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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1865)
1rrie Licen?e. "BJ.S. WILLIAMS, Whoti themthoi- . e c . HHu . tNotemt;;-5 ; linnEH SE ST . &. t ' . - . -r - loieam ferry Boat, capable of carrvic 0W.svm-E,THfK5DAY,.Ey.23,,W5 f Aref team, ,nd 30M per led s and io! rz-. ' rrim euch Steam Vptt n.-., ... fl T f1 AT H j lus turn.; p,, ? 1 VJ v ... o-i. .cientlv lartre in .n-ni,mJ,i. ..n- hi v ,QJ ft f V Yl fi ms4' Vrtr.rce. Executions. Tu.r.1 1 at tr .; .t. . '( .UillJ Ul ull S VitiV rr.' , Z.L.tari: "- lur lue nei ensuing eleven , l.iicu- . , " "i.e. years, and to run the tame under suclJ ;rules and regulations as shall be from! Assessor Tipton's, for the present', irer Mercery's City Dru Store. Insure w1 le American Insurance Squirrel Carje For Sale, enquire atjr .1 :1 "rt- . i- CI . Lollid fur this DADer. Will lllan.l .-. L-mA rru - - - . . ., , , .. . i i cllertlonanlPurcbse In that City. Officer "e prescnoea Uysaid UltVH fChtitrfZ' "--l- - li wuncii, ana, also, to land at such point ,on tne .Levee as they shall prescribe ; i j Provided, The said City Council will? tgive us the free us6 of said Ferry for tsix years, and for the remainder of said :term, we agree to pay to said City the sum of two hundred dollars per year. , J oif .Netoas, Be5. TcitltEB. On motion cf Mr. Cogswell the pro- If yon want a No. 1 Fannin MillJiposal f Jouathau Newman and B. S chespi 10 Medford's. Auction Sales erery Saturday by J W. Bliss. m A choice .'assortment of Dry Goods and Groceries, cheap, for cash, at R. T. Jiiney's Star Store. Vi . to- in it r. tV'on , ly electing Eld. A. M. T. rniscopal Sernce, bv Rer. H. R. J c n'.u .u i . t i MModerator, and ii. b. Rice, fc - ' . , i n a 4 y fi Moved that a committee of ....... Phnrrh nl 1 II 1 A 1 nrvel mil Turner was accented. On motion, adjourned. C. G. DORSEY, Maor. V. W. Hackney, Clerk. GROCERIES, Just received by J. BERRY & CO., . . . . MJ11X STREET, tlllCAGO, mam ILLINOIS. STOCK FOR 'MARCH, APRIL, MAY, Xj ns .3 - ICASIHI HOUSE WM. H. M'CREERY fj.V II uV U VV5,1 r hTn To) I 1 3 ( 5 E i Brownrille, Neb., Sept. 16,!,65 Pursuant to call the members of the JBaytist Church met at 11 o'clock, and, J. tVY Blis Auctioneer, Brownville,hafter prayer by Bro. Zook, organized for Nebraska. Sales made in City or Coun-business, under toe title of the JS'cmcihcv try on tb most reasonable terms. " MCour7y Baptist Home .Mission Jlss6cia Zook, jecrelary.l Having laid in our present stock at re duced prices for Cash, we are enabled 10 defy competition in the way of selling the articles in the market -CHEAP FOR CASH. :1 CO. Our Stock of HOiry Gro6d.s lis the most complete ever offered in m this? 7 1-2 T. M. three bemarket aD(j has been selected with at- Jappoiit'ed' to draft a Constitution for theH government of this Association. jjeye to economy, durablility and the de- VJ tref Carson's Bank. Tie County Court will meet next Mon-U Moved that the Moderator appoint said- ) , u J 11 11 'manrta nf this rnmmunifv i ..a: . l m -! ,,r,r. il " " J Cay i me unite ui iuc vyouoiy ierK,Al'u",u,,llcc Y hereupon, A. W. Morga-i, C R. Camp and Peter Smith were chosen. Moved to adjourn till three o'clock. Prayer by Bro. GofF. Adjourned. .tVe are pleased to see a new brick tuildiog under way next to our office. ft will be 22X SO, and, we belrt ve, three stories high. Pnrcnanl In iHniitnmpnl flirt Aftin. " "Cart. Carbon has moved his Bank to. j . . t ri t .imn met nnrl ftftr nravpr Krn. HIau. his new building near the corner of Istn , , , . ,i j j ji , f'ser, proceeded to business. ....... , l The report of Committee on Constitu-:1 f npn fir.ished buildinfr in the Citv .. . . H o J Our Supply of ff.WlSWILL AT THE OLD STAND OF Cooloy, SPvrovrroll cSs Oo. Will off.r to the trade of Illinois, . Wisconsin, Indiana, Minnesota', Michigan; Kan?as, Iowa, Missouri, D NEBRASKA, The most Attractive and Largest Stock or Dry Goods, Notions and EVER 0 SALE WEST OF NEW YORK, Paints, Oil ami -Dye Stuil's, 2 ?Pare Liquors for Mediatl purposes.!. : All kinds of Patent Medicines. r t 3r cb Oo Ec; 1 AND fl COAL OIL LAMPS and CHIMNEYS ?Rlnnk?iOftVs nnd SfntioncrvJI - - j 7 , HFa J'awr 0 Every' Puttern, Wind ok i Pavers. Cord and Tassels fic The best Brands of CHEWING ahdr.Cigars, Soap, SMOKING TOBACCO and CIGARS.Nuis. Candies tOiitprt CrtnnpJ FVti. nnl fl mmnffit I i Ware SHnrk nf licrhf rtnil -fnnrv CimrpriPS. f'Cr -j.v.- j -0 - -.7 f . Hnyp just opened a pGnili!. ( (T ZOLOCK Ol si ' (GHIOCE'HIIISS,! - - 1 CON'S OF ars Tf-ss CnfTpp Tlir.f Tobacco O " ' " ' ' T ON MISSOURI RIVn; . '.rt K. Line! leave Oib1i. toucMl uw, rwyy. -'rn.mth, Xebrnska Citj, lVowj.vili !.i mterintJi- ite pomtj fir t. Jo.epn, wnreuu3 ...i,... LOUIS' TUE BEST Pocket Cutlery Perfumery and Toilet Goods. Cotlee, Ivice, lobacCO t with triins 00 lUnnibal u.l ;. J.Hepfi I Dried Fruit of all kind?,U:ng St J-acFl at UO r. M.,rritin t .Molasses. Salt. Wooden- Hl'IVCY. riHCAO'O & ST. tre of all kinds, Canned Fruit, Oys-jj "TvT" gsL -J jD " T" s, Pickles, and every Article usually J --- v- " ' 1 F liinj frnm M JOJei 1 - E i " " ... . .. 1 T , w . fi " bia iriT' rJfAun C u worth, wyanaotso, mum ihj, IWIWU'IJ Ut-VlV Ai f U. A St. Jo. U. U. Lirrc- F.ere St Jossth V,r,Tvn..', l?rr. F,:Qff I A. M .. Loaven w.,rth S.OJ a m ., Wjan-1 tt e 1 0.CO i. H4vingavitea himself, of the l;tt decline ; ao.:j i'"v'? I ji Kiasas Citv lu.oU A. M.. iirenie ai r. a. jmalBgunMernn:liwMlna , 'e" f af b'i j UroWUVlIle NeLraska.h THROUGH TICEITS EOS SAL2 lassumesbis patruus uJ the Public that it io - U thfirJi "; j ... , , r advantage to w.ih hiia, none bul first ClasfJ InVlteS the faibllC to C ill lllldeXim-' by Porter 4 DouM, Omn'ia, L. . Uinuos.T.oao PDaUGSkept. Call aa examine for-yonself at r. . 1 . U. 1 , . I'ci Bio. IT. C. L wis, I'latWinoath, E. S.LUley, S1UU llieir plUL", . UIIJH! pUitlKlblUg; INehroka -Lit. E'JT iicnou o a " CITY DRUG STOPvE k'Sinth East Corter, Matn acd first Street, BrownvilJe kS ebraska Territory. p . . . . , U ftESCTUPTioss, and orders UarioJiv Tillpfl nf. nil liniirs. ta . elsevbere as they are compideut. 9-33-ly. 1 iHortli Missonri Railreadir i At prices is low as the Mine qualities are sold by thei1Tl1 undersigned keep on band a largo assortment best liousei in August 31st 1SG5. 4. 3 . m k r A j FxtM.i7e repairs on the HaNxmtL & St. Jo ;jrpn Kaii.uoad.tipw iron, ties anJ aJJitional Mll iug stuck t nabla tiicrn to olTor theso imt orUat cuaa- -es tn friilUte TKVKL BT THIS KUUTK. i). V. Mkad, liooeral uperintendat. P. R. Ohoat. (Jeneml Tkkot Aett. H 11. CotRTKiaHT, Uenl Freight Agent. H.uiuibul, Mo C.apt. RrT Foko, Fnperintendent FactJl Li ties, Su Joseph, -V1J. , COXN'ECTS with the naiwibal ard St. Jo. K.H TIIEO. HILL. Air't. Brownville. .and forms the T II K 1 Atl RAIZiROAD ROLTi:;3 2n" Q ST !P A T v T T, clerk, Boston or PhlladclpliLt. Our Stock will embrace in part i , hTo St Ijoni, and all points East, North and Sontb , ftjj A f! TT T T H VI ft P TT ft fl V iOATTIIJCTr, O OQIMCRCOlf.TO rw, n,..! n,nn;i, .i,,!;.! r,frl i fl A 1 I T i I i. m nl I I Hi- I W U VJUHV3A.IIU UUI I w'Jal ' i i i . ii 7. i ii -i j ' UMUaiy W m For lien ani'Loj'd wear. Also, a large stock of Ition called Constitution Comprises a general assortment of every thing an J tHe best of everything. Call and examine before purchasing! and Shirtings, Brill, Dcnlms,n Cambrics, TicKlngs, Flannels, Apron Checks TWced, F. & M. Cassiniers, - Rersoys, Satinets Jeans, Cottonatlts, Baage Checked Tb Oharce. Tickpt Airont Iwill not liSnriminat. Tiaarnrr will Kuril d' choose their own route. ' Fare hr thiaronta i the faine to New York. 1'hiladclDhiA. LosUn. IJalti-f TT A T'lR A TsfT) (TpQimore, Cincinnati and all poiaU East, as by way of" .vju lUMgn, or bcj uiuur rou i rasfoners purchasing tickets Tia the orth Mi.s- Kailroad hare this ffilll&WGOLIIffllr DBOOTS 'AND SHOES AlsC Cloths, Cassimeres, L4ies' Clnak Cloths, and all Woolens suitable for Men' Wear. PRINT S ts. and Dry : -? td opted Hackney & Co., have just r?c generally. For acconauoduliou low n :t. sir Me w i t, is unsurna ssea. - o vn r : for; whereupon the llowingelsewhere jf yQu waQt tb gel lhe beDe n was read ai.;d unaniiiioJalyJ J. Medford has on hand a i: t in? Mills of his own Manufaci;: which 1 This Association shall be il. -'Istniaha County Baptist i !.-?. i-?n Association." n i o tl. r m e .1, ' ie proposes selling cheaper than anvi other article as good can be had anywhere nation shall consist of a Moderator, Sec- else. retary and Treasurer, who fhali hold, fr'thpir n(Tr('Ps until ibftir successors are i, 0. Of 0. F. All members of Brow vilieXodge, No. 5,1. 0. F., are request ed to-be "present at their next Regular! Meeting, Tuesday evening, Oct. 3rd. 1?C5, as business of importance will be before the Lodge. . By order of the Lodge. J. L. Jlov, Sec. . )'MTtCf by the Rev. D. Hart, Sep. fit of the best of goods at low rates. Noll trouble to show goods. 9.23-yl'y J. BERRY & CO. ST. LOUIS A D YERTISETIENTS From William' AdceUiting Agency, 97 7fccnu Hastings, Wilkerson Co ;Terrlmaek, bprague's' DntcdeBS - Bichmond's. L: wrence a .elected. lit. 3. The object of thfs Associa- lition shall be the further advancement of the Baptist cause and interest in this; No 85 Main Street, Saint Louis, Mo. HTiolepale Dearlers in DunnePs , American Lowe . ' bander's Allen's - Aruold'.- And all other well-known brands OUR STOCK OF LADIE'S DRESS : GOODS VTiU'cbuiprise ail the novelties of the Season. Ot'a STOCK 1H THE NOTION DEPARTMENT Tliis is the i-oly M; chine lnexiteuce which Coiubmea ill the rennlsites of a rerfeet Wisher. y II iii si titAziii Machine, ooerated br i batanm. f and crank (geared to. run three turn of tfi$ t reran to one turn of taeaaM,) strongly made, elm it? ii In ami Mir In i La unorxtinri. -mi not I inhla Ant L "V "N" O 30i orUer. It U constrncted on stiictlr mechanical principles, acd solely with a vie- to unlit and diira- Fackets; they will avoid liO mi 1psV,1j .. '' . ion by night, be iiuoid.iLle de ' lncc April ,a61 j nilg -,esdii-ITowi) m punue raror ' (i-. J -r over the Keoknk 1 fiof Kiver Narigati III,,.. ;...:j,..t t. Rubber Coals, Lcgglns & Blankets,?) Trunlis axxcI. Valisos -1 jltiys incident tjsteanjboat navigf ha ; besides the, ami hs denji.nstratea that, Two-thirds thw r,hnr jfand Tim reqairea in wasr-in by cand. ajd .'all the Wear and Tear of the garments ara UMBRELLAS AND CARPET BAGS,ttt.t!5! Gent's Fn'rnisliing Goodsjj rnnnp(Hnn m i rutut at. I anmhi an. Iitin.u vnh '...:- I -r- -:.i i ii'aius. uiciwut oiLuor, pna-ieazers I i Of all kinds which we will sell C II E A P FOR' CAS il XyH.Ii' QUICKER TIME M'LAUGHLIN & SWAN.I NOTIONS. AND FURNISHING GOODS, vBoard appointed Consisting of six mem- i!bers of this Association, whose duty shall nbe to correspond with the American IBaptist Home Mission Society and .with;. HMinisters abroad ; also, to ascertain what" , - - - - - Oil i i ii ill i i i iii i iiiiii iir. i ni.r.ii na. iiuiiic. a iii. 1S65, at the residence of Mr. J.h . e ' n r r tt j r c r-'and abroad for the support of efficient .Drarv. Mr. J. Huddart and Mrs. M. En . v. f sGospel Ministers of the Baptist denomi .w ti. ,.;-. . k.wlo f tl., NpirhlriAnnQ PTTlT?nT nT?T?SQ TPTAT? . Also, by the same, two hours later, atM , . . , -..T,n nrATTnci TTAPTrnv ik Will be found full and complete. Jtj"Onr Store, (owned by the firm, and no rent to iy,) being newly fitted np, gives us salesrooms 6042u Jj feet, tho lariiet west of the sea board, affording usj .... . .,,, uneqnal'ed racilifics for showing Giods. giwuuiu iijrfcuiiuj.i Ajsvais. :w flnn nf ni; r firm riilinir in Mav VaiV. th' inir inn .'frieuds and the Dublic cenerally. that tliey have ji pxiieripnced assistantP nd bnviue for C K&U. eniiiilftKTreceive- a superior lot of Family Groceries, and inTl 'us to one: our cusiomei s new Goods da: ly at the lithe atteul ion of purchasers to their 6tock including v -t. iin t t fv-.t.r. i -,nu ni-.."U trie wea KUl l-l Dill, it U. 1.U1U3 AtltUl UtliiJ?. aved b7 its Uie. A girl or boy can work it; ant ' it may be relied, on to cleanse clothing without any iliuce from H ind Rnt.bin?. A liberal dincvunt allowed t dealers. SeiiU for tree descripuvo Circular to . Oaldey & Keating, IS2 Water Street, 6t era NEW YORK CITY. 0 TO DH. BiGELdVi" ANT NOT BUFFER that horrible dWn to hiKten iu poisououa !rm Into your sviu, . dWL'uririg your fce and body, teniii" a-v truvirg your rutur rjarruiesi aaa pro-jweup ure. lie naa maud I I ; i -'Hi. V-V'JL JL JJ X .. III t I f 1 his epclal ntudy for twenty yw. and to. . V 1 tiierefure the ppjpr person whom a.! nttidisJ V I should commit. 11! Mwiical oiil. U o. 1 ' -"-a south Clark street, Chi-ago. Lulr.ois. wbrw the Doctor may be consulted la per-un rtom j i v flbtil 3 P. M. , All communication suMfutrntttif Roorua separata. tJ? hwil rl rt'.ruo lor ruy ' Jour4 f Health." pubUsiied moitUily and tacA I. ay---r3a. 1 l'aibengcra hare the right to chooso, in connco x.tionwith the North Missouri Kailroad. unr r,f tbr ..1 . ,J TJ-1. rjiTnu unit? 27rioos.S Vkwohlkans sugae, prime uto coffeb. RCLARIFIKD do IMPERIAL TKA, Wa rpor.o '-irnllv ' invlt MwrhAnl.,r rhlcnllCHlT -11K1 . do 1 OUNG HTbOS TSA, .. ....... , a o-r.; onritnvn ito examine.our Stock. - 2"p-rticu!ar attention giTfa to flllinyorders. Have at all times the most com plete and desirable stock of LA- DIE'S DRESS GOODS, WHITE! 'tb. residence of the Bride's father, Mr. J. 0. RaDdle and Miss Mary A. Giles.: , tUof ;his place. Brownville, Neb., ' '. " . . Sept. 27th, 'G5. . Mr. Editor: You will obi " making the following announce . ; uutxias. uertain persons nave se Kronte. Another Rdnntn ?3, that we rnaka cer- "lantio & Orruit Vetem. t. Louia A Tt-rre f We purchased our goods since the de-Hand t. Louia & Chicago Railroad, he finest, andi lino in i!,a TVrnrL-Pt nnH will sell a t 1nw5;imqst suFerU,y equipped Koads in the Wc.-t. I igures. ATKINSON & CO! April 13th, 1S55, 9-30-ly f Tirletaean bo had at the Ticket Oilij.8 of tbe" DA"RTTT V r'"DOrt'1'DTT?0 MUatniUal Jt &t. Josepn Kailroad. mbt. Joseph. tl iliUljLl X U-JtiUUJ-jJLililjQ M A?kfor Tickets by way of the North Missouri!. Railroad, and see that your Bajzaje is CHECKED ISAAC II. STURGEON, Trcs't and Utu't Sup't Sc. Louis, Mo. ; II. II. WIIKELER, Ceconil Ticket Agent, St. Louis, llo. L. M. DUNN, General Western Aent. P. IL EARLEV, A 7 ...... V I OWDKRED BLACK. TEA. J61i V. Tare Well & Co., v9-ni.a.m jl.a.8. 42, U & 4 Wabash Ave., CHIC AGO, 1 1. 1,. IN yname as a candidate for theJ Moved that the Moderator appoint sixh ' t to use m effice ef Probate Judge at the coming flection : Now, be it known, to all whom it may oocern, thit I have authorized no per 800 or rersons tn iisp mr namft in that Connectioo. I .m not a candidate for ttatOfHce, and desire not to be so con id'ered. O. B. HEWETT. 4 i n c tl:. X. :.: un .l1. a.-i i Tin. o. 11U3 iL-tuciaiiuu .nail uieci as often as once in everv three mon - 55 . . " . J. ' K . .1 c. :f ,U. V.-. K.t TIT!, t ,-w lin tiMlrif in nilTT hrm4 111 t 1PV;3 ... . . . . . . T- - . i E. ? nv eiiier nouse can aitoru. t y . JKT Orders c .refullv and prompt-M R AINEY CO., ly tilled. Hastings, Wilkerson &Go. neetH .'ts.U GENTS FURHI.KI?3G G00D5, lis- ito uc iouiiq m any nouso m ige a friexidEfejonary Board, and that event, they shallowest PRICES GuAEEASTEED as ouncement:?bave power to call the Aesociaiioa to ?-s any ether house can afford. eDr!sether. rrr Mffi 0 t n EMT0S1I 1 Ml I NO. 8p NORTH MAIN ST.$ . . aucnean insurance tompany nit trCfrjOrf. Til . hR a ranitnl of .QO.'IJ.J, -----, .y r - - V -? wO; secured bv lien on Real Estate or;1 51,000,000, always pays 1 brethren as a Missionery Board to so icit subscriptions to aid Ministers of the Gospel to preach io this County , to cor- Hrepond with Ministers, &c. ; whereupon A. W. Morgan. Peter Smith. C. IU. Camp. C. M. Rodgers, J. A. Crook and David Jones, were appointed said Com mittee. . . . . -M I 3 A. W. Morgan wasele:ted 1 reasurer.jbroider, moft btautifniiy. r jl i. . .V: c 5aurDle manner is eteganwj Moved that the next meeting of thist 1 , rtl5able eheflp Mhib fi Association be with the Glen Rockjim-kes the -Elastic Lock sti AT THS r it? Lf vS L-j c hU7 I J Have just received and will sell CHEAP FOR CA'Sir the loilowing No. i .articles in their line. ? BC PiJI -T9 19 rvrr t-ffin( Pnmilv- Sewine Machines.r Uonsistinjr ot idiev Ureas .js, u. mcsncs, ! I 'rice 18. This Machine will Stit-h, Hfm, FelLllVV oolen Good, Hats and Caps, L'oois and fthoes, io. loBrM i, Gather QuiU and tm . - TfrpTTU? It is made in the most in th. markot. It Church, O'n the 3d Saturday m -Jecemberjrfaiart. Everr Machine isTrarrante ossesrJ . .11 A M Addre s.DANE & CO.. Post OSce -nn-.lnext at 11 Cl0ck A' M' S0, ll!.,orcaI! at Room No. 8, 1. O.' SF, durable manner is elegantly finished, and is thej xilivp 111'- uiuciiu l-w nwu w-...-f ititcli can be cut. and the cloth cannot be pulledr -warranted for five y ears. Box 52, Uhica-l KomHv P-.o. ... 1, fI1CAl ttk J " -iui, ... , lll.,orcaI! at Room No. 8, 1. O.Ulock, corner on mi'iy. Rates as lowas any respons-'i .uiAHi. irwn ,tretP.Chi(.nfro. I 6ecornrii.w t ,,.....-.. - -.,.,, . i i . ... i i . t.i -- a.i i. x - - - ... ... . . . . . tl- r . . nfJ "Association De sent IO tne iieDrah.a iu-: 'buy a wo. thle?,lt style, small sue Biact -r panj is now ,ssu,ng overuu rhri.tiari Times for nubli- " imilar !Srlti"- ! . i 2v-ft.w. r Mnn v ffpnniTiA nriii ram v nrnuLicm c ii tin t I A J is--". r ' nia?5uta;tnred. Choice Coffee, Sugar. Tea. Moiaes, Syrup, Fish, Dried Fruit, and. everything that makes up a com plete Gnicory outfit. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. Choice Pocket and Tab!J Cutlnry, Nai!s, Farm anl (arden Implements, &c, Ac. ri i- . '0UC188 each mnnth wriirTi nrnvf s it . , ....w.. - - rpBlarity and good management. .'Insure with the American. J. W. BLISS, Agent, Brownville. -Our senium was honored during the fiwet. fur. ;,.. n v Tmv Tra J Idling: Agent for the Hannibal ,0v.Si. ertis cation. Albved to Adjourn. 52-3m UICE.. SAGO, spick, pepper, clove's, CTNNAMO COVE OTSTEUS, RJISINS, CUKRAKTS, STARCH SOAP, PUP. B SODA, DE LANDS' SALERATUS, PELOUBET iiiiaiMoi- SALE OF APPRAISED STOCIv. On Saturdovthe 30th day of September, 1855 I; will offer for ta t tbe hi. heat biddr for c Jn hand at the residence of J auies, il. L'urns liinxr on tke Dnily farm, 2 miles rorth of Pern Nemahf County Nebraska Territory, one estiay sorrel horst? snppvcd to be V years old lait spring eome 15 Land.-, hirh goae white sadlo rnarVj, scare on left hip and l hk white speck in the wiight eye and has the ap.f marks or brands perceivable. Appraised at $!.. 50 ,5. JOSE P1ICS KELLEV.J.P. COD FISH MACS.EiAL,' WHITE! 7 SB LAXE TEtiUT, HESINGSHAP GREEN APPLES,' CRANBERRIES; PARED PEACHES, , DRIED APPLES'. DRIED PEAC1I ITCH! ITCI1! ITCI1! Scratch! Scratch! Scratch ! The subscriber reHpertfnlly calls the attention ot OEALERS TEACHERS CHURCHES schools; And the pnbllc cenerallr to the above Instruments.' wUirh. tie in inauuiaciurin In everr variety of sit. ,i.J'atjl3. :Pedal Orgaiis; frcm $225 to $C0.0 rciM-rtrti ,r .1 inn tn iso 100 to 180 LTolasscs, Coal Oil, Cider Vinegar , i iri.i i rrr a. 01 ft WHE ATOM'S 0INTMENTlp"bj u JiC1LJU3 will cure tne itcn m ...... . .. . , IIOX-X-RS Send for Pesrriptive Catalogue, with ternw, &.C., t jt cures me rrairie itcn , a- 'las'a STJtches, ,Salt Rheum r Jlcers, Chilblains , and all Erup e tions 01 (lie rkin PKICE 5& CENTS. yUcware ot Motions ani vvasnef wnicn win ni remove the disease. By sending 6!cts toCOLLlXs ;4iiIiO'S,( Agents for the South-West,) W Cor. i2i & Vine Street St. Louis, Mo., it will be for- ''....J..! k r.. .f f,.jfi.fjn rn an', mi rt. nf t Vi A? ITCH I. j! a so ij rV0S-ItLteinnA.y .VATCRAL LKAP CnKWINO TOBACCO. OOLDB EaK AXU OTUKR CHOICE BR A N Di? FlN3C4rTCAVENUlSH, KII.L1KL KICK. SMOKING, COM MOX DO. fCIgars of the Best Brands In tnu M WEEKS 4 POTTER, Boston. Mass., Proprietor; -51-6m STATEMEN T OF THE CHESTXUTS, AT.3r0XD3t PECAN'S, FILBERTS, PEA A Li 6, i.C, fcc. Oi-c. A Splendid Assortment of Stick ano .Fancy Candy from the Best Manufac turies in the East. J.Queensware,- G-Iassvare. Edc01i.Euttdr.E33i &c. MachinoipVooden Ware Stone Vare,&.c.,&-c, &c.H jni Highest Market Price, Paid foi A. lot of New V atcnt HCountry Produce ;! xr. 1 M TT?nTjr?n-RTnTTpT.r.Tnp mclaluulln a fiWA, tV- ?J hD CI d iw3:i Which d,.c8 its work clean and at the rate ot5 NeMAHA ValLEY Bank BuiLDINC. .4 lJitL..L.i.. j --3 !. .v-j !.! Clk1i- ....H R.nwvunrr.Jjii 11.ISS1 ti20v8-JO-t1 . .ii ninnn iftr. ani ik l hiiuiauiu i:uciicl mi ri w .. - , . - .7 - i uiauv, w lug ail iiuu, uuo itccvi .. v. amount to verv httlo. May 18th, 1865. . 35 9-3m Prayer by Bro. Morgan. Minutes called for, read and approved. Adiourned. rl A. M. T. ZOOK, Mod. -J r - tl -n V-n t m r I iM O U 1. Li Ij IXVUX llOiij r AND B F. Rice, PEW.ADV Kailroad. .This road, we an j to learn, is undergoing a there" terair; new rails are being laid. a'.-' wgrouad work and rravel is r; .ieivi Cf fecial attention. N-w L,co-r" fce8and Cars, of the mt approvd .lea, arf bein put on the road, and, neither moneV or genius will be .i-cuiq mtu .V,.- K,;t nno saiegt . I Al I 7 W r I in S'riSdi-.NTiS. I (( J73fc). i JACKSON & SPEED, Dealers in CTT3 "77" ThH! S "37 3 iu ii a Bi W.1 fi in th t: we item country. n? more for the west This road JfiC O L L E G E. ,tU COnrCTEr) on the Kas!s c actual busings, 2 DOOR3 BELOW POST-OFI'lC E, MAIN ST. nil O Tl'IV VI LL.E, rVEDRASIiA. here a choice helectiun of the fol-r ing article tan alway be fouud, Kby an t-xperienerd Accoontat nn4 up-nT 1 en-. V.. a,.. nn.Tn !rli tl.. m.nlniiiiiil&rr.till.i 1 J s.SheetIront Copper ana: CHEAP FOR CASH!!!? 11 " Kbvan tJrpcriencrd Accoontart nn4 .upt-n. r len- I Tnrwn An"rf M Vino nr I . .15- .. ..... .. : ... M ' V W M x.uvyXllTOOVJ V'U . . Da .1 n f nrl ii n t i nr iman, wnose connection wun me moss popular ,m-t j . - IJ , . . Uin .ercial Colleccs ensures thorouzhness and reputa- i I uaimorat OKirtS ovMa?d M do the immense?.ti(n to every graduate. ( I Wouid respectfully annor.nco to the eitnns of U Hosery and Hoop Skirts H lCtc frehtiuT bnwen the East ? sP?.ial iction given in ail J'' of .r-y - JlLatPst Style Ladies Dres ti . tVh.ri.rC been " T pB RONVILLB A. fa5cv Soods - totVe,.i . . , . M Full pwticulars sent o any direst - M , , tients Collars and Nerk Tis N ,c 'ken as a criterion for what rt ISil THOMAS J. BRV.4ST. l;,md vicinity that they are now receivinir a tnAl f,r. Tl ,..i..,0r ll,l5 fJ cr win u t,oro f, f 52-tf S. Joseph, Mc. sftrl,yi-f tlfe best Coding and Heatin.jSves now; Genta & Boys summer Hats H be hereafter. I : !! L . .!, nj of Bra. Ketti-s. Por-1 .ar.-e Stork Notions I L . - - - f w ' - n v r? so ! NOTICE. k,ceMin KettW,Tincd IronedPauce fIron Ifcwt- pape ln(Jow ghad , ! x- .- i . i W . . .i .:- Tnblc and Tea-spoons; Coffee Mills, Flat Irons, uooVfTT o, , CD ., c. ck i I Noticsr.y fciven that at the nest JT"lVf uV rntf.ra- Spring Balances ; French Saace Heaty Stock of Boots & Shoes : Election to beLeld l tie several HrocinU on Rabf0.ndleK Forks ; Rusells Butcb-j Large Slock of Groceries Ij Tuesday tie 10th day of October, A. D. l5, the : 'aDl, 1' v-1. An . A-. A..t r- 11 I .... . . .. c ..r h mvM 1 ,11 ITT liUUl". f" 7 -'i l JNMOrw P I one a rn I in f I i mifciinn viu nfi innmuira lo lot utopii oi emi- -r.- -. . . ... ... ... t..i uo , !..' . ' ' i t . . r. 7. ...... .. . . f ii ..r -v.;.n .trrel lor saw w w n -i tK... , t ien U;ii .. , . . - fa (ie Agent in mis loi'y. CltJ CqudcU Trocceaiuss, September 20th. 1865. reseat : r. r. n.-. nr DCilmOQ- f-r;Sl-m PrT-.0U or, T.ii 10',r)ff proposal was received "tte Oa,.,.:l .. - J Married Ladies ! PE0F. VON VERAE'S DIAL! OHO DROPS! ' nev-' 'er-taU- 'ing PEE-' VEHTIVB,' 'for which they arex WA R BAN TED 'in every instance. They re cordially recommended toy 'aU Ladies who. from sickness or 'other cause, are unable to undergo the perils of aceonchment. This remedy lsN .DIAMOND DROPS!, Hot an Abortive, bat -imply .PREVENTIVE,, .and la not in the least inja-y .rious to the most delicate , constitutions. Ever y . k B ottle Warranted. . LET EVEBT, LAST THY IT. G. rELOUBET,' Biod3iriT:i-D, ITEW JEESEY- Or ti J. M. PELT ON, 841 Broadway, N. Y. C. 1IEYEI1, 722 Arch St., Philadelphia- J. A. TUCKER, Jackson, llichigan, V. W. KIM BALL. 1.2 Lake . Chicago, liolosnlo .-Lrjozita' 61 -ly AMRICKT nsnnmce Company, O Y FREEPORT, ILLINOIS. VTs, niltAM BRKIIIT, President, and CHA S L. pCJUltUlEK, Set retary, of the American Insurancer LCompany, of Freepjrt, Illinois, hereby certify "ihati jsaid Company i- possMsfd of a capital of at Iat ;ono hundred .thousand dollars, sutured by lien on 1 t . ....... .. ... I. - u : . . ! 1 Ileal Estate for Sale ruiinea the amouut of saiX an i not enfiim labored to mure thn onc-fuurth of id v;iluatio." 11IICAM BKllJIlT, CIIA'S L. CUULULK. STATC OF ILLINOIS. STLVUEXSOR CVUSTY ps I ci ri u f ' ii cm ucivi uiG.vsirii.ui i un u'l II s ty Cotirt cf Coaty,' Hiram Bright and tJha'sL.t Jourier. t me kn.iwn a3 tho IPrc-Ment and S;-cre utary of the American Inruranctj CU!piny, win b - ri..f fTi-at .lulv CWAfn ir ? n fi lite ci. trfi-.. 1 1 c r v.j i .....-..... ... ., ...... ..!.. depose and "that the above cerrilicate sulwribcil jj'o by them reypi-ciivtly i true is iu subsUttcj a::l iiii IV r. as fli.wn bv the records of s.iid Ct iDfa'iy.' i M Subscribed and iwoin to btfore ibv, thu Ifii'iM l;i v of July A.l. Ch.-rk of County Court, Stehcn-oii Coai.!y y A. W. BKIiW'STKi:. l?;uty. West half of north westqaar'er, Section 2, and ?ast kal f north quaster Section 3 lowu a liange n, east io o- acrus. ; South went quarter Sec lion 31 Township 8 il 14, 1G0 acres.' . , S half south east quartprand north west qrtarter, outh east quarter See 2B Town 6 Ranga 15 cut 111 acres Timber Land. Lots 5 and 6 , Block 4. Middle Brownvilte. Lot 7BW.k22. North Brownville. Lot. 14 Block 11, Drownviile. Ttnu Cash. apply io . ., WILLIAM F.' WILS0!f, w a:.iL noovEii, S-r.terr.'.or 1t.l8fi5', 9 5j-13t gosling; s Crlllhml, Easy Slilnln?. Leather Trcservlnsr i To Kxpiro on tne 3 lit d;y of Janiiary, 15oi. Insurance Department, Olice of Ter- - ntoriai Auditor, h iCoiiipOMition oa ; si and liirc Ivoi deal's Foot Oil rj I.lack. mpirtig tolUXiTaiKt SfTOE LEAmSH the soft. n and piUnfy t KID wniie with one-ruutn th ?ish.r iisrsiiy rmplvet in ibe arpl:catior of the orril m tj Blacking!, if prinr4 Jet Bica Cnauiei Glcar, eq'ialieUnly ly Patent Lenier. 1 rr.9wArIA S'i 17tlh .Sli all Grornt and Sioe Lealets. DflFAS, Geor-e W . llson, Gen. J WII Agi-n, for tha Ojder received by American Advertising A?ency 3-53 Broadway, few Tork. tj v 3-5 Broadway, few yrk. RAHIBFICSn inSnFanCO bO.JjA-ndWholesalcdaManufacturer'aDepot, f lio--ate.4 at Freeportjin the Sia?e f Illinois, ha: 154 Keadc St., N. Y. I.filad in thi OHite a e.jfy of the Act of Incoqcra-M 6l 6m CCT Send Bed Sump for Circular, or 12.26 for the f tion of said Conor any, and a Htatment und. r r.atb.f j smedy, to G. B. WON HOB & CO , General Agents, ti-ibowinff its Condition, as re.inirod Jiy tho Four- f.'l Xlemedy, to C B. WON HOB tt CO , General Agents, t'Dowinff rts uonui..n, as re.iniroa oy in r our- . .TSOl iniponaul lliscuterj, P. O. Drawer &561, Chicago, Illinois j Office 155 South tjteenth Section of a Law o tSe Terrilo'y ot NcbM t Clark Street; For sale at Wholessle la Chicago, by 5?ka, entitle! "An act in fUtlatiou to In.-urauio HlXTEHESTINO TO AGENTS, FARMERS AND Bt7SJniA:3 & VAN 8CHAACK, FTTIilH, FtSCU Corupani." A pprovtd February , 13 ; lj LAUlEd- tt rtXIXSK, LOED & SMITH. CHAS. e. BIITtt in knon, br lhi?e pr!wnrs. That wva Ubl cw.f..n.f - i. j . " ' . . " . . . ...... ... ;?!i?iSV"""r;" Raisins and Confectionaries iiutof lbSS.toaid inthe Uunuueuon oi a rjuiujisi. " -7 ',:ntr --,1 nunc omuKlDganu -"ciug ttwco; esnnr. & Dwna, and h. acovnx. I 1 uerei'HP , uv 111 -110 it 11, w tin pursu.'ne of the aforea !Hrvey, Auditor of the Ter .-..,w r.n-n i t. uur nn-&nop i aiways id 1,,...,-.. ., nrtij ' t;m-. 1 I-- . . ... .1... .wi...,.. f n k , ifromal'mltaDtoaDciogrT'" juiuru 1 .. . . - . . . lOsage Orange SeedaK C C? : ln.;urance in the (I Soap Candles and Mackerel i ir .: -Ill kiu rn!l..i- . f hnnp1 VEre WorK 01 - "Z J?!. th. ,V V; .otbtac k b. done in a workmanlike msnner. -HI pi. w.i. r ' - . c, . . ill i , in. i - itc irtiiiua. v Pfc-d ofTerto put in andruni By der of the County ciww,'neri ?sf.on ln vv. v. lien's Olt! Stanrt,4 n lia.v u. u ? . fl llatf 'iSlr, U'-5K 1 rr r nn 51 5t Co. Clerk, 62 Jly Una l)oor tastof Uiu otore. , y i y r'"" " A i r0tocil of the Cilv ot ?reir?irt"the 0rd - for tax?' and tho uprl t sa; i u ... Repairing Done with Neatness and Dispatch Table Salt crackers and Cheese . ,'"ra; fewipioe ppo thoir ballU the word. "agntn iu-,f Corpcr and Brass will be taken in ejchan.l agh parfn proaCe. rfr, , . . . me M.eouri Htver, at September 1st 1So5. G il HENDERSON. mKSII FR03I TEXAS. aid Act,!, K..4 . e ore rmkina single ma.-bine which combinef rriry of Ncbrwka. Ib.rt tne het and ctitapeft porubia me ana Cider that said Anu-riraU Insurance- tress, .be drytist Ciot.ies nnger. and the soost full autboiitv to ict i u.iincsa ol J; powerful LizntniBg J wk tn the world. It if th i T-r;..- r V.Kmjt. ....I.. k.;: nnlv i'.r..t a.litntii U mtUin-p Annla Chamri--ri f i-l-kwsof this 'ienilorr. until the 31t oay of Jait-t-whipb is now rrgarJed a one of "he mot imporUn. P uarr, iMnfj. - vr-vr A k od acnt wauted ia m we win noij ont luca ia-i re Si 000 before Christm-. Kdisf-tteries of tne ae Persnfis wifbinj a supply of O.affe Orange Seed.sJ In Vitaa Whereof, I have subscribed ray name 2ev,,,y county, to woo ican irrt freah n.eA. t ronr?lit from 1 eias. bv annlv-siand caused tbe S1 i.f the Audit,r l;ffi- tn VwlTdurerrn' aa to irn: i- - ' - - rt .' .. ' " . . . . .. , ... r . ini iinm'd lately to Wesley Pundt, I'. U. B l aflixed, flu- the 17?h day of Aiiuf 15. R i anl one masin- apFucuon inm arj county. Br-.wnville. Nebra.'ka. Or, leaving their or lei sj V. V. HUVEV. t 'bm11 hav the excl.-iv a-f rjcy. Vuy particular. p.iii. vhrs.' xv'rsi.rv mrvnAS. i t u fcr rc EAJd.-a ir.T,. REED i CO. ;rn g't for Overmen ' ' w i ' . NDAS, t i & Mann, j j A 2"nt. No. 55 Liberty ., X. r