"PEOSPECTUF 050,000. to nnncriANYcrA niiEi:- a!:duLaV:::::iii:3..- V J" OF THE For tbe Yer 1"L . - end ? - 'A. H. HO V7D1I Cz CO.; SS'lerVmse Street. h'ew Terk. j Offr the FcMowlr In'ce'"' o euyixs or vaiuallu jly.tlby. Kavtt.g ben fr e long Utae en;iced lu the Packai tolr. kDJ established our repctatw-n for proaipt ' ae a4 reliability an.t piw.es-ias great facilities for veiling Jen'T tbl way. re confident that can rlv satisfaction u aM wb" feel uuposedt. patn.i. tuopd fIn. Clmlttfc. Illns, &' . a t to e wlo for One dollar each; WlUout rrd toviluel Sut to be paid for until 7o know whei y n are to receive t - Cn'mdt.l I,itof Article :!! All to be Bold .- TJ, for Oti- Dollar Kachll! ' n Watches (!iful .Trt; inunJ aud warrant, pri pe I 'I li" seoi' ) r ' '. in in price tron $-.'0 to f I20wcL tJ6 Ladies' Watche. totxl Hun- ! tmKCM $6 each ' " T3o i;tutimfi')i Silver Wstcbr. 'f i5 .! ' . km Iciest ty !e V M NW Chains, 4 A ' ec 60., "finu-i CaUiori Dl.nioM Ptci, 1 o to earl 400 C;illl.n.l Iiru-u l Kar trupt. ? eo to 16 eacl. " tooo' Miniature aud euauueUed Rovolv. ia-Pir., " eoot25ch CaJia-rerpi Diamond ar.d Enamlied Rcnt'l arf Pins, new sty let, 6 00 to 15 each . . twL!K,mcanU Emblem Pint, 3 00 to lo each "rol1 Bind UraceleU. eurd and platn . ' - Mnaic mad JH Broocbe -raraen BroocbOf rtcti battOTSS, oo to So ari 3 00 to To sax h S oo to to e t ' f loreoia a4 Lava rt&i lb rU . article 4 00 to le .- - UraarU rireot!tt XtItop J Ok to lo eacb lo&ral ar Drcpa, 4 00 to 6 mcc looo Ldt.Cbrr;nC)aliiJetkr141ooto3cecl Im rrnu rici. a rr'Mx"'1 aortieiit o to II e-l A. Hal'Ulr'ie4 Boito. f oo 10 eacl. r looo SiwJi aad lleere-Bnttoma, In eU, - - . vervri e tela each . 4x feVe-ttone pSala, enamelled . . ar4 acrrTJ looio 8 each jaooi. PuiBBoitaBdaomelretif. lr SMtolo eacb '" . oo Iprirj LocVeu, dwbie ee. rtcttj rnrav4 Sotot4eatf f . Hum et L4t.' Jewelry, Be" ed Utiwt etrlee 00 to ! J ta b Coi4 Tcua aotftaoiiome Ster Cafai ice to lo Rtcti Tata entire Ut ct beanttinl ac4 valuable OomU lliteold. (or One Dollar eacb. Certirtcatea of a. lbaU3 article will be placed ta eovetcpet as eealeU. TbeM e orelopea will be teat by mail, a or ired. wit boot regard t cboic. On reoeivtog a Cerr tificat roe will aee wbat article too are to hare, ul tteti it u .-pilonal Witt you te aend one dollar a4 re eetre be arttrle or not. Certificatee can be o'dered for tl; El er en for (3: Thirt-aeorie; iixty-flTe for $10 and Oue bon alred (or $14. We will e&d a atscie Certificate on tbc receipt u Uceuu. 1 a. n EOWEJJ & CO. (Bv 4270 It Bcekmao. Et refit, V T. -Jt-2m A., k Co. DR. J. A. HAKVEY,' - - TIIC IlESOVl XLD Magnetic & Clairvoyant, 99 Washington JlvtbtLAth and 5th Sts st. i.oris, 51 o. .. (tost ornci box mi ) ' ' Tbe rorernetnral Girt of ClaxiTOjant Bight poo eel br tbl wontrfnl peraoa. ta aacb an toctii is den-re, eonrtnceo tbe moat skeptical of tbe Un limited Piwt be baa la rata retarding I .IPIu it HKAL'I'H" Bribe aaleienee f ame eaperU.r Ivwar b U enabled it perceire tbe Cace and Cdl tMnt abd U endowed with tbe capacity to beat A LL DISEASES, tbia fact tbe Doctor ta demonstrated In tbonaaoda f caw from all parte of tbe world, dericf tbe lat twelve yeare. Tbe following dUeaaei in their most tbatlnate fxrg. yield nodar bla Karlc Toucb, to-wlt: CONSUMPTION d ABTIIHA. In from one toaix weeki; PABAIaYBIS rd all dleeaof Ite Nervena Sratem inclOvUog EPILEPSY or SITS In from one to tbree diya. pteaae of tbe IVEK, IiEABT and KIDNEYS in from ooe tee day. Ail Diaeaae of tbe blood, aoch a Bcroful. Eryeipeia. Fertr Borei, -c, aocorJ lag bi tbe leveruy of ite diieaae. TEUALE DISEASES, ' Treated by aNr HetHod, wit ipeedy aud tie BMt bappy reaolta. . - i Tbe Docior'i Room are erowdod dally by person frenenne J incnrble br ibe whole Xedtcal Facnlty, ard no ou boTi.d detairf relief nntil after belnr eumined by tbe ioctor1 Clairvoyant Eye, wltbout a-fciiu (oosUna. be ieil tbe -u e. Looadon an.i Cuditinn o any and all DIk, and wbetber becn pruuiae reiier. Peraobf on tbe verge of tbe grave, and w"h a bavn oi walked for yeara. a-e row Hrin? . W testify to the Doctor' Wondertnl Skill and Saccea Tbe rc!or aevertlfcea nwtbine but wtiat he ba tbe ability fo perform, and will mve the tuogt Complete t1fcttoTi to all who cme tinder bit treatment. In valids wbocamtut onult tbe Doctor in person, can bt: examined and preM-ribed for by eendin? by letter a lnipte t temetit of tbeir caaea. Keference to Cnrei performed, chorfo I Jy made. S P 33 C I JLm . ASTHMA, herufire conhidere.i an ln'-"rable dlare, ta treated witU pertect cocven in every lu etance by tbf r'tor, newly 3iaonver'd tnelod- AU Cases of CANCER q no natter bow lone ttanUi'ig. renifred iu t ram twetre ttenty-fourbonr without instrument or pain, ly a prwctk revealed tu tbe Uoctor white In tbe Ciairroyant alate. which la known to uo other peraon living. &23-ly GREAT UIPROVEJICXT SEWING MACHINES. .EMPIRE SHUTTLE LlACHItlEH! - Fitented Pebruary 11th, I860. ' SjJLESR 0 0 U, 523 BR OJD WA Y. X. V. 252 WASHING T0X St. B 0ST0. THIS M1CIIIXE iteoMtraeted on entirely new . principle of tnechanWm, rxaeficg tnanj rare and veJoBble improvement, bericr been examined ' the most profound expert, and ponoonced to be Cimplicity and Perfection Combined. tt ha e ttraitbt needle, perpendicular aetion. jnke. tbe IXCh r MiUlTLb; til lTCii, wbkl. will ueitbrrKIPor RAVEL, and i alike on boti tide ; pert oi m perfect eewin on every drecri tio.. . f material, from Leather to tbe fioeei Nanol Inlin, with cotton, linen or nilk thre id, frvts th cvarrii to the fint-i number. ' Havirgeeitber CAM D.rC0G WHEEL, and lit least powiUo fricti.n, it ran a etuooili a glae, u J i Emphatically a Noiseless Machine. It require tie TV l'fcll CEM ts power to drive it tLuu any otber Machine in tbo market. A girl twelve jeers at ege can work it steadilj, wilb ut fatigue wr injurj to health. It strength and Wonderful iimplici'y of con ttrnction riudert it ahoot i in piii b ic tv get out oi fcrder, and U GC AUAMELu by tbe ceaipany to " ive entire eatiffactioo. Wereepoctfuilj invite all those who may desire to supply themselves with a superior a; tide, to ome and eiamibe this Unrivalled Macbioe. bet In a mure especial manner do we solicit-the '. j;tre of ; ; Tlerchect Tailora, ' Coach Hikers, liocp Skirt 2d.anu.fao turera. Chlrt and boson Mak Corset Makera, Gaiter l itters. Shoe binders. Vest and Pantaloon Us.t-.ra. ers, Dresa Makers. JlIigiouand Clmritable Imtitntiont teiil 6 lib' roll j dealt tcitl. ITrlcca cf r:cic!i:2teCcKtpIcto: io. 1, Family Machine, with Eemiaer, teller and Hraider, f St- Ko. ,KBtail Mannfacturin., with Extensioa . i- Table 74 , y o. J, Large MBufaoturicg,with Exieusloa Table 85 Ko. 4, Larfe Hannfa-tnrinr, for Leather,- . ' -with Rolling Toot audUii Cup . ICO C half kuur't iuHructitm f.liemt tenmlJemy prrto fa work (!' JL'ackit to tktir evtftr Kstiifaetion. Agents Wicted for all towns in th United Sutes. where Agent are cot already established. Al.o for Cuba, Mexico, Central and Son Lb America, to whom a liberal discount will be given. ... Terms invariably Cah on delivery. T. J. He Arthur & Co., ' Broadway, Xew Vvrk. - - A. A Cv. 652 Wabingtoa,St,Boton. , 78 0 hestaut t- l'hila. GEO. FHASZ, Agent, IC2),, ih. Ht. Louis, Ho. rh.,e5. iy ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. iu pencii? having c'.aiins sg-ainit tbe Estate of JBMCi 1e niid are hereby miti2ed that tby are. eJ by an order of tbe Prcbate Court of Nemi.L ..auty, Nebraska TerrU-ory, U, Cle tbelr r'sur s In &id Cocrf on or bf for tie I;h Iy cf December, A. D,l:-ta at teaoV.ock A. 11., when txd wbre h4d tUim- wi:l be examined, and ad Jastfrd. If such are ci.i so f.ll Cr be- i .re tbe I2ii day bf jJ-u.Ur U-CJ, tv miU be Kwt . oivrr-i. d-el,1-,. V am4 mii mu D. A. COiISTABLU, ST. J ObEPH, MO. iAS UK HAM' AM) rOU SA'l.K A LWU AND YVIXL SKLKC'TFO A'VOr.tL OF IRON, STFEL. Heavy Hardware C liirilTSIXf.: iionsr: NAILS, nail-rods. HOKSE AND MULE S110KS, ANVlLK. , SPKIN08, CELLOU'S, AXELS, Vh'Er!. TlliNi JiLE .SKEINS CHAINS, WAGON LOXKS. SCUEW PLATE VA) LSTER l'LATES, FILES, I: A SI'S, WKENCI1ES, FLEU(JE HAMMERS. HANP IIAMMER.S, SHOF.INf; HAMMERS. PINCHERS, NUTS, HAIiivOW TEETH, WELL WHKKLS.AO.. AC, AO. I a M ENABLED TO SELL TO THE TRADE A T P li I C E S T li DF.FV COMPETITION.-' CONSTABLE'S IRON AM) SKEKL WAIIEHOISF HIGHEST IRJCE I A1L) EUli WtyUGH SCKAV IRON AT C3"fni in. Your Scrap Iron.Jj . - AND Rrrnnc the nxsE. fUYINO LAID IN A LAKGE 8T0CF OK THE' A 11 0 V E GOOD& UI R EC T F ROM THE . KAOTOKIEH. ZPJ. C TC ITT IT T7 T TCTr1 TAiriBiurixb c le s AU0 AliXfT f THI IM.I OP HI' US, hTOKES. FELLOWrt, WAGON bOWH, SHAFTS, POLE&, AXE S, HOUNDS, AXE HANULK BROOM HANDLES, PLOW 1 NDLES. &c. WOODWORKS! -ixeo ST. JObLrU, MO F ba m THE ONLY SURE THING. PHOTOGRAPH. y- fs"- .i Ef.r.TABLP - fM' li mm At tie name indieates, it not rnly RENEWS th wtw h of the hair when thin and falling off, hut i Svely RENEW THE COLOR to iu origin e ben it is turning grey or white, whether d by jisease, grief or eld age. ) will certainly do what is claimed for it, a fact tich hunireJj, tsy, thousands who have used re ready and iUio; to tertify. When one hot t.u is fairly used, in any community, it reputation "spreads like wild fire," and U the best adrertie ment aid recommendation we desire. In the East ern State, v. here tbo "RENEWER" originated, it is used by all Young Lad ios as a Pressing, and is to be found on the toilet tables of Young Men, (alsost their barbers;) while Older Men and Women will not be without it, as a rcnewor and restorative for their grey loc.s aud bald hoads, which it ohacge, to their entire satisfaction. We are selling in the oity of Boston alone, up ward, of 16,000 bottles per month , the dea'ers gir iothe RENEWER the preference orer all otber Unir Preparations. .. If not J"ld ly Druggist" in rur town, a Trial BvttU will be sent you by Exprust, upon receipt of oncdolUrby mail thus giving you an opportunity at once for testing its excellent virtues. t$fOrdcrs tor Trial Bottles, must be addressed to our Gen"tl Agert for tbe Northwestern State, C. A. COOli , Box f52i, Cbicfigo, III. All such orders will rtoeve promptattention. . R. P. HALL 4 CO., Proprietors, Nashua. N. H. The trade supplir-d at Manfarfurer' PrScs by FULLER, tlNCIi A FULLER, Wholesnle Ds? i-ts,Ci.icg i, Ulinri.. m ' ROOFING It Ri'Ks.eady to sail down. . ROOFING Cctt!lg Uet iIjd bnlf as mtch as Tin. ROOFING More durable thaa Tin. ROOFING Suitable for Steep or fiat rvof. ROOFING ' 5ot injured by heat or eold ROOFING Easily and rapidly applied. The mut of the mUri-Is employed In the eon-, sli ucti. n of tbi R ting, have been used in vari ous way for roofing purposes for over fifteeu years nnd our manner f combining them into one firm, impermeable, uniform fabric, secured by Patent, increases tbeir durability, while at the same time being manufactured by machinery on a large scale, the toet is lessened. Our Roofing is adopted to building of all descriptions, and in all climates, and cau be spplied tosteepor flat nofa, old or new and by ordinary wvrkmen at a triffing exjense. For uniformity of quaity, c.mpletenass of Cnish, facility of application, cises-pne and durability, we iuri' 9 a thorough trUl. Vr'c also manufaO' ture LIQUID CEMENT. For Leaky Tin and Iron Roofs: Much cheeper and more durable than' oil paint, as it fortni a much hearicr body and will te t crack run or flake off. COMPOUND CEMENT. For Leaky Shingle Roofs,Chimacys aud Skylights. A sure remedy that will often sare the eott of a new roof. - ' San plea of Roofing and Girvulai seat j Ball up" application. Favorable term made with repoauble parties who buy to eel) ftgsin. HEADY KOOFING CO, 73 MAWEX LAXE X Y. mi ddiug mm. JOHN PATTERSON, DEALER IN m m mum PEIILV COIAISA COU5TI', SCO. IllS just received alrge and well selectsd Stock DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH. DYE STUFF, BRUSHES, SPONGES. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, And everything eorcmorly kept In JTlrtt Class Drusr f;torc. Customers w:.U tnd his stock eompleie, whioh he cfVre far CAFII at the very lowest market prices. Physicians Prescriptions Compounded wi'Ja the utmot care at U hours. - ... Murcn 30th, IS55.-- i " T.-ntS-f nr PXCKVLS by tbe doeu or barrel, f a aperiT e ity, crnsiantiy on han Al WrTjrGELri? Rwxjlb. n i L'UL2j..J-C. iiiii vij The grealeit .mproreoent yet in the Sewix.a tae Art. A eorioaltj wsrth aeeinj. Please end ft circular with samples tf Sewicj. Thuee Itopu-rtd Machines ve one hundred per ot. o( thread and ilk, and make the Lock-Stitch 'ike th ideit. They require no instruction to operate perfootly, tcept the Sprinted directioo." No char j") iu t wing frrm one kind of goods to nothcr. And no taking apart to clo.tn or oil. Our New Manufactory U n- w complete with all li waeh'nery and tool entirely ne , and is already tpidly turning out Machine, which for beauty and erfection of tini-h areuur eurassed by any maua tctnre in tbe world. S. U. Should any Machine prove ansatlifactory, i can be returned and mcnoy refunded. - Agents wautod in counties tot canvassed by oar wn Agent. ; - - " n'ULE li. LIOS.S. II. CO. , NO. 5rS MUUDWAY, N. Y. ' No. -T-y. TO COSStMII'TITrS. THE Advcrtteer Having been Restored to health in a few week, by a Very simple remedy, af- r having nuffered fereral year wirh erere long rfection,and that dread disease, Consumption is ixious to make knows to hi fellow-sufferer the eanof cure. , T all who doeire if. he will send a copy of the pre ription used (free of charge,) with the directions 'or arerarirzand ncring the satna. which they.wtll nda SURE CURE FOR CONSUMPTION, A3TU IA, RR0NCIIITI8, Ae. The only object of the drertiiter in teiiding the Prescription is to benefit ' .e efiieted, and spread Information whioh he ev ires to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer ill try hi remedy, as it will cost tht m nothing, and ay prove a blessing. artie wuhing the prescription will pteaae address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, -..J -m Wil!imsburg, Kings Co., New Tork. EO. A. PRINCE & CO; or PATENT iiTOEifflc mm 'SSO TO $S2S EACH i 9 Varieties, with Patent Basso Tenuto or Sub Bass. SCHOOL ORGANS AND MELODEONS, finished la "Elcgrant noseirood, T)'alnut OaU Cases. Xo Charge for Boxing or Shipping. . CT35,0C0 Nott In VZQ.m AN IXLUSTBATED CATAIiOOTJE,e-.n. tainiog full description ef style, and testimonial of ibe most eminent Musicians, as to tbe superior excel lence of oar Instrument will be sent free to any address. : ' THE AUTOMATIC OEGAXS. In preseniicg the Autematls Organ, we boldly aa nounce tbe greatest triumph la musical Instrument of the E. Paring tbe past half century, tbe Trench aud German have manufaotured reed inatrumenta with double be How a, and two pedals for the feat to operate, but tbe want of tbe reversed or SxbaustVoa Bellows, (which is tbe only bellow used InouMastic meutk), made U impossible for them to prodnce the mellow, rich and musical ton for wbicfc our lutru meet are celebrated. Another objection to this method of blowing was that, both feet being occupied, no opportunity was of (ered for tbe management of tbe swell, with in. t past two years, instruments constructed on this Euro pean plan of "double bio irors," have been manuf set ured in this country, and to counteract this difficulty (want of a swell) a lever baa been projected from tbe centre of tbe instrument, to act upon tbe swell, and operated by tbe knee. The inconvenience auU contor tion neoeasair to effect this object are disagreeable ennugh to a gentleniau, but to a lady tbe ne of sucb n appendage Is nearly impossible. Our Automatic device obviate tbU difficulty entire ly, tne simple act of blowing with tuore or less force ctvinc the desired increase or decrease lu the volume of tone. For aeventeen years tbe superior excellence of our Meiodeon has not been questioned, ami for two years past tbe enormous demand ha made it impossible for us to meet our orders promptly. Wiih our iiicre?eI facilities, we reel warranted in ascuriug our pxtro . 'hat tbeir order. will be promptly met, and solicit a , coiiUnuauce of tbeir patronage. GEO. A. PEINCE k CO. Caution to Purchasers. All our Instruments have upon tbe name board, in full. "GEO. A. PRINCE & CO." When a dealer rep resents any otber Instruments as "the same as ours," -It is usually a mere attempt to tell an inferior instru ment, on which be cau iaake a large profit. , - P. S A liberal discount to CUurcbrs. Clergymen and Schools. Ad'lrei-s, GEO A. PB1XCK, & CO , 89 Wibhington St, . t-. Or, - Chicago, lil ' GKO. A. ?BIXC. A CO.. Buffalo, K. T. May 1st. 18S6. no33 vS-yly Mammoth Stock. OF NEW AND WELL SELECTED Jut receivef1 at fTO-bL-aL-L.-o2-i-a.a DRY GOODS AND GROCERY STORE, JV. W. Cor. Main and First Siretts. Latest Style Ladies Dress and Fancy Dress Goods, Summer Shawls, Dry Goodi, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Iron, Nails, Flour, Bacon, Queensware, Hardware, Furn iture, Sash, Door Window Glass, &c. Which he will sell .. CHEAP FOR CASH. Call and examine hi stock before pur ch ashing else where. 8--l LIOLIITB PLOWS, On hand and to arrive at D. A. CONSTABLE'S Iron and Qtsel V-fcrehci-:3, 23 and 22 Third Street, ST JOSEPH, MO Feb 4a 6-tf., 1 I M, ' f -JR'I " S ' r7 SB Km.' SB V4 SB HAW -A AD- FLOURING 1 WILL keep constantly on hand an assortment of Hgracperu2:o to Ccimr.cn Vmm m. 9 ' jTV " GHILK.'(B.ii,:I3;0 , And all other article usually kept ia aUrst-class Merchant Flouring or Saw Kill. Brownville, iiaxch st, a--y. -r vs. GBEAT- OTSTM DUO 7SY1LLE, NEBSASSA. Authorized Agents ' la this Lend District for tha following articles : GEORGE A. TRINCES AUTOMATIC ORGANS ! ! SCHOOL ORGANS. M !L 1 Bfl , These instruments are beyond question the finest toned, neatest finished and best manufactured ia thiseoantry. (See advertisement.) A Liberal Discount to Clergymen, Chur ches and Schools. EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE. We have had one of these itaohines in uue for k- mnrtba and ran reM.mmecd ttas Detn: .w . . tt wr.rtfd ami Ie.lSt liable to Z". out of order ' and moit durable Machine wo have mu. iu, uw i " . , comnle ta imitation of tbe finest hand sewing, and . . . 1 I. 1 .. 1 - .a I n will not rip or ravei. it. i very rwy w iwm nner ata. dees its work well and fast and is emphat- cally a noiseless ilachine. (See Advertisement.) HORACE WATERS' I jL-J. W EZItllL!! GR3 HARMONIUMS, &c, Sic. (SeP Adrertisement.) See Alrertisertent. GROVESTEEN'S IB mm' i- M M wa (xjj These instruments sre highly recommended. We have shipped a $325 instrument from this firm this Spring, which is pronounced by competent judge to be the finest instrument ever brought to Nebras ka. See Advertisement. Perscas desiring aDy of the abore ar ticles will find it greatly to their advan tage to purchase through the ADVERTISER AGENCY At our facilities for supplying thea are uneqalled. All others pretending an A gency are encroaching on our rights. GEO. W. HILL & CO., Pub. Advertiser, Information Free. A GL LF.MAN.cured of Nervous Debility, In competeo Premature Deay and Youthful Error, actuated I. tdtsiie to benefit others, will be happy to furnish all who need it, (free of charge,) the recipe and etions for making the simple remedy used in his eae. Sufferers wishing to proS by the advertisers' bad experience, and f oaseas a sure and valuable remedy, can do o by adre'sitj him at oreeat bis place ef businea. The Recipe and full inforrjation of vital importance will be cheer fully sent by return nwl. Address - JOHN 3. OGOZS, N . Kassaa Street, N. Y. P.S. Nervous Sufferers f bota sexes will find this information inttl&able. a ' We are the cr.ly SEW a looftiw ( GROVESTEEN & CO, PIAN U FORTK MA N U F ACTUR ER, The attention of the Public and the trade is invited to tur New Sea! 7 (Je t a ve Rosewood riser Frtf, whioh for volume and purity of tne are unrivalled by any hitherto offered in this market. They 30 n tain all the modern improvements. Frem-h. Oritd action. Harp Pedal, Jn.n Frame, Over-Strung Bass, Ac, and each instrument being n:.d undr the persMnal supervision of Mr. J. U. Ororesteen, who has had a practical experience of vverCO ytnrs in their manufacture, is fully warranted in every particular. TX2 4GroTcstcrn Piano Forte" recelrecl the li! ?hrsj award of merit overall otHiersat tlie Celebrated IToild's ialr! ere were exhibited in?truments from the best makers of London, Paris, Germany, PatUdsIphia, Balt imore, Boston and New York ; and also at the American Institute for five saccasaire years, the gold and ilrer medal from both" of which can be eea at our ware-room. - By the introduction of improTements we make a still more perfect Piano forte, and by manufacturin j largely, with a striotly cash system, are enabled to ofer these instruments at a price which will preclude all competition. ' - PRICES No. , 8even Octave, round comers. Rosewood plane ense $ ' No. Seven Octare, round corner?. Rosewood heavy moulding No. Seven Octave, round corners. Rosewood Louis XIV etyle$ ,a fac simileof the aboreeut. TerxaeitrJ trt Cftfsli, ixa. Current 3izxi da. . DESCRIPTIVE CIRCCLAR3 SENT FREE. "Abbtt & Co. Aug. 24th !So5 vol. 9-43-ly THE 1I0KACE WATERS IlODEUiN IMPB0VED OVEBSTKUKG BASS FULL IRON FRAME FIN03 are built of the best and most thoroughly seasoned ma terial, and will stana anv climate. Tbe tone is very deep, round, full, ai.rt mellow; tne touch elastic Kacb Piano warranted for five years. Prices from $225 to $700. TESTIMONIALS. - "The Horance Waters Pianos are kno E as sects th very best." Evangelut. 'We can epetk of tbeir merits from personal knowl edge." Chrutian Intelligencer. Waters' Pianos and Mel i eon & alien se eotuparis,a witb the finest made anywhere " Hasie Journal. $180 JMEW 7 OCTAVO PIANOS, of differ, en: makers, for $l9i; do., with carved legs, $300, 2.b ,u4 $240. Second-hand Piano and Melodeon at $2?, $50. $S0, $75, $100, $115, $125, $150, and lt0. The Horace Water't Jffl&leon and Uarmonivmi, Tuned tbe JCqual Temperament with the Patent Divided Swell. Prices from $55 to $300. Alexander Or (Cans from $200 to $500. EjTA Uberal discount to Clergymen, Cburcbes, Sab bath Schio's, Lodges, Seminaries, and Teachers. HOB ACS WATS Ed, Ag't, Ko. 481 Broadway, Si. X. Tht Lay SchaU Bell 40,000coples issued- A new Singing Book for School and Seminaries, called the Day School Bell, ia now ready. It contains ateut two hundred choice songs, rounds, catrbe&. duets, trio, qnartettg. and rbortises. many of tbem written expressly for this work; beside X2 paires of tbe Elemenu of Music, which are easy and progressive. Among the large number of beautiful pieces may be fonnd, '-Uncle Sam's School," "Don't you hear tbe children comtng," "Always look on the sunny side," "Tbe little lass, ' and ''Little Lad," "Oh, If I were a little bird," "Bird or beauty," "Pretty pear tree," "Anvil Chorus," 'Meet me by tbe running brook-' Ac. It is compiled by Horace Waters, author of "Sab bath School Bell," Xos, 1 and 2, which have had the enormous sale of 825,000 copies. Prices paper covers, 25 cents, $20 per 100; bo anil SO cents, $25 per 100; cloib bound, embossed gilt, 40 cents, $35 per hundred. 25 copies furnished at tbe one hundred price. Mailed at the retail price. j , Sabbath Schooll Bell, Xo. " contains 144 pages, and nearly two hnndred tone and bymsn, and is the most popular S. S Book ever issued Among tbe most popular pieces are, "Blind Words," "Eden Above," "Chnetian Uero," "Beautiful Zion," "I oupbt to love j Mother," "Tbe Angels told me so," ln tbe Light," "Rest for the Weary," Ac. Priced paper covers, 20 cts. each, $15 per hundred ; bound, 25 ct. each. $20 per hundred; cloth bound, embossed gut, so cts., szo per uuiKireu. Sabbath School JJM, Xc. Is an entire new work of 192 aages, and nearly 225 tone ar.d bjmn as tbe music is a little mure difficult it is ju.'t tbe book to follow Bell Ko. I. Nearly oue mil. lionet these Bells have been Issued, and are now ring ing ihroiiph IbU aud other countries. Among the many choice piec es may be fonnd. Shall we meet b youd ibe liver y liineisa beautiful world. Sorrow shall vma sstin no mre TVn't you hear the Anpels cominK? Tloo, God, seev nie. Sabbath Belts chime ii, A.C. Pii.- "f Ueil Ko. 2 are tbe tame as Bell Ko. 1. Both nn rubers cri be obtaine-l lb one volume. Price, bound coi-y, 40 ceu, $36 per buudved ; clotb bound, embossed eilt, 60 ct., $45 per hundred. 25 copies furnished at the one hundred price. Mailed at tbe retail price. H'ater' Coral Harp, Anew Sunday School Book. of 10 of fctartlfnl hymns and tunes. It containe nuny .r.i, . such as Shall we know each other trer ; Sufsr lit t e cbiiureu to come unto Me! The beautiful swt; )b, 'tis gl.ri oust Leave me with my ui tte loadeth me bei'le still waters, Ac. Price p er e vers, 20 cents; $15 per hundred; bound 35 cents, $3) per hundred; cloth bound, embossed guitt. 35 ceu.s. $30 per hundred - Mailed at the retail price. ' It ia edited by Horace Wa ters, au'bor of Sunday School Bell Kes. 1 and 2, which bave bad the enormous sales of over eight thousand copies. Just published by HO BACK WATS&S, Mo. 431 Broadway, Kw York. The Keio Patriotic Song Bool, contains 9t pages of songs, duer and.chornses, both cred and secular. Including 14 pages "of prayers for s ck and dying soldier, and ol!iers' Scripture Manual. It is wel). suited for social singing, aa well as Sabbotb worsl.ip Among tbe many beautiful pieces maybe find, Where liberty dwells is my country ; TheChrls tian hero, Three cheers for our banner; Come sing to raeofhearvn; ColnmMa, the eem of be ocean ; Pee man's gathering; Columbia's King forever; Marching along, Ac Prices paper covers, 15 cent, $Uperhua dred. Mailed'at the retail price Tht ilirp of Freedom, contains 32 page of sons-, due and choruses, for Free dom. Among tbe ch i'-e pieces we would name. Fait freedom's morn ; O let my people go Over the moun tain; They wurked me all the day, Ax. Price 5 cents single, 50 cents per dosen, $3 per hundred; postage 1 cent each. Jtnth: A Sacred Gintatx. contains 128 pages. Words Bev s-.dsey Tyer, mailt by Prof. Cull. This Is an exceMeut b.k f-r concerts for theyoung. Prices paper overs, 2ucuts; $15 net hundred j bound 25 centf $20 per hundred. The Revival Jusie Bool contains 7$ paces'of tunes and hymns, designed for re. vival. prayer and conference meetings. Price in paper covers, single copies, 10 cents; $3 per hundred. Mailed at the retail prices. The AlheiiCurK Collection. contains between four and Ave hundred page of tune and hymns, new and old, of the choicest, kinds, fo charch, Sunday school, revival, missionary, temprane prayer and conference, and all bauds of sacred and so cial meetings. Tbe music in this book ba life and an i mat ion in it, like. Shining Shore, Kest for the weary Shall we kniw each ether there? Shall we meet be yon tbe river ; There is a beautiful world ; Kind words Sweet hour of prayer ; There is a land of love ; Buffs little children to come unto me ; God save the nation Ac Prices single copies, bound 60 cent; $45 pet hundred ; clotb bound, embossed silt, $0 cents ; 65 per hundred. Mailed at tbe retail price. H0RAC8 WA TERS, 481 Broadway, New lourk, Publisher of ta above Book. Vocal Ma tie, with Piaao Accompaniment. A lrge assortment of new and popular songs, ballad. duets, quartetts, and choruseo, issued dally. A room the most popular are. Shall we know each otber there Lowrey; Why have my loved ones gone; I will be true to tbe; Oh, there's no such girl as mine, by Foster; Mother's love is true; Sweet love, forget me not, St. by Eel ler, 25 cents ech ; I bear sweet voice singing ; U'me is home- Forget if you can. but foryive, by Thomas, 30 cents each. InstrcuieuUl Musis for the Ciano Forte We are coming Father Abra'am, six hundred thousand more ) Always luoron the sunny side; Sbal! we know eacfc other there? Ac,, with brilliant variations by Grobe. 60 cents each. Pulk&s. Watties, Marches. Quickstep. Quadrille Ac, by popular authors. All kinds of Singing and In struction books. Catalogues roaiiedf rce to any aiiire Music mailed at tbe abuve prices. Watcrt Cheap ilnieic fur the Million. Arranged as soloes, duets, qearteUs and choruses, foi musical societies, choirs, Sunday schools, publicschool seBiinarie! etc. Shall we ksow each other there? -iion't you hear the angels coming ? Shall we meet be yoiid the river? Be in time; There is a beautiful vorld; Where liberty dwells Is my country ; Freedom truth and right; We are eoming Father Abra'aci. sis hnndred thousand more ; There is aland ot love; So, row shall ene again uo more ; Heavenly home ; Com sing to me of Heaven; Land insight; We w.ll loveoui Sauday Si-hoo) ; Our God is mashing on; God save th Nitionj Whittier's song mf the Plantation Nemj Fall Freedom's Mjrn bas daweeci at let; Over the eionu tain; Over tbe mountain ; Little Ella's an angel W1U lie's gone to Ueavea ; Sufler hule chiidreu to corns ur'orje; Bury me in the morning, Mother; Come U thy rest; Sweet hour of Prayer, Ac. Price 3 cents, 29 cents per do., $3 per bundrad ; postage 1 cert each. In sheet form, with Pis so accompaniment, 25 cent. Published by noaj.es WATFRS, Ag't, No. 431 Broadway, S. X- ; lx - ! ! AIJEIUCAir IXMlffi IS! DIM, A MONTHLY MAGARINL- The most comprehensive mleeellany cf nui knowledge and General Literature, peril -d: cally is sued in the United States; embracing all the l'ea tr;r'S t f- Polytechnic Journal, Economic Expositor L'-if-r-.tf Repository .and Monthly Register. E.pe Moted to Financial. Commercial and Indus trial Interest and all joint stock corporation con cerns. ' Having commenced the Fifth Volume of this Magaiine, wIk.so suecess evinces that the efforts of its conductors have been sppreciated by a discrimi nating public, we would call attention to its char acter on the part or the large body of reader who are not yet upon its subscription lists. Our pur pose in thu publication i the dissemination of practical information on subjects of positive utility to the people, combined with a diversify of literary attraction securing the services of the best pens in the various departments of Science, Bol'es-Lettre! and General Literature. While aiming most es peotally to render most effective service to the Trade, Commerce and Material Production of the Country, many sides of the Cue . 'ry, many side ot the mental world receive due consideration the Historical, Critical. yEsthetical and Imaginative, a well a the Ficenoial, Statistical, Technological and trictly Mercanti e. We employ alike the re scacb of the savant aid the fancy of the feuileton ist, with tbe jractioil experience of tbe business man and tbe worker. In the treatment of scfentiSc topics, the mode so!e:ted is the popular in style rather than the technical. The mental phase ofl the hour it shall be our endeavor to portray, and we avail ourselves of the contributions of new Discov ery to the Circle of Knowledge, and shall record with all practicable succinctness Current Intelli gence, which will be of future ntillity and historic interest when the Present sbll have become the Past. In fine, the Americrn Exchange and Review is a desirable and ever welcome monthly visitor to its subscribers imparting the richness of knowledge improving the taste, and furnishing intellectual gratification. Tbe Review ha its specialities in distict and in creasing Departments, with a General Division for the widest consistent scope of themes. We give s specification of topic which are the subject either of occaaionnl or regular publication, vis: the Arw, Asthotjos; Agriculture, Applied Chem istry, Archaeology, Belles-Letters, Biography, Criti cism, Economics Political, Arithmetio National Taxation: Finance banking, currency, Corporation Accounts, Exchange, F'uctuatious in Securities, Mocks; History, Industrial and Mercantile enter prices, injurance, internal Improvement Railways lanai.x, Telegraphs; Jlanutactures froducts, tech nology; Mechanics, Mining Mineralogy, Geology. Metallurgy; Patents, Physics, physiology.statistice. social flience: trade foreign and domestic, shipping mercantile law, Navigation ; Typography, Traveis. GEO. A. PRINGETgCTS AUTOMATIC pRGMISM SCHOOL ORGJSLS MELODEONS!!! Thlrtf-FlTe Tbousana Now la Use. Every Instrument warranted for Jive years For seventeen years the superior excel.,-.ice of our jitru"ints has not been questioned, and for two f-i's j u t the enormous demand has made it impos--k f.ir n to meet our order-promptly With our iacridsed facilities, we feel warranted in assuring our patrons that tbeir orders will be promptly met, tnd solieit a continuance of their patronage. JA LIB'.RlL DISCOUNT TO CLMGTMijr, CSCB CHE3 AND eCil.KJLS.JJ GEO. A. PRINCE & CO., Buffalo, N. Y. GEO. A. PHINCE & CO., Chicago, UL An illustrated Catalogue, with full description of styles will be sen free to any address . T. K & H. T. AIITHOUY Cc CO., Munfeturers of ' Photographic Materials, Whoiesal aud Ee:ail, "501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. In addition to our main businessof Pbototrsphle Ma terials, we are Headquarters for the following, vis : Stereoscopes & Stereoscopic Yleira Of these we have an Immense assortment, Including War Scenes, American and Forevgn Cities and Land scape, Groups. Statuary, Au;., he. Also. Revolving Stereocoies fur public or private exhibition. Oui Catalogue will be t.ent to any address oa receipt of tamp. Photographic Albums, We were tee first to Introduce tbes Into tbe Unite States, and we manufacture Immense quantities is great variety, ranging from 6 i cents to $.0 each. Out Album. bve the reputation of being superior a beau ty and dnrabillty to any others. They will be scat ef mail, FREB, oa receipt of price. 53-FiNK ALBUMS MADS TO QH.DKR.J CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Catalogue new embrace over Five Thousan diJerenl subjects (to which additions are continuatl being made) ef Portraits of Eminent Americans, .. vi : ano-at 0 Msjor-Generals. 56 Statesmen, 130 Divines, 125 Authors, 40 Artists, 125 Sta?e. 60 Prominent Wosrea - tidier Generals, 275 x. '". 100 Lieu '' 250 Other Ou. 75 Vaw Oriicei 150 Prominent For Jsn Portraits. i3,000 Copies of Works of Art. . ,r,.ii-'a PAintiMS. Statnes. Slc. Oa'alfgues sent ee )ne re Tictnres 1 vi-,r .f itamn. An om"t for On from i:ir Cata iogue will be - r 1 $t.v absent bvni.il. Free. Vhotog-apbers an oioer ruc a---' w. " - Bia lemit twentvtlve per cent of the amount witb ?btrorde" B.&H.T.AXTHCuNTACO.. Manufacturers or ruoioerayiiic 501 BROADTAT. NW mat t-Tht prxctt and quality of ev goott cannot fetl " to saftVV -J tx-7-ly f" J i J DAILY, Till' SW41 I h a r? vt - i V; fa. ' '3Mt y;.iX f nfacaaf TV : - - v i auiviva. TTJr W ii UrOL-vGl SrlH.,. .. Doom of the Rebellion, wi:3s tie Nloa.l C . ernnetit mU. rsd U the fillca Suu: tS.. Jv'T rated, and Slavery obliterated f?fa rk laxil i n even of will be ami. the mn?Taica.ni..-. th History of the Coaatry. aad cl'ado th r tt.ru of Peaee. ai doubt!, m; ur eaee, aid . the eotrti... . nmerica 0i. anew career of UDpars'leled r- 7 en aud pro pr it, r. V, ith Lalwr vindaud fWu ' the reproach i)f e-fJcu. tba I'e-l wi'.l t..d , on a higher plati'oi m of iii.iiuce and powr, ttl feel a still prt fuurder iatsresi ia aU $f , . visa 't . j n i, .ui Mua?, -0SaiA is entering up.n a new soriei of commotiots. a'cate in ths triumf h ef Deomerary bej itU.ntic; wlile emigration to America w woria i entenj ta trrm! the At acquire a new and treuicalot: impetus, sajjtaeaiicf immensely i ur rr(Hluctire rK)wr. The stirir.g event of the tixes will he jrspl.,eaj ly depicted in tb eolums of the Democ?, ehk, wears resolved to rerder more Tilaall aal af tractive thtn ever a a faithfal IJirrcr of Tzzdz Uhtzrj. Iapiredby tie spirit of Democr'ya,.jt1lt) ledging no leader but Truth Tha M.ocsi Pr ocbat will eontiaue to be solely the Urga ,j Pwpie, and prm ;t to denounce and repuuku so pol ticiU or miliary aspirant who seek ; Uir their cause. - Ia addition to iur War SVw, we slall ei,BtitB in our Weekly pnper ; the Weekly Ji'sws Somiiarj and alo aa absuact of the jrocee-iiiji of Coog' and of the Procetdinjs of Leilatares ofiltt and Illinois. - Our Tri-WeoVy, wi'.l eon's'ti as bsrstoforv JJ the Iffiportarit Nt!WS,Leal and Commercial S.jjorai tt the Wly, - . THE DAILYDEMORAT Shall aotbt esonlled by any paper taUnT W have improved our arraDjmeDls for fall SFHCIAL TELEGRAFi! EEFCaT From Washington, lnui the Lower MiuiuiT,ul from the Missouri PTid Illinois Capitals. Tistw ' will be published in eddition to the Lettersaf tar AliMY COxUKSPON ENCE, nd our usual quantity cl General News Hitter. We request all Postmasters and frieadi to set le gend for epaci men numbers of the Piprt aai Prospectus for d stributioD,and they will b prowpW Seud as many name as pcssibl ia Clubs, to im their papers sen ; to on address the address of tho Poetmajter or the getter up cf th Club. It is not required thit all the papers of C ii shall be sent to one Post 0"ae. the namUr s v b eat to diSereat Dices, and additions may be vuda at any tint-?. The following are our rates for th yM 138-1: DAILY DEMOCRAT. TRI-WEEKLY DEMOCRAT,- WEEKLY DEMOCRAT.; Any larger Club thaa ten will he ehtrgi at lie rate of one dollar and A half per eosy. . Tbe above rates for all liail S abecription srs payable in advance. Orders not accompanied with the money will re. jeive no attention. All papers of either edition, will be discootiaati. at the ei;d of tb time paid for. ilcKEE, FISHBACX A CO. Proprit.r and Locust street, Sr. Locu,Io. PETESON'S MAGAZINE. This pcpular Monthly contain mrfor We money than at y Magasiae ia th wo.U. Ia l'Jl, it will have nei.rly p e, ta steel p'ti, colored patterns, and wood eBgraviDrs nl all this for only Two Dollars a Year, or a 4.1! less thaa mgai;ine of it cla. Every lady B,ht to taks "Petenon." In the gfnoral adnc f prices, its is the only Magazine that has not rlr4 its prices, either to single subscribers or to !abi, and is, therefore, emphatically, The iisjiiics f tbe Times. Th stories in "Petersoa" sre eonedfd?9 the best published anywhere. Sirs. Ann 3. Stepheat,. Elia Rodman Mr. Denison, Frank Le Beniitr the author of "Susy L' Dsiry," T. Arthar.I. L. Chandler Moulton. Gabriell Ie, Virginia F. Townsend. Ros il Grey, Clara AuusU. aad th author of "The S roud "Life," beside all tb bmI popular f em tie writers of America ar rrfir contributors. Ia ad litioa to the umil amber W short stories, t'ae rr will be given lal4,F t)ritrial Copv-rihtcd NovelU,vis: Th Maid of ilon. r a siory oi avcu w,wj Ann S. Stephen. Tho Lost Fsf r to-dv, By th surlier ot Maud Summer tit araioija, j Bene l et. Fauuy V SHrMina, by Liia Rodtnia. In its Illustration also,4 Peterson u arm-Md. The publisher thail n-s a compari.n betwsea ia uperb Jlescotint und other sted enraviojl,sJ4 thoseinother 2Jas..S'nes, and no at least upy in everv number, t oiored fashien plates la -vnce;h is the -i-lj Magaiin wbese Fubm Plateseae berelui-. n. Each number er.nta.Bl Fashion Plates er raved on steel, nd co.ord- from Fashion late, than any ether Wsgsiagi's also, a dosen t more 'ew Style. ecgrvd$ Wood: sImo, I'at fru, from which a Drev, Mnti- or child' Cusi.hu--an be cut, without the aid of d untoa-maker so that each number, in this .... v.nr's s.ih?rintioi. U4 rn.i, ijo'ito, Fhii'idelnhiaand New York Fashion r d?cr! hf4 at lth each month. Patterns ofCap. II-j. 1 tlrM. Ji.-t . iriven. It Colored I ii' Bit: AVW V V -"J w. O embroidery, rnt-het, 4e. Tbe Woik- fsble Department of thi i ;. ' t , 1 1 : . V.nn nnmW fUiDtaml or more Battens in etery variety oi rancy urocooi, ijiaoroiucij i , u . r -- . , i- l. t-- a. V ... i V . annLrtseorl l . c i : l wora, esc, c, o., , g ( , , pattern for dipping, pure or cbair erb given each of which, at a retail tore,wt,U fifty eent. , . n "Our New Cook-Eook."--Th Original 2oa bold Receipt of -Peterion" are qaite f""- ' 1884 our -Cook-Book" will be continued: A"7 i one of these reieipt has teen tet4. tis well worth the price of "Peterson. ceipU for the toilette, sick-room, Ac , 7 T .... . .m .i.mr-f. Aew and rashionabi muftc ia -And hints on Horticulture, Equestrianism, matters iutereiiting to ladies. TERMS ALWAYS IN ADVANCE One copy for one year, Three copies for one year, j. i ve eopia ior one yr. Eight Copies for ene year, Twelve vpie for one year. Sixteen eopie for one yer, Premium fr getting up Clubs!--Tl eight, or more copies, make a Club. Te eu. son getting apaclub of three, and remiu t i dollars or a elub of Tive, and remittia ! dollars and a half-or a club of Eight, faU ting ten dollar or a elub of twelve, and if en dollais, aa extra copy of tbe nSu'Li ll wiilbegiTen. If preferred, howyr,V a a premium, (instead of th extrs stllir nd Hla-trat;f. Lady's Album, hradsomelyltu in gilt, or eithur of our MessotinU, fr ' Jj, each ineheby "Daayaa Prtin lli Blind Child, in Jail," or "Bunyan's Wif I1' ing for His Rei eaae from Priaon." To erery P getting up a eiub of Sixteen, two JJf th Magazine iTUl oe sent, or any i Arre'po.t-paf,,, CHARLES J KTWg' fo. Chestnut Street, Fhilad? All Postmasters eoustitatwt Agent; person nay get up a elub. Lpeciaea seat tously,if wriliB for. NEW SKIRT FOR 1S' Th9 O reat InTention ef tba Ag i ! 0Q J. W. BaartiT's Stw Patent Drrtix (or dooble) Srwiso Sxtrt. f ky0, Wxirrs' BaaPtKY A Cost, (1 f'1' ft West, Sole Proprietor and W?7J9rI. Chamber and U and 81 Ree Street. Jjw This Invsxtiom eoniu of Drrxxi . . Jf Elliptio Steel Springs, ingeniously LrldkiA tkr and Firmly together, edge to edre. "'Jg'nff toughest, most flexible Elistu nl DiJ ever used. Tiiey .eidot- Bend or ir Single Springs, and consequently rre ' y Peifect and dutiful Shape Tww M Lor J " oiber Skirt. , r Mt Co Tho WosDsam. FLtxisarrr and orw f,rt and pleasure to any Lady W9friC';n'S.v i Elliptic Skirt will be experienced Pr"tB fcl' tfterwardi wiliirgly d'snens- wiifl "V" Misaos.anl Yomz Udie. "y 6. are . aIA t-A a: ti n r . . m k For Kale tn ii r ir?i-v.i- -- th United Stiies . CV?. HIinAppli. Driei Pwches, ' soap, Cnlle,ie , etc., t0ftn's. all Crowded Assemblies, uper.s, v ,H,j road Cars, Chnu h Pews for Pwe n Dress, as th Skirt can be folded, wbeu w occupy a small place a easiJyas DTldv havirr en'oyed thetleui,wfl','s I rct convenience of wearing the I'opi i n tj V, 1 t v, V, ?; i. 1 r. St ; it "1