' J i ' 1 Irt flfffc 7W T? 1 10 rul ,n a Stcr Culrart, which h8 ever, 'hat be expects to fee able to put in a cood wooden trid yet ibis sv:"nter - JOHN L. COI.IIAI'P.EDITOR. I'- t V v - 1 Li . V ha. v. h;:ovV!I.LK TUESDAY. 0Vr. 2J IS35. Nver, p'jr.:p-. 'in tV.? whole history ' il;: M' ptiM:o uere p.!iiic3 si in'ich con futed a nt prspnf, or seminjly a rr.' '-r cfT rt uinde o creat cor.fu?ion. Tw rune? art du-ui the utiirntto edu '(.i' ti.1t p -polar iM to receive their !. cirir.es. while the crent mass of Union i;':vn iif ih r!ti.riry occupy a neutral po . ii' i u, !.te f ahich is the C-nsti-l'jtion of x'M: United States Thus, not V'-un fiiVe. 'the Dunncraty claimed Pre id' i;t J.ihti'nn. b Jy at.d sool. licit a word , he ti't't 1 1 d 1-ut u hs claimed t y them as tVif yemiMieiits exactly, until h:s speech lo a' requiem of nroe, u herein' he . Told ihefii thit th-y w re free, b?.d n 'twill' to' iivr. labor iii.d ic";ve" a ju.t cithjm3 'ion fjr :h ir labor in thi coun try." 'I h' uii more than li e D-tuocra-V y c )id 1 Itfkr. n:ii has ma-l ifTegiuallj nl-hfJ ihir hoiii-'d .endorsements ot ..!; Tre..d-jit. Oj the other haud, the iii.:;.S ;':e i gro ?'uQ.-a2e party lose no ih.v;?.o,. I iheycKti profit hy to make it : pr or thivi the Tre-id'-nt U playing into jiie IjiiJi vi the late rrbtls. Thus'it vii." n L-irf time itjce ihat the country uWi MMiAd with "dr-pa'cLe s to the effect ' ih.it ihc I'le.-ii'er.t was pardoning at the V-iSVcf Hi e i.iMidri-d rt ht-Is a day ; lhe?e di-pauurs' vv-re' doubiles intended tc "iiiif rivs the pul hc mind with the idea ih;ii tlie PreMdent w to- granting pard us ttiiciiiiiiiiately. and tl ert-fore uas at I-.i-att der'fuui to p!ea.-e rebels, t 'Ih'.-j two extreme factions must ttand Pltle fr the puny which endorse the ' IVesidrot. who is unquestionably seek ing i eli ir.j-j'.HCti "to uTiolJ the Cotisti jlu i :i and protaote the gnernl good of lhy vrl;!e country. , His poiti u - upjn recuuitrvciien i plainly indicattd in. bis caujvjiion with Geo. L.Stearn This jl.a b rt. pI-iifhed uf u r a careful revis. al J y the President himself, and from whtfh we ni'ike the. following extracts: - II. ihtt eon 'ftiei, red with tayingjhe States are'in xuc Uuion, vaica is whi-de aiid Hid;v: Llo. l-iLviiUmls tried to carry thpm'out, but did not Micoeed, a a mau xiay try t cut hi throat tind tie prevented ty the I y.--aMth r ; and y mj c.intut say he cut hi lhr- ni het-HWre lie H lfd tO do It. The State institutions are priFir::ted, laid out vu th ground, and i'.i y iitu.i l- laUen upitiid. adapttd to the 1 1 f ef ,f 1 vt ; this cannot be done 111 a moment. We i;;ui tv; hr tit tix nitich of a hurry; ilia letitr t- If 1 them rerou-tmct themselves ti:;i:t i f rce ihem to n ; tor if they go v iin :'. the power is 111 our harm's and v.et iiti 1 1 e U iheiu at any f-tae to the ct.d, i.r.d ihi;i'e th!n tu correct their f t:ir. The 1 1-ctive franthe i? n'i ;t 'tn'urh t i u 1 t but a political t 1 H'.'i e)t'0..-d fj giving tne Ma'e.s iin J also to agrent c u in ihe Centi at Gv. Vrr'ntii. If J tnterfend wi h the v. t We are satisfied the JcJ : his power for good roadi. DAILY HOXniEXT ASSOCIATION. We are pleased to announce the fact that an effort is being made to organize, in this: city. ,a:i-Association, to erect a Monument to the memory cf the How. S. G. Dailt, whose remains have been interred in Walnut Grove Cemetery. It is prr-posed to raise the funds necessary ly SI subscription?, thus bnu it within the reach, of every hyalman, however por. to contribute his mite, in token of respect to the honored dead. As a representative" man of Nebras ka, he stood without a peer; combining, as he did, the energy of the thorough western jnaa with the polish'of lh sate.man, overflowing with rei;ial hos: piiali'y arid genuine syn.j1athy for the wh-ile human femr. and a mind ami will born to ovueemf the greatest obsta cles. he v.as iruly a polished type of the Pion:ers. he re pteteiited so Ion? nnd so faithfully. Kushrioed in the hearts of his cotemporaneous fellovv-cltizeus, he i-i t tl desfrvesa more lasting memento M !us memory than the pulse of admir ing hearts, or the honest words of eulogj which may be hard on every hand; something durable, that future genera tions may claim as a glorious legacy frotn the past. His enemies, politically, acknowledges his virtues, his. friends should perpetuate them.- Nebka is to him indebted fcr much of i's present prosperity. Taking, as he did. upon his entree into our politics, the tr ie sjand of a far-seeing States man, ral.yti g around him taat which has been the loyl party during the late rebellion, he deserves a' tribute from every section as the father and founder of loyalty in Nebraska. No other mac we believe, could have accomplished the herculian ask ot revolutionizing party politics, at that time, so completely and so opportunely as he did Although his. meniury belongs to Nebraska, jet no more appropriate place than this could have been selected to inaugurate' the movement which "we 'speak of. , Other portions of NeDraskii .will' doubtless as sist - Une collar Irom each voter will erect a testimonial .of, which the whole of Nebraska may feel proud. Judging from those who are taking hold of the movement here, we predict for it a suc cess equil to the hopes of the most, sau- gutue. .... Swan li E'ro.jClO; Atki.ca w Co., SIC; James Cjrry.CIO; G. IU Hen derscn, CIO; Rainey ; Co., CIO ; Wo. H.'Koovt VC, C20. Tv. h;1:. Co.. SIC, and the "G-:i 'Jji .irri a" Dru: Stcre G5. ' , ' " ' Perei? an cpj rtuci" Ft. nr s, tc benefit yourself 'in two ways. These Libraries, if they are gained, may b8 selected by tho Club. By organizing you can have sent to you a complete set of Patent Office and Agricultural Re ports and'Seed by bur Delegate m Coai Organ ze ! gress. OCIcIal nomc Vote of Nebraska 1 r tV mu'-:'. y -wcr . ii n- u ti e r I tj S aies, 10 dictate that the J rto .-hall vote. I might lo the auie . ...w- ...... - c tiiitig Nr ny o ' n p'.rpose m I e insyl varn i O ir liuiy 3-4"' lies 10 allowing f nr.li ;S,'i' ie io c lit r. f ri-.h t of v.iting I y - 11 l.w. ; lr t!ie (ireat Cj v i r.iiM nt ii.rwlt ;h- rihi to vo e in tt.eSji:v. it o!ty est bit. 4i sucti rulf.- a i!i- rr'ri. 1 itif v.'" in a smill number tif j-ersorj?. ol hii- rrraie a central u'.mii. .. My position here "r-'H ;ir -lit fri.iu wh-'.l it'"Wuld be if I Tw-s to -Ttrinessvc. Ti trel should try ji r ir ..to:!i .f regto suffritge t'ftialiy hyj. ui-.o l(ui seiv-d 10 the v riiiT ; those v.; ... v.ii.l ri!id :f:d write, aud perhaps, p. 'p' iiv (j'i:t!.firHtiua for others, say 017 rV-1", 1' would not "do h i i i if fi'iime- have universal suffrage i.mv ; u iwtll br-trd a war of rates." 11 re is plainly shown the views cf rfji'h tit Ji'hnsoii. He kno vsit will no to to" ira n, til his exciti e capacity, to i'!;er streme. anJ he-Joes not. Di tt ro'inid 'o make rebels conform to the Y.w's'jre cf piiairs brought about by the rebellion, he will yet do nothing to im ti'Mt t ihrni against the Government un lik'f t'hirh,ih y must lire. Believing io qanl tj(T:age, he yet Mi'a us ihe Con' tiui'iui:fiy the bulwark of liberty. He is loirg all in hi- power to protect. ih? i.d'iorai rjghtsvf. tho?e 11 recejiily freetl. ! lie -t tly. yfi fi'.nily,. indif ating io the jate nbl Sia'eji "what they must di to-ho sorid." II's tuspensiiiu of the t!7iri rs" tu't i ily irru d, who could not t'aVi ibeoa-h-; hi pniuon that the rebel S'aes inuM rijH'!!;ite ih rebel war di bt, ?rr;d'liis nvniien. u other acts, all goto s'.'Vw ihafhe is nht onihe "r-jamques-irri." ' This is la inly rtccguized ty the jui5 of the people, in dtfi mce of the dH.5 le inf-ai.il u" sought to be placed -upni' his acts ly 'he extremists ; and wuilellie o M ni4ins he td.oold and will T tt ive thr tv on of the loyal party cf the coumty. ' : . We 1 av-jtiM hatd from the Sopervi Vfcr wL" prrsideii over the road destiny j.t il ia Distriit Judge Knn;dy. He infi'Tiiirt Hf that the n urshy spot i.n ihe Farmer's Clubs. ' From the Very date of our. taking charge of the Advertiser, we have recog nized in the Agricultural interest of this. County the bai of prosperity of the whole community ; and. seeing this, have labored unceasingly, both in private and public, to unite this inierist. Up to the present Ume our sucress haj ben but small, not from a lack "of interest, we are told, but from lac of lime anmn? those mainly interested. It is said that "larjre bodies move slow," if this can be -npplifd jo the movement we advorate, it ii.u.-t be trol) stupei dons. The only Farmer's Club yet organized in this ctiitj' is that in Fairview Precinc?, and this has been very irregular in its meet ings. Ue have stated time and again the benefit which a g od Club would be to each Precint ; and the benefits of combining ihe strength of these Clubs to get up a yearly County Fair. There i no interest pertaining to farming but could be discussed in these Clubs, and a combined effort made to attain any object they desire. All that we have said in this repect, every farmer with whom we have conversed, admits; yet no one man or set of meu in any. Precinct :with the exception of Fairview will ma,ke an effort to organize. We have talked oi this sebject (,'11 we are almost tired, but si nil not cease ci" disptj'r until the object is accomplished or s cesse to occupy the posiiion we do. We have come to the , corclDftbn !that to keep up a Precint Club, it shoula o vd a Good Library of Books upon -Agriculture, for the infnrn. ation and entertain ment of its-members, which; all could have access to, ta rpad and post them selves between meetings. To the end that we might offer some such : induce ment to the Farmers, we spent abcut an hour among our merchants list Tuesday, and secured the sum of $70 00 , to offer as a bonus fcr the organizaticn of Club', which we are to distribute ia the follow- CouiitUt. Itichurdson, Otoe, Cm, 1'awcee, tib, Juhh n, . . U'a-Liogton, Burt, ''utnfn, 1) ikon, f'iii.n, Oedr, ) d,e, Platte, ' ' ' Merrick, . rjaii; - " Kearney, CllUudT, ScWHraL T..fa4, Jluj&rities, Koui tt. Goodrich ,G illicit. Scaton ib9 273' 493 231 MO, 82 . US 75 62i KTI1 421 ' 717 4 43 402' 4:53 402 125 124 36 12 41 9 f. fc8 13 . . 83 15 49 2u0 SS 2M 413 &59 4 '() .rt " 222 .. ? 21 ... - 162 , . j 29 . 4i 65 57 ' 28 " - ; . .'23 - : ,47;, S3 , 47 3 10 3S 10 ' J ' 38 . lbi' li : lb -! ilb , SS 29 ,91 24 CO ' 182 61 82 35 f . 25 67" v- 67 8 S .1 16 28 10 27 11 -100'- 8 "100 ' 6 3 4UI ' 249' 3,312 ' '2,63 South Carolina Convention, that it must repudiate th? r-' : ",-ar debt, baa caused f - it excite xrr.ong the recesh io ;.-.8 Convent .1, who had about gjt things arnnged for its recognition by the ' ata; ien. KiM -airk his h?pn nr it--.? r :,. - liier io LUUi ' -r , ; 4 -J H 'Vj 7 j S'.ooo, ;oo ni.ooo.oooi - We hive beta informed that so.ne "in dians have been committing some depre dations on the Big" Blue lately, such as entering houses, intimidating the in mates and carrying off whatever they might want, etc - It -this be true, there is a "splendid opening' ror another In dian Commission, and we would suggest to Government to select it from the Ter ritory, as we have plenty of men of good "Indian treating calabre" already here for such service. .852 -64. The above showing must be truly grat ifying to every Union voter, in the Ter ritorjHitchcocky official majority last fall was 792 on the home count, -and since then the Democracy has left no stone unturned to make converts to their political faith, or coax their friends from other States , to move to Nebraska, yes, they even invited and fellowshtped with guerrillas, bushwhackers,, horae-.thieves and such to gain political sirngthjand yet the Union n ajorny rolled up at the last election is 852. , May the Democra cy prosper thus "muchly." . ; The consequences of. inviting the dis franchised : renegades of other States to Nebraaica Cityas was done by tha Ne braska City jpvs just after the adoption of . the New., Constitution of Missouri - are becoming more apparent every day. in the theft, larcney and rowdyism of that city, which js alarmingly on xhe in crease.' .Men have been knocked down on tne streets of that city and robbed, men, toasting of being disfranchised Missouri- ans, perambulate the streets in bands and make it unsafe for unarmed, pedestrians. Hors stealing is again on the rampage. Three horses were stolen on the night of the 14th from that, city; one from Julien Metcalf, which ne has, since re covered, and two (over which we stall shed no briny tears) from J. Sterling: Morion. This is rather a steep contri bution on Morton for their assistance in 'voting down the blue-coated, brass-buttoned yankees." J As this gang, in going back to Mis souri, may take a notion "occasionally to make a levy on this county, it w juM t i well for our farmers to be o;i the 'loik t: For the Advertiser. ' Pawnee City, Neb., Nov. I0:h, 1SGJ. V Via as . A . . JjUilor Ji avert iter : Agreeable to promise I send y.ou a few notes gathered while sojqurning, temporarily, in this thriving young town. .The organization Of- ' . i , ' - - ' ' ' , ... - ,i -Jpawiiii; corifTY I occurred f on the ih day. of .November, 185G. . At that time there were but three settlements in the.County : which .were located on the North Fork of the Nema ha, the South Fork of, the same stream and a small settlement on Turkey Creek This county is one of the best Avatered in the Territory. The soil is the usual light loam, overlying a fine clay subsoil, that only neje as the subsoil plow to be as productive as any on earth. . '. TIMBER ; . '.. '-..' is found on twenty-eight streams in the county, furnishiqg . a sufficient supply if economically used, for all indispensable purposes. Near these streams are set tlements, where thrifty farmers are reap ing as fine harvests as the most grasping could desire. Upon several of the trib utaries of the Great Nemaha veins of... filTUMIKOUS COAI. - ' in workable quantities, have been dis covered and some of them are now worked.. The Coal is very soft and re markably iiree from Suiphur, and for Blacksmiths ase is cinercelled. As in Gage County, exists everywhere, and is easily quarried and excellent in quality for. building. : . - j PAWNEE CITY he County Seat. was laid :out, -and the -4 Gcat Senate I "Watches, Clocks. Cbiins, Diiiuond Ein?j, JteloJeias, Sewing Jijciinea. PUnos, &.e. TIIAIiKSGlTEiG. ' Proc. nation of the PresidsrJ vf i.' united iacj. .Vu ebea It.h,5 pler?ed Ar.vhr j G-d; 'urin; Ytar uhith ; cou on;- I irg-1: , an et) to, relieve c ;r ot? ove-.. c untry fi wia".the f:irf :l scovrje t. civil ir, j nd lo p-'rmi. us'iJ secc. thti tie sjngs of petce; unity and harmony, ....i a great enlargement of civil liberty, and Whereas, Our Heavenly Father had, also, during the year, graciously arrested frorarBathf; calamitiss, of foreign war, pestilencp and famine, while our gran aries are full of the fruits of an aburJant season, and Vuereas, Righteousness exalts a na tion whil8 sin is a reproach to any peo pie. " ' ' " " " Now, Therefore, I, Andrew Juhn"X, President of the United States, do here- uy icvutuiatiiu i iuc pcupc .mcicui ui.u i riu,, uuu 5 40 U-1250 each. they do set apart and observe the first I ioP!:ws. t iii- tet jttnufctnre. 3-it we;a t-u j e r . i j V. t Sii us Mai l itf vi te beii ., b o 16o ecl Thursday of Dtcember as a day of N.i-1 1& Uei la, llunlllJl4 0 w.ach 6 lcch tional Thanksgiving to the Creator of ,25o l.u, Ovid uu smei Hnuum- 6o Genu' Uauting tj SiUer Wttcikea 35 eu 7u eacb 2oo Uiafiiuiit Riu - i 6o to loo eacU booo Gi(l Veot u'l Neck Ch.in9 - 4 to 3 each Suuo . Oval iuca iir.eleu - 6 to lo eaca ooo Set uu Guia Brateiets - - C to tw eco 2oooCt tela too cdains aos Gnarl cbii&s 6 U. 6uvo Corl, upal ana Eoein . b.cu bes 6uuo Mosaic, Jet. Lava c'i..i u .'i ! K . Ynnt'.t tl. minor, aiij; Si ward. "'""",r,", To !1 . . . W U known tooata. tj,a d' . e. th IV,bi C.,ort of thl r J"U. $1,000,OCO lYorfli of TTatcbes, Diamond rixis,CIialas, it In 53, ar. Alt tu ie oid lor ONE DOLLAR EACH! Wit'ivCt reerd tornue! h'ut to lie pai-4 for natil uu kuor wtiat you are to receive 1 104 CUs (Fr4uri' S and 21 day clock. .n Iame, guardian r.f Ao-irew J.Dri-, , ' k c;4 hil peti-i"n dilj vf-,lf 5ki'f;Us oi prinn oi ire rca; : te purpoae there ia set f.rta. Ii t--, W"M-'' court from ?.it petitJoa thil it iiVV- lto'--woa!J be boQef:-i,i f the Ti Pn,. eiUte.or gmepart of it.?hon!i be.n u '"B an.i ill Per..c3 inierwi i3 hi, e,,i n'4 fore the conrt n the U d or VA. X V i court, io Crownvilie, to hw cause if ' J : iit, wbj it lij. nc e b.,a!d Eol b '.l"7.!u;s i'jtU of u:h real estate. 6 J ,ut. ti,irjj. 10-9 Zt. $101) MASTERS SALE. i N-.tice ij hereby gr-n th-t pur-aar.t tn . , of tbe ritrict Court t f .NVmb i Ccont, V3 Dripi . - -s - . 6oo California Diauiond a.- O.opa 3 jo Co i -4 Fat) aal Vet wkD neya ftov a;t Soliialre S.ee vis Uai uu the U.ui verse for these delivertnces and Hessings and d i furtner recommend that en the occasion the whole people make e.onftssion of our. National sins against His it finite goodness, and with one heart and one mind implore the- Divine guid ance in the ways of National virtus and holiness. v.j ' In testimonv whereof 1 1 have hereunto , j j j., m .t ' 3ooo Goid Toiuiolea, eenciln, 4l9. set my hand and caused the seal of the loow Miaeatar tocke.a - - - United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington, this 28ih day of October, ',in the year of our Lord 16Go and' of the Iruiependence of ihe United "States the OO'.h- (Signed) ANDREW JOHNSON. By the Prestdent., : Wm. H. Seward Secretary of State. Tproitorr. Ia chain arv. at it -r ' "''ii lSQj.ia tbe ca, r,f Jnj F Lu-ho' J pUjnant, T,mH R'.-hurl V. Hu'b-a . U,r of the E-te or T.r m, J -f dy. 7' na J- fft r.J mf J T-r .Nn iL V frr- William -ff-rs Unae J.J r, U 'T Nn.-y A J.-rT.-r, M., Uel K.JE'l- n' J-ff-r i 1 Ji hn L. Car-n ,1. f 04D'j u'.T' On the ISth d.V of Drct-mP - . .vr mit.ai PH j; out. VVe learn thit there was a meeting held at the School Ho-ise on Cao.p Creek. io Oi.de County, last Tue.diy, for the purpose of organizing a plan for the erection of a Farmer's Fiouriug Mill. VVe will likely give ths proceedings next week. " ' , ' , By the way. cannot some of our Farm ers enlighten us as to what is being done with a similar plan originated in tne Fairview Club ? We would like much to see the plan succeed, which it will if those most interested only have energy and coLfiJence. ' ' " mg rranner : nod ner-r Srtj-p "s iinj.-t be Indeed, that C CciwivsMimri will do nothing i'w'wuiJs il," cud that the District is not Tu the" First Precinct Farmer's Club, which i already, tsr thall be organized within the next two months from this date, which thall ke?p up such orjraniza lion, mnting regularly once a ircefr, and sending a true copy of the p-eceedings of each meeting to the Advertiser for publication which shall be evidence of such meeting we will, at the end of the three months, given Library of Books on Agriculture w rth 533. To the Second Precinct Farmer's Club organized within two months from this date, and conforming to the stipulations in the abore, a Librnry worth 520 To the Third Precinct Farmer'? Club, organized within the?Hme date, and ron fprming to the stipulations in the first, a Library wcrth 15- "' " This jua will be donated as follows : THE NEWS- The San Antonio Express represents an unparalled drought in Texas. Stock ia reported dying' throughout the State. Sandwich Ulund advices say the pirate Shenandoah has burned or bunded 33 of the 95 whalers in the Arctic fleet, the remainder are yet to be heaid fiom. News, from Brownsville, Texas, is decidedly favorable to the Liberals, who just captured Monterey. . 'Ihe Liberals were beseiging Matamoras, with good pro.-pects of tuccess ; although the Im perialists will make a stubborn resistance and reinforcements are on the road. Tbe affairs of the Imperialists are said to be in a precarious condition. An Agent of MaxmwIJioii is said to.be on his way to France to demand' 40,000 additional troops and $1(K?, 000,000 to sustain Max imiilion, in the event its cot being tent, it is said Maximillioa will hare to abdicate. The Imperial troops 5re being witnarawn I rum tne outposts ana ccucen trated at Vera Cruz, Guy of Mexico A Proclamation by the Governor oj .Nebraska Territory. Whereas, we are dependent upon Gd for indvidual and national prosperity, and every good and every perfect gift, is from above and -cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no vari ableness neither shadow of turning," and Whereas, During the pa?t year our kind Heavenly Father La;; been pleased lo remove from us the scourge of war, and has caused peace to asrain smile- on our beloved country ; has withheld from us the ravages of pestilence ; has cao?ed the earth to bring forth abundaMy the rich fruits and "harvests, and permitted commerce and agriculture to resume tht ir accustomed channels, causing peace and prosperity to reign once more within our borders, and . . ; . Whereas, It is becoming in the re cipients of these-: intestimable blessings to express a. nations gratitude and a re liance upon the Almighty for future pros perity, for ;BIessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord."-. Now therefore,-!, A laiw Saunders, Govefnor ot the Territory of Nebraska, do hereby arpvint the first Thursday in first sale of lots occurred, in the bpring December as a day of public Thanksgiv of-1857; -The Countv'is the Proprietor. ne, (being the same day appointed by tu rc w.i-nr. T n the President of tHe. United States as a ,f ,T. . , r .,' j.ji . day of National Thanksgiving.) And I soon after; : Up-fo about I860, Pawnee Territory to observe the aforesaid dav as aid uot mate very,rapio strides in popu- a aay cr puonc nankseiving, Dy re lation. But in 1862 Rev. Mr. Burch. of fiaimng from , their secular pursuits on the Methodist ' Episcopal Church,'- and lhat d,aT' mbling at their respec- . : . live places of worship io oner thank-giv- Prof McKenz.e conceived the idea of inland praise' to our Henvenlv Father establisning a Seminary at this point, for His lovin? kindness to tho children and at once set to work., With Prof, of men. .That sirnultaneoutly trMri 'II McKenzie to conceive was to execute Pis of our beloved country, prayer an l I rt m . r . ml '. t ri . t r I K . . K..m , .... r.f e devoted his time and energy to the ' , e , . ? . p A task ; obstacles lhat would appall most volume from a grateful and once m ire men were met and overcome. A, small united people to Him who holds thede- . , , . , I . ; r I :: J.. l l i room, jy.x-:. was secured and nere the oi luuinuuais as wen as uauuusas m the hall jw of His hand r a w r . In testimonv whereof I have hereunto first saw. light. The work must not end scl roy hand, aud caused to be affixed the hre. however; A scnool that should do great seal of the territory. Une at honor ta the coun'v was to be the fruit "T ot -ana, tnis 4tn day or no 4 m (i en!i t,bo tw O null i iO 6 cucO 4 to o c K'b U.V(0 " 1 1o 2 it!u Jicatacb A lo i eacn 4 to it eaca 2 6t io lo eaca 'l tv lo eaca vtinber, A- D 1865. ALVIN SAUNDERS. Governor of Nebraska, By the Governor,, ; A. S. Padoock. Secretary. mr ADVERTJiSKMbNTiS. I IS I llllfMB! of thi3 labor, and. tinally, this fall, a fine school edifice, 26x38 feet and two-stories high was erected. Here the School is now located ; and from the 5 scholars in the small room has grown to an aver age attendance of 80 pupil. PROFFESSOR M'KE.f ZI x is a graduate of .Union College, N. Y., and is aD exrerieiiCfd and . successful instructor. . ills popularity is unbounded mw. ... . - - i wi inin me encnins- wwk. wdo w u uave mt ,ar-re.i herei and I predict for him the success in number of pictures made at Walesa's Paotograph -, . , . , , , , . ic Kot-ms, (Post Office Building.) hi, cMurnrico n hifh hie roiiao nt.n nta x exertion has so nobly merited. Asa j' H.MliAi JNUllLJ. Taken np by the tindersiirned living 212 m !e South West from Nemaha Ctr in Npmba Coun ,v. LftKro.lra " . ih. 9Tot J f '..t.mk.i ! W rt t . . 1 . I V! " ""J t" "vti, m . rawnee iiiy uas jew uuencrs in tne in- One red and white epeckled. Steer, with swallow t'o; f TJKracba At r.co ,uOPO fork in each ear , branded on left hip with '-J," v bush of tail off, three years old la-t .s.,rins, AIoo are - three Dry Good Store?, one Drug one black Ox branded with "A, C,"on each horn, , , . , 0, . uoai uve years iu. - . Store and a few Mechanic's Shops. A Nor. 21.1865. ISAAC J. JARVI3. It, BUSINESS LOCATION ooo , - Magic Spriaj Jooo Gold TooHpiiks, Crone, &.c 6uoo eiain Gola Kings - -booo Obasbd " - looo stone Set and Signet Rins lovuo Calilwraia Uiauioud ItiD Som Laaies' Jewelry jet ane Gid ia 15 ea.li fcuoe ' . Cameo, Perl, Opal aud other biouus 4 to 15 each Iooo' Gold Peus, Laiver Juxteusiou Hold- na ana etuuls t to lo each to) Gold, ki'ti Oo.a Mounted Koln'g f loioeacn 6ooo " " Jtt-eiisioU 15 .5 eacli ttvv Ladies' Gilt auU'Jei Eucke.s At, 15 eaca Oooo " " Urtir iias-.- . BjI.s 6 ta loeacS 6ooo Silver Goblets aaj iriuui Cuoj 6 io Go eacn Sjoo " Caara 15 to 5j eaca iooo ' " Jfc riui card aud cake Bakeis So io6u ea.n froo Uvseu S.isei kea Spooaa, lo lo 2oF.d. luuou " - Taole opoou anl Porks !io to 4e iu ucnie4ueao ol iuo graat d.ijuaUou o irde Hi Ibo .lutiiat iai IU tl;riCL of Jp rUco and iui, a lare qiiauni ot Viiuaoie Jeweir, on0i latviiUoti ir luo iIurOouu market., du Dtscu ul oJ lur sie iu lit i a couairy , aud must 04 soioi any sacrias! Under iue circuoisticct;, riAiiiLiU.N k CO., acou ad AgLnulor the pria ciul Luropo.ii iiauu.4c.ui'ui's,Laf e reso.Tca ujou a " - Ghat Gilt Uistrioutiua iSuojoci i iaj ouoWia reuii.o.i : . Certiiicaie ol tu vr-ous articles a.e U'3t put into tuTelye, t..d up, and luiaea ; tuti wuen ordeied,re Utu ol.Ii wiibontrtgaad io cu..ce,aiia tent by mau, ihue biv iu A a tu chauce. On re ceipt vl tne cernuca.e, j ou will ee wuauyouaro tu have, anu then it is at jour option to send me dol lar aud take the article or not. Purchasers ma thus vbUiu a fuao, Alelodoon, Sowing McHiae, Uoid wuiu, itiawoud Sing, oranjr set ot Jewblr on our Osnoi U.Nt. LOLLiAri. SenaO Cents Tor Certificate. In all traiis.cUuE bj mail, we shall cuars for forwardiuij Uie oeriiataifcs.pajring pue, aud du iLg the Ononesa 23 oenisttiach, wbica must be en eluoed when tne certificate u sent fur. fire cer tificates will be sent $1, eleven for 2 thirtj tor $5,' siitjf-fivo lor $1(5, and 1UU lor 15. AGATS.9 want agents in everj town and count ij m the Country, aud those acting as such will be alowed 10 cenU on ererj certioata order ed It tCtin, provided their remittarce amounts to HJv liall.in -b- ( itJfr Ht;ny;v I hi iVt-a v. for.-,aid. 'the bfr, rrra f fid court f.r :d I'nHnti v , ls f. il.win i.rvuii'e. to-it : Th ,-r'a i t" ' ter . .S.t tijT laelre 12 in T-wn-h p .-1 't of Ran,rt' Ct'teen 15 Esat in said .Vjnaiut 15rownTille,Noverr.her. 15th Isij " WILLIAM G. GLA.t 10-9 4t SheriJand pwwl Master ia CLi-'.!,.', MASTERS SAIX ; Notice is herebj giren tht ruruant toisr.i 6faleuiida bj rh- li.itrici t'-ari S4 5 County, Nctr:nk.v 'Perritery ia Chsprr u ! Fall Term A. 1). in tta ease f Chambers aict John it. W'vllt, Ta.n. rj! and UrialC. Johnson. I wil le4' On the ISth d iy r.f Decpniber.A DlsV at one o'clock p. mt the fr-nl dnr rf - ',' Hill, in the Citj of UrownviKc, ia N-mihs C.?! afore?aid, the phee where the l,t tn. B J Court w-g held. 1 Set for raJeat putiio m tjj u th bicst bidder f. r ea.-b, the Vt et h!,'4. South" Esl quarter f Section 2s in Towtuiiu, North f FUoge 13 E tst io rail Nemaha Cwb't Brownfille, fuTm'oer. U'hlSiH. CUaULES O. DORSET, 3. Mater in Qate-Jr MASTERS SALE. Notice is hereby f iren that, I will (,fr f,.r u, at public auotiou at tbe Irr-nt d(- r f 1-d lull :i the Citj f Brownvilie. Nem.iba (''.untj. 5. vk , Territory that b:r the bniWinj; ia abu t ibt ' last term of the ri,trict Court for said IW.tj j Nemaha ws held on the 14ih day of Dec. IS60 tt ci9 o'clcx-b p. m the followicg nal e?rUr i;l..d i said Conn'y of Nem-itii. t -wit: the x.a:h Wt quarte1" of the north weat quoxter 0 ettin lit Township 6 ntrth of Uaoge 12 ast, tMca ss ti property of SamacLTrowdeo, upon attach aeului execution in faror of Samuel Soath ii-jJ ovt f tbe District C'-ort of sai 1 Cosnty of Neauis i;4 to tn directed as sheriT of said t'oantr. Dated- Au-o-t 2t5th TSJ5. W. G. GLASGOW. 0-4t itrit. -Ja MASTERS SALE Notice is hereby givtn that I will r.ff-r al mV.',t auction at the frrrt door of R. B. Fr,iMoni D4 p'njf in Tecnm.eh John n Ct.untr NebraVa Te. ri rv f thatbfiDT the r !ace of holdiaztha lt trs Agenis will collect 23 ceuuS for eFry oert.- ' nr he Di-tnrt Court f.riid Coanty. cate, and remit 15 cents to usy eitner in on ci Oti tha 2d da? of Deceml T, A D 1SC5 po nags stamps. Agents remitted at ono?, $30, will Do entitled toaoeauutui aiirar Waicu, and also 20U ceruiicates. r , . f", .. ... Pleaett write your Name. Town, County and Jjjue plaiiiiy, and address a.l orders to IIA.HIll O.Y &, Co., Agents lor tetoi, A Aua, ica iiauufaetnrers. aiwroom,' . O. liox b6l 3 , Sew Turk. 35 Liberty Street. 10-10 3ji. f1 a 1 i at j MECHANICS AM) BLACKSMITHS lVaicr in S.-oves, Tir4w;:re. Hardware, Fa.in Vs To.. Ac, Uiis just brought to this uvuk- t, ai.d of fer lor al3 a lure and well seleoter dtock cf O IT jH now In use. Aim a large lot of Fa. tvt' Too'?, di rect from tta Manufacture, ?Ui-h as if i.c f.V k vi P. 31 nf ?id tltj the foil' iEFl Ftt.' r, wit : the L'ait half t.; t'.ie Norta 5 ou.ir t r ..f Section Ihiny 30. and the t.f .f the oor.ii .!;; r -tion tru'y-alLt 11, Towoeuip four u.,r;l. 1 rnDe tittea II,?.. Containing one handrt4 xrA ijtr 1M aeres. i'w the sooth emt quarter f ection nitc U in township fiur 4 north f rnnje eleven trt,'n eepf ten nereis b-n g tbe f tth weyt qnarvr i.f ta aoufh wect quarter i f fil on:h eat j arrreoa tHininjr one bond-ed ;)it PTfy l.'iOre. ;'o'-l in tbe Conn'y f John" !, nrrf Tnn'orr i f Srhn ka, on ii i.rder of rate i-:-.. d by h Kcr''fr i Chan ery f aaid C.'Uf in faor nfJula L. Cap and against Jhis S Ii;'y a.lmii;irt. r f.f '.' Estate of A'orj R. ILiur .ie as Srecial M? rr In Cr ry. Gin und er h"r..J t.. - 1 d-? ? 0-'Cr, 4.D.5MS V,-. A. I KK.CN. .-Mr ? 10-7-4? er. Sjtu. M:iUr. " ES'fl7 V I TfN Y. Taken up by th ur r ;'.. 1 living or? ai 4 quarter mile S'uh rf l'r. vrnvilie, Nbr'ia, oa the 20-hday of Oct., b Oua DUk Pony, about four yarj ' ',!. Pr-wnTii: ...Vv,-, i t la.V A.NN. UANDLET. fine store room, in which will I soon be established the fourth store, is in process LEGAL NOTICE Horshoes ALL KINDS o LXiK.V HANU1.E H A ED T7A EE r ; .. 4 Ccnsistic? of AXES NAILS . -SAWS LOCKS ' . , SCREWS ; - ' BOLTS ' . llLNGES&c. Gunlocks, Tubes Tnggess Wipers Shovels . , Shades Forks, etc., Anh.- y P. C f.f-ti J"rf re Ci?r G. T."T v M yr !bf Cltfaf 8r.;3- SfiCijtt P?-i erf::r. .-. K.b- UT-r'i'- ii .lav if (' :. A. D. 1 563. ! r is --;.'! ;i order f :. 1- i' 11 n-9 '- 1 'jr t j-"! m of Si'y- 'Ive "!p11 ir. -ifv 1 i:e, i-a , 1 14 Elias Rowles will take notice ttiat Arnah B m r 1 .a a.i . nf .prppiinn. IJver tnis store the Udd oowies asa on tno into ay ot .ivmnnr A. l , .... c tT .. , io5 n.e sjoiii ormpunnt in tnitsricH r.'jrt of feiiowssre ouiiuiujj a une nan. wuicu emvba County Ncrr.ka TerrKory in Ch mcrf they hope to open by .New Years. This pj?" r r - 1 0f which 15 i 1 1 js 1.0 i-.. .i 1 for .l t, omolaiat a de cree of diTorce fr tn the id tlias Sowles. And tbe cs& id l-Jus ow,'e is in t;ficd that be is required to appenr and answer sad Biii on or be Town is new and has many prominent among which is a good Hotel. At present there is no Hotel of any kind, yet the town is full of Student boarders fore the 8th da? ot January,' A. D ISfty . . J - DOKSLY & RICH, 10 4t Solicitor for ComuUinant. . MASTERS SALE Notice Is hereby Kiren that I wi IT offer at rub- lie auction at the front doorofR.'B. Presscn's and has a considerable travel. An en terprisinff Landlord.'vrho would keep a dwelling in Tecumseh, Johnson County; Nebraska r r Territory, (that beir. the place of holding khe last coou ncuse, wouxa SOOB make a iortune term of tno Uistrtct Court for said Counts San Louis Potose. , The Empress is pre-j here. .-A Hardware tnd Tin Store is n tbe 2(3 aT fif;Decembe, A. D- 1S65 pann.io return to Europe. IheLibe-. , . j j . n a " n0 "ck r.i.,oi saidday tneiouowmg iu,ai rals are much elated over iheir late sue -,so raucu ueeucu as F k f"" 1!?' of .'tnis description are brought from tne ten 10a,tath-.ilth Pnir Mendiaa.situl- ces. They hope much frcm this Gov ernment, which from recent movements in Texas of ou forces, they have a per fect right to. 1 '' The pirate Shenandoah arrived irOhe Mersey on the 6tb and surrendered to the guard ip Donegal ; Waddell, her commander, says he knew nothing of the ciow of the war until he met the British war vessel Barracoota on the 30a. of Au gust, and that he immediately cuusigued his guns to the hold and steered for Liver pool . : v The Florida Contention annulled the ordinance'of secession, abolished slavery. madj negro testimony legal iu cases where colored persons are concerned, re pudiated the rebel debt, and adjourned. The excitement, in Canada: over the Fenian r, ovement is on the increase. , Gen. Logan will doubtless be app mint ed Minister to Mexico. This appoint ment is considered favorable to the Lib erals. ' ' .- Th dispatch of the President to the ii e a l I . . l : 1. 1 r vi t. . T -. I as the property of Zeif rSt-marrin on an order of WOUld aiSQ iQ0 Weil. AH especial want sale in favor ot tlenjamin Lushbaugh isriuadby . - D,a oa , u opo the U lstnct Court of Johnson County, Nebraska at; present IS , a BriCk-Waker, as tnere Terri torT)ftni to me directed as Special Master in 1'iilt tiPTt siimmpr I Chancery. ; . - , . w,a GiTen-n?(lerEiy w ttu 33ib dayof 0;.tober) ana one or two Dusmes iiuuses, aim u a.h,ibo. , , . , ... - . I Li "W. A. PRESSOR, Sheriff ClSsire IO DUlia OI onu. , 7. and Special Master in Chancery. . - Pawnee is the centra of a fine agncul- It is also true that bos' the largest and best St'k j( y"esaaaaawafc afwaastk Ifk WtS J?'"' MliJ I I : ' A d 1. C5 O o O u o C3 GO O CO C5 . ct Cx5 Sheet-Iron, Copper and Japan Ware, Iron: of all Kinds, Hails, y z Cut and Raught. on band ever offered in BROWNVILLE ' Clieap nsthe Cheap o;t. My tin Shop is always ia good raun.ng orasr where work of all kinds rroin a pint cup t a sm e stack can be doa la good workmanlike m.tnner. Repairing can be done at any tima and in Style. . -- ' ' trxnted at all times " ' Hags. Copper and Brass will be taken Ia exchange for good3. SIiop In TT. T. Den's Old Stand, 52-y!y One Door East of Hill's Store. Not. 18 Iy 10 lo , ID. . m I Wher a choice selection of tfii l '1'. lowing article i an alway he fuui i. Fine Dress 0(d,.C"n-Htisg of go.d Lat.f'" and eUaap, - Baloioralls Skarta . Sabias, Shawls, Fiusiery, Fine and Coarw Shoes U Dress Goods UH numeroaa ta mention. AJso Gents Fine Cats , any . and erery qa':t7 Boon and Sbo. Collars, Fine Shirts, Shirts, Ac., ., Cannot do better than to trsde ith the'uudersiirned. G. M. HENDERSON-. Oct 25th ISSo 9 5-ly ra.a. MASTERS SALE. Notice Is hereby alven that I will offr atpnblic anrtion t the f-nr k.r of R B P e -t iu'i direliini inTern7nfh J bo . n Couty Tebra-Ja Ten itory, (that MASTP.RS SAI P. tnral country, ana win always comiaana N0t;ca i3 hereby given that I wii; offer at public c,. auction at tne jrni ur ot n. a. rresson s awei a n.ie iraae. l. 1 . t i . r vi u . t But I find that while I have not written ritory, (that-being the place cf hoijingthe last Ian mai a ucsucu, att.t, On the 2d dayof December, A. U lfc5o teaheptare r b ,-iu.K ct u-t w!ns.u d. ; I -r . r . . . . . . I In tr.M lf 1 T:0 .Ml n. htlr .4 II I - . - i , i xteai HjALace to-wcuaiouia week ouiuutr- " -- . . 1 d3ire. It Some lU'Jre time, tO speak! ti0Q foor-4) in Townshi o fenr (4) north .f Range at or.e r.'el k f . X ef aid day following Re.,1 Ri c .1.. a D0c-,o. nf fM. eleven (111 east of tbe sixth Principal Meiidian , ' '',' tu---er-..r ecti .n ihirty twa Agritunui-s - .itati Jnhn9n CnnntT Nebraka Terntorr. i ' ,n. "n"',' i ,6) norrhof Raugo ter. (.0) eaitor . i - j - , r v : k m . . i . i u ... ii . . ESTRAY NOTICE. T.iVeranpby the and rsi -ned Hrics afcoo j mi-es West ot UrowcTille, afcotrt the iOJ w , October, IS J3 One ted and white ewfT".p.'V, th rightear, nnierbit in left ear. some wb'ts the fhce. 5 years old last spring. -One heifer party white ciingied with rw, r-. earsand red not;,2 year nMlastpriaj. J Jtlill Tr-03t'. , - Taken as the Drrrperty of Lawrence Knebler on an r. . v-,., ..Vr... ...... . .. ir .j ..i- ..nt order of rale in favorof Benjamin F.Lacbbairh jame a. DaiiT Mimh.i-traior -,i tbe K u. ct i!-.ued by the District Conrt of Johnson County in i -bo Br..wn deceaselln ravurof Wi.liam 31. Jfartball below Chancery and to iue d irected as epecial Master in j iud j te UUirict Curt of Jubnaon Cuiuty Xe- urit i.vrrir.ol79 aiicibv Bio uu cfcet mm ter in Cuancery. Giren lmder my band this 30th day of October, A. D. 1SS2. , W. A. Pa3SS0V Sariir Mt arJ Sjiat Matr ii; Ciancery. - We learn that a farmer iust KulO was, last 2aturaaj nint, ra&Oaa OI Uirer. nudrxny hand Uiis SOia . day of October, a mule, saddle and bridle, $10 in money, . ' . w,n Q, .r B&d a pair of mittens.' r-d in4Spe??a! 3!ater in Cbncery. Eecentty, at or pear Beunetf- Jtuia, oo 'J1,., ( Neinana, One toiee yr oU Sieer. daii reo. , b c a bite sr'ta. traitbi brn brBcX'7-,wrfe ) a larae W or M bramtea oo left hi?- nlw,:Lrn 1 year old Steer, .iara re1 all ver . v- D,!M'' turned back anJ c'fe4, tra:;de-l w;tb " j tioa of tlere abeeabouu left at !tntflo L. j Senas' Jewe:ri Stire. saiiabiy rtwaneJ. Osage Orange Seed Persons" within,; a supply of 0-a?e can fct fre.h d, brouaht fr. a i J, r J f-irimjj-diatelj toWesiey Danias, r. u- H,r Eroaar.Ile. lraka. Or, S-S th;V f ilje. N-braika. ELE p i2 3n jjtkOiTC'? )"''