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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1865)
We cbiica & fc btreeriraprorernsnts i -s-t I i . s -fl.-iif?- ta Nf p ti I Si a-1'i '-t' rn;-4 rr .Aitl) lit AC--1 Ihla , . i . a . ' : ; i .v i-. . i ' -- -,4r " - - -e ; ) j ? 1; '.. . I."- " " " : furnace LcenMjAo. Ac. Ac . f or aate at bw 02;e. -Tbf re will be meeting of ihe Union Voters of iLis; rrecin't at ihe'oflice of CfiBS G. Dr-. on Vedrjday. Bpiem- lr 16th, at 1 o'clock, p. m.,for the rur pote of eectif Ddejritea tJ the Uni 'County Convention. Tdra oat, all ! a r Persons cesinnr to announce ihcm?tlres as CnndiJatea for Office at the -uii j election can do so through the" for the moderate sum 3.00, cash dowu "3t Scyiha, Suaths. Forks, &c.t at Mc laughlin & Swan1.- For choice. sPry, Good and Groceries go to Hendersou'i Chicago Store. : Messrs;' Seemeo &. Ehrlich, will soon ' open a;large CjoiLiug Ejui ; Ereuin-yfr's Nw Bt icL.' - iabliihuieut ia McLaughlin , & S ahu. hnve for tale Vhoice lot of "Bacon. - ' !-(-":' ; The S ar Sure i still gamin in the s;i!.i.vj! m of ah wiio desire to buy choice , ia " V w Ch.icd DM'cd B-ef, Cheesi?, fcc, kept cn l ai d ty McLaugLi'i &, Sa. J 1 -i i n hand at with choice Ci'y Mral vt,. Fresh M-ai f ali l:u Fkfr"4 f Mil '.Manufacture d f;r :f.rJ, at his CaliafetSa. cn 21 butet, la tais cty. Capt. Cas . Bank building is about CL.:iipitt;.axii aijxs ih fi-cit front cf - - . Fver, a , - day. Mrs. .Nirrr L Zsrr. c F- ITS (j M. Z T-' There Hev. Geo. R. DU Jtl iLfc Xlrii PrtriirT- M " .. c'clxk, A. ?t. C. V. Wb'r, tiJ C:l Maker, on Mtin Etree, i . " fine bt cf IaihivLn R. - -end CufTins, Lich he ciTi r- ( - n. : a t i U'e notice a t;ewbu.l ' Front between Mftin ar : w!ik-h we learn is "Slv.t; Plow Factory. Success and enterprise. a tiieir e-nerv Se the Advertisement of Dearv & Co., in to-day's paper. Thir choice Groceries are already attracting univer wil attention, and we can warrant sat isfaction to all who give thsm their cus torn. . A Territorial ilieeting of the members cf the Christian denomination tvill le held in this Ci'y. in the ChriMHn Church, coujmenciriC Fiiday evening, Sfptember 15th, and Continuing ten days. The wet weather nas delayed the building of the t. . Juhn' Church, at Nemaha City, yet it is now good btfilding wpather, and sf it continues we hope soon to chrcaicie the completion cf this Crtcii. 1 ' : f ' . .: 5 The Ei'.tlc Rebel was not purchased fur this placff, as we fupp.ised lot wf-ek. T!,e comptny w!ia a b-;at hear, f.vil!: . Mutid, Ci y !wi;, ?4" in seac!i u! : h-n. ?M m pjt in ae at the trther Eist Th? Culvert on Main street. be- saffi. !i2!;t twifn a no bin. is now cover eu cWr'iiv -U sd.uit vf the paciae t f tf am over it. Workman are now fiilir iaou. it as rapidly as possible, and it will 6oii ii ready for all kinds of cross- Lat Sunday was one of the hottest of the season. We have heard of two cases , cf f ua etroke of person while returning from Camp-me'etingi Onei a'daughter f S. p. Majcrs.'the other, a son of C. W. Wheeler. Bjth are doin as well 'o as cculd be ,ejcpected , -, The steamers Omaha and J. H. Lacy, having on board the 60tb Wisconsin reg iment, bound for the Plains, landed at ur wharf last Tuesday raorni ng. The 'boys in blue" seemed ia e ir-lien t spirits, and will doubtless Jeav a tra.e record oa the scalps cf the 11 i ih:rf.y ava " ges cn our frontier. The reported htnjii g cf Rob't Thomp son has proven, as we supposed, a hoax. W e have reliable information that he was taken by Lis kidnappers to MaryvilleT "Nodaway connty, llo.t where, after a preliminary trial, he was bound over to ppear at Court, and in default cf bail s now in jail in that county. Will ou Governor do hit duty now, and see that the kidnappers ts wfji as kidnapped are f CLristiia CL'jrch ollirritiuas to cj r rr.sry f ihey wouU grade dowra its junction v;uu sin i the Korih siJe, tJ as to passable to teams. make it raore So.ethinT: very lika burlery happen in our City last Sunday night. About 11 o'clock cn laid night a couple cf r.oys broke into the Central'Saloon on Slain fctreet, but were detected and fled, get ing home and in bed without being caught; but were, caught afterward, and on beinj examined they confessed and dis gorged a "S10" Cocfederate Script whih the had taken from the drawer. Thia js the pettiest larceny ever ccaiiiiiaed in this City. I' See the advertisement of the North Missouri Railroad, in to-day'a paper. This road his, since the war, been tho roughly epairedv and is now in excel lent runuinT'order1. ; " All the connections it advertises, you can depend on making1, nd its advantages are great. In ffoing Hast you will find it a pleasant episode in your history n travel part cf the way on ihe Nurth Missouri Road. '... Our catena .are under obligations to ihtj Brownville Brass Band for that de-. ligl.tful tVrenade last Thursday night Far Women, Deal Crcckcdiles, Hair less' Horses, and Circus Shows have viaittd . this City within the past three month"', all nccompanied with "the best brass band in the West,' yt-t none could equal our home bend nay, not even H;ts- Ull. 1 Great Distribution vy the . v. EUREKA GIFT ASSOCIATION. 193 & 197 BROADWAY, NEW YORK ' ' Or Kcscivood Pianos, 3Ielo!cons, FivkiL Iaii. (;.", Kxv.navivos, Si!rer Wjrr. Kin r,iM uri Silver Waichej, and ELEGANT JEUELRY, comisiisoor , V a-?cs-1 Pia., rim -nd Rings. GolJ Braclt, Corl. Ft-.fw:r. it-t-nie Jet, t,ta nod Cameo La- Ct' t-ets. Pens i'h Gol nd Silfcr J sm.tiwa Ut'.dier, Sleeve Buttimj . . &xd ltin", k-c, &vC. . VAf.TEU AT I ssoo,o o o au.stifc. tns4 tviore. cwiiuin tte LV.r- ;hi.ljm-.itt iLrTtrr i-ur .5ne iirticie. will Le teiivoie! T"'aTU u I'liiu... w rer Qi t ern. 'Ot. w:r.uiic -l fr.;::i'. iue i-nrcn?er win see T'tiUi ,-tr.:i- jl ftvt. fH.i". a'ie. iilcin Or-e Zj' Tiii itxetTe ie Artie! ajmil, or on I .,.-,- .- , Tj'-.i-.'..; . i Dnt to FOH ONE DOLL AH ! "-b t a. 4 itj onul U i . kouwu whit li ht'.-e '..'! n G'lsranteed ia 8.JI Cei, IHL KiLXA GIFT ASSOCIAJION i ?s:?:i!i' u iu luetact 01 u beinj 'h Or id tiu. l.j. i"-viiAU JUor-v Ion in tk Country. Tb . - .i i. be c.ii':uctel n Iir and Uoii- r.iiiv,er. an 1 b re ml rrettly lnrresinu ra1e i, priMit ibt onr (idtT-n appreciate ttU method of obtaining ruii na eirc ml nultt UuiiuK thr j ear lUts Aiv;iliun ha sent a very large number of valaub: pntet to all parts .t the c.uti'.-y- T! ao patrui.ize us will receive iLe lui. ra:ue t-f tfjer ra ner, a- no article on our lirt is -ortb lers thau One IMlar, reUii, and there are NO BI.AKCa. Prtiedealin vith vt may depend ou having prompt raturtiB, auu itieaitrcie ciawu unl he iciLaeUidieiy eei-t t'i any rdreMi by rt aim tnaii .r exire. Tbe rol lowing liave retcuiy jrvu valuable prue from thd Karct i As ci ill n, aal bave kindly allowed the ue of ilieir name; ' - - ' ' Andrew VTiioi, Cntotii Hjue, Philadelphia , Penn. (tit Paintini:. 41W James Uargrave. C20 Br.alwny. Scwrn-k.O.I Pain iur, vaioe, ?H0; h V. Jr:e, Barret, Martha! I Co.. an?a. Melieju. value $.fJ Patntk J. Bvriie?, wa:etbury. Ct , t -id Watcb. valu1! 1X6,00 . J. V - S.Uw. H24 Kasi 24ih St. A-w Tara, riait-, value, Jo;,Oi atra. J Mi, a.nuira Jf . Y . Piuo. val uei 3'JO.I). Mi Lory Jaue wav, Ki'iiira, M Y., Cl-fVr Oiiiuoa.l Hr..K . vaMie, pxi.t-0 iirt.-K. Petu.iver Ct:y U el, N'slitlie. Teiiu. a.eiide'i, valu lSi O car Ja Alien, Co. B. iill Eee. lixt V.. I. Na-Tivwie. Tenn , Watch. va:Ce, f50, K.wiand . iauera..n, Cu. D. 10h Vet. t.lut;ti?ei. ! Paiuiii g Taiue, 1W) ; .Mr. Abury J ParR..Dt. SpringUeid J.r., Mellem, tralue, 160; Jti:?s L. t'exier, City Sa-yr. .Syrs'riiie. K. T.. Uv.!d W'jich rajoe. Ida 0 ; U. s Jaice- F:y, 19-: W Ifr Sifee'.c r b'pi-:, X. ?. , i.. Paiutin. valtje, layj'Alre. C. t ie,,an Rj'J-. Micbintu. Si'ver Ctor taioe 4jy; fr J U, fi-. 4 2ti:a Mieei t.u 1. T., f R- tl EvraJii;"vaiie S V HUa. Lu'le; i u i, M o. Q.K ou Paiui- iat;, value, lJ.OO. t : t i ; J - . s Weie wepermwitl. e n'rti .add taay' ijni- o (be abute uUi.ijiiu te. tji.a ol.if.ct. u wr-,m ('. iiiK. we tuei eot e pab.xaa uiiuei wjijja; pe'iuU- Lftteri from Virioi.l parties tbrooJioat fu8otinlry acio leuiMig ila lecbii or very. vaiuaB.j fci:s, .a a y be aceu on fi.e at our otlce. ! LIST OF ARTICLES-, , To ba 6od ior One Uli v h M'.'f'Ottf regard to v2ve, end not to'bt paidfor ii tU you know vht tfou veil! receite. lUK.taul B t' l'.lK;,, l lh mart . . - I'.V'nouM'W; 10 Me!o!ena R -f -yod Cae IW t. 2S ih) 5. Fine "il Pji.rjnci - 25 C; t uU O 2(i Fine St-tl riigrarirtfs, FiaKel 1 a OJ I --j 2ft HOMu-icBaf - - 12-o to 46.W !' Silver Kev.lriii2 Patent C!ors I6.n0 lo 4 -lX ln siiri'i F t 1 1 ai:d Cake Basei 15 l to J5 00 r S 'vr Ti K TaM P,yin 16 ol tj 3v.oo o to i5..oo : : t,..-i. ,t ,i K:iu I.nir:' G WattSieS St' vnr iVi'. H"' 2 t .! .N'etk C-iins 2 i lir- K ; (new .tvle--) 6n On Ui 2 i.uo 6 ) oo U- 85 o S5 to tj b'1 oo boo o 26.00 I .o to 6 OO 3 0 8 eu- 4 to 10 . k a...- to a 6o 4 J) i ) 8 bo 1 5 to 6,-ij 4 Oj in 8.ot ' 1 U 6 o 2.5u i to.o l.ri 18 "j S 6o to to otl 2 oo to 7.oo 8 e to So oo I.ou to 6.6a 4 no ti 6 .OO loolu 2o oo 2 f tit 1 P t i Tiotb Pn.k ' oi,a. ?il Ait.r'J.yst 1!. S lav a:i K.'ji K,iKH.Les 1 w" U nic Pl.K S ouO Fi iC (io 1 Wxtch Keys - e.M tb.lt4rerr' Alti' . , - 2 500 fet of B.wwir &"l - - -j.B-tu Knaiiii-i bieoe ifutt-wi -lw .ou i'Mtii a? Ct-a-fd t n;s - 6,uo itn fctt ji4 &ii aiifc . . ,oxo LketM, all nir lo.i'o' ai id;e' JerVy 4,km Watch Cbarui (cacii). -' old Pens. Silver fx. Ca'fs f ,ooaent'a Bifaf aLdharl Pius 4 rk LaJ.eV Iw Siyie Brit B 'il't 4 o-t t- 6 ai S voo batailue an I Gunrd Cliaaa 1 ,oM)t;iki Tbmble - -1 ooo t-et Luiie' Jet and Gold 6 v to J- o fj.v ttf 7 6v lo.tx'f t 3 i.oo I 5oto fl.oo 3 OO e oo l 16 oo 1 bo to fc OO 2.ooto S&jj lo.oxi Gold Crrse ooo Oval Bafcd Brace! eta -4. ooo Cbaed araceieta 3 ooo Ball, all Colon . 6 ooo Fine GoM Pena Z ow Kew style Jrt A G ld Krlrrt S oo to 7.oo Sooo Gvld Pen tti ti, Mounted - bouy Itolder - ' " loe l 6i t2TA clmnce Incttaln nr.y cf tlie aboic Articiev for One Hol lar by purczritiugasc:af cd Envel ope f or 2 civ !5PiTe Seaiei Envelopes Will sent for$loo; ie f.rSoo; ty ttr 6 oo j Sixty-fiTe for lo.oo Oue UuMred for tl5.ovt. . Agents Wanted Ever j here. Our ;-h.-'Vjs ate de-ired to seed L'ttiisJ Slates EiAC-jr Len it !s coaTenieat, Ixvag ietUrs are ;rrn, cessary. Letters should be ailrsi to oor kivx i?05, rt 03se T r prattr safely. Ordr for EALED EVELOPL.S most ia er ery le aeri the CiFH, with tie person fendirf . and Town.CctiBtj and late plain ly written. Letters thonld be ddresaed to the Managers 3 fl'n s : goodwizi, irrjrjT & co., Box 5700 Post Orfi.-e, New Yotlr iLIERICAlI HOTJGS r.D. r.onno, fnopr.n:TOR, Fnt S:rf"i, between Maio'nn'l Vater, UUOVVNViME, NCuA'.sKA ?3 ! the nieii.1 . r: would be und City Fathers 4ih ttrett at o r GEOCERIES . just received by s J. BERRY &J30., JULY STREET, 1 . . Slaving laid in our present stock at re- . i . '' ' daced:pricesfor Casb jy are enabled i ...... .1 to defy competition in ihda way of selling the articles in the market- . , '; ; : ' :t i- - ! f :J f CHEAP iF.OIl CASH. ' Out Stock cf . - Is the most complete e'ver effered in this market, and has been selectedr-with an eye to economy, ' durability and the de- - '- - - v i ) Vt..i ' ' I mands of this community. t . r -. 'i Our. Supply . of " Comprises a general assorunent 6E, every thing and the best of everything.-- Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, if you want lo get the bene- fit of. the best of goods at . low rates. No trouble to show joods. 9-23-yly; J. BERRY & CO. THOS. CCEENSHAW, MANL'FaOTrKSR DEALER' or ' SADDLERY ..i.i Ktxns cf r - iURXEs?, vnm, spurs, lasiies, Nain Street, Ocposrte Ware's Bank. NEBRASKA . CITY, NEBRASKA. ST. LOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. From, WUtion.' AJcertiiiuy A !, 97 Chciuut St. Hastings, W i&erson & Cor ; .No S Main Street, H'hoiehl- Ilrarlers in - KOTIO N'S. furnishikgIoods, ' Hire Jtt all tims the most com plete and drsir.ible stock of LA DiK'S DUESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS.UIBBOFS, DRESS TRIM .MINGS, GLOVES, HOSIERY and every variety of GEflTS FURfilUHiNO GOODS,. - to be found in any bouse in the west, . Piiices; Gu.r.r.A7EED .is low as -ihy ether house c.-in airotd. . kQt h-ders c refully and jrompt ly' filled. . . HastiogS) 'Wilksrson &Co. NO. 85 NORTH MATN ST. 3ji-fiirriel Ijadies ! prof; vox ' nT- er-Sail- 'tot which they anN 'WABBANTBD 'la erary iauoio. They ax Tdial)y rexmmended to 'all Xjdiea who, f rem aiokneae or 'other eauacn, are unable to undergo ' tha ierlls of aocouchnt. Tlua remedy la DIAMOND DROPS!, ITot an Abortive, but slsly .PREVEKTltE. . and la sot In the least itijv- . rloua to the meat delict e . eonatitmioua. Every; . bOiUa "Warranted. . iiDT T BT IT. tT Sec6 ed Stamp for Clrcrtlar. ot 1120 for the JLcmw'y. toCB. K02TB0B ft CO . General Agenta, P O Trirer 6561, Ciiaaso. lUlnola; OClce 153 South, Clark Street. For sale at Wholes tn Chicago ty I BtrR-HAU3 & VAN SCBAACK. rULUTB, FINCS ft rcxLza. iaud tt bauxh chas. e. bauth SUITS SWT SB, and U. ECOT1LI " i 0 TO DH. BIGHLOVI A5T) yOT ETjrFElt tliat horrth1 !Lwae to laMni its pot-xwoua faro into your tiriu. fin-trunnf ypMt tact aca i;y, tatuurw i-t. . trovina; vni futor baj tiaet acd viCcecta n life. "Hetasitata IlH-VJLTE DIfSEASES his STctd etudr for twentr year and ia tiiiTefitr in proper peraoc htrai all afcicu-d loaid eimu";t. Ilia Muical otSce U o. 1T 1 -.nh Cbu atrcet. Chlcazo. liiola. where ; ' Hi Doctor tnay te coiumlted in perwa rrent ? a. X. WJtil 8 p. . a VjmmwuaUiO0 CjuKufntiOi. Booms setnat-. UT" seed red atamp for tny - Journal , I HHBilil paijCahed qocUJ' and seat to acy addraaa. - J. A. HE WES. ; ATTORKEY AT LAW AND Solicitor in Chdncery. LAND AS!) tULECi:;a AGEhTS. i a. It" 1 ir .1 FOR MARCH.vAPPJL, MAY, SI AT THE OLD STAKD OF . C00I07, j?aro-rrcll Oo. v . . y '.fm Sir to tbe.tra ! s" 0$ . ; ; , y Illinoj, Wisconiin, - Iadian(if Minnesota,. ': -Xilichian,- ' . Kmas, ; owa, It E B R A S II ) J.i 1 II.. A The most Attractive and Largest Stock bi4 1 Dry Gootls, K"ciioiis- SAtE WEST OF NEW TOIl,' :: ' ' . ? ' At prices as low u ibe sam qct'aues ara cold by the r eYork, Boston or Plillaaclpiilhv - ' ' - ' ! ' Y Oxtr Stock wltl aib'rircetn part ' - ' - . . Ilrown and RIeacIaCit Sliectings anil ShlrtJiB?, Drills Denims, Whirling Stripe, Corset Jean, Cu 1Kb i-ics, Tic.iin?, I lanucI', Apron Ciieclis, T.vccds, r. Cassimersv. Ji'i:oj s iSatiuct.' Jeans, CoUonmlc., A'sc Cloths. Ca?!me-e5, LdiiiC"afcWaa,!iil v. Wcoiens auitabie ior Ilea's Wear. PRINTS .Merrimack, Coohe jt , bpre u.c'3 Ihl-ariersf t American L.owe ' ' ' Bander's' T Xii -htaond'a-' : Aliea'a Jj: vrronce'3 Arnold' . , od 4 utber vreU-tnown V; audj our stock or LADIE'S" DRESS GOODS TTitrcotiiprise all the rtove.lies of tie Season., ct OCR tocu in TI1E : : .. - HOTION DEPARTMENT' Will he found full and complete, . CxOar Store, (iwred by tho urai. aud no rf.rto, pay.) beitp newly fined up. fives u? Saiesri-oor 60x42.' tert. th larpe-' west of the fea board, affjrdinj' Os nnqua!!ed lar.ilitios for Fhrin (i rii. , '' Or e of iur flrni res.din in No York, (having to expert ei.tivj a-istants) and buylujt for C ASH, enables j-to .0e: our custouieia nw GooJi at tue i ' . Xiowcst Casli. IPi-iccra. Ttrif r- - ---v,?- '; WOKpecLfnU larite ilercliU,,. fUitiuj Ctic.v to p .tuiiue our jmci. . J3"l'iU;;o!r attention giTea to fllliag order. JohnV. Farowcl! &. Cc; CHICAGO, IlaL; T9-tB.a.m Jt.a s. Jaw mh IflriuM IN RLiisrEy & CO., Have ju(itTec'eivi3 amrwT!! seirv" c SAP'.rou,OA:sH,.-: . -iiiesjjowinj: o. t uriicics tp tneir line. X .'lv ax3 aa STB'ff a SY. Woolen ". it', Hals at.i Caps, and hot-f, Ac. . Choice Cutf.-e.Pa tf.Tea. Mulaer, S) rup. 4Bl Lr'ed Fruit, a;.d"-ei erytLiisg tuat iake rp a com plete Gr-K-ery outfit. HARDVABE AND CUTLERY. Che P.rtrt and Tnbis jt'atlciy. 2fai's, Farnj r, J Queensware, Glassware, Wooden "Wtire Stone tVare,Sic.,&c, ic. A lot. of X" , stent IRON CORN SHELLERS fti -h doen its woik cUnn-.ld. t tho 153 butTic U n cT iy nni is tLe sTnr'.v''!a rate of j or ever I ui;do, tir a I! in-ri , tuo wear tear Etd repairs cau am-itn: n verr hula, --.. v; . . M.y l";h, IS-J5. ' " 5 2-5ra 11 . -.Ma: S'Ci 2 iooBS below posT:of ricr,' ,MAIS ST., BltOTFrilalai:,' SEUIl.iSKA. Where a choice sflectioa-cf Ithe fol lowing article can aUvay befouiid,' CHEAP FOH CASH!!! Fine Dress Goods Bjlinoral Skirls .Hopryand Hoop.Slriris 1 Lait-st Style J.atii"3 Drea And faocy goods - f Gepis Collars and Neck Ties Gent & Boys summer Hats Larfje Stock Notions Pap Wicdow Shades t Htnvy Stock of Riots &, Shoes r ' -.-j, ' Large Stock" of Groceries J 'S Sbgar Teas aod CotTe - - Dried Apples and Syrup Jloldsse - Raisins aod Copfectionaries ' " Choice Smoking and Chevvii Toblcco Spice and Buttled Pickles . Sop Candles find Mackerel s. Table Salt crackers. s'f.d Cheese Cash paid for Farm Produce. G If I HEnDERSQN, I ny 25th. C5. 9-C5 ly rdnn. M i ,i tot- C i , i Ct itm. J - Having tea f .r a l.n tre -sa?M ia a rcaet business, an J tbiisled oor.repstaua 'or promDt De end reliaUtli'y. and pn?eMng yreat faci:itie for aeiiir Jeriiy In this wi-y, we are coyest M tt t e ca gio tartifictioa to ail ho feel d:."pfrod to patra- Ue ui SCO.C'JO TForth oriYatcriQv,Dia- Dios'l I'ins. C2ialn9. iUcii. . All to tuld tor : ONE DOLLAR EACH! TTitr-oat restre toYiioi! Kot. ti tepaldror cstlJ 7tt kaiw wcat yea ara to rc"ei t Srlsadid lector Articles!!! A!l to bo Sold f r One CoUir Earh .1 ! I 175 TTatct ('Qirid.-'oiriely engraved. ".i warrn:?'! rrpact Hue kesoer.) Viry- t-cla )iri(- from $20 to t209acb 25 Lt'llcs' watclies. soTid Gold uao- !rj:Ca?es 5 3 each ?5o Geatletnn'ji SilTer Watcbe, 5 to 1 15 ewt C 4)i Latest tyl8 Vet ar.4 !ec". Ctain?, 4 C-j to S,j f acS E6 j Gents' California Di.iai)Tnl pjna, 2 u lo '.5 fatb ooo Callrornta lii.iturnU Ear Drops, 4 oo in 16 Bach ooo Hunntcre and eiuaeMcd EjvoIt- ' ltirPins, 6 co to 22 each 2oc5 CaiaforDia Piatnond ar.tlSaamslled - -i t Cent's arf-PiB, ewnylcsv ; ft o to 16 esct ?doo S 4sonic and tnbiera fins, 8 oo lo lo cii 2wO Gj.-i Eand BraceleU, enjrave-i and plain I oo to ?o Hch Sooo Votalc and Jet Brooches S oo to To tu b 2.oo Came R "octet rkQ VMUteros, ..e t co to q acb Voo Tt-rem'ine and Lava Tins tie real ' srtkl9 - " 4oUleacli 35oo Tvaani Florentine Ear Drops"- - Jooloeacb f . Curat Ear Drops,' ' i. . 4oto ( each ?uc r.aieVOftatelairC bales Jet 8c. got 1 16 oo U2oyct Aooo Ge tit' Pins, a Fplenlxl aasortaiant 2 oo to 16 tacb tooo Soatair Meee Batfs, . 8 co lo 6 each Jo Stu in and SUeTe-EuttoBs, la seis, ' .' very rirh " lOolOlSfcach txo Seeve Bnttcns plmln, namene4 .-: ' s -"J er,f i vai .-,, 2 co to S each locoa r.intit!tffldemelyerc.n'Bits S 6,1 to loeaci boo Sprir Lockets, dii: ficbly - enrive .-... J . ; . 2 oo to 1 1 escb tfaoa Ladis-' Jewelry.'tcw and " lu'.er Myies' ' Cootol2ea Sc?o Co'' P;r and haiasone Sliver '' Ca?- i 6 oo to lop;-!) Tt!s emire list of l-.eaaCllaT va tjlirt's C 'a win be o!d, for One DotUr earli. Cerinica.i of aM the atava articles win to sirred. In envelopes,. an sea. .- These envelopes wUJ be aem by isaiI, a or ilered. without regard to ch- Ioe. On recelvira: a Cer U3cteyou will t e"-!)it arcieyoTT-are'to-fcaTe. and kteB i J optional xi 1j send otifrdvllkr and re c?ietle b rtlc le or at.' t i i . . ., . . Ofrtiflc.Htes cn be odered for at; Kleven for $2; Thirty tte for $5 J Slxir-fie 1 r $10 aa l Oue hun dred fwr (in; h will eead a ainjie Ceruricate oa the receipt ul 25 ccuts. . . - a n -Howiurr. co. tP-Ti270 - ' 35 Eeetiaaa Stteet, K T. 9-21-2m A. & Co. f ' DR. J. A. HARVEY, THE REXOWED Magnetic & .Clairvoyant, 99 IVusnbTh i'd5lh Sis. ST. aLOriS, MO. rrosT OFricK box soss.) i T!t J"irrfdtid-1 G:ftt riarfTOfanfc Sijht po-sesi-eJ bv i.ljiaKi.iidirr.i! f ernn, to'sucii an i5CuBish iDR desre, c-"'li viuce t'e" trtoit skeptical of the L'n liTitted Power be has In casa renrdi;it IIKl". A." HHiJL''l"H By he aristauce of kbh F.'TTor'lie i enabled to perceive loe Caue aid Condi tion, and ia endowed wiib the capacity to heal AWL' D lS-Z'A'S i: s, :: mm Tt's fact !rie Doctor has deoaonsirated in thonnd 2f-caFe lybaaif? pWi ts ir the wortJUiilurlta' tbe- laAl lwe!- year. l"be foMowiac diseases in their most ohsMnstf -vrtaM nnder bi MucricTotich, to-it; ' C0NSUMPTIVft-n4 la Jr-ju; cn to six week; PAI'AIiYald and all diseases ifcfl Kcrvoas System iaciiiJ.n? EPiliEFBl' Y FITS tn from one to J.bree-davj Daj.e.-t cf tbe LIVirR-la"iyAlMr!4 KIDNEYS Ufrord or id iea-xtrJ.-'AtlJlJ:!e--ot the blood,' such s Uryaljelas, . Fever iioies, tc., aur i severity ol th tlieateu .? '' ( .) i int; to tie P E M ALE t D I S 23 A S E S ;- T.eatedty KQfr Lletiod, '& speedy and tie tn-st li.x?py reaulls. .' . '.. ,' , ' . the D.cK.r's Km arc crow?'! I.illy ty rerson' pronuuuceJ incurable by rhe Wtj'.u" .Vesical Faculty, and iv ha!d rtesuair of relief "until after fceiD exatui&M tv the D ciui 's Clairrorvtl Sye , wiiLous akiiat quesu.Di. be " 'eils tie !ai!e. L-citi.ia aud CVjUtiu o noy and all Uiseses( and whetber tiecan lr juiise relief. Per-n on the Vfrge of the grave aud stub a h4v'C iol walked for yejr. se mi iiviu to itify to tl-e Uoctut's Wonderf nl Skill aid Saoces . Tl I'.ict ir av(f rttsO' not hit"? but Jiat h .i the aliii'.y ti periorm, nii Tvill eive tB muft Complete tatif:ac;K n t all who cate' ender h:s ti eatiatit.; 1 ' w'u.i ennaot ronu?t the Poctir lu ppTon, can be cs iroinH atid prc-crlbei for ty se'iditiir y letter a i.'iii'est tt ort't ,r tteir cases. References to Cure- j. nf Tincd, crjtei fn' iy mad?. ASTflMA, berptoff-re considerei an Incurable Hl.-r.t-- is treatel with perfpct shcicms in every in t t'ue y the Decuir'a new ly riincoverivi method Ad Csset of CAIVCUlioi no inatier how lone tanJiDe. remflved in iram tttelveH'tafBty-fourb'tirii vithwiit lnsirtimeat or pain, by at process revealed to the 1'ortnr wl iie in tbe Clairvoyant slate, vrhich U kii to do other person )f lug. u3-ly ! GRE1T IMl'IlOViniOT SEWING MACHINES. EMPIRE SHUTTLE. MACKiNE!!! Patented February 14th, 1S60. sZLesr o o iisi-jjin qHdjyJy, .v. Y. 25-2 IVjISHLYG TOjY, Sf. B OSTOJ "THIS MACHINE js constructed on entirety new jrin i. 'e? ofeclAiiu p'S?V;? in my rare and vaiualie"'bdv,.'ic.b :u txrituiuod by the rt!. st pr- ft.rtnd rxptrt.. ard ttn.mun.'ed to be Smpiicity and Perfection Ccxntinea. It has a ftrsi?hi neidle. rrpendicu 'ar netio1'. m,kf thvLOLKor SHl'llLK STITCH, wl.i.-h I her. HI l or UAVFX,nicV ts j-jn itu ?'i ;"pc?ro- ju"ptrfi.Vt sttriii g Cn erury dv'tc: i t:o n of mueri!, t'rotu. Le-j.therto the fini.?t 'an.-ook iu.Iii, nrM n-H-ntj tirW o silk thre nl, from the poorest lo tb? fi-jo.'t nutibor. i ; H.iviOir.cither CAM lwr CQfJ. WUEFL, sni tl.. le-rp-.stibi'j fristijn, ii tuna ats smooth as glass. an-1 ii ... EmjtatiPCllr & ITciseleps Machine. It. r. rr.s Uri'Y r'Kti CENT le.-s jM.wer te drive itijan any other M.tvi:ia: io th? Lurkot. A pir! treive tf Mecuit Work it 3U4i?y,wIili out fatiuti ir injury t health. Its trenfa nnu Wonderful Fltaj.Iici'y of eon stiut'tiin r'.nd-rs i. 'ittiLs trn vi.srible t- iret out of order, and ii (iC AUAXTlii ty tua celibacy tu give t tn ire atilV:i.a. Verefpt;: tiuly innt. all those vlo may d:s!. to aupply therfjitura wtth a safrior a: tide,- t. COieSnd exuiitie this UnrirulSci ifacbine. . L'a" a more c;ptvial : maoucr do to solicll tLv put c .f .' t ' , - ?Teir!vtnt Tailors,' O.jicli takers. 1 ; Corset Tastersi Gaiter Fjtti-ra, ioebinclT"',;. i - .Vest end Pirilelioa XttkriaL w . oi.ll t 2iaUUfjtC i ' i ers. . I Dress Maii.'s, Ritijious and a ' We ItitHt.'oni mil ba lilt 't.-.i. dealt rfA., ' S'ricei of iIach!ne Comnieie: C"o:i. Tit's ily .Mct5iae,witMien:n9r, teKer " 'aMT-faider; - t . , gfio Ko. , cjs11 ildnufactari52, with Eitensica TabitSr,. jr."t, 75 JTo. 3, ..aur 'laruiflarirx.-iih Estcnsioo Tb:e ftj 5o. 4, Ljro Xlf aafactarir-, for Leather, with Kt-lliog Foot and Oil Cup ICO J ! One half luf t't imtrttetinn fTdiut tn rmnlJe an pa te ta saorj; tli'iljcAi'i to ticirtntirt wa Agents Wanted for all towns in the United States, wheea Ag-ta'ar rot iraaJyi u!.ii-trd. Also for Cuba. Mexico, Central aod Sooth America, to whom a liberal diaaount will be gifon. Terms irjTariab'y Cajh on delivory. m T II - .l r j-t t nzAiiuur a, to., , 1 - - - 5:6 Hroadway, .New York A. A Co. 52 Washington, St.,Bjsto;i. 70 G bostnu St., Phila.: , CEO. FBANZ. Agent, '102 (, 4tii, St. Loais, Ma. - VFtb.65.. ly 'l:v , . ' ' ADMIKI3TRAT0RS NOTICE. All persons having ela:33 aa.insi tho Estate of Jamej O-TDun, deeeaJsd are hereby notified thar thT ara rf Quired b an order of the Probate Cocrt of Nemba Territnrr. to !e their r'alas in "aid Court cn cr h?for Ihe 12th day of t,3tember.. I) A&iS tea .c'clo-k A. ii., when ar.d where said clu:u: wiil be eiAinied, and ad jned. If sach cl.iita are net- so fi.ed on or .be-f.'.reh-' 1J:4 dy of December 1355, they will be fc ;a?er barred. - t 4 j:EFHHIM r.EFD, AdaicittaUr. Jt3 Ith U pi. "TT? 0"'T!' A. .CONSTABLE, ST. JOSEPH. itO. Ha -V Ii A N t AN L rO?. bA Lfi A LAzW? V. i AND Vv FLL' SrJJECTEn STOl"wCF ; . , IRON, STEEL. Heavy Hardware. r!OKr!' N.Aft.S, NAlIj-ROTii3, noni: axd mtlk shoes, axtiu, SIT.I,S5., Dr.LLOVVS, . AXELS, VICES. TiHMIiT.E KEIXS CIIALNS, WAGON U)XF., SCPvEV' l'LATS : Lt'LSTEJi FLATI.S. FILES, BASi'S, V.'KKXCnZS, SLEDGE HAMMERS, HAND lUMMERSs SHOEINi HAMMERS. PINCH EK3, KUTS. IlAHROW THE li?, WKLL Vk rrFtl..S,iC..O..C, I A M ENABLED TJJ SELL TO THE TRAD2 AT PRICES TB DEFY COMPETITION. CONSTABLE'S I20N AND S HEEL WAUEIIOFSF highest hAicb paid foh wkolo ' ; ' i: , ;. . St'KAP IKOX AT , Send in Your Scrap Iron.J? l?ATlNO LAllJ.IN A LAHOK TOCl( I TUS -ABOVE .OflOU S5, - 'i' FACTORIES. . . --15 FATrvSAiniU C -LE S . .r i ALSO aeSTT a- THK ALS Ot vT7AbO-V LOH.- s;lAF'l. i0LE axb.1, nor;.vi)s. ass Hamuli kkoom handles, '-PLOW l. NLIJS. Ac. Ii''" CO K f R I 91 Xfl , f , WOODWORKS! THE ONLY SURE THING. t :; PnoxoGRAPH . rS' 'V Lj; ; i '-, vWilflAN- - '. : r . V . -. - . ; ' 1 -! -i I " , ' A the nstne So4icnte, it net only RENEWS vl . 'iw h of the hair when thin and failing tfl , bat l KENEW .THE COLO It to its oripr. tj e, when it turting grey or white whethi td ' hy .ii3ase, grief or cid ago. 'w Will ccrta'iDly uo what i5 clatiued for It, a fie hich hnr.drclj'. T.r.y, thou?a: ds nho Lave t3.e , re raJy ar.'l wi'Iitg tu fcjtlfy. Whto ono bjt ; jj.' if fili'v u.-' Jin rtuv c' mtu ij1..; fepautl. . 'i re-.d liVe :.r;:a crv. nrd xstto b;jt adrertr (uelii aca ii.C(.u.l4.'L: .ttl- r. we -ire". In tbe V.dr era .ciate?.vl"-te ii.- t is mett Lv all T"jurif Lit i!i s n ire.-Ir.s, atj ja , tbe fauadori tVoitctii to n' Yut .Men, (ftlsoa tteir bnttcrr-;) tt tie Older liCa atiiHtran wi: K .... . . ." .aF ot. De v,jii-.'jut ;:, . a rncr an retriiv i- c"'r arid ostorativ iiir arre'V loe a ao.l tn'.d haais. which it ch; h:a:!?e .-. We are aeliins laih'a city of 'Tinston nlf no, oj. Warii of 1 r.f)TJTS botl'cs rc-r "tnonrh ,lhe dsa'ers giv ing the LLNEWEIi tho preference o7er all ot&c UJir Preparation.. " 1 If not 1J i-y Druits In your town, a Tria Vottte wilt best nt tou bv Express, npon receipt i one dollar by ratil thu giving you aa orportanit; ati-Di'e fiir tc! ir;r it exoelK-ut rirtufl. J2fOHrr Trial Dottles, must be aJL'fsvit our fi.i ral Agn, ( fur the Scr:lw,?i-rr! Stales, C A. COOIC.l?. x 1-J21, Chicajzo, 111. Ail such order wiii rtceive prm t att"nti in. Ii. P. HALL & CO., Proprietory A-;hu. N. IT. The trtde PapplieJ at 'innfacturers Prices b; FULI.EH, FINCtl A FCLLLU, Whclei Je Oru5 '.IsCaicag-., Iliiooi. ROOFING It Rolls eady to nail Jowa. HOOFING Costing less than balfas mlch as Tin. ' ROOFING ! Uore durable thaa Tin. "ROOFING 'ROOFING T Tct injur ed ty hist or soil S ROOFING Easily aad rapidly applied.- The mwt of th! ratisrii's emprjeJ in thi eon sttutfi n f this Uoi-ttjr. beve Irvn mtd in vari iO. t!Tjr3 fur r. uCr.s p:rp'!es for orisr f:cen year and cir rj-trntr of combining thtin iuto ote firit in:jrri.njab!., u'T rra ft.-;:. s-aroi by I'ton:. in'-rf.isfS their durability. wh'Ie at the same tint b-iri manufactured by m( l.'nrry ou a lr;escak. i'u r;trl i Ii? (''ir Lot fiti i ndopttd t. bu'!Ji!i f all rt-.crfpri!.r.. ?n l in rPel'matCf tnd ean t sf p;ied lo steep or 5 it; old or na ii nd ty oidn.r.ry workmen n.t i IriSng "Ti-ense. Pir ui.if.irmity of qaat'y,. fo-Vi"tene. of fn:sh rjoilitv of i ilicatitin. eb pao-s an-l d'irabiiity. we lav i s a Uurja turn X,IQUir) CEMENT. . r Trr Leay Tin aet't Irrn Uoofs. Mo-h cheaper aii mora durable ihan oil pa'o? aa it f..rrn a rr.uh heiivicr bdy and will lo t.cracl rua r aka .tOMrnUXD 'CE3IENT. For Leahy Shing'o nof,ChTtii!;ys aud Skylight A uri rtraOvly thai will often are the Curt of BW f(lrtf . , ... " Spt)1? of Tv.xsj aod Circular? sent by aaii Up40 ; !i-u!riri. "'' ' . Favorable tertr.s made with rcpoEinl partie? who lily o sell i'n. '- , ,. ,ju:ady rooting co;,;v"! ,? . 73 JU ID EX. LA-YEW. Y. MM -DBCO-STOB. ! V JOHN PATTEUSON, ' ' "'PEALER IV ' IE IE lilt pehu, ?;znAHA coitsxy.'seis. HAS jest reeaircd a large ard well selected Stoca DRUGS. MEDICINES, PAINTS. OILS. VARNISH. DYE STUFF, BRUSHES. ' SPONGES. FANCY-AND TOILET ARTICLES, And eTery'fcin? eorcratrly kepi h a first Class Drug 5inre Co'touie'j will 5 td his strmfc C'..ra;'eto, which ae cf'-r fr CA?H at the ery !awet r3tr-et t ri?e rbvs:iir. Preicnrtics Cortrorded wjih tht ntnjo-teere at al! hours. 3:ar?a20tV,13CJ. ; T?-r.?m PICK ZLS by the dr-?es or barrtT, l a aaj-ri r itv craauaiiy on ban t At iIrI4rcnLui i. Swas.s. 7 p "A 1 - - ..- . ' . . . ' '4 f . i." v " ,i Ai '..U. chiao Artj A. eut ..' uMh j-.., J. ..... . j . t , . . -'"'''' ;.". : . Th- Is p. f !,,;1--?i . .::e ! ruL u. t!,iiawi'.,iaiil.-i-' t-tL-.U & h-; n b:a ti.. - - , T"L'- rvui.-o J it.JtrnrT. i. -prul jvfx;! xr,f ift fj.i. i d,tj;iaa . ' ':? T J'o chac j la tewing f.-ia W' al K'"-' tj 4r.c"""r.- ' . A 1 tio T-.':rf firt to i.. or vi. , 0r New il.aufjet'iry i n tt t.: with aOl :U cia-.-biaefy sad f vo!a en: ri y new, arJIs alrtajy aj.i dl lar.-.ip rot Mahiuej, whi:h j'rtiaaf i letfvti'ii f tij'..-h arei.-.r ar;jj-.d cj asy ttaiw' "rtCtcre ia th w:-M. t eao larrfaroed Ddir'-uj rvf xr.ic i. Afettj wanted Saci-wu'.i j t,vt cjjVft.'J by tiar tra Airor.tJ. '. 2o. -T-y. TO C0!YSFriI-T2Ta". TITI3 Atirt it.? r 11:7 teea r.ot'.r-dt: laita in a fiw w.i,by a Tory i tov I remedy, af er fcsvii.-taffrf?ilrfsrerl je.ri oreralaiif .ffctK . laaxUrtad dLea?e, Cwu.mapuoo ia oiicu.- t-ie a.o ktiwQ tt hi it!- wHut:rts th nsit:"4 etr. -. To a1 who d'ir; If'.h aod c.-pof t! frs T.pii-.i. ttcJ (fr.t .T-f c.k ; r.-,, M v. d rctncl ' T f rf reriCjrini U-''r.j ti; T ..: h t:-y wi'I id .-da. rrjKiiioi: t-Xu.iii i iXTH-- K. HI .u.vf rtilS.-Ac.f v7i. . t-iiy -jai f lhaj ' tviiir ii' set.uiti ' r h y'rtrv' to beaeft e uiJi-'tiA. fn f iS Wfiji,.' TtTz'j h Cua . ' : V y ' ' ."' ;tt!, 1 .'.rrr auffereT iTi try i-.uVi;,.'dj.a4it vi"l i'.iT " u'wthi ; j. aal -- ' ' K . KU . AT., .A , v ii.rj'u., Hil;.la.-bMi.vKir,'-C.i w Vary. iEO.'X'mUNCElGOS P A TENT .9 VarJctlas". witli P?tmt Baaso TJStlto c XliOOL OilGAD HELODLOXS, .0:' ..1'J."." ."?' ? .Vc CJiprfifor. Ecxhg-r Shippirg. ' 'I i i ' '"' cr - t ;.. '- AV1 TjI. U S T It A if. n - C AT AT.C i I C2, e. ill ih,.ii V'."t"willv Iin ITIU,WJII if iuu', ruPif; t it u-ig juj, u Jo anterior xc4 -.jice m'w.- -U :j itt: !:: i ii ess. " - - . it lna-ui Cja. aru tetsiavals f aay 'i:i!i:t r. s if i ic ? eifi . -Tiic li:T03i!ificf VtiaciiK's. '".In pvftajt sfftti XVcitatlc. Qtfnv'H'.l'T aa .I'iiice 'be irrnilct tf:jiT!,tt n eiu-ical ih-trumenta tie Usi tft; r,s' Mf "ts-f. tte fienca ttt4 Oerta bsre. rtn'if,ct:;re4ted'lustri:nania ; Mth oVaW-A te'.-'y jJ .a :rj p-rlij -t.-r la est t ' Ve.dt, fcnt fce 'wA:.t ' t ' hiTl wr Kxhitaatloj ellwii, (abicli Is tr.e rlv't cratnerrr '.'.ititt. 'tent-) Bian tt istf c Viti. w re tua lelivw, Ttcb an 1 tnairjl tm luf w3;'a est lustra. -eots ar rt ebraioj. ? , - anort-er i r'jettlon to ll.i rtftho of Htrttmi . bat, W"t tew tecfr mm; iet, wt opi ort wis of eieJ Icr ire nisuait m-' . n ,tre er a, Ui.'ntta ,asVto;ar. 4nitiuiuei ia construe t ca tij Kara jtan pian ot "vljubie bi t-t," have t.rt n.aaitt :v uei in tUia com.iry, aud tu ci4tue.i.ef ti . t.iSealtj at of a ',.) a irv-r Ua iu puj.x't-a .'uu tti .eatrecf :Uo ly-iiruuirut. t-i "i up-n tt nue.l.auj IHratelty tue kwn Tbe lip?(!vCiue.i: acJ contr i..o ni-et'ar- l e't't toi ut.'et are .;i aieeaOia aa JKh i a Krt,uiiii.'. but i j a la; na oi id appeolave IMIi'aro H.j.mele. Our Aat.uijtic itvi.e owiv..e.. ihU uHy entire y. tne SiUit-e vi vf l'Uw.n.r witi' Lt-reir lj forca .iviu; tue UeireU iLciea.e a. i'm ce i tie voIuoj t tone. . . . Kor tTen!ecn rtrs e snerlar e.rrell?ortof osr ipioUeon b-it ,en 'i-o'K rJ. ?rKl l r iiera aitte enriiiias ieu.ii.'i bf iajJ it ituvsait-ia lor :o liitet tirr of ier; l"f.r-,, 'y. w i (, t.(.r i'.cfeil jnUt'e-, we teI SMimel ui s'iiig -tr tJoiii Uat Ifcrir ur't-r.-. Ten r ije .., k.f.'.y ail, atij tv.icit a uttmauceoi tutlr patr.irls. ' hlu. A. PEIXCIitCO. . at . - CGUiJ-on to lnrchascri. A!! car li!tf tvieir tivecp- n ire uai:i b. rl. la mil. "GEO A. PK'.NCK S. CO." Wi.en .-.' iep eeo'.iany ether inur nTf.fnts i. "tbe am nira." it i .iM.ii : it a, n?r 3 a.!:. it tv se.5 a iuieri. r ibu a anut. u vt ticn a .ke a I irje pr iUt. - P. -A i?leral OiMHii n i toCUarcas, Ciergyniea mJ School,. . Ad. ite a. UV A. PftlXCE, A. CO ,53 Wl .htr.stcn St, Or, . trK, 111. GZO. A. r'E.ISCE A CO . BufT-.j, ii T. 3f sy Is JJCS. "9 J1"" J2ammiothii Stock. 3F NEW AND WELL SELECTED ajar . 1 i ..1.4- k. .... w 0 :, Jut njciitl at ' ' t ....... .crsssjjvr?, DRY GOODS AND GKOCERI SiOULV .V. W. Cor.Vin and First Sired t. Latet Styli Ladi5 Dress nnd Fancy Dress IjC'ds. bimimtT Shawls, - Dry Goals. Grccerica, ' hats, i" pa, ; Doots. , Sho, Iron, Nai!, FlJr, Bacon. Quppnswnre, Hardware, Fum ture. Sash, Dot)re., W intiow (jlasa, .Which he will sell CHEAP FOK CASH: Cll and examine bis s'.ocH lrfj par cti-htss: alsa- baia. m e EIOLII PLOWS, Oa laud asd to arriraat D. A. CONSTABLE'S Iron aad GLeel V7c:rchcii53, ' ' ' '"23 arJ Thirl Street, ST JOSEPH,MO Fea4i 6-tf., SJ "v7. CSra &1IV 1A F1.0URIJXQ 4 ji M . 7ILLV.4) crjUj'iT on fcir.d na 83ortmen af 0 wav Bar p - pawBn TT- - t-' ',"r'' Oa Mil ii 1 '11; Jili k) i And sll r'Ler a.-ticTr cic"y Ve-i la a tnv-l3 Merchant FOv? PiawaelUc, ala.-wi. '., , y.