Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 21, 1865, Image 2

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    Nebraska SiDucrtiscr
The proceedings of ihe County Union
Convection will be fou&d in. another col
Uftko.. The Union Ticket U ts folio :
or lieprescniaitves
for Clerk and Recorder
lor Treasurer
For Probate Judge
For &icriJT
Vr Ofcny CoMtnissioner
ior Prosecuting JH Homey;
For Couhty Surveyor
tV. r. WRIGHT.
for Coroner
luloa Pimfora,
Adopted Ly die Nt-brukti Union Gon
rrbiiou at PUmnwuth, Srituber 19;h,
WutatA, Knee lie Ut routing of
fie Union Patty of tni Territory, a grat
party victory has bat n achieved in our
Delegate Election, aud a period has been
put to the active military power of the
b.vp Holder' Rebellion; we therefore.
afiiriit. that aa lovers of the Contitii
uu atd L. aud to presrrve be Union.
w lorrtw d this political organitation,
aod for the nmintt nnnce aud prexerv.
lion of the same we invite and solicit the
a tjre co-operation of ail loyal citizens ;
WHiatig, The policy of our martyred
Frecidejii was indicated and developed
ly the necessities of the war as it pro
grtasrd. we now attest the wisdom which
caused huu devotedly to work &d patieul
ly to wait ; and
Wheaeas. The great and arduous
work of rec instruction, in the hands of
bis ucc or and Congress, is a new aud
-tmprecfdemed in this nation as was the
. war which preceeded a ; therefore
Rvolved, That having- unqualified
toi.fldeuce aud fully endorjipg ihe pol
icy and patriotism of Andrew Joiiuson,
Prfsideni oi the United States we
avait the developmeui of the recouiruc
lion of the Uniuo, couhdenily beliereing
that through his coun?eis aud the legu
latirtt 'wiidom of the people justice wiil
" be done ; the Laws ? indicated the Cuii
Miutioi and Union preserved. '
Ruolvtd,. That ail ihe bn-lita accru
ing Itwc the sacrifice of lite aud expen
ditures of treasure can only be secured
by elevating to office the devotwdly loyal,
and carefully excluding from office the
Resolved, That we are proud of the
eoldit-rs of Nebraska, who by years of
patriotic toil and sacrifice have trided in
sustaining the nation's life and honor,
cud upholding the Constitution and Laws;
and that tty are milled to the graii
. tude and asiunce ot all lovers of the
Union, aud to imperishable aod uadying
Resolved, That in ihe election of Ter
ritorial and County t dicers we iuvite the
earnest and hearty co-operattou of all
loyal men vitboui r gard to former party
afiiliatiuns, aud weicjuje them to our or
ganization. LATEST NEttS.
The Richmoud Tim .a says the ne
proes are beginning to cwna to ihair
trust, and are !r iuoIent and in ire
industrious than formerly.
The Richmand Whig urgea the selec
tion of candidates at the approaching
election in Virginia who can take the
cath of allegianc They have profited
by the experience gained in thulat elec
tion. It is prrpesed in Missouri to change
the dress of penitentiary convicts to cor
respond with, that cf the late Confede
rating. The colored people of North Carolina
bold a Convention on the 29th, to con
sider the propriety of asking the privi
lege of the elective franchise, which they
enjoyed prior in 1830.
An order ha been .issued mastering
out all the colored troops mustered in the
ia me inaian council, now to session
at r L Scott, the Creeks, on the 12ih, said
-tht the names of their chiefs affixed to
rbel treaties, were put there without
tbir knowledge or consent, and that the
ame xvas true with regard to the Indians"
of the plains.
A Convention of the colored ciuxens
cf Kansas it ral.'ed tj meet at Leaven
wortlrOct. 4tb.
The English Embaiy lis carefully
1 listed the Fenian demonstrations in this
couatry, and it i understood that the
boexf. goTrnmeat has already opened
cocDUMcatioa with this government re
gard inz them.
Sixty-two rebels of the $20,000 class
Teived pardon on the 14th.
Tbe SrC. Sttte Convention mt on
the 14th, at Columbia. Ouly tour inetu
heir are ccwa Unionists.
According to the Richmond Republi
can the Virginia Gold Mines axe likely
to pta out aa well aa tho?e of Califor-
- V
Gen Saiton, A?fistant Ommi?noner
of iheFreedcian'a Bureau for South Car
olina, reports the murder, by natives, of
Capt. Hall, and an attempt on the life of
Gen. Wilder. Two agents.of the Bureau
have ben noiificd to leave or their lives
would be taken. fo doubt these mur
dering fcions of. chivalry ihiak, with the
riebrask Democracy, that our Govern
ment is a "despotism wene than that of
The Republicans of Massachusetts
have nominated for Gorernor, Alex. H.
Bullock, for Lieut. Gov. A. M. Clafl.n.
The President has ordered a re-exara-
i inarion of the Kansas Branch of the
Pacific Railroad, before any Government
bounty is paid to the Company.
An order was promulgated from the
War Depanrmnt on the ISih to muster
out uf service about forty regiments bat
talions and batteries. The 196tb Ohio
Infantry which has many friends in this
section -i among the number.
A. curious ca.-e of miscegenation has
recently occurred in South Carolina.
Capt. E. J. Scan I in, of the 18th colored
troops, stationed at Bjford, has been
tried, convicted and sentenced by court
martini to be dismissed the service for
cohabiting with and afterwards marry
ing a eclcred woman of tad'repute. Sen
tence has been affirmed by General Gil
more, commanding the department, in a
general order. Copperhead journals of
Nebraska please copy, and then denounce
the government- under which. this right
out act was committed..
Vr. Editor: Please announce the
If you want a new County Clerk and
Recoider vote for Dr. McComas.
The Omaha Republican publishes the
letter of Sec Harlan, in which outui
the followiug : .
"I beg leave respectfully to state that
you rnisaprehend theposition of President
Johuaoii, and my own, as well as that of
the Union party at largt. The real que a
tton at istue, in a national point of view,
is not whether negroes shall be permit
ted to vote, but whether they shall derive
that authority from the National Govern
ment, or from State Goternvunts respect'
President Johnson maintains the doc
trice that the Constitution of the United
Spates does not confer on the Federal
Government the right to interfere, pri
marily with the question ot suffrage ia
auy Siate of the Union." N
The Republican, in commenli g on
the letter, ay:
"That ihe qualification of voters is
peculiarly a question of State control, we
Have never doubted." And says the
letter "will commend itself to uie un
"(uallified approval of the greii body of
the Republic! party throughout the
On which the News says :
'After the publication of the
unqualified endorgtmm of negro-svffragr,
how can Ye 'iged Jlfricai avoid the is
sue ia Nebraska 1"
Is the New opposed "to the princi pies
above quoted from-Sec. Harlan's letter?
If so, what dos it favor? The "un
qualified approval" of the above doctrine
we know to be a fact with the ' Union
party of this section. When the ques
tion of the President granting negro suf
frage by proclamation was recently urged
by a few ultra-radicals of the east, the
Copperhead press, and many Union pa
pers, denounced it, and lha News howled
most lustily against it ; now the above is
endorsed by the Republican party gene
r lily, and several Democratic State Con
ventions, and again the News denounce
it, and howla out opposition against it.
The fact is Morton and the. Copper
head party of this Territory are lost
and perfectly bewildered are travelling
around in a circle, all sides seem to them
bounded by negroes, and their main and
orly hope is that the Unin party will
"take up the negro" and let them out ;
or, Morion, at least, must soon perish
of nt'gro on the brain."
As a specimen of Copperhead-Democratic
courtesy and their most effective
arguments, we make some extracts from
the three Copperhead papers of Nebras
ka in noticing the meeting of the Union
Central Committee, at Plattsmouth, on
the 7th :
Finally, Indianeenng craned and the
pro-niggrr voting, pro-taxation, pro-State
dement of Nebra?ka Territory is com
manded by the Indian Council to assem
ble in Mas Convention, at Piatumouth.
cn the 19th of ihi&jnonth. when it is f-x-pec
ted to nominate somebody for office
that is not competent to perforin the In
dian business. The musses v ill bJ there,
all but the M." Acws.
The last sentence, we suppose, ia an
announcement that Morton will not at
tend, but that othr Copperhead report
ers will be there Morton is to s great
extent excusable for being such a ''black
guard," as he held office under Buch
anan. The Indian Agents, who nwt at Plaits
mouth on the 7th iast., have called a
Union (?) Convention, for nominating an
Auditor and Treasurer.' -Bcllcvue Times.
"The ngro show What met here un
Thursday last, failed to exhibit sambo in
his full manhood, but thev succeeded in
making him visible in their political pro
! gramme. Great and glorious negro-ele-!
vating party. Plattsmouth Sentinel.
IThes Ut papers are only lacking in
n&fty ability" to say worse. Poor fel-
lows, it seems to hurt thtrai amazingly' to
think that the Indians are dealt fairly by,
and that the negro is to be 4,elevated"
in prefereic to themselves y we do think
the country would -prcSt more by their
'elevation," rt would quiet their "jeal
cuy" of 'poor sambo.'
As there is a Democracy in Nebraska,
it is well to observe what kind of a party
it is and what its principles are. We
take the following from the' "call of the
BtUcvuk Times to" th e" un te rr i fi ?d " and
'harmonious" of Sarpy county, which
it is trying lo,riuIi29" as stigge.'ted by
the News:
. -"Let every oca be present, and show
to the world thei the Democracy of Sarpy
Are alive and awake to the-principals of
Democracy, which are to save the country,
f she ever is saved, from a Despotism
worst than that of Russia."
' Does not this chime well with the ex
pressions of the rankest rebels, North
and South; during the war 1 Vallandig
hara could no denounce the Government
more pointedly; and yet, the Democra
cy of New York and other States are en
dorsing this same G"vernmfnt, which the
Nebraska Democracy denounce. Sol
diers, and yuu who have loal loved ones
in drfense of your country, how do you
iike ' the style" of this Democracy?
.Will you sustain by word, net, or deed, a
party built upon the same infernal prin
cipals which inaugurated the rebellion ?
We have heard considerable about
horse-stealing in the counties of Atchi
son and Holt in Missouri. The follow
ing we find in the Atchison county Jour
nal; Sept: 18 ;h :.:
On Monday and Tuesday night of
this week horaes' were stolen- in this
county from Sidney Scram, of Tarkio
Township. Joph Teague, and Djniel
Walkup, one horse each, and two horses
from White h, at the residence
of John F. Sly of Clark Township.
Parties went in pursuit, but lost track ot
the thieves tear Mound City. While
the pursuers, in part, were taking supper
it Eq. CaionV the thieves past, and
were called upon to halt, but only ans
wered by firing their revolvers. They
then past on to Mound City, ami with
u'rawn revolvers past through the town
.n presence cf the balance of the crowd
of pursuers and some fifteen or twenty
of the citizens of that place.
Between Mound City and the stage
station, one mile above town, the thieves
fired upon "Happy Jack' one of the
Stage Company's drivers. It is not
known whether the thieves succeeded in
getting away with the horses or not.
Later. When last heard from, Mr.
James Piatt was in clos pursuit, with
somn pros-ped of success if he receives
proper help frou citizens of Holtcouoiy.
We have heard of othrr ca?es of
horse stealing above and bflw this
county, and it need not be considered
Mrange if a "raid" was attempted-here.
We advise all to look well to their horse.
Vigilence is cheaper than horse iieh,
and much easier than catching horse
thieves. Be cautious with strangers;
it is much better to doubt every stranger
until be has proven his character, than
to be 'picked up' once. The present
work none can call "Jnyhawing;" they
are sualicg the best horses wherever
they go. Again, we say," be vigilent.
Regarding the "North Star scandal,"
of which we spoke a couple of weeks
since, we find the following in the Rock
port Journal :
"From currant reports, we did not tell
half the worst of the story. Hillman
has been keeping the wife of Aiken, or
rather fhe has been keeping him upon
her husbands earnings since he (Aiken)
has been in the army. On Wednesday
last (Sept. 6th) he started to leave the
county when an attachment was issued,
tiut the officer executing the same failed
to overtake him, he having had some
twenty miles tb start. It is now sup
posed that hefias gone below to meet the
woman (Aiken's wife) and that ha will
not again return, thouch some believe he
will. The neighborhood in which the
parties live have known the facts in
the case for some time past, but the cli
max was oiAy brought about by the re
turn of Aiken.
The two families ruined by this affair
have the sympathy of the community,
the children ot both being mostly girls,
some of whom are nearly grown up.
We haye been shown a letter from the
"deluded frail one" to Hillman, which he
was in too much of a hurry to take out
cf the Rockport post-office. Wherein
:he calls "dear Hillman" to come to her
that the "expects she will eooa be sick,"
tc. We have been requettd to publish
this letter, but think it loo sickening to
place before our readers.
In our former remarks we stated that
Mrs. Hillman n cu Id follow her husband,
this is a mistake, she intends selling out
aud going east to her parents.
We learn that this Hillman was a mem
ber of Rockport Lodge. A. F. & A.. At,
if so, we hope that Lodge will bust him,
and publish to brethren at a distance his
true character.
So that the Democracy of Nemaha
county may be posted, we published the
main resolution adopted by the Demo
cratic Central Committee, which met in
Nebraska City on the 7th :
'Raolredf That we arnestly reotn
mpnd the Comervativft men of the seve
ral counties, to unite with the Democra
cy in completing and perfecting a thor
ough political organization of all citizens
opposed to Negro suffrage in this Terri-"
This w also urge upon ALL who can
conscientiously feel the danger, near or
remote, of "Negro suffrage ia this Ter
ritory ; at the same time beware of the
party who adapted the abore resolution.
rrvcc::irj c7 dcr UiiIcd Coasty
At av meeting of the County Union
Convention of Nemaha' County, held.
pursuant to notice, in Brownville, Satur
day. September 16th, 1655, for the pur-
pvse of nouiinatiug candidates for the
various offices to be voted for at the ap
proaching election: The Convention was
called to order; by the election of John
Mcpherson, temporary President and C.
G. Dowy, Secretary.
On motion committee, consisting cf
Messrs. D. C. Sanders, Evan Worthing
and W. W. Smith, was appointed to ex
amine and report upon the credentials of
delegates: .. -
Tae Committee reported the following
persons as entitled to seats in the Con
vention : .
Pcrtt Messrs. W. F. Wiight, W.
W. Smith, John Stanley, Wm. Ta.l, John
Chapman, and Frank Irwin.
- Glen 'Rock. A. K. Far nam, John
A5hley and Nathan Meades.
Brovcnvilh VVesley Penny, John L.
Carson, John McPherson, H. M. Atkin
son, Evan Worthing. Nathan Coleman,
John Strain, C G. Dorsey, Thos. R.
Fisher, ..."
Bedjord.W. G.-RandaL
2Won.T-Jobn Gerda, Henry Stein
man. Jlypinwall' Gideon Amick, Daniel
Fraker, J. M. Paulin.
Nemaha Ct7y. J. L. Knight, D. C.
Sanders.'F. A. Moore and Houston Rus
sell. . :
Lafayette. Wm. H. Hawley.
The report of the committee was unan
imously adopted. .
On motion, W. C. Clary and Michael
Riordan wre- admitted to seats in the
Convention as Delegates from Douglas
Preciuct ; and Barnard O tens as Dele
gale from Washington Precinct.
Moved, by H M. Atkinsont that a
committee of three be appointed by the
Chair to draft resolutions :
. Motion adopted.
The Chair appointed Messrs. Atkin
son, Sanders and Fit-her as said Com
mittee. .
Pending the report of the Committee
on Resolutions, the names of the follow
ing gentlemen were placid before the
Convention as Candidates for nomination
for member of the Legislature :
W. B. Phillips. F. G. Holmes. R. B.
Smith, W. A Pollock. J. W. Taylor, W.
S. Horn and S. W. Kennedy.
Aud the names of F. G. Holmes John
Q. A. Smith and J. M. Paulin, for Coun
ty Commissioner.
George W. Fairbrother, O. B.Hewett,
R. V. Hughes, for Probate Judge.
The Committee on Resolutions report
Nd the followiug, which were adopted,
Resolved, That in the future as in the
past Me will len our beany support to
the National (Tovernment, and fus
tain the Administration in its policy of
reconstruction in thd S recently "in
rebellion aguint the Government.
Resolved, That we recuuize in the
acts of President Juhnson during the
la'.e rebellion and in his patriotic meas
ures for reconstruction of the Union, the
fearless patriot and the able statesman.
Resolved, That the Delegation from
Nemaha County, in the Nebraska Legis
lature, be requested to use their best en
deavors to amnd our Election Law so as
to exclude from the elective franchise, in
Nebraska. all those who have been, dis
fianchised by Laws or Proclamations. Na
tional or S.ate, for any participation di
rectly or indirectly with the so-called
Confederacy in the late rebellion against
the National Government.
Resolved, That the Nebraska First, in
common with other Soldiers of the Union
who have fought so gallantly for the
suppression of the recent rebellion, are
nntitled to the gratitude of all true lovers
of free institutions and the Union.
Resolved, That we will lend our hearty
support to the nominees of this Conven
tion in the ensuing election.
The Convention ti en proceeded to bal
lot for the nomination of Candidates for
the several offices, with the following re
sults: For Representatives, on the first bal
lot :
W.B. Phillips, 17.
W. A. Polock, 2S.
R B.-Smith, 18.
J. V V., Taylor, 21.
And the said persons having each -re
ceived a majority of all . the votes cait,
were declared duly nominated.
For County Commissioner, first ballot:
F. G Holmes, 18 votes, which being
a .majority f sll the votes cast, Mr.
Holmes was declared duly nominated.
For Probate Judge, first ballot :
George -W Fairbrother received 28
votes, which being a majority of all, the
votes cast, Mr. Fairbrother was declared
duly nominated.
, Oi) motion of Mr. Sanders the follow
ing nominations were made by acclama
tion: -.
-For County Clerk and Recorder: Wm.
H. Hoover.
For Sheriff: W . G. Glasgow.
For Treasurer: Jouas Hacker,
On motion of Mr. Atkinson. S. M.
Rich wag nominated, by acclamation, for
Prosecuting Attorney, and W. F- Wrighi
for County Surveyor,
On motion of Mr. Dorst-y, C. P. Rih
ardon was nominated, by accUmtuion,
for Coroner. ,
The following persons were then
chosen Delegates to the Territorial Union
Convention, to-wit r
T. V. Tipton, Jwha McPherson, Evan
... . .. . . j t n
r- i
- The Convention thn adjourned.
C Q. roastV, 5ec; ' - "
The News says of the Dtnocratie
Convention :
"There will be no embryotie U. S.
Senators present."
Consoling" announcement to honest
tnca.. : .. : : . ; ?
Ucmsioijrg In thPotOce t Crowrvil Sep
tember 50th 18SS.
TbM letters, If not eatl4 for. wilt Mktptiaibe
f Hoe for 6 wekr, and tbea tecl toll: Oead Latlf
OAi t Washington, rwo'ceatc will ba charge aa
tt adVenl-"! Leitor.
Eollews, lius Marj, IlaW, Doll
Hili, A. l Ialc. Jamaj
. Jloarrj,.ThoBaa.
Persons catling for tte iN.t letters wilt plft'e far
ther srt Adrertised. A. D.MAK3S T,M. .
hj an f xperitsnced Aeooantant and Bupertnr Pen
man, wboe connection with the most popular Com
mercial Colleges ensures thoroughness and reputa
tion to erary niiaio.
HnciI iimM-iiftfion Hren In all strles of Pen
manship; specimcnj of which maj bo socn at the
Fall particulars sent to anv address.
52-tf St. Joseph, Mo.
Taken npbf the nnlenizned within his enelo-
pd prrmises near 8an Frnneisco, Nemtha Countv
Nebraska on the 6th day of September 185, one
white Haw, with fire pigs, also one white Sow,
with pig, nn marks. ao one white Sow marked
with swallow fork and nnderbtt in right ear, swal
forkand underbit in lett ear alfo five ShonU, with
nnderbit in right ear and orrrbit in left ear and
Also, one black anl wht'f r-'d Shoat,no marks
Brownrille Sept 6th 185.
Osage Orange Seed
Tersons wishing a supply of O-iage Orm- S?,d,
ean get fresh seed, brought fnm iezai. bj apply
ing immediately to Wesley Dun in, P.O. BvX P,
Brownrille, Nebraska. Or, learinj their order
with W. II. MoOreery, City Drugstore, Brown
rille, Nebraska. . WESLEY IlUXDAS,
52-3m g't for Overmen A Mann.
AGENTS, $150 p?r month, to sell th improved
New England Family Sewing Machines,
Price $19. This Machine will Stitch, Iira. Fell,
Tuck, Cord, Braid, Bind, Gather, Quilt and Em
broider, most beautifully. It is mide in the most
durable manner is elegantly SnWhed, and U the
unly reliable cheap Machine in the mirkst. It
mnejthe 44 Elastic Lock Stitch." Every second
stitch tan be cat, and the cloth cannot be pulled
a art. Everv Machine is warranted for five years.
Addre.- s, DANE A CO . Post Office Box 52, Chica-
5;o. III., or call at Room No. 8, P. O. Block, corner of
Ion roe and Dearborn tretj, Chicago.
tCAUrOX. We caution the pnblie not to
buy a wo thlfs-1, old style, mIl t-iie Machine, sold
under a similar name or otbrwi.e. We have the
only genuine and really pracvivsul cheap Machine
manufactured.' 5i-3m
On Saturday, September 30u 1565, 1 will offer
fors&letothe highest bidder, tor evh in hand
in the City of Nemaha. Ntnmka Territory,
one stray Cow, white wiih red aronnd the npcVr, no
other marks or brands p-rceivblj. Taken up by
Mrs. M. A. Smith, and now in her possession, ap
pjaij. d t$2u.C0.
52-3t R. V. HUGHES, J. P.
A K 0
Dealers ia
C37 0 "W jSl
ii y a if Auti tt t-
tmJ B W W K., fcjyi Siii. Ti
Sheet-Iron, Copper and
Japan Ware,
Would respectfully announce to the eitizensof
and vicinity that they are now receiving a fresh
supply of the best Cooking and Heating Stoves now
in ust : also, a good supply f Brass Kettl, Por
celain Kettle, Tined Iri.ned Sauce Pant, Iron Bist
in, Ta Me a ni Tea-spoons; Coffee Mills, Flat Irons,
Meat "utters; tpnnsr Klnos : French Sauoe
Pans; Rubb-r Ilmdlf K & Porks ; Rusells Butch
er Knivee: Curry C mbi and Cards, 4c 4o Ac,
all of which is effort! fur sale as low as ean be
bought in the mirkt.
W e also keep on hand thsbext lot of Tinware over
offered in Brownville, for aleas cheap as the cheap
est. Our Tin-Shop fs always in g'xl rnnuing order
where work of all kind !r m a Pint Cup to a Smoke
Stack ean be done in a workmanlike manner.
Bepairing Pone with KetP5'a and Dispatch
- Cepptr and Bra will be taken in exchange
for goods. '
filiop In W. T. Den's Ola Stand,
52-y ly .One Door Eaot of Hill's Store.
- "notice!
Jfotica is hereby given TKt at the next general
tfleeUoi to be he'd in tM .vera! Precinct on
Tn-Ma ih Itrth dy of Ojtober, A. D. ISS, the
question will be submitted H the people of Nema
ha Countv Nebnuk. whether they will vote a tax
of two mills on the Dollar valuation of the proper
ty within iaid Coomty, to be pl"d upon the tax
list of Ifcoa, to aid iatbe Construction of a building
for County purposes.
The manner of voting will be as follows; those,
in favor of said Ux will plaee upon thir billots
the words fir tax." a'! thoie opposid t? eid tax
will place apoi their hlloU the words Mginst
- Bv order of theCounty fjofamis-iioners
September 1st 1855. 51 5t Co. Clerk.
On Saturday , September 23d 1865, I will offer
for sale to the highest bidder, for cash in band in
the City of Brownville, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Terrltory.One stray cow, red and white cow with
the po'n" f 1116 borM tarn,sd in 0 olher. narks
or brand. Supposed to be live years old. Ap-
Psg? B. V. HUGHES, J. P.
On Saturdav, September 23d 1855,1 will offer
for s .le to tbe hi-hest bidder, U t eash in band, in
tbo City of Bcownyi!?-, Neman a County, Hcbr.nka
T.rritory,OoeStry ron cow, wiu dim red ue.ii
brindle neck, letter H." on left,p off of the
left ear right ear torn off. Suppesed to be six
,., .U.3t AppT.wi g-BIMnBt j, p. '
iiyer's Cathartic Pills.
mm m
rn fr? rf
r c -1 I., i . Ik-J 1 r
: Kf
17 H O L E S A L E
t . eT'cS G3 S
Would call the attention of DEALERS' to their immense slock cf
Drags ad Ucdlclnes,' Scfcoof Books,
Patent Medicines, Blank Boos,
612S3 and Glassware, Wrltin Paper,
Paints and 0115, Envelopes,
Spices and Dje-staffs, Coal Oil anJhM
Pure Wihe. Liquors, dc., c., "'J
Whici wera boBgbf fereh of MnnfactreTi. Importers and Publishers, and wi'.I bsiold at lb, m
favorable prices. Buying ia Urge qua otitic frum hanla, thay are enabled t uSot rs
hey are the Kurth-weetera Wholesale Agents of Dr. T). Jayee A Son, tod oT D. ; i
.Arm A Co., and can furni'h their Mmlicinai in any qutmiti. til r '.
A General
iLklkJ U uiJULi
, C
IT 7 1 all m
U I! n
And every tiling usually kept In a First Class Clott
ing House.
Which they are able to sell at figures Denying Competition.
&SBeing connected with one of the Largest and most CompVfe
Wholesale Clothing Houses in Cincinnati, Ohio, their stock will alwiys
kept up with the
Especial attention p iid to Wholesaling to Country 3Ii chants and Rssw
men, and to Out-fitting Emigrants.
All Kinds of HIDES and FURS taken in Exchavgs foGoo
S "37 0 "'r HI S .
;ri U
Importers of and Dealer ia
Rtn. Dnlfmnd Tinners ean rely i
pl:d at ihe lowest rt
il Jm
13 lb.-. TjS. q .
Assortment cf
mm b fTi
t-iv i
fjl jfij
v - 1
La O i 111
l i i
1, 0 Q Sj
fr ir a ;
; t ;!1 i A J 9 '
J rtfc w
Notions, VVqolens,
Jnnojncc Increased F acillt a?f SJjjS
ments b. which their stock w.llcon
more invitin? and extensiy 1 ' :n0
out of New York, in tf auntrv. llL
the package, at manufacturers jJJVr
invite the5trade of the Northwt ?
Freight and Time fcy purchists i 'i
Ve JTave the Exclusive Safe e' vViGU
a!) timev Goods sen?
returned atojr fxpensc tf:e '.
TO L 21 L.Xe Street, CMcig0'