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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1865)
..?.. ! II SG50,000. 7 Worth of - - Watches. Chains, Rinss. &c. si . A. H. ROWEN & CO., ( Agent fifT, t ii-t,nfrrtfvr. ) 3'eekni!iu Suri-t. New York, Cffr the Following TiHiicements to BUYEHS OF VALlAHLli JEWELRY. jfljo init lf iTor Ian time hwmhI In the Packet V-iiHW-"; :UsL!d our reputation for pwuipt M tVUr "1 foe.Dg prent M-J lines lor M-tlit.g Jewel rr in irw wy. we are confident U.l we can ive Mif -'ou.toall wbo feel disposed to patron- 3O.OO0 WorHi oflTatc:Iir,lla nValtd VliiH. t'lialns, Rings " ' AH 10 t.eMll fur ONE DOLLAR EACH! WHV.-ut rensrd tyv.ilLe! Not to ne pam ior uum ;r u Vuow wbai you i e to re-t-ivc ! ;8b)nlid Lfstof Articles!!! All to be Sold for One Dollar Each ! ! ! . - -, ifcVitclie (handsomely engraved, and w-r;inied p-rpcl time keepers.) vm v- ' rrm-rlre fiom $ .o $l20oach . Li-lies' WTalubes, folio Gold Hum- ' WmST". silver Watches. , i to $-J5 ch 'a, -t ,.,rst style Veft mil Neck Cbmns 4 5o to3o ecb JSC Genu' C.tiYorol Di-urn-nd Pins, .tS6acb r,nforr, Di,nv t.d Ear Props. . oo to 15 each jj'; Revolv- Sooo CatUrornU Diamond and Enamelled ..... r Gerrt'f styles, 6 oo to 5 each Ms.ic nu Emblem Fms, 8 oo to lo S Gold Unnd Bracelet., engraved Mosaic S Jet Brooches no to 7o each i& C.m w lEocne. rich pattern,, 3 oo to 6o each 4.00 Famine and Lava Pin, the real ; . '3,00 ll'va'and Florentine Ear Drop. 3 00 t o lo eacb So,., Studs d Sleeve-Buttons, in cts, Vno Serve Button, plain, enamelled and engraved Inorv Plain nd handsomely ene K'11 8-0.. Spring lockets, double cae, ricuiy engrave! . 2 00 fo 8 each 3 59 to loeaui 2 00 to 14 each act ladles Jewelry, new a.ia latest style. Sw GoU Peu ud handsome Silver Cafe. 00 to 12 ea.b 6 00 to lo v:u . .. - .. t..nfiinl nd valuable .Tr. en.,re. r .M ' rcrtiMcatea of a:i I a:i a iI .."IT...!; - .111 be nlaced in envehpes, ,e4" Tbe euveUpes will le sent by u.,,1, .-or-Tn9AMmul wward- to choice. On receiving a ter- 1 will see wbat article you iteu U U optional with yea to send one dollar and re ceive tbo article or not. . Certificate can be ordered for E Icven or $2, . Givir.nvn for ftlO and Oue nun- : Vf wnVend . single Certificate on the teociptwi, 25 cen?t. " v-2i-;m A. & Co. EOWEN. & CO. 33 BccWuian Street, N T. DR. J- A. HARVEY, THE BKXUWTCD Magnetic & Glaimyant, 99 Washington Ave. bd. 4M and of A Ms r- POST OFF1CK 'BOX 3088 ) ' The .vn.. - nch an .isu.ni6h- Mea ny '..Dtic.l or the Un iwt degree, cnvinwD .uv . c V f I M'l 1 By the ance of onie Superior iD'AL' ti, Cause an 1 Condi- Po-srer he 1. ei'u"" r'-"' - , iou, aud i. endowed with the capacity to heal tALL DISEASES, hi. rrt the D.ictor has !eTiin!trted in thsusan Js Thia fact lcf A,''clur . " . ... ,.,.m tirinif the asl J T. -.,..f , he world, durinuthe last j.t cares ; ::wn diseases in tbeir most diseases in twelve year. --" -.r Tr, f.rm. vieia uuun u . .. ... ran nnufi uwino-t' -j ?t1 all oiFeaceso: C1 " ' c'i. Inrln.iins EPIIiEPS or the ervou --- tf thc incladins a LjJ X TTtrircrriVS in from one ma ne to tnree u.ivs Lavrn, flw;,- .ITwood. such so r ten "flW. Kc- accord KeTWAifc. XiryiiJC"i. ; tk to b severity of the diSe. ... MALE 1 . . . . -I ... A . .. A it. flri-air1! ny bxxicvy iusivw Tl.r D.K-K.r's liooms are croiuou ji 1. person. Faciliy, -OII"ll' i .Mirablfl bv the whole JU'Ju ai rrim relief. Person on me verge o y iud such a. Have not walked for years, are now living to testify U the Doctor's Wonderful Skill and Success. The Doctor aevertise. nothing but what ho has the HU'yfo perform, and will give the most Complete satisfaction to all who come under hi treatment. In ff alids wtaotauhot ronnnlt the Doctor In person, can be examined and prescribe 1 for by ?eudiug by letter a .imple statement of their cases. Beterence to Cure performed, cheerfnlly made. H C X Xj - ASTHMA, heietiore onsioeret an mcurabie dlea?e. is treaiel with pen eel saxe iu (very in- .taute by the Doctor' newly discovered inetliod. All Cases of CAKCER r no matier how long landing, removed in frem twelve to tenty-f our hours without instrument or pain, ly a process revealed to the Doctor .1,11. i nn, i:iairvovaui ciait. wun-u o known to no other person living. n23-ly GREAT I31PROYD3IEXT IN '. SEWING MACHINES. EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE l ;.... li - ' ' Patented February 14th, I860. Ill 1 1 1 SJ LESR 0 0 M, 536 BR OAB IV J Y, JV Y.252 IVASIUNGTOXiSi. BOSTOJ - THIS MACHINE is constructed on entirely new principles of mechanism, possessing many rare and valuable improvements, having been examined by tbo most profound experts, and pronounced to be Simplicity and Perfection Qombinea, It has a etraient iieeaie. peuuu U1i make, the LOCK, or SHU1TLE STITCH, which will neither RIPor RAVEL,and is alike on both sides; performs perfect sewing on every dtscri tion of material, from Lether to the finest Nansook Muslin, with cotton, linen or silk thre id, from the coarest to t'uo finest number. ' Haying neither CAM nor COG WHEEL, and the Icasr p.8iblc irKlion, it runs as smooth as glass, . aud U Em'-'tiatically a Uoiselees Machine. ' It requires FIFTY PER CENT less power to Jrire it than any other Machine in the market. A girl twelve years of age can work it steadily, with out fatigue or injury to health. 'Its strength and Wonderful Simplicity of con struction renders it almost impossible to get out of order, and U GUARANTEE by theceinpany to rive entire satisfaction. Werespectfully invite all those who may desire to supply themselves-with a superior a. tide, to sjome and examine this Unrivalled Machine. Bat in a more especial manner do we solicit the patronage of Kerens nt Tailors, Coach Makers, 11 oop SktrtManufac " turer. . BMt and boson Mak- Coset Make s, ' Gaiter Fitters, tshee binders. Vest and Pantaloon Makers, Ureas Alaitfrs. . ra, -Religion and Charitahle Juirtitutiou will be libe- Tailti d-calt vth. ITHcrs or Machine Complete : No. 1, Family Machine, wun liemmer, t oiler and Braider, o. Small Manufacturing, with Extension . Table NpVS. Large Manufacturing, with Extersion ' Table , , Large Manufacturing, for Lett her, with luillinir Foot and 0:1 Cup 75 85 100 Vt lalf Ji our' t itrction i$'f;itnttoeitilleang perton to work tki Machine to tktirtntirt f tatiifaetion. ' Agent Wanted for all towns in tbe United States, where Agents are not already established. Also for Cuba, Mexico, Central and Soth America, to whom a liberal discount will be given. Term in variably Cash on delivery. V - T. J. McArllinr & Co., r- y- ' 538 Broadway, New "i ork. "' A. ACa. , 552 Washington, St.,Boston. w x. r 1 70 Chestnut St., PhiW GEO. FRANZ, AgenW ' 102, 4U SLLouisMo "PeK,65. ly . , ESTRAY HOGS. ' . .Takes. up by the undersigned witkin bis eaclo rtflaiss near San Franeisoo, Nemab County frobra on the 6th day of September 18C5. one . w tir a , with five pigs, also one white Sew, 'till tn arks, also one white Sow m irked ih "wallow fork and underbit in right ear, swal forkaad underbit in left ear, also five Shoats, with wnderbit ia risrbl ear and overb't in left ear and also, one black and white spotted Shoat, no marks Brcwnviile ept eth lbfo. ' THOMAS LTKINS. ycr's Cathartic Pills; 1 ijnoone should despair of rener unu. ir, txatulned by the DocU,r'. Cla.rvnrant Eye, without Lking nesU..Di. be tell, the Oaue. L.itinand CoiKlitlno any and all, and whether becan TO M E 11 C !I A NTS, F A KHE B ? - AND .BLACKSMITHS.:' - IRON! I H O HI ! D. A. -CONST ABLE, ST. JOSEPH; MO. HA.S OX I1AM ANO.rOH ALK A LAiuif AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF , , IRON, STEEL. O AST Z 3XT GV , Heavy Hardware. COMPRISING: " nORSE NAILS, NAIL-RODS. HORSE AND MULE SHOES, AN VI Lk, ; SrUIXOS, L'ELLOU S, AXELS, VICES. THIMBLE SKEINS CHAINS. WAGON W)XES, SCREW I'LATES RULSTLR PLATES, FILES, RASl'S, WRENCHES, SLEIXJE HAMMERS. HAND HAMMERS, SHOElNi - HAMMERS, PINCHERS, NUTS. HARROW Ti-liTU, WELL WHFELS,AC.,4C, &C, I a MEN A BLEU TO SELL TO 'HE TRADE AT PRICES T II DEFY COMPETITION. CONSTABLE'S IRON AND SBEEL WABEIIOFSFi HiUHEST PRICE PAID FOR WROLUU SCRAP IRON AT Send in Yvur Scrap Iron. -AND I1EFORE THE RISE, IAVINO LAID IN A LARGE STOCK OF THE ABOVE GOODS, DIRECT FROM THE FACTORIES, XPJZ- TOUT FAIRBANKS C LE S ALSO AGEN P- THB SALS Of HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOWS, . WAGON BOWS, SHAFTS, POLES, AXL S, HOUNDS, AXS DANDLE BROOM HANDLES, PLOW 1 NDLES..4c. COMTHISINfl WOODWORKS! ALSO TJkn -m 'T- JOSErn, MO THE ONLY SURE THING. PHOTOGRAPH ten iSivii A . nn'Tr.e indicntes. it riot only RENEWS th wiw hf the bar when thin end Calling iff, but itPlv 1:F,EW THE COLOR to its origin .'h.niiiiinrninff rrev or white whether d by .iisea-e, prief or old ne. will onrtiiir.U ?lo what is claimed font, a fact Lich hundreJs, riny, thou?id3 who bve used t nnd willir.ff to teptify. When ono b-t- is iairly"u3cd,in any community, its reputation "Fpreails like wild fire," and is the bet adverti.e raent and rccniEraendation we desire. In the East ern Slates, where thc "LENEW ER" originated, il i- ued bv all YourgLndios as Dressing, mid is to be foundry the toilet tahlcs of Young Men,(a!soat tteir barbers;) while Older Men sndWrmen will not be without it, as a renewer and re-tor.itive for iheirsro 1w? and bald beads, whuU it change. A .".iro satisfiiction. We nre llins- in iT.Z fi" isiuu i ?-, ! wards of lf.,000 bott'es r "month , the dealers giv ing the RENEWEK the preference over all othei Hair Preparations. ; . ( It n t sld by Drugsists in your town, a Trial will besentyou'by Express, un r -ceiptf onedollarby mail thus giving you an opportunity at once for testing its excellent virtues. Orders for Trial Bottles, must be addressed to our General Agi t for the Northwestern States, C A. COOK. Box ;"24, Chicago, HI. All su.h orders will receive prompt attention. R. P. HALL & CO., Proprietors. Nashua, N. II. The supplied at Manufacturers'. Vriees by FULLER, FINCH & FULLER, Wholesale Drug gist?, Chicago, Illinois. v-,n ROOFING It Rjlls icidy ta ruil down. ROOFING Costinglcss than Lalf as mlch as Tin. ROOFING More durable than Tin. ROOFING Suitable for Steep or fiat roofs. ROOFING TTot injured by heat or coli ROOFING Easily and. rapidly applied. The roost of the materials employed in the eon atruction of ibis Roofing, have been used in vari ous -v for roofinz purposes for over fifteen yciirs and our manner of combining ibtm into onefiim, impermeable, uniform fabric, secured by Patent, lue.reasea their durability, while at the same time being inanwfSiCtured by machinery on a ihrge scale, the cost is lessened Our Rotting is adopted to buildings of all descriptions, and in all climates, and can be applied tosteepor iUt roots, ou or new and bv ordinarv workmen at a trifDng expense. For uniformity of quaity, completeness of finish, facility of application, cheapness anl durability, we invi' 9 a thorough trial. We aisu mauuiac ture LIQUID CEMENT. For Leakv Tin and Iron Roofs. Mitch cheaper and more durable than oil paint. as it form a much heavier body and will i t craeK run or flake o3T. COMPOUND CEMENT. For Leaky Shirgle Roofs.Cbimneys aud Skylights A sure remedy that will often save the eoet of a new root . Sanples of Roofing and. uirculars sent by mail upon application. Favorable terms" made with responsible parties who buy to sell again. jsEADY KUUHiMi CU, 73 MA1DEX LANE X. V. MEW MM- STOIiE. JOHN PATTERSON, DEALER IN PERU, XE3IAIIA COrXTY. SED. HAS just received a large and well eeleeted Stock DRU(iS, MEDICINES, , PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH, DYE STUFF, BRUSHES SPONGES. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES. . . And every thin s eoramocly kept In a- First Class Drug Store, Customers will find bis stock. -complete, which ne oCers for CASH at the very lowest market prices. Physicians Inscriptions Compounded with the utmost care at all hours. ' . - Maxen 30th, ISC5. v9-n28-fini PTCKKLSvt' t""t IT? . - -.-an w hr-l , f saperi r r r 3 ar : 1 : I The greatest improvement yet in iDe pimauji tThine Aft'. A curioaity worth scfcin. ' " ..... ' . . - 1 Please end fr circulars "with sables of Sewing. . , ' " r '-, : ' ' TheKe Ltnpioycd Machine" trnve one hundred per . y -ril. 1 . .!,- W I ..L-.WtitcVl ticnl. l tnri-JMi auu eua., u wm.v --- Rrtke b,W id-s. . - Tbey require 110 instruction to operate perfectly, except tbo ' printed directions." No change la sewl'ig from one kind of goods to another. . . . - And no taking apart to clean or oil. Our Vow Mrfnnfnetorv is no w complete with all its machinery and tools entirely new, and is already rapid It turning out Machines, wnicn ior ncauij aiio. perfection ..C finish are nor surpassed by any manu facture in thc world. , N. 'B." Should any Xlacbine prove unsatisfactory, it cm be returnet ;u;d monyy refunaca. Agents wanted in o.onties r:ot ranvaiod by our own Agents. FiSKEE &. EYO?. S. ill. CO. NO. 538 BROADWAY, N. Y. No. -T-y. , '; TO COXSrill-TITES. TTTT1 Advertiser Havine been Kestored t Health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, af ter having suffered several yenrs with a severe lung affection. and that dread disease. Consumption if anxious to make known to his feliew-euffcrers the means of cure. To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the pre scription used (free of chHTge,)with the directions for nrenarineand usine thsame. which they will find a SURE CURE FOR CONSUMPTION, ASTH MA. BRONCHITIS, Ac. The only object of the advertiser la sending the I'reacription is to beneni the afilicted, and spread information which ho con jeives to be invaluable, and be hopes every sufferer ill try it will cost them nothing, and nav nrove a blessing. 'arties wishing the prescription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, ! -m Vi iRiamtburg,Kings Co.. New 1 ork. GEO. A. PKINCE & COS ISTBimciBlIfSI $SO TO $52S EACH ! 39 Varieties, with Patent Basso Tenuto Sub Bass. or SCHOOL ORGANS AND MELODEONS, Finished in riftrnrtt Rosewood, TSnlnut or Oak Cases. JVo Charge fur Boxing or Shipjdng. "33,000 Now in ATT ITjTjTJSTHATED CATALOGUE, con taining full description of style, and testimonials o the most eminent Musicians, as to the superior excel lence of our instruments will be tent free to any add: ess. THE AUTOMATIC ORAS. In presenting the Automatic Oman, we boldly an nounce the greatest triumph in musical instruments of the ae. During the past half century, the frencl: and Germans have manufaotured reed instruments with double bellows, and two pedals for the feet to operate, M" the want of the reversed or Exhaustion bellow?, (which is tbe only bellows ned inour, insti u,), made it impossible for them to produce the aielluw, rich and musical tout for which our instru u.ents are celebrated. i ioiier- orf.n'ctiou to tin method of Dlowlns; was thai both feet Le'.tiS .feUP'.Rd. nj LPPottAmity was of- orAi f.,r iua nir.rrmpnt oi the swen. ast two years.-iustruuients constructed un t!:is fcuro nean man of 'douoie Diowors," nave neen nianui ci- iii-evt in thin eouutrv, and to coumeract this difficulty want of a swell) a lever has been projected from the centre of the instrument, to act upon the swell, ami rertedby the kBee. The inciiveuiouc and oontor- ion necessar" U enect tuis object are aisanreeaoie pnnuL'h to a sentleman. but io a lady the ne of such an appendage is nearly impolble. Our Aotoniatlc device obviHiesihK citn utry entire ly, tne simple act of blowing wit u ioieor lesrolce eivine the desired increase or decrease iu the volume o tone. For seventeen years the superior excellence of our Melodeoiis has not been qnestioiii-u. ami for woyear pat the euoi Uious oemand haf nude it impossible for us to meet our orders promptly. WUh our j.Kveased facilities, we reel warranted i'i a-s'iiing ourputrons hat their orders wit i b? prniopily met, anu so:cit a coiitinuauce oi tL vir pationri:?. t.tU. A. ritlXCK &. CO. Caisfat'ni So i"urtx:crs. A W our :iisti r.iiipTns hnre v; ! l e name boasJ iu full. "GKO. A. r'KlN'CK it CO. ' When a dealer rep resents any other instruments as "tbji saue as ours," it is usually a mere attempt to sell an inferior instru ment, on which he can make a large pront. P. S A liberal discount" to Churches, Clergymen and School. Address, GEO A. PEINCK, &CO ,89 Tishmgton St, Or, Chicago, 111. GEO. A. ?ItIXCE & CO.. Buffalo, N Y. May It. 1865. no33-v9-yly llammotli Stock. OF NEW AND WELL SELECTED Just recenrec' at DRY GOODS AND GROCERY STORE, A". IK Cor. Main and First Streets. Latest Style Ladies Dress and Fancy Dress Goods, Summer Shaivls, Dry Goods, Groceries,. Hats,. Caps, Boots, Shoes, Iron, Naiis, fiour, Bacon, Queenswarey Hardware, Furn iture, Sash, Door, . Window Glass, Which he wiii sell CHEAP FOR CASH. ChII and examine where. his etock before purcUashing else- -42-lj MOLINE PLOWS, On band and to arrive at D. A: CONSTABLE'S - - t f Iron and Steel Warohoiise, 20 and 22 Third Street, ST JOSEPH, MO Feb 4a 6-t e SAW -AXI FLOUR W G I s2 'I WILL keep eonftantlT on hand an assortment of Eztra-uperfine to Common 2"- jT CD "O"-' 2E2. - And all other articles uanMly kept In a first-class Merchant Flonrinj or Saw Mill. Urowr ;'.!; M?r?''. .. '. "v. t : In -t, Je T1F?! 1 i LA ,J ML BROWN Vi LIE, NE2RASSA. , We are the only Authorized Agents In this Iiand District for the following articles : GEORGE A. PRINCE S AUTOMATIC ORGANS! I SCIIOOH. ORGANS. lThe3e instruments nre beyond iuestion thofinet toned, neatest finished and best manufactured iu this country. ( tee advertisement. ; R f.ihpral Discount to Clergymen, Chur- c has and Schools EMPIRE SHUTTLE Wn bare had one of these Machines in ue for the i 9t sit mcitths and can recTumcnd it as being t'k 'ui-.l -st . ctir?t v - iK i r-nd least liable to get out of order and mo t rillfl I-la-bii;c we Lave Eoen. i ne ij r T :tv.' IS ft tilO- oomplo te int;.: u t will not rip rrruvei oner a.tii. dues its WollC 1 ic ',:, Well a; i 5i ;: f. jat- m':ut.) cally a i.oi; i . HORACE WATERS' 0531111 Cc KJ HARMONIUMS. &c., &c. (See Advertisement.) Advertisement. GROVESTEEN'S i The?e instrumentii ere highly recommendel. Wo have shipped a $325 instrument Irom tliis Br this Spring, which id pronounced by oomjtant judges to be the finest instrument ever brought to jNebras ka. See Advertisement. Persona desiring any of the above ar ticles will find it greatly to ihfiir advan tage to purchase through- the ' ADVERTISER AGENCY As our facilities for supplying them are nnpnallH. All ethers rretendinrr an Agency are encroaching on our rights. 6E0. AV. HILL & CO., Pub. Advertiser. Information Free. T KEItVOrSStFrERERS. A (3L r 1-KM AN, cured of Nervous Debility, In competen v Treuiature Decay and You tbTuI Error, actuated I to benefit others, will be happy to furnish all who need it, (free of charge,) the recipend ctims for making the fimple remedy used in his c.e. Sufferers wishing topn3 by thc advertisers bid experience, and pwse1 a sure and Taluble remedy, oan do so by addressing him at nrceat bis place ".f "business. The Recipe an I full iaformation of vital irw--'T' will be cheer fully sent by rvturn sui. - ' - - ' ' - . .-. P.S. Nerv- -,ff:-' I :r. r-j vi';i trA. this inOrtL . : n r KV loofiit. Fill iBw QEAD-aUARTEliS CEEE15R4TEIJ THE JIAKlTACTlTaXO COMPANY T. LOTJ'IiS, MO. S MAUFACTURERS 01 . COOKING & HEATING Irqpprters of and Dealers ia m FMTl SHUT I AND ALL KIKDS OF TINNER'S STOCK. Stove Dealers and Tinners can rely upon beings ap- plitd at tiie loweat ia:ed ADDRESS: EXCELSIOR MANUFAOTUKING CO.. ST. LOUIS, MO. 51-3m Great Distribution BY THE EUREKA G!FT ASSOCIATION, 195 & 197 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Ok RoseiTOod Pianos, Tflelodeons, Fink Oil Paintings. Ungkaving, Silver Ware, Fine Gold and Silver Watches, and ELEGANT JEWELRY, CON8ISTI5G OF Diamond Pins. Diamond Rings. Gold Bracelets, Coral, Florentine. Mosaic, Jet, Lava and Cameo La dies' Sets, Gold Pens with G ULand Silver fcK xtension Holdiers, Sleeve Buttous, Seta r 'Studs, vest jmd Neck Chains, Plain and Chased Gold Riii;is, kc, &.C., VALUED AT . DISTRIBVTION is made in the following manner: fruTiriCATU naming: each anicle and its VALUE r in SEALKU KNTKLOPKd, which are well ,i-A imp of these EPvalones. coutainina the Cer- trici"eor Order for some Article, will be delivered hi. a or sent bv mail to any addi'tts. wiihoiit rcnr tothi toe.'on receipt ot 25 Cents. t):i receiving the Oerti float e the purchaser will see what Article it draws, audits valun. aiulcau tnen eu.l Oris Dollar and receive the Article named, or can choose any other out Article on our liie eanu- Cfrwcbpsers of our SBATfcT FNTVPT.aPES. fv in tbis manner, obtain an Ar.l.U- Worth from. One .', fire Hundred Doliara, - . FOR ORE DOLLAR which they need not pay uiitii i; is kuowu what i drawn, aud i's valne. . . . Entire Sutislaction Guaranteed in all V ascs, THE EUEEIiA GIFT ASSOCIATION c .ni.1 rati attention to the fact of its belli? the Orui n.U and Largest Gift Association in tun Country. The hii n.tiLinues to he conduced iu a fair and hon orable, and a lai'Ke and gresity Lwreasin? trade is proof tb.i our patron, appreciate this . niet!io! of obtaining rich au J e!cs mt. sv''s. During th? past tear this Association hs sent a very largo number -of va;u.:b!e prizes to ail parts of the coumry. Those who patromze ns will receive the full ya'.ue of their money, as uo article on our list is wopirc less than uue waiar, rvian, -"v v BLANKS. ' . prtiesdea:iuB with ua may depend on having prompt rMin.s. anil tbeaxticle drawn wi:l be immediaie.y cui i,i mv rdre.s bv reiuru mail or express The following pat ties have receutly drawn valuable prices from tha Burk i Associatwu, .iinwiiil Hit. ne of iLeir nanle i,,,i! wiiji. nu.sUim Douse, Philadelphia. Penn. s: i u..;n! in f a.-.a . iip ' Aino- James Iiarsraves. 8-'0 o ;.... -,it iil Pain.'.iuii. value. 100 , fc F. Jones. Barret, M i. shall C ., xansis. . '(mi Patrick J. Uk nes. Waleruurv, Jlelohvn. Ct., G id M'atch. vili e 125,'JO. J. F. Shaw, 224 Est24th St N?w York, Piano, value, 350,00; jlrs Cbas. J. evis, Klniira. JS . V.:Piauo, value, 3l)OM Miss L T 1 ane- way, Elmira, li V., Ciuster 200 00; Mrs. K. Pewn.yer Tenn. Jielodeon, value, 1? Dinloiiii K,;:i. Va.Ue - li.,!..;. i t vi ; ;e Beg. ItiO Vois. -. ho,t,0, KiiWland S. I'jltjr Volunteerb, oil Poi''. . v. .u eu. ' lOtii i.-t vt, . .Mrs. A'oey J. :i. value, 15o j Co. I vjlf.e. 1J0 wans L. Dexter, Cny auvvy:r. byrauae. a. i .. , ,iu..i,,i, i ,il On: M i s. Jaiues Fir, lS7v.os- ter Street,' cor. Bleeker, K. Y. . Oii, Painting, l.uit trsJ. C. Coles. Grand Kaiiids, Mic'digau, Si'vei ( asi. i value 40,00 : Dr J. It Sinclair, No 4 Ma iu Slippl Ulioa N. Y., Framed Kuraving, value, io ) ; ir.,a F.uther Detuioid. Wa.'hiiiritou, D. C., Oil ing, value, 100,00. Were we permitted, we might add many names n. the above list- but many pei soi.s objtct to our to du iug. we therefore publish no names without permis- MLetters from various parties throughout the country acknowledging the receipt of very vaiuabie gifts, m j.y be seen ou tile at our office. LIST OF ARTICLES To be. Sold lor One Doilir b::li Without rfijard to vlue, and not to be paid for un til you know viht you will riceive. iu JSieganl Kjsew'u Piaaos, wrth from - $250.00 to 500.00 10 Melodeous, Rosewood Cases J 25 00 to 225.00 66 Fine Oil Paintings - 25.00 tlo0.00 200 Fine Steel Kngrarings, Framed 12.00 io 25 00 100 Music Boxes - - 12 00 to 45.00 100 Silver Revolving Patent Castors 15.00 to 4o .00 100 Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets 15 00 to 35.00 fi!ii st Silver Tea Tw&ie spoons ia.00 io oo.oo 100 Gold Hauling Case Watches 75.00 to 15o.oo 150 Diamond Riugs 2.tO Ladies' Gold Watches 450 Silver Watches 60.00 to 2.oo 60 00 to 85.oo 25 00 to 60 00 6.00 IO 25.00 l.oo to: 6.00 3. on to S.00 4,00 to IO.00 4.00 to 6 60 4 00 to 6 60 3 5o to 6,00 2.5oto 8.00 1.5o to 6.00 j.5o to lo.oo l.oo to 6,00 2 60 to lo 00 2 00 to 7.oo S.' O to 2o 00 3.00 to 5.5j 4.oo to 6.00 3.00 to 2o.oo 2 600 Vest and Keck ChMns 2,100 Pairs Bar Ring, (new Ftyle-) 3.000 Gold Pencils and Txoih Pick 3,000 Onyx, and Amethyst ot lies 3.000, Jva and Florentine J3ro.cho3 1 000 Masonic Pins 2.000 Fine Gold Watch Keys 6,000 Children's Arniiets 8 500 Sets of Bosom Studs 2,500 Enatnlea Sleeve Buttons ld,ooo Plain Gold and Chased Hin,'s 6xo Stone Set and Seil Rings 5,ooo Lockets, all izes ' lo,ooo 6ets of Ladies' Jewelry 4 ooo Watch Charms (each) 6.uoo Gold Pens, Silver En. Cases 6 ooo Gent's Breas.', and Star Pins 4 ooo Ladie's New Style Beit Buck'es 2 ooo Chataiaine and Guard Chain 4 o to 6.5 6.00 to 2o 00 l.coo Guid Ttimibles 2,ooo Sets Ladies' Jet and Gald lo'ooo Gold Cresse? 6, ooo Oval Band Bracelets 4. ooo Chased Bracelets - 2. ooo Bll Karutops. all color 6. ooo Fine Gold Pens ' 2 cfi New Style Jet &. fl-dd ErrlrfTs 2,oo Gold Pens with Gold JUoimted Eboty Holder - - 6.00 to 7 5.j lo.oo to 2- oo I.60 to 6, 00 6.00 to 2o 00 8 00 to 16 00 3 00 to &.00 2.oo to 3 6h 3.oo to l.ou a 00 to 6 00 tTA cliance t olitnin any of the above AHicJes Tor One lol larbypHrcliitIisiiSvaIed Envel ope lor 25 cts. ' "T3"Pive Sealed Envelopes w i'i b sent for $1 00; Eleven for 2 ou i Thirty for 6.00 ; Siity-five for lo.oo One Ilun'lred for $15.o-. Agents Wanted E very yvli ere. Our patrons are desired to Sdad L'uited States money when it ii convenient. lettsrs are unnecessary. Letter atioaiiLtw JareiS;d to 0111 Box 5703, Post OSee ,for greater safety. Orders-fur SEALED EN VELOI'ES mu3t in ev ery cace be accompanied by the Ca.-u, with the person sending, aud Town, County and State plain ly written. Letters should be addressed to the Managers as folio s ' GOODWIN, HUNT & CO., Box 5706 Post Office, New York. MASTERS SALE. Notice is hereby given that, I will rffqr for sale at public auction at the front door cf Den's Hall in the City of Brownville, Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory tlia being the building In which the ln?t trra of the Diatrict Court for said County of Neina'uii wa3 held on the 2nd day of October, 1S65. at one o'eloch p. m the following real estate situate.! in said County of Nemaha, tq-wit : tbe oath West quarte of the north west quarter ' Section 13 in TowwhipS north of Karge 12 at. tai.-n as tbe property of Samuel Tiowd'jn, upou and executioii in lvur t Suiiv S lr i.-u-;J oat ot the District Court of said t.i unty ot NeuiaLa aod to me directed as sh. riff -f id County. Dated August 26ih 18-55. " 0 W. Ck GLASGOW ' 50-4t SLerif. Mia 3 a2? 0 T JH S i t: f I. A u I .,- Vi 4 ' ia n BOWEN BROTHERS', IMPOBTEES, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AMD lEADING JOBBERS IN MM !i FAKGY M GOODS Notions, VVcotens, : WORSTED GggDS ?C- BTC' Announce Increased Facilities and arrange ments by which their stock will continue more inviting and extensive than any c.her, out of New W, in the country. I ?e)( now include a fu!! line of Leading Domestics by the packaire, at manufacturers Prices, aPJ invite thetrade of the Northwest to save Freight and Time by purchases in Chicago. . We have ihe Exclusive Sale of many brands cf goods, are Agents ftr Pittsburgh t-AGLL COiTON YARN, at Factory Prices. Our is a guarantee of our ability to meet the demands of the traaS at all Goods sent upon orders," can be returned at our expense if not satisfactory. BOWEN BROTHERS,- 19 & 21 Lake Street, Chicago. Illinois. A MONTHLY MAGARINE- The most comprehensive rnieccllany of useful knowledge and General Literature, periodically is sued in the United States; embracing all the fea tures fa Polytechnic Journal, Economic Expositor Literary Repository and Monthly Register. Espe cially devoted to Financial. Commercial and Indus trial Interests a, id al! joint stock corporation con cerns. Having commenced the Fifth Volume of this Magazine, who success evinces that the efforts ol its conductors have been appreciated by a discrimi nating public, we would call attention to its char acter on the part or the large body of readers wh are not yet upon its subscription lists. Our pur pose in this publication is the dissemination oi practical information on subjects of positive utility to the people, combined with a diversity of literar attraction securing tbe services of thebesT pens it the various departments of Science, -JJelles-Lettres and General Literature. Vbile aiming most bj peoially to render modt' etu-ctive service to the Trade, Commerce and Material Production of the Country, irmny side" of the Country, many sides ol the mental world re'-eive dao consideration tht Historical, Critical, ..Tsthrtionl and Imaginative, aa. well as the tr.anenl. t tatisttca!,. Tjuc-hnaiogicai and strictly Mercanti e 'Ve eiupHy fiikothe re seach "f th? ju-vant fJry of tbo feniletr.n- ist, wii h t1 ruan ar-.l ': t T'cs, t-i-rarhi'.r !'.. ; rbi hour :r al e ' t'.e t'U-tn; ' , ' " ' i t'-N 1 fj'Ui.-.r in style ; : : -i-ual. The U, i.:. 0 avail our-.? ive- of tho eiitrilutio.ur oi ne Di. i-v-eiy to tht; Cir -'c i f Kuowlei'.ge, and e'u&U rijc. iu with il pMcf.icuh!e sui'cincti,ts Current Intellt ii'-nee-, which ill be cf fut ure ntillity and Litorii interest when the Present sh;sll have becoc:e th Pu-t. Ia iin?, tie A meriora Exchange and Kevie is a deiiitibic hi;.1 e.r we'-. cine taontiily visitor u its subscribers imj artinjr the richness of knowledge improving the taste, and furnishing intellectua gmt'fVufion. . , The I.'tvievr has its specialities in distict and in ereariii): Departments, wkh General Division for the widest consistent scope ' f themes. We give a specificntion oi topic-? which ere the subjects euLt: 01 o-Tarionxi :-r regoIr pnb!i!tMn, viz: ' The Arts, 4tho'icg: Agriculture, A pli l Cheui istry, Archaeology, Delles-Letters. Biography, Criti ' eim, Feonmies Political, Arithmetio Nations Taxation: Finance banking. currenfy, Corporatiot Accounts, Exchange. F'uctuutious in Securities Stocks ; History, Industrial and Mercantile enter prises, insurance, internal Improvements Railway. Canals, Telegraphs; Manufactures Products, tech nologv; Mecbsiuios, Mining Mineralogy," Geology Metallurgy;. Patents, Physics, physiulogy.ptat'stio social sience; trade foreign nod don:er?e, shipping mercantile law, Navig;iti:n : Topog::'j by.Tnivels. a. vmmi & cot A'JTOi.iA,;iC ORGANS!! MELODEONS!!! Thirty-Five Tliousand Xow la Use. Every Instrument warranted for ficeyars For" seventeen years the superior excellence of our instruments has not been questioned, and for two years past the enormous demand has made it impos sible for us to meet our order- promptly With onr increased facilities, we feel warranted in assuring our patrons that their orders will be pn m;)tly met, ind solicit a continuance of their patronage. A LIBERAL DISCOCST TO CLEKGYME.V, CHCB CIJK8 AND tCUOOLS.:; GEO. A. PEINCK & CO., Buffalo, N. Y. GEO. A. PKir;CE & JO Chicago, I1L An illustrated Catalogue, with full description ol styles will basen free to any address. -y. E. c H. T. ANTHOIiY &. CO., il luufscturers of Photographic Materials, Wholesale and Retail, 01 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. In 8.'.i;ion to onr main l.u.'iiei-snf Pliotourjj.Lic ifi te. ials. we are iqaH.'era t,,v the fjllowic? viz ; StereGscort s d Slcrt'o wplc Views Of these v. ,r. inin)Htia in icein.linii War Scenvs. Fvievi ("!t -i-l Land scapes. Group-. Sia'aary. ha.. c -A t H-v Ivina Siereo-,copft i';r I'Wbiic or private xr:M;iori. Out Caialriue win Le ebl to any itfadresa un re.:pfo Htamp. Photographic Alburns, We ere toe tlrst to introduce the into the rm'e States, aud we manufacture immeote rrnanritieft it great variety, ranaii. a from 5 cents k v-0eci. Oui Alburns h.tve the reput irioa of being superior in beau ty and dm airily to any otters. They will be eul if mail, FHEE, n receipt of price. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Catiloirue now em'iraees over Five Thoman difleretit subjocts (towbi:h additions are continnall being male) ef Portraits of Emiueut Americans, ke. VIZ. -jy u . o Major-Generals, I Jt Statesmen, 130 Divines " 125 Authors, 40 Artists 125i$ta?e. 60 Prominent Womew -sadicr Generals, too Lieu. 250 Other (i 76 Navy Ottlcei 150 Prominent Fir n Portraits. a nfv r.f Cn-ks of Art. ' Including reproductions of the rrost ce'erated E11-sraviu-s, Paintings. Statues, &c. Cits loues sent o reee.Pt of stamp. An onr for One Dozen Pictures from our Catalogue wilt be Clied ca tbe receipt or $1.60. and feut by mil. Free. dC. O..D will please 1 emit twenty-Ove per o, n -? the amount wu heir order. ' E h H. T. ANTHONY k. CO., Mannf.ictnrerof Photopraphi. :aerUts. 601 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. r3T rU e oaa c:ilty of onr goodt rannof-Jail ' iu aiy.-C5 U-71y Ayer's Ague Cure. ! fi 1 tV,a " 1 R0 'V", V ' : V',V'.. PBOSPEGTUg OF THE For the Year ISol. DAILY, WEEKLY & tVEEKLT 1 The war drata iOpproacbing its kighest pf.'ottf interrt. Tbi year will probably eonsomata tw! LMMrs ol the Rabe'licn, witness the National cJJ ernment resttredia the fallen Hutes, thwew? erated, Snd Slavery obliterated from the laad ' Th i events of willbeamonj the nifljtmomentaiui,, ! the History of the Coanfty, and doubtless a clad the riuru of -Peace, and the entr&o . I cierica uouanew career of ucparallsled r-! f ness and prospeiUy. With Labor vindicated fr I the reproach of sn-fdoin, the People wf.l Hand. ta. on a higher platform of intelligence and power, 4 f feel a still profoun,ir interest ia ill the detaila ( S ihe progress of tLeir tiwu and other lands. Hhe worlu is entering upcU a new scries of commotujn to trrmiuate in the triumph of Democracy be, j tbe Atlantic ;, while emigration to America Vij Hc-iuire anew iui tramcnious impetus, augmentia. f immensely tur pro'luctive pewer. ; t The stiring event of the times will be graphfcal. ly depicted ia the co urns of tire Dimockat, which i wo are resolved to reader rrortf T-luabla ,34 1 tractive than over a3 a tVithf al " Mirror of Passing T&ztory. ' j i Inspired by the spirit of Democracy-nine. ." leJ-ing no leader but Truth ThMtssoca t U.-SAT will continue to be solely the OaaofU,,' People, and prompt to de.oounce and repttiiat, poPtimiJ oruiiiiury aspitaat whosecsjto bstnj j their causej ; .- . . ' ; In addition to our War News, we ina.1 eoetjc,, 'n our Weekly paper the Weekly Aewsaaaary arc? ftlao an abstract of the proceedings of Cengrw; aui 0 tne Froceedicgs of Legisliiares ofMisioar., iilTri-SWeokly, "will eontain as heretoforyc.1 the Imroi UnC S" al Cyluu'!'iU A the Daily., " THE DAlLTDEMOEif : SPECIAL TELEGRAPH P-EFtlii Si be published in addition to the Jttsnrf muv. ARMY COR RES PON ECE, rd our usual quantity of General News Matter. " W request all Postmasters and friends tosctul Sen"' forepecimen numbers of the Papers and J Prot pectus foi distribution, and they will be pruapt- Send a many names as possible in Gluts, to hare ; their pape.-sae-nt to one address-tha . ddrcMtf the Postmaster or the getter up of the Clab. ; It is not ntioired that all the papers of aCUV: shall be sent to Pne Post Offloe. the number msjks ! s,nt to uiffierent Offices, and addition mj U md j atThJfolwiine var ratcs for 019 yeM I.38k - DILY DEMOCRAT, . TRI-WEEKLV DEMOCRAT. WEEKLY DEMOCRAT. Any larger Ciub thau ten will be charged sttit rate of one dollar and a baJf tf ?. . t. ' The above rates for ail Mail Subscriptions are-, f.ayable in advance. Orders not actumpanicd wilii the money will re- j fieive no attention. ... , ' All papers of either edition, wul be disconfaan at the tDd of the tiias paid for. McKEE, FIUBlCh: & CO. Proprietor. and Locust street, St. Locis, Mo. PETESDN'S MAGAZINE. ' Thi3 popular Monthly contains mora for th "oney than any Magasine i tbe Ia 16 1, it wiil hae nearly p V to eteel plates colored patterns, and tt;,: enraviogi-tad nil this for oniy Two Dollar, n Vr, or a d ll ttiMn inajrniines of its cbrs. 1 - -7 -ty p "i tak- Pi torsou." Id tea r,- ..rues, its iJ the only M.iiiice ir.y. -- - rj nd is, therefore, cinpbatiualIy,Tb'. ,.rj Tbo stories in "PeteTSon are eoci : t 0 t t j best published anywhere. Mrs. Ana 5. i EUa KoJ. . Mrs.Dcmson - trunk Lee Banuirr ihe author of ".-uL'a Drj" f S- Arthur, t. j U. Chaadier Mot.ito.i, (iabnelie Lee, irgm.a ,1. j rownsond.Rosi.lle(irey, Clara Aug usU. end th. .lutiioi-of "TUe Second Life," besides all tbe BMt j -.rvuhir female ' writers" of ,lwene are tM j eontt ibutors. In addition to the usaal numbwrf ? ibori stories, there will be given Jnli04,fuut ; Jriinal Copy-righted Novelets, m: , The Maid of Honor-a story of Queen Ffjlf j Vnn 8. Stephen.. Tbe Lost EsUte-a story ef ( u,-Uay, By the authef of -rb, Secoad W'i Summer at S-ratega, by La , In its Illustrations aisoFetergtu u annva.. The publisher chall . . ZZ ! .uperbMezcotintsand other steel e ugrsri , ,n every number A &WIS .o a dozen or more New Styles er...ei : Woi also, a Fattern.from which a Dress d.-t,. ; hiii's Customo -an be cut, without tu. J --- '' 2 . .. - v. i ..ik Fashions are desenbtd V-V-v'-li! mouth. Patterns of Caps. Bonnet D.-fe.i-M.&c, given. Its coiorea -mi (-,!.! ery, crochet, Ac. r..,;n i The Woik fable Department of this Maitiuw . y unrivaica. -ojj uu. -- pattern for slipping, purse or chair ero , riven-each of whkh, at a reUil store, wat, la w 3 I S Jew Coolt-Book "-The Onl , hold tteceipts of -Peterion" are VtjvL 1864 our "Ck-Book" will be g cf these receiptr bae been tested. Th.iJ -is well worth the price- ef -Peterson. Ott , eipts for the toilette, siclt nwm, 4e, , wj . New and fasHionable morie in ev try " ,. ! nd hints on Horticulture, Equestrianism, w j natters interesting to lad. j TERMS ALWAYS IN ADVANCE One copy for one year, j Three copies for one year, """ve copies for one year. j .,igar Copies for one year, I'welve copies for one year, sixteen cupie3 for one year, Premiums for getting up Clubs.TI iirht. or, more copies, make a Club. To fj - 011 getting up a club of three, and rem.tuu. of Five, d rrai lollars and a baif or a club of Eight, '" Linn- ten dollars or a club of twelve, and r-yi-' en dtdlars, an extra copy of the " V willbegiven. If- referred, however, as a premium, (instead of the eitrat. ,r. mil Illustrated Lady's Album, hrndJome ? ia- -in ciit, or either of our MezzotinU, for . uw-b inches by -"Banyan P" niin.1 ThiM. in Jail." or "Banyan's Wife Iotetc" ing for Uis Release fi om Prison." To '1 r; ', getting up a club of Sixteen, two- f P,: theMagatine wiU bjsent.or anytw-cf t.- Adtc",?-!. cuasies j remwj ' No. Chestnut Street, Fbiiadeii All Postmasters -onstituted eiiti: person uay get up a elab. Lpecimens seat fj tously.if writtca fo. NEW SKIRT FOR M The Great IuYention cf tie As f MM J.W. Dradlzy'8 New Talent DrPL (or double; m-uino Skirt. , 4j.(). Wests' Bbauley A Cobt, J' Jf West,) Sole Proprietors and Manuractsr ChamVrs and 79 aod 81 Beade t-! TH13 Isyb.ntius consists 01 ... U7 Elliptic Steel Springs, ingeniously vvg and Kirtnlv tokretbef. ed-e to edge, toughest, most flexible hlMtieniyutv'tbt j ehest, most flexible juiasuo "-r ,.ke r used. They seldom Bend or Bre their ever Single Spring?, and consequently Dj Perfect and Beautiful Shape Twice as Lang other Mcin. , flreat . The Woadebjtl Flexibility an 4 DypIfX f.,rt and i.lesure to any Lady ric. ...,!. i Elliptie Skirt will be "Pf"8nwdrSe. ! .11 Crowded Assemblies, Oper.s, C "J H J ro d Cars, C hurch Pews , for J the Skirt can be folded, when 1 r-ccupy a small place" as easily as a M j Dress. ... ,Amf.tD.,,' I A Lady having enjoyea n,t;'":::,e, Ellip0" great convenience of wearing the vv D,r Steel Serine Skirt" for a sing e fo- afterwards wUlingly dispense gr, Sr Children Miwes, ari lonag Ladies, . vr'or t all others. , ,hro2'loB 1 For Sale in all First-CIase Stores ia thro the Cnited States rWrw S iTt- Inquire for t&e Jjoxl TRIED Apples. Dried Pewhes, saSoT1 U soap, Candles, etc., etc., At MoL-sugliUa &r