 6c0. Seta Silver Tea &. Table Spoons 15. oo to 3o.oo 100 Gold Bauting Case Watches 75. oo to !5o.oo 150 Diamond Rings ' - 60.00 to Soo.oo 'Zdti Uttne ' Gold Watches - ' : 60. 00 ti 85. 00 450 Silver Watches - . - 25 00 to 60 00 2 5CU-Veot and JTeck Chains t '" . -00 to 23. 00 2,000 Pairs Ear Rings, (new styles) 1. 00 to, 6.00 3.000cC14FeDClli aud Xaotli Picka '.'.'. 06 to 8.00 S.OCO Onyxaad. Amelbyst Brtwhea . t 4,00 to IO.00 3,000, Lava and Florentine Brooches 4.00 to b 00 4 CO to 6 60 3 60 to 6,00 2.5otO 8.00 1 .60 to 6. 00 2.60 to lo.oo l oo to 6,00 2.6o to lo.oo 2.00 to 7.oo -8,00 to 2o 00 l.oo to 6.60 4.oo to t.oo 3 00 to 2o.oo 4.00 to 4. 6-J Coo to2o.oo 1 00i Masonic Plus 2.000 Fine Gold Watch Keys 6,000 Children's Armlets 2 500 Seta of Bosom Studs J 2,.C0 Enamlea Sleeve Buttons 'in ndii Plain fi.,.( an.) riftarf H IO.000 Plain Gold and Chased Rln;s 5 poo & 'one Set andeal Rings 6',ooo Lockets, alt sizes - ; sets of ladies' J ewelry 4,000 Watch Charr .(ech) -6.000 Gold Pens, all?r- Cases 6,000 Gent'. Breas' and P'D 4.000 LadieV New S.yle Belt Buckles -2.000 Cuatalaiue aul Guard Chains l,ooo Gold Thimbles -2,000 bets Ladies' Jet and Gold Gold Crowes v 9,000 Oval Band Bracelets 4,oco Chased Biaceiets - . 3 000 ball Karotops all colon 6 000 Fine Gold Pens 2 000 New Style Jet & (5 ild Eirdropi 6.00 to 7 60 lo.oo to2o.oo I.60 to ,00x 6.00 to 2o.oo 8. 00 to IS 00 3.00 to 6-0O 2.oo to 3 600 3 00 to 7.00 2,ooo Gold Pens with Gold Mounted Ebony Holders - 3 00 to 5 00 JST"A cliance to obtain any of the abotc Articles for One Dol lar by purcnainascaletl kUnTd ope lor 23 da, 3Kive j?e.nel Envelopes Will be sent for $1 00; Eleven f.r 2 00 ; Tuirty lur 6.00 ; Sixty-five for lo.oo Oue Uuh.rv for $15.00. Acnt Tt iintcd EvcryTvherc. Our pa trous are desired to seud United States money when it is convenient. Long lettors are unnecessary. Letters should ba addressed to our Ui;X 5706, Post Office .for rreater safety. Orders for SEALED ENVELOPES must iner ery caie l.c ci mjanrcd by the Cash; with tbe pcrs, n sending, acd Town, County and State plaini ly written. Letters should be addressed to the Munasrcr as fo'b vg : GOODWIN, HTJKT c CO... Hex 5706 itet Office, New York. ini- FLUID- EXTRACT - OF ' t ; r i) . GOOD AT THE CAPE -OF. HOPE THE -KOTTEKSOTS; Having long used Cor a Variety of Diseases, It was borrowed from those rode practitioners by THJ English and Dntcli Pnjslclans, . On whose recommeodatlon It was employed in Eu rope and has bow eoms Into general use. IT 13 CIVEy CHIEFLY' IN" 1 " Grorel, v Chronic Cptarrii ; cf the Bladder, . . . . "i I ' - , MORBID HlHITATioIT . I DF,TIIE fcLArDEB-aCXJJjTjnEXIIRA.'iJ ji 1, FORirciUALE WEaKIVESS and DEBILITY; II. w t,4 1 For, Prolapsus, and Bearing Down, , ; or Prolapsus' Uteri, ; Diseases or ;The Postatx , Gland fc, Retention, ok continence or Urimx. And all disease! requiring the aid of a diuretic arislnj from a lots of toae in the parts con- ---cernod in its evacuation- - - IT IS RECOMMENDED IN CASES OF ijililO.YiG 'TJIEUMATLsM, . . . 7 ' .. ' i . Cutaneous Affections' and Dropsy, T curj d;ce;-sc3 we must Jjtir.j into action the uusolcs "tihitli frv crgigeJ in their various func tion?. To noilect Ibeuj, however i-liizhl m v betha attack, issuro to uiTcct th bildly and men tal powers. . i OTJK FLESH BLOOD, are supported from these sources. PERSONS OF EVERY PERIOD OF LIFE ... From Infancy to Old Age. and in every state of healtl, are liable to-Je sub jects of these diseases. The Cause in Many Instances are Unknown Tha patiet has, however, an admirable remedy in HELMBOLD'S Eluid Ertract of Bnchu Philadelphia Evening Bulletin Editorial, Sept. 15. lS65. HELMBOLD'S Genuine Preparations. . His Solid and Fluid Extracts embody the full streDfftb of the ingredients of which they are named.l They are left to the inspection of alii A ready and conclusive test of their ; ropenies'will be a comparison with those set forth in the United States Dispensanry. These rem-: edies are prepared by 1 druggist of sixteen yea this city, and we belie . T. HeImboid,a i expeiience in them to be re never known an liable ; in fact, we havi article lacking merit toroeet with a per manent success, and ;Mr. Helmbold's success is certainly pridi facie evidente. His Drug and Chemical Warehouse, in the city of New York, jt not excelled, if equaled, by aoyiu ihejeoumry, and we would advise our readeis, when visiting that city, to give bira tcall, and judge for themselves. clmbdld's Est ract oil Bnchu. HELMBOLD. Trom WILLIAMS' ADVEaTISIN AKD PAT3ST J AGENCr, 87 Chestnut St., St.' Loois; Mo. -fJEA'D-'&QARTEliS : CELEBRATED : ' ii jl ( . r V M . , ZEj "37 O THE jr. . 1 -, . . . s .Tail 4 . ' V' -'T t 3IANUnctbUINGuC031PAM ST. XO.UIS, MO. r' iMUAQTUIlEIlS OF rV COOKING & HEATING Importers of and Dealers in fllflffi, SUIT I AND ALL KINDS OF- tr - i , ,. . , . ...... . TINKER'S .STOCK. Stove Dcalcrafid Tinners can rely npon being sup pi"'cd at the 'lowest rates ADDRESS: EXOELSIOB MANUFACTURING CO r i :,u b; ST. LOUIS, MO 51-3oi BOWEN BROTHERS COMMISSION MbBCHANTJS" .' AND LEADING-jOBBER$ IN . ( STAPLE ST DRYCOO: " Notions Woolens, ''" WOESTED .GOODS, ETC.. ETC. Announce Increased Facilities and arrange ments by which their stock wiil continue more inviting and extensive than any other, out of New York, in the country. They now include a full lire of Leading Domestics by the package, at manufacturers' Prices, and invite the trade' of the Morthwest to save Freight and Time by purchases in Chicago. We nave ihe Exclusive Sa'e of many brands cf pods, are Agents frr Fi1fsbre.h EAGLE COTTON YARN, at Factory Prices Our .rmeiise Business is a guarantee -of cur ability to rreet the demnrtis of the trade at a!l times Goods suat t'pon orders." can be returned a! owexperse if rot satisfactory. BOWEN BROTHERS, 19 k 21 La!.e Street, Chicago. Llirois. E. & II..T. AI'TIIOKY CO., Era-f.ic:.3r6 ot rtitogtiytic llateriala, W M.'l.k.l.ll AM MftTftlL, :'- iO2MLhV!lY, 1? Y. It ja--v.irt.oo l.;;r mtj i ! F!i'T iRAPtllC KA YLki.vIJS w rr ne.wj'4.,ttft-r tn itli-'w,.a. - ViZWi or xiij viii, l..m-l l ir.i ft..ii!f fttn4 Mftrmitia a r.miptf'ti).' liiaioitv of Tnir.ikaAi csins cuxTtat a't4J. Ycktcva, Cpttystyurgt, ' Z - r,'Jal:3, fca:are Station, Fwdfricltsbarjh, Fairftx, -ItTChmond, I;eep lottoa, Blonitors. Tort Morgan, -Charleston, ricrida. Lutcii (iap. Ten toe a Trains. Hanover Janctioa. Iccsout.Koantain, Cfti:caibo-Jiiuy, City ?.. int. " " l.'ashvillo, Petersburg!), Telle Plain, Chattanooga, A tlanta. Kobil), Strawberry Plains, to 0. Amernn vA Tr-rrlirn (il)n nn.l lin.hftm m. ijrmiM SMtns- TT. a... Ac A .living Sni)fftrt, kr .itbiic v fftrivftia xK.i'ili .o Clui CUftl...uwal bcarat toa.j aJ.lrM. M Mvwat t SLnjft Photo jTftiph.i3lbusis. . W. wr tli. lint t ) ;nlr.i.ln.- ih'w Into .h. I'nilrH StatM a?4 w. untifvt:" ..intitit;n tn zvt. vnriiftr. ntnr l. . iu pnr fri.n 5 nt, U' '.n Ov ALHL'US kar. ill. rcpo tti '.i Ni:i.iirri r in tr-ntr nl turi:ilitT to anr otiivr.- Tha io wiu a-ia oar Aisanxa taa mosi Sa. Bible ;t87 caa bay.; CiSIl FiililOi.HAlMiS. Onr C-tn'o-w n..r .n'.ra.-iM over vn Tiioc-i 4ITri Ml ;U tv w.ii.-!t ft.i.hiio.ifc ai cuaUBualljr iMtu ma.1.) HscX nn A.litfrit-ft,i&. Ac. vi : al,.nt M:ij tirn. li Llt i) Ola tsa StatMinen, ICO Mr x Swr other iJ:H-ra, IXD-rinu, i;iC"l n!, 15 S? Oiirt, lis Auibore, . 4" ArU.rt- 1?J .?tti, 5? fniiinn AoiM, 8,0rti CTi of Work, if Art, rnclaTni r'7."-..v:i 'i ,f tne m.l ne)nlA Ka(Tainja, Flint..!.-, j-.tuu. Ac C'4tal.x oa re-ipt StnmB. Aa or !er fer Uu Ozra Pirture fro:n CftUI..rut wul M llil.) on .-wtipt o.' II aii.l i.t by raic l,utCftTrphr aij atliera orlriii. .l. C. it. l.. MT tUaaa tamit twrnty lu. ir r i. t. of iu. am-Mini thplr nrjer. UT1 tut yrkaa U4 tautj d out kmU t unwt tail to atl-iy Oct. 25th 1325 10-6-1I-S fd.nn. Krv" s.a- - " 1 : This. Is le most n-onderfnl, the cheapest and best, nn.l the' most l)eantlful Machine ever o:ffrel to tire iubhc lor ttie monej ; this ftM.iclr.nn I worm Just as mnch-H an SISiifl irl).M M-achiiK ; it vill f'o just & 'rauch work j is not I.aLIe to yot out of Drder, and willlast alil'J time. aNn; titles In it era tion: uses the Mraiht netilie- isewo w ith a douole or single thread and makes a stitch more perfect arid realnr than by hand nnd with creat rapidity; will Gsither, Hem, Ruf fle, S'Urr, Tu.-k, Rim' tip Ureadihs, &t, tc. No change of sllt.-h. .S'njrle Maclilne sent to any- part of the eonntry, by F.xprtss, nicely packed, oa receipt of I'rice, $10.W. Abdress, . , C. Hi. BRIGGS, JTo. 141 DMrbom St Chicago 1GSTT3 "WANTED F7ESTT7HI1SS Not. 2dr13Rj I-7 e.nn. C. U. S. '21 'CD m' r- r . V 1. ft. , t K CO L L E G E. CONDUCTED on the l asls of actual bnsincj, by an experienced Arcboutant sni Superior Pen man. h"e conacctron i:h the most popular C m mcrcial Colleges cn'arti Lhorooghaess and reputa tiuji to every graduate. Special intraetirn e;i en in ail styles of Pan-roin-hip; specimen? of which may ba seen at the Co.lej-e. . - .. : Full particulars scntto ac7 atUrcj.". . TIlOiiAS J. BRY4XT. 52-tf '; St. Joerhl(Va. t . -I p 1 J 6 ,6 ,1867 O TO 1 0750 O H 1 . . 41 ' ft i - . - - - " Mamifadurersy Agents V7T - Our NeviMode.-; n. ; One ol" ourT Gcltl or silver. ' w vYValrhes. or Silver Tea sets r-: for as below staled. , ir.'-. ' yt-.: - Onr article-" ronsi.t of PTASiH 1 r mbith e vrill gle o..ucaiii, u p-eiortu MKI. OD EON'S - ." 15J ..40 1 150 21) 1 ty is IT' IS t5 '; " (MlL!) ATllF.S, -FUOrOGKAPtt'.VLSuMi-"' . II ft.ILVKn.TK V SETS . " " Sj'...'.as " , d c- F t.- do " ' d 'T..i t!es .l ' do Waittrs di do Cat..r-ft d ia Pi;-. her & Ur 4 JJ ' do ' di ' ilj 20 Aod-otlif- yl ftjftftH.c taiity boaes. andrtic.c4 . . u i Jowelry, Tuilet and Wiri One Of onr. tea r te p'eco ft on? fie.'-! er Jil-ver-ware is wu'ita a'busufl vt ae taeajr'dolivi' Jew elry i . - i i,ftl : .-: i, .'r-sv W have ailnnte.l Ihe t HoWin? miide or D l S T li l B U T " by sale ot 15,000 article cf valual , Our New Mode." The aiticleaof g.odsare ucni lifted fn-ni J t-jTS.dO! 37 CnVKtHMs-ftl i or i ianns. Atelcdeoni, ari l SiJ- ver Watches. fceir.& M.u-fctiies. Tea and Tab-e tefa, .c etc.: and tfce other 37.5' 0 articles of valnab'.e Jae!ry, V.rk ami Toilet case, PUytnifraph A.biima Ooeuiace Si-ver wcbca. and laiK-y article- in Jtreat variety. -75 n,4ift-es numbered frooi 1 io73O-J0are printed oncl put iritot-Miol eiivelopea and well mixed and oire )f iiese I taken cat ana sent to the person beiidin-ft'io us cents to cover ctpene of poetise, corresr'-uder:ce. etc., and the article ur prcd corres punnin witU tbe n'linberon the n.ti:-e will b e;:v to ite bolder of tbe ace imnif dutely (i' be oesirev to porcbae the articlb.) in re (wo iullan F- r iu.starc3 : If tfce nuinbe.- n tliO roiice seiit to you should tie 5:0, and Tian.. 'or Diamond aei or Gold Vatoh tbould be nnrtibere! 500 it wiil be eeattovnu for $i. snlsoon for every' article in our Iiat of"3 COO art .dps, . . ' XjAfttr receiving the Article, if it don not ruit you yov caa return it, ad your monej SHALL BE REFUNDED. Tweniy five, ceuta most pe sent to pay .expense of postage. corre.-peuJence,otc., on one Do i ice. . BemenitHr ttat whatever article cone-spends with the nubei on our notice, yon can have n by paying TWO Dollrr A for it. whether It be worth tlO) or $500. And it is for our in erest to deal fairly and send oul our tine articles, as it gives e-ndJen;e to tae public, and thereby increases our eale. . . : -..i. t . , , ' ; -' ".'. - Try Our New Mode. .. Upon receipt of 'ii cente, whicli pii t- tyr-: corres pondence, potlge pnekitjfe. etc ., we aenJ boenitice -. Upoo receipt of $1 which pays for eorrespondece postage, etj.t we send norie3. ,- Ulon receipt of $), which 'pays for correspon dence, p(Htagd,etft, we eq? 40 notice m.t v fine present, valued at hot lees lbi.n Hfteen dollars, as a siimplo of our goids. . Upon rer-eipt of $IS, which pays for oorrcspou dence.testiige. etc . we will fei.d I5n no'iees, and a fcOLIU -SILVEI; WATCH b ref-urr, piail.',' . Agents wanted, frendfor. our circular Agent allowed a large Cash Commution. by. which ... '-'' they can make Vttotekl'. V. 1 ' Addrefl p'aintv, - ' ''"' f ' t. ' . J30X 5138, ' 1 1 l'" Salesroom, ' : ;.; - 'ew York City, N, Yh'j 34 Liberty St. 10-9-3ms fejin. Otatemont . Of the con-ImoQ of the i .-ft' -. - , - 'J 1 , '7 , ... .... . j ..... Insurance Company of Tfew Yok, . Oiithel rtavof January A. D. 1565 -mdeto the .A'iditor f UieTertit ry or NEBRASKA-, pursu ant tu the .statute if that state. . ; ., ' -.' ; . . ,r- . . : Npvn T;r? T Teitio ' TT- nam e fM tit ny La THE HOME IXHURANLE COMPANT, in l!rC3, and 1 Cdiod In tbe Cily of Ne l'urt CAPITA T.' The Capital ef said C. ni,.an a- inil!v nH n ra h li ... - f . dn i.eot o The surplus on the 1st of January, '61." 1 , -7 !V Tjtil amnun. CTapital and S i-plm.' 3 6J7.C37' JJ Am't C.-h in fri it: 1 n' 1! . : -iit, ii Si,'4Cm 2-: t t. ' ) ..O r . ) :3 : i) ' t IIJ,753 Ok t " JO J " V v li'.-t :'-. ' lurke: v-t ., " L" S It ,n I. ?-.) ,'.fJ. C't. Sr C . 5 i;vi n..'. i tr ..t'r,' N ifd-. ? c, m. v T-in. Oiii., " ' , 12 0.' o' - 6 i ft i ih. II.4.1O ro I'l 911 . , 2 ) 4'H) w 60,'HH. t- . . " 111. : " , . i 1 i it ti 't " CaI. Ft " 7 " ' C ii. St B' l-s " N V C'y t! P B ii! " - " Q-ieeinCi. ' " Richmond e . " " . Hr'ty C'y Wi. " ' B.iii S'octt-i. " " SO CIO no I !l 0 i! o. J 63 i0 in. 1 2 5 AC d oo I no f 11,2 oo ) 415,353 CO lt7,103,'o " b ;ni-.on B -inl and ilorxidies he i'.c flrt lien on uniiiciiinherel real e.vtte Worth r-t lat Ji.t.OSOi) Vt.OtS 312 6 rate o; infer. it 6 St, 7 er cent Iiaris on Sioc- Jt B.mdd. payable J.mdd. payable") t v!u.i of e- -t $:9'2 3 IS. J cn demand, Die market 225,512 60 7t 537 5. 4 9.H) 15 21 7S7 3 44 5:0 13 26 145 2S 15 I -M 15 6 '5 -15 cur, lies t!eil;.vi!, at le Siearne'- Mamie1 and Wiecx. Anna. - t)'ie rr Pre'irrf "ii P l. U. at i (3 " Hi I receivuliie f..r P enDunis ou In lai its'. Ti,. tit. ri Ri.kj, atj ' " ltil:tu! Salvie. '" pnpe. i7, miscellaneoas Items " G.iveruni! nt Srtm, IntereitjJue cn 1st J.tuaa y, 13S5 $3,765,6v3 42 3jIAT3I1jITI33 Am't losses a'iji-ft-iel. il-j? and unpaid Vone 41 ' lticiirre., m pro of a'l.i,isr.'t $53 5152 " " rep .rtel. oa wh e i no aefn tni'u l.O.iO oo " ' Claim! resisted by company 20,i41oo " Dividend- declared due and unpaid I8f o " ' cab t r scrip, declar. but not Jae Jooe ' Money borrowed X .ne " All other ex. claims agalnt company None Total Losses, Claims and Liabilitle'i $77.3 Jt 52 The greatest amount ienred in any one ri.1t is $75 ooo, but will not as a uenera' rnleexcceu lO.o-io. The compaiiy has n peoeral rule as to the amount allowed t' be ingartd In any city, town, vtlijee or block, bein? governed in this matter, in eacii caso, b the general character of buildings, width of street, facilities tor put;ia,;out fire &c. A certified enpy of UheC5arter or Act of Incorpora tion, as axueuddU, accoinpauiei this Statement. ! STATE OF NEW YORK. ) Oi.y :.d i;..niity ol New Yoik ( A ItTimt F. WlLLMAttfrl. Vice-re,iJerK. and JOHN McGEE, Sebretary, o! tbe Home laurance Conipa-iy, beinif .severally and duly swjrn. flsposeaad say, and t ach for himself says, that the fores dn? is a tree. Tntl and crrtct btatemeut of tha afT.iNof the said Corporation, and that tuvy aie tua above deacrtbod UUiVvl O ftUClCUl. A, F. WILLM ARTII . Vice President, ' JOHN Jlcfif, iMcretary. Subscribe.! and sworn te.ore me. thi 55tj ly of January, 1865. J U. WASUBL'aN, ... .: ? Jotaiy public. Know all Men by these Presents. That the Home Insurance Company, of the City of New-Turk, do hereby authorize ny ano an aienis mat said Cnj pany bas. or may bereaner nave or appoint. . iu tb staieof Nebraska fur and on behalf vf .aid company, to acept and ackn-.wia'lga aervice of ail prucett. whether me ne or final, in any action or proceeding against said Company, 4a any of tne Courta offidi-.l Sate. And it is hereby admrttet. and agroetl, tt,at aaid .errice or the pioce aforesaid shall lie taken and Le.d to be valid aaj Mifflcient in that behalf, the same as it served cpou said aronrdin; to the lawa.auu prati:ce f faid tate aa- all claims or rixhtof erior by iea-H.ii i f tbe tuauier of Ectt ,erv- Kfi j i.ereby ipreji! waited aud relirKjuisiied. . n t:ues our hand and seal of l be Cou-canTftXhia 23 oay vf Jfttauaiy, lt65. A. f. WILLM AR, 11 V. P i .. . ' j JJllN IfcOKh,', &eci eiry. Application for Marine liiturant-e mado to JOHN L. CAKnOX, Apewt. 8-,4t lirownvtiie Nebraska. ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken np by tne liinr about five miles West of Crownvilie, ain.u; tha lUih dy cf October, 185. Oae ted and white cow , tri p cil'of ; the tLtrar, und-rbit in left ear. some white on ! . i r a ... . I tne inee. a vtars old lasi cs nn. One heifer ' partly 'white ininIr l with fed, red enrsand red noee. 2 yer.4 .M last;prirr. " ? J JSr.Iiii 1 Ii Uiut 0 Sen. Recenttr, 't rr near Bennett'- itnrs.'on the LittTe Neaiali.t. U:! t'.r rear eld S'eer, dark red. wi:b, r run vMte f-Tt , li:t!e tralht horns train;i)ed. with ' a larye W or M branded on ltd hip. And pee t'; year old S'eer. (lrk red all over. p ints . . . . . . ' ,A . ft ft OT- . - tornm oaci inu cnw, ni-wi i - -re tion of tl,ere whereabouts lefs al thi tier.,, scbnii's Jeweir"5tore sunauiy "'w.ri a'n'A-i ri-, w Ilerfe. nYssoarf Ilsiirr-- CONNECTS with tb nianbil t-1 t -R. at . JUeon Cily, 134 miles 4L'jt ef j and forms th 8 - ) T 6xi.Y A LI, HAIL ROAD HCrj .ToRl:-Il.t9l:ip0IaUMl,JortBai via M. Lou i. - ... ; , - Dag5a.Cheeke,l Tr?b. ar.d handle J Fr.. . Charge Tu-ket Agents tf II. i .St. jl JUVj wll not discriminate, and tasser-.-era ,': k ' choose their on rt ute. Fare by this rnuu i. ,C -ameto V. rk. rhiladeirhia, Ho,, 'f m-re, C:i:entnnt i itn ail puiau East, a by'w ' tJhii-ng... or nny roaie. ' 1 frn.?' -VtkctS Vi! th, .j, jj. i Kai'.nad have t,j . , . si.uri -xr rx -a. a- tv over the K-atsk raekeU; tey will's rui UO T' Navig..ti,... by niht. the ttDavidaM, lays inddent to atftMLuiiviU i.avigajiiJn bet'dftati .. - - orfh Mo. K. R. Trains await Dehji on the II. vt Jo. T..r,!r('.i.l, makior Titsnir, " certain i"n .nsCmrof a n'Mr-i:i nr i " . . r0r, . antjJ-ot a P-'MT.ilitjof- tJ Hiinni'aal an I ti:aaj wi r.her,!a'4i . cv-nneciiwii with boit I'm os. .actacui eucef. pasca via tle trth Mi.uri I:.lrcaJ tLaabyaatA route. ftnrtber'RdvtMi is, that- we tain connections wita tbo Ohio Mi.ji?iipp,- .J lantio i tirn.-if V"etein. St. Lou in A Tf re rjlt, and .St. Iiui- & ChiCfa JUiir.-a U, BfaCi( aj mot .'ui-rbly i-quij.pd l;..ftid ia tbe W'e-t. 1'aSffcnsfers have ine nht to chooge. )a ent, tienwith the North Hisyourf Hailroad, any f a above named R-nds i'.W.Z THE A.1IE. 1 L-ketstnn bo had at theTivkei Offic s ofiw, Hannibal A, St. Joseph Ki!r'jad. in .Sf. JoMph Aik tor Tickets by way of the North Wi Hailniail, an lseo that jour La '--a -i uCaSC li TIIROL'UU, isaac n. STirnnEox, Tres'taiid UcVt Sup tS;. (ij,lf, 11.11. WHEEUR, General Ticket A rent. t?t. Ucii ita. L. M. DL'.N.V, tJsneral Weatem JImsL p. ii. Emu: Agent. St. Joscp.1. Xriiiici" Xadies! TROT. VON VEKArS DIAI.IOu'0 OHOPSI 'aav--1 : er-tskil- VB2"XXYJI. 'for whica tbey are WAR RAN TED' 'la every inataaoo. Theyx are c rdiily rexnnineaded t U IftOdids who, frrm alckaaa 'other cauav?, are unable to andargV 'the perlla of acconchment. Taia ma4y ia .DIAIilOfiD DROPSL I ITot aa Abortive boa subbIt a tl?lTE VIZIS' XIATC,. .and ia not In tha leaat ixtja- rioua to the moat delicti t . conatitutlona. Zvtr j , .Boitle Warraatad., ftlftXT XVI3T . LIST TBT . IT. . CT Bend Xted Etamp for Clracdar, or 12.13 krUf Semedr. to C X KO&OX St CO , Oscar ,P O L rawar esei. Chicago. laiaoUi OSloelS wa Clark Street For aale at la Cajcatt kf BtTIOHAM3 & VA." 8CHAACX rXJTLia. 71501 St TTJLL2R, UfttD A 1X.1TU CTI it 3. S. ISITX BJftllTH Ss CWTZE. fed SCOTIXI i Ail A Prnu-if il IT'iim, epatainiBf U r.rtraita of of 1'nii.a Cow!a, tol livinjc and !ea T.'.a Jitfie PorW rVe tare Oal'terv. i . mv.-wiW to 10Coa al riotnre : al- h Mng' Carla, taca hic IUuaJooa aa4 card contininj the most til Cunur.ftiilN of tlto !). Ariv the auovn ,Tt hr tp t'T, prf-paid, e Pfipl of oO C'-n:. Agt-nta it;'.- i jiJ.tO pf At'ut'' als- rrh fvry 1'e .-r-.i m i ,' Vi: Xi.liona crli'-r articlr "nral.U r tr.- liig Aetata, at tt toweat maxlet jncts. ilJi. orJcra to C. L. JJKIGGS, 111 r..:UraSCiiarQ O. t 2 lSi" Hui J.u't. (J. i', 5 co TO OH. BI2H10VI .iND WT S-UFKE-i I' .rW ,r 'l.'- !r3 r- ;i c ; i ur Ii.Iiitp i ..; ji.tiew aaU it I; .-. II.- I.a n.a WllVATE DlJsift Ida -:i.ftI rtudv lor twc;tv yi Iii-m .i ti,- I ro"p- yrm b"" 1.7,. ttoiild c'tk-,o:t lit -jr 1j.s nUvrt. ( LieafcO. UluO" u L'o.tor may t o'lisu leu 'n J1 I a. k. uutll 8 a. .s'r $ t ltooiua i-,rat - .'ir- S.-!it rl vno for my n i.f Hft-aitu," jiutitalit-U naiaialy ai.d sut to any auirm PIANOS!' PIAHOS! j 5? a 8350 to $1,400. H. E. SilXTOxr&CO, I I Ai V. t on'tanny on nanu iuo r. bva II mcatof FIi.sT-CI.ASS riANiitjj 19 -n..'T?ein thf West. They keep tn INSTRU KNTS made by Wra. B . Uradbury, Ch.ambera it Cablen Hew York. Pianofbrta Company- Janes Vcse. " Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet Orp ml $110 to $160 E ch. A!-:, f.n hnl ftSccontl-Iiaud Pianos, ZUHit2h ite,. Ac. Ae. , .Which are "old at UaryunS. &lfjr " Circular" ad Jrice-L' . .t i .. - n. ;:-..!: "WSftTerootna : Cor. Fif th & Wiir t , (Under Southern Kiotel) J.S.W I0-5-ly. REAL ESTATE FOR SAL. t West half of north westqnarer, Sti f, east hal f north etxt quarter fr qoaater f1' Town 5 Range If, t 153 3-4 acres. . Sooth west, quarter Section 34 T111? 14. I6D acres. ' yr S balfsouth east qaar'tr rand north wei snath ea.stqniirfer Se-j 23 Town 8 R 111 acres Timber Lind. Lota 5 and H'.eek 4 Middle BrewnvHI. Lot 7b'ti;22, Nrith Browatille. Lot 14 Woe i 14, Drownriile. Trrms Cash, apply to . WILLIAM F. WILJ. Wit. II.IHMJVE3. Feptauber I;t. 18.15, 9-jO-I t Osage Orange ri:i:s2i rno.n texa. 5. can .' t frch seed, broapbt frtm " ' ,JS5,I, 'g4j f n-.; itnjudi.ttely to Wesley UunJsf ! Cvi!le. Nebraka. Or, lent:n 'r ' i'h W.U. yeCreery, Ci'v I ro Store. ri!l-T.N..r,sli.- WL'Sl.r.j rr.'' : 52-Cia fiT Cverrj.C3 !0TIC N'nliw"- that fO' -'.f acosr. v. i nt""- . i . i 1, f'?en IS -.1 .-. DATIPU- - , P- ft. I ftTPIT ft' edW ..etr:-' n1 ! , n..xnt . , ,-. Vjb. V'- '4!) "LV-", jH'. JIA - ' -n L r" a,' 3 if '9 Uf ; u Seed -j -'.riFVtieK 3-3;-iu, .