Nebraska SUnjcrtiscr iPHNL COI-IIAPP1KDITORrr i UUOWXVILLE THL'fiSDAV.AL'd. IX 1S05. We eee much eaii in our eastern ex changes of the large emigration that is pouring, iuia this-3iiutry from Europe, and great effort to fain this population is being made by western States and Ter ritories. Missouri, Iowa and Kansas have their State a-nd County Ermitigraat Aid Societies', siriTuuj with hones; erwu Luion to gain population. Our Territory is not entirely unrepresented, but this the best Land District in this Territory is. Nebraska City has such a Society in fuIT operation, atd frota cur exchanges, as well as from private information, we know it is working great benefit to that seciion. This Land District tas done very little to bring its gr?a; advantages of soil, timber, water, climate, &c, be- This is also good doctrine for the T ' f-i t m m Wk A nt'a" T A it rsTT 1 1 K a, - toThea hereafter. The late election in Kentucky has afpirently gone against. the Cuuiitu ttonal Amendment in that State. -The Kentucky delegation ' in Congress will For the Nebraska Advertiser. ' A Meeting of the Coun'y-Union Cen tral Coinmifiee, cf Nemaha County, will hp fSlil at iriri i(T!rp rtf TYircov Rr R trh rinUeCi-y of Brovnv,!le. on Tuesday,' ! fore lhe Tlc, and" yet the number of Johny. did you hear about the fight? ihM.h dvnf Antral, l .v..-. ah ,nm. I acres of land taken by actual settlement : V, Kap, I hern the en of "mnrder ----- w - . am-&vihrB w W ft 414 111 . 111 I - berg of the Committee are earnestly in Tited to alter, d, ay business of importance vi!l come before the meeting. - C. G. DORSEY, Ch'uu T. IL FisntR, Sec ..... i BrownTiile, Aug. 22J, 1SG5. want a treaty Our Government is act ing with the weakiaeM ef a chili iajthis Indian "war." "Th'e'Commissioners who sat in judgement over Chiviogton should be made to hold an iciest overthe.-e butchered women, and thn have a chance to withdraw their censure of Chiingion, we believe they would do it. This war ' vahi four Copperhead and, four Rep ab must be stopped, and treaties will nver , iicans. An it nnr rlrK r.pnsnrin?? ft food nffiepr help the matter. Maa well, equipped, J and generals who. fight to, whip, are the only effective arguments to these devels. -We believe tha.t one Indian killed will do more to bring about a lasting peace than two treaties. " . : . : Much is being said over the Territory . about the coming election, generally calling for the nomination of good men, irrespociive of party issues. The "first is all , right and well enough ; but we dif . Ter.. with these "trrespective if party' journals, inafmuch as we believe that ns good men are generally elected under the : Convention yiem as in a '-cruh rce.'". We believe that this is generally a dodge of the weaker naitvl in ordr m . ciz? politic, when th-y will at any time take advantage of .oojc mi5top of the dominant paYty in the States to re .. organize and gam real advantage by , .the truce. : The Demo-Copperhead party will playoff this trick in this Territory if they are perm itu-d the chanre, and we cannot but feel surprised that any Union paper will assist them in this business. We desire to pee the Union party of this county and the whole Territory stand as firmly together and as. well organized as they were during the war. This must be done, and is as necessary now as it .i -ever was. There is one issue which we knowthe Copperhead party drtad, and ', ' which should and must. be squarely made thia fall; in this county we may not cee the danger cf inaction, but if 'this matter it not attended to this fall, its bad effect will be felt ever after.. We. allude to . disfranchised .of 'others States who .have come, and still may come; and set ' tie ia' this Territory. We believe our wstivioiuic ciwuiu. ijcai winier. r.ass an lr'- . . .J . "act'drsfran;hising" in this Territory all who have bi?n . disfranchised in other Qrtf4 n-Tl KtvA rrnA niniMPAft t X this Territory. The authorities where . they have teen'disfranchised have been best able to' judge whether they are fit ' or-riot to exercise the right of t-uffrage, they.have decjtel that tliey are not, and fir us to ttepf hemi in the full bloom of citizenship would be as absurd as a coun try justice reversing a decision of the " Supreme Court of the. United. States: . There are local reasons why a Con - Tention should be held. ttere is considerable diliercnce of. cplnion as to .whether the people cf .this county want a Herd Law. This has been fiiffrUSSpH Inn pnr.'lT?'. and ( ltn'nl.' it, a people should give soioa definite expre? ion of " their iyflL" This could be done throughl the piuuiiry and Coucy Ccn rntions. Again: it aj: p?t.ts i5 us that the pres '"" system of Road Work and Tax i? ve. -At present only about one of the moo y raied for roads goes ue.Geoeral Road Fund, the balaVce tiered away by Supervisors and m .Tanent lfnprovemenis ar made. x, it seems to U3, ia'ii it 'la wert out the revers,nd . three-fouriliss cl ai were to go into tile General"-Fund, to be expended by ih Commissioners, permanent improvf merts coi;ld be made, which would benefit the entire1 county, and, in a few years, greatly reduce, the , amount pf taxes now., required to keep vtip the road. , Again: ;he fees of rtir (bunty Ouicer are too low, in fact luf Y are at least one third lower than they were before the war, while everything else is otl-third ' higher than it was before the war. ,Now, . Ihis is not justice tp(fajihfuj apd efficient he old lady was murdered we laid her 'officers, nor do we believe that the pubjic j j ac in the wagon "and guarded her as besC we. will go beyond any other District in the Territory. Now, caji any sane person doubt that this might have been doubled, yes trebled, with a, proper effort? Our advantage to the emigrant must be fair ly placed .before the world, and to do ihian organization is necessary. Such an organization will be assisted in its operations by the Territorial. and by the General Government, by other Boards and by our Legislature. A Commissioned Agent sir id Le employed to travel to foreign countries, and cur inducements should be posted on every emigrant steamer that lands in American ports A constant correspondt'neo with eastern and-European paper. should be ktpt tip. At home this organization should assist every emigrant in making a selection and settlement. When these things are done will we begin to reap the benefits of our oumerou?. natural advantages, and not till then. ' " This is a matter of importance to all, and to let inaction thwart this enterprise is criminal. Every fool of prairie brok en up adds to the material welth of all. There will be a meeting for the purpose of organizing an Emmigrant Aid Socie ty h Id at the office of C. G. Dorsey, on Saturday, Sept. 2d. at 3 o'clock, P. M.. aud ev.ery man who has the good of the Territory and his own prosperity at hearvshojld attend. , 7 V We have been kindly permitted-to read and extract from a letter written by Ed. D. Smith, Co. C," Ui Neb. Ve Cav.','date3 at Camp near Larmie Sia tion, on Uig Laramie River, Dxro'aTer ritory, Aug.;4th.; ' "r ' ' - "Oa the 2d inst , news came to our camp that a train that left the river at 3 o'clock was attacked by 30 Indians. Our camp being nearly diserted('a detail of 20 men being away under Lieut Winkelrran, so as soon as we cold Gim Fuller, Palmer, Caldwell and myself sad dled and started in the direction of the attack. Within two miles of camp we came on the train-returning, who told us tha t two miles ahead the Indians would be found. We started on in full lope, were soon joined by -6 men of the 1st Michigan. On reaching the top of a high hill, we raw a wagon with two yoke of cattle close by. There, after four years of soldering, I saw the most horri ble-sight l ever saw. On the ground close tg the wagon lay an old lady who wei afterwards, learned was 70 years tf nge dead and scalped from the forehead to the back bf her neck and from ear to ear, her throat cut from ear to ear, one brest cut off, a gash from the lower part uf-her right brest to the centre of her back, wkh an arrow sticking close to her , and ttripi ed uaked with the ex- teption of part of the waste of her dress nrrJ the slee'.esof the same. Some gun hie rac'ks lay close by we covered 'hem over the p'd lady, and v up me trail and followed it until r jjjht came on. 'We were but a d.vrt disfni.ce from the sta tion on Litiie Laramie river.' ar d we rode t'.' the station. ' There the Indians had also been, they kilTe a citizen and wqunded a soldier, dfbve oft' SO head of rattle, all the stage' stock, and tw stock that belonged to soldiers stationed !;ere 14 in number. When we enquired j the distance back' to our camp, they told us it was eighteen miles, and it was now dark, they also told us in the place of 30 or 40 Indians that made the attack there there was near 300. However we start ed back to camp. Coming up to where " j murder !" and seed pease officers goin arter the murderer with acselleratiTn ; the hous i war entird" butt the hoy wu&'nt thar ; him had rleed. Grate strategy are not ded yet in Nebraska. '7har ar much in showin fite. Kn, az man's men will tell ye. - Bat, Johny, did you see the murdered boy ? I sawed him, Kap, and a bhiddy sit hit warn.. Him lade on he" bick widout a s'rugul; no simtom of lif sept roclin he ies too skeer the peskey flys ; sum win paussed threw hissen lites, and the pictorial plural mimbnnous latisomus dorsikum ware teched 'muchly. Arter he hern the naiur uv the wlule he maid a pas onto, a nuther fly, and riz frum hiz ded ead. rerry much like eny uther ded boy. and maid rite tu hum' to dye. Az he riz noe drops uv'blud wuz seed; the i brite ; the fase knot pail the throw ax oskulated sincrownously with the dy nastickand siptastick beet uv the bart. Sez I, ar thar' etiny danger uv his livm ? A loe wotse sot my fears toe rest by sayin : "he goin hum toe dye ; the nife went into the holler uv hiz bleed in ,i deth frum the diagram ' I guv it up. noing the diagram ivuz: a tendidinous lube what hove the red blud. and when this dooty ceased, farwell to the mashine uv life ! i Johny, dd the poor tnurd- r ! at last ? s ' ' -'' :-: .' Nor Kap, he cooden't see hit. ' lie sed thar wuz poppaws on tother side of the river an he noed hit tpu ; and sed be wur going to hev sum fust. He is tharfour noi ded but livuth. rh Johriy, what do you think of V. who rented a garden spot to A. for the season (which Blackstone ' says mean's all the year;) and before the time was bat took possession cf the ground, sowing turnip seed therein ? 4 ' Wal, Kap, a rong wuz did by P. and rite smart munny sides a heep more fur the stuft which mought uv cum, shod be pade. A grate crap uv sass an other re cruits cood hev ben riz in such a saft yeer ; an agin the lord only noes tne size uv garden rates this yeer, specially i sewed in the dark uv the mune. Law years shud notis this pint, az the justase mought'nt. The case ar clar, but az a man don't noe a woman till he's tied to hur, so ye dont noe what a.cort will du till its did. All ' things mostly are on sartin, amung which law and wimin are fourmost." Tech not, handle notnither' sais the senptur, I belive, as to law, but scriptur or no scriptur. I ar friendly to the wimin, and as sich I'll he till deth. Johny, tince the trial of Miss Harris what is your opinion of love matters ? Wal, Kap. love' is more onto the I ranf az muchly az it war, and weuns muct be kert tul knot to git our fare lovyer's nar: vous cistiun in a state uv excitemunt, wich ar ekaul to a live hanimile praying onto he entrils. In the future, ynng men had aught toe tech' litely historical fe- mails. They'll bar the i uv kaush'on, fur sich is wusser than any varmints, cf thay luv, an shud be fent toe sum gud idsain asfilum. ' " G; WutLLIKXSS. i ' The following are some recent deci sions made by the Commissioner of Tn terha'rRevenue : A mortgage to secure an annuity of $500 per annum, during the life of the annuitant, the present value of. the an nuity being specified in the condition of the mortgage, at- 8,000, is subject to a stamp duty of six dollars. a Produce dealers are required to pay a t8X of 1-8 per cent, on their sales, and are considered brokers under section 90. This is additional to the license tax. Certificates of burial lots being in the nature 6f conveyances, are subject to stamp'duty as such. The 126th seciion of the act of June 30th, 1864, declares thai "for the pur pose of this act, the term real estate shall include all lands, tenements, and heredit aments, corporal or Tncorporal.' , It 7riH hardly be contended that lease hold esta!es are included in the foregoing t numerations, and; what is not expressly included, jmay reasonably be suppled to have been intentionally prnied. I can see no propriety in extending the appli cation of the ' statin's to matters btyond the ordinary import ot H3 language, and I. therefore decide that ihi sale 2nd as signment pf a lease or agreement ou'ht notto be regarded as a .sale of real estate. 1 1 , The Naahnlle Press and Times pub jiiLci a, letter of -frank. Pierce to Jeff. Davis, dated 1SG0, encouraging Davis in treason. It says: "The fighting will not be along Mason and 'Dixon', line merely. It will be within our own bor ders ; y in , our own streets. If we ever reach -the arbitrament cf arms wo will have occupation enough at hone." The letter was captured by Cclonel Brownlow, at Bellefont, Alabama, S tate Fairs will be held in September as follows: Illinois, at Chitago, Septem ber 4thio.l2th ; Michigan at Adrian, SeptenrilOlh to22i; Iowa, at Bur lington, September 26th to 29 h ; Wis consin, at'Janesville, September 26 to 30th. Indiana, at Nort Wayne, October 2d to 7th. LEGAL NOTICE. been icvlo to mvtM vrobw Jad. of tb y, of .Nemaha in tb Territory of e bru4 ,.Jes Tinsment of an aiajiniiirator t th LiUla cf Vil-U2t 11. VrCobb, deoeaaeJ, 1 hH proceed to tratorfor wiJesUta,at taf OHic ia Browvill on th Lit! dj of dteinber ISSi at tea q tweig .'" hrubate JaJ . - MASTER SAT r la Caaccfcry of tL s L". 17 .Hbrtj'a Trr "5-Jvi a . J th. " The Evansville Journal tells of a new kind of coercion which the colored people of Kentucky, opposite Newberg, Indiana, prccticed upon their masters, on election day. Ihey threatened to leave, unless iheir masters or employers would vote the straight-out Union ticket; and as the Conservative chaps'1 would not comply ihe negroes" were as good as their word, and left them tohpe their own corn and potatoes, and sucker their own tobacco. The steamer Maffit arrived from Ne braska City , yesterday with her cabin full of people, and a good freight. Near ly all of her passengers were rebel re fugee women from counties bordering on the MLsouri below Jackson county They . all emigrated to Nebraska City since "62 to avoid the horrors of civil war in their midst.. Since the war has ceas ed and peace again, restored in these counties, thty have' concluded to return and commence lite over again. St. Joe Herald, 22L ' ' Here is what made the prosperity of Nebraska City - leaving it like the "last rose , of summer." We prefer the " . iiation of prosperity' brought by I s l yil settlers, and want none of that kind- who htve to send VncV their women it advance to see if - : . ; clear" ere they go Lack t! , By virtue of a proclamation of the President, of March 10th, issued in con formity to a law of Congress, dated March 3d, 1863, all persons duly enroll ed who departed from the jurisdiction of lhe district in which thpy were enrolled, or went beyond the limits of the. United States to avoid the draft, are prohibited from exercising the electh'e f'ri i It will be the duty of lhe au:; - ' - - enforce this per;ft!ty in all coming election. A ..Host Important Discovery. LNTERESTIN:) TO AGENTS, FARiIEU3 and We are raakioi a sinze macb-ne which combinei tbebestaad i-lnapesl porubla Wine and, Cuier Press, the dryt Clothes Wringer, aad tie do powerful LiUiinrs; Ji.-k in the world. It is tbe oolv press ad.tptmi to making Apple Cbampaiga, wh'oh ia now rupirded as one of the uto-tt imporUnt dUooTcries of tc ge. A good aunt wauted ia tvetj county, to warm we will Lt;d out eucb ia dacementi as to insure $1000 before Chilians. The first ona diking application from an count shall hive tbo c.xc!3ive agenc. Fall prtkulars, terms, etc., b CiruUr. Acdrs IIAL.L, KEr.D & CO 5i Libert St.(.N.i. LEGAL NOTICE. Notice it hereby given that I will offer at Pub lic auction at the door of B. B. PreSsoa' Stoie in Teeumseh that being the place of fiolding the lat term of the District Court on the 2Sth day of August, A. D 1S63 at one o'clock P. U., of said 'day the followinj tteal Estate to wit : the south half of the Esst quarter of seciion three 2 and the north half of tbe north East qaarter of Section t&enty-foor 24 of Town ship lira 5 nortii of Kaoge eleven 11 East of the sixth principal Jleridian, uken as to .iViperty of William Jones, on an execution ia f.ivrtf iJsnj min Cooper isued by the District Court of Joaa eon County, Nebraska Territory, and to ma diree ted as tJheriH of said County. Given under my hiifld ta j tb 2S'.h day c f July X D. ltwj of Don Ua in th. City of Zrll. C " - ia oi em:a Court f. vm held,' 11 l on Monday, the ISih dsv cf we.oc p. ta., of said dsy.ti, f,.n r, EsUt. to-wit The doath t qilr'0!1'? V sight SI ia.TowMbiB,:, '6! .VlVr. 115 J t, n NehCoayi NebT-S Dated tis tU 57ih day o Act 1 4J-4t. :oerj5..'ii4 ipcii LEGAL NOTICE. Eugcnr Feptenll, VictorH FoaUa: V, ! Fouieoell, Enetia Fontanel!, Hanry f. Emoly Foatenell will. uJta ootwe thiufn,,l,-1 teneil Guardian of Lecim A. Footeiiis'l -under and by virtue of order of tb1, ; Court in and for the County nf .NeEihi T ( Nebraska, roada on tbt l.J-th. fj vt j lTTit 1JJ6, will o-r at public Sale, ""lii." on the CG'.h day of September, a. ft i;.J at oive o'cliwk p. m. prn thepresi tit f " 1 in described- ktal Esuue to-wit : T j ' cti;n twetly-sevca 27J,-Kange ixumT,' lit T'wn-ship four 4J in Nemaha, CveBt Tljir Thrritory, and bein? lands of the ha'.f Brl Vition. excetft the Timber mwnr rAi.1' said lands which, by tbe trma of W J ... l8t i w e i . . -.. W1J W ! reserves s r-iT jj -tard Brow'aville Ai?Siwt,12.a-?LVSl i ' , OaardiATj fcf Lnciao A.FUaaa a lr 49 2t ta The New OrlcansTim :$ ; r-r;r . . dent with Merritt's civalry ..,-:; through Texas, writes "that T .t: . a wilderness of men and forrest tr.u --s-. Very Utile cotton has been planted in lhe section traversed by Gen. Merritt, and corn wjll be' so plentiful as to be a drug. Society is very unsettled. .. Sit bales of cottori were stolen nine times in i'venty four hoars. ; " Cairo, August 12 Memphis papers, of the 19th, report that a detachment of the 41sl Misouri infantry caught a noto rious bushwhacker, named Jim Hopwood, i'Marshall county Tennessee; about a week age, and shot him at once, as it was thought .best .to show no quarter to lhe inhuman wretches who have so long in fested that part rf lhe State, refusing all offers of pardon,' and committing deeds which would make a demon blush. A few days . afterwards, a confederate of Hopwood s named West. McCullom, was caught by the same troops, and disposed of in a similar manner. Large qnantt tiea of goods stolen by these men have been found and restored to their owners.. The summary punishment of these men has restored quiet. generally desire men attending , lo their tusiness to do sofor less than remune rative wages. ..This reduction cfythe fees looketL to us more like ihe . crwy ftchinalioa of ; . , bankrupt r Legisla tors whp epon fxpected ,tp;be in the hands of the sheriT, than the wisdom of honest and impaniaj Law-makers. We thinfc justice should hffudone our officers, and fi?J.J;-LfS;ator..iri6xracted to that efTect. (.i Jhe.above.we ilunlc are reasonr'suffi cLenjity:the Union Conre'ntiDn of thia Pwy should te held. ' ' " V could against wolves or other varments, and went on to' camp. We learned there hw1. 116 Indians had car- Frorn Lawrance,' Kansas, we Irarp thaj ft rnost brutal" rr.xjrder occurred in tj:at.citf on the 15th. A Mr. Edwards ,vras: .coming, out of a saloon, .when he rjeja colored man at tbe door, and said to him, 'X suppose , think yourself- a free nigger now ? --The colored person fild he was as free asanj,cne. Edwards then struck Him on the side of his neck, cutting the 'jugular vein, causing instant death. It was with - difficulty that the' Sheriff could ave Ddwards from bei?ig Ipched : . . . - i ' ; ried off the old ladies n'h'-er a mar ried womanr wounded the ola i'-iesscn in. the arm and shot her grand' child a lut.'a girl through, tbe arm with, an tr row. the arrow still' sticking in her arm when the ' as hro'ight to the statidhv August 3d, a train came from" lhe di rection of Ft. Halleckvfay ;hat- at"the pttion ibcre Little Laramie 8 men 7f re killed, xtijc rf'omcn'one child and a girl lG years eld carried off, the woman thai was killed was butchered up worse than the old lady clo'e to our camp, she wti cut up wofsThe?2el: '7arrows aken "... ... . ' i ' -. - from and around her.. Making in air 1$ persons billed at. both J'ace and 3 wounded. fSir Indians were sup posecr to'have been killed. The . train that came down cay. that the Indians are about 700 strcg.V; '. . " ;. - Here is food for thought- for our Indian-loving -statesmen, and a -moral to 'adctn"a tale" of Indian magnanimity and humanity." ' These Indian? doubtless LATEST NEWS. Preston King has been appointed as Collector of the Port of New York. Edward B. Taylor has ben appointed Superintendent of Indian Affairs for the Northern Superintendency. Mr. Taylor, as proprietor of the Omaha Republican, has done much. for the advancement of the interests of Nebraska, and we now New Y-irk. August 14. Th j Herald's Wa -nington special says : Great tiitli- c 'Li have arisen between the citizens c: Alfchlinburg .county, Virginia, and the rrpedmeii heretofore living. as slaves in that county. The pre.-ence. of armed negro troops in the county does not seem to operate to stay the ravages of the freed negroes, who congregate at one or two or . more prominent points in the county, kill the sheep, poultry and hogs, and devastate the cornfields, melon and ofher patches without itint. The white people are rpr-sentd as being paralysed, refu-ing to protect them selves, fearing; that the m lnary p-wr will bear heavily upon Hvmii .-should t.'iey interrupt ' tiM prucrrdinga of the negro marauders. Governor Pierpont and the State authorities without exception, are very much xerciied on the important subject of what is to be done with the negroes of the State. .; ; . 1 (. . : New York.'Aug'ust 13 The Herald's Richmond correspondent says the report in the Northern papers, bearing upon the movements of General R. E. Lee, are wholly error.eous. Six weeks or more r r - OBITUARY. After I n; years of sertea dtma tor the honor of Go'l and tha good of hi fellow" men, the Rev. William Crow died at the residence of his on. Mr. J . E. Crow of this place on lues-lay, August 22nd. "He fanght a good flght, he kept the faith," and now h has gone to receive the crown. "Pleased are the dead that die In tboL&rd, for their works do toMoyr iem.'' This revered father in the church of God dnrin .his life endured hardship as a good Soldier for his was peculiarly a life of eetf-decyln; sacrifice. He cum me need his labors as a pi r.f.r minister in Illinois in 1823. In season and out of eet nbe labored diligent ly to incu Icate piety and virtue. For years he travel- j led constantly over an extended diitrict of coin try, in the neighborhood of Springfield, Illinois, prparMns f wherever he could find a hearing, no mttter v favorable might be the surrounding, n ! i njswbo:er -nl into the endeaYjf t- i.iJi.o l: i nt r r e . , repa-e for th i?rcai b: fl.Ti.'er. liy hU ' nie.t gocd v.-as accomplished. For his ' '''y and clear presentation cf the tundapien' f c'-1 y religion in their beautiful sim ' ::..y bad a good effect upon the plain, honest minds of. the farming cojaiaunity in, which he laborel. ' t j i . , Through the earthly and pecuniary rewards if such ser vice might not be great yet he had the richer reward of seeing men converted to God and walking in holiness of life ; he had the reward of possessing the affection ate regard of the region in which a lived ; he had the blessed reward bf feeling Chat others were madebetter and happier, .through bis instrumentality. Now the Master has said to him '"come up higher." Now he has entered into 'th Joy of Ms .Lord." Now he knows the fall meaning of that promise which says they that turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars ' for ever and ever. ' The Rev. William Crow was born in Virginia, Mar. 22nd, 193. In 18C3 he removed into Cumberland Co. Ky. Tie made a public coufession of his faith In Christ in 1S23, and at once, entered upon the duties of the ministry In connection with the Bapiist denomination. " , a lie was twice Married and has had tve children of wnom four arestill living. He continued in theactire duties of tbe ministry till 1S61, when the infirmities of advanced age made v it advisable for him to cease from the active duties of his profession. Since then be has been waiting in patient hope for the feet of the Messenger, who should conduct him to his home. During tbe last few j rars of his life he did Tittle but study the fcriptore. He dwelt almost In sight of the CeiesiUi City. Eis mind and heart were nt tamed to Earth but tolleavcn. "Flow blest the righ e us when he dies ! When sinks a weury soul to rest. How mildly beam tha closing eyes, How gently heaves the expiring breast V SALE OF fiUTRAiSLU STOCIC ... Ja 3j,turd.iy, Setr ti jer Itlih IS05, I will oJor lir si-l? tu tiio liiztir? o ider. lor cash iu baud i ui tho Citv of Hn,wnv;.ie, icora?k Territory, tio stray Co wita bic. ar. caIi erp off of nui tar, rirriu horn t-JT, sujposed to b tiiroe years o 1 . TaKeu u by AUraii.iui i'euijy, and rtnw ia his po3dessiiJ, a;iprai.-'-I tl .00 4j ;n i;. v. ai'tfiiad.j. i. LEGAL NOTICE. Flora M. Liming will take notice that Daniel Lim ing did on tUc tin day ot August, a. D. St55, nle his iiiil of CuTOj;Uint, iu the L;trict Court, in and for Pawnee Couuty Ne'orAciia Territory, in Chan- ery, asainsl the said Flora M. Liming. The object and prayer of said Complainant, Daniel Liming, iu Said iSiW, is to obtain a Decree vt ttid Court dissolving toe Ui.dsul Matrimony between the Said Daniel Liming CouU'Uinani, and tbe S.mi t lora Liming, uetendant, And tbe Said Flora M. Liming ia noiined that She is required to appear and aawer Said Bill of Complaint ou o before tne idih gjv of ciapceuir, lioo. Da'ed Auguit8 iod. 47-ai.pd 1AXIEL LIMING LIST OF LETTEkS. Remaining lathe Pot Oflce at Brjwnvi::?, A-iru-st 21th, 1S65. These letters, ir not called for. wir. to to--office for 6 weeks, and tben ser t totr.- Vr. . ... Office at Washington. v t wo cents wjii ''- ciu all advenised Let tors. : SHERIFF SALE. ' Notice is hei.abTfiven that 1 will oTsr, for i!e at poblio'AuctioO .at the frontdoor of Dau'a H:,t in the city of B.'ownville, Nemaha CuUDty, Nebru.1 k.i T-rrito y (thai beiaJ" tbe building in whih tn- crttirii ft Hie OKUlvl Vi ot Bum vuuui; ui '.l.-v IS a day of September A.D. 1S6-5 ;,!:.. p m.,tbe foliwing real estate to x.l : it a we.-it. hlf of the west qairsem' Secfion T wiivo ( 12 ), Township ?ve 5 North of Ilaiiga No. iilifLti .1:- astjaloo tbe south cast quarter of tus.sontri west quarter" of aeClioa S. nina ( 9 TowBi'iij No. five (5; North vof Range fifteen (lb) east, siluatod in the Co unty cf ATem- e,ha, in the Territory- of Nebraska,, taken as the propertj of Jo.topb. Bacoq upoa attachinea t and ex ecution in favor of Israelii.) Camings, issued oat of the IMetrict Court of JNemahs County, Nebras ka Territory, and to rue directed 4 ahenilef aid County Br&wnville, August 17th 18(55 43-4f: VV.U. GLASGOW, Sheriff. SHERIFF SALE mi . j " i Notice Is bereby given tiatl wttVr at roblie auction, at the froi t do.r of Da' it ' In trownville, in Nemaha Coualy, Xbrajk Jwf tory ithat bin the building in wb!ch th.' tnaftarwali I-1T, ' ! on ihe 18 h day c-f Spt. A. D. - v -o.. una I, t.i I, ibritj :v-r;,:i-n i. e 10, eleven . fwiire 12, t.;.r.. . i,niien at fi ; l-tx thirteen 13, fjurten- 14, , teen, in Block 'o. eigt.k tJ, thu eji fta;-v'' 1 j No. nine 9 ; L'Ioo'a No. ten U r-Block" No. ; toen It; Block No. thirty, 23 W"' I the City of Brownvill, N-.taiba Coaity Xebr.' Territory, takn a tha pro-'r a D.iv.J Q,,, an execution in favor m: ..nrlt. Psnk tij sued by tbe Lietri;t C- ur: .: ebra.-k lerntory, and to ms Lncrx:.l aihnrv of said Caunty. Browjiulle, august, I7th 1SS5. W.U.GLASGGT. 4S'4t- jShenl ... ; LEGAL NOTICE. Henry Weerf , Jobcson "Weers, tonrl 1 Herod Weers. Eliiabeth Weers, ani Cor trait JL Weeri, will take notice that a petition u 1U4 against them cn the 14ih day f - August I. I). lsoj.iathe Probate Court, wltbra aad for'the Coeaty of Nemaha by (ierd Weerr, tad m pending, wherein aaid Gjrd Weers, demiadi yu tirion of the following real Estate to wit: Ta taj; balf of tbe doitlh East quarter, of soctioa lr i 9), in Township four (4), is Kange Tbjrtsa(lJ, Mvuated in Neniaha County, Nebraska TsrrlUry, containing 8d aores. - That said. petition wiiJtw hearing on the 26th day of September TLm on said 26th day of Septeaaber, aaJd. Cr J Wk will apply for aa order that i.-m-.tioa b mtit f sad pc ataiios. ' - IHted at Brjwnville, thi ia :i:i.Jxy of is 4S-4t. a.ii.iwi-CH. Att'y ft PititiM MAS TERS SALE.. "Noti- is hereby rivun that pursuant to an order of sale to ine directed, issued by the licgister in Chancery of the District Court of Nemaha County Nebraska Territory, in the ease of John L. Carson against Joseph P. Coleman, Caroline D. Coleman. Phillip adhams and Mary 'A. Wadhara, I will otfer for aril"' at pub! in aunion, Atthfron door of Den's Hall ja th City of Brown ville.the iliwe where the last term. d sa id Court for aaid ounty was held, i On the ISthday of September, A.D. 1S65 atone o'clock p. tuof said dayfive; following Real Estate to wit : The South west quarter of section one (l ),n iownship five r 5 ), north of Uarge four teen (11, east, in Nemaha, County, ebraska Ter ntory. 48-it WILLIAM G. GLASGOW, Sheriff and Special Jlaster. . MASTERS SALE. Notice is hereby given that pursuan t to an order of sale to me directed, issued by the Register in Chancery of the District Court of Nenaah a County, Nebraska Territory, in the case of John L. Carson against Rebecca BeideiVf I will offer for sale at pub lic auction, at the frorit door of Dtn'allall, in the City of IJrownvitle. th place where the last term of said Court was held, on the.lSih day of September, d. 1S65 at one o'clock P. M., of. said dy, the following Real Eftate,to-wit : The north half of the- north west quarter of Section fourteen (111, in Town- fhip four (4), north of Range fourteen (14) east, iu Nemaha County Njbraka Territory. W. GLASGOW. 48-4t Sberiffnnd Special Master. Mia Lucy Alen Boatman George W. Carnes James Esq. ' (lays J'hn . ivunbro Frederick!. i ini Mr. George F. . ; Kandol E. J. St-ldenaaun Migher Foban ' : Persons ca'.lins; for the above let tors will please say they are advertised. . , A. D. MAR33 P, SI. ' Ajpa Jaoiiin Barrows Eld. R. C. Ebbs Maj. John Jones Dr. Isaac B, ' KcKerney MrsS.E. McFeroa Tbo na.J. Wall . congratulate hitn open . his .v advance- tn , vil. . I- ' mDt. The trial cf Cap!.' Wer:,'r' aersonvuie murderer i? tein? poftpoucu from day lo day on account of evidence which is constantly coming in. - ,1 Ms said there is" already more than ,enough tg hang him. ' ' The shock of an earthquake, wasfelt at Cairo on the roorning of the, 17th, Everybody scared, viaobody hurt nd no damage done, .-..i ,. y.A , , .. The forgeries of young Ketchurn are hu. - cuppuacu -to uiuuum .-to aDOUI CO,- 000,000. .The. Phio DemdCratic State Sovereign ty Convention -fftet --at Coltimbus, on the liaX and nominated pr Governor Alex. JI. Lonrrcr-fcictitrGovr-Chihon A. White. "Verllv. : tbev have eyes, yet see not, and ears, yet hear not. ' ; In answer to the application of a North ern Congressman for the appointment of one of1 his constituents; to an internal revenue orace in S. C, the' President said that he meant to go upon the theory that there were enough, loyal men in the South to fill the offices. H n Vmibarn this State, on the South .-.- ot Jiis r ie r. forty mile? from Ricb- trcmrj. nhere. ne is Imngr in th ntmost seclusion, scarcely answering :tl ianeoua letters addresseu .to. resides in a small cottage, th . of Mrs.;Cox, adjacent to " and' I to which are :6ome ;;foor ncre? which he, findsj recreatioa in Cc': 1. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MASTER'S SALE. Notice ia hereby Ri parait to en or der of sale to me diro-ited . !sul by the Register iaciincory of too District i'juit of Nemaha Coun ty N-tra?.L TrtrritvTVj ja tV eae wherein Thara-' ft J. Dowler is coiiih-aai Francis A." Dow Ier,adnjinistrator of lua iiale of William Gerke, deceased, and the Unknown heirs of the scid Wil liam Gerke. deceased, are defervlan.-1 !T'i ' "v at-publio auction., at the frrat doo .lic-i f- ii. i ', : in the City of Netnuli- C jou'.1 ;- v- i braka .Territory, tbe place where the U t,jM cf said court f rsa:d County was u -i, :,'; "u ih-j 'h. da bf Septetiibr. , A. D IStj-j, - ' j'ttloci V. .M.,of sai l day, the 'I'V.'loa'iug Real . wit: the North we3t quarter of Section ' ".41 it Township number six 6 North of .1MASTKRS Notice 13 herel i; v il ..-. . -) - of sale to mo di.. ; :C -r..r i - Cliancerr of 'th !. r ' ' ir . .nn Nebr.i T rnti.ry Jm : i- '.-!. .i Juba L. Caison ni ns. i. .,it Uenjujiu r, Ln:h- o:iu.'i, ! wi;1. .li'.:r l r -vie at jtibtie Anctiu,it ' is tro'jl uoor ; i r v--. I m the Cityof Brown . :t!e. tha j lacu wL-re ::, ia.ti term of eaid Court iur g:iiu Gi unty wasliM. on the 18 h day of S-p:"mer A.D. 1SG5 at one o'clock p.m. of said day 1 1 fjllwing Koal Esute ta-wit : The north east qa.irt' r of the south eat quarter of section twenty-wx 2'5) in Town ship six (B; njrth of Rangi fifteen (15) east in Nemaha Co-JDty, Nebra?k Territory. 'T r W.G.GLASGOW, ? i; 4S-4r - " Sheriff and Special Master. MASTERS SALE. Notice is hereby given that pur?uant ta an ord.-r of s i to me directcd issued by the Register in Chancery of lh Vflnel Court of Neman County NeLraka Teiritory in thecaye of James O. Car3oa agvnrt Uriel Aiken Jchn L. Carcon and Erasmus L Allen , I will offer for ga!e at Public auction at ihe front door of l)vo Hall in the City of Brown ville, the pkee where th last ' term of eaid Court iorvairj County w;va held. on Monday, the ISth day of .Sep." "1565 at one o'clock p. tn. of said dav the f,iliiri.i. r..i Estate to wit : The North Eat qaarter o,-" k-Mvi aevcu i i i in ;wnfni p uve (3; ,ortn of :ia-' fif teen jS ast iu -Neu.aba Counf7 Nebraska '7 erri- W.O.GLASGOW, ' " -tc -rt. Sheriff aod Special Maater. MASTERS SALE. Notice is hereby eiven that oersuant. to an r4rw' Sale to me directed. iued by tbe Rf sister iBCbsnce ry of the District Cnrt of 'emaha Countr. KebrwU Territory, in case of Benjamin f. Loshtih' M'E" Henry C. Hill anJ John l. Cargon.,1 will ofTtt f"t n at Public Auction at the front door orDen'iv3u w ieCayof B.uw .viiie, the place where tli at ' : a ( t't-u i lur Count v wan held.. v v't 13.f.;rlay of SrpitrP ' ; : a? "' St., ef (! ib- l.r rfa. i ; i'. :.!,' : The South Ba-t q tarter . - - " y-t: TP (33) n Town-hr5 five Ji .rU ; H.'f ;i ' ; ti ( 4) 'at. in NeruxUa Co.iuiy. : "T lAvwurii.e Aiij i7ta 15o3. iS 4t. W. G. GLa0' SberlJanJ Secer Jt'i PROC4.TC -OTICX. . By virtue of an order of e ie i-r; l ut cf Ihe rV bate Court of Eichaiitr, rt. m. v hr-lta Trrilury on the 24tb day of July D !: .it to medirecw 1 will sell at pnbtie vei.'i t' - .renit hiKbeat bid'ler for caa ; In tarn; - : . 2I" ' " Auinst a. 1). 1-63, between tr.e ho. - 9 auti o'clock p ni, the followio premi. to-wit 1 The we-t hlf oftho Notth Ca-t qiarter and i " J No, th'ee 3, f .ur i),ffve f3- in norm weMrtar a o.I rtonh half of a.jta east qa.rter ad W ir" even (7)and eicht (S) all la Seciion aix () Towa1 four (t) range fineen (15) east in Kemaha C"atT, KebraHka Trrt'ory Said Iade:n2 part ol U or Charlee Martii, Deceii4. " . a a i 7 ia 1 10.1. . - . - - . 4aratp'd$7 - - dnliDlatrr Hannibal Suit, A. V. 185. 49 4t ciiaRLes g Dorset) : , . ' ; ' Master in; Chancery.' MASTER'S SALE- I'--- ri?fca Terruory -a - v a' vtaj -v--- .j-b.v.-v. elusion, and it is probable wkI rarely, if etrer, emerge froni !!.. Speaking of the late election, the Lou isville Journal savs : MVVe . have for 6ome time been trying, not wLoiiy with out success, to convince ourselves ihai the number of actual rebels in soul has beerrv inconsiderable since the close of the war; but, in view of the results of last monday's elections in some parts of Kentucky,, we are apprehensive that we have been mis taken. Certainly, soaie of the bitterest and boIdest,-or rather most audacious, of all tbe rebels and rebel sympathizers in tfce Stale, have been elected to the Leg islature by large majorities elected, not in spite of thir being rebels or quasireb els, but for the reason that they are so. The Mississippi Convention election resulted largely Conservative. Norice is hereby given that, pamnznt to an or der of a!e to mo directed, issued by the Register in Chancery of tbe District Curt of Neuaha Coun ty, iebrak Territory, ia the Cae wherein Ben- jiimin ilolladay andJetae Holladaj are "orn plain - anUfial APClrew s tloliaday, JiUoreti Holladay. William H Pcnick R.E. Turner,' J. 11. Frpjerand H. S. Williams . partners in business,! a Turner, Fraxer A Cj. Et !, are defendants, I will offer for wle;at pnblio auction, at the front doof of Pen'i Hall, ia the City of Brown ville, in Nebrajka Ter ritory,' the rJace where the las, tertn of eaid Court for sa id County wa held, on the : - ' 2oth. day f September. A. , D. . 1SG5 at ne o'clock 'P. M.', of said day. 'the following RealEgtate, to-wit : lots nioo.i ten ."eleven, 9 10 1IJ in Block number twen ty- th ee 23 and the east half of lot Eleven -I in Block nineteen 19 'all in tbe Cityof Brownvillein Nenvha Connty, Nabraa ka Territory , .Given under my'r band this the 19th day of Anrut,a:d. 1S65. '- C1T G. 'DORSET, . ... ; , : . Master in Chancery. MASTERS SALR ' : ' - Notice is hereby given that 1 will oet for K at public auction at the front door of Dem'a Hal) in , the . .City cf Brownville that being the'place in which the last term of the District Court was held, ? on Monday, ihe ISth day of Sept. 1SC5 at oneo'clockp. m. -of said day, -the fellowir'j Keai Eftate to-wit : Tbe North wegl Quarter ef Section thirty-two f32(,in Township five 5 North of ranre foerteerr 14 East in Nemaha Totfaiy fbreaWs Territory pursuant to an oTdiT'of !a!e I.fued By tbe Kejpstor in Chancery of the District Conrt of Ne mah County Nebi.kaTerrifory, in the ease of John P. Hodge against Jchn Hamilton and Girdon H. Wilcox. Dated thia the 17tb day of Aunst, 1335 v ' : W.G.GLAS(i0r, . 4St4t ' ' SberiT and Special Master. I " .MASTERS 'SALE. ' Kdilce Is hereby given nndr a'.d hy rtrfVf in roer i Bnle to roe directed, isaueo by the Reslster4n Chancery of lie District Cirt.of Nemaha Cuuny; N e braika'rerritory, in the ca f John P: Bortge aeainst Charies F. JamiKon and Gunien II Wilc-jx, 1 will, of fer fT Sale at Public Arction, at the trout d.xr of Den's Hall, in the City of I'.. ownville, ('hat beinx tbe buildtug ia which the lat term otsaid Court waa held; . ' i on ihe ISih day of September a n. 1S6-3 at one o'clock P, M M ald day, the- followinc Real JCaUte. to- wit . The north West fractional I quarter ol Section Thirty (30) Township four4) north, of Range nrteen (IS) east, in Nemaha County jeora Territo ry. ' ' ...... , . ' j; Dated this the I7tb day of Auirnct ISo : H . G. GLASOnvr.. tS-it, Sheriff and Special Matter Ci St, Joseph AND t i k T - :;:rjON:mssou.RiniVn..i Tri -weekly J'acket (IlatujibivJ-ftrKl-?!.'-! R. r..i-i'i Iv Omaha. Corn I LUSr i'moutX Nebrui City,- LrownTi; oi eVZ te po;ot let cJt. Joseph, e2B t.a " , .. with frrini on Flannibal ami gt. Jeseph S. W " ' fa SfcAweph-' j.Jt P. M.,arrivin?at QUINCT,, CniCACD & 5T.WU f)'n tftr M 10rh dailT ar.Je'cew eoa" tione from St Jowpb to Atsh!son."-WesUa,Lf" worth. Wyandotte, Kaassa Cityi UwreccevTP.r -.UHatte-Caatr7 K. R. and t?anef r." ni Jk'fit. Jo. Ti. II. Line ! Ieve St Jomp ' -A.- M ., Leavirwortl ft.Ot) n V , V.'ynltta- ' Kansas City IOJa a. Lawrence a a " THSOTJGH TICXrrSE02 SiXS by Porter & Daust, Omaha. DW. Uck-' r Bluffs, E.G. Lewia. KattMnouti, 2. B ' . Nebraska City. Buy through iiskete money. . ' i c " 1&- bffii IiaiLROAD eew iron , ires, al dJ'!i!Jr.kaa tny etack enabl them t ofeesbwe impurtafl". gea to facilitate thavkl tX. TH'.ri uncTt. ''" ' ' C. W. MT,GertrISaprr.tjndntv r P. B. Groat, iJeoelTiekaiAgeat- II H. CorTazGHT. Aft'n. , irVk CarT. Rrrr 7n. Ptrpenotew.Bi;; Liaee, St. JoiephMv-. MASTERS SALE. Notice ii hereby givea that pnreuaTit . to aotij of aa'e to me directed, Waei by th Kepstar ia. Chancery of the District Court ef Nemaha Coa ty,f,Tehraak Territory, in the ea ef il;da,'eB Smith,- bjr her 'next- friend V"iJT ILHmt against Joet'k W Coensil, Market Cil a John L. Caxj'Oi I w! $-r fftf ale, t pw w tion at the front o"r " Uen Uall in the City f Brownvil!e,the pUj where the last term of aw Court waa held, , on the ISth, day of Sept. A. D. 1S6-5, at one o'clock p. m, oi id day , the following fcal Estate to-wit: ThelS. uth east quarter of ietint twenty-one 21 in l'..wnship five 5j t Range fourteen tHe;'st, ia Nemaha Couafy, Lraia Territory. laud thia 17 th day of August 1365. VV. C.GLAtjGOlrT. 43-4t Fhoriff and Special VUt. MASTERS SALE. Notice is hereby givn that pursuant, to aa K der of sale te ine dirired, issued by the ifiur in Chancery of the Iirrict Court of Nemaba I'oai ty , Nebraska Terf'.try, in the . of JohaL. Cr aon, against Hrati U. V'orraJ I, Stephen ILBA tel and BerjamisF. Lui'ibaagh, I will offer for sale at public enctinn at th'- . r nt door of Den's U'l in tbe City of Btowl ilk-, f the plaee where the tail term of said Court for said County MbM), On lhe J8:h day cf Spten)br, 4.' d.T ISCo at one o'clock P. M. of said day the , following Rl eatate, to-wit : The west half ef the Soota wrt quarter and th? South wet quarter of tie aork weat qaarter of Section Seven i T) lo Tbmaip.l North, of Kacge thirteen 11 east, rs Ksxaee Connty, Nebriska Territory. . Dated this the 17th ovyof otut 1-5. W . G. GLAStHjrV, . 43-41. . SheriJenJ Sf cial Maetsr.