, J. J i i isum i (a xd : flour is g u I'JLiec iwiUtiTT en La-- an a-i It-ctt c' u 5 " 73 -A t i rt rr ttr'.lo nn"r Irj t ia a Er: Jf?rt-La-. T li-rsc." ..- .'mU ." . aji; TEOS. C.'CEEITHAT7, Jw AN L f Av TJUiJi ' or mmmJm m.. ;:a!..;: IK - l..m KKIiRASKA C1TV, j rK-'. J mS art r.r . r-. BCilOOT: aOBGAXS - " ' ' 1 X I) ' : MELODEONS.! !"! ; Talrir-Tirc Thohv2i.-J Now la iW yr a-rei rtr ti!! i, iH' ry. lllt.'j:!!.;! Ui i,t.t i a.o. iu Ja ij c-. i'. t;r 7 A e it rrrw- J i'.u , -r j a r t ' i r pavroiu i. ,r . r-i-- ill be vr-if-itir tutl, ka ai-iiv.t a rt .x'-if il: 'r rfrci.sf . . i 1T v,-.-o-st't.) -fiuvjT.y, tiirR-i co. -i. r.iiA j;, i c o . Labile, rr. y, ! ti n i : v:: ivi. ''.-:!".: n: a a o ri ..;..;:, t rid: ie 1 j j -,V ' I- f - 'ficr? ii. t.h,c s.t t.u vn! v.: -r CXT IT l t. -1 JS: 1 v . m j .J IV. v:i v J nvn THE V V. W-C E A 1 1ST El-l - BliOVNVILLE" J. HlHH Y. & CO.. Hve ;nt .-. ... e v , c . .... k , z ft f ' tt Ti vr r rs 1 . " I . W.J V i vr ofre4 in tl; r kt. Ren.er.ber to ;a.a, 1 .1. lKKK'i & C'O.'S. : US? K-ST-l a?o, T.-r; rtb. m a.-ar, ttnuies, f- , eA., ' . - AJ t.'cTxt-;.!: n t- BACK 10 TIIEOLU b7A Dl J O 8 KV II S H TT T Z yftkM ra.eot'tM'inf Vt' f i 't rVt,rieT t.t .' i:-.C'iot?'Mf-. j-.iJt-.te i f t: - t e; ..i , pi JL'oilflwH fnt'-h,.;;.,, ,Ux-r ej-t of -far br;. t-j Vil.H ..ci ..t', - b j.. . .-j; i : Ji .:; ::.e:i" f r-Tf-yt' " .li lt-:" if t iiues. which L wt! ia.,baUcMi(S.ivaici(iJa - i .-re 4cx " "r.. Tt c- . r-' P'yt; tT at 'he aud Jrtnriry dn?e on it iiiort- Y.'ARP. ANTEIX - ;rt:i . .yriT! CZ S CO., Cra- ty! fr' if. :ir triras. ' V-ai t f . f , . r- .v- r-t - - 06 n Z iiVt-X.'!. - ! P I . i?-. O F 0 R T 10 5 resign t.f tv. snj toe trd is .. . .... - - - :.. .ri. ..... 0. ft iT 1 :T' " I tti ..v iOIJC .1 - u i if., aiii -h h 4i.eirou. u u ii-K ms.tr k r - N V ' x - V.-- J ; V,:.;i 7. he 4ilV!reT i?rir.iro,Vcr:'v rtri oil Hie si li'.varJci'mctH I tirr?!l oilier, :vt tlitr tcStLiatrtl World's S'ri.rZ tl.t. re .ii -t j si !! i .na i at t;, A:i - r .r ( a .-: ', a: t.:.v : a !.; !. " .Tcr 0 t-.v. ' .rr; ( Scvvfa i t ',..t.. IMPKOVED 1 , t " ' ' ft it i Tj . I T-! i, f "" ' s 4r;. 1 zl.iCU'-s metier. I l - i .i:r.-;i. as.'1 ts ia c?r:r ? fr ..a, Liii cf tkjJs to v. -. r. i -J f.. ;:;Vi';a wt :ti Is ?e.utU i fr t r.ETssi tj cr ! i r TnuM E!'.-t are 'p-eyjad. In ptre I-.--bc 1i.!ryt lrtax a 4X-aci4uaJ.a vf tt iwh -y J.T Vr??;t 4) nJa, hark and brrhx, wi-.U-m art Li ilcct eoncvit era vi;h the e;.tr, pr--yvtd from . t .'pj i.trn .: t'-.rr. :.y tr 5?tt et'-ef, IU.d :..t, X-r. iv;.ir., fciwd it-ai wrin'ji.r in i :i j rjuVic t.r 3i?i Jtmn, aii :..r.r L ; i T'.ftl a j.-r y-..b.;.-y la t,'.e trfit'i,t wid c-. r? f ! Ijv-t Cca;.UiJt, Corrlvuicii, i:rk i,r.d i;v.,-.: ilrsd ebe. rteriujd pn,tr.dfc-l t. a i:' i:.r f r t t-'.r;4d iirrr cr ir:. Ir.' :. 'r,i:ufc- fru.'ii e',il.r -f t'iti loasu.iri '. "Vi trj j cra eur by 11.'- us c f th-- c-rr ..--i. hv1. a: .- .-.'.t.y pnr- a-jd'it-e Trira a:i ;! .- .'.n:jr f-I tiij put p in rjc'a riiriij. Mt ;''-i.- i oCT aJi ii.a.-p. cX-e pnliio. A f;.rV ? Tt:'! '-.a. Ticce tiL-m t I'.Uai.'.bi.t !u Kr ! K.tT UH.re is ine t.! kh dj f. -r P 'cr is-rt. Tt7 itrer.-l.rn C2.1 isr: tt-: lie jttci. They tue ZLZvliJL lo: gecrsl oL.t. TL?y giT-f a g-2l ad Lisi.j cppeUt. T!:f7 6J8 tie ; ret t.nc!aT:t la criiterea. Tiiiy tre a ircrcrliTe cl FtTtr ti Ilfj cure ZJerroc Heaie. liej are ;ifitt.y prire r.-: j rfvlttslr'e. A;?d prvm and de!;rat f,n.-' ::; Ci e 'y an asre It'gt dtor'a bi v uj tf:l:rK r icra. Iwr cf rcari'.rrff T"i P-! Ja--it E' tr ara cti'y t.ld lii bciilf wi;h n:r ! tvi crt t'; rMr. ard our private $ or-r.r t p;-.p mis li cuik. oca I 3 . . ' ? c; . -v r. ' . yV ' - '' - -. . 1 ' ra - -- . . Far Msdi Asa!J Talk rr, wli-th f.T8 w'rf.-lT pire. ana Ort ot.Iy l to be i;-ir:-;.; ir. l. f.Tfc. S:.Jd ty f -r;-. a?.d dreVr t.t.rcoi.t tbt Chu. t it. tra.1 pl;d cu aplicaUt u ta , ilvuiiztt Titter Cc. .Vo. B'rrtt-, f I "CO. " t ;1. 1 "V7 v X. . ! . it-' ' j ATVOHNEY A I L.' V , A Vl SOLTCITOU iN CUANCrRV, 0 e e-'n-r of Vl T?t V i 1.1,1.. i A "-ir ;;.i:". .1 .4 ,- hf. a w. r'" ii ' ' tt ' i n J . . . ..f. t. .id : v. .!.' 1.-" v- " I . ?. t 3.' v CO s es, .tiy u- V ;s a ll ; ASi k'l.i.'-j ! l'fturt'S Cniff' i j.'11'Jli?. " it ! . .r rt...i-M5.;Niw S'AS :i 0...--..1 ly tc- i -tf .. s I '.: t ..?, s-t . . "-lr - i,r- rr 'm it e. il.t'ri.'--d Pi net ,'. . t u c- n j i i m . v i-.tf n"' H i:d- Ou)' 'o rrd Si -.T F W- ,1 .' mrc V d 5; drw'. v.,- .'- k -r ; M- -aa iio; t ; 1 NI ta r... -r- t atia 1.. u. nr..jns, 1 i;J et k,4 j piw vLT 1- V1 - -(?'. .- x r v. - ; It t - i i p - .... --." " ii.-v'- k " .' IT -? j. I ft . 1.7: 14 - & CO, 11 r A N U F A C TU Pi EK . it - viio - : N c-ur S-s 7 Octave J.r-oti os p;Snn . . v : o t : . n . 'I l uj. ail T uiu.riW) trul'll-a i J I Li lb Ilj ii : kr I , 1 aeV ti: ? ver-,SfrBrr Fa r ; - . v .,.cs..t.,irl)j r.:.i a :ii eery i.-:.d.r. t ri-'.r-el fsrwrvl-i .a of Mr. 3. II f. -hj r,:-;iiule 4'o; o ui.t.';, car:, iLe -..'i ui i.r i.cte Vuiiructits i'. k, fiv-i .!flc.j e ?275. r'v- rr. fc.l -r..' ts, !.c.ivn)J t:t.xv C5voU;c f?3. ! ve, rcu'd e n ci". I."?t-. cd L ui.-XIV jryl-- ?dJ m fa- ari!ef tH abcTeent. iur. :t.1. nJ-!.r.U i Xt. . It . 1 TT t 1 "w-v a '53 E3. UGS Taints, Oils arid Dye Stuff, Pure Lkcs for Mt (ileal Puposes All kinds latent .Medicines j DEmVTmJL -1XD F.l.YCY GOODS, Hlcinxz Cooks end Stationery, The bfctt ban It cf Chswicg izd Smt kicz H TOBACCO AX1) SEGARS. j Ix3.Xs.s3 cf all olora. Perfumer) and Toller Goods.- ! rieanre his rtron?. and the public gentrallj. to wlil k-f p on Land an ei'.eiive tock of tbe ar j f1es mcnti.iced, besirie? anytbinr: jrid eTe'Ttbsn ! ujuaiiy ja in a m Ci?i D-ig b;Oi i- iir'r? t ir ae;i et .'ott raits :.r v ar CrV an Soutii-esst Coiner Main and First Streets - Prescriptions au3 Oi-'Jers Caref filled a t all b oari. A FOETUHS!! EMPJLOY3IE-T FOR iJHLTpriv body! j Agent watted tbroujrhoat the L. S. aud (':. ! Watches. Chains, Seis of Jewelry. Rirrgs rtns. ISracclcts, Sleeve Uultons. Silver Spoons and Forks. Caps, Cake Basktts, c. vcorth Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ! Tbe Entire S?ook of a. large IlaipiTting Hones, retiricg from business.- For the parjAjse of cl.vrirjg oQt the ettck at tbe possible date, the uouyrsizin'.l haye decided great ditriouti in liile s iuilows: Zach and every Article, no matter how vala- j EO.s, feing So.d lor $L ! A CERTIFICATE ,f txzh artido with its xclnz i printed upon it is pla-'-.-d in au cnrt-U'i and sealed ; these enrclupee are tLr- ugh'.y mixed and e.'.d fvr ' irenty-Sre each the i t-r-.a receiriL- odi j '.,f tbe?e eriViV js is er:iitK-d Vo the article named . inertia by returning the Certificate tu us with one j .hilar, and the article, no matter bow vaiuarle it f insy be, will be f( rwaried to him or her at once. ! fbt re aie no Blank Certicate? and therefore every j ; ne is jure to get, at least, tLe full value of his or j 'ir money. Should the article nam d cn tno eer- "C;'te n.t nit. Liiy ot;er which be uiiy select of - je same valne wili be .-u'ostituttd. U'e r .1 -be .'-nifi -ates ar Foik'srs: ! One for tiba, live fr $1, eleven fur $2, tr . tj ; ; $3, ixty five for $10. n hundred .r I5 ; ilia dithu:iOo aard a S-i -.p;r;runi : Ajreat. fcQhat iady oreu'.'ta will noi . v ; j 1 wenty-fve cents with a p eet t,i" gi-itic,. I. -j t.nd--d i r a thousand tim . tnach. All r . I 'i.uft be addrt-?$fd u us at ..ur oid stand u j Maiden Lane, New V-rk. ZLiist of -a.rticlo. AIUl Wblc.l art to be eoid 1 - ii.. . 1. 3x Gent! Gold IT n nine case ffvc! e I 3-. kj Ladie GM Ei atuele-l-case ; 6. Gerii' Hunting cafe S;lver .. $50t $10oei. 1. 1 36 Ji, .1 35 60 15 4 4 6 6 4 4 4 4 70 . 10" d. 30 d.. do 8 do 10 do i ) cl -lO do 6 do 6 4- 6 do 6 do lo do 8 do 10 dj 8 do 7 d 8 do 20 do 8 do 11 do 11 do 10 do 10 do 15 do. 15 do 200 Diam n l Rm.-it, j Z-joo Goid Tet and Xeck Chains ' 2cuo " ; 3o.o ' Ovai Band B-acelets, ' i-o Cbafd G .ld bra , if tg x ; V.mo Cbte.ire a'.d t .ard Chain ; ',ooo Sj'.itaire ana Gwu Breaches J Jyoo Lava Ld i loren'.ice Broocb.es ' ooo Coral. Opal and Hmera..l Br.. be. ! looo M-.taic, Jet, Lava and Plo. eciiue K-ir Drops -i 45oo Coral, Opal and Eora!d Ear Droo 4 i tooo California Diamond Breast Pins 2 60 looo frjld Fob and Vest Watch Keys 2 60 ' 4ooo Fob and Vert Ribbon Slides 3 t loo SeUSjiitaireS.eeve bu-tong Studs 3 Jooo Gj!d Tbia.biefr. PeUviU, M: , 4 ' uo Hifutture Locke's, 2.60 ; tooo Jin:tu-e Lickets Maxic Spring 3 ( Jiwo Gold Tootbpick.-, Crosses, ic. 2 ! 5uo.' Plain toiU Ruiz's 4 i-mjoo CbasedGjld Riij.b 4 j xo S'.ooe .01 anJSic.et Rire-s 2 60 I i o California Diamond Rinzs 2 75 o Seta Ladiea Jewelry Jet ft Gold I Sooo Sets ' Jewelry Cameo. Pearl 4tc 4 Sooo (ioid Pens, Silver Extension I boluert- and Pencils 4 " 10 do 5 - 8 do I " 10 do ! 6ooo Gold Pens and Goidlounted j Holders 1 : 5ooo Gold pens and Gold extension holders . fW Silver (ioblffts an4 Drinklni Ccps 6 !. vo f-rvcrCastors, 13 60 do 60 do 60 do 90 p ds 40 do 5 oo Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets .20 f-..o tcren Silver Tea Sp-ns 10 iiO N 00 do do Table spoons forks inTXTS. We w.nt ant iu evtrv rep-in-.pnt. la 'r,;y t-wn nnu county m th country; an! inose acUL, as euch will bo a;iov.i i;) ri-nts oa r,ry tV-runcate ordered ty tbtre, provided their rem:ttnoe smnv.nts to one d .!Ur. Agents wiil c il.ct 23 c?r.u f.-r erery Cmifcate, aLd reait 15 r-t5 to us. Lr"Wr:te plair.ly,sy only what is necessary and Ad'irVi.OIiiARI) W. IrFVAUC.If A CO.. 24 Jra No. 15, .isiini Lflnc, . V. ;A '.-"rfce or''i-it!t of P-vkot knives. iutcter ktiv ic. , CJ!i J-.acen- At M'LAVG IIS d- STTAyS. CCTTiVATl'KS. Spades, Sbtv Scytr.e-, Crad.c. ukc- Hot--. els, etr, e-c , A iicI.ar.gLlin A whc'a !?. Piakire l,VBbes. ..-niLlcrig r W1.ik I-rcou., liackiuj:. 3faub: Ink. Wncin Taper, Ac, U., ESTRAY NOTICE Takes rp by wi -f Brown ri th? upderrirrood, Ijving six mii-s He. Dec. l4io, .iie rod and white .4 stfr, ibroe years old !! artii-g 15-St S.W KENNFDY. ESTRAY' NOTICE. Taken np by the nndcrgncd, living two miles ' 3 oo; cplr.f v o -m .rt abjV' linvrville, Neineha Ct ur.tv, Ncbrrti, on! Ifcir )i" rrrrM-ictf of ib most cTehrate-5 Kn tbe IPtb day cf Ie-eTfber. one black fcor co't, i pravjuw. Pt iir;. r-iunj, Ac. Ca?arfrnes'iie'tt oa two years o.d.Terr pxk.r when taken r, w mas i T"4?1 of " ? l?Su D?n j1", rl-, ;e ii -t unr nl-. rC ,,,Tn ,r C .u f" b tliei on ie receipt t vrfera.-cis. lj-at iMaCiU. ;a,.Mi anJu. i. ri.rne. i" H.oUcripbwr aM others r-dwrir r W 0. O P will ! T7I Ot P., p-uer, PTir. et., v.. j - At XkcXwUIftbun & Sv.fUn.8 i i 1 , : I t Ayers Cherry Pectoral TIE EOIUCE, WATERS IIODEILi - - . . IMPROTiD OTESSTBrXO BASS ' ; rULL IRON FIIALIC PIAIT03 - t .. .. . , . . . rc h;l!t of tie test cd most ttorougtly 6f atonM ra tends; nd fctnd any iinme. Tbe Use U Veif deep' ron-i; tnlt. tsd' mellow; tc toncb e:ai!r. KaoTiaco watmate -r 2v yers. P.ii tfuEt to '- .. . "TleTIorjnfe'Wai'irB FUcss are laovn as among tt TcryOtst." Evanytlut. ' , . . " vp can yj:eak of ibeir merits frcui p?ronal knowl- Christian Ire'Ilgencer. 'W'atjra Puu a-!ii;ii..-:etjcla!:engecoTHrsriic with t e Sacst n.; anrvljcre." I-?CiMC Jccrr.al. 3UO. KEY 7 OCTAVO PIANOS, cr jiirM--en; Ukifr, iir $i?j; do., Willi carvefl. $2CO. $CiS.;::.l Secr.4-ta-s-J Pianos ad M?loieus ai iU, M, Sou, 75.-AlCOSIIS, $U5, flM, and TuseJti.c Enal Tera-rtTReut witi tte ?at&t DiriJfri Seil- pr:c- from sva to 53CO. Alexander Or Kinsf r'.ai to $5C3. iiterai d:co:.ut to Cerpyr".. Chnrche!, Sab L S l.vn. is, 1iKle.-, htn,:nariC5, autlTeacliers. HOfl i.CS f ATELS, iK't, Xo. 4S1 B:-c.(Jw?r, X. T.r - ' ' 40.tHGccpI isbe i- A new Sir.clng B- X r Ectopia anj i;asr, ca'.lwl tha Pay Hc'uwl Hell, ii ntw rt-arfy.' It ciii:it: a'.O'Jt two buudre,J cliwte senses, roiU'lt; er.tcl c. duets, trios, quarters. nJ fhornses, n:any a iWtu written expreasiy for tfci.-wrt, besides 32 vG- .f tLe Klciuefis jfUMC, wliich are easy aiid pr.FTeive. ' i An' ,:-ia,-e ,','n''r!r rr Mf "i P'f.e? rciy re ' fc-uiid. - 1"p 'jui't S Lo-.!," "I.i!'t y.-u bear tte j cLiaIfu fv...jir;, -Ait, hnk .ti tli souay M " ' ite Wtrie set 'Litt:e Lad," "h, if I were a Am :- Oct ?.s-e viir.'ir rf eatiMfiil p-ere? roiy te i.:t,e '.tr i," Bird of lty." ' Pretty pesr tree." "Anvii Clioi ns," fel i.ie fcr the runnier bro; k,,; ic. In. c uiLiled by Ura-e Waters, amb-.-r ft '-Sab-Ki "h Sc1. -1 ', X 1 a-:d 2, rt icfc Lstb bud tbe ta.'i ui'j-ii fi.iot C'-H .f. Price faV'Pf CuVers, 56 cent $; e tCOs b tand 30 ents, $i5 itr ICO; .! i. i tMuid, e,Krsfd ult 40 ctiit. $35 r cr Lundrtl. ! i5 p-s ir,i m:!?i at tbe one "ucii-Jred j rice. AlaiicJ 1 ,UltMlli.i.l'i . v SjbfKiiy&hoou.Ztii, A". j cii:uB 14).K'. and liearSy tto bucdred ti:nes and riir,ij aiJ j ;be un.st i-. j ii'ar S. S Kmt ever issacf j a r,--g tl.e juvsi p-vuiar ;ieces are, 'Kind Words' ! "F. :e i.!. .v." t"bri!in lip." '-?.?,.i.iifal Zija," "I oyht to Ivve r i Huihfr " ' Tbe Ange!s twid trie so,' j i" L tii.V ' Heat X..f tbe tt'e.ry," &c. Prks j piper tX'vef. 20 cts. eh. 15 j.r bcadred ; bound, J ii.;, via., j.cr Lu:,drd Sullath School DtU. Xc. 1 an ecM-enew work of 152 ae, and nearly 225 ttto and byrins. ap tbe mcKic a little iu-re d.rarult it is ja: tr e b oK ;u f'iow De!l N'o. 1. Nearly one oail U'-sof tbee Ji1.! bsve been issued, and arf now riDg VAf trvuiU tbb ud o:Ler c.untric. AiEvtig tte wary choice p;pce may- be f'lund. Sbail we meet b youd tbe river ' There in a beantiful world. Sorrow k.ail ci-m epain. no more Don't you ber tbe Angels coc-inc? Thon, G'Jd, sees' ma Sabbath Bells chime on, Ac. Prices of Bell X. are the fame as Bell Ko. I. IV. ta ncsi'crs cai be obtained in one volume. Price, rou::d coiy, 40 cents, $35 per buudre 1 ; cloth bvund, eiiit.,;j jilt, 50 ct;., $4ii per hundred. 16 c ;ie t 'irn;h.l at tie one hundred irice. Jtaiied at the retail prte. J"ib-r'. Coral Hirp.- A new Srrday Scbo-d Bo,k.o? 1G3 paces ef beautifa; hrmiis aaj isce. I xtfine tnacv fems, toth as Seal! we iuja eak . ;ber t! ere; Suflr liUle children t.c.rue unto Me; Tbf be :'.ir :! sbore ; )b, 'ti gb-ri-ous; Lfiave ti with ny '- . ber ; He leadeth me be.ida t:!I wrir. c. Price ,er covers, 2a cents; $15 per bin. -ire i ; bonnd 35 cnts. $3") per hundred; cloth bound, ernl.. .-td guilt. S5 tents, $30 per hundred Mailed at tkc ir.kil price. It is e,iitsd by Horace Wa ters, author cf Sunday School Hells Nos. I and 2, which LvebJ tbe euorniou of over eiaiit iLousaud c. p:es. Ji.t p.-iMhhed by OOitACB VTATEltS, X. 4SI BrKkuway, llcvr York. The 27tu rutiui;9 Song B contain ES r,r(;es cf ?'jr.?s, d':nrs ani cL ru -es, both sa creJ srd ec:i'ar. iucluiiuz 14 ps??s oi prave for ick aiivi c;. :; . ;cr, ar4 ac.id.ers' Sw-npture iiai.ui. it i.weM a-.i e-1 fr sjc11 iatt.f, a well a Sajbotb wprsiiip Among the many beautiful pieces may be iujJ, Where liltrty dwells ismycountty ; TheChrls tian iiero , Taree t-beers f jr oar banner ; Coma sine to iseefbeavvn; Cclumbia, the aeui t theoceaa ; Free aaD' fathering; Ciuab;a's aar.g forever; Irfarcfcir.j alre. Ac . Prices pape rccver, Uceuts, fliyaraua drad. Mai ltd at lis rcisil price The Hirp of Freedom, c ntalns 32 p?eof s ngi), due t anlchoru's. f.-rF-ee- j a:-,i. An'uu.z the ch i- e pieces wa wou'd m'-.c. i-"ii irr :j mom, t l: m peop'e ; Orer ;.j ):)-tai- ; '!'--e w- rked pjs h tu ,ts Price 6 cea: iir ? '- 60 cents per dvieu. a3 jr tuu irtvi ; postage i ceeit-ab. Iiuth : A .ic?l Cantata. contain 15) papes. TTortl? t Iter. Sidney Over. tnuU ir P'.r i.:i. This i an exie:ient book foreomertt jor it-youiit. rnce. pa fer cover, ij cents; ispe: henared; bund 26 centf $20 per hundred. Tie 1!. cantaint 71 paeesjof tune and hymns, designed for ra. viva!, prayer, and conference meetings. Price in paper cover, t,irc!e copies. 10 cents; $3 par tuudred. Kaiiad at tbe retail prices. The Athenaum Collection, contains Between four arid five hundred paees of tone and hymns, new and o'd, of tbe choicest kinds, fo church. Sunday school, revival, missionary, temptranc prayer and conference, and all hinds of sacred aud so cial meetings. Tbe music in this book ba life and an imation in it, like. Shining Shore, Rest i..r the wear; Shall wakn iw each otbar there? Shall wemeetbeyon the rivar ; Tbere is a beautiful world ; Kind words fcweet hour tf pryer ; There is a land of lore ; Suffe little chi'drs t. come unto me ; God save the Nation Ac. Prices emijle copies, bound 60 cents; $45 pe bnndred ; ch.tu binnd. embossed jrilt, 60 cents ; 65 per hundred. Hailed at tbe retail price. HORACE WA TERS 4S1 Broadway, Ke Tourk, Publisher f tJ abftve BK.'ks. Uocaf Jfutie. tcith Piano Accomi-animent. A large assortment of new and popular song, ballad duett, quartetts, and cboruiieo, issued daily. Anion tbe moat popular are. Sball we know each other tbere Lowrey; Why have my loved ones gone ; I will be true ?'tbe; (.ib, there's n such ;irl as mine by"F.sier; ti.'tber': love is true; Sweet love, target i..e not by Keller. 2o cents each; I bear sweet voices singing. Home is home; Forget if you can, but forgive, bj Ttcmas, 3o co'tg each. l:.:run,nt . J4uis for the Ciano Forte We art coining Fa:p-r Abra'ani, "ix bJn .lred thousand more a.aya bj,r j the surnj -idr; ftjall we know eacl o;!,ar tbere? .V .with briloai.t variations by Grobt &o renta ecb . Polkas, Wa'tre- Va-clic- Q'dcksteps, QuadrilU ' 4ie . by popar a-.:aor AM kinds of S eeing and In 4 htruction b . k Cataloeues mailedfrce to any addres ! aluaic maiie-i t tbe above prices." IFaffr Chtfip d7m" for th JfiUin. Arrai.ged as a.le. due's, quartetis and choruses, to racstal f -iri:es. cjio.rs. Sunday Khools, public gchoo'o s -v! ...ries etc r Shali we know each other there ? DkT.'i juubr tbe angels cvciin:? Shall wemeetba vond tbe river? Be in time; There is a beautifo er!d; Where liberty dwells Is my country ; Freedom truth aud right; Wa are coming Father Abra'am. sU nudred thousand m-o-e ; There is a land of live; Sor row shall c-'nieugain no more ; Heavenly home ; Com sing to nie of Heaven ; Laud in sisibt ; We will 1 ve oa Sunday Skbool ; Our God is niarchins on ; Gt4me lb Nation; Wbittier's song of the Plantation Xeg-o; Fat Fraedom'a ilorn has dawned at last; Over tbe moos tain; Over the mountain; little Ella's an angel ; Wil lie's gone to Heaven ; Suner little children to com unto me; Bury me in ib nioriiirK, Mother; Come U. thy rest; Sweet hour t Prayer, &c. Prices cenu, 9 cants per dox., $2 per t i n Ired ; postage 1 cent eaca Id aheet form, with P. in.i mTaDinient. 25 cents. Published by BoSaCS WATFRS. Ag't, No. 431 Broadway, N. j.. ' . &. H. T. ANTHONY & CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, Wle!esa. and Retail, 501 BROADWAY, KEW YORK. In sidi4ira 'o -rr yr ai tr.5T PVsripMs J4 terial, we are H?a.:qunera for the toliowini, via : SJereoscoprs & Stereoscopic Yie & Of thete we ?cv m iTrjVre a's-'-t w.ect, Inclcdiot Tar Seen. . ARif-iitr. s .l P r- ji Cities aal I.asl i'.c!. fi-r.i w, ct-;4ry. c iC. A!?. Revo vior lerwoor.n for ;.rt,;ir or priva:e 'extcM! i "n O-ai t"ai'osr:e wi-l ie eiu to anj ad-:res ea ece.pt t siamp. Photorrphic Alijiiins, ?"'i, we r-ixi'-iisi ' n: i'..i:" ,T;!i:t t.p I J a u.u...- ;.rc e iri.:...ivu -f ot-wii s..j en ,r in If, i .j,: ..i.t.tli :y to ay oibrrs. Ttey ili be i-ent mt Mail, FKES. .x sue... i i"; e. ii NE aL3LMS JiAbi TOCariK.J n ard PijoroGnAPns. Ottr rt' bjw emh-aces over Five TboisaA i rWrrm "H ia (to which adit-it j.tr; are onriaaa'f i l-jjitig na.lr) mt p-rfai vt Kiii?n"it Aoifica, a-a. ' y Rr'a-d: vii : aho: fJV Sfatea, er -nerats. i. iivie, 1 Anih.ira, Kt -tijl, 12 nr. ! f.'-u'-f'oinels i-: '! r nft-e-, ". 5 N"-y 'iffl-.cr. p!es-. ' n.i it "-e per crni of ibe irii v.nl wi; tbK.r morr. K. c t. T. ANTHOXT k CO. " iai.uiactuie.Koi tliirliiiLic Ha'riala, j '-"'yrf'fii ,',.,! m tr rdt r'"f Hii 1 M.tr.S . - " ' " - lt-7 fy - j ;PROSPECTUS FOJI-1SG1. :":: An Indspccdsst Democratic Dsi- ljt22 nxi-'Wc c "Lly. an d VTe ekly . IT-vTgpspsr. ' ' .. UNION- OFfliE WORLD AND ARGUS. - t--" ' . The WorU. i-.Tsh.ch the New York Weekly Ar;jas ba3 bcea nrtre i, his to-day five times the airgrs gt circalatiVn c f anxlno:crAi r constrrkTire rew.sjaver. It aliresi? ,wtxly a'.one mors tb- KO.ouo' gsWerlbera rsi crnstatt purchaser?, and seiches st least hs'f a million reader?. "With tha s:caiy incrciss in c;rca':i-jn w-ii. h it row enjojs, . the?e Eurefs wiil ?o t l.eLd ublti. Nothing Its than thi should aati.-fy thoe who beTiera that th enly bri of rcstot ir -the Union and tha authority f cf the (.Virtiluton-over a bow tii.'tr?tid and di- rioei ctuntry,' lies in wr-eting power frt.n tbs hands of tosa fata tioim. has he-pod to prc v.ke, invite, and prolong the war; on 1 tht to ac.v mpllah thiacad.Bvv means !.- rffsotiTe xi the dru'icn,' tnrotSh ab'e and cutCTjrijiuir. newrpcrs, of soasi political knowledge, amorg tha K;r:njr tnen, tha thinking men, and tbs . iinrr.?a of the Ncr:h. Enicrpriro, industry and Li ny , will be liberally 1 ei'pcrjuci. to wte irie itond lue tdt Newspaper in Aia-;rio- nsws irotn every fri m tne wT;a bo early ard ptbentia. Vhrrever thet.lirrar h cxtco, or rsilroaJ rrn, or et?J'eVat p.'y, it will gather the latest ' iau-J.iii.cr "ikits a I.-stjct? axaS of acoL.Tni.;i.-iitd corresjii'-'ijis ha!: al! fI.i.U iirit.ies, w Lt will teUgr;':! nJ wri.e u c !arrt news fr-tn the Tsri -us scaUofwar. It has sorrer- poe tPnts fttd rcpurtt-rs Jii everTi j.litiil aad ?o:ii lt-rr' icl iwj,re in A uVrir-i in.: ..trr T.f 'xh;p l"! : and ntchf-s will Ifsv? ihthir.c worthy of n.te biitttioTrQ to ii radti. The Market Iu pri j cT f l.. oil j ar? rr. .r? c. t- 5 'i :e than those of a.-iy oihtr Bta paj-er. lie Kd ora invite e.rrr :n tb.s rpyrct and piot to the report. t f the t):tc'e Markof-i, tn jeorxt and country I'r-iducB Markets, and tl a M- uey Yn; ktts iniweJlamns, ar proof of its xco.Ieae ia t'lis rej.tt. The world hi?- aNo a spvij.il drf ar'ra?nt Irt-fti) to Arriultura. nil with ciitorisl ati -ba eotB!uaTljitior!i from pr:u-tkl fa:utr5sad raeebaa ics of the country. , The war in wbich tbe nstlon i? enj.cei frinst armed and iufotuated Kubol, and lio mJia! no!icy oftae a.la::oi-iri.tion whioh prolong" ii, La.ru coa spircd U, bnug t gihtr upon one p!Hi?orni r.!f con serrtitive. Uaion-lovicS and Constit j:t!a-!ovii g men, of whatever fcrnir naaie n creed, llany ci thce who within the liuits of the Constitution, fought the battles of tLa ballot box under the leadership of thoe jatriotia sttssaaea f other and better, days, lit riry Cisy ani Dr.il V'tbster,. to gether with, the u tes whoae principle ero thoe of ench patriot as Andrew Jaksr-t and William L llarcy. Si'.sa Wright and Stephen A. Douglas, now ??anc rhoulder to shoulder upen th saie platform isa p'.aip cae. It i? to re;rs) tht Cnioa, CAintin tbe Cojiftitutioiii and tnforc3 the laws. Whatercr rr.ake fr this end, the excr?ie of force of tha policy of c cciii'.tion. The Weld will advocate whatever makss arainst it. The World will opposo It willcppota every en;my othe I'rirn, whether armed in rebellion at tne outn or insidiously plant ing the seeds ci dit-union and essential disloyalty at tbe North. - It will oppese every TiolaMon of tha Constitution which is the only hope and bond of Union, and oar only authority for exLi,r.i6- or compelling the alla giauce of the Souta. ' It w.Il oppose, r very infraction of the Law. in high places or ia low, by reckie and misguided parti sans, or by ih admimstra'-bo which has bocn their example. It will fearlessly cerci.j2 tba Freedom of the Prcst ; it will const r.tly fiih iJ and defend Frsa d:rc of Speech br.fi .ia of 'hi 'i!'.ot. To the lawless acts of the diwinistnticn, its arbitrcry and urnat arroM ar.d expatriatijks, its denial cf tte nh: U th writ of hitws ..-.rpi. its iilf gal' prcclaxutioos, its t-r.gatioa tf State and fed-rral it d?potic x-aaiulation. of unjr.nt ed power, and its subversions of tte saft guards of civii and pertcn! liberty, it will constantly opioe the letter and the spirit of our aypaia lw and the ao'v, ,vt of 8o-.;td riolrine, tuml Amerioaa fre-?- iB-a .-lill I r&iisea to the rj ,Vo.-y of their rigbts.J th'.ir lihrrtirs thc r laws, aud xaeir lifuiteti and Wri'i 'clnijvcd g-t em IS -lit., bj t!i3 riiiitiSSS d0titlk.a ofthfb.,:.. Fii f.'-'indly iB.r.T-!?e. with the 'if.re to ccr;ri i -iteaii ir tr-ay o the grvat Woru of lt.;s j.--;i!er-a:.,n, narnr-iy. to retcr .ur national ur.i-.y, ar..; to pivo the L'Litoi tjt- agaia fc ruwst &: i.tbe L.tii .mof the taita, aad bust ia tbe ptc, pros perity, and happiness of ita pet.ple The- or:d c"ksfrora tUofse who tkttre suet tbics their syra- sni support, and, above all, tha Jator of Liim who j Cr jwes avery gKd work. . TERMS. DAILY WORLD. Yearly Subscribers by mail $S 00 SEMI-WEELY WORLD. . Single subscribers, per annum $3 0 0 Two" copies to one address j - 5 00 Three M 00 Kir ..- II 00 Ten u 22 50 WEEKLY WORLD. Single Subribre, per aaiiuai $2 00 Three copies address on each paper 5 00 Fire 8 00 ren tt a 15 00 Twenty copies all to one address 25 00 Clubs of tw nty or over can have address pat on each iper for aa additional charge of tea cent each. ' For every club of twenty an extra copy wiL be added for the getter up of the club. For everr club of fifty, ibe Semi-Weekly, and for verv club of one hundred, the IUy will te sent. .. . . ., . IV ..1,1. 1 ben requested. in r.u 01 tne txua c j ;r ui Additions to Clubs may be made at anurne a: s-aue rates. Paper? cannot be cbanfrcd from onr Club to another but on request of the person order ing the Club, and on receipt of Cfty cents extra, single paper? will hr taken frem tbe Club and nt to gejerate addre.-s. All orders must be accompanied bv tha Cash. Address. THE WORLD. 35 Park Row, New York. To Consnmptlres. rorsnirntivesnfferers will receive a Taluablj pre- criidion for the cure of Consumption, Asthma, llroachitis. and ail thro-1 ana cng aaocuons. f'ee of ci arsre.) by sending their address t Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Kings Co. New York- MOLINE PLOWS, 500 " On hand and to arrive at D- A. CONSTABLE'S Iron and Steel Warehouse, 20 and 22 Third Street, ST JOSEPH, MO Feb 24n26-t f., PROBATE NOTICE- To all whom it mav concern, notice is Lereby given that iionday the 31;. dsy of July. l!5, is tbe time set to bear and determine all claim arnicft th? Esdte f J.wph Girwier. dsoossed. I'ersots having claims agnin.-t jsid c.-utc wi-i f!? thcui ia the Probate oS.v ff Nrrrsba C-.T.r:y y that tlia crthcy wiil be fcrrer b-irrd ther.-frnn. . C SANDERS, no-20-4t p'd. l'r.bate Jude. iSi;lNG andCleicc Tt.vo. Cisars pipes.l: 'orchis. iTi : NicIjat-i-Klir; A blw:ia?s. Tl'1-"kKI.S oy 're d: icu or bjrrei, tt a uperi-.r o,aal- j lit . KH,f'.uiX.l; C-l lir.-i s 1 At ;e!.?i .a TniV. Cbito '. Marl cr.r, a-rtd Jellies. Cn , tfiati.e oaw?, At., o , . At McLAmnus 4 Swax'a TJAK..'. TiJ' ' tv. z Wa'ib-rds 'ri, C. lMrf na AT Cab aad TV'iiceiiarT'.ws i. oJjfuiKhlia & Swrc'g L-AxND FOR SALE. Tbcheastifal UiiCt of Land knaru mj che4 ny-wr-od Fmi," rrrtan:! iJO acr, sit-..t-.d mile V.?: of ilrou.i.l , is for sale aprly tj !6- p'd WILLIAM IT. iiJuVLR. i QHEK? Stean,,f ibe rr.t approved make, for a si At lu-La-ighlia & Swan's. - .. . I i.: , -a T V. i fcJ A. ui T illV A j U.. ""ifD or-; its ,.rv.-... ---. cu ,V..rt- n , I PriV.Cn 'OS n-M 5 lw,iit.B. L r-fVrr.l.o.v-., At M:l.f";ll-roSr,-3. - ' v-- -UI1 "ij.vwi.i 4 , pvam. t ial m' ta t"- . - " .: .... I. ... j CriTTOl rU!i-:-r-i Lalj-S A:tn. h-'.i.' . W9 i aP Kn. i i r r i. i.'T.ii.r.'..:'j a 'ti ! i A. B.,utf.. t,-t i'b F-it ca-r of Miin aai rlrt rts t. . r-r - .:r.-r o;o -r o gaLTy tte b.tt.M or d. iry 5al:, for j 0y u 3 A v , ; j g,, $, I KJ Silt . i -, . -1 1 At McLXvciilim S. LtWAS-i. j 'p - 51 rpnit m' wiarket f. tie raid for Coi'ntry prtrxe (, Jt 4clagt.iii & om. 1 AbiiiiiUii null Ui&lu ti , V A MONTHLY MAG AHINE- The rjv-tt comp rtbei'iva rolecvllftny of U'efw know!etl-8 and General Literature, pt,rioiiea!!y Ls gad in tba Uniit-i fitxtes; eab-Mcinj all tha fea tures f a Polytechnic Jcurral, Fo- nonik Kxpsttur Literary Rcpotfuj'j ccd Jl.rrithly Iister. L-p;-c;aliy devoted t Fi? vicitl. CVEuatrcial nr.il Ii-lu j triil Intreits aad a.i jo:t.t stock corrttioj c-crra.- -' -' . -.-' liavitj commerced us vanous aepariLaeats oi --: njt:e. ir:; ;i-jttire ard Uer-trI Literatuia'. V.'hiis " aixin? uot e- t.toi!!y to render, e st' endive 5ervk4 t.,; tvm Trade, Coxroer:- ar.l Mortal iV Auction cf tat Country, u,sv sii'.cs f tne C. ui.t-r, n-a-v id oi tha meLol -wVl-J r'fie- rise couaidratioath Historical, Critical, -Etbei:cl and Im-ir .,ire, as atllas tha Firasal, S a.'i.-t?. t!, Ta"ritir.:vsieai aci Htrictly MrcBti. W e.iploy alika tb ra- soi-h of tbe.'.vit r-d tha f-.r.cy of'tba feuil-toa- sit, wra tt e pra- tics! e.Trr.er.t of tb huire i-a writ:r. ia totjica. tae ni.-aa selected is t!.o l': sty rather than the !tiQui'-3i. i ho raa;Al t-r..v- cfl - I thet our it shall t our en-ivor to p -rtray, aa-i t I 4Va I rTrrlrf! r,f tin : r.f t j ?"T to the Ci;ie of Kr. a sh-vil r-:rd rcrt !-j:ii- I v''u tf!fc-U.'.''!3 fu-ir, i-t-i C i;.:a'.'t;ii,,a,ff:j pJ'.-t Tit?-? &t;ni.r tc4 i.:sisf: i.-leVeri. vrLta the i rc."i ;t -h ,11 Kaft i J:. in tue, i ho AiEcn-'ra ticf.jse i .',.tw is adnali e S'j ! a. or Wtl. r -Lw'.? ;,tcr U ili subr-cril,rj irri urt",cgtb richners of bt- mlcv' imprvtiEg tha tieis, aad fur&iskiug iateiitc'.aa' rrs'-S Ktion. The Ueview b its ?reiaitie in d: '?t aad ia or.-!u L'epftrtuicr.ta, wit'i a (Jci.crl I i-.lrba. fr the widc?t er.asiitat icpf of tbeta. gire a epociiii-a'.ion of ttpki which are .Le jcojufts eiiher of o'ja:v. as.i or regular yiaVi..tion, t.i: . The rts, ..(! bo!i"T; Agrivaltare. A).pi;:J Chem istry, Archaeology, Btl!6s-Le:ters, Dio-raphy, Criti ciem, Ecocoxics iuiu-&I, Arithuelic National Taxation: Finance banking, curren.-y, Ccrp ration Account. Eschs&g, Fiuctuutittia ia Se..-uri:iJ St?kf : History, Iniusirial sod Jlertar.tiie' eatar prises, irurartce, ix.teru.il Icj-r.-veinonrs Ilai'way Canals, Tak-grapka; 3-! an o fact a res Frciuctj, tdci nology: Jlechsni.:?, llir.ir, Minoraloy, Geology, ileuiluruy; i'atfnts, FLysa, pLy.-io!. .y,f'talistioa, social gience: trado foreiga ana doaiestic, abtpfir-j mercantile !aw,'NaTigatitc; Topography, Travels. SCBSCR1PTI0SS 15 THE. UITZD STATS. Ona copy, one year in advance " ' 3 C8 Five co ies " 12 00 T?U u u 23 f,Q When paid at tha end of the y.fir, 4 00 per u ncai. iirgie copy. Sample copy uisiied oa the r? ceift cf 2o cnts. ' FOHilGN 8CBSCRIPTIOSS. Single copy per anr am pitaga paid. the Fifth Vurr.c of th"u Magaaiaa, waose" Jucoeas evince; tfcst ta e elr.rtg o I T) J TT V rPPf TTh'T V C- Trrn,. its wair.itorg tare leeasipreelatt-J by-dinriyj- 1 lL1" Aai-if...uL.I, . "LLaLI aatitg tntiic. wa weald call attea. a t j it char- "le "- sr?-"? ' t?sht pti-t.j acttr ,n the part or tbs !ir-e b,Jy of 'Tellers v;bo j 'r-trt.t. 1Yij-- wi;; p.-..o.h;y fva'oisa"th, are tot Vet uiyn it3 uh.v.;, ;i -,n lits. 0';r tur. i I' "'"f 1'' ' Ee'iion, win tha 'ateai G0j x-9 ;abi? Vul'.iwtitr. i.- the tiirrricaibn t-tf eraTrI!t :(,,,r' -iJss, tbtMr, practtl if:6:.rcati..a on ssr-jeii of iviUva ut:,hy .ivi-ry ohliXc-st' ' fr :a i laai t V to tha people. eotEbia! with a dlVw.-.ty tf lit-rary 'v"r:"ru wi:i b aa..c tha ia f :r..-rt.,5, attraelkn scrrurin? the servire j cf the bK r--rj in tav history of the CoTarry, aol ,d -jltls Canada. 1z Cu' ' . 3 12 Great Britiin and Lieiaad, CO Fmnco, 3 71 (3?vr..r7, - 3 72 V.'e.-t Ittaies, rBriib ' 3 "2 We.xt Uair,.iN.,-I.r.tih. g 00 tfoaia Aiaeric fWet tJoa.tf -SCO FOWLEil i MOON, Proprietors. No. 521 ChertLut t., FhTinalphi Pa. THE SIENTIFiC A3IErCA3 FOR 1864 The publishers of tbe SliiNTIFlC aMaRICaN respectively give notice- that tte T-.-nta oluaie tNow Scriesl will aoa;aieace oa the 'first of January next. This journal wa etb'.iihrd ia ISlj. aad is undoaltidly the rr.,.t vndei v circnlat I and isrluea - till publica-v'n of the kioi ia :the vf.-rid. In com- Uiibcini; th new volume ibe 1 ublishcrs d aire to call peial atinti. u to ci.ii;ns& A JOURNAL OF ,101'L'LUi MlEME. Iu thisrt-spej; 11 stands tr.rival;-.;d. It tut fiad.j it way t alai -t every w.-rk-hvp la t! evaciry. as the earnest fric ud .f tha ra.-cr.sa:.? .-J artizen, bnt it it found in hf c unti- r ora t sbs manufacturer and tbe merchant: a? in tne i.'irary and the hvisohoid. The pab)itaer IrrI warra in aayiEg that notther joarna! Dow puonsned c tains aa equal amount of u.'etul Mitotmaiiun: whi'a it is their aim to present all subjects ia the mnt popular and attractive mann-r. The SientiSa Amerv:an is published once a week, in convenient form for binding:, and each numbar contains sixteen paea a; ustal . reading natter, 2 KCMFECrS SPE5DID ETC RAVING 3 of all the latest and be?t inventions of the day. This feature ct the journa1 i worthy - i special note. Every Dumber contains fr-.m five to tea origin-; en gravings of mechanical inventions relating ' every department of the arts. Thwe engravin,; areexe cuoed by artists specially aui l',yi on the paper, and are universally acknowledged to be superior to anything of tbe kind prdeced ia this country. The yabli:.hars of the SicntiSc American rou;ia to present, aa during preedicg years, ail the late-r imprcvemenss in Steum tnz reriosr, War Yeels, Oro:. '..e m'litary and nava. r, re ami lTchanics Tcii, iisrDlsatuhci Machinery. Water wheels. uai aud other hjaraniie At-jarata?. ii.msehol-1 Uun s!l. tk-rtris, Chtmical and Meohar al Instru ments, i'iying ilachices, and otaer Carina Invea tions besides all the raried articles desined to lighten the labor of mankind, cot only ir ta-. shop and wanhocse, bat in every place whera the in dustries o life are pursued. From it- comaiencecjent. io Sc?eci5c amTican Is-betBth eraesi alrrto of tn rights ol luit ricaa Inventors, and the. REPERTORY OF AMERICAN PATENTS. Ia this important dt-pari ..ent, so vitally c on,ct ted with all the great interests cf the country, no other journal can lay any claim whsterer: as in ita columns there is pub'i.tie-J a weekly 05.ia! Lit of the "Claims" of all pitents grrante-J at tha U. S. Patent OSce. THE PRACE1CAL RECIPES alone are oft timea worth mor" to th e subscriber than the amount of a whole year's subscription. EEPM or SrBSCIPTION. Two volumes cl tb S-'iei 'aa American are pub lished each y tar, at $1,50 eaea, or 3 per per annum with corresponding low terms io Clubs: $1 will pay for fonr months' subscription. The number f:.r i one year, when total in a Tolurne, ccntiute a work of 32 pages cf uefu! iaforiuati- u, wHc every one ought to ?-!s. a new Toiatae i commence or. the rvof January, iS4. CLCB HATES. Fiveco-pi??, for six moathi ! Tea copies, for six months 1 2 i Tan copies fur twelve mr it 22 1 Fifteen copies, for twtiv month H Twenty cop ies, for twelve months 4 For all cl abs of tw enty and over, the yearly u b scription is only 52,C'0. Names can bt?smtiet different times and from different Ps OS.jes. specimen eopies wili b seat gratis to any part of the country. Canadian sub?eriber will plexse t remit 25 rents extra on each vear"s subrit ;k v. to prepay postage. MUNN A t O . Piibli-hers, No. 7 I'aik How, Nc-w a c.rk. ESTRAY COWS. Tukn up by tbe uiesiiard living ner Glan V. c'i. Wt-ntka .one isrj' Lit a C'W. while f n-t. bla.k ring r.-und t:e Itf; tye, 1 all ere p .T !bj rirlit ea, a!o. oee large b'a-k Xow letter "C'cn ri.htl-ip. i-'a.h sup, .-eel : . be 7 iers vll ii ?'., j '. w- , e.r w.i lit Jt'NATPA " rr: :. X"orr2.r.lxfi, City, TOT. Ql- , tlFFICE AT LiiS XLSiDKNCE. July Sth.ie'l. pl7-v-pjly Cvsstantly cn t.T,d at Vat-obit's Tailor Sbcp, ty I,Oi:2S 'vTALDTER, 1 P er-b-ir;ire.d.re in tbe a. 01 ar;rovel aty'e, and reavr able cab irrins. rownvii.c. I, 5 1 s.'T a :x is. ATTORNEY AT LAW, IT! jact!.-tn a' f Tt ? vcb. 2 mi. . OF THE i;ii!illid tU!--H,l.iifJ f mU-mmi4ll Tcr th Yts U'L j --" .-....-.u tci.-i?c tf Aiuerc vtoa a tew farvs.---f -rrara::,. ta. aai pri--rty. "'i -h I -a;, r Tirdicr.sa !n ipr.cb tf vrfica. thai'- i- W-U ,tvi ' D 8 k ''"' r i11'' rri f l w.Ipwj fl ir'-favacr iLtfr?; a ail th d-a::$. j P1"'?-' tf tL!'r iT-'" 'm-i: ,(. j r:Ji eutt-nti Bf-'-a a eit i-t.. cf w s -x-.ry.r J trr-iltate iu th mac:yh..tf l: iaorri:y lc AtUrt'.c; hile . trw-ritiia to Ateri' uu".j- . . :4r.u?, aj-j , Ki.Eie la-.n-c y ur pria-fva -v.r. ruir.t evfej'i 01 tie t:iif w'.j te r"rhi. j-T "tptoa ia tae co.s c w:ai,t, wiifK w " rT.o,va t rtr ;-r ra re Tx.uab. ail tt 'incr of Passing xxutcrj. le'iiri'hy tl: fp'r'-ff rerst'j acls-.v. the j lei i-g ni lr.Jr bai Truth Tbs 51,j.jr;ri lUi OriT d.l:u to 00 C.f:y U b rv a of ti i i' -;.!-. asd i c; t to d-t-.tirvcri ar.i wt..i '.late aa-.' p 'i'nci. .c- tauiuiry :rat who u.hs u. .e;ra- - tnir r vi!. In addition to onr War wi thU c-Maa. ia our Weekly pafr the Wo.-iiy Ne.t ii-;r- and a'so an abstract of tne preedia, of C r.ft-7vV' and of tha i'r-.-.'eediis Of Lei-la.a.-6a of llii,- acdLlisois. Our Tri-Weiik,' -will contain u ?ret-.forra. the Iaitortant Naws, Local aud Cca.iero.J i tf tha Daily. THE D AILYDE jI 0 B AT Shall not be eiee;!ed It any rrer ia tha Wert We have improved oar a.'r&r:2ta?tJ f.rf'l SPECIAL- TELEGHAFil From Y.'aihinton, t'rora lb Lowar iLs;-!j:p,u.i fr m the N!i4.-.ari and liltsofa Ca-irali. iLa wid b rubli-te.1 n a-i tinon to tha Letters of eif ARMY CORRESPON ENCE, ' And our ucal o,ti3n:ity cf General News k'altar. W reuuet all PoitoiAStera and f rieiidi to ar m Aen!i . ' Scr-J f-T epecinien maiben cf tha Pipr ssl Yr.-vfi fas foi d:ii'batita,acd thay will be frotspt !v f rw::dcd. S- :. i as riany ra.cea as priV. ia C'ub. hart their j-pcrs si ut to se aidre tha aidresssf the P'inester trtb gutter up of tha Club. It '..: n i. rt liiTrp 1 thit a'l lb j-apors cf a Clib shsii t -""OS t cn Pit OrSce. tha '.umber !tay b efnt to d.ie,ent Oices, aai alJ'.ti -us aay b a:aJ at any tita . . The following ar oar fa- f r tbi j: r 1554; DAILY DE-MOCRAT. Miil Sub-r;V-' - -nr - fi'1 ''I Pr ao to ! :.r - - - - 53 5'Jr-;ioi TRI-VEEKLY-PEMOC.-fvA'T. Mail Snbs-'iiber one ti? - - - - t-10 WEEKLY DEMOCRAT. Sickle Copies cno year ------ tl M Thro CVp:ei - - - - FireC-pies Ten Copies - - - - - - - - Any lar?-r C'ab than ten w'7. b charje-l attLa rat of ere dollar aad a half pr 1 I : The aov rates for all ilaal Mihacr.;:.r:i . Me ia advace. i ' C:ic not n:rA nied with tk mony w... - Zi ' nti.n. A j up- "f cipher edi'ioa, will b disc-at a i?i at tLt ' t d oi the time raid for. McKEE, I-sa!;.4CK A CO. Frttrat .: 41 and 13 La.'t a'ret,ST. Loru.j GET I P TOl'K CLUSS -FOR IS NEW A If D spLxscre rnxiDNs! PEl'ESON'S MAGAZIX: THE BEET AUD CHEAPEST IX THE W,l.;. Th's t'-Falsf Monthly containa ntor-f-t rf teT thu any Msranoe ia tha wi.li. Is ;--', it will have nearly iod p?s. 25 to 30 steel ; r. 12c.-l-.red patterns, and iJdw.xvi engravings .tj a:i this f.r only Two Dollar a Year, ora c lt- thsn maaiinee of its ciacs. Evry lady t : to taka -Pc-trrs, n.' Ia the gan ral airai.. - prb-es. iu is the on'y Miaiiae that has not I ' it. pri.-e?. either t'j a'.nie subscribers or to t. i and is, therefore, emphatically, Th Ma,fr:-je tbe Times. Tb stories in "Peterson are conceladti t'-: bet published anjwLere. Mrs. Ann S. Stephri, Ella Rodman-lirs.Dr.i?on. FrsLk Le Fenadlci, he author of uy Ls Dairy," T. g. Arthur, E. L. Chandler MouUnn, Gabrielle Lee, Yirinia F. Towcren.l. R .sal'.e Gray. Clara Aarasta. acl tha author of "The S -con 1 Life," besides all tha most l.pu:.ir fetcaie writ- r? of Jatric ara rraf (contributors. Ia addition to th usual natntr oi short stories, there will be jven in lrw4, rial Orijinal Copv-righted Noveiats . vii : TbMaid o'f Hontr a story of Qteea De,by Ann S. Stephens. The Lost Estate a it ry if f-dav. p,v the auther of "Tbi Second Li.'." M. Summer at Saratoga, by Frack. La pj, , t Fanny's Nlirtcfion, by Ella Rydava. In it- Mastrationa also," Pet rajn' is unrira:1. TLe poblisacr chail a nes a comparison between iU sup-.-rb M-ttfotinrs other steel ecfraTlags, aai l n ether .Mairax: cci, ana u in eve-T tcirber. Colored fsrhicn piates in-! vance: It is the oniy Magazine whese Fss'jica Piates ran be relied on. Eaoh Euxher contains a Fab3on Plates, erjrsved on s eel, and colored--from t ahivis later ts an any other Magaitce rival also, a doxen or more New Style, engraved oa Woo-1: also, a Pattern, from which a Dress, Jiact:..a or child's Custome ;an be cut, without the aiJ of a mantu3-maker so that each number, in this will ?are a year's sabscriptioa. Toe Pris, Load a, Phil tdrlphia and New York Fashions are deaeribti . at er,-h eich month. Pattern! cf Caps. Bosca J Hea-l Dresses, Ac, J-vea. It! olord f a'.taraa I embroil try, crochet, Ac. The Woik Tab Detrtmfct of th'n Majar.ra ii . . - . r . . A ... , r n nattrra in e'trv raritty of Faacy -wsri Cr--be . Erabr -ldrt k Ktittin, De.ipwork, H r .r e , r-Siir-Mvirr y xic.n., " .rk, 4 . A? Every month, a aapcrbseeolor! sftern f r li'piaz.rur; or chair erb 4 . " ".. ' J m--X w. pat irivcv -c-ca oi which, at a retail store, waa, i h.ftv r? New C.K)k-r.ook."-The Original Hour h'Vi 1. -.-fij t of "Pcerion" are quite famous, ror Ijoil nt- "Co k-Bo.k" will b continued: Fel l.Hol one . rhs reeeipts has ben testei. iana..u i fil tvT'a the price of "Pe'er n." Othr ra ceipu for !h udlette, alck-ro, m. Ac, Aa, w-.il U w and fasaiorjabl nsuic in rvery nuao"- And hints on HTticai' if- matters lcferinr t i TERMS ALWAYS u; ADVA set On copy 1 t o: . year. Three c-irie f r n- es..-, Five eovies for . ne y-ir, -Ei'r.t Ccpies l-.r one yr, T elve cp l" r '-eyes'', iiiteca caries frr imi yeu. " Frnii ;? f? T,tin up C!j !-c' i?h. rr Bip'tr. n a Ci'i o. To e i !"n eftlJr uachib M'.!.rp. iiimtj,,! i f ir nra.-iut ct rtve. s-a Ttm.t'.in t d lars r 1 r.is o- of I ir'?'- Hi .i.n:s. : -r irT. ? 5 Lh'triChiM or '-F-utaa's Wife If ' ; -1 r-.i .. To eve-y r.t: : ic - 1 .r Ti.s it V . ' itr wa er-Tr: ! t .:.-. a--u.ns 1 t; 5-ni, or any ti Of t iSvt. Vll.c- v..srv(i, CTTAKTX.5 J YT. 0" iiil No.-lt'S 'h-sii:i: S'rt, Fl-ital-vr" 4" Vii ntifn'l A r': b'lt ai rr.-, c usy gc? up a c-b. Lpsclsocs fat tou-l. if ritu for. xotici: TO TFtCIir.1151. 4 T.e und'-r-irncj, P.rl rf Examtn-rs lA'x- tuevtings for the pnryc of ex.;a.iiiaz ?-i"o ' ,'.'. Y ji, at tbe cHjc cf E. W. T : :na. "'Tj ' sre re.iuirrd t aae a cert 5 ate fr o tee l'Tu tt. ,vi 1 1 vj -a - k-a wc - - r Wc .- - , - i previoas !o the com: L?n ifli Itit ft . -r - ' E. V.TilOVASt S-ha;-l T T F VnFK. - Gxiila JER.'.VlT.U'TTj . rt 1 r ; vr nr:r.ipr. liw'..cts I:ie Ct S Jt-uers Ficts At -. "- . n cl -