Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 07, 1865, Image 2

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    Nebraska 5li)uci1tscr
County lulon Cdnicntlon.
Ji. County Union Convention, composed
tA Delegates from ihe several Precincts
of Nemaha . County, Nebraska, will be
Keid in lirownvllle, on Saturday, the 16th
day. of September next, for the purpose
uf nomii.atiopg candidates for the vari
ous tdTkes to be filled at the ensuing
The Union Voters of the several-Precincts
are rrjucste-J meet at their re
spective places of voting, on Wednesday
the" 13th day of September next, and
elect Delegates to the said Coumy Con
Teuton. The number of Delegates to which the
variuu Precincts are entitled, in the
County. Convention, are as follows : .
, , Brownville,
" . IVra,
1 3k-n r-ck,.
m -
By order of the County Union Central
C. G. DO RSEY, Ch'ra.
T. R. Fisheb, Sec'y.
Brownville, Aug. 29ih, 1SG5.
Fears of the coming: of the Russian
riague are fell at San Francisco.
.Ft, Laramie dates of Aug. 25th, says
. the Indians are all moving north with
great rapidity for their Tillages. Gen.
Conner left Powder river on the 22,
moving' north, concentrating his columns
ready to meet them.
The Wirz trial still continues, devel-
. cninfr enough crime to damn the whole
confederacy, the concentrated punish
. incut for which must fall upon this Swiss
v ,8'ouudrel, and, perhaps, Jeff. Da'. is.
; bmurlin has been detected on the
:: Canada I cider. ...
.'The Atlantic Telegraph Cable parted,
u-: um in l.ffiO fathoms of
uaier. Capt. Andersou, of the Great
: .Eastern, says: 4;I will require ten months
to provide the proper gear for lifting the
? cable and to make the necessary repairs
. to the Great Eastern.''
A report was currant in NewOrleans
n. the22d that the greater portion of
; Sbrtveport had been destroyed by fire.
; The following we extract from a cor
rfpondeLce in the Cincinnati Daily
. Times over the signature of "Shinkwiu,"
who is now travelling in the West, and
. is well posted :
;,;..- Among the places of note along the
. river Nebraska Citv holds
position, baring rapidly ran ahead durin
the last year, aiid making quite a show
i i . . .
uu iu uusiucsa viju j.rujiUJalUn. XI IS
I , apprehend d, however, that upon the
.'. completion of the Union Pacific Road a
. krge proportion of its traffic will be de
viated into other channels.
'"'Browriville i.s a very pretty town in
'Nebraska, rising rapidly in consideration
and. importance. It has been improved
.twuhin the last year by.. the erection of
, ., many fine buMuess houses, and the
, Council has recently passed an ordinance
pt-fch:bitrng the 'erection of. other thau
J brick fctructures on the principal street.'
..-There are many, enterprising citizens
here, among whem might be mentioned
Juhn. L. Carson, banker ; Thea. Hill,
, 3Iessrs. 3Iajors, McPherson, McLfaugh-
nn, ortning, Hoover, Dr. HoIIaday &,c.
: and a district School, and Court-house
, , will be completed by next" spring. Ne
gotiations are on foot for placing a good
' t-teara-ferry on the river at this point,
where the trade with Missouri is very
large.. The ciiy owns three-fourths if
-..the charter ferry privilege, and John L.
. Carson the other fourth, which, in case
a good boat i. provided, he prcposes to
donate to the lessee.
Brownville is surrounded by the finest
land in the Territory, well tettlcd by a
r.good class of farmers for many miles
. back. The corn in this county (Nemaha)
is the finest I have seen anvwhere. A
dollar a bushel is paid right on the farm.
Qnite a business is done here by team-
tters in freighting grain to Fort Kear
ney, where the cash price is three dollars
, r per bushel. , , ' .
-, .- :Sbinkwin" has seen, at a rlance, the
advantages of this section of the Terri
. iy'.For. good farming , land, well
t. watered and Well timbered -for a nrair-
e country this Land District cannot be
excelled. , The prairie is gently rolling,
j ind has. done lvell in both wet and dry
ecasons. The above testimonv" ?neaks
well for our 'soil, w hlch has brought forth
. an excellent crop of corn while, in many
, Sections cast this crop is' almost drowned
out. Our crops of fmall grain u ill also
compare favorably with that of most any
'county'ia the West.
Our City depends upon these advant
ages of country and situation mainly for
its prosperity, which can never fail it.
Thus-evfry rtep is pure and firm, and no
foilapse can come.
As the Herd Law is, and has been,
much discussed in this section ; and as the j
........ .l ' : . i , !
aiml tion" ol fences seems toe maiu uu-i
ject, we copy the following frora our ex- j
change list : . "
The abolition of fences now being
agitated among farmers, and there seems
to be no insurmountable obstacles to such
a reform in many districts. It is estima
ted that the fences of the country con
fute as much as half the value of the
farms, and ihese have to be continually
renewed. By having strictly, executed
laws againat stock running at large, all
fences, except such as surround pastures
and stock yards, may be dispensed with.
Besides the saving in money, the room
occupied by the fence is also saved, and
the chief harbor for weeds is done away
with. A communication was recently
read in the New York Farmer's Club
from Livingston County, in Illinois, say
ing in that County the plan is in success
ful operation, the general praclice
farmers Wing to dispense with fences.
Solon Robinson states that he was in
formed oc gook authority that the un
fenced lands in that County are quite as
high in price as the fenced farms of other
counties, showing that this simple regu
lation will save the great expanse of
fencing the Western prairies. Mr. Ely,
the President, remareed that the same
system is in operation in the valley of the
Connecticut River, both in Connecticut
and Massachusetts.
We can see no great difficulty, in the
way of such a reform in Nebraska, in
fact we believe most of our f armers could
pasture their stock with one fourth the
fence required to fence their farms. We
would like to Lear from some of our ex
perienced farmers upon this subjecj.
Now, that the most pressing work of
Farmers is nearly over, we again recur
to the subject of establishing "Fanner's
Clubs." No sane farmer can doubt the
ad vantage. of an interchange of experi
ence with his neighbors ; we often hear
one farmer asking another how such a
crop done, or some other question rela
tive to farming, to gel his experience;
while, if thty belonged to a Club, these
questions cou.d be discussed, more could
join in and greater benefit would result,
while the time occupied at the Club
would be not one-fourth the time wasted
in "bobbing around" for experience.
It is correctly reported a latejus
tice of the peace in this couiity, a man of
family, and heretofore, of respectability,
has eloped with the wife of a returned
soldier. The soldier returned from the
war to find his household affairs disturb
ed in fact that the "partner of his joys
and sorrows" had proved untrue, and
there upon, nrdered the partner aforetaid
that they , would be two in
stead of one. She leff.'and about" the
same time the Justice of the Peace came
up missing, supposed to have gone with
her. So the story goes. jltchiaon Co.
Journal, 2d.
me scene .r mis "trageay :
the bottom opposite this city ; ihe char
acters are correctly given.' except that of
the justice," who was never much on
respectability. This delectable couple,
we learn, were iu our city last Sunday,
when the "deluded fair one" took pas
sage for below, he agreeing to come in
a few days, leaving his wife to sell out
and follow him .as scon as possible. A
sweet-scented set, ain't it.
The following received, which wc pro
ceed to announce :
JIr. Editor: Please announce the
If you want a new County Clerk and
Recorder vote for Dr. McComas. '
Gov Brough, of Ohio, died at Cleve
land, on the. 29th. We find in the Cin
cinnati Commtcial the following brief
sketch of him : .
Born in Marietta, September 17th,
1511. His father, John Brough, Sr.,
came from England in the same ship
with the noted Blennerhassett, in- lSOii.
The mother was a third wife, and of
American birth. John Brough was the
eldest ot five children. Hismotcer died
in lSi21,ind his father in IS2. The
family scattered, each to provide for
himself. He took a scientific course at
Athens, setting type nights and morn
ings, and studying during the day. He
studied law, and married Miss S. Pru
der, of Athens, in 1S32, and immedia
tely engaged for' a short time in pub
lishing the Parkersburg Gazdtt. He
afterwards published the Marietta Re
publican and supported Jackson for re
election. In about a year he went to
Lancaster, and in company with his
brother charles, published the Eagle
He was clerk of the Ohio Senate in ISG-l
and the three following years was elec
ted Representative from, Fairfield. He
was afterward Stale auditor, Wing first
elected to fill a vacancy,' and then re
elelted. His wife having died, he mar
ried Miss Carciine Nels.n, cf Columbus,
and, with his brother Charles, commenc
ed publishing the: Cieciunati Enquirer,
in 1S43.
in 1551.
was Pre
He stumped the State for Polk !
after leaving the Enquirer, he j
sident of the Madison -and In-;
dianopolis Railroad some years, uratil t
elected President of the Bellefontaine
Road. When he was elected Governor,"
the Directors voted to continue his salaiy,1
which he declined. Afterward they n
sisied cn"his receiving half salary, which
he did, and remained President till his
death. Ha. leaves a competency for his
family. , Two children of each marriage
survive him.. ' '" "l ;
General Grant is represented as hav
ing declared that, during the trial of the
as&assinatiou conspirators,.; evidence
enough was adduced to hang Jeff. Davis
for complicity in that conspiracy.
The number of men now
the regular army, including
does not exceed forty thousand.
The following obituary of Street Cox,
kW family now reside m this.cuy, and
...t, , . .i.,iK ..- mit.lihil a; few -weeks
wiusc utam .
ugo, we find in the Rational
f Au.v 19th, published at Bedford,
fowa :
The death of the Rev. Street Cox,
very briefly noticed in our last issue,
seems to demand a more than passing
iotiee at our hands. Elder Cox, we be
lieve, was a native . uf Kentucky re
moved to Morgan county Indiana, in an'
early day, where he embraced the chris
tian religion, and became a very devo
ted minister of the Gospel. About the
year 1SJ6 he, with his family, emigra
ted to Iowa, where, by honesty, integri
ty and zealous devotion to the cause of
Christ, made many warm and aliding
friends After forty years labor in the
ministry, under many trials and difficult
ties ; this ever faithful friend to God
and humanity, was on the tenth mit., alt
er a few days of very severe illness ;
called from works to rewards, to enjoy a
goodly treasure laid up in that heavenly
Home, where the wicked cease from
troubling, aud the weary are at rest.
Up to August 24tb.abou.t2-5 000 appli
cations for pardon hire been received at
the Attorney General's Olhce. Alltriose
who.'in the opinion of the Attorney Gen
eral, have just claiais to the Executive
clemency are duly recommended aud for
warded to the President for his aciion.
It is said, on the authority of ac cinder
of the State Department, that th signa
ture ot the Prestdent has beeu affixed to
less than 100 of the applications received
fur pardon; the number daily annouueed
as pardoned are simyly the names of
those recommended and forwarded from
the office of the Attorney General. The
President has exercised the utmost cau
lion'aud discrimination in the matter o.
pardons. and has invariably rejected all
applibatijns unless good and sufficient
reasoni were produced to show the ne
cessity for Executive clemency.
The Washington correspondent of the
Independent defines the poitionof Pres
ident Johnson on the question of negro
suffrage as follows:
Phe President has informed no man
not tven a member of the Blair family
that he is opposed to negro suffrage ; but
he has asserted in the presence of many
Republicans his persoual preference for
universal suhrage. llts position is- rw
dissimilar to that taken by Dr. Bjshnel
in New Haven last week. He is not
clear in his own mind respecting the
proper method of attaining ihe desired
result. Those who are intimate with
him say the rebellious conduct of a large
portion of the people fit Tennessee,
Souuth Carolina and Virginia is vejy
rapidly driving him tr the conciu;fjii
that the blackmen of the South must
have the ballot before political power is
accorded to the former ' rebels of that
section. - However this may be, it is cer
tain that the Prasident is not 6pposed to
nsrrm snftnure. and has authorized n1
" o - "o.-. .
man to say he is.
From a gentleman of tliis city, who
ot-r.ufi Kr Sundav ninht on the Wel
come, we learn that the attempt or lien.
Sudy lb make peace with the Indians
bad proved furtile. In the latter part
of July Gen. Sully had a conference
with some three hundred lodges ; of Iu-
Idians. representing some two .thousand
warriors, who were willing to enter into
a treaty of peace with the Government.
Some &ixty or seventy mils from Fort
Rice there was a camp of six or seven
thousand hostile Indians, oomposed of
Sioux, Arrapahoes, Cheyenne's, and
other tribes, who, m reply to a preposi
tion of Gn. Sully to cotne aud confer
with him on the subject of peace, stated
that tuoy did not want peace ; that they
were ready and willing "to fight, and
that they desired Gen. Sully with his
"little-boys'' to come and ''pitch iu" as
soon as he pleased. Gen. Sully Lad or
ders not to make war but to proceed to
Devil's Lake, and had already started
for the latter place when our informau t
left. . i .
One of the Ohio Democracy met not
Ion?: a o,' and nominated' for Govornur
Alex. Long of Cincinnati, who came so
near being turned out of Congress for
his treasonable speech winter betore last.
The other wing met last week and nom
inated for Governor Geo. W. .Morgan,
who extinguished himself at the first at
tack on vicksburg. The notorious Wil
liam M. Carry managed the former con
vention, and Valiandigham, the Grand
Commauder of the Knights of the Gold
en Circle, made a speech ar the latter,
Thgse facts are all that a loyal man
would desire to know about either to sat
isfy him that one couldn't be much worse
than the other, and that both deserve to
be signally beaten. "The trail of the
serpent (Coppuinad) is over them all."
The Episcopal Conveation of Ce -g'a
has recently been in session in Athens.
The reporters failed to get hold of Bishop
Elliot's annual hdJress. The Committee
on Reunion of the Episcopal Cnurch,
North and South-, submitted two resolut
ion declares that the Diocese of Georgia
will resume its connection with the Pro
testant Episcopal Church of the United
States, whenever the Bishop shall consid
er sucn course consistent with the got d
faiih which this diocese owes to the lJi.-h-ops
of the late Confederate States.: The
second resolution provides that deputies
.hafl be electbd to the General Council
of ,the Church in the Sut-hern .States,
with the understanding 'that if, in the
judgment of the Bishop, any contingency
snail arise to renaera representation in
the 'General Convention of vthe. United
States, necessary, the same deputies :shall
attend that body. . . .".
- 4i'C"
. The. New York Xews, which ouht to
bq "well" informed id regard to all rebel
movements, religious or political, : s ty3
ihat'at the approaching General .Con
ference of the M. E. Church, South, re-,
moving all sectional features from itf
discipline, declaring its loyally to the
Government, will 'take the field in every
State in the Union, as a distinct organi
zation, frown'ng upon every effort ta
make its ministers the pimp? of a party,
resolved to be true to its bridegrooms,
and cuiltv of no adulterous intimacy
The Saratoga, corresponent of the Bos
ton Post write? :
I have unqualified pleasure in mention
ing the fall of :hc waterfall a monstrous
invention of the enemy of beauty, which
hirth. A rather
pretty fashion of dressing the hair, which I
I venture to call the staple-and-ring style, j
is gemuy in vuur; wuuc ure " uuivu,
while ringlets" fer the girls have quite su
perceded the ugly-plug abomination which
wagged behind theui,like a beaver's tail
a few week? ago Among the. really
fashionable women you might as well
look for a cataract in tha eye as a water
fall at the back of the head.
Grand master C. G. Wintersmite, of
Kentucky, has issued an appeal to the
leading members of the Masonin Order
in the United States, calling a Conven
tion to meet in. Louisville oa the second
Monday of October, to aid in bring'ng
bark the old harmony between all sections
wf the Union.
It is not to be disguised, says a London
correspondent, that the two Americans
most admired in Fngland at this moment
are Jeffersou Davis and General Lee.
At the Universitvf Oxford, a few weeks
Uzr. when the un&?r?raduate8 gave free
expre?sion to their .-ympatnies, "tnree
hearty cheers, loud and prolonged, were
oiren for Jefferson Davis," and there
was "tremends-ui cheering for General
Thp PmlridpTnhia Inbuircr has the fol
lowing from Wellington: "It is known
that Governor Sharkey ot Mississippi
has failed to leep his promises made to
President Jolnson, either in letter or
spirit; and k is not improbable that his
concern ma; come to a summary close
before Ion?.
Bishop Talbot, of the Missionary
Episcopal diocese of the Northwest, and
formerly rector of a church in Indianop
olis. hasoeen called to be A-sistant Bish
of of Ifliana, the health of Bishop Up
fold bfinsr so feeble that he requires help
in hi? labors. ' -
Prmntnip-!: in the Test Office at Erownvile Sep
tember 7th !Rt5. '
These letters, if not calle'I tor. will be keit In the
office fnr 5 -eVs, nl tl!en rt othe Peart Vittr
(Mfle at WshiiKton. Two cents will be charged ou
all aJverled Lettori.
Flfwo Mnry J.
liefer Si l.ria
Kiibro Fred
flilson Fit ward
Kama Ilentjr O. 2
Miikr Fiias X
Moer Ln?retti;.
Tersous caMins for the above letters wltlpleace say
theare Advertiscl. A. P. MARSH P.M.
Xotico is ncrojy "Iven tliaf. at the next general
Election to be held in tlio Savcral Prescinds oa
Tuesaay the 10th day of October, A. D. IS55, tho
qucstiou will be submitted to tho people of Nema
ha County Xobrk i. whither they will vote a tax
of two mills ore the Dollw valua-dun of tho proper
ty within said Coranty, to be placed upon the tax
list of 1 S(55, to aid in the CosstriKition of a building
for County jurpo?e3. ' -
The manner nf mtin will be a? follows; those
in favor of said UX will place ujon their ballots
the words -for tax," and thoso upposodtj said tax
wiiti'.. nx; their ballots tha words "against
By order of tne County Ooranaio-iioaerS
Septemb-v l.-t , 51 &t . Co. Clerk.
On -Satm i iy . Sfj;.tf ml"r I'M 185, I will offer
for su!i In ; ! ;u!.-jt bvM?r, for essh in hnd in
tho Cit f Ur wTiville, Nemaha Connty, Nebraska
rerritoVy, Oil-? at-y c-vr, and whire cow with
th. pjmts of the i.orns tarnod is , nt cther marks
or braiid. Supposed to bo five years old. Ap-
praisod at v2
On Saturday, Sptomcr 2'd 1 S (5 3 , 1 will offiT
for s ile to tho h;b--'st LiJd;r, fr eafh in hand,- in
ho City of TJrowLviilo, Neaiah a County, Nebraska
Territory ,Ouo S-rayroan cuw. wif,h dark red he-td
b indie nock. letiwll." on left hip, crop oflTof the
left ear riht car torn off. Supposed to be six
?eafd eld. Arpiauud at 25.
J 5l-3t R. V. HUGHES, J P.
or the
o r
Wo, T1IRAM BRIGHT, President, and CfIA S L.
CUKK1EK, Secretary, of the American Insurance
Company, of Freep..rt, Illinois, hereby certify "that
said Company i pt -"sed of a capital of at least
one hundred "thousand dollars, secured by lien on
real estate worth at cash valuation at leapt five
times the aiuonr.t of said eapi'al, and not eneuiu
b' rfil to mere thaa onc-fourih of aid valuation."
rer3oai,llj arp ard before mo. Clerk of the Coun
ty C-rt of Cuu I; Ilwiiti Hright and Cha'aL.
Courie', to ma kno.v,- a- the jfre ilent and Secre
tary ol the Insurance Coiuptnj, who be
ing" first duly, cwura ncuordinj law, severally
dep?e and "that tiia above certificate pub'ribcd
toby them resj'?jt.v-iy N true is in sub?t:mce and
in tact, as rdiown by tiie records of .ai l Coinjany."
' Subsorifeci i-d uoin to LiftiC x.c, this 16th
day of Juiy A.D. 1S05.
Clark of County Ct.urt.Stejiheion f' li'ity.
Uy A. W". hliU'STEK,
To Expire on toe 31st day of Jannary, 18t)(.
Insurance Department, Otice of Ter
. '. , : ritorial Auditor,
. i OMAHA, NEI3. Aug. 17ih 1SC3
WDEKE1S, George W. Wilson, Assistant Gen.
Aent,'for the - . '
Anierican Insnrance Co.
located at Frecport, in the State of Illinois, has
filed in-this bdkea oofy of the Act of Incorpora
tion of said Ciprany,anu a Statement under oath,
showinjr'Us Condition, as repaired by the Four
teenth Section of lw uf the Territory of Nebras
ka cntit'od "An act: in Relation to Insurance
Companies," A February, li-d j j
... Thepcforobe in Vr.ownby these present. That
in pursuinc r1i1-.r,of!eiaid Act, I, William E.
Hartey, A.iitff-c.St'"--'" Territory of..Vebraika, lo
nrelT Cerli 'v
-aid" Aasericita
Cumptny luf fuU "ifW oritv to transiict bujine-sof
louraLiS-' in tktf.T-rrit.-ry of Nebraska, under the
LawsoftLis Tt-nitorr, aotil tho 31st day ofJau-
In Wiuiass Whereof, I have ?ub.cribed my ne
and casel ttie Seal ut the Auditors CSce tote
aQiicd.this tho 17th day of August lSt5.
' W.L.UAliVEY,
TerriUwial Au iitor.
' J. W. BLISS,
. Agent.
Ayer's Ague Curo.
3 o email cS? I53iZL2rlic33.3
A General
(ni t pi i ri n
Biiftin Mm let ip
ij O
And everything usually kept in a First Class Cloth
ing House.
Which they arc able It) sell at figures Dollying Competition.
EST Being connected with, ono of the Lirgest and most Complete
Wholesale clothing IIouscs Cincianati, Ohio, their stock will alw.iys be
kept up with tho - ...
Especial attention paid to . Wholesaling to Country Merchants and Ranch
men, and to Out-fitting Emigrants.
All Kinds of HIDES and FURS ialcen in Exchange for Goods.
KR. J. 3, WILIjI A.MS, Whoia the authu
ixel Agent in St. Loni for thi3 paper, will attend to
makm? collection! and purchases in that City. Ojfice
97 Chetlnut Strctt, X. C cor. blh.
Sepal W '
Importers of and Dealers in
ill II,
' fl K
" i9 I 4 I t' ?
Stove Dealers and Timers can rely epen leiag sup
plied at tho lowest rates
- 51 3m
wisiisi siiicnn.
This Is theoniy Machine in existence which combine
all the requisites of a perfect Wasser.
It is a Squeezing Machine, operated by a balance
wheel and craak (geared to run three urns of the
crank to one turn of the hand,) ttruny uiade, sim
ple and easy in its off ration, ani not Ih-.bie to get out
of order. It is constructed on stiittly mechanical
principles? aid solely 'with a vie to utility and dara
bilitj. . . .
Duiing the time the Nonpareil has been in use,
since April, 1861, i- has steadily grown in public faror
aud has demonstrated that, Two-thirds th& .Labor
and Time required in washing by hand, and
all the Wear and Tetr of the garment are
Saved by its use- A Kirl or boy can work it; and
it may be railed ou to cleanse ciuthinj without any as
sistance from Hand Kubbin?.
A liberal discount allowed to dealers.
Sad fur free descriptire Circular to
Oakley & Keating,
IS2 Water Street,
Ayer?s Cathartic Pills,
HZ E5 -
I 1
7-i r
Assortment of
Notions, Woolens,
Announce Increased Facilities and arrange
ments, by t which their stock will continue
more inviting and extensive than any c.her,
out of New York, in the country. They now
include a full line of Leading Domestics by
the. package, at manufacturers' Prices, and
invite the"trade of the Northwest to save
Freight and Time by purchases in Chicago.
We have the Exclusive Sale of any brands
cf goods, are Agents ftr Pittsburgh EAGLE
COTTON YAR'ft,- at Factory Prices. Our
mmense Business is a guarantee of our
ability to meet the demands of the trade at
all times. Goods sent upon orders, can be
returned at our expense if rot satisfactory.
19 & 21 Lake Street, Chicago, Illinois.
mm mm.
The sabscriber re!peet'nlly calls theattentloa of
And the public penera'Jy to the above instruments ,
which he is Uiauuracturiui iu every variety of tiie
and style.
Pedal Orgaii3, from $225 to $600
School " 100 to ISO
Piano sljlc 3IeIoacans 150 to 210
Portable " 65 to 110
Send for Descriptive Catalogue, with terns, to
the Manufacturer,
Or to
J. M. PELTON, 841 Broadway. K". Y.
C. KEYEH. 722 Arch St., PniLidalrtda
.T a TTinKK. JnekBon. Michigan.
W. W. KIM BA LL. 142 Lake st. Chicago.
ct ty I
iJr lti liaj
l T4 1
B 71 L if I. t
ft I
Srilliaat, Ea?j SSlnlr.?, -
Icallicr rrcscrtln;
AConiposIlfr.n of XralN Toot Oil
and Pure Ivory IllacU.
Iinpartin? t. EOOT snd ?H("lE I-EATITKIt !;.,;,
neis andplUucy f KIl while wa on-fn-ia ,"l
labor ssnally euiolovtd in the aiipliciioi f or.i".
utry Blarkiuics it produce Jet Blaci Kaa:uoi ti.u ,
e itialied only by rji-ut Leather. ' " '
Sol-J by all Groctrs ami Shoe Dentin.
Of Jer received by American AJvcrti.wig A .
SS3 Broadway, Xt 7ork. .
And Wholesaled at ilaaufacturer's D?n0
i3lKcaacsr.,N. y;'
Scratch! Scratch! Scratch. !
Villi cure the Hcb ia
I It euros the I'rairio Itch, W.
Sr-ratches, Slt RW.
L leers, Lhj.hlams , aud fiJJ Lta-J
tiurii of Ihe Skin
PKICE 50 C oa"l""'y
Deware of I.otioni an! AVahe whichwi!t
remove the disease. By ?endiDg 60cU to CULLl.W
BKO'S, (Aifpnts for tha Soath-We.-t,) S. W .
2J Jt iu9 tree:.s, St. LoaU, llo it will i;.'r." -warded
by uiai I, frre of FoiUge, to any j vrt of -j,
-VLEKS Si TOTTER, Doston. Km, r.-tftistr
Hortli Missonri Mlwzi
CONXECTS with the Hannibal an! Ft. h. R.
R. at. Moa Cilj. 133 luilei East of Jun,h
and forma the
To St. Louis and all points East, North and S aA
ria, St. Louis. ,
Baggage Checked Tiroagh, and handled Tml
Charge. Ticket Agenta of H. 4 St. Jo. Eai:ruJ
will not discriminate, and paener will have ta
choose their t-wn route. Fare by thiarnuu i Ui
same to New York. I'hilaiie'pbia, Lo?u,n, CaKi.
more, Cincinnati and all point East, aa by Wij
Uh icago, or any othor route.
Pa4engert purchasing tkketjfithe Xu.ta
souri Hailroiil have thU
id v a ra- .rr ol o u
ov.crthe Keknkrackct3: they wil! avoid 'jfl aiVi
of liirer Narigition by niht, the uuar..iJ.iil! J-
Isji incideu; to sttau.ltat navigation; UsiJ'.-i tU
North 3Io. K.R. Trains AwaH Dcbj
on the TL & St. Jo. Railroad, making r.iww-:) I F
certain cocr.ectiou instead of a pvr:ibi!:'y of
connection with boat at Hannibal abd ji7
traiu3. Inadu of either, p.isseuess
via tl North Mumri Hai!rr:id thin War; or' r
route. Another n.Ivar.tte i.. that we m' ' I
tain ei.nnwtion with the 0!ii A Mi'-Usip(i. A;- j
lantic & 4rat Western. St. Loni- 4 Ttr- II. J t. ;
and St. Loui-j & Chicng Kai', 'he fiaeit -i
most super'iy equipped lioads in tie ecf. t
IViaeEijt.-rs hare the right to i bi.w, ia oss-' j
tion iki'.h tho N'wrth 5!iouri ILiilryad. aay tt tt t
aboeiiamei R.-d FAKS THE SaMK. f
licketican be bad at thaTitkoi U;h"; i 'f d ;'
llarnibal ! St. Joseph Rai!ru). isSt. Jx'pb.
Akror Tickets by way f tb .Vur.h Jiis-Riiilcoa-'i,
ftndsoe thJvt yo-ir tag- m I'Ji'fAKl? ,
Tres't turi Utit Sap'tSt. U-
Ji. 11. WIIr tl.tK.
- General Ticket Aent. St. L. ui,V,.
L. M. DUNN",
.;eurdl V'orn f'-
Agent. U Jopb.
Have just opened a FL- j
Stock of
co.s.-isrixo of
Sazar?, Teas, Coffee. Rice. T-'iC j ,
Cigars, Soap, Dried Fruit of a' :
Nuts, Candies, Moltse?, SJt-;j
Ware of all kinds, Canned Fru;t. t.;,
ters, Pickles, and every Arut.e
kept ia a first class
Grocery Store Id
WnrWs Blocs, M-iinSI
Brownville Xai j
Invites the public to't-jll anJcJ-j j
inc their Stock, beta l j
elsewhere a3 they are cumr1" j 1
August 31st lSG ;
A Jlost Important I)!Tfr
"Waarc makin a ,;J i
theteitad cheapest portal'.' j--, .
rres-.the dryt Cl.itLea Writer. w ; ;.
powerful LL'htair? J-i.-k ia thi
only press adarc-J u mw$ a.. t
wh-ch is now rrgrutd aioneof '-t3 ",w .
diact reri. of tae a.e. A fl - . f
t -Km wc w:Il b"ii 1
!0i)d Mo
UUVlUivuw y -" - m (.IF
shall have the excia.-ive
terms, etc., Ly
! t
.v.5i L' Ji
Heal Estate for;
r.t Katf f north wetCIT1'r
eat half north ea.n quart r. .r
Tnn 5 Kang-e II. eait IJ-' r
South wwt quarter Sectica
3t T'''
It ir,() acres.
S half souta ea.'tqnartfrana ry ..
jouth caat quarter ttc - I""70
111 acres Timber bs. rn-,mX;-i
1 .r 1 H' 4 Middle B'w"
Lot7IUock32. N '-'-h V""1-'- I
Lot H Block i4, Brewnvs.le.
TernaCjahiBrpSj - '
September l?t. 1?'5, '
fo Saturday the
tns y "--y . et v-
r I .i nlfi. ti- ., ...
(,.t i
will fif-?r for '
a the P:ii!y fm, 2 m.Irt fi
County N. tr.VaT.
hil.tue whit. khst'
pMnne of beu2 rj'("'
A Will IV Pl- - ! - . h.llli"" .