Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 20, 1865, Image 2

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    'J f MJk V ' m
joiin coi,hapii;ditor.
Geo. Brickley, PreshJpnt of the Golden
Circle, has issued an executive general
order, dated in his place of confinea.eut,
Fort Warren, June 2Sth in which he
suspends the labors of'the several de
partments of the Golden Circle till July
1st, 1870, when the Congress of the or
der will assemble in Washington with
; open doors, and afterwards proceed lo
lay the corner-stone of the Saxon Uni
versity. All members of the military
1 . -Jl I f . 1 1 . ,VJ -
oepartmeni are reieaseu uum uu wia.
tirLs of set re.yfc pertaining to the same.
News from Virginia say that planters
ie suit exercising undue authority over
the negroes, and the negroes are getting
lazier than ever.
The World's special says it is now re
garded quite certain that a special Mili
tary Commission will be instituted iu a
short time for the trial of Jeff. Davis on
a charge of complicity in the assassina
tion of President Lincoln. The discovery
of additional evidences involving Davis
is eaid to be. the cause of this transfer
from a civil to a military trial.
Gen. Breckinridge left Havana on the
7th inst., in the English mail steamer
for St. Thomas and Europe.
The N. O. Times tells the following:
On the 4th in Mobile, a party of negro
- soldiers met a iady and chilcTon the ban
quette of a street, and one of the negros
kicked the child into the street. A white
soldier coming up demanded to know
t i i i it ti' i
now ne uarea to lmuit a luay so. n orus
passed, and the resell was iLat the white
soldier drew his revolver aud shot the
offender. This was the signal for the
gathered of soldiers and others, and
from Section 23, Revenue Law, 1SG4, p.
"For roarfs, poll tax of one dollar or
ou day's work and a land tax in any
rate not exceeding three tijihrs to the
quarter section, to be paid in money, or
in labor at the rate of one dolhr and
fifty cents per city, at the 'opinn of the
person so taxed, and ihe receip.s of the
district Supervisor for labor done, with
hie worn affidavit attached to r-aid certi
ficate, thtt eight hours actual labor has
been dene tor each day's work certified iu
:-aiJ certificate, naming therein the per
son who did said labor, and the time when
and in what road the sumo was
done." '
Supervisors must see that "eight hcurs
actual labor has be n done" before giv
ing a receipt ; if they give a receipt for
labor and allow the laborer to idle away
his time, they commit perjury on the re
ceipt, and again when they make their
annual settlement, under oath, with the
Commissioners. Through this neglect,
though seemingly small, much is lost
annually to theounty. To have good
roads, in a new county like ours, all the
available labor is necessary, and if one
half that labor is allowed to be- wasted
in trifling, talking politics or other idle
ness, the roads cannot be but half so
good as though ail h labor was actually
Section 17, laws of '62, give the Su
pervisor authority, in case of sudden
damage or injury to any bridge, culvert
or road, to warn out, on one days notice,
any and all able bodied rncu under fifty
) ears of age in his district, to repair said
injury or damage, but cant.ot work them
more than two days without their con
sent ; the laborer to receive one dollar
and fifty cents per day for such labor.
According to Section 19, any person
refusing to work, if warned out as speci
fied in the above section, and not sending
a substitute, or a good excuse for not ap
pearing, is liable to a fine of five dollars.
We desire to see good roads, and to that
end we have published the above extracts.
If the Supervisors do - their duty," keep
a watch over the roads in their several
precincts, warn men out to labor to the
full extent of their authority, make the
improvements as permanent as the means
at their di
As our prices for transient advertis
ing have beeu called in question dating
the past week, we deem it advisable to
enlighten the public as to how and when
those prices were established, and our
reaisons for upholding them.
They were established, by a Conven
tion of the Editors and Publishers of
this Territory, which met in Nebraska
City last August, the Republican and
Nebraskian, of Omaha, the Sentinel, of
Pia'ttMUOuth. the Press
IN civ 3
, of N
braska City, aud the Advertiser, partici
pating. The prices of all kind ol ma
ter, ui used iu printing making an ad
vance in prices necessary, the races'" we
now charges were adopted. The Press
uf this Territory waited aiul suffered in
hopes that material would come down,
but it did uot, and for self preservation,
those prices were established. Material
has not lowered in prices sufficient to
warrant a reduction of those rates, yet
we see the Ntbrsska City News has
come djwu on those prices. We cannot
see why this is unless it is nearly starv
ing among its '-buily lots of Democrats."
We hereby publish the proprietor of the
Nebraska City News as a 4,RAY and
all others who will work under the es-
' tablithed prices, and call upon that por
tion of the Nebraska Press which has
remaiutd steadfast to the rates, lo lmw
their contempt for men who will adopt
such a course.
We intend lo sustain the craft by do
ing all in our power tj keep up living
prices for our labor, which is not rear
up to the price of other labor, while our
main article, paper, is not near down Jo
other material. When material comes
down to the old prices, we p-ledge our
word and honor we will come dmva to
oid prices, and rio sooner.
It is reported that the President has
approved of General Pope's plan for the
future for the treatment of ihe Indian
tribes of the Northwest. It is not known
definitely what this plan is, exc-pt that
the present system of reckless and irre
sponsible trading between the whites and
the Indians, which results in" the oVrnor-
iliTntirm rf !ttpr nnrl rnnctxi nont
1 1 - I ! . -t ... . A . . - . I
, , ! 1 ostilmes, is to b( s'opped, and the Gov
xc-pt' for actual labor, we! . , . ., . - ,
receipts exc
believe that Nemaha County will, soon
be blessed with as good a road -system as
many thois were fired, resulting in a ; ar'' county of its population in the L nion
number of killed and wounded.
Many stories like the above are re
ported, and if one-half be true, the ue
gross ought to have the right of suffrage.?
The following resolution was passed
by the Trade Convention in session at
Detroit, on the 13i- :
uesciveu, mat we recognize tne
Western waters, as National highways,
watering, as they do, the shores of many
fu&pul4 ia.o, iid cutitloJ to the leg
islative aid of Congress to ihe same ex
tent precisely as the waters of the lakes
and of the ocean.
This is right, and we hope Congress
may see it" in the same light.
From Denver, July 13ih, we learn
that extremely richsilver mines have re
cently been discovered about fifty miles
west of Denver at the foot , of Snowy
Range. There is great excitement there
and in the mountains hundreds are out
prospecting at and beyond Snowy Range
or Snake river.
The latest news from the South is
rather favorable. Reconstruction is pro
gressing smoothly. Difficulties with, ne
groes are growing less frequent. Crops
are repc-ru-d more than an average in
Texas, and good in most of the southern
State, except in portions of Mississippi,
Georgia and S. Carolina there is report
ed great destitution. Our army in Texas
causes great consternation over the bor
der. The chances for difficulty with
Mexico are on the increase.
A word lo Supervisors may not be out
of place at present, as few of them have
the law handy to refer to. The law now
in force was passed Jauuary 10th, 186.
Section 3. makes it the d uy of the
County Clerk to fill vacancies when they
occur in any Precinct.
Section 10, says 'lf any Supervisor
chall neglect or refuse to keep the roads
of his district in as good repair as the
number of hands and amount of road tax
under his control would reasonably en
able him to do, he shall be liable on his
official bond to pay a fine of not less than
five nor more than fifty dollars." A1
thougn the pay now given by law to Su
pervisors is small, every Supervisor, who
accepts the office, should remember the
above eectionas a penalty for any failure
to do his duty.
Section 11 makes it the duty of Super
visors to place good, plain guide-boards
at the beginning, terminus and intersec
tion of any county and territorial road in
his district. We' have so far seen but
one guide-board in this County. Why
is this ?
' According to Section 14, "Supervisors
of roads shall make an annual settle
fnent, under calh, with the Board of
County Commissioners, at their April
term." This settlement, under oath, in-
The BfowuviJIe 'Advertiser, " of July
6th, ISHo, is out against' any one from
un ever locating In Nemaha coun
ty. They only solicit emigration to that
locality from Ne'vv Eughnd. Kansas and
Africa, and our earnest desire is that of
their kind they may get enough.
Here we Hre glad to receive newcom
ers who bring with them capital, indus
try and integrity of character.
. -Proscription and bigotry, at
Brownville, build no uoues, make the
prosperity of stagnation, and render
waste the rich la id of Neuulu county,
This is ore of Ajnx' replies to our
article of week before last, it is gentle
manly, candid and eminently Democratic.
As to the flush prosperity at Ne
braska City, and the kind of indi
vi uals who bring it about, an in
cident which happened at Yankee Rob
ison show may illustrate. A trained
bear was brought into the ring, an eld
dress and an old bonne put on him, and
a rope placed around his neck, and an
nounced as "Jeff. Davis on his way to
Texas." This was received very quiet
ly, when one of the invited guests of the
News remarked, aloud, "It looks more
like Lincoln on hit way to hell," and was
only rebuked by one person out of a
large audience. This is but a faint idea
of what that city realy is in sentiment.
We have heard of at least fifty persons
who first went to Nebraska City this
season to settle, but came away disgust
ed with the nest of rebels' as they call
ed it, and have settled in this city aud
county. .
How are ycu "integrity of character!"
Seems they have hung some of those
"characters of integrity" lately at Wash
ington. As to that "prosperity of stagnation,"
and rendering "waste the rich lands p.'
Nemaha coumy7"Ye would refer this
"bushwhacker's friend," to a certain sta
tistical item which he has doubtless for
gotten: Land entered for homesteads in the
Brownville Land Office, from
1st July, '63, to 30th June '61, 37.264
Other entries, same time, 3.52S
Total, Acres
ernment will take the matter of trading
w'th the Indians inta its own hnnf's.
This may systematize the gouue-irarr e
usually practiced n the poor Indian,
and he may be more docile if swindled
according to law.
"Come from all the world and seek a
new home in Nebraska, where there is
peace, plenty, good feeling and bully lots
of Democrats. " News.
The above is a toasi by Ajax in re
sponse to an invitation to drink by a num
ber of hi3 "inyited. guests," it was early
in the . evening, yet Ajr.x had nearly
wilted ; after the above remark, a bush
whacker raised his head, a guerrilla
poured the "liquid nector" down his
throat and disfranchised rebels rolled
him under a card table, placed a spitoon
neath his head, and If ft him to dream uf
times uheu "bull) lots of Democrats"
would be a fact.
From boats just down from the upper
Missouri, we learn that Qeri Saily eft
Lis camp cn Big Cheyenne rjvjr, sixty
mil s above Fort Sully, on the 4th, and
started for Painted Wood, above Fort
Rice, to attack a camp of 1500 lodges of
Sioux Indians. His men are reported in
the best of spirit's, and eager for a fight,
of wbicb Gen. Sully has promised them
enough. If they have not a better out
fit along than the expedition of '62, we
apprehend they will be more eager for.
feed than fight before they get back.
In the matter of granting a license to
Jehu A. Small, of Aspinwall, for the
sale cf Malt, Spirituous and Vinous
liquors, the Board ordered that a license
he issued for six months, be issued upon
the said John A. Small filing his bond
approved security, in the sum of SoOO,
and paying into the County Treasury,
for the u?e of schools, the sum of S-50.
Ordered that Slephea W. Kennedy,
be and he is.hereby authorized to act in
conjunction with John M'Pherson, to pre
pare specifications and plans for a build
ing to be used for' county purposes.
Further ordered that the Ccur.iy Clerk
shall give notice that prc-pvsaU will te
received, at Irn'office, in Brownville, u;
til 2 o'clock, P.M., July 17th, l0j, for
furnishing upon the ground, Brick. Stoue,
Lime, Sand, Lumber, Shitigles, ' and all
material necessary for the construction
of a building for county purposes, ac
cording to plans and specifications filed
in his office ; and that proposals will also
be received at the same time for Stone
Work. Masonry and Carpenter's "Work
and such other work as shall be neces
sary lor the construction of said building.
Ordered that the following allowances
be made;
J. L. C-.rson. for 2 bottles writing
Fiu;d, S3 00, 1 8qr. 'Mortgage
Record $24.00, 1 S qr. Deed ,
Record 24.00, 1-2 dozen pen
holders .4Qcts, , express charges
on same 3.00,
Chas. G. Dorsey," Prosecuting At
torney, for services in District
Court, Spring Term, 1S65, as
ordered by ::aid Court, , 150.00
S. M. Rich, assistant Prosecuting
Attorney, fcr services in Dia't
Court, Spring Term, ISO-j, as
oidtrtd by District Court, 50.00
Wm. II. Hoover, for H5 days
strvices necessarily employed in
preparing the tax list and dupli
cate as required bv law for the '
year 1664,: ' 230.00
nr' 5 days service necessarily
employed in preparing the ab
stracts of Assessor's Rolls for
Territorial Auditor for 1864, 10.00
Win. H. Hoover for naking "re
turns uf taxable lauds" as asses
sed for the year ISql, 30.00
For rent tor Co. Clk's office,
from April 10 to July 10, '65, 15.00
Rienzi SviveUT, Cierk of District
Chip, fur certifying to the Co.
Commissioners at the end of
the Spring Term, 1S65, the
names cf Grand and Petit J u-?
rors and their term of service
and milage, SI 60, for drawing
and issuing venire feir Qrand
Jury and empanueling the same
iai 1.7-5, for drawing and issuing
venue for Petit Jury, 50ct3, 3.25
John August tor cleaning Room
for Dis't Court Spring Terra, 1.00
Thralkiln &' Samplos fur room for
urauu jury, spring ierm u:i t
Curt, 1865, 9. GO
C. G. Dorsey, Mayor cf Brown
ville, for the ust; of
and his faintly, pc
gesture but seemed impassionate at his
misfortune -
The minister then uttered a brief
prayer asking for the prayers and forgive
ness of all his sins and passage out of
this world into the joys of Heaven. The
minister who attended Harrcli returned
thanks for the kind treatment of the pris
oners offered a prayer that God would
receive his soul. Harrold was affected
to tears. The minister who attended
Atzerott also returned thanks for him to
Gen. Hurtroupt and other officers for
his kind attentions, and then invoice the
mercies oi;
co r
ir td to
God on the prisoner
demned. Then thev were iau
raise frcm their seats when the chairs
were removed and they were all on ihe
drcps; their hands fastened behind them
aiul their legs bandaged below and above
the knees. White caps were placed ovtr
their heads. Atzerott, while being pre
pared for execution, exclaimed : "Gen
tleman, farewell; take care and good
bye.' One of the clergy standing near
exclaimed : . "May we ail meet in an
other world." . As soon as the noose was
put around each neck Mrs. Surratt's
being the last one adjusted the section
of the platform on which they had been
standing, suddenly fell, and the culprits
were hanging severl feet from the ground.
Mrs. Surratt and Payne scarcely moved
a muscle. Atzerott exhibited some
twiching, but Harrold showed a more
nervous sensibility than any of the others.
The bodies hung urtil life was extinct,
and were afterwards given over for bur
ial, rough coffins being alr2ady at hand
for that purpose.
Tho arrangements for the execution
were perfect. General Hartroupt was
present throughout the proceedings.
It is ' said Payne last night made a
statement in behalf of Mrs. Surratt.
exhonorating her from complicty, and all
the other prisoners subscribed to the af
fidavit impeaching testimony cf aa im
portant witness'agaiast her.
Enlarged and Greatly Improvtdfor 1865.
With an entire cew outfit, brilliant trappings, anJ
of Performers and eauiif'ji ft rsjj
Villiani T. Dernej, will take nodes- t!iat Ed
ward G.W. Stake, and John T. Carson hare filed
their bill f complaint, in the District Court of
Pawnee Count? Nebraska Territory in Chancery,
r -ain6 Ihe said V."i!!ta T. Danney, defendant,
fur tLe foreek.surcf a ee-iAin dsed of trust intfc
naHire of a llorar - fi-ven by id Williasi T.
Dennay in frut to Jv'an L. Carson, of the tonfi
West quarter of Section number Twenty-eiis?21,
In Township number Wo2, North of Rn) num
ber ten 10, Eat of ths Sixth R Principal Meridian
situated in Pawnee County Nebraska Territory, to
secure the payment of a certain prnrii.- ry note,
drn by defendant in favor of Eiwir lG. V.
Stake, for the smm of Tw- hundr-.H? and Hfty-tUht
dollars, with-iutor-nt after due at the rr.te of" five
Pr r- nt per a-.onih. The object a si J i-ntjerof said
bill i to fi,rcc:ae sai l Mortgage deed of trnst, ar.d
for the sale of mil premisses to psy the mty so
secured. You are remsired to eppesr und answer
said bill by the -1th d"iy of Sept caber A. D. 1SC5.
Dated thij tae Z:J day of J-i'y-13
4t-4t 13 50. Sol. f..r Complainant.
oat;a Count,, '
' Vi'"? "ll S'-a r
"dof tr.S in fca , "
o .
living on the town of Brown
ville, : - S6.00
Ecard adjourned until Monday July
17th, i 3, 1 565.
Lands entered for homesteads in
during same, period,
Other entries, tame tune,
Total, Acres
Difference in favor of the "pros
perity uf stagnation" and ren
denn2 "waste rich land?," .
31 42S
The jYews tries to lie out of its invita
tion .10 "disfranchised rebels, ;' and says it
did not mean -'bushwhackers, thitves, Sfc."
The fact ia the copperhead party of Ne
brask, pusillanimous as it is, cannot go
this "sum of all villanies" invited by the
Kews, so it is forped to 'ea; its awn
vomit." Ajax has precedent for this
amoug dog, so he's safe.
Fijure3 won't lie, and we have indu
bitable proof that Aja will, so yye in
rite .a comparison of figures of lands
entered from the 30th June, 64.
We may say here ?at the kind of
"stagnation" brought by loyal men to
eludes all of their official transactions. 1 this Land District and City "is the kind
There gwieraUy is great negligence and
indifference exhibited on the part of road
laborers ivhen working out their taxes.
As this loss of labor by negligence and
iiidifference may amount to -considerable,
and as many Supervisors may not be
posted on what the laws cf 16G4 require
cf them, v.e make the following extract
we prefer; and if it is "proscription and
bigotry" to warn disfranchised rebels of
Missouri or any other State from settling
in our county, tee shall be in for 'pro
scription and bigotry," so long as we de
sire to see peace and prosperity reign.
Geld up to 41 cents premium.
Proceedings of the Hoard of Com
missioners, July Term Co.r.f Inned.
S. W, Kennedy, board and wash
ing for T. B. M Coy, a pauper,
from April 19 to July 5th, $41.00
Susan Sapp, for making coat, two.
pair pants and two fchjrts, for
T. 13. McCoy, a pauper,
C. F. Stewart for medical atten
dance on same, 3 months. .
W. T. Den. fcr rent of IJall for
District Court, Spring term, '65, 10 00
, For bill of sundries, 19. 41
H. Kntffer work on Court Room,
and lumber furnished for same,
C. W. Wheer, for Desk Stand
for Co. Treasurer's odice,
IJ. Harman, for 30 bushels Lime
for Culvert near Hanniford's,
payable out of "General Road
Atkinson Si Co., for 1 pair pants
for Waulbride Goodrich, pau
per, S4.75, 1 bat c-2.00, 1 era,
vat 75c is,
. Ia ihfi matter of granting a License
lo Joha Parlstine andJoseph Kelly of
Peru, fox the sale cf Malt. Spirituous
and Vinous liquors, the Boar.d or.derexJ
a license issued for 6 months upon ihs
filing of a bond with approved security
in the sura of S500 according to law, and
paying into the County Treasury, for the
use of school, S40.
37 50
Tiic Executions at Washington.
All the condeniued conspirators sen
tenced to be hanged, were executed at
Washington on Friday the 17th instant.
On petition, Mary Suratt, through her
counsei.Aikinaad Ciamitt.Judge Wilder
of the Supreme Court of this District,
directed the issue of a writ of habeas
corpus to General Hancock commanding
him to produce in court $t ten o'cloctc
this morning the body of AJary E. Surrat,
with the cause and day. The writ was
served on General Hancock at 8 o'clock
this mornmgi by United States Marshal
Gooding- He immediately consulted
with te Attorney General and Secreta
ry of War. At 10 30 the General had
not obeyed the writ. The fact was
brought to the notice of the Court by her
counsel, but the Judge said he had np
power to enforce the yrit to-day..
Guards were placed all artund the
Arsenal to prevent the intruiion cf per.
?ons to'the tc ne of execution, none be
ing admitted except those previously sup
plied with tickets bj General Haileck.
The relatives of Mrs. Surratt and
Harrold spent several hours with them
during the forenoon, and '.rere also at-.
tended By the spiritual adviser, as alio,
were Payne and Atzerat.
At a tew minutes after one o'clock, !
the outer prison door was opened. Mrs,
Surratt was supported on her ray to the
callows by two military officers ; next
followed by Azeratt, Harrold and Payne,
accompanied by the guard and there re
spective ministers of the gospel. The
.eats were provided for them oh the plat
form in the following order: Mrs. Sur
ratt, Payne, Harrold and Atzerott. The
officer entrusted with the execution and
ministers occupied intermediate positions.
Gen Hartroupt, who has been fro::
the commencement m charge cf the pris
oners, came forward and read the order
of the War J3eparment npprorcicg the
sentences, and ordering the penalty of
death be inflicted. A heavy guard was
stationed on bs walls surrounding the
grounds, while"helow soldiers were for
med on two sides of the square. Sever
al hundred civilans wpje nr.esent and spectators of the zrU-rr scene.
One of ihe priest, an atfnJant on Mrs.
Surratt, repeated a short prayei, to which
rayne. who wa? seated next to ner, ai-
lentively listened. The minister who
Jiad been administering to Payne, ex
pressed his sincere thanks to Gen. Hart
roupt and officers arid soldiers who had
charge of him for their personal kind
ness. They had not uttered an unkind
word nor given an unpleasant look or
. Will a III t m HriX w
a-crxTsr 27i'ii, iqou,
A. tirand . 3Jidday Performance,
Commenc rg at 2 o'clock, ai d in the
Evening at 7 o'clock.
Six Lady Equestrians,
mr. miles orton,
mr lester,.
mr a. gaffnet.
mons. paul, james,
marks, jamie, roiunson
and the people's favorite DIt. JAMES
In addition to the Grni L-jueetriau Dtvertiee
ments aad G:oa of Curriculum will be ciron a
Jame3 C. William, will t.ia natioe that Iiorij
minc F. Lnsliba-t ni Ju'aa T. Carson, have
SleJ their bill of ctcji.'.iii't ia lb Diiirict Court
of Pawnee Count j Nebraska Territory, ia Cuancj
; ry against the pai l James C. WiluRais, Jefe;;daat
for the foreek'SUTa of a certain deed of trust 5n the
nature of a Mortgage, girea by euid James C Wil
liams, to said Deojsmine F. Luahbaugh, and John
L. Carson, of the Nonh. West quarUr, of Section
number eight 8, in Township number three 3, North
of Iiange number twelve 12, East of the Sixth 6,
Principal Meridian situated in Pawnee County
Nebraska Territory. To secure the payment of a
certain promissory noto. drawn by said J. C.Wil
hnms in fa or of Li.-h baujrb t Carson for the gum
of Two hundred and fiiry dollars, with interest
after d ue at the rale of uve per cent per month.
The obj oct and prayer of aaid bill 13 to foreclose
gaid Mortgage deed of trust, and for the iaie of said
premises to pa, the money so secured, You are
required to ac pear end answer eaid bill by the 4lh.
day of A. D. 1335.
ltd Uii2vth dsy of -la I". 115.
DOiitfaY RICIf,
Sol. for Cvujj lainantj
44-4t 13,50.
Samuel Ed-jerrn, w"!I take sotice Benja
mine F. Luhbauit anl John L. Cvrsoa h ive G!?d
their bill of corci'aint in the Diitrict Ccnrt of
Pawnee Counfy N ?rai-k k Territory, in Chancery,
against the ?:M Sunn el Edrton defendant, for
the fr,recl!nr cf a cartaio de i ri trust in the
na u e of Mortie, givn by ?.d Simud Edsert: n
t" Co'Jap'.ainant or' - tho North Eact qnart-r
of Section nua;!)?r twentj'-fiva 25, in Tcwn-rdn.
number eleven 11, North of Kane cuoiber ten 10,
Eadt of the Sixth C Principal MaridUn, situated
in Pawnee County Nebraska Territory. T- secure
the payment of a Certain promissory note, given
by defendant to ciiJplaiuants, ror the sum of Two
hundred and Eighty doliars, with interest thereon
after due at five per cent per month. The object
and prayer of saia bid m to foreclose said Mortgage
deed of trut-t, and for the sale cf eaid to
pay the money eo secured. You are required to
appear and answfr ?aid b;ll by the ofh day of Sep
tember. A. 1. 1S"5.
Dated tliis Svtl J. a vC .1 1q-5.L
Sol. for Cjij iiiiantj.
41 4 1 :.'!).
The unknown hcifs of Alouio R. flnnt deceased,
will take notice that .1'ihn L. Carson, has filed hi3
bill of 'comptamt in the lAinr;ofc Cojrt of Johnson
County Nebraska Territory, ia Chancery,
gainst the Admiinstrator of tiie Estate of Alor.zo
li. Hunt. ecea?ed, an 1 the unknown heirs of th?
a!d Alonzj Ii. Hunt, decea-cd, and ilunjiminj F.
Lusbhaugh . J,ef;ctiants, for the foreclosure of a
certain .Mortuayi dacd, girra by by tho said
Alcnso li. Iljiit lic'': ,iu lifetime, to the
paid Comcl,i'iaof, r-) l uiter. Ia- 3 -viir'n'.) F. !
th .'rth j
Zelf Sta.-r5ia win tas .v.. S
V T....t.i...w.Uk..ei.iv .... '
i . i-u.'u.'inu lias u.BiJ Q1S M J f,f ,
Uistric: L.jert cf JoSi;j
rit-orr, in Chancery,
and JjTfl n, .arson,
ore of a certain Joe.j
Morten ??e, -iven by sail Z. if st ' t.
p!ainaDt, and L. Carson, of tL N.L'
quarter, of Section number twentj thr-.,1
Township namb'T Ufa (01, North gf "n,. 1
ber ten (10 ), East of tae i;h. 1'rion, k ,;
situated iu Johnson Comfy, Nbra' t'"4
To 4urj the payment of aetrWn rrom-J"
fortbeaax of Two bai:drd ai bi-KA l'
with interest there.-u af vrtim t lh rate
vtt tent per me at Si. The .!j-t s,,j
itfid bill irto f-tjrv?.'los'S, 'i.,rt. V
trat, aa i Tor tho sal of I reiX
icoaey tv secuied, you ore rt-qairel
and aaivcer said bill by t',.e Ja nf 1"
A. I). IS V 3 1 kH
Date! tiii tba 13 A Jay of Ju!j,
fe-.-i. ir C
Amos lILmser, will take notice thatBir '
F ! ni'i!-. in -S !; him V.;'l . t '
I the X) ktriijt Cosrtot Jonnson Connfy v '
Territory in ChAncory ; agaiut iaii A a j H
sher, and Ju'un L. Carbon, dofndiaU, for.A 1
closure of a ct-rUia Deo I of trut in tin ns-
a Mortgage, to Complaiua t and .Ichnur"
of the Souta East quarter, of f!-ion V
therty-tbree (W), in Town-hip irumUr f'1'
Nrth of iU.:,- numl--r E.avea ril yu,
Principal ..iai.-. To ieeara ta p ijc. ,
certain promissory not, for th.i cf t,,
drel and fifty Uvliars , with ia;jri ':
maturity , at the rate of firs per cat in .
The object and prayer of sail to
said il .rtaiUf dsed of trust, anJ fr ti,
Said prom tsss, to pay tha luuney-ao sooj.
are required to aprar an!wr j ?
by tV-e 2 ? h day of uzat 1. D. I v'.i. '
Datii thij the Ij'.h day of JuW, 1
43-it 513,3.1.
" legal noticF"'""'!
John A. Iui.tij, will take wi'-.a tt J;vs
Caroo. has f.Iod his Ir.U of j' ujmiui, ia -j'
trict CiiU-t of Jtlrrn ( ,un? Tc '
lienjnuiiiio F.
1 J .N" , .
""1 11 ..
closure of a ccrt-La L-c. -i -4 iiut ia thi ri .
L;ish'j'.iuh, ot ice
LushbuTib, of the 1 Hjt hn'f
cj'-iarl-r. -f Se"nn n"'
West ;i.!f 'of th Nor!
n 1 m! r Iwcr.iy-rii.i.) '.
Hj'iL.i. cj qu irF,cJ
suuiC't-r t.rec:v-thr3a 1-. u in lowusLin n.i-. .
rle i 5). North of li.'.ii23 nuiabf r U-a ( lj t
ther-ix''i Priuc Meridian. To securu lh
men, of a certain pr- n r f...r the M
Tw h'in'nd rr J Li.ty Jv:;,; wi
thereon after 5i;k:unty,ai taa rat of
per month.
The cr-j3Ct and jraycr of a:i kii! u to fcr' !
said Morrgtgue Jeed tf trust, aud Lr tl. nl .
Said praicis.'s, to pay the jar.ney so seupe.1. Ti
are required to apsoar and answer sa.J b.'AU
otn oay or Arsfiis: , A. U. l-"o. t
ay of Juiy, A j
DOti-hY k ElCti, j
Dated this 13th.
43-t'13 SI.
Great Bistrlbutio:
UV TilR !
195 & 197 BROADWAY, KH'.. i . i
Iloscvood PJancs, Irldeti,
Fins Oil Pai.ntinos,
Silver Ware, i'.ue au Silver Wdubaj, tai j
Diami nd Pin, Piasn :! r n ' 8-r-l't. C ' i
re;itiiie. .;iic Ji-t. I, iva L.aeU
iie a' Sen. G !l Pf 11- Hith 'ii It'
t1-: xtpi n iis. S. ?-' '& ..1.411,
bcr thi-ty :.0 ;.. aj. i the I
; Wt-.-t tiusrter 'uf Section I
Titwr.s! Jr, nomb-r f-t.r
EliVvo ,rn;. F.L-l
vest !' N k-
containing bui.dr d titu! uxty. . Itioj. ares.
AI40 tb.i Son Mi li; v qiartvi' Sc.'i j.j nuiji'xr nine
teen, ( 1 in T'-'Tr.-'.i,, v nmHp fjur ( i ' . N rth of
Range i.niub-r E".ren l.F. Kx.ep: t n p0!,iercs
being tl.f S'.ub V- a' ijunrtsr. of South Wt'qaar
ter, o; sad Soata E;.-' nuiirk't, thereby cor.rey
ing of said i;.i,irt r Se.. ion but nt hundred and
fifty rj'Jj.)u.res. .-ifu.!ed in said Johnson Ci.unty
and lerrit'ity of Nebraska, fo -Prors t:o pay
ment vf j i.iUiu ."vOiliSj.; ij.ol jf t". e fi'tu of
Three hunlrfd and Sixty dollar, wilts interest
thereon at tba rite of twenty-five ywr eent per
Minn Tbdobjtct and praysr-of snid bill U to
:. r eiesj, said J.lort,; uage deed, and for tlie?a!eof
i primisrs to pay the m secured, l'oa
Hie rons-; U appear -sin d unsrer s.iid bill by
.L ii-ifh dT of Atistt, A. f. ISoi.
Dated thia the 13ih day of Julr, 1S85.
dorse V a rjon,
Sol. for Complainant.
Admission 50ct Children under 10
years of ase, 2jcis.
The entire performance wJl be aeeompanied with a
Led by Mr. Philip Manual.
John G. Akin wlllttko notice that Iaao Coe,
CvmpI'-iiLant has file-la bil! against said John O Akin
Kennedy Stephenson, doeasdd, Mary Ann SUph-- the rate of five P cen. perrnanth.
i . i . .m ti. ooirt K annA iff s rflnh o n Ha.
The Unknown heirs at law of John Brown de
ceased. Will take nothe, 'hit Vv'illiara M Mar
shall, has riled his bill of complaint. in the District
Court of Johnson Coun'y, Nbraka Territory in
Chancery, nuinst tho Administrator of the E state
of said John Rrown, deceased the nnnnown heir3
of said John Brown, dwt " 1 and Jonn L, Carson,
defendants, for the fore' !- uro of a certain deed
of trust or Mortgtiaze, giv t. V said John Brown
deceased, in bis lifetime to 1,u.,!;iinanfc and John
L. Carson, of the S,uth VTest quarter, of Section
oorcbcr thirty-two C32), in Towns'oio rncbfr fix
C6). North of Range numbor tea (10)', kast of the
Sixth Principal Meridian, in Johnson Conr.ty,
Nebraska Territoiy, to geoore the t-ayment of a
eertaja prou;issory note, for the sum of Tws hun
dred ana Eighty dollars, with interest thereon at
Ch 'in-. F.aia rM ''u
eeased, and John Frederick Stephenson, and Ken
nedy E. Stephenson, iaor hoirs of said Kennedy
Stephenson, deceased, ia" the District Conrt of
Neroaha County Xebriska Territory, in Chancery
for the foreclosure of a certain deed of tru-t.-in
the nature of a Morta?e, executed by said John
O. Akin, pon the Nortli West, quarter of Section
number twenty-six J2f5. in Township number fi?e 5,
North, of Ran3 numb ;r fourteen 1 1 east, in Nema
ha County Nebraska Territory, to secure to Isaao
0- ''Ompinaut, the payment of a proniissorp no;
fu: Two Hundred and fifty dollars, made July 23th
1857. The object arid prayer of said Mill is to
foreclose said Mortgage and sell ii4 land to piy
the amount due on said Note, and also to annul a
certain warranty deed of said land, executed by
said John (J. Akin to Kennedy Stephenson, on the
12th day of April A.D,18oQ.
Yoa are required to appoar an! answer said Bill
cn or btfore fl? 4uh d,-y cf September, 1355.
ErowLville July .'Oth lSi5.
41-4t. 413.50. Sol, for Complainant.
niram Miles, a nonresident, will take notice thtt
Berjiaujine F. Lushbauh .nnd John L. Carson, bire
filed their bill ff complaint in the District Court!
of Pawnee Cor.'y -. -braska Territory, in Chance
ry, against the sai l IIir8uj Miles, defendant, for
foreclosure oi certai'i deed of trust, m the nature
of a Mortgage, givn by said Hiram Jliles to faid
T'enjainine F. Lnsbh"h and John L Ci"3fn, of
the North half cf the N" )rt!i W st qu r t of Sec
tion number two 2, nnd the South V quarter
of the Siorth West nunrter of S-ti n number two
2, iii Township'. N r tU ot ii.m' '. num
ber ten 10, Last of the Sum G, Principal .Meridi
an, situated in Pxwuee County Nelraska Territory
containing one hur:divd tbirty-one and five one
hundredth acres, to s?jure the payment of a cer
taiu promissory note in faor of cormdei-jpsts for
the sum of Oae Hundred and Eigh'y Right J .llars ,
with interest thereon after duo at the rate of five
per cent per month. The object and prayer af said
Bill is to foreclose the raid Muitge
ded of trust, and for the ia!e vf aid
premises to py the money fo gocurd. Yon are
req-sired to appear and answer siid bill of com
plaint by the 4to day of S3pt?ialor A. D. 1835.
Dtcd this the 20th ia-y of July 13o5.
44-41 13,50 Sol. for Complainants.
Ceorg runb, will take notice that James O.
Carbon, and John L . Carson, have fled their bill
of complaint in the District Court t-f Pawnee Coun
ty K&breska Territory , in Chancery, against the
eaiJ George Pluuib, defendant, for the foreclo.sara
of a certain deed of trust in the nature of a . Mort
gage, given by raid Go- nre Piurr.b in trrst to John
T. Carbon, of the North 'Eiit T-i"-'"' f i'.n
Seventeen Twwnshtp ouroi'-r reo 0, Nc-rth
of Range number twelve 12. F . r ,f v, ? -'a a ti
Principal Meridian, ituaTd It f'iwnee County
Nebraska Territory, to secure the payment of a cer
tain promissory note draw a by defendant in favor
of Jon: -8 0 Carson, for the sum of Two hundred
and Eighty dollars, with interest thereon aaf
due at the rate of five percent per month. The
object and prayer of said bill is to foreclose gai;":
Mortgage deed of trust, and for the sale of Bakl
prernissea to pay the money j?o secured. Yon are
required to apoear and answer said bill by the 4th
day of Sertember, A. D 8V5.
Dated this 20th dij of Jnly.lSfio.
DORSEY Allien,
Sol .for C cmplainants.
44-4t 13,5C '
The object and prayer of .aid bill ia to foroclnap
said MoTtguag-j deed of trust, and for the pale of
said premises to pay the n;oney go gecu-ed. You
are required to appear and answer said bill by the
stiiday cf August A. D. 18r35.
Dated thL- Uih day of Jnly IFGo.
dorsey a men,
Sol. for Complainant.
Lanrence Kuebler , will take notice that Ben ia-
T T 1 1 1 1 . . ... .... -
mine r. niMir.Rnrn, nss r,iei nmbt'l of Complaint
in the District Court, of Johnson Con nty. Nebras
ka Territory a Chinwry. a -tin t the Said Lau-len.-e
Kitibltr.ani Joho L. Car.-on, defeniiints,
for the foreclosure of a certain dael of trust in
ther.fcture r-f a Mortgnuge, given by s.;d Laufenco
Kueblprto Complainant and John L. Carson, of the
Souta West q u.ti tt-r. of SooLit.n nuuioer four (4)
in Township nuniW four'' t), North of Range
number Eleven (11 ),Ea3t of Sixth Principal Me
ridian, ?ffed in Johnson Connty, ;b-ska
Territory.- To secare the payment of a certain
promissory note for the sura cf, two handroj and
fifty dollars, with interest tbercon afier das.aVtbe
rate of frre per cent pr nr-.nth, the olject and
prayer of t id bill is to fr rel e ?aid Mortgaaz?
deed of trust, and for thy ?,!.!( jt daid premises to
pay tne money s" fnrAi j are re .-yire-i to
appeaisul naw.;.- .-.ii ul 1 by the 2Jii Jy of
August a s. S''..
Dated this 1 ita day of Ju!- H 5.
Soi for Complainant.
4t-4t 13..'iJ.
Notice is hereby given 'hat pnrnant to an or
der of S-"le, to me direct d, irsid by .Le Ri-;?.-ter
in Chancery of the Di-trL- r C -urt Nrujaha C-jun -ty
Nebraska Territory in the t-ase herein Theo
dore XV. Bedford is pljintiJ ar:J Tbouas Williams
is defendant. I will oi
Monday the 7;h day, of Ai gui a.d. 18G5
at one o cl ek p. m. tffcr for t-.; at publi.- auction
at tne tro:Jt door of Denj UU intheCitvcf
h.WiiVilie, iLe where the term ot said
Court f,r said Couuty wa3 LclJ, rh. follawini da
senbei Es-t .te to-wit: ta oudividd blfof
the North West quarter oj Scouon 12 in Town-hir.
ix0) north of Kan3 13 east 8a;4 Nemaha.
County. . . r
Datel Jnly 5th 1?55.
-Jester in Chancery.
UAIHf HUT. riUoT AliD EliCOi) STS.
ilSTHI bl.'TlOX i indue ia toil. .a aufcV
C'Klt n 1' (" AT IS iiati.ine Prt'h ami iUf(l S
are pUveu SiALBO KUVi:;?M. 'iko s
mixed. Oi:e f thee.Ri-vjlo-e. ; ,::. -n t. C-
tifli ateor Order Kr itome Aitic- -.1 t At i I
at our ottke, or eui hy mail to i .J. t4, w :t t
reeart to c!n.i--e, on receipt or 5 c
On receiving !ie CertiU:,ite in . ' h-er wri
what Article it ftraj-. lu nv-i Dim;
One Dollar nl rerwve t?; m n.n'i!. u.
ctioo.-e any vtKtr out Art:cte u j' .- '.it "" '
a ne.
rPurclicSvi of o"r JK U'.!' ! M'U'i
in ur riannei , obtain an Article -fliv v
Five Hundred E&l'.ar , i
xhich they need not par uulil I; . a U (
drawn, ami tu value. i
Elu'' S.itisf'a.;tion Guarantee'! in all C"n, I
TnzE'J2iOLGiPXj::o:iii:35 1
won!'! cull attenii. n to the fact or ,i .'.''' 0r'-'
na' a;iJ Lar5e.-t Girt A-" ia! ion in ! C;m:r. T
btninets continues to te coiiJu-ie.l m f'r ,'
orubie manner, ant a la-ve and !'y
traie is proof oar pitron an'fc '' tti f-1-:
of obtaiaintr rtch au elfint gtw. ''
Curius the pa-t ye.r ib-.s Amrti'i , ' " '
larste nmul'er of a!;i;hie prizj t" '! V'l '
ceuutt-y. X'o bo iruu;e u v.-j.i,.ctii 1 j
value of ti.e:r uioney, a uo irtkU.u si1 ,
less th,tn One Dollar, retail, j... J.e.8 ";
UL.VNiCs. j
Parties dealii!: with us may !e;:e .nVi.';
returns, auJ the articia (!r-a w;;l Le i:mn-M-' J
tent to ny ?('Jres.4 by return iinil "retpf"-
, .1
Tha fo! lo-.viiic r,.rtip have retdtlv 'iriw i'J
prizes fro;n thj Knrw'n Aj-i -aui i, aai ""-
aliowcl the use of Uieir n,mii '
Andrew VViisoi), Cu.-toni.Hoa.-e, nilile:.' rr
Oil Pain'.ini, vaiue, $tyj: James H 'ri:rt'.'l
Broadway, New To'k. Oil Paln'inj, aioe, $'
V. Jones, turret, Marshal! Co.. Kansas.
value $200; Patrick J. Byrnes, Waterburv, U f
Watc!., value 1U5,C0 . J. F. Stiaw. 224 ItAj
Xew Torts, Plan , value, 3-,0O; Mrs.CIi .1
Elmira. N. Y .. P:aao, va'-if, 3W.00; M;. Lm7k
wty, Elmira, 11 T. . C.f-tr Diirnwl "
oim . . f., it iu.... ...... -if lf..rl. Xa."!11-
Teun. Atelodetn, value, l-'5; O-rar H Alien,
lU i Keir. I iif Vol. Aa.-liViae. Tenn,, 'jh.a.
85,00, iiow laud 3. Patterson. Co. V 10 a L-7 -'':
Volunteer, Oli Paintin. vaiue, toJ Jlrt. 3J',.' Sprtnaaeoi Xas., Jtlu.ievfc v!3 ;
James L. kexter. City Sarv-yor. .Hy: "e "
(iolU Watch vii", loO,iJ Mrs. Jimfi Fiy lfl " ;
ter Stree cor. ;et-ier, N. r. . oii, Pinti3. Tfj(
100; Mr J. C. Cute-,fir.M Kii U. ii-uii ,
Castor value 4J C3 : ht i & aiuolxir.". '
Street U.ica X. Y., Fraiiie.i KjraiiiiC, va.-'t (
H.m. Lu'her Uetniold. Wattin)i(tn, U. C, OS r- .
lnir, value. 100 00. ,!
Were we permitted, we night a-1 1 v-W IiCiT1.
the above list but irtai-jr piw;otct to ir
iiirf. we therefore pnu.iij no u jiue wuauui P ,
ion. -.. -.Mj:-
Letter from various pa'tie. trraat U'""'. ,
acicnow!eling the receipt of verj Tiluibi5'
be ceeu on H'ei o-irv2.e. '"' f
To bo Sold -for One Mr
Without ngard tov-'ue, and not to tep' j
til you know wht ou vill receive. " i
iu T. :eaat B jhcw'a P.auo, wrifc - t yA ;
from . - t-'? r.r i'An 1
Fine Stesi, Fraro'f
u I
i :'
.1- 0 I
"af T. T.
Oysters, Cake, Pies, Cookie, w.r.ei ?read, etc.
of al! descriptions constatit' on :'r-..1
I 1 11 I I I U L" 1 I U . ., A.l . rt V. n
- SJ S adOAlbJ CCi CU ill IUC
10 Mpiloon8. R.pwtM.ti i'ei
few y.ue Oil Pai:.tiiis - -' a t i
! 0 -ilver Uevolvi rtn!. C-- . a I
100 Silver -Fruit fcn; cie r.a-"
&.o Seta Silver Tt-n it su.u
loo cf.i HaoMr c-e Viiruti .
150 ium.Ht Xi?
So? Laoie' i -,1 W'at.9
iyO Siivr iTaUU-j
2.5J Vol V:i Nfc.k Ch-.ias
2 too tiar Rio;, (i e tyle)
3 .000 G.'"i! Po i '. ana T.xi'h Pi'-fc'
3.C00 (jn;x,an'i AnnMbyt Y -; -..-Ae
3.(r', T.itva i) t Fi:rcnti.r 5,-ooiLe
l.tmrt MiS"iii': Pi ii
2 000 tine Go.1 M'iTch Keys
S.OfH) Chr.ave.i' Arnsiefs
2 6JO Sets of Bo "ii S-.iid
2.5C0 EnarolM SI B'Ut.'r;
Plain O-.i-t : .ot C'..?.--e ' T" '
6,000 Stone het i.nd Srl Eiti-'s
6,co Lo- kets, af iv.'
lu 000 8fUof La.!,?' Jew '17
4ioo "al:h Ct)ii'',l
6.uoo G-;.T P..a. Silver H. Ca
0,000 Cefv Breast -J sa.-j Pi
4.o laie'. New Sty:? BI-r
l.oooftotd Ttttmble -
2.-, -o Sei- f.i;lie- Jet arvl O.a
. ... ii .i J Cro.;f
I 6 ooo Oval Bracelets , -I
& 000 C!ia.a Br.celei
C oco BaH Karoroov all coUri .
2 ik-v) rem uu j '
' Etx-oy HoUr " t
ETA diancITlo,"i?"J '
tfse above Aillcics ior u
, )5
ft . '
. 6J "
g rl
3 J ' 1
1 . i" 1
la."1 v if
a m t r .
. la '
eyla'and cr.thort
Ai.-o a isrge assortment of
Tubacco,' Cigars, J-tilst Candies,
Canned Fruit, l)y$hrs, Sorp,
Crackers, p.aiseris,'- Cur.
rants, Arj(j 'a surrlyf
piCKELS by tt .Tcn or barrel, f e super!
X uy.criwun cvbnbsa4 .
1 W
2 .
3 -. w
-eve i-
mm for i?r
l'nMM Will 6?
M i I IT'. 1 ..ic'l ' ' . ' .
F.leven f r 2. 00 ; T"l-ty r r 5 J i l - j
One HumtriH ior-$15.oo. .wivfif''
Our irrons are desired to- seDa ,liTt
money wfica it i c'3""' -" rs-M
unneces-arv. Leri sou.a .
Lox 57b!., t05t Off. ,f )r 2re--r
to 1
ery cast be a4.-tcnrr.icd L',
rcron rei'.l ir.t . a ::i o n . C ofi t J -
iv written .
good, nuwT V(,,fc
Bex 6700 rc-iOio.iNv