Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 30, 1865, Image 4

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I ? r .. r ' Tail r . .
. ( - .
c 5T" sr cTt - ;
WILL Vt sit'.lj u l.stid an assortttcct of
Ertra-cF3ln0 t0 Common
5 Xjj O uJ" -3E2.
AmA all rrthsr articles iwiafly kept lo afrei-clas?
ilerehant Fi'infing fir taw Mill. ,
Druwaville, March Jlft. 'M. n30-8-ly.
.... .in
A T.I. K1KDS- O?
I? aln Street , Opposite Ware's Bank, ,
7 t
i - ' J
... i . i
; Thlrlj-Fire Thousand Now In Use.
. XVry Jntirumtiit warranted for Jive years
. .' Ttr HTitUin years the so perior excellence of our
' iaslruments has nc tb-ta qne.tiuned, and for two
years- past tb cnorucus demand his made it impos
sible for us U tt'-et our order- promptly With our
; lacrsasec faol'.itieg, we feel warranted in assuring
r patrons ibtiLfn orders wi1? be promptly met,
nd solicit a iiiiuuauce of their patronage.
f fans Jlkd school ..vj .
GEO. A: PRINCE & CO., Bnflalo, N. Y.
00. A. PIUMCil & CO., Chicago. 111.
-- - - .-..,, .......
tr it ilThstrated CaUlcie, with full Jiscriptioa of
ttjUt will besea free to any address.
.'ir.I ; .
Main Street let. First "and Second Sts.
Heerx ecnstintly on band tbe best quality of
:ira oi3 AO OO
Candies, Plain and Fancy,
Oranges, R;nmit, Lemons, Baits,
figi, Vti, Apples &c.t Sfc.
. All hinds of Toys,
' . " i . Canrwi Frvit, end
' T RILL- Is aoeons mo dating, obliging, patriotio ana
wide awake to the interest of the public, aad has
ike bert. assortineU fcf Vsrieties in bis line ever
efered in tbie Buakt, attd U dote; ua'f.ed net to be
ndersold for CASH.
'ttiieu- DiE ioc get tiiosh
.:N-mWr OOD8P
r - -
; Xv iwt receel, ja re now opeJiinc, X
tftftd n Main of tbe largett tc o'tna
V x
ever offered tn thin tnrtt. Remember u.e iace,
: J. BERRY & CO:S,
2To. 11. IVT.ixi atroot
UUVJ V1LLL, fi. 4.
.... wn. zti-u '
DIIID Arptes, Pried rescaes, saso, Sice, starch,
, jo, Caadlet.elc, eu.,
AX IIoTAUgKlki &.BwjLn'a.
i ' Vwula teepecUnll Inform bis old cuntomers that be
ks again opened bis Jewelrj Shop in bis old stand ou
Vain street, eouta fide, two doors eai-t of the Browu
rltie Eons. Be keeps oo hand a splendid atbortment
f rremtiuf In his lin of basiuets, whica h will
eg tie Rawest terms ferCah. : ,
' . V . ZrLcj?n.jrl2& .
: f jClrks; K"uhes and ,Jewelr dune on the short
. "it XUe. , .
wVit:,Kb..Hy 19tu, 1S64. - c37.v8-ly
Taken anbv tbe subscriber residing in Olen Uch k
""ewnsbip, eoa red steer, white eroes on her back,
! white uil. Tkrerjearsold next spring.
; , Ay
Thev attention of the Public
and tbe trade is
Forte, which for volume Hnd.punty or tone are unrivalled by any hitherto this market. They
lontain all the tw!r. i'CTOveinents, French, Grand action, Harp Pedal, Iron Frame, Over-Strung Bass,
Ac, and each instrument being made under the personal superviMon ot Mr. J . H. (jrrovesteen, who has
i, a - .i rv.r;oTi( nf nvrr 23 T.-ST2 In their manufacture: isfnllv warranted in everv particular.
uaj v j i uvai v a v i i jivv j - - " r
The "Grovestcen Piano Forte" received the highest avrard of merit
Overall others at the
' ire were exhibited instruments from tbe best
hi!or,I'oton and New York ; and also at the American Institute for five successive years, tho gold and
i 1 f 1 it 1 " 1 . 1 .. . ...... ......
silver meciHis irom Pom oi wBicncaaooeocami'ur
'By the introduction of improvements we make a
. .. .... i ii .
largely, ith a stneuy casu system, are enuoieu to
nil competition.- :
PRICES Xo. 1, Sever Ocbive, round corners. Rosewood plane case $275.
No. 2. Seven Octave, round corners, Rosewood heavy moulding $300.
N:-.3 Seven Octaveround corner?, liosewood Louis XIV style $325,afac simile of tbe above cut
Tormis: ZKTott CenesJLx, iix Current SPuucls.
DESCRIPTIVE CUtUULARS SENT FStEE. . . , june 30-n43-F8-ly
situs Jiica
The greatest improvement yet in the Sewlnn Ma
chine Art. A curiosity worth, seeing.
Please tend for circulars with samples of Sewing.
These Improved Machines save one hundred per
cent, of thread ftnd silk, and make the Lock-Stitch
alike cn both tides.
They require no instruction to operate perfectly,
except the "printed directions.
'o charge in sewing from one kind of. geods to
another. -
And co taking apart to olean or oil.
Our New Manufactory is Tiow complete, with all
its machinery and tools entirely new, and is alrendy
rapidly turning out Machines, which f jr beauty and
perfection of finish are nor surpassed by any manu
facture in the world. ,
N. B.-Should any Macbino prove unsatisfactory,
it can bo returned and money refunded.
Agents wanted ia counties not canvassed by pur
ewn Agents.
FLSKLE & L.YOX, S. 31. CO.
50. 533 BROADWAY, N. Y.
Ke. 5-v8-ly.
tkkbi Bitters are prepared, In pnre Bonrhoo
TChky, from a combination of over twenty dif
ferent kinds of roots, barks and herls, which
act la perfect concert one with t!e other, pre
pared ' from the original formula givrn by tba
great chief, lied Jacket, to Dr. Chapin, who
used them successfully la Ills practice for many
years, and by their use gained so great a popularity
In the treatment and cure of Dyspepsia, Liver
ComplaiuV, Constipation, Sick and Nervous Head
ache, Fever and Ague, and all dix-ares arising from
torpid liver or indigestion. Persons suffering frora
either of these loathsome diseases will find a sura
ure by the use of these Bitters, which are perfectly
pure and free from all those drugs and poisons usa.
ally put up in such preparations and palmed off on
an unsuspecting public. A single trial will con
vince the most skeptical that in the RED JACKET
there is virtue which no other Bitters possess.
They strengthen and Invigorate the rysteax.
They are nx.Cualed far general debility.
They are a ure cure for dyspepsia. .
They give a good and healtiy appetite.
They assist digosti".
They are the fesat sLmalant in existence
They are a preventive of fever and Ague
They relieve constipation.
They cure Nervous Eeadache.
They are perfectly pure and palatable.
Aged pertons and delicate females will Cud they
an save large doctor's bills by the um of these tit
ters. Beware of counterfeits. The Red Jacket Bit
ters are only sold in bottles with our name blown
oo the side, and our private government stamp
cross the cork. -on
;'.t ic rXJZJ2r
Ter Medicinal and Table uses, which are perfectly
pure, and need only be tried to be appreciated,
fcone genuine unless they have our gold label on
each bottle, and our initials pressed wax ever
she cork.
Sold by all drurgtsts and dealers throughout th
&tntry. Call for our goods and take no other.
Circulars to the trade supplied on application te
Bennett Pieters & Co.
hM; Km at luver tt.. Chicago. -
"W. H. McCHEEh' V , Brownville,
BECWN Peru, .T.
GADH Co., " " "
Brownville, June 2. 1664. no 39-ly
OHce corner of Vain and First Streets.
Great Western P&otograpli
First door West of Brownville House
VetiTd respectfully snnounce to the public that he
has fitted up a-Siv-I.'-ght Gallery, and in now prepared
to take every kind, size and style of picturpikscirn to
ihe art. and all the laten and most approved style,
arid it t)xer price than any other artist wcrt of St.
Joseph. Thuse wUhlnp pictures will find it jrreatly tc
Ihclr Interest to caU and examine his epeimens and
rices before gwinj; elsewhere. v '
All kinds of Pictures copied into Photo-
McLAl'dDLlX &. SVAK are constantly receiving
addition to their tfo- fit Groceries and nid
wate. Tueir Go.4s and Prices will suit everybody
sry other man." .
KW Orleans, ClariCed. Crushed and Powdered Su
gars, tie idea Syrup &ur Uoute and Surghuni
St ul sstes
At lMcLaughllin & Swan's.
Ue r 4 . W i, t; L,
t V- '-W Y" ! -.'i
J .- v ur.' a
KDIa Rubber and Horn, DrefIng, Pock-i id fln
Comb.-', Wooden Pocket c uibs, loo. cco 1 inches
alls's. fia Books and Ihfrt, &;.. u..
l-nea-H.-, -'-. ur-t J' l..-' ' . " J
invited to onr New Scale 7 Octave hosewood Piano
Cclcbratea if orld'sFaiK
makers of London, Paris, Germany, Philadelphia, Bait
still more perfect Piano Forte, and by manufacturing
cr ii . i a i i ... . .
oner mesu msiruinenis at price wmca win preclude
Cash Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Z2 S3. TEJ
s 1 V W-V t-V
raints, uns ana uye oiuu,
Pare Llquos for Medical PGpcses
All kinds Patent Medicines
DEjYTAL and fancy goods.
Blank Books and Stationery,
The best brands of Chewing and Smokioif
Xxa.lx.Ei of All olors.
rcrfumcrj and Toilet Goods.
He assures his patrons, and the public gentrally.
ne win seep on nana an extensive stock of the ar
tides mentioned, besides anything and everything
usually kept in a first class Drug St ore, which he
is prepared to sell at low rates for Cash. Call and
examine for yourself
South-east Corner Main and First Streets
Brownville, Nebraska.
T - t
Prescriptions and Orders
Carefully filled at all hours, v
very l3oay!
Agents wanted throughout the U. S. and Canada.
Watches. Chains, Sets of Jewelry, Rings
Pins, Bracelets, Sleeve Buttons, Silver
Spoons and Forks, Caps, Cake
Baskets, Sec, worth Eight
Hundred Thousand Dollars !
The Entire Stock of a large Umporting Douse,
retiring from business.
For the pnrpose of closing out the stock at the
earlioet possible date, the undersigned have docided
on a great distribution made as fulluw:
Eash and every Article, no matter how valu
able, being Sold for $1.
A CERTIFICATE of ea.-b artkia with its value
printed npon it is ptajed in an en .elope and .sealed
these envelopes are thoroughly miAd and gold for
twenty-five cents eadi tho person rcceivii.g one
of these envelopes is entitled to the article named
tlx rein by returning the Certificate to us with ee
dollar, and the article, no matter how valuable it
may be, wnl te ft rward.d to him or her at once.
there a.e no Blank Certificate" and therefore every
one is sure to get, at least, the full value of his or
hermunoy. JShould the article named cn tho cer
tificate not suit, ny other which he may select of
tbe same value will be substituted. We sell the
certificates as follows:
One for 25 cts, five for. , eleven for $2, thirty
fi; $., fixty-five for $10, one hundred for $15.
This distribution affords a fine opportunity for
Agent?, as what iady or gentleman will not invest
Twenty-five cents with a prospect of getting five
iiund.fcd or a thousand times as much. All orders
rust be addressed to us at our old stand No. 15,
ilaidcii Lane, Now York.
ZLsisit ofLlx-tlolov
All of wbivh are to be sold for One Dollar each.
'l Gents Gold Tluritiiigcase Watches $50 to $160 each
Soo Utdies Gold K name led-case 35 " 70 do
6i Gent' Hnnting case Silver ' 35 " 70 do
200 Diamond Riuks, 60 - " 100 do
J xo lioid veit and IV eck Chains 15
3'KK ' " ' 4 "
3 vjo ' ' Oval Band Bracelets, 4 "
4doo Chased Gold Bra i lets 5 "
2 .o Chatelaine and Guard Chains ' 6 "
6iko Solitaire and Gold Bnxhes 4 "
2ooo Lava and I loientine Brooches 4"
2oo Coral, Opal and Emerald Brooches 4 "
2joo itrsaic, Jet, Iava aud Florentine
Kar Drops 4
45oo Coral, Opal and EmeraVJ Ear Drop 4 "
4ioo California Diamond Breast Pins 2 60 " "
3ao, G jU Fi b and Vest Watch Keys 2 60 "
4ooo Fob Tiud Vest Ribbou Slides - 3 "
4ooo SetsSolitaireSi&eve Buttons. Studs 3
3ooo Gold Thiiubles, Pencils, &.C., 4 "
6voo Aliuamre Lockets, 2.60 "
4ooo Miniatue Licltets Ma?ic Spring 3 '
3'KK) Gold Toothpickt , Crosses, &c. 8 ,
6000 Plain Gold Kings 4 i
6000 Chased & Id Ri uk 4 "
Sock) Stoue Set and Sitmet Rings t 60 "
8.oo California Diamond Rings 2 "
"fro Sets Ladies Jewelry Jet & Gold 6 "
6000 Sets " Jewelry Cameo. Pearl &s 4 , "
6000 Gold Pens, Silver Extension
holders and Pencils 4 "
Sooo Gold Pens aud'GoldMonnted-
Holders 3 -
6000 Gold pens and Gold extension "
6000 Silver Goblets and Drinking Cups 5 "
3ooo Silver Castors. 15 "
2ooo Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets 20 "
6000 Dozen Silver Tea Spoons 10 "
6000 do do Table spoons forks 'ZO "
30 do
6 do
8 do
10 do
20 do
10 do
6 do
8 d
8 do
6 do
lo do
8 do :
10 do
8 do
7 do
8 do
20 d.
8 do
U do
11 do
10 do
10 do
15 da
16 do
10 do
8 do
10 do
60 do
60 do
60 do
20 p doz
40 do
AGENTS. We want agents in every regiment,
and in every town and county in the country, and
those acting as such will be allowed 19 cents on
every Certificate ordered by them, provided their
remittance amounts to one dollar. Agents will
collect 25 cenU for every Certificate, and remit 15
cents to os. ...
55T" Write plainly, say only what is necessary and
be prompt". --
Address, GIK AUD W. DEVAUGII 4C0.,
24-3m No. 15, Maiden Lane, N. T. '
A Large assortment of Pocket knives. Butcher kniv
etc. etc., can bo seen
At h'lavgulin & swaps.
CULTIVATORS, Scytnes, Cradles,
SDade a. Shovels, etc .' e,c.
Bakes, Hoee,
At McLaughlin & Swan's.
BROOMS, Blacking brushes, Scrubbing brushes
Whisk brcoms, Blacking, jfatches. Ink, Writln
x-ayei, on;,, a.v,
McLaughlin & Span's.
Taken np by tbe undersigned, living six miles
west ot lirownviiie. uec. 11th, one red and white
stear, three years old last spring.
15-3t i KENNEDY.
Takeivup by the undersigned, Hvinj two miles
abov Drownville, Nemaba County, Nebraska, on
the Loth day tf December, one black horse colt,
two years eld, very poor when taken on, no marks
or brands. - 15-3t ISAAC JEtYERS.
FLOUE,' Butter, Efgs, Bacon, etc., stc..
At McLaughlin & Swan'.
Ayers Cherry Pectoral
are built ef the bast and most thoroughly seasoned ma
terLr"s, and will und any climate. The tone ia very
scp, roupd, loll, and mellow; tbe tonch elastic
Each Piano warranted for five years. Pricealroia $22
to $700. -
. "The Horance Waters Pianos are known as among tk
very best." Evangelist.
"We can speak of their merits, frcm personal knewl
edge."C7usfian Intelligencer.
"Waters' Pianos andMelodeonschallengecomparlsoa
with the finest made, anvwhere." Home Journal.
$190 MEW 7 OCTAVO PIANOS, of differ,
ent makers, for $193; do., with carved legs. $20,
$226 and $240. Second-band Pianos and Melodeous at
(25, $40, $50, $80, $75, $100, $116, $125, $150, aad
$160. ......
71te Horace Water's Melodeont and ITarmenivm,
Tuned the Equal Temperament with the Patent Divided
8wetl. Prices trout $S5 to $300. Alexander Or
gans from $200 to $500.
3A liberal diseonnt to Clergymen, Churches, Sab
bath Schootg, lodges, Seminaries, andTeacaers. SOB
ACS WATERS, Ag't, No. 481 Broadway, N. T.
The Day School Ltll -
40,000 copies Issued- A new Singing Book for Scheels
and Seminaries, called the Day School Bell, is now
ready It contains at out two hundred choice songs,
rounds, catches, duets, trios, quartetts, and choruses,
many of them written expressly for this work, besides
32 pages of the Elements of Music, vzhich are easy and
Among the large number of beautiful pieces may be
found, "Uncle Sam's School," "Don't you hear the
children comtng," "Always look on the sunny side,"
"The little lass. ' and "Little Lad," "Oh, if I were
little bird," "Bird o beauty," "Pretty pear tree,"
"Anvil Chorus," "Meet me by the running bnxtk,'-'
&.c. It is complied by Horace Waters, author of "Sab
bath School Bell," Nos, 1 and 2, which have had the
enormous sale of 625.000 copies. Prices paper covers,
25 cents, $20 per 100; bound 30 cents, $25 per 100 j
clovh bound, embossed gilt, 40 cents, $35 per hundred.
25 copies furnished at the one hundred pnee. Mailed
at the retail price.
" &xllaih Schooll Bell, So.
contains 144 pages, and nearly two hundred tnnes an
hymtn, knd is the most popular S. S Book ever issued
Among tbe most popular pieces are, ' Kind Words,''
"Eden Above," "Christian Hero,"' "Eeautiful Zion,"
"I ought to love rj Mother." "The Angels told me so,"
"In the Light," "Rest-for the Weary," &c. Prices
paper covers, 20 cts. each, $15 per hundred; bound,
25 cts. each, $20fer hundred; cloth bound, embossed
gilt, 30 cts., $2S per hundred.
a6",afA School Btll, Kc. "
is an entire new work o' 192 aages, and nearly 225 taaai
andhjnins. As the music is a little more difficult it
is jufit the book, to follow Bell No. I. Nearly one ail
lion of these Bells have been issued, and ar now ring
ing through this and other countries. Among the
mauy choice pieces may be found. Shall we meet be
yond the river ? There is a beautiful world. Sorrow
shall omi agiin no more. Don't you hear the Angels
coming? Thou, God, sees. me. Sabbath Bells chime
cn, &c. Price of Bell No. 9 are the same as Bell Ne.
1. Both numbers can be obtained in one volume.
Price, hound copy.' 40 cents, $36 per huudred ; cloth
bound, embossed gilt, 60 cts., $45 per hundred. I
copies furnished t the one hundred piicg. Mailed at
the retail price. . -
Waters' Corai Harp.
A new Sunday School Book, of 160 pare ef beautiful
hymus and tunes. It contalne many gems, such as
Shall we know each other there; Suffer little children
to come unto Me ; The beautiful shore ; Oh, 'tis glori
ous; Leave me with my mother ; He leadeth me beside
still waters. &c. Price paper covers, 20 cents; $15
per hundred ; bound 35 cents . $20 per hundred; cloth
bound, embosed guitt 35 cents, $30 per hundred.
Mailed at tbe retail price. It is edited by Horace Wa
ters, author of Sunday School Bells Nos. 1 and 3, which
have bad tbe enormous sales of over eight thousand
copies. Just published by HO RACK WATERS, N. 431
Broadway, New xork.
The Xcio Patrivtit Song Boole,
contains 95 pares of songs, d tiers and choruses, both sa
ered and secular, including 14 pages of prayers for sick
and dying soldiers, and soldiers' Scripture Manual.
it is well suited for social sinking, as well as Sabbota
worship. Among the many beautiful pieces may b
found, Where liberty dwells is my country; The Chris
tian hero, Three cheers for onr banner; Come sing te
me of heavyn ; Columbia, the gem of theocean ; Free
nan's gatberingj Columbia's King forever; Marchiny
along, Stc. Prices paper covers, 15 cents, $ li) per ban
dred. Mailed'at the retail price
Th Harp of Freedom,
contains 32 pages of songs, duets and cbornses, for Free
dem. Among the choice pieces we would name. Fail
freedom' morn; O let my people go; Over the moun
tain ; They worked me all the day, &.c. Price 5 cent
single, 60 cents per dosen, $3 per hundred; postage 1
cent each. " J
Kut:' ASncred Cantata.
contains 12S pages. Words br Rev. Sidney Dyer, musk
by Prof. Cull. This is an exi-eiicnt b-.-ok for eoneerts
rortbeyouug. Price paper overs, 20 cents; $16ei
hundred ; bound sacentf . $-'0 per hundred.
The Rtvivul Jtlutic Booh
contains 73 pages'of tunes and hymns", designed for re.
vival, prayer, and confereuce meetings. Price iu ppe
covers, single copies, 10 cents; $3 per huudr4.
Mailed at the retail pres.
The AthenaiiH Collection
contains between four and five hundred pages of tun
and hymns, new and old, or tbe choicest kinds, fe
church. Sunday school, revival, missionary, temptranc
prayer and confere.wp and all hinds or sacred aud se
Hal meeting.. The music it this book has life and aa
imation in it, like, Shining Shore, Rest for the weary
Shall we know each other there? Shall we meet beyon
the river ; There is a beautiful ;world 5 Kind words
Sweet hour of prayer ; There is a land of love; Sutra
little children to come unto me ; God save tbe Nation
Ac. Price single copies, bound 60 cents; $45 pet
hundred; cloth bound, embossed gilt, 60 cents; 65 per
huudred. Mailed at the retail price. HORACS WA
TERS, 4S1 Broadway, New Touxk, Publisher e! t
above Books.
' Vocal Music, with Piaao Accompaniment.
A large assortment of new and popular songs, ballatr
duets, quartetts, and choruseo, issued daily. Aictni
the moat popular are, Shall we know each other there
Lowrey; Why have my loved ones gone; Iwill be true
to the ; Oh, there's no such girl as mine, by Foster
Mother's love is true ; Sweet love, forget me not,..
by Keller, 25 cents each; I hear sweet voices singing;
Home is borne; Forget If yon can, but forgive, by
Thomas. 30 eents each.
Instrumental Mnls for the Ciano Forte We are
coming Father Abra'am, sis hundred thousand more ;
Always took on the sunny side; snail we know esc
otner there? &cwith brilliant variations by Grebf
60 cents each.
Polkas. Waltzes, Marches, Quicksteps, QuadrilU
&c . by iiopular aathors All kinTs of Singing and In
struction books. Catalogues maiiedf rce to any addre
Music malted at the above prices.
Waters' Cheap Kuisic for ths Million.
Arranged as soloes, duets, quartetts and choruses, fe
musical societies, choirs Sunday schools, public schooU
seminaries 5tc Shalt we know eacn other mere t
Don't you h"ar the angels cumin? Shall we meet be
yond the river? Be in time; There is a beautifu.
world ; Where liberty dwells is my country ; Freedom
truth and right; We are cmiing Father Abra'am. si
hundred thousand more ; There is aland of love; Sot
row hal I come again no wore ; neavenly home ; Com
sing to me of Heaven; Land insight; We will 1 .ve otn
Snnday School ; Our God is marching on ; rcas itetb
Nation; Whittier'e soug tt the Plantation Neg.o ; Fal
Freedom's Morn has dawued at I ant; Over the moos
tain; Over the mountain; Little Ella's, an angel ; Wlk
lie's gone to Heaven; Suffer little children to com
unto me; Bury me in tbe morning, Mother ; Come to
tbyre; Sweet hour of Prayer, Sic. Price 3 cents, M
ceuts per dox., $2 per hundred ; postage 1 cent each
In sheet form, with Piano accompaniment, 'la cents.
Published by HORACE WATFKS, Ag't,
No. 4SI Broadway, X. x.
E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO.,
Manufacturers of
Photographic Materials,
, Wholesale and Retail,
In sddition to onr main business of Photographie Ma
terials, we are Headquarters for the following, vis :
Stereoscopesv& Stereoscopic Ylewi
s4 4 V. o ma Vt a it a n i vrt mAn c a siJAvtmanl 1 n 1 n4 1
j hUVQ O vr uu v v etu a v tv ucu my a v uu i u g
War Scenes, American and Foreign Cities and Land
scape, Groups, Statuary, ate., he. Also, Revolving.
Stereoscopes for puMic or private exhibition. Oat
Catalogue will be sent to any aauress en. receipt f
stamp. .
Photographic Albums,
We were tbeJirst to introduce thes into the rnite-
States, and we manufacture Immense quantities ii
great variety, ranging from 61 cents to $10 each. Oat
Alburn h-ve the refutation of being superior mbea.
ty aud dnrat i'ity to any others. They will be seat M
mail, FREK. on receipt of price. -
Our CaUlocue now embraces over Five Thnaa
different sulject (towliich ade'itions are continual!
ten s made) ef Portraits o( eminent Amcnan, fea.
vis : ab ut
110 Miior-Generals,
5;V Ptatcme,
130 Divinss,
J25 Anttors,
40 Artiste,
I2o Stare.
200 Br gadier Generals,
275 Colouels,
ico Lieut-Colonels,
250 Other Officers,
7S Navy Onicer.
60 Promiaent Wosaew.
150 Prominent Foreign Portraits,
,000 Opiesf Wo:ks of Art.
Including repro-tnc'iens of the most celebrated Ita.
graving, Paintin;. Statue, &.c. Catalogues sent oa
receipt of stamp. An orerfor One Dozen Pictures
from our Catalogue will be Clied on the receipt ei
$1.80, and seut by mail. Free.
Vfcoographers and others ordering good 0. O. D. will
please ternit twenty Are per cent of tho amount with
their order. K. A H. T. ANTHONT fc CO.,
Manufacturers of Photographic Materials,
fcJTfcs price i m&tpialtiy of evr feeds tamaM fm&
I - Ix-7-ly
M . is k: it VVif-' V 'J ' k; .
US aLlii a . ' XJ tJ Vfc ti w 3
AVindependenfDemocratic Dai
ly, Esmi-lV7eelily and Vcolxly
, , . ARGUS,,
The World, to which the New Tork Weekly Arjui
bas been united, has to-day fire times the aggre
gate circulation f any I)emocratie or conservative
newspaper. It addresses weekly alone more than
110,000 subscribers end constant purchaser?, and
reaches at least half a million readers. With the
steady increase in e'u-ealation which it now enjoys,
the?e numbers will soon be doubled-. Nothing less
than this should satisfy those who believe that tbe
only hope of restoring the Union acd the authority
of the Constitution over a now distracted and di
vided country, lies in. wresting power frora the
hand3 of those fanaticism has helped to provoke,
invite, and prolong the war; ond that to accomplish
this end, no means is so effective as the diffusion,
throuSh able and enterprising newspapers, of sound
political knowledge among the working men, the
thinking men, and the votingmen ot tne iwtn.
Enterprise, industry aad money will be liberally
expended to make The W orld the Best Newspaper
in America- Its news from every part of the world
wiilbe early and nthentic. 'Wherever the telegraph
cxtcds, or railroads run, or steamboata ply, it will
gather the latest intelligence. It has a large staff
of accomplished correspondents with all the federal
armies, who will telegraph and write to as the latest
news from the various seats of war. It has eorres
pondents and reporters in every political and com
meroial centre in AUerica and Europe, whose lettera
and dispatches will leave nothing worthy of note
unknown to its readers.
The Market Reports of the World ra more com
nlete than those of any other newspaper. The
Editors invite comparison in this respect and point
to tbe reports of the Cattle Markets, tbe general
and country rroduce markets, ana u. aioney aiar
kets in its columns, as proof of itd excellenoe in this
resuett. The world has also & speoial department
devoted to Agriculture, filled with editorial articles
communications from practical larmers and mechan
ics of the country. s
Tho war in wbicb the nation ia engaged against
armed and infotuated Rebels, and the radical policy
of the administration waica prolongs it, have con
spired to bring together upon one platform all con
servative, Union-lovirfi and Constitution-loving
men. of whatever former came ana creed. JIany ot
those who within tbe limits of tbe Constitution,
fought the battles of the billot box under the
leadership of those patriotio statesmen of other ana
better days, Henry Clay and Daniel Webster, to
gether with the mosses whose principles were those
of snch patriots s Andrew Jacksoc and William L
Jlarcy. Silas Wright and Stephen A. Douglas, now
stanc rhoulder to shoulder open the same platform
is a plain one. It is to restore the Union, maintain
the Constitution, and enforco the laws. Whatever
make' for this end, tbe exercise of force of the
policy of conciliation. The World will advocate;
whatever makes against it, Tbe World will oppose.
It willoppote every enemy to the Union, whether
armed in rebellion at the South or insidiously plant
ing the seeds of disunion and essential disloyalty at
the North.
It will oppose every violation of the Constitution
which is the only hope and bond of Union, and onr
only authority for exhorting or compelling the alle
giance of tbe Soutn.
It will oppose every infraction of the Law, in high
places or in low, by reckless and misguided parti
sans, or by the administration which hat been their
It will fearlessly exercise the Freedom of the
Press ; it will cons:antly uphold and defend Free
dom of Speech and Freedom of the Ballot.
To the lawless acta of the .Administration, its
arbitrary and unjust arrests and expatriations, its
denial of the right to the writ of habeaa corpus, its
illegal proclamations, its abrogation of tatand
federal laws, its despotic accumulations of nngrant
ed power, and its subversions of the safeguards of
civil and pertonal liberty, it will constantly cpdose
the letter and the spirit of our supreme law and the
advocacy of sound doctrine, until American free
men shall be roused to the recovery of their rights,
their liberties, the.r laws, and their limited and
well balanced government, by the resistless decisioo
of the ballot.
Profoundly impressed with the desire to contri
bute all tbas it may to the great work of this gener
ation,, to restore our national unity, and
to place th United States s.g;n fotmnst among the 1
nations cf tbe earth,. aad fnr id the peaee. pros
perity, and bat pines tf it people. The World
geeks from those who dire such thing their sym
and support, and, above all, the favor of Uim who
Yearly Subscribers by mail J3 00
Single subscribers, per annum. $3 00
Two copies to one address 5 CO
Three 00
Five u .u U 00
Single Subscribers, per annum
Three copies addresa on each paper
Five " "
Ten " a
$2 00
5 00
8 00
15 00
25 00
Twentv copies fail to one address!
Clubs of tw nty or over can have addresa put on
each paper for an additional charge ot ten cent
For every club of twenty an "extra oopy Will be
added for the getter up of tbe club.
For every club of fifty, ihe &emi-H eekiy, and lor
evervclub of one hundred, the Daily will be sent,
when requested, in lieu of the extta copies of VV eekly
Additions to Clubs may be made at any time at
sane rates.- Faners cannot be changed Irom one
Club to another, but on request of the person order
ing the Club, and on receipt of fifty cents extra,
single papers will be taken f rem the Club and sent
to a seperate address.
All orders must be accompanied oy tne vasn
Address. THE WUKLU.
35 Park Row, New York.
To Consumptives.
Consumptive snfferers will receive a valuable pre
scription for the cure of Consumption, Asthma,
Bronchitis, and all throft and Lung affections.
free of charge.) by sending their address to
Kings Co.
New Yr.
On hand and to arrive at
Iron and Steel Warehouse,
20 and 22 Third Street,
Feb 24n26-t f., , .
To all whom it mav coHcern, notice is hereby
given that Monday theSlst day of July. 1865, is the
time set to bear and determine all claims against
the Estate of Joseph Ginder, deceased. Persons
having claims against said estate will file them ia
the Probate offico of Nemaha County by that time
or they will bo forever barred therefrom.
V. U.A3LliriS,
no-20-4tp'd. Probate Judge.
IVOKING and Chewing Totacco, Cigars pipes Pipe
I stems and Tobacco Pouches, in great variety,
At McLaughlin & Swan's.
MACKERAL, Lake Tront, vThite flsh. Codfish, etc.,
etc.. coustantly on hand
At McLaughlin & Swan's.
THB best Flour from theL. S. V. G. Mil's in quarter
half and whole sacks kept
I ALT by the barrel or pound, F'.ne Dairy Sal for
At McLaughlin Si Swan's.
: -
T3TCK.EI.Sby the d. n or barrel, si a superi-jr qual
ity, crnetanty on har.j
i , V,.T j r
a.t vC a. Li
FIGS. Chfol4'e. Map'e tu?ar, absorted Jeiiies, .'iu
- Peaches. Peeper sauce, Muft'uroomcitsup, Worces
tershire sauce, inc., ic,
PAILS, Tu'JS, Kegs, Washboards Keelers, Children
Cabs and Wheelbarrows
M.aughlia & SwBn's
The beautif al tract of Land known as the "Hay
wood Farm." contanmg 160 acres, situated one
mile West of Brownville, is for sale apply to
16-4tpd WILLIAM 11. HOOVER.
SHZXP Shears ef the dmi approved make, for sate
At AXcLrfiuxftlra twn't:
TEJtilhestaBSTket price paid for Country Prodeee
At KeLanghlin Js 8wam'.
mm inn WfiWl
The moat ecmpreben?ivo raieceHany of vsefoJ
knowledge and General Literature, periodically is
sued in the United States; embracing all th fea
ture ef a Polytechnic Journal, Economic Expositor
Literary Repository and Monthly Register. 'Espe
cially devoted to Financial. Commercial ani Indaa
trial Interests and all joint stock corporation -corns.
Having commenced the Firih Volume of this
Magasine, whose success evinced that the efforts
its conductors have been appreciated by a discrimi
nating public, we would call attention to ita char
acter oa the part or the large body of readers who
are cot yet upon its subscription lists. Our, pur
pose in this publication is the dissemination of
practical information on subjects of positive utility
to tne peopie, comomea wuu aiTersuy oi merary
attraction socuring the services of the bes; pens in
the various departments of Science1 Belles-Lettres
and General LUerature. nile aiming most es
peoially to render most' effective service' Vi the
Trade, Commerce and Material Production of the
Country, many sides of Ihe Country, many sides of
the mental world receive due consideration the
Historical, Critical, Jisthetical and Imaginative, a
well aa the Financial, Statistical, Technological
and strictly Mercantile- We employ-alike the re
s each of the savant and the fancy of the feciletoa
ut, with tho practical experience of the business
man and the worker. In the treatment of scientific
topics, the mode selected is the popular in ityl
rather than the technical. The menial phase off
the hour it shall be our end savor to portray, and we
avail ourselves of the contributions of new Discor
ery to the Circle of Knowledge, and shall record
with all practicable sucoinotness Current Intelli
gence, which will be of future ntillity and historic
interest when the Present shall have beccme the
Fast. In fin a, the Americrn Exchange and Review
is a desirable and ever welcome monthly visitor te
Its anVisrri her imnnrt!n thn ridhnaja nf lrrmw!i ft.
r4 : o o -
improving tae taste, ana tarnishing intellectual
The Review has its specialities in distict and in
creasing Departments, with a General Division for
the widest consistent scope of themes. We give a
specification of topics which are the snbjeota either
ot occasional or regular publication, vij:
The Arts, Jithotio.: Agriculture, Applied Chem
cism, Eoonomics Political, ' Arithmetic National
Taxation: Finance banking, currency, Corporation
Accounts, Exchange, Fluctuations in Securities,
Stocks. History, Industrial and Mercantile enter
prises, insurance, iaternal Improvements Railways
Canals, Telegraphs: Manufactures Products, tech
nology; Mechanics, Mining Mineralogy, Geology,
Metallurgy; Patents, Physics.-pbysiology, statistics,
social sience; trade foreign and domestic, snipping
mercantile law, .Navigation; Topography, Travels.
One copy, one year, in advance 3 09
Five copies " " 12 00
Ten " ' 20 00
When paid at the end ef the year, 4 00 per an
num, single copy. Sample copy mailed on the re
ceipt of 25 cents. -
Single copy per annum postage paid,
Canada. " $3 72
Cuba, . 3 T2
Great Britain aDd Ii eland, I 00
France, 3 72
Germany, - 3 72
West Indies, British 3 72
West Indies, Not British. 8 00
South America West Goast) 8 00
FO WLER A MOON, Proprietors.
No. 521 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
FOR 1S64
The publishers of tbe SIENTIFIC AMERICAN
respectively give notice that the Tenth Volume
(New Series will commenoe on the 'first of January
next. This journal was established in 1H1-;, aud is
undoubtedly the most widely circulated and influen
tial publication of the kind in fth world. In eom
meccing the new volume the publishers desire to
call special attention to its cluimsa -
In this rep:t it standi UDrivnll-d. oply
fitid its way to a!tm.t evory wi.rksa.'p in th
Country, as the earnest rritji.d ( I t:ie uiecijan:c arJ
artizeu, but it is found in ihi tv iiutig-rorr. r.f Ji
manufacturer and tbe merchitni; aiio iu tb - library
and the bosehokl. The publishers - f-el warranted
in saving that no other journal now pjbli!hed con
tains an equal amount of useful informal iun; while
it is their a: m lo prefect all subjuots iu tue fiost
popular and attractive manner.
Tbe Sientifio American is published onoe a wek,
in convenient form for binding, and aeh b umber
contains sixteeu pages ef uwtul leadiug njalur,
illustrated with
of all the latest and best inventions of the day.
This feature of the journal is worthy ?.f special note.
Every number contains from five to ten original en
gravings of mechanical inventions relating to every
department of the arts. These engravings areexe
cuoed by artists specially employed on the paper,
and are universally acknowledged to be superior to
anything of the kind produced in this country.
The yublishers of the Sientifio American promiso
to present, as during preceding years, all the latest
improvemenss in Steam Engineering, War Vessels,
Ordnance military and naval Fire arms Mechanics
Tools, Manufacturing Machinery. Water wheel..
Pumps aud other Hydraulic Apparatus, Hnusehold
Utensils, Electrio, Chemical and Mechanical Instru
ments, Flying Machines, and other Curious Inven
tions besides all the varied articles designed to
lighten the labor of mankind, not only in the shop
and warehouse, but In every place where the in
dustries of life are pursued.
From its commencement, the Scientific American
has be n the- earnest advocate of the rights cf
American Inventors, and the.
In this important department, so vitally connect
ed with all the great interests of the country, no
ether journal can lay any claim whatever; as ia its
columns there is published a weekly Offici i! List of
the ''Claims" of all patenU granted at ;he U. S.
Patent Ofiice.
alone are oft times worth more to the subscriber
than the amount of a whole year's subscription.
Two volumes cf tne SciaatiSo American are pub
lished each year, at $1,50 each, or 3 per per annum
with Corresponding low terms to Clubs $1 will pay
for four months' subscription. The numbers for
one year, when in a volume, constitute a
work of 832 pages cf useful information, which
every one ought to possess. A new,volum,e will
commence on the first of January, 1S64.
Five copies, for six months -Ten
copies, for six months l2
Ton copies for twelre months -22
Fifteen copies, for twelve months , 34
Twenty copies, for twelve months 4
For all clubsK tw enty and over, tie" yearly sub
scription is only $2,09. Names can be sent in at
differenttimes and from different Post Offioes.
specimen copies will be sent gratis taty part of
the country.
Canadian subscribers will please to remit 25 cents
extra on each year's subscription to preppy postage.
MUNN A CO publishers,
No. 37 Park Row, New York.
Taken np by the undersigned living near Glen
Rock, Nebraska', one large brown Cow. white'face,
black ring round the left eye, half crop off the
right ear, alo, one large b!ack Cow letter "C"on
right hip. Each supposed to be 7 years old in th
lt-3t-p'd JU3A'1HA lilLL.
South East corner of M.tin and Fir't Streets
Ofncs ITorR3 7 to 9 a. m. and 1 to 2 and 614 u
7 P. M.
Brownville, Nebra.-k, May 5th, N- 35, ly.
E. S. BURNS, II. D.,
Jnly 2Sth,1314. n47-v3-pJ1y
laUer WpaP'ail Paper!!
Constintly cn hand at Marohn's Tailor Shop, by
Pa er-banging d-ne In the most approved style, and
reaii ablecah tcrm3. .
rownville. Neb. June J3t-, ow
inn practleela all tit Courts yfsrek.'
nun - iaa,
For the Tear 13S1
ernment rpstortl in th fx!ln S?t.,.
liiP. I r-
era te d
and SUv&ry obliterated fmra tbehuwi? 1
of '61 will be amonif the matnurr... ; I
the instory of the Lcuntry, and dooktu..
ciu'ie the return of Peace, aad the
America uion a new career cf nnr... V , ?
career cf
With Lab
a aud prosperity. With Labor Tiaioa;t(1
i reproach of serfdom, the Peopie willrj '
a higher platform 0f intellijauje and rv. "
feel a stiil proi'oatdor interest in all ta j,.'.,t
the progress of their owi and other lanjj.
world is entering un a new series f 6nCa."'1'
to tirujiaate in the triumph r,f DfCjcIlf, j'V
the Atlantic ; wbile emigration to Aa,1f
acquire a new and irrmendoiujairyu, a-j..'
immensely cur productive power.
ly de
we are
Inspired by the spirit of Democracy kj. f
lodging no laauer bat Truth The )lj30fK V !
oca at will continue to be solely tie C'r-sa T' !
People, and prompt to denounc acd rpad.efc j
pol:tical or military aspirant ii8ckjv hi? J
their cause.
In addition to our War News, eost'ia
in our Weekly paper the Weekly Su sB11J 1
and also an abstract of the proceedings of Ci-i f
and of the Proceedings cf Legislatures e(H?
and Illinois. i
Our Tri-Weokly, will contain u ksrsbf-rr
the Important Naws, Local and Comicerjial
ofthoDa'dy. -
Shall not bt excelled by any paper intis?
We have improved our arrangements fur fal
From Washington, from the Lower Misnissi-pi, j
from the Missouri and Illinois Capital. Z'lm i
will be publi-tbed in addition to tba leiiniw
And our usual quantity of General Sewi
We request all Postmasters, aad fneo to M
Send for epeoimen numbers ef th Fspwi
Prospectus for distribution, and they wnl be pna
ly forwarded.
Send as many names as possible in Clabt,tthn
their papers sent to one address th til-wrf
the Postmaster or the getter up of the Cab.
It is not required that ail the papers tf i C.u
shall be sent to one Post Office, the number astja
sent to diffierent Offices, and additions may W tui,
at any tim .
The following are our rates for the year ISJi:
Mail Subscribers one year - - - - - I'.iJt
Price to News Dealers - - - - - 12 ifl pa U
Mail Subscribers one ;year - - - - - fa
Single Copies one year ----
Three Copies - -
Five Copies - -- -- -- -- -
Ten Copies - - -
Any larzer.Club than ten wi!l be e rei
. 14
rate of o d'lar and a half per co?-
The above rates for all Mail Mo ma
payable in advance. n
Orders not accompanied with the n"Vjr.
eive no attention.
All papers of either e.lition. will be i c
at the end of the time iid for.
McfvEK. FISIIBAClv. 4 CO. r"-,r-a
41 and 13 Lwust itreet.T ' -i i
. .wa 9 war
ti;. n..-nlmi M..nthlT enntaint sit '
aui- y r l" . -y
contain ni: "
.. . .
Mairasine in t w ).H. Is
it will have nearly ICO ptf-s, 25. to 3" .r-?l pl
12 c;-.rcd istenis,and 9U0 WOtd ur?.i r;rg-a I
ail this for only Two Dollars, a Tear.
Jas than magiiinee of lU class. Ef'J Mj wp
totak "Peterson." Ia the gnral ni'iwi
price-., its is tbe only Magasine that ht not nM
its prices, either to single subscrib-T. -r to
and is, therefore, emphatically, The iUj-uia
tbe Times.
Tbe sories in "Peterson" are eonol.rj
best publifhed anywhere. Mrs. Ann S.
Ella Rodman Mrs. Denison, Frank Lee Bnw
the author of "Susy L'a Dairy," T. S- Ar;h8'J
L. Chandler Moulton, Gabrielle Lee, Vlt''
Townaend. R,salle Grey, Clara Augusta. asdM
author of "Tbe Second Life," be-iJes adtr
popular female writers cf America we rp
c-ntributors. U addition to the usual '
short stories, there will be giren inl3ol,f-
Original Copy-righted NoveleU, vis :
The Maid of Honor a story of Qaa
ci i Tk. T n.i Firata a atory
nun in. nwuuouji. " , , , .
to-day, By the anther of Th SecoaJ Ii j
Maud's Summer at Saratoga, by I
Benel ct. Fanny's Mirtotion, by t.-a ,
In its niustrations also,-Peterson" is i aann-i ;
The publisher chall nges a comparison J
Flatpnean be relied on. tach
nn-rber eon.
Fashion Plates, engraved cn s'eel,
gCd ei;KT'
Philadelphia and New Yt-rk Fashiow .ars ds
at length meh month. Pettems of Cap'-. .
neal Dressea, Ac, gireo. Iu of.jrri f-s-
emoroiaeFy.crocnet, .r ,.-s t
The Woik- Tjible Departmect of th.s j
wholly nr. rivaled. Every ntjmW .
cr more patterns in every vantj of t.j
Cr.het, Eribroideryj Knitting, Lea4t 'gl
w. rk,A..4c.,Ae., Every month, a Vr I
pattern for slipping, parse or h'r , !
given each of which, at retail -
fifty cents.
Our New Cook-Pook.--Tbe
hold Receipts of "Petcrion" are qi' 1. Ttf
....r. I
1 x i. nur "i ,of.-nuo. v Li u .
One OI luese rcoaijjwa ua yyT
sis well worth the price of "Petersen.
ceipt. f.r the toilette, sick-room, -
one of these reeaipts
New. and fashionable music in 'sl
And hints n Horticulture, tqaasin".
mntters inftrofting to tadis.
One copy for one year,
Tbreec-.pies for one year,
1 ive copies for one year.
Eight Copies for one year.
Twelve copies for one year.
Sixteen op'M for "re year, f
Premiums ffr g-?!ting up Cluv''
eight, or more copies, nw" C! ib. f
sngetting upaclub of tbre-v fi-'",:'.,
doibirs or a club of Fiv. rer' '
dollars and a half or oluS f hi;,'-. ,
ting ten dollars or a club of rw-!ve, ' .
fifteen extra cry of "
18A4 will ba given. If- prf-rre I. n04"-. m.
send aa a premium, (intl ,f,tb ,, .
and Illu.-trvted lily's Album, af
ineilt.orLthriifour M-v-rin'. .
Bliod Child, in Jail," or -Ba3yn u
ing for Ui Kl.-ve f Prison." To y7r
get in'nr.a'-'nHSitte, two '"'V
the Magaiim wi-l be sent, or any tw., oi "
No.oOaChnctStr Ih ;. bj
All Pos'rc'ers c.nt:"J'" . .i
Pfranarrtap sclub. Lpecimeos if
toa-ly, if written for. ' '
Tbe undersi-r.ed.Itoard of fc".n!'cJ.hd,1i T
setir' forth-purpose of enm am j
..on the first -aturdy of ea-h onta. ,
M, at the office of E. . JJ.
Hi b if UIIIU V - - - -
1 t f
previous to the commen " 7.. S-hrf
fell. FISHER. fCx.
AW3, Hammers,
. iliaers Plot
At lIcLaushlio
-.OIL OIL, bet qaallty c!a.ta C: w
The war drama is approaching it hieW
iuterest -This year will probably eo,,,' ?
. . - - .. . . . J iui j.-
st'.ncg events of tha times will be n-v .
picte4 in the oclums oi the Dwoca ,jT
resolve to raraer more valuable
than ever as a faithful
supero iiezcotint aua uimi '
those in other Magaxinet, and one at lt f,
in everv number. Colored fasbien
vance: It is tbe on'y Mapiiae whese
frcm Fashions later tcan any omcr -..5 j
also.adoiea or more New Styles. r
Wood: aWo, a Pattern, frora whioli a Drew, . J.y
or child's Cusfoae -an be cut. Without tli a
mantua-maker so Uat each BBKter. in u-
n rr'i ;ihrtrir,tiaa. The Yrs,