Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 28, 1865, Image 2

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.iyebraska CiiJucrttscr !
h That there should be some dissatisfac
1 J
Territorial Union Ticket.
Of Brovrnville. :
" "
- ' Of Omaha.
tinn ivTiHr n lnrrrp r.nmhfiP nrp mnrprxi-
;ed, is neither strange oor unusual; butjijt
tion of the Union, confidently believeinsvvhether ty the.Leislaiive Assembly-or y
L.lif i).nil ....v1, I T-i"i F.tfTnrrriMQ nm v irl i . , rr for n (.nnvpnlmn 'J'.
This week, i slim iq point of interest,;.. . , . , . ... tV J, ... .
, " jiao wuuuui vi iuv j'eujjiw jusucs wiiij,(to irame a -onsiuuuon, reijuirc a, vuic.j
is composed of about one.-half negro,r'oe $one. the Laws vindicated, the Con-, !to be taken at the time of ihe election of -l
uw H)one. fourth steamboat aud railroad acci-f itutio'i and L nicn preserved.
X'ntJtvdents, the balance ot Something interest-li tooi,"TJj;all ihe ben
tout any man, or set of men. should
through their dissatisfaction to p!ea?e and : jnr '.vhlch. we'll proceed to ive ; h"ig Irorc th? sacnnce of hie and expen-yye b
whether or not
nefits accru-aha'l sit for that purpose.".
ave neve seen
comfort Uopperheads, is quite
I We hare teatd of some little dissatis
faction expressed against the Represen
tative portion of the Union Tickei, but
'not one word against the County Officer-
nominated at the Union Convention
;TLis feeling is being fermented and
a convention
anvuunc: to
taken advantage of by the chief of
Copperhead in this county he who lec-
County Union Ticket.
For Representatives
For Clerk, and Recorder
lor Treasurer
. For Probate Judge
. For Sficrijf . ,
For County Commissioner
- For Prosecuting Attorney
-- . S. M. RICH. '
For County 'Surveyor
For Coroner
lured us for warning rebels not to settle
in this County. He is assisted by an
officer of the Land Office at this place,
.who is complacently actmsr the "cat g
paw" to "rake out the pea nuts" into the
hands- of- Lis- dear"" friend. "They
i . . .
!i!tro f.oon (TiKinrr rrtiin Door tinru llifl
Union Convention to find discardant ele I
ments lo make a nucleus of around which
their Copperhead friends may rally, bui
.up to the present have been unsuccessful.
Their present method is to go to some
.loyal mac, that is not around much, and
jtell him that sach and such good meD are
facing to boh, acd then ask their partic
ular friend" to run on their opposition tic-
ket for 4,Repreeentative," if this is re
fused tl ey ofTer him very generously
ihe "Sheriffalty," but, so tar, have beer
Jmet, pointedly, by their "particulai
friend" remarking that "he'd support the
nominees of the Convention, ancf "would
do nothrog to please or comfort Copper
heads.'' This is the answer that should
always be riven them. Their main, ob-
4. .
Iject i3 to devide the Union pariy.this
a all, if possible, ferment this difaffectioL
unill next election,' when they can hope!
of, C , .J u,,or T;T.ial the above -tissue of hypocracy, Tj
Uad carefully excludm from dike the-"ifnl:ieh(od and sneaking, cowardi? mnuen-; :
The ChoetowanH Chickasaw dftlpate;-' Idisloy nl. . . .do, nor do we believe that anything one
n the' Fort Smith Council signed a treaty -j Msolved, That we are proud of the hnlf so contemptable could issue from
with the Uuited State?, Wri .l eurajhn, u 3 UV a ?iy other source than the Chtef Copper-
u:j .v i ,a ..Jiratriotic toil and sacrifice-have aided w' l a , . nnmmitnAar nf-U v n C'U
j Sec. Seward had a severe
ft'ie diarrhea on the 21st.
of peace
which they
' "HI
Government in compelling the Indians oUjand upholding the Constitution and Lavvs;jin lhls Territory. J. Sterling Morton. -the
Plains to maintain peaceful relations; land .that they are entitled to the grali-iEvery - act of, his worse than worthless;;
with each other and with' the' General ilud? nnd assistance of all lovers of the;?iife gives the lie to the patriotism he at-!
7 1
Government; acd to abolish slavery in r iV "k" uuuJ,ub tempt to foist into the first resolution. Af
Mt'irir Territnrv. 11 n-T j rm . .t t . c rr.. I : erovelinir lick-spittle; he done the dirty
j. ri i.csulde!i., iiiai irviitR Riernon or 1 er-i - . -
liesolved,. That in-the election, of Ter- 4b L - T7J . 't
:v:. rlnJ 1.. r.ri.l . ..'j.n...:.Lr; ' .i.'lAnrlr fur thp llpmnrrnrv nnn ivm Pipvat-?'!
i t ii. aaicu litai ijr vumui-auui iai auu lyouniy omcers we invite iuei : "- . - . . . j
i;ions Ly eviuence given against mm ons ra,,ici3fc ucuiiy tu-ujiauuu ui uujjcu iu mo jjuomuu ui ucuciui; i m
He is reported to be very low'' . "cu uuuul icam iu errit-jry, uy mat toci ot ireason.james-;
-u.,auyUa, auu weic-mK uiem tu our ".Buchanan, not for his honesty and integ-M
4 K '-vU. i j 1 1 .1 &
iil.U : r : I'M ,-s
L.y y ij vfj . .
- ' . !
- W) CR lT)ry
j Xf
T rr : 1
7 j--i
the 22d.
and is being doctered carefully for ftar
ve suppose, of cheating the gallows.
Would call the attention of D2ALEH3 to. their immense stock 0f
Convention, Augustus Kountz,' for Ter
ritorial Treasurer.
iPrcccetllnffs of the TcrrltorhtS,
" liilon Contention.
P irsuant to a previous call, the Terri
tonal Union Convention for the Terri
f m T 1 I
jury or XNenraKa, met in tne
1M. Meim Alilfl Tiifiet.Tf CnnlAnflLia
' ' ii Ou motion Augustus Kountz was then
IbO-j, at II O'clock, A. JU. . ' U. 'a .. .u Pu,i;j.., .k tt;.
if w Kiif fnr hia rmtTr lTrinrr fnrtpmnl
A".nirinl inn riPinT nnw m on nr. S3. . -. . .... . . ..... . . I
- . , , , Mble ability to "throw dirt" from nis-
J. 13. Weston nominated, before then AA , . . ... TTq ,i0 J
'ran against S. G. Daily, aud was badly,-
I ;and l onestlv. beaten. In this race he'-
T. W. Tipton, nominated, before ther jan(j his confederates committed thegreat-J
MC'onvention. John Gillisoie for Terri to
CX,' ? Htial Auditor and School Commissioner.
3r.19ih.Is-. o a.; , ir t
est fraud on the people whose dear
Drugs and Medicines, School Books,--Patent
Medicines . Blank Books.
Glass and (ilassTtare, Writlni? Paper, .
Paints and Oils, EnYdopes,
Spices and Dje-stalTs, Coal Oil
Pare Wines, Liqaors, lc, &c.,
friend he pretends to be that was ever J4mnts to the trade
Whv'h were bop.srrt forcach of JIanufflctures, Imnortera as.I PuhlUhM. ;m v- i , . .
' J' O O - "l mu v uvu iuct Al U DU III
uo motion or u i'. mason, tne ton-H .... c m i 1 e u '
JJparly or Nebraska for ihe otuce o;
ventiou waa ifmporanly organiied by?i r- -. Trpncrpr Yv u.: '
' J
. . i : .u t : . 1T..J?3
r ' tfi dmiihihii 111 iiik 1 prn irv. iwr; miiiur.
i,c-r v--- . . "1
5 uniomilo the Hailf Buffalo and L'eau-qui-court
I scounty election returns. Ile'kcewef tbel
i iriTori 11 i reasui er. lv auu:aiitaiion. v t . i. .--....1. 1-
.1. e n 1 t .1. ... t ti -' J f .iiiiuu, vumeiiru; was uemeu, luanc a.
i - fw. - f?pittirui race, ana got .ouv mnage, ror.
" - - 1
They are the North -wetrc Wholesale AZect3 of Dr. D. Jayne i 5B , , r j
C. Ajra & Co., nd can furniii their ilodkines ia any quaatitiej. '
j-acf S. M. Rich as Secretary.
On motion of T. V. Tipton, a Com
miltee on Resolutions was
Resolved, That the Delegation from
Nemaha County, in the Nebraka Legis
lature, be requested to use their best en
for Etcces. They will try to get soldier
J.n th"ir ticket, at the same time theii
platform ignores the soldier. They wih
iU Oil lii IU II jJUIVCl IU U1SIM1I t, Ultl ICi
1 voters remember that "ia unity
Uheir ;s strenuth."
Muominateu as tne canaiaate or tne union
. . a .
Cjm 'jiparty of Nebraska for the office of Ter-f
'I Irlf'nrinl A n.l it nr o r.A fsrfinrtt rinrniTlisinn-l
an attempt to defraud the people out of.
their chosen Delegate. . Yes, this immac-; 1
1 1 r 1 V 1 m
juiate cmce-nater actually oeggea ir
"Government 82,600, and was assisted in;
hereupon the followin'T Dlpcrntp.s vrpretl r . . .
ipppintea said committee t T. YY. Tip-H --n " ' .r cn
... ri Gn motion the following
fin rrnt . V II TV T . 1 T r.C.llnri M 14
rn tuuimco iui mc cuaiiiu- year: Mine next neara oi mm is as a ueiegate?
Charles T Walther. Richardson countv il,. fv.Q rh nttcrn flnnvPulim.
t t1 : xt: i: si.
, ,.
named perthis little trick by Vallandigham, Vor
ih33, Richardson and others of that iH.'.
Lll loy'i
We have ever opposed, aud ev. r shall.
the settlement in our "Territory of the
;o(T scourings of Treason" disfranchised
md spewed out by the regenerated bor
deavor to amend our Election Law soas lder. States efpecially Missouri, roi
to exclude from the elective franchise, intthis we have received the anathemas ot
Nebraska, all those who have been dis-
franchised by Laws or Proclamations, Na
tional or State, for any participation di
rectly or indirectly with the so-called
"Confederacy ia the late rebellion against
. the National Government.
Copper-Democrats of this place -es
specially of T. W. Bedford.
The Nebraska City News, Copper
head oigan for Nebraska, openly invited
this class to "find an asylum in Nebras
ka." To show how beneficial this popu
lation is to that city, we quote from the
News of the 23d :
The steamer Glasgow, on her trim
up from New Orleans, arriving at this.! "That our city has its full compliment
port on Saturday last, Dure to nis nome
rn Nebraska, the bod) of Hoir. oamuel
McClure,of. Douglass, and Pottenger, of
Cass, were appointed a -Committee on
Credentials, ' M
n.. . : ti- d rrr ta
tad S. M. Rich, were appointed a Com-j
jiiiittee on Permanent Organization.
On motion of T. W. Tipton the Con
vention was resolved into a Committeei
hi the Whole on the formation of a Siate
iGovernmenl for the Territory of Ne-
raska. . - 1
After considerable discussion upon this
On motion, the Conveution adjourned
ntil 1 o'clock, P. M. .
1 o'clock, P. M.
Convention met pursuant to . adjourn'
ment. -
Tbe Committee on Permanent Organ:
ization reported :
For President, James Sweet, of Otoe
W. Pottinsrer and Hon.
T. W. Tipton, Nemaha county.
O. P. Mason,
F Renner, y Otoe county.
N. H.-Murphy, )
J. W. Marshall, A Cass county.
H. T. Clrk, Snrpy county.
E. B. Taylor, )
Geo. R, Smith, ) Douglass county.
:loy, another member of this "committee
ia hand with Vallandigham, who then
C.s in
ii, he and his organ have been blatenU
tLeir denunciations of
i " T V
him "Commander of the K.j
Nebraska." Then, and sinceV
T ; 1 i'
H. 3VT., Revnnlds. Gacrp ronri'V.
J. A. Muihanks, Washington county.rS Juhns?nwhom he and his party cTenounc Jj
James Stull, Dakota county. PioV6 raii'&plillinS aud hun&
J, P. Bocker, Platte county. U1; djrfy dis ition of
On motion Convention adjourned sincl.n a r i u- c. r, J!
lim . AMFS SWF.r.T PrPQ . . . M
' nVhat a contrast do these resolutions aw
S. M. Ricu, Sec.
ford to the Union Platform. In the; !
We have before us .the proceedings oli
the Democratic Territorial Convention,
Union riatferm is seen a plain statement
of principles, set forth in language be
the lst T W 1 con''n? gent'emen, and not a word thati;
',,", 7iny but the disloyal can take offense at:-
jgates from this county.
i G.l Da ilt, late Deputy Collector of the
..Port of Nf-vr Orleans, and for six years
.Delegate, in Congress from Nebraska,
wh&died on the 11th inst., of congestive
chills, in that city. The body was accom'
"p&nied by a young son of Judge Daily
and Mr. A. M: Swan, Inspector of cus
toms of New Orleans." 5". Louis Dem
ocrat, Sept 25th.
,tl Nebraska Territory never had a citi-
ten whom sne could justly reel morei
-proud of than Samuel G. Daily.
of thieves is an undeniable fact. Cases
Iff burglary and petty theiving are ol
jdaily aud nightly occurrance. . On Sat
urday last, some unprincipled scoundrel
ic'arried off the clothes hanging on the
'clothes-line cf a poor widow woman."
I "One vagrant, and two individuals for
drunkenness and disorderly conduct, were
;irrested by Marshal Hickey yesterday!"
l Comment is unnecessary."
j This same opposition to us is now try
ing to split up the Union party in thi
permanent organization affected.
fheld at riattsmouth on
Kl)AC A 1 TT ri T .. . 1, J I .
ajcuiuiu auu ii. j4 jucii vveie uie ueie-j j , ,, , , ,. t
i " ..... v.. .
. . . ri 4! C T 0-.T: TIT M
McAuslandl uuL'lJ- oitruiug- ivioiion, a rj,,.:. thpv rrinnnt finiah nn
resolution, but wind up each-J
I ; v;Atr. c -r n-u c-. Hcommmee of three, to draft resolution?!
I ice Presidents, b. M. Rich, Secretary. IA . .. . e , ricent
ni5 1 -expressing the sentiments of the Democra-. j
On motion report was accepted and aMcy of the Territory, was appointed by theU
falsehood and
Hcounty. Iney are "liying in the grass f
Tiei.3 ,,. 1 .... il
1 t t,4; ,,,,f ' 0 D o & i
v . m ,U'yal men to -do the dirty work."
That Morton is proud of being a polit-
! J.I r n . . t t,i ' t
r.vuair, uuu me iuiiuwiijv aipuimeu ; - ,ao, unoecomisg 10 me lowest poi-nouae,-'1
J. Sterlinsr Morton. E P. Childi and.'Lo.,.,Q tr. tQ ,.QtQ.,t; i
irn nnna lof rr. o r, nro t a rit f n rt
tialsof the Delegates from the several rauo" ,ot l3e. O0.Hlurn
countiesof Nebraska Territory, have the rnl ri J,ic etnrHSSlon3'n that suh;,r, ardice, deception,- &c. Thr disleyilM ki) 5 (3
r --.f j f 7 - a- ve v-
. - e i . i .lI'' u .... i . :. i-. L.J il
r r v iii:h:iihii r ,
On motion tbe Delegates present wereN J- Sterling Morton, L P. Childi and, I
luthonzed to cast the full vote of their-ruuu 'gentlemen assembled to frame a set
irmntip l The Committee on resolutions reported ) i e . xt
counties. m n ti, i . , iprinciples for a party. No one is
. . . . naa Follows. Ihe resolutions wer rpanii1 r
Ihe Committee on Credentials miideH d adopled on9 by one, there bein mJ tacked in the Union Platform but the d
ihe following report, which was accepted. MdissentHiff voice iu ibe Csnvention: : f iloyal : and yet the Democracy flies off
Mr. President Tour Committee onti 1. Resolved. That the measure. adoDt-Hm a trreat nasinn nnd attpmnt tn hranriSi
Hf-d bv President Johnson for the resto- !.;.-. vt: a ti.. :.u..r..i . H
. uvw..u. ' '"fci ."V .liVVtcucu-i.4 -.-v . ...... .
ration or
honor to report the following named gen
ical trickster, the following extract fromKjw. H. Maddox, A. W. Dunnina, F. M
..of 1S57, almost a perfect stranger, andj
..located in the town cf Peru, near whichU
.he had purchased some land. Here i
.i.t. t it . t ,ir
.was mat ne nrsi nowea nimseir, in wis (lhe Congressional-Globe, in the contest
. a erruory, a man or aouiiy ana nrmnwti td case 0f Morton against Daily, provesScott. .
kr trrrr m firm clnnt in Annntllinn tn iVtct 9 1
"3 -6 liiw,uuu lw l"v i "lr. Morton. 1 have simply to say
pro-siavery party, wnicntnenneia almost hat the sitting Delegate, in saying that
'undisputed control of Territorial andhl am so shrewd that I was capabl
tltrnen entitled to vote in this' Conven
Ition :
J? 1 rll rtT ft cvn ynlfll fl To.nn rtm
J fi,h rrr.rnl trnvrnmpnt nr irhtrh then
htion upon the relations of the States
Barnes, Charles T. Walther and W. D
both Douglas
County affairs. His firmness, integrity fcojlv
ana ability soon brought him before theij , . br ,. ,
. : , ijj.ica compliment of ichich
'people " In 1S58 he ran for Rppre5enta-Hf,rrt,..
tive eg a rust great opposition and re
ceived the largest majority on tbe ticket
In " the Legislature he was about the
only man who dared announce hirai-elf a
Republican. In 1S59 he was nomi
nated by the Republican party as their
cartdidate for Delegate to Congress, acd
mm plrtpd - rvpr P. F!tnhrnok. Thi
Vas ajrainst the united opposition of theH
1 ror tne resto- 3liie Union party and Platform with "false M
States tothcirn , .... ; . . . l!
tt 1 I Hiiood, contempt, distrust, dishonesty, cow 1
Uuioo, and hisjj ' M
are wise, safe humme and patriotic , thatJ orbs must have been terribly pinched
1 1
fltiiey coincide with the time-honored? p0or fellows ! to make them cry out iuljrsfna
Miheories of the Democracy of the Na-rL,, .uu:,!, t,iawilj, ,i;nnt;n,t3
uch a babyish style with
voice in the Convention" without
no uissenticrri-
hies the, present chief executive has, inhid word for the soldier !
hiampion ; that the sentiments recently!
J rnfAaud Kw him Innro rn j I ha r.aAr.I
The Copperhead's of this TerritoryJ
sentiments recentlyHseem determined to crowd the Uniu't
party off and .themselves tn the platform ,
j mm-mummm
"""" w I I
j i i
J r r rr ! Ill
i uenerat issorimeni oj ' ' j I
PfH f (pvn n
J r : ti j 1.:f E ; v Jl: 11 '.yi
I I I I I fill II I I I I I I I I III ' i I
I I " M I I I I I i I Ll II It i I III I
U n V Tl
i w I I I I V I I I I I I I I V J I . - III
I i u u u u u j vii i
(FW n tp n n n n i &
r? J H Ll HH t
. viia y tr.y.uv; !
AND . ' j
. . i 1
t ?iQ s i-: a Afi i i
. . ! !
I?' ; ci 'i'T ! !
. i . . i
X ' AND . j j
rhP Nrnih iirp nn pmnhp.-in. ri? hi ilr nnih1 1 k
Nemaha county : T. W. Tipton, S. M.f repudiation ot the policy, theories andf ?with Andrew Johnson, but their antece-?
t 1 1 i nV, T-.Kr T . T r' k I j Ll! . I, T3 1. 1 : t Unnlo n-a rr fraoV, fnf ihom f n mill itir.'' ii"!!
'Si i mn T--t' mi T-.t ... .u..u:., ..f.U 1 t fl'V'A
and "Breckin-i;ana a.u. risner. ine .Delegates pres-Niy uu lu suuj . wiciiuua uui omy ? jpeopie mucn. n a u
tlnr,) m . . .v . t iuf the IN orthem, but or all the State tot! tk.. - , j . 1 1 . , v i j ; ,
. iui ii. i rui aic cu uuvvci rju lii runi iLir wi h v : i iiicv air o i ru u ir 't us ii4jiuiijr i
J Tf I
F. 3
llihe Federal Power, and that the pretend-
ihd endorsement, bv the late convention of i
Office-holder.s in this Tprri.i
; . i
e men that I agreed with them
I am QuiteUjur the countv.
it,- - i j
iroua' M Otoe cour.tu : F. R(nrr. AT
rr i.1 t.t i. ti II J
inai ne, ana me party mat ne ieaas.pCafln x B- Stephenson, Mr. Salen
5berger, W. H. Miller, E- Frazier,1resi,de"t is a Jlat contradiction of the
land Rnvnl R.irk. Alternate: A. Rnw.n JPolicy ihey, until now, advocated
i J ' ll . A A .-.o hrotr. V. -.,.J
James Sweet, S. P. Sibley, J. E. Le- v..ilh comfcrr)l, aa(1 aistmst wh,Vn! uiay
Master, II. B. Hurtou, B C. Taylor and;
I r- I ?
T- . . ti i .1-1 .1 .JHIII I VI' VI, I I.' ri U Kl I, I .1, 11 IIN . ll ll I I J Li.
onice ' or voi;nr m in eorasia, wnue inti i- - w Q .-.-. . v -rMMM ;
are "so friendly to the people" and look
jto their interest, is proven false by his
: i V rr
holding nfTirft under Rurhanan vchpn
Ivetoed the Homestead Bill and when
I I J .l I I O 1 I .. f
jiiir uiucicu ujc iituu uic ' ,l 1 lc 1 J 1 ,H WSCU Cook.
jMorton used his influence in briugingM
question is not nor never will come be-
ory ot the views aud measures of theijfore the people of Nebraska ; yst, they
'have no word of censure for. the-disfran-
fchised renecades
settle here."
of other States who;
They construe the
ing House.
Which they are ablo to sell at figures Defiying Cumpetitioa.
SFJ3cir connected with one of the Largest and most Comp'et
L. f
Wholesale Clothing Houses in Cincinnati, Ohio, their stock will always lc-
with the i
Democracy and all the "government pa
tronage" which ihy could control Again
in 18G0 ' he was re-nominated and ran
against J. Sterling Morton, and was
. again elected by a large majority, against
a Urge "official" opposition. In 1S62
be was re-elected over Judge Kinney.
In all of these contests, where he had
i.oict aien always pay to deceitful word.ljUtlion party's silence to be in favor off li.ep up u
mwhich stultify .those who utter them. h"Negro Suffrage" in the Territory at T A
Uass county : Maxwell, V. Pottin 1 .Aeswriu, uai i" 4uaimcauons oi, ne same time tney nave positive VT00lnrXXl7C'V PflfmC? X T rprvv-k Y HTvrrT rTfrI?CI
k.C! , , "aBr' a! nereroiore . lhe comrary . why may not their sil-m A A UUUXJO XI I I kliJ JUU YY &0 X rUIUDU-
TJ. e. regulated Dy nacn otate tor itself andH . , . . , .. ,
about. And ty his expression to theff a n s KirK-PHrn !, fl'dectors should hereafter, a? heretofore,! j
r 1 ii i i , rt
Liegisiatur wnue - ne was secretary oiiii t a w .3.. t J . w....v w. .u k -...t..,
.. 1 ra 1 iiiuvri iiiia it v " r .in m ii'sri. l . . .. . c ... ii 1 1 f inn n ti uijuaii ucu
1 ' -.u i .i.:.ljrhi,! K.hvi.har'prs truprrillnsnnd mur IlLspeClol attention D.lid t.rt Wrtnlrcnh'nr fa Hnnnfrv Afrrifinf 3 and IulCCC-
;s to the eltctive franchise is as-jderers of other States coming to Nebras-fj ' men, and to Oat-htting Emigrants.
t. rri : 1 Tt - - l . 1 I
i , ' ' MLeiegaies creseni empowereo'to nil thetito comi
may go to hell I am net accountable Klr- fnr TnKncnn nJrv0 t. ,:. ...
you for my action!" ' - fl-ounties. fjunjust and unwarrantable an interference ?-a, holding office and Voting, for offi,
mat lie, and ms party, are acting an J. B. Weston empowered to cast M rw lY7 .rt3C1 Vu ,,a'uf -Ul 1 ,B oiaies a ithe inference is iust. when we consider'
. vxr Pi Mit troula hfl to force l,r -rornira tn nprmi!' J ' J
1 hdif nnrci Ti nn 1 r i orrrn.i t - i, -t -
be to force Cal'fernia to permit'
?-ii a ? , !.:. .t II
uaisenoou in ineir oprosiuon 10 l'toidntp fnr pach pountv tinr , . t r i
K . , t , . Hote ior eacn county. rChinamen to vote, anu lhat the si!-?.. 1
. -o- t j -" ri jjugiass coumy : nanaau a. Jirownl.un tnis great question or ttie iiep
Jcontested Daily's seat on the fraj.hilantpAPxan(ier-Mcusan(jf a. McCiure.Mce holders in .their late ct i.v
votes cat in L'eau-nui-court couotv. andllfli rir, f'n xt zuu t tJwhen pretend ins to speak for th
wk a 11K nil I h rr nnotr - rl liTfl f t C7 ' .
. v..- ,t proveQ 1Q lhfl c-nlest lLal ,.a flm., plurame- C W.Ic0Xe
canery me cpposuion couiu or.ngio oare, J(fcr did cast several votes lhert
All lunch of HIDES and FURS taken in Exchange for Gcod
vitation of their
,0 erne . to Nebraska
for that;
We know;
he never, in a single instauce, forgot and lhere fof Morlon He.
3 an ungrate
himself otherwise. His public
has proved him a wise statesman
pup, too.
an unflinching patriot. To him mainlyi
IV t- m n L-i I V10 n Vinva nnntntinnj tncVintar
atld I ! I . A. Koq? o -, rl Irnnl ,K. nmn.t
-vuu iiiv.. lit. .vj u iivui v- ii - yiruiu'
W. IL Miller, Ch'm.
The Committee on Resolutions
d the following", which were unaciniou
ly adopted :
Uuhn r..r;v cf this section is opposed X
l! r i;''tu- "?Hirn SntTrncrft in Nphrnta." t-.tvf S .
uand when speaktn? m vaue ar i J ,, , ,. T , . 1
. .i . . ." n -: ?-eneraiiv oeueve tnata aeceanet of nv.-w 1
jicrnis ot me poncy oi me rrt-.-.ut iu-nJ
Iwards the Sou-h, clearly shows that theyUroe3 vvoa!d bean improvement upon the?3
i r 1 j 1 t t .
s report- arc ,'0ils' t? what they d
iauIiuOUs-4 i. t ' . u - l
Juhis subjOcT iu reserve, to be
Whereas, Since the last meeting of h-fting times.
'- . 13 a" K!. as ins icuiuiiuu-f?pariv victory nis Deen acnievea in ouri
a dissentinff voice." the rartv acceotsNrut to tne active military power of theJivhite race, that we are opposed to Der-h , 1 . ,.. . , r ... !
i ' tii tti J i .kn; .1 e ii . . . ..... . . iirne Will o.s tnev oia nerorf- sett p it
',; . ;.a ip-ri-r Thi.i,.r.vimn Qeuuu i.uucuiuu , ws wreiore.Hinittins tnem to hoia otnee in tnis ter- r " . . "i
1 11111 UkJ t K7 I v u v. I J a m M"f u h Y I -r r IX w
Kis.Ki)r.Mit.4frMrr..oriii tro irnci inU . tjreamrm, mat as iovers or tne lontitu-nritiirv t!f mlup
' M work in tins ana every otner county or ,: t t kA tt-.: m,.. . . . ? .-. . II t..p t..:. :
-the home of the jus and good," leav- (k: ; fS .1?" V:,r. :!, .".""'H1.0' omc! mat we are omeny nosme to; uarty or pMuor.,.. uu .rn.e anw-
vi i o LujikiuUii u i a ii i .a Liuii . nu nri.iaor r oinanrunrr i na r i rrr rtr - - rv . t,rn - l. . i
to say, anu -1.:e&dine copperheads of the Terri wv. - b-J
uuu upon,! With regard to "State Orinizati-n"i
be suited to'l.i . . - H
. i r i u i r ii-j ii ivniii rinr. n . -.'-.-
developments -of these r J k'vu; ilulT v;c. rtU BCC
i wine liuui uuwi:iuu me inain-j
.- tt i i '8
i 3 Resolved, That nrgroes are neitherHftuest,cm first, -but even here, it
is v uaiui
were adopted in the Convention withoutkDelegate Election, aud a period has been 'political
r to us, they are fijrhtinifa shadow. When-. 5
thei? ... . - . ,a
1 . v 4 til 1 o ijurciiUU uyco vviuo f JlU'
s y nature nor Ly eaucatiou, entmea to
'nolitical nor social eauaihv with
- .- 11 - . . 1
-'Eminently iust and honorable in this life.
as iovers of the Contitu
ion and Laws, and to preserve the Union
hia Tomtnrv KPcrpfiv mftL-inar nii'frl Hnu fiirtcA itti. 1 liinnl .-- r3 . f . .
1 , id ...v...... 11 ij 1 u k 1 11 1 . i a 1 .11 1 1 1 1 1 ..1 11 1 n 1 1 f M nil . i' nn . . r r . i. n mi i n rw iri t i w . . r. i n rv1 l .i ... i 1
itrr a wife ' to ml'urn the loss of atrood? . . - -.' r,. V .k. Ji& "c. "F" VL -"--s e-iveiy 10 aeep ieura oui, can oe easuy?
. . . -i - c ,-,r nana -division in iue uaion ranKs. ue- u.aiuicuau.c uuu preserviw Jlct so as to permit tnem to vote, now;j.raceiT t0 ,ieir inabilitv to securp "theV
find true husband ; a family of children I - mBrM trSrt, uon of the same we invite and solicit the Ubt in h Mrilv accomnlish.d hv f racea 7 10 SGCUre heiT
active co-opefation of all loyal citizens :KRpnMin,. and lenonnr, as cmnard.'u103 a. naes ; fast as soon as tney. 1
; iAn(j 'ii r w. . . , w r;can control a majority, tney will be ther-J
UU,UU5 ',UttUc- ipesident was indicated and developed Mention on this most important point. 1 -r Jd' - 400 TSST-SW -5TCXX3Z. .
"A Traitor A person in open hostili-ljby the necessities of the war as it pro-il 4. Resolved ' That we deem the vot. J5 ,3 y,' r"3,lanimous anaj The attention of the Public and the tmdo i. iYitr to our 'ew Sk-aie 7 ocu Hoeword
t - ... .1 1 r. .si . . . ninmsn v awpninrn r.:ii tnrth in r onaira j ,-. , . i : n . l. ...k fh.nn.i in ihn r
resseu, we now attest tne wisdom which bf the iP.nnl: but atelv taken, bv wh c h s ' ' ; . v. '. ;,'"utc vUIll " DOr aur -',,'T, ,.rv.r Iw-7sfrn Ka,J
'.....-j'u- j .11. 1 1 . . . -. ' ' . . fiVve nave never Seen tne" a)OVt nlaf-orm t uu"u " moueru iui rovemectfl, rrenn, unna .iCTion, iirj i rwi, - w,
caused him devotedly tO Work and Dalieut.Hihpv i?Pr hr, 'i.omtP Wps n ntrwhpmJr ... ucvfr ?eu lue ove piauorm. , ,--fl.-nmD-f !.: ,V i ..Inrn nt Mr. J. II. Oroveteen. wa
I '""I ,uv....v.- - lamiallArf o .1 .( rlnn. J , . -. U - i V -......-. u i ui . a u nu-1 luo wi.r.i ..r . . - .:.'r.
IV to wait : and 1!; npl ia tn admiiWr """cu ,l uuco S lu lucbad a practical exreriencetf .ver0Tear9inthpirmaruftnr...sfuiIj-w.unintf-aincTer7Far-"-(
Whereas. The rreaf and arduous!Lf T.;, sralR ;,a .hi.lra,n.ln and n.asLy genius of Vallandig-
t I w 1IU A I, I 1 I I Ul V Uh wa-mwMLL I . I D T . , .- .. a
work of reconstruction., in ihe hand, nf ir, a' n o.,nn flniUm s pupu-j. ciening morion. overall others at Ibc Celcliraica noriasiair:
to oburn the loss of a faithful parentj
and guide; and a host of friends andi
Ttchnrirs7 tn mnnrn ihu of a true
friend, a good citizen. and an unflinching
patriot. Nemaha County, especially,
add. In; fact, the whole
ttfirken and bereaved by
Territory, is
this loss ; hi
political enemies will regret the loss off
Iinn'..! r A rr a n ! t m n n 1 n r nnn P n I
ty to the Government and Laws a rebel
A Copperhead An infernal, cow
ardly rebel."
We odd:
A person aciinff the tool for Comer-
Lis political friends the loss of a fearless? Iads A sneaking, cowardly, dirty cop
champion cf "justice and right.' 'nerhead P. F.
'perhead V. F.
Gold is Arm and active at 44c premium;
his success
exhibited in.tmmentj from the bet makers f London. Paiis, Gennanj. FhiMoJp''
and New York : srid a!o t tbe Ipmtuta lor fire ucceir jean, tfce rIJ
Disttict Court is in : Session in thi
with an upward tendency, while dryiCity this week. Nothing of note has
Rje raid to be falling inea-torn inarkcu. i;a? yet transpired an isn't likely to.
or and Congress, is a new and? fare astonisbpd at the Dersistent renewal?! J.. .
uauuu as wai ineijor the f-nort ot Keputi'ican Ollice-noiaers:-!'-'"" " 1 - silver medals from both cf whkh can be wen at our wr-rc)ora. - ...
war Which preceeded it J therefore Ntd force such a change of our condition') On SatardayT September 30th 18H5, 1 will offer B l-he introduction of iiPro.-mnU we .Hke a ttill Pn"nrDj m"?' ' .UJ
J Kesolved, That having unqualified upon us ; that in order again to test-ihe r bipr Vfor ja hndr"' ul Tr 'J"-13' re " """"
I -KAr. r.,ll 4 .1 i l? , ' . . . . , , the City cf Nemaha. Neorask Temtorr.c 5.Pl,r,on . , .
iruurr . . ,u" uu",SI POi-rpopuiar opinion on tnai SUDject, wnicn? onwgtray Cow .white with red aronndthe neck, no KIUES-No. Seven 0tvc,rr.ani wmera. k-wwom piw w
"filV and Patriotism of Andrew Jnhncnn 'l.Kni.M k Jaiim;n.l U it. nan.! Ll,.. n.n.i....n,.:..i!, t.,- ., X. . Seven tl.stare. rund (.v.rneis. Kosewood bevy moui.lin? ... ...,U
Pr-;rlonfnf tno TTnitc.fl j I ?Mr. M. A. Smith. nl now in her no-inn Z 3 Octavo, round cruew, Rw-ewocd Loa XU ljI. t "!of ,M
-..v-.x,... iavco, "tiuio in lue r .nr mnrv .auauuv. wo ntr-eii . . r f t , . .Mfi.
f . rr i f. t ii 1 1 j w t r i. m y-- .r . n. J wr . - ....!
- "AlUttl a.. Aux. 2lUiiJ Tfi.
pawaii the development of the reconstruc-jimand that
Torm: TCott
DLSCKuTiViS clfXl'LAli. rfK.NT i'ivEE.
j i
! I