riiscr. C7kJ)e'l, Mortgages, Exec utiles, Kcpleviri, ' IJceose.Ac. Ac. Ac. for sale at this OHbe. ? jjjw about a Sieara Ferry boat at this r-izl ? e 'ouid "ke 10 kear ,ls whistle. jr Dye's class in the Rudiment cf ju-;;C are requested to meet cn .vlcnday i veiling r.ext. j Se uoJcrs'aD that calicoes have sold tS leva's IScesnt a yard by the case. zx St.'Josepbi daring the past week. . ; Tj0Uis WaMier is about to tke"rhnre It t.e Great Western Photograph Gal Jriy. Success? hm- r T. TtaiufJ is fitting up the lower sireet, fa: merth'indisiuff purposes. TVn. Eft-urn yer has commenced cpe :y.;vu on IuiNbrick building jut west (f Attiiisou & Cos Clothing Store. Wlase tuiiness i3 it to finish the pub lic well ? It appears to be nobody's lusi i o-3ss at present. We hope the Council i ivjll tee that it is finished. The orders for N irery Stock from j G-yUd & Co.'i At a son J u a ry, Kan ? tv .1 to fiiiti about tha middle ot April, j Get jo-r greenbacks ready ! t . m . i ' i Wherever Stewart's Hand Com.IMant ' cr has Uen tested, it has been pronou;;c j eJ the greatest labor-saving1 machine ; trrer iuventtd. : Ste the aJvertisement of Mrs. W ii j liamson, Agent for the Florence Sewing S rifachiae. These Machines are justly celebrated fcr the. many good quajujes f tLey pjssess. Hackney & Co., have just received a cLjxe asscf trr.ent of Groceries, Garden beta:,' Scc.;;z5fi have a n.ck uf telling ihirjs very cheap. "Thtre'-s where you fvt your money back.'"' &e tlie advertisement of John Patter ns' Dreg S.ore at Peru, Nebraska.- Mr. Patwrson has just received a huge stock of the .bett goods in his line, and uuc'erstaijds his busings thoroughly. J." Y. Middletoa jLas received i hrge ttotk ol goodi in his line. John's al:re lo iLe NiUrests cf the public, an from tl.e lo'jvtant press jof work, we judge his . fort's are ajprec;uud." ' IIo;;den,: the greatest euctes? of the 3cJ.h century, will viit Drownvdle, ai.d -wiU -xhibit his Wonderful, Mysinrion z.:d Lngh-provv;k:i!g show next Tuesday afternoon -and n'ght. For particulats, see advertisement iu to-day's paper. See Le advertemt nt -f J. Berry i I . Co . in :o-days paper. They have a I hrpestck of fJo '., telected with care tn'J jutbriient, i-d Lnou how to dispose f of iLnii on re a .-unable terms. Every- t'M : Jca-.rii g tn purchase vjil save money j by visiting t!)f.:r store. ... Now ibat the City has the authority hy.does the .Council tot compel the ' fraain cf the side-walks on Main street? I '"Nuw is the accepted time," there is rau.h lo do, and it cannot be commpuctd too early to insure its complexion th s turner. 3IarrlCll. On the lSih iust.f in Dr.y tcn.Oiiio, ly the Bev; J. E. Twitcheil, IIxxhy 3L Atjnsov, Esq., of this City, to JIi?s Kate TiPToy, cf Dayton. Great be tb?ir joys and bnareulj bliss liain oa them from alcrc, Atiu growing bj j,ine.- re?uJt lo boy? Hid giili fc-d lore. J. F. M-irris has just received a jarge iock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, light Groceries, Sec, &c, which can be purchased chean for cash t his Drug Store, in Whitney's block. All those desiring to get the benefit of the great redaction of prices, caused by -C.e decline of Gold, should buy of Morris. Mrs. Ilewett's new stock of Millinery Coodsis the best and most complete ever ifered in this market. To get fashion, tle and durability combined, go to Mrs. ilewett's. Her store is purely for the benefit of the ladies, and they thoali t.lf FViMnize .cr. See her card in another column. . -.' Just received, by Atkinson &. Co., tha largest stock ceding 18,000 dollar at reqced prices e ver offered in this mar ket, consisting cf the fine aiui best quality of Clothing cf every description. v-hich they will sell at greatly reduced rri-es. Call soon, a$ they are going oiT hke '-hot cakes." A retnirlaUe incident has occurred a our city .during ihe past week. One cf our merchants had sold tome plows the ruling prices at the time of sale, nd received his money. A few days Rfer, 'die purchasers were again iu town, the merchant refunded part of the jnneybefaqiejhe price of Plows had ...ea- Th? prewi'ent i s "b-jliy" on ?7 . Last Thursday cne of the hands at the Saw Mill in this place had his hand caught in the saw and terrihly mangled. The next cut on the isv the saw broke ofF rlose to the fchaft to which it h fastened. The Mill is all right now, and sawing a3 fast as though no accident had occured. Remember the City Election next Monday. We hare no ' candidates to announce, but would 'like to see a lire Council elected. Atlantic street should b? cu through to the river. This will benefit the City ten times its cost, by making the property cn the levee more "valuable, and inducing property owners there to grade their lots. This would give us decidedly the best -Jevee in Ne braska. Energy and no fear of respons ibility is what is wanted. Let's have it. From every quarter we hear commen dations of Haskell's Great Exhibition. Trarelers from below, who have attended while below, speak of it as a great event in their lives. Hi?. tricks of Prestigita tiou mm certainly be of a superior kind' rivaling the greatest Juggitrs of the Ht. ."He has had fitted up, for his travelling exhibition, an ' immense Pa villion, seating comfortably 2,000 per ton?, und has io-,v m his set vice the best Pras3-I3and in the Weat. We have re ceired a visit from his gentlemanly Agent Mr. Uobbins, who informs us that lias ctll will be hero, without fail, next Tuts day. All should "rcli up," tor there's fun iu Houdin. and it will be a grc; and irreparable loss to all who miss it. The Grandest Scheme of the Age is the lottery by which the Patee House in this city is lo be disposed of with all in furniture, which is of the richest and most costly kind. The drawing of this LttLry is irrevocably decided to take place on Hi zldh day ofjpril, 16(Jo, by order of the Proprietor, Treasury and Direc tory. Whoever intends to buy a ticket must speak soon, or the chance will be lost. St. Joseph Herald, Feb. 19th. We have the best assurance that this Lottery will be fairly and honorably con ducted. Those desiring to purchase: tickets can see tl e Scheme of Prizes at Marsh, .15ro. & Zot k's I3ooks Store, and tickets may be obtained, through them, of N. S. ILaidmg c Co., Nebraska City, at S'3 each. Now's the accepted time. LEGAL NOTICE. , Jam'4? JcCers.Jo'on JcIT'Tsnncl William JeflVr.'.wil txkc notice that Dtnj.1 lair.c F. is-LbnuJi did. on Gili.oay of Jumeiry, A. 1). fi his bill of cH.uijil.r.iit, ir the Di.-trict C.mrt of NLm&U County Nebraska Terrilory, in CuiiiMjry, yipt Ann;i JflT.Ts, Jau'os Ji fT'I", J(bo J'Jfor., Utrrt JffiVr?, W iilljua Jiffirri, Av.iTm. Isaiah .it rs, i uy . .Uireri Mariu' I F. .I-.:L-r-, KlicuWtb' A. Jcff.-r aiiJ John L. t'.:tr?on dfTeii'lanti ; t':r ho fprwlits arc f a t'.;tii:i Ui-c'i of trust, or m''f, j;ivon bv Tli-iiai .(rJyT. tifrt d, in lii liiiiiue. to tlu S:iid riiin,.ii;:ii! and .5 f-nJjot J hn J.. t'nrs jn, i; lb- North Ka.-t !;'inrt -r of i-eti u N.t. Twelve t v T.vii..).in Ni ".r ( ., X'.rlh nf li.in r u Xii. 4 :,f;c-n i Lj in S.v-: Cttyt ood T'crr.tiiry. "."CHi'J l:lr.v 111' H lil l l l 4il.il . ak. .nT : .r the s-ui'.i t 5 '.t'l.00 with iutcre.-t tLcmru at ibf t-atij oi fif.? j :.-r o -nt j'L-r ltin'.th. The bj:ot. nd .n:ytr of ri-1 hilt iri to i' nt-ioso Soid IKo.l t Truvr w.rjg-iii' , a;i I for too .. t id rvn-i.-t'1.-'to jay the m '.i-y s seeuu'd. You rro rtrqui-r-d io Mr an 1 A-.-r S.ii I biii on ihs t-u'h J.iy of Arril, A. U. IS 'ij .or the ti-in viu taken tr.ie aifcl a decrvo ftitero 1 auo-di'ily. Dated lirownviljc, Ffhrunry. lst Izti. CllAU..l-:a tS. It'M.'SEY. 2 J-41 $13.50 Sol. for t'. oj,iaiu;iut. li:gal kotick. J(,hn Trusloy will l.V.Z rMcf; that BeTij:Vc;.n T. Lushbouph sT,"l.liius II. ZI3.n.h?y.cT.itd.:itnr;t. did ii ti th ?'l.h d:iy cf March, a. d . f.'o in tt eoHi'Cot Jifjiistor in ChaTTOt; f th" t uri witt.ja iiR.l for tl-.o c. im':v of N:n h.Y. N-ri:.-k: Tcrri:ory.' Iiill of t n p''tint riiti.-'t the .-aid John Tru.l"v a Ufci.d:u.t. The "' "Ot mid .Mj-er !' said ih'.l & to obtain :i Veyrv of mid Court d-.-n'"it; a cvrto'.n c.ig. rscnt K-d hy the s -.vjjohn TroM-r, of 5ot!:ity I.;u,d AVorf.'int m. '., 80 f- r ltiO acres isfio l ; ura:int lo t-n a,t of C. nj;ros-it ;irov d March id. 1 05, to tl;fiid John Trnsty. Warrniitec, a p'-' d :;ti 1 J'idi l ns?ijrn mcnt ilirrt'of and vct'tLi: the title oi taid I.:nd i Wrr:ir.t i 11 Jh m" fi . 11 i llflcV . thr a'Si'rnoe tl .lTC'f. Tro-;iid .loon TfuMy i?aot;fi -d thin he is re- qyirM !i r;,( iir ai.d Hi; w.-r ia Mil on or ctimc the is:h J:!V of yy.iv. P. d. ISoj. ciiAi;!d s c, ivK?r.v, "nr ' 2".-274 ?'J S-d!"it r for Cotnplalnnnt. THE ONLY SURE THING. PROTO GRAPH Ar the nnrae indicates it not only RENEW S tii t -ruwth of the hair wben thin i4 i'Uin of, hut i Positively RENEW THE COLOR to it orisin ?hnde when it Is turning grey or white, whether cnn.Jd hy ispa.'p, grief or old flj;'. It certai:.ly tto what i. ihaimil forit.a I'.ut to whu-h fcncdroaj, nsy, thou-Rds who have use l it,nro r-miy nrii wiiiir: to loFtjfy. When one h"t tte 9 fjiirtv .:. in any ccnmiunitr. its reputation pici.Os lil-.o wihl f.re r.d tho bost nlvcrti.e intnt .ud rtroi: mei unti n we de?5r. tnthef-ayt-cru .itc?,h',te le h'ENEWER"' originated, ir i u?t.d hy all VoiiiLa.iios as Drcs.-ing. nd is to be f'.-i; don bo toilet tahlcs of Your Mn, (U'at their b.trher?;) whtlc Older Hen nd Women Will h it, h without it, ? a renewec JmvI rtorativ-o f.ir tb"ir cre loes ar.d bald heads, wbicb it change? to thevr tntiro atiFaetion. f ; T". :,r Mi'ilin? in the eity of Bton lan,ttp wurd'bf lfi.COO' bottle veT month . the dea'r giv iy!:o It L.N EWER ih preferetco ever alt other Hair Prcjwr'.t ion. . If ct e:d ly Dru i?ta in yoar. town, a Trial Btil-i will hi; sont jou by Exprcs, upon, receipt t f r.c liolisrhy inn.l thus giviBy-iU mi opp rtuuity at . a f. r to'.ijr: -sei!ert virtues. for 1 ii.il liu'lie-, nmSt o r-jl&rrt-: " our (;-.o rvl l !i.r th Northwifctern Sti-eyf C. A. COOK ,R:. 6:21, Chicago, III. . All such oid.-i will rciv nrt.ia mt.'nti m. U. P. II ALL CO., IV,.prict.,r. . Nashua. N. II. T!;e tr.'.de far.p'ic 1 o Wnnaetnrrs Prices j ITI.LEi:, i i N il A 1-LLL.L.i:, U !i?',l? Uri-.-giJt-.CLicis-i, I:Lp-?. 2.i 9 5-i T- Cho'-lc DriiD.'. Catharius Llulk-ev. Arna i)rirjp3, Thomas Dripp-., aad ait omera in 11- tcrotJJ : , . r ... Vou are hereby notiS-'-l tint Frtn-!, A. Dames hr- m-.de vioaiion to the Prob'te Oonrt or th C. anty of Neninha.in the Tenitory of Sebrak, to he TV,iute.t gnardiB of the 1-state of Andrew f n,u' o a i,.TLideiit ttjnor, fi:.u:ucd in the ride.iunty of cmaha, ana ma -f a ourl , .. .. - ... . 10th day r.f April, ISba, at ttvi cl-k, k.-u-r as the tune for hearing fnob ' T M Airnrney.E. W. Thowu. P3t4 Marfb-1 ! ' - 3t ?7 " 4 TO HE U C II A X T 8, F A R HER AXD BLACKSMITHS. IE01J! IEOH!! D. A. CONSTABLE, ST. JOSEIPH, MO. nAS oy.JIA.XD AKD FOR SALE A LAKGF AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OP : ' IRON, STEEI AND inmii! COlIPItlSIXO: nOKST? SAILS, 'XATL-RODS, ' DOUSE AND M CLE SHOES, ANVILS,' SlTJMiS, UELLOWS, AXELS, VICES, THIMBLE SKEINS CHAIN'S, W AGON LOXE.S, SCKEW PLATES L'OLSTEIi PLATES, FILES, UASKS, WRENCHES, SLEIKiK HAMMERS. HAND HAMMERS, SilOEfNu HAMMEItS. PINCHEUS. NUTS, HAKKOW TEETH. WELL WHEELS, iC.,&C, AC, " - , ' ALSO WOODWORKS! COSPEISlXO ni'DS, SPOKES, FELLOWS, WAtiON LOWS, SHAFTS, POLES, AXE S, HOUNDS, AXE HANDLE WiOOM HANDLES, PLOW 1 NDLES. Ac. . - ALSO AGEXT F. THE SALE OP F IRBAK'KS C LB S AT 3L-JLrtX 025:3 HAVINCr LAID IN A LARGE STOCli OF THE A L f) V E GOODS, DIRECT FROM THE FACTORIES, x N RKFORE THE RISE, I A M ENA BLED TO SELL TO . THE TRADE AT PRICES Ttt DEFY COMPETITION. vSend in Your Scrap Jron.j ITIGIIEST PRICE PAID FOR WR0UGDr SCRAP IRON AT CONSTABLE'S IRON AND STEEL WAUEHOUSF FbI4-r.32-fira ST. JOSEPH. MO ASM MOUSE CKSCACIO, .ILI.CSOIS. FOR MAIIOH, APRIL, MAY, AT. THE OI,D STAND OF Cooley, I?arowoll Oo. Will offer to the trado of Illinois, Wisconsin, JnJiana, Minnesota, jMichijan, 'Kansas, lo'ia Missouri, IT E B R AS HA, The most Attractive and Largest Steele of Dry Goods, Notions and Fancy Oooclsy EVER OS SALE WEST OF NEW YORK, .. t rricci r tow as the fme Qns'ities are soM by the Let liouse' in Nc'.v Yorlv, Dcslou or PliilaJelpIiiit. Our Stock will em-brace n part SSrom and fllcocljd SlsrciiiJs asic! Siiitsiis. ii-ili, lieuirass, MIriiiiir SliipcS Cosset Jeans, Cami ics ricki!f, ft'laniicls Api ttn i litcIiN, Tivcocbs, V. & JI. Casiaitrs Eivi-scjs Satine8 A!tc Cloths. Casi'uneres. La'tios Ct-si Cloths, acd all Wucleu kiiit&ble for Men's Vrear. PRIX rJ' S TJ prrimtck,' PunnePa liowe Du'Che. tJandcrs L-v.'reuce3 Arnolds. And all other wrll-tnown brands. oua stock or r Ttrff nrjwpr pftrt HI ' " WiircomprUe all the novel Uea of iheSa?oa. OUR STOCK IS THE NOTIOi-J DEPARTMENT Will b found, full and complete. r-Oi:r 5 fore .(.wned hy the firm, atnj no rent to .. .T ..1.:!? nrw v fl:tod no. ive u? Sjiesrora SOx4".20 t ! ili larae-f w?-u of the tea bord. iittorciiig i;S 1 uiiVa!iaUel la-ilitiei for showing ihhhU. o. e of our firm residing in Ne-.v Y 01 k, (ravin ins two eterieiica 1 ismsuo; auu uuj ms mi xi toeffe: ur tustciueis Bewuoous ua.ij iUO We recfullrinTita Merchants visiting Chicago IO PXaiUKIr? I'ill .n.".. - : I J-farticvlar lteution given to .flillns ordri.3 Jolin V. Farevrcll c Co., ...CHICAGO, I SUa'.. t ' I:.? ' ! '-. ; . , Ti'TH.a.m jt.a aim mas ir w ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. itt pursuance of n order of the Prb.ite Court cf emab a, ebrafca Territory, i wui v"--1 iaia at public auction, cn Saturday tbe l?t day of April, lSSj,attn o'clock., ro., at the door of the Post OCSee in Vetnaba City,tv-said county of emabs, the following de.cribtd land situated inthe County ef Xeraahain the Territory of Nebraska, to-wit Lot number five, (5), cf the north west fractional quarter of section number twelve, (12), in town ship number four, (4.) North of Rango number fifteen, (15.) East of the 6th princip&i meredian; containing about sixty-fo'ir 7f '';TTi(T DWID LOCKWOOD. AJrainislraiorof the Estate cf ilarthaLockwood, aqctascd. ... 25-3t-$7 JACOB MAROI1N, MERCHANT TAILOR, LEO WN 71 LLE, - NEBRASKA Calls the attention of Gentlemen de:-iricg new, neat ervicah!e ami fashionable 1 : 1 Wearing Apparel, - TO HIS HEW STOCK GF GOODS, . .. JUST RECEIVED, BTtOAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, TESTIKG3, &C..& OF TI3E VE21Y LATEST STYLES, Which he win sell or makenn. to orer, at unprece leate'l low prices. Kavins on hand one of SINGER'S SEWIXG MACHINES, he is able lo do Custom wori at rate that defy compe tition. I warrant my work, Hand ns xrcll as 31acli!nc Work. Tli.e n-ishinR any thii's in hi Ime will do well to call and exiinine Lis stock before investin;;. as be ole-lses himself to hold out pecutiarlx fayorble ir. dueement F.brnry 23. lRiU. TT mm J. VV, BLISS, AUCTIONEER, COriLIISSIOfJ DEALE8, Main Street. 2 doors East of Foe! Office, AUCTION SALE at the Pioneer An-tion IIou;e Every Saturday. . J. W. PTilSS, AUCTIOXEEB. ' Sad iles nnd llArnesa for sale cheap at lilisu' two dor-rs East of Post oQce. Ono good Sewing Machine for sale at the i'io n re n eco. Balmoral! Skirts, new stylsi, for sale low at niis.t' Auction House. One good Wngg't. for gale enquire of Elis. Finn G dd Pens, for sale at LIU'. Shot Guns , Iiifles apd Rerply'crs, for sale at Bliss Auction liconj. 160 Acres of good Land For Sale chep, also House and Lot, Enquire at the Pioaeer Auction Rooms. Fine vStock of Ladies' Shoes for sale at cost at tho Pioneer Auction UoU:?er ' Linen Table Cloths for sale cheap at the pioneer Auction House. A fino 2?.-c anient of Table Cutlery for Sale at Bliss'- Auction Rnon. Two go. d Ttrk ll.es and one Morgan Colt ? year old for at Biiss' Correll. Lnre Sto k of Hotr Boots and Shoes, at cost, nt Hliss' Auction Koouis "two doors east or the Post Office. HAVE JUST OrEED A NEW STORE OS JWain Street between First and Second. BROWNVILLE, N. T. WS Have in itnr9 aUrgt ard well selected stock of Ctilicops. Muslin, French Tiwst, Hats. Caps, Ik'Ots, Shoes, Leather, etc., ; etc., etc.,etcetra WHICH TTI OFFER FOIt SALB CHEAP FOR CASH Groceries of Every Kind, Stiar, . . CotTee, Tea, . Soda, Allspice, Pepper, - Candles. " Tobacco, Matches, Starcli, . cCC, oCC. All Y which wo C'er at the lowef t prices, deter mine 1 tot to be unJerjoU. . GRANT. rwTille, Uoh., - - ix-4-yIy LEGAL, KUTICK. . William It. Smith will fake notice that Harriet A. Smith, a phiintif, has fi.cul a petition ag!iint him. us detcminnt. in the District Cuirt of Ntu;;iha !i;.tiity, Nebraska Tirritcry, on th chareery side lhcn-i't : the object iiad jirncrc-f S lid petition i to '.b!ain a d'icres of :!I court divore.ing said ptain tiiffpini said d. 'loud ;tn t trom th bond of m.iiri in ny. nnd :!sininr ti f;ii l y.l .ilntitf the ccstudy :ind t 'iui.r l f 'he eViiSdren of thcsid parties. Piin ti;f '.. ask f.r alimony out- f the esa of paid defci.'dcnf, aijd that the fo'l-iwin dc"rihfd proper ty Fit'NiUd in tho iruii'y f c mah-.t. Aehrtipkn Ttrrit'jry, a.nd now owned by tho ilet'endi-nf, to-wit th We.t. half o' the n rtb-ea-'t quarter, and 'he '.- i.rih-eii.st qu;irt'j -'it the imrf l-wo fractional 0'iar- icrof S'vti'-n ni'u;br 12, in ti.wn.-hip number 4, noith uf r-ng-i immbor !, e!it : fltid nlo all thiit purlinn (t lvt .number 3, in fiTii'.n nuuiher 12, i in towinhiii nuiubi-r 4. north ; rK'- nunrier lb -.r of the fith prin' ii:al mere ii:m, linij woit of the s-outh-west Quarter nt tti ni th C!?t etmrter of said faction 12, set ap;irt.l.Sicn-d r.d d- ep-ed to her as such alimony. LKfcid.int is required t-- answer ;aid petition by the 24lh !av t April. tni. ... .. . & MVTIKtMAS, 25-.4t-pJ S-lici:..r fT Cemj laimrt. ESTHAV NOTICE. - " Takon rp by the wader.-iiri'V'; t n Xemah City, the 15th Sty oi February, l85.5. Ona whita he.fir. head, nckitnd -;g from thi k;es d wa are rtd. white s;iot betwvi-n the hum', smpjjnl to be two years oi i. 24-.it II. A. SMITH. - .to cox:-r32iTS?'i:s.' THE Advertit.t r Uaving ben Hostored to Hmlth in a few wi-ek, by a ru-y simple nniCy. af ter having suffered feveral years with ii severe lug affection, and that dread disease, (youiusiptiou i anxi'ni to rn tko known to his fellew-sul'terers the Oje.p of cure. ' To 'ail wha dei-lro it, h trill svA a vtt of th rre- j seiiption Ucd 'frf? of har,) with the direction iTtr rrep'irijpnrd-tf-Jr.jt thyamtr; hi?n .'they will ' V.. mtONUHITIS, Ac. Theanlv obiwt of the l lver'ier in Finding tho iVeyrrijUioo to benefit iho iuilicieJ, amU.preaa inform fi m whi.:b he con :e"tve - Lc invaluable, n J he hnre every eufferer will try hiiivrjJy,'it ! cust thut nothing uay prove hlein;. 'artieswihin" thi rr'riotlon wiH t!ea3C addre?? . . iicv.EllWAR'J A. WILSON, 13-2ib ' YiliiaiuAr,S. Kicfi Co., New York. - STRAY KOTICE. r Tsen ttp by the ucJcrVre'l. living tVree rr.iW south of 1! -f.wcvj.U-, on the bwttoia roiJ. ue two Tcar,l.l white heif-ir, r'ht horn fcrok cl within two inches of the head, ears b'ft ai tippjr h;t off the right, and Irani oa the rig'-it hi?, rejeiub- the Utter 11, 2f.-5t-pl ABRAHAM PENNY. CITY KLECTJOSA'OTICC Notice 1 hereby gives, that ti Annnal Elecfba wiii he hell in tho.(J:tyof KrownTi'.!?, on Jlf.nct.y theSd fiT-rf Apcil. A.D.. for -oco Vay.r, five Aldermsn. me CJcik. one Assessor, one iras vrbr.oci Civil Ergiiier, ene Street Cna:iiieiicr nnd -ne Marshall, V pScers for jaid City. Cy cider ot the Cit Cocr.cil.' " ' ; ' ' i Clerk, i-ia tcu. fiElIMki, 8650,000..,.. SI TTorth. of Watches, Chains, Xtics, cc, cc. G. S. IlJlSKLYSSe CO., - 38 Beckisn Street, New Tort, ! Offer the FoUowins Ixtdacements .to. BUYERS OF VALUABLE JEWELRY. niTinff been fcr a Ion? time erased In the Packet bnine!-s. ani f Jtaoii-rted our repotati-jn for prompt ness an! reliability, anil rosses--ing grrear. facilities for seliins Jewel ty in tbis way, we ate cat fluent that we can eive tat it faction to all who feel disposed to patron ize us - " SC50,CGOVfcrthorVatc!ies,Dia moutl I'ius. Cljains, Kings, &c. All to besolil for ONE DOLLAR EACH! VTithout regard toviluel Not t be paid for until 70U know wuai you are to receive t Splendid List of Articles !! ! All to bo Sold for One Dollar Eakh 111 " 175 'iTatches (handsomely engraved, and warranted nerpect time keepers,) yary In? in price from $20 to $120oacb 225 LaJies' Wiitctes, solid Gold Eun- . finiCaes "$55 each Coo Gentlemen's Silver 'Vratche. - $15 to C3 eacb 6 mo Lmest style Vest and Xc:s Chains 4 5 1 to 3 each 55m Gents' Califori'ia Dinmoml Pins, 2 o to !i5 each 4xk Calirornla Di.inind Ear Provs. Zoo to 15 each 3ooo Miniature ami enamelled Revolv- lnfrrirs, 5 oo to 25 each 2ooo CaHarorniH Diamond and Enamelled Gent's tcarf-Pin. new styles. 5oo to 15 eirlri 2ooo Misoric and Emblem Pins, 3 oo to lo each 25oo Gold Bnd Bracelets, ensravei ?nd plaiii 3 oo to 2o eich 3ooo Mosaic and Jet Brooches 3 oo to 7o eacti 2-joo Cameo Uroo hes rich patterns, 3 oo to 60 each I'oo Florentine and Lava Pins the real .articla 4 00 to lo each 35oo Lava end Florentine Ear Drops 3ootoloecb 3rvx CurU Kar Un-ps 4 00 to $ escn 2ooo T,RIie''hafpUir.Cbain: jet & sold 15 00 to 2jeuch 6000 Gen-.' Pins, a f glenoid assortment 2 00 to 15 ecb 4ooo Siilitair Sleeve Untto", 2ooto Seats Sooo S.r.'in nry; Sleeve-Buttons, in FCt3, very rich 3cotol5ech' 5ooo S eevc-Buttons plain, enamelled v !'d ersraved 2 00 to 0 eacn looco Piair. nnd hamlsi-mely erR. Uinss - 3 5U to lo eai 8uoo Sjirins Lcckets,louble case, richly ensraved 2ootol4c-cU 15xo et LaJios' Jewelry, new and la:evt Birles - 6 00 to 12 ea.h 2joo Gold Pens and handsome Silver Cases 6 00 to to rttch Thia -entire list of beautliul and valuable Gls wilile told, for one l).Har each. Ccrtitlcates or a:t tbe b.jvo articles will be placed In envelopes, an' sealed. Ttiee envelopes wiil le sent ty mail, ai cr ilercd, wiiiiont regard to cliice. On receiving a Cer tificate you will eo what article you are to have, and teen it is optional with you to send one dollar and re ceive the article or not. Certincrttes cm be cderPd for $1 Eleven for $2 Thirty-rlve rr $5 ; Sitr-flve for $10. and One hun dred for $15. We will tend a tingie Cevtitlcate on tbc receipt ot 25 cents. G. . LTASEHTTS & CO.. R .x 4270 35 Beekman btieet, N T. v9-21-am A. Co. FAMILY GROCKKIES M'LAUGHL IN & SWAN. WOULD RKSPECTFULLX ANXOUNCB TO THEIV friendi and Hie pnbiic aeneraliy. that they have ja receiver a sorerinr lot of I'annly Groceries and luv the attention tf purchasers to their stock including NEW ORLEANS SUGAR, PRIME RIO COFFKS, CLARIK1KU .. !o IMTERUL TEA, CKIMHI-D do yOGNG ltyOS TEA, OWDlSliED do BLACK TEA. EICE, SAGO, SPIf S FEPPF.R CLOVES, CTNNamO COVK OTSTERS, RAISINS, CURRAXT3, SfARCD SOAP, PURE SODA, DE LAN' US' SALERATCS, COD TICTI ACJJiAAL, WHlTfJ J" SD GREEN APPLES, CilANPi:iUUES, PARED PEACHES. DRIED APPLES. DRIED PEACHES IJclasses, Coal Oil, Cider" Vinega NATCRAL I,SAr CTTEWING TOBACCO. GOi.DB iEaF AKDOTHKH UllOitB i,nu,r FIX 4 CUTCAYKSDISU. K.ILL1JL-N1CKS.MOIC1NG.COM- Cisars of the Best Brands 111 tn.( Market CHESTNUTS, ALM0ND3 PECaNS. FILBERT3,PEA NUTi, &C, Oic. A Splendid Aseortment of Slick - anc Fancy Candy from ihe Best Mapufnc turies in the East. Flour, Bacon, Butter, Eggs &c The HiffHfst Market Prices Taid foi Country Produce. JIcL iUGIILIN & SWAN, Nemaha. Valley Bask Building BnowNviLLE, Jj.r. 14, lS6l. nCOva-JO-ylj EI L Buttrts, Chnrns. Sieves, Motive' Tiips CloUics Fins and Castile soap DK. J. A. HAI1VEY, Magnetic & Clairvoyant, am, ai wm in jriJ 99 Washington Jlxz. hi. ilh and 5th Sis. ST. I.OS IS, U O. ' POST OKFICE BOX 3333 ) The Sn; ern-iHir il (lift d Ciaiivoyant S:glit Pf"- 1 1... .i i- n .....I 1 w 1 ..v. ..-1 t.i iir.h Mil ast'inisJi- r 1 vy iijii . uii.iri 1 in v Irgdereei ci-uviiice.- the niori fkp jcj! f heL"-lirirne-i Poer he li:is In vas rcgtriiiusr l.H-.'j . V F,.v'eVh ei.ji.ed t pe ceive the Cm-e aid Cjudi iioi aud is encj-jwed wjtli ttie-apaoity to he-l ALL DISEASES, Thia-t theDw?orba deal n itr;ted In thousand of cae. trom all jariis ..f the wi rid- duriiiw' the ial twelve ve:trs. The fo!lowin dieat.- la tbeir most .K.Mn.Ta f..m viPl.l uader his ila-Jie Tom tl, tu-wit: . . . . - i 1 m ' AU-MtT A ill . fr.il'l oa- to ms wet!;s; f AitALYtelS 'd all hcri.l tb Xcrvja bys'era . in.-ln l:y? iJPiliBi'cJ r FITS in fr-jui otih to Uif-e ojts. L.i-jse n iee LiiV'lJil, .uBAilT aiKl UliJliE Yb in from or 0 to ten dy. All piseae ot st e biood. such as ScrofulA. Erysipei&a. Fever Sores, &.c, accord in; to tte f-everity f tne diseae. F E 1.1 AL E DISEASES, . Treated by ffeT Uettod, with t-peedy and tbe mot tiHjipy results. The Hour's Kootns are crowded daily persons rronoor.ced incuraole fey the wh-le Me-lieal FacnTy, and na one fli.'Uid despair of rfetief nm-il utter te:3 examined fcr the D-iovi's ClairvoviBt Eye, witnoui a.Hi '5! Ttesii .us. he telis the Od-e. L-k--i'-.n u-.l tXiidition o. eivy aud all Diese, and wlithar bc-:jn promise relief- Perun on the verge ot the (?rare, and t.iKh as hive nt wdised for years, a-e n. w nvini to testify to the boetor's Wonderful Ski! I and Sixeo The U.ior aeveriises uuthius hot what ba h is the bi ity fo ienorin od will jtive tbe tnot Complete h3ticti n 10 all who cmo under b.B treatment. Ia-TaU-!s win cannot n-rmlt ihe Doctor in per-wo, en be examined and pretrilel for by sending by leuer a Minpie t .tfUiti.t vi iLeir cases. Kefe;ences to Cures performed, cheeifaiiy made. AtiTHUA, l.eretofcre considered an incurable diriM.-e. is trea'.el with periect usioce ro every lD stauce by the Dot tor's newly oiscoveseJ method AU Cases of CAHCbKut no matter bjw Ion? ftauCicSr re.noved in rrora twelve to twenty-four hours without intriuneiit or pin. ly a proctss reweai! to tbe D-clor whtie in the 'Clairvoyant sti. whicb i knuwa to no oilier person liva.s. u23-lr . PROBATE NOTICE. Xotiee is hereby given lh-it application ha3been oil!, by Joseph Ortlt, (iaardiaa, fcr no order iroHi tbe Pyobiue Court of Nemaha Coojjty Nebras 1 a Territory to ell a portion of the real instate of Jsej.,icrie bell, a minor. Tii" nest of -'kin nnd all person? interested aro hereby noticd that Jl'-r.dny tho 13ib d:y of I April, iojj 15 iuc iiia-3 kcw 10 utar miu jMicam'u j when they may i,2er ani contest the samo if they seccropcr. C. G. DORSET, 25-4i$4,50 Frebata Ja ig. -r - .. . -1 . t IS DEN'S TICKET ! x AndDea' Candidal is and eTer wiH QUICK SALES AND SHALL PnOFlTS vVM. T. DEN, WnOLE3AI.E ASD It EH A L HOUSE 1G5G! ESTABLISHED ! EnOWSVILLE, XERRASIi.1. n.ts now on band the most ccmplete aid general as sortment or Merchandise in Brownville. Hj stocit consiits of AND GROCERIES, HATS & CAPS, Chicago Castom-llado BOOTS & SHOES, of Superior Ctiality. Also a full supply of Drcss-Trimmin', Hood and Neubias Gloves and Gauatleis, Hosiery. In tstIpIt ronKtstinc ct Tjb'e and Pocket KnlTSS, Chisels, I'.racpH ano' Hi.. Files aid Moukey-wrencbe", Uiitts and Screws. Saw auJ Hammers, Aze ano Spades. A lull atoruuent of 0 'W H5 TIWAEE, CooVlnjc. Tleitins and Parlor Stores, Large Kettle-, Stove Pipe, Sheet Iron and Zinc. vtoodex, tillowand nor.Low-"WAax. A fall assortme&t of READ1-3IADD CLOTHING, At Low Prices. Blank Books, Pocket Books, and Memo randum Buofcs at.d Stationary of all kinds kept conviantly cn hand. Acouipietaof Msortmant of T URNITURE on hand. Borem. Bed- Steads, Lon;ges. Tab!cs. Mat rees. Sura. Chaiis, Wash, standi, Cribi, Rocking Chairs, Lookii)i( ;iases. Also: Ploughs, C .rn Shellers. Iror, Saiis and Steel Mnsh, licaver and Otie' Traps. Jtetfemher that Den pars the Hinbpst market Prici f .r IDES, Fcil3 and Furs, an.i PUOOfCE of at. Itiiifis tht he wants. t'iill and examim my stock before purchasin? and ave yonr iimney, f .r my motto i to beep tr.e best of Dry OOols, the Choice-t r'aiully Groceries, Cume' Fruit aud Oytters, and il ehest of Stoves to cook theai on in the maiket. Try them. ix-7-yir F AIUBAXIII STANDARD SCALES Or ALL KIXDS. ) Also, 7a.rehous9 Tracks, Lette 3 Presses, &.c. FAIRBAfiXS QREEHLEAF & CO 172 I.AZiH ST., CHICAGO, t3Be carefnl. and buy only Ihe genuine JX 1J1UT & FOX: Agents.in St. Looi. T-ix-l-tf. CHEAT 191PI10 V 1131 tXT IN SSWIEG MACHINES. EMF1RE' SHUTTLE" MAGHIIJE!!! Patented February 14th, LS6Q SJLESR 0 0 M, 5GG BR OJIB WA Y, A. Y.252 IVASH1XGTOJY,SLBOSTO;V TTTT3 JIACniNR is e0n-:tructerl cn entirely new principles of meclutiitsn). p.esing many rare and nliiaOic in)prov-men''s, having lx;en exauiined by the ut' st j r.. found expert?, and ptenwuneed to be Simplicity trid Jc'crfection Combined. It bag a fsfr:ti;ht iietdle. perp eri'iii'olsr action, ronk' s tlioLOCivos SHUT ILK TITCn, wbkh v: neither Kli't-r RAV L"f.,and is ali?te on b..th -iiies ; pr;,in perfect sowing on every d;seri; tioa t , r tnaer. il. lrout Letli.tr to the &'.t?t Nansook Muslin, w iid cctt m, linen or silk thre 1 J, from the ciarcsi to the Guest number. liavin- neither CAM n..r COG WHEEL, an ! the ! ast ps;ibltT Jncti n, it ruus as smooth as glas?, m i is Emphatically a Noiseless Llachine. It requires FlUY VlUi CENT le?s power to iLivo it tlum any other Machine in tho market. A v.rl twelve 3 ear of age van work it steadily, with out fatigue or injury to health. Its I'trciith jin.l Wonderful Slmplici'y cf con s'rurtion r nd.-r it ahnnst imjojiolc t-i get oat of -.lor, an 1 ii? tiC A UAMjiE by the ceuipany to jjive tntiro s:ti.-ftK'tin. Wen spi-' tlully invite all trw?e who may desire 0 ftifl ly themselves with a sut-erior article, to n ine and examine this Unrivalitd A'liehine. Hut in a more especial manucr do we solicit the patronage of - 1 Kerchjint Tailors, Coach Makers, Hoop Skirt Manufac turers, Shirt and boson Hak . ers. Corset Makers, GJiter Fitters. ihoe binders. Vest nnd A'antaloon Makers, , Drc33 Makers. Ilijioum and Cji-'aUe TnttitntioHt icill be ftt - ruuj drall trith. Prices of Machine Cciuplctc: . 2vo. l,Fami!v Machine, witii llemmer, Feller nrd Prai-le'r, " C3 No. 2, Sinl .Manufacturing, with Exte'nsioa Tab!' ... , 75 JTo. 3, f sre IJaridfcLurinjtviih Extension . Tab: Si "o. 4, L-ir-e "aanfactorin, fur Leather, with hulling Foot and Oil Cup ' ICO One ucilf hur'$ innrnetinn i ivJUcienl to enable any jtertoH to work lb in i'wrhine t ihtir entire tut inaction. Agents Wanted forall towns in the United States, whtre Agents are not a'redy estabii.-lie 1. Also for Cuba, Mexico, Central and i?f.uth America, to wb':n a liberal disenont will be zir3n. Terms invariably Ca.-a on delivery. T. J. JIcArlhar & Co., 5.1 Mriritawny, Sew Vork. A. A Co. 552 Aihin-ti)n,rt..Ho?ton. 720 Chestnut St., Phila. ' " GEO. FP.ANZ, A sent, lQ2i, 4th, ht.Lcu;?,Mo. ' ' Fab. 2,65. ly LEGAL NOTICE. George W. Crowder will take notice tlatMattio J. Crowdcr. as plainiiT, h.u Clel a petition ngainet h:ini3he Distrk-t Court cf 'em.iaa County,' Ne braska Territrry.tho ociee.t and prayer of said reti- i tion is to obtaia a difcjee of aid Court divorcing her ''"from the L.-rdj of matrimony heretofore entered in J to with siid Ueorge W. Crnwier; als for rcacon sb'e alinjr.ny ; end tKit the of s. e. aad tat ! 11. e. 14 of the s.e. of sec. V, townhi,- , north ' M ranje i2, eat ct tie 6th principal rn.-n tian, in Johnson county, in said Territory ef Nebraska, may j be deereel to ber as alimony. Defendnus is re 1 quired to answer by tuo 10th d;iy of Ajri,', A. V. leCo. . - E. W. TKO'daS. -: M--4tr-l - "1. f'jrCcraplinant. liQt IT IImIh Streets ' Uavir-s . determined to Wind-up myDry Goods Business, this -Full and Winter, I will oiTer to tho trcda rav immense stoc!: ' ' . at greatly Reduced . Prices, - . THEODOEE HILL, IIairg rnado large purcLasea can and will sell my -entiro ' f stock comprising tho latest Styles offered ' in 4tbo Territory to Cash ' buyers at a . great sacrifice. ' V THEODORE HILL; Intends to dispose of his superb Stock by March nest, ccn-. sequently is enabled to offer greater in ducements to th3 trade than can bo given by any other House in the West. THEODORE HILL, liifonnationFree. TOSEIlVOrSSrFFEIlEUS. , . A GENTLEMAN.cured of Nerrons Debility, la eoinpetency, Pn-miture Decay and Yoathfal Error, actuated by d s.ie to benefit others, will b happy to furauh to all who need it, (fre cf charge,) tth recipe and directions fT making the simple remedy uied in his case. . Sufferers wishing to profit by th .idirortiscrs bad experieneeani,pos.iess sure aoi Tit!uable remedy, can do so by addrereicj bira al nrce&t his yliu-e rf business. .The Redpe and fall iiiforraati n of vital importance will b chaar tully s---nt ly return mail. Address J - JOHN D. 0GD7.X,' No. CO Nassau Street, N. T. P. S. Xerrons Sufferers of bota sexes will fial t.hi3 information invaluable. SADDLES II 1 nvvj COLLARS, WIIIPS.LASHES, LIE3 si:rcigles, GIXITIIS, MARTINGALES, HAJJES, CLIPS. Ccciieyes, Snaps, (line and trc3t) e most approved pattern, Trimmings of Every De scription, TxvoIxjs or .U CJIsoe rad Screws, Tenets, Water Hecks Various CUCIILES, DITTS, RIXGS, SPURS CARDS, BRUSHES, CHAINS, Stlrrnps, siaches, Tapldaroes, 1 AMD .: Saddle Trees of all Hincb, . To all of which 1 invite tha attentioa of a generous public J. W. MIDDLETON. Jan. 2th, nl9-v9-ly A good rituHtio wjuit'J, tor a Spring anl Furnmer School, ia a lare district, "with a gxd hou.e, by an experienced Teacher, whtf Lu mad it his profe-sioii for tenyears. Satisfactory refrer.ce "(riven. Adlres by lett . ii. IIUUHKS. Nemaha City, 5. T. I'HUlf ATE A'OTICEP-1 To all whom i. may Concern: Notice is hereby given that the Probate Court cf he ce-unty of Nemaha in th Territory cf N'straa ka. has appointed the 10:h day of April, a. d at one o'clock, p. m., as!thTSme, and tht oCiceof CO. Dnrey. the-Jude af sail Court iQ p-ownv'.lle, in said Conny of Nemhi, as ti pTuro for daa:t.rin ta Prabt9 thriil ti Joel (J Mayes, deceased, lite of said county. All persons de3ir!ng to df) Fo miy cr at uxz '" Ld place and contest the validity cf sv I Will. E. THOMAS, Attorney for the Estate. Dated. March 13th, lSgj. 2S-3t-$7-p23l "' LEGAL NOTICETTZ The ered:tcrs of Archibald Diadiy.. (Teeas!, will take notief that the Pre bit Court, of Nt mab County, Nebraska Terrilory. anpoinUkl Auzost 14th. Ii' and September llth, 135S,atth f.EicH rf C. U. D.rey, in. brownviile, ia said eouo ty of Nemaba. to receive, exarsine and" adjust all claims and demands against tha deceased. Ualesl the claims of creditors ara presented to said eoart f.-T ailowmec on or before September lUh.lStl, t'aev wiil not bs enti'Jed to pjEi23t. T Dated ilirch lS;h. 1353. ' ' CT . CALAWATMILLSAFS, Adm:ni?trator of lua Eststscf Arch Ilandl7 dfr:9ied,by r .' E. W. Tnonsi, S7-4l-pd . I . Atfyforsat. J; A. HEWES.4l h ATTORNEY AT LAV. Solicitor in Chancery. LASD AND COLLI CTIXQ . AGIST. Mareti TStb.ly. ' Brick una Stone Wanlca SaleJ Proposes ivV.t ba receivel "by tht Boarl of Dlrectvrs of the Dratfnvirie City Diri;t natit tb Srst day rf April,!1?).!, for J50,fo Driek, act 130 Perch rf S t n, to bs dsliv-red aa tbtScbo&i l.'ou'oLUck. Cai'i pld oa il':?irj 2C2S-4t. ,r . 1