Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 30, 1865, Image 1

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GEO. -W. HILL & co,;
0t si-iT9(te! Ht9er!::;T5t!frt:?
ach aiiitional insertion
iaiiaeii cardMix liass cil3icijtar
Cat eolama one year. . - . : ',
One half counjQ cue year
Cat fitJrtM eoJuiasoc jtzt " . .
Oaa eighth e&Iusiawis jr -!
On olumniX month!
1 I t
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(9 IS
13 ()
21 Ci
13 CI
33 CI
21 C5
li t)
:o cs
15 t
19 C
6 C
Trtiser Block, Ualn S't Between Ut 2d.
One balfcoiuan six jaoathi
Oaa fourth column six month i
One eighth eclama iii month
One column three month
Oae half column a tix cic&il
One fourth co'.KTnnthree most.
Ona eighth coluxn three contfcf
Announcins candidates for .
AlltransieotaJvertLcnit EicjifcfUia ai-
fubacriptioo, must inariably, be paid inAdranee
ranee. .
Yearly adTertisemezte qnarterlr jn ..nzse.
ii ftf JiH. Rk and Carl rric-jcr, dona ia
Book Work, and Plain and Fancy Jofc Work,
Id the bett (trie, and on abort notice.
the best style on ehort notice areaonablv
NO. 28,
f 1
-ma N m -
v J
Corner 2nd and Main Streets,
BBO W NVI3jE, K". T.
t. rreparcd to doall kind of work in bis line on
lit notice and reasonable tcrme. 21-Pin
0vter., Cakes, Pies, CKiea. GinKer Bread, etc.
4c ' .iideRcripti'.nscouhtautly on band.
GOOD XKALa served in the Lett style and onfbort
Also a Urge assortment of
Jvlacco, Cigars, Xutl. Candies,
Canned Fruit, Oysters, Sorp,
Crackers, Raisens, Cur- -ranis,
and a supply of
Earing or UP pcmant.utly on
3Zixx Stroot,
OnedooraU.v' .; ;t..r.r XJlotbing Store, ia
prepared t d-.Jl kir.ds f vrcrk in hi line in the
A Uri and btylc. 1'aiti. ubraUrniionegifen to
ToracU. Tg-cU6uip'd
fflML S WOO.
h!ti itttit t ran nT?TimTnm
Address LroTniille or Pern, Net?.
18 tf '
Irat'hld ) :t j ct.ii viy toperlorm nil work,par
ta:DJti) to I u.-ini t.
ll -oie hcJ citjn iiKint.itg.lay.insr.aud paper bang
mg,wt hhvrt noli.--, and the uiott approved
it?le. I'prjincajh. Give hiia arail.
Shop on Mia Street, oas-t of Atkin&on'a Clotb
iu Sture.
BrownTili, April 7, ly. .
- It tbe place to net your Picture. He 1 prepared to
take aU kind of Picture lrje sueu x-uoiograpna,
Melainotrnes. k.
Be keep on band a 1rcM-select-t stock of Albnma
and Photogarpb goodn.
The new Gallery ta north aide of main Street ppo
Joha A. Poun't Store. Persons will do well to
call aoon, before getting work done eUewbere.
Particular paltia taken with cl;ilJruu, also in copying
omPictnrea. Dark-rel, black, green, or piaiaa are
otf colore for chil lren drese.
April I4tb,lS64.
Wholesale and Retail
Evan "Worthing,
Union aioon
Hal jut Receired the largest and beat ateck ok
lienors ani c,g,rsever oCerel In thia market, ana
iil tbemaa tow aa any Houb in tbe Territory.
Slain, Street, Prownville
Sncceaaor to R. Brown S. Co.
4otU resiectanlly announce to tbe CltUena of
': ruDTine &nd Tieiuity, that be baa pnrcnaaed tbe
; large and Well Selected Stock
2.- 3-,
J Be atlnrsa k ii. . ..-. ...
, -U(j v fuui" pruci.i iji wm seep ma
eery Uidng usually kett in
; ' Fust Class Drug Store,
li determine! net to be undersold for cat,h.
aTtw-iB B by Bbseriber, livinf on tbe Rampel
sTy Farm, joear Jern, Feb. W ISC5, one
imTib vrW,dlrk Ui, tbout 18 b"dnigh, har
d hOZ. " oa,llod ''! round. Urns ia hie feet,'
m . " "frw ,Wt yra old.
" H . J. n.
.BFRN8. :
About fifty years ago, I moved into
the western part of New York, which
was then nearly a wilderness, no set
tlements having been made excepting in
a few places on, the borders of the lake.
I arrived iq the spring of the year, and
commenced clearing the farm I now oc
cupy. By the fall, Thad built a good log
house and temporary stables for my cat
tle had put into the ground ten acres
of wheat, and looked forward to the en
suing year for the reward of. my labors.
My wife ac(J child (for I was married)
were all my famil neighbors thore
were none nearer than five or six miles,
so that visiting or amusements were out
of the question. You may therefore
suppose that on the approach of a loDg
northern winter I had ample time to
gratify my love of hunting, for which I
have always had a great fondness.
Winter had set in early, ana all my,
cares were confined to keeping a suffi.
cient stock of wood on, hand for fuel
which you may imagine was not difficult
when the trees stood at my (Jor and
taking care of the few cattle I was then
owner of. Jt was one day, I think in
the fore part ef IJecember, when having
finished my morning's work, I took down
my gun, the same that now stands in ihe
bar, and told my wife that J would, on
my return, please her with the sight of a
fat deer. Deer are, even now, yery
plenty in this part of the country, but
then they were mucji more sp, so that
there wag little merit or difficulty in
achieving what Ifrad promtsed.
J took, my departure about a north
west course from my cabin, which led
direct into the forest. The snow was
about a fool deep, and the wind blowing;
hard from the north, it drifted , much in
the openings; yet this I thought was in
my favor, as the noise made by the wind
among the trees prevented the game
from hearing my approach in ''still hun
ting.' But I was mistaken in my cal
culations, for I had travelled five or six
miles from home, and had not got a shot
at a single deer.though I had seen num
bers of them, but they were always on
the run and at too great a distance, and
all the tracks I saw showed that they had
scarcely walked during that day. I was
then a young hunter, but I .have since
learnt that this animal is always on. the
move, and, generally runs throughout
windy days, probably from the appre
hension of Uger from wolves, which
follow its scent through the snow.
At length I arrived at a large cedar
swamp, on the edge of which I was
struck by the appearance of a large stub,
twenty-five feet high, with its bark off.
From its scratched surface", I had no
doubt it was climed by racoons or mar
lens, which probably had a den in it, as,
from its appearjjnce.I judged it was hol
low. The stub, at its base, might have
been seven or eight feet through, but
eight or ten feet higher up its size was
much dimished, so bat I could grasp suf
ficiently to assend it, and ascertain what
was within. My gun ajid great" coat
were deposited in a secure place, and,
being an expert climber, I soon gained
the top. As I anticipated, I found the
stub was hollow, the aparture being
about two and a half feet in diameter.
The day. you will observe.Vvas dark and
cloudy, and, looking down the hollow,
I fancied I could see the bottom at no
great distance; but having nothing to
put in to ascertain its depth, I conclu
ded I would try to touch the bottom with
ray feet. I therefore placed myself in
the hole, lowered myself gradually, ex
pecting ?rery moment my feet would
come in contact with some animal at the
fool of the hollow; bat feeliDg nothing
I unthinkingly continued letting myself
down, until my head and hands and my
vhole person were completely within the
centre" of the stub. ' .
At this moment, a sudden and strange
fear came over me, I knew not for what
cause, for Tarn not naturally timid, It
seemed to aTect me with a sense of suf
focation, such as is experienced in
dreams under the nightmare. Render
ed'desperate by my feelings, I made a
violent attempt to extricate myself, when
the edges .of .the wood to which I was
holding .pn, treacherously gave way, and
precipitated me to the of the
hole, which I found extended to the lev
el with th'e ground. 'I. cannot wholly ac
count for it, but probably trom the treci
position in which my body was necessa
rily kept in so narrow a tube, and my
landicg on a bed cf mess, driefl leavei,
and other substances, I sustained little or
no injury from so great a fall, nor were
my clothes tut little deranged in my
descent, notwithstanding the straitness
of ihe passage, owing to the smoothness
of the surface, from long use by the an
imals ascending and descending to and
from their den for a den I found it to
be. '
After my fright, I had time to exam
ine the interior all was dark, and put
ting out my hands to feel my way, they
came in contact with the cold nose of
some beast, and then with the fur, which
I immediately knew was that of a grown
cub of young bear. Continuing to ex
amine, I ascertained that there were
three or four of those animals, which, ar
oused by the noiae made in my descent,
came round and smelt of me, uttering a
moaning noise, taking me at first no
doubt for their (lam; but, after a little
examination, snuffling and snorting as if
alarmtd, they quietly Retook themselves
tqi their couches on the moss, and left
me to my own troubled and gloomy re
flections. I knew tiey were too young
to do me any injury, but with that knowl
edge came the dreadful pertainty that
the mother, whose premises. I had so
heedlessly invaded, was quite a different
personage, and that my life would date
but a short period after she arrived, as
arive she certainly would, before many
hours could pass over my head.
The interior of the ,den became more
visible after my eyes were accustomed
to the darkness, and aided by a little
light from the top, I discovered that the
4en was circular, and -on the ground was
six feet in diameter, its circumference
diminishing at the height of . seven or
i?ht feet to a diameter of less than
three, owing to the singular formation of
the trunk, as I have before remarked.
t - 4 - . . ft .
All my attempts to react) the narrow
part of the hollow, in the hopes of work
ing my way out, as a chimneysweep
might have done, if that had been prac
ticable, were fruitless. My esape in
this way was therefore impossible. To
cut through the trunk a hole sufficient to
let my body put, with a small pocket
knife, the only one I had, would have
been the work of weeks, and even
months, as from the examinations I had
made of Wh the exterion and interior, I
knew that it'coould not be less than a
foot thick. The knife was the only
weapon I possessed, and one hug of my
tremendous adversary woi'ld deprive me
of tht power to use even so contemptible
an impliment; and even I succeeded in
killing the bear which was not' to be
expected my case was equally hopeless
for I should then only exchange a sud
den death for one, if possible, even more
horrid, a lingering one ofvfamine and
thirstfor my tracts in the snow I knew
were long sfnee covered by the drjf ts.and
there was no possibility of my friends
finding me, by searching in a wilderness
of many miles in circuit.
My situation was indeed hopeless and
desperate. I thought of my cheerful
home, my wife seated by the fire with
our child in her arms, or prepairing our
evening meal, looking out anxiously from
time to time expecting my return for
the shades of evening were fast ap
proaching. These and many more such
things rushed thro1 my mind, and which
way soever they were turned, you may
suppose they were teeming with- horror.
At one time I had nearly determined to
wreak ry feelings upon the cubs, by
destroying them, but the wanton and
useless cruelty of the act as they could
be of no service to me then prevented
me. Yes, I would be merciful. 'Oh!
you know not how merciful one is, when
he feels he would willingly himself be an
object of mercy from others.
Twonourshad probably passed, and
to me two of tjje longest I ever experi
enced, when suddenly the -little .light
which had illumined the gloom of the
den from above was gone. I looked up,
and could no longer ' see the sky. ' My
ears, which at that moment were pecu
liarly sensitive, were assailed with a low
growling noise, such as a bear makes on
discovering an enemy nd preparing for
an attack. At once I was aware tnat
my fate was at band, as this the mother
descending to her cubs, having, by her
accute onrans of smelling, discovered
thatkher den had been entered by some
enemy. From the time I had ascertain
ed ray true situation," I had opened ray
knife, and hjld it ready in ray hand for
te encounter, come wh,en it would. I
now braced myself for a death grapple
with my terrible antagonist, feverishly
awaiting her descent.
Peari always descend in the same
manner they ascend trees, that is, their
heads are always upward, -con sequently
her mo'-t assailable, or rather her least
formidable part, was opposed to me. A
thought as quick as lightning' rushed
through my mind, that escape was possi
ble, and that the bearfurnish the means.
No time copld be afforded, nor,wrs nec
essary for deliberation. Just as she. had
reached that part where the hollow wi
dened, and by a'jump I could reach her
I made a desperate spring, and cugJu
hold firmly with both hands of the fur
which covered her extremities, giving at
the sanje lime a spream, which in this
close den sounded a thousand times loud
er than any human voice in the open air.
The bear and she was a powerful one
taken by surprise, and - unable to get
at me and freightened too at e hide
ous and appalling noise I made, scram
bled for life up the hollow. But my
weight, I found, was no small impedi
ment to her; for when about half way
up, I perceived sh began to lag, and
notwithstanding my continued screaming
at length came a dead stand, apparently
not having strength to proceed. Know
ing my life depended on her going on,
I instaqtly let go witfr $e hand in which
I held the knife, driving it into her fiesh,
and redoubling the noise I had already
made. The-pain and her fears gave her
new strength, and by another effort she
brought me once more to the light of
day, at the top of the-stub; nor did she
stop there to receive ray thanks for the
benefit she had, conferred on me, but
hastily descend to the ground, and made
all speed for the swamp. I sat for some
time on the stub out of breath, and har
dly crediting the reality of . my miracu
lous escape, fter giving thanks to
that Providence which had so wonder
fully preserved rae, I descended to the
ground, found my coat and gun, where I
had left thera,and reached, home. after a
fatiguing walk through the woods, about
none o'clock in .hs
Hodendobblers Little dame.
Almost e?erybody has hear4 of Ifod
endobbler.' surnamed 'Simon.' The
veriest wag in Phrjatendorn. is the fellow
possessing an undue porportion of Satan,
which he himself 'casts out' at intervals
to the utter discomfiture of his victims.
In fact, he is embodiment of fun and
deviltry. Being withal a ventriloquist of
extraordinary power, he creates a deal
of sport down 'at the Front,' where he
fcas been engaged for some time in 'cook
ing' up the war reports for a certain
New York daily.
Little cares Simon for the position of
the party he intends to guy. High or
low, rich or poor, he practices upon all ;
the greater the number of stripes upon
tbe sleeves of the officer, the more he
delights in 'badgering' him
His latest victim was Captain Biff,
commanding the gunboat VV at
tached to the Northern Atlantic Block
ading Squadron. At the time of which
I write orders were received from the
Admiral to make a fecounoissance of "a.
certain river, and if possible to dislodge
a nest of 'gry backs' who had planted a
battery upon the banks, and Simon, in
search of 'chipa' accompanied the expe
dition. The captain, being of Teutonic origin,
is naturally fond of Gambrinos' favorite
vanity, and sometimes by an excess pf
the creamy beverage. get3 in that condj
ti5n denominated breezy.'
When in this morcl his 'sweet Qerr
man accent' is peculiarly rich, and his
round, chubby face glistens all over with
good humor, except when he is crossed,
which does dot often occur.
It was thus on a certain evening late
in the autumn of- 18j54,- that we slowly
steamed along. The lastglimmering
rays of the day go wre merrily dan
cing on the surface of tbe rippled stream,
and officers and men were all on deck,
qujetly contemplating the beauty of the
Captain C.,of all that group, was the
only one who appeared insensible to the
lovely panorama -that greeted the sight.
His eyes alone gave that vacant stare
always observable in a maudlin state.and
Simon, 'spotting' the situation of the un
suspecting skipper, at once commenced
his 'little game,' as he terms it. With
a face as long as . the moral lasy, he
gazed out upon the waters, and pres
ently a voice, apparently' from the shore
was wafted towards the vessel.
'Hallo! Captain Bijf.! what the devil
are you doing up here V -
t-Vat ish dat ?' asked the captain, tur
ning to the executive officer.
Some one hailing you from the shore,
sir ! replied the Lieutenant.
'Vat ish dat vot you vant ? sung out
the Captain. '
None pf your business 1
Vhat ish your (hie) nsme !
'Oh, you know me well j my name is
Slocura !'
(Solto voice)-Shlogum ! Shlogum !
I don't know you Shlogum !'
'You lie, you old 'scampi you once
cheated me in a horse trade !'
(Sotto voice) 'Vhat ish it he means?
I never sold Shlogum a (hie) a horse.-
i-ay you Shlogum ! you're a liar ash
hell 1 I never sold you von (hie) horse,
nor von Shakass, nor von noding. I
don't know you, nor I don't vant to (hie)
know you '
'None of your nonsence, old sweitzer
kase ! you've drank, many a glass of
beer at my expence,' and you know it !'
Go to ter tuyfel, Shlogum? I never
drinks (hie) beer mit yo. I tell you I
don't know, you unt I dinks you don't
know me!'
'why, you old pot-bellied, lagar soak
ed, limburger-lined leather-headed son
of a sea-cook, I know you well. You're
drunk as blazes now, and de d d to
At this juncture the officer of the day
stepped up and thus accosted the now ex
asperated s kipper : ,
'Shall I send a boat ashore, sir, with a
file of marines, to catch that impuden
Never mind, Lefdenant, I dinks J
(flic) let Jiira go to h 11, der tevelish
stufflefunk knows me, after alj, py dam!'
With this the Captain staggered into
the cabin giving vent to some of the most
jaw-breaking oathes ever found ia Qer
man vocabulary, and his mutterings were
indistinctly heard for some time after,
a a . . a
snore, loud and sonorous, proclaimed
that he had entered the land of dreams,
and was perhaps continuing his dialogue
with that archfiend," 'Shlogum.'
The shades of evening had closed
arouna us star atter star peeped out
from above, sparkling and twinkling at
1 m
frlodendobbler' as though they too had
enjoyed his 'little game," whilst Simon,
apparently as unconscious or passing
events as a stewed clam, retired quietly
to the ward-room and absobutely smiled!
hi did. Fhxla. Trans.
The following specimen f a spread
eagle lawyer's eloquence needs uo com
ment :
''Gentlemen of the jury the Sprip
tures saith, 'Thou shalt not kill;' Now,
if you hang my client, you transgress the
command as suck as grease, ana as
j i-t .
plump as a goose egg in a loafer's face.
Gentlemen, murder js murder, whether
committed by twelve jurymen or an hum
ble individual like my client having killed
a man; but is tnat anv leason whv vou
houlddoso? No such thin?. Gentle-
men; you may bring the prisoner in
guilty; the hangman may do his duty ;
but that will not exonerate you. No
such thing. In it at case you will be
murders. Who among you is prepared
for brand of Cain to be stamped upon
his brow to-day Who, freemen who
in this land of liberty and light ? Gen
tlemen, I will pledge my word not one
of you has a bowje-knife or a pistol in
his pocket. No, gentlemen, your pock
ets are odoriferous with the perfumes of
cigar-cases and tobacco. You can smoke
the tobacco of rectitude in the pipe of a
peaceful conscience ; but hang my un
fortunate client, and the scaly alligators
of remorse will gallop through the in
ternal principal animal viscera,until the
spinal vertebrae, of your anatomical construction-is
turned into a railroad for
the grim and gory goblins of despair.
Gentlemen, beware ' of committing ?
-Beware, I say," of medling with the
eternal prerogative ! Gentlemen, I ad
jure you, by the manumitted ghosts of
temporal society, to do no murder. I
adjure you by the name of woman, the
mainspring, of the ticking-piece- of
Time's theoretical transmigration, to do
no murder ! I adjure you, for the -love
you have for the esculent and coadi
mental gusto of our car've pumkin, to do
no murder ! I adjure you, by the stars
et in the flying ensign of your emanci
pated country I adjure you by the Amer
ican eagle, that whipped the aniversal
game-cock of creationnd nsw sits roos
ting on the magnetic telegraph of Time's
illustrious transmigration, to do no mur
der ! And lastly gentlemen, if yon ev
er expect free dogs not to"Vark at you
if you ever expect to wear boots made of
the Rocky Mountain buffalo and, to
Him up all, if yon ever expect to be arty-
thing but a set of sneaking, loafing, ras
cally, cut 'throated, braided, small ends
of humanity, whittled down Jo indis
tinctibly, acquit my client, and save your
country.' The prisoner was acquitted.
Speech tj Preeldent LJncota.
"Washington, March 17.
A rebel flag, captured at Fort An
derson by the 140th Indiana vpluntpers,
was to-day presented to Governor
Morton, of that State, in front of the
National Hotel. A large crowed of
people were in attendance.
Governor Morton madea brief speech
in which he congratulated his auditors
on the speedy end of the rebellion, and
concluded by introducing President Lin
coln, whose purity and patriotism, he
said, were, confessed fcy aU, even among
the most virulent agitators. Applause.)
His administration will be recognized
as the most important eppch of history.
It struck the death-blow to slavery ap
plause, andtbuilt up the Republic with
a power it had never before possessed.
If Jie 4one nothing more than to put his
name to the Emancipation Proclamation
thatct alone would have made his name
immoatai. Applause.
The President addressed the assem
blage substantially as follows :
Fellow-citizens, it will be but a few
words I shall undertake to say. I was
born in Kentucky, raised in Indiana,and
live in Illinois, and I am pow here,
where it is my duty to be, to care equal
ly for the good people of all The States.
I am glad to see an Indiana regiment on
this day able (a present this captured
flag to the Governor of the Sfate of In
diana. I am not disposed, in saying
this, to make a distinction between States,
for all have done equally well.
There are but few views or aspects of
this great war upon which I have not
said or written something, whereby my
own views might be made known.
There is ene, the recent attempt cf our
"erring brethren," as they are some
times called, to employ tbe negro to fight
for them. . J have neither written nor
made a speech upon that subject, because
that was their business, and not mine ;
and if they had a wish upon the subject
I had hot the power to introduce it or
make it effective.
sThe great question With them was,
whether the pegro being put in the ar
my will fight for them? I do not know,
and therefore cannot decide. They
ought to know better than we, and do
know. J have in my lifetime heard a
great many arguments why the negro
ought to be a slave, but if they fight for
those who would keep them in slavery, it
will be a better argument than any I
haye yet beard. - He who will fight for
that ought to be a slave.
They have concluded at last to take
one out of fonr of the slaves and put them
in the army, and that one out of four
who will fight to keep the pters in slav
ery, ought to be a slave himself unless
he is killed in a fight.
While I have often said that all men
ought to be free, yet I would allow those
colored persons to be slaves who want
to be; and next to them, those white
men who argue in favor of making other
people slaves. I am in favor of giving
an opportunity to such white men to try
it on fir themselves, i -
I will lay one thing with regard to
the negro being employed to fight for
them that I do know. I know that he
cannot fight ant stay at home and make
bread too, and as one is aboa; as impor
tant as the other to them, I don't care
which they do. I am rather ia favor of
having them try them as soldiers. They
lack one vote of doing that, and I wish I
could send my vote over the river, so that
I jnight cast it in favor of allowing the
negro to fight. $at they could not fight
and work both.
.We must now see' th bottom pf the
enemy's resources. They will stand out
as long as they can, and if the negro
will fight for them, they must allow
himto fight. They have drawn; upon
their last resources, and we can now see
the bottom. I am glad to see the end
so near at hand.
I have said now more than I intended
to, and wi 11 therefore bid you good-bye.
The President then retired, while the
crowd below saluted him with loud and
hearty cheers, the band at the same time
playing a lively tune. .
An assessor in Buffalo has received
the following letter from the Commis
sioner of Internal Revenue, whosa ru
ling are applleabta to all itctiosi::
' Treasury department Office cf In
ternal Revenue Washington, March 8. . .
Sir: Complaints have teen madd la
this office as to the manner ia which ia
come returns Lave been rr.aia in many
collection districts in the United States,
and concerning yours amcrg ethers.. It
t in' tuc pvnet ml tne assessor, andjt is
also his duty, to require all persons wha
may have filed afi!davit3 that they were
not in possession of SGCO income fcr 1SC2
and 16G3-where he supposes the state.
ment to be fraudulent to appear before
him and explain or rectify their retard
or affidavits. ' . '
'Jt is reasopable that persons whet
family expenses were over 82,000 per
year must have a taxable income, and
yet it is known that persens who Iuto
lived at a rate requiring an expenditure
of from S2.000 to S5.C00, have made
affidavits that their incomes did net
amount to $600 per year in the years re
ferred to. All such returns are pre
sumptively erroneous, and in many in
stances are probably fraudulent.
"Other persons engaged in trade, of
various kinds have assumed their income
to have been some certain sum, without
taking an inventory. Others have made
greater deductions than is allowed by
law, such as expenses cf labor and ma
chinery and new buildings. Where such
returns are made under circumstances
which 6how that there was a deliberate
intent. to mislead the assessor," cr evade
the payment cf this proper tax, they
ought to be re-assessed by the assessor.
For though a mere mistaken return after
it has been examined, and the tax pail
may not be re-examined, any fraudulent
return may be inquired iutoatany time.
No man pan fcepefit by his ostq wrong,
and no time can cure what h void or
voidable by reason of frud.
When a taxpayer corses forward and
makes a voluntary amendment cf his
former return, with the statement - that
he made an improper return under an
honest misapprehension of the law, and
you are satisfied that he was not incited
to this course by fears cf detection,' you
can receive his return if you are fully
satisfied of its corrections, without the
addition of any penalty. B it when epea
investigation you find a person clearly
guilty of having purposely made short
returns, you should, if the return was
made sipce July, 1S62, assess the hun?
dred per cent penajty for fraud, and la
addition should report te case to the
collector for such action as he deems
fit. :. '
"Very respectfully,
JOSEPH LEWIS, commiscner.
"O. F. Pre.brey,r Esq., Aisesict
Twelfth District, Buffalo, N. Y." ' : : "
Hogarth's Picture of the Red Sea
Hogarth " was once applied to by a
miserly old nobleman, to paint en his
staircase a representation of the 'des
truction of Pharaoh's hosts in the Red
Sea. Jn attempting to fix upon the
price, JIcgarthbecame quite dissatisfied.
The miser was unwilling to give more
'han one half the real value of the pic
tures. At last Hogarth, out of all pa
tience, agreed to his patron's terms.
Within a day or two the picture wai
ready. The nobleman was surprised at
such expedition, and immediately called
to examine it. The canvas was pai;te4
pv er red.
Zounds!' said the purchaser, 'what
have pou here ? 1 ordered a scene cf
Red Sea.' '
The Red Sea you have,' said Hogarth
still smarting to haye his talents under.
valued. .
But where are the Israelites ?'
They are aU gone over.'
'And where are the Egyptians?' '
'They are all drowned.'
The miser's confussioa could only bi
equalled by the haste with which hf
paid his bill. ' The biter was tit.
,4What is'the future state, my littl
girl ?'tasjced a'clergyman. f
New Mexico,' was the reply.
'No, no! I meant what is the future
condition .of young men and women V
. 'Why,' replied the girl hesitatingly
'I suppose they are to gel married.'.
. Lard is being adulterated -wiih wttsr
and starch.
The yield of maple s-j?ar and raanli
- a 1
molasses in the Northern States ii 3II?
000,000 gallons annually. . . T
The terms for raising new military
organization ia Pennsylvania has been .
extended to march 1 1.