Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 27, 1865, Image 2

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    Nebraska Sttocriisct
Now lhat the "beginning of the end"
of the war can be fairly seen, the ques
tion as to what punishment should he in
flicted cn traitors and rebels, has become
one of living interest and vital import
ance. On it rests the future peace end
prosperity of the whole country. Wheth
er the bullet which caused the wound
jgall rema:n in the body of the country,
there to cause constant .uneasiness and
perhaps .future trouble, or whether it
shall be cutout ere tLe.wound is healed,
and thus insure a healthy future. Slav-ery--the
immediate cause of the war
is in the past, and can no longer cause
serious trouble ; but these who have
caused the loss of hunderdscf thousands
ef lives, oceans of blood and millions' cf
treasure for its perpetuation, are within
our grasp as traitors, and must be punish
ed for treason, or the peace of the ccun- j
try becomes a mere play thing in the
hands cf unscrupulous demagogues. If
no example is made if mercy to trait
ors become a precedent any section of
the Union, any particular interest that
may feel itself oppressed, or any State,
can get up, with impunjty, a rebellion at
any lime, so lung as men can be hired to
fight for money and ambitious men may
have it. The crushing out of this re
bellion will doubtless have a great moral
effect, , hot only in this country, but all
over the world ; hut the neglect to pun
ish the authors of it, and permitting them
again to gain high places of trust or
honor under this government, would mar
all the moral effect of victory, would
lower the government in the eyes of
car people, and make it appear even
more than contemptible in, the estimation
cf the civilized world. . Our self-respect
: males the severest . punishment to trea-j
on necessary, the respect of those States j
who are being'ferced back to alleigance,
make it necessary, and justice cries aloud
from the grave of our lamanted Chief
Magistrate for vengeance, and if its
voice be not heard, woe. be unto us as a
; Many schemes have been prcpored, all
containing mercy id the deluded masses.
Seme are for exiling the leaders, others
again for tanging those who have re- j
ceived nn education at government ex
pense and who have deserted the Gov
ernment and committed treason, and on
ly exile- for the leaders who have arisen
from civil life ; ia the one case, it is
argued, desertion and treason is commit-
ted, in the other, treason only. This dis
tinction stems to us unnecessary, and to
add another aimless point to the discus
icn. Treason is the highest crime known
to our law, and it matters not if the
. criminal has run through the whole cal
ander of crime, if he be convicted and
hung for treason,, that must expiate for
We believe that the heaviest penalty
known to the law should be inflicted cn
the leaders cf the rebellion, civil or
military ; that their property khould be
confiscated, and, if possible, applied to
to the education of the masses of all
colors; that for every traitor hung, ten
good Northern tchonl-masters should he
tent to the Scuth to "leach the heathen,
and spread ibe gospel ;" that to everyone
in the South, capable cr reading, should
be given a copy of the Bible, the Consti
. tution and a trae history of the rebellion
bound in one volume. We believe- that
all .that is nesessary to cement and
strengthen the Union more completely
thin if ever was. is firmness cn the nart
cf our present authorities, and light to
the deluded masses. As ignorance is
the parent of anarchy and the foot-stool
cf tyranny, so education is the parent of
Liberty and free government. Let us
give the people light, hoping that their
minds are not so darkened but that truth
may firida lodgment there, nd bring in
its train Union, Peace and Prosperity.
The President's remains are to be in
terred at Springfield, 111., his former
residence. On its way it is to pass thro'
TT V T-H- !1-J
' York, Albany, Buffalo, Cleveland, Co-
lucibus, Indianapolis and Chicago to
Springfield. The processions and de
monstrations cf mourning during its pas-
. j :i i a . t .
age are utKnuiu us uuicicunn. 11
lay in state in Old Independence Hall in
'.Philadelphia. At the news of the as
sassination Richmond, Savannah, Char
leston end all the rebel cities were drap-
j V VA 44 Uivui uajf nuu tiug ui iui-uukf
and rebels are reported as mourning sin
cerely Prominent rebels declare it is
the severest blow the Confederacy has
yet recsived. One need only glance over
the loyal press, and there see the unan
iraous ,cail for vengeance cn the rebel
leaders, to know tins to te a tact, lae
country demands that justice be dene to
loyalty by the punishment cf traitors,
and Andrew Johnson will hear and ans
wer that demand.
Johnson has mads stipulation of sur
render to Gen. Sherman, which agree
ment is entirely set aside by the Gov
ernment, the terms were even better.than
our late President would have given, and
more then the rebels had ever asked be
fore. Sherman may r.m be s-good on
the write as the fight, but the Govern
ment is on the alert, and Johnson is so
hemmed in that he can easily be choked
to any terms.. Mesby has surrendered
on the same terms as Johnson. .
The N. O. Dlta says that Jeff. Davi3
crossed the Mississippi at Tunica Bend,
on Suncay, the lGth, with a strong body
guard, and other, dispatches say, with
SoOO.000 in specie. It is supposed he
will try to raise another army there, al
'hcugh it i3 reported that Kirby Smith is
disbanding th Trans-Mississippi rebel
army. Jeff, says he will never leave the
boundaries of The Confederacy, we hepe
he will not, and may be cdught, then the
principle of "an eye for an eye, a tooth
for a tooth" and a President for a Presi
dent, riTay be aptly illustrated.
Many different rumors prevail with
regard to the capture or whereabouts of
Booth. The latest is that it has come to
the knowledge of the War Department,
which renders it nearly certain that
Booth's horse fell with him on Friday
night, the 14ih, and it is believed caused
a fracture of the leg. It is supposed he
is concealed near Washington, but has
not yet been caught. . ,
number cf N. C. Legislators are re
ported at Newburn to negotiate the State
into tho Union. Gov. Vance is a prison
er. .
On the 20th, Gen. Wilson took posses
sion of Macon, Ga., capturing Howell
Cobb, J. A. Smith and other prominent
Sec. Seward and his son Frederick are
reported as recovering very fast; no fears
are now entertained of their entire safety-
, The Bostonians are raising $100,000
in SI subscriptions, to be presented to
Mrs Lincoln as a testimonial of their
respect and veneration for our lamented
The War Department has offered a
reward of $50,000 for the apprehension
of 'he asassin of President Lincoln.
25,000 for the apprehension of J.
A. Surratt, and 825,000 for the appre
hension of David C. Harrold, another of
Booth's accomplices.
The most tru.tworrhy account we have
yet'seen of the tracking of Booth, is in
a dispatch datd Reading, Pa., April
20ih. Mr. Lycn, a L. S. dettive, says :
The report that' Booth came to Read
ing is correct, he remained there all day.
He .was recognized, and traced to the
depot, where he had got on .a train which
had just left. . Mr. Lycn and Miller, de
tectives, started in pursuit and telegraph
ed to Tamaqua, to the conductor of the
train, who replied, on the arrival of the
train: ''The man is on tLo train." - A
dispatch was immediately sent for his de
tention, but the man was gone. Tlie de
tectives are positive that it was Booth,
and are still on the track, but the means
now used for his arrest, are withheld as
contraband at present.
We learn that Governor Alvin Saun
ders has been re-appointed Governor of
Nebraska, We admit that the appoint
ment is a good one, bat can't help but
think the policy a poor one which has
imported all eur Governors from the
States,' while just as good men in our
Territory are willing thus to sacrifice
themselves for the common weal.
We learn from the St. Joseph Daily
Herald that Hon. Wm. Kellogg, late
member cf Congress from the Peoria
District, Illinois, has been appointed
Chief Justice of Nebraska.
Commissioner's Conrt.
Clerks Office, Nemaha Co.,)
Brownville, April 17th, '65.
The Board of County Commissioners
met as a Board of Equalization, and for
the purpose of correcting the assessment
rolls of said County for the year 1565.
Present : Su phen W. Kennedy, F. H.
Amsden, and Henry Steinman, Com
missioners, Wm. H. Hoover, Clerk.
It having been announoed that Abra
ham Lincoln.. President of the United
States, has died by the hands of a ruth
less assassin, in memory of the deceas
ed, it i? now ordered that the Board ad
journ until to-morrow roomings 9 o'clock.
Tuesday morning, April lStU, '65.
Jllornir.g- Session. Commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment. Present the
same as yesterday. .
Ordered by the Board that the follow
ing allowances be made, and lhat the
Clerjc draw .Warrants on the Tre'asurer :
Wm. II. Hoover, Salary as County
Clerk from .Oct. st, '64, to Ap. .
1st, 'Go, six months, ' - . $150 00.
For rent cf Co. Cl'k's office ' :
and Cl'k Dis't Court from Jan.
10 to April 10, '65, 3 months, 15 00
4 boxes Steel Pens for County
and Dis't CTk's office, SS 10, -Book
for District Court, $15 00 '
Stationery for County and Dis
trict Clerk's offices, S3. 20, . 26 30
Recording Incorporation Wal- "- '
put Grove Cemetary Asscciv
tion, 23, Same for Nemaha City
Cemetuy Aassociation, Sly.
4 00
For Seal of District .Court and
express charges, -. -2100
Henry Knefferfor boarding Lewis .
Smith, prisoner, fall term, Dis.
' Court, '64, 4 days 50c a day,
Stephen W. Kennedy, for board
and washing for T. B. McCoy,
a pauper,
Hackney & Co., for goods for T.
B McCoy, pauper, Ap. IS, T65,
2 00
4 00
8 95
Board adjourned. " -v
Wednesday morning, April 19.
Board met, all present.
The following allowances made, and
the Clerk ordered to draw Warrants on
the Treasurer therefor; -Bird
Vowell, for services as Super- . .
visor of Road Dis't No 2, Brown
ville prec't to Ap, 19, '65, as
per bill on file, payable out of ,
road fund of said district,
Henry C Bahlhin for services as
Supervisor of Benton township
to April 19. '65, out of D R F
17 00
10 00
R S Hanniford, for hauling- 75 pr
ttpne for bridge, near s 16, t 5,
r 15. out cf trenerrl road fund. 75 00
Joseph Thompson, for 75 perch
of stone for same bridge, out of
general road fund,.
S. W. Kennedy, for one day ser
vices as Commissioner and Mil
age, making sale of old bridge
cn Nemaha river, . 2 60 ; ser-
and milage, Jan. SO, 2 60; do
Feb. U, 2 ,60; do, April IT,
IS. and 19, '65, 6 GO,
F. II. Amsden, for 1 days service
as Commissioner, and milage,
for sale of old bridge, 2 60;
service &. milage Jan 30, 3 00 ;
do, Feb... 11, 3 00; do. April
17, 18, and 19; '65, 9 00,
Henry Steinman, for 1 days ser
vice as Commissioner & milage
for sale- of old bridge, 3 00;
service &, railage Jan 30, 4 00 ;
. do, Feb. 11, 4 00; do, April
75 00
14 70
17 60
17, 18, and 19, 12 00, . - 23 00
C. W. Wheeler, for table for Co.
Treasurer's Office, -,. ......
Peter Smith . for digging grave .
for Harding, who was shot by a
soldier, spring of 1S64,
John H. Drury, for hauling
Dis't Court, Spring Term. '64,
Dan'l C. Cole, assessor for 151i2
days jnaking assessment for '65
and Census lor; Peru precinct,
14 50
2 50
1 50
and for stamps, -
James Wright for 11 days service
making assessment for '65, and
taking census of Glenrock pre
cinct and stamps,
R J W Ford, for 7 Tj2 days ser
vice making asses.-ment cf '65'
taking census Lafayette prec't,
and for stamps,
Cobus Gocsman, for days ser
vice making asiestnent for '65,
taking censtft.for : Washington
precinct and for stamps,
Giles R Reeder. for 6 l2 days,
service making assessment for
'65, taking census of Douglas
precinct, and for stamps, -
31 10
22 10
15 10
13 1C
Charles T Haywood for days,
service making assessment for
'65, taking census of Brown- -ville
precinct, and for stamps,
James M Hacker for 16 days ser
vice making assessment for '65,
taking census for Nemaha City
precinct, and for stamps, 32 10
J M'Paulin for days services
making assessment for '65, and
taking census fg Aspimvall
precinct, and for stamps,
John S Hughes for 4 days service
making assessment for '65. tak
ing census for Bedford precinct '
and for stamps,
Henry Hockmeyer, for days
service. making assessment for
'65, taking census of Bsnton
precinct, and for stamps,
John L Carson for stamps on re
turns of October Election, '64,
8 10
2 00
In the matter of "Requisition for Books
and Planks: -
It is now ordered that the County Clerk
shall make n requisition upon the Teyi:
torial Auditor for the following describ
ed Books and Blanks,, to-wit:
In the matter of Equalization : '
The Board having carefully examined
the Asiessment Rolls for the year 1S65,
as returned by the several Assessors, of
.said County, for the purpose of Equaliz
ing said Assessments, do now order that
the value of all property, real and per
sonal, shall be as shown and indicated in
the words and figures in red ink upon the
several assessment rolls row on file in
the Clerk's Office, and the County Clerk
is hereby ordered to mae out the Tax
List and Duplicate for the year 1865, in
accordance with the said euualizcd value.
Board adjourned.
We learn, from the Omaha Jiepubl
can, that Hon. E. Estabrook has been
appointed, by Acting Gov. Paddock, to
make a revision of our laws, in pursu
ance of the Act passed Ly our Legisla
ture. Mr. Estabrook is a man of expe
rience, and we think he can codify better
than he cm. canvass.
The river 'i in good beating brdeV and
- April 18th, VS65. J
Mr, Editor:. For want" of Items, till
lately, I could not gfve you a paying let
ter ; now they come so profusely, the
duty q .condensation is imperative.
I have, at lastj seen a real prairie fire
carried forwarlin a hurricane charge
licking up ten thousand dollars worth
of Government property in ten minutes,
in the form of siabbling and forage at
this post. . '
- The '-greats Indian Expedition: com
menced 'by Gen! Mitchel, and more than
a month delayel for a Kansas regiment,
the: 16th whicE wenl into Water, quar
ters at Pawnee pity, i? as far from mov
ing as ever, so far as I can discover.
' By the way, Lieut.' Col. Walker, cf
that regiment, Reserves a little attention
from the press. , Of only a few of his
characteristic acts have I heard, but you
shall have the few : .
1st. I hear oi hit beating two of his
men on the way herej' the one with Jiis
fist, the other w"ih his sword.
2d. He ordered a man shot, a citizen,
without anjt'trial, in this Territory. The
boy had taken life, but Walker was
neither a civil or military executioner,
but assumed both.' ! For ' this he' should
loose hi3 coram issum.' '
3d. At .Plum Creek he kicked a ranch
man and floged one of our farriers.
4th. At a' point farther west assumed
aut hority ' to place ' a company of ours
under guard, till he was r'eady to move
on, beat one of our men and chased ano
ther. This is only a preface what do
you fancy of the Book ? ' Think is
should be bound in Amp, Ed.
" Trains cover the road west, and many
emigrants are starting oat before grass
comes. Indians quiet.: New troops all
along our end of the route. Col. Liv
ingston is active, faithful, and anxious,
as usual," to yresent his as a modal Dis
trict. Surrender of Lee-, "caused the
Colonel's order for a salute all along the
line. Then came, on Thursday, th sa
lute of 200 guns by order of the Secre
tary os War: and as usual on such oc
casions, cna gunner killed, and Fuller of
Co. 4,C," our Veterinary Surgeon
shot in the arm, and burned in the face
and eyes. He will live. Begins, after
four days blindness, to see a little.
Saturday, flag at half-mast for death
of President Lincoln. '
Sunday, all day, from sun to sun, a gan
discharged every half hour. At 2 p. m.
command, assembled at.' headquarters,
and Eulogy on the character 'of the de
ceased, by Chaplain Tip'on. 6 p. m ,
band boys flog.a copperhead.
Comment needless.
'Sovereignly yours,
Front Sireet, between Main and Water,
Notice 1 hereby given thatjln accordance with '"an
order of the Prubdte Court of Nemaha County Ke
brafka Territory, I will offer for ale at public auc
tion, on the
20 h day ofMay.A. D. 1S65, at 2 o'clock
PtM., in Jrontof the office of the Jndge'of Probate in
tbe Citf,.of Brownville in said County of Nemaha, the
following described land to wit: the North half of
tbe North West quarter of Sciion No. IS in Town
ship No. 4, North of Range No. 15 East, containing 80
acres, situjrol in Ito County of Nemaha in tie Terri
tory of Nei rt.kA aid laud being the property of
Josephine Bell, a minor under guardianship.
32-317,00. . Guardian of J&ephene Bill.
From William' Advertising Agency ,97 Chesnut St.
Hastings, WiIfcerson&Co.:
No 85 Main Street,
ITholele Dearlers in
. LTave at all times the most com
plete and desirable stock of LA
every variety of .
to be found in any hoto in - the
west Prices Gdarrinteed as low
as any ether house can ailbrd.
JSTOrders carefully and prompt
ly filled. -
Hastings, Wilkerson &Cta
Taken op by the undersigned, Wring three miles
South West of Kemaha City, Nemaha County Ne
braska Territory, on the 6th d ay of April, lg65.
One Brown Mare, with black tpot on the left hip
extending down the leg about eight years old.
30 6tjd. . TILGIIMUN B. bHARP.
McLAUGIILlN it SWAN are constantly receiving
addition to their stock of Groceries and Hard
ware. Their Goods and Prices will suit everybody "o
acy other man." w . "
N"KW Orleans, Clarified, CruuLed and Powdered Sa
rri, Goldea Syrup Sugar House and Sorghum
At McLaughlin & Swan'.
Married Xa.clio !
nsAnorfn phopqi'
er - lau-
'ing P S is-
'for which they re
'la every iastaaco. T-iey
are cordially rejomnjended tox
'all Ladies who. from sickness cr
other causes, are unable- to Mdsrgo
'the perils of aocouchmeat. Thi3 remedy ia
Not an Abortive, bat simply a
.and la not in the least Inju-
.rious to the" mcst delicaiev
k constitutions. Every.
. Boitle Warranted..
C7 Send Bed Stamp Tot Circular, r 12.25 for the
Hemedy, toC. K. SICOiHOE & CO', Gcnr-ral Afeor.ta.
P. O. Drawer 6361, Chicago. EiinoiSi Office Soutii
Clark Street. For aale at Wholesale in Cli.eao by
There will be an Election held in tbe City of
Brownville, May lit, 1SC5. for tha purpo-v .of vo
ting fur w ttjJBirfck v rpetal Tax of ten Mil's m
the Dollar, for the Ereetioa of a Bohooll houe in
the City of Brownville. . r . :
, By order of the Bofird,
- 3l-2t W. HACXNEY, Clk.
: Notice ia hereby ?ivVh that 2i anJ 31 diys of
October A. p.lSej'' EUyo- been appointed as tbe
times for hearin. claiqis a.iin-it the E.tato of
Jefferson L. Combs dt-eased, beforo the Probate
Court of N-inaha Countj , Nebraska Territpr. an l
all perna baring efahn? Said Eito arc
notiGtd that they are rcqurtd t file thera In" ea;d
Courton or before the dittos . or they will
be forever barred. MOSBOS J. COMBS, Aim'.
. 31-4t p'd. . , .
Thomas II. Marshall, Mary C. Marshal V'o is. wife,
and William D. Cady.will take notice that Joseph
Eavey n3 complainant, has filed a bilfju t-hancery,
in the District Court of Nemaha county, Ntbraska
Territory, against tbem kimI John L. Car.on, as
defendants.. The olj ".-t itsKl prayer of said bill is
to foreclose a certain Dol t f Trust, in the Njture
of a Mortgago, aiernttd ,y Thi.inas T. Marshall to
John L. Carson, u .-, upi n the South-east
qunrterof Section eight, in township six, north of
range fifteen east, in Nemaha County, Nebraska
Territory, to secure tl e payment of a Promissory
Note to complainant for $2S0.00, mentioned in said
Deed of Trust, and for the sale of said premises
to pay said note, and also to set aside a certain
Deed, of a portion of said premises, executed by
said Thomas II. Marshall to said William D. Cady,
so far as the same effects tho prior lien and right of
complainant, and also to bar the said Mary C. Mar
shall of her Dower in said premises. The said
Th6mas II. Marshall. Mary C. Mur;hcJl aad Wil
liam D. Cady are notified that they are required to
answer said bill on or before the 22d day of May,
a. d. 1863. - CHARLES i. DORSEY,
Solicitor for Complainant
Dated April 5th, 1865. 29-4t-$I3,50
Daniel Kinnison, William. Kinnison, Senior,
William Kinnison J anior, George Kinnison and
Peggy Kinnison, will take notice, that Benjamine
F. Lusbbaugh as complainant, has filed a bill in
chancery, In the District Cor.rtof Nemaha County,
Nebrask Territory, against tbcm and David Kin
nison Newton Kinnison, John Kinnison, Mary
Shroaf and Elizabeth Delay, heirs t f l'ly Kinni
S'n,deceaed,an.l Ki 'harJ V, lluj'nes Administrator
of said Estate, aci John L. Carson as defendants.
The.object and prayer of said bill is to foreclose a
Deed of trust, in the nature of a mortgage, given
by Polly Kinnison, deceased, in her lifetime to
John L. Carson as trustee, upon, the South East
Quarter of Section (15) in Township 6 North of
Range 13 East in Nemaha County, Nebraska Terri
tory, given to Secure tho payment of a note of
JioUjOO' mentioned in said deed of trnst, and for
the sale .of said premises, to pay :iid'note to com
plainant. And the said DuLiel Kinnison, William Senior, William Kinnison Junior, George
Kinnison and Peggy Kinnison ara notified that they
are required to appear and answer said bill on or
before the "21 day of may A, U. l6bj.
Dated April 5th 18(15.
29-4t$l3,50. Sol. for Complainant.
Lrial Akin and Erasmus D. Alien, will ItCio no
tice that Jam'-- O. Cars.n as complainant, ha
filed a bill in chanceryKiu the Districr court oi No
maha county- Nebraska Territory, against them
and John L. Cars;n, as defendant. The object
and prayer of said Bill is to foreclose aoertain Deed
of trust, in the nature of a mortgage, executed by
the said Urial Akin t John. L Crson, as Trnsue,
upon the South Last quarter of Section 7 in Town
ship 5 North of Iiange 15, in Nejjiaha county
Nebraska Territory, givea c seeuru nt
to complainant of a promissory note of $2?d,0(, for
the sale of said premises to pay the auiounf. cue
on said note, and also to annal a deed of conveyance
of said premises. made by said Urial Akin to Eras
mus D. Allen of- complainant. Tha gaii Urial
Akin and Erasmus D. Allen will take notice that
they are required to answer soil Bill on or before
the- 22J day of may A. D. IS 5.
. Solicitor f r Complainant.
Dated April 5th 1S15. 2iMi $13,60-
INDIA Rubber and Morn, Pres., fiy. K id flue
Comb?, Wooden.Po'et c-:uts, TvCf rco Pouches
Wallets, Fish Hooks anil lines, &.c, .. -
At HcLA'C'HlLiy 1 SWAXS.
Thenndersigned keep on ban I a large assortment cf
ForMenaud Bojvrca.r AUo,a large stook of
- , 4
BubUcr Coats, Legglns & Elankets,
Trunlis rtTtcl T7Yliseerf
Gent's. Fnrnislring- Goods,
Of all kind j wLich we will sell .
' . . . . . .
We purchased our poods since the de
cline in ibe Markets and will sell at low
figures. ATKINSON & CO.
Arr;H3th, lS53t 9-30-ly
legal Notice.
Martha Swift. Mary Ann Tcarman, John Fran
cis Swift, "William A. Swift, Narcissus ITorn,
Nathan V. Swift and gthers th uuknovn heirs
of Nathan W. Swift, deceatd, will take notice
thatEdwinS. D. llarsb.' es plaintiff, ha3 filed a
bill ia chancery in tho District Court of Nemaha
county, Nebraska Territory, ugainst them as de
fendants. Said bill" sets forth that Nathan W.
Swift together with Martha Swift, xe?ued and
delivered to plaintiff a Deed to lots 7 and 8 in
block io, in tbe city of Peru, in said county of
Nemaha, which- deed wa3 accidentally destroyed
without being rectried. Ihe object and prayer
of said bill is to obtain from said Conrt a perfect
title to the said lots in favor of plaintiS".
Defendants are required to answer said bill on
or before, the 121 day of ilay, a. d., 185. : ':
29-4t-pd Solicitor for Complainant.
uimatutumf.i 'i ' '
As the name in li-a'c?, it net only -CXEV.'S th
rrowtUc! the hair wb;n thin and fjHicg ell, but l
positively KENEW THE COLOR to its origira'
shade, when it U turnir.g jrroy cr white, whether
caused by disease, grief or o.U ac. .
It wili certainly do what is claimed for it, a fact
to which -liundrcis. nay, thousands who hava used
it, are rcajj and willir to testify. .Vhenoae bot
tle is fairly us.d, in anv cmxuairy. its reputation
spreads like !ld C;e," and -.vs thj htst advertise
ment aad rrcr'.!'r' we de-ire. In the East
ern States, hr tbe "IiENEW EU'' originated, it
is vA by alV Y11M.3 La lios as a Dres-i. , aul is to
be found on the U'tlet tables of Yours ya, also at
their bnrbers;) white Older Men and Woman will
not be without it, as a renewer and restorative fr
their grej Iocs.' a.nd ba',.1 hea,ds, which it changes
to tiTeir entire satisfaction.
We are selling ia the city of TWor alone, up
wari of 15,000 borcs per month .the dca'ers giv
ing the kEXEWEU the preference over all other
Hair Preparations. -
If not sold by Drnii'.s in your town, a Trial
Bottle will be sort yo-.I by Express, upon receipt of
one dollar by mall thus giving you an opportunity
atonse for testing its excellent virtues.
jg"Ordtrs for Trial Bouies, must, b Dddrcssed to
our General Acal for the Northwestern States, C.
A. COOX , Box 0534, Cliir ago, 111. All sah orders
will receive pr"MPf 'itcr.ti in.
E. 1'. ilAi-L i COrr.-prietorw
Nashua, X. II,
T'r.a trade FCTtUeJ r.t JTarnfacturcrs' l'ricf s by
' FULT.EK, FINCH & FL'LLEli, Wbflele DruS-feists.,Chk-ago
Illinois. - 25 v9 6i
Notice ishereby given that I will offer for sale
at public auction at the front entrance of the
Hn.wr.viile House, in the Cifj .? Brownville, (that
being the building in whien tho last term cf the
District Court of th? couDty of 2fVmahj, in the
Territor of Nebraska, M.asheId)on the
1st day. ! May. A..D. 1SQ5 ai I o'clock
P.M. TIu-following real estate situated ia the
County of 71 raaha, in the lemtory of ebrasia,
to wit : Lot . '.n Bit-cis 4J : Lots 11, 1.5. lo, anJ
16 in Block 39 Lot 16 in Lloek 81; Lot: 9, 10,11
in Block 90: L.,f ' 1, 12, U 14 in Block 32 ; Lot 4 ia
Block 35 : Lots 1, !, in Block 4a ; Lots 10, 11 in
Block 47 : Lot 11 it. lock 4$ : Lot 13 inLloefc 71:
Lot 9. in Block 73 ; - ts 13, 14, 15, 16, In Block
66 ; ia Nemaha City ; also the South East 1-4 of
the North VVestl 4ot Section 61 m lownship
North of Range 15 East ; also the South East 1-4
of the Suuth West 1-4 of Section 1 Township 4
North of Range 15 East, except t to acres off of th
v est side thereof : also a tract of bind commencing
at a point SO rods North of the South West corner
of bection Lightecn ( Is) in lownship 4 cri of
Kange lb Last, thence running Last II. rcas, thence
South 23 1-4 rods West 47 reds, thence ' 23
1-4 rods to the place of beginning ; also Lots 7, and
S of the South West I- 4 oi S3ction 21 in "To wnshixi
4 Xorth, uf Range 15,East; a.'sothe North West I-4
of the North East 1-4 and Lot 12 cf Section 32
Township 5, North, Range 15 Ea?t, except twenty
(20) acres deeded to Snow. Also the West half oi'
the South West 1-4 and Lots 3 aud 4 in Section
32 Township 5 North of range lf East, except twen
ty acres in the South West corner, taken, as the
property of Jerome Hoover on an execution and
veudi in favor of Samuel A Chambers Executor
of the last will and testament of Willis Llill de
ceased, issued out of the District Court of the
County of Nemaha, ia the Territiry ef Nebraska,
and to me directed as Sheriff oi said County.
Dated March 27thMSo5.
, . W. Or. GLASGOW, Sheriff. '
In the matter of the Estate of ilarshal C. Kel-
Iojk I
Sbroa8 tho Tribute Court, in and for Gage
county, Neboaska Territory, cki on the 6th Jay 0
i!arcb,A.D. lsij.fix and appoint tue ta uay ef
August , A. D. ISoo as the usy f.r the final settl -ment
of the Estat e t f M irihal C. Ke'lcy late of
said county arid Territory nnw deceased.
Now therefore, all credits of said Estate, ar.d
all parties intreated thertifl, are liereby notified
to presem their claims p. gainst sail Estate, before
the said Probate Court , on or before the 7th
day of August, A.'D. l3"5, or the saina will bofo'"
evcr birred.
Ordered by sai-1 Probate esart thit notice of the be publirh.'i lor four consecutive weeks ia the
Xthraska Advertiser.
Dated Beatrice, March 6th 18-5.
23-4t f 9,55
Nctiee is hereby given, that, pursuant to an
order of sale to m .iire-t.1, is-u d by the Rej
isfJr ia Chancery. f the Bi-JtrioV Ct-urt of Nemaha
County .Ntbraska 1 1 rriforr, in a certain ease whert
in Katharina Iia;aioh:ik, by her next Friend Da
vid it. McLaughlin, is Pontiff, and the unknown
heirs of lk-!.ry mith deceased, Henry E. Dum
merand Henry M. Atkinson pre defendants. I
will on .
Monday, the . 1st, day of May. 1SG-5.
At one o'clock P. 11. af-aid day. fftr for i!e
at public audi' n. at tho front door of the
i?rovrnvil!e Iby-e ia the City of Bro wnville ia said
County of Neaha, that being the building in
which the la-i ;-?rm of the said District Court was
held) tho fallowing ReVi Es'at- to wit: the Norih
E?as quarter of Section Thirufn f 13), in Town
ship four ( 4) North , of Rrnga fourteen ( 1 4; East
in Said Coun'y of Xciiu'na.
Brownvilio Marca .27ih.'li5. "
V".-ti. GLASGOW,
Sheriff and Special Master ia Chancery.
29-4t $ 13,50. x
IS II .191 SiS:Vaij
JCJ" Will pracUcein all the Court jl eb.
Is tbe place to got your Pictnres-. lie Is prepared to
take all kiuds or Picture Urge bizei Photograpbi,
Meiainotypes. -c .
He keeps on hand a well-selecte-l stock of Albums
and PhotoKarpb if'Kids. ' o -
The new Gallery Is north side of main Street .oppo
site John A. Ponc'a. Stcre. Persons win du well to
cail aoon, before eettirf wur' ir,ue IewUcre.
Particular pilts taken witb chiirtrim, alo In crying
o!J Pictures. Diri-rel. black, greeu, or plaids ara
gooJ colors for chi' Jren's dresses.
niff"3Jifi m fan
snowyrviXiXjS to, x1.
Oysteri, Cakes, Pies, Cookies, Ginger Bread, etc.
lc, of all descriptions constantly on hand.
GOOD KEALS served in tbe best style and onshort
outice. ix-4-ly
Also a large assortment of
Tobacco, Cigars, -Vw Candies,
Canned Emit, Oysters, Sovp,
Crackers, Raisens, Cur
rants, and a supply of'
Barbara A. Symamiro and the nt'snown hcin
of' Putijnat, decease 1, will take notice
that llcnry Hommon, Administrator of tbe Estate
sf John B. Laurent. Ueeeaje-l. ha3 coi'iinenc-l
suiton'fae Chancer? fide of the Litriot C-jurt
of Neniaha Ccgntj, XeUrasta Territ'.rj, in rhieh
suit they together with Jasper A. are ara inaue
defendant. Tho ohject of saii suit to foreclose
a certain mortgage maJe by the said Framis futi
gant in.favorcf the said John B. Lorent Septem
ber. 11th 1857.on the Northwest ouartec of Sec
tion 17 lnTownshipS north, of . Kanga 14 East eit
cate.l in the, oaiii PrnntT c t Nemaha, giea to se
cure the payment of S1!)0 M due to tha aaid Lau
rent from ?ai4 I d tTjrnr.l Ibree years irom ub ua
of laid uiortragc vrih interest. The rrayer of
1 lain! if is that the said land beheld and the pro
ceeds be applied .first in payment of the soot
c! -im. and tht the said defendant le dtyard and
foreclosed of til rights therein. Defendants are re
quired to answer ly the 22d clay cf May,
.' St'L for Complainant,
23-4t $13.53. ... .
LOUR, Bntter, Bscon, etc.. ttc.
At f twan
0 r
v . . f r -
Juei received ly j
J. BERRY & CO., (
33row xsil
Having laid in our zjeiex. s:ocia,
duced prices for Cash, we are
to oefy ccinpeuuoa ia me waycf V-r
- . ' ;CI
the articles in lLe market
13 ice most compieia evp; c'lcrej iai, 5
market, andt has teen scL-cted w;jj r
eye to economy, dorablility e
minds of this community.
Our Supply, of.
Ccrapriies a general assorimenicf ever,
thinj sod the best of ererythiDji
Call and. examine before pu:ch?q
elsewhere, if yoa want to get the be:;,
fit cf the beat c goodi at lo raus. a
trouble to show goods.'
9 2S-yIy J. BERRY k CO.
Wholesale and Retail
Evan Worthing.
Van Jnst Rerelred the larpest het rt
Liauors and Cirar ever offei-e-t in Ui m'te(.rt
wiil sell tbemai Kvr as any Dou-e i;. thelernwr. .
Main Sireet, U'-.vrrTills
Feb. 4, '34 jly.
3accesor to R. Brown X. C
TToald respe-tTl!y annocico ta t! e C';:;:'
B.ownil!e ad vieinity, that, be ts y -rlMl
Large and Well Selected Sicrt
mmr iAm Ma Nana' , "a
GP It. B2.0WX & Co.
lie afsnres thepnblic?nerally, thalqi Willi?
hand erery thdnj tisaiiiy keet ia
Fust Clem Drug Store,
ani m rtetermlMl net to be riidriwIJ fr cah.
Notice ii hereby giren that I will cHr
at public auction, at tbe front entraof ' '
Brownville Uotse , in the City A BrjWDTj"'-"
aha Coanty,Kebraka Territory on the --kJ .j.
ofM?y. A. D. lsei. atone o'clock P. V...
lowing real Estate, to wit: the Souih ?V
i .t. . o . .V XT . . . .. W...T..n Via ."
ship 4 North of Inge 15 E:Mt, contain?4?
also L,tlin B'.rck 87, Lot 15 aai Ui 'V
Lot 13 in Block 63 in the City of Aipia;
the above property oeins; ctutea a "'j.
of :eniaba, ebr3K ierntory , ia--u . '
crty cf William L. Thurman, on an iwuw
- " ..,..4 .Tit 0
vor of LangsUort am r;ounsi;ne, iac- v-- 1
T:-.:-. . -... 'nt.,f '!Thl. l'n''' 1
of Nebraska, and tome directed Siberia t
County of Nemaha. 5
31-5t$ll,00 W. O. CLASGOV
Charles Mod will take XoUce tbat Mun'fVf.
Bricbt ha oornmer.ced a uit in Chancery. u
trict Court, of Nemaha Caanty, b'M", at
"Ainst the a.d Char-o u. The objM
,nit is to foreclose a certain mortiriwo w . tJ
Charles Mini November 15th n M ZZ.i l '
the ?onth Wet (jnaner of Section 1 1 i
civen to secure tho payment of aertaia ,r
Uie tnerewlth, fo- $K0.l, raa la br f , k
vorofaid AibrlciU Said Jfl ij &
pear and anawer ui or before the 15th Jj,
Sal. for Cu1
, 23-41 $3, p'd '$.,50. . -
orfa (X Rar.?e 13 in a:a vuuw - j
Joenb TT.Coanjil anl Mira-irct v-,h:.'
wife, will take notice thnt Ma-UE -
ant, hasCIeda Bill i Chancery, 9
Court 01 ieman coarwy. j-.foj;
8iin?t them, and J.,h L. Carson, aJ a-'-
The oh;tet atd f raver cf laid BUI J .
a eertaia DeeJ of Tru.n, ia 'he ntare w
jrage, eieeuted by th iidJjseth ltW
John L. Csr?"n, at True, op-0" u? " ,ri "
quarter of Section 21, in ,'"ra,n-.7-4aI
quarter ot bectn.n in 4t
l ...... V.n.,ln rndll'T. tvs' ,,-rJ-
I ritorv, s;iven t ?w tae pjnieat ri . 4
U.,ryNote to Crnp; - nant, ,rfut, 1-'f
$230.C'J,mentiMn aUa said 1 i:'
I idle of said premie to pay said f x'
; and to bar tha sid Marj.wt Ouunsii ..1 , J
in srii premise. The said J-F
andMirrt Cenrsil, are re-ju vv.
answer said EH! ta or before -
a. tl.
Solicitor f.r( . or''
Pared April 5:h.l"j
- - - I