ELUWhVlLU.,THLl:SDAt,SEP.U,i(i3S LOCAL Ri.Lk Deeds. Alortraitei.Liecetioiu, ReDlcTinn. ' arriage Licenw. Ac. &e. to. for tale at tbii Office. jjPersous deM'rifjg to announce ternselves as Candidates for Office tt the nsuitg el-ciion can do .o through the Ar'v-f r.i?er" for the moderate turn of &3.00, th down "(gj Nevr Dry Good 3 and Groceries cht-ap ti the Star Store. 'ow the time to subscribe for the A J termer. This number completes Vo'. 9. .For choice Goods at Reasonable Rates th Chicago Store is un-X-L-ed. Superior Tea and Dried Be ?f at Mc Laughlin & Swan's. InnfC wtQ Aiuerira:. Insurance Company.- J. W. Bliss, Agent. Shawis. Balmorals, Boot? and Shoes, Hoop-Skirts, etc. jurt received and for ul at Hackney's. Clark s 1'ateni N ladow-apriDg the Bure&t, simpelest, and most durable now in market for tale at McLaughlin & Young men and parents will do well to read the Card of the St. Joseph Com mercial College, and then to patronize it. J. W. Bliss Auctioneer, Brownville, Nebraska. Sales made in City or Coun try on the most reasonable terms. Green Apples, Corn Meal and Pota toes at McLaughlin &. Swan's. Married, ByUie Kev. D. rfart, at the re-fJnce of the brides lather. Sept.tjth. lfetio. Mr. Joel F. Mayes to Auua C Kaiidol, all of this county. The office of the County Clerk and Recorder has been removed to the front room, sea-iid floor, of Carson's new BuiA tuldinir. ' The advertisement headed 'Wauled1' will 'Hj all to read it. If "Man wants J but little here below," here is the place to set a little cheap, or make a heap of This vicinity was visited with a couple of very heavy tains the latter part of lust wtek, they seemed considerably out of place and ill-timed coming ou much ' new mown hay' not yet in cock. We have heard many iuquiries for ()age Orange Seed; we are pleaeeJ to refer all those desiring this kind of S-ed to the advertisement of Mr Wesley Dundas, in Another column. The September number of F"rank Les lie's Lady's Magazirie surpasses anything yet done by its enierprij-lng publishers. Every month brings forth new bor.uties, .and yet each number seems pet feet ion it its line. No family should be without it See the advertisement of Jackron & Speed, Tinners, in to-day's paper. They are enterprifcing men, good workmen and determined not to be undersold. Money can be saved by dealing with them. Seeman &. Erhlich' Clothing arrived list Tuesday morning. They have the ruost complete stock, and can sell cheapei than any house ueot of the Missouri river. Street improvements still continue un ataicJ. We have every . reason to pre set that the pavements cn the north 6ide f Slain street will be graded, and, per haps, paved yet this fall. At a meeting cf the citizens of Brown ville Precint, at the office of the Probate Judge in Brownville, on Wednesday, a - . v aa a Jchn L. Carbon, John McPherson, - Evan Worthing, H. M. Atkinson, Thos. ft- Fisher, Wetley Penny, Nathan Cole man. John Strain. Chas. G. Dorsey, ere duly elected Delegates to the County Union Convention, to be held in BrownvjiU, Saturday, September 16th, -1865. S. W. KENNEDY. Ch'm. rn. H. Hoover, Ssc'y. Dorsey. Si Rich's La-w Office.'and the Probata Judge's Office, have been re moved to the rear room, second floor, of Jun L. Carson? new Bank building. Cer the north-west ..corner of 1st and Main streets, where they can be found ready and willing to litigate for their Giants ad llbitem. We- notice uDwards of twentt new buildings now in process of erection, in city, late as it is in the season : most . these are frame. The scarcity of brick, occasioned by the heavy raiusduN "g the past summer, has been a jrreat cra-vUck on buildtrc- VV lcUow of t leH a dozm bnldiiig5 content- PWd thi? Spring lne building of which ""m be postponed thin yrnr for lack of 'Tirk. -Rv.me was .not buili in a day." ItaaWfcaM DroiniTlIIe Union ScHcoU Will commence on Monday next, Sep tember 18. The Bjari of Directors have, we understand, engaged Mr. T. R- Fish ih, as Priaripal of the School and Teach er of the advanced department or High School. Miss Enzji Reed, ard Miss Nelrou, are employed as assistants. This school will be free to the childereu residing in this District. All, however, from other District, will have to pay for their tuition, as the law requires. We will say to the public generally, and es pecially to those residing in thi3 and ad joining counties, in neighborhoods where they cannot send their children to school near home, that we believe, from what we know of the Principal, and what v?3 have learned of the qualifications of the Assistant Teachers, that this School will not be surpassed by any that are now in operation, or have heretofore" eristed in Southeastern Nebraska.- We have not, however, time and space to' say much in ib-'srd to this ochool this week. We will allu-ie to it agaiu at more length hereaf ter. City Council Proceedings. September 7th, 1S65. Present : C. G. Dorsey, Mayor Councilmen: Morrison, McLaughlin and Cogswell ; C. H. Richardson, Mar shall. Report of City Engineer was handed in, read and laid on the table: Ordered that Clerk draw an order in favor of Timothy McLaughlin for $800, to apply on contract for building Culvert. On motion a committee of two was appointed to ascertain what the Stone oa the Levee are worth. Committee Messrs. Cogswell and Morrison. On motion the Marshall was ordered to arrest any person found removing Stoue from the Leveo. Ou motion, ;t was orJered, that all money subscribed for the Culveil and all now ip the Treasury, be applied solely in paying for and completing the Culvert on Main street. On motion, the Street Commissioner was ordered to convey the water down the south side of Main street to the river; provided, that Levi Springle f Or nish lumber for the necessary culvert as he agreed. Ou motion, adjourned. C. G. DORSEY, Mayor. W. W. Hackney, Clerk. The Biptists of Nemaha County,- Ne braska, will take notice that there will be a meeting of the Baptist&of said County on the third Saturday in September uxt at the Methodist Church in Brownville, to said county. . at 10 o'clock, a., m., of ?aid day for the purpose of organizing an Association to be known as the Ne maha County Baptist Hume Mission As sociation. The object of said Association will be definitely agreed on at their meet ing. The meeting will be continued on Sabbath. Preaching Saturday night and Sunday. A committee of Baptists is so licited from every neighborhood. All that are friendly to the Baptist denomi nation are solicited t ) Le in attendance. A. M. T. Zoox, A. W. Morgan, B. F. Gordon, Wji. Court, J. F. Rocers, Peter Smith. DISCaSCS Of IhC EjC Dr. Frank S. Howard, of Nebraska City, gives par ticular attention to ths treatment of the diseases of the eye, and its appendages. Those having any object malformation or peculiar change of organ or vision are invitid to report to bim. Patients requiring his personal attention can ob tain suitable board in the City. Corres pondence by letter will be promptly at tended to. Opinion will be made can did and reliable treatment when assured successful. Office D Wbitinoer'a Drug Store, between 4th and 5ih Main Street. References, Dr. J. Crane, Wm H. Mc Creery, Brownville, N. T. GOSLING'S Brilliant, Easy Snlnlns, Leather FreserTlng A Composition of eaf Foot Oil and Pure Ivory Clack. Imparting to BOOTnd SHOE LEATHER the -oft. ntM ix pliancy f KID whlt vitti ona-fourtn the labor nmally eiuil'Te4 in ibe applica'to i of the orrii ri! ry B'ackiDgh, it products Jet Black Kaainel Gioss, equalled only by Patent Leather. Sold by all Grocers avd Shoe Deiltri. 0lrs Tvr4 American AdTertUing Aft ncy c9 Bratway, New Tork. And Wtoleealed at Manufacturer's Depot, 15IReadest.,N. Y. ft la MASTER'S SALE. Nutbe ie hereby gi'en ihi, p-iraant to an or der of sale to me directs I , Usnni by the Register inflianocry nf the Dijtriet Court of Nemaha Coun ty Nebraska Territ-.iy, la the case wherei.i Tii iua as J. DnwJer i oompUioant and FranoU A. Dow ler, administrator of tbeEstxtaof WiUUiu Gcrke, deceaaed ,and the Unknown hcira of the eaid Wil limn tierke.deotaaed, are defendants, I will oJer t public aaetion, at the front door of Dea'a nH, 5n the City of Brownville, in Netnabn County. Ne braska Territory, the place where the List term of eaid court for said lunty VMbeld: on tlie i '2,5th. day of September, A D 1SG.3. at one o'clock I M , of eMd day, the following Real Estate, to wtt : the N. rth wt quirr cr Se tion fourtoon III iq Towrshir ouinbjr ix i3j .Vona of ( Ki pj number fourteen 14 eaat, is Nema-ii C-un-I ty, NebnMV Territory. onl my hnd tbtthe 1Smi day or An guat, A. I). IMi. C.AKtXSG DORSET, 13 it i4aterift CL .n,rj. IIHIEHBE STOCK o t a a o GROCERIES, Ju3t received by J. BERRY & CO., . MAIX STREET, 23xo-tcrxitrUf rJolo. Having laid in our present stock at re duced prices for Cash, wo are enabled to defy competition in the way of selling the articles in the market CHEAP FOR CASH Our Stock of X2ry Goods Is the most complete ever offered in this market, and has been selected with an eye to economy, durablility and the de mands of this community Our Supply of Comprises a general assortment of every thing and the best of everything. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, it you want to get the bene fit of the best of goods at low rates. No trouble to show goodj. 9-28 yly, J. BERRY & CO. ST. LOUS ADVEUTISETIEXTS. From Williama'AJvertiiing Agency, 87 Che$nnt St. Hastings, Wilkerson & Co No 85 Main Street, Odlzit Xiouis, IVXo. irholeea'e Dear! era h FANCY MY &0OPS NOTIONS. AND FURNISHING COODS, . Have at all limes the most com plete :md cltsirable stock of LA DIE'S DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS.RIBBONS, DRESS TRIM MINGS, GLOVES, HOSIERY and ev rv Vhrictv of K'OTIONS .V II GENTS FUitfliUKiHG GOODS, to bd found m any house in tbe west Prices Guauranteed as low as nny ether house ' can afibrd. "Orders crefullyand prompt ly filled. Hastings, Wilkerson &Co. NO. 85 NORTH JIAIJY ST. Married Iadies! PROF. VON VERAE'S DIAMOND DROPS! 'VSNTIVJ ' for which they araN 'WABEAHTEF 'la eTery Insuuio They r oordially recommended to 'U Zdtdles who, from aiokneaa or ' other cause, are unbl to undergo tha perils of iccouchment. Tala remedy UN DIAMOND DROPS I Not n Abortive, bat simply .PREVENTIVE, .And la not in the least lnjn- . rloos to the moat delicti . oonstitutlona. Brer y . . Bottla Warranted. . LIT ITKBI, LAST IT. , ' 7 Bend Bad BUms tot Circular, or I2.8S for the Remedy, to a SL JC02TKOB CO , General Agenta, P. O. Drawer 6601. Chlaaca Illinois; OfflN 1SS South Clark Street. For eal at Wholesale in Chicago, by BTTKKHAata VAX 8CHAACX, rVILXB, ft nrcxxa. lo&b a biote chas. e. bmitk SUITE U DWTEB, nd H. 8C0THX. .4 Most Important Discover. INTERESTING TO AGENTS, FARMERS AND LADlbS. We are malcinn single machine which combines the bestead ch-apect portable Wine auJ Cider Prw, the dry?t Clorha Wrinrer. ed the irnt powerful LigUUing ivk in the "world. It i the oi;ly pres adpted to miking Apple Champaign, which ie now regarded a one of the most important iscvirerks of the ge. A god agent wanted a trrrj county , to whom we w;!l hold out such in-iV-ictraents m to insure $'00o before Christuns. the first on making application from any county t.iaU hare the cxclnsire agency. Full particulars, terms, etc., by Circular. Acdrs II A LI,, REED CO. No. 65 Liberty fct N. Y". " MASTERS SALE. JToticc U hereby given that pursuant to an order of sale to infl dirce'ed issued oy the FUgiier ia Ciiam-ery o( tne Lhstrict Court f Nemaha County Ntbra.ka Teiritory in theeae of James O. Carson gaint Uriel Aiken Jehu L. Carwn and Era5tnus I) Allen . I will fffr for a at Public auction at iLe frQntdoor of Ueu's iu the City of Bruvrn--i!le, th ple hre 'b. last term of said Court, tor said Cubuty ni uid, oc Mou'Jatr.- ihc lS:h day of Sep. .1865. at one mVIV t. : of sad da tb folUwine R.-al J r taie u-wh : ine orin quarusr m evoiion .en . 7 ) in T woh;p f e (5) North ot Rr uf ".e n D'i'aM in Neoaba County N"br U"j ntedthii the I7th daTot Anust 1M.S. W.G. GLASiiOW. 48-41 , Shmfl and 5iter. C ASM :; PO.HJSE CHICAGO, iixixozs. mmm stock. FDR MARCH, APRIL, MAY, S3 -L ILn S m JOII.flBIWilL&Eff, AT THE OLD 3TA2CD OT . Oooloy, 3?arowoll tSLs Go. Will offer to the trade of Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Minnesota, Michigan, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri," a v ri' N E BH A S' H A The most Auraciive aud Largest Stock Ji Dry Goods, Notions' and rvts o ax WEST OF NEW YORK, At prices as law as ibe fStz'i' qualities are solj by the bet tcuie in eTork, Bosto'ii or Philadelphia. Oar Stock will 4m!rsce in part Brown and Hijacked Sheeting and Shirtings Orills, Denims, Shirtin? Stripes,' Corset Jeaiis, Cambrics Tickings, Flannels, Apron Chec3iiyTiTecds, F. & 31. Cassimers, ' Iter5cyst Satinets ; Jeans, Coltonadcv Also Clotb . ri-imerV. tadieV Cloak Clothe, and all Woolens auUab'ie for ilea' Wear. ' , PRlN TS Merrimack, DaarTel's . . Cocheco Amerioaa Bprague's liowe IJutchess Sander's Bichiiiond'd- Ailen'a Li wrencse'a . Arnold's, nii ali oiber well-known brauUa. OVA STOCK' Of" LADIE'S DRESS GOODS Wlll.coiiprise il the novelties oX the Season. OCR STOCK IN THE NOTION DEPARTMENT .Will be found full and complete. JC3h"Our Store, (owned by the Arm. aod no rent to pa;,) being newly tilted up, gives u Salesroom? 60x420 feet, tho largest v.cst cf tb sea board, affording us unequalled facilities for showing Goutl. One of our firm residing In New Tork, (baring two experienced assistants) anl buyiug for CASH, enable us to offe: our ccstostets new Goods daily at the iowest O02a. Fricos. We respectf ally invite IfercbauU viaitiuK Chicago to examine our t3"prticnlftr attention given to flllinR orders. 3 Jolui V. Farewell 3c Co., it U & 4tf Wabash Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. v9-fa.a.m Jl.a s. Ml UVB KAiJNTEY & CO., AT TILE' 9 TIsve just rfcrivfd and will srll C H E A P V Oil CASH the lValowTn' No. i articles in their line. Consistiriff of fRdie' Dres Qt.d, .Dmesfio, Woolen Good Hats and Caps, Boots and Shue?, Ac. GROCERIES, Choice Cuffce, Sugar. Tea. Molasses, Syrup, Fish, Dried Fruft, and everything that makes op & com plete Grocery outfit. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY,; Choice Pocket and Table Cutlery, Nails, Farm and tJsrden Implements, ic, 4c' Queensware, Glassware, Wooden Ware Stone Ware,&c.,&.c, &c. k lot of New latent IRON CORN SHELLERS Which docs its work clean and at tho rate of 150 bushels a day, and is the dnrtble Sbeller ever made, being all iron , the wear tear and repairs can amount t vary little. May 18th, 1855. 35 9-3ra 2 DCOBS BELOW POST-OFFICE, MAI! ST., BUOW.YILI,C,' NEBRASKA. Where a choice selection of the fol lowing article can alway be found, C HE A P F O II CASH!!! , Fine Dress Goods Balmoral ySlrirts Hosery and Hoop Skirts Latest Style Ladies Ores And fancy goods Gents Collars nrA Neck Tis Gnin & Bovs autnmer Hats Large Stock tfuiiocs Pape Window Shades , Iltavy Stock of Boots Sc Shoes Large Sioti of Grocerit-3 ?tjjrar Teas and C-fiTe Dried Apples and Syrt'P Molrse' Raisins and CoDfftctionariea Choice Smoking and-ChewiDg Tobacco Spice and Bottled Pickles Soap Cardies and Mackerel Table Salt cracker and Cheese Cash paid for Farm Produce. "G fil HENDERSON. May23ih, '6o.' ly r.lnn. Jiaaa S T1 O 2L JH , MASTER'S SALE. yadaeisheabj rlren that, pursuttnt to a a or der of sale to me directed, issued by the Register in Chancery of the DiatnetCuurt of .Nemaha Coun ty, ebraka Territory, in the Cse wberaia Bba jarain Ho.laday and Jesse Hollilay tra Comn'ain ants nd Adrew S llSUJy, Luar.iia HolindA). Willi ;a Ii Penkk R. E . Turner, J. M. Frar-fr and H. S. Will inis. partner in basint.'.-, as Turner, Fraser 4 C j. E: ai, ara del endiats.I ill offi: for tale, at rnblic ane'-n. at th iront d " r of Den's tia;i,tn 'neuity oi tirownvme, i corasaa ter ritory, the place where the last U-rxa cf said Court for said County waa held, oath 2oih. day of September A. D. 1865 m r, o'clock P. of said dy, th fcllcwiaj HealCjUte. tj-wlt : lots nine. ten. eleven, 9 i'J 11 in hlock number twenty- three 23 and the eait half cf lot Eleven 'I in Block nineteen 19 ail -in the City cf Lrcwn?iliv),ia Hecuba Coaaty,Nabru ka Territory. Ciren uSiar my hand tula ib I3h day cf Astut,:d. 1835. P COAP.LE3 O. DOKHEV, . M5Ut in Chancery. WM. H. M'CREERY" CASH WH0LLSAIE AX D BET AIL EIALE2 IJr Faints, Oils and Dye iStutfs. Pure Liqncrs for Medical purposes, .All kiE&i or Patent Medicines. COAL OIL LAMPS and CHIMNEYS Blank Books and Stationery, Wall Paper of Every Pattern, Window Papers, Cord and Tiissels The best Brands of CHEWING and SMOKING T03ACC0 and CIGARS, Oysters. Canned Fruits, and a complete Stock of light and fancy Groceries. THE BUST Pocket Cutlery Perfumery and Toilet Goods. Having availed btmolf of the late decline; a0 making extendi ve purchases In an Eastern Market, bs assumes bis patrons an t the Public that It i to thrtr advantage to trade witu him. none but first Clai DBUGS kept. Call aaJ ex.unine for yourself at t CITY DRUG STORE South Bast Oorrer. Vain and first Street, Brownville Nebraska Territory. Prescriptions, and orders Carefully filled at all hours. 9-33-lv. tttfl$fitte. Thenndrreigned Veep on hand a larjp assortment of SAniET&C SSIMERESUITS For Men and Boj 'd wear. AlsSa large stock of HATS JsJST) CAP'S, LII&f8IHIISTS BOOTS AND SHOES. Rubber Coats, Lcgglns & Blankets, UMBRELLAS AND CAP.PLT BAGS, Gent's Fnrnis&sg Goods, Of all kinds which we Will sell CHEAP FOR CASH We purchased our gocJa since tlie de cline in the Markets and will sell at low figures. .ATK.tf.SON & CO. April 13tb, 1855, 9-S0-l FAMILY GHOCERIES M'LAUGHLIN&SWAN, WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANXOt NCK TO THFI5 friends and tbe public Rfuerslly, that they have J c received a superior lot of Family Groceries, and invt the attention of purchasers te tbetr stock lncluiin NEWORI.KAKS SX'r.XK, PRIMB RIO COFPKR, CLAR1F1KU do I"MJKMaL TKA, CRUSHED do fr:XG HTSON TKA, OWDh-RKD do LaC'K. TtA. RICK, SaGO, SPICB. PKfPKB" CLOVES, CIKN amO COVE OrSTKRS, Ri4151Ni CTJRRAKT3, STARCO. SOAP, PURR SODA, DK LANDS SALKRATUS, ' LAKK TP-0tIi2ilIHGf 8HAP GREEN APPLES, CRANBERRIES, . PA RED PE ACHES, DRIED" APPLES. DRIED PEACIIE Molasses, Coal Oil, Cfcler Vincgai if ATCBAt. LSiP CTTBWIXG TOBAOrO. GOtDt 1 KaF and otukr CUOICB BRAXD." F1N3CUTCAVKXDIS1I. KILLlfc- nice: smoking, cot uos vo. C lears of the Best Brands hi tm Market CnKSTVr;T3, ALMOKD3, PKCaNS, FILBERTS. PEa NUTS. 4.C., fcc, 4tc.. A Splendid. Assortment of Stick and Fancy Candy from the Best Maouxac "luries in the East. ; ' Flour, Bacon, Butter, Esgjs &u. 1 he Highest Market Prices Paid foi Country Produce. - . McLAEGHLLV & SWAN, Netaha Valley Bask BtritriifG BROWNVIM.r. Jan. 14, IS4. n20v-J20 ylT MASTERS SALE. Notice is hereby iriven tbat' nrsunt. to aa "or der of ra'e to tne directed ,ined the Register jn Cba-icerr ff fbe Di?rriV Court of Ntrosba C-n-tjr,2ebrk TeiTitory.in th eae of JohD L. Car son, against f?oritio t. Worrall, Stephen H. Bect tej cd Penjac in r.Lcsbbangh, I wiil offer for sale at publie auctiort at the fr'nt dor of ben's Rail in the Ci tj of Brownville, toe jiface where the last term of raid Court fo-.il Cuutj waahftlU, j Un tee Jb li dy o eptember, a. d.r lbbo at one r etook P. M.of s;J d? tre, fotlowinj Bea! estate, to-wit . The wet half of the Suutb west q iaiter aud the Soat w-jt aaarter of the north west qtarter of Section Seven (7) in Ton?hipft . mm mm rvarth.r Kaege tnireen 1 131 east, in etnau Con ntr. Nebraska Territory. Iid tb the Fth dayof Angnt1BS. H. G GLASGOW. 4? it. rbn5 srtd f f i'sstr. MASTERS SALE; Kotioe i$bibj giea tLat I "ill o2Ter for aa!e at patHc auction at tb front ir cf ln's Ball in the Citj of brownville, that beirj the place in whkh the last term of the Ihstri't Court was held, V on Mo idav. ih lS;h diV of Sept. 1S3-J ' at aeo'.'lockp- m ft said day, the following kel J Es.aie wit : loe Ncrta west quarter of SSerticn thiny-two 32i,in Towusblp Bfe p orta l rang j f urieen 14 East Jo Ntiaab County riebras Terricory pursuant to an ordr of sale lued by th- Kc-gisUtr ia Chancery of the District Coart cf N maha Coanty Nebraska Territory, in the c&se o John P. Huige agaln;i Jchn II iaiiltci a and (JirJo: H. Wiioox. Ialcu this th Kit day of August, 135. w. a.CLAsrtOW, 43-4t ST-eriff and Special Master. MASTERS SALE. Noilce is hereby RlTen nader aaJ ly rlrtas cf an order of sr.le to me directed, issued tj the P.elter in C tarcery of the Liairict Court of N en aba Couat r, h e braiia Territury, In the ca&e ot John P. Hoige afrainat Ciiariea F. Jsmnoa asd Garden Q Wilcox, 1 will of fer for rale at Public Auction, at the front door ot Den 'a Hfcli, in tLe City or BrownTiile, (that being the bulliii is wLica tee last tar a ot aali Owit wji ou the ISih day of September a. d. 1SC5 at or.fr o-'cio'k P. M of said day. the fuloMrin Rt al Estate, to aril . Tte norm West fra:ti.,ul (jujirUr t Section Thirty (30j In Township fvur (i) nor h. of Bao;e C:ten (15 eaai, in h'eatatur County 2'ib a ti Territo ry. Dated toid the 17th day of Augant ISii w. ft. GI.A300T, iS-4t. Slieriuad Speciai Xsster MASTERS SALE Eotlce is hereby given tbat persn.nt. to au vrtr of Sale to tee directed, taeoed by the Register In Chance ry or tn District Cunrt ir Nemaha County, Nebraza Territory, It case of Benjamin F. Lntbaa3l anains Henry O. Bill an! Jwtiu L Carson, I will 2jr for s am at Public Awtion at ta front dour of Den s Ball ir. be City of Brawnvtlle, the place tie re tue iaat term of saiJ Cut for iliCouBty nu beilr on the lS'h day of bepK:ber a. n. 1S65 at Le o'clock Si., or sala day tne foliw nn Real Stoe to-wlt : Tbe 3outo Eit qaarter of S-.-cllon thir ty -lliree (33) In Toiihii dve (5 North of &auga four teen (14) East, la Nemsna County. Xcbraoka Terntorj atrownvilie Auj 17th 135. VT. G. GLA3(50W, 44 4t. - SueriffandSyeteri Mdter. Have just opened a splendid Stock of covs;sti.o op Sagars, Ttas, Cudee. Rice, Tubucto Cijja.'i, S ap. Dried Fruit of all kind-, Nu's, Candies, Mplj!?e?. Snlt. Wooder Ware ot all kind?. Canned Frtrt, ()yj ters. Picklts. Hud every Article usually kepi iu a lirit cl&a Grocery Store In Whitney's Block, Main Street Brownville Nebraska. Invites the public to call and ex im ino their Stock, before purchasing elsewhere as they are compident. August 3lst 1865. North Missouri Railread. COXXECTS with theTTnnir,l an T St. J... R fl. af. Maeoc Ciljf. 134 miles East of St. Josej h ami foruis the OMiY ALL IIAILUOAD ROUTE ToSt.-I.oui anJ all yAoi Eadt, North aui 3walb ria St. Loum. Bga!ge Checked Througrb. and randlcd Freeof Charge. Ticket Aouts 1 H. A. St. Jo. Riilroad will not discriminate, and paser.jters will hive to choose their own route. Faro by lb U route is the -me to New York, rhilaleiphia, Hotor, Halri runre, (JiociniKiti and all points ast, by war ol (ihl( flgo, or any othor route. Pyt-ni( r purchjsing tickets vi tie North Mia 3iiu:i KailroaJ aavu I'u'.i A D V A N T A G 3: over the Koltnk PacVetd ; they will aroi.l 150 nrle of River Navigation bj night, the unavoidable da lays incident to sUaiuboat tviuikn ; bsidti ttit. Xortli Mo. R.II. TraIC3 Awnlt Delay? on tbe H. 4 St. Jo. Railroad, ra'k'na: TVenrn a certain connection ibate.trt a puibility of 1 i eonnction Mith boat at Hannibal ar.U Quiney iLi t"aius. JnuAHtfof wither, passeng via the North MitH..uri Railroad than by any otbei route. Another advantage in. thHt ve nu'dJ cer tain connections witn tbe Oiilo Mi.isippi. At lantio & Uraat Wfxttj ; n. St. Luuia d Terre liautf. and St. Looi.i A Cb'Cflo Ritilroad, li fineni an(i most uperbly eqnippod Road4 iu the V ent. I'aengpr? brre the right to rhooce, in connip tion with the NurtL Miewnuri Railroad, any of the abm onamei R.i.l- FARE TJK Ticket.-iMtn bo hud at tbe Ticket Offi j g ..f the Hannibal ii St. Jo.seph Railroad, in S; . Jopeph. Afktor Ticket; by way of tlie Nor'b !i-nor Railroad, andsco tbuat your Baae i CUCikbii THROUGH, IAAC II. STrROEON. Trei'i and Ga t Sup't til. L-!s, Mo. II. H. WBSSLKB. (rtLersl Ticket Acui.. St. Louii,Mo. U ii. DON, General Wd'crn ""?it. T. II. L-AKLKl. AsrMii.st. JoicrJ. SALE OF APPIIAISED STUCK. On Satu-doT tbe SOth day of Sptetrbr, leo5 I will effer f jt fa"o to tbe LijjbeHt bi'iuer for i ;b u hand at the residence of J am, H. Harnc livin" on the Daily l.liiii, 2 tuilc-s toith of Ftru N?uiau Cooti'j Ne brafVa Territory, one t t,y forrcl horf jopp.fed to be 9 yearaold lat piing ine 16 band high some white ud!e mcrk.?, ecare on left Lipan a white eck in tbe wright eye and bus tbe flp peaiatceof being gtovo in the hoaldt?iji, no ''uct marke orbmnli pero- ivHble. Arprn'" l l i V,1. 60 t JUSJSPI1CS KKLLKY, J . P. H CII! 1TCIJ! 1 1 Cal l" Soiatch! Scratch I Scratch! WH EATON'S OINTMENT Will cere the IIcli In 48 HOURS ! It enr tbe Prairfe IU'a, W ;h Srat'-he. Salt Khcum 'Tlcern, Chi!blio . aod all Erap uons of ibe Skin riUCE 50 CENT3. Beware of Lo;iona and Wbe whioh will not remov?tnediem!. Rv cndinp "Vrn ?roT L1S BrwO'S,(Ag'uit for the S-.atb-W'egt,) S. W Cor. 2-i A ine Street, St. Loa:, Mo., it wi'l be for warded hj tnail, frre of rUjje, to any part cf tbe country. WfcF.XS & POTTER, Fasten. M-m., Prcpricton ' ' MASTERS SALE. Notice ia bertty given that parirutft to nnidt of jale tome directed, imu! by tbe R'Ter io Chancery r,f the District Coarr of XiTin Coontj Nbra-ka Territory. in toe sae rf Ju L. Jajnn atrainst Iae 15. '.Valters and Reiuaajin F. I.uh kao'gJi, I w ii'l "t'er for at putie Anc'if n, th frontdoor o! Ien' Ha'l in the O.'tyof brown ville, tb J U?o wb?re the lsl term of i'd Coart for said 0ar;ty was held, on the 18 h day of St'pteoilr A D. 1S6j at one o'tlo:k p. tn. of said day fbe fclicwfn R-ai Erte to-wu : Tbe north east quarter of tLe south ett qijHt fer i f aev'tion twtnty.iit 2) in Twn phip six ( 6j n-rth of Range fifteen (15) eat in Nemba Comy, Nebraska Territory. XV. it GLASGOW, 5 4-. Stenff acd Si.a-t Halter. O TT1TT IS ALXjll V (' J t. l 1 ai AISD . ' r - fl w -. ON MIS SOUK I RIVER. ' : Tri-wkly Pa-ktl f Htr'iibAl r, ?. Jo-i R. R. Lin) Iaava Oaahi. ('oj..1 huJT'., 1 mru-b. Nebraska C.ty, hr -..w.v.'i r et4rncdi ate p;.iat$ fr St. Jvsepb. r-mnrr it St Joeep with triiui oali.r.n'.b--l .n.d S:. Jc? ?v. Y. IU, leaT in St Jjseph 11.33 P. M., arming at 1)1 t lilt AlO a Ol. i.UMJ Oa and after Mr 1?-, indcVo nn- ticrv fr- m 3 1 Joseph to Auruon. Vtejion. I.eavaa worth. Wyaniotts. Kara. City . Laurence, Topek, ts.,Ti ilaite Country R. R. au I tca;iir Ej-iille rrt c. j . i h r.irml I.eiva St Jc.-"Lh i2i A.Me,L-avnw.Tfn8.0t)aiC-, Wyandatio A. M, Kaniaj City 10.33 a.m., Larsnca ai S PQ t. K. TH20T3GH TICKETS EOS hy porter A Dtu-i, Omaha, D. W. fiitchook,Con II Clalf,i:.C. UwU.r:aU;in-juth, E. S. Uawley, Vebtiska Ci'y. Buy thtju0a tickets asi ay money. , . . Extn-ir repair on the Ui.nmbiI. hr. Jo srrH RuLRoiia. now ir"n.:' end additional roil ing Bisk enable tlioni tu off-r tbee imporUil Uaa ge to f:.ci!iu t tratel r Tiiia tr. t:. W. MsaD General Saperi:enJct. -P. R .X. Geawiai Ti- Wtt A-Bt. H II. Crari-iar, GenlFrti'u A;rt. fJiu-iiUl, M , CarT. Hrrra FoRI, Sujermieilcut iwkli LiTe ,St. Jii'pii, Mu. MASTERS' SA1.1T Notice i hereby give i il. l ursu .nt to an order t' -ialo to m-- J irtcd , ij-w-i oy tbo lloijttr iu Chancery of th. litriet Cowrt of County. Nebraska Torrit..ry. in ti c i..- f J.ju 1. Carson ugaiast Kehe-:-ri Ii Men. 1 wili. Cr l..r ! at pub lic auction, at il.c If nt lor rl LVn' ia tha City of Lry.-iviL:v thj i-lacw where tiij lJt tena of aid Court waa held, on the lS'.h day of Sipieinbcr,.. i. at ono Vl;'ik P. li., .f na:J d'T. the f.iuoia Keul Eita'.v.tt-vU : TLe r-r'.h hn f tf the n-.rta ae4 qtinrter ot d'K'tioa lj'ir'.ta (H), in Tjn rhip f.-.nr (!, n- rh il'.Kai ge fourteen 1 1 1; tfaat,,' iu Nemaha County Netfrakt Triritorf. Augnt lTih mr. , V. U. GLASGOW. 4?-lt gheriJauJ Special Uitr. MASTERS SALE. . - Notice ! hereby pna't! it pnraaaot . to aa orJ"f of Kd.u to aue direeitu, iu- d by the Udgiuer ia Chent-ry ..f th I'trict uit of Neuiibi Couu ry,Ntbatka Territory, iu tt-e eaat of M.igdlr .-uith, by iir uoi't fueui William il. dwr ngic-t J'ej.h W Conr'il. Mrrt Coun-ill and Julia L. Carsuu, I aui od'c.r t'vr sie, at public aae tion at th frcal dvr of Uco'i Hall ia the City of brownville, the place where the lait term of laii Uuur; waa UtiJ, on the lS'h.rlay (f Sept. A. D. ISOo, t one o'clock p. of laid dny ,the following eal KBtato i-ait: n.uaoktii eaat quarter of auction twenty-one 21 in Township ve 3j nonh, cf tvauo foutteen 14 east, in Neniaha Couaty, Ne bra.'Ka Territorv. Datedtbia I7thday of AugnstTWS. W. U.GLASGOir, 43 4t Sheriff and Spflolat M wt-r. LEGAL NOTICE. . - - Ilccry Weer, Jcbrion W'cers, Consrd vTceri," tiered Veers. Elizabeth Wears, and CortrenJi R. Wcer, will rake notio tbat a petition waa 'ai agaiu?t thcoi en the 14th day of Auguit A. D. 6fi, in the Probate Court, within aod forth Ccncty of Nemaha by Gcrd Weer?, an4 1j now pending, rbcrf'ii ail G:rd WesritlvaianJj par tition of th? followlog foal r.1ate to wit: Ta EauU half of the pguih .&at qoarter, of section fire (,5),in Township fvur (4t ia Kanu Tbirtotn (13 iiuatfd in NetuLa' County, Nebraska Tcrrit'jry, eouuiuiii Mcrci. 'lum aaid petition will be for hearing cn tbe 26th 1ay of Supieiulier L3oi. Thafc ou sail i'uth day of Septonber, sail Gerd Weert will ap;ly for un t.dr, ihj.'. parutiuu be make of a'd premWcs. ' " , latej a: tiiis tu I4'.b dr ef tS'-' guf t iSn.s. b. ::. iiiCU, ; AH'y for PrtP't;ner. MASTEJS SALE. N tiee is hereoy g'V m that rursaint t- an" r Jt 6 li to nie ( irtcii J, iaJ Ly the Rvg.'jtur in Chancery of th District Court of Neuiba Cuun ty Nebraska T.rriury, in the case of Joaeph Erey igainft Tboiua H. M rhi'.l Mary C. Iaxhll, hia rile. .! ,hn L. Crn and Wi'liam D. Cady, I will iSc-t ii i c.lo at r au.it; auction, at the (root door of I n'. Hall Ti t e Ci'y of Brownville, tbe place -bere '.ue Udt ti rut of aaid Court for aaid County W 14 lifllV. oa 5Iotia) the 13h day cf Sep. 1S65 U..uo o elocif o. m., of id day, tbe foIiowtngRaal E!ato tft-vrit, Th ri-ulu east quarter of Seclioa eight S in ?i.Hitshipix 6nrh ft Rarg' fifteen li caa'.j ia Nuiaba County NdbrMka 'lemtory. Pated tl tlie g7th Jay ol Asgiut A. D. lid. V.O.GL.SOOVV, iS-V. -Sheril and tpccijJ ilaaler. TeUal xNutice. Eiigcnf F'nter.f 11, t'k-to.'i Fontenell, Raymond' Fnn:ene!l, EnVtia Fo.itnJl, II nry Foatvaull, ini finely Fuiitunell wilt fake notice that Henry Kon tenell GunrA'tetAf Lu -i iri A. Fntraell a oiijiir .indcr aivi by virtue of aa flrder of the Probata Court iu and lor ta. Covruty ot Nviutu, Territory f Ni;brati, ule on'fh? 13th day uf Juue, A. I. iH'i, will offer ic paolM Sale, nn the '2('y.h d;'y SfpUn.Ler, a. d 1SG. at one o'ol:k p. n upoi th. rrrmi tJ)e r.-llow-i nn described Kt 1 L.s,at to wit : Tbe South half f Section tvi eiitj-dcv.-n ".'7. i;.nge a iMu ii)r in TowrmLip four lj in NeniVti I'Minty Niiw Thrrif'iy , and uiiuz lf.i).l- of the half tfrel reee vtt'on, et-ept tiie Tiuiler roalcg anf beiuj iaii laixia irhica by the tSn aii l Sale wiii be ,-(.4rvd Term of aaTo rz-, ?ji haaJ. Urownvilie Augut,17tV pr,j. htNRY fONTENEIL. Gu:iHian f Luciao A.routtnell a Jiiaor. ii It -MASTERS SALR ' N. t:cei ai-r-by givr:i luat. 1 will t.ffer for aala it .rb avf ion a i be 'root dor i Vtn'i HaH in he City ot irvhville, tu.'hw County, Nebraak Tcrrit iry thai b- hij, tl:- .Ky-lia- iu whi.l the .ia' trm of the TjL.trict Court aaid Cvunly. of Seinai a un h-UJ ;i tlie 2i'2 da? "f October, lS6o. at ov .'c'ouh p. m ibe Juiiowipg real estate rioatsd iar aid County of loaiia, t -it : tbe South Writ toarfe of th n' -h weat qnnricr tf Section 13m TvMihipS mita oi Uarg 12 Aat, taken aa tbe oroper.y of 2 .nui l Trowci-n. jipon attubtaent aui' xcutirri in fwt r ot Sj.onel S-.orh iaoi on rrf .Le i'u.ii; t C u.-t of said County of emaba and" to we (Hree'ed aa i'.icrifj r.f Connty. laiea Au-u-tid h li .b. W. G. GLASGOW, 60 4t enj. fj TO DS1. BSSELOVI r A5D NOT SUFFER that horrr.. to taen it roloooua ftngn Into ymr -u a. iifflK'ir.cg jw.t face bd1 bniy, tMm . . j u U!. uc tuta saa itT T(.-H aol a rno'a atl aijj I o.-T'to.Na. ITI Lilaoia. wbere . the Doctor may be conouiW lapr o from t a. M. UBtil 9 p. at. AU mmuntoaUnr- Cxmient-tH. Rrma m. 6cJ red Ramp ft my J-nim! mt Ucajto," pa3l!atid mocC'y aad ttai to acj addtaaa, LEGAL NOTICE. Notire i nere:7y given thtt I wi'l ffr at Pai. iie n.;tifn af fS" -l'vr '.f R. P. Pwn'i Store is recumsah tht litiag iLe ploe of b-S.iiuf the lxt usrm of h) District Cnrt on ih 25th d:ty nf A???it, A. D 1565 t oce o'clock P. 4, ot aai 1 day fue tolloTmi Real Estate to w'' : b ntb half cf tbe Zztt Quarter e-ion thrsa ? rd tn bhd half of tne norji Sair quarter of Scriou teuty-tour -1 of Towt ihip S nr'h f R.i nz eleven 11 Fast of the ii'u piiociat iI.;iitii-.o, iakn a ta property of tfe iLtfu) Joutison an cicuti .n iifavorof Becjs nn Copr irie-l by the lMn'et Cark of Joha on Conn:yf Nabmniia IVrn'oi, anu ti me direc ted Saciifl t aatd (.unty. Given unJtfi ua) uo tu i tbe 23;h day cf Jd? 4 P. ISZi W. A. PESSOS', iJ-2t Saenf. Hannibal 1 i I 1 j PRIVATE XM I 1 I I bts idal study for re: V 1 tnou.d eonm t. lila Mimical South Clara atret. t tloao. LEtiAL NOTICE. N.t?e !s hereby gveathat applk-n'io oaTiaj heeu male tomw.au proba' Judge of the Canty of N?inahi i.i tne Termor of Nebraska, for lb appointment of an aduain.tratnr of the Ejtata r.f i liiatn R. W. Ccbo, ci&cooa d, 1 shall proofed t he.ir a.t!' n pliijoa ai i u atpuiiit aa adxiai i ratr for aH eaure, at m ia iJrowaviile Hi tno I.' uay eptemjer L'aob at tea o'clock, a. in. c. c. ronsiT.- 'r- l-af Snit 5t.