Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 19, 1865, Image 2

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The Election of last week, resulted in
a glorious v'.ctcry for the Uuiua Party of
Nemaha Cecciy.
In forae cf tue Precinci3 the cunvasr
ca Election day tascf the most exciting
.' character. In City every thing that
'. codi Iq'don? ly the opposition, and ev
ery possible scheme known to p-rty pol
itic wasfrfctly rtsorted to.
Thy worked fr.i.-n Monday mcrcing
up to the liars' of closing the FolI on
Tuesday evening, u-orked their whole
eiTec.'ive (oxer, and without a mcraents
'cessation. Early cn ay morusns
they rallyed id the contest in solid pr
anks. Every knew lit place, nad
at his post lie stood dui.'r.j the d;iy nnd
worked tvi:h a will. Sjme cf them
toasted that Krownville precinct would
give to their ttrougest Candidate, a ma
jority cf.two hundred rotes, they were
full of hope, and already flushed with the
anticipant cf a coming triumph!
.But on the morning cf the election
ihey were rati lymen as capable, and
' determined as they, men who lad the
cause or. we t,cak wuw..
v at heart, &nd ho never fir a momeut
' iTntrht of flimhiiiff f'reul lU contest
D V ,
.They fcund themselves Lrcn;Lt in sen-
ilict with cuch men as Henry Atkinson,
C. G. Dorsev. John L. Carson and a
multitude of others. Strong, good, and
true to the last. We do not desire to
'. make distinctions between Union men,
tut all must admire the energy and
force with which Atkinson toiled for
the cause. The prompt, judicious, and
effective wcrk cf Dorsey, and the strong
Capt. Carson in electioneering, end the
force and vijor with which he delt them
b'oiv after blow. Nemaha done plen
did, and all honor and praise is due to the
-gallant Union boys, who fought and
won to spkxdid a victory, the Union par
ty of Nenruha County, will not soon for.
, gf t the services rendered ly the Union
men of Nimal.a precinct.
, Aspinwall did bravely and much is
due to sudi men an Ritter.Frakers, Pau
, liu and others.
The.tCenr.aa Precincts true to the
Union', tnd the principles of Lib-
1 1 4 .1...
brought with them from Father Land ;
and the loYJioLey bare for -the laws and
, iLfciitulicns cf the country cf their
adoption; cast :Lc;r vtte solid fcr tho
Unica ticket.
l'eru cii a good work lev nest o:
the ticket, and we doiibt not but her en
tire Unica vote hereafter will be cast
. for an undivided ticket.
' Our victory is complete and overwhel
ming, aridJ;rrtr.f.ter.Kemahn County
will be classed cmorg the strorgest and
.tnoit relialle U:.i:n Counties ia the Ter-!focs
.ritory of Nebraska.
The thres wise mn of Gotham that
,weni o sea in a bowl, forgot like many
others before and since that time, to cal
culate aright the reistenc3 they would
meet frcm wind and tide, the uncertain
ty of continued ?unshine, and the cer
caicty of storm and tempest. The cal
culations of the cppesilifi) to defeat the
. Union par ly at the !a!e Election is no
exception to tho rul ns above stated
lory, so confident wcru they of success
that considerable sums of money were
etaked and lost by them on th6 result of
Campbells election. Bedford the wisest
und shrewedest of them all, felt confi
dent of euccrss, and to this end Bedford.
Lett Jamison, Johnson, Wall Hackney,
nd a hosi of others, worked vigorously,
xinceasingly and with united and power
ful effct... Their comhinatians against
.V T T . . ... J r -
planned with coasumate ability, and
roost .addroitly managed. In addition
their Candidate for Clerk MfcTRecorder J
had the .prestage "cf lonj and faithful
military service, and the reputation of
being honest and cspalle. - "
Every cunning device of electioneering
Vnewn to p.cliticians. was by them put
fnto requisition. Appiali to the pas
sions and interests cf voters was made
in behalf of their ticket, love for the sol
dier, and the great debt the people owe
him fcr galhni services done in the field,
was', paraded and sounded upon every
: Every fault and failirg of the Candi
dates upon the Union ticket, and the un
popularity attaching in certain localities
a portion cf those Candidates, was
freely and widely made use of in order
to distract, disorganize," and defeat the
Union party, in addUioa a number of
Union men united themselves with the
Democratic party 'inier the general
r.tme cf exposition, and freely lea-
whatever aid and influence they could to I
the defeat cf the ticket, put in ncmica-J
tion hy the Co . vention. : :v - -
For weeks before the Union party had
properly organized and prepared for the
conflict, the democracy uder the lead of
Bedford, had planed the campaign, gath
ered into con pact and solid array' thir
party elements, and upoa their part had
the tattle half fought and won, before a
single Union man had entered the con
test. B(dford had organized his party with
more than his usual ability, his plans
were deeply and wisely laid, and his
friends, and that portion of the opposi
tion that came fromihe Union party,
gathered to the supportand execution cf
those plans in a most determined and
earnest manner.
Their ticket which a few of the lead
ers had. carefully and cunningly selected,
was crowded wi:h Union soldiers, and
its popularity ihus greatly et.hanced by
its character and composition, in addition
a considsrable portion of our ticket had
been incorporated into theirs, while a
nrrr.ber of their other Candidates were
Union men of strrrgjh and ability.
Yet nMwithrsndirg their wisely laid
p'acs. their d?ep-wcven and intricate
schemes, and the important advantage
they gained in the commencament of the
cenvass; notwithstandirg the division
they caused io the Union party, and its,
momentary disorganization thereby;
yet have they signally and entirely failed;
though the battle by them was fought
under more favorable circumstances.than
they can ever again hope or expect, yet
they have been defeated in every pre
cinct in the County, except one.
Thf-y played a high, a bald, and a
trong game, but they have lost, and
lost forever.
For those Union men who went witht he
opposition "at the late election, we have
no harh tfcrds, we doubt not but the
most oi joem did wf:n! tiY thought was
right in the premase?, jherofor; we sv
.1 . . i.i .
Jet tne past oe io-gouen, iti u? j
unite in solid array, and remember only
the duty we owe in the future to the
great Union Party.
There may be those who have a
chronic mania for opposition and disor
ganization, with such the Union party
cannot afford to divide its capital, nei
ther can the party stand tamely by and
see sutch persons, fritter away its
strength and power in vain and foolish
Iu Unicn alone inhere strength ard secu
rity, and by it in this Territory as a par
ty we must either stand or fall; all the
associations cf the last five years, which
we love and rever, is connected with
and cluster around the Union party.
But it? power and carried this
Nation through one of the most gigantic
wars known to history, and it alone can
save and redeem this people, from dem
oralization and dpcay; and the wide
wasting ruin tnd devastation, that forev
er fellows in the path of red handad
The late ElectioninOtoe Ccunty.has
amply demonstrated one fact, viz. That
Nebraska C;:y, is the greatest strong
hold of Rebels and Traitors west of the
Missouri River. Thoje men hve grown
rich off cf government freighting, ample
j fortunes have been accumulated by the
and rnemys of the grvernment out
of its patronage, and while wealth thus
flowed in upon them, they have been
curtin-?. reviling, and 'plottinr: treason
against the government aud ihe Union
party, who are its only stanch friends
and Mipporfrs. We do not hesitate to
say that the government, is ic duty bound
to seek, and that without delay, some
other point fron whence to Jo its west
ward freighting, not another pound of
government freighting should be here
after sent to Nebraska City. The ene
mies of the government have been pat
ronized long enough, and . its friends
should now be. entitled to seme favors.
Let the national authorities select Brown
ville as a freighting point, and thereby
show their appreciation cf true and gen
uine loyalty.
Gen. Sherman.
That most gallant of American war
riors Maj. Gen. Sherman, passed down
the river last Saurday Morning, on
board the steamer Majors. But few of
our citizens had the pleasure and grati
fication of seeing the heroic Gereral
Those few that did obtain a peep at the
great flanker, were so proud thereof lhai
for several Jiours after, refused to speak
to their most intimate friends, and of
such is the kingdom cf Brcwnvilb.
Union Victories.
Union victories, follow one another in
quick and rapid succession. . In Nebras
ka we have elected cur Territorial Can
didates by majorities ranging fromlOOto
500 hundred.
The gallant Unicn men of Iowa, re
elected Stone Governor by at least 20,
COO majority.
In Ohio that gallant soldier General
Cox, beats Cumberland Gap Morgarj by
more thaa 25,000.
Pennsylvania goes strongly far the
VniVn ticket. And even Old Democrat,
ic New Jersey wheels into ihe Union
line, for the first time in her history.
In this County our; majorities ranges
frcm 202, to 43L . '
n ci
Jobua Itcgfrs
t Wright ' :bs2SgS3-5 --
J 't
r,r 3
S M Rich
F O ITvlmei
kmm oi-i
JQS Smith
o co 4aooc1c co
O Wh. t
o 3
ft! w,3. Cal'tan
? 3 it.
m &m a. rsi
S W CampleU
fji3iw. II. Hoover
t C7 n p- n ' w
I I w-m . m
A. J. Hitter
Emery Ptek
C WO M T-i
Juha Gra
J. W. Taylar
75 m r
H. D, Smith
W.A. Pullock
W. B. Phillips
p cvj - x "ft co
X M M o fe "
St. J Goodrich
-"5 C9
t t ! At-g. Koactie
X 3 ri n a o
.j - John S Scaton
S :Jhn Gillespie
. C4
S -s
5 i c ii a
Last Monday and Tuesday were busy
days ia the Land Office at this place,
7,520 acres were entered in the two days
Of which 5,600 with warrants and 1,920
for Homesteads, yet all by actual settlers.
John H. Crow pntered the 5.G0O acres,
making a complete 10,000 acre farm, ly
ing in one body in this and J ohnson coun
ties. He has been one of the most ex
tensive stock raisers in Illinois, and, we
learn, has told out there, and will open
up, in the Spring, an extensive stock
on the land he has just entered in this
county. His long experience renders
,V'm an excellent judge of a good stocks
raising cT a'4 his selt:e;neDl here
speaks volumes for this ScTa n that
respect. This is the kind of eCers !he
loyal men of Nemaha County desire ; ne ,
is loyal and always has been. 4,S(jffer
such to come unto us, and forbid them
not," for of such is our population by
upwards of 300 majority.
An old gray headed man, from the
watnut-f haded streama of Iowa, was ly
ing at the point of death in his wagon,
which was then in the middle of what
appeared a boundless desert. His friend
fell it a duty to tell him that his end
was near, that he might take leave of
his family and arrange his affairs before
Death, with icy clutch, seized upon him
The old man was told that he could not
live ihrough the day. ' Lift me up and
lt me look out upon the country," taid
the patriarch. He was lifted up and for
a time his fast-blazing tyes were turned
hither and thither, when he said : "Lay
me down, bvys , you must carry me on ;
I cannot die here ; there is not a tree in
sijjht '!" The old man is yet alive, and
is now "hale and hearty.
The nbovs we find in a late number cf
the St. Joz Herald; and would commend
rJl who do not like a prairie country, to
cut it out and piste it in their hat, for
future reference when on ihe point of
death. Life is desirable, and the above
proves thit,one can live in spite of deaih
on the prairie.
un ana a;ier to-aav tne iionn rns-
souri Railroad will make close connec
tions with both trains leaving St. Joseph.
Passengers leaving on ths 12 o'clock
midnight train will arrive at St. L uis
at an early hour next even'ng in time to
visit places of amusement.
Passengers leaving St. Joseh on 5:15
a. k. train will arrive in St. Louis next
morning in time for all morning trains
for the East. This will be a full pas
senger train with all facilities for com
fort, and, passengers prefenng to leave
St. Joseph in the morning instead of
midnight, may rely upoa close connec
tions. Passengers taking this route and go
ing to points in the East, will make
quicker time vii the North Missouri
Railroad than by any other route. .
Geherar Western Agent.
" An affair occurred at the President's
house this afternoon. A man somewhat
inebriated called and desired to see the
President. He was boisterous and offi
cer Crook refused him admittance up
stairs. He became very disorder.')' and
was put out of the executive mansion.
When about fifty feet from the door he
turned end drewxt revolver on the officer,
when, the guaid made a lunge at him
with his bayonet," and he was captured
anil takei Wore Justice Waiker, who
fined him the enormous sum cf v2.0Q0
for carrying concealed weapons. Hav
ing no money, he was commit 3d. He
gave tm name as Robbins Sumner, and
said he was a brother of Gen. Sumner
He came from Alexandria, and hisuame
is probably an alias.
The President, in his late speech to
the colored soldiers, emphatically gave
the lie to the Coppeihead statement so
persistently uttered, that "this is a white
man's country.' Addressing the sol
diers of the Union who stood before him
black in color, but true in their loyalty,
he said ; ''This is as much your country
as anybody efsVs,"'
The Copperheads, in this County is
pretty well cuVup.
We were warned several times to
"look; out whar we cut dat snake," but
didnt feel iacliaed io "look out.'
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
MarrICtl;--On the 17ih, by "Rev. I.
T. Bird, at the First Presbyterian
Church, Louis Hilt,, Esq., and Miss
M. E. Datis, both of this place.
Wil't take ihi woman for thy wife t.
Wil't cherish and protect her T
, " VTt be untoher true through lif ?
Wil't heavenward direct her'
Wil'tthou? And he Wilted.
Dos't promise to this man te cleye,
Yea, until death shall slay him ?
Dos't promise to love ind never grieve ?
Dos't promise to obey him ?
Dos'tthoa? And he Dotted.
Thuf were two hearts ia wedlock bound,
He Wil'ted and she Dot'ted;
The preacher prayed, and then sat down
And then the meetin' busted.
They went np one 7777. came down two ;
And 'twill not be surpiUing,
To see froraout their vale of bliss,
Some little Hill's ariainj.
Oar Devil, believisg that tbere is "mre pleasure
in purzuit thaa possession," wwhes them many
PP77eari ia tba L:nd of Matrimony, an J many
"perquktes," in return fur the wine and cake which
has not yet reached uar office.
Marrled.On Thursday, October 12,
by the Rev. Jchn A, Parker, at ih.3 resi
dence of the bride's father. Dr. Isaac
B. Joes and J.Ibs Drucilla E. Hill,
all of Atchison "County, Mo.
Their hearth to bless, their.heirts ta.bind,
May many "blosaings" Ially ;
Though his Dill's no more, wo hope hell find
Much pleasure ia the vailcy.
And as they journey en through life
True hearts in union bound
On the site cf the departed Hill
Ile'll erect a little mound.
RravrnYllle, STcbrasIia.
H. W. PEDICORD, Fropiistcr.
This House has been refurnished and newly fitted
ap and refurnished under its present enterprising
Proprietor, who guarantees Sfclikfultuu w ii who
may patronise his House. z-5-ly
October, November, December,
Wortli of 3lerclianai3e
Coniisting ef
Hardware. Culery,
.Tnt rieoirci ar.J oponel r.i
TVholcaa'e end Ketail Store Hocra on
Main Street, BK0WAT1LLE, Nebraska.
These Goods bars bn pnTcbaied wifb an e
poelal view to snti.-fyini th'3 demand a f thi mar
ket ; ard at pi ices wlikh will ennble him to d;fy
The Snpaisticaed and Unsophisticated ; the
Fashionable and UnfihiKnble; tho Citirn the
Fiiiirant or the S jvcrein ,ita?r,can ail find at
his Store the very g'ilstly need. All will do
well to call and examine bis UN. X. Id toek.
All can be suited in the
. IffiffiENSE "ST06E
Just received at the
Main Street, Brownville, Nebraska.
AUKind', Patterni and Styles. Ererylhicg in the
Line best quality
Boots, . Shoes, ooren and
Best brkndi. Pried an4 Canned
ST 51. XJ
NaUs, Crlass, :Sash, Queens
Mil V
Jjhn D. nanri3 a nonresident r.f Gage County,
Nebraska Territory, will 'take Notice that F. L.
Koperofthe County of Gae, Nsbrj-La Territory,
did on the 23d day of Sapteuiber, A. D. IS3S fii .:e
bis Petition before Albert Towle, Prorate JuJp
and ExxCfioft Justice of the Peace wirhia and
for the CV-unty of (iage, end Territory of Nebraska
aga'nst the paid John D. Dris defendant, settii g
forth that the said Defendant is indebted to this
plaintiff, cn nte and aciount of givds purchased
inhesumif Forty-seven dollars acd forty-eiht
eenU , and asking that an order of U tacbmeut isrtue
to be levied on the goods and rbattle of the raid
defendant, and the said John D. Harris is required
to appear aud answer said petition cn or before
the lit day of December, a. D. 1835, at one o clock
p. m . or judgment will be taken by dafenant..
Dated at L'catcice, Neb. October- I4th. 15.
t. E. KOPLK.
It is hereby ordered that tbe above notice be
publibhedin tfi? ;Nebraaka Advertiser, for three
consecutive Weeks.
Probate Judge, and ex-offieio of the peace.
--3t 10,00
To all whom it msy concern. N.tieia hereby
Ztn that application has this day been mde for
the appointment r-f aa admiuiftrat r upon the
rKtV,!,t VS,llnn,ex-G-I)aiIt,;cea?,J'' nd Monday
kbe 3t, dYyof We.ber. x. D. I8rt5 ttt tho o5ic
vl I,obate JuJSa n Urownrille Nemaha Coun
ty iSeb. Territory, ia tbe tinse tet to tear said ap
plication. r
Browuville October Iiih . 1 3,; 7.
' P.. V. II JGHES .
..,,, Probate JuJ2e
Fiimilies and Maiiufacturei
"WE oETir the pnblic the simplest, strongest and
best Knitting Maouiue in the world.
It ecufies but little gpace is portable and rai
be attached to a stand or table, weigba about 401b.
It will knit a variety of stitches the breakage
of needles is Irifli r.g the cost vf needles ; insig
nificant and the mast delicate material can be knit
pure aud cpotless, as theneedlea are not oikd.
Orders for Machines may be sent through the
American Advertiains; Agency.
3S9 Broad wy, U". Y.
Sond for a Circular.
i37 Broadwsy,N. Y.
$35G to $1,400.
H. E. SAXT0H & CO.,
HAVE Constantly o n band the largest Asort
meatof Fl KK'f -CLASS PIANOS kept by nny
ou4 House in the West. They keeu tb UJiLIABLt
Wm. B. Bradbury,
Chamber & Gabler:
K"sw York Fianoforta Ccrarany.
Jarnea "W. Vcso.
$110 to $1G0 Each.
Al?o, tn band
Second-hand Platios SIcIoficans,
Ac, A:., Ac.
Whic h aro sold at Bamlns.
Send for" Circular" and "I'ricc-fjitt."
Wareroras: Cor. Fifth & Walnut
(Under Southern Ilotel)
J.?..T. 10 5-ly ST. LOUIS, MO.
ITcnry Weers, Johnxm .Veer, Conard Wof-.
ITerod Wer3, Eliz.ib.'t'i Weers. and Cortrendi
'Veer?, will tik noice tlmt ierd Weers, Ailui'n
i.-irH'or of the E.-.Hto of Gerard tVeers dec-a.-t(l.
late of Xems'i-i (Joun'y, nnderand by rirtue r.f an
order of the Probate Court in and for said Countv
of Nemaha, Territory f Xerakn, made on the 2fi
kay of September, 185 . will offtr at public S-!.
on the2Gih day of, A. D. 1S6-),
atone o'clock P. M. at the door of the Probnte
court in the city of Urownville Nemaha County,
the following described Rl Estate to-wit ; The
Eatbalfof the South Ea-t qi:rtr, of Sectv.n
five, in Township four, in Rage tbirtevn, t ituated
in Nemaha County Nebraska Territory, containing
80 8cref,and beitig the lands of which the fa;J
(erd Weers died peiied. Tetm3 of sala cash in
Brownville September. 23ih IPtS.
Adm"ni.trator of Gerl Weers deceotd.
10 3 9,00
Taken r.p ly the undersigned lWing four miles
North .f Hrnwrivit'e near iu .Missouri River, and
within hie inclofed pnmisef, on the 24. h day of
Augu't. '8o5, rne gray horse about nineyearoM
19 1-2 bands htph with collar marks spavined in
both bind legs, and also at the same time an l place
rrednrk brown mare about, nine years '1J. about
13 1-2 hr.nd? high, with c. liar marks, left bind leg
white to near the knee, when tkcu np hod on a
email bill.
Bruwnville. Sept. 6 1S65.
Territory of Nebiaka. County of Johnson.
To anv Coostsble in Johnson Countv.
Daniel Keelani has filed with me the affidavit nec
essary to enable hira to a write of attachment
against James Comstock, for the sam of a venty
eiht dollars claimed to be due, Keeland, from tne
sa'd James Comstock, you are therefore command
ed to attach thegncdi. chatties, credits, money and
affects of said JamM Comstr-ck in your County, to
be kept and di.r!ied of according to Law an-i mak
legal return theirof, and yoa are also to notify the
di-fendant tierOi,f and summons hira to appear be
fore mo, at my oSoe on the 4th day of November, 10o'clik P. M. to answer the petition r,t
the plainti? in whkh isrlaimod above named sua
Dated ibis the 13th dy r.f September ISij
Daniel Keeland
James Comtci
I have attached one tbmbie ecanrd wagon
running gear painted red and tox painted lead col-
, , , J0HN E0SEIlTS CiaiUMe.
3-3 $10-50
Tken TJpbj-tne undesigned living in Glen
Kock Township Nemaha County Nebraska Territo
ry. E9 bay mare Pc-ney. small star in the forehead
on the nose, saddle spots, 13 bands high 4
i ears old last spring, no other marks or brands per
ceivpjbie, October, the 9th 1865.
Notiee is hereby given that th Copartar rhip
heretofore existing between Davi o ii. McLirfif: i.
and Stktson L. Swan, ia thU day dissolve by mu
tual ccnnt .
Brownville, Neb. Qct.lQth 13S5,
" k 1 1
4s"er4 CatUartia Pills,
n n,' : nu :
i) Lx) dJ e-)
Would call the attention of DI3ALT3H3 to their immense stock of
Drcs and Medicines School Sod?.
. Paleiit riledlclnes, . Hnuli Boo;c.
Glass arui filasswarc, - V.'ri Hut Paper, -Palais
an?3. Oil.?. v;: Lavtlcpc-s,
Snjccs ami Djc-s!cars. toalOIlaaaiaii.,
Pare Wiacs, LlQuor?, Ac, fie,
Whifh w?rebing- forra-hof Manufacture-si. Imrorrer; anl PulMish-r, rcf w'.:i h".ji f.
favorable pri--es. Dijriog iu lar-e qaant.ities frm S.rt baa N, t jjy ar j eaiblel to Zir x -.7 ,e,,M
znta t) tr.e trade. ai. .
Tntj fcre tlii N.rth-wr-. WV.l.ile Agenf of Dr. I). J.iyrie Son, ,nj f D ,
C. Ajre & Co., and can furaiili thoir Mudi-jine ia any q'luritios. ) j
Mw it m&m m kiiM ill
A General
m It.
&vmI lif .-3
And everything usually kept in a First Class Cloth
ing House.
Which they arc able to sell at figures Defiying Competition.
E3TBein connected with one of the Lircst and most Compete
Wholesale Clothing Houses iu Cincinnati, Ohio, their stock will Iwjs Lc
kept up with the
Especial attention p.iid to Wholesaling to Country Icrch.'.nts suA Il-ir.cb-
men, and to Oat-fittirg Emigrants.
All Kinds of IIWESand FURS fafcn in Ex Jiang: fcr Goods.
'""'ui ii. j i r
V : '-.V-
The 'attention cf the Public and the trade is invited to our New Scale 7 Octave ,t'wr 7,
F.rte, which for volume and pur.ty of tone are unrivalled by any hitberW o?n-l in tbw mt
-ontain all the modern improvements, French, Grapd arfion, llarp Pedal, Iron Frame, Over-M"
Ac., and each iustrument being mde uudir the person! supervision ol Sir. J. II. Grove-ron.
had a practical experience of overSO years in their manufacture, ufully warranted in every p"1
The "Crovcstcen Piano TorteV received the liljrhcst award of n3?r
over nil ollicrs at Cfcc Celebrated lYorld's Fair!
fre e?hibiccd in?trumects from the beat makers of London, Paris, Germany. Pbi!vllp -
iiuf :,Uoton and New York : and al.o at the American Institute for five s-ccesive years. i- W
si! ?er medals from both of which can be seen at our 0f.wtori"S
Ky the introJuv-ti,n of improvements we make a still rerfet k Tlano forte, and by man Leclau
largely, with a strictly cash system, re eiauled to cficr these instruments at a price bcn
a!I eoiiipetition.
PPICES No. , F?ven Ceii. e, round "rri"r. r.""owoi;' rHne ca? 5 .
No. .Seven Octavs, round ocrner.s r.ciewoo.1 hevy n.oul ltn$ v" , K.befe
Ho. Seven Oc'ave, round comers, i:wwpnd Locy XIV style $ .a .'m simi.ert
ViV" t-KI ?Jott in CtTXTOTlt 37XXXXCl23 . u.
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