Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 04, 1865, Image 1

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    il ATEbUF . AD ViU "iil.N L. . .
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One colaraa three months -
One half column n six months
Onefonrth eclumnthree months
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Announcin? candidates for oGce
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UaUription, must invariably, be paid inAdvance
I If. Book rk, n.l Plain and Fancy Job Work,
- $ 50
AlltransicntadvertUements must be paid la td
Tance. .
Yearly advertisement? quarterly in advance.
All kinds of Job, Look and Card printing, done la
the besistjle on short notice acdreajcnab'e term
w7w k-t Ktvle. andoa thort notice.
tOL. IX.
NO. 33
Nebraska advertiser
1 -M I I
Business cards.
Attorney it uw
f.ff earner of Main and First Streets.
"TTjTa. ii.ewes.
Solicitor in Chancery.
p. P. STEWART, M. D.,
'35'Ji East cornor of Main and First Streets
mci Eoces 7 to 4 a. m. and 1 to 2 and 6 to
7J P. M.
BrcwnviUe, Nebraska, May 5th, 1564 No 35, ly.
. E. & BURNS, M. D.,
Ju!j2Sta,1854. n47-v8-pdly
Corner 2nd and Main Streets, f
Iiprfpared to do all kindf of work in his line on
5rt notice and reasonable terma. 21-6m .
friI1g d up permanently on
Xlixx J3txoot,
Oaetoorfcbor.v.e Bnltimore Clothing Store, ie
prtparedtodotfind!, of work in bia line in the
Wry best and t-,u i: i-. : n
i " r
115 mm.
ircss Brornville or Peru, Neb.
Wain.." P0?4 Jet realy to perform all work,par
tobubaEjcea. b "d Pa;r.ticg,?laiin, and paper hang
Jiri. ir ort Botico, .nd the most approved
fcjgaMa5n Street, eaet of Atkinson's Cloth-
.rC Eels Prepared to da all
Uito "VCT asliinc
"' lA L L color I N a
8SL April 7r,djye,Je,it 8,rle rcr c"u-
fcery & Fancy " Goods
Street one door west of the Post Office
Jti2?i!!,tock of Spring and Summer Goods
PUrir E"rytning in the Millinery line
WhiJ l, cn haEd- ' Dress-Making, Bonnet
Worenco Sewing Machines
STUCCT, CET. 1 st and 2nd
route Mr,, newett'i Silliner Store,
tinaf J'slrec,eiTcd a good awortment of these
ak!ietoaMaptfl,J inrit8 ter tri d the
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tIr.V.Vi wnic enable
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ft' me,-!!1 Work 11 facility. A aupe
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"on.. I" oeslrnl width. Frh ...
aide tbe
. MflT. l.r-fcewera, which gi
f.. h. 1 ,nc'cnlable value. v
' . . -23lf3on-
0 friends I with whom my feet haTe trod
The quiet aisles of prayer,
G lad witness to your zeal for God
And love of men I bear.
1 trace your lines of argument ;
Your logic, linked and strong,
t, I weigh as one who dnds dissent,
And fears a doubt as wrong.
Bat still my human hands are weak
To hold your iron creeds ;
Against the words you b id me speak
My heartjwithin a e pleads.
Who fathoms the Eternal Thought?
Who talks of scheme and plan ?
The Lord .is Gcd. He ncedeth cot
The poor advice of men,
I fralk with bare, bushed feet the ground
Ye tread with boldness shod;
I dare not fixjjwith mete and bound
The love and power of God
Ye praise His justice ; even such
(lis pitying lore I deem ;
Ye seek a king; I fain would, touch
The rcbe that hath no seam.
Ye see the course which overbroodi
A world of pain. and loss ;
I hear our Lord's beatitudes
And prayer upon the cross.
More than your schoolmen teach within
Myself, alas ,1 know ;
Too dark ye cannot paint the sin,
Too small the merit show.
I bow my forehead to the dust,
I vail mine eyes with shaige,
And urge, in trembling self -distrust,
Apfayer without caim.
I gee the wrong that round me lies,
I feel the guilt within j
I hear, with groan and travail-cries.
The world confess its sin :
Yet, in maddening mass of things,
And tossed by storm and flood,
To one fixed statement spirit clings ;
I know that God is good 1
Not mine to Vk whea cherubim,
And seraphsmay p.o epfl,
But nothing can be good in him
Which evil is in me.
The wrong that pains my soul below
I dare not throne above ;
I know.not of His hate I know
His goodness and His love I
I dimly guess from blessings known "
Of greater out of sight,
And. with the chastened Psalmist, owa
Hi3 judgements, too, are right.
I long for household voices gone,
For vanished smiles Hong,
But God hath led my dear ones on,
And lie can do no wrong.
I know sot what the future hath '
Of marvel or surprise,
Assured, alone that life and death
Ills mercy underlies.
And if my heart and flesh are weak
To bear an untried pain,
Tbe braised reed lie will not break,
But strenghen and sustain.
No offering cf my own I have,
Nor works my faith to prove ;
I can but give the gifts He gave,
And ? plead His love for love.
And so beside the silent eea
I wait the maflled oar ;
No harm from Him can oome to me,
On ocean or on shore.
I know not where His i!ands lift
Theirf ronjed palms in air ;
I only know I cannot drift
Beyond His love and care.
O brothers 1 if my faith in vain,
If hopes like these betray,
Pray for me that my feet may gain
The sure and safe way,
And Thou,! 0 Lord 1 by whom ara seen ,
Tby creatures as they be,
Forgive me if too close I lean,
My human heart on Thee. Independent.
Awl Bluti
From the Saturday Eevnin j Post.
A SToSr ron bcts.
Iam very sad to-day. As I sit alone
in my room with an open letter upon
my lap, the tears fall fet over my
cheeks ; for this letter tells me cf death
of a Brave, noble boy, for whom my heart
was very full of loving kindness. I
shall tell you all about this dear little
fellow, so you may know how good and
manly little boys can be.
His name was Andrew .Carter. All
the soldiers called, him Andy, and I dare
eay they called him Andy at home,
too, for 'it teemed very natural to him."
He lived in a little cabin not far from
Corinth, Mississippi, and his parents
were quite poor. But I thipk th?y must
have been very good people, because
Andy was so good and sensible His
father never liked the rebels, and they
knew it ; so when the North and South
began to fight, they treated Mr. Carter
very badly, and forced him into the reb.
el army. Pretty soon Mr. Carter ran
away and got back to his home again
but they soon found him and put him on
trial tor desertion, uz course ne was
guilty, and they ehot him only a little
way from his home, leaving Andy at his
mother all alone.
Now, can you imagine how poor lit
tie Andy felt when they killed his deajr
father ? It was a terrible thing, and as
he thought about it, his heart grew bit
ter against the rebels.
He had no way of doiDg anything
though, and remarked quietly at home
helping hrs poor mother, until the rebels
evacuated Corinth .and our army took
- - r
-a 1 ml A A
possession or tne place, men yinay
went to a recruting officer and told him
that h9 wanted to enlist. To be sure he
was very young.oniy fourteen years old,
but he had always been a strong, healthy
boy, and was used to hard work, and
that made him hardy. After asking
him a great many questions, the recruit
ing officer concluded to take him. so
Andy becomes a soldier, though just at
first thev made a drummer of him.
Andy loved music very much, and could
beat the drum splendidly.
Of course Mrs. Carter felt very badly
about his going into the army ; but she
was very poor, and knew that Andy's
pay would be a great help to her. Be
sides that, a great many men and . offi
cers soon became pleased with his good
behavior, and were exceedingly kind to
his mother. They felt very sorry for
her when they heard how her husband
had been forced into the Confederate
service, and shot for deserting.
Several months pas'&ed by, and Andy
st;ll made friends because he was so
rr-4 .1 I J
nice and taimiui. ine otner. soiaiers
could never get him to tell falsehoods or
say naughty words, and of course, though
they did laugh at him, they respected
him all the more, and would have done
a great deal for hid if he had asked
I dare say somebody has told you
about that terrible battle at Corinth, in
Sep. 1S62, or you have read about it
in the newspapers. In that battle Andy
Carter did a brave thing for a boy, and
it pleased all the officers very much.
They fought hard for two days, and on
the second day, the rebels penetrated the
town, coming up close to a hotel that
stood at one end of the place, where a
great many railroads met.
Just a little way from this fcotel, which
was called tbe Tishomingo, was a pretty
deep cut in the ground, through which
one railroad ran ; and over this cut was
a bridge built somewhat in the shape cf
an arch. There was a railing on each
side of the bridge, and a long pole erec-
tpd from tha centre, from the ton cf
which fluttered the dear eld stars and
stripes cf our National Flag. ......
Right across the bridge a short dis
tance stood another hotel called the Cor
inth House, and while they wera fight
ing so hard on the second day, the reb
els drove our men back from the Corinth
House, and still on toward the bridge,
over which the rebels pressed gradually,
while our poor men.fighting, one against
four of the enemy, fell like sheep, at the
slaughter, "
Andy Carter, with his drum, was
near the bridge, and saw our. men falling
on all sides. He also saw a rebel spring
upon the railing and strike down our
flag. In the next minute the drum was
lying upon the ground and Andy had
snatched up a musket which he knew
was loaded, for the man who owned it
was killed before the musket was dis
charged. As quick as thought, he took
aim and fired at the man who took dewn
the flag, and he fell to the ground. The
minute after he had scrambled up and
replaced the colors and a storm of cheers
from the soldiers, who taking heart at
such bravery, rallied and drove the reb
els back in a perfect cloud of smoke.
Pretty soon mere men were sent to help
themj and as they pursued the advantage
they had gained, Andy limped away to
bind up a painful wound in hislegi which
he had received while replacing the
flag on the bridge.
After the battle was over, I heard 'a
great deal said about Andy's brave con
duct, and wanted to go to see his wound,
but the surgeon told me that it was not
dangerous, only a fiesh wound, which
would soon get well so X gave all my
time, to those who had fared more bad
ly, and it was a long time before J. saw
Andy Carter. The autumn and winter
came and passed, and spring was again
brightening the beautiful South, when
I went back to Comth to spend the sum-
mer, and happened to see the little he-
to: it nappenea m this way :
One day I waa riding out with our
medical director to see some sick men
in a hospital that sUod away off by it-
self, and after we got through, ! propos-
ed to ride outside of ihe picket lines to
see one of the- old cxrops where our ar-
my had lain the year ' previous, before
the battle.
Before we passed the picket, the doc-
tor met one of his assistant surgeons,
with whom he stopped to talk a little
v a il t 1
white, so l rode on, Koumg about me
with great interest, It. vas all freehand
pretty cow, with green' grass and flow-
ers in many places, verj different from
what it had been when was there be-
fore, and saw the trees al literally white
with dust, and the streahs dried up till
only little muddy . poos remained in
places. I remember hew sorry I felt
for the poor horses and rules which they
took there to drink from hose pools, for
it was all there was, andit seemed as if
thev must all die of heat and thirst.
Suddenly I came to afullstop, for there
was the' picket before me, and he was
demanding mv pass. I dil not have one.
but I kpew the doctor ha", so I thought
would amuse myself a jttle until he
came up. The picicet was .a smau rei-
low, with a round sun-birni face and
flaxen hair ; but his blue yes were veryj
clearand earnest, and jltogether, Jhe
ooked like an honest, stuidy soldier.
"Show your pass," he demanded, com-
in"" close to my horse and raising his
hand for it. i
'Suppose I have none,;' I answered,
mnM vnn not t)ass ma throno-h the
J K ' O 1
incs without f
"What, not for just once,'.'
"No, ma'am." '
"Would you not if I were to ..tell
that I am your general's wif ?"
"No, ma'am. My orders.'are strict ;
onri ; irn,. tho (ronoroi't Tcifp vnn
are the last one to attempt t) break his
without a pass, and. if you dj not show
yours, you must go back."
I was very much pleased with his re
ply, for it was as respectful uttered as
it was decided and positive.' It was on
my lips to cry "bravo !" but I thought I
would wait and talk a while longer ; and
pretty soon I asked him his mme. Then
he told me it was Andy Carter. When
the doctor came up, he produced hi3 pass
and we rode on, while I told him about
the talk I had with Andy, and what a
faithfui little fellow he tvas ; for be
tween yuu and me, I had tried to bribe
him to pass me through, offering him a
great deal of raeney just to try him,
which he refused indignantly. When
I had dens this, 1 told him that I was
not his erenerai's wife, but the wife of
an officer iu the command, end only wish
ed to test his fidelity. I shall never
forget the"look he gave me when I told
him this. At first it was full of anger
and mortification. -and then the tears
came to his eyes and he turned his face
away, saying---
"It was very unkind of you, cca am,
to .think so meanly of me. If I am
young-, I have been a faithful soldier;
and 1 did tot think 'that any one doubt
ed me."
"Nor did 1," I hastened to say.-
"Far from it. I have heard your name
a treat many times, and of your brave
conduct in the late, battle Forgive me
for hurting your feelings;. I did not in
tend to do so; and rest assured, Andrew
I am your friend, and hope J always
shall be."
That evening when my husband came
in from headquarters, I told him of my
meeting with the little hero, and how
much I liked him. After which he sent
for Andy, and had a long talk with him
which resulted in something quite pleas- life. The Caddoes are the most ad
ant. My husband had him detailed for vanced in civilization ; they cultivate the
duty at headquarters, and he became his soil, raise poultry, cattle, Sic, and their
orderly. ' women dress pretty much as ours do,
Andy was naturally intelligent, but
he had never been to a school in his
life, and could only spell a little. I dis-
covered this after a while, and" as soon
as I found out that he was eager to learn
I sent to Memphis for' some books, and
began to teach him tQ read. He f tud-
ied hard and improved fast, taking every
leisnre moment he could get fcr his les-
sons, while the other ordsrlies sat about
the steps cf headquarters, and smoked,
or amused themselves bv teazins tne lit-
tie negroes.
By-and-by we changed our headquar-
ters to a lovely place in Middle Tennes-
see, Pulaski, and Andy was left for
But after a little while my husband miss-
f ea him so much that he sent :or him.
and he-was very glad to get back ta us
He never wa away from my hus
band after that, but was always at his
post, good and faithful as unchanging
When our forces were ordered to take
Decatur, Alabama, he risked his life for
I t w
my nusoana ; and more than once on
that march to Atlanta, and from Atlanta
to Savannah, he did the same thing. On
the field in the various battles that were
IS 1.1 .
raugnt, ne was always reliable to carry
orders and messages anywhere that he
was sent, and was noticed by many for
his unwavering courage and steadiness I think if Andy had lived,
he might have been a great man seme
But after that long -march of Sher
man's from Savannah into the Caroiinas
Andy was in the fight at Fayetteville,
where General Hampton attacked our
men at such a fearful disadvantage ; and
when, the soldiers were withdrawn after
the fighting was over, Arid they began
to gather the dead for burial, poor Andy
was among them. He had fallen at his
colonel's side while tbe balls fell around
them like hail, and with his last spark of
nits sinviug iu cictuic mo uiucis jucu
him. When the dead body was pointed
out to him before burial, his colonel sank
upon one knee by his side, and with, his
race supported ny nis nano, wept outer
tears of regret over the brave boy.
And now a letter has reached me that
tells me all about it. Do you wonder
that I ara very sad, and that I have shed
many sorrowful tears to-day ? I loved
Andy very much, and now he is dead.
Poor .Andy Carter ! "
t . ... T J v
Tie Wild Indians of tin
The principal tribes now at war with
the United States are the Sioux, the
Cheyennes, and a portion of the Aarrap
ahoes. Last year the Keioways com
milled some depredations upon
crossing the Plains, but Colonel Leav
enworth went to see them, and obtained
from them a promise not to molest the
whites until he should return from Wash
ington, The hostile tribes inhabit , the
country bordendg on the rlatte . river.
north of that stream, and the head wa
ters of the Smoky Hill. Last year they
came down us far as the Santa Fe road,
but their range is farther north.
The Commanches have been accused
of acts of hostility against the whites,
but there is no reliable information that
during the whole of last year, they com
mitted a single depredation on the - em
igrants or trains,
The Commanches, Arrapahoes, Apa
ches and Keioways are on friendly terms
with the whites, and will remain so if
they are not molested. In addition to
these . tribes there are several small
bands, the remnants of .once powerful
tribes, who live on the Osage lands,
south of the Arkansas river. These are
the Caddoes. numbering about 300; the
Waycoes , 174 ; Iveichis,150 Witchites,
3G0; Towacaroes, 150 ; atd half civil
ized, and from the neighborhood of Ft.
Cobb, Texas. At-the commencement of
the rebellion, the rebels endeavored to
induce these-bands to join them in ma
king war upon the Union, but they re
fused, and were so. firm in their loyalty
that rather than go to war. against the
Gov eminent, they abandoned their pleas
ant homes, fields and houses, and came,
within the Union lines. They have suf
fered much and are very poor. Hav-
ing acquired civilized habits they wera
unable to provide for their wants in their
new homes, and were compelled to part
with the "greater portion of their cattle
and horses to procure the necessaries of
with the exception ot the duplex elip
tical hoops and long skirts. The Gov
ernment has given the Caddoes two an-
nuities of $5,000 each, which proved of
great benefit to them. They . live in
thatched iodges, in permanent towns.-
A lodge usually consists of a brave, his
wives and children, the number of
prisoners to each lodge averaging about
five persons. The, Wichitas are the on
ly people?amcng the bands who under
stand tne art or tanning, ihis band is
a branch of the Commanches and came
originally from the Wichitas mountains
in Texas. They now reside near the
mouth of the Little Arkansas, south of
awhile at Memphis with the
the Arkansas river, uoionei"!' ord is
now on an expedition among these Ic
dians. Colonel Leavenworth thinks they
will remain friendly, unle33 forced into
hostilities by the aggressions cf the
whites, Unfortunately, the Governmen
frequently sends out agents and army of
ficers, who, being totally ignorant of In
dian character, and regarding all Indians
as enemies, punish an innocent tribe for
the acts of a hostile one. The "Chiv-
ington massacre ' is a sample ol the out-
ige too frequently committed upon
friendly tribes by men who have not
learned to distinguish between the status
cf the different tribes. '
The largest of all the prairie tribe3 is
the Commanche nation. It consists of
nine bands, of from five to seven hun
dred warriors to a band. Allowing
three women and children to a lodge.the
total population may be estimated at
about 25,000 souls. Each band is a sep
arate organization, bur the head chief
directs the other chiefs. The Comman
ches range over a country -about fifteen
hundred miles in length, by five or six
hundred broad, extending from the Rocky
Mountains to the Arkansas. They are
perhaps the . most skillful horsemen in
the world, and are always supplied with
good animals, their stables being con
stantly replenished by captures from the
ild mustangs that range the plains of
Northern Texas in large numbers.
The head Chief of' the Commanches
is Ho-to-yo-ka-wat or Ovor the Buttes.
Mah-wee (the Shaking Hand) is' Chief
of the largest band, and his warriors are
the youngest and bravest of the nation.
Quen-avie (the Eagle Drinking) is a
brother of the Chief of the Texas Corn-
manches, and commands a large and
warlike band. Ten Bears is the leader
Lf a large and strong band, but from
some cause, he is not a full Chief and
, .... : i TT.
nas no seai in uie eouncn. xie receui-
lywent to Washington with Major Cojley
Indian Affent, and shook hands with
President Lincoln. These chiefs have
assured Col. Leavenworth that they were
the firm friends of the whites, especially
the head Chief and Mah-wee. When
one of Col. Leavenworth's men killed a
Cheyenne, and he was surrounded by a
host of angry Indians, threatening to
take his life, these chiefs steed by him
like brothers, and by their influence pre
vaded the further effusion of blood.
The Cheyennes number from seven
teen to eighteen hundred, souls, and the
Arrapahoes have about the same popu
lation. The two tribes occupy a reser
vation near Ft. -Lyon, on the Arkansas.
The head chief of the Cheyennes is
Black Kettle, Little Raven i3 the chief
of the Arrapahoes. They have always
professed friendship for the whites, but
uaic uut -w vv u.j j nEjk tub. jvujjvj. LPT
Both tribes are much diminished in nunr5!
bers, and fast fading away from the
earth. They live by hunting and trap
ping, and procure from traders such lux
uries as whisky, tobacco.brass rings and
colored beads, for which they are re
quired to pay enormous prices.
TheKiovvays number about ISO lodg-
es, witn irom iour 10 nve persons to a
lodge. The head chief is To-haw-sen
(Little Mountain). The second chief
is Sa-tan-kea (Sitting Bear). Quell-
bach (Lone Wolf), is the third in rank.
Sa-tan-tee (Wtite Bear), is the four.h
chief, "a leading warrior, and a splendid
specimen of a savage. Among the
baaves, Ton-a-en-ko (Kicking Bird) is
a famous warrior. Yellow Buffalo wa3
a delegate to Washington with Major
Colley, and was quite a lion at the White
The Apaches have forty lodges
Their head chief is called Poor Bear.
Iron Shirt is one of their leading war
riors. There are several tribes of In
dians called Apaches, some of them in
habiting Arizonia, southern NeyV Mexi
co and Chihua, but the band we speak
of has no connection with the others.
The Apaches of the plains are good In
dians, friendly with the whites, and
averse to going to war with them.
They are-rapidly dwindling away, and
have gained nothing by their contact
with the whites. Their hunting grounds,
once prelific in bufTalo and other large
game, are becoming depleted, &n.d they
otten suffer for' want of food.
Among the Cheyennes and Arrapa
hoes is an independent, band, called
"Dog Soldiers," comprising eighty lodg
es. They are under the control of their
own chiefs, and are rearly . always cn
the war path. They have always re
fused to treat with the whites, and plun
der trains whenever they get an oppor
tunity. St. Levis Democrat.
The following good story, related
a most "reliable .frentleman," raay
new to some of our readers :
When General Sherman was in com
mand at Benton Barracks, St. Loui3, ha
was in the habit of visiting tvery part
of that institution, and making himself
familiar with"everything that was going:
on. He wore an old brown coat and a
"stove-pipe hat," and wa34 not general
ly recognized by the minor officials cr
soldiers.One day while walking through
the grounds he met with a soldier whci
was unmercifully beating a mule
"Stop pounding that mule," said the
"Git out!" said the soldier, in blissful
ignorance of the person to whom he was
"I tell you stop !" reiteratud the Cen-
eral. '
"You mind your businesi, and I will
mind mine," replied tha soldier,' contin
uing his flank'movement upon tha mule.
"I tell you again to stop !" said Gen.
Sherman. "Do you know who I am?'
I am General Sherman.
"That played out J'said the'soldier,
"Eevery man who comes along here with
an old brown coat and a stove-pipe hat
on claims to be General Sherman."
It is presumed that for once General
Sherman considered himself outflanked
The American Monthly for April has
the following :
Are yon deficient in taste ? Read the
best English poets, such as Gray and
Goldsmith, Pope and Thompson,. Cqw-
per and Coleridge, bcott and Words
worth. Are you deficient in imagination I-7
Read Milton and Akenside, and Burke.
Are you deficient in power of reason 7
Read Chillingworth, and Bacon, 'and
Locke. . '
Are you deficient in judgment and
good sense in the common affairs of iifs ?
Read Franklin.
Are you deficient in sensibility ?.
Read Gcstheand Mackenzie.
Are you deficient in vigor of style?
Read Junius and Fox.
Are you deficient in political knowl
edge? Bead Montesquieu, the "Fed.
eralist," Webster, and Calhoun.
Are you deficient in patriotism ?
Read Demosthenes, and tht "Life cf
Are you deficient in conscience ?
Read m some of President Edwards'
Are you deficient in piety ? Bread
the Bible. -
Are you deficient in County News, a
knowledge of the soil, climate and ad
vantages of settling in Nebraska, or gen-
al news ? Read th? Nebraska Ad
The following composition is said tq
have been read in one of the schools of
neighboring viljage : .'Twas a calm
still night ; the moon's pale light shone
soft o'er hill and dale. Not a breeift
stirred ; not a leaf stirred ; not a dog
stirred ; no: a horse stirred ; not a man
stirred; not an owl stirred ; not. a hog
stirred ; not a 'cow stirred ; not a sheep
stirred; not a cat stirred ; not a hea
stirred ; not even a goose stirred. Here
the teacher interrupted with the obser
vation that the composition appeared to
him to relate more to agriculture than
to moonlight.
A Jew called on to justify bail in the
Court of Common Pleas,, the opposing
counsel thus examined him :
'What is" your name?'
Jacob.' -'What
are you V
General dealer.'
Do you keep a shop V
'How then ,d dispose
To the bo;! advantage, my good fel
'Look-e:here, Mister, dew you win
ter hire any pen on this'ere boat?" in
quired a live sample cf rural humanity
as he climbed in over the side of Coope't
big Liverpool, Liner Lancaster, and con
fronted the bluff, hard-weaiher chief
mate. . ,
Ye3, shipmate ; we want to ship a
crew. Are you used. to the water?'
Wal, by gosh ! I should think I or
beter ; I've Unded sawmill for nis?
year.' .
No one in the world is so often cheat
ed, not even woman and princes th