Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 20, 1865, Image 4

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    T f
WILL keep etESlantly on hand en assortment cf
Cxtra-npcrne to Common
0 "O" Jr
Sj -a- "x
lei all ether artlsles nsnally'kept !a a first-class
Merebant f-oirioj or 5aw Mill.
' Brownvliie, March Hit, nJO-8-ly. .
Or IfcfV
ALL klAUl ur
iubness, whips, spurs, lasiies,
&e. &c
T, , If tin Street, Opposite "Ware' Bank,
.' "'' A jr D
Yhlrtf -FItc Thousand Hott In Use.
ITwry Instrument wtrranhd for jivsytars
7er seven teea years the superior excellence of our
, Lvtrumente baa not been questioned, and for tw6
years past the enormous demand baa mad it impos
sible fr oi to matt eur orders promptly. With our
Increased facilities, wo feel warranted in assuring
ear patrons that their orders will be promptly met,
vad solicit a eantinuance of their patronage.
GEO. A. PEINCE & CO., Buffalo, IT. T.
rOEO. A. FIUKCE & CO.. Cfcioago.JiL ' -
, P A ttlm tratel Catalogue, with (all description ef
- sfWs will be tea free te any address .
Mtin Street bet. First and Second Sts.
. aleeps eoBstantly oa band the beet quality of
- B E G- A. E S ,
Ctndirtt Plain and Fancy .
.-; Orengts, Raitent, Lemont, Data,
Figt, JVuj, Apples. Si'c. 4c
" : - : . -Ml hinds of Toys,
Canned Fruit, and
PHILL Is accommodating, obliging, patriotic and
'wide awake to tbe interest of tbe public, and has
ika bast assortment of Varieties in bis line ever
e fared in this market, and is determined not to be
madersold for CASH.
Tjncnc did you get those
J, BER1.Y & CO'S.,
. J. BERRY & CO.
Sa Inct received, ana erenow opeutng, at
sAaad ea Main sti et, one of the largest auxka otthel
trtr oreredla this market. Remember the place,
tssa. urn
T"S.IID Apples, Dried Peaches, sago, SJee,
aeap, CaJUIes, etc., eu..
AA MoTaughIin &iBwariH
clocks, mmi
' AD .
: U TU "7" US la "IT 1 1
: joseph snuTz-
Venld respectful! Inform bis old customers that be
b-s again opened Lis Jewelrj 5bop In Lis old stand on
J.'aln street, eocth side, two doors east of the Brown
ville XIOBse. Ee keeps en hand a splendid assortment
eJ ercrrtLing In his line ef business, which fee will
' atila Uie&"ett terms ferCah. '
Cf Clcktj TTatche ud Jewelry done on the sacrt-
ErcTaTUle7rtbylSUi,lC4. U7v3-Iy
f 1
Taken up by the gubscr'berresidinj in Glen Ilock
Teatihlp, eae red steer, white eroas on her back,
Stdwkiteu:!. Tkrte years 'i next sprlof,
Zl ft VI. L-ywrs Hwme.
I ' -
The 'attention of the Publio and the trade is invited to onr New Scale 7 Octave Rosewood Piano
Frtrto which (r.r Tnl ume and nuritT of tone are unrivalled by any hitherto offered in thia market. They
contain all the modern improvements, French, Grand
icand each inftrnment being made under the
had a practical experience of over 3U years in iDir
TLe "Grovcsteen Piano Forte"
overall others at the
rre wera eihihitcd instruments from the best
imore, Boston and New York ; and also at the American Institute for five successive years, the gold and
fiver mcdald from both of which can be seen at our
Bv the introduction of improvements we make a
largely, with a strictly cash system, are enabled to
all competition.
PRICES No. 1, Seven Octave, round corners. Hosewood plane ease $275.
No. 2. Seven Octave, round corners, Rosewood heavy moulding $300.
N. 3 Seven Octave, round corners, Rosewood Louis XIV style $325, a fae simile of the above cut.
Terms: 3NJott Casli,
The greatest improvement yet in the Sewinn Ma
chine Art. A curioiity werth seeing.
Please aend for circulars with samples of Sewing.
These Imrtoved Machines save one hundred pr
cent, of thread and silk, ana make the Lock-btitch
alike on both ideg.
They reonire no instruction to eperate rerfecUy,
exoept the "printed directions." 1
change In sewiug from one kind cf goods to
another. '
And so t&kicg apart to clean or oil.
OurNow Manufactory is now complete, with all
ts machinery and tools entirely new, and is already
rapidly turning out Machines, which for boauty and
perfection of finish are cor surpassed by any mauu-
factsre In the world.
X. B. Should any Machine prove unsatisfactory,
t can bo returned and money refunded.
Agonts wasted Is eeuntioa not casraued by our
own Agents.
FLHjLE & jLYOff, S. 31. CO.
50. 633 BROADWAY, 2f. TV
Fo. 45-v8-ly.
4 ' ' :l - ;':-ii a-1-
IT -
1 ' I. T, l
J U. w.
Tnii Bitten are Drenared. in rmr Ikrarhco
Thhy, from a combination of over twenty dif
erect kinds of roots, barks and herbs, which
act in perfect concert one with tbe other, pre
. pared from the original formula riven by the
treat chief, Bed Jacket, to Dr. Chapin, who
naed them successfully In bis practice for many
tears, and by their use gained so great a popularity
i the treatment and cure of Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaint, Constipation, Sick and Kervoua Bead
che, Fever and Ape, and all diseases arising frocx
torpid liver or indigestion. Persons suffering from
cither of these loathsome diseases will find a sure
cure by tbe use of these Bitters, which are perfectly
pare and free from all those drugs and poisons ura
sCiy put up in such preparations and pcJroed off oa
n unsuspecting public. A sinple trial will cod
Tlnce the most skeptical that in tbe EED. JACKET
there U virtue which so other Hitters possess.
They strengthen and Invigorate the ryBtea.
, dey are un equaled for general debility. -They
are a rare curt for dyspepsia.
They girt a pood and tcaltty aypettU.
TLej assist digectin
They are the best sttoulant la existence).
They are a preysntive of Ferer aod Ague,
They relieve constipation.
They cure Hervous Headache,
Thsy are perfectly pare and palatable.
Ared persons and delicate females will find they
can aave large doctor's bills by the use of these Bit
ters. Beware of counterfeit. The Red Jacket Bit
ter are only sold la bottles with oar name blown
on the side, and our private government stamp
aeroas the cork. O C B
Per Medicinal and Table usee, which are perfectly
pure, and need only be tried to be appreciated.
Kont genuine unless tbey have our gold lainl oa
each botUe, and our Initials pressed U wax over
the cork.
Sold by all druggists and dealers throughout the .
CAantry. Call for oar roods and take no ether.
Otreulars to the trade supplied oa application te
Ccnnett Plctcrs & Co,
Bpli by . Ko. Zl River u Chkaee.
W. H. McCEEERX", Brownville,
BBCWBT &PJiOUTx", Peru,.T,
OADE Co., . " ' "
Rrowuvllle, June 2, 1664. no 39-1 y
In accordance wi'h an order from the Probate
Court of Gage County, Nebraska Territory, dated
the 11th day of June, 1S81, 1, John W. Latham,
Administrator of the Estate of W. W. Dennison,
deceased, will on tbe 24th day of April, 1805. be
tween the hours of 0 o'clock, a. m., and 7 o'clock,
E. m., oner at pubho sale at the omce of the Pro
ate JnJfre in Beatrice, Gage County, all of tbe
late VY. W. L)enni8on s right, title and interest in
the following Real-Estate, viz: The southwest Xi
of the southeast Ji.ana tne soul i or the south
west 11, of section ro. z,town no. 1, north of ranee
S. east, and tbe northeast 'i of the northwest
of section no. 11, town 1, range 8, eastvand lots
one and two and west otncrtnwest cf section
co. 10, town no. I, range s.
J0IIX W. L ATIIA1I , Administrator -Estate
cf W. W. Dennison.
Beatrice, Cage co., Neb., March 8,1865. 27-3-$7
Notice is hereby civen that, pursuant to an order
of sale, tome directed, issued by tbe Register in
Chancery, of tbe District court, Aemaha County,
Nebraska Territory, in a certain case, wherein
Theodore W. Bedford is complainant, and James
B.Fleming and liaao Cole are defendrnts, 1 will on
Tuesday the 4ih day cf May A. D. 1665
at 10 o'clock A.M. of said day at the front 'door of
the Brownville House, in the city of Brownville,
K. . iv- 1 . 1 en ft . a
in Kemrha county, ixeorasKa territory, it nas os-
in? the clace where the last term of said conrt
for caid county was held) cTer for sale at pnblio
auction, to the highest bidder uioasn, the follow
Inf Real Kxtate.ta-wit : " . -
The SouthWest quarter r 1 ic ion three (Si
"r v- ;i -a - . iiiF..i
a iQwusuip iour it), ci j nic. -u - suiiiu(
In said county of Nemaha. 1
iro&rme,UA3iib ioo
21 At ft.
tmr eiavWry.
Action, Harp Pedal, Iron Frame, Over-Strung Baas,
personal supervision oi Mr. J. a. Urovesteen, wno naa
manuiaciure, is iunj warranieu in every parucmar.
received the highest award of merit
Celebrated world's Fair!
makers of London, Paris, Germany, Philadelphia, Balt
ware-room. .
still more perfect riano rortaand by manufacturing
offer these instruments at a price which will preclude
lax Current ZTHnri ciff.
june 33-n43-vS-l7
Cash Wholesale and Retail Dealer . In
30 1HL .TEJ CS-
.,. ....
ramts, una- ana .uye oiun, . .
T . r't 1 T- n. rt '
Pare LIqnos for Medical Pnpcses
All kinds Patent. Medicines
Blank Books end Stationery,
. The best brands of Chewing and Smoking
I m fT i t rt f ' I ittv : rT- -- r
'I I I K A I jl jl I "'A 1 1 - iN li,U A KiS
I '
HxxJxjm oT&XL olors.
Perfomcrj ana Toilet Goods,
Be assures his patrons, and the publio cenerallr.
i . i i . . . .
ce wui seep on nana an extensive etocK o( tqe r
tides mentioned, besides anything and evervthir:
oshally kept in a first class Drug Store, which he
is prepared te cell at low rates for Cash. Call and
examine for yourself
South-east Corner Main and First Streets
Brownville, Nebraska.
Prescriptions and Orders
Carefully filled at all hours.
"Fs-ST" aTcr THart r3 ttt t
Agents wanted throughout the U. S. and Canada.
JVaiches. Chains. Sets of Jewelry. Rings
fins, Bracelets, Meeve isullons, Stiver .
: Spoons and Forks, Caps, Cake
Baskets, S'c, worth Etght
Hundred Thousand Dolldrs !
The Entire Stook of a larce Hmportin House.
retmog irom nuiiness.
For the purposo of closing out the stock at the
earliest possible date, the undersigned hare decided
on a groat distribution made as follows:
Each and every Article, no matter how valu-
aoie, Deing aoia lor 51.
A CERTIFICATE of each article with its value
printed upon it is placed in an envelope and scaled
these envelopes arc thoroughly mixed and sold for
twenty-five cents each the person receiving one
of these envelopes id entitled to the article named
therein by returning the Certificate to us with one
dollar, and the article, no matter how valuable it
may be, will be forwarded to him or hor at once.-
Thore aie co Ulank Certificates and therefore every
one is sure to got, at least, the full value of his or
ner money, should the article named on the cer
tificate not suit, any other which he may select of
me same value wi!i he substituted. Ve sell the
certificates as follows; .
One for 25 cts, five for $1. eleven for 12. thirty
for $5, six ry-five for $19, one hundred for $15.-r-
1 his distribution affords a fine ODDortunitv fori
Agents, as what lady orcentleman will not invest
Twenty-five cents with a prospeot of getting five
hundred or a thousand times as much. All orders
must be addressed to us at our old stand Ho. 15.
If 1 V f v k
aiaiaen i.aue, xew 1 orlc.
Xalst ofiLrtlolo,
All of which are to be sold for One Dollar each.
3oo Cents Gold Hunting case Watches $50 in $160 each
aoo Ladies Gold Enameled. case 35
70 do
6to Gents' Hunting caee Silver .. 35
- 70 do.
100 do
30 da
6 do
10 do
20 do
10 do
6 di
8 do
8 do
6 do
lo do
8 do"
10 do
8 do
7 do
8 do
20 do
8 do
11 do
11 do
10 do
10 do '
J5 do
15 do
200 Diamond Rings ) 60
I aooo Gold Ve6t and Neck Chains 15
I 3ooo " - ' 4
3 000 ' Oval Band Brace-lets. 4
4 000 Chased Gold Bractlets 6
2ooo Chatelaine and Guard Chains 6
6000 Solitaire and Gold Brooches 4
2oou Lava and Florentine Brooches 4
2ooo Coral, Opal and Emerald Brooches 4
2ooo Mosaic, Jet, Lava and Florentine
Ear Drops 4
46oo Coral, Opal and Emerald Ear Drop 4
toco uaiuornia uiamond Breast Pins 2 60
3aoo Gold Fob and Vest Watch Keys 2 60
Aooo Fob and Vest Ribbon Slides 3
Aooo Sets Solitaire Sieeve Buttons, Studs 3
3ooo Gold Thimbles, Pencils, &c, 4
6000 Minature Loc&ets, 2. 60
4ooo Miniature Lickets Music Spring 3
3ooo Gold Toothpick?, Crosses. fc.c. 2
6000 Plain Gold Rins 4
6000 Chased Gold RiuiTA 4
Sooo Stone Set and Signet Rlnirs 2 60
8000 California Diamond Ring 3 2
75oo Seta Ladies Jewelry Jet & Gold 6
Sooo Sets ' Jewelry Cameo, Pearl &c 4
6o-jo Gold Pens, Silver Kxieasioa
holders and Pencils
4 " 10 d
. " 8 do
6 " 10 do
! Sooo G-cld Pens and GoidJtounted-
Holders - 3
6000 Gold pens and Gold extension 6
6000 Silver Goblets and Drinking Cups 5
Sooo Silver Castors, ,16
2ooo Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets . 20
' 6000 Dozen Silver Tea Spoons 10
60 do
60 do
60 do
20 pdoi
6000 do do Table spoons forks 'iO
40 do
AGENTS. We want a rents iri every rejriment.
and in every town and county in the country, and
inose acting as such will bo allowed 10 cents on
1 every Certificate ordered by them, provided their
remittance amounts to one dollar. Agents will
collect 25 centa for ercry Certificate, and remit 15
cents to cs. . i .
ESTWrite plainly, say only what is necessary and
be prosnpt.
Address, Gut Alt D W. DEVAUGH &CO.,
24-3m No, 15, ilaiden Lane, N. Y.
ITA Large assortment of Pocket knives. Butcher knlv A
etc. etc, can bo seen ,
Spades, Shovels, etc
es. Cradles. Rakes. Hoes.
At McLaughlin & Swan's.
TJ BOOMS, Blacking. brushes, Scrubbing brnshe
Whisk brcoms. Blacking. Matches. Ink. Writin
Paper, &c, fiw.,
McLaughlin & Swan's.
Taken np by tbe undersigned, livinar six milea
west of Brownville, Deo. 14ih. one red and whit
Etear, three jears old last spring.
Taken nnly the nndersipned. Hvin twn imio
above Brownville, Nemaha County, Nebraska, on
the 18th day of December, one black horse colt,
two years old, yery poor when taken on. nnmaxta
cr brands, 15-3t ISAAC JEFFERS.
TiMLit, cutter, Eftrs, Bacon, etc.. etc.
- A T.TflT.nnirhltn
At XcXjauhlin & Swun'.s
ft fTU -
; .. . -. iaraovED 'oTxasiauso bass
are butlt cf the best and most thoroughly seasoned ma-
teriais, andwlil atand any climate. Tee tone is very
tieep round, full, and mellow; tbe touch elastic
Xach Piano warranted for Ave yeara. Prices from $229
. . TK3TnCOKIlLS. ,
"The Ilerance 'Waters Planoa are known aa among tb
very best." -ianoetf.
"We can speak of their merits frcm personal knowl-
euge." CAftJftan Intelltaencer.
'Water' Piano and ilelodeom challenge comparisoa
with the nnest made anywhere." Home Journal.
$100- MEW 7 OCTAVO PIANOS, of differ.
em niaaera, ror !9o; da., with carvea less, $200,
and i40. Second-hand Pianos an! Melodeoni at
$25, $10, $50, $G0, $75, $100, $115, $125, $150, and
The Eorac ITafer'a Htlodeont and Harmonium,
Tuned tbe Equal Temperament with the Patent Divided
Swell. Prices from $55 to $300. Alexander Or
gans from $200 to $5C0.
fJA liberal discount to Clergymen, Churches, Sab
hatb schools, Lodges, Seminaries, and Teachers. II OH
ACS WATEES, Ag't, No. 481 Broadway, N. T.
' - " TU Day School Bell
40,CO0 copies issued. A new singing Bock for Schools
and Seminaries, called the Day School Bell, Is now
ready. It contains about two hundred choice songs,
rounds, catches, duels, trios, quartetts, and choruses.
many of them written expressly for this work, besides
33 pages of the Elements of Muaic, which are easy and
progressive. .
: Among the large number of beautiful pieces may be
found, "Uncle Sam's School' "Don't you hear the
children comtn?," "Always look on the sunny side,"
"The little lass, ' and "Little Lad," "Oh, If I were a
little bird." "Bird or neauty " -rretty pear tree,''
"Anvil Chorus," 'JIeet me by the running brook,"
Sic. It Is compiled by Horace Waters, author of "Sab
bath School Bell," Kos, 1 and 2, which have had the
enormous sale or 825.000 copies. Prices piper covers,
25 cents, $20 per 100 ; bound 30 cents, $25 per 100
cioh bound, embossed gilt, 40 cents, $33 per hundred.
25 copies furnished at the one hundred price. Mailed
at the retail price. : -
. ." ! SaUath Schooll Hell, iTo. J,
contains 144 pages, and nearly two- hundred tunes ani
hymsn, and Is the most popular S. S. Book ever issued
Among the most popular pieces are, "Kind Words,"
"Eden Above," "Christian Hero," "Beautiful Zion.1
"I ought to love my Mother," "The Angela told me so,"
Jn the Light," "Best for the Weary," &c. Prices-
paper covers, 20 cts. each, $19 per hundred; bound,
25 eta. each, $20 per hundred ; ploin bound, embossed
gilt, 30 cts., $2 per hundred.
- Sallath School Bell, Ac. J,
Is an entire new work of 192 aages, and nearly 225 tunes
and hymns. As the music lsalittle more difficult it
is Just the book to follow Bell No. l. Nearly one mil
lion of these Bells have been issued, and are now rim
ing tnrough thu and otner countries. Among the
many choice pieces may be found, Shall we meet b
yond the river v There is a beautiful world. Sorrow
shall come again no more. Don't you hear the Angels
coming? Thou, God. seest me. Sabbath Bells chime
on, Ac. Prices of Bell So. 2 are the same as Bell No.
1. Both numbers cab be obtained ih one volume.
Price, bound copy, 40 cents, $35 per hucdred; cloth
bound, embossed gilt, 50 cts., $45' per hundred. 25
copies furnished at the one hundred price. Mailed at
the retail price.
irutsrs' Coral Ilarp.
A new Sunday School Book, of 160 pastes of beantlf ul
hymns and tunes. It contalne many frems, : snch as
Shall we know each other there; Suffer little children
to come unto He ; Tbe beantiful shore ; Oh, 'tis glori
ous; Leave me with my mother; Heleadetbmeheside
still waters, &c. Price paper covers, 20 cents; $19
per hundred; bound So cents, $20 per hundred ; cloth
bound, embossed guitt, S5 cents, $30 per hundred.
Mailed at tbe retail price. It la edited by Horace Wa
ters, eothor of Sunday School Bells Kos. 1 and 2, which
have had the enormous sales of over ei.cht thousand
espies. Just published by RQKACZ WATERS, No. 431
Breadwsy, New York.
7 JTJSe 2?cw ratriptie Sony Book,
contains 88 pages of songs, driers and choruses, both sa
cred and secular, including 14 pages of prayers for sick
and dying soldiers, and soldiers' Scripture lianaal.
It Is well suited for social singing, as well as Sabboth
worship. Among the many beautiful p:eces may be
found, Where liberty dwells is my country; Tbe Chris
tian hero; Three cheers for our banner; Come sing to
raeofhearyn; Columbia, the gem of the ocean ; Fiee-
aaan's gathering; Columbia's King forever; lurching
along, &c. Prices papercovers, locents. aiOperhun
dred. MailedTat the retail price
Thu Darp of Freedom,
contains 32 pages of songs, duets and choruses, for Free
dom. Among the choice pieces we would name. Pail
freedom's morn ; . O let my people go ; Over t he mo an-
tain ; They worked me all the day, &c. Price 6 cents
single, 60 ceuta per dosen, $3 per hundred ; postage 1
Butl : A Sacred Cantata.
contains 12$ pages. Words by Eev. Sidney Dyer, musi
by Prof. Cull. This is an excellent book for concerts
forth young. Prices paper covers, 30 cenU ; $15pei
hundred ; bound w ceiiti, $) per hundred.
The Revical JJu$ic Booh
contains It pages'of tunes and hymns, designed for re-
1 1 1 . . . . : j. n :
coTers, single copies, 10 cents; $s per hundred.
Hailed at the retail prices.
The Atheuoum Collection,
contains between four and five hundred pases of tune
and hymns, new and old, of the choicest kinds; fo
church, Bnaday school, revival, missionary, temperanc
prayer and conference, and all hinus of sacred and so
cial meetings. The music in this book has life and an
lmation In it, like. Shining Shore, Rest for the weary
Shall we know each other there ? Shall we meet beyon
the river ; There is a beautiful world; Kind words
Sweet hour of prayer ; There Is a land of love; Suffe
little children to come unto me ; txod save tbe Nation
tc. Prices single copies, hound 60 cents; $45 per
hundred; cloth bound, embossed gilt, 60 cents; 65 per
hundred. Mailed at tbe retail price. HOHACK WA-
TZKS. 431 Broadway. New Xourfc, Publisher of the
above Books.
Vocal 2!uic, with Piaao Accompaniment.
A larve assortment of new and popular songs, ballad
duets, quartetts, and choruseo, Usued daily. Among
the most popular are, anal 1 we auow eacn omer mere.
Lowrey; why have my loved ones gone, lvm netrue
to tne; Oh, there's no suco gin as mine, oy 1 osier.
Mother's love is true 5 Sweet love, forget me not. a.
by Keller, 25 cents each ; I hear sweet voices singing ;
Home is home; Forget u you can. put forgive, dj
Thomas, SO cents each.
Instrument! Musis for tbe Ciano Forte we ar
coming Father Abra'am, six hundred thonsand more
Always look on the sunny side; Shall we Know eacs
other thero? &.c with brilliant variation by Grobe
60ceniaeach. .
Polkas, Waltzes, Marches, Quicksteps, Quadrille.
&c, by popular authors. All kinds of Singing and In
struction books. Catalogues rnai!edfrce to any addren
Music mailed at the above prices.
Watere' Cheap JIuiaie for the Million.
Arranged as soloes, dnets, quartetts and choruses, fot
musical societies, choirs, Suuday schools, public choI
seminaries ?tc. Shall we know eai-h other there 9
Don't you hear the angels coming? Shall we meet be
yond the river? i'e In time; There is a beautifut
or!d; wnere ucerty aweiuismy conutry; rreeaom,
truth and right; We are coming Father Abra'am. sii
hnndred thousand more ; Tbere is aland of love; Sor
row khall come again no more ; neavenlr home ; i'ome
nuz to me of fleaven ; Land in sight; We will love oul
Suuday School ; Our God is marching on ; GcdSTe the
Nation; Whittier's song of the Plantation Negro; Fab
Freedom's Morn has dawned atlait; Over tbe mono
tain; Over the mountain ; Little Ella' an angel; Wib
lie's gone to Heaven; Suffer little children to conal
unto me; Bury me iu the morning, Mother ; Come te
thy rest; Sweet hour of Prayer, its. Price 3 cents, 3ft
cents per dot., $'2 per hundred ; postage 1 cent eacU
In sheet form, with Piano accompaniment, 25 cent.
Published by HORACE WATKRS,-Ag't,
Ko. 481 Broadway, K. .
E. c H. T. ANTHONY & CO.,
Manufacturers of
Photograpliic Materials,
Wholesale and Retail,
In addition to our main bnslnessof Photographic Mti
terials, we are Headquarters for the following, via :
Stereoscopes & Stereoscopic Views
Of these we have an immense assortment, including.
War Scenes, American and Foreign Cities and Land
scapes, Groups, Statuary, Uc, Ilc. Also, Revolving
Stereoscopes, for public or private exhibition. Out
Catalogue will be kent to any addrets on receipt of
Photographic Albums,
' We were the first to Introduce the;e Into the UnltM
States, and we manufacture immense quantities it
great variety, ranging from 60 cents to $f 0 each. Out
Albums have the reputation of being superior in bea
ty and durability to any others. They will be sent kj
mail, FREE, on receipt of price,
Our Catalogue now embraces over Five Thousan
different subjects (to which additions are contioualr
being made) ef Portraits of Eminent Americans, avo.
via : aDoui
ICO Major-Generals,
65C Statesmen,
130 Divines,
126 Authors,
40 Artists,
125 Stage,
60 Prominent Womea
200 Brigadier Generals,
278 Colonels,
100 Lieut-Colonels,
250 Other Officers,
75 Nary Officers,
160 Prominent Foreign Portraits.
3,000 Copies of Works of Art.
Including reproductions of the most celebrated Ka.
gravings, Paintings, Statues, &c Catalogues sent oa
receipt of stamp. An orfer for One Dozen Pictures
from our Catalogue will be filled on the receipt of
$1.80, and sent by mail. Free. : - "
Photographers and others ordering good 0. O. D. will
please temit twenty-five per cent of the amonnt with
AhelT order. B. A. H T. AXTHOXT At CO., ;
. .!. . Manufactnrersof photographic Materials,
,J .... , x , , . 601 BSOADWAT, NSW YORK.
t3Tfi4 pricet cm4 quality ef cur cco&i eaanetfaa
t 3
... Znd epsa&ent Dora
ly, ECini-Weclily and "Weekly
- ireTTcpaper. :
The XTorld, to which the New York TTeekly Argas
has been united, has to-day five times the aggre
gate circulation of any Democratic or conservative
newspaper. Jt addresses weeny alone more than
100,000 subscribers nnd constant purchasers, and
reaches at least half a million readers. With the
steady increase in eircolation which it now enjoys,
these numbers win soon D doubled. Nothing less
than this should satisfy those who believe that the
ecly hope of ienig tbe Union aad the authority
ef the Constitution over a now distracted and di
vided country, lies in wresting power from the
hands of those fanaticism has helped to provoke,
invite, and prolong tne war; ona that to accomplish
this end, no means is so effective as the diffusion.
throuzh able and enterprising new? papers, of sound
political knowledge among the working men, the
thinking men, and the votingmen of the North.
Enterprise, industry and money will be liberally
expended to make The World the Best Newspaper
in America- lis news from every part of tne world
wiil be early and nthentio. Wherever the Ulegraph
cxtcde. or railroads run, or steamboats ply, it will
eather the latest intelligence. It has a ltr; it ff
of accomplished correspondents with all theleaeral
a - l A . iL .
armies, wno win teiegrapn ana writ to us tne latest
news from the various seats of war. It has eorres-
Twndent and reporters in every colitioal and ccm
mercial centre in America and Europe, whose letters
and dispatches will leave nothing worthy of nots
unknown to its readers.
The Market Reports of the World are mora com
plete than those of any other newspaper. The
Editors invite comparison in this respect and point
to tbe reports of the Cattle Uarkets, the general
and eonntry rrcdnee ilafkets, and toe aioney AIar
kets in its columns, as proof of its excellence in this
respett. The world has also a special department
devoted to Agriculture, filled with editorial articles
communications from practical iarmers ana mechan
ics of the country.
The war in wbich tho nation is engnged against
armed and infotuated Kcbcls,and the radical policy
of the administration which prolongs it, have con
spired to bring together upon one platform all con
servative, Union-lovicfi and Constitution-loving
men. of whatever formor name and creed. Many of
those who within the limits of tbe Con?titution,
r,irit the tattlea of the t:Ilot box under the
leadership of those patriotic statesmen of other and
T-. W TV V . 1 . k
better davs, llenry 'Way ana uaniei eDster, to-
aether with the mosses wboe principle were those
of snch ratriots as Andrew Jaeksnn acd William L.
ilarcv. bilas W rijznt ana atcrnen a, tcugias,no'tf
r. a v
stantf shoulder to snoaiaer upon mo same piatiorm
r - . mm . 1 .
isa rlain one. - It is to restore the Lnion, maintain
the Cont titution. and enforce the laws. Whatever
makes for this end, tbe exeroise of force of the
noliev of conciliation. The World will advocate:
wnatever maaes azaini it, iuo wm mu
. , 1 I. (PI.. 111
It willoppote every enemy tome union, wnetner
armed in rebellion at the south or insidiously plant
ing the seeds of disunion and essential disloyalty at
the North.
It will oppose every violation of the Constitution
which is the only hope and bond of Union, and our
only authority for exhorting or compelling the alle
giance of the oootn.
. . m .. . il T ....
It will oppose every iniracnon 01 tne Law, in Diga
places or in low, by reckless ana misguided parti
sans, or by the administration whioh has been their
It will fearlessly exercise the t reedom or the
Press; it will constantly uphold and defend Free
dom of speech and freedom oi the caliot.
To tbe lawles? acts ot tne Administration, its
arbitrary and unjust arrests and expatriations, its
denial of tho right to tha writ of habeas corpus, its
illegal proclamation?, its abrogation of state and
federal law, its despotic accumulations 01 unwant
ed power, and its subversions of the safeguards of
o'yil and pertonal liberty, it will constantly opvlose
the letter and tne spirit ci our supreme jw ana me
dyocaay of sonnd doctrine, until American free
men shall be roused to the reooyery of their rights,
their liberties, their laws, and their limited and
well balanced government, by the resistless decision
Profoundly impressed with the desire to contri-
butell thas it may to the ereat work or mis gener
ation, namely, to restore our national nnity, and
to place the United States again formost among the
nations of the earth, and fust id the peace, pros
perity, and happiness of its people. The World
seeks from those who dosire such things their sym
and support, and, above all. the favor of ilim who
crowns every good work.
Yearly Subscribers by mail . $3 CO
Sinzle subscribers, per annum f 3 0 0
Two copies to oao address 5 CO
Three " -" 00
Five 12 00
Ten u t - 2250
Single Subscribers, per annum f 2 CO
Three copios pddross on eacn paperj o uu
Five 8 00
Twenty cooies Tall to ono address! 25 00
- -- . - .
Clubs of tw, nty or over can nave aaarepsputon
each paper for an additional charge of ten cent
For every club of twenty an extra copy will be
added for the getter up ot tho club
Club to another, but on request of th&erson order
ing the Club, and on receipt cf fifty cents extra,
single papers will be taken frem the Club and s.nt
to a seporate address.
All orders must be accompanied by tbe Cash.
Address. Tut WOKLU.
35 Park Row, New lorfe.
To ConsnmptHes.
Consamptive sufferers will receives valuable pre
scription lor the euro of Consumption, Asthma,
. . . a 1 fT.-tlna
Bronchitis, and all tnroet ana iung uccuuu
free of chsrre.) by sending 'heir address to
- tings Co.
New Tork.
On band and to arrive at
Iron and Steel Warehouse,
.20 and 22 Third Street,
Feb 24n28-t
To all whom it may concern, notice i hereby
given that Monday tbe31st day of July. 1S6"5, is tbo
time set to hoar and determine all claims against
the Entate of Joseph Ginder, deceased. Persons
having claims against said estate will file them in
the Probate offieo of Nemaha County by that time
or they will be forever barred therefrom.
no-20-4tp'd. Probate Judge.
and Chewing Tol acco, Cigara. pipes Pipe
iJ stems and Tobacco Pouches, in great
At McLaughlin & Swan's.
TITACalKIlAL. Lake Trout, White fish, Codfish, etc..
AJfA tc., constantly on hand
At McLaughlin & Swan's.
Trj B best Flour from the L. S.Y.G. Mills in quarter
half and whole sacks kept
CJaLT by the barrel or pound, Fine
Dairy Salt, for
J Sale
At McLaughlin & Swah's."
PICKELS by the doaen or barrel, f a superior qual
ity, crustantly on hand
At ilcL$CGHLIN i SwaK.
FIGS, Chocolate, Maple sngar, assorted fellies, Can
Peaches. Pepper sauce, Mushnm catsup, Worces
tershire sauce, Ac, Ac,
At McLArcnLiK A Swan's
PAILS, Tubs, Kegs, Washboards, Keelers, Children's
Cabs and Wheelbarrows
M 9.Laaghiin & Swvn'a
; The beantif ol'tract of Land known as the "Hay
wood Farm," eontaning 160 acres, situated one
raile West of Brownville, is for sale apply to
SHEEP Shears ef the most approved make, for saA
At HoLauRhiiix St 8wentf
Tajbllhestuarket price paid for Country FrodneS
... - At UcLfwrgHlin &ert&'.
Dai- ,.
rwcvcrywuu : lu " i'"' Tools, ilanulacturicg Uachinery, Water wheels,
every club of one bpndred, tao Daily will be sent, aBJ othef iijdraaMc AprirAtus, Household
when requested,! n lieu of the extta copios of V eekly UleMa9, Electric, Chemical and ilechanical Instru-
Additions to Clubs may be made at any time at m yw jIacnines aci ot&or Curious lnven-
ni'A ntM PunfM cannot be chanypa from one "-- c n . , . 1 .
- : ; v , . 1 .. .
' - " . T " W .
YnfiTipj nil pUM
The mst oprehcnive mieccly cf u??fal
knowledge aod General Literature, periodic:! is
tumA in the Caited Stales: enibTscinr all the fea
tures f a Polytechnic Journal, Keonomic Expeitor
Literary Repcsttory and .iiontn:y i.??e
oially devoted to Financial. Commercial and Iadas
irial Interests and all joint stock corporation eea-
eerns. :
Uavicg coramensed the Fiflb Volume of ti j
Magatine, whose success evinces that the efforts of
its conductors hare been appreciated by a discrimi
nating pub'ic. we would call attention to its char
acter on tho part or the large body of readers who
are not yet upon its subscription 15?ts. Oar par
pose in this publication is the dissemination of
practical information on subjects of positive atility
to the people, eombincd with a diversity of literary
attraction secnting the services of the best pne in
the various departments of Science, Belles-Letires
and General Literature. While aiming most es
pecially to render inosSre3etiv servile tor- tie
Trade, Commerce and Material Production of the
Country, many sides ofba Country, many sides of
the mental world receive due consideration the
Historical, Critical, Esthetical and Imaginative, as
well as the Financial, Statistical, Technological
and strictly Mercantile. We employ aiike tbe re
seach of the savant and the fancy of the feuiletoa
ist, with the practical experience of the business
man and the worker. In the treatment of aoIentiSe
topics, the mode selected is tho popular in style
rather than the technical. The menial phasa off
the hour it shall be our endeavor to portray, and we
avail ourselves of the contributions of new Discov
ery to the Circle of Knowledge, and shall reecrd
with all practicable succinctness Current Intelli
gence, which will be of future ntilllty and historic
interest when the Present shall have become the
Past. In fine, the Americrn Exchange and Review
is adesirable and ever welcome monthly visitor te
it3 subscribers -imparting the richness of knowledge
improving the taste, and furnishing intellectual
The Review has Its specialities in dislict and in
creasing Departments, with a General Division for
the widest consistent scope of themes. We give
specification of topics wWch are the subjects either
of occasional or regular publication, vu:
The Arts, JEstbotics; Agriculture, ppliad Chens
lstry, Archaeology, ceiles-Letters, Biography, Cnti
cism, Economics Political, Arithmetio National
Taxation: Finance banking, currency, Corporation
Account?, hxeharre. Fluctuations in securities,
Stocks: History, Induslrial and Mercantile enter
pi-isos, insurance, internal Improvement Railways
Canals, Telegraphs: Mant::ciiires froducts, tech
nology; Mechanics, Mining Mineralogy, Geology,
.Metallurgy; ratents, Physics, physioloary, statistics
social sience; trade foreign and domestio, shipping
mercantile law, Navigation ; Topography, Travels.
One copy, one year in advance 3 03
Five copies u M ' 12 00
Ten " " ' 20 00
When paid at the end of the year,. 4 00 per an
num, simile copy. Sample copy mailed on the re
ceipt of 25 cents. '
Single copy per a.qunm postage paid.
Canada. $3 72
Cuba, 12
Great Britain and Iieland. I CO
France, 3 72
-V j
wermany, 3 a
West Indies, rBritigh-! 3 72
West Indies, Not British. 8 00
South America rWet Uo?U 3 00
FOWLER & MOON, Proprietor
No. 521 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
FOR 1S64
The publishers cf the SIENTIFIC aMEKICaX
respectively give notice that the Tenth Volume
(New Series will commoneo on the 'first of January
next, icis journal was escaoiisnea in loi.aua is
ncdoubtodly the most widely circulated and innaen
tial publication of tbe kind in f the world. In coin
meacing the new volume the publishers desire to
call special atteiution to its claims as
In this respect it stands unrivalled, f It not only
finds its way to almost every workshop in tbe
eowntry, as tne earnest irienaot tee mecnanicana
artizen, but it is found in the ceuntinir-room of sfce
manufacturer PP'i the merchant; also in the library
and the bosehold. The publishers fee warranted
in saying tbat no other journal now published coo-
tains an equal amount of ueful information: while
it is their aim to present all subjects in the most
popular and attractive manner.
Ihe sientin; American is published once a week,
m convenient form for binding. aud each number
contains sixteen pages ef useful reading matter,
illustrated with
cf all the latost and best inventions of the day.
This feature of tha journal Is worthy of spwal note.
Lvery number contains from five to ten original en
gravings cf mechanical Inventions rulatingto every
department of the arts. These engravings areexe
cuoed by artists specially employed on'the paper,
and are oniversal'y acknowledged to be superior to
anjtbicg of the kitj produced in this country.
The yuuisbers cf the Sient:S: Amenaan promiso
to present, as duric" preeedinz yoa, all tho latest
improvemenss in Steam Engineering, War Vessels,
Ordnance militaryand naval Fire arms Mechanics
lighten tbe labor of mauVind, cot only in the shop
and warehouse, but iu every plca where the in
dustries of life are purHud. -
From its commencement, the Scientific American
has beta tho earnest ativocate of the -rights of
American Inventors, and tbe.
In this important department, so vitally connoct
ted with all tho great interests of the country, no
other journal can lay any claim whatever; is in its
columns tLre is published a weekly OGcia! List of
the "Claims" of all patents granted at the U. S.
Patent Office.
lone are oft times worth more to the subscriber
than the amount of a whole year's subscription.
Two volumes ct tne Sc:saii3o American aro pub
lished each year, at $1,50 aaeb, or '.' per per annum
with corresponding low terms to Clubs; $1 will pay
or four months' subscription. The numbers for
one year, wh:u bccnl in a volume, constitute a
work cf 832 pfcges cf useful information, which
every one ought to pocso.ts. A newjvolame wil
commence oa thd first of January, 1344.
Five copies, for six months
Ten copies, f r i.t rainth3 iJ
Tun copiej for twelve months Ti
Fifteen copies, for twelve months 31
Twenty copies, for twelve months , "
For all clubs of t enty -and over, tbe yearly sub
scription is only 2,00. Names can b sent in at
different.timfs and from different Poit Ofiioes.
specimen copies will be sent gratis to any part of
the country.
Canadian subjeriber will please to remit 25 cents
extra on each year's sub.Tiption toprepny postage.
liUXX A CO .Publiaben, '
No. 37 Park Row, New York.
Taken up by the undersigned living near Glen
Reck ,jS'ebraska, one large brown Cow. white'face,
black nng round the left eye, half crop off the
right ear, alw, one large black Cow letter "Con
right hip. Each supposed to be 7 years old in . thai
l6-3t-p'd JONATHAN GILL-
South East corner of Main and First Streets
Orrici Hoces 7 to 8 a. m, and 1 to 3 and 1)4 to
Brownville, Nebraska, May 5th, 13HA No 35, ly.
E. S. BURNS, M. D.,
3MojxiAlia, City, XU", MT.
July 23tb,lS54. n47-v3-pdly .
WallcrVpaP all Paper'.!
Constantly on hand at Marohn'a Tailor Shop, by
Pa er-hanging done In the most approved style, and cabh torifls. - - . .
vownville. Neb. June a I35A, ow
tha ctt; ,
A good situation is wanted, for a Spring aci
Summer School,, in a large district, with good,
bou;e. by an experienced Teacher, who ha made
it his profession for ten, years. . .-i.e."'
Satisfactory reference given. Address by letter
v. ... 0. HUGHES, Nemaha CVty, .T.
1 lions Dcsiues sit ice v&riea artw;os aesiiea to
r , . OF THE ,
Tor Tae Yea? 1351.
The war drama is approaching its hijhert
interest. This year will prsbebiy eoaioaate ih
Doom of the Rebellion, witness the National G '
ernnfent restored in the faJ'ea States, tase rnm!
erated, and Slavery obliterated frca tit land lxJ I
evenUof '51 will be amsng- the asostajomentois
elude the retara of Peace, an the eatrinee u I
merica upon a new eareer cf nnptrilleltd" ?
ness and prosperity. With Laoor viadicated ;,JJ
the reproaeh ef serfdom, the People wi3 ii.B4 .
on a higher platform of iatelligence and pew 11 I
feel a still profoander interest in all fae 1
the progress of their owa and other lands. Ub j'i
world is entering upon a new seris ef cotiJj
te trrminate in the triumph ef Democracy bvr
tbe Atlantic; while emigration to Ark,.?
aanir m. new and tremecdooi imietui -,.-..
, r ----i Jivsii"- i
immensely tur productive power. I
The stiring events of the timet will be grs"Vtj.
ly depicted in th e eoinms of the Dncocir't!ii,k I
we are resolved U render more valuable Lai u I
tractive than ever as a faithful 1
Inspired by the spirit of Democracy ttfo,
ledging no leauer but Truth The Isissorxj ij
ochat will continue to b solely the Orjiiaiv
People, and prompt to denounce sud rtpuJiatse.
pol'tical or military aspirant whe seeks U I
th;ir cause. " i
la addition to o-av War News, wt sWTeoc'iu
in oui Weekly pap' the Wek.;y 5twl 2,
and al3o an abstract of the proceeJic of Cons' I
and of the Proceedings of Lejislaturet of Mlaca I
and Illinoi.'. . . " j
Our Tri-Weokly, will contain at Nretiforra?, I
the Imicrtant -ewi, i.ocai and Lommryii 1.
of the Daily.
Shall not be excelled ly any paper . in thTTt
We have improveJour arranfemenU fjrfa
From Washington, from the Lower Missiui-pl.ti J
from the Jlusoan and uiuots tapita.s. Tim
will be published in additioa to tbe Letters if nr
rd our nsual quantity of General 3vi KstUr.
' We request all Postmasters and friends to mm
Agents. t
Send for specimen numbers ef the Pipers i:4
Prospectus for distribution, and tbey will be proa !
ly forwardel. ' .
Send as many names as possible in Cabs, to !un
their papers sent to one address the adJrwtef f
the Postmaster or the getter up of tbe Cab. I
It is not required that all the papers of t C;5
hall be sent to one Post 03ce. the namW atjW !
sent to diiSerent OSces, and additions may t u4 j
at any tine. !
The following are our rates for ihs year 1334: j
Mail Subscribers one year - - -' - I'.ISf.
Price to News Dealers t2 50 per liJ )
MU Subscribers one .'year - r
Single Cciues one year - - - -
Threa Copies - - -
Five Copies -
Ten Copies - - - - -
Any larzf-r Club than ten will be ad uib
rate of one dollar and akalf per cosy. i
The above rates for all Hail SabicrfpUaup
payable in advance. J
Orders not accompanied wna toe icoarjwir
ceive no a'.centicn.
All papers of either edition, will be dVsosi ::
at the end of the titre paid fcr. !
McKEK, FISliy.4Ch; A CO. Fr pr!i'..-a
41 nd 13 Locust Uins.k'j. !
This popular llooihly aontlW wr
"la V
V . f
monev than any lls'szine in tha wvl
will have nearly H") pze,
2 colored patterns, and 9Q0 wood mcw-p-a
11 this for only Two Dollars Tear, a I
;ss than magaiines of its class. rj V'T
to taka "Peterson.' la tte general
prices, its is the only Majaiine that U a "
its prices, either to single subicnbsrs f :
and is iberoforo, emphatically, Tbe i
tha Times.
Tbe stories in "Peterson" are eoni-l:
best publishel anywhere. Jlri.Ann r1.
Piu P,lmn Mr. Denison. Frank L l-" ,
ivoa -j ,
the author of "iusy L's Dairy," T. f'-r j
L. Chandler Moulton Gabrielle Lc. i;
Townsond. Rosalie Orey. Clara Adgusta. i
author of "The Seeonl Life," besides alltl-'
popular female writers cf America ar n
contributors. In addition to the ujual n
short stories, there will be given ial
Original Copy-righted Novelets, vis i:
nf Honor a story of tjaera
Ann S. Stephens. The Lost Estate a
to-day, By the anther of r1 '
Hand Summer at Saratoga, by iraJi
Benei:ct. Fanny's N'.irtotion, by Eos a
In its Illustration, al so, Peterson sar ;
The publisher chall nges a eoniranwo
superb Meicotints and other iw. DH'f,
those in other Magaiines, and one at leaa
in everv number. Colored fa-'hica
vancc;h is the only Magaxae
Plates can be relied on. Eah numbor,("!
Fashion Plates, engraved ,n irtel,
frcm Fashions later than any other ;(
also, dosen or rovre New J'01:.
Wood: also, Pattern, from which
or child's Custome Ta be cut, ltboBV"tfJ t
mantua-maker so that each BaJf,t L
will save a year's subsoriptioa. . Ta r' .
Khi l.ta r.h 1U1,1 Itl lull
t length each month, latteros
oi vy
He'ad Dreuea. An., given.
em-roiiery,orocDei, Ac. i i'V
.The Woik- Table Department -f -- J i
wholly unrivaled. Every onmUret .
or more pat terns m every veneij
Crochet, Embroidery j Knittirc
work, Ac, Ae.,Ac, Lvery monia, - - j
pattern for slipping, purse or c ha.r
given-each of whieh at a reta-i ew. j
fifty cents.- p. Vo "
"Our New Cook-Book --Tbe Of t
hold Receipts of -Peterion" are qi ,
1M4 our -Cock-Bock- will b S - ?
one of these reoeipts has been .
sis wu worta tne price i - V- i
cipts for the toilette, sick-roo I
New and fasltlonaUe tD ,n .
And hints on UortieuTture, i-r' (
matters interesting to ladies. t'y
One copy for one year, !
Three copies for one year,
Five eopies for one year, .
Eight Copies for one year.
Twelve copies for one year
Sixteen copies for one year.
Premiums for getting 'up
or more copies, ma e a '
songeiting upciu
aonaris -or a ciuu'
dollars and a half-or a ciuo oi -
ting ten dollars or a elab eft
fifteen dollais, an extra eopy J pi
1884 will bo given. If V?1 e?
send as a premium, (j"1"? 1,1
sndlllunrated Lady's Ar&f
ia gilt, or either of our Measotifl . r t
each 27 Inches bv 20-"3unya3 Vj, '
Blind Cbild.ia Jail," er -BjJb-
ing lor UiJ Keieso iron ,iM
i !
the Magaiine will be sent, or aaj f
premiums. T Fa J
Address, poat-peid. CHA,Rsi, P .
No.306 Cbestnat.Str.
... . -...tituted ..
All restmastors .jas
f 1
r.fjAn 11 a v rt no m ciuv. r
tously.lf written for.
To Charles Drippa. Catharin :
Drippa. Thomas DnpP f
terested: i- , ,v. frav
Yon are. hereby notifled tta,
has made application Vi, .twrj i
County of Nemaba, in the !
to be appointed-guardian eJ 1 ;
J.DrinDa. a non-rcs.d ; ,
said county of Nemaha, an . .
baa appointed tne i-
10tH Cay Q v;.
at ten o'clock, A. K. "
arnlication - . a K. 3 v !
... ByhieAtjs'j'i