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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1865)
6V t'; el !aI JOHN L COLHAPP.EDITOIt. t: : w if t3 ?. i a! . . . i4 l; , er;oVV7IiLE THURSDAY, AUO. 31 1SC5 County Uafen Convention. ' pf Delegates from he srernl PrCnc's of Nemaha Coontyy Nebraska, will be - .held in Brotvnville, on Saturday, the 16th . day of September next, for the purpose of noiui t fiiiong candidates for . tha, vari- - cus pfieej to be filled ai . ihe . ensuing election. - The Uniot) -Voters, of 'the several Pre. cincts are requested to meet at their re- "'ipecilre places of TOtiogr. ou.ytdnesday the 13th day of September-next, and elect Delegates, lo the said County Con The number -oiDflfgare 10 vvhich-'hel r'r variour.'r IVfcirjetsjejxil.,lls 4il'n ,c:CotyiH-pDtkatare :as f jLiuvva , Brewcv&e.tsM . v.-f C -. '- ij .:a; , ;ira - loru, o. j " a- re ? r ; I Q, , 7t curia., ...... .7 .i . .-'. 4. 'T i . ' . . m " - ineo ivx'k,-- , ,.3. ; Lafayette, .... .... .... j.i asniBgtO'Jv -....- I. ; v A .....32. By order of jtLe'Cou'n'ty tJfiiot Central i cbraska Sluuciliscr ' 'v ...... . Committee.'' n ' ' C. G. DOHSlIY Ch'm. l T. R. FisutB. Sec'y. "BroxTnville.Aa.QDih, 1S65. -'- The fcllowing notice we firtd in the , Omaha Republican of August 2Jth, Qoi ' The members of -the Union Territorial . ' Central Commiitee.for Nebraika, are re j - quested to meet at Puttrfnouih, on Thurs ' . -f. day, September 7ih,-lSG5i at 2 o'clyck, P. M., for the trauiactiou of such buai cess as ,nay be- brought before it. The Coaitnittee,' as at present consti tuted,, is composed .ol the following ge;i-. f .; tlemcn:..- . .! ; "0 ! E. B.Taylor, Wm.jF.jSweezyjJ A. .r ; Unthank, W.: II. James, IL, T. Clarke, iSi J, P,.Befer, D. H. Wheeler, Jacob DawsoD, II. B. Hort.m, V. II. H. Waters, John McPheroD, Q F, AYaUher, A. X Tolls. ..v. ,y.i' u H;-ti:u i,;; : ... j i .A general, attendance is (respectfully Y" but urgenlly-requeatd. . - . v E. B. -TAYLOR, Ch'ra.. -'.3 i.'; - That out County Commissioners will build the County Buildiusr, which ts,n?w c under contract, is certain. 1 Tat they rv " are now short of means to finish it this fall, is aUo certain. Th ftjnds necessary to finish it are not at their di?poal, and ' will only -be tufficient-to -.complete it " ' in the course cf years. Certain unap propriated ' funds are all that they can se for this purpose, and these for any one year will ' not. be sufficient, The Commissioner,; desire to complete the building as soon as possible ; to do this they propose to call upou the people, a?id tve can see no reas n why the people should not retpatid.u the Commissioners as they are pecuniarily iaterpsted.. By J' : voting for and paying a two-mi!.. tax th T y " bailding will go on to an en ily -completion.' As it now stands the. County has i to pay, annually; abouj SuCQ.-rent far office and court rootn.' the building pro .Ji posad will, save this; ;hi!e- the lower iV:? -;tory and tasement -will rent for about 600 morer making a totl saved nud H gained by the Coiuny cf S1.100, B-;. - tides 'this. the J'u.idii in ?uch a Jura-. tion that itHvi ftiCU'ase in ?a-luation.a - "the" City 'grows a"itiJ thus : will b'-ing a :'tandsome per cent."on th inveitmnt should the county desire id sell Jt. Thus nothing""b"uX ttlitfi: cnnTrsi;it from voir icg for the tax- if-'caU-dupoa; as it wi.U be an actual taring in thi Un run. - "'- We' are conducting a 'Union paper. 1 ' pledged to the tuppori of -ih. pre.-tut is the organ cf the' Union party of t!ii -V - county. But, it being the only pnper .in " ' the coanty and necctfat ily deririrg s-cme i r. 'fopport from persons fditTei ing- with the " : Unifn"' party politically, and . as the. : : cro'wding-' or 4choaking cfP' is an'.ago cittic: with' thef rincipb 8 of the true --..2. Uaibrf pirtypwe "'would Dem ocratic' Farty, or any party opposed to ihe-UcioaparivJlhaLny call or notice j for a Ccnyention, rr anything inplhe ... H . way of crganizing, we will publish for, , them r5s frerlv as we pjor the Union ti'-2'Party -Now, if there ia a"i!i:V 1 r county eppesed in principle xio the Union . , 4: party, there can'se for not or- rV C2-' but ant f ftreLgih . - to dp 0. r - r- ; - . - I ' . c Te fcllovving we clip" from the Oma- ca Republit-an cf the 25ih : ff "H. 'Calhncn. Em., as Chairman, has . i . . .t r x ' t Hsued a can ior a inteinig vi me xyriii - h : erratic Cemral Committee, at Nebraska City on the 7tK-frnx . .He Jcfcrms the property of the It T. ." faithful lhat -b'uMneWcf the, .4 guard thfm a : rortarcwi! be brcucht before the ten'!. tli may i.iuee fcr ccLsider.iic, c; i a .V.i r.p-.rn. i'h.-'i f. ix tli rr r.clP J. i - -- " Remember the meeting to be held at I le effire of C. G. Dorsey, next Satur day afternoon at 3 yMock, for the pur poe of organizing - ui : I2iv -irrant ;A?.d Society. , ; V r.jJ This niorement is n 'etin? ; fiih gret success in oiht-rpcrtlu oruu frri-v j tory, and many seitlerr have already j been induced to settle in the Territory through these organizations. Nemaha! County should not be behind. Our soil has thus far it.duced emigration, and will continue to, but our advantages if made mere throughly known in the East would soon double cur present iccome. f Let neither merchant cr farmer Wd "back on this racverneut, tut ail "put a shoulder to the "wheel'- and ball-ia raoiioa. -Th--Wa'fcU Cwy News isrying to play of some Domocratifl stratey. .j la speaking of '-the election . of Territorial Auditor and Treasurer, jt; fugge' a At.n'p from each countyrand says: ,vr: - i " "Let il ty all means be a- convention of the. pjeopleaud instructed to take .the iit;reats of the people into . adyteejnaiit inMead of national' politics, "as has been the custom heretofore.'- J - j - ; ' This is irs Terr Serial "policy.-4 Now let us see its county policy; It says:' ; " " The' D?if.cfiicy of Ofoe rhaVe' pre sented, when in a minority, a nU fittoll en axd " fi r iojfrin t, p 0 d i b 1 1 ey 1 1, ft ot he. m;sld, crjj.d, aurylj.ifd. i d Q,t$orh; ybu:g c'rVoVpg any: jisng but a b'rii'jjb'i uul oTvi faihioccd" Demo- cratic ticket. v. v TLis'irTtS poafoRer ptb; tbe peo & gf.t ' to ViOnn'natc" in e'a ;irre?p ctive of par.yr-TtfJ e1 cf 'Otoe 'nothihg lihn )ldiYYr'i-i'riiz)X cut ctd fasfiione lift! d 15 "ihocrVtibc-f ilf eX'tHe61 sanie nkket, no doubrbnvh:ch:firbftoii'leat? baily sV bad in 1SG0. .nr- viz' -'i -TT- The Baptists of Krmaha .County,. Ne-., braska'i will taktotice'thaL, jhere-wilibe a meenng of: the Baptist? o said County on the third Saturday, in St pteiiiber t.x at the Mthwiiist Church ni Brovvnviile, in said . -co-urny at 10 o'clock, a. in., of said day fur the purpose, of organizing an Association to be known as ihe .Ne maha Couoty Baptist IIrme. Mission As .ociatii;n. .The object of. said -AsiOriaiio.i will be jiieiv agreed oa at their meet iLg. The meeting, will bc.continaed on Sabbmh.: Preaching Saturday night and Sunday, A committee cf Baptists is so liciled from cvtry neihbrrhood. All iduit are fricnJly la the B.Tpu'st denoim nation are solicited lobe in 1 hi J. F. lvUOXBS, ,PT.' SillTU. We 'have lately seen many returned veterans frun the gory field whio have found in the bosoms ot their fatmhes the blessings, of the, peace so bravely con quered. Most all look well and "could a tale nilfold,'.' of great peril and priva tion, enduit-d with a fortitude, known on ly to y.nericans. To all we wish" as good tucess in peace- as they've had . jn war. Alii i Ufir. for the brave and nolle cnef Who for our free Joca fell ; . . v-i . Wbo.f tAudis- LcsideGod'i cboseason, ' t .. Iu ettn.a.1 ince (ball dwell," LATEST NEWS; Il is reru rttd, m dates froai Browns vil!ex Texas, of theSth, that an ex rebel oincer btatcd that .Sierling Price had been a Major. General of .Maximilian's ttrnrps. The E.npror doubtless has him to. keep hi.- d;ary. " . ;: A man nai.nd,Lwis. uppo?ed to have teen an acccmphce of the arMSsin BootiuJ and a woman leJj-vd to be Jennie Tin ping, were arre?ien jit Ft. WaynexInd., on thj order of Gen. Hoovey. The onttyujonal Cpuv-inij:i of Col er.ida have ?uccedrj in framing a State, C-iUatitutipn, jvhicli will be submitted to' loit 'thpipP'-ple kcn tlie 19 h of Sept. ! - . l'". J'ght r.xpr?rtciiin frcm Iowa, on the Fulton bianch. of.-, the, Chicago and Norihwc-stern. railroad, ran jnta a culvert which had been wash(d away, on1 the 21st. killing three and, wounding three. rTha trial of JetF Davis, it isreporttd,' will SOOa CCIC9 it. . The Wertz triaj has been commenced U.r.d U slowly prcgresing. -..The counsel defence, forborne rti-cn,d?sntJ, lea? ing hita without, ccunaei, . It is now ,be beved tlat this trial v.ill . piiiuly es'.ab hh ihe panction and approval f f -the. rebel Governmecj of tLes Andersouville atr-icities. - - . .. , An agent is in Washington making ar rangements for the settlement of a large number cf Poles in Virginia. The Poles would 35' well .hf Nebraska " where tim: ber is scarce', and would' maku a larger income fhom Poll Tax.' " 'J '; ' ' ? The " Sli'ssissippi 'C.r.stf'unonal Con rentionhaS adapted tfie1 following "ifinead. meet .lo the, Slate Ccnsulotfon : ' '; " ' The insritu'tion of slavery baring been abolish eel :i'a' fhe'-'Sure -of rrlississi)pi,' neither slavery nor aarjluciary servitude othf (wife; than in punisjiment eft crime. ct which the pariyball ba?. been duly convicted,' shall t: ece at t er '. 1 x'i t "in ''this Stateand 'he 'LgfrflDreat -the next '6.eiiinraiidihdr?after as the public welt f i ri riav r.otur -t? oil nr.-kiiHft .irl!it - ,1u..v,)..,., v.. protection and security cf -the. person and property oi me ireemeo or me oiaie. and the btaie a cainst r.rity ficm their sud - - f-. yre V - - I ,' I I' ij England of free trade with Canada bud the United States. t i i . l.Tf nnr nttrV ' VV e.c : pleased to see by our c pate that President- Jhn3on ! s. nn t t- ore in . derate i busineti in 'he pare' a ANce Executive .i'Laceatt.-' -sbef formed, to take charge of the pardoning business. John Wilson has been appoint ed Chief of this Bureau. " Hains, the man who had in charge the xndersonville bloodhounds, is now a pris oner in the Old Capitol. The Commissioners to the Grand In dian Council, to be held at" Fort Smith, left Lawrence on the -ilia. . i, CJ. Cummings, of Philadelphia, has been, appo iaied C o vernor of Colcrad o? vice John Evens. . . , . ,. , .It it .reported that the President will soon order tae release ot a. n. piepa- ens, zo tti Gold in St..Louis, ing at '43 and ' c!lJncr nt 44c nremium. i 1 1 lpr k ?' k. , . ForfHallecV, Ai 7thAl&o: A C0e'POI, he Leaenwnrthl wMlujot dicriiprte,and passer.jteri will have to mM t.vritei as follows' from Fort"l!ainVo.nW t-Fr. hy thi route i. the - We -left-the JBi? Larair.eav iwi; rA ,Ha?t-JAuiathii?3 , . . . 1 il Vcfoclt A-7kl, fcar?tTg'to-dn?e-;it2vnc;. distitneer seveuteeni mites, in one., drjv - ,vj haa,:iraveiu.g..witn rmigraiit rain,. going, to Salt Lak'. V.TJi W two women; and four cni.orcn .jir Tgbir ar'.d outabjut half uttir- Tiwt: Indians CCmip? OO'-Vn,. met It apd the H.4 St. Jo. uailnu-d.' mavcin? FaejcnT' ' " r i . .r-t :u i.v --"ta :x.'4.vXiftti4 iMmfisi ir.lUtCd:iiji.-?.bsHtT'i.f Ioir tax t"n ed. four "of the family. " ' tad :6;iiVr5 5, ..jLi,i ,. ' ..-" 1 ..1 made tHeir escape Dy ranning, - alter - oe lug wounded. : C:ft'w Whilti u pahai lU. Indian?! tayed;t make? jheir-iwock surey otners canjeop Tedskins' movements.-preitVi VtiU .-BUd saw lbaiviy had. to move ne way or the oiiaer. and, beinjr nearest the Bi Lara- ! V. ' . l- ,. t H ie, we moveu. oacK. just as we were 'T . 1 ' , u turning the Indians made another dash at US, but ve'J gave them d tolley from "our carbines.- Af '.er-; this they -vent tp ihe Lone Hills. Ihe stage., ,y&s driven back andreported the fihC "'.The' cap T 1 a ur ordered his men oui'ih ''5 B it they had done th&ir workof cAyuiU- audne aro md us. and at dayltilUfHfc inornin ' attackid a iraiu nf.-ihjriv..wj-J laVj captu ting.. and carrying ..flvoiiien thij.road iiLd made an attack on us. WeT"8"1"'!1 man oyany ctner r": . v t4. - . , , i.v - ' J rOMie. .-.Another adEantiKr.v 13, that wo iak cr gave thein the nest we COUld. Uur wag- taiQ Connections with the Ohio A Mississippi, At- on master1 beihir' a&ld plainsmiBTihenfraiitis AGra)it vreptein. St. Ijouw k Tre Hate, and ctuUrrn, ant runi-nl ta? train. I' I-r ' . i." jl ' 4fm ' f 1 1 n-3a.Jw4ri4cai-EiSiate--ior sale on to the:sevi.n mile .creek;. vr.'rvifipviXi nrOAlligUp Caitt.Work. aro.. .a ...T tit liouse thai had betu aLiaao'i.od. 'Hyisuiu! lMriii.nMMi1.iVj t. - .. . : . r ... , .... r. t .v. " plactf., there were 110m three to touri m tiiree kj louri r outofthe'tooun.'p 1 c-i - t 1 red our wag6nf hundred Indians comin tains. ' We were - ordered master to hars 6ur;arins tn readines, for.t - .1 f. u .: U J 1 tueie-jva 'riiH,u-mVi-,io. wg, uuuw utU. move.d up a little closer and corallejd. By lhat ' lime the 'Iildiaus Wefe;lffi6vingiiS- ,. ', 4 ' . , ? . - ward His, to'try the coorage of bullwhack- J ers, wnjch: they :fodnd;to bfttnoreihan the cowardly red men jean face. t Thejr killed two white. men at this place. We can't tell how many of them we killed, for they vere all- lashed on their fiorses.: '; .' ... . i The weather has been;yery cold, and wet. The rain comntu'ced the day I left Fort Kearney, and it has rained almost every day since. ' ' . -ja; w.-- w A few days before ' my arrivalT'iheje was qustb a heaty ;snow ; storm . at thisH piaiiis. '' The Overland Stage" Compiny-hav drawn otf all ttoeir stock, fer about three hundred miles, on account cf the Indians, T-rL-i'rxn' Qt Tr.cpnV 1 r r- ' k- i ojt Laif tf rorth westqaar er, feection'Z, and Jckon, Oi oU J o&e pn , had 'ca.fw al;,faiktlh :etq,inrfrr SUMtr 6tioas- ih day before; he l-str.c.u? o??t-- !uvr Ib; U, t53-4acro8.-When we'eame to his asstsia ?rV 1ft- h mV!i T.-o.t: Quarter -S'-ctioa 34 Townjhip 6 R Post t .-I .found a nair of blaukeU and au4.,Qn SnturdoT the 30th day r ,september, IS.'Ja I " ... 4 ' j - ' .v!. r-ltf i.Tfcr 'for ala U Ihe- bibeat bidder for rah in oveicoa ;a v-ry good friend on tw:"o ;j,fe;jB9MofjJ;raef. j...Bur9 living a ! .1 :i ; " : l i. r . Cretk, uvn y-Iour'mir-s fr '.n' ber- . hunlr-61 vti'.diaiig at,ikl a tr tin 'f t.. . sidr of tiie taIon. oil" j-eveiai-i . i: of stouk, und killed hvj or ture..m'.,fi" ' c Tn -y wt!tit .from there to tht? st;t;Ticry, roiivei; it, io.)K aiioi tneir siock; : ! , J i Ti -'. ? 1 . . r . 1 I . - I ohe'iiiilerfroiU there they met a Genn ut. wi.h one team, his wife and five- chjl- dren, . Tfiey topped hiJ tpami. shot aud wounded himVhot his wifethree or Your times', kiliiiig 'her. scalped her, CJt her feet off. stripped 'nil Lor clothss "off with the-exception of chemiic,: and then -cut J her open Ircm her stoin-acii uown. I hey j then killed the : two youngest .children, girls. ., The oldeit', a girl of ' i bout six' teen; ihey took ' off with themi ai thVy did all the old man had except the two hale boys; .-..Uiztd t?r. ., ' -t. The next train they met was Caldvyell & Cvs-.;. they ,k!ljed two of his rrienbut dJij,t uret any of his ftork. They j alio iiUw4 yiiot,' ni-u' f.'T ru lx W, vvh3 luid. .. aaveiatiMnt:, ry.escortid pass nrouih ihis'c - juA - - 7 ; ''-' "" - - in An Eastern exelank o?wp the latest European iiitt-iligence rs flliw -O uten-.-' iCionx: haa exiir-,?: -itfAt .-i i:.' - .u.-.-t -;.T .u TH.t... A .....,a.r: 1 - . , , f lUT IIIC tilhC Ui UJtf AyilKC UI ;iuuji6ut T uui v - M , en 1 1 u i c luuuoiAun ubiauui imu i.t.'.u;l in iliu Ifi portion c;i'K,-.riTi'in i n . i f. It was-rurrortil lhat:Frencn, reinEdret., .1 ....v.- r. nr.n '.:. 1 Uie;!!i'1proi uuuu.rapnw?rj HI to JMtXiCO., .Tbe chole ra, vv;$f at Constantinople. ' ' "j ' .'5T - - to be sent in Alt the mail is carried by Governmeiu , r.e b e''? 'TiVm Afnr.i.tsiSj trains. The Ipdians art. .vry..bad. I l f so,5t f. JOSEI'OUS KELLEY, J.P. hiven'tliad ai4y iruu:!e wnii ihem .yv.P .-IIJ. - ' ' Ihe tevOiiJ. ddy alter rptJ ! K&3;ltjr ; V ' r (CX Cretk, iw-n y-Iour rmr-s fr '.n' ber- . iidiAr4i - A :V vS7. (X buQl.lUr.dia.i,kiatr.iii-i-.: i ) !,; I I I. ..V IS I 1, vcerp onherHvay'os uu.i, "."'rr '.r... ; j) i,.:.,.,. ,TK 1tit l: v rf ! Id Uio sXi'.1$ hei-ety jrt -en that, purnant to an rr- J?Thle?A-g-HHstCin nOtl.ljJjl ft -P1" I inaawery.of the DistrL-t Court of Nt-tj .V. C-nn-AusinV would nat breatf "with PruA E'ty KttVajka Territoryiia the ar ' ,n fiJT- ranee for. the -urchae of a gold medal I " jironie.i .Viu-.a-u C,,,ry. xe; - - . . ".. u:. . ;.. An 4l thA' ,T ? ln f f : or. Rlrs. Lincoln." ana Steps have been'! trasli Terriwy,tho placVhere':iie :as: ;i of injrBtna-iKonnmr.o.inlfl.infl!! ti ci,i r-nurt f.iT RAld CdUTlTJ J' 3c.a 1 1 ir Ml . . .. ";- . 5 ."fgtii, A:D1S55.' 78.1; s: The pirate. Shenandcah isftill cprnroit-1 . . CHAR "rg oepredations in tne .JNorj.n raci?.J Ocean Another ri-erian "whaling re s-1 iel has faliea a prey 16 her. ?.9 w A fatal' disease is carryinn'off e horses in: Pennsylvania - rapidly. ' -"TtiQ' .ihrstt' sweHs, a .ad tinn .-he hf:d erd :.t;.G: LIST OF LETTERS. "emalninj t1 "a0lce t Bronville, August A, 18t5. v Taete lette- r:ottilel ior, will it kept In the ofnce torbyii aWjUfeB sect to t&e Dei lut tlce at v'it" sloa. i wo ceats will t9 ch tfj-'eJoa I aJveni.fc vfldin La Bailes Ste; aen,-' Brown Liasi'JoKaA. Brown Kieu 11. 1. Critten t.X C. v Leacke; Jam3i Riley Job a own ila v 5 N , r Beggs t J. Farrell And ljers Rebecs Saacks Saiau!" Ferton callitis for the above lettors will pi rase say tfceraTff-Adwtieed. Ai D.JtAESH P, M. EV'"Al)VERTISEMENTS. Nojtft -Missonri Railread. DD; C0NXECT8 with the IIDnibaT and St. Jo. R. R. at Maeoa Cilj. 139 mile East of St. Joseph, . t . ... . OSLY ALL HAILUOAD ROUTE lTQ.St;Loui and ali polataJEast, North and South f m M. Lvnu. . .. ,- RteBB Cheeked Tlfontfh . and handleJ Tree of TTI J:r-A Tickit ArenU i ll.-i. ftt. Jo. Kliroail t nire, Cincinnati and all points East, aa by war of UfeJegar an?pthr.rut. L- jj4 aca i .-.-uU.d I . . ;. , X5 iV -A. TXT ,1 Gr X3 Z over tue w ' ,--. -- --- if u;- var, -ition by night, be unavoidable de .. trVn1f PaeWpf 1 t?ipv 'will amid l&ft 'mil 1 1'. r .l'..-r. . -HiboRlfiaviMMuii v bea.acs the ft59a a ti? -'. 7 j u. ,v ,t;. v -h ; I Xortll MO. R.R. TratlliiiU ?"S a :l-o?f.tiHty;i iinj anaactw)n jvith boat. atUaunib:!! and Qaiocv witli - i tui?-luejL3Bit eirtiif, passsnicia- -' ciin ,19 v sa k- iaiTi-J 5 e;-'-,-'.ii 'plLI, MAKE fqUECIIEri. ,T33E J "Pi,?1- Loltt,U& Chicago Uailr, he finest and ; TWr hare the ricbt to, "in eonnw- tionwih the N'ortb .Mis-ouriruiir.wd. aoy of the -A'yicA-r.aie lit .aJS-PaKB THE SAMK. - r,:y : , Z ", ,,," T 1, im - i licR't'utn bithml at the Ticket Uui? a of the iiaBirtiwl'A t; Jb.-ti Kaiiroad; n Ss. Joph7 - AfWtvri'iCkby. way, of the North Missouri tUU ... Hue. J UMo jvo V X L. V U TU!OGllkf:n..ik- at-.. .-... -. r ISAAC II. STURGEON, u s er Spyjjn ind Get't Sup'e St I.oui. Mo. i'-X - - ' WIIEKLKR. 1 Gsueral Ticket Afftni, St. LuuU, Mo. 1, l (Jenfral Western A p?nt. IV 11. LAULfciV, T 1 . ' fiV'-'y r .Agent; St. Joseph. rij-f ic .:;,? 5 ri jifati, w,.n qusrr vt'.n MqHavier Xeu 24 Towa 6 Rsv. 1 111 aerei Ti'iiber LacJ. T li-tsSand 6; Block 4 iIMd!rli-'-w.f ta. , Lt 14 Biock 14, Biwnv! u. , Lm i diock 14, hiwhv! i. ', v. -V MLIl.vM.r, tlt.;i., f. ... A9M ncovtli, 4itnaber lst,185-, 7L ::r9 :0 V-t- ' ... . - MASTFR'S SALE Notice is hereby eiren that.: I wul offer for sale at yoVuc auction at thelrotit doortf Dcn' Hall in Be CtfjVf BnwiiVjl!e,! Nemiiba County, NobiaVa Territory .tbaV being .Ihe building in which the lasi term of the I'i-trict Court for County of Meuiiba wS hehlj pn iheJni day of October, IS60, at one o'eloch p, ta the following real estate ifuated in uii tfnuVitt of JSeiaaha, tu-vit : th vouth ,We quiirtQ'j.i-j; lue iirta wett quarter ftecnon im T w'iti"-.iff "noTth'tf Barge 12 eaat, taken as the VfiVT. f SaujUel IroWden, upou attathajcnt and execidon in lavor ot Si ntel S ufh is.uect out ! the District Court f ?a id County pf Nemaha and to ine directed a sheriff of said County. Dated August 26th 1855. 1 i " nt Ir a t;-St " -W. Q. GLASGOW, , Tr4t , Sheriff. :S,ALEOF. APPRAISED STOCK. Cent;"Kebrtfla Territfry, pne est.ay or?el horso u-g(4ed to be yarsoia iiist spnng eo:yc 10 nanus Th;h aArae-white idle mark , -icare on left hip and LAvhie fjcck' iUjtlia wright tjt, ki.J baa th ap. pearr.Ci' f befne tUre nn the ahou!dT,' r.o other 'Stil , I ill -f aXV-V'.VV (! 1 ,w. M'.' - : u;'.j IT ,.HaVesjust ; opened a ' Splendid . , "fctOCX' 01 ' 1 ; ; - !!5ffcW;rT5Tr-TRf3 : bti co.NsisfiSa c Sugar?, Teas, rCoffe." Rjcp, Tobacco, Crjars'Soap, DnedFriji of - a!! kind.-, Nuts. CandiesV-Molate.; Salt. Wooden V4re :of all. kind?. Canned Fruit,: Oys-ta..j-Fn kl s, and every Article usually kept in a first class., , frocery-tore'lD ti:T Brownville tfebwska, Iiates - tliepabhcto Cili Jind. eximr iilvj their StoG', -.beford -purchismg cewb:;ro as'tFifey Tire comptdent. Aimist 3 11865." - as J. HWlcr U cotuoJin"nii ant rM.j a. i-:--v- lier, wiimiuuiiwi vi uc u .-...t... -i -r- ...... ,v. w..,.. if iV ' o (i .r---. '.ierfAS,ii.,n(i in, i,qiivwu s-ii . .o -11,1- loi -i (l.-rke. deceased , are d'jfeu.ia .t-. I ;yf - v5fh,:day of Sepieiuber. A JJ. lSGo at one oVlov P,M-,of sad day, the following Keal LsteU, tr mtti the Kfrta west quarter of 'SectJJn foortcen'14 in Township narnSr fix, 6 North of latig, number fourteen 14 east, io Nemaha Cousv- tyr Nebraska -Territory.. ,r ... ,. ; .vivrn ouicr mj ..u iuis tue ijy Oi au "gait, AI D.1S55.' 78.1; s; - . . ? r- CIIARLE3G DORSEY. ""..," 4" D T t . blaster id duancery. HE- J. S. WILLIAIIS, Who ia the authat ii4 Afeat in St. Louts for this paper, will attend :'; lections -and phrabases ia that City. Oft . TV11 ri E'fVeis, ChTirts, , Sieves, Monfe' Trip Clot DP PinS and Tauti! cnan - - OHIO 9H SeTj VI . n a ' a ' on rh( Puilv fane. 2 rr.iloa trthoflera Nemaua I ni if f- . A - - a - ir t in ' A T Tw :.! FAT.IILY GROOSHISS M' LAUGHLIN & SWAI I - : . v A. 1 vor:.' ex sr " ct f r l l tTa SSO'OICS TO TH' 19 frKi and ltu vn&nc generally. tUat they bare Jo receieu a aaperior lot 0 i'amilj Grr-eriea, and ln- ti attenliaa of pnrciiber u their block tntiuOJwi NSTTORLie AKiSUttAB,'i'BIM lD COFFER CI.ARIFIKD do 1MPKRIAL TKA, cau-uiiD do Mnjsa hvcon tea, OWDKBSD do BLACK TKA. BtCB, SAGO, SPIGa..PEPPER. CLOVES, cinamo COVB OYSTERS, RAISINS, CUBKAXT3,-SrAKCS. iOAP, PUBESODA, DB LANDS' SALEBATl'5, 4i jcu., &0f u -' cod nsH kac xiAi,, wnrrri y su GREEN APPLES, - -; CRANBERRIES,! 1 AU1 PARED PEACHEb, DRIED APPLES. ; DRIED PEACH Molasses, Coal Oil Cider Vinpga .''-Jit i ;;!!. . !!I .: NATCBAJ. IXkT CnWISGJ TOBACCO. f?OLDS i KaF AND OTHKB-OIIOfCB BBASDS : FIN3Ct:,tUTHH"SH. CILLISL- ahn no. Cigars of tlife i'est Brands la tue CU'ST&CTS, ALMON-D3 PECa!? S. TIL! nLBEKTS.PS.V. T A Spletid Assortment' of. Stick and Fancv Can'W from the Best Manufac tunesjia tuC Flcur, Bacoix,' Buitcr,' Bsgs The Highest" Market Prices Paid foi Country. Produce. . , McLAUOnLIX & SWa5, Nemaha Valley Bajsk BaiLniuo ! Brownville, Jan. 14,1864. nSOvS-JSO-ylj TheundersTgnei l:epnland a larger a?ecrtment tf SATTi NET & G -SSI MERE SUITS For Men and Boy'd wear. A'so, large stuck of liliiiiiv S nbuLb iJiilUli BOOTS AND SHOES. Rubber Coa'tsi Leggins & Blankets, UMBRELLAS AND CARKTT BAGS, Gent's Fnrnisliing Goods, . t Of all kinds which we wi'.l tell ..... , i-ClFEAPgO K CAS II ,. We purchased bur goods since the de cline in the Markets and will sell at low figures. t. . ATKINSON. & CO. , April 13185, . , 9-30-ly WM. H. M'CREERY J CASH WHOLESALE A D SETAIL rrALER IN i Paints, Oils and Dye iSititK Puro -Liquors for Medical purposes', -All kiiids of Patent Medicines. COAL OILLAMS and CHIMNEYS BItiiik Books and Statijiicry. Wall Paper of Every Pcilern Window Papers, Ccrd and Tassels " ' TiiK test' lirM!. of CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO rind CIGARS. Oytei.?j Cinvedr Fruits, and a complete Stock of light and fancy Groceries. , i. THE BKSf Pocket Pcrfumory and Toilet Goods. H.vir.t availed him-"!' of th lite decline; and making extancive pnrch ise in u" Kntern Market he a-siimes Di! patrons lu ma ruoiitiuaui u 10 mru ava::.:ise to trade with bins, none but flrnt Glass DiiUi kept. Call aad ex miine for yuurseir at 1L CITY DRUG STORE - ?f Etn Kast Curt er, Mai a aad first Street Crowavllle Nebraska Territory. Pelscriptions, and orders Carefully filled at all hours. 9-33-ly. BY FRED. AUGUST, AIAIIT, BET. FIItbT AI7D SECOND ST3 ; Qfittrs, Cakes. Pies, C.kies. Ginfffr" Erad,etc. us., ui i 1 Jest ri pi i-iub coom ao 1 1 j i'ii nnu. ,1 i liUUi) rLs nerved in tbe oeit style and cn?irt notice. lx-4-ly Also a large assortment of Tobacco, e Cigar sy JtiUs; , . Ca r.un s. -r Canned Fruit, - Oyster. .-Eovp, . ; Crackers, Raisens, - Cur rants, aid a supply of CO UP'ECTI'OS ARIES, MASTER'S SALE. " Nv.'ice is hereby aivren that, pursuant to an or der of ?a!e to me -directed, iued by the Register in Chancery cf the District Court of Nemaha Coun ty, Nebraska Territor, in the Citse wherein Ben Jauiia Holladay andeise Holladay are ConipUin ants and Andrew 8 H-dladay, Lmretia Holladay. William R Fanick RE. Tamer, J. M. Frarerand JLS.WilUatas, partners baaiewf. . i .Tot rne f Frtr i Co.xl ai;8re defendaaH.l : will offer for ,ie, Fabtij auction, t the front doorof Den a U.01,i,heCif2cfBrown:i. ritoty. itbe place where ne iK'm" . lor faid County was uoij, . -r icaz o,,K Hit- of SP-ember A. V. Jbbo at one o'clock P. M, ' 4 J;ren 9 ,0 RealE,tate, to-wit : lljin Hlck cumber wen J aJJ haifofUt E ea I i aha CoantJ i(-ibrka. the Cityof iirownnllepa ka Territory. .vis thd ia:il d.y cf Auguit,a:d. lS6i' .crIARLES G. DORSEY, ."' Given under uj - - iiaFtr jd Coao-vry. Cutlery LEGAL IsOTICE. Nctic beriby giren that applL-iition JtIii of -e:uia th Tern wry of e bri , for the pix.iniaonl f a-V-.iatstrator of thft K-tt. of vilhamR. ceased, i shall prc,-i ' -..reucha'-lKaot ...4 ts appoint an auuisnis irafcr'it. ? brownlle ob fie l5ta::iyof S.i.toriao at tea clock ; CO, DORSE Y ' Probate JaUa. V-S-49-31. A 31ost fiascrtaait discovery. INTERESTINa TO AGENTS, FAR21EK3 AND LAUIKS- r . .--r ;.--.-Tr W ora ma'iiia 'a single rnachfhi? whioo" concbi-.jt the bast aad ihtspe-'t portable Wine and Cider Press, the dryot Clothed M ringer, ana toe oroe. powerful Liatniri J iclt i;i ilJ world. I; i tha only pre auifU.l to uikin Aj.j.lo Champaign, which id u w r-g.irdc-d asone of Le iinpnrUnt disoovtfries.of t' A g-od tig-.M wauled in evfry county, to h -na we will h- Id out 'such iu dactaienu m to Lo.-uro JIOJO bfjre Cbriitui is. The firt on j making applicalioa Idju uny couuty shall have the eic!u-ivj ageucy. Full particulars, Uruu,eteby Cir.-atjx. " Audr-ss HALL., RCSD CO. .. ; 2v. hjj Liberty t., N. V. ; ;! - VrLEGAL NOTRjn.'n . TTNotierXs h.erety'gtjren that. I" -will lTeftPa licauctiDaattaedoor PriiSsoa's titoio in Tecuuiseh that beiug the plce of Holding the lekf term ot the DutrR-t C-jurt - ' ' . . - ! on the 2Stii day of August A. D.-1SG-5 atf oa VCifr M.,of said JaTbe .f03Sbwt8 Keal Estate to "wit the tTuuih oaifof the E;s quarter ot e:ia.thr?;rf 5 abd ta' CTrth h Vf Tir-i tao north EiUkqartr ol ritctior trtut iiio Towa- SiiLhpritpiUJIdia.tAila.tue. property v iliiam jtiit'r,on au tfxecuuoQ i i tTi,-r ot iioiij uiia Cofpf r i.-iujd by tb. LiLrjt Cvtnt of Johj eo$ GouaTy, N-eorafk 8 rfriJUntiuJ to ail direc ted as Sbcrid of said CJuoty. Uioa uuJtfr uy hsad tu U the 2Sth day of July 7 W, A,rJESSOV," i :43-2t .2tt i ngos car, rgci iwro tc.jj t j i t-ree yca.-j oid ,:' Takca'cp by-Ar.H'u;f Seufcyv aai ru ic his ptiia jsaian , ai'Trrui-r?iiT4 ,' :. - K:f?iii;os;;i'.K '. . LEGAL NOTICE.' ,'L;; Flora M. Liailn witu-ethafc D.mie!Xim inguidoathe 7tu day t Aaguijou l4 lbiy tile bid liillof Cumpiaint, ..ia iLx. l?-stilu;k Cour'in ami lor Pawoee 04jUiity.brska ,le-.iioi. u CLu e y. aiat.Alie ard t 'jora MLriimi j rak-J ojrct aut prayer of viid (JoiupUiua ut Liuiu.ii. m au:d tll, is tuuoiain a ieci ee ! Hid Court ui?si.vmg ilia l;onJ3 OI Matrimony oetwoea the Saul Djuiei t,nuiot C'oupl3;iaiit, and the ti) a iora Ltti.!!:. de!e..ii4t Aud ttie SaiO ''r L.'.:iiiiii; t utinaed tiiai bba u-. rtiiuired V appt-'r a'ld iiuaWvr Satd of C-n)liUt uu r Oe'ore tae Jm day f 3jji.eiUjr . Di.trt.1 Annual. 8 ISba. ? ' ' . .... . 47-3: 1,'J AN'ltL LlillNCt ;.' SHERIFF SALE. ' XIeewi'brJJ"giV9 Tn1"" I willoTir fr sale at public Auction tne fr.nt door of Dili's Hall in theei'y tBiawaviUe, X-.tnh Coun'-y. Nebras ka Territory (taat Being th wuilding in whioh tn Jaatteru. ot. the distrijk Court iC-r ba id County of lveiaaha.'waa beld, , '-I.IXV VC1LTS on-.the.lSih day of September A7D..1S55 at onj u'rorn p rn.,the following real o.-iUie ,t--wit : the wc.t hilf f t!ie S.jat j-tr ji.; dPiftti Twelve ( I'i ) , TeWB?)-! fc- a, ly J Kang No. tilKew (li eat ; Hb?.i tL atAutt? e iot quarter of tha souta we?t qiiiirter oi' ii;ijn No. nu (,Vtaip No. tivdi; N'rth of Ka.nj;e fifween it ) tass, situiEei m the'Cj ui'.y of Ntui-' ahn, ::i the Tor ri tory of Nebraska, tikeir as tii pr.)t-rt fj,-;'. IJuion upri a'tajhru m t at. I tx fcutu.u to taxu'r i.f Israel 11. Cnuings , is.-r.s i out of toe l;i.-t u-r C'.-art ,f .j;n:iht Cooy, Nuira- ka lerntorv, aai t iu j'air:el ai saena 07 a ai l County " " l. ' -: - " JirwwnriUu, August 17;h 131a " 43-lf - VV. i. GL.A8GOW. Wiwiff. - . MASTERS SALE r Noti? is hereby irvn thit pursuant t an order td. alo t directed, i'ied by the liegistfr in Chanocry of the DistriotCourt of Netnili County. Nebraska lV"ri'ry. ia tb? ca?of J;hn L. Oarjaa ag'uast J.?cpa P. Colein-tn, Cit.-;itini! If. Ct.!eoBAn. Phillip 'S. Vi adhauii aud. il .ry A Y lh40i, 1 will oit'er for bii'.e a' . publu1 au :'i n. ai tha front door of i)en's Hall ia ttiy C.f wo ville.thp j lace where Le last Uiiu "oi t id C. uri for frai ! 0'iunty w.n leli, Uu the IS hd;ty of Septpmher, A.D. 1SG-5 tt one oVim-k p. ui., of paid uy. iiiv f.,:ii,M iu Ken' Kirtiite to wit j -Ttio jV'Uf.h we.-y qu.ut r of secti.'t, ouo ( t ), in Townihip five (5 j. i,rth of ilyi:- fi-ur-leen ( 14 if eajt, iu Nviu-iua, LV uuty, "tbraaiia Ter ritory. -.- .? ii VILLI tf G. GLASGOW, j 4?-tt ' SheriJ ti.u apciU ilasfen MASTERS' SALE.' TT- Notice jj hurcby 'vea that par?aant to aa orir ot sale tape d trrvted r isued by th Iieguter io Chancery of .the i i -1 ricJ." Court t,t Neni ,haJ.ur.ty, Nebraska IVrrjti.ry. in the cie f John L. Carbon "agairat Uebecc UM-.-n, I wi1?"r,iT.:r f-Mle it pab ti auction, at the iK bt d;r 4: lc!i' ij- i, iu the City of Priciiville. the place whoro tha lait term of aaid C'-'irt was rn-id, .. . ,- on the ISih day vi SepttmberrA. d. 1S65 at one o'ej-jck P. .M., of ai-i d y,-the following Keal Fatate ,to-wil : The north haifuf the nortn we?t quarter of Section fourteea (14;, in Town jhip fcnx.4 ti"Ti M; lUme 'foirtteo. H) east, iaNeina'ia Cunly N'-brak v "Ti-rriror. An;. f l.'th 1SS5. r; J. GLASGOW. 4ilt. Sheriff and Sptcial J i- " tMASTLRS.SALE:J':;? Notice ia hereby jrTeo that pursuant to an order of sal to-mo di cvt -d, issued, by the Register in Chancery of ht Disi'r.ct Cudrt of Nemaha Ciuntv Nebraska Itri itory u ihe ?ase .f John L. Carbon ngainst Iaaac H. V. a! ira and Ke jumin F. Lu.-h-baagh, i w ill olT?r ltir r;i ir at iiiim Aiiti"i'; t tho trOttt TboTT Of le.";'Mi tvfp Vtv -.:, . it., ii... ..I. ... f: 'i , . . 1 . . ! lot e.11 J o"mii ....... i on the ISJi uVv ol SntPintr A. l. ISCCf r ..:. 1 h . i. .1 1 at oao oVloek f. u. f sui 1 lay tbe-' ji'y it-.a. Kstiite tj-wic : li. , icrtii eaat qaarter ot tua a .iu'i e,rt quarter of awiin .twcnty-fix( 26 ia T.-wn-ship six t "Tviftik i4 niiiig'1 fiU'faea ( li ia cuiaaac Uuluty,lcQra,cka ltrrit rv, , ; W. Ii. GLASGOW,' 43 It. i-. i ial M.i.-ter. ' ' i . . AIA'STEhS SALE. Notice ii herebt given that purumto no ord r of sale to trt!i uirefed isae't' by ire R''tiiec in Chancery if toe I Metrics ueurt or Aetc-i; (;. aafj Ntb.a.ka Tim it tot y in f he rase ol James O. Car.-on against L'ri-i At.n hn 1. Car.Ti ai. l trismus li Allen , I will olfjr for s.ile at Purvhc aa -timi j ttieTront door of Oen'i' ilall ia ihu City of Lrwn vilie, the jilaie where tha last term of eaid Couit for sai l County was h'-ld, or Mont'iiy, the IS.h day of Sep. 1&G-5 Wp. cT aai-L-iy - i4 U- l Ltate to-wit : TLa Surxit 11 quarter of aection aeven 7 la T.w,s!iip tive"i5 North of Uaajfe fif teen 15 ast in Neibaha-C unty Ntbraska Terri tory -r JJavedthii lb ITth dnj of August ISoa, W. (. GLASliOVV, 48-41. Ebtriff and Ji evial Maiterl MASTERS SAIiE. otre is teteby ien flat 1 a fn V.ffer tor, fa! at pnfclicauetion at the door of Oeo'a liui i.i City of Urownille, that hc t?! '-laei ih ii;h tha .last term of ihe Dutrut Ci i.'t was Leii, Territory tiu'euiirit t'i n ordt-r of naie is.iutd by tb Kegiiitor in Cbsnrery of the District Ci-urt of Ne maha County Nebraska Territory, in the case ol John P. Hodge against John lltiniltoa and Cirdon U. Wileox. tlated thii thk 17th day rfAugast. 1315. ' - ' " ' " W. iiLASGOW, 43 V. Sher.ff.aad $til JIa.,fer. ; ft-. i MASTERS SALE. Dated this the l"th day of Auirttt !SM Siariffaa.l k-ijn Vwi: ! SALE OF A 1 ij il AiSL ?TOCK , iV.eiVi'V r" U;i 1 1 ' niv a'atardiy. Setetifb. tHflf i5y,I- wnrol -I- jT,urtc ' i t. f.ft.,-.:.i4 ri. ?!x?-ft', 'ir. p k. f. j for ssile t th bihvst ttidr. lor c.-? ii i' t. i l.ytrf fin 11V .j j in the City oi" Urowrv;jc. ora.,d F- rri ory t t ,,r! i-i' i.Vk" Xu. fVfiv , "tl.e d..t t-.-sS.f' I j . .... . " I. . v- t- ntd j I ! - ' - .1 ... arfisTray Cjt; -with b...6.( XlrJ'liJ rfT. fJJ.: .a- x " i 2 IX-'I-. 'V;tc tOVt .,--:V . . - - . i---Tr;.w-lrf-r P.Wji f n.lDni'ftiU r ,. vl' ou 3I i'i'l;ty, the Sh day. of Spt. lG- n. r. fantjUn U.aah..C..a":.! -rr- at oneoVi.x-kp. w. -fr-id dy, tlie follow ii m;uh; Nt'i-aska City, io.riii' 'j- Estate to-wit : lr NTfh wt quarter of Section f ate pnrt's T't St. Jo-erh, rniitiiiC o'j' thlriy-tw.y 2,.ia-T-w?hlp $-e.;,Yrth of rarge with 'tint H n" 'nil end Sr. I fourteeo t4f b in t!S:bli,i!Ui .Neh.aana Si Jo-eiha ". Ma'rt.- -Nonce is nereor pten ncir -arM ey rtne r an f-rr-o nr'r'Tr -rrnvx-rsTOZ . order ot sale to iie!irecte., iMiuei by te Rl-tr in iiilULlil UviiJ ......ij.iT'' . Charcery or the litrjct Coufi f imah taiMiiv, N. kT p, r P7 iT)jai' Oraah.t. D. V . t '. t't '. . lrakalerrtUMy, iu the ca.-e of Jun P. no.eaealu-,t. rcji iiyjr,. j.- Lcwi Piatt-'00. ""acl 1 tharies F Jami.-on an-l Curdea II Wjfcox, 1 will uf- v . ' r. ' p- throuil tki'1 fer for aie at Public Auction, at the trust dur (uf j oratva uaj. tJ a Den'a pall, is the Cny of BfownTiiie, (rhat fcc.i:. a -fiey. rfiVN:"1 ' the bail liug ia which the Ut teria or Court waa r i e'i.".rerrsi on tae i'- j.jir;'t'v helU - f?rn R.iii-Efur. n?w irr.n.t:cs a- . rtiai.- ori ih lSih day of Septmhffr a . v. IfCS . -r 1 tatk ehr then to 'lv- at on o'clock P. W or M Aty. ttie followina Real j Z t! h--" "TET. "J ,''' v-i j-n-. Kstate, to. wlr . Tt.2 c .rtu Vt frar.t.jotl quarter cf C. V?. Uxr. Oen-ral ' .lu ' f f.-ctin Thirty pj) tr. Towcsfcio fo-ir (4) r.-ir h of Es?i -ri' T-. Gho.T Cr . era. Tn; c.f j C.tecn (15) esi, is tfujha Coanty .Whrassa Territo, tr vj. CjCiTSUT, Cm I Fr"i .f,9tr,t, ' j ? p I TrMASTEf.S. SALK. Notice ii hereby given tbit Ui ,J ' ; der of sale to me directed, is,a..l by'tb in Chanctryof tuD.str.ttCrtof.xlV'-iw 1 tj ebr.kaTrriry,in the ra of i W a;i,L T.'ras ft. Mr- Vill fj!ry C.mT Lm7 I wile,Jhn L. Car .sou uf Vv,;!. jj' p 'Hk, i offer f,i. wle t public notion, at iwi1 i wb wejiaaiwria oi uj Curl fuf j Wi4 tat i u, fe." uu ..luoojy, ma in day of SP!y tJ.. ? at ooe o ctook p. tauij tti.ii. r i. V 1 ! t G. . 4i. Sheriff and Sp.vai V I LECiAL NOTICE. of Nebrivk.i, made on tha l.h via? ,'' j nu-7 ( J?;, wiU ofoc at. pavU s S4l. Joce.A.i. on th'eG'h day 1 b.tinCrjy-.. .aton'e.oVvx-H p. in. uroa the i,rrm.L. .L I described lioal EsUtB to wit ; Xae' f 4JrowiMri'h5 .ABrfo-t.t7ih iHrtj . x ! KltY iONTF.Vv i .' v i Caar!;n of Lutiao A. FoBUocilVu I ofj 1 1" vay , i term oi ioo i..wict ..-.ui tr said .u.:iu - . iutioa waj h'ldl, "" i on ihe-'JS.h'diy: t.Scpc' Aj D at or o. 1'S.i j. a. ;w.;.4v.i,j. j;e4T ., '..' j ;wa inn 'Hid be in. f-i. I.iu'j-,,., V i ill u; ij.o-i . . t -Ai , t V .,d ; V..J-1 "(.. ! i.o -. " . -'.t .1 j j i .-, i-i , , . t Trtfi'iirj.i.-l"H .M f.rvvrty af ,t ' sued l.'Tiie "i-.'-'r. :tCVii.-r ef , c. i . " , Ncbra.-k Territory, and ta .taa L'trsc xi j.j oCMtd-Cannty.'i. --' - - . - ' - -VV.'.j.CLAju.r. Ilerry ter, J. tLson Wicrs, turd ifnj lter..d Weerj. Eiix-ibrtli-Wocrsi, and C itri-ctt 1 ( VtTii, will fake n-tie tLat a - j t?!T; .f" Hj j j aaicat ibetn iu la 1 t.u "day " t.t Auit A.I;.' l?tfj.inth Probate Court, -wh in at fcra; j" County or INeui-iaa by Ooid, Vv,.,, Mt j pending , wl:er.iu aid Uerd ''etr,4eaMR'U (j- ! tittuii of the It.ll-.wii'g i!hl Kiiatt; to wit Ia, " ( Fait half of the ri'-u.u Foi qanrr.r,i,f jertine j., j (5), in Twns.bif f .urt,4. inrH:mg- Taiteet'li j iuawd io Nciu.iin Coun:,v ?ern;,-j, I c plaining 8 1 Hcr.i Tiiat -;i: I p'i;..n wiH ttU J-ciiHog on tad 25:h day'tf :tUai' :t Tt joii i 2 'tih d y of Sj-pu-u- -r, 1 ti-j-d j will apjy iwr uu o.'JJi', t'uL iiaii.!), i.ft j I .-T.'d '"'!Ci-. ; - j ; !.'.. i L.ij.vavii.o, tji 1 1 ii a f.f Ji ut iS'.'i. . n. m. i..t',:, '-U'.'' ' " Ati'y r:. ; - . I M ASTL U S s S-V LE- , - - Notice U her -by g:?et. that ?i.--aa.i . to as . rf .f aie to m dinrtt-d, i-u-d liy -U ii.,'ij:':f i . ;.an -i.r7 n" Uis;r let I'nart :"-js3i C a- tyt bi T--rrj ry. in tha f ULi-M j .Min:, in 't'. . t..-tr: 'al'Wlt;'.f ii. d-nr j Johu L. Car, ii. I i.Jcr lor ., at J.u6.: M-1 ihm a. tl triVi'tt'.. wf Lien's liall ia i:7 ivrowirii'.ij, .h y.t wherein Uit it:Jti.. Court. 4.s Itld, '' T " ' j on the. iS'ii, dy jf. Spt. A. D. h' j at one k p. ui. o .irj Jy ,,the fol-.wti.j 1. Ftaie to- wit: Tin- .- u-.t :4 .jiri-r -f feta-:"ue 2lV : I' .w.-ii'ii five J" o-rfi. . I.'ia ,..,n t..nrl ' i, '. 1 i i . N Hi . A CoUi'. 1 . - .ir " f . ' : , bra.-k . I'Vn i'ory . ' : ' '. ' - ' ' Dated Ihii 17 1;. .y cf A ugn lc ''- 1 I -..r. T - VV. tf.iviANiOf, 4S-4t henff and Y i tl il- ' V -MASTERS SALE. ' j Notice U bo rob 7 ,:---ithat purovt der of : jie to to-' ! . i-u t Kr -'"! "( !r. n.aift .f I K- ." t I'narl lit iiHi.ii - c' ) ty . Nebra-k Trr. the ta-te of J"Lu k1 ,f sn.o. gi. ti V .rr.'l. S j- ii. :'J tt-1 and L..-i.j-:uin f. . i - i S-itih . 1 wi!l.f. Til .ut:fMl-4.-a .'rr d-i-r ..." . tbtf Ci;v t,ljf .() t iii'.ffltfeiew it-riu of fai-1 C.urtio. i l'-D': i'r On the IS hS;iy ui S. pteiiikr.a.d.. at One Veto P. M.ofiuid day th. f.4''-:--. eata'e. to-wit : Tii- w-i half of th S"' " qusirterand theStih west q mrter of tb , west qu trti-r of Seeli n S-.-rin 7j .a f '"' i'orth,,f Kane thir-ect. 13 eajt, io '- Cuu,i'j,N:br-nIi T- rrit t j JJnud t!vu Lh lTta d..y of Aug'i'tl". , . . .V . O.Ul.A-ti'MT. I 43-it. SheriJaud facial 5i MASTERS SALE SilA t.. mi. iiirfe'to.1. b.,n.! I,- tli Ri-;is:er 13 ' 3 ry ft tL-.- liUtrlqfTonrt ,r Nemaha C"0'i7. Ttwnli'. ia ef Benjan in K. Lirf-Ltit Jl f Henry CTTiUsi!if tha t HJmfm. 1 wid "e.',,'J'"1 at Public Auction at ihe front Jour of Den ; be City of BruwrmUe, U.e pUc tIjts !" fjr b-W c tut lorMifci cviniy w teit, on"rhe I9'h ry.i y ,jt S-iin""f 1: at ne !' h k w. M , of tl l av tUe Ml (rfUo U.- Tha. i-t i Kit n i r:eroi ty-ttiree in lowu li p ve ( ') N r" " " .,, 'eea -) Ka.-i. in Su.aUt f muty." ' 4 j , - cvaruyil.e aua 17. t looo. 4-3-Jt. Sherifl a 1 1 B trir4 of n orler of tie i-r I - ;t. ;.ii C. '-r; i l V : t kmimo Tr. n ; '-' i v. -2;!i .Uj .. . Jj.t P -a l" j t w'i:l ,e.r i' -. ;i t Iu- 'tcki , )" riM.r i f hmliest tiM.r i ,r ,-!i in ujoJ n "' '" ' 4 , ( AStmst a D. I Sfr, ; lfm It e W 5 c(. f and 6 oV-oxk p ni. t e ' - Pr'"'" ( ' Tte wet hiifofi'i'. Sr. ' " "I ,f i-i Va. triee J, Mi (4) Rv t .- ' " , i Jllol n.-iplh r,t UA ii'Ii- 'i sfVf.'i ". .: .11 01 .- C 2i " ! a. tharlep il -r1 in. rjkci.e-4. "u orTi?. ! Jnlv 3-il IS',5. 4'5 3i p'U 7 13.1 I AtJji-'- Eannibal & St. -"Jos?- AND ; S 1 . ojs'jiissovi:i ni-'i-1 ' t ftf QIIXCY, CUICACO & Si. L" Go and after May 19th, da'.Ty p'.: tjrn. f-rA Si Joseph t Atcbion. J Wtt:bt YyanJt,tta,Ka Ci-y. ; U-.-.-u rutto Coun'ry K. R. ,rJi J ; U:& St. Jo. K. K. f.ine LejT S '.w A.M.. Leavenworth 8.0 a V, TT, Kan-a Citv I0.S 4. M.. I.wrne ' CVrr.- KTTjTr," ?-?T IW. a . J',!.4' eifbt S i Township . ix .Sjnorrh ofCa j . Dated lis the 27th day ol Ac-U,t 4 n I Etiscw Ftntene!l, Vjoteri Funtcn.'l r FoiKeoeil, Kiiicnell, Hnrr 0' -TrM cTmly Fontrtuell w.!i (a'e imtii-e ""that H''" '' tene!l Guariiiacf Lu n A. Futi;,;rr uuder and bv virtue o bt or ,.V"ti' , ot ?ecti(jB t weot-Ti-n f-'7l i . Thrrit-ry,ani binu lanof the h.f treVfr,'k tt?;;,.1(.y:,,to T-iiber KroWin lni t reoerv.J : ""triaV of aale'ca-h f t4h' f- I I '.... :n -r.L ..... ! i iitii ft M nitnvMKhit r M:n . . , ' at V&biicau' tfc ; fr.j t d i.,r.,f ia bAwutiUvir Spm C .uu j,. ; tort '.U"uiiXi.i thu Uuikiin in . T4. If' '.