Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 23, 1865, Image 1

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Oaofoarthl Ciloici5',Eye6f-
0n eigbth colnas o? yer
One column fix inrntba
On fcilf rnlnreo tlx aioat"'
I oC0. V7. HILL CO, '
VjrrtUri ......
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i ' -'i'i'jviil v xJ v v.-
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i rV- IIC. M SV.. 77, II..'
Oa fourth rolari x tzo-i'U -
Oao eibtb eclumn - , y
On eolnmn Ur tt'Ct: - t!r
Oashniicolamn thr-e so tu
039foBrtbfolnir.pthr-enHt.tBt -
Or.eeigbtb coluron tbre-n:r"'b 1 S3
Annr.uclrj; fr.r ..C-- - ... V
Antrn'iertadfcriisemtrt u-ut 1 1 j J ta tl
ranee. . . ,
Yerljt3rirtiprafntrTi-'r?ii i:. frTe..
MI kin of Jub, Koot a mi rav.! ; - n,
I i s ! f i I i i . ! . f ; II I ..-
T B KM t
J advance, - - sov
whption, tunt iid tnAdvaoce
k ITjrt WI 'lln n1 rncr Job Work.
17" " h.ttyie. anion abort notice.
BR0WNVI1XE, NEBRASKA, K;"TjaiaRSii ! -ITOVEMBEK -?3,;1 865
I ? - . ,
w - ' '''LIB ERT Y AN D UNION, ON E A N D , INS E P A R.A B L E. O W; . A N D F O K E V E R." .
.st:;.ess cards.
- t n " r i u it w ru
i, d Boiso.vtpnoiniKTon;
'." ' rt.t.p'wfen Mhim u Water,
l''.',.n.Tir IT? VTniM'IL't
rr. A- II EWES.
Qilicitor in Chancery-
Mt-b tb, y.
Main Prreet between First and Second,
Urownvillo, INToTd. f r
Cornpr Main and. First Streets,
,t. rat rn.M- .f Mn n l -First StreeU
r.rrr. TtnrRS -7 t 9 a. M.anl 1 to 2 an J i l
- r.u.
l:r.DilH-.Nelra"ka,i!y 5lb, 1S65 No34,lj
' Office corner of Mln and FlrH Str'ta.
nrownvilic, XebrasUa.
n. "77. PEDICORD, Propiistor.
Tl.i- n "ihm been n-furmfhrd and newly Ctt"d
n n 1 ri fiirrii-licl Uii'lcr its prifi i.l cnt-ririi.Dg
I r..i. i, ir, ftim 'ii:irranlocs tisfactijn . U who
r :jr- :ra.ji um 11juc. x-i-ly
aillinery & Fancy Goods
Tuainfitr"f t cr.? dnor rer.t ct th" Fort Ofc
?:rn 'k vzi.z.r., s:j:r.tMvA.
A ri. r k '( fall . W'w'v ( i
jns rt-,-. : h'vry'lii" ii t' !".'. II.m iy iir
J"jt f..:i.i!v on li.u l I'te5n-Mkn., '.-tiki
1', ;'1t.r, 4 Pr i'lllillll 1 nj to t'Til'T.
'0:t..bir. 2i iSlj. v-n--2sry
: g f c!- J ii jcr:u;incnttT t.n
3Mjrvl3X Strooti
One d.K.r b ' 'm iUltunure Cb.thmg Store, is
H-rp-ir. 1 . J n'A kirid t f work In bin lit. o in the
vm t ai.d rarti. ul! given to
' otitracts. ' v-r. in i d
4 "JICtOii i:; this sat:s kine:'
' It at r -r v.-t , b l Perform til work, par-
ti"in? to hi-h ir-!-f'. , , ,
4, H .rs n. ' if?
th most approved
Oivehi.aa "
ip.ii .il,iia "f'-'e',
it of A.'K,n?0, e-ioifl-
tic l prcparo-1 t'i Jo all
4 .V JJ
W A- I r. O () I. O R I N G
In t.e i'etcst ai.d -iepest htyle for cash
Brown t illrt, ATil 7, iy.
Qaccnsware, Cutlerj, etc.
;nowiry-3L13. webrasiia.
ffllClMIT 7ML01
Br.OWNVILLl!. ......... " J.JiJ
Cau the attention ot Gentlemen detit "ti"
ielil nA ruhi.tnibl
Tilcb he will jen or wiake etw to orCer, at cU er
eTed low trces. Bavitis on band one of
t U &bei fl Custom work at rates that "aefytron it-M-
. , . ,
C3 7 4 warrant my work, .
Hand as wall as' Machine' TTorli.
Tb f tpihhiux n j thins in his line -.ill do well to
' al eT!uiite hisj! before loTest.iug. as be
hlanelt tt boll out peculiarly Uvorble lu
tr'BKt ' -
' Jci-.v7 lr. 1ES5 '4 it Ct. Htb IS63.
G. DORSET., , t S. M.BlCa.
3ilontrij5 at Cam,
A nJ .
Ojjice'S. E. eornor ilttin and Firtt Street!,
Will Tiromiit attention to lf business t-n-
r-tod t them in tbe? rarions Coart of Ntbraeki
n Nc.rih iliiiffurj: alto, to ).' Collection tf
Bounty Money, It uric anJ lesion ;. and to
be l'jjment of Tala.
Electing ofscliool Examiners.
Notice is hereby aWen that the Board of Schoo
F.xairner-of Nmha Cwnnty, JCebrwka, will hold
mectipes for the Examination cf Tt-achera for
Biid County, at the r.fSce i-f E. W. Tbomas,
in Itrownvjlle, on tne lei oaiuraay in eyerj laoum,
Set ween the boars of ono an-1 3 i M, . Applicants
for certificate nro required to be yresent at one
o'clock, precisely, or tbey will not be examined.
No person need nfpiyat any omcr lime.
lij oraer 01 ine w.ra,
E.W.THOMAS, Clerk.
April Ul. -jly
J 0 5S E r 11
b II U T Z
Won Id reRDectfnil Inf.Ttn bf old customers that be
tia aain opened bta Jewelr j &iiopia bis old tana on
Main ireet aoutb ide. two doora ebt or ib rowi.
ville nonst He keep on bund a ftpiendid assortment
of everyibin In bi line of bnslueus, wblch he will
sell on the term fer Cash
Xlopairius .
Of Cl Kks; wtcbe-'iJ Jewelry doDe on the abort
et Jfotica. . .
Brownviile. Xeb.. Mar !''
Wholesale and Retail
Evan Worthing,"
y moil
i n a n
Ilaa Jot UrceiTed tbe Urce?.t and best atock oi
Liouorn anl Ciar ever .n"ere1 In tlila . market, an4
will teW tBem a low aa any Uuu iu tbe Territory
Main Street, Brownville
rob.4,,64 vly.
G Fi A N T1 S
.Wain Street Itiicetn First uvd Second.
ffRhTtin fii f i larce an? welt selected stock of
Boots and Shoes, - -
- Finest Qi:;i!it) nf-Winter cdv
Groceries of
Allspice, .
To ha ceo,
All rf which he offers at the lowert prices, (Jeter-
niiuedtiot to be undersold.
PrownvIHe, Keb.. tx-39 6tn.7,60
A. X D
" Corcer Sn'l and Main Streets,'
r-'trpnreJ M t.() 'irtr .work in lis line on
Hort nclice and rea-a!.'le tffims.
Have just opened a splendid
Stock of
c t rv r ' n tt
dhru. Snan. Dn Fmit of all kinds.
Nuts." Candies Mo!a?, Salt. Wooden
Ware of nil kii.d.-. Conned Fruit, Oys-
ters, Ticklt-s, and every Article usually
Vt?x id a nri ciass . . . -
Gcerr store tn
WBiTSEr'fi Blocs, Man Street
JjrowriYilie Txebn.skn,
Invites the public tn cill and exam -ine
their Stoc.;, before purchasdug
elsewhere hs they sre compident.
August 31st 1805.
Wbat A World It Might Be !
Ob, what a wo-Jd it might be, '
Tia full of hop aid lore,
It ncifht almost as bright be
, At tho:e bright realms aboT
Could I, by lore or magic,
-- Aii-nage iLe b.rninj tears, .
' Life ahould ltot be to tragic, . ,
So dajkentd o'er with fears. '
, The wear and tear of aes.
In one Tast sumcombin'd,
Are naught on Time broad pages
To that of Iofs of mind.
Oh, for the voice of Stentor
The ttrength of nercules
The wisdom of mentor,''
Man's troubles to appease.
The works of good men reach oi.
From tbo darkest depths cf time, .
..Arid truthfully they teach ns
- How bigb our thoughts may climb. .
Ob, what a world it might be I
'Tis full of hope and love , , "
It might almost as bright be , ,
As those light realms above. -
It was in my foreign travel,
At famous Flemish inn,
That I met a stout isb person
With a vtry ruddy skin ;
' And bis hair was something sandy,
And was done' in knotty rorls,
And was parted In the middle,
In tbe manner of a girl's.
' ;,; . ,!. . ". fi '
He' was clad ia chequered" trousers -:
And bis coat was ti a sort ' :
Te suggest a scanty'. pattern,
, It was bobbed so very short j-
And his cap was very little. , ; '.
. (. Such as auldiers often use ; .
And be wore a pair of gaiters, - -t
. And extremely heavy shoes. i:'
I addressed the man in English,
And he answered in the aume.
Though he t poke it in a fashion
' That I thought a little lame; x
For the aspirate was missing . ,
1 Where the letter should hate been,
JJut where'er it wasn't wanted, '
lie wok sore to put it in i ' ' , -
When I rpoke with admiration
, , j Of ot. IVtei's ioighty d.,nue, '"
lie remarked : " Ti r?Hy nothing
To the tijjtita we 'ave at 'uuie 1''
And dtelartd up.r. hishon.'r
Tli i cl ei.urrc, 'iwus cry queer
That he duubiid if the UUiHiis
'Ad tbe lat of leet i
Then "we tall ed of o'hercountrieiy
Ard he said lhat, ho h id heard
That IU.Uierkbd FMike Qiiiglivh
Uut he decnifd iu quite habsurd f
Yil be feit the deepest Lii ttreitt
In the miSi-it.nKrj work,
And .wi.uld to kbow if Georgia
Wa iu busiou or New York I .
When 1 left the'mafi in-gaiters,
He was giuinthng o'er his gin
At tbe charges of tbo hostess
Ot that famiiHis.Feemisb innf
ACd hoicked a very Briton, "
(So.iLethiuks I see bio. still)
As he pocketed tbe candle
. That was mentioned in the bill I -
The- following touching-poem was
picked up in a rebel camp in Georgia ;
I laid four dollars on tbe board,
I btt Vm wun by wuuJ
Tbe farrer deelergot my check;
.Till i at last bed none.
Let every g young gam boleer
Of rut-throats garnet bewar,
And only j la wiih gatlomon
Viho spread upon the gqur.
Mr. Nasby lias a Most Horrible
Sairts's Rest, (which iz in the Suit
. uv-lSuo Gersy.) Oct 16. 6-5.
Last nite,. weary aad disgusted vvith
rendia elfc-hun returns, I pict up a vol
lum of Caiiiuitl'a Poems, and red that
splendid peefe, The East . Man..
Caimnel iz u poick iher ami no doubt
uv it. Ef my 109 parshel f needs atnt too
parshel, I can whop him cn the sublin.e
tut on the pathatics, I actnollidge him
f 1 my sooperior. Ba ibat ez.11 inay,the
ruem inadd an inipreshuo on my mind
which iz proof that ther iz 'e-uihiu in2 it
and cuy mind was adwellin outu it ez I
suuk iniu clumber
z yooshunl 1 hed a dreem, Atii sich
dreem may I never hev again.
rn -1
Wla,,D lurppe.hed struck Noo York.
r ur a time.u s.rucK uowu an
The proud Caucashen, the hidjus nigger
Dubel ffd mau uv the forest, and the
, . d Chineese. fell afore the
j w
ruthless destroyer.- Jim at 2tt it ata
ted, except fur ez tbe nigger wuz con
cerned. The white juan wuz f pared, so
wuz the Injin, and the Chineese,
! timer?
g it raged wiih re
dubbld furv. Oh. it wiz brushin
" i
The planter looked abroad, and lol the
staul wart feeld-, hand,, wich wuz wuth
SltG0, w uzjiccld corpse, ciid.ihe fieeld
wuz . unplowed. Agm Le looked, and,
alas ! th' brawny wench, wtich alius
bore a picauinay wich wuz wuih S200
ez soon ez weaned, wuut per year, and
by a little extra wbippin, did a full yeer's
word, wuz prostrate in the cold embrace
of death. Agin he looked, and Iwho tu
him ! the octoroon fur which he paid S2,
500, and whose-girl tabies'he cood sell
in Noo Orleans ez ooa ez they wuz 16
or- S3, on akount ttv their havin hiz
blocd in their vains, wuz lorn f rem hiz
ovin grasp by the stronger hand uv diz
ease, and wuznt wtnh a copper fur enny
purpose. ' r ' '
The Dimocrisy alarmed. The inde
atigable leeders whispered : "The nig
ger iz fadin away ! sposin he becums
extinck?" Whereupon a consultashun
uv the hed men wuz held.. In view uv
the crisis, a pair one male and one fe
male, wuz selectid and examined by a
commiity uv expert exammmers in life
insurance componies. They wuz pro
nouticed perfeck fpessimens entirely
sound and free from dizease. These
two wuz lockt up in a room in a healthy
locashun, and twenty-four uv tne . most
eminent phisishans uv the country wuz
detailed one to ttay with them one
hour uv each day, that, in case the, diz
eae struck 'em, the remedies might be
tuwunst applifd,- that, frura itheie two,
the race might be propagated,; and the
cappitile uv the party be.prefiervedi
But tu no avail.' The last nigger in
Yu t ited Staites perished, - and' finally,
these two were struck, and, notwiihstand
in' the precaushuns adoptid, they too
- There wuz a season. Nacher eympa
thized with the party in all itaafEtcshun
The heavens wuz clothed with leaden-
colored clouds, , athort wich, ever and
anon, flashed gleams uv loorid lite. Low
voiced thunders muttered cmnisly, and
birds and beasts run howlin o'er the
feeids. . : Dmy hordes, fell dead upon the
siotiV streets, and. wild . Leasts rushed
fratickly from their coverts, "".and snap
ped Itcriuijly, nutdly, at watertr came
iu their way.
Tbe last uv the Afrikins were layin
prc-trttie in the hall. I'Vr:;ai.dy Wood
tiitt.itl, arid tz he seed 'to, he hust.d
lino itars. "Farewtl," gurhed he. "a
long farewell, last uv a ciesid race ! You
wuz our lower uv strength ; yoo wuz our I
corner stun on yco we bildeu! Ha
ired uv yoo give mi3 ihe Irish vole uv
Noo York. O, how cheerm it wuz to
see them lambs bust yer heads, and in
nocently hang yoo up tu lamp posts !
But voo'm cone voo'm cone and
henizlth life's a blank tu me. Farewell
rain world ! fur what is life without a
nigger !" and seizin a jack-knife he
saw stickin out the- nigger's pocket, he
stuck it in2 hiz stummick, and, fallin
acros3 the deceest Afrikins, expired
Franklin. Peefie approacht. 4Alas !
and art thou'gone t Troo, troo, thou art !
In life thou wurt lovely ? Twas thou,
alone, that made me President; thy
wooly bed wuz my sieppin'-s'tin tu place
and power ! Thou wa.i my right bower
my left, atd ace! Ef I wiiz a Dime-
cruiic Samps: n, thou wast tbe hair wich
the Dtliler, Deth.hez sheered orf. Fer-
irtfidy. I cuur! I cum !" and seizin the
jack-knife from hiz hand, he plunged 11
into his bowels, fallin across Fernaridy.
Yallandygum approacht.- "I, tuomusst,
say farewoll,' said he. kissm their cold
features,, "for thou tvasi anker.
Thou, 'twast, who made me Congress
ftrian-Mbou exiled me. and hate, uv thee
gave me $30,000 in ten cent pieces when
L wuz in Canady. Do I want to go to
Congress agin ? No ! no ! no ! I should
be dum, for tho main-spring ut my elo
kence lies there V and, takin the jack
knife, he immersed it in his bowels, and
fell across Peerse.
Old Jeemes Bookannon, and Voorhees
and Brite, and Florence, and, in fact, all
the loaders ov the party. North, tu the
number uv suthii over 200, cum up.and,
each makin a shdrt or a shun,1 stuck their-
selves with th jack-knife,' fell across
each other, ez cad-wood iz piled. Fi
nally, I folt it a duty I owed .to the par
ty to foller soot. ; Seizenjihe jack-knife,
I made my orashbn, (wich wuz teechin!)
and wuz about til fever niy intestines,
when I seed a "qtiirt -lottle stfckih out uv
- the nigger's pockiu Drjiwin it 4th, I
- 1 pulkd ihe cork, f Glory ! it wuz whisk
; ey ! ' Two sucks; and it -wuz. crone ihe
! roc:fi spun rountt and I fell ferceless on
ihe top uv the pife uv ded Dimecrais
' Jest then Hcrris Grecly cum in. "Be
hold DeiliccTisy'.T said he, "ez it wuz ia
, J -
the begincin. s it is in the endin.
N-gger ai'the bytloni, whr?key at he
top. and a stink in the miv-iJle," and hoi-
din his ncse. he shambled cut uv
io e
room. . , .,' . ...
I awoke in a cold swefit; happy tu fiind
that it wuz or.Jy'a dreeia ; that the nig
ger still lived in. all his .cussitood, and
that we still had suihin go on.
Lait Pnstur uv ihe Church uv ihe Noo
Tbe Indian War.
We have just . received news of an
other seriou3 Indian outrage upon the
plains. N. H. Rice, Esq.', an old resi-
dent of Denver, reached Oniaha'yestcr-
day afternoon, and gives us the follow'
ing particulars :
About four o'clock p'. m. oa the 2Sih
ult. the train wiih which Mr. Rice was
coming down, arrived at 'a point four
miles above Alkali Slalionand the par-
ty then observed an up train, consisting
of about sixty teams, in the act of corral-
mg. 'But before all of the train got in-
to position, a noay 01 inaians, variously
estimated at from 100 to 300,' rallied
from the hills and succeeded in cutting
off ten of the number. Six of the . dri-
. -- - . 1
vers fled 10 the main body and escaped.
Four " too d their g'round, and were, in-
stamly overpowered and killed. The
down train formed wiih the advance of
the up tram -in fact with all of it ex
cept the len teams that wefe cut off
and no attack Was made upon them.
'The Indians "hamstrung" and other
wise disabled the cattle which fell into
their hands, and look the mules away
wun mem. ine most 01 tne loaning!
. ma 4 m . 1 w 1 1
was destroyed, and six of the wagons
were burned.
The names 'of the men who were kitt
ed, were Albert Gaskill, Geol W. Selba
and H. B. and Elijah Carton, father and
sop. All of these were stripped, except
Gaskill ' Selby was burnt to a crisp.
tach one was literally filled with ar- formance. ' It must be' understood that
rows Thoce unfortuuate Vwen were all we rate the value of a performs b
from Wayne county, Idwe. The bodies the way of going, and the saddle is, in
"were taken charge of by those connec- our judgment, ihe fastest and most Bil
led with the train, and decently buried, urnl way for a hors to go. Inasmuch.
It is f course impossible u ascertain however, as Dexter is ulso a cap.tul h.:r
what tribe of Indians is guilry oTThtr
maacre ; but the Pawnees who exam-
ified the arrows say they are of ihe
Sif.ux imtnfacture.
We have news to-day by Hon. W. N.
McCaudi.-h. just arrived from tort
R'unmpv ibnt Gpn. Heath had hid a
Rnhi R-i.h tho Tnrliani nf Alkili. and
d killed q.nte a number. We have
no particulars,
The train of Clark Bros , of Bellevue.
we are informed, lost seventy head of
cattle near Julesburg. and a man named
Flora, of Fremcnt, had sustained losses
to t considerable amount. Omaha Re-
Since the above was in type, we learn
that" Gen. Heath overtook the. Indians
and punished thearj severely; killing and
wounding fifty..,-He f peg hi ihem twice;
firsi at Rocky Pointy and again on ihe "If am de case," said a sable hear
Stinking Water. Thejndians numbered er. "dis culled indiwiduil lakes to Jde
some 300. . Gen. Heath s force consiit-
ed of 175, men and officers- They were
four days without wood or water, and
two of the nays entirely, without food
Platlsmovih Herald, 15th. "
The Toronto Globe says "J. L Ma:
son, ot 1 rent renown, is txpectcu au
Montreal, with his family, En-land has
become an. uncomfortable 'jlace for him
since Lolders ottttlie. cotton loan nave
commenced asking impertinent questions
about the value of their 'investments.
St.e Lcuis is cleanitg the streets for
1 ha cholera. The Council reauires eve
ry house-holder i& cause the sidewalk
and guuer in frunl of his premises to be
thoroughly cleaned twice a week.
Jeff. Davis and Clement C. Clay are
now the only state prisoners at Fortress
. -
Monroe. .x- . . :
; A bundle of old ballads sold in Lon-
don recently for $65,000.
- Garret Davis and Brotns Clay, who
have sued Generals Palmer and Brishin
for abducting slaves are- themselves ia
turn to be sued before the Freedmens
Bureau fcr holding free persons U labor
without pay, in violation. of a law of the
ine unitea ciaies.
Among the passengers from England marked "pianos."
who arrived in the .steamer at' Bombay; ' The Bosn City Government has pis
Sept,llih.was D. Lwin-stofj3t!;e.CHU sed a law aathjrizicg the ccnsiructicn
elraied Africin traveler. The doctor is cf brother water reservoir at a .;ost of
about to encase in another exnlorinnr ov.l enna r.r.n ,k,,t -n rnr nn u
pefiition 1010 thg raterior of Africa. .
. The net receipts of the Christian Com
mission during the three years of iu ex-
9 -a-a-w Jf 4 y
istence were S4,030,411.
Several cf our citizens ' returned hit
k fr'oin a 'visit "to the Grrat
S U Ti
e n
Lake, uhic'j is situated ia the CacaJf
Mcuciajns, about "seventy-five u;iles
north-east rrotn Jacksonville. This Uke
rivals the famous Valley cf Sinbad the
Sailor. - It 13 thought to average two
thousand feet down to-' the water all
rouud. Thi walls are almost pr;rpend-
icular.tfunning down into the water and
fCvrng no Leach. ' The depth of the
water ls.ucknou-a, 'aud its surface is
smooth and unruffled," as it lies so far
below the surface of the mouutain that
the air currents do net alTect it Its
ienCth is estimated at twelve miles, ar.d
ii - - " width at ten. There is an Island in
the center, having trees -upon it. No
living man ever has, tnd probably nev
er will, be able to reach the waier's
a ,' .
edge. Ii lies silent, still and rr.ytcrious
in the boscm .of the "everlasting hills,"
like a hugh well scooped out by the
uand3 0f a giant genii of the mountains,
jn unknown Pges gone by, and around
j tfce primeval-forest watch and are
"The visitin? rjartv fired a rifle several
times into ihe waier, at an angle of
fony-five degreess, and were able to
note several seconds of time from the
repori of the gun '"until the tall struck
the water. Such seems incredible, but
it is vouched for by some cf our most
reliable citizens'. The lake is certainly
a most remarkable curiosity. Jackson
vilh Oregan Sentinel.
Speakin of tbe horse Dexter's trot-
ting a mjie jn 2,18 1-5, Wilkes' Spirit
"The mile made by this horse is the
fastest ever performed by a trotter, and
of course, takets place on the record as
such. In this regard it displaces the 2ni
' - e
19 2-3s. of Flara Temple, though we
are inclined to tniok tnat ai inings con
sidered the latter remains the best per
T.ess and wagon horse, anJ quite young,
bfing only seven years old, it is not un
pit b;il!e if at he will ?c:i:e day
T lora'.; timo in harness He is not it
mere brushing horse, but ere thai can
rate high all. through tne mile."
Tw0 da'nsels VSiWS irough a
a or lw0 S1"ce' wf re h,n" a0 an''
..,J. . ... ..
lure. vMie eut;iimeu, -mu uj juu
think, Maria ? I took me thiriy-five
minutes.-this mcrning, to make my wa
"Dare are," said a sable orator,- ad
dressing his brethren, "two roads tro'
world ; de one arn a broad and nar-
row read dat lends to' perdition, and the
oder a narrow and broad road lha; leads
sure destruction.
Tho Hartford and New York Steam-
boat Company have contracted for a
steamer to be built this winter with two
hundred state rooms.
Some neonle sav salaratus will not
harm lhe slomach. Ilis a clay.
Much entiS exists in Pans In con
l-nce of the prevention of 5uicide by
iKo Imvw e I a nr t f E wila in tV. a r-itfa
""o5 w u n.c.
Several United States ofHcers called
on the rebel General G. B. Vance . son
of the ex-rebel Governor of Norih Car-
ll . M .. L V. .
OUC3' DUl uua umi UB uau tratf 10
m:ll with a bag of corn.
The . great bridge ?ocn to be built
acr03S lhe. 0bio river froii Cioci.Ddatli
o Covington, Ky.( will be the longest
than that over the Niagara river.
A cegro hummmi l0 sil 0Q
fy jn Cleveard 0hio lasl weet bct
his white c:Iieague3 refused to sit wiih
him, and ih Judge sumriicned a while
colleagues refused to sit with him, and
the Juge summoned a white rnaa ia his
The pecple of California are sen.iir
. tn,ua r.-:n t,-;.., v
The erriigraiioc tb Oregon this year is
estimated at leu thousand.
Brsckiaridge is in Paris, Bjnjaaia in
rs ii ih2
. J,.tS:-9 :
'Pcliticlscs r.Iio tiVe their cus- frenv
such'ii-.fcn as Talltfr.di-h.tra, ar4J aj fi'.ut
Cc d ilv: m "ri:s of the Chlca-ro platform,
will be viy sure ro fail io -ny Fofihern
election. Pos?il!y t!.o-e :;ea mtv thin'c
they' are doin? the So'ith a servic bjf
still clinging to there riJirul u and f th
notions, wherets just the ovrnry iv
iiu TIi Sou'h will br.i aid if ihj
orta w;J;7on 1 re!Cjn; jo:;aioti.
It Jces net a;-k if t'-o vtiers or victors
are Democrats or R?p .b!i;an., s9 long as
ihey 'stand top to tTi? Government. It
s time this Chicago p'atfi-rm wr.s krkci
into f ttivion. It would far better fcr
ihe South to Eerk prr.tPciinn of ihe mct
rndicn! cf ti e Rpullioars than to allow
itself to be humlwjfg-d by lbs Co;pr
ead faction-
Sinch the w,r closed 25,000 bi!23 cf
cotton have teen shipped frcru 3Iontgoci
ery, Ala.
The strike cf New Nork musi cisss 13-
stiffmatizpd as ihe Catgut Rebellion.
F. P. Blair has resigned his commis
sion as Major General.
Swindlers are travelling though tha
West collecting soldiers discharge pi
pers, representing ihenrvselvs as Suty
ngentj deputed to attend to their pay
At Chicago grain' ba3 been hoard? 1
and stored in iuch quantities that it i
heating and rotting in the warehouses,
yet the speculators refuse to sell.
Mr Mercer's shipload of young wo
men for Washington T;rri:ory has cot
yet sailed ; its departure is now announ
ced for the 11th instant.
The cholera slew 7.C00 person's Io
During th month of October, there
were shipped South from New York SI,
pounds of gunpowder, 500 372 lbs.
of -hbt, 3.rCl,l0 ytKu io.) ifp.rIM,
CoO cartridges, and 1.11-1 gu::j and pis-
. A gen'fmtn in Newpor:, Kr.?::;ky.
W'lO has hild lis b.t
.1 burr..-! bv t.iv.!'iev-
ot1.? bey's, f.fTr C--5 x-j siirt a fr-ij for
If.' . - I ' . . . -
1 u j!. v c n i .1. mccirJ ii r r . s io sc. on u.c.
G A i Lis been ducjvered ia Green
county, Pa. are ma'ti.i con-Merable pur
chases cf fireirms io York. Thpy
nre said to Le ra'h'-r itii:Terent as la
quality. Thi trade in piti.s is also
uri-kior tue boutuern n.arkeu
Philadelphia ia forty million dollars
in debt.
Fifteen thousand acres of bind, owned
by Waldo P. Johnson, forwrly United
State Senator from Missouri, is beinj
sold for debt in tht. scuthwev. part cf the
State- Mr. Johnson is.i:i Et.rope,
The Great Northern Rti'-tay in Eng
land is going to introduce a system for
coniuming the Iccomoiives, and atthe
sama time manafacure ga3 from ' the .
same for lighting th, train.
The whoU of iManhatti IIanJ. on
which !s the city of Ilew York, was
oncp purchased by one Pe'.er Minni: for
S2t. ;
The jnurnynipn rhipwn'gl.H of Btlii
more, determined to murk out a path fcr
themselves, hive establbhrd an inde
pendent shipyard, ar.d are already taking
- The number of hogsbead tobacc? sold
in Louisville during th ya3r, ending the
l?t int., wa3 forty-four ihoassnd cne
hundred thousand, as compared with Iztl
There are at present 101 vess2?s ia
setvice in oar navy, raotjniing ia lie ag
gregate 1.115 guns.
, A seccrnd great fire has occurred at
Constntinople, on a spot near that
which suffered so severely by the fire of
September, 6. The last fiira began at
five in the rnorniog of th 15th cf Oc
tober, and wa3 only subdued in lha aft
ernoon, after having destroyed about t
ib'"iand houses and shops-.
On cf Mcsbeys mrc habeen arres
ted for robbery at the- Cj::r.l Hotel,
During tha election rf. h",! vcsV, ia
Louisiana, th vo'er.- v. to eiortad t
fellow th1 cnunse! tf Z ::ovri:. ncd
stand lv the whole D-n: crivio ticeu
Govc-mor Hamilton, r.f T-x-;?, will
notit is thought, ca
1 a S:a:p Conven
tion before the rai-'dl cf Ja:i: ary. Tha
Ai c u i 1 c r 1 ii i artiu.o i.; t.
Co. rier. en the rt-fCi.t ti-ct;
Nf rth, conrair.s tl:e ftiUwi,
' T