LUfiiislcr. BROVTSTILLE, TI1UUSIAY, JULY iS, IS65 'pjfctik Deedij Mortpig.EMcntioiii, Replerins, lnsft Lloenee.Ae. Ac Ae. for Mle at this OB:e. j Aritrgslot of extra ground. Salt and. (j'oice Try Goods and Groceries just re; I jvcd at Raineys Star Store. -. Tte Faimew Farmers' Club caeets on the . 1st Fridaj cf each month, in the Fainiw icbooj house, at. early candle. j irvfctfc& v.; f; . , . ' 11 v,1. - i We learn that R. R. Livingston, late : Lionel of" the First Ke'wra&ka, has been j promoted to the lank of Bjigadier Gen-. riL Tbi pr,oniotion was well merited. W. F. Sweezy, has been apDointed aw Register cf the Land Office at Ornaha, ticcE. R. Taylor, promoted; to Indian j $srmtendant. ; j Any one in want of a piano, MclO" deon. Cabinet Organ or Sewing H&CtlinCt can be accotamcduied by ; ipg at this office. '; The dorner Stane uf St. J ohn's Church ; ;n Keiualja City, will be laid n-xt Tues- jay, al 3 o'clock, P. M , Ebh Talbot I officiating- J. W. Bliss, Authorized, Auctioneer, at thdi to teiling Stock or Merchandise, d1 niakes Administtor's Sales, ia the : City or country. Terms reasonable, tf. William H. Taylor, a resident of Ne Vrtsla City, died on the 22d ult., at Louisriile, Ky.. while on his way to Har rodiburg.' His regains were interred at the latter place. See the advertisement of ,Ready floofinj," in to-day's paper. i has all the advantages claimed for, it. Orders left at this office will receive prompt at tention. For the choicest Dry Goods and Gro ceries go to Hackney's. Walt has a nack of selling a good article ej;b?r line cheaper; lhaQ cjcxJ cnyqcs else, we 'dca't knoty 1057 he oej it, bt ijs z fp.ct. . in J fount, in Keibfc Cjty, Nebraska, cn Saturday, July 6ih, one Satchel, with the key in thj lock. The' owner can ' have it by calling on John K. Siiiiih, in Kemah pitykprov)pg property and pay ing expenses, y - . . , . -. . .X . ... A J . ' . " ..'The new Culvert, near the School Sec tien, on th.e road leading, west, is now .done. 'This will make that part of the road good for many years, and is the right-kind of frriDrovement in the right place. Last Sunday although it was not a business day thirteen boats touched at our wharf, leaving an immense quantity of goods for our merchants. This is like . the business of- te fluah times before the war. 'We have or the past week fn-jo.yed an unusual amount of "falling weather," in this section, in fact we've had a "right peart chance of rain," but it has eased up a little, and it is to be hope that it will hold up now till after harvest. La&iu? Jltkntloa! ! ! , Jqst received from Chicago, a ?plendid assortment of Ladies' Dress Good," all kinds of Belts and Buckles. Kid Gloves, Parasols, Rib bons and a general assortment of tbe lau?st and most fashionable styles or Ladies' Fancy Notions, at the Chicago Store. . We have heard from the 4th cf July Celebration "at Peru, in this County. Everything went off in the very best of tyle, good feeling jjnd good cheer reign ing supreme. The oration was delivered S. M. Rich, of this city, and gave entire satisfaction, apd is styled, by all who . heard it, a master, acul-stirrjng ..vflort. ' . Greal Sale ! Bargains J Bargains ,'7 rl will, on next Saturday, July 11 o'clock, A. M., offer for sale, at pub lic Auction, to the highest bidder, for rash in harfd, at my residence in he City f Brownville, Household Furniture, Two Stoves, Cooking utensils, Qneens ware, Stoneware, I large Iron Kettie, Two Cows, J Horse, and many other things. JOHN AUGUST. 1 J. iV. Bjliss, Auctioneer. ; WAIH150T0I PHECI-ICTV 1 ) . Nemaha Co.; NeV, July 4, 'C5. 1 , W.'H. McCreery, rfgtni r Sir I have . i , . ... . . nea mat bail's Combined Reaper and Mower, wjiich; recently; purchased of you and -find that it works to perfection Q erery par'ticQlar. ' I have had consid ble. experience with Machines, and I ha!? .n',TCr worked; or teen one worked, thtt-did its work as neat, a easy,' or as fast as this. It teems to me the" ne -flu among Maphbes.". " ,' d'.i BARNEY PTE'S. The Presbytery of ' Missouri River et in this city, and on Wednesday, the ??'e.BW IvTnBair farVWy of cmnat,, Ohio, was Ordained and I "fn- i -. fctalled as Eastor of. the First ,Prejbyte rian Chuita 'in this city. j!The Church and Congregation' inay" congratulate themselres in haying obtained. a Pastor so acceptable to themselves and the coin munity at large. Re v. . Mr. . Haniibcn, of Bellefue, remained after the ineelbu of Presbytery, to assist the new Pastor in i "aeries of meetings " preparatory to Qommuaion.' Ten were added "to the Church. T , . J Of all the mightj Grocery ia the east or. in the we'. M 'Laugh Jia& Swan are the greatest and tbe Lett' Tlieir roods eait sJl c real ion and the balanso of ....mitikiaJ, Add better men to trade with we know you'll uercr t 4, '. .. Then walk in j walk in, walk in I njt'j -, , : Walk into tbeir nice tUre-rocm when forgfd ,. ' jxn'reon jer whv, . l o kftbal se'eot tie jucrtij'ihatj vU Huhtobj.a I've ca&b tbcjr'il do tbom op lor j ou in tbo tiuk VlDS of au eje.-" Its a fact! Try it!.. ,,. V Frank Leslie's Ladies'. Magazine, for July, is rettived. Thi nunber, ' as, is" usual, contains six-pages of fashion en gravings, giving! more complete picture of the prevailing female costume than all other Magazines combined:." Besides the faions it contains an immense amount of interesting original, and se lected reading matter generally finely illustrated, the same amount of which could not be ct in any oth,er way for the tame money. $3.50 a year,. address Frank Leslie, 537 Pearl. Strett, N. Y. At a meeting of the Coi;imon Coun cil cf the City of Brownvihe, July 12ih, it was resolYeJ that a committee be ap pointed to request the Crjsecs of J3rown ville, to assemble at -the Office of C. G.' Dorsey, Friday afternoon, at 3 oxlock, for the Durpose of taking into 'considera tion the copipletion of the Culvert ct the West end of Main Street. As this istjf vital importance to every Citizen, it is necessary that every business man of the City should be present A. P. COGSJYjGLL, fom. fERU LOCAL, JULY lOlh. Having traveled about jn this portion of the county seme Ifind the wheat crop rjood,' trie chintz bug having done little or nodanjage. (Farm era have commenc ed harvestin? their fail wheaCar.d will couirnericn c-ming epriug vheat the iati of thi wekv liitre has-been n;ore oa s soweii h $ yeamhan'any prLV.ous.ytar to my jfccullt.ction, and present prospec'.s indicate an extra crop. Corn pever looked better since this co'iniry; was jet tled, the late hf asy winds having , done it but J(tiLi damage.- Farmers appear to be in the best ol spirits. " Messrs. Green, Burdick and Prouty and others are doing quite a business-In freighting west. There are thirty-eight teams now loading and will start to-m r row; for Julesburg with Corn. There" are now twelve teams due from the west but not yet arrive ..which; ni;i!e, in all, fifty teams on the road from this placej mostly ox teams carrying from -lCf to 60 hundred. . ' , . . Hotel business is quite brisk here. Wright fic Son, of the old Union House, are building a large addition Jo their house. John W. Swan, a former resi deutof Brownville, has'opened a House for the accommodation of the travelling public : we can assure to all good accor.i modations at the Travelers' Rest, Win. L. Swan still keeps the best accommoda tions at the Peru HoieT.. , D. C. Cole, Esq., our enterprising Post-master, is making . extensive im provemenls in his Store; ana is putting in a large stock of Dry Goods and Gro ceries for the accommodation cf .the pub lie. . ... . : The Peru flouring Mills are running nigbft and day, and are turpmg?vout.;an ef tra quality of Flour. IVfejsrs.' J)aily,;-Neal ondGreenrare still drilling for Coal, they are now down about 7Q feet, and are very condenttf finding-coal soon. Some think they have already struck '.," as they have pump ed out an oily substance -of 'some kind, but the matter remains very uncertain as yet. The raioy weather has stopped op erations for the present, as soon as they get to work again, I will inform you fur iher in regard to the prospects'.- N ' " CONTRACTORS AND BpILDERS. Propostvls will bo rooeived at the Coonty Cler't's cff;e iu HrrwuvilleuntilS o'olck P. M. July 17th ISfi5,fiTfarni.shiu(j upen the groanl Uiiek, .Stune, Lime, Saiid, Warer, Lumber, Sbirg;s fir.J all oth er peces.-ary tane.uil 4 or the VonHrtct-a of a lB!ldinij tor Cvi.:: y purposes, according to j.ljns and r-pecificat!ua to b filed a the Count Clerk 'i effice. " l TropoMls will also bo received tt the jase tim for Siune.iurk.alAFcpitj ar.d Carf enters jrurk and cuch orLcr wrk aa necessary ja 'tho Construction tf tki builoirg, : ' - l?y crjer cf the Cc.inra;.?i'onri, : ; W. It. HOOVER, CI It. i.iia July 5iu ib55. .. 42-2t 5,50 r- MASTER'S SALE. ?Tet5ee!lierely given that pursuant to"an or der of Sale, to me d".recndk issued Jby the Register iu Chancery f the Ditrict Court cf Meuiana lin. ty Nebraska Territury in the case' wherein Theo dore V. Bedford is plajatiff and Thomas Williams is defendant. I ol ! Slonday the 7thHay,of August a,d. 1565 at one o ciocK p. m. ccer lor ra.e at puuiio auction at the front dwr of Den IUU in the City of Krownrille, the plara where the last term of said Ontirt fnr tal l P,uml vca Ji-M. ifin f, ."llnrin- A n j scribed Real Eetat to-w"it: tho undivided half of the orth Vest quarter of becticn 12 in T-iwrhip Six (6) corih of Kar.6 13 taf.t, iu sid sfinnh CoUUty. ' ' ' :'' (.; . t iatd Jqr iiL 1955; ' " . 1 11 " " " ' I ; i '- i' ' k Master i a Chanoery. 1i o. nooas below posT-orrrci, main st. "Wherp o choice .' ifci&ctjon'of 'the fol-lo'-ving! uriicls can &h-ay 'be found c ix i3 a f ran O A f3 1 1t Fine 13f ess Goods '" TJalmorat Skirts' , :, ' Iosery and Hoop Skirts . Latest Style Ladies .Drear'-.'. And fancy good 3 '-- ' Gents Collar? and Neck Ti Genu Si Boys', summer Hats . ' Large Stock Notiow K Pup Window G!ia.des. .. , Heavy iS lock , ufr B lots & Shoes .' . . .'. , Large Stwk; of Groceries . . . , Sugar, Tje'as and'CofTe .. ;: "Dripd 'Apple's and Syriip Molarses - . r Raisins and Confectionariea .: Choice Suoking and Chcvyiug.Totacce Spice and Boltled Pickles' . poap. uancijes ana iviacterei . Table Salt crackers end- Cheese : Cash paid for Farm Produce. ..' G H HENDERSON. May 25th, '05 9-36 lj rdnn. Tnsi fiittert x prepared, hi nare Boorboa -Whisky, from a combination of orr twenty dif-' . ferent kinds of rooU, Lwki and herbs, hlch act In perfect concert one with the other, . pared from the original formula plven by the great chief, Red Jacket, to'Jrj CTiapin, who naed them successfuUy in hit practice for many , fears, and by their ue gaiaed so great a popularity ' J la the treatment and cure of Dyspepsia, -' l.tver -Complaint, ConsUpation,- Sick and Nerroua Hend- - Ache, fever and Ague, and all diseases arising from torpid lirer or lndipeatioa. Persons sufferliig from - (liber of these toothsome dixeaaes Will find aeur -cure by the use of these Bitters, srhlch are perfectly pare and free from all Uioee drugs and poisons osu- : ally put np in such preparations and palmed oft on an unsuspecting public. A single trial will con- Tince tbe most skeptical that in the RED JACKET ' JAere Is virtue vrhkh no other Hitters possess. They strengthen and Invigorate the system. - They are uneqnaled for general debility. They are a sure cure for dyspepsia. They give a good and healthy appetite. ' They assist digsetir 3. They are the Vest st jnulaat in existence. They are a preventive ef fever and Ague, They relieve constipation. . They cure ITervoas lleadache. They are perfectly pure and palatafcle. AgeO persons' and delicate females will find they can sare large doctor's bills by Ibe use of these Lit ters. Beware of counterfeits. The Red Jacket Tit ters are only colli in bottles with oar name blown on the side, and our private government stamp .. across the cork. oca "For Medicinal and Table n, wblch are perfectly ' Pure, and aeed only be tried lo' be appreciuted. hone genuine unless they Imve our gold laUi on . each ' bottle, and "our ' initials preaed i" wax over . the cork. ... t - , i;8oldJy all drargsta and dealers throughout tb . country. Call for our gmits and take tto thrr. , ' Circalars to the trade supplied on applicMtiim ta Bennett Iiecrs"& C o." ; Sold by 'r ' Jio. IXRivertt..' CUK-fcxa.- .. vr. H. McCi 1. 1". y : ba wiivfi. i ,.. . . '' jnUiWN &. l-'ivOb'TY, Peru, N . T. . GADJ3CO. ..... Brownville, June I36i. no 39-1 y A Card To Invalids." A Orirynian, vrLile resiiliog in Sunth Amfirica as a irifrsicJifiry, discovered a safe anJ iini;ilo r.-ni--ily fi'r tbeCare ofXervo-.njM'aUue?, Dcc-iiy. Di!caieit ,of t!.e Vriuary ni Sctclnal Orun, anil ttie wliul. ir in of disorders brought on ly b tneful anJ-riciaus h:t'uiU. Great numbers have ic:i al ready ourod by thia'nobin rerni1. Proaaptcil by ft desire to benefit the afUicted and .Unfortunate i 1 will send the recipe for .repring" aud this medicine, in a sealed envelop to acy one who uecj-i it,' Tree of C'uarpc '. ., l'leose inclose apo?t-paiJ enrelope, addrcdsod to jrouraelf; - ' ' " Add reus, ' ' , .; . : Jp&eph T. Inraan, . - . ... . Siatio D, HiBr.p. Horsi, - New York 'ity.' IMCK TO THE OL'DSTAND ! ! CLQCES. WATCHM, AND .' .X "7T7" T7Z T T2 "T.f t JOSEPH S IIU Tt Z Wonld retpectiill inform his old enstomer that be If s strain opened his Jeweirj &'bop in bis oM starM -.on Jl:iin street, saiuh f-ide. twe -doors east of the Brown ville Hocte. ' lie keeps on band a Ft,leDdii;j.sonment of everythint in bis Hue ot business, which ho 'will bell on too I(vett terras-ler Cash-' - j. 'i r. i - . . ' ' ti : '. .' : .. , . .. ZTtQlpa.xx'ixi.g; . j -. , , : . Of Clocks'; VaUUes adAm Jewelry djne on the short est Notice. ;;.- s - -.. i c : : : '. ' - WORK WARRANTED. Broirnvitle, New..-May 19th, 1SS4. 'DST-rS-Iy- BATIN'ff--HMS'IS! BY 'FN ED.' AUGUST, - PJAIW, BET. FIRST AITD SECOND ST3. ;.-:07 f -.';. 7. ii i .- Oyer, Oie. Pie, G tcies, Ginper Bread.' etc. He, of M descniti-n oMiftatitly onhand. OOOU KKAL3 berveu in Uie lejt atyls a-iJ njshdrt notK9,r ii t Nil,'. '. , rs-4-Iy Alco iarseasfort&eatof ..- .... ' . . a Tobacco, Cigars, JVutts, 'CaiiciicQ, Canned Fruit, Oysters, Sovp, Cracker's, Ra?sens, Cur , .. ran'?, and a'supp'y.of.. ri(- cox f t: c t ias A R i E's r i ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE.-'; All. poraous having claims aainst-tbe Estate of Jnraes.Oiiuao, deenaseJ are hereby notiCed that they are required by an order of the Probate Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, to file their claims in said Conrt on or before the 12th day of l)ecemW, , J)lAtiAtxtenu,clock A.iM;, whan and here- aaid ekfrfti Will 'bs exarninfj'and d jusud. If iOch clniras are not affiled on or-before thet2th djjiy of Docember ISoi, they will b fotever barred. . -: . ' ; EPITRAIM REED, Administrator. Jane2tVl4.5i 4t p4.' ' . ' ' UNITED STATES-INTERNAL REVE NUE NOTICE: Notice is berebv givea to aUperBons- concerned , that the litt, valuations aid enaBieratirttt as vie and r taken--fchdef -Tb.' Eseise Lnw of the Uniced State?', -within the Countres of Uichnrd.-n,''rn' 1 f V.:n;r. 7 "r Werespeev-tu, invite Merchanu tUIUd C'Ucaffo been retained to me acd wdl Re open for exaiau:.-- tt fs-ai.,,e i,,. jiuCt . ' . . - r tion ia my Offiee in . the ToWb of Fl!s City, nd K S3-Prtic-'uUf ,ut"eti'un given to fllling ordra.( County of Richardson, for tbesjace oj fir'teen ilays f V, " ' ' ' ' u c- " ','.' , ' . ' from the date of this Notice ami 'that rv? r'Ai T . ' "" ' . ' ative to anv ertwou j or excessive rala'atibnV wiLl ; i OQU V. I CTOWOil CO., bo received Lyme on the 10th day of Jolr I8C5, ! . s ' ' .AcWn-r Assessor P.eorkaTeiritory. . Paled thii fC day of 1835, lo Moils 1.1 hi i iJAL.'.DALi Ai - B3DIF0EB: tYCO'S, Main Street. EDF0I.B & CO'S V- i- A P. BEBFQK3 & CO'S 'auk ' U JST E Q U XLLE D - ,:''MtOB-S'Cffflv'-:;? H A E D W'AE Sl . BSBSCBB.'CO'S,; J 'tjrnivvi.TLiCD. ' BEDFOEB & GO'S ? : is n 15 UK NPED . RF.nFflRrv A -CQ'S U 1ST B EA: "p'lii'l. :bedfoe-3 eor3 "Willow -"'i "Ware' is nit rrr.T ' - i BEDFORD & CO., Are defi-rmiiitttl not-S" be " ud n: It S OLD. . - s ' t ' . r' ; -i ;-.' If you think ffnods are hiffh. poto BEDpRO & PO'S ; . "' avd a1? undeceived: April 20th, 1S33. 'J 9 3t-r " t f cnictcip, Illinois. HISIENS -STOCK march, April, may, 3 . Xji'ES'SS . JOnSF.WARIWOLL&CO. AT THE OLD STA5D OF Cooloy, jtr!a.yo-OTroll c3 Oo. - .' r Will offer t i the traie of Illinois, - WiMuii?i, In liana, Minnesota, lichicnn, '-Kansas, Iowa. ' Missouri, . NEBRASKA, ... , , . The inpst Attractive and largest Stock Jt Dry Goods, Notions and " tVER OM SALE WEST OF NEW YORK, At prlcei as tow ahc Ftm qualities are sold ty tbe w ' test boutt iu 1 x" aUl K, uO oston or Pliiiaaclplila. t-U IT-. i- bar Stnrk will embrace in part nrerrn arid nieaclictl Sllf j?tlnj? and Sliiitintrs, JUrilis, Ieniiti, Shirting SlripS :i.rt Jeans, Cambrics .TicIaingN, Flanut.s, Apron CliccUs. Vtvceds, V, & 3J. tassimtTS ficrsejg, Satinets Jeansi'CjtonadCJ, Alsc Cloths, Cagtinwes, Ladies' Clak Cloth, and alt ' ' "Wooleu. auitaole for'iloa'a Wear. - 1 : PRINTS luerrimack, Cocheio' Dunnel's American bpregue's Jjowa Dutchess ' bander's - Eichmond's Aliens ' Lrwreuct'a Arnold's, ndall other wetl'knowa bmi'J. - rjB STOCK or i LADIE'S DRESS GOODS WillcomprUe a!I the noveitle of the Season. OUR STOpK THE I J ' U0TIQN -.DEPARTHErjJ . . Will be fourvdfull and complete. J30ur'St'pre, (ewT)A fcy the Crn, antf lii'rt to pay,) tifcirji tewij nrtM p. aives ui1 SatesrixJmi. pi)ifl9 feet, tb lrjet wet of the sea board, affbrdin? us nr.rquailed (jciltt-e f..r sbavln G-xxli. . Ore of our firtir rfsiiuz In New Turk, paying two exverieucaJ aaiaHn(A awd btfyinitfur CASK, enables us to 1 tffer our customers newGooda dally aC tfo ' - - iJSirCAGO. Illi' vS-m.e.mJl.a.s. mm FAMILY " GROOERI'SS M'LAUGHLIN & SWAN. X'OCLD SiSPECTrri-LT AKKOrKCS ro IHTI rrleLtfji ai.a jli public fer.era'iy. tbt tfcerlseia rccelfei a superior lotcf Fiuiiy Orocerie, oi ite ltea!lon e'f parchari t iheir Hoc. lnc!ui.B CLARIFIXD d . IMPRIaL TiA, tvro&D do XLaCS. ISA. rxcs.sago, spice. P2?rsp. clqt-.':. crrr5ra- CUTT. OYSTERS. HA13IXS CU2F.ANIi, sJiXC?. soa?. runs soda. ijs LiS'uy. szIzzazzz. M., ... - 1 TKLftX CCD HSH il UK-EiAL, "v7KlT T v t AK3 TitOT, HEBIJTG, -SHAP GREEN APPLES, . CRANBERKIEJ5, . - PARED PEACUEh. v DRIED APPLES. HPJED PEACH E Coa Oil, Cider Viscga kaP Axnorft'fcifciroicisBRASU.-. ri.icr"CAVF.NDisn. kiluk- : ly'UKSJIOKtNa. CuM- . 1 MON DO Ci?rr3 of tie; Ocst Bruiiai la tit Market- - CHS3TKIT3. ALMOKDS PECaNS, FILBSRT3, PIa NUTS, &c. 6to., &.c. A Spjenclijl AstKiet 'of Stick nnt Fancy Candy f rbtlwhe Best Manufac - turis in the East. " - Flcr, Eacian, Better, Egg The Highest Market; Prices Paid for Country Produce. - ' ----- HcLAUGllN & SWAN, Nbmaha Vai.liv Rank RottDtwa ...)', - BROwyii.LE. Jan. 14. 1S64. n20v-8-JJ3-yli WEI V Buckets, .Chums, Steves, Mouse Tnp Clothe Pitiii and Castile vap ' ! :; t f 25 Heady BeliveiT. John P, Manny's 0 22 IMFIlHlIiDWEI COMBINSB WITH GREAT IMPROVEMENTS The First, most Cnniplete and most Sue cessfui Combination of Renuer ul C and 'Mower in the " Worldr ; ' Orer 60.000 : i Hare heen made and upon hundreds of 'Prtimiuris haye been awarded it in competition with other Machines, re ceiving in ' Europe duriog 1S6'J, the Graud Mdal cf the Vorld's ln:er.iatioticil Et- . hibitiun in London, b'ein? ifie 'highest award for anything in the Exhibition. The Improvements are Eklrnordinary tzKii ilifin in Sample Machines with' different Agenu through t tuV ., " 3iate. It i? the Light est Running' Machine in the World that will do its Work. Don't fail to see a sait.j.le of th great Improvements before you buy jr order any othr Marine. A penny savpd is better than two earned. ' hundred Wrought Iron "Marlny Mowers, . and claim tbr - ' -' ht m, thai they are ; . : the lighiVsi. sifoiigest . 1 most compact, least leable to gel out ol order, a'nd phapest .good' working MoWc'r .ever built. The arrangement of the Driver's seat, drive wheel and cutter, bar, i euch as to balance the helf mo&ily upon the drive wheel, thus giving giving great power and1 light . - .... ,.. f draft. This"' ;'Mach;c3 is new. and ' . placed in the 5 f t , ' : ' f-FarmJf'.hAnd:$x-.i fl . '1 clulively upon its own meri, -r I will warrant it to iq better work than any Mower ever made with proportionate cost, ar;d ;o 0 a$ gen eral good work in mowing as any ihing ever drawn by herses. THE0. tHILL; Agent, Brownville, Neb., Afty. . '65.' 312m BOG ' Qa hand and to amve at D: A. CONSTABLE'S Jfop. and Steel "Warehouse, 20 and 22 Third Street," . ST JQSEPH, MO ; Tt 24n25-t f., , MASTERS SALE. , . - '..... 1 , Notice is hereby gifrn that, purs'atnt t or derof Sale to roe (iireeted. i;ued by tlie'fieistsr ia Chancery of the District Court t-f Nnjaha Cuiaa ty, Xebra.ik Territory, in frof of . Aariii Al bright and agaTrt Churiaa Maul. yr ill offer tor Sal, at pullie aa' the front door of Dta's HbUiU'tbe City of Urowpville, in !id N-maba Cuooty.on Monday, the 7 fh day of Augast I So'), at one o'clock p, to., the filowing t&l Estate, to-wit: the West half ef the South Vt quarter of Seu-tk-n 13 in Township J.fortb of Kange 13 Et ia sail County of Jfenwh.' - - - - Gives andernii hand tbisi lt d.t of JalV 1 " 'C G."rORrTY, ; I: ". , T Uasltk in Chncry. 42-it fd JACOB MAROIIN, F.I E R CB A D T " T jll LOR, BRUW'MVIU. ,- ....... ....KEEP.A.SKa CalU tbe atieiutoti f Gr-.l3Mendeiriii new, nea'. ervM-!,Me and farbfeible-' . - WEARING APPAREL TO HM NEW STOCK OF GOODS, JUbT DECEIVED, BROAD CLOTHS, CASSlilKRS, V5TtNOS. &e..fc OF. T.HP; VEBTLJJ1T.ST. STYLES. WllcU he win sen or cake u. t order, at ucprece- der.t-d If.w prices., Having on ha:i'l or of . j SLXGEU'vvSSVVlMi-VACCINES, tie 1 ab.e td d Caitsia wor& at rata that dctjr I warrant my wcrk. Hand aq well as 3iacl3lnc YTorl. Ttis wihnj sny ttirg la his Une win !.;; to call an't e.4Ta.:ie his stuck before fntoalics;. ss he p'.cdsci himself to bold oat pacalUUy for stle in da'jement February 23. IVJn.xxiel X-.n dies ! PEOF. VON VEBAE'S DiflcionDvDnops! 'e-ttC- 'in PBX- rTI 2TTIVS. ';or whtoh Usey are 'w'AB BAN TED 'in vary lnataaae. They x are diaiiy,fSBieuAol''te' 'aU ladiee who. ft-gm lokoea pr 'other cause, are unable to undergo 'theporlleof aocouehaias. ThiSMmedyla DIAMOND DROPS I Kot aa AborUre. but amply .And la not ia the least inja-y Liious to tae meat drUca e l constitutions. Everyy .Eo'.tle Warranted. LAST TBI IT. C7 Send Bed Stamp for Circular, or 13.35 for tha Beraedy. to C. EL KONKOS & CO . Central Amenta, P. O. Drawer 6581, Chioago. IUinoia; Office X50 South Clark Street. Tor sale at Wholesale in Chicago by XTJBNHAMS sr VAU SCHAACK, FTJXLZS, FINCH ft ruixxB. bd & eaiiTU. chas. o. surra KillTH St DWTIB, and H. 8COVILL. - ' great IIovE3Il- SEWING MACHINES. EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACH'IIE!!! Patented "February 11th, 1SGO. SJLESR 0 O M, ,53S MR OJD VTA Y. X. K.252 IVASIJLVGTOSi. BOSTO THIS MACIIINE is rnrijtructe'l oa'entirely new nrinciplcsof , .ccucism, j)oss:-s'.rig m.ny rare and yalrnUe iinprovea'ems, h iving baen exunineJ bj ihe uio?t profound xptrii, and ptonounued to La Simplicity and Pel fcclioa Combiaea: ' It ha a str5rbt iiert. rerpenJictilnr at!on, tbeU'CKor SUI.'lVLli STITCJI. whi-h neither Hit or P.AVKh,.nJ is aliku oa Luth ides ; perloi im porf';ct sewin g oh every deTi, tioa f material, from Lett her lo tbe finest Nansook Juslin, with cotton, linen or ellk'tLre.rd, from the iouresl io tbe finest number. , ' - Having ueither CA.M nor COQ WEEEL, and the ist pofsaUIe'TricUuB, it ra'uslis fmatota a'l43, nd is Emnhaticiill? a Noiseless Msfchirn. It require HrTY Villi CKNT c?i powrp to trire it than any oth;r JJaehine in tbe market. A ;irl twfirs jcarJ j? nocan work it eieadjly-with- iut fjitigne or injury to health. Its strength ' and Wonderfnl RimpHoiiy of con--truotitin rtnder it alu't impassible t' gt at if rder, and ii'iiV ARANTEE'u ly the cetdpaay to ivo i nfiro s;.ti.".r;rti-)n. J " " ,-T Werepectlaliy tuo?'e"wh may t'esire 'o supply thcmitJorit a a superioc rtiulb,' to orae and ex.miio" this Viy1"1 'nebfio. . - but in a more cptciaf tn;inii'3r do wt;' solicit-. the .-atrbdaffo of ' ' ."dcrchant Tnilors, Coach Maliei s; -Hoop SkirtlAanufac- turers, .-shirt and bosoa Hz. Corset ?Iakers, (Jailer I'ltters, Mioe binders. Vestnnd Pantaloon IJ..krs. ers. Dress Makers, licli'jiuu and CAriVf," Tntitntio.i u dtUvlibc rnfl'l tiriilt xci'h. ' lrlces of Machine Complete : No. 1, Fa mil v Machine, with ilcwinor, r elJcr ard liraider, 50 No. 2, Small Manufacturing, with Extension TaUe 75 No. 3, targa Manufacturing,witlj Eatension Table . ' 5 Ivo. 4, Large Manufacf urin, for LeatLcr, with Kolliug Foot and U.I Cup 100 One h1f hour's instruction ii Jfti'it to nnl'r any ptnon to work f A i Mad. t'we l ntir tatixuctiuH. Agents Wnnteil for all townsin tie United States, here Agents are not lrd7 e3biished. Al-o CkIki. Mexico, Central atid South America, to hom a liberal disct'i. will be given. Toriuj iuvira'oiy Ctvih on delivory. T. J. McArt.hnr & Co., 5:i I5iidvay, ?v"cw Vvik. A. A Co. 552 WashinKfon,St..l5';t3a. 720 Uhusluut St., I'Li!. GD. FRNZ. g'!nt, 102Ji, 4tb, Si.Loui?, Mo. Feb. 2.CV.' ,ly ' -FSTBAYVKOTICE. Taken up ly the re.-'idiog in G'eu IWk Town-hip on tho Jt day of May i 8r5. oiw dark lay Mare, both aiad feet .iit do other inork or l.raads pcc'iralle, sapp .scd to bo four years ld tbf.s fe'r-rinr. ' - 34-5tpJ. ' - - ASBF.flY EDSWESTOm. ilR. J. S. WILLI A. TS, riio is tLe smbo ired Anent in St. Louis for iif rper, will attend matmu'coiloctiunB and purcUabes in tUatCity. OJJi 97 Crratntt St., X . Cor Fifth. P. O. BoxKlO. -9 - Tli undersigned keep cnlwBd largr ortnent cf SATTItETciC SSlMtRE SUITS For Men and Boy's wtr. A!so;a large stor'i of HATS A2STD CAPS, LHIWSllSSffi BOOTS AND, SnOES. Rubber Coat?, Lcgslns & Blanlsels, 'IsnxxxJx.m mxxcl.f"sTalo UMBRELLAS AND JJARPE'r BAGS, Gent's Fnrnis&ing Goods, 1 J P !lMrjJj wtich we wil Jell '' CHEAP FOR CASH- We pufthasedobr jrooJ ;nce tiie d cline'in ti Markets and will. sell' at lew figure-. ATKINSON & CO. April IStb, lS-35,; -' ' : ' 1 r 7fACiSIUlL, tAke Trout, Wait &,'Cod'j.B," etc, A-- e:., cuttsiantiy 'n ha-.d r . t At MoLaushliri 4. Swan's. T US best Plotsr from tbeL. S. Vt O.liil's In jiarter Ui'.i atd Ho 1 e wac ipt. ATU'L..Uui: S WAN'S iLlGiniaotli OF NEW AND WELL SELECTED, - Jut recrivfct m rPV rnfl' AVi (;flrfTV 1T"' Va C00J5 Ai) ULIUaaX biw- -v. jr. Latest Style Lcdies Dres ar.d Ttz.z ' , Dress Gootis, Sctiunr Sta.vlj, Dry Gcodi.Groctnesj ijlat.s Capi. - ' Boct. Shoes. Iron, . j "ai'i, Jfirur," Udca,f Qi.t'Viiware Hirdware, Kuro hnrc.'SVa. Dcori, Window GUu. :c Which h? sell -' ' CHEAP FOR CASH. ' - . . . a C-l" and txjM're bis s?ock Ufojaj p.f cbaiilci f ' ""cHoiliQuoaq. Wholesale and Retail- . , ...; Evan Worthing, or the 1 t jWO eACi f f-rTj 1 BROWNVILLE; lias Jnst SeceiTfi the lar?st snl tet r f L"qnirs aril Cirarvtf- .fl.rei in ? niAiite . 4 will ell tL;ni as lor aa any House ia t'as TeiriU-. Tt Feb.i, 'Alylj. GEO. A'- PKINCE &CCS JSTOiiilffiEilliyri' SOD TO EACH: 39 Varieties, with Tat-nt Bdso Tenuta t SCHOOL ORGANS AND "3IEL3DE0u3, tl?gtintIZoj.cwoo3, y.rIat v'r casta. ' ' V V. I - ., V.' . , Ac- Charge Jlr Boxing or S' ij: lr j. . rsr'oi;coa Now in fcecs , .j v-.- -.;... . -...... - : AT ITiLTJSTW A.TED CATALOOUF." -a . taiDiiig lull noaip't 'O n style, and tesUrnoQ.ais J tie r cnnn"nt -Mprjnd, th t- ,neror excel nce oi our . aj.trumrnts will be seot rte t an aiaieas. ; - r Iii pre-cniinp tbe A&tomatic Uriah. e LoTilly as ornne tfii" treat est tn'u:n)h !; Ti!cal -Initrvmea' . o tte ace. Donng the past ha.: tti-'u.y, taeTiencij' aiid German bave n.ini!f?-otnred re-.d or'43tstrta-, .-lib Uuu6: Ui!jw, and two petials lor the feat it orerte. t tbe want tbe rt-versed or rJaniin LcII jw, (kvbich ia the only bellows a.edinearrntti.8. tr.cotr). made it rrop.sjbie fcr tberx to pr dce ta " mellow, rub and diuicaI tone for wttica oar lBtr mcnts ar ce.eir--tHj. - . -..' t anther t-b.eeilun to ftl method ct tlowlsf was that, b- tb feel betr i cruyted, n tprwrintty w ef, lereU fr tiie ciauaseuie ul of tbe swell.1 -Wliir t3 at two rears, :ntruiiieit . ntrceif on Kans. pean p-iin of "double bio wort," b.-e been piaenf cU u e.i iu ihU tonntry, ni lo counteract ! bis ijflcltf (w.nt of a sweiO a lever naa been projected freos oeutreof tbe ictrun'?nt. m acr ve.n tse .wail. aal.r ycr tciiby tne Snf Tae iiK-oai't'eice and can ur . Mvii iie.e.-arr lo effect tuis object are tfi-.aareeable eunnith to a nt!einan. bet io a IM tbe n9 of su-S ju upr u ;xe U ueiriv imp.i.j!jie. (ur h otcm t,i. ti'rie obvUtu? tfc', difOrnlty entire ly, tne aunt-: act if trlcwliii it. n.wrs or Ksalr-e gi vine the Ucsied Increase or deerea fo the veleqe of tone. '. -mh For seentn yea'S the tp'r fTcallic ef sr Meloileou ba act been questioned. au4 for kwutfus at tbe eii' di'?.twl aii) u tmpnaaltfe fr o to neei cur o1ers promptly. h ouv lQcrt it4 fa-'i'liiei-, we fel wai ran-e-l i aa.urioc '-or pa:?Aie bat tbeir fiia wul be promptly mat, and seL'-i a." Cttiuuruc j.vl tfieu pairvnae. ! " o. A- TRjyCJ & CO. 4 ; Cac.lon Iurc!.aacr. All our tnCruft ens 'hare p. n ft uau-e aosfd, -i full -GEO. A. Phi NCR as.-CO." W ten a dealer rep 1 .-enUauy otber iusn u.uema as "ibe-wm as csjrs.' (t l u-ral'y a m-re attonii-t to sell an inferior laatrn mcut. ou bu b l e can auke a lr( iM-ufit. . , - .-. ! V. S A M eral iilncount 10 Cburih1, C.r'nrV ' and Scijo 1. .ai!rea, GEO A. PltlNCiJ, i. CO 1 89 Wi-tlngton St, - Or, . ' . Cnicai'i. II L (KO. A. ('KIXCE & CfV. HUi.OfH X May It lHftd. - . tio33 t-yly ; WM. H. M'CREERY CASH TITOIES ALE ArD 2-TAILI3i:AL22 is Faints, Oils -affil.Dye Stutfe, Pure Liqi:or3 Metlicil pnrpses?w , All kfeds cf Patent MalVsiO ; : I : COAL OIL LAMPS and CHIMNEYS' . f . ... . . . - - - - w- Bliuik Boq1;3 aud Stati jnrry, Wall Paper of Every Patfem, IVindo Papers, Cord end Tassels '' , Th t-5t lira rids 0? CHEWINfi sn4 SMOKING TOBACCO and CIGARS, f Oysters. Canned Fruits, and a omp!t!s Stock of light and fancy. Groceries. 'THE BEST Pocket Cutlery Perfumery' and Tcilet Goods. lining availed binseif of tte late a4 mltlrip TrnlTf parchsjs In an Kars STvttt. be!i patrons and tfce Feb he that It U te twii AcJv!f tre to tr4e wiib- aim. nooe bat flrtCUa DItUUS kept Call and esamire for ywaraeif at ii.s CITY DRUG STOUK Sonts Fast Con er, 9f ain and Brat Street, lrewttTe Nebraska Territory. - - - Prescriptions, and orders Carefully' filled at all hours. " 9-3-lv.'" - MASTER'S SALE. - Not: is bervby jjItctj tbt fntjaB tn M fT der of aalo, to me directod,-' issued ly the TejliUT in CraEcet j of th UljtrLt Court cf cc:ia Cuv ty yetra-ka Te.-ritiTj, in tbe Cm whereia Abiwr DarLcca and DVvJ S. f rae, doin,; bninM ai' D vt b 4 Jruf. ar? jdaimifTs end Il,ratv O. T7or rJ I, Francis Pruatr and John- W. Mn!Ti' treds- j fendan's, 1 wiii on Monday the 7tb dy cf Aurust 1?p-Sal one o'clock p. m oiler. f3r" it p!ibnj' c':lC9 at tae irtt a.iv t,f Lxl i KaI;, sa 1-3 C;t-w. I'nwpvijVe, tb rJn-e whera .lb ?? t- fti I IJovrt torsiwd Loucty . we u;:J,t3 f.vwiir ictibed !lal Eiato, t-wit f th t:crt ef ni . '.t. of section ix ' ft) in-' Town-4.i v' ' r?r" 13 east ,in Sfl:d Xts tii Co-s'. ' ' " . DattJ JuIt 5th I. . ii. wr . vncr. 42 tt