1 saw axd noun jsp 3 X, WZXJ.ker eoaiA&i!y est bend aa eitcrtmsnt ef nstra-cpciSao to .Common 0 . AO": , . r -.-. jural Ik ' Aai eft ether articles usnally'kectla af.rst-lai Merchant Vloaring or Saw Mill, t Frowr-ville, llercb.JIst, !. nS0-8-ly. TEG E.C.CEEIISHA'W, VI JUF ACTUKER ' DEALER er . GADDLEH7 in HAItTTESS ; ALimrps or HARNESS WHIPS, SPURS, LASIIES, Jfala C treat, Opposite Ware's Baa.lt. ' NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA GEO. A. PRINCE & CO'S r r. C i J AUTOM'ATIC: ' .ORGANS I ! SCHOOL ORGJSIS r - i X Jt & k 4 MELODEONS ! ! ! Yfelrtr-FlTc Ttoasaai Kou InTse. Every Instrument warranted for jtvtytan . , r tj. : ; i ' v. rr tertBUta jMra tbt inperioreicelltcce oor fculrimtou b&4oUbea qaeiiei, ai for 4 wo Jn fAJt tb eoAfmviifMaand.kf tud it impoi fbr f to meet onrcrder- promptly. With our litrMed fciluieio -fel wwraDtfdia -ucariiig r tnBf tbt their ordt-r j miU be prompt! met, ' ab1 awlicit a rctiaui:a i.f theU patronage. lX UlFllLl)I!COrXT TO CUKSTKK.V, CIl'K EI AVO CEOOLIo - ... i lOlTO. At THlKCE COV BuffaJo. T. Y. O tO. Ai PiilKCi: & CO., Chicago, 111. A lSsstraU Catalftgue. with full descrlptisn of es will free to any address. PHILLIP DEUSEK, VltXtL Street' bet. First "&ud Second St. Xeerw coast kotly en band the best quality of ' ' ; cnEwixo and sjjomo, S E " G ;A E & : , Confectioneries Caniift, Plain and Fancy, ' Orans, Rattens Ltmoni, Dan,.,, . Figs; -Vtifi, applet, tire, ere. - t Mihviifoft Toys 1 ' 1 1 Canned Fruit, and k . .- vl Oy tiers. miLL to aeeoni me dating, obliging, pairlotle and wide awake to the interest of the public, and baa te best assortment ef Varieties in his line ever fared hi this market, and ie dwtexmined not to: be undersold for CASII. HELLO, STRANGEK - -. T7IICHC DIE YOU CCCT TIIOSi: N'ISW GOOBSP r J. BEKHY &X0'&, TJIE VERY CHEAPEST HOtiSE IN BROWOTILLE J. BERRY &' CO.: Kara Just reeetved. ana are aow openings at ke a Kai ei.iet,eaf ( sne jergeai svcsi nvae BE?; GOODS ST .OOHH ewrerered la this market. Remember te p'ice, J. BEKM & C0S, UHU It A I B4T-4f D1.HD App'.m, Dried Peschee, saie' sVice,, ' ttarck, eesp, VaadUs,etc, etc., . At MeTughlin. &Swan'a. BACK TO THE OLD STAND ! ClOSIS;' Uii7C3JS; AXD O MlSs T-S r e'P-i JOSEPH S II U T Z ? W,t 1 rerpettfnll Inform Hi eld customers that he sVs aita opened his Jeweliy Xhop i hieeldetaod en Sain street, south side, two doers east of the Brown villa Koase. He keeps on hand apleodid assortment wt everythiai iu bis tine ef business, which he will ell ea the lewesoerms f er Cash-' 4 K eTrt Watches and Jewelry dune on the ahort .et Vesiev. ' vork warranted: teewavlile, JTth Ksy ttth, Ul. . X7.vS.Iy:' Takes a p by the subscriber resdmg la Clen Eock Tswibl-;a red suer.wlute eresa en her baJt, 14 vktMj, Tbeeeyvwre eld next spring, JfHFI, wfww PAtav. V I tai f. .1 fin 1 .J - : fa 1 Ulii I T ... -A ' '.: ? I 1 -J . J- . ., 1-- t 1 a?i GRO VESTEEN & CO, ' FORTE MANUFACTURER, Z3 EXOT3"W"lT TTZ3T TOHIS. PIAN O. The aJtrntion rf the Public a ad the trtde it Vorie. which for Tolum and purity of tone are contain ail the modern ixoproveruentt, French, Grand Ac, and each instrument bung made under tee pvrK-cal tuperrt-ion oi Dr. J. 11. Uroreflteen, whu has had a practUal experience of over SO jeara in their manufacture. i foil warranted in erety particalaf - The k,Grovcslecn Piano Torterecclrcc! tbeli!g;heef mvard of merit over oil others at the Celebrated World's Fair! rre were exhibited Instrument! from the best makers of London, Peril, Oercany, Philadelphia. Ball iuore, Boston and New York ; and also at the Atuerloan Institute fOrt e saeoessiwe jean, the gold and siJrer medals from both of which can be seen at our ware-room. . Bj the introdoetion of improvementa we make a still snore perfect Piano rorte. and hy aatufac'dtlog largely, with a ttriotlj iash system, are eaablei U offer these instruments a.t a price which will preuludc a)! competition. i '. , . , , PUICEd No. 1, Sertn Octare, round eoraers. toeewood plane ease $273. ' ' No. 2. He en Octave, ruund eorners, Rosewood heary moulding $300. 1 -.' ,1 ?. J SerenOetaTe,nundeornerf,RoewoodIx.uiXIV"s:yle325,afaciuaileoftheaboTeel. j - ,V Ts9Xatxx0i TJ&tt Oxaala., in O-tursros S'xxaacaisi. . DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS SEXT FREE. , , . jute 3a-i:43-r3-ly . " J5 IMPBOTED SSI7IIJ8 iJMMDIS. - The greatest improrement jet in the Sawlnn Ma chine Art. A cutioaity worth seeing. : " : - i . : Please send for circulars with samples of Sewing, . . : . - " - .... . " Thee Imptorcd M.vh'toes mt aae hundred - per cent, of threal and u&, and iu&e the Lock-Mitch like . bs.'th .iJt'S. . v They rT"r no irstnjc'jo to operate perfectly, except the print-.d dirvt:- " . . chatg-e to sc!g frrna one k'sd of goods to another. kX a taking apart to eleaa or oil. f Our!Cew Manufactory i t -w coaiiJete, with all its machinery and tools entirely sew, and is already rapidly turning out Machines, which for beauty and periecuon of finifb are nor surpassed by any manu facture ib the world. . 1 ' X. B. Should any Machine prore unsatisfactory, it can be returned and money refunded. - . - 1 Agents wanted la eeuntiea not- canvass ed by cur wnAgeaU. riXKLE & 1LYOX, S. M. CO. -. - ' f? XO. 539 BROADWAY, N. Y. No. 48 t8 ly. j It iOSh v s w k m .. u ' Tsrasa -CUtrrs are Brenai-ML la tmr &ww WhMr, from a combination ef evrr twenty dif " treot kln is of reou, .barks acd. brrUc wUca i. act In perftct concert one with the oliter, pre eared from the original fortnuia riven bj the great chief, Red Jacket,' to Pr. C'Upin, whe ' eacd Ibcas Mcoesafuity in his practice for many tears, and by their use gained so great a popularity 1 the treatment and cure - ef l)yrpepaU, Liver Complaint, Constipation, Sick and Nervous Ilead ache, Fever and Ague, and all diseases arising from 'torpid liver or insheratlon. Persons suffering from - either of these loathsome diseases win find a sure ' iure by the use of these Elttera, which are perleoOv -gure and free from all those drags and poisons use ally put up In such preparations and palmed off oat a unsuspecting, public. A single Vial will con vince the most skeptical that in the RED JACKET tbere la virtue which ee ether Bitters yosssse. Ttej rtm ties tad iarlfortte tko ryttea. T Ttty ixe tuifrq tiled tst geaer&l debility. ' Tlty tr Atcro torofordyrpepsiA, . Tfcey gite $ gcod tnd ttsiUj irpttitt. ' , Tlej usiMt ii&sHn. They art tit lest gtjdttlaxi la trixUioc. Zhtyus t prrrtntiTt of rarer &&iAfa& Tlry rellBT cczstipatlou. Tiey core Eerrou Ce&dAfle.' TyKnvetlyxmnaxdptlaUlls), " Aged persons aed deOeate females will find the eaa save large doctor's blUe by the use of tbeee Fit ters. . Beware of eeeeterfelu. The Red JackH Bit. ten are eaty sold U bottles with ear nam bioww ew the side, and ear private geveraaieat stamp m wi. a y j W-W W K S , Liiv- . . i ij f Vitlp' Ik , 'W,V-.v.f ii S lr... , , 1 , Fee Medicinal acxr Tahie bsm, wich are perfectly ran, uv art ntuj M irietl to he appreciated. Rone renulBeualeaa they bavaeus fid ieiel est -eece betUe,- aa ev iaUasj pressed la wax ever " ehecerk. , - - Bold by an drerrtas aad dealers threuxbeut tike . aeeutry. Call foe ear goeda and, take eoysther. CtrsaJars to the trade supplied es applicaUosi ts Ccaaett Pie lcm & Co. feUby he. tl iUrer Sk CUcage. i W. H. ITcGJUllttP.r, BTownvllle, - BRCWN fcPJaOIjTV, Peru, .'T. OADE Co.. . " " " Brownviiu, Junes, 1664V 0 nett-ly- s NOTICE. ' In areordanee wi'h an order from the Probate Coartef Gage County, - Nebraska Territory, datri tbe 11th day of Jene, 1804, 1, John W. ftbem, Administrator of the Estate of W.r W.'D.;r.isoa, deceased, will on the 24th day of April. -tfij be tween the hours of 9 o'clock, a. m., 'tii4'7 V.I.'fk. f. m., offw at ublio sale at the oQce of -e V ate Jdd?e in Bcatriee, Gage County, all of tie late W. V. Dennisonts right, title ar4 interest in the fallowing Real-Estate, vis: The southwest1 of the southeast and the south i the south west Kl, of ecfiou;no:4,lwn no. I, north of ran ire 8, cast, and the northeast of the northwest , of section no. 11, tuwit lt ransr 8, east, and lots one and two and west 4 of nertuwst IX of section no. 10, town no. 1, range 8. j fJOHX'TT. LATHAM. Administrator ' ' ' - ' Estate of W. W. Denninen. Beatrice, Gageeo.,Neb.,Mrah 9,lS65.-27-3-$T RICHARD COLLINs fflfHL'5 lilT. Address EroTrnTllIe cr Peru, Xeb. I8-tf Tll.om, Better, Jtrga, Eacoa, et.. ate..' X -.4.1 UalAuskiin BwaitVs 4bm mm .i 3- - 1 .) 4.) 5&: '( I inrited to oar New Seale 7 Uctare h(MBWod Finao onri Tailed by any hitherto offered in thU market. They action, Harp Pedal, Iron Frame, Orer-Strung Base, . . V72JL H. UcCHrmY, . Cah Wholesale aEOeiall Dealer 23 jEl.,"0"' CSr fDlCIIIES AMD CHELIICALS ' ; Paiuts, Qila'aai; Dye Stuff,: ,, , Pcre ilnos for Medical reposes . ,'. All kiuds Patent Mcdiciuts . . DEJfTJIL AXD FANCY GOODS, Blank Books and Statiocezy, , , ' -Tbtbest Brandt of Chewing and Smoking ' TOBACCO AND rSEGARS; lulls GTmH olors. PerfBrnery and Tollel 6ooJ lie assures his patrons, and the public generally, be will keep on band an extensive stuck of the a: , tides mentioned, besides anything and errvibir. If I . A M . . .. . . ububiij aept iu nrsi ctass urur nitre, wnjct ne is prepared to tell at low rites for .Cash. , Call & examine for yourself . , . , - i ; - : South-east Corner Miin and FirstStreets Brownvillc, Nebraska. Prescrlpllons and Orders Carefully filled at all h pun. . ; ; ;.- A FORTUNE!! E.'STLOYJIEafT FOR Syr -' o to o c3. Agents wcBtf4.iaroulout the J. S. andCanada Watches. Chains, Set s of Jewelry, Rings: luns. Bracelets, Meevt Mutlcns., Silver . Spoons and ForJcs, cps, Calit1'' Baskrts. fat AtQTtlC: Eight " J hundred Thousand', D(Udrs ...); i . ' . . . . . i The Entire 8Uk of -large Ilmporting House, retiring' from business;""' ' For the purpose of eio&ing out tbe stock ad tbe earliest possibie ht.j, ibe-itttdefsincd hare decided n great diarjr:'. ntu n made as follows: 2a; h axideTery Article, no matter how v!u ...... - ituBbeiBg Sold for A TERriFICATKor each artkie with iU valUie p. i .tea upon it W piaced-in an anveloe and sealed -!! .-... envelopes are tbosougbly mixed and sold foe twe&ly-fu cents-each toe person receiving one of these envelopes is entitled to the article named therein by returning tbe Certificate to us with one dollar, and the article, no matter how valuable it may be, will be forwarded to him or her at once. There aie no lllaak Certificates and therefore every one is sure to get, at least, tbe full value of his cr her monoy. Should the article named on the cer tificate not suit, any other wbfch he ny select of the tame value will be tubstituted. We sell the certificates as follows: ' . uae lor Zici, fire) for $1, eleven for C2, thirty foi a, nxty-five for $10, one hundred f ,r $l&. This distribution affords a fine opr; unity fa;' Ageuis, as wuai taoy or gentleman, will not invest I wenty-five eents with a prost ect L J...i .t . . of getting five I ich.- All osdenl pvuureu urs tyttunnit hum hj true most Do aaaressfd tw us ; ur old s'.aad No. 15. Maiden Lane, New Vork; 1 - - ..ILaiist OSk.X"tioio. 1 Al! f 'whitL are b-j sold fur (hi Dollar eaoh. Littles iiu.a Kr.auiciei.car:e t latntk Huruiu" case Silver 2lw Viarr..-T:il Hirs, o 3oid Vett au-i Keci; 05::tius 3koo ' " 35 15 do ' KM) do , 20 in' c do $ do- 10 dol 24 do 10 do C do i 8 do ' 8 de ' do-' lo do ' 8 do . 10 do 8 do 7 do 8 do 20 do " 8 do lt do 11 do 10 do . 10 da J6 do 16 do . ' t . lioo Ova! Fa3'1 Ura.o!eL, t 4cve Chaste CIld M: a- ilei . , 2o.o Chatelaine and Guard Chains ' 6ooe Solitaire and GoM Brooches . . I 2ooo Lava and Xorenuuc Broucbes 2oo. Coral. Opal aud Bmerald Brooches Souu, Mi saic, Jet, Lava and Florentine r.w itps 45oo Cval,lrl aodRmeratd Kar Drop 4 ; 4 4 t, K K f 4iiou Glir-ei sHnnn4. Btast Pins 2 SO Vxxj O ld F A aud Vt-st Watch. Keys 2 60 4io b a:Hi Vsrn Ribbon Slides S 4ouo SeUS.UtaireSeeve Bartons; Studs S S (ruid ITuuibles, Peocils, ic, 4 enoo Minature Luckevs, - ' 2-.60 4mw Miniature Llckets Magic Spring 1 3 mo vldToothpics, Crosses, tut. $ 5ooo Plain Gold leiiics - 4 5km Chased Void Kings "4 Souo Sione Set and Signet Rlnge 2-60 8.kx Callforuia Diamond Rings 2 1ft Sets Ladies Jewelry Jet A Gold $ fiooo Sets Aewelry Cameo, Pearl &e 4 Cooe Gjld reos, bilver Exiensioa . ' ' holder and Pencils 4 000 Cold Pens aud GoldMounted- ' 10 dj : .'iiwlders 8 M 8 do' 0000 Gold pens and Gold extension ' 8. " 10 do holders , 6ooe Silver Goblets and Drinking Cups & 60 do Sooe rver Castors, 16- 44 50 do 2ooe Silver Pr.ait aad Cake Baskets 50 " 60 do 5ooe Dosea Stiver Te Spoons 10 " 20 p doe Moo do do 'Taoiespeotia forks m u 4do AJr.Ts. e want agents in every regiment, and in every town and county in the country, and more aetmg as ucn wiu do allowed 10 oents on every Dartifieate ordered by tbcin, provided tbeir remitiance amounts to one doiiar. . Agents will collect 25 cents fof every Certificate, and remit 15 0 .-.-t,- to U. ' rf W-.te. j Isirly.say only what is necesary and U i-.--n.i:t.' -' Adjvss,'Ji:ARP W. DEVAUGII ACO., 24 3m No. 15, Maiden Lane, N. Y. A Large assortment of Pocket knives. Butcher knivj etc., etc., can bo seen . .. At WIAXJCTILIN & SWTAyS. CCLTIVATOHS, Scytnes, CradJes, Rakes, Hoes, Shades. Shovels, eta.' a.c. - , JV-t iicXiughlin & Swan's. BROOMS, Blacking brushes, WhUkbrcoms, Rlscklug, J Paper, fcc,, Ac, ecrebbine brnstes Hatches, Ink, Writjn . McLaughuii & Svas'$, ; ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken lp by the undersigned, Jiving six miles weft of Brow nvi Ire, Dec. 14th, one red and whits) stosr, three years old last spring. 15-31- stW KEXSEDY. . . . ELECTION NOTICE. - - .There win bt an Election held in the City of Drownville, May 1st, 1865. for the purpose of vo. ting for or against a special Tax of ten Mills on the Dollar, for tbe Erection of a Schooil 'bouse in tbe City of Browaville. . : By order f the Board, 31-2t W. W. HACKNEY, Clk. NEW Orleans, Clarified, Crushed and Powdered 8 gars, G jldsn Syrup Sugar House and for races Molasses , - At Mel.anlil!n ft Bwtta's. TilE U0S1C2 WAKES IIODIZ-'i - ia:raoT2 crrrrst'Ka- eats FULL EOII rHALH3 PIAITC3 ... -v t . . are butlt ef tlte bst ard vmi tbereuglr seasoned mi terUs, and will tUnd any ciinute. ' The tone is very 0efp reond, fall, and llowj ttc touca eiutlc. jrh Piku warraated (or fite years. ; frlces trom u$"09: - " 1 TBSTIKOMALn."- "Tkr Iterance Vaters FUtM ate ksowa is among th very Vest." EvmngelUt. , . " '. . ... .. "K ca Kpeak of their merits frcm personal knowl trsters Fia and Jlelodeoo challenge comparison with th Cneat made anrwhere." Home Journal. $190 WEW.7 OCTAVO PIAliOS, of dUTsr em makers, tot JiiJ; do., with carved legs, t'JO, (226 and $240. Second-hand Piuios and Xelodeon at $io, t0, $58, $SQ, ",5, $100. $1!5, IMS, $150, and v . V " . - - - - - Th UoTaee Water'$ lltlodtom mnd Uarmoniumi, Tuned the Equal Temperament with the Patent Diri.-fed S ell. Prices from $55 to $390. Alexander Or gan 8 from $200 to $500. t3A liberal dUcotmt to Clerrymen, Churches, Sb bath Schools, Lodges, Seminaries, and Teachers. HUB Cat WATKK3, Aft, Ko. 8l Broadway, K. T. TU Day Sckooljcll v ... - i0,000coplss Issued. - A sew Sisiiar Book for Schools and Seminaries, called the Day School Bell, ta now ready., It cocuias atevit.two hundred choice, soags, rounds, catches, duels, trios,' euarletU, and choruses, many of them written expressly for this work, "besides n oapes of U.e Xlementaef Music, which are easy and projreive.- ' Jtiuoflir the Urjre number of beaofirul pieces may te .found, 'Tncle Sam's ;School,' "Cwn't you hear the ; children coming," "Always look on (be sonny side," The tittle lass, f and "Little Lad'.'Oh, if 1 were a little bird," "Bird of beauty," ' ?retty pear tree.; Anvil'Chorus," 'lleet me by the ruutiinrf brook,' .ft. - It is compiled by Horace Waters, author of '-Sabbath School Be!," Kos, 1 and S, which have had the enormous aleef 23, CO copies. Priees papercovers. 25 cents. $30 per 10GJ bound $0 cents, $25 per 100; cloth b(.uudfceaUOMed gilt, 40 cents, $35 per hundred. 45.pi furniahad-at tie oae hundred price. iCalted ki Ue rataii price. - i i..r. v,- - v ... 1 - - - . -SabbaiX Sckooll Bell, Ye. " contains 144 pages, jshd" nearly Iwo hundred tones and bymsn, and is the most popular S. a Book ever issaed Amonx the mot popular pieces are, ' Kind Words," "Eden AbeveV'Cbrtstlan Hero," 'Beantiful Zlon," "I oKbt to love m j Mother," "The Anicels told me so," "In the Light," "Best for the Weary," fcc. Prices paper covers, 10 cts. each, $15 per hundred bound, 96 cts: each, $20 per hundred ; cloUt bound, embossed gilt, 29 cu., ZZ, per hundred. , . . Salbath School Jf.iVc. " - is an enXUs new work of 194 aaes, and nearly 325 tunes and bymnt. As the music is a little more difficult It Is just tee book to follow BeiL ifo-. 1.-. Nearly ehe mil- licnof these Bells have beea issued, and are now ring- :ng taroagn this and other countries. Amona; m say-cooler piecee may be round, Shall we meet b yoad the river There la a beautiful worlds Sorrow sbli come agin tie more. Don't you her tbe Angels coming? Ttioo,GodreestmeT Sabbaih Bells chime en, Ac. Prices of Bell So. 3 are the kame as Bell Ko. 1. Buth numbers cr bebtatnett in one voTaule. Price,, bound cory, 40 ct-nth, $35 tor huudredi cloth eoundr embtie'ved gilt, 50'tis.', $43 per hur-irei. 3 copies furnished at ih oue buudisd price. Mailed v jrmtm w fl aeessu J SB the retail price. i r r - f - r WaUrt' Cvril Uarv. " ' new Scnday Scbo-il Book,' 160 rsgjs of beaufifuj hrms fcu! tones. Ii contsive in.iav cecv. . t-ucn 4. tiu. we know each other tere: 3ti!!Vr lv.il nildrei; tw cm umU Me ; The Usmii tul shores jxU fr'orl- cuaj Leye m wuir mymo.h r ; He t&sueth me beside Rti'l i!r, kc. Pi. fnv.r cover- Accents: $15 per iifuiji: t? ; on!d JScuiU. 2u perhon-lredj x.nth bor.r.i emtiaSi-.danifv: i 6 cenis. $30.per haiaired. Mi'Hpi1 -Ctlie ifta'l prle. It is edited by Horace Wa ter authjr 4 Seuilav School Helm Ket. 1 and 2. which bav bad the fnoriix s's sales of over eight thonsand copie. JnsiVur. fished by HO RACK WATERS, No. 481 Broadway, Kew lorlt." - ' I 1 V I I ' l ! r , Tt Sew Patriotic Song Bool, ' I (' r v Contains 96 pages of songs, duers andeheruses, belb s ered and secular! including 14 pages of prayers fat sick and dying soldiers, and soldiers' Scripture Manual. It Is well totted for social singing, as well ae Sabbotb worship; Among . the 'many beautiful pieces may be foiind, Where liberty dwells Is my country; TheChrls tian here, Three cheers for eur banner;. Come sing to aseef keavya; Co) nubia, thecem of the ocean; Pie man's gathering Columbia's King forever ; Marching a!cg, Ac. Prices panercevrulctut,$l)ehun drad. Malled'at Ue retail price . "x r "V ' 11 7 r " " contains St pages of songs, duets and choruses, for Free dvss. Among the choice pieces we would name, Pali freedom's morn; Olet my people go; Over tbe moun tain f Tbey worked, me all the day. Jie. Price 6 cents slcle, 50 cent per.Ootea, 43 per kuiidred; postage 1 ceut each. ! -uth; A Sacred CtrntQtnS :"1 - - " v ' ' ' cortair.F U p-es Wor.!s b? Rov. Sidney Dyer, musit fc-rror. uuif. .::iiuio ex. eweiit U'x for concerts t)T ;faevao,i. Prices prfperroTers, 20 tents; $15per htituised; bound 26centf. $20 per hundred. V r. Tie. JU9tmd lfuii Book . contains 7S pageof tunes ant byms. designed for re.' viral, prayer, and eoaiereaeemeeungs. Price In papei covers, single copies, 19 cents; $S per hundred. Mailed at the retail prices. ; ; I -r "Tht Atiertoum Cuiltetian, . V H 1 . .? . ti . j vA contains between four and live hundred pages of tenet and hyuiaa, new and old, of the choicest kinds, fo chnrcb, Sunday school, revival, missionary, temperanc prayer, ami coafrreacevend allhinde of sacred and so Lsl meetings. Tbe music in this book has life and an lotation in it, like. Shining Shore, Rest fr the weary Shall we kn-w each other there f Shall we meet beyn the river ; There is a beautiful world ; Kind words Sweet hour of prsyer; There is a laud of love; Suffe- uttie chuarea to como unto me ; t save tbe xtation lie. Prices eingle copies, bound: 60 cents; $45 pet hundred; cloth bound, embossed fO cnts; 65 per bnndred. Mailed at the TCtail price. " llifRACK WA. TKU5, 481 Broailway, New Tourk, Publisher of th' nbore iiooks. , I'ocrtZ Jfutit, with Piaao Atwtpaimct. AlargA assortment of new and popular songs, ballad. duet, quartette, and cboruseo, l.saed daily. Among tbe most popular are, Shall we know each other there, Lowrey; Why have my loved ones gone; I will he true to the; Oh, there's no sttcar girl as mine, by Poster Usthir! love la true; Sweet love, forget me not. St., ey a.ei ler, so cents eacn , 1 near iwwi vmc emtius , Hnme ts borne; Forget if you can. but forgive, bj Thomas, X9 cents each. , . iDstrnmeetal Musis for tht Ciano Forte We art coming Father Abra'am, six hundred thousand more A ways look on the "sonny side; Shall wt know eack c.t.er there? kc,, with brilliant variations by Grobe C0 cents each. Poikas, , Waltses, Marches,- Quickstepe. Qnadrine, &c.,by popular authors. All kinds of Singing and In struction books. Catalogues mailed! ree teeny address Music mailed1 at tht above prices. r , - ' - - r r r i ? 11 '' ' ; iralers' Cheap JfatssVer' t MiUien. Arranged as soloes, daets, ouartetu and choruses, fof mnslcat aocietie, chotra. Sunday schools; pollic schools seminsrler etc' Shalt we know each other there Voa't you hear the aecels coming f Shall we meet be yond tbe riverS Me in. time; There ie a beautiful world; Where liberty dwells my country ; Freedom, truth and right; We sfe coiV Father Abra'am. sis hJiadred thowaad iw-re ; Tbere Is a laul of love; Sr rew shall eae sgaa no-raore ; Kciventy home; Com stag to me of Heave; Laud in sikui ; we v.-iii laveom Sonday School ; Our God is ntirchiut; 0:1 j nosie tht Natioa; Whittier's song of theianiati iu Xegs-oy Pat Preedout's Morn has dawned at lar ; Over u.e moun tain; Over the mountain; Little Ella's a:, isiel; Wit lie's gone .to.Utaveo i ffer , IU.tichi4re(r to come unicrae; Bqrv me ia the uAmrg,'M!her; Cvmt u thy rest ; Sweet hur of Prayer, Ac Price 3 cents, Se cents per dox., $J per hundred; ; postage 1 cert eacti la sheet form, with Piano sreempaniment, -it cents. Published by HORACE WATPRS. Ag't, Ko. 4S1 Broatiway, N. X' - ' - T " "1 " ' " ' ' ' " " n ee a. t. AirrHomr &co;, A Si i i' C Manufacturers of Photographic y Materials, : ' - - Wholeeale and Retail, 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. la sdditloate eur mala business of Pbotcgrapbie M. terlals,.we art Headquarters for tht following, vis : Strccscopes & Stereoscopic Yleirs Of these wt have aa immense assortment, including War; Scenes, American and Poretga Cities and Land scapes. Groups, Statuary, 4C,. Ac. Also,- Revolving Stereoscope, for public or private exhibition, out Catalogue will be bent to any address on receipt ef sump. VA' ' .'.- ,- ,-...' Photographic Albiims. We were the first to Introduce these into the Unite States, and we manufacture immense quantities is great variety, ranging frr:j Si cents to $f 0 each. Out Albums have the reputation of being superior mbeeu ty and durability to any others. They will be sent tj mail, PRE E, "on receipt ofprlc. C7 ' I- " . ' ' ICS" XX ALBUMS M ADI TO ORDSR..Q w CARD 'PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Catalogue now embraces over PI re Tbousan flifferent subjects (to which additions are eontinuall being madej ef portraits of Bminent . Auttrlcans, fce. 100 Major-General ft, s I wu. . . 1 664 BUtesmtn, 130 Divines, 1W Authors, 40 Artists, 154 Start. zoo arigaaier uanarau, 379 Colonels, . 100 Lieut-Colonels, ' ' 950 Other OScers, 19 aavy umcers. 69 Prominent WesastA itA Prominent Porelgn PortralU. 8,000 Copies of Works ef Art. Including reproductions ef tbt most celebrated Ea gravings. Paintings, SUtuea, -. Oatalogues sen t oa reeelpt of stamp. An Kh for Oat Dotes Pictures frem our Catalogue wtll be filled en tbe receipt ef 81. SO. and sent ay mail." Pres. . . . rhotogTaphera and others ordering good O. Q. P. will please 1 emit t went; .five percent of the amount with t&sir order. a. A. H, T. AVTRONT k CO., Manufacturers of pbotographlc Materials, L 601 BROAD WAT, MEW TOSX. Q"T prCcrs nl quality of 0r eeods iho3 1664. 1,717 - i - u t 4 w' .... W J , I " i 1 ' . , I ' UJ I i An InclpondsntDcsiccratic Dal- 1; licsyape?.; . OF- THE WOULD UNION AND ........ AGUS- . ... . The World, to which the New York Weekly ArgTis has been united, bat to-day 'five times the aggre gate oirca.aiioa of aay Democrat!: or eenservatire newspaper. It addresses weekly alone more than IQ0.G00 suD?cribcrs nnd, constant purchasers, and reaebes at least half a million reideri.' .TTith t ie rteady increase in circulation which it now envoys, these numbers will soon be doubled. Nothing lest than this should satisfy tho.e who believe that the only bope of restoring the Union and the authority of the Constitution over a now distracted and di vided eountry, lie' in wresting power frera the bauds of those fanaticism has helped to provoke invite, and prolong the war; ond that to aci?cm-:lUb this end, so means is so effective as the diiuiicn, through able and enterprising newspapers, of sound political knowledge among the working mtu, tlie thinking men. and the votingmen of the North. Enterprise, industry and money vw.ill be liberally expended to make The World , the Best Newspaper in America- 'Its news frua every part of tie world wiil be early and utheatic. ( UTjerever the ult-grapb exteds, or railroad run, or 'steamboats ply it w'll gather the lattst intdlienee. It has slsri iitif of accomplished correspondents with all the federal armie, who will telegraph and write to uJ the latest news faom the various seats of war. It has eorres pondinta and reporters in everv politteal and com mercial eentr in A Merioa tud Europe, whose letters and dispatch aU leave B'.'htjg worthy- ef n:te unknown to n- reiders, , - ,The Market Reports of tie World are mere c .-a-flete- than those of any ther .cswsja?. ILt Editors invite com pa riioii in this rc;pt AnJ puiat to the reports of the Cattle Market?,, the ken-ral, and country Produce Markets and the llonev Mar kets in itseolumri.w priof of its exoeilenee is this respett. The world has also a special department devoted to Agriculture, filled, vita editorial artick a communications from practical farmers and mechan ics of tht oou&try. , M , . . .'The war ia which the nation is engaged aaimt armed and-infotuated Kebeft, and the radical policy of the administration which prolongs it, have eon spired tobnog together spoil one platform all con servative, Cnion-loTirfi and Constitution-lovieg men, of whatever former name u 1 rftd. llaay of those who within tbe limit- -f l.Le Constitution, fonrht the battles of tbe oiiivt box under the c I leadership of the' petiiviic tatesmea of other and e betterolajB,Henr? .CIy a. ,!-: ."I VVebster, to- fltaerwun toemcspe- wl'j . -..j.-crm!i of Fwb patrW. n lni.v z i-.-'K. jf-d 7: ..ilasj L Uarev. SiUs Y rinbt sdu ctctucr. 1 ' v s, ar.w stanr" buldr to'shoulder upeo toe ?vi: ..'-.- rre is a plain one. It is tu restore the UoK-j, .y t.'ie Cuiftitytion, and enforce the laws. .WJ . tevv-r Rake? fur this end, tbe exercise of ''force of the' iioiicv of conciliation. The World will advocate whatever m&kee against it, The World will oppose .Ii will oppota every enemy to the Union, whether j 1! n: - .l . .. .1. 1: 1 1 . armeu IB rcocinun uo ovum vi uihuiuiuij jiauir- inzthe seeds of disunion and essential .disloyalty at tbe' North..' . i' , . . ' A . . It will oppose every violation of the Constitution which is tbe only hvpe and bond of Union, and our only authority for exhortitg-or eoinpeituijr tbe alio eiance "f the doutn. . It will oppose every inf?T!.o of the Law, in high '.lactu ir in lew, bj rcW'.-. s sad misguided parti -snns,or by the aJo-'pi-.Ti ioa tt:?U Ji3t beea their example. , ...... : .. , . , ., . It w'll f citric j-Iv exerciiV tle "Freedom of the Press; it w'lieoostaatlj i-,b,3ld, ani. defeui Free dom et ipi-th 'auti x mjob of tbe tiauot. i : . : To t.i;'j la-les. osts of the f lnDinistMtion, its arM''-;r' ar:d Kt.ju:t ri6.p. ar-a err r' ;ca, t deniai of t: e right to the writ f t biuens crpus, ik illegal procinrcaJoas, its.abt'jtioa ef tiuteand federal laws, iu desi-ottc aoeumulatione of unrrant- cd power. and iCnbrersioos of tfle safeguards of a,vij and pert onal liberty, it win eonstanuy opdose the letter and the spirit ef our supreme law and tbe advocacy of sound' doctrine", until American free men shall be roused to the reeoverr 01 weir rights, their liberties' ther laws and their1 limited and well balanced government, by the resistless decision of the ballot. v v f c ". T: Profoundly Impressed with the desire to contri bute all thas it may to the great work of this gener ation, namely, to restore, our national unity, and to place the United Slate egtvia formost araoDgthe nations of tht cart b, and fi.st id the peace, pros perity, and bappiBess of its people Tbe Werid seeks f rt.ru tbof-e who desire sack things their sym- and support, and, above all, the favor of Ilim who crocus every gooa wont. - , f ? j. il a AalUi.J - PAILY WORL1X Yearly Subscribers .by mail . . ts CO fc SEMI-WEELT WORLD. Single subscribers, per annum $3 OA Two copies to one address 5 C Three CO Five; ." 12 Tea 4 - - ' 12 SO WEEKLY WORLIX. ,-. Single Subscribers, per annum tZ 00 Three copies address on each paper 5 00 Five " .. . 8 00 Ten " . " - 15 00 Twenty'eopies all to one address 25 00 Clubs of tw. tity Or nrver eaa bve' address put on each to-rer fos aa adit-.uaV charge of ten rent cue sr. For every club of twenty an extra eopy will be added for the gener u;f olnb,- j For every club r fif-.y. i-ie Sc i-Weekly, and for every club ot . i-d, tb v"ll be-.et when requcf;ti,i iiuiiot th- exttu ?i.wic i ' j - Additions to Clubs aiy he t acy i : saue rates, rapers . ciuTaot ct. cUiitl ir x. Club to another, but on request mi tanperson ol inr the Club, and on receipt of fifty cents extra single papers will be taken frem - the a&d 5cst to a seperate' address. " All orders must be acoompanted by tbe Cib Address. THE WORLIX 11 Park Row. New York. 1 ' To ConsciaptlTCS. Consumptive snfferers will receive a valuable pre- BCnpilOW 1OT IU (UII VI wli9DiniU us.uau, Bronchitis, and all throat and Lung affections. .free of charge,) by sending beir sddttAi to .. BevEDWABD A. WILSON, hi iTo. .,'.-- .' Jfew York soo On band .and, to arrive at A. CONSTABLE'S Iron and Steel Warehouse, . 20 and 22 Third Street, - . ST JOSEPH, MO Vbh 24a:$.t i - PROBATE NOTICE- To all whom it may ' corctrn, not:cc is hereby given tbat Mordy tbe 31st dav of Jaly, 1885, is the PltOSPECTUS FOR 'J rtiiw Kt to heur and determine all cUimi against the---.ate l Jeph-Gibiler. decoded. Persons baring claims against raid estate will file them in the Probate offico of Xemaba Cunty bv that linje orthey will be foniver barred latrtlruia. . - - - ' rt ii 01 vnrna no-28-4t p'd. . r .Probate Jndgt. QMOKIXG and Chewing Totacoo, Cigars pipes Pipe St stems ana Tooacco roucnesm grea variety, . . : . A.t UeLaughliD & Swan's "R rT AC EERAL. Lake Trout, White, fish, Codssb, ttc., aaa. ttc., constantly on hand At McLaughlin ft Bwan's, rpn x best Flour from the L. S. T. G . Mil is il quarter t , half and wnoie sacss aepi AT M'LATJGyjr k SWAJPS - .''.,' . .r 1 . - -j SALT by the Wei or pound, Pint Salt Dairy Salt, for Ar McLavghli SwaiTs. PICK-ELS by the doxen or barrel, f a superior qaal tjt crnitsatly on hand At AlCLSITGHUW bVAV. TjliG J, Cboselalt, Maple sugar, assorted Jellies, Csn J? Peaches, f epper sauce, Mqsroom. catsup, Worces- tersurt sauca. atc..&c. At McLarouuM 4 S wax's PAILS, Tubs, Kegs, Washboards, Heelers, Children's Cabs and Wheelbarrows II o LJiughlia & S wtn's LAND FOR SALE. The beautiful tract of Land known the "Hay wood farm," eontanmg 160 acres, sit natal one mile West of Browaville, is for sale apply to 18-4tp'd .. WILLI A if II. U00VES. Shears of tht most approved make, for sale At IXcLaughlia dt Swaa'a. ' e .flyer's Cathartic pais. ,I5lA MONTHLY MAGARINE " - : ; ' Si ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "'' The' most 'comprehensive miecellanr ef usefaj knowledge a:id Uener-il Literature, r-eri.xliea:!y Ls sued in tb United State; eeafera ing all the fea tures ef I'Jytechnie JounaaL Economic Expositor Literary liopoj'itorv and Montnly Register, espe cially devoted to Financial. Commercial and Indus trial InteredU and all j Siai sUx:k corporation ea cerns. Havirg commence J the" Fiflh'ToInrnt f till Magaiine, whose success evinces that the efforts of its conductors hare been appreciated by a discrimi nating public, we 'would call attea'.ioa to its char acter on the part or ths largo body of readers who are not yet upon its subscription ILsU. Cor par pose in this publication is the dissemicatica of practical information on subjects of positive utility to the po'5e,eombined with a diversity of literary attract i n securing the services of the best pens to the various departments of Science, Delles-Lettres and General Literature. While aimiaj most as peoially to render most' effective service to the TradeKConrmerct And Material Production of the Country, saaay sides of tie Country, many rides of the raestal work! receive d9 coi-Ueration tht Historic), Critkal. iK' -.b.tif fcl Aiiu imaginative, as well aa the Financial, S.'ati.'tical, Technological and strictly Mercaativ. Wt employ alike the re seacb of tbeavartt a-M tbe fancy of the feuileton-5 ist, with ti c prwcti .i' erperieoce of tbe business man and the' worker. Ia i.ie treatmeat of soientiSe topics, tie inodd seiet'ed is the populr in style rather than the toon r.'al. Tbe niv-a;..: past oft the hour it shall bfl ccr eo iea,ror t p.)i truy, and f avail ooxcelves of the ccnintioaj of new L)i. v e7 to the Circle of KnowieJj? and f-a-.il recvri i:aall practicable nuecinitnej Currec htv!!i gence, which will be of future ntillity and t'uU--' interest when the Present shall have becom ib Past, .In fine, the Americrn Exchange ana Kevie is adttsirablt and tver wetoome moathly visitor its subcribars-4-imparting tbe richness ef kDowitd improving the taste, and farni8biu u.t-Iieciuu. gratification.., i .. ... : The Review has its specialities in distict and in creating Departments, with a General Division for tht widest consistent scope of themes. We rive specification of topi.-s which are tbe subjects either of occasional t reruar publication, th: The Art, yEhoie.: Agriculture, Applied Cheat istry,' Archae..!ogy,B lies-Letters, Biography, Criti cism, EocHM iics Political, . Arithmetio National Taxation: Finance banking, currency, Corporation Accounts. Frehang-, F'actuatioas in Seeuritiss, tock; ft U.ry, Industrial and Mercantile tuter pnej, insurance, intemll Improvements Railway Canals, Tslegraphs; Manufactures Products, tech nology; Mechanics, Mining Mineralogy, Geology, joinurgj; isirnu", r ojsics, pnysioicgy,staiisiici, social sience; trade foreign and domestio, shipping .M, ? m.. 1 1 ism wi ia w, aTigxti on ; xopograpny, xra v eis. suBsciPTions ia the vmtsd statxs Une copy, one yeir; in advance 3 0ft r tvt copies- i . .. . , ,r ; , 12 00 i Wben paid at the end ef the year, 4 00 per an num. single copy. Sample copy mailed, on the re ceipt ef 25 eents. . n ronEios gcBScaiPTioiis. . , , Single copy per aacnm pesue paid. Canada. Cuba, 1 ' : Great Britain aad IieUnd, - - w w $3 72 5T2 00 3T2 S72 Fran ce. Germany," ; " - ' ' West Indies, rBdtisb) . West Indie. Not British. South. America (West Coast J 3 72 8 00 6 00 rUWLEIi& MOON, Proprietors. - 'No. 421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. .' .THE . ' SIENTIFIC AMEBICAN. . FOR 1664 The publishers of tht SIE5TIFIC aMERICaN respectively give notice that the Tenth Volume (Nw Series will commence on the 'first of January a ' fT . .ee . . next, i ins journal was esuonsnea in i n ?. am is undoubtodly the most widely ciii uluted and influen tial publication of the kind in Hhe world. In com- .mencingthe new volume tbe publishers desire to cau special attention to its claims as i : . ; A JOURNAL OP POPULAR SCI C5CX. In this rerpoct it stands unrivalled. It not only finds its way to almost every workshop in the country, as the earnest friend of the raecnacic and. aruien, bat it is found in the coue ting-room of ste manufacturer aad the merchant: afo in the library and the hosehold. The publishers ' feel warranted in saying that no other journal new published eon- uins an equm amount, oi useiui iniormation; while t is tbeir aim to present' all subjects in the most popular and attractive manner. , . . ILo iieDt:fic american is published oaee a week, r veQieut form for binding, and each number - ' aixteep pages ef 'usoful leading matter,. Uwsireted witti . , ' ." ; KVMFKOFB 8PE5DID AVISOS of all the la tost and best Inventions of the day. This feature cf the journal is wort li if special note. Lvery number ronton? "r"ru fi-j ., ten original en graviegs of mecbr. -oaa relating to every department of the l . cuoco by artipw ?t.a and are univi-jji.-' ADttbiu of fi,e i- r. i ; - i . The y lir.isbor t.-, tc H to precnc, Uci-'-i ; i i.tse cpgivmgs aroexe v "raiiloyed en the paper, w e led te be- superior to c'J itbfs country, n ctin-j American promiso yer., sil thf' latest improvtaicnsi :u .--.e, zr r els. Oidnance mi'iti.r'uri ua-1 i'.re 'r..! TooU, iianuliat'-f lr j: 'r. i' nf.!Ci w;. i-N. 0 I'iat ni- f'umpti aud t-tber hj 1.-?? j pirata. t-rcsils. Electric, Cucmicai nod Meerm:. Flying Machines, andotner Cun :i-:r.3 betides all tht varied atic:? desi-ni tj lighten tbe labor o! mankind, not only ia th.? shop a id warehouse, bat in every place where tbe 12 a us tries (,f life are pursued. From iu commencement, the S'uoi?j A'r.' r:;.ir: has beea the earnest advocate of tht rights of American Inventors, and the. REPERTORY OP AMERICA PATENTS. ' In this important ! t-irt ient.so vitally connect ted with al! tt ymi inf.rtsta of the country, no other journal can 'l;ir ui.y ci:'m whatever; as in its columns tliera f pubi -Lj1 a weekly UScial List of tht uClaiLB3"' of fcll patents granted at the U. 3. Patent OS.... A . a 1 - ' TUT. PRACElCAL RECIPtS alone ar :t rius worth more to th t subscriber than the amount of a whole year's snbscriotionJ"" EEPM OF "SCBSCIPTIO. . , Two volumtf cf the iVieatija American are pub lished each Jbar, tt $1,50 eah. or 3 per per annum with rorrespecding low terms to Club.; $1 will pay for four months' subscription. "The numbers for one year, whrn tcurJ in a volume, constitute a work of 832 M-es cf ceful information, which every one ongki. t putm. A. new 'volume will commence on the first of January, ISdl. '. yi::l t CLCB BATES. '' "' Fivt copi;s, for ait months $1 Ten copies, for six months 12 Ten copies for twelve months . 22 Fifteen copies, for twelvemonths 34 Twenty copies, far twelve months , ' 4 For all clubs of tw enty And over, tbe yearly sub scription is only 12,00. denies can- b3 sent in at different'times and. freva- diSercnt Pent OCioes specimesr cepies wia be seat gratis to any. part of tbeceaatry. -"s ' . Canadiitasubeerfbers will please to remit 25 cents extra on each year's subscription to prepay postage. , ; i : 1 -11U5N A CO Publishers, Xo. 37 Park Row, 5ew York.. KE7'DBUfi'STOJ313. JOHN PATTERSON, DEALER 15 mi in mm. HAS just rtieivei a larre and well 3 Jected ?to.V V ' 1 .... f- , DRUGS, MEDICINES, . FAINTS, OILS, VARNISH, DYE STUFF, BRUSHES. SPONGES. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, And everything commonly kept in a Frst Class prxisf Store. Customers will find his stock complete. wbiMi offers for CASII at the very lowest market prices. Physicians Prescriptions Compounded with tko utmost care t all hours. Karen, 30th, 1865. v9-n23-6ia ' NOTICE Tp TEACIUPHS, Tht andersigned. Beard of Examiners bold their Bfietjngs for the puixosa cf examining School Teacbr rs, cn fne first raturday &f each month, at 2 o'clock, P if, at the office of . W. Thomas. All teachers are required te hart a certificate from the Beard preyiom to thtcommen retneat of tkeir eehoojf. K. W.TUOMAS1 School .. AT.' R. USD PR. f Oxaaia . , . . .JPR, MARIXM'H f ' , 1186-1. . "a5 . PROSPECTUS OF-Tim ; ; . ' ,r Tor tie Tear Hit' " ' ' DAILY, TBI-WEEXLT -h wept,. The war drama is arproacbiag iu h!rW AT interest This year wITI probably eoJVj,? Doom of the Reoe,.k)B, witness the 5at:oa erum'ent restored ia tbe fallen States, thtja erated, and Slavery obliterated from iat ulYf" evenU of t will be among tbe aostaosmt the History of the CrT!ntry, and don's;!,, elude tho return of I ( tce, and. tie entrap merica bio s Dtv career pf unrarmlUi ness and prosperity. - With Liber vindieauj the reproach, ox serfdom,, tie People will steed on a h igher platform ef iteU?jeace aai m ieei a sun proiounuer interest ia tul tin, a. the progress of their own and other land, j; wor.d is enterinz upon a new series of 14 "f :'4 to trrminate in ihetriumpw- ef DjsoersyT i(AV tbe Atlantic; while emLjrratiejj to Autc".'! acquire a new aedtremeti. us in"r.fj', immensely tur productive povrer i The stiriug evc-itc cf the ttm j wi.'. b zr. ' ly depicted ia the cciauis or tta Lw;-v .t''," tractive than tver as a vthf.l ' :1 cf Passing :r7 Ini'iircdby tbe fj-rit k1.?iiV ro l"HuS bt Tfttlh. -'ii. 'i.v' - vhsT wii; crnt-m to b ?,iy tae ( ." - P pol'tical or uUitary- sy.i6; abase ' In addition to our War News, we iluU'j incur Weekly paper the Weekly XewtSm.. aua aio an abstract 01 the f ra!: eCoerW ie I'roceedings of Leji..iiarss ofMislw and of the and Illinois. Our Tri-Wtokly, will eonUW as kersUforra tht Important ?Uws, Local aadvCeaatnlal Rry THEY'D AILYDEMOlUr &bail not be excensd by any paper laiUW Wt hart improved our arrangements fjrfsll SPECIAL TELEGRAFil mit From "Washington, from the Lower VUeiuIppT.enj from the Hissouri and Illinois Centals. Tim will be published in ad littcn to fht LstUrttfs&r , AIIMY CORRESTON ENCE, . nd our usual quantity of General 5eei alattsx. We re quest all Postmasters and f risods to let w Agents. ' ' rlend foe epeefmen anmbers ef the Ptptrt n4 Prospectus for distribution, and they will bt proapv Jy forwarded. - . - Scd as many names as possible in Gubs,UktTe thir p-.iers sent te one address tbe adlrwstf the Poslmaster or'the getter up of the Clah. It is not required that all the papers ef t Cist shall be tent to one Pott OSce. the number it U sent to -di Cerent Uflces, and additions msj bt &s4 at any tint-. Tht following are oar rate fcr the yeas 134 ii DAILY DEMOCRAT. Ifait Subscribers on year - till Price to News Dealers - - - f 1 50 per 111 TRI-WEEKLY DEMOCRAT " Mail Subscribers one iyear - - - - fJJt WEEKLY DEMOCRAT. Single Copies one jtar. - .-. . . . . 1,H Three. Copies - l.lt Fivt Copies - - - - - - - - -- Ml Ten Copies - - - - - U, Any larger Club than tea wiU be skarr4 as lit ' rate of one dollar and a half per eosy. The above rateaJor all Mail aubscriptlsaisrt . payable in advance.' - - ' Orders not accompanied wita ui me&ej wu re ceive no attention. A If papers of either edition, will be Jtaoatiaasl at the end of the time" paid for. AloKEE, FlSniUCb: A CO. Proprlstori. 41 and 13 Locust sireet,Sr. Locis.Hs. I GET UP TOUR CLURS FOR 1S51 KEW A1TD SPLEpre PREMIUMS PETESON'S MAGAZINE. THE BEETA5D CHEAPEST 15 THE WCxL . This popular Monthly ' eUlns mors ff tat ' money, than, any ilagasine in tbe wo. Id.' Is Wl t will have nearly ibo ..:. . 23 to it stsei pstss, , 12 colored paltersli i i -.7 -d engrariflxs-eed i all thi fin only Two O . rear, or a 41 ar leu tbn mazasiniss of iU ci isi. x,reri iuv touk "PeWrson," I n . tu . jjenorw manse prit.es, Itais tbe only Measioo that has not rltI its prioes, either to sicjle autscribers or rruit, and is, therefore, emphatically. The Ji'sgrn fr tbe Times. Tbt stories in "Pbtersoa are eoncel? i'j as best published anywhere. 31w. Ann t. ..eji.-::s, hi la Kodman. sirs, fen-oin, rrr u;v he author f"osy L's I-iiy." i-s'. Ahn-,B; L Chandler M01.' :.-.n, (Ubri l o Le'j, irgsn-a 1. Towcscnd. Rosa! 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