! 1 r ! it- l I, j J pre- iad ' .. rd.- t r for jf off'1 of' est tjf' J ? iB Kb ti f 3, 0,1 I s c5 ( 5R0WVILLE,;TI1URSPAY.MAKCH 5.1, is5, IL O O A"L;-- BUnk Deeds, Mortgages, hjcrntHns, KIcvTn?, .'Urriagc License. 4c. c. tc. for sa'.e at this OSce. See Blis Bulletin. Theo. Hill has gone Est for New ' GooJs. Ot;ion Sets for sale at McLaughlin &. SwanV. We are under obligation to Hon. S. ' C. Daily, for a file of the Congressional GJobe of the last session. choice lot of liacon for tale at Mc- Swan's. pjsi will cfler tlie largest and test j)ior:!''iCat of Auction gouis for tale pen Saturday, ever offered in this city. . forthe best Groceries.go to McLaugh- j Si Swan's, as they keep 'em. . The Union Church to be built at Peru " is for the Protectant Method is, ts and Epis copal .Methodists. A good assortment of Cook Stoves Cast Iron Tea-Kettles and WafTel -Irons, just received at J. C. Dueser's Tin Store. i We were misinformed as to our Coun ty Clerks receiving a lot of blanks from New York last week they were for Cpt.' Carson. We hear a rumor that Hon. S G. Daily has been appointed Governor of , Nebraska. .We anxiously look for its confirmation. A large drove of cattle, numbering at least 600, passed ihiough bur City last Sunday, belonging to a farmer who has teuled in tbii County. See the card of J. A. Hewes, Attorney at Law and Solicitor iu Chancery. Mr. Hewes has permanently taken up his residence in this City, and, we doubt not, ii a ood Law er. Attend Bliss Auction next Saturday and buy yourself rich. He has such a variety, that you can't help but find some thing ihat you need and can buy cheap. Eighy acrot of cplndid bottom land, this side of the Little Nemaha River,' nvd within eight miles of this 'city, for ! Enquire at this office. 17 Acres have been planted in Corn, ly one hand, in one day, by Stewart's Hand Planter, which can be had at Mr. Medford's Cabinet Shop for $3. . Wm. T. Dsn has just received a large lot of New Goods by the Jenny Lewis. Among which we notice Stoves, Stove "Pipe, Furniture, Grind-Stones, etc., etc. The members of the Soldier's Relief Association are requested to meet this evening at the residence pf Sirs. Cave ny, corner of 4th and Water streets. A full attendance is expected. - Hackney $z Co., are doing a large busi- cess to the especial advantage of their I numerous customers. They know how I to sell goods cheap, and "faith they'll do it!" Goto Atkinson & Co.'s Clothing Store for your Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats Caps, and anything in their line. You ill never regretted it, and will rmke Qoney by so doing. There will be service at the M. E. Church next Sabbath at 10 1-2 o'ebek. a. m., and at 7 o'clock, p. m. It is exr pecud that bishop Scott and Dr. Crary will address the congregation on that day. To Col. R. W. Furqas, we are indebt ed for valuable public documents. Also, fr a letter concerning the Presidential Inauguration. Its length necessarily ex cludei it from our columns. John A. Tonn has removed his store the corner of 1st and Main streets. This is one cf the best stands in the city, ud wiih his numerous other business fa- cltitiea. will, doubtless, "spread himself" lbe satisfaction of "an admiring pub lic." .. . . The prownville House is again in full ft uast under the management of Messrs. Tbralkill St Co., and we judge . from ap. pearances about the house "they know bow to keep hotel." This will be a great convenience to the traveling public, and doubt not, a perfect success under its T resent proprietors, The following is a list of boats and aen they passe(J thi3 pojct . ' loro passed up Thursday, 16th. - ex Majors, op Saturday, ISth. eover, up, Saturday evening, 18:h. H. Lacy, down Monday, 20ih. Colorado, down, Tuesday, 21st. j le KiDQey. np. Tuesday, 21st. J Lewis, up, Wednesday, 22d. J- Majors, down, Wednesday, 22d. wmz -Wtm js f,iry opened. J Building, in our city, is already resum ing its usual activity, and cur mechanics have "stripped for the contest."' Up wards' of 200,000 brick are already en gagedand n portion. of last year's make delivered. At least 600,000 brick will be put up this Sanson,, if they are made, and there will be three yards in opera tion this summer. The improvement this season will treble that of any former year. There will be a large harvest for mechanics and laborer. A Valuable Farm For Sale, cn the Missouri Bottom, nearly opposite this City. The whole tract cirered is 310 acres ; 100 hundred acres under cultiva tion, with a No. 1 ft nee, and good two story log bouse ; a good well near the house. There is 20 acres of good tim ber on the tract. It is only one-fourth of a mile from the line of the Platte Country Railroad. Such an opportunity as this is rarely offered. Call at this cfBce. Some twenty Pawnee Indian? visited our city last Saturday,- on a begging ex pedition. Some oi the boys who were with Mr. Crow, wbeq his train was at tacked, and one who was scalped at that time, acted as though they intended to take their revenge on these friendly Indi ans. W.e, cannot blame them much for feeling so, but think it well that no"overt act" wa3 committed. These Indians have for. the last nine years been friendly to the whites; and about the first demons tration upon our western border, made by the Sioux and Cheyenes, this tribe and the Otoes met and gave them bat tle. ' A full company of Pawnees, we?5? understand, is now at-Fort Kearney, regularly mustered into the U. S. service. These actsrwe think, entitle them to our tolerance, if notfrieudly treatment. Tire Dry Goods Kings or theNortli west. The Northwest has seen miraculous changes during the past twenty-five years. The fertile plains, heretofore inhabited by Indians and Buffaloes, are now the domicil of millioBS of civilized people. The wilderness has been sub dued by civilization. Where scarcely half a century ago, game of eveiy des cription dwelled, there etands now a large commercial metropolis, with mar ble palaces, inhabited by more than 150,000 people. WTe speak of the city Chicago- ne of our age. Like this city, which had so wenderful a carepr, many of her business men have been likewise identifit-d with her success, outgrowing anything on record. One of these remarkably successful and renown-1 ed firms are, doubtless, -Messrs. JOHN-; V. FAR WELL, &. Co., the successors cf the old firm of Messrs. Cooley, Far well St Co., who still occupy the old stand, viz., the five story triple- house, 42, 44 and 46. Wabash Avenue. It is admitted by everybody that this firm has sold more Dry Goods than half dozen houses m the Northwest put to gethfr an ample proof that they enjoy the confidence of the pry Qoods dealers of this section of thjf country at large, our readers will, tLerefore admit that .Messrs. Jonn v. iarweilot Co. are properly to be- termed the Dry Goods Kingsof the Northwest, lilo the lion is termed the king of the forest. Mr. Juhn V. Forwell is now in New York to watch, as usual, the changes to purchase cheap for Cash, and the firm will be prepared to display a Spring stock unsurpassed While on a visit ticed that Messrs. to Chicago, we no John V. Harwell &, Co. were still, as usual, on the alert for improvements by putting in a steam dummy, with three platforms for the purpose of facilitating the hoisting of goods to their imraens lofts-, and the de livery of goods. One of the curious features of the store is tfie immense packing room under thestreet and the neighboring building, as well, as the regiment of men eruploypd in invoicing packing and shipping goods to their nu merous customers. It would amply repay our readers, while in Chicago, fo call and judge for themselves. 1 We were entirely unprepared to find such a mammoth establishment west of New York. This is truly a progressive age. LEGAL NOTICE. William R. Smith will tAke notice that Harriet A. Smith, as plaintiff, bus filed a petition against him, as defendant, in ti)t District Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, on the chancery side thereof; the object and prayer of said petition is to t i tain a decree of said court divorcing said plain liTfrom said defendant from the bonds of matri mony, and assigning to eaid pjainti the custody acid control of the children of the said parties. Plain -tiif also asks for alimony out of the estate of said 'defendent, and that the foMowirir described proper, ty sit-iaUd in tb county cf Nemaha, Nebraska Territory, and now owned bj the defendent, t-witj the west half of the ucrtheast quarter, and the north-east quarter of the northrwast fractional quar ter of section number 12, in township h umber 4, north of raago uuuibor 1 j, eat ; ai,d a'?o ail that portion of lot rutnber 3, in section number 12, i t in township cuoiber 4, north of rane number 15, east of the 6th principal meredian, Ijing west of the - - . .j . - v c.v. section 12, be set apart, assigned and decreed to her as such alimony. Defendant js required to answer said petition by the "ith day of A'nl,lS64. . E. V. THOMAS, 25-4t-p4 Solicitor for Comj lainant. KSTIlAYNOTlUg Taken op by the undersigned living on Nemaha City, the 15th day oi February, 185 j. Oae whita heifer, head, neck and legs from the knees dowu are red, white spot between the born, supposed to be two years old. 21-5t II. A. SiltTn. A Splendid assortment of Confectionary including stiok and fa uo candies At McLfHitfhlin -mm's. . I04L OIL, test quality clailfied Carbon oil. Lamf ' chlwr-s til wlcka v XLArCMlIS SWA'X. i TO MERCHANTS, F A RMEU AND BLACKSMITHS. IBi'O-H! IE O H 11 , D. ,A. CONSTABLE, ST. JOSEPH, MO. HAS -ON' ITANTJ AND FOH SALE A LAkOF AN'P WELL SLLECTtP STUCI$ OF IRON, STEEL. O L"2? Z 1ST cs-, ' AND MM SlifMli! COMPRISING: HOUSE KAILS, SAIL-R0D3, HOUSE AND MULE IOEVAXVllA. SPUING: P.ELLUWS, AXELS, VICES, THIMBLE t-KEIXS CIIAINri, WAGON hOXES. SCREW PLATES boLSTEIi PLATES, FILES, RASPS, WRENCHES, SLEDGE HAMMERS, HAND HAMMERS, bUOEINd HAMMERS, PINCHERS, NUTS, HARROW TEETH, WELL WHEELS, 4C, AC, AC, , ALSO WOODWORKS ! COMPBI8INO- Hens, SPOKES, FELLOWS, WAGON HOWS, SHAFTS, POLES, AXE HOUNDS, AXE HANDLE HliOO.U HANDLES, PLOW 1 DLES. Ac. ' ALSO AGENT F TBI BALK OF F IRBANIS C LE S rr-AT tlAVIXG LAID IN.A LARQE STOCK OF THE ABOVE GOODS, DIRECT FROM THE . FACTORIES, PFOREJ THE RISE, I A M ENABLED TO SELL TO THE TRADE AT PRICES TH 'DEFY COMPETITION. J&T'Send in Your Scrap lron.Jgj HIGHEST PRICE PATD FOR WROCGD SCRAP IRON AT CONSTABLE'S IR0K. AND STEEL WAREHOUSF Febl4-n32-Cm ST. JOSEPH, MO TO COXSlttlPTIVES. THE Advertiser Having been Itestored to Hoalta in & few weeks, by a vary simple remedy, af ter having suffered several years with a severe lurjr affection, and that dread disease, Couauinption anxious to m.ike known to his fejlew-uf!eien the means of cure. . , . ' To all wbo denre it, he wilJcnd a copy of the pre scription ntd free of chirg, ) with, tt.e direction fur prepuringnnd ufnj? tbeaino, which they will find a SURE CITRE FOR CONSUMPTION, ASTH MA, HKONCHITIS. Ac. The only object of the t1!? afflicted, and !read infurra.tfio-.i whuh he con je-.ves to be invaluable, nnd be hues every sufferer w iil try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and liny provoa hlessing. artios wishing the prescription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, i3-Sia Williamsburg, Kings Co.. New York. A FOBTUNE!! EMPLOYE CAT FOR 313 -XT zr y to 03L y 2 Agents wanted throughout the (J. S. and Canada. Watches. Chains, Sets of Jewelry. Rings lins. Bracelets, Sleeve Buttons, Silver Spoons and Forks, Caps, Cake Baskets, St'c, worth Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ! The Entire Stock of a large Hmporting House, retiring from business. For the purpose of closing out the stock at the earliest poibie date, the unUertiigned have decided in a great distribution made as follows: Each and every Article, no matter how valu - abie, being Sold lor $1. v A CERTIFICATE of each artjcie with its value printed upun it is j laced in an envelope and sealed these eurdopw are thoroughly mixed and sold for twenty-five cents each the person receiving od of these envelopes is entitled to the article tamed therein by returning the Certificate to us with i:e dollar, and the article, no matter how valuable it may be, will be forwarded to hiui or ber at once. There aie no Blank Certificate. and therefore every one is sure to get, at least, the full value of his or hcrmocoy. Should the arti le named on the cer tificate not suit, any other which he tniy select of the same value will be substituted. We sell the certificates as follows; - One for 3 jots, five for l, elevtn for $2, thirty fo, $5, sixty-five for $10, one hundred for $15. This digtribuiiQo affords fine opportunity for Agents, us what lady or gentleman will not invest Twenty-five cents with a prospect of getting five hundred or a thousand times as much. All orders must be addressed to ns at our old stand No. 15, Maiden Lane, New York. All of which are to be sold for One Dollar each. 8 x GentFGoltHtmtinjjcaseWiUches$50to $150 each Soo Ladles Gold Enauieleu-c&ae m 35 " 70 do " 70 do " 70 do " 100 do " 30 do " C do " 8 do " in do " 2i do ' 10 do " 6 do " S d " 8 do " 6 do " lo do " A Jo " 10 do ' 8 do " 7 do " 8 dj if 20 do 8 do ' 11 do' " 11 do " 10 do " 10 do " J5 do 15 do " 10 do " 8 do - " 10 do R0 do 60 do ' 60 do " 20pdol 4jl do 600 fcntt' Hunting case Silver S5 2(0 Diamond Rir., , 60 Sooo Go id Vest and Keck Chalna 15 Sooo " " ' 3-oo Oval Band Bracelets, 4 4xo Chafed Gold Brat tlets B Sooo Cliatelaiue and (rnard Chains C 6-KK Solitaire and Gold Brooches 4 2., 00 Lara and F lorentine Broocbes 4 S.ioo Coraf, Opal and Emerald Brooches 4 Sooo Mosaic, Jet, Lava and Florentine Kar Drops 4 45oo Coral, Opal and Kmerald Ear Drop 4 4ooo California Diamond Breast Phii: 2 61 Sioo Rold Fob and Vest Watch Keys 2 60 4-co Fob and Vest Ribbon 8ii.ies 3 4ooo Sets Solitaire Sieeve Bui tons, Stu-ls 3 jooo Gold Tblmfcies, Pencils, &c., 4 6joo Minature Lockets, 2.60 4ooo Miniature tickets Magic Spring 5 Sooo GvldTootbplckf . Crosses, ice. 8 6ooo Plain Gold Rinps 4 Sooo Chased Gold Rina 4 Sj;o Stone Set and Svnet Rings 2 i3 8oo California Diamond Kings 3 JSoo Seis LifLes Jeelry-Jet & Gold ff 6ooo Sets ' Jewelry Cameo. Pearl Ac 4 6ooo G ld Peui, Silver Estensioa tin'icer and P.nriU 4 Sooo Gold Pens and otUMounted- . Holder . 3 Sooo Gold i-ens and Gold extension S holders fiooo Silver Goblets and Drlakinj Cnps 3-oo Silver Castors. - 16 2ooo Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets ioo Doten Silver Tea SjKns huo do do Table spoons forks 20 10 AGENTS. We want agnU in every regiment. and in every town and county in the country, ami , m J tbo se acting as such wm oe auowea iv cor.ts vt every Certificate ordered by tiuui, provided the r remittance amounts to one dullar. Agents wjl ci Heat 25 centa for eyary Certificate, and remit 15 pent? to u. - ti"Write plainly, sav 0nty wht is cecesiary aid bo prompt. . " Address, GIRARD W. DEVAUGH A TO- ; 2 4 -.Jul No. 15, Maiden Lane, N. V. STRAY NOTICE. Taken np by the nodersigned, living three niles south of Wownville, cn the bottom road, one two year old white heifer, right born broke off wiihin two inches of the head, ears b!a;k and uppei bit oS the right, and brand on tbo right bip, resemb ling the letter U, . - 2J 5t-pi -ABRAHAM PEN?!". ADMINISTRATORS SALE. In pursuance of an order cf the Probata Court of Nemaha, Nebraska Territory, I will oCer for sale at public .notion, on Saturday the 1st day of April, IS'iijatten o'clock,a. m., at the door- of the Post Ofice in Vcinnh City, in said county, of Nemaha, the following described land aitsated in tho County ef Nemaha in the Territory of Nebraska, to-wit Lot number five, (5 of tk northwest fractional quarter of section number twelve, (12, In town ship number four, (4.) North of Ran;e number fiftevn, East of tho 6th principal meredian; ontainicg about sixty-fonr acre. DAVID LOCK WOOD, ? Administratorof theEsUteof ilrtha Wkyood, dtccased. ' J5-3t-$7 Legal Notice. !T'tiee is hereby given that, application having bemi made in the Probate Court of Nemaha county. NeVraska Territory, to admit to Probate the will of Jkraard Miaaing, deceased, late of said Uouaty of Xcniaha.I have appointed the 3rd day of April, a. d. 1(V35. at one oVkck, p.m. as the time, and my office in Er-wnviile in said county of Nemaha, as the place,for piorirsaid will. CHARLES G. DORSET, Judge of said Probate Court. .March lt',I8M. 21 3t pd " STRAY NOTICE; Sr Taken up on the 23rd diy of February, a. J. 1385 as an estray. in twnhip one, range twelve, rout ty of Pawuoe, N. T., by the Sabscriber who there re fi l ', one white st' er, crop and swallow fork in the ri gh tear and orop o!T the leftear. and bra add on the left hip with the letter "A," fuutyears old, and "ne deep red heifer, mostly white face, whife on ibr hip and it the flanks and belly, a crp and upper bit in therlght ear, half crcp on the loft ear, right horn off, aid shert tail, supjiosed to b three years old, no other marks or brands perceivable. 24-3 1 , .TroR!.CRO WELL. AYER'S PILLS, Anew and sinlarly anccessful remedy for tho cure of all BiHcus diseases Costiveness, Indi restion. Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fever Gout, Ilumcrs, Newousness, Irritability, Inflamma tions, Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side, Back; Bmd,Limbs, Femalf Complaints, &c. ic Indeed, ery few are the diseases in which a Purgative Medi cine is not more T less required, and much sick Bess and suffcring'might be prevented, if a harm less but effectual Cathartic were more freely used. Ne person can. fed well while a costive habit of body prevails ; besis, it soon generate serious and often fatal diseases, which might have been avoided by the timely and juiicious use of a good purgative. This is. alike true ofpolds, Feverish symptoms, and Bilious derangemenjs. They all tend to become or produce the deep setted and formidable distempers which load the heancs all over tho land. Hence a reliable family physts is of the first importance to the public health, aid this Pill has been perfected with consummate sill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of itsrriitues by Physicians, Profes sors, and Patients, Has shown results surpassing any thing hitherto kjown of any medicine. Cures have been effected befond belief, were they not sub stantiated by personi of such exalted position and character as to forbicjthe suspicion of untruth. Among the many hnment gentlemen who have testified in favor of tfese Pills, we may mention : Prof. J. M. Lockk Analytical Chemist, of Cin cinnati, whoso high professional character is en dorsed by ! - John Mclrf an, Julge of the Supreme Court o,f the United States. . Thos. Coewix, Serjetary of the Treasury. Hon. J. M. Which?, Governor of Indiana. N. LonowOETH, gnat wine grower of the West Also, Da. J. R. CHtTOX, Practical Chemist. New York City, endorsed by Ho. W. L. Mahcti; Secretary of State. Wic. B. Abtoh, the richest man in America. S. Lelxnd & Co. Propr'o of the Metropolitan Hotel, and many othea. Did space permit, ws could give mawy hundred certiScates, from all arts where the Pills have been used, but evident even more convincing than the experience of emiient public men is found in their effects upon triaL . - These Pills, the resdt of long investigation and study, axe offered to tie public as the best and most complete which he present state of medical science can afford. Tfey are compounded not of the drugs themselves, hit of the medicinal virtues only of Vegetable rem?1--' -vtracted by chemical process & of purity, and comouiea imjeinw La och a manner aa to insure the best results. This vystem of cornjwsition for medicines has be-n found in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a more efficient remedy thau bad hitherto been ob tained by any process. The reason is perfectly ob Tious. While sy the oli mode of composition, every medicine is budened with more or less of acri monious and fajurious Qualities, by this each indi vidual virtue only that is desired for the curative effect is present All tie inert and obnoxious qual ities of each substance enployed are left behind, the curative virtues only txing retained. Hence it is self-evident the effects mould prove, as they have proved, more purely rerredial, and the Pills a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that my medicino should be takei under the counsel of an attending Physician, and as be could not properly judge of a remedy withott knowiig its composition, I have supplied the accurate Formulas by which both my Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole body of Practitioners h the United States and British Amer ican Provinces If, horever, there should be any one who has not reteived them, they, will bo promptly forwarded bvmail to his request. Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how few would be taken if tleir composition was known I Their life consists in their mystery. I have no mysteries. . The composition of y preparations is laid open to all men, and all wh) are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their conTictions of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientrlc men to pe a wonderful medicine before its effcts were known. Many em inent Physicians have declared the same thing of my Pills, and even mre confidently, and are will ing to certify that thdr anticipations were more than realized by their effects upon trial. They operate by ther powerful influence on tho internal viscera to purfy the blood and stimulate it into healthy action remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, iver, and other organs of tho body, restoring their iregular action to health, and. by correcting, where they exist, such derange ments as are the firstorigin of disease. Being sugar-wrapptd, they are pleasant to take, and being purely Tegtable, no harm can arise from their use in any quanity. For minute flireetins, see wrapper on the Box P RIP A RED BT DR. JAKES C. ATEE, Practical auA Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. ?rlco 25 Cents per Box. Fiva Boxes for SI BOLD BT . WM. H. MoCUEEUr, Brown ville. O. A. BIIOWN A BROm Peru. HOLT A SCOTT. Falls City. LEWIS A SHEPHEKD, St. Stephens. HAVE JUSTOrWED A NE W STObB ON Mxiii Street bdirecn First and Second. BROWIIVILLE, N, T. TX have In store a Urge and well selected stock of ods, Calicoes. Muslin, . French Titvft, lats. Capj. Bjuti, Shoes, Leather, etc,, etc., etc., etcetra WHICH T OFFER FOB SALS CHEAPFOR CASH Grocris of Evry Kin Suar, CcfTee, Tea, 6oda Allspice, Pepper, Candles, , -Tobaccoi" Matches, ' Starch, &C.1&C.j&C. All of which we offer at tho lowest prices, deter mined net to to undersold. i U RAJN 1 . t j BrowaviUe, Xab., - la-4-yly . S65C000. Worth of Watches, Chains, Rrns, tkc, Zlz, Cm. S. HASKLVS & CO., ?J Beekmaa Street, New Tort, CITcr the Following Inducements to BtlESS OF VALUABLE JEWELRY. navicg teen fur a lonz time ensaeei in tLe Packet biuinefs. nt estb!ishei our reicta:kn for prorart nes and reliability, and posteiBg great facilities for selling Jewelry in this way, we are confident at we can givo taUsf action to all bo feel disposed ;o patron ize ns $050,000 YTorlli ofTTalcIie?s, Dia mond Pins, Cbalns, Rings, &c. All to besoid for ONE DOLLAR EACH! Without regard to vilne I Kot to be pld for Btll 7ou know wbat you are to receive 1 Splendid List of Articles!!! A!l to Sold ' for One Dollar Each HI 175 'Xatrb (baridoniely enirare. and . -warranfe-1 pprp9:t time keeperi",) vary In? in prire frotn $ iO 10 $120oacb 225 Lau'ie' Waicbes. solid Gold Eun- ins Cjses $65 earb 25o Gejtlemcn's Sliver Watches, $'S V: 26 each 6000 La est Rty'e Vt and Neck Chain, 4 6u to 3o eacb Woo Gents' California Diamond Pins, S N to 28 eacb too California Din. -ml Ear Drop. - 2 00 lo 15 eacb iooo Almisture aaj enameiled Bevolv- . tug Pius, 8 no to 25 eacb 2 000 Ca'iarurnia Diamond and Enamelled Gent'a arf-Pins: new styles, 6 00 to 15 eacb 2ooo Ms.'inc and Emoieai Pms, I 00 to lo eacb 25ooOoid Bind Bracelets, engraved 'and plain ooto2oecb 3-xk Mosaic and Jet Brooches 3 00 to 7o eacb 2 wjo Cameo Brooches rich patterns, S 00 to o each 4ioo i lorenuue and Lava Pins the real article 4 00 to lo each 35oo Lava an I Florentine Ear Drop 3 00 to lo ecb S-mx Coral Kar Uropo, 4 on to 6 eacb 2ooo Lndies' Cbatelait'Cbains Jet S. fohi 15 00 to 2oecb 6cioo Gen's' Pins, a spknid asscrtiiieiit 3 00 to 15 eacb looo Solitair Sleeve BaHvus, 2 00 to 5 each 3xx Studs andsieeve-Buttons, in sets, . - very rich Soo to 15 eacb 5joq S eeve B atons plain, enamelled and eiiprved" 2 00 to Beach loooo PUiD hands'-.ir.ely enft . Kin; 3 5li to lo each 8000 Spring Lockets, double case, richly engr-ived Soo to 14 eacb 15ooo sets Ladies' Jewelry, new and lite-t kiyle 6 co to 12 ea.h Go id Pens and handsome Silver Cate Bootolowh This entire list of heantilnl -and valnable Go la will be sold, for One Dollar eacb. Certificate ol all the above articles will be plated iu envelope. aiW sealed. Tnese envelopes will be sent by mail, as or dered, without regard to rhdco. On receiving a Cer tiGcate you will see what article you are to have, and then it is optii-nal with you to send one dollar and re ceive the article or not. Certiflcmes csn be ordered for $1; Eleven for $3; Thirty -Ave for $5; Sixty-five for $10 and One hun dred for $15. We will bend a single Certificate on the reotfpt of 25 ceuis. G. 3. HASKINS & CO.. Box 4270 36 Beekuiau Street, X Ti v9-24-2m A. & Co. FAMILY GROCERIES M'LAUGHLLN&SWAN. WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO TTIEIS frienda and the public generally, that they have in receiveo a superior lot of family Groceries, and inv the attention of purchasers to their stock Including NEWOTtLEAXS SUGAR, PRIME RIO COFFE8, CLARIFIED to 1MPF.R1aL TEA, CRUSHED . do OUXG HTSOX TEA, OWDERF.D Uo BLACK TKa. RICE, SGO, SPICE, PEPPER. CLOVES, CIXNjimO COVE OTSTER3, R-ISIXS. CURRAXT3, STAROH SOAE, PPBS SyDA, DS LANDS' 8ALKBATU3, COD FISH MACKEiiAL, WHIT J S3 TltOUT, HESING, SHIP GREEN APrLES, . CiiANKEURIES, PA RED PEACHES DRIED APPLES. DRIED PEACHES Mclassss, Coal Oi), Cider Vinsga, NATURAL LEA? CHEWIXG TOgAWf). fXi.D iiCAF AXD OTHER CHOICE BAAD PINilCUTCAVKSPVBH, tlLLIi NICK. SMOKIXG, COM MON DO. Cigars of tjie Rest Brands ia thJ Market- CHESTXrTS, ALMONDS PKCaXS, FILBERTS, PE ' KCTS, tLC, &.r.;4tc.. A Splendid Assortment of Stick- ane Fancy Candy from the Best Maoufac turies in the East. Flour, Bacon, Butter, Eggs &v The Highest Murnei rncea raia ior Country Produce. MeL lUGULLV & SWAN, Nemaha Valley Bank Building BrowsvillE, Jan. 14, r864. n20v8-J2O ylj WEI J, Buckets, Churns. Sieves, Mouse' Trip Clot ten Pius and Castile soap "m J. A. HAKVEY, THE RE0TED Magnetic & Clairvoyant, 99 Washington Ave. Id. 4th and 5th Sfs. ST. LOUIS, MO. (POST. OFFICE BOX 3083 ) The Supernatural Gift of Clarivoyant Sight pos sessed by this w -cdMrfu! person, to tuch an astonish ing degree, convince the most skeptical of the Un limited Power be ht cases regarding LIKi'j M bit L'J'H- B tbe asistauce of auuie soperir Pi.ehe is enabled to perceive the Cause aud Condi tion, and is endowed with the capacity to heal ALL DISEASES, This fact the Doctor has demonstrated, la th-:aal or cases from all parts of the world.. d;uing the lan twelve yean. The following d!oies ia their most obstinate form, yield under his linglc Touch, to-wit: CONSUMPTION nd ASTHMA, In from tne to six weeks; PARALiYblS ar.dall o'ines'esof the Nervous Syuieiu luclndinj EPILEPSK or FIT3 in from opa to three days. Dise.ien cf tbe LIVER, MEAliT ana KI1? KEYS In from one to ten cjtt. Alt Diseases ot iha biood, sncb a Scrofula, Erysipelas, Fever Sores, &c., accord ing to the severity of the disease. FEMALE DISEASES, Treated by a New Method, with speedy and the most happy results. The Doctor's Rooms are crowded daily persons pronounced incurable if tbe whole Medical Faculty, and no one should despair of relief until after being exuiined by the Ductur'a Clairvoyant y without ak.ing questions, he tells the Caue. Location and Condition oi any and all Diseases, and whether he can promise relief. Persons on the verge of the grave, and such as have Pot walked for years, are now living to testify to the Doctor's Wonderful Skill and Success The Doctor aevertise nothing but wbat he has the ability f perform, and will give the moat Complete satiuciin to all wbo.ome nnder big treatment. In valids bo cm not consult tbe Doctor in person, can be examined and prescribe! for by sending by letter a siuipie at temcut ot tneir cases. References to Cure performed, cheeifaiiy made. SP23CIAXi. ASTHMA, heretofore considered an incurable disease, is treated with perrect aoccess in every in stance by the Doctor's newly discovered method. - All Cases of CANCER or no matter how long standing, removed ia iria twei veto twenty-four hour.' without instrument or pa;n, ly a process revealed u :te Doctor while in the Ciainroyaut atate. which ia cn'wn to no other (ergon living.. - n23-ly PROBATE NOTICE. Notice U hertby given that application has been made, by Joseph Opelt, Ouardiao, for an ordr from the Probate Court of Nemaha County Nebras ka Territory to sell a portico of the real tiUte cf Josephene Eel, a minor. , Tho next of kia and all persons, interested are hereby notified that Monday the1' 13tb dy of April, 1845 is the time set to bear said application hen they may cf cr and contest the same if they eceproper. ' k ' CO. DORSET, :6-itJ4,Jfl ' ' ' ' I'robate Jndje. 51 IS DEN'S TICKET! " And Den's CacJIJ jte la and ever QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROriTS. WLI. T, PUN, WHOLESAL. A5D SC7IAL nOUSX lqSQ! ' ESTBLISnrp ! CSOTTXTILLE, XERHASiXA. Has now on hand the ost croplete aid general as sortment of .UercuaudUe in ruwuvllle. Hf t X consists ot ; A x D GROCERIES, HATS & CAPS, , ' Chicago Custom-M ade BOOTS & SHOES. of Superior Quality, also a fail supply cf isr o "n? x o ir ci2 7 Dress-Trimmings, Hoodi and Neubias Gloves and Gauntlets, Hosiery. In variety cotinlstint; of TabTe and Pocket Knives, Chisels, Braces and Bus, Piles at d Mynkey-wrenttti'. B'itt and Screws, Saws and lsaiuera, Axe aiJ Spade. A lull assortment of, E3 I? O W a X D TINWARE, Cc-a!ng. Resting and Parlor Stoves, Large Kettles, Stovo Piye, Sheet Iron aud Zinc. i WOODB, WILLOW AND H0LLOW-WAJi$. A full assortment of BEAD.3IADE clothing At Low Prices. Blank Books, ?cket Books, and Memo randum Books asd Stationary of all kinds kept cor.xiantly on hand. Oils, XAlxxts HJriiss. A complete of auaortmont ot FURNITUllE, on hand. Birean, Be-l-Stei1. Lonotte. TabVs W.i rasses. Sofas. Chir, Wash auds. Cribs, Koi.it. a;; Coairs, LKitlu GUei. Also: Plongbs, C rn Shellers. Iros, Nails and Steel, Hush. Beaver and Otter Traps. Bememher that Den pay the II li? b-- rqrket Plc for HIDES, Pelts and Fura, anJ PitOULC of U tluis th-it hi wsnts. Call and examine mv stock befor pnn1asln -ave your uioiiey. fur my nnutu is, to beep tie bt'St f Dry GOols, the CUicKt tftwUj (iroCjrie, Canned iTruit and Oysters, and thf best ot Stois to cofc ;hsm on in the market. Trytbem.. Tf REN. - ix-7-yly ' FAIRB ANiX ' STANDARD SCALES OF ALL KIND!. , Also, Warshouse Trucks, lettei Presses, &c. FAIRBANKS GHEENLEAF & GO) IVi I..IKE ST.. CHICAGO, ?C?"Be carernl. and buy only fe genuine fl f-iiAT & FOX; Agents, in Si, IajvU. v-ix-1 tf. Hew Remedies for SPERMATORRHEA. IIOWAUD ASSOCIATION piiriADu.TiPniA. A Benevolent Institution eUtltlUhed by special En doicr.ient,for tne Jteliff of the Sici: and Distressed, ajflicted vith Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and especial.y for the Cprc of Viseajei of Hit i'e.rtio Organs. ' MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting (iurfteon. Valuable Rejrts on Spermntorrhsf a. and other dis ease of the Sexual Orsans, and on theNKW REME DIES employed in the l)ixieiiry, sent In sealed lettei nveopes,feeof charge. Twoor tlireeSauips acccpt oie. A'Mresa DR. J. SXILLTK nouQnTOS. Howard As tiop, Ho. 2, Sojth Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. DiOre.-nber 13. 1861. n23-ly GREAT m Vll O Y 1X1 tLST SEWING MACHINES. f;!PiRE SHUTTLE MACHINE!!! Patented February 14th, 1660. SJLESR 0 0 M, 536 BR OJ1D WA Y, V, X252 WASHLYGTOSl. BOSTO.Y THIS MACniXE is contracted on entirely new principles of uechani?in, possessing mtny rare and valuable improvements, having boon examine-! by the most profound experts, ami pronounced to be Simplicity and Pei faction Combincc- It has a stra'ght needle, perrendicnUr action, makes the LOCK or SHUTTLE STlTCO, bkb wilt neither Kir1 or KAYEL,ajtd is -like on both .-ides ; perfofms rrfoct sewing on every descrip tive of material, from Leather to the finest Nanspok Malin, with cotton, Hnon or (hruj'j, from the coarest to the fineat namber. Having neither CAM nof COO WIIEEL, and the least ossiwe frkUwO, it runs a jewoth as glass, and ia Emphatically a IToiseless Machine. U requires FliTY FLR CENT less power to drive it than any other Machine in the market. A girl twelve years of age can work it eteadily,with o&t fatigae or injury to health. Its strength and Wonderful Simplicity recon struction renders it almost impossible to get out of order, and is UUARAN'TEEu Ey theoempany to give entire satin action. We respectfully invite all those who may desire to supply themselves with a superior article, to come and examine this L'nrivalieJ Machine. but in a more especial cancer tlo bo solicit the patronage of Merchant Tailors, ' Coach Makers, Hoop 8 It ixt .Manufac turers, Shirt and boson 3Iak reT Corset TJakere, Oaiter Fitters, Bhoe binders. Vest and Pantaloon Makers, Dress .Tinkers. Religious Qnd Charitctlle luttitutions willbelihe f pdl y dealt utilK. Prices of Machine Complete: So, I, Family Machine, with llemmer, Feller and Braider, CO 3fo. 3, Small Manufacturing, with Extension Table - ,75 No. 3, Large Manufactories, with Extension Tahle 85 5o. 4, Large Manufacturing, fr Leather, wiih lulling Foot aud Oil Cup 100 One Xolf lovf's i nut ruction istujjlcient toenalUvty person to work tkis Hash ine to their entirt satidaetiun. Agents Vnted for all towns in the United States, where Agents are not already established. Also' for Cuba, Mexico, Central and Soqio America, to bom a liberal discount will be given. Terms invariably Ca-h on delivory. T. J. McArlbar fj Co.. , 5"?3 hircdway, Hew Vork. A. i Co. . J52 Wajhingtoa.dtiJv.koa. 720 Chestnut St., Phila. GEO. FRANZ, Agent, . ' 102, 4th, St. Jfiir, H. feb. 2,5. ly full ixioii rnAi.:n :3ia:x3 are built e;' tLe tet and most tnorvii,h!y icail s.a- taria'a, an.i will stjind any r i.r. . Te Une ! vary deeps Touud,' f-Ji!. ia".4t( 14 t-.s:ii-a la.-h Pio warranted fur 3e jturs. P.KesfrBnt aiii to$:oo. TSiiTiiio:-: v:s. The IIoratK w-iers Pwov ar xae'; ii - j 14 vey te?t." Lnnj''.itt. We can r)i of tr.etr rorita Mb y k tV tuiaa Tr.ieh!jercer. vrteTS' Piano w t U4 -ivi.-cSailecf eeompariaosj. with tbe finest msflo ;:t !)"-e.'' Ho" JonuU. $ieo JTSV 7 OCTAVO TIAII OS, of i:r. esit trjsarj, for 4i9i; Uj., i'.tt carvef Irj. iw, $2.-5 an.i iiii. Swron i-hatiil P'uix-s Q'J ileii4i.a at $r. 50, $63, $75, ftliAi, $'.US $143, aa4 SltiO. Ttte Hrae YTuitr's JItZvdcon 1 Jtxm&nx Tune4 the Equal Tenppratnent with the Pa'.ant Di vi44 rfweil. Prices foiu &ja to AJexinder Or Sir frjm $200 to $it0. - . JL'7"A liberal di-coi nt t C".or;y-fln, urihs, ?i bash 8'ht.W, LoCjte,S;ui:3arica, an'tTeiir.i'a. ZM AC1S WATSRo. AS't, Ko. HJ Broerty. ti. T. The .'ty IScll 4O.ei0 "f)pU Ui'ie i. A rf Slcjla 2-4 f.-r Sciao' ail ScuiiuLXet, C-i tUd Vy i5wvl ii now re.tdy. It Ciuuti..- n tit two hnua.-inl choice to-.t. i-)U':Us, catches !.a-ts,1ri., quartetia. aiid cLorctts. many of them w.tien expft-sly lor ihi wrk, beiia 32 pics ot t jo Z!r33a:s of M Jsic, which are easy au4 proreiivs. - Atuoiis the laige number if oomatiful ple- may ft;ni. ' I'ncie 5u's Skh-ol," tVn't yon hea' the cbjorea uiuti.." "Alw a lok a lb aanjiy siJs," 'Tne iitUe Uis ' ac i "it. e Ll," h, tf 1 wre a lUV-e tifJ." iir.lof bfanty." '-pretty pear lr." 'Atii-',i (irs." 4-Me? me bv the ruouini bxw.t." Ite. ii is ci m! i:e.l hy Harare Wsters, nth'r of ''S )a LV!il U-if," X 1 and 2, which have had IL VporOj! -alecf bl.OOmpies. Price rner covers, is ctt.i" -2J cr lo i; lo.i'.nl iO cect. p4r ltj cloih houoil, fmiw)pd eilt. iO cer.ti. $ 3. ppv harl;e4. '5 c ; ,ii faruca. aV lie ou hiu4ire rie. At lY-ji rij vnce. . S.M-tl .9-3. CtU, JTo. rtiptflns IU r-f sea. ant! pearly twu han'?re1 ttra eat h) ni-n, .r J ta ti e uiwt p pumr 3, S Dxk ever ias'iM. Ani nit tbe 'm'M-i porulsr pioces are, ''ICinJ Wr'ta, CKden Ai.oY?." '-Christian Hero," I'.aatt.'al Xion,, "1 oivht to l..v r thtr." ' ThflJinels told tb Iu ihe L.iiiit.". Kvt lot the 'fary," &c. Prtca- paper Cuvjr-i. ctn. e-i. $15 pr hnaJr ! hoii;4, H ct. ei:& iJ pt hun're.l j cloth houaa, eu.h;.ti4 nil, &3 cu., w ier li!H.ret. Sidlrth Cell, Xt. Is aa tntlre new work of 193 aaes, ard nea-Iy 223 tonae aiil hytnna. as te muM? Is a lit tie awe 4.m.:ai 1 is jrtit the book to foilw Bell No. I. Nearly one liouof these Bells have been !snt. aim r now riaf in tbi'ouith thU and other con3.ri. An- r many ch'iir pifce 1 mT 6e f"unflMS:i .we pei fce youd the river y There Is a beautiful wrM. Sorrow . hall coma satin 30 m re. Pni't yna hear the Anitia comii:i4? Th u, CikI, seeit me- Sbtaih Bell chime on, Ac, Pri-i of Bell No. 3 are the name as Ball X. 1. 'Both nuiubcrs ch he iKtaine-l ia oae wi-iuie. Price, bound coy. 4d cnt, 35per huaJ M elota, bonnil, euoos.4cl tilt, 50 ci'., J5 ;.er ii.:ilrid. ti cop!) fitrclsheJ t the one buuUred i:a. Mailed a th .ei4l Viice. . . netr S:;n lv S !- Ronk.nf 150 race f baantlfal hymns au-ltuuo. It r- 'itm un'r re n., mii aa Shall we kaow ecli ..t? t!.e. e ; SuU'jr l:Uia ckihlren' . to come unto Me; The be t. .!.:.! ior; ih. 'tis !ori ona; Leave me with myinuile; : He ie - tne bi tj still waters, Ac Price -paper c ver. 2i-nt i per hundred; bound 33 centa, $2J rr hun.iii.i; t oth, bontid, embossed lultt, S3 cents, $30 per t ri.lr-!.--M aii';d at the retail price. It Is edited by ato'r-e Wa ters, author of Sunday School Balls Xos. 1 and 2, wh'ca" have had the enormous sales of ever eiiM th'ntau4 opie. JiintpuoVishedby KJSACi WATSiU,i.'i.4Jl BroaUway, New ToiX. Tie 2tio rtriulie Sony EsoTt, cuotaWi 98 pates of s"eks, dners andebornses, tot t cred id AoriiMr. lujjclmrf 14 ptges f prijer for a;.k, dying sotdters, and soitliera' sorlyiurs Jtinual. i it t wu suttel for aocUl sinirtnic, at wil aa 9sbbotk worship. Anion tte nanr b-.-hatl.'ul pieces may be fvrund, Where liberty iiwelliaiycouutry ; TaeCUrl. tUo bero, 1are chers fur our banner; CXor.e am tj m of h-vyii ; Cl ira' la. the coui of beorsait ; aian'j Kithering; CoIhujMh's Kir f.-rvcr ; ir;Me aloi.z. Ao. prti.-s naoerrovf r. ISceaii. tlu.tlnii dred. Atai.ed at the retail price The Ifarp 0 Freed m, contains 32 patrMcf sontt. and cbornaM, Inx F'-ee- dum. Auioti the choke piev.e we wnu''! Pstr rrflow' iilrt )v n I aaauo Uiu ibey worked we all tij dij, i.c. Pr(reeaia tingle, 60 ccu'.s per d?ic2, $2 hudreaj psue I cent caa. , . - Jluih : 4 -l Cofufa,. ' ........ .. oontilus US pfe. TCvr.lk b- 3av. Scluer Pt'", ! by Pruf. Cull, Tbiii ia an. ejcellsiit bonli f r c.xirte fir they cn?. P:..ei p.tv'er c-tvers, S0uetikS Slider hundred ; honnd C' rr. tf f .'O per hcaJred. ' hf:cat MuM Uaok contain 73 pacsof tone and hymns. tutsTTifd for rea . vival, jra.yr, aidciuff reuce uiMiinr. frtce iqpap cvai, iri:!e Copies, 10 ceul; $3 per huudr4. Maned at the re .ail prices. . . Tltt A'..eutnin Cullecti'iit. cootatn etweea foir and flre tnpAre-l p:i?es ot taaee aaI hviiiK, Bear ssd o'd, of the cbicet .iii;s. fe roll. S luOay ,-c ' ool, revival, iimt-ioujry, tctuperaa e pi :jer and cmOre'ice, and .ill hinds f sacrel an i se ci4l iiieetiiij. Tr.e wusi-.-in ihia book baa iif u 1 aa i.n.ttl' n lit II, like Sliinris Snore, it fnr thj weary Shall we kn-).v en h fther there? SUall we mt"t e-.,r the river ; There is a eautifnl ws-ld j Hind wi r! Sweo hour .f prayer ; There l a a id ot 8j" little c'ui!d:'u to coiue nnto me Gjd avn the Natin 4.c. Pi i:.e- sinsti copies, bound 50 rents; ii pf ruiiidred ; cloth botiud. iu,).)sRet srtlt, 6i cenn I 9, pe bundled. Ki e! l th retail prion. noU.tCi; V"AT TKHA. 431 Bioa.iway New rouri Pabliher of abore Uouk. Vocpl Jfiicis, tr 'utaa Ac ompfl timet. A lar asorlmetit of new and rxpolar ni,baraas dtiets, qii.tclei ts. aud ciioruido, i?iitd dally. Att.n the mjst put'i;Ur are. Shail we know each othot there. Lowrty; Vv'l.y ha nsy loved oe gone ; 1 will betrna totTie; t)h, ti;erH's no si:rh lrl as rilr;, by Tester 1 Motber's love is true; Saet love, furjot me cot ak., by Keller, 2!i cent eich; . .ear swet votcea slcftaet ll'ime is ho-ae; Firiet tf yoa can. bat funlve, hf Thomas. 3') cents eacb. - losuuiueuui Hans for the Clam Port We art comin Fatlir Ahra'ani. sis hundred thoujsud mors 1 Always look ! the iuny (sids ; g ja!l w know eacl tLer theie? ic,, wim htiliiaui vri a;uaa by Grate 50 cen each. , Polkas, Waltze, Harcrei, C:--tep, Qnarllla, iic. by ftnpuiar authors. All kin is of SiiigfLj ao J ! straction b.xiks. Catalosues niailfcdfrce loiuy addita. JIumc mailed at the c'9 price. Witter' Cheap HuUi'j fur f. J,7ti'. Arrnpri a soloes. dnes, o.nrtet;s and choruea. e utuaioai aocu-i.e.f, chctrs, S'lMay cU,U. pubIifivh-o:t seminaries r.c. ShHit re know ea b obe-tr Doll't VoU il'.-ar tv. ;.riK!l Cc .TirjLi Sn:l w r,,a.t . yoiid the ri'erV Bu in ti tie; There is a beauttfoj n i;mr nweiu nj conmrj j Freedom truth and rlabt; We are c..imn Puber Ab-a'aa. tul hnndrit.t Ih.iiiiciii! m. ir 1 Ti.jir im l.n .. I . m - - - r 'j i iv.ff, cy-rm row shall cuneaiain no nTe ; Tleavaiy home ; rn iDi to me ki Htavoii , Laa in sunt ; We wt I lna Sunday icriool ; Our God ia marchmsun; ro4it, tkt Nution; Whittier'a s.ing of the Piautation Na.oJ PaU Freedom'a Korn baa dawned at lt ; Over th sioi taio; Over the mountain; Utile IU'a aa anaj i ris lie's aone to FlQaven i Suffer !ttti rhiw.. . ante roe; &ury ine In the Dionjlny, Mothe-J Cwme tf tty rest ; Sweet hour of Piayer, etc. Price t cents, ii cents per do., $J per hundred ; postage 1 eect eot-9 In sheet fbrm.with Piano accomoaniment. ? rant - Puhiiahed by HORACK VTATFR3. A't, - t So. 43t Broadway, X. Xj ii. c H, T.AITTHOirr u oo.f v Haaafactorers of Photograplxic MatgriaL Wholesale aud Be:il, ' 501 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. In addition to oor tra:n bu: inersof Piiotofrai Mr Xs teriala, we are Headquarters for the folliWit, v!s : Stereoscopes & Stereoscopic Vleir Cf these we have an Immense assortment, Ineicidlna War Sceaea. American and jr,,rta. r-ifi ... scapes, Groups, Slat n ry, Jtc., Ac. A(o, Revolvia .uTOuyn mi iuuiic ur pri-aia FXBl&lliea. OBI CaU',o&ae will be tnt to any 4dieas a receisi w stamp. Photograplaic Albums, We were tbe first t It; trod ace these Lclo the VtntsS Diai.c, ana we nianuracture Iranian qnantiUa 11 ureal variety, raiijnn rrom M eenta to $f J eace- Ovl A.Dunis n.ve the reputation of teinj saperiorinb' tr and dnrabi'itT to anv nthra frarxnw-mi . mail, FRKS, on reoeiut of price.! ',; li JtJ'tf NK ALBCJf31fADlTOOaDIa.-J CAIW PUOTOGRAPhr, ....... , r Onr Catilojne no embraces over Tire Thai ha diTcrept nbjecta (ia which adtltlaaa art ojit:i-i i being made) ef J?or;rUa of Ejiiueot Aar';aci St vis ; about . ' ICQ MaJoT -enenls. CI Siatetei, 1M Diviuea, US Aathart 4 Artit " ' 113 5Ua-. ' 201 Brigadier Oenerals, 275 Colonel, 10O Lieot-Coionela, 250 Othsr Or3:era, 15 Navy Officers, 50 Piqaiiant WaieiS 1if Prouiineat Fcrelrti Portrait.' 3,000 Copies of Works of Art. Includir-f repn-ducdons of the most ce'cbraisd gravinss. Painunga. Sratnes, Ac. Cita!onej tea t a receipt of ta::'p. Aa ort'ar for One i.iea Pic-.ura from oar Cataiua-rre will be nued oa taa receipt 4 $1.80, and seui bv uiail, Pr. i'hitugraphe'-s and others ordering jxd C. O. J wi plea-e terait twestT fie per ce it of tr.c aatci theU order. . A H. T. ANTUONT A C;., ' Manufacturer of Phurartic MtrU:s. , - 601 BSOA C WAT, N V TL" 'X. XS"Tht prfrse e4 qviUty e" yee a t tv:i ju ' t 7 ly