Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 24, 1865, Image 4
r it 0 1- ' i' 193 a t . t im mj i: . '3050,000, $i .' - worn, it Watches,- Chains, Rin!zs. CxV&'c : A. H. RO T7EN r,, fir lie i!iMf t, rr.) r,-r J PpPlrmHfi -Street New Turk. I.BlIYERS'Or VALUAUKK- JKWKLrX.n - . - . . . . . t . a- n a ....... ... 8M) DH fflUUUriJ I? "IV rj" WO - ''U iui tBij'i- ant reliability and nwvmlttie 'or ; - - S0,000 TVorlli of U'afr!rN.Ri:i - . v-. 6 n e'-do a c iu v tr .ut ri-csa torilnc! Nt ty be f r onill '.'. . ;oMX.l; ntnyou are u rceivt I -Bolendid Li?t Art'clcs !!! All to b Sold ITS TachM frJ.!p.e5 i.rxvel ai.d warrn'pu perp.vt inue tcteri" ) rsrr- ' i ""tn? in pHte from $:0 ;o $'.20 oarb '? Sift Ldiv' 'oV.. oH.1 fioiil Ecu- . . , , rs. . '"i tin; Vw" . ' - ' "' ' " '"";jrt,;nl !!'' Iver "iir-ie. $'5 t, f J." ch ft ... Iciest .-.tyle Ve-i. unM 'k l"''i!ir-, 4 5 In 3.. rb p Hj tietiti" C '" l'i.iJ!i"Hi Tim, 2 N. lo .'A prb - " 4 n C'.irr -j.Jv Fc Uroi'i. 2 ot to li e-i :h : jfitv Miniature iil eutoe! J R.'vi v- f ! rr.j rii. , ' 5io Ui 5 each s j.nHr4,i:Hr?!i Iimrwrf t1 Rnime'.iel ' t;"tt' Scarf Tin. nev H les, 8 no to 15 encb '. K 55- CJ1 Bunt Bracelet, ctioTved . a1 i.ii ' ' -oo M.ieaii ! Jet Prorhe 3 oo to 7o each S hk Ctmo Br oiHl s'H ri' !. rstrrn ' 3 oo to to ecb ' -t'oo J loreniint au-i Uv P.ut. the real '-.' artk-U . 4 eo to 1 e&1 !XTanrrinreutiiieE!tr Djyp 3ooioloech ' J-oo C Kar Ur-?pt., 1 4 no to 'ch -oa t.ili-' rbalelHtnChaiit-let . )tolU6 oo to 2at;h ' 6 Oeni8 Pin, a ''n5i! as.-urtuie;it 2 oo w 16 e-a h muo Kolltatr. Sleeve Buitonn. .txo Siodit and sleeve-Button, In ', . , rerr rich ' t-oo S eee Buttoni plain, enainellei and nprar(-d -frooo Pialnnuti handsomely enc. vx Spring Lockets, double casa, richly . , enjiriiveJ ISxw -et I.adie' Jeelry, new and U'ekt fty'e . Go Pt-ue -ui hardtome Si;ver . 2 oo ic 6 each 3 lo 16 each 2 oo to 8 each 3 61 Uj lo 2 po to 1 4 each 6 oo to 12 ca.b 6 -it to lo ,vh Toin cv-tiftf 'i"t A pa"titi1 ami lub'e ta 11! be ao'.d. for Ore U '"ar each. Certuicate of aM V e ali4vo art will ho p'a'-i-d in enveiore-, aiJ elal. taeti enrcl've vii te bent by nuil, a r Jored, W.v'. oiM. repaid to 1 e. Ou recr iviiig a Cer tiUcnts ym will i-ee what article you are to bare. auJ v t"i.en It i Tp-iouai :ih you to eud ot;e Ujllr Aiid re- te We the ri'i'le or r. )t. . r" Certifcale' tn bp Vc'ered :or ,i ; Eleven f,.r $2 ; ' Tiiirty-fl. e Tor $5 Sixiy-nvc f.-r $'0 an l One hun. C ved r t.J JV'c MJlui a in; t C't:it:U.aie oa the .- : - A.-H BOWEN ft CO . r. TBv.ai270 V ,3$ JJeckuiaa bt.eet, N X. ,S-2t-2iB A. CO. DR. J: A. HARYEY, s V tiik i:t:xoyi;if ! ' i)D IVashivgion Are Ld. 4A and 6th Sis. . iVt OFFICE OX083.) .. . j Te Snnernatural Gift of t'larireyp.Tlt Sight pos-aent-ed ty thi woiidii f al person, t kiicL an a.slonisli--"-ilTtiecT-rwiTmres-the mocT skpptir.a! of the Un l!m;iel Power r.e baa tii case ref anlius 1 ,1 t; JlKAlI'll" By the afutance of ttperior rer he ia e;.i'!e'l to perceive 'he Cause and Coiidi- 4in, and j enUowed with the capjuity U heal A L f, 'DISEASES, Th)5tart the P ctor hag lemonstrated In thogsitadR 'it CAfe Irom all tiarta it the world, during the lat .twelve yeari. The following ilisea.-es in their mitt hfiDte form. TieM tinder his Ma?ic Touch, to-uit: CONSUMPTION and ASTHMA, in fn,ni ", six week; PARALYSIS und all d i segues. f rtbe Kervoua System iuciualng EPILEPS1' r 'ITS in rron one to .three d.iys. D:eae of the LIVER, LFABT and KIDNEYS iu frriu re teten day. All Diseaes oi lite blood.; 'ch Scrofula, Erysipeiaa, Fercr bores, ;xcv accord Ihj-to it eererity ! the liSeafe; DIB CASUS'; Treated by a lve"- ileinod, wilt speeJy and the iet bappy re-"ius. o - i r .- i A Tb Dntor H'wn re n ivr-ied iniy y rwim pronuanced 4iu:nriliie by i!ie wiivile .Medicai Faculty, and no one t-hon'd despair of relterotil after hein? exKmiDed hy the f idvr'i Clairvoy-iBt flye , without a-'kii'tt ineiijtiit. he tell. Can e. i,obaioa n4 T'httnnno' nnyant!i ut.e-i---. .(!: .. ."rr !iru pri'Taiaarenei.- reron i me oi rn. ct,ie, ud nchbse n4 wa'.ke t or yo .r. r tuji m testify' to the rwfor'a Wc urter'al nfj jies. , .The Liuctor aevei ttN juthiiti: biu wuai- u.,'.;a ihe ' ' ahllity fo perforni, and will jriv? the ruorv .-ii.iJ.te iiatlHtarti'.n to all who C'-mc un'ler h:s tre.-.hi-i.i.. In. Talids wbocanriot eonnnlt the Doctor i a per.-on,an b$ nilned and prescribe 1 fur by eendiu? hy letter a .p . lmpie utateinent vt their case. Uefe:euce to Cures .mV& P S.CIA ,ia:.' - - ASTHMA," teve"fore ctii!ilred n inrurhle diiteatie, i treat elvil pen ect &uctei in every iu. itance by tlielfcA-tmc Bi!wy discovered AH O&f e of CAT CiJi ,,r ii..w lonu atandin. reniovei in frm iwe'vtoieuty-four,iiour ithnut liinu tinieiit ot pain, ty a'irocfMi revealed to the ixwtar whtte In the CUirvoj ai t Mate, which is ik Horn u to uowtXier piou livii(. i23-y ' falic.1T I5IlKO v rSiz T - IX ' MACHINES. iMPlRJT "SrlGlTLS :MACH!"'E ! ! ! Patented r.rnary lith, 1SC0. SALE SROO 11. 53(5 BR OAD W.A X. 1'. 2o- ( WASHIVG TUX, St. B OSTOA ' : ' 'v . i THIS MACRINF i eontrootd on entirely new, prin'dptes of m-vhanUui. pi i"j'f ,a many rare and Va.aable iuaproveiiieii'., iiar'ng been ez'iuiiue-1 by the moft profnnnd expert?, and p'ononnfr-d to be Simplicity and Perfection Gombiriea. t .... - It ha a etiKigbt nei rile perpendicular action, Bnk U-eVttCKor Slip I I'LL. STITCH, whioh will neither UlPbr U Vi'E:., iiud is alike on both eolei" : pertoMu perfect M-wm g on every desi-ri tioa . . of 'wiitrial, fwo Letther to the tjnft Naoiok f ,i '.-iiu with cotton, linfii or mi ; thread, froia the ft' Corei to the fiuent nuiu'oor. " . 's- " Having neither OA '! u.r L'tXJ WflERL.and the , ( let possible fri'. ti-m, u t uns a t!iootb as las.s, i r Md ia ' -Enrptatlcry i:c!-e"irs ' Ilichine. i-!t Tetjuiren Fir , V FLii CENT le?s jiowcr to ,.'sdrive it thnn any otlur Maehino in the ma-:et. : A wzgir) tweire jears of age can work tt steadiiy, witb .ei;nitfaiigu or injury to healih;' ri.-iMirii;(u boo i i i:u--i I n I cim"! fl'T i,f . 'litlte I I .J. .Ik r. I 1' J r..llf.- .l . - V.aietfen rtn.,ers H nlnost nu, t gct out of - v.. ........ i uc cvujiiauy to give entire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all those who may dekire 9i1ojMyAw tbemsclve with a superior aitule, to Lfiie-itnd ekamine tbis Unrivalled Vaohine. But in a Wvre especial manner do we solicit the patronage of ' j" Herri sr.tTr.nors, Coach liakers. Hoop Skirt Jjlanufac- Shirt and boson 21 ak .r- ' iTli a .- . fi Corset T-t.ikers, . Gaiter fitters, -hoe binders. Vest anri Pantaloon ' Madera, : Dress Maker. , .CllfflKI OUll f, a"", ""in .''.' "iivn unt ue iioc- tally ieiJf ic'f lUcn iTiicen of irfucltitip Com : Jvo. 1, Family Muehiuewiih ilemmer. i bller ' . ' Md BraiJer ' " . ' $$t Jf. , Small Manufacturing, itV Extension , Table !:,' 75 iio. 3. Larre Manufacturing. ith Extension . f ,Tabie J . i j . i v . - f ' ivo. VLaxga-Manafaturingr for Leather, 85 f - ,- .with tUdltfg r 't and V.l t'up-. n ' '1(10 , Cm half "uiurV itT'ieti 'J' tie it tt csio( y few -perwftta : ifnrhlttt to tkrtr ittl Irt y asitf).A'eft'or rrdT i Agents Wanted for all fwrtt in the United States, rbere Agents Are Jiofalitr.dy established. .Msp, eCetrw MeXico.'Ceutraf arf PSooifi Atj.TrXa, to h'-in A Lberfd tiiscrunt till be given. . 5 ' (,Tcj.u Inviriatly Cash ifi dehvory'.. i j i i . X ! T.a icAnnar -ii' to.. ; i'ti. - - 5SftLVoadway, New York." A. A Co. 5',2 Washington, St.. Ui;Sr.ori. i;?Cti- w .7rj CUirnnt St., Pbila.- T 102', 4;a, 5L iliisle, LV . 3.? TPfl - ADMIISTRATO HS; NOTICE. ! i , t .' . i ii i' All pton having claims "agilnst Oie EsT"t"tf James Oroan, deceased are hereby notified .t bat they are required byan oriTof the Piobite Ciur( f Nemaha -County, Nebraska Tcrrit rT f !e tbeir c"a"!Uj ia eaid Court on or before th "1'' ,1 v. of ..lecrmberrA. D:l"'. at ten o'clock A . .V ' v, hr , and tt here aid cl;m i-ill be examin ?;.0 m" fuMd. lf8cbr'i f - ,t ! fi!eJ'.r,n:rr.hJ-.' fore the l?th da.' .': 'ziS. tbeyli'lil!. fU.rbrr. ' r in . - i : i - . , ., - . . - . - x-i . - . - . , i.u.-.-.-iiiw4jr. iajielth'ldii 41 jC Iri A If TU T TT I T O M t T" r I U al r i V' lX i r . itAb 1 ,r AND BLAfiremTUS. - tat D;!Ai -CONSTABLE, BTi PTOSIS 1 0. ., it i k it' u x ! . 1 1 i ! ; ( - a ! i- a I v n..4r - iir j i i n - -i.-.-. , ' "i.t- ...... ' .. AV! WST.L STLEtTPn STrrK OF - 75. V i,TB XXPT Gr , ! Heavy.',', Hardware. i .... k r '-' I 0?f PKliNii : I IIOKSE NAILS. NAll.-nOPS. - . D0UE AND" ML LIT SliUl S, ANVILS.. SI'KlN'r.S, I'.KLLOV.S, AXELS, VICES. TlilMliL!; -KEINS CIIALNS, WAGON HOXES, i- CVXW PLATES i;ui.sti:i: pi.atks. FILES, UASt'S, Wlil NCMKS, SLI'.lHir' H AMMtliS. IIANII HAMMERS, ' .SHOEING HAMMERS. PINOHEKS, M'TS. TIAlUMiW TEETH, V'FLL VHFELS.Ar..'&C. ACW . T A M E N ISL E I TO SELL TO T II L ,T BADE A T J li I C E S T U ' . je i v ro MprrriT ion. CONSTABLE'S IKOX AM) SKEELMVAKEIIOrSF UlOUKdl' PKICL i'All) EOK W'UOL't'li' ., ..SCJtAP IU0N AT EQT&ri'l in Your frrap Iron.jigft ' - AND' V -. r.T.iozm Tc-nxsE, HAVINi! 4, A I 1 IN A LAKUE STOCb OF THE ABOVE i 0 0 0 S, D1KECT I'KOM TmE FACTORIES. . FAIRBANKb C LE S ALSOAGKNTP THK 8A'.K OF in: 1!S, SPOKES. FELLOWS, WAUON LOU S, SHAFTS, POLES, AXL "i, HouNUS, AXE ITANPLfi UOOM HANin.ES,1 . PLOW L M'LES ic. c o m r f i v a WOODWORKS I AUr-O 6T. JOSEPH, MO ran -m THE-ONLY SURE TH'NG. - rHOTO GRAPH - L. t ! ..: A the reme tndier.te. It Mt or.'y RENEWS lb wiw h of tlie-biiir wben thin mid taUirg off, but i iv!y KENEW THE COLOR to its migin;, e when it turnin rrey or Li,le, wbelher . d by i is-aie, griet or old a see. " 1 will ccrtaiuiy uo what is cUiiued forit, a Fact hicii b'.tnJ.O'lJ. t)ny, tbonands wbnhuve used re T.-atiy Pfid willing to te.-tify.- Wl:en one bot t.v ia i'Atrly u.ed. in anv community, its reputation VpreaJ. lilo wild tire," anl is tbe b;?t. odv.rtiiJ meDt and ri-iorj.mcndaticn we rU-.-ire. IutbeEast ern Stntes, wbere the "J.ENEWER" originated, it is said iiy all Vourg Ludhji fist Ihva.iiJiir. irnd is ti bo lout: Jon tbetMlettal lc? i f Tturg lfri. (alsoaf I f'.ri- K.i rkAM L aiK. Ia r. at..t mtm win not be witliMit it, n? a rf newr oiid restnrntive 1r L'.hr grev ocks and La 14 ' hefeis, Whieh it cbanges j to tbeir entire sittisl.'tinn. ' ' " u ' WrMre. f iling iu the ci' y f noitnn alone, np wjrd of Irt.t oQ bott'e iu htU . the dvSk'-irs giv Siig tb v..'LNEVAlt tbe i'iti'i'ren-9 over all otnei UjirJ'co'ietra .' !-. t ."'." i l(- itrT Sl iis- rx 'tl ?-r.r TS" trt T ttr ttlTPjM Trial VttttJ tt'tV-'t. Voti r.v "!--. VH'M Te.'t'it.t. it ) iif,S;i:; St'ii'. -'iia'.- iv'n. :aV iv '!!.' i). tin i-ifiirtuaiu t rt o.!r- f'Ttv't i's vi -tlo.-.u-vt, tuvp,. , or tiea-tfai rjiri t lor i.'n..Notif)Wi tti-ru Staie, Tj. A.C0t(i,Box t'52l, Chicago, 111. AH ut;h orders will rice! veivt -in m attention. j ' 'l "rf. P. HALL A CO.,PrVprietortv Nashua. N. II. - "" Tb" rJi'"Dpn"l'ied at i'a'iufatnrpra' Prices by FrLT.ER," UNOir A-rULL'iii:, Wholesale Drug gi.s,Phie;igo, Uli'ioifi. ' .'; r y - rn It Rolls tea iy to nail '4 own. i";. ' : ROOFLNG' " Ccsting Icjs thn half a mttii aa Tin. iraFiN( l 9 f. ' r- i . : ... i 5! du;f! !c than Tin. JIOGI'TXG. . , Suitable for Ste- .fj-vt ruofj. ROOFING Wot injurb'i by het or oold ROOFING Easily and rapidly applied. The m jt o't.'in nwtf ri-il emitTy .id in the eon stMicj nof ihis Poofii g, have Keen ucd in vari ous tvyyj fui roofing pu i poses for over if teen years and otar manner of combin irg tbm intv" oe firm, iuipei ineblc, uri'form fabric, secured by Patent, increases their durability, while at the sau'e time being manufactured by tn&cbincry on a largacsle, I"h rivfct is lessened. Our Roofing is adopted to bulMif 6f nil descriptions, and in allclimalcc, and can be npplied tosfepor flat, rr.ofs, old or naw md ry ordinary workmen at a trifling expense. tv. lip :..r : -r -:..v. fMsJ:J,T . ruleatiV'ch evpne's and darabifity, we invi a thorough trial. maiiUiac- ture" , -. For Leaky Tin nnd Iron Tuxifs. ' Mu'-h cheaper and more durable than oil point, as it form' a much heavier body and will i t crack run or Cake off. . .. r ' COMPOUND CEMENT.- For Lenky Shingle Koofs.Cbimneys aud Skylights. A sure remedy that will often, yave.the cot-t o(a Jnew rotf' ' . i tSuapUsf Jtotjng and - Girculars sent by mail pon application. 'i: '" - ' if favorable term made with responsible parties who buy to sidl again. ' aJJl?aDT5K00FING CO,. ? ' ; 4 4 In . - if fTinr- v ra 7iin .i v .WJ;i.yiLijUiii J . , T'VrTT s i Z i .tit n v3j JOHN PATTERSON; ' , 8EIHI unis, i enr,'' r c-ii aii a cocxty-. xed. HAS just received a large and wtll selected Stock DRUGS, MEDICINES, ' ' " -TAINTSrOILS. VAKNISIT. " ' vi 'i ldye stuff; brushes, ' SPONGES.' FANCY AND' TOTLET. ARTICLES"' . .1 A Usl everything eoTCmorlylrept in a . - , . , " . .".rtrst ClrA IJruy Store. ... Cutfi-ners wil! t rk fouplete, which be Pi-rs f, ."r CASH Jit thr very lowest market prices. r-i -'i!,B i'fscripuviia Comp-oundei with the f'l' i?'" at all hours. , . -,' ' .- h;i?o5. v9-n28-fm -- . o -s eT f rteTdoien or barret, t aauperi re,. ilj, ci untaatiy on tiano i f At McLiruBUM & SriN.a. -r-rr.-arx- tfiiw greatest iui.roTenint yet in tbtirfewiunll- chne Art. A cunoiity worth seeing, j PJease sond for cir,;al:irs with apiies of PewiDg P S t 7"; . -eiit. of thread and silk, aiid uuik". the LiH.k-.Sul alike u botfan ides. f They require no instruction t opfcinUi ret.(!3T; esci'i't tlie 4 priiiied-direcliouV No cKarge iu sewing from no kipi of grds to .llllfi 111 l r 7 : And no taking apart to cWn Rr r il. ( - ij OurNew Mannfiiciory i now coin pie with a'l iU inncbirwry aiwl tool entirely n"i . ndi jfalreinly ii r ... &l l. .1. ...!. (j... i.i.dioe fii..l rN'ctiou ot Diu.n are nor surisca o uin;u r;u:turc in the world. r - . B.-SboulJ any Machine prove nnsatisfiU-torj, it can ba returnc.J and money refunded. Agents wanted in counties not cp.nvH.-?ed by our .vn Agent?." risiixi? & UO, S. 31. CO. .A'O. 53d LKOAUW AV, N. V. No. -v-y. - .to, THE AcivertisT'Havirg been,ro". t Health in a few eks,hy a v ry n ou-ie ren eu . ut ter having ?uMi red Fevernl ye;.f. vt .:L a sets i s !r. "V -ffection, and drend d'ifo .:, Counia,:'.;;.1 i. M.xii-uA to make kou to bi ioIlew-si;ilctsipi tf.e m ans of cure. . To a'l wbo dnre4t, he w"U srr.d n cw-f Oi'j -1-seriptinn ed (free of ch'-trge,) tvit r'v' fur preitrirgt rid tisirir thesf int-. v ' .. i.i CndaSURE CCrKrOR'MPlIOX i-'TtL MA. BbONriimS. Ac. Ti.- .7.:.v ..-,: i-r'ihs. idvertiser in sending the Pre- r, tiun i t "irerefi: viA jir?''!ted. ond fprini inf"rra:'':i u vt?: je cr.i. jeivc.-t tc Irva'unble, and he t.opcs every offerer ili 1y bls rcmejy'.'is it will toit them uothicg and n:y proveabicing. " 'arties wishing tho nre?onr,tton wl pleiwe addrens ' Rev. EDVa3D A. WILSON, -m Viiiiarj2sburg,iv!''J-sOc...ISow ioru.; ' GEO. A. PBINCE-&-COS EACH ! -r It 39 Vflrieties, with Patent Bassib Tenuto or bub Basb. iCUOOl ORGANS AND HELOBEONS, Finished in . : . llosewoo1, 'Walnut Oak Cases. ; CIcsrant or Xo Charge for Boxing or Shipping. AT3 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, con taining full description of styltinrt lesiinioniaJ of the niokrcminetit Mu-iciaiis, as to ti;e nperior excel lence of our iUbtruiutuis' will be fcut Xree t auy add: ens. THE AUTOMATIC OI2GAIVS. - In preeniinp the Automatic Organ, we hflljMy an nounce thecreatest tritiRtrh ifl mawcal in"tr::nwn of the a.e. Uuring tlje pat half ccniq r, the KieaU and fternvp have piau'faatt;red reed iiu-:rvuieiit! A"Uh (toubifli hcllowa, and two peVl "f tr)-- i :y. e pft.iitf-"h.".the v a;;t(.f the reyeie,l' -f plw: t btf iVff, (nhicliiK the only i,el Iowa o6! tn our- inst Vv. taelts), me it Impossible for them . prodpee the .ffrvtl'ow, i-h Ni'l muaicat Une for wiiUU our iuhtru niet;ts he ce ehrsied. j iiiother tjfetion o thin methml of blowing wa that, both leet temt; .eciipieJ. no upi-ortutity W4S of leied f-r the umi,? ineul vt the swell. Wilhiu the pst two yeaiii. iiiStruuicnts construct el on thia Eqro p'ji'i piHn of 'double blovor,' ieen niitnnf ict 7J; e-t in ilii.i connlry, and to'CoutH6rct ih irru-stry : ut of a wel :) a levpr ha- bfeu proje't"4 from the el:. ire of t he instrument, to act up-n toe ewelfTaud . rae' by tiirkDee The liicor.v enienc and contor tion lesar to eirect tUt oljectare dU ajiieeaule eunui!':i i'oa jrentleman. but 10 a lady the ne ot uch an Mppi-ndaise is nearly iinpo"hible.. , Onv A utotiiatic devii e obviates tLis difH nltr entire ly, ttie FtmpJe act of blowiLR with ui- ieor e8 force itivins; the desired iucrease or crease the volume or Jone. . f . . , For seventeen years the superior excellence of onr Meio'leons.has net been oetii.iieil. and for two years' tasi lUe eut-;-iiioua iieiu jiMi lu.uie if luip'issi.Me i'o it to meet our orders pr.onptty WuU our incr.etsed tdviii.'ies, we feel Warren. ei i.i ;isorins jiu'j itrois haV t htir i i iters wil i be p .: ipt ty met. and solic't a o-ut;iiUaUce of their pali-.-iia!,. ( I V't OmK A. PBlKOii CO-,-. . Caution tt J'Eirdsasers. - AH enrinntrumeiiia linr.i niwi ire irj?i. !iu.iri!, iu r ill "UFA). ' A. PKINTK Si Vi1'J Wuh lea:e.- rep i e-ruts .ui y other iusi ' u;iien.s as "tUc ';o .: n . ,'' it l ally-a mere attoipM ( nel tJL'yri'T'-' r:i- tnpTrfr, oi which l.e c.iu iu ..u a i't-jr- . ."oj;." o A llbt ti.; llii';.l:t lo I iii.: v iit C.eiJ.J ii-il j 1 .1. 1 . . . - i ' 1 jj 3ni'. i .''bilO . ' ' ,' i GBt 'A. PK'.NCK. K OO , t'3 Vi-i Suva. Or, ., GEO. A. HVACV. i. (V .,l; tr j -j KaylsLM8C5. - ; n,33 vJi'-jiy .. n St. i!.!. r HTBilTIC SI6SIS! )F NEW AND WELL hKLiCCTEIh.r A Tj-nTrr., m J. . . Eta (gee Aer.ic. nt Ju?t received at Tenia -n lA .Trn it.n t DRY GOODS AND GKOCEIIY STOSE, V X. Jf. Cor. Alain and First Sfreds. r Latest Style Lndies Dress and Fancy Dres3 Goods, Summer Shawls, ;' ; I Ery Goods, Urpceries,' Hat?, Caps, ' Boot?, ..v-'M Shoes, Iron, l Naiisr Eiour Bacon, - ; QueeDsvarer Hardware, Furn iturej Sash, Ddxri, : Window Glass', &c. Which he will sell ' OHEP FOR CASH; . , ; - :.. Call and eiamln his r'tocfc before pur chashic else where. , j ' 4,, . 8-42-!j . v MOLIKS PLOWS, On band and UTarria at I'-'t-id ' D. A. . COJs'STABDE'S - Iron and.SteeWarebottPo,- t " V 0.nd 22 Third Street, k. m crrrr - res ii -tf.r":l FLOURIXG OF WILL keep constantly on band an assortment of Extra-nperfine to Cominoa And all other articles' osnally kept in afirf t-class Merchant Flooring or Saw Mill. Brown viUe. March t, '. n y. :H J ! ! 1 ran mi.Uin tii 1m I -, ' jk--y !) wiw rnrnTi rrm int f rTurai m ' -3 . . , umi niiia. nw ' wr-wx t im iiMiMMMMMMW!,,fl't."".,' -J. TTT- - .. . v k " , t q 1 ' - - I 1 ; zff sum v. - 1 'flBBiT'-'-'-TOTBB: EROWXYILLE, NE iSCASKA. . T ,.- We are the only Authorized Agents In this Land District for the following articles.: GEORGE A. PPJNCE"S AUTOMATIC ORGANS 3 ! SCIIOOTj ORGfANS. JThese injfrnmentgare beyon4lquestiorf ie fiaeat toned, neatest finished and best manufactured in this conntrv. (See adverti.iementi) $ Liberal Discount to Clergymen, Chutr .T'.it fhes ar.d-Schools; EMPIRE SHUTTLE Vehavchii one1 Maehino in f.t9 for the past fix months find c 'Q'fcc nunend Has "being. tt. . wim,l..t .s;.st morle J ' '"J b-Hft liable fo ge. nt nt ..nUr nn'.l oi. t ilijru'.-it' ''Ucbine we' bave seen. The Loch Slic-h which it w-.. "res is a most wmrle tr. i-niiation of t ha finest hano. sevtng.sna v i" oo )f or ravel. It is very ea?y to Jc: T lb its work well end fast and is enjpbat-' noistUs'. Siacbine. (Sec Auvtrtiieuicaf.y - i dlORACll WATERS' T 7 1 , I - 11 '1. U u t .See Advertisement.. GROVESTEEN'S a Thcs.a Jnitroments ftrehJgbly recommended. We havaihipped a $39 instrument from this firm this Spring, which Is pronoSnoed ty compejlan'c' judges lobe th fineii instrument ever brought to Nebras ka. See Advertisement. ". y.7 f. "f "i I J T " '.':' J'M C ; Persons desiring any. of the above ar tides will find it greatly to their advan tage to purchase through the ; ADVERTISER AGENCY As onr facilities for, supplying. them are uneqalled. Alii others, pretending nu Agency are encroacning on oar: . nnts, . , .. ., Pub. Advertiser. fiiforiHatiouFreel T J SUFFER Kits. A GL. 'lLEMANeured of "ervoss Oebllity. Ia competen 7 Premainre Decay and Youthful Error, actuated I it ' siie to benefit ethers, will be happy to fimb all who need if. free of charge,) the reclpcand ctk os fcrcf.kirg the simple remedy ! used in his ea. Sufferers wishing to profi by the ( advertiersr-b.d experience, and possess a sure ani valuable j-emedv, ran d ro by addre ing him al orce at his place of bu'ines. The Recipe and full information of vital 'importance ill be cheer fully sent by return maiL Ad-JrM ' , - JOHN B. OGPEN , ' ' ' No. Nassau Street. NT. Y. P. S. Nervou Suffrtr of both se will tud tbi iuforiuaXiou tuvaJua.0i. -at --Vi -0A ? e -- -V r n I 9 - VI S, i ait uu I Jj u Q r GROYESTEEN P I A S' U FO RT M i u 400 BKO A33WA.T ftftntlnn of the Publio Rnd the trnde is invitod The Frte which for volume and purity of tone are wirivallcd by any hilifrrto u.-red tu tan market, iney -ontain all the modern improvements. French, GrW act t-u. Il.t. p Poial. Ir-n Fin me. Over- Strung Las., Ac and each instrument being urnde under the personal supervMrr ! Mf.-l.tJ. Utovesteen. wao hs had a praetical experiTiee ot ieT.-su years in uirir TlieGrovsternTi'irtnrt Forte" receive! tlic hfshrst a ward of merit C A O Cover air-i- Hie Celebrate! World's "Falrt f ere were exhibited inptruiuo-.t trout the be. makers f London, Pari, Oernnuy. Piiil d-Tr)hi;. Ra't- imore, Boston and New York ; uud nb;.. at the Amenoan Inmtuto tor iive succcsMve years, ujc go. . ,Vlij silver 'medals from I both of which can be seen at ur ware-room.. - ' By the introduction of iin;rorcmcuU we tuak a etill mor't prfetJt Pt-po frte, and by minnfacturir-g largely, Mti strictly 'cash system, are enabled t. ? c-. :r ;r t I rice whicu will preciuila all ermpetiti m. 1 ' '' '"""'"''" " " PRICES No.,, Seven Qefnve, round corn?. !.,.. yy.- u 5 - v.T -, Cl 7lfojSeTen Octive, rtttn4 nriier!, fv. .-.:". 1 ' a-n v rr.-ii" ; 5. K'. Seven Octave, round ei rterf, K(ir-. u L. ai ia !! i : v r -S , ' Hml f above TESCuiPliVE OlUC'L'LAlvS ENT FiiEt-i. HOSACE WATERS MODE! iui - ' r . llPBQVED OVEHSTRUNG B.VS3 FULL IRON FRAME PITTCS are built of the best and most thopouphly seasoned m teria's, and will tand auy ciiiuate. The ton is very deep, round, full, and mellow; tre touch Elastic. Kae.h Piano warranted for five jears. Prkes froai $225 to$7J0. ,. "The nratK Waters Pianos are known amnions tb very best." Ecnncelist. . 'We can spek of their. merits frcm personal knowl edce." Chiistiari TitleUiijaicer. . . . Waters' Pianos and Meiodeotm challenge comparisoa with the finest made anywhere.' Home Journal. . '100-NEW 7 OCTAVO PIANOS, uf ditTer ent makers, for $190 ; do., with carved legs, $200, $225 and $240. Second-hand Pianos and Melixlervnsa"r $25, $40, $50,-$6Or $75, $100, $115, $125, $150, and $160. . , r- -v 1 , t Thr Horace Wafert jfelolcbri8 'arid Harmonium, Tuned the Equal Temperament with the Patent Divided 5eUriee from $55 to 8300. Alexander Ot' gabs frm I'aOOto $6Hu. JT3A HheTal discount to Clergymen, Churches Sab Lbafb 5"chniieLodges,SeTOinariea, and Teachers, HOB Tie Day School tt ; ., ,....) 40,fl00copis issued- . Anew Singing Book for Schoola and Seminaries, Called the Day School Beil. is now ready. It contains at put two hundred choice songs, ronuejcatcbes, duels, "trios, xiartetts, and caoruses, ntaiiy of them written expressly, for this work, besides f 3 fs?es tt the Elements of Music, which are easy and j&vsressiveJ. .Anion? the number of beantltul pieces may te fou'ri'4,,VUncle fcm's School," "Don't you hear the chfdrev cointtip,'.V "Always look on (he sunny side," "tii i littlg lasa. 'an ''Little L1," "Oh, if I were little tlrj," "Bird of V?auty." "Pretty pear .tree, ;J ti"'Ci'rns. 'f'rfcet .ie .hy.tne Tiinn,.Atr.oc7' &c. jl is corr.piled Cv llori-? Wnters, author of 'Sat) ba-h Sbho i;vir'"K''. 4r and 2, which Lave had tha enormous sHieof 0 0 r''!,ies. Prices pa-jer covers, 23ce'.its. $20ipr ItVj-lj rirrt 30 crrr.. $id-per lot); eioih totini, emi)of'se4 (lit UO cental 35 iier iiundred. 25 copies' furnished al the one hundred price, iiailed at the retail pricp.' ' - ' :r.r a; -, fyllh $VJU : Ctf. iTo.' ' .... - ' i - - r ' ' ' ' , if v ; r y ; i ' eonteins 144 pxKe. and riearry two hundr'pF fit??. and bymsn, and is the most jx puiar S. S ever iasnef A liioot the nViUf pi putaf piles' ' K Kd fV' "Kden ABos.,?r'Clt-i'!tian f:er.',"-"'-B',-int:ii!l 2ion," "1 ought tolova " " .Mi-thef' "The Atuelf tM nipn .", "Ia the iJSht' "Kest for' the Wertry &c Pin. paper covers, 20, cts. each. Sio per hunorrd ; b-. 25 cts. eachj $20 per tinririre.ii eloCh U.uud,'u rt. i Silt, 30Gts.,'$25 per hUtmred..' ' Sallalh Sr'tuol DAI, Ac. " : is an entire new work'oj 192 Jl3,'e, and nearly 225 tunes and hymns, as the riiP is a little iame ditlicultit in ju-t.the boon trT(Cliii- Bell So. I." Nearly ono mil lion of thee Bells hve .bpeii. issued, and arn now rinse in? throucrh this anrl othar jcoiintrtes. , the mihf cJioiae pie-Fs.fciay be found, 'fchall we meet be yond th yvt-r 1 Ihere t a beautiful world. Sorrow bal i C' tjiS au-iin" no nioi e. Don't you hear the AnpeU coming Tf:u, fiod.ef t me.' Sabbath liells clinue on. &c Prices r 15ejl 2 are the same as Bell No. 1, B.-th numbers iiu be obtained ill one volume. Prire? kund copy,' 40-rent-, $35 per huid:el; cloth hound, embossed jtijt. 50 fts $-br-pw hundred. 25 piii'fu'iihed ti2-c ue Biuuu-eiiil:ic.'ilaiied at -the retail tv. " ' aAaauJ. J ..-. 7-"ytT.j' Oirttl Ilnrp, .Jl..4f,-f S&'pa?ii t, ho A new Sofiy Set oantifnl Lviuna -an,! tu , 3t, .A-'nt line ;i i -iiy ffrru, n;c' sL-al! wa know .-tl er there? filter ifUt'cLHUren f jo-t.-wee nu7 i"q 5 fee Hi cr, .,-.? 11 i-L.t-i- ..T,-,,l,t.V...'. -."."P- ;iiet!i me ite.-j.le per hundred 'hr.n.M tr..v,t, $2;. f V-' Mre"-i-,.i .n,i..ilii!i!. iii 'i. . r ji't'Kire'j. Mailed at the retail price, if is tUi'-l .' -T e Wa- Inch tare inll,'.rnl Rnnili, MlVil HpllK Kj. I"0't .vi , .. . . . . . v . v.. . .... - j " - . . - - . - - . hive had the ece.rmoas saies'.of over t.i b c ies.". Just pui.Ur.hed by IIOitAC i .V Aii'J'. BroadwayXeir Tort. - -"' - f Thi $cto; Patriotic Sttnj'Eohi- vwtiria S6 pit ye, of stts, duer and cr.'rn--e . , . .71 . is-itfil. itcludliif 11 !ir-5 of pray " I :. i: t, ,..!.. !:.: sC-:i!:r."S, ih1 Soi'ti.Ta' ttl ll't '. . " .U a1. ti-. -fi mm-? T'.r.-3 ! .ir.'-Inx; a we,:'as:Saub4.i .'.-:;!;.' . r.i iiic the many beauti'ul pieces in.ty he :. i -"A . Viie; itOoriyiYeU.H is.niy i oiimry ; XheCbcls tu-.i , f'.ree t!n:-e-i for our banner;. Conie ain to nit; ot' ; ! i:iwa . the ?em of h9 ocean ; riee- n.aii' . iiutr c " ::i.ia'B fotever Jf arcbiag a', r e, &.o. Prices papercover, ISceuts, Jl Jpor bun died. iXaiied at tiie retail, price . , ; . Tie Harplof JPretdnm, contains 82 pastes of songs, due's and chornies, for free dom. Amppg tliclic-ice pisces we would uarue, Fail rrecopnrs morn ; o let n,y ple go; Over the inoun tain ; Tliey worked me all the day, k.c. Price 6 ceuts single, 50 ceul par Uoien, $3. per hundred ; postage 1 cent each. ' k.f k .-. , - ;. " Ruth': A &ierccTZ Cantata. contains lis papes. Wonts hrlter. Sidney Oyer, rar, byn.r. Cull. - This pi aa eee-llent ixik. for concerts the yiun8. -Prices paper cover: 20 cents; $15pe nuuureu, nounu acc:ui. 'J per hundred The . llwitl Mimic Hook ilna 73 papes?i wi"esal hymns, deltrned forj 1, prayer. an iMnYcfi.'toeetinirs. Price in p containa ra. vital i payer covers, single ChtheX." 10 cauta; .. ... . . . . ... . $3 per buudre4. jiaiiea at uie-re'.Sii trice. ' " v n '1 ft J AOfwdLtfttfilCMWi 4AUorioa. ' .r o It .'bi t a n I J.T ' r I . I . . contains pelweeq four ndJflvAhgrr?tef-J,aes of tii. 2pd hymns, uew, and .'tilj, ot the, thjicet kinds, , fa ciirrj,punday school, revival, msiouary, temptranc grayer and conference, and all Mints 6f t-acred ami o cil"oit 'if!tS j TV tnf.iidin tbi book a Jife and an than WjitB-tw eacnnitne' there? abaii wtmeetbevon CiS river Therein teautifnl ,tlf, -ind words SweVvr tf prayer ; There is a'iamf of love ; Suffe little vbildren tcome unto me ; (r..l save the Nation &c Priceini:le copjej, .bmmd 60 rents; $45 pei Hundred J. ciotl,BonnrV iemtxised rilt 60 cents ; 63 oer hundred. iaiieil.t the retail price. HOKACK v'A. TBS. 481 Broadway, -New Toark, Puljliaher of tl kifiiVM Buuka.V tqf' " ' ' Vocal Jfu lite f -Kith. Pittao Arenmpan intent, i A large asMortmeotW ,Bew and popular aon?s, ballad, duets, quartetts, aui cliornseo, i.-eued daily. Acionf the most poimlar ar.Lall we Vn .w e-ijh other there Lowrey-r Why have hrvl rvivL S-e"; I will he true to the; on, there' antjfcucn. girl a.ralna. ty "Foster; .mother it love u uue ; Sweet love,' torr-t me not . . by Keller, 25 cent eeti; 1 aea wweet t,; Tina ; none i home; Frrt .u vy eutv t it forgD e', bj th-iinas. 30 cents eact;-. .'. .-- - Instrmnenrr. M' ttu. Ci.!.Fcrt We ar coming rattTt Atrxy'm," Six br.nilrvii ioousaud uiorn j.Alw&ys look uu iLk i,urny si.le ; S'ail we knu ccl rwrWiFfrkt;,-'!!) bri'.ruot tasiCloiiTy oiohe eeas.ernfc. Poifiis. Vfallzes. Marches, Q-iicksteps, Qni'lriiH Jcc.'by p-'Pulaf antl.KS. All kin ts of S.rtii and In utrurtiop th-M.ks.". Ciitalosnes mai'ed"ce u'aci a-drc- ,!o&tc 'mu.! tha above price. '. '. - IPu'ew' CfP Jiii. or .. tie XlUion. Arran.ed as aoloe. UueU, qaartetis and ciiornseb, fai mus.-cai t,rcietie dintrt. Sunday chool. i-nblic school aeminaries 3tc. Shall we i nw each, i'ie there?- Don't yn hear t)'.e anpeis cuciiuii $ , Shatl wenieet h yond the rier? Be in time ; -There is a be;intifa orld ;. Where I'.hcrty dwtl is piy cinntry ; Freedom, truth and rinht?' We are cviTyioi atbet -Abra'ari. si' hundred tb-.tsiid more ; There is a l.tnd 'of love Sor row .hall cine -aaaia n nere ; Ileiveu'y home ; Conn sing to Dif.ut Ueaveu t Land in urlit wc will luve om Sunday Sohiwik ; Our Gol ia marching on ; God save tbi Nation; 'Whittier'a nn of the PMm afi--n Xe-I.f-Pab Freedom's Sfortilias dauel af'la-f ; 'Ovcfr ti)4 arooa tain; OvertUe nnUnln i Litt S ir ai aiirfl '.Wi,. lie'agone'to Heaven; Sorter Jittle chi Idren to coral nuto nit) 'Bury me' ia' ihe iuo'Vlii. i Come u thy rest Sweet hour of Prayer, fee. Price 3 cents, 3 cents ptr dot., tiper hundred ; nottage 1 cer.t each. Iu ij3efrrn. with Pit no aceornpaiii-rTicnt, 25 centa. PubiiDbed by 1IORACK WATFR3. Ag't, ' No. 431 Broadway, X. x. . - . & CO, .M A N U I- A C TURERJ YORK., ' m !o 7 Oct a re K .sewod Place our Now Sf;' luanumciun:, imt-.j'iu v ii pii. Ai-IS-ta vol. 9-19-Jy AMERICAN 1 , A MONTHLY MAGARINE- Tho most comprehensive mieiitllany flf, useful knowledge arnl ("eneral Litcratnre. peri. 'Jica.V'v is sued in the L"r.ittd States; embraci.' - the fca--tures f a Polytechnic Journal, Economic Expositor Literary lleporitort and Monthly Register. Lspe ciciy dt-votcd to FiLitucial. Commercial au 1 Iadu3 triarinterests and all joint stock corporation con cerns. Having commenced the Fifth Vcluma of this ilagasino, whosa sniWi ev'nee that tL clorts of its conductors have been appreciattd by a dufriml nating public, we would call attention t its jhar acttr ca the part or the largd body of readers who .re not yet upon its subsci iption Iist3. Our pur pose ja tbis publication is the. dissemination of -practvtal information on subjects of positive utility 'to the people, combined with a diversity of literary attraction-!-securing the services of the best reLS ia tie various departments of Science, Belles-Lettres and Ocnefal Lierature. While aiming most e3 rieoiallv to render most effective service to the ! TradyCommerco and Material Production of the Country, many fides ot the Country, many sides of the mental w .rld receive due consideration tha Hjstcjrital, Critical. Esthetical and Imaginative, as well a., the Firano'al, Statistical, Technjlogieaj aad-, strictly ile canti e. We employ-alike the re rtli of the eu' ant aid the fany of the fenileton ist, with the jractioil experience of the bdsine?s man and the wcrier. In the treatment of scicntiSc topics, the umdc svldoied 'is tKv poralar in , style ratsic than tbe technical. TLo - menjal phase eff the hcut St shall h our endeavor to portrayattd we avail ourselves ui tte contributions of new licov ery to the Circle of Knowledge, and hall record with all practicable suceinetnes? Current Ir.telii gee, wbi'-h will be of future niiility and historic interes Y.!;en the Present shall have become the Past. In fific. tbe Aroeri'-m Exchange and Uoview is.a desiraVe ad a-'rc trelorise monthly visitor to its subscribers --tiJsi-iir.'jng tbt rjch:r of kn"v!el improving the t.uie, and fur.-i'shi- i.-t. Ikctrj. gratification. ; The l! evict ba.' its speelali'-. ... ). fir 'prenstt' g 1 cp.irt rne nr . w i ih k o l.r n ; ' .he v, . - t ft r..stu: cope of lb j.iie. ', kgir' -Hf'li.,-.tii !'-f 'I'if i 'rre tt s:i'-jccts eithei J oe-J.-.i.iai " r r r : n!i,' 4.:oo-rii: 'i n.; Ar's, .L: -.ot f s: .rii'c'.tan, A plied Chem ist -y, Arvbaeoligy, L-l k--l.r-1 ? "t: Btogra phy, Cri ti-ei.-tn. E'oD' n ios Political,- Ariihi..tle National Taxation: 'Finance bank'.ri.eurffrn -x, Crrp-ratior. Acconnts. Ex"bng. F!uctuatiot:t in . Securities. Sticks ; History, I:!lnri;vl and II:;cui,;i:- euter-pri.-rii, iasurunce, internal Improvement Hail ways Canal?, Telegraphs; Jlnnufactures Products, tech nology: Mechanic; Mining iiinejalogy, Geolrgy, Mctniiurgy; Patent. Physics, physiology, statistics, iience: trails foreign ami domestic, shipping mercantile lav, Ns,;;-.' 'ton : Ti-pograjihy.Trave's. M ' tit vt U I v .7 i AN 1 : . i AIELOlNS!;!! Thirty-Fire Thousand r?ow in Use. Every Jnsiru ui en t warranted QT Jive years '' For seventeep.yenr3 the superior excel'Tc.e ooi instrument. h;i not been questioned, a:' 1 f r tw our years past the enormous da,uiind h is ma te it jmp.;s s s bio f .-r u to me t ou r order" promptly . Vu tu on r increased facilities, we feel warran'cd n aunng ourpntrons that their orders will be pr-mptly met, tail solicit a continuance of their pntrona IS" A. LIBKRAL p;OOVST TO CLEKGYME.V, Cu'fE- CHE3 AN1 SCHOOL3.J OEO. A. PItTNCn & CO., Buffalo, ,?J Y. QUO. A. PKINCIJ & CO., CLiC5go,IlL An illustrated dialogue, with fll decri-)tio3 of styles will be sea free to any address. ' . , B. c H. T. ANTHONY. CO., - 1 ' " f aniifacttircrt rf Photographic Materials, ' wi oisaie ana tieni '501 BROADVVA Y, NEW TORK. In addition to onr nain hni-lrsensef Pbetpeta;hi Jfi terials, wp areWeadiinrtersAr the fftilowmg. vir:i Stereoscopes & Scefebscoplc Vlcvr Of tUee we hve an ionnene asortinentf incl Kiin War Scene, American ant Foreign Cities and Laud- capes. lironps. siuurf, ck a.c. aiso, rtcyo iviijj Stereoscopes for puhUc or private ejbibifion. uai Ca'atose will be ect to any aadrea on receipt of Starip. '' .... Photographic Albums, We were toe first to introduce thes into the Cuite. States and we rinuracture.iin:i!cne tjirantiUea ia uret varieiy, ra;:i.Tg from 5 cent to $;U each. Om Afh'iihs be fho rep'it-jon of beinx SToeriT in beau tv ana dm f i iiy t any oiheii. They vna te feat h iiia.i. FilKi:, vii reveip, of nf.i.e. 'SB ALfMS if ArSWORt-BH.3 i7?Zr PIIOIOGICAPIIS., Our Ca'iTosue now e.rVaces over Five Thoaaa 3iE"crril Fubtects' (to which additiana re co'iunu ill tjetns r.,,prtruit fioineai A.ueruai-, Xo. viz : h '-it . - - 0 ll,ijor-Geiierals. -. tuaier Generals, 275 i. J 100 Lieij. ' lt 50 Otter O. 75 Navy 9:ilcei 1M Pr .n-t-plit Sor Izn Pi o5( Statesmen, ISO Divrfles, 125 Airiliors, 4 rlista,' 125 M:a-e. Co Prouiiaent Tomew tiait.H. S.Oi.0 Copilot Work'. Ait. ' . ' " -ravines Pointings. Stioes, &.c. Cataloencs en t oo reeeiftof st iuip. A e"Pr It One Poten ptcrnree j fi-om our Cata!"gne will he" 3lied. on. the of t.W,'and em hv uiai. Free. ' ' i .Kr.t,,ri,nhPrs and ot. rs or-rin? ?vl. 0. 0 D r!!l iilHppi4 livi nis SIM4 :.-.f - ' t" J please leiuit twentv-fue per cent .f ji: ainonnt witb their orrlrr. . . K- H. T. VTrrO.NT iCO., i . ; JaBarctu.rer oi Elitof rai'Uic MerLaN. " 60t BKOADW AT, XW TORIf T3-Tfi irtct$ ttntt qwHti of our good$ c - o .ai.-i . if"" ix-7-ly I ..r&-.i-jiOFJTIls.-.-o ; DAILTTIlH-EEKLi' '& ftrr,.J The war drama i prTo.bic 3u Vr - 1 I intereat. Tbf.yw Ki'i prohabjt ""'at ! Ioim of the R!Uoa,-w:trjtiu '!; 1 eminent restored ia tho falleo Hutei i- C"'t- t ereiof wiilbe tb tnrJt , ' 1 r! f m t ... l . . - i the History of the Country, aoi abr; ,tt i elude tbtj riturn'of ' Pesc feel a ti:l profounuer interest i0 iiJ,(je. the progress of their ow-j and ot'.ier Undl. . i"' wond is cateriu r apoo a new sre3 i.trrn-, to irru-iujia ia the tnumph ef D,-x 7 Ur., iUO ALiULLlv: V ll.Hi;.ril.:Ji;iii .l acquire a l ew and tremendous iinj.o:,i, it immensely tor productive power. - k v. .'..:.. ..l.i- .... i :. . . . The stirtr.g cv-iats of the time Will !M rTy , ly de; utc in the col aba ot the. L't-X'X'iu'n''. - we.ite rcsft.vt-d t rcrd?r mor Ta;jaji ,,, ! tracii?e than evjr a t'ai;!.fai t I! I irrcr cf Passing Tliotcry l t i Inspiredly t"ie spirit of Ih Tt.Tnijav. Iu!gti.g no l uiuc llit Tru'h- 'inn Musorxi I r u;i4i nin vi'uiaiue us to be .!t tie-Or-ia X to 'deuuunja tr.d T,iMt f People, and pr.m pa'-ucal.or tuuitary . sh:rsnt .wntHKiuta kea, j th-ir cause. , In addition to our War News,- we iiil iaour Weekly. paper, the Weekly Newi !oni I and also an abstract of the proceeding of Coo f r..xf the Procee4;.DS3 of LftgUUtarei ofll;L! Ouf Tii-Wcokly, will ' ecnfAiu'-aj hirttofAtt-f' t Iaijortani ewa, Local and v'eiaioei ot tb laiiy. 1 THE DAILYDLMOIUI Sbll notbt excelled by any paper in t'r We bav improved our arrangfineaia UtvZ crrriirI tz crf;fT;u ttl From Wa. !. wr 3;;.i'iiiri.j ui t'aai! Tv fr-.m tb J:i-.--.-.txi. Mnii.i !1u.4llill IO 1-0 rd our ushnt quantiti of General Newi V.'e requent a!! 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Locw.ll ( PETESUN'SMAGAZlXfl This popular Jlontbl conursa o r.- f ti money tnaa. pry Magasine ia the la H,.' it will have nearly p ej, to sisal pure celcre'J pa tcrns.anif ' wnoH ergrrrr-c all this for only Dol!rrs..Year, i f Icss than raagaiines of its claas...Serj i.-uy Ooj to U'.;a PetwrM)n.w Ia the p.notl .:.a- prices, iU is the only Magazine that hu u we. its prices, cither to single subscriber Xi t- tf. and h, therefore, enjr.b&iicajlylTMiri. li the Times. , I The stories in "Pet Tfon are t, best published anywhere. Mr. Acq S. :'!;)!: Ella Rodman. Mrs". l.eniorT, Frauk L EtoI the author of "Susy L's Dairy," T. s, Ajfhar.r L Chandler Motiltm. f-abriel-'e Le, mjt.i. Townscnd. UosaPie Or-y. Cia'. Aat. rl ..orhor .f "The Sen '. '. -fe." b-i .! ailtl-v i-oj.u'nr feiT,.tle ' writer ",!' Jmerica ' t--' eor'mbvtor.4. In adrii:ir..t. the pi-oal Hif -; ... r: -Mii.-. .h re ( ' VT,,n ip :' j Vlif M i! C.-p.V-tw Tr- 1 N-Vl'dJ--." 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J , , u ...rv in for His P.e.'e t-nm Vtx- , tiog up a club rf the Mugaiine Will be CT premiums... r . j J PITI-5'' Address, po-t-paf j,: CKABLi. jjjj, No. Chestnut Street, All Postmasters conatitojed , J person 03V get up elub." ... touily.U written iot. ?the'A: ; The Graab larention o . . -- '1 it ) JW. Ba adlkt's New Patent I UI 14VMW.WF . ...... . v . v. i- c .o f iCo West.) Sole Proprietors and r'n-K n,l 79 and 8 1 Be.vJ frW. of v ........ . . lirFI-L' Tats Invkntiuh consists ot ,...-,l El.iptlc Stel Spring, inscrwus-y . and Firmly trc-'Lcr. 'p.! TI.W .'l.r! . llHlffc LA. i V'" - Tla 9 ft e.:r J-e i. Th. y i-ldiu i"'m pr.' Pi ..ti lid dutiful SuTiei other .-xirr. i v. i-iri.ITT " J I n", V UM't ;it l 1. i '.j.Vi? I ,tr f.-rt and pJea'.u'f any " .Jf.K' Kllipiic Skirt y; be expcrieiceu . ... road Cars, Church Pews .ftr ( Pja j3 . Dress, as th Skirt c;n be fo'd "a;:- of ...11 .1 ..IM-ltl"1 i e'"rJiy a .-uu.: - . . , i A L.idt having er-oy-'i ! n rrx .' 1 jT,r!Miivfr.itiii.-iii !iirz,e filirri i'1'i i tii - i -j..-:. v.rt. lor run then afterward- w i'in'v .iiL-"i!" Chiidreo Miss vbfj p rlor to ail ot;ier. . . For Snle in ail FTrt-0.s- g is" JiKiiiir double ..-;: . j:- , DRIKUAppic. PnH -au. t'amlli". ec '. rea -he. eir,. .is aai prosperity. ,Wi?b LiW iin iC'u? ! thu reproach of rerfloni, the People ni"i on a bighor plat'vriii of intfEiTuce asj , !,, , j H i A NK W SKIRT FOPfi Ai 2dcLauhl:n