Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 06, 1865, Image 1

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r ! 1 t i m , 1 r
! 1 i
i.saaiiti0nai insertion - '""' -' - I CI
BaiineijcardJ.six lint crli cit-jur 10 ft
Une coicecd ote jer
Ocetalfcoamn on year
One fourth! cof-jssnoae year
Out eighth column one year
One olnniE six rucnt-- "
Una fcalf eoloma six m-ntf.
, One fomtii column sixtactttj
OcaeUtti vlu2i r'xecnthi
9 CI
& 1
10 It
Zi c$
m c
S3 C
Zl C3
15 3
-3 ca
21 CJ
15 CJ
10 C
6 CI
rtuerBIHaia S't Between ltti
Ore tclana thre ninths
Cae halfrolnannn six npnt.
Oae fourth column three rnn tbi
Oaa eizhth co'aaon three xnonthi
Announcing candidates for cftee
AiUransien t a irertisen: e n t ? mas t . I c j si! 1 la t i-
vt vtit, na ruin vni rucf job Tforit,
J Yearly adrertijemenUqaartcil? in -iTE?e.
All kinds of Job, Dock anJ Card print ingfon I
the beitJtyla on"herttir ancJenni
, i - i " -
If 1.13 ft I 5 i ; J I . " i i
vol- ix,
C-rcr Dud htd Main Sireels, y
...j'ti dr-"1 kii"l? cf W'. rk in Li-tline on
,.'ir-riiie ter-u. 21-C.a
i: --,tE . .
' r!, C'kifr, Bread; etc.
;V''niVas"tctTtd 1- tteU-U ety:e Mi.nfhen
i ou lx-4-ly
fi,; (Wcri, Xntis. Candies,
' Crackers, Raivrns, Cur-
nuts, f-r:u a s-ufMyof , ;
f 0 x y k C 7 I O X AU1ES.
. (I W. V.'HKKLER,
.'. -.r.1 ..,) oii kiT.d. f k i i Lis iit- io !
'r hii tt.vij. iVi t,;ul..r ti-?nti--D?ivon to
an. i
lrcrronville or Tcrc, Xcb.
- ' .
l-r I: yet, roaJj tc peuorm ml wrtrt,;-er-
' : t 'h-.Tt ' wet nnJ ilie ro2i tj-j-ror e.1
iliiit'irnviiid DUUtlLbiif,
i ', asi cf Atknnot-C..u-ilgd
' B. C. HARE'S
SY light gallery
'.ifttj-r- : ;c. yi.r Picture. Ho i rii srett to
j -j I r 1 a (l',.e'! t-tok of Albums
J r.iM C-i'try.y -.-.n ' ii fi 'o o r.!.ii i Tticut -;'iro-A.
!':::' S'ie. -ne vil : wl! ti
I' .rt ot'ii.f MT-.ri ! .if e!-wl.rre.
I fy'-i i;r t.:,-'i v;':, U.i!JrM.r.k;t Jn .pylnst
I F:!--:,.. !:. rtJ. M:k, frvn, or 'ire
vr i in.,
:".?Vr-"'f'T e ?s-sKt er.i bci et-k
Mai;! Street, Brownviilft
J.-F. M0 1 UtlS
uxf a. Brcv,n Co. J
"'i.' '.. " ur.-f to tne ci
.n,iiy, be tefc j.artaaci .e
T a-TKcr.-e to the :;!.! ot
r,fc5 VrciK selected Stock
r,., ,
ttlOSB "'..lerenU for cEi.
Kb't iVihiVCw:
, fj-ia i a,t
A Pctrollaa Spree. .
The following circumstance, ' related
to us ly a friend, show? that the fuddeu
acquition cf rictes, does Dot always cca
vert the p.ossesjcr into a grasping- cur
roudgccD; indeed, the hardening pro
cess is the work. of time, and we are in
clined to Le rather more lenient to those
who have suddenly become wealthy ' Ly
these nouns, and are liberal .enough to
enjoy their wealth by spending some cf
their own money, even though it be for
diamond, hces, and fine clothes.
TJ icy might, to be sure, heard op their
stomachs on poor , fare, and afford to
wear" bhabby garments, leaving after
their dca'h a large fortune for expectant
heirs to fight evr, cr ia donations, to
rich instiiutiors, vho do not need them,
while man's larT var.hy,' and epitaph.sets
forth on a cosily monument virtues which
they never possessed. '
We do not mean to be ur.cicrstccd as
advocating senseless and wasteful extrav
agance, but when seme persons who
hare been compelled to practice rigid
economy to live, suddenly come into pos
session cf wealth, it is natural to sup
pose that Ihcy will taste of those hither
to forbidian luxuries which they have
often lodged cr but never' enjoyed, an3
that too in spite cf the many "regulators
of society,' who are always so ready to
prescribe what shall be the proper meth
od of dispensing such sudden acquisition
according to the ir 'idea.
Owe cf the lucky ones, in New York",
ihs oilier' day, was partirg wu his
frieud en Broad way,: who, &s he shot.k
him by the hai.d, insisted on his compa
ny to dinner at the Fifth Avenue Hotel.
at hnJi-past fiive. .
'Cen't promise,' said Petroli. 'I am
i j . i ' i . i -.. - t . l
retum to Oil City to-morrow.'
4 Well, to be,! , said his friend ; 'but
den't spend' all your .mouey.,
Spend r11 my money! ha, ba,ha!
the your- oil .prince. 'Why.
CliaiU y, I made sixty thousand cish on
the la.t tract, and I have only gt five
huiVlrid dollas'in ray pocket. Spend al!
my money !' and the specu'atir laughed
again, as his friend shook his hand, ard
leaping into an omnibus that was passing
up Broad xy rude ofT.
" What were his intentions then with
regard to 'a spree1 is unknown, Ir.t in
the rapid loomotiaa and exprt'dcdgiiig
that is required of n pedestrian in cro33-
iiig from :. relay Street to the Purk, he !
camo i;v Midden c ;;cussicn with -a rag- j
td aiid cci fustd urtiiin, coming., from
the eppesitt direction, the result cf which
was to throw the latter violently into the
mud ai.d almost bncuh the very wheels 1
of a pacing carriage.
Petroiia drarp-ed th.e vourg rtcamuf
i'in from beneath lhe narsen" feet, and
placed him u per. the if walk
jiy rt.on y, cdi, my .money,' bellowed
the I.uie fallow,' pitecusiy, hs he wiped
the'' irsb-i frcrii fzce.
"'Never ji'-i n d yo.:t moniy, here's
d-ihe oil -man, but 'before lie
could ::i: the
to. the wcid, the
Tour. "si. -4 Lad dashed' out; to' the' pave-
r.ient secured ilfteer.' cents in cur-j
rfiuj i.hal hehad drej-pej, ,ni.d returned
to tho ti'lvwulk, a smile cf triumph on
I'vti g,'t my mcnt y, iOOKing
;jptolheoii men and holding .' up the
niui-siained pr.per. -'
ilismcney! '1 he r oil prince looked
! down on the shivering lu'tle figure before
him a little boy of scarce mx years old,
i;i a tattered dress that would u&ve been
hardly r-uthcient for Muy, but illy pro
tected hi.n I rem the chilly air cf Febru
ary. No cver-garmcnt, a small faded
cotton shawl, tied about the - neck, was
the only Rpartment effort that had made
for extra clothing, no stockings, cnu lit
tle fhoe, w'jith had come cTin the faii
was f rasped in one hand, and the little
j bare foot, red with chilblains, rented on
ho damp, pavement.
His rnDTjfy! As the speculator locked
d:wa at the fchivering liuh.v wretch, a
thtKight seemed to arike him.
"Ccrae,-' ebu ue, "i ji tuy you a new
; pair cf shoe-. The little f' Hows Hack
eyessparklvd as a carriage was hane
.J h'a taken into it bv his new
found friend. J
Hallo, there !' said the driver, as the
uu;id y urchin clk-ud, upon .one cf the
iiaocisomeiy lined seats, 'I can t Etand
-Can you smud thUr said Petroleum,
lauding a ten dollar greenback to the
i!.5.gani Wi.?;ji.
Just as often as yoa like,' was the re
ply. " Where will you be driv sir V
. 'Wrell, J rather guess a bath-house is
the best place,' replied the other, half
musing. '.'..
Before he had time hardly to think of
it the carriage was rattling up Broadway
and fit ally etopped opposite Baths. '
Here the youngster wa3,placed in charge
of one of the assistants, for a wash, who
soon returnedwrith him, saying to his
patron, 'Why the boy is clean enough,
sir; it is his clothes that's dirty.'
'So it is. Any bey's clothing store
round here ?.' ' ' : ' ' ' ;
Yes, sir,' saii.the bath-keeper, pock
eting "a five dollar greenback, and for give change, 'just oterhere, in
Broadway. 's emporium." ' ,;
'CJcod! Driver, drive U :'a boy's
clothing emporium'.' , . ;
'Any boy's cloihee to fit this Boy?'
raid the operator, as he ftrode into a
huge store.on the shelves of whicn were
suits enough for any army of boye, with
his charge timidly clinging to his hand.
Yes, sir,' said a clerk, looking curi
ously m the little- rrcbin, Jthis way sir.'
And in s twinkling half a dozen different
styles, at as many different prices, were
thown. Suffice it to say, that the young
ster was soon clad, to his infinite delight
in a wajm, servicable suit including even
an overcoat and cap, and was reahy a
bright. , pretty-looking boy, when his
prelector chanced to look down and dis
covered his badly protected feet, .which
had first attracted his attention
-Got any boys' stockings ?' ' :
'.At the other counter hosiery depart
ment, sir, said the polite clerkand nice
lov.g and warm stockings, such as Fifth
Avenue mamas buy for their darlings
for winter wear, were shown. Petrole
um didn't ask ;J.-3 price, but fitted his
charge to a pair, and in reply to the
salesman who wished to know if he
would iike as extra pair for a change,
?aid, yes, let's Lave a dcrzen.' They
were expeditio usly done up, aryi taking
tnm under his arm! he prepared to' leave
the store, when the salesman brought
forward the. cast-off wardrobe of the
youngster, tied up in the cotton shawl
that had enveloped his neck.
' 'No matter about those,' aaid Petroiia,
ccmc along
'Oh, ti.o no !' urged the little fellow :
'mammy's shawl ! It is all she's got I
want mammy's sl.awl ! It is all she's
got I want mammy's shawl!'
Th? shav.i was accordingly taken, and
or. the way to a shoe etore. this "cold-
blocdtd speculator" learned from his lit
tle companion that "mammy" lived in a
pjor m.-igl.borhced in,?, tenement house;
that t.her" was a Utile- sister who had
been sick a long time, so that mammy
couldn't work ; that her large shawl was
pawned, and the little one was all that
was left; that the fifteen cents was the
whole stock cf cash on hand, and he had
brea despatched to buy a little meal and
a loaf ci Lr.-ad, and oh, tioar ! it just
came ever Lim that mammy would think
he was lost !
Never you mind, we'll go and ee
mammy soon. Drive to a dry goods shop
driver !' .
. It does not take long iu New York
fcr a man to buy goods when he simply
stales what he wants j and pays the , naon
ey without cavil respecting the price.
So, when "a' good, large, warm shawl"
was ordered, it was to?sed into the car
nage, and the change from a fifty dollar
greenback returned, without the purchas
er leaving his seat.
Where next?' said . the now obsequi
ous hack man.
Let me see,' mused th3 - Petrolian.
I-guess we'll spend that fifteen cent, for :
meal ; drive to a tip-top grocery store.'
The carriage stopped opposite an "es
tablishment" m that line, looking with
its plate-glass windows, massy counters
and clean floors, almost too nice a place
for t-uch as sugar, floor and molasses.
'Got any good tea V (
. 'Certainly, prime article, sir.' said the
grocer," displaying a sample, 'a dollar
and sixty a pourd.'
' Yes, well FH take a chin.'
'I'll take a chist. Got any flour?'
Yes, tir, rer nice article,' said the
grccer, 'fifteen doHai- a barrel, eight
dollars a half-barrel.'
I'll take a barrel.'
All right, sir.' said'the grocer, brisk
ly, seeing that his customer was not a
man who did things by halves, 'any thing
elsP, fir?' ... '
. - Yes ar-y s.fic'hr ?'
'Yes, ir, prime coffee .crushed twenty-five
cents a pound.'
" .... ."...'!
All right; put in a barrel of that.
Now, how much is your bill'? . -Let
me sec tea sity-four, flour fif
teen, sus:ar sixty-one, is one hundred
and forty for the whole.'
The purchaser took out three fifty
dollar greenbacks, 'it's a pity, to- break
them,' said he and ho looked about for
something else, when he f el: his coat
s'irt Ug:red aad.his little protege who
had fotlowed him into the store said, Do
take me home, for it is most dark and
mammy's sick.' '
irarnmy; sick ' the suggestion deci
ded the fate of the ten dollars. ; 'Got
prime old part ?' .
Yes, sir, excellent article, 1$20, worth
ten dollars.' '.
Well, put'in a bottle of that for the
other urn.' '.' -
.'Thank you, sir, wber shall we send
the goods ?' said the grocer, reemrig
the three fifties.' ' . .
You needn't send ihVm, I'll take them
Sir," saithe grocer, opening his
eyes with amazement.
I'll take them with me,' said the pur
chaser. 'Do vou sec-that carriage at
the door, well hoist the flour up in front
of the driver's seat, strap the sujar on
behind, and put the tea inside. I'll take
the wint in iny pocket.'
It is human nature to be furrrised at
unusual proceedings, but no where is
business conducted on the ask-no-ques-
tion-stjle so much as in Now York. A
purchaser in that city might buy ten bar
rels of whiskey,, .and after paying for it,
request the seller to pour it into the gut
ter and it would be done, I almost without
question; whereas, in Boston, a ! fierce
discussion, and probably actual refusal'
would be the result. , So, therefore, the.
worthy grocer bade his men lift the
merchandize to the position required by
the purchaser, and turned to wait on
another -customer. : ; ' - V" '
The hack driver, hbweverf "ifemurred
at this proceeding on the part of the gro-
cer s me;
he was not 'going to have
his carriage turned into a grocery cart ;'
he wa?n't '
'Look here, driver, pocket this and
lend a hand there,' said Peirclia,
The driver's fiingers closed over a ten
dollar greenback, and in five minutes
more the articles were hoisted into their
places, and he. with his k-g.s over Jihe
flour barrel, was driving his team at a
rapid pace for the lower part of the city.
, The unwonted s-iht of u handsome
cargiage with a flour .in front and a su
gar barrel behind, at the door of a tene
ment house in a cheap neighborhood nat
urally attracted some aittntion, and it
was not difficult to obtain a couple cf
stout fellows to carry up the barrels and
tea chest to the widow's room for the re
.ward of a dollar each. The. donor as
cended, fcllowkig his little puide,v acd
found the poor wor. an pale and anxb-us
at she prolonged absence of her hoy and
watching tha sick child.'
What neod is there of telling the old
story so familiar that with loss of hus
band -and support, here in New York, far
from home poverty, sickness and distress
and thatih3 last penny was expended.
Petroleum listended while the little
fellow, whose acquaintance l a had made,
capered about or struttdd i-o and fro in
his new clothes.1 but he was on a pree.
he couldn't wait. The widow's rate
ul thanks , he laid down a green--back;
she solicited his-name ; he han
ded out a folded paper and h ft the hoose.
The folded pr was tw.-ui.her gren
Lack for a hundred doliaro.
'Drive to the Fifth Avenue Hotel, dri
ver, or 1 chaii be h'.?- for dinner.' .
Away spun thd carriage, and its occu
cant. in a Quarter of an hour more dis.
mounted at the hotel.
There's your fares driver's, an
other ten.
Thank ye, sir ! Glad again, sir,' said
coachy ; which wish, considering he bad
been paid at the rate of .ten dollars an
hour, was not at all remarkable.
Petroleum met the friend he had par
ted with a few hours previous, just go
ing in to dinner.
Ah?' said the latter, 'b.tck already V
Yes, aldready for dinner. Had a
glorious spree ! Spent four hundred and
fifty in two hours !'
Disgusting !' said a fashionably dress
ed lady who overheard the last remark,
to her companion, as they swept past,
arrayed in all their glory.
When, however, we learned the story y
as it was learned by our informant
from the little fellow, who sought cut, his
benefactor some days afterwards, which
ha. did by means of tha "hack-driver
whem he hunted up near the. Park, and
the poor little fellow wept bitterly in the
hall of the great hotel that the oil prince
was not there and was sent home iagain
in a carriage, with the pet, tfvinea-pig
he had brought as a present, we . were
alo inclined to fay, What a glorieus
ypree ! Com.. BrJUfm. . '
The national, banks now organ
ized have an aggregate capital of 5170,
125,295. Their circulation amounts to
$S7,25?.SC0.. .
.'I he colossal steamboat Leviathan, the
largest boat ever built, was sold at pub
lic sale St. Lcui3 for SI 19,000.
... , . ... .., -' '
The rebels" find thrir debt is four hun-
drcd'tnore than they reckoned.
........ . ' . - V. .
' The. Union Convention of Rhode Is
land ha3 nominated Governor Smith for
re-election, and Jacob Gunnel! for lit.
t t
During the past year were 495 ves
sei.s io.-it on the waters of the. United
States valued a 20.633,850."." . .
The Union armie? are 'estimated to
amount to 530. 0CO men,; the rebel ar
mies is i?lS.000.
The Internal Revenue for January,
amounted to ode million and upwards
per day. ' '
,;i.The tolls of the Erie canal-'-on Cana
elian and Western 'products," at Buffalo,
for tho last five yea'i?; amounts to SI 2,-
676,600. . . , .
The Provost Marshal of "the -Depart
ment of Missouri, has seized: for. confis
cation over one hundred thousand, the
propety of the wife of Najor Ewin-
Trade is springing upt' quite ; brisk on
the Colorado river, in 'Arizona. Five
steamers are constantly running, and the
Mormons are building large warehouses
at vL iiG4J of navigation. r
The tunnel under the lake at Chicago
.... , . t
is making very rapid progress. The es
timate for-the, tunnel was fixed , at the
rate: of three and a half feet a day, but
they ure actiialiy- making' as much as
twenty -'four' hours. '
"They next day." The Charleston
Mercury lately said, Let us all sing Te
Deums and' hurrah for Jefferson Davis
Jefiejv.iLi r.vii forever and the devil
titf? r?xt- tiuy." ; ;' ' '
Th American Tr.tct Society has furn
ished the at my and navy with 209,000
of religious publications.
John Bell of Tennr.ot'e, is reported the
rebels a being in feeble health.
- A new counterfeit 6 greenback is out;
engraving and color poor. - "
The Lincoln College is the name of a
new institution ef learning to be organ
ized at
i opc-ka,
It is proposed to establish an over
land camd line between the Ptlissouri
frontier. and the stale cf California, by
way of NeAraika, Kansas and Colorado.
Gold coinage at th? rhilakelphia mint
for January 81 S3 j . silver ..823.439,
copper, SG2.2G0. i , .
' F.ihi' biockade-runners lav? returned
to' llavannah;. having .failed, to run into
Goivestcn. .
The army ha alr. auy e&tablishtd five
nourishing iasi;tqi;ns at Charleston
ihe post office. Sanitary, express office,
Christirn Commission -and tho diarrhea
The annual yitld of inaple sugar is
abcut 21,000,010 'ofpoandi.
P.Irs. ex-Senator Foote' couldn't ' find
a boarding place in Iiashviile. Riifer--ence
were required. . ' . ' .
St. Louis is to have a new jail, to cost
$300 000. ''
There are 4.C35 publiq schools in
Maine, and 235,210 scholars.
Brevet Brigadeir General J. C. Ab
bott is announced as commander of the
post of Wibmington, i. .C.
An army correspondent has . derived
from Confederates official resources the
startling fact that sixty fur thousand
Union soldiers died in Southern prisons
during the last two years.'
., i ...
egroes in.St. Louis have been con
victed of drugging and selling negroes
as recruits 1 .. -.
The State of Illinois has sent 154 regi
ments to the field, and Cook county,
vhich includes .C-Jiicajb, furnished over
twenty of them total of 20.116 mn.' !
Mr. Erihu Burritt has been appointed
United States- Consul at Birmingtcn Eng.
v- Centir Rock, Co .'Wis. )' .
: : February, 25th,' 1665.
MvL.II. Cook,; ' - " : s..:-
Dear Sir: ' '' .
I will say that your letter came to
my office in due time,- but ow'irg to my
absence from heme, it cou'd not be an
swered sooner "than the 'above' date
From the contents of year letter, I sup
pose that you will V-nie nctnore on af
fairs of -r Ccur.'ry, and perhaps you
bni rathrrT v.luld-say ncmorc ca it. r
But I wili say duty' calls" upon me to re
ply to your number two, and, .you will
nodoubt tbink me severe, but when I
write I wish. to be distinctly heard and
understood, and I . am , willing for ary
man to do the same towards .me, "so
when you read this" it you, or any tf
the connection; endorsing ,your political
sentiments; can reply to it, let me hear
it, in any. way you see fit, and ii wili ali
be right, so far as, 1 am concerned' I
think I have gced reasons for writing
kharply to you.
1st. Because you have introduced the
subject yourself, and 2d. I .thiol, your
position needs a sharp reproof ; and I
flatter myself that I shall give it one, be
fore I close this letter. Now for it -You
say if you are a Copperhead, so was
Madison, Jefferson, Monroe, Jackacn,
&.c. Ycu then speak. of being a consti
tutional man &.c, r.ow in all candor let
me lock at this ere moment, ycu are in
every way, shape, and manner, eppesed
to the present administration, and yet
you' say you are, with, Jefferson, Madi
son, Monroe', ccc'
Do you know what Madison's poli
cy was in the w ar of 12, and 13. Do
you know what Jackson's policy was in
the Blackhawk war. Do ycu .know
what Polk's policy was in the Mexican
war.' Can Mr . Cock go back to the his-
tcries cf these policies, and tell me
wherein the policy of the present ad
ministration differs frcm them, I have
the history of all those administrations
and I know that E. II. Cook, conld not
give the difference if he were to le
hurg heels upwards for it, the enly way
the policy could be rightfully distin
guished lrom the former policies is; it
is more full and complete than those
were, and the reason of this, Mr. Lin
coln has had a wicked rebellion to. con
tend nghinst, and Jefferson, Madison,
&.c, had no such troubles to encounter
Those men were I think ail good, and
truo, to the government, but Mr. Lin
coln has. done more for our Country's
salvation, than all of them together, as
every sensible man knows, and as every
honest man will admit-
You next speak of being a constitu
tional man, and you repeat this, 2 or 3
times, I suppose you think if you don't
repeat it, it will hi hard to make the
people believe it, and I must confess
that I don't believe it yet. If you are a
constitutional man at all. it must be to
some clause of Jeff Davis' constitution
it cannot . be the constitution of ; oui
xou next r.ik is it constitutional to rcb
a man of his private papers? send him
away from his home ? imprison him
To this I reply, it is owing to what
kind of man he is, and what kind of pa
pers he has. If he is a rebel like Mr.
Vailandigham, captur h'm, send him cut
cf the nation il possible, and bu:n his pa
pers, this is constitutional, thU-ia accor
ding to the Laws of our'gcvernment.and
also according to the Law of God. No
government should show any respect fcr
Traitors ia any way whatever.but should
serve them just as God did seme Reb
els of old Num. 16.
But your arguments cn the Constitu
tion &.c , ccnvince'me very clearly that
you don't know what the constitution is,
your arguments evince to me that you
have borrowed them form the Rebel
School, and that you have read the con
stitution through once, in your life. " "
Now let me ask my good Rebel Brother-in-law
a few questions. 1st. Is it con
stitutional fcr men. who have taken a sol
emn oath to defend the constituticn and
j1 of. is " goTemmanti lo rebel!
against it, because purged traitors ; and
do all they can to destroy the veay
country, they are solemnly sworn to de
fend, like Jefferson Davis, Stephens,
Floyed, Breckenridge, and all the other
leaders of this wicked rebellion. Or 2d.
Is it constitutional for a man who is liv
iDg in the- north, and enjoying the free
dom, and happiness, and blessings cf the
best government the sun has ever shined
upon ; to pick up his gun and go down
south, and help those Godforsaken Vil
Iians.ia their attempt to ruin this govern
ment as I understand Mr. Cook kas done.
Is this whit makes my gcod UreHher-in
law.'E. H. Ccoksuch a strong :cnstitu
tional man? . Is this the - way. Jefferson,
Madison,', and Monroe dene ? . No bir.
if these good men were. now alira they
would blush to kno-.Y that a rcbeljCr reb
el's deg, was left a live tp disgrace their
future gece'ratio.Ti . 3Iy .fir.cere, edvico
to you is, ..that ycu ge t down into, the dust
and .cover yourself jn sackcloth, and ash
es, and pray to almighty Gcd, to parden
the awful crime ycu have ccmmitf.d
against him, and also ask parden of the "
government you.have so unjustly insul
ted, that this foul stain may net reit up
on your children, after ycu a''ad.and
gene., Vr 1 sincerity pray Cod that you
may do" this. 'Again you. say if .yea aro
to be a negro lover, inorder to be a re
spective man you will never he. cne.that
is, J'supposi ycu will rievpr ove a negro.
Now let us. look one moment at this ana
see who' are negro, lovers, according to
Dr. Jay's report which is correct, 05 per
cent of all slaves in America, are, mixed
and 25 rcr cent have rncre while, than
African blood " in them ; now. whether
traitors love the negro cr net, this shows
why they hang to the accursed institu
tion cf human slavery with as mu"ch to
nacity.? Iti3 to carry out their own hel
lish designs. Thousands of those v hell
hound traitors, have been guilty cf sel
ling their own children into perpetual
slavery, a crime unparallelled in the history-
of humanity".' But you say, yea will
never have 'any sympathy for' the' poor
down trodden negro. 'Let rno earnestly
tell you that if such a sentiment was ia
my heart, I would pray almighty God to
seal my lips that I might never give ut
terance to tmch- a wicked tiought. I
thank God to-day, that there is'a people
in the government, ; who have a. nobler
mind, and a purer a heart, than thin, a
people who have soma sympathy for the
poor slave.. i At the head of this, nobla
people .-stand President Lincoln; twha
has been an instrument in the fcand of
God, in breaking off the fetters of the
poor slave, and bringing them cut fr'ca
under the whip, and lash, where they
have been groaning, and rithing for 3-4
cf a century. This Blighting, and with
ering curse cf the nation, is new blotted
out of existance,' Slavery -is dead,
dead, DEAD, yes dead forever.. .Glory
be to God, even so let it be, ever., this
most glorious victory.! The .shout of all
the noble of the nation, assend to-day, to
the'highest heaven, Amen, Halleiugtib.
Can there be any thing short of a
gloncus providence in all this. Just as
certainly, as. God jaised Pharcahf up,
to show hi3 power in the' earth. So
sure did he raise up Abraham Lincoln,
to free the p-)cr slaveV and thus rid the
cation cf this dark gcd Blighting curse.
If he never does any thing more, he will
go 'to his grave blessed of all nations,' for
what he has already done. New .con
cerning the slaves of England, I will
say if I were living near you. I would
let you have tho history cf Ecglani to
read so that the school boys, may not
laugh at your knowledge of the Queen's
Dominion.- . i I i .
1 lave promised to be at St. Louis
next July at the American meeting, acd
I had thought then cf coming cri op the
River, to see seme cf, my good rebel re
lations, but if I should not get in far up
the river, perhaps the reasen, maybe
found in 2cd Timothy. Ill Chapter first
clause in 4th verse, and last clause tof
oth verse. I am as ever for th
no i'rei:-
dent, aad Uniun.
T ' ,
Gen.XIrani reports that since the bc
ginning'of the campaign last kMayf 17,.
000 deserters have come into cur lines
f "tin Lee's army alcne. "'. '
Russia is striking oil.
found in abundance. '
Two thousand men are passing tbrdnh
New York city daily to the front. .
The Maine Legislature has . voted to
present a sword to Maj. Gen. Oiiver O.
Howard cf that Stat?. -
.4 ' - ' r
The Richmond Examiner says anor
dinar7 breakfast in that city .costs Cft
dollars. ".'. ..
A man in Dryden, N. Y., lost his wif -Sunday,
marriedchis servant J3irl ' Mon
day, and both w?nt to the fansra Tues
day. " ' : ' ' - : -.'
': ' - i V
It is proposed to rslrbh'sh an ever
land camel line between the Missouri
frontier and the state cf California, by
way cf Nebraska, Kansas and Colorado.
American silver is at a discount of 2v
per cent, in Canada. ' '