EBRASKA" ADVERTISER a- 1 ;;i aitlj icertwa . ?- -' . r '- s c I:uisina. r.- six lire. ArlflStTe?3.r ' ?l " rCLHHID ITMT fSTRSD-T ST JCJEOrCT.- ZULL & CO,, .rertUer Blcxik.Matn S't Between 1st - 2d, : - : ? :j 2t 5) 0 cs 11 t 3) C 21 CJ 15 Ci If) Ci s c ' 0d 'half ccoca cr jr ''.. . On foarthl d-lusncne jeer One eighth eo!ii;uc-s jf, "v Oc coinzaasiz tnr;l Oat half eoiar-a m i - ' Onafoorth oclnns s 1 1 ' ' - On eij;bia eo!;iJ six n-i Oseeclaroa tree mooii One blf co!aC! a lix Kra-i On fourth eota-jntbree tn-ntbs .KiK tiTip ihrtc c.on2 . c v VUSVIUIUW ''i""" AlitriiiiiieataaTCftiiettetU roit ;a.i i- cabfeni'tjon; toast lnariabijr, be ps,id inAdvtDce 'j- B.k Work, nS Pl'n nd ncy Job Work e ,n jbe ret ty'e. and on short notice. ranl-e. , ... . LIBERTY AND UNION, ONE AND INSEPARABLE NOW AND FOREVER." AM kind of Job, D.k and Card pnni. ! tb bet styls on hrt none d rcvor e t- try 9.7, VOL. IX. BROWNVILLE, NEBEASEA, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1865, i V - I t M f ! 1 l i ; j A - t i 1 i . ! ' : : 1 - , ' : i i . . i JUSTNESS CARDS. ""jIm -MKUI'OItD, 'AB1H JET- H A K E R AND Cwrce'" 2cd Main Streets, BEOWNVILLE. IT. T. ,rrd t do all kinds of. work in bis line on 'trLT.tK-e and reasonable terms. 2l-6ui BY FIXED. AUGUST, 1XSV BET- FIKST AND SECOND BTS. 2 XI O WNVII'- XT . 37- Le. caes. P.es, CHki. Ginwr Bread, etc. :5,HrJi.iLS -cd in tbeleit style and enjott Alio '2s'ortmcnt Varco. 0ar. -Vu. CanitM, CV7?npi Frut7. Oysters. Sorp, ; Crackers, Rains, Cur i ranis, and a supply of C O X F H CT IPX ARIES. U. C. TliUKMAN, v " T .Tol9-n2-Ij-pd C. v;. viikv;lku, 3A31NET-MAEBR CARPKNTEK. lh.r' 1 ''-v F"'riu',n''n"v "n TVC.'i-- Otroot, is 1 w.rk m r.l. liiie in um ul irittntin" jjtven to vV-tU 6to p'd iiiurciJ. RICHARD COLLINS, ' mm ,Bi 'afirtss BriiVlHc or Tcru, Neb. , 18 f ' ' 1 "STH : II IV SAVES KIKC f, t bin i'ft yi.t,rbadj? to purltrn 11 work,yr j u.ig to busings. , i-iue and (.ign jiiutinz.g1,,'Knd rPr ban p.etfat uburt Oolk-e, and tl.e tn(t approved lc. Teruisonch. (Jire bira a pall. SUpon ila'm Street, east of Atkinson Clotb- BrmrByille, April 7, ly. B. C. HARE'S SKY LIGHT GALLERY 1. p!ce to pet your Picture. He llr"?Y? kr n kJKdsor Pictures large saeJ Pnotcgiai.bk, 'Sek'eeKb'id. well-lecte. atock f Albums TbafWAi;iecyia nortb aide of main street opo :te JoLn A. Poiia'a Sui. Persons will flo well to ail oun, before getUng wotk dc.ne elsewliere. Priicnlr pamn taken wiib childrnn, in copying M Picture. Dark-red. black, green, or plaids are jfod colors fo: cbil lren's drestes. JCHAS. G. DORSEV. ATT0I5-KBY AT LAW BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. I April 14'h. 164. M2v8yly f CHOICE LIOUOES. Wholesale and Eetaii i Evan Worthing:, PF THjE union &aQQ& j ' BROWNVILLE, lt Just RecolTed the larrest and be nwfk r Liqu irfc ud CiWfw ..florel In ibis market, aaj iil tell ihem a low as any lluuxe iu ibe Territorr. 'f TIUIT.CY?S IaLOCK, Iain Sireet. Brownville I r - Hj. f. aioiuus , Juocrjr to R. Brown Co.J onld resrrtuniiy ann-nnce to the Citlrens of J J,:"w"ii;e aud cieiuiiy, that be baa purchased lie j aud Well elected Stock i , - OF "o- q.' sj. MEDIC1HES. PAINTS, OF . BROWK Ac Co. aJ tMnr" t prbllc generally, that ha will keep on ad .Tery iLdug iiS u.uy keaj.1 in jfwa Cas5 Dmg Store, a i determine! nrt be undersold for cash. 2"Cl SSm8 akd okdfrs CAKKFCLLT FILLIP WHiTjsiE'r BLOCK. LIAIN STREET "BO WNYlLLE, NEBRASKA. r : ix-8-ir A.t MoIatighlln watr'a. Pttijy,kl;yciaed;r .11. Lamf x-LAcomiy y swa jr. Tfce NepcFcr. TT'Aof " A Father, and uhat doe it Contain Organa tbat gentlemen plaj,my boy, To answer the Uste of the day, my boy, , What ever it be Tbey hit on the key. And pip in full coocert away tnf boy. " News from aHeOnntric and climes, my boy, Advertisements, esaja and rbymos ny boy, JHxcd op with all sorts Of flin report, And published at regular times, my boy, Articles able and wise, my boy , At least in the editor ' eyes, my boy, And logic so grand , . That few understand To what in the world it applies, my boy. Statistics, reflections, reviews. my boy, Little scraps to instruct and auiu&e, u.y boy, And Imglby debate Upon matters of state. For wise-headed folks to peruse, my boy. , The funds as tbey were and they are my b'1!, The quibble and quirks id" the day, my boy, And every week A. clever critique On seme rifirg theatrical star, my boy. The age of Jubiter s moons, my boy , The stealing of somebody s sjxjons.iyboy. The state if the crops, Tbe style of the fops, And the wit.of the publio buffions, my hoyt List of all physical ills, my boy, L'anisbid bj soie body's pjllvnv byt . Trl you a k wTth sirprise TV by any one dies. , On what's the disorder that kill, my boy. Who has got married, for whom, my boy, Who were eat off ia their bloom, my boy, Who has had Hrth Or this sorrow-stained eanh, , And who totters fast te the tonb , my b-y. The price of cattle and grain, my boy, Directions to dig and drain, my boy, But 'twould take ma too Jong To tell you in song, A quarter of all they contain, my boy. 9 SEEING A GHOST. I was in the habit of sitting up read ing in my room afier retiring for the night, and on this particular occasion the family had separated about half-past ten. I put on my drpssinggown anr1 slippers, and composed mysel! to read in comfort at roy Jable. '1 must now pause to de scribe the room in which I sat. Enter ing from the staircase, the fireplace was opposite me, across which was drawn the table at which I usually sat with my back to the door. On the left were two doors, one leading into my dressing room, the other into a closet. On the right were two.windows all , the doors were firmly closed. It was a fearfully stormy night, the wind . howled and the rain beat against the windows in the most melancholy way; whilst the flap piDff to and fro of a loos shutter, added to the concert. The look I was readinc ("Kerr's edition of Blackstone's Com mentaries). was. as I think my readers will admit, not a book at ell likely to ex cite my imagination. I had read some iSours .when t fell asleep in my chair how long I remained aslepp I don't know. but I was suddenly awakened by a chil-1 ly feeling Jill over e, as though an icy wind were penetrating to my bone?. At the tame time I felt, or thought I felt, a touch on my shoulder, and, turn ing round, saw by the flickering light of my all but expended candle. a tall figure, dressed in a lcngvciose, oark garment, with it head surmounted by a covering not unlike ihe head dresses worn by RwedL-h noblemen on state occasions, only without the feather; and dangling from its shoulders it wore a short cleak of some shining material, apparently satin. But his face. Oh! never shall I forget that face, not that it was posi tively hideous, vbut the expression o.' ternness and severity which it bore ren dered it appalling I gated at he fig ure in tpeechles awe. when it suddenly addressed rne in a hotlow voice What it said I know not. The firght, com bined with my bewilderment at being suddenly awakened, had paralyzed my faculties. It spoke, however, and, speak ing, glided away through jhe door. Ir resistable impulse made me follow it, and, arriving at the door, I saw it gli ding down the stairs. At this moment a violent gust of wind thook the house and my door, .which by some inexplica ble means had opened during my slum ber, was slammed to. Should I follow the apparition or no? I determined to fol low, and accordingly down I went, Down, past the rootus where tranquilly lt epii 'gv little wemirg: f the phantom which, sisllitd before me down, past the roogss, all dark aud dismal, but so lately full cf light and merriment down. through tbe hall.- We descended the kitchen stairs, and there, my faculties having brightened a little, I observed that a light emanated from and appear ed to surround the apparition making everything as distinct as indajilight. Oo w went, threading the long passages forming the lower part of the house, when, all at once, my conductor stopped at a door, which open d before him, and we entered. It was the servant's hall. The. window stood open, and I observed about the floor several hamp ers, boxest ho. The phantom strided ou up" to one of ihe hampers, rchem he sud denly turned round and faced roe, and thi? lime his poiimenance wore an ex pression of pleasure. .His lips moved, and he addressed me aj follows: "JiVf?'3 a' n,ce game! You stop here a minute, and I'll ran like a guod'un and fetch another constable." He vanished through the window, and a thought .truck me all at once. That long, straight garment, short cloak and tail htaddreai, the mysieriuus light, the hampers and ihe open window. Jt muat be yes, it was policeman, who, at tracted by ihe open, window, had entered and, fiudiug the plate neatly packed for removal, had found his way to the room iq which he 1 ad tetu a light burning, and was now gone for assistance, leaving me in charge. Jloweve r, he soon re turned,. isixid, withhira, two more, who all disposed themselve in corners," apd on the return of ih butler with, a select pany to superintend the removal of the hampers, the taid faithful servant and his attached (by handcuffs) friends were themselrej removed, and ihpfty aftef-warda-flrent. Over tbe sea. A Married Womau's Soliloquy. BY OWE WHO H E A RED I TV Yes, it's go ! go ! and get ! get ! get ! for everybod) on erth but one's owl wife. It I should ask Mr, Slocum to go out at such a tinje of day lor a water pail and a basket of oranes, d'ye think he'd go? Nut he! I might want one while and take it out in wanting! Or anges, fgrsooth ! 'Twas oiily yesterday I asked him to call at William's, for Charley's shoes. Wonuldn't you have liked to have heard him scold though! If he didn't tune up. Always something wanting! Wished he could go to store and back again without calling for adoz en parcels! And whep he came in and putvihem on pharlie's feet slapped him for crying because the pegs hurt him j Poor fellow I he limped rpund till his father had goue, and ihen pulled then) off. The pegs were an inch long at least calculation And now just be cause Mrs. Brown hiuts at a water pail, he's up and off iu a minute! Why couldn't Brown go Just as though her own husband wasn't good enough to wait on her. I'd show bun the difference it I was Brown ! A pretty how'd do we shall have of it, if things go on at this rate. I'll ask Brown to do my errands, see if I don't and then see how he likes Tt. If the girls only knew ! But no ; they wouldaV believe a word of it. You might talk to tb?m till ' doomsday and they'd dfctcimiijf lo try it! Bought wi i3 the best if you don't gel it too dear." Dear ! 1 wonder what some some folks pall dtar? There's Nelly Bly. You might talk to iuer till next Ju b and she wouldu'i believe a word of it. But she'll see! She will learn a l&sson (or her aelf she'll not forgjgt very soon. If I were a girl again I wouldn't change my condition again in a hurry! Not I! There was Slocum always ready to run hi legs off but-now he'll go sooner for that fcjrs. Brown, than for his own fleeh and blood But I'll pay him ; see if I don't ! won't get nim a mouthful of supper. He may get his meals where he does his work ! See how he'll like that If I should do so, always trying to pleas other lo!k,s husbands instead of my own, we should have a pr-Jty kettle of fih. There's Willie, he's teased for an orange these three days , and net the peel of one has been seen yet. There he comes puffing like a st amboat! If I had sent him he wouldn't have been back these two hours. Calling at Mrs. Brown's too ! If it ain't enough to pro voke a saint. I'll tell him I'll quit I'll j I'll but no! he'll like that too well ! the brute ! I won't please him so much. I'll.stay if it kills me,' and Wiilie shall have an orange if he wants it, apd no J thanks Up him either. There he cons again, and boih hands full. Wonder what he has got now. and who ele he is rtmnincr fur! Comin? tlroup-h ihe p-nte r - v oj gt . ... . f and ' yes, Dutn pockets lull of or anges. The rdear soul? ! I knew he wouldn't forget his own children. Won't Willie have a good meal ? And I will yes, he, shall have muffins for supper, Slocum loves tr.uffiins ! . . That's all we have heard, reader ; for when Slocum opened, ihe hall d.or Char ley, Willip, wife and all. run out to meet Ljia and get some uf those same oranges. Mrs- Slocurn did gel supper, and Slocum had muffins.- Parkersburg (Wet Virginia) paper says that several members of the Legis lature took the cars at Qrafton ate on the evening of ihe 16ih ult. for Wheel ing, and among the number was a "Mr. G , of somewhat large proportions, and Mr. D., of proportionate undernze. These two, the stalwart Mr. G., and the smooth-faced Mr D.,took a berth togeth er, it seems, in a deeping car. The lit tle nan laid bebinl.. and ihe good na luredr waggish Mr. G., was boon sleep ing and snoring furiously. Mr. G., more restless under the legislative burdens, soon arose and was sitting by the stove when an elderly lady carne aboard and des-ired a sleeping berth. "All rjght, madam," said Mr. D., "I took a benh with my son, and you can occupy my place in that bertji wbere my little boy js sleeping." Taking Q. at hjs word, the lady disrobed and laid down wiih the boy. Aft" a quiet repose of some time, he boy, Mr. I., became resiles for some cause, and began tp Vick arpfind, to the aunoyance of the old lady. 'So in a ma ternal manner she patted the boy on the back and said:" "Lie still sonny; pa said I might sleep wilh you" "H I and du," said the legislator; "Who are you 1 I'm no boy I'm a member ol the Virginia Legislature ! It issid the old lady swooned, and could not be brought to till D. promised that G. should be impeached.. D. 5wears the thing shan't rest so. What act)"on the Legis lature will take to protect its own digni ty remains to be seen. On the 20'h ult., Mr. Harlan intro duced into ihe Senate a bill for the or ganization of iht portion of the country known as the "Cherokee Nation" under a Territorial Goternrneut, to be known as the Indian "Territory." The bill was read iwice and referred to theCom mii'.ee on Indian affairs. Mr. Doolittle from that committee, reported it back on ihe 22J nil., wilh slight amendments and recommended its passage. Tiie necessi ty of this ueasure is evident from - the dt plorable condition of ihe Indians who ire now entirely without Government, thf guuter poriion ot them having join ed the resell, leaving their wives and children in the most abj. cu dfsiitmion. The Indian must have ihe protection of ihe nation, and in no way can he obtain it so completely as by the j jon propssed. The bill provides in the usual yay,for territorial ofnewrs. Indians are to com prise the territorial council, its presiding officer to be appoiuied by the Governor. A delegate in Congress is allowedwho is to be a member z una of ihe Indian tribes, The bill provides for efficient government, and seeks lo protect th-e rights ol ihe Indians, as nothing is to la done without their consent and concur rence. Even ihe laws, usajres and trib al regulations, not in conflct with tbe United States, are to be observed by the territoriai judges' The bili provides for ihe abolition of slavery. The London Times of February 14th, asserts that ihe Rebel expectations of British recognition on tfce condition of abolishing slavery will not be realized, and adds: ' ' " " , "We have been neotraj in this war from mere abstract principles of public policy. . We have stood aloof because it would have been ihe extreme of politi cal policy to iaterfere, because we de sired to remain at peace. Our recog nition of Southern independence would, when it was made, be dictated by con siderations applicable pot ip thu case merely, but to all such cases, and .would be wholly unconnected with the profes sions, wheiher political or moral, of ihe new Confederacy. International law and usage give us , ample guidance for our conduct. It is well known and es tablished under what circumstanses new governments may be organized without offence, and when the Confederates have achieved ihe neces?ary position, they will obtain recognition apart from any reference to their proposed institutions. The controversy in England about our civil war appears. to be growing warmer every day, and strong feeling is manifes ted on both sides. The anti-s!avery policy of the Unittd States Government has added largely to the enthusiasm and strength of our English friends'..', At a recent great meeting in Manchester, the Hon. Lyulph Stanley, who has visit eil this country, madeji long and power ful spetch in defense of the Union cause in ihe course of which he paid a high tribute of adiairaiion to ih character of Northern officers who had taken by pref erence the posts of command in the black brigades, and among ihem he mentioned C elci.el Shaw, who was killed at Cha- lston and whose body was found cover-J ed with the dead bodies ol his negroes, who had fought around him to the last. Vas it a specimen of Southern chivalry, he asked, when General Beauregard, in answer to the request ihat the body of Colonel Shaw might be sent within the Federal lines for interment, contempt- uobsly answered that "he had buried him wilh his negroes ?"j I sayi said Mr. Stanley, that .1 should have been very proud to have had suh a grave as that. At this point the whole audijnee rose to their feet acd all broke into laud and lsng continued cheers. . A decision of the Supreme Cour t of Cali fornia, esiabjishjng ibjS validity of the "tnii-Sunday amusement' law," has. closed all the theatres in San Fran cisco on Sunday evenings. - The decision is fatal q the fjferman theatres, which were optn only on Sud ays. .1 The ewbern Time says a large uaiiiiiy of cotton made iu appearance in the market ihero last week,' having run the blockade into our lines. A con siderable quantity, uf this suuipld is awaiting opporii'imy to come- inio the market. povernor Fentoii has received a des patch declining the offer of ten militia regiments to gairisoti the forts al Sa vannah, Charleston and VViJmingtou for 1UU days. The offer waa referred lo Gen. Oraiit, who declined ii. aud the Secret, ry oi Wur couturred in his de cision. The condition or the people pf Texas maybe inferred from ihe fact bialtd ia :ho Illusion. Telegraph, thai more lb a u. lour hundred iamiiics in that city (of less than y.OUJ iuiiabiiauis) are de pendent upon ihe cuy for ihe nece&-arics ot life. -" A new OrU ans letter of the 13ih inst., taies that CJ.OOU men were now in lhat city, or had gone forward towards Mo bile. The writer predicts that ihe city vould be taken within a week. The troops were laying a railroad track through ike cuy f New Orleans lo fa cilitate ihe military movements. The experiment of making gunners for the fcavy of the contraband laken in to the, service is proving a decided suc cess. Aciing Voluuieer Lieut. Rogera, of the United States steamer Somerset, reports to Capt. W7ise,of the Naval Ordi nance Bureau, that he organized ten of these men inio a division, and in four months, though ibey had never before handled a gun, tbey were as proficient as any othey division on the (hip. Six of ibese jme,p were originally contra bands. Two negro women have been arres ted in Richmond, charged with the theft of "a bale of confederate notes." It is reckoned tbat the average number of families. to every house, in New York city is 7 1-2- Volunteering is proceed ing rapidly is Illinois. Seven new regiments have beeri formed. ; ; The, St. Louis papers are printing lifts of the persons who returned no income in 15C3. It is said that General Hooker's de tailed statement of , the battle of Chan cello rville differs widely from the rep resentations made by other ofacers who took part in that memorable fight. Over seven million dollars worth of cotten has arrived at New York from Savannah, and it is statfd that nearly double that amount will reach New. York before the close of this week. General Kirby Smith issues permits to all who want 'lo export" eolton from Texas for six cent3 a pound in specie The permits can be had at various poicts in the interior of Texas or at Shrieve pori, La. This has given a 'new impet us to the trade and it is wagoned in some instances about seven hundred miles. It was selling at Matamorns Januars. 6 at 35 cents per pound, in specie. It is staled thai a single express com pany transports from Virginia city, Ne. vada territory, fifty thousand dollars in silver bullion daily, and that from a iract of country around ir.a city, of not more than twenty-five miles square, over' S2. OOO.liuO of silver nave been snippeo an. rinj? the past twelve months . And yet ihi wealth of stiver mines of Nevada is scarcely comDrehenued. aud its extent a 1 remains unesiimaied. A letter from Virginia city, Montana Territory, says greenbacks are unknown gold dust being entirely the circulating medium. Wages Q to S12 day, hoard H to 820 a week flour 50 to $60 a'barrel sugar ?5 cents per pound, Nobody is advised to eo there unless he wishes to lead the roughest kind of a rousrh life. The Snake Falls of Oregon, . are ex cusing lots of talk among Western tour ists. Tue height of ihe Falls is 200 feet and the width 2,000. . When ihe Pa cine Railroad is completed, this will be come a fashionable visiring place as Ni agara is now, with a wider range of cu riosities, to attract attention of visitors. .There are said to be aboit five hun dred and fifty Petroleum companies in existence in the United States-Their capital is not told by the high figures ! three hundred and fifty-six millions of dollars. " z A cotemporary thinks it is well that our armies did not go into winter quar ters. More has been accomplished, in this winter campaign than in any Spring or Summer or Ell campaign since the fighting began.- The Conftdtrate lass in cannon, du ring ihe retreat from Nashvilla, .was 65 out of 108 pieces. A whole regiment of white troops has been raised in Charleston for the Union army :, It is called the First South Car olina. . . y The" yield of corn in Ohio, in 1S3. was 54.f314.617 buthels. Iowa, iu lbG2 63,833,916. " A new regiment of Infantry is to l e raised in North Missouri, tp ' he Collea the 55th Regiment' nfamr. Missouri Volunteers. The New York Custom House re ceived gold duties during- January to the amount of 55TG 70. Substitutes are worth S1CC0 each in New York. The common councils of; Bostpn last week appropriated SI2.000 to celebrate the next 4th of July. The neatest thing in Crinolines A lady's .oot. The Government now has five torpe do steamers carrying one guu each. They are called the China, Casco, Napa, Naubuc and Moduc, Amcn :he masqueraders at-a recent ba.ll in New Haven was a "man of straw," lalled "Peace Commissioner from Richmond." The oil wells in Burraah have yield ed 600.000 barrels of oil annually for a hundred years. Matistics show a list of 2.000,000 ac- ciden's to life and limb ia Great Britain annually, 10,000 of which result fatally. Fifteen thousand exchanged prisoners from Salisbury are expecttd at Annap olis this week. The fortune of thTlate deceased Bos ton millionaire has a marked valuation of three million seven hundred tnousand dollars. - Advices from the Northern State? of Mexico, show tbe people determined to resist MaxuaillianL-The States of Chi hauhauSonora and Sinaloa are entire ly clear of Imperial troops except a few at Mazatlan. Two hundred and forty thousand Un ion soldiers have died in the service of our country. Ac otter, killed at Bull Iua, was brought to Alexandria cu Tuesday. A company is furnishing the, Iondon people with water filters on the princi ple of gas meters. Run down, to zero the Charleston "Mercury." - -- - The Emprpss of France is getting bald and etoiit and fashions are changing 4a consequence. - - Six strawberries raised in Fitchburg were recently sold for a lar?e dinner par ty in New York for 2.50. The six just filled one basket. The executor on Samuel Colt's estate in Hartford pay aa income tax cf 8155, 018. - Senator ViI-:ou. bill to set" fre th families of all' soldiers' in .the arnye. which has p-d. it is eMiioatedMwi.l free foorn 4?.C00 to fO.COO women ana children, inoit of whein are in L.y. A French transport ban arrived, at, Havana from Vera Cruz, rep-jrtio that the Imperialists h-id captured O-xica, IVieXICO. Th town of Wilmington, Vt, last year rmde 60.053 pounds cf rua;leu-. gir.! worth nearly S40.CC0. - - Th? ncminn! value ef th slaves tniha Souui is' nine hvndred millions cf dollar and very nominal. " ;' - - - Twenty suicides in New York ia Jaa- - - ' . . a - r The Alrans Argus calls ths Union captures of Southern ports and towaj "recovery or stolen property.", . The straggler? from Lee's amy say they are "seceders," hot deserters.. In theVemala schoblj " the 'demand U for principals not men.. - The shoddy 'contractors "do . good by stealth and blush to find it fame." r An excellent remedy for the croup, is said to be a teaspoonfull of powdered alum placed in the child's mouth, giving if just n little water to riuse it dow. Vomiting and relief are produced. almost immediately. , ,4. . j ,. The River. Thames, Locdta, is 30, miles long. ' . . - , ' -.- . . , AfRichmond ' carer mildly remoa- strates. against tea dallars a quarter. far .1 ....l.A.ri r,IL- The monumental marbie- OTer lae- grave of Calhoun in Charleton,hasba broken byt shell : f r cm & f edertT bat tery." -'- - - Candidates for' the Fredmea's Bi read." iu3t createdare ccniiag oal j'ap i'dljr.'" AmSng" the canes aaiionei - am those of Gen. Butler and Mr. Lirany c: Missouri. - k 4 . The public printing of Illinois for. 1S5 i amounted to $140,000, cr one fifth oi the enure cot of the tdupeudouH esb lishment at Washington, which djes.iha priptin(j, or tne wnoit; canon c; liiirty six States. , ... . 4 The defict in the Pontifical budget for 1S65 is: calculated at fiva milliosi of Romau crowns (aboal 1,OCQ,000 ster ling).' ' r ' : . -'A machine of Milwaukie has msna factiired two wonderful pieces cf -c&bi-. net work' iuten U m ' pres en's for th ' President and 'Mrs. Lincoln. -Or.a ie an ordinary sized centre tatlo, cf octa gonal form, ccuipoied' of twenty ih;u sand different pieces of Wood. The Pennsylvaniaas are 'getting suh a rae for oil ihat we expect lo her of them boring every .fat ns.a they csa find. 1 .'.''" ;:' "'"i '. The South made war for the sske cf her 'negroes, and has lest ihem. Sel dom have we knovya 50 Dtfiking an'ex-r emplificaiion of ihe sajiug about goings for wool and coming homy hora. Twenty-six gamblers have jus: bVea arresied 111 Chicago. ; ..... : : . . . . . ' .: i Many cf.the rebel forces get so liitlf salt that .they have the great udvanugo ot btfing always fresh troops. ftm .In New Jersey last year, thre. wrv 14.553 births, 6,007 marriages ani'lC 6204eaths' ' '''V " " . ' It is reported by rebel pipers thai' Gen. Hood will be assigned to an import tant command in Texas. ' ' 't ''- j They have a raachina in. the Richonl arenel whtch makes 12,000 "pe'rcussioa cap3 per hour." ' "" 1" y. ;.-- -. . The index, the organ cf ths Confed- erate in London, statn that 715 AmraU can , ship3 have been transferred to & British registry since the.. beginning cjf ihe. civil war. .., ..-) It rained, all the way from Portlirld p Washiogton last week. " " ' " . England is: adopting the uzo cards in marriages - -' - -: It appears that ih,9 imports cf Nassau the haunt the - blockade-runnefs rose frora X271.54 ia ISol to XI 0.5. 316.ialS63. The ralaa of had iath city and suburbs has risea frcia 300 - & . 400 per cent., and ia good basiass; il uatioa3 ranch raoro!. J 'J'''" :- Despatches, frora Tariaas parts "of th loyal States sanouaoes thst laaaguralioa Day was generallykept up by p traits, &c, notwith standing the bad weaths?. Price ci sabstucte ia New OrlsC -$230Qt . " ' 4 ' f They have had 63 diys cf slerghia iii Boston this winter. ; Haw York exported 17,057 birrafs cf wheat flur last week. The t erra for raisirg, new railitary cr ganizatioas ia Pnasylvaaii haj Na Jxtendsi to March 11.