Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 28, 1865, Image 4
ci - . - Wurtb or - Watches, Chains, Rings, dec, zc. A. H. ROWEN & CO., (Aijrnt far the M'lni'fartvrern.) 36 Beekrmui. Street . New York, OfTer trie Following Inducements to ' BUYERS OF VALUABLE JEWKLKT. Having teen fur a long time eiied in the Pa ktt fcohlues. snl es'ubliibeJ our reputation for prompt aess aud reliability, an I poesting great facilities for ll4nn Jewelry in this way, we are confident tkat we eaa (Uve satisfaction to all bo feelliioeUptro- SO,00O Worth of vratrhes I,Ia" tuond Pins. Chains, Kings All to be sold for ONE DOLLAR EACH! .WlUoct recard tovtluet Not to be paid for until 7on know wlai yon are to receive I Bplftndid Iiistof Articles!!! All to be Sold for One Dollar Each ! ! ! 176 Watche (hardsouiely engraved, and warranted pevjct twue keepers,) vary lug In price from ' j,20 to $J20oacb 25 Ladies' Watches, solid Gold Ilan- tin? Cares ffiSeaci flo Gentlemen's Silver "WaULes, $lMoC5eacb .... I jitest vtyle Vc(-t and Sek Chains, 4 6o to So each P5-o Cents' California Diamond Pm, JNto55eacb .ro California Diamond Bar Dr.i i oo U 15 each Jvoo Miniature and euawelled Bevolv- lng Tins, 6 oo to 25 each 1W0 Caliarornla Diamond and Enamelled Gent's Scarf-Ptna, new sty lea, 6ooto5eacb vsr.nic and Ftnblein Pins, 3 oo to li each ttoo G'ld Band Uracelcts, engraved and plain Boue afonaicand Jet Brooches rimM KrnM rich patterns. 8 oo to 2o e ich 3 oo to 7o each 3 oo to 6o each ii ni . rA T t Pins the real articl 4ootoloeacb 1oo Lava and Florentine Kar Drop. oo to 1 ecb t. Coral Kar Dropn, oo Mc Sooo Lfdle' ChatelaitjCbalna Jet fc tcold 15 oo to 2o each ooo Gents' Pint, a aplenuid assortment i on to 15 each tAM oll tair Sleeve Bnttong, S oo to 6 each Sooo Studs and Sleeve-Buttons, in seta, very rich 3 oo to 15 each woo S eeve KuUons plain, enamenea and er.Ktavcl 1 n. ja Plain 1 iri ii.iitTiifiY enc. Rinu" 2 io to 8 each 3 60 to to each Sooo Sprinirlorketn, double cae, rlcUly eneravel ISooo neis Ladieh Jewelry, new and latent styles .mo Gold Ten Dd baudsome Silver - C!"fc 2 oo to U each 6 oo to 12 ea-h 6 oo to locch Tbis entire li't of bcnutilul and valuable Gois villbeaoUl. for One Dollar each. Certificate of aM the above article will Ve placed in envelopes, and Ma4. These envelopes will be sent by marl, a or dered, withont regard to tboice. Od receiving a Cer tificate yo will see what article you are to have, and tl-.en it is optional with you to send one dollar and re ceive the article omot. Certificates can beo'Cered for (1; Eleven for l Thirty-five for f.5; RUty-flve forfte and One taun Bred for $1 V We will bend a aingle Certificate on the receipt of 15 cents. A. II EOWEff. & CO. Box 1270 3( Beekman Street, R T. - r-24-2ni A. & Co. .DR. J. A. HARVEY, TIlE'UI-LOWC " Magnetic & Clairvoyant, 99 Washington Jvc. Lei. 4A and 5th Sis. ST. LOOS, MO. (post orrics box soss.) The SopemaMir.l GJt of Clarivoyant Sight po esied by this Nr.n.derf ul person, t.. uch an iuitonish tf degree, eofeiucea the most akeptical t the Un-t-nitd Pwfr be has in cases regarding IAV I'j V ;ii,m i ri'i i the asivtance or some Snperior wVr be i. ei.aole.1 1. petrcive the Cau e and C-ndi-tlon, and is endowed with the capacity to twal all' diseases, This fact the Doctor has aetconsrrated In tbonsands r ca-es from all rrtcf the world, dnrifig the lat twelve ycari. Tbe foliowins rliseaes in their most e-hnt.natc f"im. yield under Lis Mcic, ty-wit: CONSUMPTION and ASTHMA, in from er.e to six weeks; PARALYSIS and all dMMJsol ibe Kerrons System including EPIliElSx or TITS in from one to three dys. Diseases of the HVEK, liEAJiT and KIDNEYS In from one teien days. All D.seases ot the blood, eucb as Ccrofala, Erysipelas, Fever Sores, vc, accord ing to the severity of tlie dneae. r 23 LI A L IS DISEASES, Treated by a New 2-ICthod, with speedy and the most happy rchtjlti. Tb. Doctor's R.XHJH are crowded daily ry persons pronounced by tUe whole Medical Faculty, and no oLe J.wld c.esiairof relief nntil after beinz eiamined by the Doctor's Clairvi.yaut Eye, without asking jnetiiions. he tells the Caue, Location and Condition ol any and all Diseases, and whether hecan promise relief. Persoi. on the verge of the grave, and such as have not walked for years, are now living to testify to the Doctor's Wonderful Skill and Success. The Doctor aevertises nothing but what he has the ability fo perform, and will give the most Complete satisfaction to all who come nnder his treatment. In valids who cannot consult the Doctor in person, can be xamlried and prescribed tor by sending by letter a simple of their cases. Kelerecce to Cures performed, herf ally made. SPECIAL. ASTHMA, beretofore considered an incurable 4iease, is treated with perrect success In every in stance by the Doctor's newly discovered method, f All Caeof CANCEHor no mstler how long standing, removed in trm twelve to twenty-four hours without instrument or pain, by a process revealed to U Doctor whiie in . the Clairvoyant sUte, which is a-nwn to no other pcr.on living. ii23-ly cheat i3irao r . " . IN SEWING MACHINES. EMPIRE SHUmHACHIIlE!!! Patented February 14th, I860. SJLESROOM,52Q BROAD WA Y, jY, y.252 lVASULYGT0.r,St.B0ST0 - T11T3 MACHINE is constructed oo entirely new principles or inocLa.Lii.-ai, possessing many rare and valuable impnivewcrKs, having been examined by lb mct t)rr4und experts, aud prmouneed to be ." It has a straight needle, lrpenoUculitr action, makes tb.LOClvor MiUllLi STITCH, which will neither RIKor KA LL, and is alike on both skies ; f erfm ois porffcct ee win r on every desori, tioa tf material, lri.ui Leither to tb Cneet Kanook iluelin, with cotton, linen or silk threid, from tbe oarest to the finest number. Having neither TAM h.j COG WHEEL, anj the least posfiblo friction, it rove as smooth as glass, aud t . ' Em?'at:call7 a Noiselesi Machine. It requires J: It XV l'Lli CENT less power to drive it than any other Machine in the market. A girl twelve cars of age can work it stcadily,with ut fatigue or injury to health. Its strength and Wonderful Simplicity of con struction renders it almost impossible t get out of rder, and is GUARANTEED by the cempany to give entire F.ati. -Tact ion. VVercgpeotfully invite all those who may desire to supply themselves with a superior a:ticle, to com. and examine this Unrivalled Machine. But in a more especial maimer d wo solicit the patronage of Merchant Tailors, Coach Makers, Hoop Skirt Manufao- . turers, Ebirt and boson Male era. Cornet Makers, Gaiter Fitters, hoe binders. Vest and Pantaloon Makers, Dress Makers. Qom ana Charitalde Intitution teiit be libt rnUy denlt with. . Prices of 31aclilne Complete: Mo. 1, Family Machine, with Detainer, idler and Braider, 60 V6. , Small Manufacturing, with Extension Table . - 75 "So. S, lArge Manufacturing, with Extension . Table ' .85 No. 4, Lare Manufacturing, for Leather, with IColling Foot and Oil Cup 100 On half kuvr' iufilruciion it iJJloient to enable any vert on to icorjfc Machine to their entire '' satisfaction. Agents Wanted for all towns in the United States, where Agents are not already established Also for Cuba, Mexico, Cectrsi and South America, to vbomt liberal discount wilt be given. Teran invariably Cash cn delivery. T. J. McArtlrar &Co.. . 535 Broadway, Kew York. A. A Co. 52 Vashington,St.,Bo8ton. , . . . . TO CLesUut St., Phila. CEO. FRAZ, Agent, 102l, 4th, St.Lonis, Mo. . Feb. ,65. ly . ESTRAY HOGS. Taken up by the nnderslgned within his enclo pi premises near San Francisco, Nemaha County Nebra?k cn tbe 6th day of .September 1855, one wh38 Sow, with five pigs, also one white Sow, witli pig, co marks, also one white Sow marked with SH-allow fork end nnderbit in right ear, swal forkand nnderbit in left ear also five Shoats, with cnderl it in ritfht tar and overbit in left ear and also ne b!rk ani white spotted Shoat,no marks Urownville Sept 6th lSc5. - - TITO MAS T.YKINS. Oyer's Cathartic Pil f c? n7.- SG50,000. TO MERCHANTS. FARMER AKD BLACKSMITHS. rHOITT lE'O'ir.!! D. A. CONSTABLE, ST. JOSEPH, MO. HAS OS llSL AU KIu rALE A LAKiii AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF mON, STEEL, Heavy Hardware. COMPRISING r HOUSE NAILS, NAIL-RODS, "HORSE AND MULE SHOES, ANVlLk, SPRINGS, BELLOWS, AXELS, VICES, TimiBLE SKEINS CHAINS, WAGON BOXES, SCREW PLATES BOLSTER PLATES, -FILES, RASPS, WRENCHES, SLEDGE HAMMERS, HAND HAMMERS SHOEING HAMMERS, PINCHERS, NUTS, U ARROW TEETH, . WELL WHEELS, AC, AO., AO, I M ENABLED TO SELL TO THE TRADE AT PRICES Til DEFY COMPETITION CONSTABLE'S IRON AND SUEEL WAUEUOrSF HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR WltUUUJJ" SCRAP IRON AT tSStnd in Your Scrap lron.gjQ AND I1K TORE THE RISE. HAYING LAID IN A LARGE STOCB OF THE ABOVE 0001)8, DIRECT F ROM THE FACTORIES. FAIRBANKS C LES , ALSO A.GKNT F THE 8ALX OF HUBS, M OKES, FELLOWS, WAGON BOWS, SHAFTS, POLES, AXL S, HOUNDS, AXE HANDLE BROOM HANDLES, PLOW 1 NDLES. &t. , COMrRlSIN6 W00DW0BES ! -ALSO ST. JOSEPH, MO Febn -m THE ONLY SURE THING. PHOTOGRAPH At the name indicates, it not only RENEWS th wiw h of the hair when thin and TWiling off, but i ively RENEW THE COLOR to its origina e when it u turning grey or wbi'.e, whether d by disease, grief or old age. will certainly do what Ls claimeJ for it, a fact hkh hundreds, cay, thousands who Lave used re rrsdy and w illing to testify. When cno bot t. i fairly used, in any community, its reputation "t-prcads lite wild fire," and is the bost advertise ment aid recommend ition we desire. In the East ern State?, where the "RENEWER" originated, it is used by all Young Ladios as n Dressing, and is to be found on tbe toilet tables of Young Men, (alsoat their barbers;) while Older Men and Women will not be without it, as a renewer and restorative for their gre loc&s and bald bead?, which it changes to their entiro satisfaction. We arc selling in the city of Boston alone, up wards of 16.000 bottles rer inonch.the deaVrs giv ing the RENEWER ihe preference over all other Hair Propa rations. If net sold by Erugists in your town, a Trial D'lltU will be sent yiii by Express, upon receipt of one dollar by mail thus giving you an opportunity at once for testing its excellent virtues. 37"Orders for Trial Bottles, must be addressed to our General Ager t for the Northwestern States, C. A. COOK , Box 524, Chicago, 111. All such orders will receive prompt attention. R. P. HALL & CO., Proprietors, Nashua, N. H. The trade supplied at Manufacturers' Prices by FULLER, FINCH A FULLER, Wholesale Drug gists, Chicago, Illinois, v-ra ROOFING It P.olls ready to nail down. ROOFING Ccsticg If E than half as" nch as Tin. ROOFING More durable than Tin. ROOFING Suitable for Steep or flat roofs. ROOFING Not injured by boat or cold ROOFING Eaf vly and rapidly applied. The most of the materials employed in the eon- liuction of this Roofing, have been u.-ed ia vari ous ways for roofing purposes for over fifteen years and our manner of combining ihera into one firm, impermeable, uniform fabric, secured by Patent, increases their durability, while at thi rame time being manufactured by machinery on a? rarWEtalc, the cost is lessened. Our Roofing is ad opted to buildings of all descriptions, and" in all climates, and can be applied to steep or flat rcofs, old or new and by ordinary workmen at a triCng expense For uniformity of quaity, completeness of finish, facility of application, cheapness and durability, weinvi'sa thorough trial. We also manufac ture LIQUID CEMENT. For Leaky Tin and Iron Roofs. Much cheaper and more durable thaa oil paint, as it formi a muoh 1 eavicr body and will uo t crack run or fluke off. COMPOUND CEMENT". For Leaky Shingle Roof?,Chimneys aud Skylights. A sure remedy that will often save the cost of a new roof. Sanplcs of Roofing and Girculars sent by raail upon application. Favorable terms raade with responsible parties who buy to sell agsin. HEADY HOOFING CO, 73 3M1DEX LXXE X. Y. mm mm STOBE. JOHN PATTERSON, DEALL?. IN us in mm. RERt, XE2IAIXA COUXTT. KCD, HAS just received a large and well selected Stock DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH, DYE STUFF, BRUSHES, SPONGES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, And everything commorly kept in a First Class Drus Store. Customers will find his stock complete, which ke offers for CASH at the very lowest market prices. Physicians Prescriptions Compounded with the ntmostrare at all hours. Mrn SCth. 15. v9-n2S-ro TJ'CikiLiS' b ibe Jo-.-e---r b.irrel, if . iuporl t " 4 IJ1PK OYED The greatest improvement jet In the Sewina M. chine Art." A curiosity werth seeing. Please send for circulars with samples of Sewing Thece Improved Machines sava on hundred per rent, of thread and silk, ai.d make the Lot k-St itch alike on both i idea. ' They require do instruction to opcrats perfectly, except the -prmtd directions. No change in sewing from oqo kind of goods to another. And no taking apart to clean or oil. Our New Manufactory is now complete with all its machinery and tools entirely new, and is already rapidly turning out Machines, which for beauty ana perfection of finish are nor surpassed by any mana faeture in the world. N. B. Should any Machine prove unsatisfactory, it can be returned and money refunded. - Agents wanted in eounties cot canvassed by our own Agents. FLMILE &. LTO, S. 31. CO. NO. 53S BROADWAY, N. No. -v-y, TO COXSUMI'TITES. THE Advertiser Having been Restored to Health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedv, af ter having suffered several yesrs with a severe lung auection, and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to his fcllew-sufforers the means of cure. To all who detire will send a copy of the pre scription used (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using tbe same, which they will find a SURE CURE FOR CONSUMPTION, ASTH MA, BRONCHITIS, Ac. The only object of the advertiser ia sending the Prescription is to benefit tbe a dieted, ami spread information which he eon jeives to be invaluable, ant) be hopes every sufferer rill try rr remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and nay prove a blessing. .'arties wishing the prescription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, I - m Williamsburg, Kings Co., New York. GEO. A. PEINCE & COS P A T B N T AOTQLIATIC HMDS! SSO TO EACH.' 39 Varieties, with Patent Basso bub Baas. Tenuto or SCHOOL ORGANS AND JIELODEONS. Finished iu telegram icosrvooci, uainut or Oak Cases. t JVb Charge for Boxing or Shipping. &T35.000 Now in Use.S AN IliliUSTRATED CATAIiOGUE, con lainiHg f nil desuiptiou of style, and testimonials of tbe most eminent Musicians, as to the superior excel lence vf our instraaicnis will te seut free to any address. THE AUTOMATIC ORCAHS. In presenting the Automatic Orjran, we bIdly an nounce the greatest triumph in musical instruments of the ase. Bering the past half century, the French and Germans have manufactured reed instruments with double bellows, and two pedals for the feet to operate, but the want of the reversed or Exhaustion Bellows, (which is the only bellows used in our instil ments), made it impossible for them to produce the mellow, rich and musical tone for which our instru uents are ce.lrated. a nother objection to this method of blowing was thai, both leet being occupied, no opportunity was of fered for the management of the swell. Within the past two years, instruments constructed on this Euro pean piau r "double bio irorg," hare been mannf ict nrea in thin country, and to counteract tbis- difficulty (want of a swell) a lever has been projected frara the centre of the instrument, to act upon the swell, and operated by tbe knee. The inconvenience and contor tion necessary to effect this object are disagreeable ennugh to a gentleman, but to a lady the use of such an appendage is nearly impossible. Our Automatic device obviates this difficulty entire ly, the simple act of blowing with more or less force giving the desired increase or decrease in the volume of tone. For seventeen years the superior excellence of our Melodeons has not been questioned, and for two y ears past the enormous demand has made it Impossible for us to meet our orders promptly. With our increased facilities, we teel warranted in assuring our patrons that their orders will be promptly met, and solicit a continuance of thur patronase. GEO. A. PRINCE A CO. Caution to Purchasers. All our Instruments have upon the name board, in full. "GEO. A. PRINCE & CO." When a dealer rep resents any other instruments as "the same as ours," it is usually a mere attempt to sell an inferior instru ment, on which he can make a large profit. P. S -A liberal discount to Churches, Clergymen an4 Schools. Address, - CFO. A. PRIlyCE, & CO., 89 Wishington St, Or. Chicago, 111. GrC A. ?RI2fCE A CO.. Burialo, N. T. May let. 1365. D33 v9-yly ammoth Stock. OF NEW AND WELL SELECTED xs Just received at DRY GOODS AND GROCERY STORE, JV". W. Cor. Jttain and First Streets. Latent Style Ladies Dress and Fancy Dress Goods, Summer Shawls, Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoe?, trcm. Nails, Fiour, Bacon, Queensware, Hardware, Furn iture, Sash, Door, Window Glass, &c. Which he will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. Call and examine where. his stock before purchashing else 8 -12-1 j MOLINE PLOWS, On hand and to arrive at , D. A. CONSTABLE'S Iron and Steel Warehouse, 20 and 22 Third Street, ST JOSEPH, MO Feb 4a 6-t f., - SAW AMD FLOURIiYG 111' : 1 i 1 II t t WILL keep constantly on band an assortment of Estra-upeniiic to Common iu C2 TEJ IPS. , ItiyJlKJlEJ Mil And all other articles usually kept In a first-class llercliant Flouring or SavrAIiU. L'rowavi:! March L--y. GREAT -TFBSTBBH BROWN Y1LLE, NEBRASKA. Wears the only Authorized Agents In this Land District for the following articles : GEORGE A. PRINCE S AUTOMATIC ORGANS ! ! SCHOOL ORGANS. gL2)iK JTbese instrumentr are beyond question the finest toned, neatest. finished and best manufactured in this country. (See advertisement.) A Liberal Discount to Clprgymen, Chur ches and Schools. EMPIRE SHUTTLE la We havehadone of these Machines in usa for the past six months and can recommend it as being th simplest , easiest worked and least liable to get out of order and tno.'t durable Machine we have m . w 11. 1 1- . ceen. the Ijocn ruicu wnica 11 maxes is a most comple teiniitati n of the finest hand sewing, and -.1 t It J . X. I Will noi np or ravei. it is vkij ciwy vo luuiu lo operate, does its work well and fast and is emphat cally a noiseless Machine. (See Advertisement.) HORACE WATERS' FIAKTO HARMONIUMS, &c, &c. (See Advertfjement.) See Advertisement. GROVESTEEN'S B Tbeise instromerts are highly recommended.' We have shipped a $325 instrument from this firm this Spring, which i pronounced by competant judges to be the finest instrument ever brought to Nebras ka. See Advertisement. Persons desiring any of the above ar ticles will find it greatly to their advan tage to purchase through the ADVERTISER AGENCY As our facilities for supplying them uneqalled. All others pretending are an Agency are encroaching oii cur rights GEO. W. HILL & CO., Pub. Advertiser. Information Free. T WERTOUSSrFFEIlElTS. A GL LEMAK, cured of Nervous Debility, In competen Premature Decay and Youthful Error, actuatod I 1 dcsiie to benefit ethers, will be happy to furnish all who need it, (free of charge,) the recipeand ictiens for making the simple remedy used in his cae. Sufferers wishing to profi by the advertisers bad experience, and poAcess a ?nre and valuable remedy, can do so by addressing him at oree at bis place of business. The Reuipe and full information of vital importancewill bo cheer fully sent by return mail. Address JOHN B. OGDEN, Jfo. Kassaa Street, N.Y. P. S. Xerron Snfferrs of loth sexea will End tLis ir.wria&ticn inralrialle. -ti s WIN loofiim. HEAD -Q.U ARTEKS r1 T H tow m. MANUFACTURING COMPANY ST. LOUIS, MO'. MAUFACTURERS OF COOKING & HEATING in 3 Importers of and Dealers in m FLfil, si AND ALL KINDS TETHER'S STOCK. Stove Dealers and Tinners can rely upon being sup plied at the lowest rates ADDRESS: EXCELSIOR MANUFACTURING CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. Great Distribution . BY THE EUREKA GIFT ASSOCIATION 195 & 197 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Of Rosewood Pianos, Melodeons, Fise Oil Paintings, Engravings, Silver Ware, Fine Gold aud Silver Watches, and ELEGANT JEWELRY, CONSISTING OF Diamond Pins, Diamond Rings. Gold Bracelets, Coral, fioreuune, Mosaic jet, uva aod Cameo La dies' Sets, Gob! Pens with Gold and Silver Extension HolUiers, Sleeve Buttons, Sets or Studs, vest and Neck Chains, Plain and Chased Gold Bintrs, Ac, &.c, VALUED AT ssoo.000 DISTRIBUTION is made in the following manner Certificates naming each article aud its VALUE are placed ia SEALKD ENVELOPES, which are well mixed. Oneofiheee lunvaiopea, coniaining tLe Cer tincateor Order for. some Article, will be delivered at our office, ir hent by mail to any adtlress, without regard to choice, on receipt or 2o Cents. On receiving the Certificate the purchaser will see what Article it aratrs, and its value, andean thenseud On Dollar and receive the Article named, or csn choose any otner out Article on our List or the same vane. 53Pirch3sers of our SEA LET FXVELOPS3. ma-, in tLW manner, obtain an Artic.o ti'crf:. Vr.c i: Five Hundred vouars, FOR ONE BQLLj which they need not pay unui it ij Known wnat is drawn, and its value. Entire batisfaotion Uuaranteed in all Lascs, THE ZTJSZKA GIFT ASSOCIATION would call attention to the fact of U being the Orlgi al and Largest Gift Association in the Country. The business continues to be conducted in a fair and hon orable manner, and a large and greatly increasing trade is proof our patrons appreciate this method of obtaining rich and elegant goods During the past year this Association has sent a very large number of valuable prizss to all parts of the country. Those who patronize ns will receive the full value of their money, As no article on our list is worth le64 than One Dollar, retail, aud there are NO BLANKS. ' Parties dealing with ns may depend on having prompt returns, and the article drawn will be Immediately 6ent to any ee'dresa by return mail or express. Tbe fol hjwiug vrtte have recently drawn valuaOle prices from the Bareca Association, and have kindly allowed tbe use of their names ; Andrew Wilson, Cubtom House, Philadelphia, Penn. Oil Painting, vaiue, $100 r James Hargraves. ZO Broadway, New York, Oil Painting, valne, tioO; B. F. Jones, Barret, Marshall Co., Kansas, Melodeon, value $:00; Patrick J. Byrnes, Waterbury, Ct., Gold Watch, valne 125,00. J. F. Shaw, 221 East 2 it h St. New York, Piano, value, 3oo,oo; Mrs. Ctias. J. NevM, Klmira. N. T ., Piauo, value, 3;x,0; llins Lucy Jane way, Elmira, N Y., Clnwter Diamond Ring, valne, 200,00; Mrs. K. Penuoyer, City Hotel, Nashvtiie, Term. Welodeon, value, 125 ; 4car M Allen, Co. b. I42dKeg. Ind. Vols, Nashville, Tenn,, Watch, value, 86,00, Rowland S. Patterson, Co. D. 10th Iowa vet, Volunteers, Oil Painting, value, 100 j Mrs. Abbey J. Parsons. Springfield Mass., Melodeon, value, 150 ; James L. Dexter, City .Survoyor, Syracase, N. Y.. Gold Watch valne, 150,00 ; Mrs. James Fly, 1S7 Woos- ter Stree, cor. liieeker, N. Y. .Oil, Painting, value, 100; Mrs J. C. Coles, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Siver Castor, value 40,00: Dr J. R. Sinclair, No. 4 Main Street Utlca N. Y., Framed Engraving, value, 25,00 ; lion. Luther Detmo Id, Washington, D. C, Oil Paint ing, value, 100,00. were we permuted, we might ad i many names to the above list but many persons object to our bo do ing, we therefore publish no names without permis sion. Letters from various parties throughout the country acknowledging th4 receipt of very valuable gifts, may be 6eeu on file at our ofiice. f- LIST OF ARTICLES- To be Sold lor One Uolbr Each Without regard tovlue, and not to be paid for un til you knots what you will receive. 10 Elegant R.eew'd Piaaos, warth from . 4250.00 to 600 OO 10 Melodeons, Rosewood Cases 125 00 to r.3 ov 6 FiL Oil Paintings - 25 00 to 100.00 200 Fine Siet 1 Kngra rings, Framed 12.00 to 25.00 100 Music Boxes - 12 00 to 45.00 100 Silver Revolving Patent Castors 15.00 to 4o.OO 100 Silver Frnit and Cute Baskets 15.00 to 35.00 6l0 Sets Silver Tea Table Spoons 15. 00 to 3o.oo ICO Gold Hantiug Cae Watcaes 75. 00 to 15o.oo 150 Diamond Rings - 5o.ooto2w.oo 250 Ladies' Gold Watches - 60 00 to 85. 00 450 Silver Watches - 25. 00 to 60.00 2,500 Vett and Neck Chains 5.oo to 25.oo 8,1-00 Pairs Kar Rings, (new styles) - l.oo to 6.00 3,000 Gold Pencils anti Tuotb Picks 3. 00 to 8.00 3,000 Onyx, and Amethyst Brooches 4.00 to IO.00 3,000, Lava and Florentine Brooches 4. 00 to 6 60 1 000 Masonic Pins - 4 00 to 6 60 2,000 Fine Gold Watch Keys - 3 5o to 6,00 6,000 Children's Armlets - 2.5o to 8.00 2,500 Sets of Bosom Studs - l.ooto 5. 00 2,500 Enamlea Sleeve Buttons - 2. 60 to la. 00 10,000 Plain Gold and Chased Rings l.oo to 5,oo 5,ooo Stone Set and Seal Rings 2. 60 to lo.oo 6,000 Lockets, all sizes - 2.00 1? 7. 00 lo,ooo sets of Ladies' Jewelry - 8,00 to 2o 00 4,000 Watch Charms (each) - 3. 00 to 5.5a 6,000 Gold Pens, Silver Ex. Cases 4. 00 to 6.00 5,000 Gent's Breast and Scarf Pins 3. 00 to 2o.oo 4.000 Ladie'New Style Belt Buckles 4. 00 to 6 6 2.000 Chataiine an J Guard Chains 6.00 to 2o.oo Gold Thimbles - - . 6.00 to 7 5o 2,ooo Sets Ladie Jet and Gold lo.oo to 2 . 00 Gold Crosses - l.Soto 6,00 6,000 Oval Band Bracelets - 6.00 to 2o.oo 4,ooo Chased Bracelets - - 8.00 to 16. 00 2,ooo Ball Eamrops. all colors 3. 00 to 6.00 6 000 Flu Gold Pens 2.oo to 3 & 2 000 Now Svyle Jet St G)ld Eardrops 3. 00 to 7.oo 2,ooo Ulu i'ens with Gold Mounted bony Holders - 3 00 to 6.00 1ST A chance to obtain zir.y of tlie above Articles for One Wol Iir by purcliasicg a Ciiled Hzi vcl- ope tor TJI5 cts. '83"Five Sealed Envelope will h? vent for $J co; Eleveu for 2 00 ; Thirty fur 6 oj ; Sistj-Cve for lo.oo One nnnred for $15 00. Agents IV anted Everj'iTliere. Our patrons ara desired to send United States money when it is convenient. Long JetUrs are unneeeewy. Letters should bi adireiaed to our Box 6703, Post OiSce .for greater safety. Ordors for SEALED ENVELOPES must in ev ery cae be accompanied by the Cash, with the person sending, and Town, County and State plain ly written. Letters should be addressed to the Managers as foXn 3 : - . . GOODWIN, HUNT cc CO., , Box 570G Post Office, New York. MASTERS SALE. Notice 13 hereby riven that, I will offer for sale atpnb'ie auction at the front door cf Den's Hall in the City of BrownviUe, Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory that being the building in which the last term of the District Court for said County cf Nemaha wa3 held on the 2ud day cf October, 1S65, at one o'cloch p. m tbe following real estate situated in said County of Nemaha, to-wit : the fonth Vnot quarto of the north west quarter o' Section 13 in TownshipS north of Range 1 2 east, taken as the property cf Samuel Trowden, upon attachment and execution in fvor of Samuel Sjath issued out of tbe District Court of said County of Meinaha and to ma directed a sheriff of said County. Dated August 25th IS55. - . - . W. 0. GLASGOW, 50-4t Sheriff. iiiUiJ, OF BOVEN BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND LEADING JOBBERS IN STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS Notions, Woolens, T70HSTED GOODS, ETC., ETC. Announce Increased Facilities and arrange ments by which their stock will continue more inviting and extensive than any other, out of New York, in the country. They now include a full line of -Leading Domestics by the package, at manufacturers' Prices, r.d invite the trade of the Northwest to save Freight and Time by purchases in Chicago. We nave the Exclusive Safe of many brands cf goods, are Agents far Pittsburgh EAGLE COTTON YARN, at Factory Prices. Our immense Business is a guarant23 of our ability to meet the demands of the trade at all times. Goods senfuson orders, can bs returned at cur expense if not satisfactory. BOWEN BROTHERS, 19 & 21 Lake Street, Chicago, Illinois. AMEP.ICAir A I- If A MONTHLY MAGARINE- Tha most comprehensive miecollany of uscfa) knowledge and General Literature; periodically is sued in the United States; embracing ail the -features of a Polytechnic Journal, Economic Expositor Literary Repository and Monthly Register. Espe cially devoted to financial. Commercial and Indus trial Interests and all joint stock corporation con cerns. Having commenced the Fifth Volume of this Magazine, whose success evinces that the efforts of its conductors have been appreciated by a discrimi nating public, we wouIiNca;l attention to its char acter on the part or the large body of readers who are not yet upon its subscription lists. Our pur pose in this publication is the dissemination of practical information on subject of positive utility to the people, combined with a diversity of literary attraction securing the services of the bes: pens in the various departments of Science, Uellea-Lettres and General Literature. While aiming .most es peoially to render most' effective service to . the Trade, Commerce and Material Production of the Country, many rides of the Country, many sides of the mental world rei-eive due consideration She Historical, Critical, xU.-tLetleal and Imaginative, as well as the Financial, Statistical, Technological ouici-iy jiercaniiie. e employ r.:ir:c te ra- seacli of the savant and the fancy of the ft iileton T, vntri too practical eiperienco ci the business te worker. In the treatment of scientific topics, t!ie mode selected is the popular in style riter than the technical. The menial phase off the hour it shall be our endeavor to portray, and we avail ourselves of tho contributions of now Discov ery to the Lirel of knowledge, and shall record wits all practicable succinctness Current Intelli gence, wnu'U will be of future ntillity and historic interest when the Present shall have become the t ast. In fine, the Amcncrn Eichancre and Review is a desirable and ecr welcome monthly visitor to 11s sn Dcnocrs imparting the nchc ens of k nowledge improving the taJte, and furnichinz inttCectual gralihcaticn. , Ibo Review ha3 it3 specialities in diatict and in creating Departments, with a General Division for the widest consistent scope of themes. We eive a speciLeationoftopicfl whic'.i are the subjects eithei of oceacionai or regular publication, vis: the arts, Lsthotics: Agriculture, rpliai Chem istry, Archaeolojrv. Belles-Lcltf r-. UIctrraLhv. Criti cism, Kconomios Political, Arithmetio .National taxation: I mance banking, currency, Corporation Accounts. Exehango, I 'uctuatious in Securities, Stocks: History, Industrial and Mercantile enter prises, insurance, internal Improvements Railways canals, Te.egra.phs; Manufactures Products, tech- uoioy: ajocnanics. iiinicz iiineiaiuirv. ucoiocrv. iUetaiiurgy; 1'atent., I nysics, lihysioiosv. statistics. social sience; trade foreign and domestic shipping mercantile law, Navigation ; Topography, Travels. GEO. A. PRINCE & CO'S AUTOMATIC ORGANS!! oCHOOL OKGANS y d MELODEONS ! ! ! Thirty-Five TlioiisaatI Now la Use. Every Insiruvicnl warranted for Jive years For seventeen years the snjerior excellence of our instruments has not been questioned, and for two years past the enormous demand has made it impos sible lor us to mact ourcrderj promptly, vv ltn our increased facilities, vre feel warranted in assuring our patrons that their orders will be promptly met, and solicit a continuance of their patronage. . L5?"4 LIBFBAL DISCOUNT TO CLERGYMEN, CHUR CHES AND SCHOOLS GEO. A. PRINCE & CO., Buffalo, IT. Y. GEO. A.PBIIVCE& CO., Clucago.IlL An illustrated Catalogue, wka full description of styles will be sen free to any address. y. E. c H. T. ANTHONY & CO., JJanifacttsrersof Photographic Materials, wholesale and Ketaii, 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. In addition to our main buwessof Pbotnerjiihic it a- tei iaU, we are Hea'lqnirtera for tl.e following, via : Stereoscopes & Stereoscopic Views Of these we have an immense a- r'.iunt, inMn)ing v jr brer e, American ana fureiga Cities and La nil Siape. Groups, Statna'y, c, &c. Also, Rvolvinf Stereoscopes for pnolic or private exhibition. Oui Catalogue will be ent to any addies on receipt ot Stamp. Photographic Albums, We were toe first to introduce these into tbe Unite States, and we manufacture immen.e quantities it great variety, ranging from 60 cent to $?0ech. Oiij Albums h;tve tne reputation of teins superior in beau ty and durability to any others. Tcey will be seui bf mail, FREE, on receipt of price. J3FlXE AL2CM3 3XAt2TOORDETi.r4 CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Onr Catilogce nov embraces over Fire Thonan clLTereai subjecu (to wiaicri additions are continaail Leing made) f Portraits of Kmiaeut Americans, fex viz : about 0 Major-Genera Is, 65 Statevmen, 130 Piviues, 125 Actuors, 40 Artists, 125 Stajre. -'sauier uenerais, 275 x, 100 Lieu. ' els, 250 Orher 15 Navy Oa:cei 60 Proiuinent Women 150 Prominent For Ign Portraits. 3.000 Copies of Works of Art. Including reproductions of the most celebrated En. gravities. Paint iDgs. SUtnes, 6lc. Catalogues sen t oa receipt uf fctamp. An ort'er for One bozeu Pictures from onr Catalogue will te 8Ued ou the receipt of $1.80, and iem hv nidil, Free. i-tot.ripfcers ani ethers on!?riii;? pIO-O. D will pla.-e leiiiit tweti-rlvp per cnt of amount witi ttie.-r urUer. J4 & II. T. ANTBOST CO., Manuirfciureraof Pootnarspbic Materials, 601 UROAD Mr AY, IORS. U"Tke pruet ami o!ity of our goods cannot fail ix-7-lv mm. I--1: j : y-SKl h PEOSPECTuf OP tur O OF THE For the Year 11 events cf will be arncn ts 1 ia the History of the CoSSj. cludethe r.turn of reae? aQd th, err ess and prosperity. Wiih Labor via Icafi" the reproach of serfdom, the Peo- ie I wiS?" on a higher platform of iatelli-nee and P0W- fel a still profoacder iaterest in a'd the 0eia''! . the proyess of their own and other laa is. world is entering cpon a naw series cf commotio to trrmicato in the triumph cf Democracy Uri the Atlantic; while emiralin to AmerWa wia acquire a new and tremendous impstw, au-ea.:. immensely Jur productive power. 0 The Hiring events of the times will be gnnrti ly depictad ia the colams cf the DzxocitaT, hJck we are resolved to rerder more valuable iad t tractive thaa ever as a faithf di Llirror of Passing Hizizrj. Inspired by the spirit of Democracy arX. ledging no leaJer but Truth The Middoiai tia ocrat will continue to be solely the Organ of tiT People, and prompt to donounco and repudiate 4 pol'tical or military aspirant who seeks to tctjt their cause. la addition to our Vr'ar News, we sh contlnu ia oar Weekly paper the "Weekly NW9 Sauj, and also an abstract of-taa proceedings of Conrrs Mid of th3 Proceodiags of . Legiilatares of ilUscojt and Llinoi?. Our Tri-'iVevkJy, will eonUla as heratoforviij the ImporUnfl 'cws, Local aad Cuiaiersial Ksp or the vxuj. THE MILYDEMORAT Shall not be excelled by any p?-r intUWtel We have improved onr arrangeu.ecri foi UA SPECIAL TELEGRAPH KEF iff From Washington, from the Lovrer Msiaaijpi, from the Missouri and Illinois CapiUli. Tisf will bepabMsbed in a-ddition to the Letters ARMY CORUESPON ENCE, nd our usual quantity of Gsneral Xewj llatr.. We request all Postmaster and friends to let u' Sond for epecimen numbers of the Papers and.' Prospectus fordUtribut;oa,atd they w'l be prompt-' Send as many namoa as possible in Clubs, to bm their papers sent to one address the adiresiaL the Postmaster or the getter up of the C'Ub. It is not required that all the papers of a CIlIi shall be sent to one Pobt OSce. the number u)a.i sent to diiHercnt 0ces, and additions may Woi! at any time. The following are our rates for the year 1384: DAILY DEMOCRAT. TRI-WEEKLY DEMOCRAT. WEEKLY DEMOCRAT. Any larger Club thaa ten will o charged at tie rate of one dollar and a half per cwy. The above rates for all Mail Subscriptions ars payable in advance. Orders not accompanied with the money will re ceive no attention. All papers of either edition, will b dsscontiausd at the end of the time paid for. McKEE, FlSniLiCK CO. Proprietors, and Locust street, St. Locis, Mo. PETESON'S MAGAZINE. This popular Monthly, contains n;;n for the money than any ilagazine in the wold. In 1S6L it will have nearly p es, to steel platat, colored patterns, and wood engraving-aid all this for only Two Dollars a Year, or a Ll'sr Ievs than magazines of its claa. Every !:.l7 .ih totals "Peterson." In the general aU-.-x f prices, US -J Magazine that has 1..,; its Wicea, ethcr to sing! subscribers or to ib, and is, therefore, empbatki;iy,The ilagwiae fur the Times. , . - . Tlie stories id Feterson are eoceedtdto thf best published anvvrber?. J!r.Ana S. Sayaj Ella Rodman, Sirs. Dtfon, Fnnk Lee Denedict, the author of "Susy L's Dairy," T. g. Archnr.S. L. Chandler Moulton, Gabrielle Le, Virginia a. Townsend. Rosalie Grey, Clara Aaustx. xftil author of "The Second Life," bcs:J allthamcst popular female writers of crica are tlu contributors. In addition to the ual f short atories, there will be given laiSH'oM Oiizinal Copy-righted Novelets, vis : Theilaidof Honor a story of Queen R3JsJ Aun S. Stephens. The Lost Estate storj rof to-day, by the auther of "Ths Seeded Li. Maud's Summer at Srtoga, by Frank L B.inel.ct. Fanny's Nlirtotioa, by Ei'a Bodmso. In iU Illastrationa aU-Pnua' u uanvale4. The publisher chall nges a eomi arison batwew r superb iiezcotints and other steol enzravings, aa those in other Magazines, and cna at least is giv in everv number. Colored fwhicn plates iaai vance;It is the only Magazine whese fashion) Hates can be relied on. Each number oontaiBS s Fa?hion Plates, engraved on steel, and colored--from Fashions later than any other Uags.z:n gives also, a dosen or more Naw Styles, engraved SB Wood; also, a Pattern, from which a Dress, Mant:U or child's Custome an be cut, without the aid of a mantna-maker so that each number, in tis wsj, vill 111. atar'ji!lh'ri-it.ion. The Pris.! London, Philadelphia and New York Fashions are described at length each month. Pattern! of Caps. ,B nneu Head Drones, &c, given. It3 colored nattoi as 1 embroidery, crochet, ie. t The Woik- fable Department 01 tnis iisim wholly unrivaled. Every number contains a win or more patterns in every variety of Fancy -woe Crochet, Embroidery g Knitting, Leadjworfr, Bs If urk,ic.,Ae.,A:c.,tverymontn, a iuporo-w rattern for sHiving, purse or chair err ei given each of which, at a retail store, wat, 14 oos fifty cents. "Our New Cook-Do-k.'-The Original Hotm hold Receipts of "Peterion" are qaite famous. l imi our "Cock-liook ' win o eonunuea; .- one of these receipts haa been tested. iaisa.oi sis well worth the price of "Peterson." Otber rs- ceipts for the toilett. sick-room, Ac. o'', ew and fa.ttiioiaabUs mu.-ic in every And hinta on Dorticulture, i.questnaaisin,avi w jqatters interesting to ladies. TERMS ALWAYS IN ADVANCE One copy for one year, Three copies for one year, Five copies for one year. Eight Copies for one year, Twelve copied fvr one year, Siiteon copies for one year, Premiums for getting up Club-!- T eight, or more eopief, make a Club. To son getting upac'.ab of three, an ' -1 dollars or a ciub of Five, and renii :i.i dollars and a half or a club of Eight, aullC' ' ting ten dollars' or a club of twelve, and re-i- i -en dollars, an extra copy of the majjaj ' will be given. If preferred, however, e i . as a premium, (instead of the extrae 13(1 Illustrated Lady's Album, hrndK.aely liv -in gilt, or either of our Mezzotints, for frus'nl each inchesby "Bun ran pa-tin; froo Blind Child, in Jail," or "Bunyan's Wife Interact; ing for Uia Release from Prison." To every pea getting up a club of Sixteen, two extra ewp . the Magazine will be sent, or any two of tbeot- premiums. . Address, port-paL,, CJ3ARLE3 J PETEB', No7 Chestnut Street, Pbiiadeipha All Postmasters cnstitutl Ajrents; bolJ person uay get np a club.' Lpecimeas sent grs tously, if written for. NEW SKIRT FOR 1S65 The Great Invention of tie Ag J.W. Bbadlet's New Patent Drn.ii Eui14 (or double) Sfkimi Siikt. ,0 Wests' Baani-KY A C'ort, (late J. I. j West.) Sole Proprietors and Manufacturer. Chambers and 79 and 81 Reade Streets, S This Ixvkxtion consists of DrrLif Elliptio Steel Springs, ingeniously Braided V3V, and Firmly together, edge to ede. wk'" rt toughest, most flexible Elastic and Durable 'P ever used. They seldom Bond or Break bkt R!r.irl Srrin-iacd continently JrrrTa ia Perfect and Beautiful Shape Twice as Long M a7 other Skirt. . . rm. The WONDEBFUi f LZXIEILITY anJ ur"" TrJel r . ..,.1 rUiinrn ti tnv I,.a,1 wearier " ' . akuM ivw " . ' - J J - . Elliptic fekirt wi! rill be experienced prticUiAiT isombiies, Oper-s, C rna.l Cars. Church Pews. for Prouioada ana u- Drcss, 3, as the Skirt ean be folded, hen in py a small jlce as easily as a Silk or -Ma" occupy Dress. A Lady havir iving enjoyed the rleasure,eomf?J; lience of wearing theDuPUi irrcat eonvemei . . , e - .la V 1 afterward.i williosly diipense wrth their ose. Children Misses, aod Yonng Ladies, they ar prrior to all others. .rtarhoS For Sale in ail First-CU Stores ia tirX" . the United States Iiinuire for the Doubl DB.IED Apt.les. uneu rwun, 6oap. Candles, etc., etc., At HatostJia &3wi- ?1 DAILY, TFiMYEEXLY WEEKi? The war drama is apprciioLte- iu ;rv. , i. interest.. This year Will trofcal:r ef"!"1 'ai01 Doom of the Rebellion, wLesa th. ernment restored ia the fen Sutw, tW ' Cot erated, and Slavery obliterated fw.n ,1 1! r