LA i EBRASKA ADVERTISER rCXLISHED ETEBT THCRSDAT ET ' GEO. W. HILL &. CO,, Adrertiser Block, Lliln S't Between 1st . 2d, 33rownvIUot 2J". j?m HATES Of ADVERTISING. - Oue qare (teu licet or leSjCtBirseilia It 53 ah addition! insertion - - - 1 CO Basinet criix lines er Ifcf ere year 13 0 J CVfV Ute cvioaa ooeyear ... One half coniun one year One fourthl eolumnona year - One eighth coiumnono year - One colurcnsiz - One half column six mosti One fourth column iixnots.2n One eijrhth eclaxn six months One column three niontb3 - - One half column three month One fourth columcthree months r - One eighth column three nionthi - Announcirz canJiJiites f.r t e S3 O '7 Id CJ Zi C3 21 C) 50 C J 3i) 21 C) li cc so e 21 Ca 15 C s) 19 (J 6 CI : 1 r is ir fr fro ir W I! II Y I K S Ay vy Ay Ay;Ay T 33 HMSi Oie Copy, one tmt, I ti advance, . - ,2 60 hubiiinption, must invariably, be paid inAdvance ' rT" Bl,"k 'ork. n:1 1in u1 Fancy Jb Work a,i iu tLe Lett nj ie. aul on bort uotice. ' AlltransientadrertUeEezits izast Le jail la ad vance. Yearly aJver?i?ement quarter! ia tcWacee. All kind of Jub, Book and C-rd printicf, done la LIBERTY AND UNION, ONE AND INSEPARABLE NOW AND FOREVER." the bes'.style on short notice and reasonable termj. VOL. IX. BROWN VILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1865. NO. 42. Ml BUSINESS CARDS. 33. Joriosrsojsr, OFFICE W1TU L.EOADLY, Corner Main and First Streets, 'RUOWULLC, KEXSRASKA. tV-41-i-i 54 a. 31. iii:.erso., CISEKALEEALlEM STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS BOOTS & SHOES, Main Street between First and Second, EDWARD W. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR 1N CHANCERY, Office corner of Main and First Streets. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. J. A. IIEWES. ATT RKEY AT LAW A.ND ; Solicitor in Chancery. Land and collecting agent. BROWNVILLE XT. T. .Man-li II. C. TI1URMAN, jljjisidan J Sturgeon LROWXVILLE, XEBRJSKA. T..'0-r.2-Ij-id AMERICAN HOUSE UD. KOCIXSOX, PROPRIETOR, Front S.reet, between Main and Water, DKOWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. JAMES MEDFORD, ' ' j ' ,- v. "mT CABINET - MAKER AND Corner i?ud and Main Sireets, 33 HOW T'TTLLE, IT. T. Is rrcjjred to ki'.. or work in bisline on ' tort notice er,d i c-u-i. . tc: ai. 21-fim C. F.PlF.WALI.ilK A..v. JuTF.I.ADAY, ilD. RJYSICIAH3 AND SURGEONS. o?2,iqn Socth Fnst .')riiri of Mvin and Fir?t Sireet. DKOH.VV!i.!.i; SEDRASKA. Omci IIorH5-7 t-. $ a. m. and 1 to 5 and 6) to BrownviV.e, Nebraska, May 5th, l?t5- No 34, j. C. II. WA LKER. pljotograpljic Slrttst (Successor to W. M. C. Perkins) . 0 DOOB WEST OF TES BBOWKVILLK BOVE, BUOWS VILLE, N T. invite attention t h? Card cr Album "'lotornrh8,uln) his beautiful Ivory-like Ambro Vr'. wbirh ere univerfftHy admitted to be cijual tunny pnUuccd in thin, or any other country.' He will Kive bi undivided attention to tha buii- "s. aiij tiopeg to merit a share ot tublio ratron- nfiiK'uon guaranieea. So-4t. C 6. DORStV. I) P U S E Y 8. if. RICH. & RICH, rnxijs nt Caw, And COMMCRCIAIi COttECTORS. Ojn-t S. E. cornor Jan and FirH Street; lillO W NVL1 . 1 R. N K 13 IV a flK A. Will . , - i give prompt attention to all Lti.-iness en- upmq to thfin .nd Nrtb Miouri; also, to tho Colltction of Buunj .Mner, llk Pay, and Pension : nad to ' 3mfnt of TXfs. S JO-vly & Fancy Goods otohe. ia Street one door west of the Post Office . BR01TXVII.M, ISEURASILA. - "afprior tcrk of Spring and Summer Goods .J'nreeeiyud. Everything in the Millinery line Ptenissuntpj on'bnnd. Dress-Making, bonnet 'enohu.jtacl Trimming done to order. . BACK .TO THE OLD STAND! ELOEKS, ;WATCEH. w J 0S.EPII SI1UTZ Mili,r''.,,V,,VBini,r,,rm hi o-a enttmer that he MBrtr-,,,MJt,',,ceU I'-Pin M land on x,. M- ,u' Mle. two dors HKt t.r U,e Krnwn. ' evrviT" He k'',,, on bM"1 ',,'",ll, "rrment ..i. 'lu,? " hi line o! buiiikn l. .mi " " ttt L.mkh ttir,r fcr CBt.h 3Tloi3.Ixiia "xouc- "vu"'"1 eweiryto.:.e on ibe abort- " Clock ; tt .iL.- t WOIIK .WARRANTED. "" Keb.. M.y tVS84.. n37-v8-ly Killinery Tlie Tartar who Canglit a Tartar. BY JOHN O. BASE. There' trouble in Hungary now, alas! TLere trouble on every Land j For that terrible ma;i, TLe TarUr Kahn, I rTging over the land; lie is riding forth with hi ugly men, To rob and ravish and elay ; For deeds like those, You may well enppose, Are quite in tho Tartar way. And now be ccmes, that terrible chief, To a inaction grand and old, -And he peer about, Within and without,, And what do hia eye behold ? A thousand in fold and field, And theep ull over the pl&Lo,, And noble s feeds Of rarest breed And beautiful crops of graiin; But finer still is the boarded wealth That bi ravished eye behold, In filver (late Of rarest weight, And jewels of pearl and gold. A nobleman owns this fine estate; And, when the robber he ases. Tie not very queer lie quakts with fear, And trembles a bit in the knee. lie quakes in fear of his precious lift, And, scarce eup pre ssicg a groan, "Good Tartar," aay be Whatever you ee, Ce pleased to reckon your own." The Kahn looked "o.nd in a leisurely way, As one who ia puzzled to choose, When, cocking hi ear, lie chanced to bear The crush of fcmiiiine khoos. The Tartar emilcd a villainous smile, When Kko a lily in Llooui , A lady fair, With golden hir, Came gliding the room. The robber started with amorous eye, Wa ever so winning a face ? And long he d, As one at&ated To see such beauty and grac. A moment more and the lawless man Jaad seized his struggling pn;y, Without remorse, And, taking horse, He bore the lady away. "Now, Heaven be p.aised," the nobleman ei!d, "For mauy a mercy to md ! I bow me still Unto hi wilt, God pit the Trur." said be. Frrm Harry H axel's Yankee Blade. 3IRS. MERRILLS DEFENCE. A True Talc of Sarae Life. Fr more than two hundred years the frontier settlements upon this continent were scenes of perpetual alarm and out break. The inflamable nature of the savage would not allow him to relinquish in quiet that which had been the birth right and undisputed heritage of his fath er from the date of their earlfes' tra dition, and the result was either open and deadly way, or a series of wily stratagems, which kept the inhabitants upon the alert, day and night. The midnight assault, burning cabins and death-shrieks of murdered womeu oc currences. Especially was this the case when the war between the rerolted colonies and mother country began to assume its more decided aspect, and the ministers of the crown, regardless of all humane cvD;i erations, exerted their utmost endeavors to win the savages along the frontier to a co-operation in their wcrk of subjuga tiou. They were successful in the un dertaking, and the hatchet was taken up by many of the tribes, who were still in wardly burning with real or fancied grievances, which they hoped to be able to redress. Iu conjunction with their more civilized but really less human al lies, the tories, they broke upon the de fenceless frontiers, scattering death and devastation wherever their savage fury could 11 iid a victim. The massacre at Wyoming, may be considered a fair ex- j nmple of their warfare, though it was not always that their success was so uu qualhfied as at that illfated settlement. Of course many traits of character were brought to light amid scenes which might otherwise have lain dormant, and many an act of personal prowess and daring excited, which could in no way have been looked .for. Even woman, at times, forgot the weakness of her sex, and fought desperately in defence of : lU0SH wno were dear to Ler. An instance of this kind, and a stri king one, is afforded the spirited and singular defence ot Mrs. Merrill of Kentucky. She ia spoken of as being Amazonian both in strength and cour age, a fact which was fully substantiated by the events as they transpired. If such was the case, it is also very evident that the heroine was a woman of fine sensibilities and a tender heart. It wa at the close of a warm summer day, that John Merrill returned from the fields where he had been at work, and after eating a moderate supper, lighted his pipe and took a seat outside the door: Mrs. Merrill remained with in the cabin until the wcrk was comple ted and the table prepared for an early breakfast on the morrow, when she took her knitting and seated herself at a lit tle distance from her husband. To her surprise he remained reserved and moo dy, not speakiug useless spoken too, and pulTlng away at his pipe with great en ergy. The woman's heart in Mary's breast told her that all vas not right.and the set about learning- the cause of her husband's strange reserve. 'You have worked too, hard to-day, John,' she began. No ; I haven't done as much as I gen erally do.' 'Then you fell sick what is the mat ter?' 'Nothing ; I feel quite well in body; better than I have for a long time be fore.' 'Then whu can be the reason for your silence and gloom ? I haven't seen you look so blue and downcast in a year.' 'To tell the truth, Mary, I believe I'm gettecg notional. I have had strange thoughts all day thoughtswhich I couldn't get out of my head, though I tried hard enough.' 'What were those thoughts,' John ? You know I'm not such a bad confidant !' I know you are not ; so I'll tell you what I Lave been thinking, only you must promise that you wpnt let it worry you in the least. You will, wont you ?' 'Did you ever know me worried very easily, John?' I can't say that I ever did, though I should be very sorry rf you should feel as uneasy a3 I have to-day.' 'Pshaw ! John, you know I've twice the spunk you have !' John Merrill smiled, but it was a sort of sickly smile, for the conversation had brought up all the strange feelingshehad entertained during the day. He clear ed his throat once or twice, and then be gan. 'Did y'oa never think, Mary, that we were much exposed to an attack from the Indians, here ?' I suspose they are as likely to come here as anywhere, for they have the sanction of the British to burn and mur der anywhere they please, provided it is on rebtl terriiorVt and I suppose we are rebels, ar'nt we ?' The tories and Britons call us rebels, and I am "proud of the name from their lips !' was the rejoinder. 'And so you have been borrowing trouble about the Indians V the heroine asked. . 'No, Mary, not that ! The' thought has haunted me all day, "that we were marked, for the next victims, and so stror-gly has the idea taken hold upon my fancy, that I have been unable to drive it away.' 'If they come, John, they will come, but don't let us borrow trouble in ad vance. You know we have lived here ;B y -. J k-rr . , would seem hard indeed to spoil it ail by living in constant apprehension.' That's a fact, Mary, and I will try and put away this idea, though will be hard to id my brain of what has clung to me so clorely during the day.' After this John Merrill endeavored to appear more cheerful, but it-cost him a great effort, and at an early hour they made preparations to retire. The hound was chained in his , kennel, to give the alarm should anything be mov ing without, and the dcors and windows securely fastened. The house was con ttiucttd cf logs, ard the door and shut ters cf oaken plunks, hewn from the limber and well ironed in their places. 'There, if there are Indians about,' John c cmplacently uttered, 'they'll find it hard work to get in I' In fancied security they retired, and had flcpt some hours, when the baying of the hound awoke them. 'Something is around the house,' ex claimed John, as he became sufficiently i awake to comprehend the matter, 'I'll look out and see what it is. - John was a man cf iron nerve and courage, but he had no thought of sav ages. He fancied it must be come man ner of wild beast, prowling about the premises; and so slipping on a part of his clothing, he withdrew the bolts and opened the door, cautiously. Fortuna tely he held it slightly ajar, standing partially behind the casement, so that one side was exposed. . .A half a dn7en Indians'.. n-flashpd upon the darkness, and a shower of balls pattered around. Two, only, struck the unfortunate Merrill, the remainder burying themselves in the oaken timbers. Yet those two took deadly effect, break ing his arm and thigh, upon the side ex posed. He at once sank to the floor, ut terly helpless. And had it not been for the Amazonia qualities of his wife, bis race would have been speedily ended. The savages, as they fired, made a rush for the door, but the heroic woman wa3 too soon for them. She pushed the door against the casement, and holding it by main force against the assaults cf the foremost enemies, tucceeded in slip ping athe bolts into their sockets. A howl of savage rage broke from the dis appointed warrior, and with desperate energy they commenced an onslaught upon the tough planks with their hatch ets. Disregarding this, Mrs. Merrill turned to her husband. 'Fly, Mary, fly'.' he groaned. 'They will break in, and you, too, will be kill ed !' 'Where shall I fly ? How shall I get away ?' she asked. .. 'Alas, there is no way,' the unhappy man moaned- No,' she replied cheerfully, 'and if there was I'd never be such a brute as tojdesert mypoor, wouedtd John. See this7 and sheMited an axe, I can make a brave defence yet, and learn them a lesson that will last the ugly creatures.' John would have counselled her to at tempt escape; but he knew it would be useless, for already; the hatchets, vigorously-plied, had made' their way through the door, and in one minute more they could enter at pleasure. Mary was cool and decided, for she knew that in being so her only hopes now lay She took an advantageous stand, and awaited the coming of the depredators. Piece by piece the planks were torn away, and prejently the head and shoul ders of an athletic savage were thrust through. There was a momentary feel ing of horror at the brave woman's heart and she closed her eyes as the axe de scended, but when she heard the heavy fall, and saw that one of her husband's murderers had met hi3 fate at her hands, all timidity passed away, and she was prepared to meet the next, who came on, forcing his way through, scarcely behind his companion. His feet had almost touched the floor when the sharp steel came down, crush ing through his brain, and he fell beside the first. The Indians were naturally asstoni&bed at this affair; they bad seen their comrades disappear' within, but all was silent. What could it mean? A third poked his ugly pate through the opening, and the fate which had met hi3 fellows, became his own. He remained in'the doorway, and was finally dragged forth by those without. This revealed the truth of the matter. A dreacful yell arose.a cry of rage and dismay, and for a moment those without paused to determine upon their further excuse. In another moment a hurried scram bling upon the roof succeeded, and very soon me Dioou-oe-spanerea' neroine knew that they intended to descend the chimney. What should" she do ? The force of her enemies was divided, and herself alone to combat them. She had one advantage. All was utter darkness within the cabin, while the pale starlight without rendered the movements of the savages discernable. Another head wa3 poked through the open door, and she applied the same quietus as before, though almost distracted by the scram bling Indians, whom she could plainly hear descending the chimney. Nine hundred and ninety-nine men of a thous and had been doomed, if placed in simi lar circumstances : but a luckv idea struck the brave woman. If she could but stifle them in some manner, she thought; and simultaneously with the thought came an idea. There was the feather-bed, the only one the cabin af forded ; and she knew that feathers would produce the effect she wished. To think was to act. and one blow of the axe laid cpen the ticking. There was a bed of coals in the fireplacer and upon these the empted the feathers. The flame and smoke which at once arose must have been too powerful for the nostrils of the warriors, for in a mo ment they rolled down the broad fire place, out upon the floor, and lay there, at the mercy of the woman whose life they had come to seek. For the first time her heart seemed to relent, and she paused with the death dealing axe ansed, shuddering at the tLuuyht of such deliberate execution ; but she heard the crackling of the door, as more of the planks were nelng rorcea away, and she paused no longer. The heavy axe descended, once, twice, and the work was done. There was now but one of the merci less foes left, and he had only beeen prevented from making his entree by the most fortunate circumstances. The last Indian whom Mrs. Merrill had struck, remained fixed in the breach ; and the utmost exertion cf hh sole re maining companion were insufficient, to remove the dead body which blocked up the entrance so effectually, that he was necessiated to cut away more of the planks in order to get through. In this he had succeeded, and was upon the point of entring, when the he roine once more turned that way. She was exhausted and bewildered over come .Jby the terrible scenes through which she had passed, and ignorant of the numbers who might remain hidden outside. But she was not discouraged ; and concentrating her strength, aimed a blow at the intruding head. It missed the mark, though the stroke laid open the cheek w ith a frightful gash which sent the warrior howling, home to his people. The fearful story which he published there of the prowess of the 'long knife squaw,' fully exonerated him from the charge of cowardice. All through that night the lonely wo man maintained her vigils, but no more foes presented themselves ; and in the morning she hastened away to summon aid. The wounded man was cared for, such surgical assistance as the country afforded, being provided ; and the wounds, which had at first reemed mor tal, lost much of their virulence under the skilful treatment they received. Here it was that the heroine displayed to equal advantage the softer and more womanly heroism of her nature. Day and night she hung, beside the couch of her suffering husband, ministering to his every want and necessity until he became a decided triumph over the evils which had befallen him. She had the satis faction of seeing him healtety and strong again ; and in old age they often sat together and related the story as we have given it, of Mrs. Merrill's Defence. Colonel F- -,a very irritable and impatient man, had occasion on;e, while passing on horseback through a small town in the west, to patronize a Dutch blacksmith. " Are you the smith ?' he asked of a stout, black-bearded, smoking, rJirty old man, who came out of the shop to look at the horse's defective shoes. "Yes, I be der smidt," replied the Meinheer, steadying his long pipe, with his left hand, while he lifted one of the horse's feet with his right. "You wish to have de new shoes ?" "No, sir," said the colonel, in his quick way. "Set the shoes of Lis fore feel, that's all." "Set de shoes on his fore feet yah, I oenderstacd. I vill have him in von The Colonel went away, and return ing at the appointed time, found the Dutch smith still at work cn his horse. He was very wroth when he saw the state of affairs, bnt he went away again with the promise that in "von half hour 1" longer the shoes would be set. After dinner, in no very mild humor he made his appearance again at . the shop, and asked what wa3 to pay. "Four shillings," was the reply. "Four shillings J it's an imposition !" exclaimed the fiery colonel; "I never paid ovr a shilling for setting a shoe in my life." "Werry rel," nodded Meinheer, "Von shilling for de von shoe I set da four shces dat ish four shillings nichts?'' "Nich the old Nich!" roared the ex cited traveler. "Wrho told you to set more than two shoes ?" "By doonder!" said the smith, "you tell me yourself." "I ? it's a falsehood," answered the traveler, ttus a lie a - "Mine Got ! You say set de shoes on de four feet." "So I did,' aid the traveler, "the two fhces on the four feet." "Got in Himmel ! two shoe3 on der four feet'? Von bat on dree heads as mootch !" " You eternal f-fooH" exclaimed the colonel.who stuttered when excited. "I said set the fore shoes on those two feet, you b-blundering Dutchman." "Set four shoes on two feet ! Ha,ha, ' ' laughed the smith, scornfully and angri ly. "Hundred tousand blitzen, you taai Yaukcc !" . . "You w-w-wooden headed Dutchman!" "You Yankee goose ! monkey ! von tam jack-ass, fool!" The Colonel replied, stuttering worse than ever ; the smith struck his fist and jabbered Dutch, his knowledge of Eng lish being exhausted ; and they had it back and forth until a mutual acquaint ance came up and explained the matter. The Colonel paid the charge, laughing at the mistake, while Meinheer smoked fiercely, cursing copiously the language that made four feet two feet, or two feet four feet, any way but the right way doonder and blitzen ! The Sonora Democrat of April the 1st remarks r Frank Ball, agent of Hall & HaY ward's Concert Troupe, traveling in a vehicle bearing a strong resemblance to a peddler's car. Old lady rushes out from a house by the roadside. The fol lowing coloquy ensues ' Old Lady Say, what you got to sell ? Agent I am travelii'g cgent, madam, for the greatest menagerie cf aucient or modern times, which is shortly to ba ex hibited in this section affording to the inhabitants thereof an opportunity cf viewing the most stupendous collection of animals ever before exhibited. Old Lady You don't say ! Have you any elephants ? Agent We have, madam, six ele phants, but these constitute a compara tively unimportant part of the show. We have living specimens of bipeds and quadrupeds who tramped over the earth not only in the antedeluvian, but also in the pliocene and posts miocene period, embracing the megatherium with six legs and two tails ; icthyosarus. with legs and three tails; the gyascutus, with no eyes, two noses and four tails ; tl e ples iosaru3, resembling Satan in shape, which spits fire and breathes sulphurous fumes ; the whangdoodle, with one eye and five tails, and many other species too dumerous for enumeration. We also hate a pious lawyer. m Old Lady Well I declare. Agent Bjt rnadam, the greatesi cu riosity by far of our exhibition i a learn ed and classically educated monkey, who was brought up by a Mahommedan priest in the mysterious regions of the Great Desert of Sahara. This'monkey speak with fluency all the modern lan guages, besides Latin, Greek and He brew. He can repeat the Ten Com mandments, the Emancipation Procla mation, President Lincoln's last mes sage, and also performs the most intri cate examples in the higher mathemat ics with rapidity, ease and accuracy. While being exhibited in Washington he actually repeated a long speech of the President, making more sense out of it than the President could himself. This monkey corresponds Beautiful young lady suddenly pro trudes her head from the window, and calls: "Mother, 'mother ! ask him why they let the monkey travel so far in ad- a uvi vi i lit; viiuri ULlIIliilJSj I" A fleet of from thirty to sixty sail will depart for a the "Mediterranean about the lih of July, under Admiral Golusborough. The New Ironsides and two double-lurreted moni tors will make part of the fleet. The flag-ship will be the Colorado. She will drop anchor for several months in the harbor of Marseilles, and then -the rest of the fleet will scatter for various parts of the sea. About ten vessels will cru ish about the British Isles and the North Sea. The object of the expedition is said to be three-fold : To test the sea going qualities of our marine ; to ac quaint our pilots with'European harbors ; and to show Europe our improvements in gunnery and naval architecture. Words cannot heal the wounds that words can make. Politicians and wheels were made es-peci- ially to turn. Only crowns and fools are afraid of a shabby suit of clothes. If a quack would be famous, he must be sure to quack so loud as possible. A man who goes into a speculation had better look out for breakers ahead. A man may tay a thing twice if ha says it batter the second tiue than the first; Always lend a crutch to halting hum anity ; but trip up, if you will, the slilt3. of pretention. :- Despondency is the over-weight that may maka you kick k bucket both it cuce. Patience and cheerfulness adcrn. tha ruins cf fortunes, "as ivy does these cf rastles ani lerr.p;es.- . Fauh, finding does not require, ani does not generally indicate a high order; of talent. Emerson says, "Life is a train ci. moods like a string of beads." As the good man saith, so say we ; but. as the good woman saith, stf it must be. Every man can tame a shrew but ha that haih her. Ladies will sooner pardon wad of sense than want of manners. Women. are wise, on a, sudden, fools on a. premeditation. There i3 one gcod wife in the country and every man thinks he hath her. Colt's armsare useful when you want to fight, buuif you want to run away,, colt's legs are better. If some men had their, limbs broken they would be 'cripples for "life; their bones would be too lazy to knit. Hon' Near we Are to Desth. A. writer in'the Independent thus discourses on our nearness to death : When we walk near powerful machinery we know that cne single mis-step and thosa mighty engiaes would tear us to ritboa3 with, their flying wcels, or grind U3 to powder in their ponderous jaws. So, when tv& are thundering across the land in tha rail-car, and there is nothing but half.ati inch of iron flange to hold U3 upon ths track. So when we are at sea in a ship, and there is nothing but the "thickness cf a plank between U3 and eternity..-' We im.tgine then that we see how close we are to the edge of the precipice. But we do not see it. Whether on the sea or oa the "and, the partition which divides us from eternity is something thinner than an oak plank or half an inch of iron flange. The machinery of life and death is with in us. The tissues that hold thesd beat ing powers in their place are often not thicker than a sheet of paper, and if that thin partition were pierced or rup tured, it would be just the same with" U3 as if a cannon ball had siruck us. Death 13 inseparably bound up with life in the very, structures of our codies. Struggle as' he will to widen the space, no man can at any time go further from death, than the thickness cf A sheet of paper A very sensible man, some tim8 ago. introduced to his son, about six years of age, a little brother that had just arrived in this world, which all agree in abusing, but none like to part with, even for a better. The boy looked at his infant bro ther, with some perplexity, and then rais ing his eyes to hi3 father, inquired : "Where did you get it ?" "Bought it, my son," said the father, with a laudable gravity. Again the boy looked at the baby, and after a short, time, sagaciously asked : "Why didn't you pick out a white oner father " The father was regularly cornered. "Mother, where's the man going to Uor ?" .kcd a girl of sixteen, cf her mother, who had just promised a travel- ler a night's rest in their out-of-the-way hut. "I'll have to put him in with you l j y-ipad Sue and Bet, I snppose," was the repiy ; "anu ix-.- ded. one cf you must turn in with me ani dad, and and the twins." i ' The New York Times state3 that pri vate commercial letter lately received from Europe say that "in the best in formed political circles the belief 13 gen eral that Maximilian ha3 expressed to his father-in-law, King Leopold, and al so to his brother of Austria, the strong est possible desire to abdicata the rick ety throne of Mexico. The intimation of this wish at the Tuileries, through these intermediary parties, is at the hot torn of much of the excitement in regard to Mexican affairs generally. An expedition will start from Leav enworth for the Plains about the midi! rf A ItfTltst irk n r. -1 V .. . 1 fAM A while, and thus tame, aud subsequently-" drive to the States for a market, nst le3 than 5 thousaL J nor more lh?-n ten thous and buffajq, One hundred anJ ivrenty men are wasted discharged cavalry racn pref ;r red.