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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1865)
nv 1 i : T" iifbVQ'slv'a.-SlDuiiii&cu 4JO vr - .- : 2:... t.l J .1 .-.. . , ?rO . .... . V SRUWXYILLE,T1IURI)AT MAT 11. 1S55. Pat?e,ih mail uho made the attack wno prernyectIyfcor)cernet! ;n the pn- frTitHry to murder, the PreMdnt ii;.! O'er leading roen'.Vere take from. the fuuooais at tne, vv umngton Iavy ard and conveyed to he 'District PenitejHi ary. The, most cepe mte characters bad the i fyands 'fast ere3;'(l)-.ind and aflVerr?t?(-culftd.afjd; had. a ball and. cliain to each leg. I ayne atlempted, to but his brain out, a rd, to prevej:v any of the rest from tiffin? fhtmseTve in tnil way, or of seeirg or communicai in? witji .caih other, ihe heaJ pf-Zali : i''ri4.T:"-i- A s -r , litve been p iclaeu with cotion ana a sick !j liH-a.A .it c.u AN-;: dfaUn over if, leaving only the(naseand mouth free. The Preiidfnt has it?ue4 a,Procjaraa- m1 17A . Uliy J ;.11- tioa'lfcltir.g toria that from evidence in tne bnrea of military ti:tce, it appears tna Jen Dans, Jauh Thompson, CIem-( CDt C. Cay. ljr Jytf Ss.TersH C. Clrary and other.,-. werp thV Tifef'pkrtiv?. i: 'hf con-'ray. to take, the lite of the President. St reta ? y and ethers. Uhe.rtwpp!i,.PrtM&eM Josot) itlc; .Ipe, XoUoiud 'ew-ard rsfr. the! mt.Mc; Lit mint L.Clay. Jacob Thomp- on. G N. Saudtrs aid Bt-Verly Tucker. -j ? v'.-i-jlt.j v f4I y -r a I li Oil hVwV!; tilt -OrCx - ::-.r0 loth ry-iz. nvn m. n i cyst u. iiiai - c- I t e I tt: i coriitssion nas not yet neon mace put-ijc. ; i. ,. . .-. . , . , ii... . trial. At. midnight,, Ja,st Saturday, fit- .f..f - -tiji'! i" .ii'- ' etery tne'lo fut cn a' little 'extra "tigil- tfpn rriPn nrid fn 'nm!n fill n o rcn r c . . .1 . . ITatfO rt!fr andlOXCO for thear-j.1 j i, a n " '- i ' - ji-tv i-l--"1 .-'-;..? - ioVado, .vice Iion A. A.,3radfprd, elec;- Ciwetrt C.vlay; .1 0 . " !lC;' '-VI ine i est i i.isnington corre?pondent kiV3;iiy Ma. tard iso'W'ellne i rsi.:ortate hirpface- in the':Cab- : tVlAU??:8!- telegraph'tirunl .,1 - i - -1 . Jtff. Thompson turieLder'edhisent1r3 army on the 21. . n' .. 3 Upwards of pGO CpO soldiers of Grant ana sr.erman s army are. oa theirway to Washington, to be .-nustered out. It ia4Jbceec.deir'Te"a.n i ' arm? of cidv 128 tT0(l i-n,n- ririnn 1 V m WWWVWV1 Gor. Brown i trying tD.getVp a Cdn-1 TeiV,sl?9S?i;ergia.i fcer,fl&rfcV pofcition m tne union. .sua i.t v-fe1.??0" iu.filin - art fublished. .j :..' un fcXwiUIlMa rarrangi'ng forsdV--retriog:bia. am..weit of :rhe 2HisSi Sft&cK&umi." Noihinlafer "T5f;fS?Jfi ebgendired against Geir ShfF!. fJtersi xerns be accepted for,iIei ?prfeedet-of: Johnston army, are griaduallynvareic iff, giving placjT, nyrtt kipdly . feelings, m-re o regret that he could be thus duped-t.y tbV rclhiftfcirf ctiorv (KM L ljY-' craUhip or patriotism. .-iGeb.S'fcSraaVlM regret the pul.'tVation chernah,'s rWiJUfbti' tune.-SherrtinT has doVH too much for ib- country to be Iitrhii1.1H,udaiice ?iUhay tfrcci the Jatter rT!tl rnnni Vieceral hri? ii iu lit i r. I iy lutji'auie, i.ui vi.e wmcnurew at OtiCe I .. : ..LI. I . i i ...... w . - .; outfljiaxcspaftoli.tii kI ch'ose-Sher-nun for the uestern eampaigrf vWrate be was lh?U jlulOuiviiM4M-.who,hadd;Vi f -.....v.l,.Kl.1C.l, ha any other since lyustratVd'the'sama ebiliryal Sfijrt ma nV-j uccs Sit GoldsbyruJA necessitated my own at Richmond. I public tone must do him better justice. "M ri a - n - .4.4.4. .44.444...- j cus recommendation.. Sarreor help but dd fcimtliettens ,A-puTea(ri5t' tha'ti Gem Grant never existed ; be bas shown5 'the mo: - .... . . - . i 1 is tho to bun that the ceuniry3;fn3tliV sldiBfltercWedaHJxhttiredbWfisi i 7 .i.ii"cr""V 4C. IUUI.)- u' .... were aguteqietirVl cdnTerned thaUVoallV abough'ft-iant'all 'Kahcl b'-'hia'd'r Gr? U O OT RS Las tm ideeii eea'm x-C.miiitruitiMh Iff iiwU n a-i.i.- " i I . f ; m. . , . w. ...v .. wV 44 1 outs iicui MKiit a lewuavs i. or the - r . "4vr 4. . ed, in ttetiaafe,,-T6r vde,velJprtf"rT of , cattle. belonging.tq a: train, the erernjq-.wrnjian'in-Tof the -s Tfif S-oui,ufor;,;a ,A ldoe! cot luu'w $he iv,e.9. agreement. Grant,. frouftPe poiitionbe occupsei; is the 6estju?lge of Sbeh'nsn'iipucteJe4d.ih bringing, back-most '.of the lntCKtici;.aipdCT'bi-5udgeihenl the ccurJ.f trr hould rlr. . ThftPot-tishingibn special -bf the 5th $j;'culd)Uonal arrelts l.ate' beeif made to day, and information obtained' throTjc5i4ort..lightTipQn the cdnVptra'cy to a?sassinate the Vice-President and Secretary fofJie,:t Another corres- pendent 3 jy 1 4b a ro afe si oa. of j Har r old J-J . ' r . t I f . r 1 j it.. , . iarj-eti,.fana a- ouoner'of.Tjheri. -Uo5ih faatens beyond MU sl &xA I U Vrpearatf Je. introducedo.h . to its full sanction by Jeff. Davis, and bis Gor. Saunder3 returned to tbe canitol n th3r-ihln$f. He is reroned toliave CD brought vnh nini Kportionrof tlie money J icr pajmeni ci .ie ieora.ta:a iuuuia. , E. B. Taylor, editor of the Itepubfi can, has alio returned. How about the IUwj, friend Jsylcr? Ruin was the scene of a considerable! .i.. oi ii i.. i. r iVn. .1,., I (cur men. dressed p,rv-KFHeraUniv form, rode into thai city it a. ar id i . ' i if T,N. na wem r..gui 10. me iiore, MitchellJU.S. Nvy, cc :,inr dm. , 7il 7 ' , TUT Sherer, tberc they rc SeUht fir ' o( DisVnct of Mists' 'wr' cLne u(oir y sf V -.Y1" t V S1.5C0, Crcfi HcfrofvU.XhnNB:aiflStVFraricii riverno-day bound lor Lit- -r V . v v tl50, Mr. Dryden, 50. Mr. DeLine, ccc t it (v enn a i. , too. E. Htnman, S30, and -also touk ft r ' lion, jney men roaeoti totvara Mane Cloud. A party started in pursuit imrae-' ?;aiJtf Knt nn rfimT thp fprrv tvhirh crosses the Big Nernaha the ferry boat was gone, tlis stream Dot being fordable the pursuers returned without catchiii'1 the thieves. This is the most daring i ence Avfiere th'h Haass' 'of itdiriduali 'are ' ' . . v .. , .-, , j 1 r . fC " I i wWe "jear'n froth the Nebraska Citj $ex,'j( The Ci!( that onthe . 5th ih EaitettLboiind istae! 'through the lower tier of counties was taken posseaiion of by six pasengerif in. the coach, at Wal-J nut Lreew, between Corrydcn anu uen- v vl y . i . r. terville. The rclbers opened the mail sack? nu took the4 IetteM put. ;T,ii-y i:;en awaitea tne arrival oi tr.e western : ; ;0f; v a. i j.4i. . .-...v j. npn? 1 ov t'lH - ! The "iteatner Cora, which passed this city afew weks ago bouod fqr,Montaria. sm.t, a.(t;ort dulapce above- Onuthar .on- ine 4h inst in about six. feet of. water,, The boat and cargo a tola llcs. , Thjs is the'second upper Missouri boat syuk near j .i.: ::f i .1. r..3 . - i'.s -.4.- . the tame tlace. The, Jieriraud .sunk i ,j ; i. .ui j.'t; - about six weeks,, ago., v... j . ,-. -a..LU " V:i'" Vt Hon. Chas. FHo a Nebraska PpU lician..and.a residenvof Nebraska Cttv. h'as' Vlfeer? appointed Cinief Justice o Cvl. ofmed rceH,' foH'l ujper 11 issouri service. Uhile lying on a 'sandbar m t ncmity o: Nebraska Citv seven of se amhesiy'cussea'deseried'. A squad ijire Itenlnukuif; but up to last Tburs xiay they had pot been taken" 1 " . L-JCr-In'-'ii v. .f-'iv-i-i- . pVe SteTti pipers geVo'tf some cooj pufls," fdrTtrstance9 the fullovhng7roili ibe'Ke braska City News of the 6tb : 'lhe Lfetve; this otmhg Jresen;ed ionmiMichf appeararnreas-we-chn im niagiu6;ilie.i5i)linuii Leeve io bbk.iike in a busy tim..'! ., , Vr 'I ' I; " There Jtjbtaska)tj'9tbe brainV; :ii iufi i-ji: .' 1 Tle, of ,the-2oib, con-; taics the. following;, i v , ' i"Mj.. Adams, "of the 11th KanoasJ Ctvalry, with thirty-f. vp rn e nw as at- fe Bit i touna stage, wnicn carue aion!? in ajiw t Yj;:j '-4.. s .v..J ;.v ..: minutes V and then robbed the rnnji in mtked iweKiyin.iesi.orhf PerCU, , V bjtf&kmdflVfiilAj astirjmpari whipped them, killu.gTen Indians, and j. '--1 'v1 'VH hu" ?'i .1SiCV7 :Us L;: caV:rin six p.'.n.'esv' ''The 'Blaior Ios ' ll ,9r, wpujd i;res?e;,fully fihrtri.lilC? ..- . katJnouuce ui the Citizens of this. rlace i v The' fo!laiiu2rj H frorT fhe -AlchTson ('i'anl) Free Prers, May 2d:' f : iMn.'.R. P.rWVst, meBseVipr "on . the .0 f f riandj StageLiue , f nm j Denver to AchjV) .arive brre. yesterday tncrnr jiriii'ving.couie. througu..fruni Denver u.tsys?-; :t y- , tH-'effc M bcrt'Rtfie 'ife-Jvr'Bh' tbe plains'! N signs of any grass between' iTenvef a,,u Auif RCg.'i&'t -lbt)evill-jEoou be an i i ' j o me piuicu at eerv siauoui ff .in. K ,,rl ku'.rd uicci t kh ' a a j'" nooi, iuc h;ii lurur bejiig.utJuUynwvYdo wherciexpediuoml i-aii be fitted out on short'nouce unu iiicu - xui I'irciitu wnen ' 'y'c-dtnvo. 'Ttyy have been V T (lMi.MSwPiT v11? i8u do r.civ2aj j f- 'lvveen AlkaHa and Cotto'nwooa, be" iiuiu ui uver iiitv waon uoutw wriJeiiVer ; l ( ji.. J he road is lined with ho'rfe arid mule tratkgoa g . westnd tbe: very; best of ilctk'- ' A large drove of loose , horse tt Capt. Murphy, in command at Afkiifi f w , ...ihmui unci tiicntru uc.10 oiju catOe .The, balance, had Vee;o killed for 1 at t 11 11 1 in -v -ivr-;,;vli;ii')rJAt ?) 1 ' Gorernnr Erowin wa at-. Augusta, en-" - A. a t K A.U1M,. ill U V Ueavonng to get up a Sute.rcpnventian.l to1. bring Georgia to her allegiance to Lhe United State?. , ., A -Swoifd expedition Waa1eh-Jt6 'Gttr- rett apuutstruo, avtere.liooihiWaS faulid pn Syujlay, and returned jyestt-rday.aud trypingia the paroled rebels pr5-ouer etti who touk Booth , and "Herrold to takerf aAay.- T.Tl)e;acts.: Garrett this, endeavored to prevail oa,Teit!t4. cerufy to. I" ' The p. a r e .1 w e f. ty , e n d per hi pas tin ri y w persons concerned in the assa.sfiriajwn whj)'wili certainly tuJer ihe death pen alty. Gen. Sherman was at Point Jackaon yvAurday, pq route to Va.aLiagtoa. The rebel soldiers that were s.eot oujtJ vwelii since hid luVt rea'clred Jules- 1 11 t I.i t i 1 a - f ..i . i J0'-Irj.1r.tu were to Ltfsrsri on iKpT i '' ' '--f-' .--1-1 parrelttas a rebel soidiVt named Jioyd. DdjniVhihi'takeiicaTe of 1 ty' Gar TetX'fdf afew daywhn he: Would 'be he prjncipal portion of the army of ih Pntoif ac is alreadv on the i: arch "?VrVX . ,u . . - . .day,'iih;us entir? com. and , lo : .apt lie RocW on the fiag-of. truce boailzeita It is proposed to offer ft million dollars - ,K' . . r ,... for the caDture of Jeff. Pavts and sever- Cabinet. Jbe money ks t3 be rurnisneu i -by cubscnptidua in rlte'hoyal bf.ifes. "f The soldiers cfGer :raLUjiaD.vajirjl I ueriiiau s iiruues win uc euu"iei:aicu ted a lorce which, wiihdroper space of Washicstdnitoj'Balrim&re. in hne foor; i TheaSTavyDepartmenLhas? .Gorern men) pnnier rimnjcg..oiscbargejuapksf All applications for leaves of absecei are most . cheerfuHy.acxyirded, , and -rail . . C 4 .w'Y. resignations gladiy accepted. CT4..' II5 ft VI .... .4.... ' : . i- ;':JoTi rvliiij-l - T viuuals as. wen ai comm-unities,,, over ivuibii udn"- muitr ui uutciiaiun, anu trt at i!.r I;.! .t,. tlA 1 ; it A . rl i.- cernmenv of weulj. bumay.. v,. 4j Whether it be that poet ion of tne rac race thaL-pan-justCabout 'to-lay .them 4 llqieftr eachre AtpgxA to jiefcpliar.AnJ" a time has. even new, ccmo upaa tbisL cation ana tuis jeopie. ine nine, niOdwatjthelceaolr baa need cfdeT- feuders.'ihase, who liiui,ec red v'U) rills ol childhood are exposed to new dangers. (he terrors ot Ihe lattle-ueid or tbe iffMfous- 'Stem bPihef!lidspiP'-a"? cam pi I Q vn i oc th ce " tt-bd pa f su i ib e jjeaceful pursuits of home, danger coiuii' ill the shapejoL&JlJtiXjsJuiiyiVa ciU sion. a run-awav. or stm sudden disease, and so, "even in the midst, of life,, we are iu J delth1 1 ' '!,J'' ' te.fforVdf ft!l?iW,rfanUci. sWold b jHaJretI,wellp)s ihicijjeiih;- eir tb"e, J'ftujig.. laaaured.'pr.aged.ojwna whoiiaT f riends tolyve ,hem aqd nourQ . tor ihein wlen.v(3ad Should' jSuiTer an- aj a vj av '4wo vui av ajf m MiiVvk jv ciirwr ( if ii(us.3 rtdt alrea'dy bftonV good, faithful lthvtcsui fiurrj5 forin ar. hepeiUerby e rtrait j0r,Tor( the. paotographjst. . (n':.'?:A;! no en,L . i .-.Bit n - I iere ire tuiiit? uuw uutiry preparing ftr We"svnV withr;n r pleasure's at Ther tea-siijev? qrilsouaie far iolT ofashiunable cityr wiirjQui, a f thought ;otdangjr.hto: perhaps, tiediei is, jqouq extenc.a iaci- ow oj some ueiovcajact tne rami. y pir cie 'to ft-mind.; them , fMtVt'?igbiiess- tliatTic that-bite WQfnentet'fitdtitn ica'!"ouiibiirsighi i- i . How many, ace thus procrastinating ahd'putii'ng'cff this sacred ttutytor some 4 Jli'Uj. j.vt .ua. cuan u 44 o uujf t ui a soufce.ofahe tnostt poignant regreti ' , Scarce. a day pabsesi ihai.sumtj. 3tne in, deep affliction doenot cwuie to .nje wjtb "It l?iad.o:ie of your photographs of my ivjife as 'she' was ln'iil'e, V sh'6uid'prize it above airtj earthly treasA4Te;-"':'T5rii'if: we tciy. iiaa:bome'Kina:oi.av-'prfc:ure -or our J,a;n?:i" btavep,- ii.wouid bt anr-expjesible auurce of comfort , 10 . Tt jc.4 c.i .-i r -' ui, and so on, indehdneiy. e"tf in-ib -wa J tbaC-test's-' iberirrue? fal announce io tne Culzeus of this, place inid v.citilly. that Tie bas made arraijge ments lo r.emaihShlb'ThVnf'fora'Viort s.eiasvn; so thai-all will; bate "a 'fiance tbrure oeipfhis beautilul and everi latiuig pictures, wHich he is so skillful .in taking. . . , . . ... y , ;Ilavuig"practicedlthe ArJ unbg' thc past ; tt!n"j'ears;-,and -tbeing in tonstnbi reteptiob'utail iiiiprov$nnat9?''he';'teels coiilide.nt, of, giving eutifeatisfaction, :o!all wh'x may favur him with a iriaL LVjcbctt unMoihersf-iro' those-' -who bave infants, he wouid.; sayv.thafc tiiey k noJY-iSvieo-!43MP.?riyP'"4ya V.tiaioin pictures which may be a tpnifprt, and. so aari ihciihf Drift t'tv rdal tbem-as" :HeLhiirar:rnf ticnlar aneS i J a iiiuu VIJVu ; i . . . . . . ruuiiMo iiiaKiutr uiLiurfs or cminrpn. Piciureua,ranied.aa. otd:Ln cladyd weatnerxas in tair...,.;'. . loany person wishing to learn the An,' ne- oners instr'uttlons', JaV as low 1'price'as can be ob a i tied elewhef.i3 t;: ' :GHAULES. IL WALKERfi tt. practical Opeiator to tiie.v American Peep.le. . Noiy4u be fpund ,at tb-.GU lerl; of f W. ; Sf.'C. Peikns'.'.wnviUe; TVjll. cinimencer its! First, Tern? for'tbe 7ear 1S63 on Monday, May"ihe8ih;.un- -.1' t- . : . V I .f fT uctius QupKruitenu tote ot-j. n. uhw ett A. M. as Principal. Who with such ;afiistaccej avniay; be'tlecessary; will also hare -charges of the;jcb;'ssilic.itton," disciplino.'and iinsjructioaiof'th'-Prirnai ry an Jntermedidie J)epar)neuts. included in-ihe present;;Dj.- 'The Tf n, will coptinua:.el.eyeq Weeks.- ; KATES QC TlITIOy. - r- i I 1 14 1 il 4. V tldJl - . p.;.,,,,., n. Interrnediata Ciafs .S4 00 ... tJ - .4.4.4... . ..V-4.4.. .Grammar . . , S-5 00 . Advanced , f J , S6- 00 . , '-v.titf .., .t.,yaja advance,,. . . . ' r : . : , r "i i.Jt4 jl i "NV Scholar- received for less than half the Term, ."'and no"all6wance rriade ior ansence umes at tae option ct tne Principal. xr r J i n a-i Jf r i er uraer-oi tne jjoara oi.ocngti Li i'zi.ttJLai?L -r ...d -c .V ?: r.emors oi,.prownviii jLisirici. Ot)i(.. See the Card of Dxs.' C. F, Stewart & A. S. Holladay, practicing PhysicisEg laci Surgeon, in to-day' pap jr. i in this nuartpr for dirhnrrfi duria.Tlhe ter6!tr liJbmhsif (V'ctvid review ti theraiycf "tOO.DOCf" ti;ens comenipla- 1 A ins pictures tor pleauness arid.briUiamy of !tone are unsur passed"" by; those, of 'a'l.y Atiis'v ih tbcWtr.fv.0-' u T 1 Rftf ?! V o 5)flIUY9 ' it" t ; 5 j M - . .i cr o -j v t rr a f WITH GREAT IMPROVEMENTS. (fllii.trsjlprlete arrjI (mq1 cessful Combination of Reaper r-e tidow!enrh" U.!' :.ivI.a.va9cainade.,and.J: va i . successfully used. Hundreds ppoa hundreds of .Premiums have been , awarded it in competition .vvith ! ; : other, -roii3:: .;: eiviug.,1m. t.:!- h.a T- . . . ' JO i . . t ' i c j i . e i ' .A..hs orld s . International Ex- : hibipn .in London, being.. .the bighest I award for anvibme in the.Exbibmon. -1 ?.?Hi;p!9lM.4fkm;:i J ' -.aL) c.Pf ii-erntAgcnli ,ccn u ,... n , Siat T 5- , . rT, v; - . ',il h -" beUorldnhaj:WiUi dcP4ts't;nt9 iVork. :. DutV&fail to see'a samfplebf thn 5 gfeat Liipyoveinedts beffirebyoj4'iui 1 Lj'i :4 ,fbaybr orderly othferJtlgil jjoi'pennjrr:' can.' i'A al If: -.' saved is betier than iwti eanied. XIIE JUAKXI! LIGHT YEI8IIT,':IR0lN i -L-:iiter. tl.alV build iiwttvvii .r.T ! I .7 i zi ,'iionalreti Jlaino'y ? t ' .v i-t .-::-UvO r!oJM01er9',: t.-: j r. orlitlmnyihat'tlKeyiare7' t'l"s the lightestsfl-otisti 15 :n uqiarst.x.oaict'ielEUTeable''5 ;jia: get outrf order', cbapest c j gK.:wt)rkiTigt'Mofcr erver''-Uhl!.,:- The arrangement f thff DrierrV',9eat '.' j drire wheel' and tuitVr-bnrj rrsu'cb 1 ! ras itovbalajice- tbe he'lf 'tnLxly' r j T.up6nfihtf drive' wheel. -thlis V;V j .!it!--pi; irin ' gh'Higl great 5-r't- ! .- '11 r bpo.ter andlicht1-! : ; -, ns4ii icoii rj(iw-,-finiI '1"1 JKi0'! I js i. ; ' .bsLpifttd-Mii7'tiie .;VK;4'V X1 '!o-3 .peittesliandlex'i1 ' l " v ' , ' v ic&sfvelypoo'itl cvr'fi triefii ' - ; i-l -wlH Warhrtirif - to' do - better 1 l! ' Iworlc than anv Almver -vpr mnrtu u jih proportionate cost, and to, do as gen- :t Ural good wurk!ui bVnvmVn3 any. , f ;r.;VfJi2r,.PIlriii,'K ei?VB 1 J J i initig ever drawn by horses. - -;f-,v'AVv' :V ! . iBrownville, Neb ,' .layi:.'6-5. Sbn . BENJ. ROGER'S LIVIIEY STABLE con. Fittsf S; Atlantic steets If BROWITVILLS, NEBRASKA, j ' IS THE i ... ... In$tiiuiiow,;of)the,Ji'ndJ ;i4:tb West ! Hi .V-!--.- J ! -sj )ii ....4j -in -j .44 o 4 - TUJIi IAND 'FINE 6Si;lJ L 1 VffiJ -3J !: 7 fa Tli liiGE. TER.MS UEASONAVE, iJAn Extensive ' ;:1 zr.' 1 1 3T$. connected' with tae Stal'ie. paot,ioU .it-JicO !a--.a,i -' ..... j;a?3s aJ3y.-oit 1-eir. a .... - I ' ' "" ' j LSI HAY NOlIGLi b'3:uICf -'.T-i-: '.(.4rl.I.IILUIII'...M I. I. pn the 23h ef April LS'Jj.bT Ihe no tftigiwl ItwiSfrttJXto:.,) jaiSJjf 2 .i Unties AAoA K.t;itr..ii V4Ul :i It -.-1;. t bclo.T Apir.wU iQ Samihouaty Iebraai.Ter-, ., rtXrfry.'MinronOhiy -wor'i'Korte pp.J.i to ' ixiiia,rr.U...Nr.uu vniK;h t 4v Ln ; ' . f . - o r M V w ' . v a w w . --j mia'i. W JT' . aa i a i-34-t.-tdt.4ll ..'UiMWCIC- Sal ; NiiESTTlAY NtlCE! I 11 .TfTVf j5J7f th.t,-r.deriied:rd,fflff.Tfi G Jtocki Township on the ltt dar of May" ISo5, one dark ibfyi-'MaWbnib' aitS' feet wnfte-ib bther iporki C.t.iimJi rceiyalle, -to .b,4 foxtr yVara X tfct bprtb & i ' 34-5t p'i. " AS3ERY EDSWESTOx. 1 . j '. I T)5!T7 Y'Wflolr i r :1: : .-TsTftTl ill i' TJ v, -w ' CiaaCo2riimota.piaa5a 8aata fS YH ?IES ALE AKDESTAIL DEALS?. ITT I 7 rafsu N f XotJlif'T. Cf eilV . '.If-ytf .TJ Iv-'d.y3 31'1';-' l.'Ptar atreet-roraaleatWiiole-.leuiCbajlo hf . T , L y I , , t - . I . " w " - " v - 4.mi 4 44. VHl. 4 .4 I fill S3 t j I . f 1 I) 1 4 4. 4 . L'J U V U.-'. ft 41 J-"- 1' j I " ril I MUIf) , fi U,5 MnUtUlt 5. ,J -;r,b kfcUtUj! Nt J'Li C.Jb -d; V-1 Lt- , Mo-tie act i.aimi a;tM av S rtua. w ai -..'"Jrtjaw3t3XCrSJ JW5J U,TV r;-;.. WUM lCny, Senior. la;.Vi"2 VV..tiyJO r. -Iff .--i,. L; 1 U Ma ti. aider,, kuVVl W M II JM I . KUPWSVII-PIIR PiW .liquors fot winHl1: toirjo. niHtaT warit ?t ; All kinds cf Patect Mclil - . 7 " -,1 lj ' v miMml '-FOR SAL E.A ''-' 0i5loi;daybei9:6W'tyl5;rwftlgf. 'Theohject aji.ll-raeri.fwiJdiill i t. fcreci.t.iv " " n '-"--J" A ' f I f ' ' ' V J.w"'" ssiie ttf .the tight-st biLl..T fef uh 'iailma 1. ' ilecd 5t t-rus,-iH2 nitar oa ta-jrfgigf,."p'4 11 allPapfrrfif-rBnJ 'PiUtn 1 " i-lvUlr.l...Jl ' A,fj. . , . at Anr T. D. Hngbes' in Bedford. Fwinct in Xe- by P.liy K.nni-on. decked, in hor iitr.itae. H D.r.rj Cord-aid Taw! 1 , ' ' f "' Vf-" W ? ' v ' . Maba'C-Vntv -Kelranka'-" Te-rrt'..farO!RiftW ' I. . fiarW trustee. ur-n th, SoMifi tit A'JfP t.JtV.f': .-- uut,,4jr ''.ej5 ot .r,,n. . Steer, UModle tt-, b andefwitb-ttr aV.alt .4iwrtr?.t fjtVf,I linarti.v 5; SorMi. t Vij L ) 11? and 5rnvnrr t-, 5-; iiT. ' I hip, fcwallowfwrk in both MraiV. toT.r Kaaia IU Eaal in Nennba CCuntv, .Vbrk Te.-ri- ! SMOKING 'rir?.tCU "nM CiUTARS.I ; . 4V .' rv ", 1 "r7Tr? . - l:AC'"?.J:n ?birty fitpa p,;llaru ioryJ pven to Secure b pyiC6 .f latyj j Qiers. CanneWtliifi l-'cefhhUtei--- PJttAVi W?MySV ka p bj A,mo 1 . D. HajtUe?. and or in bifiro- . $2iiJ.0-r,eia.irrd,in i(HlejJ.(.j-l crp?U and, for. k : , . .. . ,, ... ' ! m atirJiy m . 20.1. 1 .wi-i lr wi.. 1 I v n -V- l' f . - 4 i , ' : ,;oiriu a ; a Patented February 12, rr.f LiXC Tbi -ll Vpcwb nr.i (cb1e Implement for Corn rai nine ihatjll rod and pvtical Farmem vili br; tet.i m.nuraurect ty tLa under tigsed mt 1 .-j-.-rf r nd ire now ireptrel to fill all ordi teie:ir iljn comivif i-exrt. 1 1f e, Tluii)!e imriTveiuents unco !at redone! ibe .tuik ur tiK T toe m in better proportion, oareinQli ' - i:l ' ' Is 4liipiWDViirin,r.. anil plow wlrhont lihor. 1 2J. Aarier'" wncn (Uive ttim can manage it. J. Crt.kJkl fi kA Cornie piawe4 easily and h crnBlly-a urtigiu 01 e-1, ite piowtna siitwuc o as to'obwerTe the earn ' ami ee if tb work s well dne. I (j.. It (.a.tbe ni:.-t, periecl auil natural fxt mo tion tf auy (Howfuatl, and dun not crarop or tire the Plawiuan. f . S.h.'the Plowi while la molioa are movfr! with pertect eae. 6th'. The Pliwa are adjnstabie to any lcp. any da tired kpae l ei ween the plow: is reaJily ottaLnU. 6ih . . Ai'justibte sbieidi to prevent younj coin from bein? o.vered .. . .',; '. i: 8th It is admirably aupte4 to plowic; in small tvwiil Siar&to. or Brown villei N'b. .Tex' i PATENT, ! -larrs" vf-r-i-i '-li i r f ri ,iiO" A3T0I.iAT.IC ilfSi 9. I I ? 'iff "1 39-Vatifetiesi Wilh &Teit -TJafikbi.Tentrt !iir Ma 0.:i SSfcfio; SCItOOlf 0KGAXS AXD MELODE0XS, ' ,Orl.j no cc: i m said ??-orj ,9t-, J"inibp(lln , 4-V . .4 4 - - . - 4 ' i-- J i. Elcsrant: Rosewood Walnut j i r I ct vhl'd a ivu tvuv 4.u n iu - v aetl! ; iAN ILIiUSTHATED CAHAXOGUE.c n- .heI)ot cpiinenttusi' i .ns.A.i.tu the superior e'.-e!-i t.-i t:vi 04.tiilu'UuDiu.i-y-iiU ta .'iaoC lri ttay adui. . . , ; ritE automatic ; ono.ii I:tprcsea4iu thB AutOi,iili(: Ori, we W'lly l1 Doulite fife kieatert 'trionlb' in iMa'-icai -iutrtiYneiits of tL ate.. Uui iik Jnt iid.:f tenia x tlw. Krenc'j. auJ" Gerniaii' nave 'uiunuu'otared reel ' ina'runjet . . . ... . 4 . , w i win nin ri;uj,Djiij pnun .jorin iriiriW i;if-,iie, oui ine tni ine. reverei r axiiin.u--! LeuwrvibKb. (iije'.-rurr uo.w-j s-etn trtjr.rtiSrP u.fcii--, Oi-.e it unjxSbibi.e for JLtra to pt!ure ioe xufc 0.jvr, tji.-tr.-aua, ia-juiU.t-ue jlr MkluLiiSolirt .iAVIr i4ifet li ar ce eOra. e 1. - r Unuiiier Ijettiuu to tbia metbod of bl Jwliit) via U1I4I, b. in leet te.iirf -cruc4el, u 1 vyivjtilJiiiiy wt-t 44- i )at-t two yearb, umiruimriit cunntrucie'l on i!i;s Kyrv I p. ail of 'U.uoie bio roi c," l)4ve k-m iu;.:iur o-t .apiiti tj)is cui.iry, u! coun. e.iiCt uittliifr (wnttrf we4) u-ie er b ticeii poJ.,t,l 'tuth tbe ntre r.,'be niswHuieui jti.di.i.-'jwu tue,sreiL aixl vxr.""!ey ty ia f.nee , ihe.n-.X)liVo.iie.rt; aiii 'iont-' i4u;t; ne.ear- iveitectj-t:ia. ijci;t. rn;ili3j.re4ra)ie .i.iCpu ) A itentfeui'itii,vut i t ialy lu'e" iue of "u.!i ti-pH.U,ejU,4tr.V lW.u3llJ.4!. , T-r,f, 7-r . 00V hA-iiittiotrfiiraVjbViAte tL'is UiillVcttr entire ly ; me tiuip-e ct ,f LAr4UK wit-W t,-re;r iucf jtiui,- tiie Uesii tJ or deJi ee iu '.lie viuie ot !rt4r' '!'. K i r :o-. f.1 for eventeen years tbe eut-eri-jr escel!ence of our ilitIejoiiiu u..t feeo - t(U.toi.tid. and fur :lwyeira k4i tLe eiKTiuuiis ueuidiKi L.n uiadc 11 linoMiiile. fr as 10 ment our or-ier ix-oi;ouKj' i-.h oui iu-ei eJ r facilities. Wi- reel war ran; oil 1:1. aii-wring our pirjis '1 at thfir order viil be promptly, mil toiiciC a c,nnuuaut.e vf tbeir pairua.'e. , (j KO. A. PItlXCB 4.C0 , Caution (o Purchasers. all cur tu.-lrunitfiiia lve up. u ite uame board, in full 'OKo. A. ehfNCX Ac CO." Wis en a iealcr tep- 1 events iiujr yiner anienia a "'.be .-anie aa ln-.'', jit s UM irny a n-.vii a.tpuil to te.I .11 imerior iust u- uifiit;u HDith he Can nuke aUipe p.-vui. ..P. S A Ii0tri.lui.-C4.unt loCburciifi. CJergymea aad' ' . .i Ad-lre-a, ; . A.eRlXCiS, &CO ,69 WiIiinKt4n St. : Or, Cnicagi. III. oKO. A. ?B1SCB St CO . Bufla.o, X X. May I-t Hoo. nc23 v3-yiy IVXgxrTiocI Ladies ! PHOF.. VON 2RAE"S i :-DIAB30JI -QOOPSJ I in j ; ! -r.nii 1..'. :o tXsii) br-:i) "..f t.Iv T --r-f- a f 1 1 " . i.e axe c rdiaJly'reximnicndea to Jo; unable ,undereo r f . T Vke Prila of accooehjnent. DIAMOND DHOPS! X ;.i!: 1 and .'idooTW th axai xklaL ei conttitiition. Zyprr l bO'.ua VTHTKUICO. 4 - 1 ' j ? ' ' 3 d o iK(l EVXAT., UJL BI, 4. TBI nr. ,f,:ijj;.r , IT. I .L.i.U Vf. J . - ...r . - , . 1 il An a . . . . . fti. . . 4 V 14 wv. M4. 4.4C44,r W4 ffr A.V.VC4ra V Kin uiaon Senior, William KinnUon Junior. George I rMni.0and Pcjriy Kinnison are tv.d thithey KrtlT. Jtrt4 4 4WJ." i. '4. 44.1 4. 41 i.-v't.4 -' '4"4.. I i . ; i t:i . - . - j .are rrnautd li aptix.4u.d a.-r fid b;U, oa orr re rBJe12Way .f inay A. U. 1335.: " '. 1 befnre fTit :TZ fti av of mar Vti April 5iu I W j V ' $ ' Zi & fJ t " . ,,,, , ttIARLE.- U. D'i..Sr . -t . tOilUlHSl&'td I. AHt Ctia.aUtaali&O t i - 1 S..H. ,fherebriv that the Board of Sihw, A IllliUCUUl, tertal.-iainlJwHtMted to.l Ktolworiu: S1. fl.' 1 The trnd? scfpTed at'MannraetureTS ttioes by j . ... .. t 4 tvj3" Oideis addressed to,tbebjve a,l : , . - . li... -11 "!?!?'.' t -I- i.ita County, at tno .-thee or L. 1 Dpuias. 1 Nel . territo-r " .! il!rik li'rn-. rop-if oMi n:f. rr1' f'- -, , llrojw0;..fc tf lt lt4'4r ift-WBrjr.tu-xijft. . "u . 'f.l.-Ji..,a TiH' aU ."..S;:.J tt jMrwoi ar.-i etw. 1 cff between the hour of oceanic I'.M, Apflicania.. I'RESrrJPTlONS, QX'drS .UirCUiliV l Uue bi:.e a, In: 1 1 1 r-.-; 'fJc' ToVlertiSiatesare required lo be r.resenn ft ?h '1 llH -T r ' Q t?ori i r' ! cL'..6rJ,.re , 7 ?T t tJ o'clock. !.-! j, or tLy will not ba examited.- fiiieir-lt all bOUTS. -3j-Iy. ?tP1? o person Deed apply at any other titre. - - - ronfmity wrtT, . 07e-f .rwbu.peckled Cow crop ''J'jS By oruer of the B..-rd. 1VL .jdiiion to their Mock c Or. err'.e arfi nir;j. ; ear, ar-ce-hit n of tbe rit ear tba ; j . rVM.Xty, C.erl. w,r. Tbeir Go-As aivt Piice will ;1 everybody ' r ff. a dial briat oa the left asp, afrvit ; . , Atrt! !lt, Ifii. N --rly aayota.r aaa."' J Twca'? P'ar. - v V ( V LjJ i j ; ' R-pxri to which hur.dffrl, bafe u.ed h,arer. iiy and v:Sg ftUr feu one bot - tie 13 tairly Ufed.m an cmminiKT. it revuiMon to their entire s:i-j?acifn!.: Wttare iiin iu ISe-bii cf.Bi3to!raienr, up wards of 16," Hoc. per 3l,a',tbe42Si',T1iT-r-?the ItLXtWEIt the rtt'erenoe q-vcr, m'.l otaer hr sr 1- reparation. 1 If n-A ?otJ by Id'yvar'-toww'; i Trial Bot:le'u be sent yyu.ty-Expi-us,Aipoaim;eipt of otedo'iarby mail thus givibgyou an cpporlunity at on?" for ttstinjr its exceitent vitoes.. fS?"Orders for TriiiJ Uottcs rnait be aclare;ed to our Gem-rat Ac I ft.rfbe-'orthwcitctn'rttAt'e?, U. A . GOO K , D-x-jVui 1. Calce go, i AlltstKO orders wilt rtceire pronu.;at:ja:A . M .-f ii. J . 11- rrp ncvrv, ivr.xi, tTtrv. Notice in uereby givea tu-:t I wj7i caer frr. ?a!e t bubiic auction "'Vav'-Trt.r.t- ealrafloS tl SrowETiiltf LoueiituthfijUiiy-wf Bm'iiTue.- ttat h'ein the ln;i.dii:iTia wuivh. tbe,4;wt-teTLOi0f th 4- . . ryt. ".' . 4 v 'u.. . u 1 ltrirl V-uUrt Oi CIS coutijj ..I .leuuBUM, iu 4i5 Territur tfNcbraiiJ; 'te!d )?.n tbt' . - 1st dav. r May. A.'D.1 1S05 aOT o'clock h. JI. Thv- 'oIfaTefcT tit irtcilfd iii IL tl wit : L-.t BNx-k 4tf : Ul II, 13, 15. and . .. . ... .... t t j - f.i .l. Cf. T.4.0 l.i in U'.. ctt90: Lot T, I2,'i:-tlia H.i,c'4 3.? ; Lut 4 in jo in ni ft--. ad iAt in j-iiji,B4i.n"i' tt, .v'tii nuwic U3i. M-i if 4? : i.-r 1 j,1 ri Hl-jt-k 47 : Ut 1 1 it. "il.K-k At LU IS m Ulot-li rl j tj; in NiLiah.i City ;'alo the South I'.it 1-4 f Tftha Xi.rta V e.-tl 4 of' Stjthn'34 in .T.'wnsbjp 5 .Hrth of nign 4-KH$ U,XLe irh has!? 1-4 of the S. uih Weil, -ita Sjwa; l.;i.tw8."Apr.4 North of FUng 15 Iv;ijT,exc-ej.; Vj, acres !vj' the West fide thtrevt ; a1o a truet 6f ia'sd ci.rninenc'r.j at a j oint 80 roda North t f the South West cpriicr ...f .Stction Kihtpcnf !?')!a I'owftn'T'Airthrf ltuga 6 V.Hit, thetuc Tm),Eafc.4l roli thence S'uth 2j 1-4 rods tbs W 4,7, rd, theoce-N 2:i Jr4 r.Ji to rfce i lat-c cf vir.mss ;. a!-", Lota 7,utl t.of ths S West I-4 Scctio.l Sl'ia "fawnSbin 4'North,on:.ui.'e JjLa.i; also Ja XorVWes; l4 if the 'oriii ii.i;t 1 4Sf.I,;I . 2, f.;tH-Uoai:.2, X'J ) sores u-VciJ .0 r.j.. Ai-'.i ir.i eat r.i cf tie iN.uta We.-t I-l-Ml 1.. SauTl'r'rar !-vnion iTovfiiship 5 N'.rth of fange 16 Eut, except tweu tj acre? ia iho S- vkNiY'fiJrtter.tii:;! tb j flirty of Jerou. Ud'--yi'ijr. .t necjtii uani vendi in favor of S..niucl"kA Cri'diCera i?cutor ot; the i.i?t; will and ta.-Vi.ui.nt" of WiT!:i.'Hi!l de-ten-ed, i.fvi'(! out cftaa'UiMrii t CjwK 7of Ith t'ounty of leiu k'u., in tha, Tcijvry iir'pfa4ia, aid to ice cirvctfd ailieriSt oi g-iJL VwuiitT. .. !laud ilirca 27ih. l3o5. " -: " ,l sAV'.-U.OLAGOrv,thernr.- 4 'PROBATE ' NOTitK if. I !rie"in(realef - Ihertdn, 'art? fefreby uotiid I - .. rj aiitiicatc, U.not ce! ticMJU a ta . ,Ui0 5 tVrth of Ricee 15 Zisr'ia v iOr when t b-r, sr.d la.liDg ciT.tut i , cbrak Terriry..'ea- vr scur ,wl i a.tiveiy KCSE CULOl. to m c.n gia ' , eviD?..rant .f promirr note if ade bei. ii is tr.rnir - grey orwLite, wuthcr ; lha bf telA iremjs to py t,JM- ' wi-gwf ftrrtdirs-, "' . -' i,lrr.:.TTT.Tr&Ti,4;:Vto i.-.r;; r iTs-Torf -al cw i ; It .rt.-.ii.! vl( wh,t ii cUiaed, far it, a ict ,,e ..o.j k . . ! .'.i-'v."M. vf Ni.ce.nl4j.Jilt tl.l re .".nJ i t!ir ad fertile-f (ha ? a n i ra they iniy re-i ..., .j .. .. j,.;. .JrrtKlCtr. i I i4i..r- . h... ai. r,"; t? 4 ? r:t chine- ioib1 ill ' US'J v uit - .-i-- ( , u ia.i3-3 i i.J-uSi 'v Ii 1 the valuable poinu. J be foa.m. n iue tciki c un -r' TNPU ttubt,r .nd Horn, Ures.nT.FJT f : t ivj taeir .rber'.:t liit 014rTifj Ojc4 W'Jft-inr will ; X Comb-. W.mxIm Poret d,n.b r !. 1" ilTa 1 nrtnnt Pnil boI be wHbout it; ft rtnewt;r nd Te?6.r;Mre fvf : Vt:et,uiT-i ' 'l' t , 'Jn the uitTirtliV EAIiZ ofXaVanal C. Ket- F-T -'5 V.1' - , ' ;T i oereas trie 1 r..bata tourr, in ana for ti.ira ,. J . ' couutv. Xehoaka Territ..cv7a.3, on the CM dajrof j b'j ' c. ' 1M ' Th ..b-t and prr aaid t-ouatv....! Tt-rritorv .w dececd.', .' : . L0"0'" lhe V1 dV tl i :, . ". .ll'IT I lUll l'.J'U. 41(11 V1 I Ul Bill'l . H li'l l! HiirA:ljaU'.ajiiln4siJ Kut TTT) v- ri TT G 1? tbft said Pcoojiwjrt i.. of.--iKdt.Tt ihe.T'.h -0Jx Itl I V .h. i. il U U U 13 f.y of Aut, A. j: tipra.oijiiajriiif. j .. TT V ' . .. J prdred by id Priiaenirt that t4Melf ll.e j be publi-Ur fwar waccaUto.wtUii Uifc i Xthmika Adverci'tT,., ,- . j !autedBtauico.5firc4. f.tb 'rs,5. 1 ' ,1VV'. " .1 SAMUEL J05E.9L" 3 1 : AduinbKatcr.T 'l i 23-4t t9 W I ..-'ISSl.i.lI-IillYISv "' ATTOKNEY, AT LAT, FALLS CTEY. irE5KVIKA. rj Will practice in alttbe Court jtcb. ..... B. C. HARE'S ;--' SKYLIGHT GALL I tbe plce to get y.iMrPictti'-e-. tie 1 prepare.Me iKe all kinu of Picture large Mzea Pliou-siaylV, MeUi;i.type. c. ' ' ne kepps on hsind a wcl select el stock :f AlbtrnM an.t Pliotc-parpb K'u Ttta new Gal lei y north l.e of rnarnSfreel'" ppoV rit 4 A. P. n:,'s Sure. Prrs. os wilt ii .wi I t ciiil s.K.n, before pef ir.jc work done elsewhere. particular ynitivigSen wtu thiiurnu, aUo m cnyyipg )J Pictured. "tj'.Tk-re 1. Ma-k. treen,' or plaiU are ji4 color? for thi' Iren' dre?e?..k -.J l. v4 d I LEG A L ISO riCLV 1 ' L L iin cic!l A. Svin-iruiro athl :t h"nnVnA- frAtr of Frai.od.4 1'utndriet UfceHseL . will taka tittmk tb it Ilenry HotaiiM.n, A-ljt3iitnff'. nf..h4ct if, John U. I.urert. rl-c-a-en.' has cointiierr.ed'.a liton tbe Cuart ery-yli of' the Di-trict 'C'.tirt ofiXmaaha Couity, -!r.k.; nt wyM) - tfti they together wish .lasner A. Ware are u.aJe .detcdant. Tlmv'ect cj s-u U t fyfri:Wfai ,D" frorfy Vir.g nituatc-i. In tie C-or.. t t cirtiiin morfjrage tuado v tri. ;-'i I.t'ianrij I'utif ' 1,1 Nwh. brka Territory, f.i 1on a lb pf-p-Itirtit in favor f the ilhl Jf.fch ' It.' LUtfren't enti-in- j TXJ V V7lil,..ta L. Tift'rton, on. n exrtioai f Urrt Jlfli ISi.on tb' (.nh wVSt unsTterf.f Src tir 17 in To wr.ihi;&ofl.-f Harrje 14 East it- uittd in the auidViiiif v oC NuxaLa, gi4,fn to a- citre the raai-n"t of .jjue u th ea; j Ia- rvfit f n tii milt 1'atiroat three refvrj friim the 'rfita ; i;.,Lof.ijjd u.or f injii-: wrM lateral.; ' Thff fryp ef iXJeed be"d Cr-f,.ri, 1" r";! ,';f .'.he a'',''Ve el .iia. aim n.ftt inf jnid drirpnar,r dtbard and . -f-a'I'T 'i '"'VY' rst-' H - IV. ' . fk p i!r pt ' fi fllf lOrTT . ..' 1:15 Ifcr- 1 . aaaa - m - ' . .a w -a - 1 DtGikept. Call ah.l ex inn.. fr -J.-afaift W the ri.t'loy,d of til richfi Hwrsin. Ik fndanti are r- t,nMKA territory, on the tad y r April, l," liivrd to tfinrtt j tV 2itjy Vf :.y, ISSa yiUf.' Kf"n ."Jars, witli bbtk t 1.0 Ut bfl 7 .. I . 4 1 . 4.x - w. - .ii enumrrj. nmr :ro:ito "uoodi.-'--; .... , uu. r ' n.vr--iraTiiM,rrrni4e'f 'of ' th'4 lite .irM1 ind i'Li-1 i ? ', f " I I 1 J 77 ' ' ' purcJiJijs tn u KLre.inJltrxet; ta j' vJSA'LTi:Ul vA'?PJt STQ-'V I f . - ' . -J t :i i4 Court cn or befYr the atxva ' i.t.. be forerer barrs 1. SI ON K'Ji. J. com u -4 3tTi p'd." a,'. LEG'AK ''NOTICE? q, A!!t:rf cr.Ha.iihr.- The ( Akin and Kra'mnj D. AMea w!t- take je. fcro reouir-il fcjikavrer awiJ Bia 7"" t tba i TT A f"P Cl A 1 "N." T ' -r-. : -I L-t-U-X -1 ' V-JLL S : ; . I m UlfPllJffll ! JD.U;J i ijilliiAi bSJD3a ' I.I j j in ! UaDDcr Coats, leglr.s Eiacie.j, iMfxt4S;xp . cArixiTr;Bi0 Gent's FcrnisIfmfGorfs. a . mi l,: iitruumi' Of a!l klcdi wlrich w will n!1 . .;: : .- ; ; .. -. . bllEP F Oil 'CAS H . We ptircbased our.pcpdj ir.ce t!. cline in tbS? Markets 'and wrll itll atlo j -.illegal Felice, i. - I Unrtl ?iTt.!J!ary Ann Peanran. Jii Fn.' e'i Swift, ViHiuEi A. .wif aM'.3n IT.ra, Nithao VjJ wirvae4- cthffi tha ui.k.w eft XAtl.aTPlVrr-witt,- d-jOae'I,.W!lI taXa intkt that EJwia .rh: a ioiatij. ta? t.rd t bill ia e'"4;ery ia tb District Cviirt of jVtdHi ti'oatv.ltrtiwli-T-frritrt arr"tst tbrm it 4 . J.fejjilsnta. Said , Liil. ,m? i J'ortu that a:lwa V. " ' TSaift to.-etLrl rtAl 3rw:!,i Sir-fi F- 1 1 V4 t Or C Ityiv.cinV. Lj ff. ftOatSSQ.t, V2?Ofci6t0"2iD ; - - ' 1 , ' it' 1 - ' Feont S .ree t, beiweta Mia and li:r, j CROWXpLLIV,5E3n.iSEl. ' ' J -5- -li ' ir .... I " k LEQ At ;N(iTICE. Kctice iberebv Rirn tbat- la- - a ic witft W crdrr er ibe Finite Cd'.v of " Uia.' C ry Irasia Terriloiy, I wji; v'tr Tor a!o it ptfSiU M ticp,'e-4ba xr .-..- 2Uh day Df -Iay.A.;D. J 665a 1 2 o'clock P. Miafrcstof Ue uffl.a'a .tiai'idaa'uf ?rba:at I ibe Cri y rf BrorirUte isd C-unty of VemaS. tsa f'llluwuiij leo4-n.e.t land to wrf : m .! b i tl.o Nrto rvt r -r ' y reiTrVn N" - tJ ta T T hiSt". l.'N'.-Hu '.J Lt fie 15 Rai-l, o n:irm M f acres, aitume-l. in ibe Cauoty rf N'e nibj in tit Tarn to:y f eti2rk4, SaiJ l!-d teift tie pruixni al f iosKPU OPf i.T. . ' 4Ke))Liie til aaiiur uuUer (ynKr.iian.Lip. I .ov. oaaru;a oi,aeae s-y , i ;.-.'-:: LEGAL "NOTICE. Notice it 1htMt cirfu tbit I wiM 0?fr fornla at pub!;.) aastjod atfhe'fruHt yatK'a t Irinvil!e Hoi aa . 10 the Qity f liri.wcvi Je. I ah Uoun'y. Nebraska Tr.-iforV..'i th-"2!.id 4f K,f -,"j..m.iiis-:5 At oioir.iw r.'fi lwlnffrcal E-t.t?e, u wit the S.nth .c.f i.t'r H fhSiilIit.iitj?artea L"i"3rI,4-2 InTai I fhi 4 Nr:h f 1 j Eaatvntainirtjr 4 at j "N l5 in i'- v-I.U- I5tnd.lia U'ac . 13 n f . 'n li:o City.T Aku'ih" : '" ' ,,,r t,r lL'r nj i"Ui.ti':e, u-util out i j aJi'tri-. tiuurt thj Louatj of Vu.ha, Terril- . w 3ebra.aV.and to me directed at he ef Uuojiff f X 31.-55 $1 1.0-J, "W. G. GLASGOT.Sitrif. t - . estTTa y n 6 t i c Er-- Taken ijpjvy O.ij BadrviT d. Irvicg three rwutn ttiiini c&M&a Uity. At atba C acrr.-' MH J. 8. WlLlllALlc', Wb ia tbe ied Aiei.t in St. Loois for this pper. will afe'l' inakinK coljeciions an.j pariiia lithatCi.y. . Vii.e. Iu Nemaua O' suiy -ytrati Tern'"'' .'Uc.! 'o1 Fay .ilare, t.pVe.i be .- " ;hu.fW' W', 'k b , . 1 1 . T. . 4 .4 'l.u. V HiilJ .T14-4i .v.- . atir lira a iiat t idfe aj ir n.a ua 4 p U tb b-8SP cab --in bant, m , b - - . . j !i,;ci:un awa-i iV'M ! Boti&frrKJr?v i -i ; .tfc; i , liX Ak:.n an.1 I-isxai D. Alla, ;m tic-e. lht- f aj CVioa 4 cbLVf - and Juha. L. a ufealacit' r! -' 1 acJ prayer opAilJj.It ia ta f r! )3J .erj. . iuw k;j trial ic rftin i, tr,n i " ' i . f - ' - m X ' - - ,Jej fed 1:4 an I 4 ( 1