SG50,000. 1 worm or Watches, Chains, Rings, &a, cc. A. H. ROWEN & CO., Ay at for the Manufacturer:) - 86 lVoekniHti Street. New Tork, . 0(T"r the Followinp IndnQDments to BUYERS OF VALUABLE JEVELB. Having ben for a long time encaged in the Packet business, anl established our refutation for srompt EH Bnd reliability, and pofneting great facilities for aelltng Jewelry in this way, we arecouflrfenl that we can give satisfaction to all who feet disposed to patron ise " - . sr50,OOOVorlIioriVatcliGS,Dia tnontl I'lns. Chains Inss, AH to be wild for ONE DOLLAR EACH! WilVnt regard tovlne! Not to be paid for until ;ou know wbai you are to receive! 6rIendid Lift of Articles!!! All to be Sold for One Doilar Each ! ! ! J7d Wrie (h.mdsuineiy 'os. ave-t. and warranted rrrpfct ,lm keeper J vary inc in trice trm $20 t' $120oach ?25 Jt'iioit', solid Gold nun ling Ca-e l.V Genilcmcii' Silver Watcrs, $t."Uo Z5 each fi.Kf Itet style Vest and Chains, 4 6o to 3 each 6V Genu California Diamond Puis, aNjtoilSeacb i-.m California Diamond Rar Props, 2 oo to 15 eacb 3 o Miniature and enamelled lievolv- innPina, 6 oo to 25 each Jooo Caliafornia Diamond and Enamelled Gent's Scarf-Tins, new sty let, 8 onto 15 eacb 2vo Masonic and CinMem Pins, 3 oo W lo eacb 25ut GoW Band bracelets, engraved and piain s '"' '" ' ccI' Soon Mosaic ant! Jet Broods ei. 3 oo to 7 eacl Carueo Broocbei. rich patterns, oo tc So each 4.1no Florentine and Lava Pine the real articla 4ootoloearh j. Lava and Florentine Ear Prop Sootoloeacb 3mh Coisi - , . , .r'v" '" each a. i.rtiKChatelainCbaiiia Jet t (told 16 oo to Zoeach Gents' Pins, a splendid assortment 2 oo to Ift each iooo Soiitair Sleeve Buttons. 2 oo to 6 each 3 mo Stud and Sleeve-Button, in nets, very rich ' ,K to 15 each ono S eeve-Buttons plain, enamelled and enjrrxved 2 oo to 8 earh lonoo Plain no biiMLnjely e'.g. Rincs 3 60 to loeacc o.h Sprinn Iyrkeu, double case, ri hiy engraved 2 oo to 14 each ISooo sett Ladi"" Jewelry, new and latet Myle 6 no to 12 ea.fc ftrww Goli rem ami handsome Silver Caret l l" a'di This entire lit of boauliiul and valuable Goe Is will be sold, lor Of Dollar each. Certificates of a'l ih above article will be plaed In envelopes, atW tealcd. Tbe-e envelopes will be sent by mail, a or dered, without ie?ard u, clmi-e. On receiving a Cer tificate you will iMe what article you are to have, and tten it is optional with you to send one dollai and re ceive the article, or not. Certiorates can t.e ordered for (1 ; Eleven for $.2; Thirly-flve for$5; Sixty-rive for $10, and One hun dred for $15. We will tend a hingle Cei tiflcate on the receipt of 25 ccms. A. H ROWEN. A CO Box 4210 S Beekman Street, N V. v-2;-2ui A. k. C. 'rTj. a. hakvey, THE REOW!! Magnetic & Clairvoyant, 99 Washington jive bet. th and 5li Sts. ST. LOLIS, 31 0. (P(iT OFFICE BOX 30SS.) . Th SnpenRural Gift of Clarivoyant Sight PR Mused by tbi wonderful peroii, to uch an iLoiiih1i lnp degree, con vincea the nioct hkeptical of the Uti limlte l Power he has in cane regardinR I..IKK t 1 1 T', A LJ'I ! ' l,e a.siatance of some iiuperioi roTrer iie is enabled to perceive the Cansp and Condi tion, and in endowed with thecapacity to heal . ALL DISEASES. ThiB fact the Doctor has demonstrated in thon-iands if raFes from all part of the world, during the lat twelve yean. The following diseares in their most eb'tinaie form, vield nnder his Magic Trwirti-, to-wit: CONSUMPTION and AbTHMA, in from one to 6ix weeks; PAHALYSIS and all diseases of the Nervous System including EPILEPSK or TITS in from one to three davs. Disease cf the LIVER. HEART and KIDNEYS in from ore to ten day. All Diseases ot the blood, Eucb as Scrofula, Erysipelas, Fever Soree, -c., accord ing to the severity or the disease. FEMALE DISEASES, Treated by a New Method, with epeedy and the most happy results. The Doctor's Rooms are crowded daily by persons pronounced incurable by the whole Medical Faculry, and no one should despeir of relief until after being examined by the Doctur'a Clairvoyant Eye, without asking questions, be tella the Caue, Location and Offxlltion of any and all Diseases, and whether hecsn trimle relief. Personp on the verge of the prave. and such as have not walked for years, are now living to textify to the Doctor's Wonderful Skill and Success. The Doctor aevertises nothing but what he has the ability fo perform, and will give the most Complete satisfaction to all who come under his treatment. In valids wbocaunot eons nit the Doctor in person, can be examined and prescribed f or by sending by letter a simple statement of their cat-es. Reference to Cnres performed, cheerful 'y made. ASTHMA, heretofore considered an incurable disease, is treated with pen ect snccesK in every tu f tauce by the Doctor's newly discovered method. All Cases of CANCER ot no matter how lone landing, removed in f ram twelve to twenty-four hours it bout instrument or pain, by a process revealed to the Doctor while in the Clairvoyant state, which Ik known to no other person living. n23-ly GREAT UIPROYEJIEXT IN SEWING MACHINES. EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE!!! Patented February 14th, I860. SJ1LESR 0 0 Mt 536 BR OAD WJ 1 .V. V.2o2 WJSHIr"GTOX,St. BOSTOj TOTS MACI1INE if constructed on entirely new principles of mechanism, possessing many rar and Tunable improvements, having been txaiumed by the most profound experts, and pronuanced to be -Simplicity and Perfection Cnibipea. It nag a straight needle, perpendicular action, make the L.VV) or iSTJTCII, whii h will neither KIPor UAVtL, and id alike on both tides ; perfoms perfect sewing on tvery dc&cri; tion cf material, frm Leather to the finest Nansook ijpislin, with cotton, linen or silk tbre id, from the coareat to toe finest number Having neitUr CAM nor COG WHEEL, and the least pott&ble friction, U run a taaootu aa Iai-s, ana is Emphatically a Noiseless Machine. It requires lk l l'LK CLf leas power to dnre it than any other Machine in the market. A girl twelve years of age can work it steadily, wjth oul fatigue or injury to health. Its strength end Wonderful Rimrlici'y of ccn- f tmction render it alajoff iiepospible ti get out of order, and is uu AltArt i i.u ly the pepjpapy to give entire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all those who may desire to supply themselves with a superior a: tide, to come and examine tbis Unrivalled 'acbine. . But in a more manner do we solicit tbe Dasronajre j Merchent Tailors, Coach Makers, . JXoop Skirt Manu'ac ' turers. Shirt and bo ton MaX era. Corset Makers. Gaiter Fitters. Shoe binders. Vest Rnd Pantaloon Dre&s Makers. Jleligivui amd Churitalde Jt'titntioni will be libe rally dealt cxth. Prices of JlacIUnp Complete: 'o. 1, Family Machine, with Uemmer, r ejjer and braider, 0a No. , Small Manufacturing, with Extension Table T$ No. 3, !arge Manufacturing, with Extension Table 85 Jt'o. 4, Lare Manufacturing, for Leather, with Uolling Fmf and Oil Cup 00 One alf loir' itrvciionJ tJl$iet to ennble any ftrrtun ( mark fAt Jtluchinc to their entire tat iff act ion. Agents Wanted for all towns in the United States where Agents are n.o Already established. Also' for Cuba, Mexico, Central and South America, to vrbom a liberal discount will be given. Terms invariably Cash on delivory. T. J. Mc-'trtlnir & Co., ' - 53fi Broadway, New York. A. 4 Co, bbt Washington, StIioston. 70 Obestnut St., Pbila, 3E0.T11ANZ, Agent, "2.t, th, St. Louis, Mo. ' .Ffb.,e5. - ly ADMINISTRATORS NOTICEr AH persons bavin? claim a-rainst the Estate of James Osman, deceased are hereby notified that tbey are required by an order f the Probate Court cf Xemaha County, Nebraska Territorr, to file their claims in said Court on or before the 12th day of Deoeniber, . D,lbC5 at teno'clock A. M., when und where said claim? will be examined, and ad juswd. If such claims are ret so ftled on or be. fore the 12th day of December 18S5, they will be futever barred. EPHRA1M RtKD, Adminittrator. .June 1th 1S35 4t pd. SI TO MERCIIAfl4,IS3IEIi Ail AJ Ail Via. D. A. CONSTABLE, ST. JOSEI'H,-MO. nAS ON HAND AN1J KOU SALE A LAKdF AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF IKON, STEEL. Heavy Hardware. C 'V.PIUSINOi HORSE NAILS, NAIL-RODS, HOUSE AND MULE SHOES, ANVILS SWINGS, MELLOWS, AXELS, VICES, T1IIM2SLE SKEINS CHAINS, WAGON BOXES, SCREW PLATES LoLSTEIi ELATES. FILES, HASPS, WRENCHES, SLEDGE HAMMERS, HAND HAMMERS, SHOEING HAMMERS. PINCHERS, NETS. HARROW TEETH, WELL WHFELS.&C, AC. AC I a M ENABLED TO SELL TO THE TRADE AT PRICES T II DEFY COMPETITION. CONSTABLE'S IRON AM) SREEL WAREIIOI SF HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR WROUGU'' SCRAP IRON AT &SrSc.nd in Your Scrap lron.mJ AND nr.roiiE the rise, II A VI!tO 1. i,II IV.A LAUUE KTOCi OF THE A ROVE GOODS, DIRECT FROM THE , FACTORIES. FACTC 2FL7ET rniCElS FAIRBANKS C LES ALSO AENT F. TnK SALK OT HE US, SPOKES, FELLOWS, WA(50N LOWS, SHAFTS, POLE, AXE S, HOUNDS, AXE HANDLE BROOM HANDLES, PLOW 1 NDLES. Ac. COMFKISING W00DW0EKS! -ALSO ST. Febn --ra JOSEPH, MO THE ONLY SURE THING. PHOTOGRAPH IMS kjy a. m As tLt nnrue indicates., it not only RENEWS th w b.f the hair wben tiii n4 falling i lf , but i ivily RENEW inECVU.OR to its origiua e when it i turning grey T wLitc, whether d b"? i is-cH.e. rrirf orollise. will certainly do what is ela:iZ,'i rt, a f-ict bicb hundred, nay, thousands V0 have uicd re ready and wiling to tcFtify. V'ur l'.ct: t.4, is fairly used, in any c lKmuiiity. its rey.J'ttion "sjireads like wild f;re," aniT tstl.e best advf".,ip" ment and rcctiuendatiin we desire. In iLe East ern States, wbere the il;ENEWER"pr:-in:tfd. ii is ned by all Young Lndios as a Dressing, and is to be foundon the toilet tables ot Young M'r, (aUoat tfceir barbers ;) while Older Men and Womvn will not be without it, as a renewcr and restorative for their grej Jocks and bnld beads, which it changes to their entire satisfaction. Wc arc selling in the city of Boston alone, up wards of lfi.000 bottles per month, the dea'ers giv ing the RENEWER the preference over all other Hair Preparntions. If not sold by Druggists irryour town, a Trial Tiottlr will beirntyou by Express, npm receipt of onedollarby mail thus giving you an opportunity at once for testing its excellent virtues. J3f0rders fr Trial Booties, must be addressed to our General Agert for tbe Northwestern States, C. A. COOK , Box 6524, Chicago, 111. All such orders will receive prompt attention, R. P. H ALL k CO., Proprietors, Nashua, N. H. The trad e supplied at Manufacturers' Prices by FULLER, FINCH & FULLER, Wholes-lo Drug i gist,ClncHgO; Illinois. v-m ROOFING It Rolls ready to Dail down. ROOFING Costing less b:ilf as mlch as Tin. ROOFIN ri More durable than Tin. ROOFING Suitable for Steep or fitt roofs. ROOFING Not injured by heat or cold ROOFING Easily and rapidly applied. Tbo most of the mittrisls t mpTyed in the eon sttui tion of this Roofing, bare been used in vari ous ways for rooting purposes for oyer fifteen years and our manner of combining ibem into ne firni, impermeable, uniform fabric, soeured by Patent, increases their durabiiuy. while at tho same time being manufactured by machinery on a large scale, the cost is lcwened. Oar Roofing is adopted to buildings pf all dsifistjops. and in all climates, and can be applied tq steep or fat rcofs, old or new and by ordinary workmen ct a triiSng expense. For uiiifortuity of quaity, completeness of finish, facility uf application, cheapness and durability, we invi thorough trial. We also manufac ture LIQUID CEMENT. For Leaks Tin anii Irrm 17&nfa. . Much cheaper and more durable than oil paint as it form a much heavier body and will t t crack run or bake off. - COMPOUND CEMENT. For Leaky Shingle Roofs.Chimneys anJ Skylights A sure remedy that will often save the cost of a new roof. Sanplcs of Roofing and Uircnlarr sept by mail upon application. Favorable terms made with responsible parties who buy to sell again. HEADY ROOFING CO, 73 MJIDEjY LAj"E .V. Y. STORE. JOHN PATTERSON, , DEALER IN , , IK II lilt rERU, COriVTY. RED. IIAS just received aJsrgeand well adected Stock DRUGS, MEDICINES, ' ' PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH, DYE STUFFVBRUSHES, SPONGES. FANCY AND f f h TOILET ARTICLES, And everything coramocly kept in a First Class Drugr Sfore. Customers will find bis stock complete, which be offer? for CASH at the very lowest market prices. Physicians Prescriptions Compounded with the utmost care at alt hours. , March SOth, 1SR5. v9-n23-Gm PiCKELS by the doren or barrel, f a aoperi-r r r. lty, crnstantly on hand At iJcLtrOHLDf A BVAN,8. IMFKO"STEI Sewing naclunes ' TUe neatest iuiiroveroent yet in the Sewinn Ma chine Art. . A euriouity worth seeing. ' pic NiO send for cbcaJaJS with samples of Sewin5. i , -ov-rl Machines save one bund rod . per TKefe Imp giiic, and Bke taa Lttk-Stitoh rent, of threa.1 alike on botL' ii8: -yction to operate perfeHly, They require n '"f except tbo ' piintv.' aircat. , vluJ of good3 to No charge in sowing ro7D ono And no taking apart to Ck t,T - . Our New Manufactory w 'VW COu P .h Ja rc-. v US niacnuiery , . . V i. uifvaii.l .i : ! . i r.o.-. which for b. "ry pcrfccti..,! or finish arc nor surpassed by any ra.trire in the work! X R. Shr uld any Machine prove unsatisfactory, j it can be returned and ir.onoy rciunaea. Agents wanted in counties not canvassed by our own Agents. FlM-iXE & laYOX, S. M. CO. NO. 538 BROADWAY, N. V. No. -v-y. TO COXSV3II-TITES. THE Advertiser Having been Kestored to Health in a few wceks,by a very simple remedy, af ter havinir suf fered several years wun a severe iuug affection, aDd that dread disease, Cousumytion anxic us to make known tobia fellew-suficrers iManaaf t II Ta is tbe To all who denre It, he will pend a copy of the pre to all who desire it, ne win pena a copy oi wie prc iption use"d (free of chirgej with the directions nreiarineanil using tboatr.e. which tley will i" SURE CUKE FOR CONSUMPTION, ASTH- sort for MA, BRONCHITIS, Ac Ifce only object ot tin-dverli.-er in sending tbe Prescription is tobT "i;' he cSlited. nd spread infonuation which be en ieivc to l e invaluable, and he hopes evtry sufferer .villtry bisrein-dy,a8it will cost them nothing, and ny prove a Mossing. Mriits wishing the prescription will please ad dres Rev. EDWARD A. Williamsburg, Kings Co., New York. - ra til' OFKsatiou Free. T TSERVQISSrFFERERS. A GE LEMAN, cured of Nervous Debility, In -ompeten Premature Decay and Youthful Error actuated! idsiie to bf.nefi: others, will be Lapp;, to furnish all who reed it, (freo of churge,) tin recipeand etiensfer making the simple remcd;, used in his cae. Sufferers wishing t&profi by tht advertisers had experience, and possess a sure nnrf valuable remedy, can do so by addre-sing him a! once at his place of business. Tho R?cipc and full information of vital importance will ft cheer fully sent by return mail. Address 3 JOHN B. OGDEN, f Nassau Street, N. Y. P. S. Nervous Sufferers of both sexes will find this information invaluable. -is C. W. WHEEL EU, CABINET-MAKE AND GARPENTEP. Having opened up permanently on "T" 3VEo-ia3L Street, One door nbove the Baltimore Cloti :: orenared to doall kinds of work in hi. i.i.y it r . . . very best and style. Particular attcntiot;; v-n m p'd Contracts. Meeting of Scliool ExamBticr, Notice is borcby given that tbe Board of Scboi Examines of Nemaha County, Nebraska, will hold raectincs fur tbe Examination of teachers for s;aH County, at the office of E. W. Tbpinas. jn Jtrownville, on tbe 1st Saturday in every month, between, the bonrs of pee and 3 P. M,' Applicant. for certihVates Rre rcQuir' to 00 present at one o'clock, prccVely, or (hey will not be, examined. No person need i'TpIy at a? pthcr time. By order of the Hoard, K. W. THOAIAS, Clerk. April" 1st, -rij GEO. A. PRINC5 & COS V A T E N T 1ITUMTIC Gn&APJSi SSO TO EACH ' 39 Varieties, with Patent Basso Tenuto i - bub liasa. SCHOOL ORGANS AND MEL0DE0XS. FiniIie3ia W at . . m . wigiim uuscnooc, waicut c Oak Cases. JVo Charge for Boxing or Su'pping. JS5,000 Now in Use. AN ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, con taining full description of style, and testimonials of tbe most eminent Musicians, as to the superior excel lence of our instruments will be sent free to anv addiesa. THE AUTOMATIC ORGANS. In pre'enui.g tha Automatic Organ, we boldly an nounce the trrea test trinmph in musical instruments of the ase. During the past half ceuiury, tbe French and Germans have mnufaotured reed instruments with double bellows, and two pedals for the feet to operate, bpf tbe want of the reversed or Exhaustion bellows, (which is the only bellows used in our iu-tiu-ments), made t impossible for tl.eni to produce the mellow, rich and musjcal toiie for which our iutru ments are celebrated. ' Another objection to this mptlnwl of blowing was thatj both feet being occupied no opt oi tunity was of lereu for tbe management of the swell. Witbiu the pastlwo years, ipstruments o nstructed on this Euro pean pian of "double blorors," have been manuf ict ure I in this cjiuntry, and to counteract this djfllculty (want of a swell) a lever has been projected frpm tbe centrp of tte instrument, to apt upon tbe swell', and operated 1 J.he kpee. the inconveuiencs and contor tion necessarr to effect tt)js ooect are disagreeable euuugb to a'ger.tleniaa, but to a lady th? e ;f such au appendage is 'nearly inipossjMp. Our Auloruatic device obviates this dlfiVulty entire ly, the giiiipie act of blowing with niore or less force giving the desired incicae or decreate iu the volume of tone. Por seventeen years the superior excellence of our ; elodeous has net heen questioned, and for two years past the enormous demand bas made it impossible for us to meet our orders promptly. With our increased facilities, we feel warranted in assuring our patrous that their order will Le promptly met, and solicit a continuance of tfceir patronace. pEO. A- PRINCE & CO. Caution io laaaalanioae. AJl our Instruments Lave upon tte name board, In full. "GEO. A. PRIKCK & CO." Wben a dealer rep resents any other instruments as "the same as ours," it is usually a mere attempt to sell au inferior instru ment, on which he can make a large pro!t. P. S A liberal discount to Churches. and Schools. Addrea, GEO A. PRIKCK, ft CO., 69 WisMngton St. Or, Cliicig:. 11!. GEO. A. PltlliCE & CO.. Buffalo, K X. May 1st 1865. m33 v9-yiy FAIRS ANK' , STAND AED CALES OF AU KINDS. Also, Warehouse Trucks, Lett 3 : 'Presses, &c FAIRBANKS GREEtlLEAF .& CO! 172 LAKE ST., CHICAGO, SBe careful, and buv only the Kenuine.9 ' PKAT A FOX; Agents,in SU Loais. v-ix-l-tf. fSAM RE VIS, ATTORNEY- AT LAW ' PALLS CITY, NEBRAEKA. Will practice in all the Courls jf Neb. , TH0S. C. CREHSHAWj MANUFACTURER DEALER or IN CI ATITIT.T'PV a V TT A T" tttic c uwmmmm -j j f f x L a. i rt ALL KINDS OP HARNESS, WHIPS, SPURS, LASHES, . . &e. &c. Kain Street, Ooposite Ware's Bank, NEBRASKA CITY. NEBRASKA. fliT TOTBBM PUOWNYlil, NEliSASEA. We are tbe only Authorized Agents In tbis Iiand District for the following articles : GEORGE A. PRINCE'S AUTOMATIC ORGANS ! ! SCHOOL ORG-AlSrS. i" . . j'rumentr ie beyond question tbe finest ; . 31-'. ( nisbed and best manufactured ia :rii r.t:-T. ' Se-5 :idv -rti-ru3nt.) Liltul discount to Clergymen, Chur ches and Schools. EMPIRE SHUTTLE Km . We have had one of these Vohines in use for the past six months and oO rec..umend it R3 being th simplest, easiest worked vfid Ii.t liable to get out of order and moat durable i'acme ne have ccen. Tho Lt.ob Stich which it iavr-a mo8t eomple te imitation of tbe finest band JwirJ and will not rip orTavel. it is very easy to Jearn o operate, does its work well and fan and is em bat cally a noiseless Machine. (See Advertisement) HORACE WATERS' PIANO Kant .k nAEMONIUMS, &c., &c. Advertisement.) See Advertisement. GROVESTEEN'S a K.i I TO These IrsatrutriPBta are hlffhly rrnmrnndid. W have shipped a $323 instrument from this firm this Spring, which is pronounced by com petaut judges to be tbe finest instrument ever brought to Stbrw ka. See Advertisement. ' ' ' ' : ' rersoiflusiesiring any of the aove ar ticles will-find it greatly to their arivaa tage to purchase through the ADVERTISER AGENCY As our facilities for supplying then) are uneqaileoV, All others pretending .au Ageacy are encroaching on our rights. GEO. W. HILL & CO., ' Pub. Advertiser. BACK TO THE OLD STAND CLOCKS. HITCHES, j 0 se r a s n u t z Would respectfnll inf'irui bis old customer that he h-s ugain opened Lis Jewelrj 6hop in his old Hand on (See leiiut r m KJ iJ : i: , ' . . Main Ktreet, south side, two duors east of ilie Brown viUe ilone' He kcei o" hand a .p!VuUid a.ortment of c-vervthiu ' in bis line of business, which he will sell ,n the iuwtst iciiA.ler Ci-lj. . ; Ilopirins Ol ri.-k: Wt'cbeoan.l Jewelry d .ne on the she rt st Kuuc. WORK WARRANTED. Bi-ownriila, Neb.. Kiy l5-t I8S4. u37-vS-Ty THE HORACE WATERS MODERN TV PROVED OVEXSTaUNG BASS FULL IROrT FRAItIB PINOS are "onilt of the best and roost ttiorongh!y seasoned rrs teria's, and will stand any climate. The tone is very deep, round, full, and mellow; the touch elastic. Fiano warranted for Ave years. Prices from $223 V'- TESTIHONUL3. "The narawBF-' 4e knon"mon th very best." Evangelist. w We can speak of their n;erits rrcrn $ei7onai Inow, edge." Chii&tian Intelligen&ir. . . . . "Waters' Pianos andMelodeonHchallencaeonrari,oa tiC finest made anywhere." Home Journal. with .Vnrv ZW 7 OCTAVO PIAUOS. of ditrer VVJ- AlOn: !).. with rirvo.1 lo,r ttnn J ?in .'-''wl Piano and Melodeoua 225 atla .$20 $60, $75, IU6 a . t'Z5, $40, $160. The Horac HVer'a MdwholU C? ITarmnnih Tuned the Equal Temperament with the Patpt.! PifHed Swell. Prices from $55 to 5300. Alexander Or gans from $200 to $500. 23A liberal discount to Clergymen, Churches, Sab bath Schools, Lodges, Seminaries, and Teachers. HOB 1 ACZ WATERS, Ai't, Ko. 431 Broadway, N. Y. Tie Day School Belt 40,00?coples isue4- A new Sir?injj Book or Schools and Seminaries, called the ay School Beil, is now ready. It contains ai eat two bunired choice songs, rounds, catches, duets, trios, quartetts, and choruses, many of them written expressly for thiswork, besi.les 32 pages of the eiaents of Music, which are easy and progressive. ' Among tbe larw number o.' beautiful pieces may be found, "Uncle Sam's School," ''Won't you bear the children comtnjr," "Always look on ZD sunny side, "The little lass, 'and "Little Lad," "Oh, jfl yere a Httle bird," "Bird of beauty," "Pretty pear 7e .Alvil Chorus," 'Meet me by the runniij brook,' &c jt' compiled by Horace Waters, author or " Sab bath School HCl'"'Nos, 1 and 2, which have had ti enormous ailec? 825 Pies. Pricespaper covers, 26 cents, $20 per T00' bonnd 30 cents $25 per 100; cloih bound, embossea lU- 40 eutf' $35 Per hundred. 25 copies furnished at tbe TnB hundred price. Mailed at tie retail price. Sabbath School! Bell, io. contains 144pa(rfes, and neaTly two hnndred trinv''8 ,n hymsn, hnd is th most popular S. S Book ever isst." Among the most popular pieces are, "a.inl words,' "Eden Above;," "Christian Hero," "Beautiful Zion," "I ovsht to toverrx Mother," "TasAnselstolJmeso," "In the Lii.'ht.J' "Best for the Weary," Ac. Prices paper covers, 50 cts. each, $15 per hundred; bount, 25.cts. each, $3u t undrc I ; cloth hound, embossed Ei It, 30 cts., $2 per hundred. SaUuth School Bell, Ac. is &n entire new work of 192 aases, and nearly 225 tur.t-5 and hymns, as the music ts a little more tiiiHcu.l u is just the book to follow Bell No. I. Nearly one mil lion of these Bells have beenissned, and are now ring ing through thid and other countries. Anion the many choice pieces may be found, Shall we meet be yond the river ? There is a beantiful world. Sorrow shall oma Kin no more. Don't you hear the A.ogels coming? "Thou, God, seest m. Sabbath Bells chime on, &.C. ' Prices of Fell No. 2 are the same as Bell No. 1. liioth numbers cab brfctained ih one volume. Price, bound copy, 40 cus, $36 per hundred; cloth bound, embossed gilt, 60 cts., $45 per hundred. 25 copies furnished at the one hundred price. Mailed at the retail price. Water$' Coral Harp. A new Sunday School Book, of 160 pages of beantiful hymns and tunes. It containe many gems, snch as Shall we know each other there; Suffer little children to come unto Me ; The beautiful shore ; Oh, 'tis gloi i ous; Leave me with my mother; He leadeth me beile still waters, &c. Price paer covers. 2o cents; $15 per hundred; bound 35 cents. $5.1 por hundred; cloth bound, embossed guitt. 35 ceni. $30 per hundred. Mailed at the retail prioe. It is edited by Horace Wa ters, author of Sunday School Hells Nos. 1 and 2, which have bad the enormous sales of over eiiht thousand copies. Just pnblished by HO K AOS WATERS, So. 4S1 Broadway, New York. ! 1 ' The JTeto Patriotic Sng, Bool, 'contains 36 pages of songs, diters and citruses, bolh Sf cred and secular, including 14 pges of piayers for s cb and dying soldiers, and soldiers' Scripture MariL i!. It is well suited for social sinking, as well as si ? -t worsti!p Anions the many beautiful pieces rnv:ji Umud, '.Were liberty swells is my co;.r.n v ; ini Lrls tun lief -, V cheer f r our'.ior, Come sing to me. of lii v u ; Colniuru. i he gem of 'be ocean ; Fi ee- tnuu's p;:'J:ermg; Coiumbia's Kill forever ; Marching ii'.'-r.s. Sc. T';.;os paper covers, 15 cents, $ lUper bun virc-c!. il.n!eii'.it retail price The Harp of Freedom, contains 32 oases o? songs, due's and choruses, for Free !'m. Among the choice pieces we would name. Fail freedom's morn; O let my people go; Over tbe m un tain ; They worked me alt the day, Ac. Price 5 cents single, 60 cents per dozen, $3 per hundred ; postage 1 cent each. ,' Buthi A Sacred (kintata. contains 128 pages. "Words by Rev. Sidney Dyer, music by Prof . Cnll. This is an excellent boo for concert for theyoung. Prices paper covers, 20 ceuta; $13pei nnnqeu. Donna vocentr, $w per hundred. The Revival Muaic 'Book Contains 73 pagesaf tunes and hymns, designed for re. vival, prayer, and conference meetings. Price in pape covers, single copies, 19 cents; $3 per hundred. -Mailed at the retail prices. The Athencum Collection, contains between four and five hundred pages of tune and hymns, new and old. of the choicest kinds, f c chnrch, Sunday school, revival, missionary, teuperanc prayer and conference, and all hinds of sacred aud so cial meetings. Tbe music in this book has life and an imation in it, like, Shining Shore, Rest for the weary Shall we kn w each other there? Shall wemeetbeyon the river ; There is a beautiful world ; Kind words Sweet hour of prayer ; There is a land of love; Sntfe little children to come unto me ; God save the Natiori &c. Prices single copies, bonnd 60 cents? $45 pet irndred ; cloth bonnd, embossed gilt, 60 cents ; 60 pet hundred. ATailed at the retail price. HORACE VA ters 481 Broadway, New Tonrk, Publisher of Uv VoCkI J"?'c; ,r,f PiMo Acccmf.ctniment. A large aori-nent 0 new and popular songs, ballad duet,., quartetts, ad chor-iseo, issued daily. Amon, the most popular are, Shall w know each other there, Lowrey; Why have my ived onfc' gone; I will be true to the ; Ob, there's no such Jlrl as mine, by Poster; Mother's love is true; Sweet ie, foiet me not..., by Keller, 25 cents eioh; I hear st." eet voces singing; Home is home; Forget if you cail, tut iC?&lY, i Thomas, 30 cents each. Instrumental Musis for the Forte- T' coming Father Abra'am, six hundred thousand more Always look on the sunny side; Shall we know each other there? &c with brilliant variations by Grout eocentaeath. Polkas, Waltzes, Marches, Quicksteps, Qnadrilla Ac, ty popular authors. All kinds of Singing and In struction books. Catalogues mailed free to any address Music mailed at tbe above prices. Ifafera' Cheap Muinic for the Million. , Arranged as soloes, duets, quartetts and choruses, fo musical societies, choirs, Sunday schools, public school' seminaries ?tc. Shall we know each other there ? Don't you hear the angels coming? Shall wemeetba- yond the river? Be in time; There is a beautifn world; Where liberty dwells is my country ; Freedom truth and right; We are coming Father Abra'am. sit hnndred thonsaudmore ; There is aland of love; Soi row shall oune again no more ; Heavenly home ; Com sing to me of Heaven ; Land in sight ; we win love out Snndsy School ; Our God is marching on ; God save tb Nation; Whittier's song of tbe Plantation Negro ; Fal Freedom's Morn-has dawned at last; Over the moua tain; Over the mountain ; Little Ella's an auel; Wl. lie's gone to Heaven ; Suffer little children to com unto me; Bury me in the morning, Mother ; Come to thy rest; Sweet hour of Prayer, Ac. Price 3 cents. 36 cents per doz.,$2 per hundred ; postage I cect each. In sheet form, with Piano accompaniment, 25 cents. Published by HORACE WATFRS. Ag't, , ' Xo.4?J Broadway, JT. 2. 13. &. H. T. AITTHQN? & CO., Manufacturers of , Photographic Materials, Wholesale aud Retail, 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. In addition to onr main business of Photographic Mi teriajs, we are Headquarters for the following, vii : Stereoscopes & Stereoscopic Views vz mese we imve an imnn-nse assorimeni, incluJun War scenes, American ana foreign titles and Land cape". Group, statuary, &c., itc. AIo, P.evolvins biereovs-pc. puoiic or private exhibition. Oui Cata ugce will be tent to aay address on receipt 0 Photographic Albums, Ws were toe first to introduce thee into tbe Unite Stvri, and we manufacture immense quantities is great variety, ranging from 0 cents to $t0 each. Oui Albums have the reputation of being superior in beu ty and durability to an otirj. They will be sent b mai; FREE, on receipt of price. . ' J3-F-JfE ALBUM 3 MADE TO QZPXZ.-Cl C4RD PHOTOGRAPHS. f)ur Catalogue now embraces over Five Thousaa diXferenlsubjects'(to which additions are continual I being made) ef Portraits of Eminent Americans, is. vii about o Major-Generals. 5( Statesmen, 130 Divines, 195 Authors, ' 4tf Artists, I25"S( ' -'adir Generals, 100 Lieu. e'" 260 Other 76 Navv OtRcei 60 Proiiiinent'W'osien. 160 Prominent For ign Portraits. 3,000 Copies of Works of Art. Including reproductions of the most c.fftsbrated En. f ravings, Paiiitirgs. S ataea, &c. Catal(gies sent on reeeipt of stamp. An orc er for Oie Dozen Pictures from our Ctalue will be fllied oa the receipt of $1.80. and sent by mai! Free. J-hotographers and other ordering goodC. O. D. will please temit twenty-five per cent of the amount with their order. S- A II. T. AXTHOXT A CO., : Manufacturers of Pbot.jgraphic Materials, 631 BROADWAT, NEW TORK. . XjTht pricti end quality of our goodt cannot fail 1 to latufy.Jd tx-7-ly AMEKICA1I raw. 13 i i TO Af A MONTHLY MAGARINE- The most comprehensive miecellany of useful knowledge and General Literature, periodically is sued in the United States; embracing all the fea tures of a Polytechnic Journal, Economic Expositor Literary Repository and Monthly Register. Espe cially devoted to Financial. Commercial and Indus 'erests and all joint stock corporation coo - trial cerns." f ' ninme of this Having eommenced the Fif n , . . at Magasine, wnosa success eyiacou iut iu i-:ra v its conductors have been appreciated by a discrimi nating public, we would call attention to its char acter on the part or the largo body cf readers who are not yet upon its subscription lists- Our pur a ia this publication is tie dissemination of practicT1 information on subjects of positive utility the peoyIe0&IDEei w'1 u"lTersi"ty f literary tt :cn securing the services of the te3t pens ia the various ',rrtment3 of Science, Belles-Lettres :j i oiWri,.ratura. While aiming most ea- neoiallv to render mJ t effective service to the i v- v'e srial Production of the r..niU mnnr .ides of the Cow" try, many side of tbe mental world revive duo ct" the Historical, Critical, .Esthctical and Ioite, as well as the Financial, Statistical, TechnoJo.1 and strictly Mercantile. We employ alike the iC" seach of theEavant ana tho fancy of the feuileton ist, with the practical experience of the business man and tbe worker. In th treatment of scientiuc topics, tbe mode selected is the popular in style rather than the technical. The menjal pLas off t,J boar it shall be our endeavor to portray, and we avail ourselves of tbe contributions of new Dijccv v to the Circle cf Knowledge, and shall record -MI wactieable succinctness Current Intelli- gence, wn t 'p 4 Present shu 11 have become the interest when Imfricrn Exchange and Review is a desirable and vcr rZ lhlZZZ its subscribers-imrartintnv 'f,1'?, I opt. 1 II u lit: , uiq. . i . . . improving the tasto. and farriw'1 graufication' The Review has Us grsci&Ilties in d!f. crea."?og Departments, with a Ger.-f ! i the widt't consistent scope vf taoiut give specification ?f topics which are the subjects fcither of Occasional or r 5alar publication, via: The Arts, Esthotic: Agriculture, Applied CLm istry, Archaeology, Btlles-Lptter!, Biography, Criti cism. Economics Political, Aruhineti National Taxation: Finance banking, currency, Corporation Account. Exchange, Fluctuation in Securities, Stocks; liiaiory Industrial and Morcantilo enter prises, insurance, internal Iuiproverntnls Railways CanalsTelegrapbs; Manufactures Products, tech nology lechanics, Mining Mine.alogy, Geology Metallurgy; Patents, Physic, physiology, 8tat:stics, social sience; trade foreign and domestic, shipping mercantile law, Navigation ; Topography, Travels. GEO. L PRINCE CO'S TT s - 4 . -- 5 0RGAUS ! i MELODEONS!!! Tiilrly-F!c TljcuinrJ Now ia Use. Every lntrrevt warranted for five years seventeen ye:ra tho superior excellcnoe of our instruments has m-t U'cn ijuestioncd, and for two years pat tbe erortuous duinnl b 13 made it impos sible for us. to meet our order promptly With our increased labilities, we feel warranted in assuring our j atrons taat their orders will be promptly met, ind soiitit acontitujcce of th.eiy pAtrotage. lfA LIBE14AI DISCOCNT TO CLEKaVMEM, CHCK CnES AXK SCUDOl.S.,, GEO. A. PRINCE ct CO., Cuffalo, N. X. GEO . A. PlilU CT1 a CO., Cmcaso,IlL An illustrated Catalogue, with full description of styles will be sen free to any address, v. 7"- CSr. FL0URIJSG SAW Ain ilii tad slu ::J'-L L Bii-a WILL keep constaitlv on band an assortment of E:xtra-uperfine to Common JL-a 0 "O" r, 1 u n; AIM ' 1 . mz v 7 And all fttfpr articles usually kept in aSrst-class Merchant Fiouri;,,? pr Saw Mill. Brownville, Marcu st, n y. J. F. MORRIS f Successor to R. Brown Co. Weald respectsnlly annonva to ibC; Litaens 01 n-.nvill mil vioinitv. tbal be fcS VUT' .'hasf J tl V Larce and Well detttJ t; OF - filEDifclNES. PAINTS,' C. i.tuaviwi BROvrx fc Co. 3 Hasnrp. tbeDnblicgentraiiy, that he will kee.on hand everv t'idng usually keept ju , . FUst Class Drvg Store, nil ia datrmin I net t.t hf nnlHrc ! ' for Ca-h PRKSflRIPTlDNS AND ORDFRJ CA Hti'L'LLT FiLLP AT ALL HOURS WHITNEY" BLOCK, TJAIN STREET BBOWiNVlLLE, ?t E15KASKA. ix-8-ly ST. LOLIS ADVECTISEHEXTS- From Wi'Ha m' Arlrcrt 'ting Ajtney, 97 Cheenitt St. Hastings, Wilkerson & Co No So Main Street, , : (3aint ZjouIb, Mo. H'bolesflJe Deariers in FAKY BEY mm NOTIONS. AND hshihg (ccif; A. O A Hive at all tiins tli? most com plete .iricl dcsir.-:b!e stock of LA DIE'S DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODaRIBBONS, DItESS TKLM SIJKGS, GLOVES, HOSIERY and every "variety of - GENTS FUn?ilUH!';G GOODS, to be fevjiil in any .house iu the west. PniCES GuAKR..;r.'En) as low as any ether house can afibrd. XST'Orders c .refully and prompt ly filled. Hastings; Wilkerson &Co. K0. S-5 NORTH MAIN ST.' II. C. TIIUIUilAN, Dlinstctan - Surgeon BROWJYVILLE, NEBRASKA. vol3-n2-Iy-pd J i .. :;m. h THE 1 ear ISfti ernment restored irt the fJI.n U erau, ana oiarery obliterated f-m r V. events of will be am L Se mZ the Uiatofj of the Country and 3tr.tteBte S ' dude the ,3tam of P,".' M thei-f monca upon a new earr of unrl a ess and prosperity. With Labor K the reproach of serfdom, the Pi. hucher platform of intei:inc .T4 feel a thepr wona is entering upon a new gsn toBm,- to trroinate in the triumph of Democia'7 tbe Atlantic; while emigration to Aaerio acquire a new and tremendous ircpetis, aornBii immensely tur pr-jdnctiva poer. E5 Tho stuicg events of the tiaaej w-'.lba rrajl, u ly depicted ia the colums of the Duocat v J we aro resolved to rer-der more valuable Mli , tractive than ever as a li.r. ticl Llirrcr of Passir Hizt Inspired by the sj iritof Democracy a-ltif,. lodging no leader but Truth The MusorHi rj' ocRaT will continue to becolclythe Or-ig 0f Tf I'eople, and trompt to denounce and rsrad; .t polUicJ or milltvy aspirant who seeks to bstn, I th air cause. - ' la ad lition to our 'W ar News, we shall eeBKBB. 1-1- v ... and Illinois. Our Triweekly, will eontain as bsrttcrort- the Important .News, Local and Commawial Kin' of the Daily- ' THE DAILYDEMOm? Shall not bt excelled by any paper Atbrat We have improved our arrangewwata foTfi", 1 cLcuiu.rn tttrn w . .. jtot, Sr-.ta the Lower!'trJ .A rn tne Missouri ana i.iiuois vaj. itn j. 1 . .. . n n li. th I . t - - wljll)ThV'Y CrtRESFON EXCE. A U - "antit " c Genera! ."em J.Vffr rd our 4ter; xifrieudi ldK;u W e request all rt;?w Sef, o tt9 piJ?TJ ui Send for tpeciaen nv- L"fJr IVospectus foi distribution, and w J ' , . Send as macy raises as possible In -'u,'A!!.. their papers sent to one adires ill .,JJ"i the Postmaster or the getter of the Clt?. It is not required tha4 ail the rapcM of ClO shall b suat to one Post Office, the aatssf sj bt sent to diliivrsat 0ces, and adding uuj U teA at any tiu . The following aw our rates for the ysar ISfc DAILY DEMOCRAT. 1 TRI-WEEKLY DEMOCRAT. : WEEKLY DEMOCRAT: , Any larger Club than ten will be charged at'd rate of one dollar and a half per cosy. The above rates for all Mail abscriptiouvtr payabla ia advance. Orders not accompanied with the money will r ceive no attention. All papers of cither edition, will be discantinaad at tha end of the time paid for. iicKEE. FIHBACK Sl CO. Propmtnn. and Locust street, Sr. Lory,1 PETESON'S MAGAZINE This popular Monthly contains munfor th money than any Magazine in the wol j. Ia l.v it will bave nearly p es, to steel ptaw, c-l...r.'d st'ern., anil Tlooii engrariap ui all tbis for ou!y Two L.:in a, Year, a iEsr less than ma 2 line ( its cla.-s Ewy lidy cajut to tak -iVfk.-o;,.'' I.. gr.orai adrsace of prii es, its u the oniy Mayuim thai has u W its prices, either t sis.l subscribars ortoeluU and ls,Lerelore, tuipbaticallj, The llagajine U the Times. . Tbe morfcs in "Peterson" ar eoncededU) ths best pijblished anywhere. Mn.Aaa S. Stopbrn, Ella Rodtnanl Mrs. Denison, Frank Lee Bnelirt, the aut'aor of "Susy L's Dairy," T. y. ArJiar.I. L. Chandler Moulton, fiabrielle Le, VirjinlsF. Townsend. RosaKe Grev. Clara AagnjU. saJti author of "The Second f.'fe,' besides ailthemort populn; female writers of America ara xrgi.u contributors. - la adJLfiVn to the usual nnxbuii short stories, there wi!' be gi ea ia lS5i,fw Oriuinal Copy-righted 'v elets, vii : The M lid of Honor- a s,'ury of Ann S. 8tH,hen. Th-i L.-i fcitat- storj 01 to-day, Uy the autber for th Th i? TJU-EEKIY i Trim, slill rn,.;:nder ia all thVd,.; ;greu of their owu other taal. ajjj jf in our Weekly papor the "W eekly News Snaaar, and also an abstract of the proceedings cf Coreri- and of the Proceedings of Legislatures ofM-Jj I of fcthl Second. Utr ; j Maud's Summer at i.r.toga, J rtn " I v . t 1!un.l . r.nn.'j MlrlrlMD. bTtii IWlWI. In its Illustrations aix., J lVursou 1 onnraat The publisher chall o-c-a comparison UtS superb .tfoeeotints and i.r stel engraving. sM those in other Magaiicts. "i d ono at let 11 in evert number. Cobv l fsshicn p!ai m -vancejlt i the only j.-.zine wbese Fms j Plates can be relied on. r..-h number evs; Fashioii I'lates, ei grnvrd . n s-eel, and loni from i'sfbions later tbsm-ny other II again also, a (i xcn or more Nv Styles. eufrra4 at Wr.od: .l.-. a Pattern, frm : which a Dra.'J, lUnti-s or child's Cuftome can be ; aithcut tas:difk mantua-maker so that b number, iu tb;i will sav a ycar'ss i!wo.-i '.; 1- l Vv.i, Utlt. PhilaJe'pbiaand Ne- Y..rk iishions are dwcnM at length each month. PaM - ns of Caps. .JSni'J IIe:vl Dresses, Ac, give:i. i..- colored patterns 1 eml r'uii'Tv. crochet, t.r. . The Woik- fable Dei arti..c;ii of this j.aitrs wholly unri.alod. hmrj number cor.:ams a or more pattern? in every variety of rancj -r Cr-jcbet, Cmbroiiery t KnittLi Bt:aUB0" work, &c.,c.,ic.,ivery mouth, a siip! t-attern for slipiiinz. ptirse cr chair er9 - ivec each of which, at rotail sUirs, wi, lveu eacn 01 wnicn, at iuwuj. w-t j fty cent. . . . , rrw f "Our New Cook-Bock."--The Onpnal I old lioceints cf "Peterion" are qitJ um0,L 84 our "Cock-Cook" will be eoatiaaed: 1 neof thoee reccipto. bai been tested. j o h on i-i- wtl! wfifth t price ot -re.ersou. tte, sick rom. i- c' i rts :'-r' r" ? 1 i.. .,(r.le m-t-ie in every . iJ'.i-f:.;uit--e. Desiri-ui in- tihg to lJs. t- n ;c.CtrT !r. TERMS ALWAYS IN ADVAU One e py for 000 -f. Three copies for one year, Five copies for one year, -Eight Copies for one year, Twelve copies for one year, Sixteen copies for one year, f Premiums for gttinsj up CIab.!--r. eight, or more copies, make a Ciu''. To son getting npa club of three, aol'"i ,? rlni:rs or a cinb of Fivs. and fp'tii';'' j .MaH . 4 - v,o'f . .ik nf 5"; rht. ai'I?'- UOlilP 0 1 J 1 ( mm vi a 1.' v -5 . 1 l- . r l and N ..'(' ting ten auiiars or a ciuo oi iwn; - f fifteen dollai. an extra copy ' of the mra ' ;. 1 aillbe given. If preferred. hot':,' ca as a premium, (instead of tb "l", 1' ln.tTtA Ijiilv'a AlSnm-bmiSoK'? .... v- - j - Blind Child, in Jai or -iju.-VT" ' ing for Uis Kelease from Prison gettirr up a ciuo r,i nnvmu, u . .11 i.' ' . , ,a w - r the Magasjae will be sent, or any i prcmi Jms. " T.r?'1t Address, post-Fafd. CT? - - a:i Po per-: n uy nt up a club. Lf toil- ,f written for. NEWSKIRTFOi The Great Invention of the AS9 spy V J.W. Bb.idlkt's New P:trnt Drn (or double y pking Fkikt. . ... , T . . n 1 ' O..' " J. ud -n"lniWV ,.js Street. ! , We?) ole Proprietors Chambers and 9and!?I 1 1114 I.MO.'l IU.' v l-i t.' : -.t, -ro. i.UIV 5ra ia Invention eoaMsw w ., im r.iiij'iiT .iieoi .-"prints, lufe'-" - i p:, . . ,v fti tfi IO ruki toughest, most flxibl3 IlfVOl . y seldom ten - , ; . . K iV ; TvriJ. as Lob? - I reiiect ana ucaaiiiui j - otb rkirt. " , r,rt The Wovpsr.rrt 7txiWrr ana 0U f..rt and tdeaauro to any Lady we;r'";ii,B:ar; Elliptic !kirt will be experierKcd Tttt it all Crowded AssemLdies, Oper s. t A Gburchiirs,for Dress, as the Skirt can be folded, occupy a'small place as easiij as a - "Ldj haviTit enjoyed grr;it coa?cniem-e of wearing the yl3 Steel Sprin- Skiri" for a r. j . 7i .?iirwnse wiu the if aounill!l. Hiiiii.p'j Children Misses, and Young I- th'J ar p r'or to ail others. For Sale in a!! First-Cl.,-x rStrrei 10 ,M toe I nited iu & t stf TRISD AiDiea. Dni J .an n ;;s.eic . ec At aeInutWSir I