J.R.OWNYILLE, TPUESPJIY, APKIL , 1865. X. O O A L. Slack Deeds, Mortgages, Executions, Replevins iarriatfo incense. v. ae, lor sate at this OEce To-night Bliss sells at Auction Qo ! The Yankee "Blade is one of the best literary papers ia the United States. - Dry Goods and Goceries. in superabun dance, just received by Hackney & Co. Attend Bliss Goods t9-uight. Auction Sale of Dry A fine lot of Stone Ware jukt received et Hackney &, Co. 'a. McLaughlin &. Swan are selling Grc ceries at reduced prices to accord with the decline in Gold. A large lot of Dry Goods to be at E!i$V Auction Rooms to-niht. sold Onions, Potatoes, Hcminy, - Meal, Beans, Onions Setts at McLaughlin & Swan's. Evan Worthing has just received, at his Saloon, an assortment of the choices. Liuars ar.d a New fJilliard Table. .Perkins has a large stork of fine Al .tutns, which he is desirous of closing cut at Eastern cost. Call soon, as they must be sold J The petnbers of the Soldier's Aid Society art requested to meet at the residence of pr. Crim, on second etreet, this, Thursday, evening. reived, per steamer Denver, a large ad dition to their stock of Groceries and Provisions. Everything in the above li&e of tiuiness can be found there. Hare is now able to -take the very f . rt 1 L V V finest rnoiograpR anu mcrciypps. ms Gallery is now fitted up in the bast style, acd he warrants his .work to give satis faction. MUrnca uti lnurwuj. evening, March' 30th. at lb? Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Isaac Covington, E. W. Thomas lo Kate E- Alliscn, all cf this city. Bli- will sell a larffft lot cf Stock next ftirdav. Alfn. a larglotof Jewelry, Dry God. Shos, and nuraerou other useful article. Blis is receVins1 foods by fvpry tteamcr. Call, Saturday, and buy yourself rich. KirJ Toa-kenlo? Broad pans, WafTVl irons, Tiif1?' tnns, Skillet? and Dutch oven. al Oil I.airps, .Chimneys, c, jat re ceived by John C. Druser. Persons dfsirjr:g to be exarmV-.d for a Tunrlior'i; Potllficnlo rt-ill A r ti 1 i In rimH Board in to-day's papers. - A strict com pliance with which will save much trou ble and vexation. We understand that the M. E. Con ference, lately in session at Nebraska City, have appointed Rev. Mr. Hart to this circuit for the ensuing year. Mr. Hnrv was here some years ago, and gave most general satisfaction. The St. Joseph Daily Herald is one of the most spirited, loyal and uncom promising ..Union dailies in the West. Its columns are filled with the latest news, sound editorials, aai matters of OCnortl interact f n octcrn mfn O ------ Atkinson &. Co., are doing the largest linf Inc-nocc wntt rf trip UTTcRmiri. Them afr.n.- Via lAf rA mnct rntn. v v oiyva i . tup i. v - v uu a v plete every ofiVred in this market, and "variants n in rprrnmmpnd i ncr fill who desire anything in tii-eir line to co there and get goods at greatly reduced prices. Barne'e large Warehouse just opposite iLI ritTT ii a nnr.A i r-. wt i t ll t inn AlfPndv have river men found this out, and goods for all parts cf Atrhison county are land ed there daily. It wouldn't be slow for 8 biff Union dance for Atchison and Ne maha counties, either, when finished. Spring, with .a fair sprinkling of it liatural grnoss, 15 .upnp u?. The grass is fsirly ihcotii g up cut of the ground, and :he treas trc leaving, while parJen sas& lias just be f-n pu: to b-tf kinds cf fchrutbery js being trinimed. ar. vet ii- J. B. rry Si Co.. have received a splS: did and large assortment cf New Goods, consihtiiigr Df te choicest Dry Go, Grocprips. Furnitur. Hardware, C;t-'fry- Qutrwar. Hardware, and evory- :tg that en he de&freJ. and which- .i . . - ney are selling at prices which .within the reach of ail. are Thi i rrrek-, fo fur. the emigration nas -nrg '.hrouch our City, ha I een unusual- L.-r' Rli ?sl arje P'nC t0 settle (n j , or ajoinig conwies west. KefHy aav more or less theep, hones and cattle, which, as a general thing, will be R gocd addition to the stock cf the Ter ruory. Many of them are from Indiana Ohio, "and other States, while few that we hare spoken to are from the copper head portions of Missouri. itev. b. u. Uelnns nas just our Territory, having told out here and bought a splendid farm near Amazonia Andrew county, Ma. Ie has been one of our most unflinching Union mentand his leaving will be regretted by all who knew him. He sold his place he for 62,500, it is ten miles wost of this city 160 acres, with but 80 under cultivation. Success attend him in the "vine-yard or the Lord." On last Tuesday aitemoon, while our County Court was in Session, it became necessary for the Clerk io be out for a few moments, and on returning he found no Lomnnssiouers. and they have not been tuen or heard.from since. Various speculations are indulge in as to their whereabouts, and much anxiety for their safety is felu Mauy suppose that the great Prestigitator, Haskell, Ambidex- trously Fpirited them away. Any in- ormation, which may lead to their dis covery, will be greatfully received jit the Clerk's Ofilce, and no questions asked, Our City Election, last Monday, went off very quietly. The following are the officers elected for the ensuing year ; For Mayor C. G. Dorsey. Couneilraen A. P. Cogswell, S. R. Jameson, John H. Morri?on, D. H. Mc Laughlin and W. G- Glasgow. Clerk W. W. Hackney. Marshall and Street Commissioner Chancey P. Richardson. j Treasurer Wm. H. Hoover. Assessor R. T. Rainey. Civil Engineer Theo. ' W. Bedford. The only contest was on Marshall aud Street Commissioner, Mr. Richardson ; but had these ofijees been disconnected as they should be he would have had no opposition. We expect to see the hill at the foot of Atlantic street, and hills on the side-walks on Mam street, vanish before the new Council. Foot crossingsare needed in several places on Main street especially when its rnnddy. "Grandmother's Story" is the signif icant title of the handsome and expres sive steel engraving of the April num ber of the Lady's Friend, the s'ory at- tached to it.V y Bella Z. Spencer, ex plains the significance ot the engraving. Then we have ihe usual richly colorrd double Fashion Plate. Then a variety of other engravings of the fassions,work table, Sac. Then for music, a song, "I Bjilt a fridge of Fancies." Then the Uaual amcunt of literary matter, inclu ding 'Lavinii'n Education," by Julia Gill; "A Story of a Household." by Mrs. Hosmer; "Larry O'Leaiy-i Ghpdt' by Emma M. Johnston; "Two Ki.-es" by Ida Mason; "An Everyday Story," Ly Leslie Walter ; Novelties for April, Editor's Department, New Uooks, Re ceipts. Fashions, Sec. &.c. Price S2.50 ; 2 copies $4,00 ; 9 cop ies S10,00; 21 copies $35.00. Spect men number tu those desirous of ma king up clubi fur Jo cents. Wheeler & Wilson' celebrateu Sewing Machines are furnished as Premiums. Address Deacon St Petdrson, 319 Waluut street Philadelphia Hoqden, the greatest 'Ambidextrous Prestigitator. has been here ; RjchwitiJ and Petersburg Lave been captured ; yd it would be i in possible to tell, iioraihe general topic of conver-ainn yesterday morning, which was thy greatest event, we think Houden's slightly ahead. His performances gave unbounded satisfac tion, and ono very good evidence cf hi siu-cesi was that, ahhough he had a good house i'J the afternoon, at night it was literally jammed. Hii performance was generally of a superior class of trick to what one generally sets iu this kind of exhibitions, yet foiue few of his feats border strangely cl9.se onto thy mi'acul Qiis; for instance, the feat ftylt'd the Sleeping Arab, in which one of the per fornnprs is seateo5 upon a chiir, .which is placed upon a table on the stage, and put to sleep with bis elbow resting upon a slim staff, at least six feet in length, whi. h stood upon the platform. After the Arab is as-leep, his body is raided up lo a horizontal position, with no suppor but his elbow, which is resting upon the perpendicular staff ; the chair and table 8re removed, and Ilou len then passes hj? ra;)e, with a twift motion, uuder, over and all around the sleeper, to convince the .audience that the clreper has no sup port, except his elbow on the staf, with h head renting .tjpou hi? hand and the oih'.rhard lying-exti uded cn his ide. The p5iiion i f the iJeeper seeius easy and graceful; and this igh aione, all say, was worth ten times the admission nrice. Caroline Houdn astonished j every cue with her marvelous exhibition j in iho my'.erie of Second Sight, and jihe whole exhibition c(iei feelings of p!.aure and astofjithpet in the audi- We are infrmd by Mr. Rnhhis, travellirg agent for Houden. that 'IJa kellN Show" will xh'Ht here again en the 1st Mnday in May. Oyer's Cathartic Pills. TO MERCHANTS, F A RII E R ANDBLACKSmillS. IEOU! lEOH!! P A. CONSTABLE, ST JOSEPH, MO. OAS OX HAND AND FOR SALE A LAE07 AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF IRON, STEEL, O Jiy X 1ST G- , AND heavy mimv. - COMPRISING: HORSE NAILS, NAIL-RODS, HORSE AND MULE SHOES, ANVILS. SPRINGS, BELLOWS, AXELS, VICES, THIMBLE SKEINS CHAINS, WAGON BOXES, SCREW PLATES UOLSTtK PLATES, PILES, RASPS, WRENCHES, SLEDGE HAMMERS. TIAND HAMMERS, SHOEING HAMMERS, PINCHERS, NUTS. HARROW TEETH, WELL WHEELS, &C., AC., 4C, ALSO WOODWORKS! COMPPr8IN0 DUBS, SPOKES, FELLOWS, STAG ON BOWS, SHAFTS, POLE&, AXE S tiULNUS, HANDLE BROOM: HANDLES, PLOW V PLW- AtSO AQENf f TZ 8 ALB Qf AXE IRBANIIS C AT HATING LAID IN. A LARGE STOCB OF THE ABOVE OOODS, DIRECT FROM THE FACTORIES, I2EFORE THE RISC, I AM ENABLED TO SELL TO THE TRADE AT PRICES TH DEFY COMPETITION. X&gTScnd in Your Scrap lron.m?g HIGHEST TRICE PAID FOR WROUGDr SCRAP IRON AT CONSTABLE'S IHON AND STEEL WAUEII0USF FebU-n32-6m ST. JOSEPH, MO CASH euE CHICAGO, ILIiI,QISr mm "stock 3" ' FOR MARCH, APRIL, MAY, WABiWELL & CO. AT TnE OLP STA5D QF Cooloy, Porowoll cSa Oo. vVill offer t" th? trade of Wi5C(nsin, Illiuois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Kari-as, Missouri, N D ABK A, lowa A R 1 F. E 0 The most Attractive and largest Steele of Dry Goods, Notions aud Fancy G-oodLs, ITIR ON SALE WEST OF NEW YORK, At prite m low m (hp fame qualities are sold by the Lest Uoue-t ia New Yorli, Boston er Pliilaaslphia. Oar Stock will erubrace in part li.-otvn o.nd Mca Uol Mu r(Fi;-s imI liiitins. Drills, Denims, Ufrtiitff Mripe-S Corset Joans, ;tiit!ji ics, Ticking, Flancscl.s Apron l"he.c!i.s Tiveods, F. & JZ. CiiHsiiiicrs, Herscjs, ' Satinets Jeans, C'uttunades, Alec Clothe. Cai'imere, L1is' Clak Cloth!;, and all W wletis ftuitbl lor Mea'a Wear. PRINTS LIerrirnt.c&, bprasue'$ Dutches Hiehmond's Jj'wi'titice's Dunnel's American ' Liowa . Hander'a Allen's Arnold'!. Aud all other well-kawwu brands. OUR STOCK Of LADiE'S DRESS GOODS Will, co in prise all tbe novelties of tbeSeaaoa. OCR STOCK lt THE NOTION DEPARTMENT AYil found full anc complete. 53"l,ur Swire, (wie,l by the firm, and Doreot fo pay.) tseu g newly Sited up. Rives u SilerjoiU!t 60x4i0 j feet, tb' larcesf west of the ea board, aoordiDg ni i urcq-u'led facilities. rr showinc GI. ! Ot-e ot our firm rej;1inj in New Tork, (having two exi.ric !! --istatns) and bnyinsr for C -SH, enables : jihtavfl'e' our castouieit new Uovds daily t the Xiowcst Caoli 3?rlccs3. tf respcctrulir Invite Jlerchanta' visiting Chicago 10 isinics our Slock. J3"Pr titular' iienttin given to filling orders. 4 Farewell & Co., 42. U U 4 Wibath Ave., CHICAGO, HA., ra.e m Jt.i t. IF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. In turi nnoe of an order of the Prrb&te Court of Nemaha, eorasE lerntory, 1 will 3errorsla at publics auction, on naturcuy tne IM day of April, 1865. at ten o'clock, a. m at tho dor of tbe Post Office in yemaba City, in said ootmj cf Nemaht, the following described laodaitaaf.din t&e County ef .Neman a in tbe 1 emtory of ISetxask. to-wit Lot number fire, (5), of tbe north, west fractional quarter of eection number twe5,e. J12), in town- ship number four, (4,) North of flange number fifteen, (15.) East of the flth princpal mere4ian: .Kt w J--' - Administrator of the Estate o iLttbaLookwood, deceased. JACOB MAItOEN, MERCHANT TAILOR, 1 BRO WN7ILLE, NEBRASKA Calls the attention of Gentlemen deiirlug new. neat temcable ana fasbloeable Wearing Appaicl, TO HIS r(E7 STOCK OF GOODS. JUST RECEIVED, BROAD CLOTHS, CASS1MERS, VKH1NGS, fcc.St OF TUB VERY LATEST STALES, Wbich he will sell or makeup, to order, at tpprtcet dented low prices. Having on band oe o( SINGER'S SEWING MiCUIXES, be is able to do Custom work at rataslhat defy compe tition. -1 I warrant my work; fland as well as Machine Work. Those wishing any thing In bia liie will do well to call and examine bis stock before investing, as he pledges himself to hold ont peculttrly favorable In. dacemcnt February 23. 1834. - yly. J. W. BLISS, AUCTIONEEE, AND COMMISSION DEALER' lain Street. 2 doors East of Post OSco.J BROWNVILLE, NEB. AUCTION SALE aithe Pioneer Anrtion none Every Saturday. J. VV . JH IjIS, ' Saddles andUaracsi for gale cheap at Bliss' two doors Eat t of Post office. One good Sewing Macbice for ale at the Pio- D cj eeo. Balmorall Skirti, new etvjes, for sale low at LUiss' Auction House.. i)Be gor.d Wgst for sale enqnire of BISm. Fine Q Ad Ponj , for eMe at Bliss. Shot Guns , Rifles and Revolvers, for sale at Bliss' Auction Room. 160 Acres of good Land For Sale chesp, also House and Lot, Kuqnire at the Pioneer Auction Kooms. Fine Stock of Ladies' Shoes for sale at cost at the Pioneer Auction House. Linen Table Cloths for sale cheap at the Pioneer Auction House. A fine assortment cf Table Cutlery for Sale at Bliss' Auction Rood. l wogoid Wctk Horses and one Morgan Colt 2 Tears old for at Bliss' Correil. IKrtue ut Bi iss' Au.'tion R00313 two doors-east or the Post Office HAVE JUST OPE"Ep A KW STOE OX JIain Street between first and Second. BROWNVILLE, N, T. i WX have in store a large and well selected stock of Calicoes. Muslin, French Tiwst, Hats. Caps, Boot?, Shoes, Leather, etc., etc., etc., etcetra WHICH WE OFFER FOR SALE CIIEAJ? FOR CASH Groceries of Suffar, Even Kind, Coffee. Tea, Allspice, Candles Mairhes, Soda, .Pepper, Tobacco, Starch, All of whicb we nflTer at the towet prices, deter mined nut to be undersold. GRANT.,. lx-4-y!r Brwnvllle, Neb. LEGAL NOTICE,- William R. Smib will tuV nutice thai ITanict ..Siuilb, as plaintiff. be fitd a irtition nznir..t him, Hsj dftVnrlant, in the Difriet Court of Xroiahft Comity, fclirilca Tcrrilrrr, on thi chnncrj si i inereol : tno object, and i rarerof eaid iietirnn i to i.btain a deof-ih of Miid curt uivoraic: said p!ain- tia trcin aid defendant from the bonus of matri mony, and assijninir to mud rl'nntiif tho cuS'ody aud control of 1 he children of the sid parties. Plain- tiif ftl.o esks fwr alimony out of tbe etftalo cf paid deiVnden-, ;i nd that tho fo'lowinz desiTib;d proper ty sifiH.id in tbe coui'ty of N.'mahn, XtbraVa itrn'ory, an I now owned by the defendenf, to-wit: uic i na;t or he nurto-eat quarr.er, an-i tne i-.onh-"-asf nuarierof the norrh-wet fraotioml qaar- tcrot - t" Ti ritmber 12, in township rurabcr I, north of ranjj number 15. ei-t ; and a'so all th it p-irtin ot J( c nurub:r 3, in gwriun ni ruber 12, in 1:1 tovrnship nurnbtr 4, north of rinr! r.uuiber 15, est of th 6tb prin -ijal mertfuian, lyinx west of tiie nutti-H est quarter ot th niTta east quarter ot ?a;d pcction I i. be set apart. n??ign"d arri decreed lir m suen alimony. Jj-Tir.Uact ii" r;iiuired t answer Mid petition by tho 2ith clay i Avri5'1',- k, V . THOMAS, 2i-l'-jA .S-.)lioit ur Complainant. ESTHAVHNUTI ce. Taken up by the nndriign:;d living on Xsmaha City, the loth dny nf February. l1. Ouj whifo beifer, hf.-ad, n?ck .nd If th : ivnoe? (4ivrn arj red. white fpot between the horn -, uj".cd N b t? o yeara old. . 2t-5t II. A. .SMITfl. TO COVSI-'JU-TIYKS. THE Advertiser Having beeu lle&ored to Hilrh in a few w ekd, bv a vtry mi'de r uiody, m f-JU-r having snfftrud ererl yesrs wirii a severe lu' g affection, and tbar. drftd disea1, t;ou?umption is ar(jif.u! tr. mike known tohis felltw-sul'teren the mean of cure. To all who dc.-'.re it, be will send a copy of the pre scription tis--d (fre o( charge, ) with the directions for prrjir;ni; nr.d n.'iiig the satuf . which they will find a SUi:E WAV. FOR CONriUMPTlON, ASTU MA, BRONCHITIS, Ac The only object of the idvertiser ia sending the Fre-- -ripiion if to benefit tbe fllieted. nn t spread infonu4.ia whih he con :eive to be invaluable, and be he pes every snfferer iil try biir mcdy. is it will cost them nothing and nay prove a biennis;. Parties wi.biiig thj prescription will plcace adwro?s Rev. KUWARD A. WILSON, !3-Sm - Willi. msburg. Kings Co.. New York. STRAY NOTICE. Taken np by the undtrsipned, lirinp three miles jouth of lirownviile, on the bottom n ad, one two year old white hifer, right horn broke off within two inches of the bead, ears blaik aa 1 upper bit off tbe riht, iuid brand on the right hip, reacmbr ling the letter H, ' 25-5t-pd ABRAHAM PEN NT. CITY KLtCTIOSSOTICC Notice is h?Tby civen tht an Anaq vl Election : will be held i. tho ('ity of DrnwnTilJe, on Mf.ndy ; thc3drlay of April A. 165, for one Mayor, live Aiucrinun. one V-itlK, one awint, uu 1 rv? urer, one Civil tt.ginter, olc 8trt ('oinciisiiencr rd one Marshall, a officers fr aid City. By ojder ct tb Cit Council; ... R. T. RAINEY. 1 2t Clerk, pro tea. Goods, 1 S050,000. CI Wortb of VTtchcs, Chains, Rins, &c, &c. G. S. HJ1SKLYS if CO., ti Beekman Street, New Tork, , OfTer the Following Inducements to BUYERS OF VALUABLE JEWELRY, Having been for a long Ume engaged In tbe Packet ousinen, ana egtaonsn-a our rrpnuuon i&r prompi- iifttB nd rlihi!it. and nofiftMj.ini: rret facilities for J Can gire tatiafaction to all wbo f eel diaposed to patron- ize as SG50, OOO TTorlli of TTatclies, Dia mond Pins. Chains; flings, &c. ah 10 oesoid lor ONE DOLLAR EACH! s, ' Without regard to v'ne I Not to be paid for until 70 n know what yon are to receive 1 Bplendj List ct Articles ill All to 9 Sold tor One Dollar Uacn 1 1 1 175 Watches (handsomely engraved, an warranted bernect time eeDers.) vary tng in price fron; $20to $120oach 225 Ladies' Watches, solid Gold Hun ting Cases 65 each 25o Gentlemen's Silver Watches, 15to$i5each 6ooo Latest style Vest and Keck Chains, 4 So toll each bfx-o Gents' California Diamond Pins. 2 Goto 25 each 4ooo California Diamond Ear Drop. 2 oo to IS each 3ooo Miniature and enamelled' Revolv- Ice Pins, 6 oo to 25 each Sooo CaUa'ij-TiUDiamoid and Rnamelled treata tcnri-fins new fty:M. o oo io to eaca Sooo Mhrcic and Emblem Pins. i oo to lo each 25oo Gold Band Bracelets, engraved and plain - 1 oo to za eacn 3 XX) Mosaic an-J Jet Brooches 3 oo to 7o each 2xx Cameo Broocfces rich patterns, looUlu each ifloo Florentine and Lava Pins the real articia 4ootoloeach Moo Lava and Florentine Ear Drops 3 oo to lo ecb Sooo Coral Kar Drops, 4 oo to 6 each 2Ko Ladies' ChateSainChaias jet fit geld 15 m to Soesch 6ooo Gen-.' Pins, a splem'ld assortment 'J o to la each 4ckk iolitir S;fee Buttons. 2 oo 10 6 each 3ooo ia.l.s r.nd Sleeve-Buttons, in sets, very rich J oo to la each Booo S eeve-Bnttons plain, euamellod ana en?;rved x oo to 8 ecn loooo Plain and handsomely ens. Bines. 3 6' to lo each booo Spring Lockets, double case, richly engraved Sootoiieach ISooo sets Ladies' Jewelry, new and latent Htv'es 6 oo to 12 ea.h 2ooo Gold Pens and handoome Silrec Cares1 Sootolocach This entire list of beantiidl and vain ib'.e Gu1s will be sold, for Or.e Dollar each. Certificates of a'.l the above articles will be placed in envelopes, and sealed. These envelopes wiil be sent y mail, as or dered, without reeard to chclce. Pa reccivi'i; a Cer- tiflciite yuu will spj what artine you are to have, aud then it is optional with yon to send one dollar and re ceive tr.e article or Dot. Certificates cn be ordered for lit; Eleven for 2: Thirty -Ave for $6 ; Sixty-ft9 for $10. aud One hun dred for $16. We will send tingle Certificate on the receipt cf 25 cents. O. . HASKIpTS & CO., Box 4270 35 Beektnan Street, N. T. v9-24-2m A. fit Co. FAMILY GROOilililES M'LAUGHLIN & SWAN. WOULD ttESPECTFTJLLT AKKOUNCB TO THEIV friends and the pnblic generally, that tbey have ja received a superior lot of Family Groceries, and lni the attention of purchasers to their stock including NEW ORLEANS SUGAIt, miMERIO C07FES, CLAKIF1ED do LYtPKRlALTFA, CRUH2D do do YOUNG IIIiON TEA, BLACK TEA. . OWDERSD RICE, SaGO, SPICI, PEPPEIt CLOVE5; CINXAatO mVB OTSTKR3. RA13INS, CURRANTS, STARCD. SOAP, PURE SODA , DK LANDS' SALER. SALERATU3, v COD FISH MACXEKAL, TTHITEl ;7 STi LA2Z TliOUT, IIEEIJsp, SHAD GREEN APPLES, CRANBERRIES, PARED PEACHEb, DRIED APPLES. DR.IED PI)ACH MolaE33s, Coal Oil, Cider Vinsga 0 KATURAL LEAF CnEHIXtt TOBACCO, QOLDst- . KAF AND OTH R SI CHOICE BRWDfl 5 FINj!CUTCAESD!SH. K ILL IK SWS. SilOVASK, CO.U ilONf DO. Cigars .of the Best Cracks n in$ Market CHESTNUTS, ALMONDS PECANS, FILBERTS, PEA NUTS. &.C., KC..&.C. A Splendid Assortment ot Suck and Fancy Candy from the Best Alaoufac turies in the Ea$t. Flour, Baccn, Butter, Eggb &. The Highest Market Prices Paid for Country Produce, McLAUCIRLIX & SWAN, Nemaha Vallv Bajjk Builtino Browxvim-E, Jan. 14, ISO. n2!)v-s-j; yij "TI7EII B-ickets. Canms, Sieves, ilwse Trps Vt Cif'Ste Pins and CasUle soap DK. J. A. HARVEY, Magnetic k Clairvoyant, 99 Washington Ave. bit. 4A and olh Sts. ST. LOL'XS, 31 0. (POST F1CE BOX 3093 ) Tie Suiein'urf i Girt of Clarivoyitt Sight pos- 8.eci If tiis woii.lnrti: pr!ru. t sncti n tn.'3h I.na Ct rroe, c- nvliice the luobt ski)ticl of tbe I n- i . V p. ve:tr Feci lie ; iiuo'e-i wuive ia? L .i. e ll 1 ('uUjt tioii, anu i eTiduweJ ita tue ca.tcity to neat A L L DI.SEA S E S, Tai iii'-t 'lie Doctor bis Joai-u,;r.itel ii !. or ci rs irci-j ai! prti .f iLe ri.l dur::v?ine iai twelve year. TLe fo'lfiv,iue tlis -e. iJ tiieir w.,,U ot'-'Muste r'4ju. fteii r.a.ir ui laioTci.cu, ti.w:t: C'JN -aU-SiPTIOK r.a Ad'i'HIA, in from cn : ix wpefcsj tAUALX Mb aiM ail M. f tsesof tbe .Kervo.n t.j-stem iuiaajng Hi?t LilitrSY r PITS iu rrjm ie to ibrce .lays. li.,'Cibe of tbe JjiVj-iil, iiJJAliT nd illi'OiirYB in from one to ten day Ail D'sea-e of the Dloua. ssun Scrofula Erysire! is, Fsver bore, acccra- log to tbe severity ot tne diea;e. V XT' ;T A T. TT Tl T 3 "P A R P J Treated br a New Method, with speedy and tbe moxl bav-py results. Tte Doctor' li.).)m ra crowded dally y persons pr. iwiu.ced lnc!iirhia by toe whole Medical Facaliy, aud no one 'bond despair of relief uutil after being examined by the Doctor's Clairvoyant Eye, without a..kia tjucbilonn. be le'.U the Oau.-e. Location and erudition o any and all Diseases, and "tbether hecn premise relief. Persons on the verge of the grave, and scb as have nt walltel for years, are n-w liring to testify to tbe L'oct. r's VTonfieriQl Still and SiicceM. The Dictor aeverlises notbinic tnt what be has tbe ability fo perforin, aud will ivetbe most Complete satisfaction tc ail who come under bis treatment. In valids who cannot ror snlt tbe Ioctor in person, can be examined and prescribed lor by sending bj let'er a Muipie t tenieii ot tbeir csca. Reference to Cures performed, cb verf a i iy made. " ASTHMA, beretoore considered an incurable disease, la treated with perfect success la every in gUuce by tbe LHctor's newly discovered method. AU Case3 of CANC3R ot no matter how Ion standing, removed Ut ir,m twelve to twenty-four h'.-nra without instrnment or pin, ty a process revealed to tbe lctor whiie in the Clairvoyant state, which Is known to no other person living. iiiJ-ly rlwUDiiJj iMJdilylj. Xotice is hereby piver. th it ap; Jie.uicn basbeen j mi'le, by Ji?cph Opclt, Ocardian. for an order fr(.m tho bud of raafriaiony heretofore entered in froro the l'robae Court i,f 'mah County Xebras-: to with eil ti.-urt. V. Or'owdcr: also forreason ka fvrritory to scir rjrtion of the real Estate of j able aiimi.ny j iiod t' nt the s. of s. e. and the Jo-phcti Ik-;). a minnr. n. e. of the s.e. of sec. 9, township 4, north - Tbe next t f kin and all persons interested are ; of raue 12, east cf th 6th priBcipai meridian, in hereby ?:.tiGtd tlat Jl.nd iy tbe 13th dny of J..bn-oc county, ia said Territory ef Nebraska, may Ap-il, 1315 in the time to hoar said upplicati.n ' be dtrreed to Lev as klinsouy. Defendant is re w U'.-n Uiey may cHer and contest tho same if thej quired to as iter by tho 10th day of April, A. D. ocprorer. ; C.G.DORSET, Prtbate Judge. :5 it J4,59 iU-J 13 IS DEN'S TICKET I And Den's Candidate it i sd ever wli:) QUICK SALES AND SHAU PROFITS. "WM. T. DEH, WHOLESALE AD BET I A I. HOTTSS 1856! ESTBLISHED! 1055 BHOTFST1XX.E, XERRASItA, Has now on band the most complete and general as ortaient of Merchandise In Brownville. Xr stock I couit of 1NH GROCERIES, HATS & CAPS, Cblcsjo Cnstoai-Mads 3300TS & SHOES, of Superior Qsality. Also f nil snpply of 2T O T ION Dress-Trimrnings, Hoods and Neubias Gloves and Gauntlets, Hosiery. ''In variety consisting of Table and Pocket Kntves, Chi3eU, Braces ano Ri.s. Files ard Monkey-wrenche. Bntts and Screws, Saws and Hammers, Axes and Spades. A fall assortment of 01? our V D TIN "W" -A. H E , Cooling, Heating and Parlor Stoves, Large Kettle. Stove Pipe, Sheet Iron aud Zinc. WOODED, WILLOW AND HOLLOW. WARE. A rn' assortment of BEADl-MABE CLOTHING, At Low Prieei. Blanlr Books, Pocket Books, and Memo randum Books arid Stationary of all kinds kept contiantly on hand. Oilss, I"..ix3Lt3 It 3Dixxcra. A complete of assortment of FURNITURE, en hand, Bueao, Bel- Steads, Lonuges, Tables, 3fat- rasses. Sitas, Chairs, wash stands, Cribs, Rucking Chairs, Looking Ulasnes. Also: Piongbs, C -rn Shelters, Troe, Nails and Steel, Mush Beaver and Otter Traps. Remember that Den pays tbe HiRbsr market Price for HIDES. Pelts aitd Furs, and PRODUCE of all kinds that h wants. Call and examine- my stock before purchasing and save jnur money, r r my motto is to beep tbe best or Dry GCols, tbe Choicest Family Groceries, Canne! Fruit and Oysters, and tbe best ct Stores to cook them on in the market. Try them . WM. T. DEX U-7-ylr STAND A2D SCALES OF ALL KINDS. Also, 'Warehouse Trucks, Lottfl Presses, &c. FAIRBANKS GREENLEAF & CO! 172 UKS ST.. CHICAGO, Ij"Be careful, and bnv only tbe eeunine f5 i'liAT A, FOX: Ant3,in St. Loni-t.- v-ix-l-tf. CHEAT I3XP11QT3IET IN SEWING MACHINES. EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE!!! Patented February 14th, 1800. SJLESR 0 0 M, 536 BR 04 D WA Y, jY. Yr252 WASHING TOJ", St, BOSTON TITIS, MACHINE is constructed on entirely new pr:n ip e. ot aiecnauism, poais-.ng many rare and vaiuabie improvement?, huriLg b?en xamined bj tbe iii'i.n pn. tcund experts, and pronounced to be fctmpiicity and Perlectiori Qcmbinea. It b.W a utr&ibt ncdle. . perpcna'cnlar action. LOCK or Mil'iTLL .sl'ITCU. whi-h will usituer Kit or RA V'Jb'. und Uaiikoon both Je : po-mhius perfect 8winfjnt7cryde!ri tioa ci m.i.fri ii , iruni ljeTiner to tav iiDft isansoos ilusiii., witii'cottcn, iinon or silk thru d, from the cnaroti to tti S.i'. cnaber. Having !i. ither OA'i n.r COQ O'UEE, nd tbe .Dii rible fijctian, U run3 as einouth s glass, :nd !- EmpLuii cully a Koiseless Jlacliirie. Ir. r-(.uir.;i F1MV PER CENT less power to d.ive it itan ny oiler Machine, in the market. A I twelve jears id . o work it steadily, with out fatigue or injury t b -filth. Its n rnrh nnd Wobderful Simplicity cf con struction rt U'lrrt ii almost imp.sible to set out of o:.ier, und U fi NTE by the company to tvo iniirf. wti-i'ictiijD. V'er -rpct tf j'.iy invitt!l tho-'e who may d?iie n FUf-iiIv tnemt- vts witn a sujenor a. tide, to 'ouii iiit e?iriro this UtrivpJied 'acbfn'?. Lut ;ain ra fspu-iai itacrjer ilo we solicit tbi pi'trontija i f ?Ie reliant Taulorp, Corset ?d"akers, Oito: 1'itcrs. tioe binder. Vfcat i'aiita'.oon Dthzf Makers. tker.i oo; cV irt Mt:u.rac- turers, thirt ana beson il.-.k Cl'8, Rdf'jiom and CTxnritalh Ii'tttitvtion tcill be libe rnil if dealt with. Fiiccs of Jlachinc Complete : No. 1, Family Machine, with Hammer, feller and Braider, 3o. 2. mall Mauufactariog, with Extension Tabls 75 No. 3, j'-arge Manufacturing, with Extension Table 85 xlo. 4, Lar'J Manufacturing, for Leather, with Killing Foot and Oil Cup 100 One half hnnr't instruction invjfxienl to enable any penon to work tkii Jtarhiae to their entire eatinf action. Agents Wanted for all towns in tbe United States, wLcre Agents are not already established. Also for Cub, Mexico, Central and South America, to wbom a liber) dioount will be given. Terms in variably Cah on delivery. T. i, 3IcArtlinr & Co., 535 HroaJway, Sew lork. A. & Cp. 552 Washington, St.,Boston. 720 Chestnut St., Pbiia, GEO. FBAXZ, Agent, 4th, St. Louis, Mo. Feb. 2.65. ly LEGAL NOTICE. Ceorge W. Crowdor will take ijotiee that Mattie J. Crowuvrnts pl.iinr';if, h3S filed a imtition against brajka Territory .the object and pravcr of said reti- tion ii to obn.in a dcieeof aid Court divorcee her isuj. 9 E. W. TE0Ma3. Bol. for Complinant. 2J-4tpd Ic:a HILL, No. IT Hala Street, HaYiEg dctcrmnc! to Wind up my Dry Good3 Business thb Fall acd "Winter, I ill ofTer to tho trada my immense stock at greatly Reduced THEODORE HILL, Having made largo purchases can and wiil sell my entira stock comprising tho latest Styles offered ia tho Territory tq Cash . buyers at' a great sacriucc. THEODORE HILL, Intends to dispose pf his superb Stock y March net, con Eequently is enabled olTer greater in ducements to .tba trade than : caq bo given qny other House in the West. THEODORE HILL. Information Frco, to ivEurors srrrcREns. A GENTLEMAN,cured of Nerrons Debility, la competency, I'remature Decay and Youthful Error, actuated by a 4t site to benefit others, will be happy to furnih to all who need it, (fraa of charge,) th recipe and directions for making the simple remedy used in his case. Sufferers wishing to profit by th advertisers bad experience, and possess a sura anl valuable remedy. OJin do so by addressing him at once at bis place ef business. Tbe Recipe and full information of importance will be ehaar fully sent by return mail. Address JOHN B. OGDEX, No. 60 Nassau Street, N.T. P. S. Nerrous Sufferers of both lexes will laA this information invaluable. 3-3a SADDLES DABWESS COLLARS', Will PS, LASHES, LINES srncixGLES, giutus, MARTINGALES, HAMES, CUP 3. Cpc2ieyc3, Snaps, (line and breast) e most approved pattern, Trimmings ofETery Ee scriptlon. Taolua oT tiUL OJLsoo Pad Screws, TenetsiVater Hocks Various KINDS, BUCKLES, DITTS, REV GS, SPURS CARDS, BRUSHES, CHAINS, Stirrups, sinciies, Tapltlfiroes, 4 P GaaaiQ Trees cf all Eindj, ' To all of which I invite the attentica of a reneroua ruhlic J. W. MIDDLETON. Jan.2?th, 1S5. nI8-T9-ly A (rood sitaanon is wanted, tor a Serin? an! Summer School, ia a large district, with a good house, by an experienced Teacher, who has mad it his r'f9sion for ten years. .satisfactory reference spree. AdJredsby If tti ' O. nrjoIIKS, NemahaCity..T. I'ROOATGXOTIC'C To all whom it may Concern : 2oUre is hereby aireo that the Probate Court at he county of Nemaha in the Territory of Nebraj- aa. nas appjntea tne iota day of April, a. 4.f- isu.i.ai one o ciocK. p.m., as tn time, and tha -ffceof C. O. Dorsey. tbe Jodza of sai.I Conrt in tirownvillf,, in said County of Nemaha, as th place for admitting to Probate the Will of Joel C. Mayes, deceased, lata of said eounty. All persons desirinz to do so msy arner at sueli time and place and contest the validity cf sail If E. W. TC01IAS, ' Attorney for the Estate. . Dated. March lJtb, 1S65. 23-3t-$7-p2Jl LEGAL NOTICE. Tha creditors of Archibald Hnd!f. deceas4. will take notice that tbe Probate Conrt of N. roaba County, Nebraska Territory, has appointe4 Angn3t 14th, MS and September ilth. lio j. at tha once of C. O. Dorey, ir UrawaTille. ia said eoan- ty of Nemaha, to receive, eramine and adiat all claims and demands against tha deceased. Unless the claims of creditors art presented to said coart for allowance on or before September 11th, ISSi, tbey will not ba entitled to pajmest. CALAW'AY MILLSAFS, Administrator cf the tto of Arch HaihflsT. dsceaed,b7 E.W. Tboms, 27-4t-p Atfj f0- taU. J. A. IIBWES. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND Solicitor in Chancery, LAXD AND COLLECTING AGENT. ' BSOWUVlXIwU IT. T Mareh 16th, ly. ' ' Brick aaU Stone Wactcq Sealed Propojals will be received by the rrl of Directors of the Brwnville Cify Pijfriel uatil the first day of April, 1SJ3, for 15l),CC3 Erick, anl ISO I'enh of Stone, to be delivered ea th Schaed HoueI13ock. Cash paid ca dslivtry. Ne 2$-iL . To