1 "0 ? I Wlj V :.V -7 ,.lr 4 P-7 : "'f) V - - J BKOWWVILLE. TIICKSLAY, 1, lt:it Xj o c a. l. i Black Deeds, Vcti'fr,tifcot!oni, he-pler-int. .lrrie Llct-'ise.ic. Ae. ie. x.r file at this UIf.:e. Choice Fiour at the Chicago-Sicre:1 See the Card cf G.. 21. Henden.cn. in another column. ' "Tuci Cutlery a 'superior', article just received ty McLaughlin & Swan. ' If yoa.'want the choicest Dry Goods cr Groceries go io the Chicago Sicre. ' McLaughlin Si Swan have just receiv ed a fire Iwt'cf Sn;iih Sc N't-saca's etd ;,CttU' ileiroivera. ., ' ' ' Pitchfork's, Spades', Rales, Shovels, " '.'cai w immense stock of o:her .desira - jlejj-st received ty McLaughlin StSwan - Several leads cfgood stene coal have "isea Vrcjjght into this city from the veit during the past week. ": District Court is in Session in this City 'Ibis t-ek: The" "Cotahlesi are o ru-i tueroyi taai vvisuun-x lUL'uun is jrnpos libit.- ' ' ' ' - ...-... r. ' i .: .. The Brownriile Bard pare cur .City ' serec&de last Saturday. The music ivas f Qcd.'alihouh litj'prettLt metnters have Icti na:;icir.:r but' a few wscks.' ' ','J. IV. pli58. Authorized Auctioneer, at- trrds to ftllir.g Stock or Merchandise, .atd n.eles.Adnunisu filer's Sales, m the ( Ciiysr 'country. "Terms reasonable, tf. 'A'Urge "lot of "Fine Hosiery,; Ladies' Baskets, Calicoes," and other Ladies Xress Gooc's and Choice ' Groceries just received and forale low at Hackney's. ; Wilcox's is selling off his M'Cormick Rfapers and Two-Wheeled-Mowers like i "ho cakes." He defies and challecges r trial with any other machine. - Dried and Canned Fruit, .Carpenter's Tools, Tubs, Hoes,' Tobacco, f ine Linen, "Dry ahd Fancy Good?.: Shoes and ; Mus. ' lies, cheap at the Star Store. - , : '. Jchn C. Duer has the 'Agency of .Sugar Cane Mills frcra St.,cuis and Mans.$U, Ohio, Manuf actors', and, is able to .upr.ly the market careccable terms.' J Satisfaction cuarranrfed. Call i Mi t ! aca examine for yourself. - ... - The 6. Hill is Agent lor the John H. Manny Self-Raking combined Reaper land Mower.; also, the Manny Light "Weight Iron ;Mower. He has a lot on ' Land, acd challenges trial or compttiiion fuivh any other machine,.' f. , " The'Amcricnn Museum, which exhib , ited in this city last week, contains truly ja wonderful collection. ' It was richly wvonh any one's money to see Prof. Pen .singer, the man without feeling, and ' ihfe Iovta Giantess, weighing 5S3 pounds "without feeling. -' . Are we going to have a 4th of July Celebration in this- City ? The day has ' been celebrated in commemoraiion of the establishment of our Independence, but ,novv it should be double1 celebrated" in comtnemmoration of the brave struggle f just eoded in favor cf Liberty, and which haw proven that cur Idep'- rd-nce can le sustained against airoddt. i ' W'fcy n-aj the F-rry B 't at ihi p!.ce Wntfd to Mr. Cogsdeli for".S20 a momb while an tquillv responM'ble' man wes ' . cirrc? S3'J?-This is a rue?ti'oh in which very ax-pyer in the .city is inttrested, .That Ferry cleared S100 a.monih'.'the last two months that Mr.' Muir run it. ko pays the Revenue and Local taxes? e aik that the .above questious ans wered, and hope that what now seem. Me favoritism, may be cleared . up all 'tj . A good Nursery haj lonj: been needed in this County to save .our people from foreign imposition. This, we are pleased to wy., we will have this fall. E..II. -rchey, well, known in this community, 3 boight the .Haywood Farm, and will rnovehia Nursery slock onto it this fall. These who may desire anything ;,n his line will do well to, leave their orders, ha' will be here before time fcr fall . FW..Dg arfl his Nursery will be a per. 'patent insiitution .in this coonty.: - A feeling of over-uIInesx after ea'r jt'g; troubled wi;h a sitikjng rensaticn tithe prt cf the stomtsh bptwen meals ; -repressed .spirits ; d:iculty in.ca'cala ting, arrang-rg! ideas j 'f.atulence in the 'ttcrnach and, bowel? ; rising in tha Arcing unrefrethed ; after perfcrrr.rg a small amount it labor feeling languid, -faint and dizzy; nviming of the hea-l tnd Judder, dimness cf t-;ght after having teen reading or writing ; these are tome ' f therrsuhs cf indigestion ': ! To overcome all the abo've do not use fcr rful "cathartic'that will prostrate ycu ra Cery siirnulant that' will give you jeUcvhf;nwrr.er.t nr.$ be, followed T7 co!!?.p;c": nor' a astringent tially purryzes" tic- digcitird ' ,r-z:..i: Un-.-c ra,li ccrciil.-Cc! J - Vat Liners.'.' which will ntlr'aut inEteii cf attacking the funstiens cf nature. . . ' Zzu'l S. t:rey, cf Vi'eccnts, VTis., ?ys .cf . ricCcmick's C. :ei Csif- Hal:ir.g Reaper snd Mc-rer r "It h true Jy a Utcr end rrcijcy. itrlz; rr.ichine, and richly deserves thi pstrcr.'-ge cf the farmers. My tv.o horses rrciked itv.ka ease, while my 7ife did the driving the principal part cf 'ins harvest. ,: '. ' . The Hulbard Two-Wheeled Mower withMcCcrraick's Iraprevcr.icnts is also a fplendid machine, dcing its work with neatness and dispatch. Eli II. Wjlccx, Brownville,-" 11 Agent for belli cf "these MacHnes. WLL H. M'CKEERY: CS7E3IESALE A?rD F. ITT AIL LHALr?. 117 r r pj - hunts, Oils and Dye Stulis Pure Liquors for Hedical purposes, , ; All kfds cf Patent Medicines. COAL OIL LAMPS and CHIMNEYS Blank Books and Stationery, Wall Paper cf,JOvcry P alter nl, Window Paters, Lord and f assete ? The: tsf Brands cf CHEWING and SMOKING .TOBACCO and CIGARS, Oysters. Canned Frit Hi,- and a complete Stock cf light ar,.i fancy Groccri:$'. , I . I . TUa EEST. ' s Perfumery and : Toilet -Gooda.' V ,J!4,j Ue4 liici.-e'f ?f 1e e'ec'ine ; amf rr el. ii eii.nne icareiinces in an F.iem Market, be advitntrnze to trade with bun. nne but flrht Cl i DKUGi kept. Ctl aJ estmiii f jr j-.jurelf &t tUe ' CITY DRUG bTOHE i Sorth Fart Correr, li!a nd first Stet, Brown rilte ttraak Territory. - . . . . - .';: Pedscriptions, and orders" Carefully filled at all hours. . " 9-33-lv, LETT j M'PHBRSON, iccnscb "Brokers REAL-ES.TATE AGENTS OFFCE IV CITY DRt'G STORE, 13ROWN.VII.LE, NEBRASKA- ' f?romrt ttttntioi. p'4 t Purchase and S1 f aiel Euie.i.1; Panut Taxex, aaj til busl cess pertaining to a General Laud Agency. 35-6 m ESTRAY MARE AND COLT. TsVen up bj the uauerjigned within hii enolos- cd promis, living three tail'-'i North Vfospt of BroKDvi'.le h'eb., on the IStb. day of Ma 15C5,One blac i!re with soine white c n the left bii foot, alpoiittbe jaaietirns, ncd Uoe Dua.cr Cly baiik C "t , nV.at one your old. ' . Browrvil'.c ;lay 221 1S33. ' 1 : ZZ-ilpll i.Ca ABRAIIA1I COGDILL. LEEPER & KIDDER'S TJ"- O - X C3 O ; r. rrt R) (. ; ' ... t ' . .'.. kill. . . ' i 1 I '1. 1 ratezied Tetrutry 12. 1SC1, , TtM TwH Incwn and valuable Implement for Cor rai uric, ttai all co d m d practical Farmer? will tave; thai tutu rnet with ktih rmiink. bie mle aoj favor. Is being manufactured ty the uniarsigned at KocKport Lahdlns Atcliison Co Ho. .. . . . and are now prepared to 611 all orderrf tbey my re ceiveror tfcc eomlPfj Ka.-on. . We have rnaie com valuable IraproTeuiPnts tuice last seofoa. We have reduced lie bulk or ize of the miirhine. and make it in better proportion, aai reUin all the vaiuas;e rlau, ' .. . . We Claim tteFolliwirg Important Points : lt Tt Pl'-wnw en rHe nivl p1o-wlthnt labor. 9J. Aiiy (ifrcon wbt cn drive a team can rnnnsga it. 3J. Cr ked rowa-t Cam Te plowed o eoiiy and tb irwnct ly as (raiK'nt e, tfce r-'owuikn silting to a to oervethe ccrrrari i ei iTth". work is wH d 'nel 41i. It ba th mot per.e-t aii'l natnrl fi.ot m -tivii ot any plow tuiri ;.fl de liot cfhmp or tire lb Plowuian. 1 6 h. Tbe Plowj wtile la aotion are moved wltb f 6;U JaAl'iiwi .are edjostai'ejto ar,y"?P'-b any ia- ir d ii i e 1 p'en! the i'low is readily obtained. Cih Arju; ;b le a'-Jelda to prpvest young cora frora beisscvirti V.- :W.;L y.::-i i'";. b.u U 1 aJnur.biy a'lap'.el to plowing la acialt grain Vib. Everr Cjirtlvataj U we'.l inads and good ma terial, a:"1 wrrnri'l to d pooJ wo' i r 2.1 OEGAK MEAD. tt3 Oidi'is acfdresM d 1o ihe abv've at North Siar Mo'., or Browurille Neb. Ter. 2:) 3m .45. . EiiformatioaFpa'ci A Gi. . LKMAN, cored v ervtis livb.lity. In 1 rnuipetcn . IVeoiiiture l)emy and Youthful Hrror, j fcstuatodl cn;if to Mx-eat otner?, will oe bajipy tfuniifh - all who ne?i it,lre id charge,) the recipeanl'- eticD fvr njjl:.rp the eimpla rejnedy unfd in his catf. buUerem wsbiag to pront tj tne dertjsei bi e x peri tQce, and pcfcw a eare an valuable retnodT. can do 8u by adiire-eirig hiro at wt hit pw of buinem. - The Recipe a,adfall informatiou of vital importance will b ehaer fully Seat by retarn mail. Hrew "" v j-u:i:;B.0GDrrv, . . ' y. CO iN'iifsauStrett, N. Y. P. 8. erroTj Sufferers of both exe will find tbii inform.! inn iovr.luabV. , . M H I I- i1 T-H lT- THE Adrertiser Having besu Hestcredto riealth in a few wrk,bT a very simple remedy, af ter harirg s ffared erenif years with a severe lurg affe 'tion, and that dread dieato, Coufarcption -is rnilua to nit knon to Lit fcilcw-s ilierera th warteof cr;re. - - .... To ail who des-ire it, he wiusend n copy cf the pre. rrirtionuied (free cf chirge,) with the direotiona fi r preparirpfced usirg tbeaatie, which they will findaSCKE'CUKE FOR CONSUMPTION ASTH. ilk, BRONCHITIS, Ae. The only object cf the advertiser in .ending the l'reeeription is to benet the evicted, snd ipre&4 inforraafion whijh. he con ' ;eiv to I iova'wiJ.le, ar.l L hopes every, fufferrf will try bisrcnnedy.k it will cost them Dothitg", and isay prove & blcig 'artif ! wi'iirr t' rrenrlrti9 will rWe aidr?r 53-" J3 Wiiiimbburj. Ricpi G., fwTork.- PHILLIP DEUSER, Main Street bet. First '&ud .Becocd Sf.. Keeps ccDstiriOy on herd tha bst qaaiitycf UJ LjJ ' W CIIEWLVO ASD SilOEISO, j Oonf oduibnarioB Candin, Plain end Fcvcy, t ... Prcrp, fiainr.t, Ur,rh-Dv& ' Jlll-inds f Toys,-' - . HG;anj3, : T7iluuv9n c Go :7o E5 ITsia I3:re:t, J '-'-"ini;:s;i!9tear:orj fa' NOTIONS. -FURIHSHIKG GOODS, I .. Have at all times .the most coin pleto" .and'-desirable stock of LA- DIE'S - DUESS'-GOUUS, WHUL GOODSJUBBONS, DRESS TRIM MIKGS, GLOVES, HOSIERY an every variety cf M'D GEI3TS FUMUSHIKQ tob3 found in any honso in the west ' PniCE3 Guaranteed as Jqw as anv ether house can afi'ord.- ; 'iCT"0rder3c:cfullv and prompt- iy uueu. Hastings, Wilkersond Go. NO;- 85 NORTH-MAIN ST. j. f; morris Sncceseor to &. Brown 4c Co.) ' f Would respectfully unounce to the CUlien cf BrowuTtll aud Tieiiiur, tbat Le cat parcuasea .ne Larrre and TTcll Selected Stock F.lEDICItiES. PAIilTS, cf e. taovrs' & c. Ee tramres tin public ener.11r tilt ht wilt ksep.en knij rer7 ttidcg uiuall eept la ... .i jS (7555 S?or tii1 1 aetermlnoi! fict to MdrMll for caoi PRESCRIPTIONS ANPOEDf R3 CAEErtTLLT rlLiyn AT ALL HOURS ' : " WHITNEY 13TjOCK. TJAITT STItEUT BU0WNY1LLE, N EDKA SKA. ix-o-iy inHBITS ES T .OK IBS GRGCERIES . , Just "received X BERRY & CO., ' - STREET, V ' Srownvillo, Sel. . Hariag laid in our present stociat re duced prices for Cash, we are enabled to defy competition in the way of selling the articles in the market ' cheap' port cas n;- .- i Our Stcck cf ...1 3? ST"' ' O'O Cl G h ;, ;., ; . Is the most ccmplete ever offered in this market, and has been selected, with an - . . 1 eye to economy,' 'durablinty and the da mauds cf ibis '.community,7.j' .'.'.' . '' ' 1 Our Supply of Comprises a general assortment of every- 1 . - thing and the best cf every thing. . I- - J . . r Call and examinebefore' purcLa'sicg elsewnere,' if 'yon 1 want U get the bene fit of ;the best'ef goods at low rates.J No t-r trc'ublt.to ihow goods.", .,.', 9 rS-yly :. r J. BERRY &. CO. LEGALTNOTICE. Kotke ls hereby Rivet that .la awrflaays w'.SV aa crfier a' tfce Prcbate Tonrt of Kamaha CouaiylN tratka Territoiy, I wiil or:er for eals at public auo ties, tn ttft s ' eUih day of J.fay.A, D. 1S65. at 2 o'clock P. Ml.Sn irr-ntof the cffl.a tbe Juaof Probate la tee City cf BrowDTille in e.ii Cocoty cf Kecnaba, tie foliowinj described laud to wit: lh K'rtri halfqf tbe Nortb West quarter, of 5eciin No. U in Towo- tip ' 't i, Ncrtb rf Efetpe Ko. 1& Jakt, ccciaintnc 80 acrei, ituated in tbe Ceunty of Kemab in tfce Terri tory iftf 'lrak a Said.lard being -ifce property f JofeettiEe tU, aiilaor ciKltf gurdiar,stji. - JOSEPH Oi-KLT. S2-JI70. " ' -"Gnardisn of Jjeepbene BtTl. , SALE OF APPRAISED STOCK. On Satnnity afiiy 2:tb,1 will rffr fr aals, 5 the tlfben bidder, foT ta.b la kaad. in tiefrryor Brova. Tille, m Kpciba Cc-anty ebrak Territory, cne Small Iircwn F-,cy Jrfare,' aopP'1 ft!:f yert od tjuhepricy, und Calt, t&aMaretas a !r In tie fcrebfal, do tber rcstks or -bund, uaen up t 3 B. fewnrjk. and nrw ia tie p9; 2s:ta of Jcsas Haclrar, a;-pri.id at $75. CO, . ai-sw. , 3 v. rrrirrs.j. p. Tr.Si n u p by the f-jbfcriherri;.d:cg jo Glen Keck Towcsaip, cce red steer, whiia .Tes on ttsr back, and whi'tadl. Three jwi vd jiiteprinj. 20 Rh P'd. 1 t . ; L-wtESCa fiABNVBB. , FuQVS, Batter, r?r's,- SsW, !.. stc.."" " ' ' '" .tai arj ynbay) inrfu, m frteat variety. ;i.r;a'-.hr;ii & tJMPRn.'fl 1 "T at , I! trc!. , I I ! 44 'r' ! t ; IR1 vijisrsiJRLSSEr): . ;'.BEDF0ilD.:c; CO'G . rz; r. -I:.-). : . ' n ; (ir?ij-(iijfe!n p;s5 UNE Q li'A, L L E D BSDPOBD .; GO'S E A E D.V7 A EE UNEXCE LLE 2D . SBDFOED & COS f.f i1H r-rv 1 rr L-j v- L-i.l u J CJLi.w?a . ; BEDE0I13 : : ''C0,S t 7i 1 r3 t"."f s 17 T 1 ! N ' ' f 1 S3 BEDFORD . & CO'S K?V 'fl p 't C, pi fa I 8 TJ i B E. A. T E 1ST . BEDFORD & GO'S billow -;W&Y-8. IS TDK BEST XJNIDOTJI3TEPIl.ir. BEDFORD &' CO., ' Are def'-rtnined not'to be J . TJ N D E R S O ID , If you think poods are hijrh, to , BEDFORD & GO'S - UNDECEIYED. April 20lb,18S5. . 9 3l-ly chicag o, ixixoxs, f ; FOR - MARCH, APRIL, MAY, 1 l c n 77 TT7 AT3T?m ii . v n VR.ifti . , AT THE OLD STAKD OF Cooley, SOLarowoli'tSJ Oo- ' Will oTr to the trad of - Illinois, .-Wisconsin, ' . Indiana, Minnesota, Michigan, .' .Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, v i it d ' t.':- . IT S B H A S,H A ,;! The most Attractive and Largest Stock of Dry Goods. 'IfdtionS ''and V ....(...'' ' . ' ti - EVER 09-SALS ' ii- WEST-IOFTKEWJIYORK, : At prices as low as tte eame ps'ltie are sold by tli Lest bousai ia Iiew Yorli, So3ton'cr Pliilaaelphla. X a 1 . . .'. ! ,". f ., '. ; i i f . One Stock will eajraca inpaH Xjrovim and Hlcaclicd Shrctlngv and Militfnsrs, Urillj, .Denims, fehlrtinsr StiipeS, Crsct Jeans, Camlrics, TIcLIni?,' Flannels, Apron C'liecKs, Tw eeds, l. & M. CassJmerj,, ILerscys, Satinets. Jeans. Cottonadcs, . , ' r . I fit-' f.tl..l Als Clotbs, Cars!mre4, Ladles Clsk Cloths, and all ' WMitm euiu&i for aieo-a wear, - PRINTS1,;';. ; T anV w n J3unnera ' " Tintr'hAoar " Banaeirs i - ; i 1 IiJ-wr&ace'a i - ' Amol45' ' Asa u ower wiii-saova prsataa,, - ; oua STOCJL CP LADIE'S DRESS GOODS unn.coiuprtse alt It novaltiss ef MMSa'aaoo. '' -oua STCCIC 17 fl J - HOTIOn DEPARTnEHT IVill be-found full ar.d ccnipetf. fJ-Our Store. fnrne! ' ty be Arm. asd -bo rent to pay.) betrg tewly flited np. rive y Saleroora 80x43J fet. tVi laresi west cf the sea bora, ajordicg us ucequil led facilities fnr s iwi'ia G--od. Oi eof our.-ni reidic; Ja lf9W york, fba7lntw estrifiicei as.s:Manu) and boyia? fur CASH, eaaSiet to Zdi car CE&icceii w Uud da: at (e . .1 ' . . Sjowcat Oceana. ZPxiocrw W rerpeetfallv lnvx(e ifercbwia Ulllag C'Mcago tr examine our Sioci. 53"PttScQlar attention gtvea to fllllnj oriers.J " - -- - JclmV Tcr3v7oil Ss Co., i s 4 i , . &."Wabisi Ava.. f.ii IIJ Al-t?, II.Im y.?-w a remits - H7T 0 n Lb ::::'3 E' J s : 5 a i ts e: . .11 i ;. S t.1 " - !" " r 4 r.:c2, 8AG0,cr:c3,P2PPE?..cr.-:vi c:.;;r.i-D covs 0X5723.3, c ; : , siAscr cod n'zi iiAcSiitALT 7r;:rri. GREEN APPLES, . , . , : CRANBERRIES, ' " ' , ' . PARED PEACHE'?, , . " . DRIED APPLE J." DRIED PEACH1. iaolsssss, Cod Oil, Cldc? T1L3 - i KaF AVJOTnKft CnOlCS BaAMCJB - . FIN" 3 CUT CaTEN'DTSII, KILLin '.. ,f " ; v - wict .-iosisg. coii-, ,7. w ? : ' Cigars orthc Best iJranaa la tHi cnEsrsnrrs, ALimvD3. pecaks, r jlb s ut3 jti a A ' Splendid -.Assortment -of -Stick ' tlni Fancy Candy from the Best MacuiaC' '.- turies in the East;" : ' y-' "5 ?r 1 - i. :. v . j & .ilk ' ; .-. Flour,' Eac on,. Euttr, Eg3 The Highest' Market Prices Paid for Country Produce.- . IIcLAUGIILIS & SWAN, Nemaha Valley Bask Ecildiito BkowsVILLX, Jan. 14, 15C4. nS0vS,-J23-yij WEIL Bnckete, Cburns, Sieves Mousr Tupi Clotbes Pics and Castile soap 25 Beady f ..Belivery, GEiiiP-lAx:s.i SMPISMIS1I0WIS . ' . a oom:3ii WITH .GREAT UIPROVEMENTS The First, most Complete and most Suc- . csssful Combination of Reaper , and Mower ia ths . 'World. . . V ... .' : Over60,0CD; " " : ---.Have been made and ', O Bacce?sfpliy used.: Hundreds Upon hern A reds-of Premiums have baeb 'awarded.it ia'competition witi ; other 1 Machines, ra .' ' ceiving ia ; ' Europa .; during 1S62, . ; . I the Grand Medal cf the World's International Ex hibitioa in. London, being , the highest award for anything in the Exhibition. The Improvements art 'Extraordinary. See them in Sample Machines - -; ; with different Agents- ' ;' .- throught the ' . iate. -.: v . " - It is the Light ' " " est Running Machine ' '. : in . the World that will "do in . Workr .. Don't fail to see a saraple of Lh great Improvements before ycu;' L nuy croraerany otner ' . , ;!!... Machine. A - . l :i saved is better than two earned. THE !IAXXI LIGHT WEIGHT, IRON 'I - shall builcl a few1 - ' hundred Vrrou'ght l 'X '. 'Iron Manny'. t .j- .. r ! '' . ' .'and claim for .; f;7 ' 'I them r that they are : the lightest, strongest J.' mcst compact, least leabla ..' i'- to get cat cf order, and cheapest . good working Mower ever - built; The arrangement, of. the Driver' feat. drive wheel and cutter bar, is such? ' as to balance the helf mostly cpon the" drive wheel, thus ' : giving giving; great '. '; - pvsrer and. light." ,'...'., . : v , - drtft. -Thij : ; - i :-' , : . ' Machine '.- ',. :' '. . '-'. ; .';,' . is new, and ' . : ; ': "I . - placed ia . tha " ' i r ': Farmer's'hand3 ex-, -. ,.;'t clusiv'ely upon iu own merit ' ; ,, I will warrant it to do better ? work than any Mower, ever, made with, prcporticnate cost, and to do as gm ; eral good work in mowing as any-; fhicg ever drawn by horses. ' .,THEO. HILL, Asent, ; SjroTCfill, fieb , My, '65. 84.2a' . Mi.iuU -i CXIJ& tL4, xoris TALDTrn, Ji at ill rc.t yet, rc&iy to jcrforra HI wcrk,par t&tr.isj ta his business. Hone ac3 jair.tlrj, glz!:;,aci paper 1ir? in. ete at short cct-;;, aai tte rzctrp'otEi Btr. TerTS?ah. , Give bia a call. "'Snopna ilila Sweat, east cf Atkinsoo'i CIcti trgStora., ;'.' .. y i f Sals;re;;4 tadaalj ' ' ' ' AJfD " " 'M . ,W A Li L COLORI N G, Jo ts teattrt st-jJ 'retreat style for eatb,- ' ........ C ' : : ' ' i ;' : - lr-- ; . - - ' i, ' 9 mt Jt -vw . ' " t e irs. r- a- , i. ' rt.'.D cr c.r :;--:rr, ' ::.".:. 'lll iKJl U.-.J-J, VL'.-i tiT'.'U;:! cr jtii.8-??, ta cr.'.-r. lit t:;:. : fiw ? i trices. Een i Lent o'.- cf tvU;1::!? C, ::::" rrri tt rttf .': - :' : - ;:. ... j t..,c'.. , . , . . . . Z vtrraat ray wc-rit J ' -- nsr..3 r.i itch n.i :ir.rTv:r .rcr!;. - Th- w nto? acy tt'.rs la ti Uaa will iwll to ctlt ' ar.-l i,:rn;-9 Lis 'kJ5 t:3r irmrl'.rt, M t P'.Su'rfa tiL-sslf to toll out j": .? -'.j f.K-r.I'.l la Fetra vy II. ICTi. ' j'j. -"v r r r- - iHj..! . 7' . , . ic PS2-. ; , s : . - vzsriv.a.X , .- Ui Uoll tay an ' V'VTAr.r.AUTnir are o-ri-iU aiSsi.; er j j c its? ?!iue , ar cailo t is. is tie pert'j of aooc.-j ;ii.-;-t. . XiV reas :jr lXUl liikM kllJ IW.S. a' JTct an Abort .!,. but atrT - aol is not ia tie Irji- .. .vJUj-: .ABoiUa t7ai?wii. i .i , . i . . i 5 tT "1 s-i ai9 fo-C5r"viar. I 2 " r.r a 1 T : nee', to rr K. i:02TB03 t CJ, g-aer Af-r.tai, S. O Evi-wer Chioao.'llUnoiaj O-ioe IZi 8ouL Ci.rV Etrieo Tji eel f YThcleeai I la C5j!a fcj -Z-ZZ.X3 SiVAX 6CITAAC2.rL-LL2,TrNTC3 ft rULUBB, LORD Js SMITH. CHAS. O. 6311X15 Gii cat lilruo vci :;t T ; (- - ;. ".'' . . . - EL.Pl.iii Ci J 1 1 LE ..AC.!1ii.m!I! ' ratcnted rebmary llth, 1SC0. SJlLPSft 0 0 M. 32 6 BR PADWA Y JV. W4SHIXdT0n?:i BOSTON TLTT3 IflCniS 13 Bitutrasted cn entirely netr principles of mechanism, possassin g many rare and yalaaUeiinpreveraeat!, haTing been asjined by tb mosa rrofoaa-i experts, aad pronounoe-i to be . " EisipJcity and Perfectioa'GcsifciiDd. .It baa a . rtrtibt ieH!e.: prrj2.iics'a? a-tfea, Bake th LOCI or SKUIILJi- STITCl!, vhkh will aeitberKIf or BAViir-, esi Hahitoon both sides ; performs parf&ct eew?ng ca erery de-'riptioa of citeri:.! frosa Leitber, the f3at-st Kaosook klttilin, w-.ta ecU3n,iiaen ersuKtzrejd, frcra the co&rest o the Cuest rioter.' ' ' - 1 Having beithor CA.M nor C03 tTHECL, anthe least poiibie friction, it rasa aa foiooth aa jliss, and ia -.'A j Emph.atlcii.12T a 3To!sel?s Slaslilna. t ' It reqaire yitTYyPiiii fCii.NTrles power to drive tt irj 3X.itW tcHia fAe ni.rket. 4 girl twelve yeare of agecaa work it steadily, wit'a -cut fatizua or injury to be&Ub. ! Its strength "anA Wosderfat Simplicity cf coa- atruction renders it almost impasible t get out of i i . tt r , x' t . . , i 1 1 give emir satisfaction..'', r" .: V. t:"l' j Wetesrectfully invite all tlosa who may c3a!re to supply tucmselri witn a superior &iuls, to come and eiimide tail. C oxiraUea Vaccine. ! bat ia a more especial manaer da ire aclicir be patronage or ....... . ... . , , Merchant Tailors, Coach JJakers. lloop Siixt tiaau-'as- turers, " Shirt ana boson Halt Corset Tlakcri, . . Gaiter Titters, ' hhoebiadeis. Vest and Paatol CCU ALaxere, Dress ilakera. ers, RdigioMt and Charitall Inttitutiont tstli b Wi$- , raiiy dMlt vitX f . - : Prices of 'SacJjInoCompIctoi 1, Family iljhine,w;ta,Ieqimer a eller . . and liraider, :; ,.' ' ,' ' V,".- ; ' C3 Ho. 2, SmaU Uaaufactcrin, wiib Extensloa Table ' , . .-" . ' V 1 T JTo. 3, Large Uanafastarirvitb Ejtetsioa Table 5 Ko. 4, Lirgs Macofactarlcj, fjr : Leather, 1 with Kollicg Foot and Oil Cup 1C3 One half kavr't instruction, is rtf.twt tmnalU any jpergan to tcori thi M&chin f thtir antir$ - ' . . aiacfioji, J , 9 ' Agents Wanted for all towns ia the United SUtea, where Agents are not already established. Also for Cuba, Mexico, Central and Sou th America, to whom a liberal dite jvant win be giraa.', " Ternsa invariably Ca.h oa delitorj. T. J, McArllinr & Co., I - . .r f HroA'iwajy.Vew 1 ork. ' 1 Ire'' ' r . A -rrr .-' - ' i A. o. t i . asr.iozton.oi., iioatoa. GEO. mAN2Jtgat, Feb. 2.15. - ly 'C- ;iuirx3TRAx;N0Ticn I Taken p by the undersigned residir fa G'ea Rock Tewribip on the 1st day of ilay IS! S, cce dark bay Mare, both aitd feet whiter-no other morks cr bracks jr(jIyaUe,"aupp;s64 .raJbe f&af yean til XhiiSprirg'c; j Hit- J. 3..cVIiLIAMS,rsrt is the autbo' lied Aj'eai tn St.Meafs forUis pHfef, "w;.; Bttend ! eaaksat core :;.. anaporebasea tatbetCUy. OJt j 17 Cfttnut St., N. E. Car Fifth, P. O. BeaCl swurv f Hi - '.I.J A . . . tTvv'vt,jyfVH s-i vv'Ww : " . i ". ' f i Tkeocdanei kep cataii ik;i sritsf SAsTIi:HT&CASSir.:EF.HUiTS Fcrllaa t-i Eoy'i ;i.l3j,!ir;i tc:k ef : U ATS; :0 AS, ECOTD AKD SHOES. . w 4 1 UMBRELLAS . ANP , CAHIX ' BAGS, .V a -. 1 CAGII ! , j - v . . - 5, .- ' VVd purchased cur roods kiti lt eline in iha Markets and will ts'l at h.v frares. ATKINSON fi CO. April 1211, .' J-SMj ' ' T TACZZHAL. Laie Ttcrat, T5"!ile Ci: ':, r j.. A.i. et-o., 60Urtlyca ,. , . At J-IcLa-zsilia L. Zwsz's. THE tsst Flonr frors tbaL. . V. O. L'iHs la q-JA-wt katf a wtc-I sce te-.t - - - - AT H'IAUGT?I,Ii; ft STTATTS v NvCOaal-ttiUoaa.,- -Dvr j', v ... -.i '. VTS.Y p; , XVaa-v-w?.-. X w ' " f i. . w v- - -. -.- - j , -i. . Cor"! t- -r, t - ; To all c! CZ 9 C T , t-1 , j. v:i; s 3- isx JX J r . r- , j , . . ; 1 4 4.1. ".':) 1l'l . - .. . , : ? s ; , w ' : f . i ".'..' s v i ... t3 ti?i , 4 J - j : ) -i r i -: -Tracch- Ti: 5 I M 4 j i . f ' e - . -Vt GHEAP FOP, CASH: Groceries -ot-J7crvrIa:;j. .- : - T ri Match r: t -s-' r? . .' - ' ! -AIlcfL. tl t-.-iiJ ti)! . i ; .. -' . . -rrewavtlTa, 1T;.. CHOIG 4 j J V. f 4 Wholciilo v and -'"Ec! . i . . i 4 J W ( I ... : OF TIIH f -H ' - - --T- V -.TV --' " , p r s ' ..... - ... ? ! ' ' ' TiROTTirILLr, f . v( Cia Jast 'jiecstved tie ts-'z??t ! t: ! x' Liquors ar.i C-iars ever c'iret 11 s rsr wtil sou tier a low as asy L ia Ui i i . " J T7l GEO, A.. FRINGE C.- O'CS PATENT .1 "I v k : J ...5 t. . SCHOOL GH0i:.3AnD r.-i-tsia. on::" Ca.sc 3. Ji'o Chzrgefzr Lzzir-z cr srj;. ' e' rtr f T,l ' ;.. ', " ,.4 t-. tatnlr.t.fall tftsrrij-iioa c :r:s. a-1 i...'- tilt scoe ec:iat iitm. liai, as to tit sc;j'.ar f lence ef ons tfltruaaC4-w;:i ts t t frl. txju auto mat: a c:: a - lapreea.irj tia Atoaatls Crria. . t, , r t soance ice areaieat triaspti ta cisj.nl - ef tie szs. Ccfirj i;e 541 !u:r e-a.-j ;i . . sxd Cercaaa bive tiiQ.'to'.arj.i rel l-str-r;. wubeoTjoie beiiews, ar.4 two peit'.i rort" i s t eparata, tuttte wir.t cf t; reT-.-i.i er . i iehows, (wa;ci )s tie or.ty tijws tae 1 :s j . : .-. . menu), c it irrp.-Jiii: fcr t-en t- tr '- - tael!w,ri:h asl ciiiiittuao fit w.i.j c r Keats ere c'?jri'.si. Aaotier ti.'-r..ca ti 11' $ f -'tr ' - Ja-ed for tte t3E?ne c; cj tsa a'c'.t, pait t07eiri, lia:rcxtru cc o.ruii.44 ci i.. j. ptna piaa 0 "dauiie Dia-vor," have, t"-, ;. -- trei ia tru cczit.-y, aat n cssiisra.:; ti. c (wsat cf a a leeer aaa ta 1 1.- . e;ertedtTiese. Te i;:- - j t - 1 ( t.va te:t. ."7 w s Tjit ti;s ccjact 445 u. . ecn:?a to a g-stlsaas, bat ta a la'T t 3 - -aaa;pa.UieUt--4r yt-sc i.e. . .' ' ..." Cut Anf.caaV.t cr;ce vviip ': " ly, ; t: ;i :: ; . . ' frf tone. - . - . - .41... . .. .. ?3r ir-.tn ? r;r!.-- " - iIe!od.via tuk tui iota cartcectf. s-; - - ; pasttse enorzioca ieiaaul aaa ci m. ; nata i2ai cij traers pfOE-t.;f-i . - , -f -l.-r:"', v--a-- ja j..'.- a v. 4 iis p.wiap'. 4 ci,-. a K-usua.i-a c iie:r rui-c--. . Caution lr l'srclintrrr. All enr iixr2en' tvs t-h a te z. s ; ;:.."&(. A. t Co ii- t fetes sajye:.. r i:itiw:ni''-. i it is Eic! yiLirj s:itx,s &ii .. . 4 n""t. 'SJ." i ii-? 3 A i-.-.-ii ..in-.-1 taCi-. rv, .' 2 7 0:1 J 2: soa Co'.:-is far siia. j.rwi Vis, Af.-ti SS r . 1 '5T