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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1865)
I! i BKOWyTlILE, TIIURSDAT, ACS. i8. blink Deed &ortrrt, Executions. Rr..;. ;. ferriage Licenae.aVc e. e. for sale at th in ode. Dried Beef, a pplendid article, for sale Scyths, Snaths. Ra!re, Forks, &.cM for sale at McLaughlin Si Swan's. Splendid sectional Views of this City taken by W. C. Perkins, for sale at the Post Office. Died, -August 11th, 1SG3, at the resi dtnce of his ?on in Bedford, Iowa, Eld. S. Cox, aged 67 years. To get the genuine New Patent Da plex Elliptic Spring Skirt, go to Hack ney & Cos., they have 'em. We are under splendid obligations to Isaac J. Jams fora fine watermelon left ia our fffnetum the past week. Our devil ys i: va bully." Trottinfj Match will come off next tr-'iurJay, t Peru, between Maj. Wm. j ify 'celebrated stallion, Black Snake, ,anJ a horre frci .1 Ufa ska City. An xciiing race is antic. . . . jlarflCC1, Auc;u-t 15G5, at the Yesi'ietfce ol J. Q A. Samh, by the Rev. D. Hart. Air. John W. Dans and Mrs, Alt"' OrJ?tt, both of ; Richardson Co., ilraika. A child of Mr. Tho. Fackler, li-ir orcr Duesr s Tins-hop, fell out of the second ctory window last Friday evening. Strange t say no bones were broken, and the child has recovered from the truiies received by the falL .We are pleased to learn that B?rkley & Bro., are about to erect a New oaShcp in the rear of James Gibson's Blacksmith Shop on 1st street, and that they will hare complete machinery to manufacture and repair wagons, and do all kinds of work in their line. Wm. Thompson and John Eaton, two loyi living in this city, got to ouarrelmg Ust Friday, when Thcmy . ; s'-.' ' H Eaten in the left tide, the t..;V : trating to, and slightly ci ri . . . Thompson escaped. Eaton. ; V !oing well. There is a Tumor i RoVert Thompson, who circij'ntion that was kidnapped from this place last week by some Mis eoarmnf, was hung the day after his capture in the woods near Rockport, Mo. We place no faith in this report, as we htvt beard of no one was seen the body or has beard anything positive upon which to base the report. We see by a list of boats sold at Mound City, Mo., on the 17th, that the ."tittle Rebel" was knocked ofTat 17,000 toW. S. Morgan, who, in company with W. W. Frazier, have agreed to put in a Ferry Bnat at this place. If our inform ation is correct, we may soon hear the whistle of the "Little Rebel" at ou wharf. The p 'Olit season has been the have had in this section A it was then it will tf that f ynrs. 'r v, i i;ch yickness will follow, de ' , 'ig vfgemtion must produce a miasma '"uicb, in turn, wili produce disease. We ou!d suggest tv ' iir that clean liness wvvVl r. n Un. 't. u --r much less. Our fit IV ( li i : r , t f .- u (.i-.nt fnf nl! purpose, an.l vfty one will assist the pn j. r oflicer in doing his duty. DISCS' Of UlC EjC. Dr. Fn; S. How Nbraka City, gives pir- ' lvUr tf i.ii'ir. to tha treatment cf the j tues of th5 e"e, and its appendage '! Tbofe haviDg any oNect malfermation peculiar change pf org"an ar vision ,' report to im.' Patients reiring his personal attentn ob 'iuitalle board in the City. Corres pondence ty letter will be promptly- " io. . upmion wm oe maae can ; ld Reliable ireatment when assured ccessful. Office D Whitinger's Drug le, between 4th and 5th Main Street. eferrri, Vrl j Cm?, ' . '; i. Kr.Mc Preery? Brownville, N. T. , Cltj fonncll Proceedings. : : : . ; Aogust 1SC5. i Resent': C. O. brsy, -"voK " .Couadlcnen: (Jlatgcr"' M r: "tcll,nd C. IlURichaK- K ;V--' ' ' iTi lids for filling' il'r. ; - '. r Aert iere then opcred, .Contract was wtrdf.d to W, rf. ToS nd Benj. and J. Giles at 27 1-4 cts. tym. .. ' The Street t -ted to etaminp th the Sir Committee, and wiih J'f adtice aud consent make all need lr?airs. motion th Clerk was ordered to rejuUrly a copy of the Council eimz to the Nebraska Adreruser 'bliciiioa. ... w ' .. d G. HORSEY. Mayor. Hackney, Clerk. - " Auction Sale, cf Dry Goods in great variety at the stora of G. A. Brown in Peru, crrnrnencin Tuesday, the 15th day of August, and continuing uctil all is fold ; consisting- cf Calicoes,' Delanes, white and Lrovvn Muslins, Alpacas, Cloikinjs, Shawls, Debaze, Lusters, Satenets, Cloths and Cassimeres, Cut lery, &c. &.c, the entire stock of a deal ef, Comprising nearly every article usual, ly kept in a retail store. J. S. IIicoic, Receiver. August 15th, 1SG5. A Ucicn Camp Meeting of the M. E. Church will be held, commencing Au gust 24th, near the crossing of Honey Creek by the Brownville and Fru stage i r:. r t . . . n .",'uu. iuuijsiurs irom remcie as wen as adjacent parts of the Conference ar iA- vjted and expected to be present. Come friends cf Zion, rally from the East West, North and South, and let us wor ship God together in the leafy grove. SvT TT . . i i . no nucKesiers anowea witnin one mile of the encampment. By order cf Committee. H. BURCH, Sec'y. From New York, Aug. 15th, we learn from the city of Mexico correspondent of the New Orleans Times, that theim. perial feasts have been of .the most or geous description, and the display of diamonds cf fabulous price redundant. Manhal Baznine's organ, the Esia- pfuta, declares that 100,000 more men are needed to put down the Republicans, and the Larl Manville says the number would be insufficient, as the opinion of i t la nany tlie wnole population is against the iropire. The claimed bv th': Arnica unfounded in fact. The Lii rats frhovv the un ost disregard for i s i - k ce.-i l. iwt-jn s division is kept close in Ma'amr ras t'V Cortmas, and tlfe latter uoiiid ccupy it at ouce were the former io evacuate. Great Distribution BY THE EUREKA GIFT ASSCCIATIOIJ, 195&197BnOADVAY, NEW YORK Of Rosewood FJanos, JIelodcons, ' Fink Oil Paiktisgs, Kxgra vinos. BllTr Warn, Fine Gold and Silver Wa.ti9, ni ' ELEGANT JEWELRV, COKSISTIKOOF Dlatnonfl Pinn, Piamand Rings. Gold Brar6lPt, CorI Florentine. Mosaic, Jet, Lava aod Catnen La- dlea'Pets. Ould Pena with Gold and 8iiver fiK ztenFlon Foldiera, Sleere Button, Seuor ttuda;- vent and Xcck Chain, Plain and Chased Gold Kins, &.c, &c. VAXVKO.KT rr C rrri w' -A Ct BTIHC Tf9 r k - '.i;: e :u. VALITB uUreai vMr- r.A Vi.I.OPHS, wbicu are well f-d. Otu -i ti-vup-(, coniaiuing tbe Cer- : ' f cr (Jrier r u nie Article, will te deiircred i i ' r s Ly tuall to any address, without . i h.. . ' - 5- ' receipt of 25 Cents. 0;i (v-' ' Hie Cerirttoate the purchaser will see -tH. An-,. Urfrar, and it value, andean then send Otio Do." -" 'fid ieeive the Article namM, or can c'i'-'-vp any other one Article on our I.istot the same r g-J-pu-rcl'SSeri cf ocr STALED ENVFLOPES, may, in ibis manner, obtain an Article Worth from One to Five Hundred Do Hart, FOR. ONE DOLLAR Which tbey nee-1 not ray until It is known what la drawn, aud n value. Entire Satisiaction Guarnnteed in Rll Cases, THE EUREKA. GIFT ASSOCIATION would rail attention to the fuel ol it 4 being the Orlart nal and Larpe-t Girt Ah.'uiioii in the Country. Tbe bttstnees nititinnea to be conducted in a fair and boa prable manner, and a larce and greatly - increasina tra'le is proof that our patrons appreciate this method of obtaining rich and eirctnt i;oois During tbe pant year this A-nociation has aent a very lai ue nuniher of valuable prize to all parta of tbe country. Those who patronize 11a will receive the full va!re "f their ni nity, as no article on our list la worth less than Cue Llar, retail, and there are HO ELANCg. PartiesdeaUnjr wi.'h o may(reriTd fn having prompt returns, aud iheaiticle drawn wiil be irniuedlately teut to any efdrea by returu ruil or express. Tie !! lowing parties have receutiy drawn valuable prizes from the Kuraka A ciatioa, jind have kindly allowed tbe use of ihelr names $ Andrew wiikon, Cuxtum Uuue. Philadelphia, Penn. Oil Paintine, va.ue, $100- Jame IUi graves. 810 Brodway, New York Oil Palntiiijj, value, tlOOjB. P. Jjties. Barret, liirha!l Co . Kansas, Melodeon. valu f: :00; Patrick i.Bvrr.e, Waterburv, Ct., ild Watch, vaiue 125,00. J. P. Shaw, 224 Earn 24th St. New York, P:au, value, 3a.,iw; Xra.Chas. J. Nevis, Klmlra. K. Y .. P ano, valu IJj.O-i f iiinn L'icy ne way, Klinira, IS. Y , Citlir Diamond-Riutr. value, 00 00; Mrs. . Pn ifoer. 1'iiy 15 'iei, Nashville, Tenn. JteUdem, vnm, U5; Ocar M Allen, Co. 8. Hid e?. IimI Vola. N uviiie, Tcnn Watch value, t-6.00, Kowland S. Patterson, Co. D. 10th Iowa Vet, Volunteers, OU Plutin. value, 1U0; Mrs. Abbey f. Pars4us. bprtngueid Mass.. Melodeon, value, 160 Janie L. Dexter, City Survoyor, fivraeuse. K. Y.. Gold Watch, value, 150,00 ; Mrs. James Ply, 1S7 Was ter Siree'.Cor. Bie-kr, N. V. . Oil, Painttnt?, value, 1U0 alrt. J. C. Cotes, Grand Kai'ids, Xichiftm, Si'ver Castor, value 4t),00 : Dr. J. ft Sinclair, No. 4 Kmo Street Utica N. T., Framed Kmiravinir, value, 25, oO ; Bon. Lu'her Detmold, Wathinsion, D C., Oil Paint loe, value, 100 00. Were we parinUtel, we misht add many names to tbe above hot. but many persons object to our 10 do ing, we therefore publish uo udtue with iut permU fcion. ' Letter from varlovj j,a tie throughoot t'aecouutry acitnowiedgiiig the re-i40i very valuable gifts, may be ieen en fle at our ttl-e. T. 1ST OF ARTICLES- jc . .St)id lor.Uue JJoilir. Each'' )V - it: rtjirtt to rt.'ur, and not to be paid for n td . K n iw P'. -t i cu rci!t receive. ' ; io K t.-:l R fj;wu Pta-iva. wrth f . ,. - f25f) 00 to 603.00 f K. i,ieona. IWewood Cat-cs 126 00 to 225 00 tm I n;e Oil Paur.inns - 25.00 to KKi.on 2t' Sel Kugraric;, P raced 12.00 to 26 00 1. 0 .Mu-.c B xps - - l2UOto 46.00 ltni Mlver Revolving Patent Caftors 15.00 to 4o W 1(H) Silver Pruit aud Cake Baskets 15.00 to 85 00 - fX-0 8ets Silver Tea i- TabJe Spoons to 3o.oo 100 r.old Ha.-'tinR Cue Wictie 75.oo to 1 60.00 60.00 to Z00.00 6O.00 to 85. 00 25. 00 to 50.00 6.00 to 25.O0 1 .00 to 6.00 S.00 to 8.110 4,00 to IO.00 - 4.00 to 6 5o 4 00 to 8 60 1 60 to .4,00 -3 60 It O.00 1 .60 to 6. 00 I.60 to lo oo ' I .do to 6,ik ' 5 5o to 1 j 00 S.00 to 7. o ' 8.-Ototj'9 S.00 to fi :-4oel (u. 3 00 t j 2o.o ' " 150 Diamond Rings S50 Ladies' Gold Watches 450 Silver Watcbet 2 500 Vetand Neck Chains 2 000 Pairs Ear Rinpa, (new style-) 3.000 iold Pencils eud Toth Pitka 3 00 Ooyx.aud Amethyst Broocaea 3,'oouV '"d PioreniiPe Brouchea -H)0 masonic nm - ... Pin id watch tey l.OOw hild.en " Arm lets , BOO Set.. "l . . K,,l. old ud Chased Ulnja lO.oou Plain f K mi Atnn Set. and Rin.a 6,000 LorkeU. ah rz , Jo, 000 nets ol Ladies Jw' ir7 4,e Watch Charma (v1) GcW Pens, stiver CJ ' 6,000 Gent'a Breast and ScOrf ' . 4.000 tad;e' Kew Style Belv Bork; j m C-aJa'.-Bfrre and Guard Chv ln8 4 ' 10 I 5j 5 . -: 7 &1 l r : 2 '.oa , 1 I j 8,00 , ' P. 0-5 t" I J OO . (. 00 t? 13 00 S o. b 00 t.oota S60 S.00 to 7- 1 ,000 lo:a ii.iinuies . - 2 noo ei 1 C-e' Jet rtd G.;d C.000 Crsl P.-tfl Br,e!css , 4,jt lt--- aeet,- - -. " 8 OOO hat. v : pi ail Colors '1 000 Pine c ' i-u , . . .n New s.v 1 ld Pari?rop8 ' ..... ti-.H ' ' wiih Gold Moused iuv'.. .iv.Uers - J re f 5 .'' rT"A chance loottairt iitif or Xiio al;avc Articles for Oi;e lJoI hir by purchasing-a Sealed lircl o;e lor 25 cts. SJTive Jealed Enreiope will be ?ent Xor$lo; Eleven for 2 oo ; Thirty firfi.oo ; Sixty-five fr lo.oo On Tlun'lred for (l5.oo. Afcnt Wanted ETerrvrhrrp.' Our jatrons are deir (l to eend L'nilfcJ State money wbO ' convenient. Long letters r unnec'wfary. Letters hoald dTesei to oar B,iX 57llS,i'oft OP'D ,ffT freahrr" safety. Orders for ISEALKD ENVELOPES tntift laeT ery rare te acfdrtenitd by the Cjifh, with the person fending, and TotnCounty and Stat plain ly written. Ltters should be addressed to the Manani folio s t GOODV7IH, XITJITT Ct CO., Box 570G Post Uifice, New York. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I jr J ?. I GROCERIES, Just received If J. BERRY & CO., MX IK STREET, Having laid in our present stock at re duced prices for Cash, we are enabled to defy competition in the way of selling the articles in the market CHEAP FOR CASH. Our Stock of Is the most complete ever offered in this market, and has been selected with an eye to economy, durabjimy and the de mands of this community. Our Supply cf kaaai .rj in Comprises a general assortment of every- thing and the best pf everything. Call and "examine before purchasing el sewhere, if you want to get the bene- fit of the best of goods at low rates: No trouble to show ffoods. ? -r J. BERRY & CO. CRENSHAW, , DEALER ' OF-' ArA SADDLIiJlY - HARNESS ALL ZINDS Of 1URNESS, WHIPS, ;SPUR?, LASKES, s &e. &c. NTaln Street, Opposite Ware's Bank. NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASK : ST. LOtIS ADYERTISEP1EMS- 'From William' Aitxertiting Agency, 97 Cketnnt St. Hastings, iWilkerson & Co No 8-3 Main Street, tlxx-t Xaovils, Mo. M'holetale Pearlers in FANCY DRY GOODS NOTIONS. FURMSHWGG00BS, Have at all times the most com plete and desirable stock of LA DIE'S DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, RIBBONS, DRESS TRIM MINGS, GLOVES, HOSIERY and every variety of HMD GENTS FURMUHIN3 GDDDS, to be found in any house in the west. Prices Guaranteed as low as any ether house can a fiord. EST'Orders c tref'ully and prompt ly filled. - . Hastings ViIkerson &Co. KO. 35 NOR TH MAIN ST . PEOF. VON" VERAE'3 'DIAMOND .Un'OP.S I rfor whlob they arex WABBAN TED ' ja rsrjr lnatanoo. 1 rhey aa cordially rooinmied toN aU XatdlM who. froal aicktteaa or 'other emuaeav are usable to undergo 'the peril of aooouchmsm. Tbia rexaedy l DIAMOND .DROPS' I; Not an AbortlT. bt attefTy a Is sot tat tw leeet tnjh. r'.oua to Uia tnot Celleaie i . eanatirntioisa. xrerT . HKtie . Warratted. m . .. -- LET JEVEST Zr A D T T RT IT, fcT Send R4 St?ti3 for Orenlar. T 83.59 fir tia fieffiedy, to C. B. MCJTE.O a a CO . General Acesta. J? . O. Xawer 0561, Cbiao. nilnota, oaoe IBS Sonta Clark f trees, for eeie at Wbleaale la Ch'&. ,b A- TA3T 8CHAA.CX, rIXfia, FINCH riTLLBH, LORD ft SMITH. CHAS. O. S2UTH, satna ft dwieb, and h. bcovxll. lo turterj 'rt pobwnou frnnf rhto your fnnnevu VC?iirjyr your race inn 'Kiut ui wg vvwr future happtoeai ana proopfect n ur. "He hae trade I IA a 1 v. . , ..ndr fbr twentr yea as1 I J t .V rir.. -b-r person waora a aii. wL. cm nrreon bora ml 178 wufii CUrtE-atreK. or Jl Doctur roar be oow ui;ed la pervo trom ef H-alUj." catiiaW awr.JiJr and aeat 1 II. C. THURMAX, GRd WtYVlL l Ef .YF.RK..1SK. 1. tnlf-Bt-ly- r n ILLINOIS. fiililhll . 1 war r . - - FOR MARCH, APRIL, I1AY, TmTTttt ma n AT THE OLD STASD OF Cooler, S'arowoll ct? Oo. Will offer to the trade of Wisconsin. t ' Illinois, Indiana, Ulichiga'n, Minnesota, Kanas, '"' Missouri, IT D c A S K A . iowa, 17 13 B n - - r t " The most Attractive and Largest Stock at Dry Goods, Notions and l:Vrn on sals WEST -OF -NEW YORK, At prices as low tbe r? Tiinie are ol(J ttf bi beit liyiiiei la cYork, Boston or Pliiiadelplila. ' Our Stock will einS'racff in part UroivM nnd n!tnIicd Slirctlnsr alsi! Sliiittns, E;;UJs, lieninjs, whirling StiipeS CJoi'Nct Joans, Cambrics, Tichli???' Flannels, Apron ClicckTweedH, & 3J. Cassiiners, Cicrscys, atjiiet Jeans, Col toiadcv - Alsc.Clolli, CtSitweK ta.t:rt'VClolffsfcjj(l an VTooleua KUlt'!! fyr ileo'a iVear. p rt 1 n t Cociieeo . . Brraanias . Amaricari .Dutchess. i , : aancter'i. .Richmond's ' - - Allen's - , . Iiiwrence'a Arnold'a 1 i Ana an vmerrwei(riKrwij pranua.,. i J. i. t. OCR STOCK OF LADIE S DRESS; GOODS Tili;conjprUe all the nptelties of the 8eoa. rni" OUR STOCK IK NOTION DEPARTHENT Will be found full and complete. 53Oi.'" Store, (owne1! by the Arm. and no rmt (o pay) being Jiw)y Cited np, gives as Salesrooms 60x420 leet. tno large.' west of tho sea board, affording aa unequalleHaciliti fr showinij Goods. One of our firm rtv'idinif in New Tork, (harlnjr two experienced assistant"; an.l buyins for CASH, enables ustov.Ce: uur cuAtomeitewtiouds daily at tbe .' IjoxVoei Ctx<. X'x-icora. "We respectrnl!y"!ntlte kerchanfa vislflng Chlcaso to exainiue our 5tock. J3rticular attentioa given t flllitt orders. J - ' ' i. "' JohnV Tarewell c Co., 42. 44 h 48 Wabasb Are.. CHICAGO, IJLX. vS-ra.a.m Jl.a.a. jsmi CfflilS Villi tj W b V&i&tke&k m m I AT THS CP r rN cm rrv r : 9 PaTe jn8t received and will sell CHEAP FOR CASH the following No. i articles 5n their line. a-.ood SeJn Cori?stinz nf .Ladies'. Drees' Onds, Doruesties, Woolen Oocdslltiu and (laps. Boots and Shoes, &e. Choice CofToe, Su jtr, Tea. Molawe 8yrop, Fi?h Dried Fruit, ari -v ;rj triing that'inakcs u4o a c-ni-plete Grocery ouifit. . i AMD CUTLERY." I (tiib LChoiee IVUtnd Table (,t:erv, Xails, Farm and (InrdD lulpietnci.ts. 4 f, 4 i . iueensware. (Massware? WooJen Ware Stone Vare,&c.,&c, &c. A lot of.Xew atent IRONCOBN SSELLEHS Which d-'-s it work eitr.i.i nl at the rate of 15ft bush-!!! di, nr, in '', durable Sbeller evi made, aJJ ruu tte jirvsxi uar and repjtir ban amoDnt U cv; :siU:4., V V - ; May ISth, 9-3rn t ! ! . 1 -.:.i-?v, vA. ' utiow t'osT-orrict, Z DOORS nXKOTFXTl'tlaG,' tVERtllSKA . WKere'.a ctpice'f ejection of, ihe..fol loWing a'riicle can alway be .found,, . aE2APr.F-OR- C A SB ! ! ! , Fin- J)res Goods.. - lJa-liorai:Sfeir'lsi. 'tldierV'a&d Ifhort gif fri i Latf st Style Ladies Ores , And fancy ood4r, r: , Gents Collars-and-Kecic Tis Gents, fit Boys sumrnei" HaU Lnrre BWk Notions Pap Window Shades" - ' Hfavy'SuH-k-nf Boots ft Shcvs; - Larp;e Stock of (Jrocerieg " ' Susrar Ta'siinffCofrt. ' , DrtpfJ Apples and Syrup Mo!Aea Raising and Confectionaffpa Choice S mol id o; and Cheinr "fciacco Spice and Bottler! Pickles Soap Candles and Mackerel ' -iTahfe Salt crarfcera and Ch6?ss Cash paid for Farm Troduca I? onn I.I.OT 1 11 mm MA15 ST., i GK, HENDERSON. ijf Jioth, , 0-.t3 ly rdnn , ... 1' ',,.. .J-. . IiIOIUGI3!.ALnLY:: GKOCERIES M'LAUGDLIN S:SWAN. irvvu RK.TKrrrrixT annotcs ro"rn frleud nd the public leRaralljv Uat thvybaveja rareiveo a superior lot of Family Groceries, and Inv the attention of purchasers to their stock Including xiroBHA.vs sroAa, primk rio corp. CLARlPlalO do JJtrsHlAL TKA, do YOCNG HTSOJSf TEA, do., - BLACK TEa. CRCiUKD OWDKRF1D n?CK, SaHO, SPICK. PEPPS. CL0TK5, CTSiTAjrfC COVK OYSTERS. RAISINS, CURRANTS. STARCH. iOAP. Pl'RK SOD, VZ LANDS 8AURATC3, COD FISH XlACXEliAL, TOITSJ 7 S3 Lake teout, ezsixo, sraj ' GREEN APPLES, CRANBERRIES, PARED PEACHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACH Molasses, Coal Oil, Cider Vinegar - LXAP mSWIXG TOBACCO. ROLDBF taaP AND OTH KB CHOICE BRAND--FIN'3CrTCAVRNDlSlI. KILLIK1 yiCK SMOKIKO. COH MON Prt. CIsars of the Best Unr.nds In thi Market. CneSTvrrs, AT.wovns pkcans. filberts, pea NUTS, fcee, to., 4tc.. A Splendid Assortment of Stick and Fancy Can1y from the Best Meoufae turies in tbe East. rionr, con, Euttcr, Eggs &u. The Highest Market Prices Paid for Country Produce. SIcLAUGIILLV & SWAN, .NfejTATTA Valley Bark Bcildinq ; Brownville. Jan. 14. 1864. n20v8-J2o-Ti ' 1 T iTf"" Btickpts, Cbums, Slerea. Monss ' Trtpr .... C lollies Fiua anti Castile aoapr ' FAIKE AXIIX ' - 8TANDA2J) C K L E S' OF ALL II5CS. A.I10, tarehouse Trucki, Letts? Presses, &c. FAIRBANKS GREEULEAF & CO! 172 HUE ST.. CittCAGO, . t?Be fatemi. aud boy only tbe FiiAT&FOX: A gent?, in St. Loh. r-ix-l-tf. Lin. J. S. WILLIALIS, "VTho Is the anfbo' lied Ageat in St. LobIs for this paper, will attend ttekitg coHsctlbis and purcbasea ia tbat City. OJJl ' 3T W Thandersigrjed keep on hand a large assortment of SATTIf JET& C SSi&ERE SUITS For !en and Boy'a ifear. Also', a large stock of hats a:nt Caps, fflIHiWB8IIfflffi BOOTS AND SHOES . Gabber. Coats Lcsrgins siBIarRels, UMBRELLAS AND CAB PET BAGS, Gent's Fnrnisfiing Goods, - Of all kinds which wo will Eel! It tZ A P FOR CASH-' XVc purrbaspd our goods since tlie de cline in the Markets and will sell at low figures ATKINSON & CO. April I?.th, W5. -30-ly "WM. H. M'CREERY W A35D EETAIL DIALE2 IN rnints.'.Uiis and Dvo iSiutfs. Pure Liquors for Medic'U purposes, All .kinds' of- Pateat Medicine-!. COAL OIL LAMPS and CHIMNEYS Blank Rooks and Stationery, Wall Paper of Every Pattern, Window Papers, Cord aul Tassels . -Til; bnat HrnU of CHEWING apd SMOKING T0I3ACCO and CIGARS! Oisfer$. Canned Fruits, 'and a cbmvlkte Stock of light an d fancy Groceries. THK BEiif Perfumpry Toilet Goods. HTlnSavaileih4jne!f or the We decMne j and roaUa extiiTe vThj(ea in an Eastern jtfariet. tie assumes Ms Mtroris aiifl rtie Vrnjtlc that i 1, to tht-U a-lvanuce to traJe wur him. tone but first CI. DRCtiS kept Ci ajJ xiai f,jr .rifielf at the CITY DRUG STOllB Rr ntb Kaat C.irrfcr, Sain and flrat fftreet; Brownlle Ketrux Terr?t. pEESCitiPTioss, ani orders Xjarcfollv filled afc alU bonrs. ; 1 " BX'TIt'S'-'eOlJSE!' BY FRED. AUGUST, ilAXX, BET. FIH ST AUD SECOIfl STS. Oysters, Cke, Pies. C'xkies, Gineer te.. of all t1pcripti'ns coiiotabUy ouhand. GOOD V ALS e"el ill jthe best atjle and onbfccrt A(." a large asrirtwent ot i. . '. . Tobacco. Cigars, JYviis.'-, Candits, Canned Fruit. Oysters, $orp, "" " Crackers. Raiseu?,, Cur- , t rents, and a supply pf '" CbjfFCCTioSAlJIES. AH EE I C A II . RO U S E Front Sireel, between Main and Water, -" ' ' ., ." .'' 1.. . mm CUtlerv Bread, etc. U 7 53 650,000. CI ' ' Worth 0 . Tatchcs, Chains, Illnga, dc, A. Ha ROWEN&CO ,; T . ( Arrnt fr l!i:l?eiirtre. t - Jirf fttr V is' Hidvfiirivrtre. .. . C;: the Following lid-ic Ei;yi:i.3 of valuabl:; jewel ix , r. v."n beeS f.r a loni uma anxaited intaafacket ruiBlnew. aed ftrafc!iaed r rrpntatlua for pronspi na acl rallabillij. ail poslf!f r-at rartmiea fir el!in iewalry in Oua war. i rr colldeor fhatxr ( can tcira aatUfasiloa to all bo feel iH.pacd lapatroav. 119 oa . . CCCCOTTtfrlliofTralcIirsn rnond I'fns. Clialas, Klays, &r AH to b aoli for ONE DOLLAR "EACH! WTTjont retard tivlael Kot to be ralt f or tit?!! . . ;ui know yasi ar u raceiva 1 Splendid Ust 6 Articles ??? A'.f fo" be r?5!d tor One Dollar Each ! ! I 175 Watches (handsomely engraved, and warranted perpeel time teener,) Trr In? in price fruin AM to 123na-Ti t I 52 La:i4'Watchea,olldOolJnan i laf Cases M esc ?5o Gentlemen's SllTer "VTatche. $TS to each ooo Latent style t an1 Neck OSains, 4 frj to 3 each 6cx Gents' California Plinwiv! Pina, 2 to'25earb 4ooo California PUm-Dd Kar Propa, i oo to 15 earb Sooo Xiniatare acd enamelled Heo!r- Itiarina, 5ootoC5eacb looo CailaforDia Diamond a'.l Knarnel lei Gem's Scurf-Pins. new strlea, 8 oo to 15 mch Coco Vaonic and Smblera Pins, i m to lo eact iZxjo Oo'd Band bracelets, enjrared ' and plain ' 8 no to So each ttno Mosaic and Jet Broochea 3ooto7oeacb 2tx Cameo Broocbes ricb patterrta, oo to each 4oo Florentine and I.av Tina tbe real articla 4 on to lo each 35oo Laa and Florentine Ear Drop 3 oo to la ecii Souo Coral Rr I)rvpB, 4 oo to each 8ooo ldie' ChatelalnCba'na Jet & roH 15 oo to it each 6oo GenUk. Pir,., a gplefiuld aorlDiut 2 o to 1$ aacb torn !iair sieeve ijattoa, 3 to 0 aacb I aw SiM andjiieeTe-ButtoQS, in eta, ery rich Sootol5eirh S-vm S eeve Buttons p!ain, enamelled and ec graved 2 oo to 8 each loooo Pluir end baiiilsnTne'y enr. P.lnn 3 60 to lo each 3uoo f prlna Lockers, double cae, richly ensrrave t 3 oo to 14 each 13ooo sew La'ii??' Jewelry, new and . . latet styles 6 oo to 12 ea b 2ooo Con Peoa aud handsome Si'rer Catea m fiootolocsrh - This entire liRt of ta?itilu! ac valaab'e (.! win t e swid. for tine Vn Iv earb. Certin.:if4 of a: the aVjve article will be placed in envei-re. arJ tc'.el. T!ese envelopes will be sent tv mail, mil- dored, wltLot'.t regard to choice. Ou rroei loir a Or- i ttdcate you will see what article yoa are to bare, ano ! then U is optional Hh you to aeud one dvliar aud ri ; ceie tbe article or not. Ceriincates cn te o'dorPii fir !; T:!even for 2; Ttirtj-flve f r J5; Sixty-tWe for tlO. asl One bun dled fur $1. fc'a will teod a singtv Ceriiflcate it tbe receipt of 25 cen:g. a. r nowrrr. rt to. fB-x 4270 3d BeVr:ian Stieet, S T. 3-2 t-2cu A. &. Co. DR. J. A. fiABVEY, THE IlESOWCI ' Magnetic & Glzmopnl, 99 Washington Xx'e: bet. 4A and 61 h Sir. . ST. LOriS, SIO; 1 . (POST OFFICB BOX SOSS.) The Sapernatural Gift of Clarivoyant Slgtt P"s eased by this wonderful person, to auch aa aatomh ing decree, convinces the most akppncal of tlie Un limited Power be has lo cases regarding fjp fa HKALTH- L'7 the aslatauceof koine SoDerl-.r Pi. er he is e:..noled to perceive tbe Cause aud Condi tion,' and la endowed with the capacity to heal ALL DISEASES, -Thin fact the Doctor has demonstrated In tbonaads cf cases from ail parts of tha world, during tbe lat twelveyears. Thefo!loi3K dtseaoes Jn tueir mist obstinate form, yield under bis MiKir Touch, to-wit: COKSUMPTIOII and ASTHMA.. In from one to !ix weeks j PABALYtJl-S .-.r i all disensespf the Nervons System lnciud-na XJriLiEPSi' or PITS ia from ore to thrr5 n'9ases of tbe JjIVER, HEABT and KIDNEY a tu from one to ten days. All Diseases ot tbe blood, aacb. as Scroftala. Erysipelaa, Fever Bores, &.c., accord ing to the severity of tho disaBe. F ii ti ALU D13EASE3, Treated by a NeW Hethod. with speedy and tbe most hPP7 resnlta. .. Tte Locto'a ITooms are crowded dally ry persona pronounced incurable by the whole Medical Facaify, aud no i'oe t-hotild despair of relief until after baiug exr;ired by the Doctor'e Clairvoyant Eye, without avdunz questions, he tells tbe Caue. Location and Condition. of any and all Diaeaaes, and whether hecan promise relief.. Persons 'on tbe verge of the grave, aud such aa ta7f hot walked for years, are now living to testify tq,thd Doctor'a Wonderful Skill and Sncceae. The Docta; aeverlisea nothin but wnat be has tbe ability fo. perform, and will give tbe most Complete itftiafact ion to alt who come under his treatmut. In valids whocXnnot runs nit tbe Doctor In person, ran be examined aod prescribed for by sending by letter a simple ftUtement of their casea. References to Cure& performed, cheerfully made. ASTHMA, heretofore considered an Incurable diceasa,!. Is treated with perfect success lu every in staQe by tbe Doctor's ue ly discovered method. AU Ca?s of CAI.CEKor no matter how lonr stan.Uiift. rmoveil in f rom twelve t t weniy-fonr hoor witLirt instrument or pain, by a pr t-s revealed to the Poctor wbiie in the Clairvoyant state, which is ttDorTto no otfcer person livinj?. n23-ly fJRCiT IMPKOV CM EST SEWING MACHINES. EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE I!! Patented February 14th, I860. SJLESR 0 0 If, 536 BROAD wji .V. Y. 252 WJSIJLYG TOX, Sf. BOSf O TTII3 3IACI1INE 'is eonsiractod on entircTy new principles of roechanim. pos?esin mny nvre and ViilufMe improvements, having bi;n eximined by tho tu ?t profoond experts, and iouunrel to be Eiuipiicity and Perfection Conibinea. S 9- straight i"f(!li!, pornendiculnr action. nnke theLOClvor SIIU1TLU STITCH, wbkh will neither KIH or KAVEL,oiid is alike on both -' It;-! ; p.rfoims pr)rfeH sewiotr on tvT drscrii tioa of mal-riiil,' from Leather U the finr-st XaDso'k Mu.-'lln, with cotton, linen or stilt tbred, from the CvircFt to tbe Suest number. liavitig neither CAM uor COG tt'IlfiEL, and the leV't possible friction, ii runs as dino-jtb as .tad ii Uraphatically ft E"o?se Machine. ,. . It reijuirei FlrTV 1'fc.ii Cl-JM loss power to diive it than any other Machine in tho m'sraet. A girl twelve jrears of ajecan work it t? eadily, with out fatigua or injury to bealtb. . ,. Its strength, and . Wonderful SlrrpIIcff t in struction rtpder? it. almost irapo?sirie t' get cat of order, and ia GC ARAXTEE by thecenipfty to give entire Miif;ct'n . , : ... v . Werespectfally inTi'te rII tfiose who may desire to supply themelves with a superior ayticie, to come.aud cxarjiic tbia Uijrv'a.IleJ yacblae. - Jiut in a tnore especial manner do We solicit the patrmage of 4 Merchant Tailor;?; Vouch Makers, ... Koap Skirt ilanua5- tur.rj, " I Shirt anaboccnUai- j era, tttHili' aucl ClitritnW Corset TJakers, Gaiter Fitters. Wld5 finders. Test j-t4 JfantJo?n -Ireis fakers. Inti'utlvM will be lib:' ' rally dealt cil. . "PHrVor JaaciiinC Complete f . Mo. l.Frftntty MncLme, ha ilerainer, teller aiid brai'Ier, 5J No. , tr.all XiaSnfactario, with Eltecsioo Tbio . .1 So. 3, arge Manafactrirg,wlth Eitenaioa Table ' . ' 1 5 - yo. 4, Lr irannfactirtrff, for leather, with Kci:ic Foot and 0,1 Tup 100 One ilf kour't inttrttetinn ie $'ltitmt to IU csJjr ; perto to work tki JSJalhii to ikti entire s etitfattion. : - 4 - Agents "VTaBted for I1 towns In the Vnte4 Rtaiei, where AgenU are not already estahlishl. Al for Cuba, Mexico, Crntrxl and South Ameriev to whom a liber! iliwouat will be jrirea. - Teftnsinsariab'y Ca--h on delivery. T J 3IcArtIinr '& Co. . 53 Hroaiwty, "ew York , A. A Co. : 552 Washiitt'n,StBatca. 70 Cbestnnt tj t Pbi! GEO. Agent, . I02, 4tb, St. Lotzi. Mo. Feb., 55. ly , . , , ADMINISTRATORS OTIC. All p'S'ii bain? elatka against tSa Uafite ef James Osm?n, rleesM rw hereby notieiJ that they are reoured by an ordsrof tbe Froba Coort of Nemaha Oonty, Nebraska Territor. to 9 tbeif elaims in call Coo.rt en or before tlie 't2'H day of December, A. D.IS35 at ten o'clock A, JI., wheq and wherei said cltim wi;l be examinee!, ted ad jnstd.' If sneh claims are no so iied rQ tr be fore the 12tb dsy of Uecesaer 1S55, .ey will bo .llfnalfH 1 t nil t- ' .... .. ... TO 2IEac:iAN7S.F.l H ?J ' AM) DIM Kinii:?. an IE OCT -lEOITir D. A. COIISTABLE, BT. -JOSISX'IiO.- . IRON, STEEL, Heavy Hardware.- r ir'i pur.-1 r HORSE AM) MILE ;."r'.:, ANVILS CDAIN WAG-J.V f.'jXK. M'TiV i'LAZZI FT LE R A 1 S. W R h. X a 6ll0llSi HA MM KKrj. riNCHZr. MTF, flAKFow Tirr.T'.X. I a M E.N'AiW.KLi TO nKLt. T (' T II L T RADK AT. I' K I V S S T a D.EFV r M PK TIT I ON. CONSTABLE'S IKON AND aSKEEL-WAUEirorsT iiiuiiE."r Kiu I'Ait) oit WKuL'yy SUHAi II.ON AT -itSM' in )sr Zrrai Iroiijfr -.ANr '. , II A VI NO L A I l l A f. Alv ( f: STOCi O f T TI K A K O V K ' O o o IT ri, I) is K 0 1 1- K v M V II t , . FAOTOr.I r- . .- - T . FAIRBANIIb C .'LS.5J aL-K ao:nt p. . rrrv .li o wawon Hun-, MtArrsjMiLns. . . AXK S l!-rNI-.. l'l.fVv' l Mi! 1.. Ao. c o v r n i i n ii . , woodworks r AU Fe In --m THE OMLY GURE THING. PnOTOGIlAPH At the ntri ?rr!i'sr. r-o m'r nT:.NT.rS l!i wiw h of tho hir srlien thin and fa!!in i J. brit 1 iw.'j KENFW T!!F, COLO!; i:orig;n e- wf.en tt turning gr.y or iife, wLelher d by grtf or ol'l will trertnicil? do rhs.t UrUin-l f riLS) faet Lich huniredi, thoo;.i u3 who h.-vretiaeX re ready aci willn, to U'S'-fy. heuno ot t., is fnirlv use 1, in any erni!iia!7i:j, iti' tepalatloa "Epreds lite wi'.J firc" nr.d-4sthc b. st -arfrf-rti an cient tit A r Tomnicr,dati"n we ir. ' Ir. K alt era States, where tlie FENEUTJV' 'r.rig:ii--ted. ia is U3f3 by all Ycunni hands' m a lr?:ijj, led it t' bo foundoc tlm toilet tallica of Tot llrj (uio aa their barbe-s;) while. OWer Mea. b1 Worsen w!l not be witboul, jcI rv'soyaiiTv for their gre luta aod bald Lea-is, w'iij il -choj to tbr entire jaiiafaotioo. - ., We are jcllinir, in tie citj of TJoa'oti aJone", ho wards, of llJ.OOO bottles r.rr Cionrh , tie dta'ara giv ing tho KEF.WFIt tLe prvfoace otcr sT.l cUr Hir frtfutMiWi, , ...... ', soIJ'liy r)rn5;sta 5a yonr fown.ia Trial EotiU will be sent yua by Express, Mvt rereipt if One dollar by ml thus girin y--", auvj noft unity aionce forttiifrita exitilcnt viTtin. C?r"0rdsrj Tor Trial HoHV, mu.'t b mitevrd l onr General Agr for tho SorthwrstTn States, C. A. COOK, 15,x P02t, Cbicnjro, III. All lutb vrd-rt will receiTe promptattntiin. , .. 11. P. HALL CO., Proprietory - . ,... .Vaaha, J . TI. .- Tlie tmde snrptivl rt jrvrnfarturra Prices by FULLKU, FlNCil.43 FtXCliV'fir.JassJe Imt I.haiS. - . . - -m 6 ' KOOFiXG , ft !.olla teiiy to nail Jown. ROOFING, Coit!cg Jess than half aa mlcb. r.s Tin.' ROOFING." : KOOFIXG Cuitatle for Steep "r &t rofV . roofing': l; TTol iDjiretl by bcit or ro! I ROOFING . The not oif th" fitrUIs ted ia tSe eofr. atiurtl r of this J?u n, have been awed in sail on traj- f ,r rf"''i jrM)sMi for rr fifteen years avDd.oor toanr of e-yjib' in inem iut one fims' iiBcrijaeab!e, u'tifjn i firic. .:tfurd by Pa ion;, i.'icreasos their 'l i'"hi!ifv. while at iriaaautime beira rraifa-fnr-l ruchinery on a lara a?ale,' the e.; is losoen'.d. "ur iio Snjr i aKlofted l bn;yin'.of all d'ssTipiior,., aud iu aH fiimi, and cat be applied to Fte'(.' or flit rwu, oiri or ar uI bjr ,prli mry . Wvrkiuen (, a trif&ij, ein. For uo.fVrtnitT of qijiiy, OuCii!een . f . Caish, facility of arptiraticn, cio jneis and darabiliiy, weiyvi'a thuro'i-'i tr;al. We also.. BAafM' ' fore - LIQUID CEjlEJT.- For Leslry Tin nr Trn Horfv s Maeh cheaper and more -turabiu lhn iiTpi!nt,' a ft form a mush be tier b lj ni wilt i t caoJt raa or flake oJ. . . " "iV .'. ,il COMPOUND CEMni,.::, For Leaky Shingte Koo"s.Chiraney a4 SVyHgSta. A snre remedy that will often ear tlie eoatcf new roof. ' Hanjlre of TiooSn.and ClMfllart aenl If tnaJI opoa application.. - .. . o '. Farorall terms rnle with rfspomlljle partlea who boy tn sell again. .. JEADY HOOFING. CO, r id MIDE.Y LA.YE X. V. i'.jaiw iyiat'u 53awnia!.- JOHN PATTERSON, " , II Llffllil. . .v .. . . x RA jast rreejrei aUrand weir se!ectd Ktrli DRt'OS. MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS. VARNISH; 1 . UYE STUFF, BRUSHES. gPONGE?. FANCr 'AND4 TOILET ARTICLES, And ererythir.2 eoromi ly kep. :"A, r. t-. fr Flrt Class Mm; Slorc Cnttftoiw wil: find burt'-r'n eo3.-?u. arU effsra for CA?H at tho r-ry low lcrtet rrice. Pbysieiana Priori Gosp auded wtflt th ntnojt ca'e at all bourf. ilsrca Slt,1555. . r. La. i 'ire? f r . Um mmxm i