1 1 " - r , " ; . V1LI.E, THURSDAY, Shl7. Mi I "i, O CAL. , u iceds, Mogsges, Executions, Replevins, !' fi,-fne 4c. Ac. Ac. for sale at this Office. i I f T l'ersoris desiring to announce ,fv a Candidates for Office at S tluiiii; election can do jo through e (,vcr.i?-Pi for the moderate sum t ;!.i:f, cash down 'Vfj-J j rrlniarj Convention." I fiji ie meeting of the Union v,pruf ts Precinct at the office of Dy, on Wednesday, Septfin i, r at 1 o'clock, p. in., for the -ur-J .i cit ctit Lr Delegates lo the Union Convention. Turn out, all ! 1 j afrt. assortment of Pocket Cutlery fl)ffale at McLaughlin &. Swan's. I f8Daed Fruit, Peaches, &c, in abund 1 3r,rf at McLaughlin & Swan's. f - - j Print 8, choice selection, just re- ll'Uri' u',n ,ne American Insurance ivn.nitiv. J. W. Iis, Agent. j. W. Eii-s Auctioneer, lirownvilU-, Vt.n-ka. Sales made in City or Coun try ot the must reasonable terms. j. ''. Scott, of the Ciiy Meat Market, isuo.v, and will be hereafter, prepared w supply his customers with choice fresh ,i,pa of all kinds. Irlhe Trotting Match, which came off i T:tq, last Saturday week ago, between Vn. Daily's Stallion, "Black Snake" anda black's tall ion from Nebraska City, B!k Snake was the winner. A race cane off last Saturday at Nemaha City wh:h resulted in beating another Ne Irai Cnv horse. Scntt & Co., were arrested durnnj the jm for butchering in town, were tui, paid their line and found'a place to nitcher down by the river. Sanitary masures ahead. .) it'll, M New London, September 4th, , Jos.epr Wilham, infant ton of Jo luh and Jane Loveless, aged 1 month ad 'JS days. "A fair llun.tr has drooped and faded, A j'weet infant voice ath fed A Uir brow the graVe rrath shaded And our ut'ur Joseph is dead." D. II. Head the Si. Louis Ad's in t'c'-day's rpt-r. The Excelsior Manufacturing Ompany can supply any and all demands fr Cfcarter Oak Stoves. Tin plate, Sheet 'Jon and Tinners' Stock If you Itch, Scratch, if it continues s-nd for Wheaton's Ointment. i The Fairview Union Sabbath School xW have a Pic-Nic Dinner next Satur day. We acknowledge the kindly iuvi r.tion to be present, from J. S. Skeen, Superintendent, but are unable to accept, if the "Clerk of the Weather" gives ihetn a good day. they will have a good i;np, we warrant. Sc iiew Advertisements in to day's paper. . C. Peloubet's Organs and Melodeofis are good, true instruments. The use of the "Nonpareil Washing .Machine" saves clothes, piomotes the health and prolongs the beauty of those who use them. If men had to do the .washing we know they would be in great demand. Coaling's brilliant, easy shining Black itjg everybody knows is No. 1. About fifty Winnebago Indians passed through our City, last Friday, en route for the Omaha Agency, where that tribe cow have their reservation, superintend ed by Col. II. W. Furna?. They seemed very much civilized : one we noticed Pressed elegantly in a straw hat snd Lreach-clout, another sported an old coat ud hit, most however had their summer clothes on, displaying their muscle to great advantage. American Insurance Company of Free pw. Hit'iois. Capital 000, secured tyT hen on Real-Estate worth over Seven Miil.on Dollars. Chartered, A. D. 1S55. Thi old and prompt paryiug western company, having complied with the laws f the Territory, as will be seen by ad vertisement in another column, are, now prepared to insure prope'rty through our 'ld and much ef-teemed fellow-citizen, J. W- Bliss, who is Agent for this company. We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of the "Cincinnati 3rauch Ciothing House," just opened in this city by Seem.in Sc EhrlicS, This House is connected with one of the larg est wholesale clothing' houses in Cincin T'ati, and will Always keep a large sup ply of clothhig, in season arv in fashion. Their facilities are such that tiiey can spU goods lower than iUy have ever Wn sold on this side the Missouri river. Their goods are cf th hebt quality, well sde up, and warranted not to rip or ravel out," but to be elegant aud service Call an gamine, and we know Wil pyrrliafe. We would call the attention of our readersno IJryant's Commercial College, St. Joseph. Mo. This institution offers to the western youth a chance to acquire a thorough commercial rducation, which is one of the mat essectiil qualifications of a good business man. This College is conducted Ly a Practical Accountant, 1 and Superior Penman. The course of studies in this Institution are such as to give the student a thorough knowledge of all Commercial transactions, and to prepare him for actual business. , A slight skrimnge came eff in cur city last Sunday, in which a Stage Agent bounced a brick on the head of a citizen, which brick glanced off, broke off a door knob and struck a female iu the side. Citizen then pummeled Agent till Agent hollered Odd fellow, which our intelli gent Marshall supposed meant him he being but one by hims-lf stepped up, inserted the citizen into the jail, and the Agent gave bail. We have not read the sequal but sup pose it can be found in the Mayor's Dock et. Ed. Advertiser: Having closed our Union Camp Meeting for this County, I -ivt4'ou a few items : The meeting was continued ten days, embracing two Sabbaths, with glorious success. The weather was all we could desire up to the last evening, when we had a heavy rain which dismissed the meeting without benediction. Otherwise it might have continued most cf the present week. We were aided in the meeting with the labor of Eld. Giddings and Miller, also, Col. J. M. Chivingtonrf and others, but, most of all, by Him wrho has said : "Lo, I am with you always, &c." The results are Thirty conversions and Twenty-accessions to the Church on pro bation, and seven by letter, besides a number that will probably join other Churches. To God be all the glory. The attendance during the entire meeting was good, behavior excellent, and the deep spiritual feeling manifested at times all but overpowering. May God grant the Church many such visitations of mercy all over the Territory. D. Hart. The AununI Meeting of the Christian Missionary Society for Ntbiaska, will be held at Brownville, commencing Thurs day, Sept. 14th, and will coutiue for several days. Preaching of nights, and on the Lords day. Some of the best peakersof the United States are expect ed to be in attendance, and participate in the meetings. Ample provisions are being made to take care of those who will attend the meeting from n distance. All, therefore, that are disposed to attend our Christian meetings are cordially in vited to do so. D. R. Fcngan, Cor. Sec.N. CM. S.. Plailsmovth Her aid. BiSCasCS Of the LjC. Dr. Frank S. Howard, of Nebraska Ciiy. gives par ticular attention lo th2 treawueiit of the diseases of the eye, and its appendages. Those having any object malfermatioa or peculiar change of organ or vision are invitjd to report to him. Patients requiring his personal attention can ob tain suitable board in the City. Corres pondence by letter will be promptly at tended to. Opinion will be made can did and reliable treatment when assured successful. Office D Whitinger's Drug Store, between 4th and othMain Street. References, Dr. J. Crane, Wm H. Mc Creery, Brownville, N. T. THE CHICAGO DRY GOODS TRADE. It U a prett mistake nn.'lo by ooTne of onr WMtern -nuutry inert limit tuat tli can l'ny ptxxls k. better llTiiuV(re in New York thxn in Chicago. It is claim! fluit iu N'-w York there i jrn-ater chwe fr wh-c-tion. that are etumgh lower to tiinke a different- cf five cr rent- that the oMrtuiiitT to procure the latest ntylei is far better in e.v Vu. k lii iu at any other point Wo-t, the aro the prinuul rutouiu ia favor f New York. Both olvrviition v exjorieneo hrn mtLsfled ns that the fnt is tintwun't f he Chi.-fto dry goods mar ket I a pod aii that of yew York, ns rh ernmination of the various htocka in our emiurry etore-i, dome of which are from New York and eoiue from Chicago, will pn-ve. The armer'i wif, who looks through these va rious stock b-f -re tuj inp. will tell you tnat she can gvt as pood tyV of the dealer who bitvs at Chicago s of him who buys iu yew Yurk. As to the second reasoTi, wo venture to remark that tl; five per sent. Hi' -re or less is more than eaten up in tho expenses of a trip of 1.500 niih-is loa of froDt two to four w ceks' time, and additional freight. In fact, we feel Pfe in saying that the difference iu price of goods is tued np twice ever by these expenses. It may be said that the freight from New York to Chicago muwt be paid ; w hy not as well pay tt to the transportation companies as to the Chicago Jobber? We hapien to know that th Chicago jobler, shipping millions of dollars w orth of goods every season, has advantages over the country denier, who ships but thousands, that leave a margin of from per cent, to 2J p-r cent, in f ivor of the jollier The third rison Is as unsound as tho former Ones. The job ber, as every sen.Ma man can un Vrstau l, will alio no ojiH t unity to slip of keeping his stork well up in the latent styles of poods. The Chicago joblier is repre MDfd fi-om January to J uiuiry in y i-w Y-M'k, Paris tfnd London by hurers, who under itand the market as no country ntnilcr can. These repi-esentat ives aiv realy to take mlvantia of every fin -tuition in the market, change in the style aud the like, to h'r g-"-la West, and long lefre the country merchant could get through looking over tho ground and deciding what to forty, the name or better styles of pnwls are in the rooms or the Chicago tinu, reaily f r the country trade. II these things be true, and we know they cannot be . ref iteil no me-rhaTit west of ChicT-o mn f wd to go further eat to lay in his stock of goods. Ilia own interest will wn l h'ni l Chicar. A iM.ng the leading whttless'lc hotta fn fTi nr stand hishr thau tlie old established house of Ilowss liuoTiitEj, Lflke street. At a recent vi.iit we took tiaie to look over their estaldishmeut and examine their stock of ilry goods. It would le difficult to find even in X:-w York as complete a Jobbing bouse ns this. With untliiny er.crpy these three brothers have I.ibored to build a wholesale trw'.e that should rival that of the beavi'M eastern' Anns.' S- Veil 'haTc they facceedod tliut to-d iy they are unsurp-issei by any firm in the eontrtry in al.Iiiry tcr meet the wants of the N'ortli- , western trad, their ali for ISi't having; rcaehel the eoormous hiiiii i4 .",Cn?.1i.Kl. With cf itnl aulictcnt to keep up their stock nnder the'most depressing utato of traile, they are prepared lo bill gouls borh in (jiuility and price to the ctmntry dealer on conditions tlrat ill insure a twtter trade and fairer profit than can b secured by any dealer, who in,U a nnth to vu-it yew York. Thtiir fiicilitles far transportiitioii are tucfa that they can a(Tort ti eell on the margin made, thus saving to their "Utomers the money and time cxjeinled in a trip tt. In tlie city of Chicago they txi nusurrv-M-'l in eny re-ii-ct. eijualled in f.-w. In th's particular serf ion they aie eieiKllv gauiiug in favor, and it hj twted that the shrew.Iest country dm ler are giving IVf-vKS Bkotiiers the prefrrem-e. Tn tho -cl our i.ider ugl in the dry g.ioK tra.!, we annld i ee.ninieiid a careful .xaiuiimtion of the , et.-rk in.! price al tbii hou, bef.r hjiu la ths full it.s k. . .... - The Hiptists of Nemaha County, Ne braska, will take notice thai there will be a meeting cf the Baptists cf raid Ccunty on the third Saturday in September next at the Methodist Church m Brownville, in said county, at 10 o'clock, a. in. , of said day for the purpose of organizing an Association to be known as the Ne maha County Baptist Home Musion As sociation. The object of said Association will be definitely agreed on at their meet ing. The meeting will be continued oh Sabbath. Preaching Saturday night and Sunday. A committee of Baptists is so licited from every neighborhood. All that are friendly to the Baptist denomi nation are solicited to be in attendance. A. M. T. Zook, A. W. Morgan, B. F. Gordox, Wm. Cobs, J. F. Rogers, Peter Smith. milEITSE STOCK O F kjf.il til E3WJ GROCERIES Just received by J. BERRY & CO., MA IX STREET, 23rownvillo, 35"o"Jo. Having laid in our present stock at re duced prices for .Cash, we are enabled to defy competition in the way of selling the articles in the market CHEAP FOR CASH. Our Stock of Xz3T Goods Is the most complete ever offered in this market, and has lecn selected with an eye to economy, durability and the de mands of this community. Our Supply of Comprises a general assortment of every thing and the best of everything. Call and examine; before puichasing elsewhere, if you want to get the bene fit of the best of goods at low rates. No trouble to show goods. 9-28-yIy J. BERRY &. CO. ST. LOUIS ADVERTISEMENTS From William Ad certiinj Agency, W Cheenut St. Hastings, Wilkerson & Co No So Main Street, SSfiixvt Xaouie, Mo. IFholotale Dearlers in FANCY MY GOODS NOTIONS. AND FURNISHING GOODS, Have at all times the most com plete and desirable stock of LA DIE'S DRESS GOODS, WHITE G00DS,RIFB0NS, DRESS TRIM MINGS, GLOVES, HOSIERY and every variety of AXD GENTS FURHIUH1NG GOODS, to be found iu any house in' the Ycst. Prices Guaranteed as low as any ether house can allbrd. fST'Ordcra c refully and prompt ly filled. Hastings, Wilkerson &Co. KO. 85 NORTH MAIN ST. IVXaririecl Ladies! FR0F. VON VERAE'S DfAdlOHD BnOPST VENTIVE, tot which they aTeN 'warranted fin every instance. They 'are cordially recommended to 'all Ladies who. from aickneaa or ' sther eausen. are unable to undergo tieperllBOf aecouchment. Thia remedy ia .DIAMOND DROPS I Sot an Abortive, but simply TREVEIVTIVE,, .and ia not in the leaat inju-y . rioua to ths moat deUcata . coxistitutiona. Tretfj Bottla Warranted.. 'LET EVERY , LADY THY IT. 7" Bend Red Stamp for Circular, or t2.23 for the Remedy, to C. B. SIONKOE & CO , General Agents, P. O. Drawer 6561, Chia&fo, Illinois ; Offioe 155 South Clark Street. For aale at Wholesale in Chicago, by BURSHAIfa St VAN 6CHAACK. FXJULEB, FLNC3 ft nrZXXB. LORD ft SMITH. CHAS. O. BillTB, SMITH & DWIZB, and H. BCOVILL. . . CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Sa1BNB"'ST0CK ran. IvIAKOn, APRIL, MAY, jL jlj IS 5iH : MEWBM. AT Tilt OLD STAI5D OF Coolcy, Pnrcwcll cfc Co. Will oTcr to tho traJe cf Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Kansas, Missouri, Indiana, Michigan, Iowa, AUD 4 NEB R-A SKA, The most Attractive and Largest Stock Jt Dry Goods, Notions and EVEU OX SALE WEST OF NEW YORK, At rrlcea as low as tlie same qualities are sold by the best huuc iu cYork, Boston or Philadelphia. Our Stock will embrace in part BroTvn and Clenched Sheetings and Shirtings, Drills, Denims 'Shirtinsr SlriiieS, Corset Jeans, Caiuhi-ics, TicKins, Flannels, Apron CZiccUs, .Tweeds, t & Cassimers, fiierseys, Satinets Jeans, Coltoxiades, Alsc Cloth. Cassimerpst, Ladies' Cbak Cl.ths, and all Wouleus buitdble tor ilea's Wear. . PRINTS Merrimack, Cocheco Spv-igiie's Dutchess Hichniond's Dunnel's American Lowe Sender's Allen's Lrwrence's Arnold's. And u'A oLLer well-known br.a.as. OUR STOCK OF LADIE'S DRESS GOODS Wiircomprise all the novelties of the Season. OUR STOC1 IN THE NOTION DEPARTMENT Will be found full and complete. 83"Onr Store, (owned by the firm, and no rent to ;ay.) being mnvly tHteil np, gives us Silesruoni 60x4Cl leet, tho largest wr-st of the ea board, atiurUing us uneiualloil facilities for showing Good. One of our Arm resiilin?; in New York, (having two experieiicC'l assistants) and buying for C 4SH, enables usio cite: our custouaers new Goocio luly at the Lowest Casli Xi-ico3. We rrsprct fully Invite Mercuauts visiting Chicago to pxajnine our 6'toclc. 5l3"i'rticular attention given to Ailing ordcr.f3 John V. Farewell, & Co., 12, 44 Jc 4 Wabash Ave., vD-ia.a.m jl.a.a. EMS IN Petticoats-! 1 1 RA.I3STEY & CO., AT TLIE V.Hve just received and will sell CHEAP tha following No FOR CAS II , i Hrticles in their line. !i jn ni e y s 1 h J !sl 4 Vj n Consi?t!n of L-idie-Prfs 'c-"!?. T nii'tic?, Woolen Giud-i, Hats and Caps, F!'Wi and .Shwes, &e. Choice Cv)STee, Sujjir. Tea. Mola?ses, Sjrup, Fi.-L, Dried Fruit, and everything tliat makea up a com plete Grocery outfit. HARDWARE. AMD . CUTLERY. Choice Pocket and TaMe Cutlery, Nails, Farm and tiarden Implement?, A-.. A.c Queenswa3pe,'v Glassware, Wooden Ware Stone Wart,&x.,&c., &c. A. lot of New i :!f?nt IRON CORN SHELLERS Which does its work clet and at the rate ot 150 bushels a day, and is the durable Shelier ever made, being all iron, the Wear tear and repairscan amount to very little. ' ' May 18th, 18Gi. 55 9-3ui "Z D03R5 BELOW TOST-OFFICE, MAIN ST., BROil'KTILLE, IE2Ii ASIIA. r ...Where a choice ft-Iecticn of the fal lowing article can alway b fouuJ, CHEAP rOSrCHH! Fiqe Dres Goods . . Balmoral Skirts . Hosery ariJ Hoop Skir's LatPst Style Ladies Dres ' ' " And fancy poods r, :- - . Gents Collars and xpck' Tis Gent & Boys summer Hats Large Stock Notions rw. Window Shades ' Heavy Stock Booti Shoes Larofe Stock of Groceries ".-Sugar Teas and Cottur J Dried Apples and Syrup Molaetea Raisius and CoDfectionaries Choice Smoking and ChewiDg Tobacco Spice and Bottled Pickles . , Soap Candles and Mackerel .'Table Salt Crackers and ChcSse : Cash paid for Farm Pr'oducu... G Id HENDERSON. - May 'Joth, 'GO. . ' 0-36 ly rdnn. mn Ml S 1? O JE1 , - MASTER'S SALE. Nortec "is tcretj giren that, pnrjaint to an or der of sale to Hi 3 directed, ieed br tie Iieister in Cbancery of tbe l)istrictCurt of Nounha Coun ty, Isebnwk. Territory, in thd ('a-sa; wnerein 'lien jamin Italia l;y and Jo-9 lluliaday ura Cooiplain anU aal An draw 5 H .ilad.iy, Lacretii Uliaday, William li TcticSt R. E 1 Turner, J. 31. Fritfaad II. S. William. purtners iu Lu.-ine., ai Turner, I razer Jt C . Ki al. aro defendants, ! will offer for sale, at puLiia auetii-n, at the tront dir of Dnd nail, ia the City cf Brownville, in .Nebraska Ter ritory, tho j.laoe where th last term of J Court for said County was held, on ths 25th. day of September A. D. ISGu at one o'clock P.M., cfsail day, the following Kea! Lstut-j, to-wit : lots ninn, ten, eleven, ftf 1 11 In Block number twenty- three 23 and tbe eaat half of lot Eleven TI in Block nineteen 19 all la the City of UrownrilleJn Nemaha Couty,Nabraa ka Territory. - Civeu urler my hand thia the 10th day of August, a:d. liiuj. CIIAHLES C DORSET, Master in Chancery. WM. H. M'CREERY i i CASH "WHOLES ALE AND SET AIL EEALES IX j Paints, Oils and Dye Stuffs, Fure Liquors for Medicil purposes, All kinds cf Patent Medicines. COAL OIL LAMPS and CHIMNEYS Blank Books and Stationery, L Wall Paper of Every Pattern, Window Papers, Cord and 1 assets The best Brands of CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO and CIGARS, Oysters, Canned Fruils, and a complete Stock of ligKTatul fancy Groceries.- THii BKST Pocket Cutlery Perfumery and Toilet Goods. raving availed himself of tbe lte decline; and mpkiiig p.tnive purchase in an Kastei n Market, be assumes bis pdtruiis an1 tba Public that it U to their advantage to trade will hint, none but first Cl.iss MtCJtiS kept. Cill a;id ex.iiuiae for yourself at the CITY DRUG STORE . ScntbEast CurEcr.uim aal first Street, BrowDTllle Nebrisk. Territory. l'r.ESCKUTioxs, and orders Carefully filled at all hours. 9-33-!y. The underpinned Lcep on Land a lafg? assortment of SATTI?!ET&C SSIMERESUITS For Men and Boy '3 wear. Also, a lare stock of IIA.TSAISriD CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Rubber Coats, Lcgglns & Blankets, 1xxxti1s. vxxcX Valises; UMBRELLAS AND CARPET BAGS, Gent's Fnrais&ing Goods, Of all kinds which wo will sell c 11 r: a p f o n cash- Ve purchased our goods since tbe de cline ia the Markets and will sell at low figures. ATKINSON & CO. April 13th, 18C5, 9-30-ly FAMILY GROCERIES M'LAUGIILEN & SWAN. WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO' T7IEI rriends and the public generally, that they have jo recelveu a superior lot of Family Groceries, and iuv the attention of purchasers to their stock including NKW ORLEANS SUGAR, PRIME RIO COFFEE, CI.ARIKTKU CRUSHED Ott'DKRKD do IMPERIAL TEA, do OUNtf IirSON TEA, do BLaCK. TEA. RICE, SaGO, SPICE, PEPPER CLOVES, CTNNAmO COVE OYSTERS, RAISINS, CCRHANT3. STAilCU. SOAP, PURE SODA , DE LANDS' SALERATl.'S, A COD FISH MACKliKAL, WHITEJ ST) LAZE TK0UT, HING, SHAI gret:n apples, cranberries, pared peaches, drieit-apples, dried peaciie Molasses, Coal Oil, Ci5er Vise; NATCRAL LJ!F" C-TTEWINfJ. TORACCO. CUi.L4 jeaf and other cnotCK r.RAXuy-' F1.CUTCaVEN"OISH. KILLIS.-NICKSMOK.ING.COM-yo DO. Clears oftlie Best Brands n itn Jiarivct ESTNC7S, AI.MOND3. PfcCANS. FILBERTS. PSa NUTS, A.C., ate, ivc.. Splendid Assortment of Stick anti Fancy Candy from the Best MaDufac turies in the East. A Flcnr, Bacon, Eutter, Egs The IlighesrMarket Prices Paid foi Country Produce. MCLAUGHLIN' & SWAN, Nemaha Valley Bank Bcilpihg BnowJfvtLLE, Jan. 14, ISC. c20-S-Ji0-yI .MASTERS SALE. t Notice is hereby pven that partroant, toan or der frf fe to djc Jireetpd.Wnd by tbe Hester in Chancery of the District Court of Nemaha Coun ty .Nebraska Terntcry, in the ease of Jehu L. Car son, against IforaM- (J. W'-rrall, Stephen IJ. Dech t?l an! "enjamin F. Lnsbbau'u, I will offer for sale at ynb!:c an-l'-vi a th fr ut (bxr of Dn's Hall In tbo City r?fT3rnwnriHe , too tle wher the last term i i&i l Court fur euid Couutv waoiield OoiheilSrh day of September, a. d., 18fo at one o'clock P. M.of sflid day the, following Heal estate, to-wit : The est half of the South wtt qu!rtcr and the Soath wct oanrter of the north west quarter of Section Saven (7 ) in To' North. of Hang tbir'een 151 east, in nihin'ttl i Ncuiaba Ccantv'Nebraskn Territory. . ' ' DaWd Ihiithia 17tluday f Aunst 1S5. W. O.CLASOOW, ' lr5 It. '-'"' ' TherlTsnd "'sniisr. Ti) R if? fiS 1ST 132 7U" . - MASTERS SALE. , NutWi it heieby given that I will cTor for m!" at public auot.on at tie front door cf Den's Hill ijx the City . of trfwnvtlle, that bein the'place in which the Imi term 'of the District Court was he-J, on Monday, ilie 18ih day of Sept. 1SG-5 at urn o'il..k p. m. f wid day, tl;e foiiowiej Real restate to-wit : The Vrth wutt quarter cf Auction thirty-tw. t : 2 . i n Twusr.lp five o N'orth rf ran:;e fourteen 1 tj L;ijt ia Siuha County ebraK ltrntry pursuant to n truer rliiale issued by th Resistor ia Ciiieery of tho District Cart of Ne maha County Nebraska T:rritiry, in the ca?e of John P. Hcde ainst Jan ilamlltoa aai Girdon ILWilcor. L'ated tLU th lTib uy nf A-i7'"t, W.U.ULAtJOW,-4?-4t SherifT and Special Master. MASTERS SALE. X'tlce is hereby given under and by vlrtne of an ortler ot srie to m directed. Usue-1 by the Rel-ter la Char-eery i.f the litrict Court cf Xeuiaha Cour.'j-, e tra.k lerrttory, in the ca.e of John P. Hod-re asrtint Ch3irles j4-nion and UnrJen H Wiicvx, I win of fer ft.r a!e at Public Anctlun, at tie tront ilt'r of Pen's Hall, in the City of Brownville, (that teinc the buill,u in wbidi the laat term of &Aid Cuui t on the ISth dity of-Septemler . d. IS 15 at on o'clock P. 51 of said i!ay. the fnliowiiiK R al 1 fc.--i.ate, to wit . Tuen.MlU Vet fra,c;icuil qutrterof Section Thirty (0) in T.wn:.lo fu'.ir ( I) u r U. i f liane fifteen (15) eait, m Neman Couuty Ne& a ha Territo ry. Dated this tbe 17th day ef Aupnt Hi3 v . O. Hi. vsdOW, 5-4t. Eheriff aud Special Jitter MASTERS SALE Notice U hereby given that persuant, to an onler of Sale to nie directed. Issued by the Register i n Chance ry of th Ditrlct Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, in ra -f Benjamin F. Lnfrhbaitgh aaiiist Ueury C. Hill ami J hn l. Carsun, I will uilxr fur le at Public Auction at lhe front door o.' Deu'j Unl m heCityof Brownville, the place wher the la.st lernt of fcaid Court lur sai-j County was heiti, on ihe lSiti dy of September a. d. 1SG-3 at one o'clwt w. ST., of said day tbe following Real Estate to-wit : TheSoutb Kat iijarterof Sectijntbir-ty-ihree (33) In Township Uve (6) North of Ran?e f ur tceu Kast, in Neman t County, N eureka Territory li.owuvilie iu' 17:li ISbo. VT. C. GLASGOW, MASTERS SALE. Nuticii a bercbTfivcn that iuisu.int to an oi Jir . .. s T of sali to itie directed, issued by tbo U.Lr:.Jter in Chancery of tbe District Court of Nemaha County Nebrai-ka Territory , in the case of John L. Carbon against Isaac H. Walters and benjnuiin F. Lush bauh, I w iil oD'er f.-r sule at jub'.ie Auction, at the l'. tjut door of Den' Ha l in the City of Uruwn ville.tha place where the last term of s iid Cunrt for said County was held, on ths; iS;h day of September A.D. 1SG5 at on-5 o'clock p.ta. of aaid day tbe following Real Estate to-wit : The north cast quarter of tha sonth east quarter of section twenty-sis ( 2'i ) in Town ship six (ft) north of Range fifteen (15) ea.t in Xeuiahi Cuiuty,Xt'brasku Territory. W.U.UL.YSOOW, 4S-4t. Sheriff and Special Master. MASTERS SALE. Notice ia hereby givon that pursuant to an order of ale to ino diroeted insut d by the Kcgister in Chancery of the D)trict Court of Nemaha County Nebraska Territory in theca.e of Jauic O. Carson again ft Uriel Aiken John L. Carson and Erx-nius D Alien , I will offer for sale at Public auction at rbo frontdoor of LjdV Hall iu iho City of brown ville, the plaoc where ht last term of said Court for eaid County waa held, . oi. Monday, the ISth day of S.-p. !St35 at one o'ebx-k p. m. of aid day the fallowing Real Estate to-wit : The Ncrth Jiast- quarter of section seven (7) in TownsLip five (i) North vf Kane fif teen 15 East in Ncnaha County Nebraska Terri tory Dated tbii the 17lh day of August 15C5. W.O. GLASGOW, 43 It. Sheriff and Special Master. SHERIFF SALE. Not ico is hereby given that I will oTi;r for s.iio at public Auction at tho front dor of Don's Hall in theeity cf Brownville, Nemaha County, Nebras ka Territory (that be.'iDg tbe building in which t'uo last term of the aiitriot Court lur said County of Nemaha wnsbeld), on the 18th day of September A.D. 1SG5 at one o'cloCK p m., the following real estate to wit : the west half of the South west quarter of Secion Twelve (12), Township five 5 North ot Range No. fifteen (15 east; also the south ea-si quarter of the.south west quarter of section No. nine ('J) Township No. five (5; North of Range bt'teen (15) east, situated in tb County of N'cin aba, in the Territory of Nebraska, ttken as the property of Joseph B.ioon up in att iihun'i t and ex ecution in fnvor of Israel li. Cuuiings, issued out of tbe District Court of A emaha County, Nebras ka Territory, and to mo directed as shurflf of aid County Brownville, August 1 7 th 11j 48-4f W.U. Gb iSGOVv", Sheriff. . MASTERS SALE. Notica is hereby piven that pursuant to an order of sale to mc directed, issued by tlie Renter in Chancery of the District Court of Nemvh County Nebraska Territory, in tbe cae of Jnn L. Cars.n against Juscpb P. Culetn in, Caroline I). Coleman. Phillip Iv. Wad ham3 and M.try A. Walhams, I will offer for sale at public au -tin, at the front door of Den's LLa.il in the City of Ur')wnville,the place where the last term tt sa id Court for said County was held, On the ISth day of September,A.D. 1S6-") atone o'clock j. ni., of said day, tbe following Ilea' Estate to wit : Tbe South west quarter of section one (1 ),in Township live (5 north of Unnge four teen (11, east, in Nemaha, County, Nebraska Ter ritory. WILLIAM Ci.GI.ASUOW, 4Mt SberiffandSpeji.il Master. LEGAL KOHClI Notice is hereby given that application Laving been iu idrt to me, as probate Jinio of tho County of Nemaha in tho Territory of Nebraska, for the app'i!itiu?Tit ( f an a hmiiLctrator of the Estate of V llliam K. W. Cobb, deceased, 1 shall proceed to hear s it;ii nppiii-atiun ar.d to nj. point an aJiinis trat'T for said estate , at my Oib -e in Llrowt.ville on tbe Ijih day of September l6d5 at ten o'clock a. iu. ; c.;. pohsev, l'robale Jude. v-9- io r,t. LEGAL NOTICE. Flora M. Linrn will take notice that Daniel Lim ing did on the 7th day of August, A. I). I8i13, fde bis Hi il of Complaint, io the District Court, in and for Pawnee County Nebraska Territory, in Chancery, a?aiiit the Flora M. Limitis. The object and rrnvcr of Mai'l t'oinoUiuant, Drii.iel Liming, in Sa.u liiil, is tot;Iita;n a Decree of MiJ Court ilissoivjnn the 1 ends of Matrimony bet ween the Saol Daniel Liming Coinplairiant, anJ the Slid F lora Liming, deten-lant, Anl the Said Flora 31. Lituinz ia noufle t thai biie i require 1 t appear aui answer Said bill of Coin pi in i on or t'Cf're tue zmu ujv or aepieuuier tajj. D ue l August S lSt5. 47-31 pd DANIEL I.IMINf MASTER'S SALE. Notice is hereby s?ion that, pirnafit: to an or- Jef of s;i!o to me directed , i4-,ued by the Ji.-jci.-ti.er inch.-incery of the District Conrt of Nemaha Coun ty Ncbra.iKa Turntoiy, in tao cas wncrein lh--n-as J. Dowler is C'mpl.iinnt nd franc i A. Do-.v-Ier,adniinistrtor of the tstato f William (rrkf . deceased .and the Unknown heirs of ibe- saui V'il liftin (ierke, deceased , are d j!'-'Q iauL-; I tviii ojer at public auction, at to.: frnnr dyor of Dv i' t H ill, iu tbe City of Di wi'ti.ls.i i Noa ilia Ci.0i.ty. . braska '1 ernV.irv, fti.-'u pi,c wU--e ii lit'.' i?. i.i j aid court for said Cu-if j w.vs iud on t!u j L'-lih. dny of Seue;ib2r, A. D. l?-fi) j at one oVbwk Y. M"f Siii-l -i tj, Ui f . llowii.it it. u! I FJit.wi, t- wit: tbi. X Ttlj w --r. -jacter of w. tf.i, . fourteen 1 11 in T -w. p u, i -r ' N, . . 'i r number four Con ti eat,i:i N-;:oa ri 4 tui U, eti-a'k.T-rrif.ryi . k C-iveu nna?r tny n..uJ tot; t.se lin i d.y guei, A. D. lb j. iO 41 , Piaster in Clrn iwetje " SHERIFF SALE. ' ' " ?otice"i Lercby grven that I w'tl or for at public suction, at tbe frort d vr of l)n's U iM in ilrowovill), io Nemaha County , Xc jr-fck,Trri-t.iry that b''i.; th-j buil-ln in wh?h t )n term of the DiJ-trict Court for said Ccunty ofe. Aana was h 1J, - v. - - .... on trie JMn cay or et. j. it ij at one oVl'k p. m. tbe foilowinif Real E.-ta'-, to- I ', Trh l-:"t; al Alenaian, taken -s tho property of wiliLuuXcune-I. t" 2, threw 3, .f... 4. ' V 1'"m:" Jo:e!,'"n H"l"inn wfTrof 15nj n.no (J, ten Id. eleven . twelve 12, thirteen 13. t miaCoopt-r iuei t.y tui District Court of Joha- fourteen 14, fifteen 15, fixteau. in Jluvk No. six fi ; Lots. thirteen V., f't"cn JI, fit'teen 1. fit- I tm , in I.i tn: a No. ei,;tita, tuf-ast h.nt if I'.lcH-k No. nin9: l'-b k No. ten J'Jtbljvk Nj. f,.ur-te-n 14: R!ock No. thirty ZO : L'loc. No. thirty . ,1 i - 1. - 1 iwr ; an iviiigmiu unc1; id uiuu a aj.jitlou to 1 the City of Ilrownviii'?, Nemaha County Ve'-siikst I Territory, taken a tiio pr iperty af D ivid iUdud j no execution in favor elf iili:tn i. IVui.k unj W-i!Iiatn Lovio r; pirtncrs a Feu' -k tn l Loving is- ) SUtrJ ty Hie JM'.i-:t Court Ot AiUinh t.'ouatV i .N - rasfc - Tt-rrito.-y. ty ta-j Dhtcti ai Sueriif 01 saia Caunty. Brownville, August, I7ih 18 15. - . W. G. GLASGOW, - : : 43 -4t. snetiJ. Hannibal SL-Jo:dtiI: AND v - I.."-,.. .-1 i r"- 1 " m I i -d m on mssoual iuveu. . Tri-wecklv !Vets ( nnni1,.vl an! Joe?t Tl. R. Line) Ua ):nab. Cuiii.-it BluTs, I'latf sn"Uth. Nebraska City, Rrijwt.viiie and intermsdi atc piiuts for St. Josej H, connecting at SiJoweht wiih triins on Hannibal ai:d S:. Joseph U. U., lcv ing St Joserh at 1 1 .33 J'. M., arriving at QUIXCY, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS On and after May 19th. dxily an ! close fonne tions from St Josej h to Auhi---n, Weston, Iavea wrth, Wyandotte, lvans.- City, Lawreiee,Topfka, ve.,vi naite iooncry i. u. ana steamer j-.3iiw 11. & St. Jo. II. K. Line j Leava t Joeth j.3 A. M., Leaven wort ; 8.0:1 a.m., Wyanlatte la.CO A. M, Kaasas City I a. m Lawrenc at i.CJ P.M. Tnr.OUCII TICXTTSE02 SAIX bv Porter A D-iet, Ora?.r!.D. W. Ilithcook.Conn ci't Uluffs, K.C. Lewis, Platt.-mouth, E. S. Hawley, .Nebraska City. Buy through tickeu ani av ID'IBfJ, Extensive repairs on tbe FTinn'tbal & Sr. Jo srrn KAii.xoAn.nrw iron.f:es and additional roil--ing stack enable tbera to offer these important chan ges to fci!iUtO TRAVEL BY THIS KOI TX. - C. W. Mead. General S ipTiotend'aU 1'. 15. Ckoat. Cecera! Tickot A,nt. 11 11. CurKTuitiuT, Uenl Freight Agent. Hannibal, 5L, Capt. HVKC3 Fokp, Superintendent I'ackct Line, St. Joseph, Mo. 1 MASTERS SALE. ' N itice is hereby K'.ven that pursuant to an order oi ctie to ine directed, issued by tbe lle?iier ia Chii.ecry of the District Court of Nem ih County, XcfTaak Tennoi ,. i. -f t. n !,. "' against Kcbecca Doldeu, I willoiTer. or HiVat pub lic auction, at the fron t door of Urn's Hail, in th City of Drowuville. the placo where tLe but tcna of ?aid Court was held, -.i on the ISth day of September, d. 15H5 at one o'clock l 1., of said day, the following Real Estate, to-wit : The north half of the nortl west qnarter of Section fourteen (14), in Town- , t-hip four (4), north of Kane fourteen (14) uajt, in Nemaha Countv Nobntok Territory. AuRuat 17th 1S6J. W. li. GLASGOW". 4fi-4t SheriJ and Special Msater. - MASTERS SALE. Notice U hereby given that pursuant . to snorder of sale to me directed, issued by tha Uegister it Chancery of tho DUtrkt Court of Ncmah Coun ty, Nebraska Territory, in tha cae of Magdalen Smith, by her next friend William II. tloovr iigainn Joseph W Couu?il, Margret Counsil au l John L. Carson, I will offtr f-r sale, at puh!o uc tion at tha front door of Den's llall in ttie City of Brownville, tbe place where tha last term of caii Court was held, v . on the ISth, day of Sept. A. D. lSGo, at one o'ebck p. nj, of said diy,tht fjllowjn Real K.-tate to-wit: Ibeboutn enut rjuarter or bccwod . twenty-one 211 in Tondbip five 5 j north , ol Kano fourteen 1 1 east, in Nemaha County, Na bra.k:v Territory. Dated thij 17 th day of Auu?t 1555. W. U.GLASGOir, 4S t SberiSf and Special Master. .LEGAL NOTICE. Hi-try Wccr, Jlhn.'on Wccrs, Conard Weert, iicn.d Weers. Elizabeth Weers, and Cortrcnda 15. Wci-rc, will take notice that a petition waj C!ei against them ca tholt'.U dy of AaguH A. L. la'jj.intbo Trobato Court, within and for tb County of Ncaiaha by Gerd Wer?, and is now' pending, wherein a'd Gerl We?r, demands tar-. tilion tf the follow ir; real Kutato to wit: Tha East bnlf of tb South East quarter, of section fiv - -rn i. : r .. - c I , :. I'.... TVl.i.. MI I ; . . v - v , 0- . siiuati-d iu Ncuiah County, Ncbradka Territory, " containiu-; acres. That tail petition will ba for ' bearin ' on tbo 2otb d vy of September lo.j lhat on said 2.Uh dny of September, said ueri Weers will apply for an order, that partit.ou be uaka of aoi jreini?ns. Dated at Urownvillo, this the t4thdy of At-' gur 1865. 8. M. KIC1I, 4- 4t. Att'y for 1'etltioner. TSTASTEHS SALE. Notice is nereny tvcn tnat pursaint io an or der of sale to uie directed, is-ued by tha Register in Cbancery f th District Court of Nemaha Coua- . . m . 1 . T i f- . ty ienra.Ka i rrtrory, in na e;ve oi vosepn r.ey "iiin.t i h. mn H. Maisliall ilary O. Marshall, hit wile, Join Li. Larson n.n l tviiiianr u. v.aay,iwni offer lor sale at public auction, at the front door of JW Llall ii t .e City of L!rownvl!lc, the placa where tho last tirai of said Court for said County waa held, on Monday, tha ISth day . of Sep. ISC.3 . at one o clock p. ra., of nai l day, the followiii Ileal Estate to-wit Tbe South eat quarter of Section i . . r i T- u ; T..l- . r r.. m r.--. 15j eadt, in Nemaha County Nebrajk. Territory. Dated tis tbo jlih lay of Au-jujt A. D. 1M.- WM. GLASGOW, 4S-4t. Sheriff and Special Master. LEGAL NOTICE. Encn Fontenr!l, Victoria Fontene1,, Hay-nond EonLenell,Enetia Fontenell, Henry Fonlenell, and Euiely Fontenell will lake notica that Henry Eoa-teni-ll Gnarlka of Luiaa A. Fontenell a minor uulerand by'virtue of an order ot low Probate Court in and for the County of Neuaabs, Territory -of Nebra-Sa. made on tha I .'Sib. day of June, A. I). ISj j, will otfor at public Sale, on the SG'h day of September, a. r 1SG-5 at one o'clock p. m. ttpon the premises, the follow ing described Ileal Estate to-wit : Tha South naff -of Section twenty-stven 27, Range s:xten K, in Township four 4j in .Nemaha County Nebraska Tbrritory, and bio land-t of tha half i!reed reser vation, except t'19 Timbef 'gfowlng and beln? oa ' aid lands which by the tortus of said Sala wiii ba re"rrd Terms oTsals etsH la- band. Brownville Augut, 17th 1865. ! ' LKNRV FONTENELL Guardian of Lucian A.FontencH a Minor. 4S-41 MASTER'S SALE. , Notice is hereby riven that, I will offer for sila at public auction at the front doorcf Uen'ti 1UL iu the City of Jrownvi:ie, tnjana County, Xcbrasta Tcrri'ory that beinjr the building In which tha last Urni of the DUli.ct Court for said Comity of Nemaha wi held . i ! : oa the 2a' day of October, -.lSG'JV at one o'cloch p. m the following rtal astita sittrated ia said County of Nemaha, to-wit?? SofjtV Wasfc quarie of tbe north west q-uanei-of Section 13 m Towns-bipn rorth of llace 1? "'f, tixej) B9 tha ' proiierty of Sarniu'l TroVuVn. nfloS atischracnt ami execuiitjii in favor of turned South i.-tstrod om of tbe )istrict C nrt of id (Joonty of Ncaiaha ani to dw directed a hentT of said County. . i Dalod August 2Cih IS '.5. ' '"." ' W. G. GLASGOW, 50-it. Sheriff.. 0 TO DR. DIOELOV 1 AXD ?TOT SUFFETt Uiat borrtM dai to t:utn lOj pjif-ioiui rns into y:.ur iu, iltffiiriTjg your face and Uly, tirm d trv ir.g your f jtnre bavpl3wt aaii prwct q Ci't lis Um maoe ritlVATE DJHJZA.TZS ha, arad-tl s-:!j-"f r fwentr v- n-t h -t.; fi M ..-; it9 .No. ITS . - tbe IVjcto-Oiy . e-.nsuS'id Hi rr rW A. X. totil 8 P. . 'X airmuument'OTit C'mniix' ttti K'a .nna. I If HeH red tUB fr iy "Ji-cnul f Uca.t" pu'Hlh1 nciLiy aid U io sot i-'-r LEGAL NOTICE. , Notice is hereby f;t7-n IhiLl wl!l naml Tn'o- ' t'c auction at the d'or ot K.. B. Frisson's Sira ia ' Tecum.'cn that oei ; t't.j pioa of tioldiiig liia lie l term (ji tha D' strict Court ,., , .. on the 23 ih My of AuusfA'D. 1SG-3 at one o'clock I. 3d., of iid lay the t'o -lowing Real Estate to-wit : tlie sopth hs'of t?e Eut quarter of ' section threa a;,d m uorth ha' of l-a rrotia East qarfr of Sectn t-.aij-lo'rf i .of Town shir, fire 5 fl'-'tb of ll&nx aleren 11 East of tha- fur. t-ua'T. dnK I erruory. and to me direc ted as Sheriff t.f aid County. Kivca uuiai uiy hand th it the 23th day of Julj A 1. iboj - . W. A. IT.F.SSON, , 49 2t Sbari5. SALE OF AITRAISED STOCK: Oa Saturday, Sept?raber I5ch IS 55, 1 for t the highest h'd ier. lor cih in th City of I'.ro iivilU, Nora in banj or ktravt-ow, w,n t.wez ears, half crop of nf Tiht ear, right bora Lroke o'J, supposed to ba tfirce yean old. Taken tip by Abraham Tenay. and w in h'u po?sjion , apprsiwi at ?17 ftj) -3t x It.X.iiLuHlLj.r, U