Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 05, 1865, Image 1

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Cla auare ( t en ittiei or lessciieicicrijgn Si JO'
' Lv a adJitiviiw lu.riIon ' - :'
Homines j cariii,six !'im at less cce jslr
One column one year
One half couma one year , -Ooe
fuarthl coluoiuooe Year
One eighth eoUwn ou j u."' -
One-c.letun six ui Dtus -One
Lalf culatnn cut iuictbr -One
fourth column tlx miub I
Oae eighth coIun.rt iil.uiL
One column iarr- ininh -
One half column three uit '.h
One fourth coluianihrr mcLtii -One
eighth column three uiontia -i
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Advertiser Block, Main St Between 1st fc 2d,
Oie Cpr. on year, In advance, - - - $2 6'J
SuUcrijAion, must iijvari;Wy, bo paij inAdvance
f-- Book Wmt, an! Plain and Fancy Job Work,
I ia the best etIe, aud on bhort notice.
Alltranaientadvertiemut mult t ja.Jla ad
vance. ,
Yearly aIVertiitrrnent?tnerwrl via a.Tare;
AH kin Ji of Job. and Card printi. acre tat
jthe besisty ! on short ntiee end reaBHie Urtca
NO. 3,
w ;:-r.?-.l:'---:
r i
Ft fl EI n II . T I I 1 I 1 1
pijnstciaii 2" Surgeon
Front S:i v-i, ' ' "I.un ;tn.i
9 If
Solicitor in Chancery.
: .Mrrch ll:,!y.
Main Sirt-et between First and Second,
I) i N E T - MAKER
Cc-mer t2nd and Main Streets,
" .
"TVIT,! E, K. T.
.f :k in Lis line n
, tcrim. 1-rioi
r u v r Main and First Strtt'.N
1'. V. l.W'AKT, 1 1). A.S. UCLLi)AV,.Mf).
Huutb Eaat corner vf Min and First Strenls
nnoiv.wn.i.i:, m:iir4Ska.
f'niCE Horns 7 to 9 a. x.and 1 to 2 and & to
p. x.
I?iywnville, Nebraska, May 5th, ISfii- No 34, ly
pi)oto0vapl)tc Artist
(Successor to V. M. C. Perkins)
One took v kpt ok the bkownvillk doi -e,
Vk. Y. inrito
rhotoj;rai)bs,.; lTies, wbi-i. kro.
' t i bis Card or A'
to any pr.;
lie wjli
iioss, artel ;.
o. Sa':
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m - . r.
Millinery 6 Fancy Goods
MhIii Street one door west ol the Post Offlce
A upenitr of Spring and Summor (jok1s
jur rc ivi-il. Everything in the Millinery line
kej t rirhtantly on nand. Drees-Making, lkunet
L.t-uchiu and liiujniiu douo to order.
Mrcu, IS35. -V-n--28ly
t f
J C IS E P 11
VToM respectfnll Inform his old customers that te
b- Kin opened bit Jewelr) Shwp in bis old sUnd on
Hi.ui street, sooth Mde. two doors esst or tbe Brown
ille hom He keeiw on baud a Kplendld aortment
tf tu bi line of tmslnei.8, which Be will
ell on tbe lowi term fer CU
Cl.icXs; Wj:Uies and Jewelry done on the ihort-
Brornviiie. Neb.. .May tsih, 1864. nrj-v8-Iy
J. V. M0RK1S
n-TTnnr io R. Brifwn siOo.
WniiM rrtsiKs-firitr Mnnoiiiire te tlie Citiiens of
, "T'' ' m-5 1 :tibt he has purchahed the
Ur:; .; ?: Weil selected tock
TJ Or S. .
OF K. BKOWN ti. CO. '
lnril Ik hHh!iiT.niira II tbila rlll kaon
- - - .r-- '" r " i - j) 4aa tiv "in act) vu
uu eery tbdng usually keept in Cla Drug Stor.
i fleterninel net to he nT.Ifrol.l fr , . -
R'.scRjpTiOxSAjSi)0n.DKRSCARKFri - v jtxrn
" ui yet, ready to perforin all work, par-
H ue and sign painting, glaiin, and paper hang
at ,kort aoVw oel approved
Sbopoa Main Sueet, east of Atkinson's Clntb-
"6 Mre.
- . H Is prepared te do all
, W A I. t c O L.O U T N (i
- I a iKe neateki and . bei et iylt for cah.
roe BTjlle, April 7, ly.
E. S. 13URN8, M.
3Joixa.ix,, City, XJ", X
A or. 6th, .1865 nl7-vv-iy
vv .
Offce cirner of Main and First ftre ts. -
UOBSEY & nicu,
Slllfiriifijs at Caw,
t And
GJioeJS. E. eomor Jifain and First Streeti,
Will give prompt attention to all business en
trusted to tbem in the various Court! of Nebraska
and North Uispouri: also, to tbo Collection f
Hounty Money, Bitck Tay, and Pensions; and to
Ibe 1'ayment of Taies. 8-40-yly
Queensware, ltlerj, etc. '
Having opened up permanently on
Or,c Joor bove tbe lalriimre Clotbijig Store, is
i.rtpared to doBll kinds f w ork in bis line in Ibc
very best and style
l arlicuiar attentione given tc-
Meclfng- of School Examtiifr.
Notice is hereby priven ttit the lizard of Soboo
Exntninrs of NeiOHha County, Netrabk.i, will hold
uieetingij for tbe Examination of Teachers for
.-nil County, at the office cf E. W. Thomas,
in I'rownville, on the 1st Saturday in every muiitn,
Metwcen the burs of one en 1 3 P. M, Applicants
for eertiflt-ates are required to be present at one
o'clock, precisely, or they will not be examined.
No person i.eed apply at any other time.
By order of tbe Board,
t. W. THOMAS, Clerk.
April 1st, -yly
Calls the attention of Oeutlemer.
ervicable and fasUionable
to ru'-;
Ld'ir.ST SI YLEb
l i;r make up, to order, at onprect
Having on hand one of
i- : .. able to do Custom work at rates that defy c-mpe
I warrant my wotk,
Hand as well as Machine Work.
The wishm any thina in his line will do well to
call aii'l XMiuiue his slock terore iuvesting, be
pirages tumsjlf to hold out fcctiuarly favorable in
liuicaiciil January 1st 1865 p'd to Oct. 16lh ISGS.
Wholesale and Retail
Evan Worthing,
'aion Saloon
Has JofI Received the Isrpest and best ktock ot
Liquors a Cigar ever offered in tbls market, and
will fce'.l (Lt , i low as any llone In tbe Territory.
lain Street, l3rownville
CAExr CAsn stoke.
.Vain Sired tefwem First ami Second.
WKhsvein ftnrtalarge arMtwett selected stock of
Boots and Shoes.
Finest Quality of Winter Stock,
Groceries of Every Kind,
Sugar, Coffee,
Tea," Soda,
Allspice, Pepper,
Candles. Tobacco,
Matches, Starch,
allofwbich he offers at the ruwert prices, deter
mined not to be en dermoid.
Rrownrillf, Ktb.; U-S9.6ui.7,60
' .If .
As a rule, a regtilar Eailor's yam
minus a fetticcat . triixed up with it ; in
some fashion, is aoi.t as-rare a curiosity
as a horned horse, or a tetotal lecturer.
And v.itlout a wcrnan in the middle, at
both ends, and all the - way through it,
Jack's salt-water yarn would be as in
sipid as a dish cf Dutch 'pepper-pot'
wiih the pepper left out.
But one March afternoon when we
were barging out the butt end of a tear
ing equinoztial gale in the middle of the
Gulf stream off Hattcras, after we had
spun all manner of yarns, with dimity
enough in them to Late freighted the
Great Eastern, someone remarked that
a yarn worth listening to couldn't be spun
without a petticoat in it. That decla
ration brought out Lieutenant George
Wickham In opposition.
Gentlemen, sre my yarns worth
listening to generally ?' -
'Capital ! Excelsior' A No. - 1'
'The best in the fleet V by the whole
Well, look here, gentlemen, 1 am just
in the humor to reel you off a regular
hawser-laid yarn, as true as St- Luke's
gospel, ?md as clear of crinoline as this
lumtl?r is of grog Jiot a sins of a petti
coat about it. I tell you I'll ball you off
a better yarn than you ever heard from
me. : I'll bet the -cigars for all Diva's for
a month I can do it.'
Done, lieutenant !' Til take that bet,'
sung out the doctcr. So will I !' put in
Purser Tom Powell. 'And 1 V echoed
Ensign McVail.
Very well, gentlemen; stand t'y to
Ji?ten, and I am willing you should de
cide the thing yourselves after hearing
the yarn.
I am going to tell you how I caught
that clipper frinoline craft of mine, who
Avast heaving a bit, lieutenant.
There you are, all flat aback before you
are fairly filled away on your course,'
interrupted Doctor Joe.
How is that, Mr. Cut-leg.'
Why there's a petticoat in the very
first turn of the reel.'
'Where? inquired Lieutenant Wick
Lnm, looking astonished.
-There? Why on your wife, of
iUjl ! ha ! ha !W hat an inhotoHt you
:ire, doctor. You're eternally going off
before you are loaded. Now, look here,
if you'll only put c. stopper on that tongue
cf yours, and li-'-rm to the yarn; if yen
find a scrap of crinoline or .vJcoat ubi'Ui
it, put me 'in fur the damages, and call it
two months.'
Heave ahead, lieutenant.' 'Belay
your jawling tackle, doctor.' 'Now for
tbe yarn,' ruled the ward-room.
'Well, gentlemen, when I was just past
the twenty-third millstone on life's turn
pike, tolerably good looking, and two br
three pockets full of dollars, I'd had a
rather tough pull of the African fever
and went up into the interior of York
State where 1 was born, and used to go
to school when I was a boy, for the pur
pose of lying off lazy like twa or three
months, and cruiting ship..
About a mile from my father's, up the
road, liwd farmer Collins, pretty com
fortably off in ih? world, with a tainlyof
mostly-grown up children, among them a
girl of about eighteen one of the pretti
est girls in seven counties ; but unfortu
nately some six months previous to my!
going home, Aimira had gone crazed, or
Hove cracked, or something of that sort,
and as her parents didn't want to send
the poor girl off and shut h r up, and
very hkely have Tier abused in a mad
house, they kept her as quiet and comfort
able as t' ey could at home.
The crazy srirl went into high tantrums
oc afioually, and was pretty hard to
handle. But we found oUt accidentally
soon after I went honie, that in her wild
est, antics, Altmra would always listen to
me, and remain as quiet as a lamb while
I was with her. So I was often sent for
when she went into one of her wild flur
ries, and always managed to handle her
like a pilot boat.
The next farm up the road beyond that
of Collin's, belonged to Colonel Eiias
Ilewil. who was a sort of rurul nabob,
and had one child only Miss Cornelia,
nineteen years old, well brought up, edu
cated, and in my opinion the most mag
nificent female craft that over looked out
on a country landscape. I had exchang
ed signals two' or three tiries with the
little clipper craft, and learned that she
was? willinr enourh to drift alon!? down
under my lee ; but the old tiger o? a
polonel held roe off about five cable's
length, not quite willing to allow his
daughter to sail in tompaLy with a fore-
castje Jack, whose father' whole estate
was only a potato patch compared with
domain. ' - - - "
. fHoweevr, that colonel had permitted
Cornelia and I to stand two or three
night watches together, and one morning
as I was homeward bound after an all
nights lookout' with the girl. Mr. Collins
brought me to as 1 was passing his house,
it.A : . : . u . a i : u 4
iiu iuc imuiiiiniiuu iuui xxiuiua uau
been in a tearing-(antrum all night, and
that they were entirely worn out wnh
her mad antics. '
I went in and found the girl plunging
and lathering about the house like a era-
zy finback, bat in less than ten minutes I
had her as docile as a sucking dove, and
quietly in bed in a bed-room cn the low-
er floor, communicating with the parlor.
Then I brought the big rocking chair, and
anchored myself in it, blocking up the
door way, so that ine crazy girl couldn't
run the blockade; and told all hands to
turn in" and get some rest, I would attend
to Aimira. '
The girl was as quiet as a dead dolphin
for half an hour or so', and fancying her
fast asleep I didn't see impropriety of
taking a bit of a nap myself. I had stood
a whole nights watch with Cornelia, and
I needed it. Well, I went on a cruise
into dream-land, and must have stood on
that tack for nearly two hours I think,
when I thought that ten sea eagles had
pounced upen me all at once, and I was
wiae awake m u seconu.
It was no'thing like an eagle. Only
Aimira Collins,- the' crazy girlnot a
single stitch of anything under heaven on
- ..
her, standing before me, looking as wild
as a fish-hawk.wi'h her bare arm? stretch
ed out towards me, and her fingers crook
ed up like the claws of a cat.
In a second I laid hold of the w;ld,
cfozy creature, and for more than nuar
ter cf cn hour thtrre was such a tussle ai
I tv-T v itti anything human. Up down, over and under, here and there,
the girl scratrhiug, biting, hissing, pick
ing up and spitting like a wile cat. and I,
all the time, exerting all the might and
muscle that was -in me to conquer the
crazy thing without injuring her.
At length, when I was pretty. nearly on
my beam ends, I succeeded in subjugating
the girl and gelling her back into bed
again, naked as she was, I covered her
up, and after she had promised me in a
way more rational than I had heard her
sjreak at any time previously, that she
would remain quiet, I dropped into the
big cl air, and in spite of all I could do to
keep my eyes open, in about au hour. I
was fast asleep again.
1 might have slept half an hour, 1 sup
pose, and then, waking suddenly, I m.ide
a dis-covery first, that my charge had
absconded during my nap, and directly
afterwards that she had escaped through
a window back of the bed, and in about
thirty seconds I was out of doors and af
ter her. I tracked her bare feet easily
enough down through the garden, and
across a plowed field in a direction to
wards Colonel Hewitt's but in the pasture
land beyond, I lost the trail. However.
I kept on towards the colonel's, confident
that the girl had fled thithef as she htd
done several limes previously.
Within about three hundred yards of
the colonel's housfe, I cdme upon the re
fugee. She was bathing in it quiet pool
of pure frater, hidden away undef sonie
giant old elms and surrounded by wild
paltn trees. But I didd's quite lay hold
of her there ; her eats and eyes were too
quick for me, fwr as I was creeping up
cautiously to wards the pool, the crazy
water nymph khot out on the opposite
side, and giving two or three piping
screams, away she went in a straight line
toward. Colonel Heivctt's kitchen door,
and away I went cracking on all rail in
It was noon, and as' we came out into
the open land, a hundred and fifty yards
from the kitchen door, the girl fiv fath
oms ahead, her long, black hair stream
ing but behind her, and she, uuder bare
poles, scudding like a witch in a hurri
cane, there came Colonel Hewett out
through a gate by the barn, followed by
a squad cf ten farm hands; all tnua.J
c;u:iur, ar.d.fiUing into the lane jjt as
the crazy givi and I in full cl.ase shot
In and across the dcor yard we went,
8 ml as th? runaway pat the first foot on the
kitchen pofch I grabbed hef, and the ia
stant my arms took in the chase sombody
pounced upon rhe from behind. The
first flash of thought was that it was
Colonel Hewitt, and I turned my head to
look. '
No, the colonel was just dashing
through the gate into the yard, and there
was a duplicate Eve behind, grappling
me fast around the waist, whi)e I was
holding in my arms well, I may as well
come to it at once Cornelia Hewett,
whom I had surprised in the pool bathing,
and mistaken for the crazy Aimira, who
had been concealed closs by, and the
moment I gave chase to Cornelia, took
after me, overtaking me at the very mo-
. . .i .i i
iuru. ot my capturing me coionei
daughter. Ii must have been a leauiiful
display as seen by the colonel aud his
clod hoDDers: a vounz saU-water shark
I w '
in chase of a Venus just from the water,
and he in turn pursued by another rnude
naiad, and all three driving away toward
the kitchen door like an albicore between
to bonitas.
The colonel was belligerant at first, but
as soon as I explained he laughed henrtily,
and hurrying myself and the two shiftless
girls into a less public place than the
kitchen porch, the first thirg he said to
me was;
'Look here, my lad, you have canght
the girl fairly, and I guess you'd better
keep her.'
'Just as she is, colonel ? I asked, just
as innocenty as a baby. Cornelia slapped
me in the face, teaching me something
better than that, and then pent out like
a shot, taking the crazy girl with her.
They came back, however, in about half
an hour blushinrr nrptiv reA fint InnLinrr
a g00d deal more presentable than they
naa done m tne race down the Jane.
i The excitement or reaction or some-
thincr. cured the cracv rirl: and the mis-
c.. - - - - - j a- - m I
take won me a wife worth all the angels
that ever visited this world.'
And the cigars in the bargain,' put in
Purser Tom.
lYes, I'll be hanged, if those cigars)
are not fairly yours, lieutenant, said. the
doctor. 'That is the first time that I
ever saw or heard of two fascinating
young ladies being presented to the pub
lic in that fashion.'
The trial of the inhuman monster who
was keeper of the Andersonville prison,
is drawing to a close. If all the testimo
ny in regard to this man's barbarities be
true, and there seems no reason to doubt
any of it, he will stand in history as the
most heartless demon that ever cursed
the earth with his presence. One can-
not read the story-of his crimes and out
rages perpetrated against helpless pris
oners, without a shudder. The villiari
must have been sent into the world with
out a heart, and if he has a soul it will
stjbn be wraped in the flames of hell's
hottest corner. In almost every epoch
of time there has. appeared some great
human monster in crime whose atrocious
deeds, committed against his fellow men
have tendered him immortal in infafny:
In the seventeenth century Jeffreys, of
England, often urged on by his master
James the H, but in most tases out of
pure blackness of heart, butchered,
hanged and burned those who were so
unfortunate as to come within his juris
diction, until the people rose in revolu
tion, dethroned the master and sent the
inhuman servant to the Tow'er wbere,
before a trial could be brought about,
death put an end to his miserable exis
tence. In the eighteenth century, Rob
espierre, in France, ''got drunk with
blood and vomited crime." He stands
the repres entative mohstef fcf his age
and time, and histoiy has painted him
as such. But it has been reseived for
this age of civil'zation. in a land bostful
of its superior intelligence and larger
freedom, to produce a cnmonal surpas
sing in ferocity all ivho hive preceded
him. We have heretofore made ex
cerpts frtfril th'e ev'dehcs elicited, and
below give & Small portion of what was
brought oiit bne day last weak. Geo.
W. Gray, an Indiana cavalryman, stated;
"That a party of prisoners, in whose
company he arrived at Andersonville;
were ordered to place their blankets, hav
ersacks, &c,. in one place, vihen an offi
cer who was mounted dci a gray horse
rode up and told the Confederate sol
diers to help themselves and let the pris
oners hate th remainder. Tbe Con
federate soldiers helped themselves and
there was nothing left. He was not
certain whether the mounted officer was
Wirz or not. In June or July 1S&1,
witness and a young man named Un
derwood, of the 17th Indiau tavalfy,
his own regiment, went to the sutler's
ient. Wirz was there. Underwood
asked for something to cure ht3 wound
with. The sutler said he would give it,
when TVira.sttid i No, he cannot have it
unless he pays me a dollar " Under-
wood gave W'irz his only money, which
was a ten dollar biir. and unen he asked
for change, WiraT knocked him out of
the store ; witness was pat in the stocks
four days for attempting to escape r he
knew a man to dre in the stocks m Au-
gust or September, ISO; the negroes
took him out of the stocks after he was
dead; they threw the bodj into1 a waj-
l.ii ij ?. rr i i . i
s i ou anu aauieu u en ; tie Knew inui,aiMi
to. shoot a young fellow named Wm
Stewart, belonging to the Dih jMiit:s-
sola Infantr? : he and witness had fr one
out of the stockade with a dead body
which they had lurried. When they
met the prisoner he rode up to them and
asked them by what authority they were
out there. Steward replied tha? th?y
were out thereby proper authority.
Wirz said nomore, but drew his revol-
ver and shot him. After he was killed
the guard took from his body twenty cr
thirty-five dollar?. Wirz took the mon-
ey from the guard? an rode tff, telling
them to carry witness to prison. It was
witness determination to escape if he
could, and for that reason he had ?oue
out. but was not attempting to doso.
At the time when the prisoners were
being removed to the cars for exchange
Wirz gave orders lo Lieutenant Davis
to bayonet any man who laid down on
the road, and witness had seen men who
werft rrnwlinr nn thpir harr! nnrf i-nwi
to the cars bayoneted by the guards. i
vyitnes; Heard one ot them ask irz
when he was going to remove the Yan
kees, and Wirz replied, "Damn' the
Yankees, they will be dead in a few
days, anyhow." He had seen a priso-
rier who had been caught by dogsT with
a part of his cheelc torn offr and bh
arms, hards and legs gnawed up so that
he enly lived twenty-four hours.
Joseph Adler testified to instances of
the suflrinsr of the sick similar to those
heretofore narrated by other witness.
He mentiontd the case of a man who
had been assailed by doss. His throat
had been torn to pieces and blood was
running from the wounds. Wirz and
Doctors White and Stevenson were
near at the time. Wirz said it served
the d -d scnundrel right. The man
died cn the spm the same day. Witness
also narra: . 1 tL-: rase of a sick man who
asked Wrrz f.r f -.d. Wrirz struck him
on the head with a riding whip. The
man went into fit nnd died two days
after. Of the seventy men who -accompanied
the witnesi to the prison, all
died but twelve. He heard Wirz order
a sentinel to fire at a man who had cross
ed the dead line, and instructed him to
fire whether the man was over the dead
line or not. The sentinel shot the man
in ihe breast.
1V. H. Jjnhings, a colored soldier,
testified that his wound was not dressed
after he was tak5n to Andersonville.
He was whipped by Wirz for not going
to work when he was unable t- do so.
Turner, the man who had charge af the
dogs, gave him thirty lashes orithe back.
He was then put in the stocks- for a
night and a day with nothing to eat cr
drink- lie could not walk. Witness
saw a man who had been shockingly bit
ten by tha dhgs and who died soon after.
T. N. Way, belohing to an Ohio
regiment testified thit he wis punished
for fifteen minutes by being tied by his
thiimbs, his toes barely touching the
ground, he Mttehlpted to escape and
was recaptured. ncoafatrin Wirz,
a .
the latter said. "Well, .you re batck
again." tVheess replied "I guess -o."
Wirz then Said, "101 going Ij take tare
of you this time ; I'll put you m the
stocks four days." Witness then saiJ
jokingly, ''I had rather b earned than
walk." TherJ Wirz replied, "lou
g d d d son of a b b, if )Tou give
me any of your lip I'll shoot you." He
wa3 theft put in the stocks for eight days.
His head and feet were fastened in the
stocks, his back to the ground and his
fac8 exposed to the sun. The punish
ment was inflicted because he had at
tempted to eicape. He knew personal-
ly about the hounds, as he had been
cay tared three or LCfr times by them.
A young fellow named Freddy was
caught by the foot and afterwards torn
all to pfece& ly the dogs. In September
16G4, while forming the line, s siclcrrran
could hot find his place and rau up to
the line, when he was met by n irz wnh
the exclamation, "You Q d d n Yan
kee son cf a b -h, jf you don't .get into
line I'll shoot you." He struck the man
ntk Im A rtT vi3 tl L r tl " s A KiiVl cftrw A
feet. The man was too wea to get up
Juhn H. Sterns testified that shots
were frequently fired aro thy stcckade
I y ih9 sentry. He faw in August five
mert wbo bad received. Fgunshot wcusda'
and were sent to the hospiiaf.' "Ha de
scribed the shocking (cctdhlcacf ihff
prisoners who were placed in 'hospitals.
Some- were alincst niked, and. h? re
numbered one man nheri the meat of
fensive filth had got between the man's
clothes aud skin, penetrating his hoae
and mouth, causing him ih most intense
paiu as was evidrtit from his sctions.
oi!(-rs became delirious from diseasS.
Amputations were frequently perform
ed, iesultinaf almost invariably in death.
He did not remember any ci3ecf recov
ery where ampuiati-onLad been perform
ed. .Tne effect cf vaccination was sy
philis. . ' 7 '"
Alexander Kermell, a prisoner at An
dersonville, testified that he had efced
men with ball nnd etiain and seen them
bucktd and gagged and in stocks. ' A
man who belonged w a Pennsylvania
regiment was put in the tu cks about the
15ih of February last about four o'clock
in the forenoon,' and was brought back
to the sfoetade next :orui5et nvnP
oVTcfk. The man did not eat, anything
after he came in. and told hira he had
thoroughly chil'.td. lis soon died in
consequence of xpesure lo the weather.
Another man to his kn.w ledge died from
ii juries received in the chain gang.
Wm. W. Sjcctt ici'.ifud to the cruelty
cf Wirz in the latter ran of August. A
bick man aikeu Wirz t j seud him to the
hospital, vshen the latter cursed hin and
hit him a violent blow ca the head. ,Tfcff
man went lo his tent and died in a da
6f two after. The witness mentioned?
another ca?e. One of the guatdthrew'
a brickbat, which struck Wirz on the
' shoulder. Wirz, without . stopping" to
make inquiry, drew his' revolver ar.dV
shot a Union man. : ' '' '. 1 ' ' j
Abner A. Kelky', of the 4th1 Ohio, tes
tified that wLen he and his fellow:prij
oners were taken to Andtrsonville, they
were robbed ofblankets, canteens andj
watchei,- which wereremoved to Wirz'a
headquarters. Thy were never re
turned. A crazy man having been shot
the sentry was. asked wh) he did so,
when he replied that ha was acting un
der orders of Capt. Wirz. The latter
bn being asked by a prisoner whether he
expected the men to live on shch rou'guf
and unwholesome feed, 'replied, "It's .
good enough you d -d yankees."
Witness in August, 1SG4, aw a sick man
at the gate with a sore on him aa large
as the. crown of his hat, full of fcaaggot
and fly blown. The man had been at
the gate . twenty four boors.'- The sur
treoii asked Wirz to have him carried to
the hospital. Wrirz said "No, let him
lie there and diij." The man was aft- .
erwards carried away a corpse.
Incomplete f stems from Colors da in
dicate the ajfbpiforf of the State Copsti
tution by a vote of nearly four to one.
The clause authorizing negro' suffrage
has been defeated by a vote bf tearly
five to one.
The time of election in the Southern5
States 13 as follows r v..
Virginia Congressional and" legisla
tive election, Thursday, October 12th.
North Carolina Delegate election'
S ;pt. 21st ; Convention meets'OcU 2d;
South' Crolina Convention in' Ees-
Georgia Delegate election Oct.4t2r
Convention meets Gel. 5ih.
Florida Delegate election Oct. 10th?
Convention meets Oet.5ih.
Alabama Convention in session. '
Mississippi Election for all State
ofiL-ers and raeCibers cf Congre, Oct:
Louisiana Congressional and legis
lative election Nov. 7th.
Texas Election not yet ordered.
Arkansas Congressional and legisla
tive election Oct- 7th. '
The Bocky Mountain JVevs of Wed
nesday 20ih inst., has received cScIaf
information from Fort Laramie the Gen-
eral Connor attacked5. large village" cf;
Arapahoes, on the 2Sth ult., routing then
whh great slaughter, destroying their,
village and all their winter's provision?,
and capturing between five and six hun-i
dred head of horses.
Washington dispatches says- list Jeff.
Davis is held to be the head cf the reb
el organization for, brfnir store houses,.!
steamers the $Wth. Benjamin a-'
was cashier The list include c'dei
men well known a: the North. ' -
j a o- o